16 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAJL. PORTLAND, OREGON WEDNESDAY. MAY 25, 1921. FINAL REHEARSALS FOR PAGEANT HELD Vancouver, Wash., May 25. Final rehearsals are being held for the pageant depicting the history of Van- coirver, which will be given Friday : afternoon by the school children of Vancouver. Dances and music will be special fea tures of the pageant and after the parade . the dances will be repeated in the Es- ' ther Short park. The following line of march has been J announced. Form on Thirteenth street - west of Main and on Kleventh street east ' of Main, march down Main street to Fourth, on Fourth west to Washing-ton, "'up. 'Washington to Kleventh, west on Kleventh to Columbia and down Colum bia to the Kather Short park at Eighth street. . . An added feature of the pageant will be the evolution of the Providence acad emy from the establishment of the first Catholic mission, which will be por trayed by the academy pupils The first . opening of the Bchooi in a little gray house In 1856 will be shown. .A larger building was then erected and the old building formed a part of the . old St. James mission. A. second mlnl 'ature building will show the academy of . 1870. in whU-h were enrolled about 100 pupils. A Uiird building will show Prov idence academy as it is today, with an enrollment of 417 pupils. ; .Other special features and stunts are .being? planned by pupils from the high school. The -students themselves will arrange this feature of the parade and it' is said stunts are being planned in tribute to the work being done in the Interest of the selection of llayden is land as the site for the fair by Clement Scott, W. S. Short and Mayor John P. Kiggins. Schoolhouse Fire Is Extinguished by Pupils' Assistance Kldgefielrt. Wash., May 23. Fire broke out on the belfry of the Pioneer school house, about five miles east of here Mon day afternoon, but was put out before much damage resulted. Sparks from the chimney caused the fire, it is said. The prompt and efficient work of the .,. school children and farmers close by saved the building. The commencement exercises of the . Ridgefield high school will be held Fri day evening at 8 o'clock at the high school auditorium. The program will in clude an invocation by the Rev. Oeorge V. McOlure of the Community church here, and the annual address " by Ben Hcoveli of Portland. Henry Tetz will be saJntatorian and Wlnnlfred Katch, valedictorian. Dr. Ralph S. Stryker, .chairman of the Ridgefield school board, 'will present diplomas. - The class cflm- prises Audrey Stevenson, Winnifred Katch, Dorothy Weber, Clifford Shobert, Oeorge Kdmonds. Harold Brown. Alden Potter, Arthur Buker and Henry Tetz. Wells Armstrong post. American Legion of Ridgefield, will have charge or the Memorial day observance. A speaker will be secured from Vancouver. New Oil Tanker Is Delivered to Owner Vancouver. Wash.. May 15. The Al bertolite, 12.000-ton oil tanker construct ed by the G. M. Standifer corporation " for the Imperial OH company of Toronto, wai delivered to her owners today. The vessel was taken on a successful trial trip Saturday. Although work at the yards was finished last week, a small crew of men has been kept this week to 'clean up the yards and oil the machin- ery. BUILDING PERMITS tperstions of f 1000 and oyer: fi. K. Rastall. erect residence, 1110 Wood stock are., bet. E. 36th and K. 38th; builder. H. Hanghner; $2800. A. H. Stafford, erect residence. 707 E. 46th, bet Klickitat and Siskiyou; builder, same as owner: 3300. - i. J. Bergman. -erect residence. 321 E. 60th, a iIr,et nd Mill; buihier. same as owner; 3000. . L. R. Ober. erect residence. 685 E. 18th. bet. Siskiyou and Klickitat; builder, same as owner; $4000. t Paul Tothv erect residence. 41 E. 31st, bet Pine and Stark; builder, same as owner; $4000. Shell Company of California, erect filling sta tion. 240 Alain, bet. 2d and 3d; builder, same as owner; ilJOO. . Roy Janin, erect residence. 734 E. 67th, be Fremont and Klickitat; builder. Smith i'For tune; M0OO. . - Emma Hilderbrandt, erect residence. 1036 -Hassalo, bet. Peerless Viae and Imperial; burider, J. AV. aicFadden Building company ; M. F. Holman. erect carase, 816 Mississippi are., bet. Shaer and Failing; builder, laris Building company; $8000. -)tto; Starker, erect residence. 