THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 19 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1021. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 A NEAT furnished room, nice nlchborhoodT walking distance, H conveniences with privi lege of kitchen; suitable for lady employed. Phone- Marshall 1886. ' SL'ITK ot elegantly furnished rooms for 2 or 3 gentlemen; also 2 single rooau Bath, phona, centrally located. 406 24 U bet. Harrison ant xisu. 2 ROOMS. 10 and (12. in a refined home, 84 N. 21st at. eor. of Everett, Nob Hill, 1 block from Washington. Waikinc distance, large iswa and nowera. Bdwy. aouv. WELL furnished room, pleasant, cleans walking dtatitwf, with or without me la. 414 Market :, fur. 11th '. y - FINE I-ARGK SLEEPING ROOM. MODERN CONVENIENCE. I,08E IN, EAST SIDE. JW-K HOMK WR GENTIJSMAN EAST 7172. LillliK ROOM. ATTRACTIVE HOME. WALK NO DISTANCE. REFINED raUU.1. WEST fsfDH. MARSHALL 3t69. KICK - clean room, very cheap, for nice elderly man. Auto. C23-8T. 7930 S8th are. 8. E. WELL furnished room for rent in private borne, t gentleman only. 424 hi Tillamook. One block from Union av. IsARGE ROOMS. WBIJ furnished, uouse KEEPLNO PRIVILEGE; WALKING DIS TANCE. 620 EVERETT. BDWY. 199 5; WALKING distance, nicely furnished front room, suitable for two, ladies or gentlemen; light. BJO, phone. Bast 7714. 1 :il K. lfttn X HAVE 4 nice" newly furnished sleeping rooms, to rent; a real home, restricted district, walk ing dints nre. East 55 IS. CLEAN cosy sleeping room in very nica home; walking distance. East 4962. - - - vi ANTED Refined man no can appreciate unusually nice room. Mar. 178Q. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Park View Hotel Under new management rooms, with or without board; transient meal served ; i ratea by dayf or month. - THE ALBINA HOTEL, 24 ALBINA ST. Rooms, with oi without board, dose to tbe mills and industries of the east: aide; rates very reasonable. East 8150. THE HAZEL 385 THIRD ST. MAIN 7094 Select residential hotel, strictly modern, all .outside rooms, moderate rates. LARGE sonny rooms, breakfast, dinner, reason able. 181 N. 23d st. Marshall 3374. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 Do You Want a Hoime? Irrtngton, elegant rooms. exeelent board, lanndry privilege, garage, near carline. East 645. TWO MEN TO SHARE FRONT BOOM, WITH BOAitD, 7.50 PER WEEK. CALL EAST 6475. 411 EAST ANKENY. LARGE airy room, home cooking, suitable for 1 or 2 gentleman, noma privileges, near Broadway bridge, phone East 4433 or call 358 J-arrbee st. SUITE of elegantly newly furnished rooms for 2 or 3 gentleman; also two single rocras ; bath, as, centrally located. 406 Second at., bet. Harrison and Hall. .BEAT of care given small children; day or boar: private home. Aoro. 529-02. 726 Everett st. WILL board children la pmiW home. Call . Aut 617-80. ; BOOM, with two meals, in Qui'.' modern boma. - single beds. Main 9325. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 43 PER WEEK and op, or monthly rates for . tbe very best, cleanest and comfortable fur nished U. K. rooms in the city for the money; close in. west aide, good clean neighborhood. These rooms are well ventilated, very cool in simmer. Rooms must be seen to .be appre ciated. They are not trash or dirty. Just the place where working people "can save money on rent. Velmonte, 167 Stout at., block &. of 20th and Wash. DESIRABLE 2 room suite, modern, well fur nished, newly painted and very clean, easy walking distance, reasonable rent 295 Mont gomery, corner of 5 th. CITY VIEW hotel, good, clean housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple, or slso bachelors quarters, 282 hi Union are., 1 block south of Hawthorne eve. VERY nice 2 room suite with sleeping porch, also 2 pleasant sleeping rooms and teiiarate sleep ? ing porrb; easy ..walking distance; moderate rent. 633 Washington. mamf Mir.1r-1I ; 271 Morrison 4 r iLtfw u a n w a cor. 4tn or. ' H. K. and sleeping rooms. Low rates by the week, clean, quiet and homelike. Marshall 2508. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light, hot water and heat 325 per month. Near 5th and Washington. Call Wiley Bdwy. 200 or Main 81 88 after 7 p. m. 3, NICK rooms, immaculately clean, south west 'aide Pulton Park neighborhood, with or with out garage; telephone, lights, water, etc, fur nished very reasonable. Marsnatl 1204. 312 - MONTH,- 2 clean furnished housekeeping - rooms, steam heat, laundry, hot and cold water, electric lights, yard. 406 Vancouver are., near Broadway. THREE furnished I. H. rooms, upper floor; ako 2 large I. 1L roams, lower floor. 331 Clacka mas St.. close in. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, walking dis tance, free gas, light, water, phona; 812 month. 571 0th st. 8. Call after n p. m. JUNE 1 -Two furnished housekeeping light and airy, lower floor. 320. 427 N. 21st, cornel Tanuhn. Bdwy. 5661. BELLINGHAM apta., nouses eeplng and sleeping rooms, rates reasonable. 421ft K. Morrison at., cor., otn. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms on first floor, private entrance. large porch and lawn; rent reasonable. Williams ave. car; adults only. 639 Vancouver ave. - Hotel Royal vVE-SKS Convenient H. K. rooms, 84 A week up; sleeping rooms $1 per, day. 34 a week op. Close in. 2 H. K. rooms, nest ani clean, best location, drapes, ivory woodwork, running water and ranges. 101 Psrk st. -CLEANH. K. rooms with kitchenette, hot and cold water and lights; walking distance; sum mer rates. 83 North 21st St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms and ' one ingle housekeeping room, electric lights in eroded : newly furnished. 4.VJ K. Couch near 8th. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; electric light, running water, bath, free phone. 475 E. Burnslde at 9th. East OQiO. FOR -RENT One larg sunny, single H. K. room, modern, 86 week. ' - 235 Main. Main 6276. . - ' - FOR RENT Housekeeping room st cor. Psrk snd Salmon. Inquire Nobby Cleaners, 355 H Salmon U Main 4306. ; - 2 AND 3 ROOM H. K. suites, thoroughly clean, bachelors er couples, near U. P. yards and " near ear: infanta taken. 1 62iRussell. TWO furnished. 1 unfurnished. 1 furnished suite, kitchenette, electric lights, very reasonable. Phone Broadway 1935. ; MICK' housekeeping room, near Broadway; refer ewes. Wster and lights. Phone Eat 70B1. ON K -ROOM and kitchenette; 2 room suite on first floor, well furnished and clean; desirable location, close in. reasonable. 195 16th St. 2 TWO-ROOM housekeeping apartments, newly furnished, clean, nice surroundings, walking distance, reasonsble. 463 10th at. Main 786. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, including gas, ,-. electricity, water, phone and heat, 835 month. Phone Ksst o4tT or csu oo r. union fe. IIOI'SEKEEPINU room and furnished room. 847 Missouri, corner of Shaver. Phone Wqod- rawn 1310 i)NK and two rooms, furnUhed h. k, low rent Walking distance; gentlemen preferred. 215 Mill, corner EiT't. ; - FURNISHED front 2 room h.k- suite.. Call Sun day all day. other days moraines or after 5 m. 431 K. Asn. OL SKKEKi'ING room. 84 per. week. 213 10th St. K IC'KLY furnished H. K. rooms, single and oouoie; rent remmautc. avi aiaiaci. o. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, ts'bor 4037. . . li DAYS STORAHK FREE We move you for less. Broadway 2445. FOR RENT 2:room furnished apartment ; everything furnished. 340 Hassalo. ONE nest, clean, furnished H. EL apt. on 2d floor," taictng para. rr au FURNISHED H.. K.. rooms, 31.75 week and up. t-ieCTnc ngnw. ovTt jwi. fu TVRMSHEU H. K. room 83.5U pet week and tin. ' 253 M wasnington sr. WELL lurniiUed outside, single H. K. snd sleep- ing room st 1 ..p. ... '.- i RENT Two tight housekeeping rooms. neat and clean; 316. 