The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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After many hours of conflicting
theories, police this afternoon virtu
ally decided that the woman: found,
half demented, at the. Union station
Thursday night. Is Mrs. Harry Mur
ray, wife of the publisher of a news
paper at Weed, Cat.
The woman, evidently suffering- from
amnesia, was taken from the California
express, the conductor having wired
ahead to have her properly looked after.
She was clad In her night clothes with
street clothes donned over them and
scrutiny of her baggage by the station
matron showed that she had made no
preparations for such an extended Jour
iy. ; ; , - - -
, The police have telegraphed to Murry
asking for further details and for more
positive Identification.
'' After long quizzing-, which developed
many rambling stories and several dif
ferent names, one of which, was "Millie
Black" of Centralis, the police were
entiled on by Mrs. Harry Davis of Prine
ville, mho said the woman is her sister.
. By means of a trunk check the police
learned that she had boarded the train
- at Weed. Cat. The wontan said she was
en - route to Prlneville to visit Mrs.
- Harry Davis, but it is the pinion
of the police that she had been wander
ing about for several .days or probably
longer. . ;
1 ' For several hours the police' were un
able to obtain much information by
-Questions. Her mind had cleared: but
little this morning and her condition was
not much Improved. A brother, Bert
Black, lives in Centralis. Her mother
lives at Chehalis. , vr
"I am confused ; I cannot remember,"
he told the police.
She was in a very nervous condition
. and physically and mentally ill. Her
' right eye twifebed almost constantly
and i her : conversation was incoherent.
She appeared to have lost control of
many of her muscles.
Physicians will, examine her today
and -endeavor to diagnose her illness. ;
Estacada, Or.. May 27. Wednesday
was "clean up" day in Estacada and the
effect is quite noticeable. The American
Legion men superintended the movement,
assisted by Mayor Stephens and almost
everybody in town. Dinner was served to
the workers at noon in the park.
. The W. C T. U. will serve a chicken
dinner, Thursday evening. June 2, at C
o'clock, in the Methodist church base
ment ' .
Leta Possen Is at Boring visiting at
the home of D. Erdman.
Fed Burns has gone to Enterprise.
: Carl Duus and family of "Eastern Ore
. con are here to visit his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C,' Duus.
A party of high school girls, chaper
oned by Mrs. Ida Holder, had a wiener
roast In the park Tuesday night. ,
I Miss Thelma Hay of Lents, is in KatA-
- cada visiting her aunt. Mrs. D. B. Bass.
Decoration dsy will be observed at this
place by a program by Carl Douglass
post. American Legion. Members of the
legion will march in a body to the ceme
tery to decorate the graves of soldiers.
In the evening a concer-wlU be given
in high school auditorium, the proceeds
' to go far the benefit of the Library asso
ciation) ! - V. .
Mrs. H. C Lich thorn was a business
Visitor in Portland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Robley motored tt
Portland! Tuesday, 'returning in the
evening. '1- -
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and
John Jr., of Portland, and Cecil Schock
Of Bun Run. visited Mrs. Margaret
Schock last Sunday.
Members of the Alumni association
who live out of town and were here to
attend the banquet were Oatis Wagner
: of San Diego, Cal. : Mrs. Gladys Graham
' of Seattle, Miss Ruth Saling of Port
land, Lloyd Ewalt of Gerva is, George
Harkenrtder of Eastern Oregon, Mrs.
Verl Hillysrd of Boring, Earnest Smith
of Oregon City and Ethel Kigbaura of
Portland. The new officers elected are:
President. Leila Hows j vice president.
Raymond Lovelace; secretary, Rachael
Demlng; treasurer, Dorris Lovell; ex
ecutive board. Clyde Denny, Carrie Han
nah and Lydla Matson. Eighty-two
were present, representing 11 graduating
' Nine high school girls had a party at
the w. H. Holder residence Monday
night, complimenting their teacher, Mrs.
Ida Holder, who left Wednesday -for
Texas where she will work in the inter-
- est of the Baptist churchTorganixation. -
Mrs. A. Heldland and children were
Portland visitors the first of the week.
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Mrs. Harry Murray of Weed, Cal., who was taken from California train
apparently suffering from amne la,. unable to tell her name or borne.
Buxton. May 27. Miss Elva Bledsoe,
who was graduated recently from Helix
high school at Helix, Or., was in Buxton
Tuesday. .