1 1 56 E. 33d bet Killings worth and Jarrelt; builder.' same as owner; $250O. James P. Bakkanson. erect residence. 1291 E 31st. bet Ainsworth and Holman; builder aame aa owner; $3000. ' James Johnson, repair residence, 670 E Madison, bet 18th and lth; builder, same aa owner: $4000. -. iJ? M. Fowler, erect residence. 279 E. 52d bet Multnomah and Wasco; builder, same as owner; Carl Fritler. erect residence. 764 Garfield are. owner- $o'ond 'retnont-i builder, same as i ?s KMinni? . S' nnd'r"' eTect "" residence, 138S Ghsan. bet. 49U and 60th; builder C S Newberry; $3500. . " ZJitaJ Statistics 712 arrives. Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES John P. Lynch, legal. 376 E. Ankeny. and Bita Jones, legal. 878 E. Ankeny. ". a'wilS- 22.bicityn- ' and Marjorie aer"!legaJ.aci,r7.' n1 M"tb Schwel- Francis V. Kruse. legal, Osweto, Or..- and .ts U Kidd. legal. 723 Hood st. r c: r r bivt trs. A K IB V IQ rriVi i W O. SMITH A- CO. oil xortin Bidg. BIRTHS FAIRF1KIJ) To Mr. and Mrs. S. Fairfieldl 67S Emerson. May 23, a daughter. MOM.AKI To Mr. and Mrs. 3. O. MoDard , B212- 2Sth, May 13, a daughter. 1,1' N; To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lung. 73 U V 4th. "May 23. a daughter. L1NOSTROM To Mr" and Mrs. 8. Lindstrom 2025 E, Taylor. May 19, a son. REDDING To Mr and Mrs. E. E. Bedding - Piler Lake, Wash.. May 18. a son. WELL8 To Mr. and Mrs, William A. Wells. 45S E. trisy. May 21. a eon. CA KB. To Mr. and Mrs. J. Carr, Linnton. Or.. May 20 a son. LAW RES CE To Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence, 88 E. 28th, May 19, a son. . NORTH To Mr. and Mm. N. North, 4719 6 1st. -May 17. a son. TAl'GHN To Mr. and Mi.' a Vaughn. 2229 K. filisan May 20, a daughter. " MORISH -To Mr. an Mrs. B. L, Morish, 8t Hena. Or.. May 18, a danghter. v V ELDER To Mr. and Mrs. Iran Elder. S804 46th. May. 18, a son. , . riERRF. To Mr. and Mrs. P. J. -Pierre, 1485 S. 15 th. Maj 18. a daughter. BIRTHS HA YS -To Mr. and Mrs. M. I Hays, 755 K. Oak. May 22. a daughter. BAND ALL To Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Randall. 710 K. Broadway. May 22 a son. DEATHS SWAXSOX Curl P. Swaiuon. St. Vincents hospital. May 23, 57 years, general peritonitis. FAIHl HII.D Asa A. Fairchild, 1180 Williams, May 21, 68 year, arterio Kctei. DeWITT Jennie DeWitt, 833 J 4th. May 20. 74 years, accidental draw nine." CELLAGE Charles i. Vellage, 547 Kerby, ' May 22. 66 years, cardiac inefficiency. BREXSLER Hugh C. Brevier, Kmerttncr hos pital. May 23, 65 yean, fraetare of stall. McKLNNKY David L. McKinney, St. Vincent hospital. May 22, 48 years, acute dilatation erf heart. '' -. - NIEDT Martha Niedt, 1117. E. Madison, Hay 22. 70 years, peritonitis. ; BROWN Isabel K. Brown. 146 K. 47 th, May 22, 76 years, apoplexy- NEW TODAY SO NEW RUGS Bawoven from eld can.-t save on ball oat of ordinary carpet. Our fluff ruga ara velvety, durable and artiaOO. Guaranteed to wear. - , . FLUFF RUGS NORTHWEST RUG CO. The oldest and beat equipped factry. Fluff and rma man woven all sizes; car pets refitted;.; 9i 1-2 rugs steam clar-ossi. $1.60 Wa call for and deliver. ICS C Eighth 8L Phono start S6.9 OWN YOUR OWI) HOME THIS 4-ROOM HOME BUILT COMPLETE 8125 riaB-if ... PORTABLE HOUSES HBO UP ' OARAOES $45 UP MILL-MADE CONSTRUCTION CO. Phona woodlawn 2413 Factory Foot of Williams Ave. OWN YOUR OWN HOME FLUFF RUGS froas old earpeta. woolen clothing, rag tugs, all alses; com. try mail orders glsea prompt attention; pillows renoTatad. Send tor booklet. Carpet Cleaning Largest, finest ecjuliqied carpet cleaning, rafittuaj works is state of Oregon. Separata Plants: CARPET OLEANINO BRANCH 1072 B. Lincoln St zl2 Kugs Steam Cleaned S1.B0 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 54-60 TJKION AYS. M. Bast 6S10 2S7-07 Ka 60SS 1 Sectional Houses and Garace MADE TO K.NDUBG InTeatlg-atc Free Catalog-aa Redlmadw Bldgr. Co Portland, Or'. R. llth and Market Phone J 5114 West Side Office. 800 Lewis) Building;. Fourth and Oak Phone Bdwy. 4335 aalaarooaas Waal Fait ia XasakUl At 10 A. M. Tomorrow ' FLUFF RUBS I. Made From AC LXa of Old Carpets Ona 6x10 Fluff Ru ........ . $16.06 One 8a Fluff Rug 4.00 OREGON FLUFF RUS CO. IIH E. Stark Su Tabor 7814 SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS Notice Is hereby given that sealed nrnnnaali will be received until- the 24th day of June A. !.. 1921, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon, for the purchase of fifteen thousand dol lars worth of bund of the K dutrict of KlarrmUi county. Or. Said bonds are to draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually upon the first day of July and the nr-t day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals -will be received by the board of directors of rekl irrigation district, and should be directed to the secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District, care of Fred D. Fletcher. Lonrais building, Klamath Falls, Or. The board bf directors reserve the right to reejet any or all bids offered. . G. J. HILTARD. , Secretary of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation Instrict " WE OFFER lor sale a select lot of ladies waists, camisoles and dresses, and a tew Japanese silk lamp shades, the inventory of which i $8000. Inventory may be inspected at the office of the undersigned. Will consider sealed bids accompanied by certified check lor 10 per cent of amount of bid, Wa reserve right to reject or accept any or ail bids. This stock may be bought in parcels. Will close bid May 16. The Adjustment Bureau of the Port land Association - of Credit Men. 641 Pittock L,ock. Portland. Or. i MEETING NOTICES 102 KENTON LODGE NO. 145. A. r . A. M. Special commnni enUon tomorrow (Thursday!. May 26. Work in F. C. degree com mencing at 7 p. m. Visitors wel come. By order of W. M. H. B. HKAbLKr. Seev SLNN YSIDE LOIKJE NO. 163. A. F. & A. M. Stated com munication this Thursday. May 20,: 7:30 p. m. Important busi ness. Temple 3tth and Hawthorne, isitors welcome. By order W M C. P. JENSEN. Secy. MEETS every Wednesday night 8 o'clock. 912 H HABMrTsrV " ;jl"m" ,,,eJ Oi broth- - iL Vv. ' welcome. n i HAlT.T. flwe. SAJUK1TAS LODGE NO 2. L O. O. F.. meets every Wednes- loWH temnl ' ' C , i .1 ' , , y . st. ne porta of grand hrLirieCfte and eltion or officers. TkUSng brothers always welcome GEO H VflT-V,' nr r JESSE T. JONKS. Bee Sec. PORTLAND TENT No. i. thk MACCABEES. t, ever, V1?, .1 -n Uaccabeo third floor 8ning-Hirsch building. 886 Washington st. natona; Sir Knights always v. VICTOR V CHAPTER NO. 130. O. . 8. Stated communication Thursday evening. May 26 8 o'clock.. Business. Visitors welcome. Archer Place. Mt Srott. car. W1LSOS. gecy 1 1 , , yvvji . OPNRFnTR.kV MPKOVEDORDER ,tk L , ' Regular council tomorrow iJ,VSU)a.eTtnmei 8 O'elock, at W. O. W. hall East Sixth and East Alder streets. Degree "7K 00 Ure . Members attend. Visiting brothers welcome U B. SMITH, C. of R. EMBLEM Ji-WLLKT stecialty. buttons. pin7 - charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-133 th at my.:-- 4J wia taV 102 SUPREME TEMPLE OF D4CGH- fw E Tt il. . i rr 11 1 ,-ti n :., , . - iDbo ur i fir. 1 1 .r. muaoiu t- VJX annual meeting Thursday and Fri I xrwS day at Pythian temple. Ball for v4iVyy delegates and members at Cotillion , HfciT " Tlrnraaay evening. 8 o clock. W Admittance by membership card. Friday 1 :30 p. m. Nyd:a temple will bold cere monial for Initiating. .. Order of queen. ; ADDA CELLARS, Bee. COLUMBIA Lodge, JNo. 114. A. F. and A. M Kiwii 1 rntnmunica- A - tion tomorrow Thursday .after- (J Ynoon at 4:30 o'clock. Labor in the X M. M. dxm. AfZ-Xa nVlnk lha degiee team, composed of master Masons, from the P. B. U c P. Co. will confer the degree upon a co-employe. 'tailing oreuiren always welcome. By order W-. M. FRED U OLSON. Secretary. MACCABEK SPELLING BEE Tomorrow (Thursday) evening. 8:30. at Maorahee hall. 880 h Washington L Knights of No. 1, including Judges Morrow, . Gatens. lfeicli and other notables, and la dies of Jio. 7. Prof. T. T. Dans. snellnunter. Great fun in store. 3-piece union oreitestra for dancing at 10. All free. Every- body invited. ENTERTAINMENT COM. TEXT NO. 1. . tGOr. STAB LOlKiK XI. 21, I. O. 4fi-Z O. F meet Tluirsday night. 