1-8 K. 46th St. SEE clean, convenient and reasonable rent rooms, i". 203 Stanton fc 81-73 to 35 weekly. . .-.v-vvrnikT nri(e X FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED . fKiVA 1 c rAmu.1 oa T WO cthvenienTltri:. roomN light, phone, as, bath and laundry. Nice for two girl. ; Walk- in g distance. East 4QJ. ,VB rv large modern H. S. room, with : WtemSJttg TBetween Mtervm and Main. Cio m. vvaiKing ui"'- - --- 1 i -n TWO connecting H. ET. rooms, bath and j electric. Call 661 K. Morrison. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 OH. MINI Have yoa seen those four nice light housekeeping rooms at 4205 59th st. Tbey are partly furnished, fine shady lawn, and all tbe cherries that yoa will want for your own one; M for 329 per month. Call at 213 Henry bklg. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping- rooms and sleeping porch, private family, close In, east side. 355 Hancock at., near Union are., 83 per week. East 840. i . - ATTRACTIVE front suite of . rooms, fireplace, electric light, gas plate, etc. ; also a front room with kitchen privileges, , garage. Tabor. 8&U. 1441 K. Momson. H. K. ROOM, 1 person, 'light cooking, gas and laundry included, wslking distance; reasonable. 464 Oak. East 3697. - LARCE living room arranged lor housekeeping. 254 Cnion ave. N. Tabor 9333. APARTMENTSFURNISHED 307 Buena Vista - UJ2?$Z? Three room strictly modem furnished apt-, newly papered In tapestry; , tiled bethrooaa and side kitchens. 365. Adulte only. . BUSHMARK. Washington St., earner ilth Crmpletely furnished 1 room outside . l pert inents, 325 per month and up, including hath, gas, eleetricitj, Ulepbone, steam neat. Broad way B43 THE EDENHOLM , 2 and 8 room- apts.; i heat, light and telephone, private baths, walking distance, 825 to 835 per month. ' SunnyaTiont Apartments One furnished apartment lor vent. Tabor 1889. ONE two-room apt., excepuouaily well far-nn-lied and strictly modern; desirable location, 10 minutes' walk from business center. 338.50. 855 Hsll st Main 7375. ; - - ' King Albert Apartments 1 furnished. 1 unfurnished, strictly modern. Hie bath, elevator, 11th Montgomery. Main 859. ELABORATELY furnished 6 rooms in duplex house, west side, with the most wonderful view in the city, walking distance, most see to appreciate; reference; 8115 per mo. Main 1528. Ellbridge Apts.. , Two and :three-roont apta., thoroughly cleaned and newly decorated. 274 N. 21st. Bdwy. 4 730. THE STANFIELI), 204 PORTER ST. Modern 2' room apts.. light, heat, phone, I.i ree lawn. $22.50. Nice basement apt 3-0. Msin 7392, CONVENIENT front apt. downstairs. Children allowed. Rents for 825 to party who buys small a mount of furniture Including sewing ma chine. 635 Everett st. cor. 20th DRICKSTON APARTMENTS ; . 448 1 1TH MARSHALL, 79 Dandy clean, light, modern 2 room apt.', rent very reasonable. THE JEFFERSONIAN, 16TH AND JEFFER80N Attractive 3 room taite, large airy rooms, re cently renovated, uxual conveniences, summer rates. Adults only. Eay walking distance. NICEI.Y furnished 2 room apartments, $30 to $42.50; private phone each apartment; adults only. Lincoln Apta., 4th and Lincoln. THE ALTAMONT APAIITMENTS" 5th and College. 1 cozy modern 3 room apt Also 3 loom apt 1st of June. 325 THREE large furnished room apartment 542 East 27th at; Richmond car to 27th. one block south. TH E LILLIAN i Maml: Two and three rooms, modem, large and airy. Z) THREE large furnished room apartment 642 East 27th, Richmond car to 27th, one block south. 1 3 ROOMS and bstn wiuun . 5 min. of Meier A Frank. Call Wiley Bdwy. 20l or Main 8180 after 7 p. m. 1 PORTNOMAH 4 'rooms, hardwood floors, walk ing distance, adults; nicely furnished and clean. 200 East 13th. Phone East 4276. PLEASANT 3 room apartment, walking distance. Phone E., 472. ; NICE 3 room furnished apartment with bath, light, water and telephone service free, $35. 882 E. Ash. : FOR SUBLEASE, June 7, furnished 6 room du plex apartment, walking distance, choice lo cation. S-634, Journal. ' 2 2 -ROOM apartments! 1 large and I small. nice and clean, walking distance, no children, reasonable. 810 E. 9th at East 4732. WEST SIDE, 3 room, clean apt. eleo. lights. good furniture: second floor, reasonable. b50 Thurman and 25th st FINE apt for rent, nicely furnished, piano, fire place, everything furnished. 664 . Ulisan. Bdwy. 470. THE ELMS . r51 FOURTEENTH THREE ROOM 'APT. CLOSE IN. BE SURsV to see those ciean and light apta.; strictly modem; furnished and 1 unfurnished; price reasonable. Bdwy. zuii. r.UiTtlll Uuimt MaV. Hrders 2 and 3-room apartments, furniahed. i tn sr. 2-RlfOM aiAtrtment clean, completely furnished. 680 H Iximbard at' Columbia B17 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment and . garage, close in. 476 E. Everett st BERKELEY spartments, 89 Trinity Place, nice 3 room furnished front apartment, star, igoo. UNION AVE, and Killing, worth. $21.50. all cOmolete. concrete building. 8 FUUMSHED rooms, with bath, walking die- . .... . 1- a Tt , L .. . , A ? 4 tance, a o mmin. oo ivtw si- 1 .... i a WHY pay car fare Nice 2 room apta.. $3 up. 54 5 Vi Washington st Bdwy. 3449. TWO and. 4 room furnishea apt-Private bath. East 6003. " 3 ROOM apt. clean, complete furnished, 6 80 H Lombard st ; Col 61 7. FURNISHED apt for rent 182 N. 14th st APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 PORTNOMAH 3-room ground floor apartment. $35. adults, walking distancst 200 East 18th. Phone East 4276. FLATS FURNISHED 309 CO MPLETELT furnished 5 room flat, fine fur niture, rugs, etc. linen, silverware, vacuum cleaner, every modern convenience, walking dia ls nee. 040 r,rereib oroaaway iv, WKIJL-FURNISHED $ room tlat, strictly mod ern, private bath, on first floor. Walking dis tance. $40. 881 5th rt. - TWO 3-4 room modem flats, mostly furnished. 53 Va 80th st Mouta Tills car. $12, $18. $22 month. CLEAN, nicely furnished five-room lower flat; piino; walking distance; west side. Tabor 6963. FIVE room modern furnished flat $25, indud ing garbage and water. 565 M Williams ave. CKNITfjRE for sale. $550, 6 rooms, reut $55?T $30. downtown. Owner. Esst 2798. 5 ROOM apartment; no objection to 1 or 2 children. Inquire at 1367 Hawthorne avei 3 RiXt.Vf modem flat,, private bath, couple em- ployed, no children, j Hell. 2412. $26 5 ROOM upper flat furnished. 845 El 12th, cor. E. Mill. ' . FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 LARGE lower flat, 5 rooms, bath, good condi tion, fine view, nice lawn, heat water, gaa range, $40. r 961 Front, cor. Lowell are.- Mar shall 3978. ' 4 -BOOM lower flat furnished or unfurnished. 740 Minnesota ave. East 5373 or Wood- lawn 321. FLAT tor rent gas. electricity, gas range, fur nace in MKmenu solium oov ooeiman west aide. 3 ROOM flat with garage. Union near Russell; adults. East 2195. ; 3 ROOMS, ground floor, cheap rent to right party. Call Broadway 8855, after 6. 6 ROOM modern flat, "walking distance. West aide. MartihaU 1289. ' 6 ROOM modern flat near Montgomery Ward plant Broadway 1187. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 ATLAS TRANSFER STOi'Ai.K CO. Piano and furniture moving. 30 day' free storage on all household goods ho til oar new warehouse is filled. 104 N. 5 Lb at, Phone Broadwsy 1207 'hansfek iT sTORAofc CoJ ' 16 Days Storage Frse. rnrnirnre moved for lees. Bdwy. 2448. 3 AND 4 room cottages, electricity and gas, good condition, yard, west side. Phone Broadway 4i3. evey at no vaugna sr. 7 ROOM house, suitable for rooming . bouse: good condition; yard; West Side, Phone Broadway 4439. Keys at 746 Vaughn at. FOR RENT Small - cottage at Multnomah itatJoa ; narUy rnrrtKned; water, gas, etc. r-none Mar. 212. FOR RENT, 3 room bouse, lot 50x100 i includes wster. li Tioor 2s. WHY PAY 33.60 for two men to move your furniture we work tor 9. Mam a0. WB move furniture ot 3-4-. rsosn bouse toff 616. For further information. Main 6290. FOR REN1 Seven room house. Inquire at 81T Willamette Blvd. Cor. Killingaworth. FOR RENT 7 room modern house. . 