The commencement exercises given in
Hannan's hall. Tuesday were enjoyed by
a large assembly.' The program was
opened by several violin selections by
Mrs. Fred. Becker of Portland; recita
tions, 'The Ship on Fire," Edna Rlggls :
rThe Baby Brother," Ronald Webb:
"CuBteis Last Charge." Csrl Gindhart ;
Coronation of the May queen and wind
ing of three Maypoles by 24 girls In
white ; vocal solo. Frank O'Donnell,
"Now X Lay Me Down to Sleep" ; com
edy, " My Turn Next," by high school
students. After the entertainment lunch
was served by, j the Commercial ,club
women. . . , . . - !.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse West and daughter
Velma were Buxton visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and, Mrs. Bateman and son of
Portland are spending their vacation at
the home of Mrs.. Bateman's mother,
Mra P. Miller. .. -
Mrs. . Elmo tallman and "children of
Timber are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. E. C. Leipold has ss her guest her
mother, fMrs. G. S. Alexander of The
Dalles, Who has recently returned from a
visit to Oklahoma and Colorado.
Mrs. C A. Peterson, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. E. S. Parker of Banks,
leaves Wednesday for a visit with rela
tives at Corvallis.
Miss Eva Peery of Mountaindaie is
visiting friends here. ; rJ
Miss Dorothy t Bledsoe, who has at
tended high school here the past year, re
turned this week to her home at Burr
ville. i -
Fifty Farmers Sign
Growers' Contract
' : ! ' '. i - .- - : . ,-
, Canby, May 27. The organization
Work Of the Oreeon rnnnralin n.s
Grower's association met with success.
meetings were neid throughout Clacka
mas county last week by C A. Barnes,
assistant organization mani, nH h
- n ' , muu ui
contract explained. Fifty farmers joined
me association during tne series of meet
ings. - ; v
Travel In 1 Prairie Schooner
Wallace. Idaho. May 27. On a journey
from Los Angeles to his birthplace.
Mount Pleasant, Iowa', E. F, Laird and
family, in an old style prairie schooner,
reached here Thurvlay afternoon. Leav
ing Los Angeles February 22, 72 driving
days are recorded by Mrs. I,aird, who Is
keeping a faithful record of the advent
urous journey,' which she announced,
would end in time to enter their three
children In Iowa schools next fall.
Baldwin Loco. Dividend
-Philadelphia. May 27. (1. N. & The
directors of the ' Baldwin Locomotive
The Incomparable I
Star of "Passion" j
Knowles and the Picture PUyers
Oregon City, May 27. Attorneys
in the case of Hawley vs. Hawley, In
which Marjorie Hawley appealed
from the decision of the circuit court
in her suit for divorce from Willard
P. Hawley Jr.. i have been notified
that - the case will come before the
supreme court June 2 1, word having
been received Thursday from Arthur
Benson, clerk of the supreme court.
Judge Bagley ruled in favor of the
defendant, - who filed a counter f claim
for divorce after Mrs. Hawley started
suit when the case came up In the cir
cuit Icourt. i Mrs. Hawley was denied
her claims for alimony and property
interests, -and also for custody of the 3-year-old
child of the couple.
She ' was granted temporary custody
of the child and $250 monthly for its
care until the case was settled in the
supreme court. Appearing for Mrs,
Hawley are Wallace McCamant of Port
land, Gavin MeNab of San Francisco
and E. C. Latourette ; and C. Scbeubel
of this city,' while the attorneys for the
defendant are Grifflh, Loiter as Allen,
Cassius . Peck of Portland and T. B.
Dlmick of this city.
. Three Charge Cruelty
Oregon City, May 27. Three divorce
suits charging cruelty were filed in the
circuit court here Thursday. Beulah
Verna Gibson is suing Ray Reanna Gib
son, to whom she was married in Van
couver, Wash., December 23, 191$; Doro
thea Kaye asks for her freedom . from
Byron Kaye. and Edith Arthur seeks
divorce from Orville L. Arthur. The
Arthurs were married in Portland, June
22, 191L -
Veterans to Be Fed
Oregon City, May 27. Arrangements
have been made by the women's auxil
iary of the American Legion to serve
luncheon for the ex-service men on Me
morial day at the Moose hall. Mrs.
David Caufield is supervising plans. The
Women's Relief corps will serve a
luncheon for the G. A. R. members at
the Willamette hall the same day.