7 o'clorg, at tuieis nau, ii 7i idSi killmnwonh aye., orm. tne car barns. Visiting brethren welcome, - VVork in the second Slid third aegree. ana riocuun " ticen for the em-uing term. . HA RUT WRI".HT. Noble Grand. -('HAS. F. LATHROP. Vice Grand. VM K. 8Tl: HBM., Rw. Sec. iviIPT iiim;k NO 17. I. mt-tlT t.Q ' o O. V.- Itegular meeting j "i(zyp iki. ' iuiuIiumkV erenine at 8 o'clock. K. th and .. .17 Alder rta. ; 1st decree. . Visit ing brother cordially welcomed. A K I'KAKK, i S. O. Hi ' A. STARK. Secretary. "KASf" GATE LODGE. No. 155. A.sF. e A. W., r.al sum anu ,;iissn streeU. .Special eommunica tion Thursdsy evenrng. F. C Ie gree. 7 p. ra.. and work in the M. M. decree. I:ao p. m. isii- ng brethren welcome. By order of the W., M. C. T. NEUSOS. Secretary. "WAVERLT Lodge. IT. P., A. V. and A. M 8ne"ial communica tion will be hrld at Wavcrly hall. Eai-t Twenty-sixth and Clinton streets. 7 :3 I', m . Thursdsy, May 26. Work in M. M. degree. Visit ing brethren wrlcwne. By order H. E. MILLER, Seey. THE Masters. Wardens and Past Masters association will meet this Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the Acacia club. Multnomah hotel. A full attendance is de sired. Entertaining speakers will ba present By order of the presi LESL1E S. PARKER, ' Secretary. dent WASHINGTON I)X;E NO. 4. A. Ff AND A. M. Special commun-ation tomorrow (Thurs day) evening. 5 o'clock and 7 :30, E. 8 th and Burnside: F. V. de gree. Visitor welcome. Order J. II. RIPHMOSIV s" W. M. l'Af.ESTINE LODtiK 141, A. F. AND A. M.Special communi cation Wed., May 25. 7 o'clock. M. M. degree. VLtiting brethrei. welcome. Archer Place, Mt. Scott car. Be order W. M. W. 8. TOWNSEND, Seey. ( BKCl'LAR meeting Minerva lodge AT v ,a i , . i , L '1' k .. .i VrV May 2. 1921. 8 o'clock. lrt and Alder sts. Initiation. Visitors welcome. '. V. BERJEN. N ti. -FRED S. W1LHELM. Sec. ii- - - -' v.. . .-. 1 . ... ... ... uuiuaj. CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to express our thanks and apprecia tion to the i. A. R. ; tirneral t'ompson post No. 22. Sons of Veterans: Porter circle. Daughters of Veterans; A. . Cotnpson Relief corps and thp many other friends for their kind expression of sympathy and beantiful floral offerings during the illness and death of our father. F. D. Hen dershott. L. W. Hendershott and L. J. llender shott. . WE WISH to express our deep gratitude to our many friends for all their kindness and beau tiful floral offerings during the illness and death of . our beloved husband and father. Chas. J. Vellage. Mrs. Elizabeth VeUage. Mrs. David Beeson. DEATH NOTICES 103 RAZE At his late residence. 505 Ivon St., James Frankljn Raze, aged 81 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. 4. E.-Raze. Funeral notice later. Remains at P. L, Lerch funeral parlors, K. llth and nay. BLAM'HARD May 23. at Boise, Idaho, Capt. L. D. Blanchard. aged 38 years. The remains are at Finley s mortuary. Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 SWANSON May 23. 1921. St Vincent hos pital. Car! Perry Swanaon. aged 57 years, beloved husband of Marie Swartson. late of 791 East 90th st 8.. beloved son of Mrs. EL-ta Swenson. brother of Oscar S. Swenson, both of Multnomah, Or.; brother of Mrs. Han nah Gmtaison, Kock Island, III., and Nels Swen lon of Minneapolis, Minn. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday. May 2. at 2:30 p. m.. at tlie Augustana Lutheran church, corner of Rodney ave. -and Stanton st Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Oregon Fir camp No. 6085. M. W. of A. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell at I'nion. 8ALTMARSH The funeral services of the late Louis O. Saltmarsh, aged 51 years 9 mos. 10 days, .who died in this city May 23. 1921, will be held tomorrow I Thursday) at 2:30 p. m.. under auspices of Anchor Council No. 74ft. Se curity Benefit association, from . the Skewes chapel, cor. 8d and lay. He was also a tnem- ter oi tne K. of P. lodge and Eagles lodge. Friends and members of above orders invited. Interment. Ro- City cemetery. GOETTEN May 23. at the lamily residence. 