680 E. - Harrison st.. Ant 212-69. BMALL 6-room house, $15: electric lights, etrZ 403 East 12th st Call Sellwood 8068. FOR RENT Sunnyside seven room house. Call Seilwood lass. 5 ROOM cottage, newly papered; $25. 405 tn St. rvej -at rear roiisKv. WE MOVE PIANOS FOR $$ MAIN 628V FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 MEIER 4 FRANK'S INFORMATION ANf , It EN TAL BUREAU. Reliable, np to date nsta of desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flats, with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR HOUSES FURNISHED 312 HAWTHORNE sv. modern 1 room house, com pletely furnished, 3 bedrooms, will lease for long time to lespotiaihlw adult people. Phone Tabor 4679. SIX ROOM furnished Bouse, including water, garbage removed. East side, near Jefferson -high. 155 Sumner sr. Adults. 850. Wdin. 3662. - ELABORATELY furniahed 6 rooms in duplex house, west side, with the most wonderful view in the city, wslking distance, must see to appreciate; reference; $ll5 per mo. -Main 1528. MODERN 9 room furnished house from June until September 15; bedroom, hot and cold water, automatic heater, Roy si Ann cherry trees. Call East 3628. 3 ROOMS, pantry, bath and gas. partly furnished. newly painted first floor. Adults only or Small baby. Call after 5:3). 591 Rndney ave. 6 -ROOM modem house,, completely furnished; front and back lawns, shade tree and vines, front and hack porch; close in. Sell. 1068. UNFINISHED 4 -room bungalow to adults. Fruit. berries, garden, gas. not modem. a 15. AO, lu elading wster. Mt Scott dist Aut 612-44. $17.50 3 Room' furnished house, including lights and water; no objection children, 648 Mill, near Chapman st' ELEGANTLY furnished house, fruit garden, high elevation, other cottages, reasonable. 252 GIbba. NICE large 7 room furnished house for rent all nice large rooms. 204 E. 16th cor. of Madison. East 234. 9 BOOM furnished bouse for rent. Nob Hill dis trict; an Ideal? borne, large-, airy rooms, beau- tiful ontloog. 1 mm. Mar. 4j! NICELY furnish 3 room house, garden, berries. adults, 325. 913 O fu reified ho ater arid (tart Commercial ave. 6 ROOM house. 761 Williams ave.. 330; water garbage fre. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 6 ROOM lower flat, ail large, outside rooms, to party buying furniture; close in on west aide; one room rented. Main 9398. CHOICE LOCATION SNAP House for rent furniture for sale, east aide, close in. Owner, 480 East Washington t roll' MfrblT 4 rooms, rent $15. in the heart of town, furniture must be bought; a bargain. 228 South Broadway, in back. 8 ROOMS furniture for sale, including piano, $1250; fine location, nice yard and cheap rent 42 N. 21st st Mar. 4012. FOR RENT Modem 7 room house; fruit gar- den in;.-fumiture for aale. 1251 E. 11th st N. near Ainsworth. A BARGAIN -Furniture of a modem 5 room flat for aale; flat for rent . Mar. 5135. No dealers. , FURNITURE of 4 room fiat for sale; flat for rent reasonable; phone Marshal 5859 from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. HOUSE for rent; furnishings in house for sale. Must be sold at once. 574 Gideon st, Portland. STORES AND HALLS 314 LARGE storeroom with 7 living rooms in back; old building, but will decorate or let you. Call at 366 Russell near Union. Phone East 311V. DANDY stroeroom. for drug store, meat market, .a 1 i . . -,1 ... , r o , ,11: i wij sotAis, wv-sicu at 4 -L a. vrusan, swu location on line street. rnnw isoor V 313 DANCE, hall and fine, clean meeting rooms for rent, use at -'O t, t'ommbia nail. FOR desirable space In ureproot warehouse. Phone Bdwy. 3715. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and stLuagraphic service. Phone Broadway 3711 - SUMMER RESORTS 316 6 RM. FRN. HOUSE FOR SALE 'OR RENT. ON 11TH AVE. AT SEASIDE. OCEAN VIEW. TREES CALL MAIN 9264. AT Beech Center 9-room furnished house, run ning water, electric lights, for season; also 2 room bouse. Call Sell. 646. FOR RENT Hoelbing cottage, Seariew. Wash. Telephone East 4045. " WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 WANT about June 1, 3 unfurnished rooms in .. neighborhood of Yamhill and Lownsdale, B 704. Journal.. HOUSES 361 RENTAL BCBEAO List your houses, flats or apartments with s; oniek results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. LOA.V1 - SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 5$ Fourth st. opp. Multnomah Motel. Phone Broadway 8716 5 OR 6 BOOM modern bungalow by responsi ble couple; lease one or more years; rent 830 to 340. Automatic 318-49. WANT TO BENT or a room modem bunga low from date or June 1. An to. 237-20. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- LOTS 403 325 IXJWX ! NO BUILDING RESTRICTIONS 60x281 feet (over 3 full lots) just south of Division street on 52d st; ground all cleared and plowed and ready for garden. Thia prop erty is right at the Franklin high school and only 2 bOca. to tbe carline; all assessments paid; monthly payments only $15, which includes in terest at 6 per cent Just the. place to build a cozy little home and cut down expenses. Now is the time to build and get the benefit of tbe summer. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANT. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. '' Main 208. 50x100 FOOT corner lot, 100 feet on carline, good location for a drug store, grocery, oil station, garage, moving picture show, $2500. 78x100 ft corner, 100 ft. on carline, inter section of Lombard and Interstate sts.; fine loca tion for business or residence, 35(M). 50x100 ft lot St Johns, near mills, excel lent location for hotel or store. $900. ' C. T. ZIRKLE. 211 3d St COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT CHOICE LOTS $850 UP On E. 26th and E. 27th sts.. between Stephens and Harrison sts,: choice lots in this close-in district restricted for 25 years; prices $S50 and up, on easy terms. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., S 426 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. 50x150 $562.50 $100 DOWN. $10 A MONTH On Shaver st. near K. 15th, 3 blocks to school, near new city park. If yon want to live close in and raise a garden and fruit, see this. JoBinsGnDod!sQH Co. - 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. BIGGEST bargains Multnomah district choice level view lots, $250; Ji acre, $300; close to Oregon Electric and highway. Owner. 819 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675, res. East 7688. UiVINGTON DISTRICT 59HX100 CORNER $1125 with sll improvements paid: $100 down, $10 a month. See this and you win look no farther. ' JohnsonDodson Co. '' 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. MCLTNOMAH district bargains. Oregon Electric, 26x90, $65. hi acres $325. H acres $650. Choice view lots. $250. 819 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 675, E. 7688. 60x100 CEMENT WALKS "$325 T Including assessments. Can ymt do better f Pitch tent Close to school. Alberta ear. K. W. Cary. 1319 N. W. Bank BMg. Main 1643. - YOtR OPPORTUNITY Laurelhurst lota, while tbey last at extremely low prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270 is Stark. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor B05T. YOUR LAST CHANCIi s Laurelhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270 M Stark- Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. - , - ' - ' - LAURELHURST I.OT BAHRAIN 3 See J. A. McCarty, 270 14 Stark st ' Main 170Q; evenings Tabor 6Q57. ag 50 -1 4 BLKS. ROSE CITY PARE CAR Nice ovjiwv, sssls paia. isoor ooov. BOSfi ClTX.lot, 50 ft 8. Thompson, W. lacing on 44th. 31050. Tabor 6441. B08E CITY, N. K. comer 41st TiUmook; 31100; next to comer. $900. Tabor 6441. " $400 72D ST., 2 BLKS. SANDY BLVD. Large corner, asata. paid. Tabor 6559. ONE-HALF acre tract at 82d and E. MU1 aU. A snap fnr rash. Main 7621 FOR (SALE 1 lot 30x100, ' Westmoreland! $750. Alex Gettman. Milwanlrie, Or. LOT 60x100. Buffalo and Williams. 