Hanniford Wins Post
Oregon City, May 27. Gordon Hanni
ford of the Oregon City high school was
named a member of the committee on
membershio at the convention of the
Oregon State High School Editor's asso
ciation in Eugene last week. Hanniford
is business manager of the Hesperian,
the local nigh school annual.
works today declared the usual semi
annual dividends of 3 per cent on the
common and 3 1-S. per cent on the pre
ferred Stocks. ' . ' ;
Defective Fine Causes Fire
Orearon Cirv. "Mtt-r 87 .A lar.iu.
flue caused a fire in the residence of E.
vonaerane, sixteenth ' and Jackson
streets, Thursday afternoon. The fire
was Quickly placed under control, nam.
age amounted to about $100.
Woman's Eye Injured
Oregon City. May 27. Mn. vatva
Howell of West Linn suffered a severe
injury to her left eye Wednesday when
a piece of wire pierced it as she fell
while working about f h riira.,
She was removed to a Portland hospital
Lardner Defends ' t
the Non-Joiners -
, The versatlleRing rrites a lot
of words concerning: lodges and
th joining thereof. ' His letter,
as reproduced In next . Sunday's
Journal, will afford you an amus
ing few minutes. ' .
Ashland's Story
Goes Back to '52
i An absorbin g narrative of the
development of Ashland ahd the
versatility 0 of . achievement at
tained by this attractive Oregon
city will be related .In next Sun
day's Journal. " j-
Camp Grounds Wait '
Motor Tourist
This is the season of the open
road and in recognition of , the
traffic over it many Oregon cities
and towns have prepared accom
modations for the motor tourist.
An account of what has been done
along this line will be included in
the automotive section of next
Sunday's Journal.
Kind Mr. Smith,
By W. J.Locke
, This superb story is the fiction
feature in i The - Sunday Journal
Magazine '.
for treatment by an eye specialist. It is
feared that she will lose the sight of the
eye. -
Marriage License Issued
Oregon City, May 27. Sarah Lydia
Plimpton of Milwaukie and Fred Henry
Koemecke of Sandy were issued a mar
riage license here Thursday. m
Getz Funeral Saturday ,
Oregon City, May 27. Funeral services
for Andrew C. Gets, who died Thursday
morning ,.at his home at Clackamas, will
be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Congregational church at
Clackamas, with Rev. Erastua Smith,
formerly of this city, but now of Lents,
officiating. As Mr, Gets was a Civil
war veteran, veterans will attend the
services, meeting at the Holman &
Pace chapel at 1 :30 o'clock. Mr. Gets
had lived at Clackamas for 15 years,
coming there from Portland, wfiere he
made his home for 17 years. His wife
and three children survive.
Philomath, Or., May 27. The' Philo
math high school senior class held elass
day exercises in the Odd Fellows' hall
Tuesday evening and commencement
exercises Thursday evening.
Philomath will celebrate Memorial day
with a program, including an address by
D. J. Ferguson, on the Philomath col
lege campus. Veterans of the Civil and
the World war will take part. G. W.
Cummings, G. A. R., is the chairman.
An athletic program ahd tennis tourna-
alumni, are planned and Philomath high
bcbooi win piay rauomaui college in a
baseball game.
A new tube for holding shoe paste
terminates in a dauber and is provided
with a safety device to prevent it leak
ing. ' - " '
- Oregon - City, May 27. Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye was reelected! (president
of the "Woman's club - tX the final
meeting of the season held Thursday
afternoon in the Commercial club
Other officers named were Mra Florence-
Lewthwaite, first vice president;
Mrs. Edward McLean, -second vice presi
dent ; Mrs. Emma Hunt, recording sec
retary; Mrs. Angus McDonald, financial
secretary; Mrs. Rosa Green, treasurer.
The club named a committee, including
Mra E. P. Rands, Mra L. EL Jones. Mrs.
C G. Miller and Mrs. II. K. Straight, to
cooperate with the Live Wires of the
Commercial club in obtaining the es
tablishment of an auto camp ' ground
at Canemah park and went on record
favoring the bonus bill.- the marriage ex
amination and the woman jurors bill to
be voted on at the coming election. The
club program for next year will be un
der the general head of "The Fine Art
of Getting Along. With People' ) -
Z Three Sued on. Note;;:,?
Oregon City, May 27. Mary L. Kelly
filed suit Thursday against Llna Vane,
Julia Kessler and John Doe Keesler to
collect $1000, alleged to be due on a note.