760 East llth st south. William, aged 67 years, beloved husband of Bertha Uoetten, lov ing father of Mrs. J. C. Somersett of Berkeley, Cal.; William Jr.. Max. Paul. Walter. Bertha and. Mrs F. J. Carpenter of Oils city. The funeral service will be held Thursdsy, May 26. at 2:30 o'clock, at Finley s, Montgomery at 6th. Friends and acquaintances invited. Concluding service, Riverview cemetery. STRUBLE In this city. May 23, 1921. Frank Huber Rtruble. aped 38 years, beloved hus band of Hazel Struble, - son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeorge Struble, father of Doris Struble and brother of Leolo, Verne. Omar, Merle Struble and grandson of Mrs. Martha Chance of Port land. Funeral services will be held at Holman'a chapel. Third and Salmon streets. Thursday, May 26. at 1:30 p. m. Interment at River view cemetery. CO;AN In this city. May 23. 1921, John M. Cogan, aged 52 years, beloved husband of Cecelia C. Cogan and father of Vincent Coean of Portland; also survived by two sisters and one brother in the East The funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Miller & Tracey Friday. May 27. at 9:13 a. m.. thence to St. Marys cathedral. 1 5th and Davis, where mass will be offered at 9 :30 a. m. Interment Mt Calvary cemetery. URUSSL Ia this city. May 23, 1921, Armella C. Grawi, aged 32 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Grussi and sister 'of Wil lis ra H. and Albert E. Orussi, both of Portland. The funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Miller A Tracey Friday. May 27, at 9:13 a. m.. thence to St Marys cathedral. 15th and Davis ati., where mass will. be offered at 9:30 a. 'm. Interment in Mt. Calvary cemetery. RIGOS At North Bend. May 22. William W. Riggs, aged 42 years, son of Mrs. T. M. Riggs of 5-196 85th st. S. E. ' The funeral services will be held Thursday. May 26, at 2:30 p. ra., in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthv & Co.. 5802-04 2d st. H V. in Lents. Friends invited. Interment, Mt. Scott arg cemetery. . POWELL In this city. May 19. 1921, Michael Powell, aged 49 years, beloved hus band of Ellen Powell ; father of Mrs. Ellen Scott of Chehaiia, Wash., and William Powell of Seattle. Wash. Funeral services . will be held Thursday, May 26. at 2 p. ra., 'at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. KKl'UEU In this city. May 23, William C. Kruger. aged 43 years. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 Last Alder street Thursday, May 26. at 10 a. m. Friends invited. Remains will be forwarded to Moaier, Or., for interment. LAN E The funeral services for Howard I. I-ane. late of Fort Bayard, N. M.. will be held Saturday. May 28. at 2:30 p. ra.. at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at Fifth. ' Frienda invited. Concluding serf ice, Mt Scott ceme tery. TONAR Funeral services of the late Prank Tonar. aged 83 years, will be held tomorrow (Thursday). May 26, at 1 p. mC. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy 6c Co.. 58W2-04 Ninety-second street S. E.. in Lent. , Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. BLANCHAED The funeral services of Captain Lowell D. Blanchard will be held Thursday at 2 o'clock at the Methodist church in Oregon City. BnriaJ in Mt Scott cemetery. Portland. Friends invited and all anembera of . the old Third Oregon. Military funeral. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 McENTEE EILERM. runeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 1 6tb and Everett ata.- t mure iuihii way ,io v aqc szi-flfl Bree2e&SnookT.0tt2lmB-'2t54S: A, K. Zeller Co. pbo..wEmi, QUoivoR UNDERTAKING CO. Mai 415J 43KCWC3 A-232L Corner Third and Clay. MEETING NOTICES W. M. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 ebyaw);holmm I WALTER J. HOLMAMi rtlBD AD SALMON ' MAIN 607 East Side Funeral Directors F. 8. DCSNINO, MfC The Family Sets the Price."" 414 E. Alder ft. Phone East $3 Lerch, Unaertakjer EAST ELEVENTH AND BAWTHOHNE PHONE EAST 781 punning & McEntee Morrison st at 12th. Broadway 430 Ant B45-S8. CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors - - ' ' ' ATI the Conveniences of a- Home Woodlawn 83QI. 248-20 KilHng-worth tn. R T. BYRNES MS! 01 Williams ave Wood lawn 220. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH MAIN 9 DOWNING Jc aAcNEMAK A 'tmelike pUcc Moderate in price. lrvington Cm.