3500. Terms, n? interest Woodlawn2493. f flTS iOI 1IEBE is f uie opportunity. I have almost V blocks from paved Halsey st, just a lit Us east of Rose City Park. Will sell for $350 entire $70060x100. streets paved- Three earlmes. 8il Kst lzta st wnte owner, inos. LHser. New Li-oca. Wis. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A. Q. Teepe Co. $3650 Exceptionally attractive bungalow with -" garage; full lot; paving snd sewer paid: near car; $300 caah will handle. See . tiliS.- . $4300 6 rooms and sleeping porrb; tot T5x . 100; pre-war prioe. Out of town own er most sell. Terms. -$4200 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT; 8 rooms; 2 blocks from Sandy, facing : east Nothing like it in the district for the money. Paving paid, . -$5350 BOSK CITT PARK, below the bin; 5 room bungalow and garage; e-xceptional-ally large living mom extending entire width of house; hardwood floors, fi re place, full cement ; basement furnace, . , etc . - $5500 LACRELHCRST, new nifty bungalow, hardwood floors throughout; a wonder ful home. 2 blocks from car; living . room entire width of bouse, tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; easy terms. A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark st. Near 4th. Main 3092 Branch Office, 50tl and Sandy Tabor 9586. FOB SALE BY OWNER 18 19 lUven st 4 room house, bungslow front; lot 50x100; large front lawn, 9 fruit trees, all loaded with fruit and 2 large walnut trees; 4 blocks to car, 4 blocks to school. Will sacrifice for $1700, $450 down, $23 per month, including Interest If yoa are looking for a real buy you should see this first Take St. Johns Car to Haves at. walk 4 blocks north. . , NEW ALBINA BUNGALOW $650 CASW4 BAL. 25 MO. AND INT. $4650 -Strictly modem 5 room bunga low; garage, hardwood floors in living and dining room; fireplace and built-in; break fast nook; 50x100 lot; paved street all paid for. BOONE & CLEARWATER. 505 Couch Bldg. Main 5201. BOSS CITY PARK : - $5500. Attractive bungalow. with hardwood floors, built-in bookcases and buffet, fire place and furnace; bedrooms have closets and built-in wardrobe. Only one block to Sandy. Easy terms. J. L. Karnopp & Co. 319 Railway Exch, Bldg. Main 675. $3550 A MONEY MAKER 8CNNYSIDE CAB . Hero is a good buy 6 rooms and bath, newly tinted, full concrete basement wash trays, paved street, best car service in town; only 10 minutes to west side. This home is vacant We have a tenant who will pay $40 a month rent for it You'll make about 14 per cent on your money here. See us. COMTE KOHLMAN 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 6550. Hawthorne Car 6 room bungalow, with sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, gas. elee., hard street, garage. $500 cash, baL to suit Price $3150. A DANDY LITTLE HOME 4 rooms and breakfast nook. 3 blocks from W. S. car on 45th street 8. E. White enamel plumbing, in excellent condition. Comer lot with fruit and berries. Good chicken house, $1750, with cash. Harris Co. REALTORS SI 6 Chamber of Commerce, Main 5624. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY" 800 TO SELECT FROM WHT PAY BENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN A HOME IN ANY PART OF THE CITY I SMALL PAYMENTS. EASY TERMS. MARSH & McCABE CO.' ; Realtors 322-323-824 Failing bldg. Marshall 3993. $500 CASH Will build beautiful 5 room bungalow on full lot near good car and school, nice location; 'arse living room with firepace. hardwood floors in living and dining room, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, laundry trays, beautiful view, hard surface street, double con structed, $3350. $35 a month including interest Marshall 2531.., fi65I30 Down 6 room plastered bungalow, electricity, near carline. Good cement foundation. AU kinds of fruit snd shrubbery, $300 cash, baL $15 per month. See C. E. KENNEDY. 9218 60th ave. S. E. Aut 617-32. HOUSES FOR SALh. . Free plans, free estimates, free advice. Talk with our practical building man. "No cash pay ment down " Let us . build for you on easy repayment plan. , , SUN-HOUSE" BUTXDINf? CO., On 8d bet Sttrk arid Wash. 216 Abington bldg. LITTLE BROWN BUNGALOW AT A LITTLE PRICS $3500 Artistic, double constructed. east front fine lawn, fruit trees, sll large sunny rooms, fireplace, built-ins; furnace, laundry trays. 2 block to ear. See BRUCE HOLMAN. REALTOR. fsin 6327. 209 FaHing bMg. IN IRVINGTON Brand new 6 room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove; all on one floor, with all the conveniences you could wish for; finished in old ivory and mahogany. Price most reasonable. Terms. Lot 50x100. Some nice trees. East front; garage; located at 685 E. 17th N. Owner, Tabor 5694. EASTERN BUILT HOME WESTMORELAND 6 large rooms, sleeping porch, den. lovely Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, best constructed house in Portsand, double ga rage, east front. 1 blk. car. 3 school; any rea sonable terras: must be sold ; -co mortgage. See it Mar. 1022. or Sell. 2706 evenings. - 1 AN ABSTRACT of title a not a guarantee of your title: it is merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your titles Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title & imt company. lbviNGt6N' $3s66 6 rooms. S. P.V on 17th st; finest kind of condition; hdw, floors, garage, furnace, fireplace. This is tru'v a great bargain. COE A. McKENNA Sc. CO. 82 Fourth st Main 4522. $3700 $300 CASH, baL $35 monthly. 0 you want a bargain, see this 5 room bun gs low. . Fireplace, built-ins, cement basement trays, garage, large lot, imp. streets, 2 blocks Sunnyside car. Clow Realty, 1111 Belmont Aut 223-39. . ROSE CITY 5 -room bungalow, garage, fire place and furnace, paved street, $500 cash, balance monthly. Main 7036. COSY SELLWOOD BUNGALOW Fireplace, 4 room, 2 bedrooms, breakfast k, Dutch kitchen. 100x100. $3200; $500 cash, balance like rent; no mtg. Mar. 1022. SelL 2706 evenings. BUILD NOW See us for designs and estimates free; get bicgalow book of 100 designs $1; atabhabed 10 yegra; satisfaction assured. I. K. B A ILK I'M.. BZ4 Jl. W. Btni Blag. PORTLAND HEIGHTS IF YOU ARE LOOK ING FOR A REAL HOME, SEE 978 COUN CIL CKEST DRIVE. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. J. J. ARMSTRONG, OWNER. PHONE MAIN 8476. SCNNY3IDE bargain, must sell, 5 rooms, full cement basement, dandy lot, fruit snd berries, paved street good dist, close to school . and church, $2800. Clow Realty, 1 1 3 1 Belmont Aut 223-89. - GOOD 6 room house on Michigan ave., furnace. sleeping porch, garase. g.i&OO; terms. ood- lawn 1402 or Woodiawn ess. WHEN you get a luie insurance Poiiey, yoa do not need an abstract of title. One pre mium pays lor su nme. sme m i ram company. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, just being fio ished, 4 2d and Halsey. Take Rosa City er Besumont car. Terms. Owner. Ur UW .i Miwha w .cm , nave the title Policy. Tui. Insured. Get a Title lnsu 4V Trust company. 3 BOOMS on Height ave. near Preset) U. $1300: $500 cash, balance easy. Woodiawn 1402 or Woodiawn 648. GET- Title Insurance inures 1 of an a Detract It is quicker and cheaper and yea are absolutely protected against error, title er. Trust company. PRETTY 5 room bungalow on Kaight ave., near Jefferson high. $4000; $1750 cash, balance easy. Wdlh. 1402 or Wdln. 648. CLOSE your real estate au witnont annoying details by using s Title Insurance Policy. Mo abstract required. Title es Trust company. 