Parkplace, May 27. J. H. Brecht has
entertained his sister and her husband
from the East. They were "taken over
the Columbia river highway and several
places of interest. Mr. Brecht' s brother
in-law is air engineer on the B. & O.
R. R. .
iSlBB Nbna Freytag,' teacher r in the
Parkplace school, spent the weekend at
Forest Grove attending closing college
J. H. Brecht was taken suddenly ill
while in Portland and was brought to
his home in Parkplace.
Mrs. W. A. Holmes, and daughter
Marie spent-part of Sunday at Gervais
Miss Mollo, primary teacher at the'
Parkplace school, spent the weekend at
Monmouth. .
The graduation exercises of the eighth
grade will be held Saturday night at
the Parkplace school house.
The Standard Oil plant at Parkplace
is headquarters for a large surrounding
territory, covering Oregon City, Canby,
Macksburg, Estacada, Springwater and
Jennings Lodge. Four big storage tanks
are located at Parkplace. Three tank
trucks supply this large district. Ten
local hien are employed, all having their
homes either in Parkplace or Oregon
City. J. L. Lacey and A. J. Tabor han
dle the company's business.
The Parkplace schools will close Fri
day and will hold exercises in the
school building Saturday night.
$25.00 A DAY OFF
SOW BOW TO 91325
Painty Summer Frocks
of Imported
Swiss Organdies
and Trench Voiles
Models for the dainty
Miss DirectoSre effects
of fine quality Swiss
Organdie with large nov
elty scalloped collars;
rows of ruffling and
ope nwork medalHons
framed in ruffling,
adorns the tunic. Dainty
sleeves to . match the
collars. They come in
bisque, oschid, pink,
rose, nile, coral and.
and ,
in Organdies and
$1.95 to $14.95
Charming models of
quality dotted Swiss,
made in the latest
Quaker and other ef
fects. Models that will
appeal to every woman
of taste. Novelty col
lars and cuffs and lace
trimmings and' large
white organdie sashes.
Sizes 16 to 38.
HENRY J. D1TTER. Manager
Oregon City People
- Try Mountain Pass
Wallace, Idaho. May 27. At daybreak
Thursday a general exodus fromthe
local camping grounds, due toopening
of the . Yellowstone trail, took place.
Awaiting assurance of easy going, a
merry crowd of eastbound autoists had
formeA a mod ifuri Mlnnv 9 n
daya Among those leaving were three
lammes rrom uregon City, meeting here
wunoui premeaiiaiion, Oliver I Nord
wich. mother, sister and two brothers,
bound, for Dovd. Mont. : T-Tlm- D.hv.b
wife, brother and three sons, en route
to aneriqan, wyo., and Mr. and Mra L.
C. Henry on their wsy! to Lethbridge,
Alberta. Two Outfits of gypsies Joined
the procession. " '
$25.00 A DAY! OFF
- Fiae Shape ,
HOW . DOWN TO 81250
- a ...ii
IT : - , - ll
Bt.B. Sauts
District manager Phonograph Divi
sion, Brunswick - Bailee - Collender
Co., will be in the muic parlors to
explain in detail the many special
features pertaining to Brunswick
Whether you have a phonograph
or contemplate getting one soon or
next year, the little time spent get
ting authentic facts about the Bruns
wick will be highly profitable.
The Brunswick! Ultona, a mar
velous reproducer that plays all
records; the Oval All-Wood Horn
that tapers into a perfectly; round
throat both exclusive Brunswick
V '
NOTE THIS: When winding and
running Brunswick motors, why do
they run so smoothly and silently?
(No resemblance of nairs in a coffee
mill with the Brunswick.)
Better schedule your time tomor
row, allowing a few moments to
meet Mr. Davis, who Is so supe
riorly qualified and ready to answer
any questions asked.
! '
I fDi'ctn f Jensen anc Von Herbert W'
K KJ UnZfr 3 C3TT07 1 C J
. a mystery story of
rnsco s Chinatown.
A remarkable
production, . ,
- extravagantly
'and accurately
staged, of a
white girl
raised as a
Chinese and a
Iove story of
white and
; yellow.
fl 1
Km f
- . MM i
- "
- JUfflffiSM
m y : v
rM Pathc . J
i) Weeldy
p and Y
All Star Cast
li ll 'J
. . w Comedy