-tt. , Phone Eat 54 MILLER it 'cRACfci, Independent funeral di rectors. Prices as low is 320, 340, $00 Washington at Ella Main 8691. A-7885. MONUMENTS 106 FREY-FREtHEIT CO. MARBLE ANi liKAXlTE Mll.VPMli.NTS 1141 MILWAUKIE STREET Out of tlie High Rent District Nl'FF SlvD. i - - -- OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS 1 QCALTTY MEMOOIALS E. THIRD JL PINE STS PHONE E.743 j FLORISTS 107 lARfiEST RETAIL FlCrllSTWKSrVTlIP CRA2SE ACCODUTSSOUCrrET) 2 STOHES 32SMOBlUSOHSt. 34-8 M0W2.TSOH ST. rOBTLnND XOThL 6ET. DOT 1 TAWt WikV.. ' 753 MAIL. Z57 Personal attention given ved iing. reception, tea and table decorations. Floral tributes promptly attended to. SWETLANI 'S FLOWER SHOP. Morrison st. bet.- 3d sod 4th. Tel. Main 41. And Floral Designs SS Large Hothouses. No Branch bursa. Xa Veara on Murnsoa at between 4th and 6UL I el. Main 770. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressiva Florist" flowers for All Occasions. Main 7111! T. C LURE. Mgr. . 6th and Alder. Japanese Flower Shop I-nm-an 1 . 1 .11 1. ; l t . . l . .11.cn ana plants, ana ail Kmns or vegetable plants. 191 Third st bet Taylor and Yamhill. JOHN NAl'P & SONS. FLORISTS South First and Bancroft sts.. biding plants tanging baskets, vase- arid windo-v boxte filied lea cnab'e. Phone Aut. 1 837-85. SABTIN ft FORBES fiorisU. 354 Wash' ingtOB. Main 269. A 1269. Flowers fog aJJ occasions srti'ticaCy arranged. PpftnlA't? FLORAL 8HOP iJIC Sr 245 Alder. Marshall 6922. r,BMirvBI N- W. Bank Bidg. VMUpH 13 6116 331 Morrison LOST AND FOUND 10S THE following articles were found on the cars of the P. It., L. &. P. Co.. May 23: 9 packages. 3 lunch boxes, fountain pen and Eversharp pencil,- locket, il suit case, 1 hand bag, 4 pairs' and 2 single gloves, 3 books. 2 letters, battery, scarf, coat, slippers, key. milk can, horn, hatchet, 2 flags, election notices. Owners may obtain same I upon proper identifi cation at First and Alder street station. TAKEN from the millinery dept of Meier & Frank's, a package containing the following articles : 4 yards voile. 2 I yard.4 organdie, 1 box powder, 2 rolls of Brownie No. 2 films, 1 pair black silk stockings. Return to M. & Frank's lost and found, or call lj-S5. LOST One Platinum bracelet set with' 14 dia monds. Liberal reward; offered for return. No questions asked. Return to' 141 Irving st LOST On Alder st. between. 3d and 5th. package of yellow organdie, belonging to worth ing girt Please return 'tru clerk, 518, Meier Frank crockery dept Wdln. 2231. evenings. isewara. LOST Near Rainier or highway, gold watch with fob and 1ane rintr rcnanl - tiRX7 H'irl nt.. S. E. J ' -" LOS T On Council Crest ear. blue silk nm brella with heavy black crook handle. Large reward. Call Mar. 2666 or Bdwy. 3210. LOST Sunday, on Sandy or Craig road, .22 caliber S. & W. revolver. No. 279427: prop erty of officer: generous reward. Aut. 329-21. LOST Glasses, Sunday (13th). Empire thea tre. Grand ave. Aut 230-27. 528 East Harri son. Reward. i LOST A gate brooch, engraved mounting. Main 8090. " Valuable to owner as anniversary gift Reward. LOST Wrist watch, vicinity Broadway and . Sandy Blvd. Return Lipman, Wolfe lost found dept. Reward. i LOST Indies' black wallet Finder please re turn by mail to address; found inside. Keep the money as reward. FOUND Collie dog; inquire 241 Vi Washing ton St., Wagner. LOST 10 lbs, "Uwanta'" kippered salmon. Box 4655. Sellwood si a. 1 FOUND 100 lbs. "Uwant'! kippered cod.. Call Sell. 554 - I BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 West's Largest Busuieaa College. Assures KVJBX URAXrLATai A POSITION. Aii business courses, including eoaaptogaatgt training, Kuroll any time day school, night achooL Write for free catalogue. ta at. neat Morrison phona Main 690. THE BEST KVEB Do yon want to learn a trade! Do yon want steady, profitable employment If, you do. pick out any trade you cesire and pay us only half o. the regular tuition fee. This offer good only to a limited Dumber of men. DAY and EVENING CLASSES. APPLY HEMPHILL'S AUTO and TRACTOR SCHOOLS, the ; only achool of real shop practice, 707 Hawthorns ave.. Portland. YOU CAM KA&N TUCK WAT THROUGH ALISKY BLDQ.. 8L AND MORRISON. DOUBLE YOUR lUIX.NING POWER Advertising managers earn from $300) to $50,000 yearly. Enroll now in our n,bt class oi modern advertising ana qnatuv tc.r one of the big positions. Very attractivs rates aad terms Pacific School of AdvertU'rw. 609 to 09 Railway Exchange bidg. i BUSINESS housea are eamng tor efficient of flew help. Qualify to fill one of these positions by specialising on calculatora, molUgrapb, type writer or dictating machine. - Thorough and effi cient training, and the assistance n aecurng a po aura when qualified. Callan school. 