3 ROOM house and lot Kenton, cheap. Ford for part A-528. JoumaL - Take MAIN 7027MMTsUITE 415 WASH PARK lMJp PLATT BLDG. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 SMALL DOWN 4A"TMENT HOMES LARGEST HOMES ELLE R ON THE PACIFIC COAST ....... 1 200 photorrapfaa of Homes for Sale. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. - ' $300 DOWN MT. SCOTT $2493 ONLY $306 down. 6 room ARTISTIC BUNGALOW BABUAIN. Ever so cozy and complete: best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; VACANT. MOVE IN TODAY. JUST SEE WHAT $300 WILL DO. 40th ave. BROOKLYN $200 DOWN $17508200 down. Brooklyn 5 room comfort able bungalow cottage: white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, close to car and school. Beacon st IS YOU HAVEN'T THE $200 we ll help you. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL $4493 $50O down. 7 room, very substantial. attractive modern home with every, modern convenience: furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, builtin buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, full lot. COME DOWN AND SEE THIS. E. 47th st ALBERTA LOOK AT THIS $2950 $50 down! THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL. VACANT, in excellent condition, being newly renovated outside and in; most attractive lines; best plumbing, elec tricity, gas, full comer, E. 12th slf Paved at, all paid. j ASK ABOUT THIS. . SEE ! FRANK L. MeGTJIRE. REALTOR.! To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St, Bet. Wash, and Stark, HAWTHORNE CARLINE $ 150 DOWN. Modern 5 room bungalow, 1 block from Hawthorne car and 2 bis a. from Division st : Hd. wd. floors, fire place, full cement basement; break fast nook and attic Easy terms. $5950 ROSE CITY PARE, 6 room bungalow; large attic; modern in every respect, including furnace and garage. Below the hill, only $1000 down. $34 50 ROSE CITY PARK. 5 room bungalow, furnace, garage, cement basement laundry trays, $1H)0 oash. J. A. WICKMAN CO. REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 583 and 1094. Will Take Light Car as first payment on 5 rm. modern bungalow, on pared street built-ins. hdw. floors, cement base ment Price JM 000. MM MAIN 7027 W U' ASH. at PARK SUITE 415 PLATT BLDG. MAIN 8052. - i MAIN S052. 1 NEW HOME' i $800 . 3 room bungalow, corner lot - near Hawthorne ave., near 33d, modern. Let me show you. It C. OEDER REALTY CO., 818 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, MAIN 8052. - MAIN 8052. $3600 STOKE BUILDING A MONEY MAKER A splendid 60x100 corner, on Williams are.; lot alone worth $2500; store now occupied as grocery; living rooms upstairs; another small building adjoining also rented; this proposition should bring in at least $65 a month in rents; it's a big bargain. Investigate. COMTE ft KOHLMAN 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 6550. KENTON, 6 ROOMS. $2000 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, with bath between, neat snd clean, basement street paved and paid, 2 blocks to Kenton car. only $2000 $500 cash, balance monthly at rental rate. Must be sold this week. JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Or Branch Office Corner Albina and Lombard. $3900 ALBERTA 6 rooms on one floor, with large finished attic; one block from car and school; oak floors, cement basement, full lot, with plenty of fruit This is not a new house, . but is in good condi tion. Will accept your own terms if responsible party.' COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st Main 4 522. WIUi TAKE CAR HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Ford or Chevrolet roadster with $500 cash, terms on bal.. on a 5-r. bungalow, 46x100 ft lot Newly tinted and painted; fruit berries and flowers; paved: this is worth the price, $3500. Mar. 3352, Ere., Tabor 3090. J. B. ROCK. $95 DOWN, $22.30 MONTHLY 5 room plastered cottage, bath, toilet gas, ground 60x127 Vs. price $2045. A good buy. 732 Chamber of Commerce. By OwnerSl00 4 "room cottage in Woodstock, Dutch kitchen, gas, light and fixtures, patent toilet, strawber ries, 2 fruit trees, cement walk, no encumbrance, $300 cash. $15 ma. snd int Phone Col. 1425. $3350 $500 CASH ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS FIRST FLOOR. 2 FINISHED ON SECOND; FURNACE. CLOSE TO CAB AND SCHOOL. CALL R. SOMERYHXE. BDWY. 2478. PENINSULA ADDITION -I am offering for aale this 3 room bungalow with bath, furnished. 100x100. Price $1850. Will accept almost any payment Move right m. Phone Tabor 2549 - BY OWNER House ,of 6 rooms and bath, gas and electricity, built-ins in kitchen and dining room all improvements in and paid; $2700. with $1050 cash, balance $20 monthly. 947 Belmont st. HAWTHORNE 6 -room bungalow. $300 cash, $ 1 5 per month and 6 5t . Main 7036. " A BARGAIN FOR $300 CASH OVER ONE HALF ACRE, 14 fruit and nut trees, berries, grapes, fine location, H' block to car, S rooms, bath, modern. $8500. Sell wood 1250. HAWTHORNE district, 46x100. 7 room 1 stories, east front 4 good rooms down stairs; buEt-in pantry, screens, fine basement fruit shrubs, impts. pd., $3800. $700 cash. Terms. 839 K. 43d at KOOM modern bungalow, nearly new. close senooi, college, nign scnooi. l nea szauu; $130 street liens; $300 down; best place in the eity for the money. Sellwood 2997. A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee of .the title to your home. When you bay your home have the title insured. Better be safe then sorry T'tle A Tnmt enmrsiiv. ' TOTAL PRICE $450 Cozy shsck home, herd surface ; bests paying rent; nice lot and garden. RYDER REALTY CO., Sell. 3061. BUY direct - from owner, distinctive bungalow in Alameda Park, 6 airy rooms with all modem built-ina and furnace; cash $1200, balance easy terms. 902 E. 31st st N. BEHIND every policy of Title insurance is a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against lose, yet it ie cheaper than the abstraot method. Title A Trust company. RICHMOND BUNGALOW $4000 Excellent condition; furnace,, fireplace,. 84th at, near ear; garage; easy terms. Mar. 1022. SelL 2 7 on evenings. FOR SALE 5 room house, S iota, fruit and berries; well improved; fine location; dose to school and car. Price $4250; & cash. 9423 58th sve. S. H. BUY"" direct from owner, stylish bungalow in Alameda Park, 6 airy, rooms with all modem built-ins and furnace; cash $1200, balance easy terms. 902 E. 1st st N. WE HAVE already exaaunea toe title to your property and eaa issue you a Title - Insurance Policy without delay. Title A Trast company SELLWOOD 6 large rooms, modern. , streets and sewer in and paid. 3 blocks to oar. Owner, $2760, small payment down. 620 Hon ave. 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, furnace, lot 75x 100, good as new; must be sacrificed; easy terms, uroaaway t BARGAIN Neat 3 room house, electric lights, 1 block from car; $050; terms. Phone Mar. 2050 after 7 p. m. $100 DOWN, $20 monthly, buys 6 room house, st 87 Esdt 67th N. ; $2600. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5 349. FOR SALE . ' ' . . Modem T rocm bouse with doable- garage, on corner' lot, at 265 E. lth st - - TITLE Insurance saves uat ana money because am abstract a required, . Title A Trust com pany. FOR SALE By owner, Ijiurelharst home, new 8 looms, on fine comer: beautiful shrubbery and lawn; $8000. No agents. - Tabor 1107. SLNNYSIDE HOME 6 room houss, garage; first class condition; 50 xlOO. 1209 K. Tim lull. Tabor P3tt REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 BihrCarey Main 7487. Main 6983. We are an vim this double-const meted. 5 room bungalow practically away in selling It for $2000. Two large bedrooms, modern plumbing, lots of fruit; $4 75 will handle. Out-of-town owner offers for sacrifice, fur nished 5 room bungalow on a macadam St.; 2 large bedrooms, fruit and shrubbery. Circumstances compel sale of beautifnl. double-constructed 5 room bungalow in fine dis trict All large, light rooms. Excellent plumb ing. Only $2700. with very email down pay ment Beautiful 6 room home, near Franklin high school; three large bedroom and sleeping porch; full cement basement laundry trays. This bouse is eeaiily worth $4000. but I will sell it for $8000 on a very small down payment On Corbett at, west side, a substantial 1 room house, with 3 bedrooms and library. Ce ment basement, . garage, pavement and sewer: give away price at $2700, with small payment down. . BihrCarey 211 Railway Eicbange bldg. Third and Stark sts. Main 7487. Main 6983. OPEN EVENINGS - GREGORY HEIGHTS A 4 room modern cottage, with a con crete basement, Dutch kitchen; full lot: all assessments paid. One block snd half south of Sandy bird. - This place a com pleted and ready to occupy. $2650. $39 cash, balance like rent , J. L. Smith Co. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4881. AMONG THE FUtS ON PORTLAND HTS. $lf0 down, $25 monthly buys a 4 -room rus tics cottage, with about .8 of an acre or ground, all kinds of native trees and some fruit and berries. It is in a district with a future and we are quite confident it is the best value for the money on the entire heights. Price $3920 plus bonded street work. RCAtTOaS 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. :. NEW BUNGALOW i ' $750 CASH. ; Strictly modem 5 room bungalow, walking distance to Jefferson high school. Best bard wood floors, every built-in convenience, concrete basement,' laundry trays, garage with concrete driveway. 50x100 lot; new lawa; large attic. Price $4300. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR HITTER. LOW B & CO. 201-203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR. SALE by owner. 7-room double con structed house snd garage; large bath room, porcelain tuba, large fireplace, some built-ina, large pantry, back - porch, cement basement House arranged for two families, with separate kitchenette upstairs. Yard contains fruit trees, berries snd wired off chicken house; 100 feet from street car Ikie. 1063 E. 19th st N. Woodiawn ISO. Price $4000. Must be seen to be STrpreciated. ' $9500 IRVINGTON . New, beautitful Dutch colonial, eonsnting of 7 rocms, 2 fireplaces, tiled bath with expensive plumbing; all rooms finished in ivory and-white enamel; papered, hardwood floors throughout; this is a fine home snd the price is right 492 E. 18th st E. Nelson, owner and; builder. Tabor 6334. ! $675 CASH New 4 room bungalow, consisting of large liv ing room vaUh hardwood floors, ' fireplace, two lovely bedrooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, ivory finish, cement basement laun dry trays, all improvements in and paid. Run way in for geratre. $3475; $25 a month and interest Marshall 2531. $3950 UNEXCELLED VALUE hi bk. Haw. car. 6 rm. beauty. Ta bor 864. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BBRG, Abington Bldg. A FORCED SALE One acre home, $400 down. This is a lovely place. 1 block to car and pavement, fruit flow ers, lawn, fine shrubbery, 6 nice clean, well ar ranged rooms; gas, electric lights; vacant; ready to move in. Fine neighborhood. A good, full acre and all for $3975. Come and see owner. J. F. Zubu, 1827 East Flanders. $2000 WALKING DISTANCE ALBINA SHOPS - B-rootn cottage, water, gas and electricity, basement hard surface street; all liens paid. Easy terms. r JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bide. Main 8787. LOOK . HE5e! FOLKS $1750 $400 CASH ; Bargain Modern 6 room Near Union and Alberta Tabor 864. Q. C. Qofidenberg Abington bldg. Main 4 803. $11600, -Terms $300 Down BRAND NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW OVER ONE-HALF ACRE 3 blocks from Sit. Tabor car. Real bargain. 1952 E. Yamhill St ' IRVINGTON 7 rooms and sleeping porch; 50x123 lot; oak floors throughout: close to car. This is 'one of the nicest homes imaginable; $7500, $1000 down. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st Main 4522. LEAVING STATE Owner sacrificing a 6 room bouse,, 1 block to car. comer lot 1 bedroom. $2700, $600 cash. Terms on baL Marshall 3352 . Tabor 8090. 3. B. BOCK. FOR QCICK SALE I am forced to sell st once 5 rooms and sleeping porch; good condition; just off Haw thorne ave. ; a real sacrifice for some one. Quick possession. Come see it No reasonable offer refused. Tabor 7012. BARGAIN, WEST SIDE 2 modern bouses, 5 snd 6 rooms, bath, elec tric lights and gas, all improvements in and paid, $2700 for both. Exceptional terms will be given. C. W. Millership, 165 V 4th st Main 5275 A TITLE Insurance policy is a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not sutler loss on sccount of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title At Trust Company. $2150 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. 4 ROOM FTJRNISHEir BUNGALOW; GARAGE. FRUIT AND ROSE) AT 691 E. 74TH ST N. CALL R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. HOW ABOUT THIS 6 room . modem bungalow on paved street in Hawthorne; garage; owner has bought farm; must leave town quickly and has cut price to $4750; only $750 ca-h. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. WELL! WELL! - WE FOUND ONE! Nifty 4 rm. modem apt bungalow. 80x100. 10 fruit trees. Only $350 cash; all for $3250. Near Division and 80th. Main 4803. Tabor 864. G. Cr GOLDENBERG, -Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." IRVINGTON -50x100 on Esst 12th near Thompson, $1273, $275 down, 3 years on balance. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALBERTA ' 5 -room bungalow, small eah payment and $30 per month. Main 7036. . 6-ROOM modern house, electric lights and gas, bath, full cement basement, on paved street; Improvements all in and paid for, $2700; easy terms; close in. C. W, MUlersbip, 165 4th st Msin 5275. ... TWO IRVINGTON HOMES One 7, one 8 room modem colonial, with every thing up to data. - A real snap or cash. 625 E. 1-8 th st N. near Stanton. Wdln. 4841. BY OWNER 8-roota cottage, modem, 105x125 let; lots of fruit -berries and garden: Montavilia. - 160 E. 78th st N. $2350 this week. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ' 5 rooms, modem, hardwood floors etc., 5 Ox 100 lot, $4200. Terms. Will take light late model auto. Sell. 618, 1 6 ROOM, 2 story house, bath,' pantry, laundry room, full basement, garage, chicken house, 14x84; 3 lots; berries, fruit trees; on carline. Terms. See owner. HOXTi 60th ave. . K. - SMALL HOME BARGAIN7 Nearly- furnished. 2 f nB lots; chickenhouse, berrwn, terms. Price $1 150. Owner.; Main 9012.- Evenings, Tabor 878. .-- EVERY purchaser ot real tttau should have hi title- insured. Better be ssfs thao Sorry. Title Trnt company. BARGAIN 5 room cottage, corner lot, paved street paid, close in on carline. $1850, easy terms. IHilxKs, ! isnaining - biog. a BOOM cottage, on Missouri are., only $2430; $50tteah.. bale nee easy, r- " - Woodiawn 1402 or Woodiawn 648. TITLE Insurance U tne modem way oi handling title to real estate. - Quicker, costs leas sad no abstract required. . Title A Trust company. FOR SALE 7 room Douse, good condition ; electric and gas; paved st: 2 blocks from Mississippi st csr. 538 BortbwtcK St. FOR SALE or lease by owner, completely fura- - ishr-d 3. room, house, wttn fruit and berries. 1068 r!. . roruana anno WEST1 "SIDE. 7 rooms, bath. ass. - electricity. 