405 Ar tiamna bidg. Bdwy. 4890. MODERN BARBER COLLEGE teaches the trade in 8 wk., tools furnished; some pay. Posi tions secured. Special rate this nrcntb. Writ or can Tor particulars. 234; rirst st SlOl.kat BAKBEK COLLEGE will taacb you the srade in 8 weeks; receive soma -pay while learning; prositiona secured. I Ore-rcn ex-service men receive state aid. W rite cr call tor caia- logue. 234 Burnslde rt KOOKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY aaroa free. Frank Iv. Welles former at state rapt. Mgr., N-W. Bank bidg. Auto. 612-1 S. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages wbiic learning: positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' expei lence. Oregon Barber College. 233 Msdison. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Begins Bucket's private school; individual msTrncrton. 1 22 Grand ave. East 427. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Telegraph in- stitute, 434 Railway Exchange bidg. Night eiasew. WANTED at one. 2 men to learn vulcanising arm rsqreaqiog a rxawmorno. TEACHERS A position for you. gee OregotK WashirurfaMi Teachers' agency, . Ab'Dgton bidg. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS200 , AT I ATI OK offers - young men the bast opportunity for future business success and promotion. We furntsb the best practical avia tion training (using land and water planes . The tuition charge is reduced through oil arn-aj-you4earn offer, made possible beeaase --e ara Curtiss distributors and the largest op -rating airplane company in the west Address regon. Washington and Idaho Airplane Co., 314 iiqing bidg.. or Broadway 33. Portland. Or. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL (union are. and Hi - Over 300 graduates now boldkr a4 poal nons. Visitors admitted daily at 11 a. a ex cept Saturday; 13tf-page catalog mailed fraax OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN I Receive 825 per month while- attending aenooL ENROLL m a cusinesa scboo, where students se cure individual instruction in the major sub jects sad personsl attention in all subjects, book keeping, stenographic, calculator, private secre tarial ccurses offered. Write or call tor inter view. New term now opening. Oey and eve ning sessions. Oregon Institute of Technology. 191 ftth St.. Main 0700. local 2. HELP WANTED MALE 201 For Berry Season Place your order for berry pickers Tiow so that we can ship them to you when you are ready to do picking. We have fine reports from a number of a ociations and can quote you going wane wale. We also furnish all classes of help free to the jtuployers. Write Us For Information. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO.. 14 N. .Second St Broadway 2278. 225 PER MONTH the year around averaged by a nnroner of our lutleomen; young, middle tged and elderly. Business never better. Ex :erience unnecessary; cash weekly; big assort naent guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You 'an do what other inexperienced men have done. Territory all western titaten. Washington Nurbery ''o., Toppenihh, Wanh. WANTED 50 laborers. Ih'teh work, Eastom Oregon. Year's work with contract. $5. HO per' day, board $1. Mtut have own bed and fay own fare, which will -be refunded at end f 3 month". Single men only. Write, giving phone. R-70H. Journal. SALES MANAGERS AND SOLICITORS MEN AND WOMEN eiperienced in magazine work to organize sates force in big premium campaign: write for particulars. PREMIl'M SALES DEPARTMENT. 