2 fireplaces, cement basement Lot 50x100. Owner. -467 lOlu' at , , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT FIVE ROOMS $2650 CLOSE LV 5 rm. hou, blk. off Belmont st on 34th, close to carline: bouse in A-l condition : has all modem conveniences, such as gas, electricity, bath, toilet, sewer and paved at Easy terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office 45th an Sandy Blvd. v , Tabor 252. . ' ECONOMICAL SrtlURBAN HOME NEAR BRYANT STATION On west side of river and close to Oawego lake. Thia one half acre is splendidly located. Set to fruit and ber ries. 3 room bungalow with large floored -attic, cement cellar, nice bath. Good outbuild ings. A dandy home, close to ear and school. Price $3000 with only $100 required to handle. Ralph Harris Co. REALTORS R16 dismber of Oomraere. Msin 662. LAfRELHURST BUNGALOW A charming bungalow, of tt large, well arranged rooms, all on one floor, oceans of windows, making each room light and sunny, best of construction, only 2 blk, to the park ; finished down to garage. This is of fered at $0000. which I believe is the best value in Laurelhurst By appointment only. C M. DEER. - 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. EAST ANKENY AND M-V. CAB $3150 5 BOOM BUNGALOW This is a good buy; all rooms on one floor, Firenlsce and built-ins; 60x100 ft lot one block to car. BOONE A CLEAR WATER, 605 Couch Bldg. , , Main 5201. BUNGAIOW SNAP. $3750 Cozy, 5 - room boners low in good neighborhood, pleasant living and dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, full cement basement, hardwood floors, 60x120 lot, garage, $3760, $1000 down. i - Johnson Dodson Co. 633? N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. ACREAGE 40S NEARLY 2 acres, on the paved road, just east of Portland; mile from station. mile to school; 66 bearing fruit trees, lota of berries ; 4 room plastered house, garage, chicken house; conveniences can be . had. Price $3600; $1000 cash. House -has basement and the soil Is good. In spected by Brooks. ,. OUTSIDE CITT LIMITS ' " One acre, hi mile from Electric station; 2-3 under cnltivation; graveled road; place all fenced: 2-3 acre in potatoes; gaa and electric lights there. Price $t60; $260 cash, balance $20 month. 6 per cent ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY -Nearly 8 acres, on nsved road, vsith 5 acres in loganberries, some fruit trees, bal- ' ance In fir timber; H' mile to town, sta- tion and echool; best of loam soil; city wa ter can be had. The berries are contracted, until 1925 at $90 per ton. Offered at a ' real bargain, $4000; large cash payment ' JOHN FERGUSON,- Qerlinger Bldg.. Realtor Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast ' - Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. , Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. $800 DOWN 187x462 OREGON CITY CAR Nearly 2 acres, at Concord station, an cleared, fenced with woven wire, wonderful view, gaa, electricity, 2 blocks to school. Total price only $1500, very easy monthly terms, 6? Interest exceptional value for quick sale. I. "Is. HARTMAN COMPANY, Branch Office 46th and Sandy blvd. ' Tabor 252. Eveninga E. 6062. . OWNER WILL CONSIDER SOME"TBADrf ON THIS FINE FARM 128 acres,' near Cathlamet Wash., all bottom land, does not overflow, over 60 acres In hay crop, good 9 room house with modem plumbing, fine bam. will accommodate 88 bead of cowa and hold 100 tons of hay; other outbuildings, sll painted and in good condition; full set of tools and machinery but no stock; joins a good gravel road in a nice community, close to high and graded school : price for everything Is $18,000; owner will take small down payment and give long term of years on the balance, or will con aider a house here in Portland as first payment Thia is an opportunity that does not appear often. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $100 DO'vVjj $100 DOWN OWN YOUR OWN SUBURBAN HOME These beautiful one acre tracts, with city water, electricity, gas. phone, located in tbe close-in. fast-growing Eaat Side, out tbe bard-surfaced Powell Valley road. Lies level, with excellent view snd plesaant surroundings. ONLY ONE HUNDRED IHJWN, balance easy monthly pay ments, MOVE OUT AND SAVE YOUR KENT! Price $760. Act quickly, as we bare only a few left Phone or come and we will take you out in one of our 80 autoe. always ready at your service. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with , FRANK L. McGUIBE, 205 Abington Bldg., Main 1068. THrrd St., bet. Wash, and Stark. '..." ! : ACREAGE SNAP " " " 1 mile north of Beaverton. hi mile to station, 23 min. by auto to 5tb and Washington. 7 miles out - $200 per acre, 42 acres. -Over half cultivated. AH smooth and pro ductive land. Fine rock road snd highway. Adjoining land $400 and $300 per acre. Very essy terms, and will take 7-room house la re stricted district to $7600. GEO. E. ENGLEHABT. Broadway 6173. 624 Henry Bldg.' 40 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED Located 4 miles from La center. Wash., on a main road, more than half In cultivation, crops aU in and looking fine, all balance in good pas ture, land la almost level, vary good 6 room house, bsrn and outbuildings, fsmily orchard, with thia goes 8 cows, team arid lot of chickens, some farm implements and t tools, all for $6500, if taken at .once. STEWART tt JOHNSON, , " ' 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I ', SMALL FARMS NEAR COLUMBIA LAKE" Tracts of 20 to SO acres of logged-off land, plenty of water, good soil, no brush; land slightly rolling; good roads best of trarMporta tion, close to store and postoffice. Price only $30 per sere on easy terms. A chance to own your own home where you can make an inde pendent laving. Ask ui to show you. Johnson-Dodson Co. 6SS N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD ACRES Unsurpassed homesites on Terwilliger boule vard, bow offered for ssls in trscta of five or more acres; you may have yoor choice of wooded tracts or cleared, with unexcelled views of- the city, rivers and mountains. This is the cheapest acreage offered in the city and on very easy terms. It F. vBryan, 609 Chamber, of Com- ... t.1.4 ' ON THE BASK LINE BOAD Almost 2 hi acres, partly in cultivation, with some fir with a nice fir grove, practically all level; price $1000. $200 cash, $12.50 monthly. ' r" 1 unamoer or commerce nieig. - - LET ME SHOW YOU Close- in ' seres, half acres, eity water, tie gravel or assestanenta. ; Beautiful view snow capped peaks aar Columbia river gorge. Alberta ear; $10 payment. R W. Carey, 1219 N. W. nana nrag. main ins a. 0 ACRE splendid land. 1 miles from Port- -land, near highway at MlddJeton; 3 acres cleared,; balance timber and pasture; water sys tem by ram: 3 room bouse, bam, chicken bouse. A bargain at $200O. terms. 420 Henry, bldg. I'Rone Broadway b4P. 6 ACRES with orchard and 5 room house, on g-aveied road, I rice $5000 and terms. . ' Also 8 scree with 3 room house, on good road. Price $4200. Terms. - P. J. O'CONNOR, -Aut 626-75. 02d and Woodstock ave. M S ear. 80 ACRES It Mn.ES OUt " "" 20 acres in crop, on rocked road, 2 at reams, berry opportunity, $3860. , - J. C. .CPKHIN. Lewts Bldg.. Realtors, FOB SALE 2 acres, between Bryant and . Tualatin, Or., walking distance of Oswego lake; some buildings. Pncs $1600. P. O. Bos 78, Tusiaurt, tr. FOR acreages, suburban homee, farms, timber lands or unimproved property, see Geo. T. Parry, Miiwaukie, Or. Pliotie 19. Milwaokie. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 I AM the owner of the following tracts of acreage and am ottering every piece at an exceptional bargain as I must nnloed: 1 acre in Clackamas countv, south of Multnomah station, with small 2 room hmie $ $50 B acres of chos-e gardening land with 6 room bungalow, large bam and other improvements. facing im proved road on North Beech, 1 . blocks from Cranberry station. .. .$1750 10 acres 'in tbe Hood River valley, planted to trult trerw; only 7 miles from tbe town of Hood River. ...$ 600 20 seres in Washington county, near postoffioe of lAureL between llilis boro and Newberg; sightly land... $1300 25.82 acres, 2 hi miles from the town of Kelso, in Cowlits county. Waali - kngton , $ 650 40 acres m Yamhill county, near Meadow Lake, unimproved land, . . $ 8.10 40 acres In Clarke county, Washing ton, with heavy sta mi of fin-t growth timber,- assessed for over million feet - $ 65A 80 acres in Yamhill county, near Wuismina on the line of the new coast railroad ..................$ 700 I will be glad to give you particulars oa applies lion at my office, 404 PLATT BLDG., 127 Tark st $2.-t 1MUN $7. to MONTHLY , -A splendid 1-aorw tract, good soil, small creek, fin. for chickens, hemes and frnlt, 1 W miles from city limits; total price $275. We have only 20 tracts in thia platting left snms aa lares as 6 acres snd proportionately on the same terms. Get in on the ground floor. . 782 Chamher of Commerce l.uig. 25CrUWtiHORT" WA Yb"OUniOF RKEDV1LLK 23 acres in cultivation and all in crop. "fin. family orchard, good 6 room bouse, barn, ehl. eo house Just completed, cost $40O good cow. 1 horse, 140 hens, several hundred small rhliks, some turkeys; everything goes for $7000, half cash. This is on a good road about 15 miles from Portland. ' STEWART JOHN SON. $16 Northwestern Bank Bldg. , i. TWO AC 'IRES Two- block-f com-city TiiiiffsT'ail in strawberries and raspbtfrriea, small' house, gas, crty water, $2400, a bargain, easy terms. Aut. 623-20. SUBURBAN HOMES 40G" BETWEEN tJRESHAM AND PORTLAWD 1 - acre, all in borriea and 1 5 liearing fruit trees, 2 blocks to electro sts tion. manadamiked road, 0 room ' house, barn, chicken house. Lots ot shrubbery. Cow, chickens, furniture snd wood enough for over 2 years, included at $3500, $1000 cash, Insiiected by Hunter. PARK BOSE BARGAIN. 2 acres, 7 blocks from ear, 8 blocks to school. All under culMvaUon. Brat of soil. 800 berry plants. City water, CaS in house and lighls 200 feet from place. 8 room bouse, chicken house. Good bark', porch ready to screen for sleeping in h. Place well finished imMc Prioe $L'750, with chickens. Reasonable cash payment FRUIT TREES AND BERRIES Acre tracts, on iwved street with aide , Walks and paving hi and rent Oter ."'( bearing fruit trees in fine aliape on earn tract- Ixt of berrtea. This is the best of soil, with good income from the fruit Alberta district1 . Also half acre tracts In fruit $300 cash, balsuoe monthly ir tuents, 0 per oejit Personally Inspected. J0HJT, FERGUSON, Qerlinger Bldg., -Realtor ' Over 800 small places near Portlami. Get our extensive classified lists. SUBURBAN HOMES 1 acre eitra choice black land. 6 mem bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kiti-hso, garage, . bam, chitken house, wire fencing. 3 hlkn. ry. sta.. store, church, scbouL $2100, $750 cash, bal. easy. 12 hi -aerea in crops, rinse to rf sta. 3 room bouse, barn, good road. $5300, Including crops, cow and tools. Red catline. Terms. 7 acre eholee black level land, running water. 7 room house, bam and outbuild ings. 2 good cowa, 2 hogs, few cUUkeua, tools. $8500. good terms. '2 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit, ber ries and grapes. 4 room cottage, otitbMrs. 8 blks. car, Oregon City line. $U0ui), good terms -i K. M. (JATEW0OD CO., 103' 4th at. MODERN 4 -room bungalow, close to Mnlt nomab station, with 2 large lots, eaoh 60x105. A choice little property asnong tbe trees and only a short distance iroiu Multnomah station; $2200. on essy terms. This is the best buy In the (list rut Don't fail to look It up If interested In a small modern home near Multnomah. BEN KIESIND, exclusive Bales agent 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park at $000 Pretty homelike place, 100s 100 comer with 51 fruit trees, strawberries and raspberries, chicken bouse and park, rabbit pens, lawn and flowers, garden all in tilce 5 room bungalow newly tinted, gas, bath, built-ina, 7 blocks to car; only $2900, $1600 casb. bal. $25 monthly including 64b Int 27 E. 91st st, cor. Ash. Tabor 9340. HOME AND THIt EE ACIIKH Three seres of fine land, sll under cultiva tion; fruit trees, berry patch, chicken house, brooder house, electricity, gas, all fine modern 8 room house; right on carline; 7 miles east of Portland. Bargain for $7000, $2000 rash. Will give you immediate) posse, sion. Call 311 I'suama bldg., comer 8d and Aioer. A FORCED SALil One-acre home.. $400 down. This Is a lovely place, 1 block to rr and pavement, fruit flow-, era, lawn, fine shrubbery, 6 nice clean, well ar ranged rooms; gas, electrie lights; vacant: res of to move in. Fine neighborhood. A good, full sere snd all for $3075. Come and see owner. J. F. Zubu. 1827 East Flanders. Bit, "BARGAIN rhh-k7u7 garden, fruit rsrieli, 3 acres, creek, 7 room bouse, bam. $1800. Worth double. House inaured $1000. Adjoin. ring $ acres just sold for $2400. School, rail way station, auto roadf 30 minutes from Mom- 5 nmery Ward's. Owner, 819 By. Exch. Bidg. Isin 675. Res. East 7688. RIVER FRONTAGE 4 acres st Rock Spur, this side Oswego, 7 miles out; 6 room bungslonv, large living room with fireplace, furnace, also 3 room btSngs Uw, ereek; $9000. Easy terms. J. ft CORB1.V CO., Lewis Bldg.. Realtors. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 8 room modern bungalow snd 2 chutue seres, cultivated, close to U-O oar, at 72d. Owner leaving, sacrifice, roti . cash and might take car for part. Owner, Wdln, 1988. 5 ROOM house, hi t acre lotsof fruit, garden in; gas. electricity. Bull Run water and lampoons in. uim ana cnicsen liouse, on bant road, 10 min. walk from station. Take good light car as part of first payment. Main 2004 COTTUY"Loriie for auto a. first "pay mentTTsI ance two years. No Fords considered. Law rence Perry, Keiao, Wash. FARMS 407 FOR SALE 180 acres of dairy and tnnt rani It in Clarke county, black rich " II, 20 miles from Vancouver on N. P. B. B., 35 seres in cultivation, 20 acres in osta. 4 aires In frnlt 4 scree in corn, beans, potatoes, rom. timothy snd clover. 89 aeies in pasture land with t of timber, 10.000 cords of wood, i large springs and 2 good wells. Cream house and separator, krge barn 68i60, 6 room bouse with large porch, chicken house, well hour, no. AU fann ing tools to run place. One buggy, one double spring wagon, one two-horse farm wagon, one buggy horse, one span of horse, 10 hogs, 2 6 bead of milk eows and beifers, 1 8 to freshen. 2 bulls, 75 chickens, 15 gee., 25 ducks, bouse furnished complete. Everything goe at the price st $9000: will give terms. Write owner, J. K. Bu'tner, Hi-on, Wash. SPLENDID BARGAIN Dairy farm of 40 acres, 1 0 acres In . crop, garden, 66 bearing fruit trees; on blghwrV. R. F, D. snd milk route; 6 miles to Ele ( reek. Estacada car; 6 room bouse, telephone. 2 bams, other onlhuiidlngs ; 8 acres slashed, Jots of out fange: what Stock and farm implements left goes with place; good soil. Reasonable cash offer will be accepted. Owner. Route 1, Bos BZ, Eagle Creek, Or. BARGAIN IN DAIRT RANCH 160 ae. dairy ranch, complete to the bed. 25 hd. cattle, wagons, fsrm tools, blscksmith shop, separator. Good house, 8 barns. Creek on place. Family orchard. $2500 -casb, $1000, S rrs. M, C. PETERSON. 8 27 Henry bMg. SALE 80 acre sifsil. ranch. 4 0 snded. f-8 acre water riirht Good improvements, good poul try business; stock included, price $7000 ; cash $8000, balance easy terms. No trade. Owner. J ames IT. I.ovett, Red morid. fie. Knot. A. NOTICE"" . Before buying your farm do not fait to sc. me, as 1 have the choteest places In Tiihmook Co. M. C. Peterson. 827 Henry bMg. BARGAIN- Widow ..has to sell 40 seres, 1 -s miles to town. Washington ., IS cultivated. House, bam, ereek, spring, timber, $1600, easy terms. Dubois, bus ripaifling oing. 160 ACREd, Morrow county, Orcgun, 3.500,000 feet yellow pins; osh or terms. C. T. Ztrkie. 211 8d at ; FOR MALE Ranch I60 acre., by owner. For particular wrile Hardy '-n, Goldsm, Or. tCentlnuetf on Following Paeai