400 4th St. Ssn Fran ci.co. Cat. PERMANENT po.itioiu, good pay, 8-hour day, open shop, linotype operators, pressmen, press feeders bindery workers. Write or wire Employ- era' Exchange. Salt Lake City. WANTED Building mecnanies with Investment; steady work and share the profits; all invest ments perured. R-109, Journal. WANTED Experienced top and trimming man to run department on liberal commission; large reliable firm. Z-973. Journal. WANTED Janitor. Columbia Optical Co., 145 Oth st. WANTED A good painter; wages $4 a day. i " i it aoiu ftip.. ,-M-nn. car. MEN U eat I'WANTA kippered salmon. Ore gon Fish & Cold Storage. WANT bids tor plastering and painting at 15C0 E. Davis. SALESMEN WANTED 202 SALESMEN wanted tn el our comi lete line of nursery stock. Outfit free. Cash weekly. Address E- A. BENNET NUBSEUT CO.. Sahm. or. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman with car, on commission basis. Established ranrteage loan and ins, corporation. 3O0 Ry. Exch. bidg. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 EXPERIENCED saleswomen for ladies' neck wear, jewelry and notions. Apply employment bureau before 10:30 a. m. L1PMAN. WOLFE & COMPANY WANTED Experienced aleswomen for randy department. Must be competent to do buying. Best of references required. Answer Y-777, Journal. SALES MANAGERS AND SOLICITORS MEN AND WOMEN experienced in magazine work to organize sales force in big premium camraign: write for particulars. PREMIUM SALES DEPARTMENT. 460 4th st. San Fran cico, Cal. Experienced Hairdresser and Manicurist LIPMAN, WOLFE Jr. CO. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, lormeriy with the federal employment service, furnishes competent of fice women; also woman for all other lines of ia ployment 829 Henry bidg. Broadway 4537. GIRL for general housework on ranch adjoin ing Portland. Ail modern conveniences. Wdln. 1998. EXPERIENCED power machine operator wanted to learn hat and rap making. Fair wages while you learn. Apply Metropolitan Hat tt Cap aiig. i o., laiyt za st., aa iioor. A FEW high lass specialty entertainers and performers. No amateurs considered. Chester . ... 1 1 V UUIIUC, AW W1IIIJIIIIA IJ l WANTED Middle aged lady as hA eeper; state wages. J. L. Bowers, 41 Spruce, i amas. Wash. YOCNO lady for general house work on farm Modern conveniences; good home; box 4, route 1 , Hillsboro, Or. ANY OIKL in need ot a rnend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. Mayfair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450 T-M ear. WOMEN FOR I.K4HT HOISEKEEPING; NO I.ACNDRY. 193 N. 23D ST. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 YOL'NO man or woman as stenographer and secretary in return for complete aviation in struction course. Apply manager, O.-W. A I. Airplane Co., Bdwy. 33. Iwis & Clark field. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 YOUNG married man, clerical and general ex perience, wants work: prefer place where ex ecutive ability and conscientious application to duties will lead to advancement Y-771, Journal Phone Tabor 6652 Res. 25 E. 79tit st S. H. MILLION A SON CONTRACTORS SEWERS AND CESSPOOLS See us. Portland. Or. GARDENER If you have any garden work or old lawns made new, cutting or mowing grass, have it done by experienced men, 05 cents an hour. Phone Broadway 1715. Edgar H. Kig gins. 'CARPENTER Estimates given on building, re pair work; screens made to order. Shop. 13U7 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. FOR CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASS ,ONLY. REASONABLE RATES. CALL TABOR 1493. EXPERT accountant-bookkeeper, auditor will give all or part of time on aet of books, best of references. X-309, Journal. OLD lawns fixed up and new ones put la. Also cement, garden work and digging basements. Tabor 347P. 24 2 E. 8 nth S BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, extensive experience, temtmrary or permanent. In or (int of fity T-774, Journal. , EXPERIENCED blacksmith wishes work ac cetyline welding machine work in camp or sawmill. George Meyer, 814 E. 9th. . PLASTERING, cement work and -rnceo ( all kinds; wa do repair work also; prices iwaaoae able. Phones East 5584. East 8180. GET YOUlt PAINTING. oecoraUng and signs be fore the spring rush; 25 years' experience. Phone Tabor 266. CEMENT WORK Satisfaction guaracteed. R. Putnam. Woodlswn 5241. PAPERING, painting and tinting, cheap; floors cleaned and poli-hed. Tabor S25H. PAINTING and tinting, good clean work. Wood lawn 8471. CEMENT work of all kinds, reasonable. Call Tabor 607O. ELECTRICIANS. Main 7223. We specialise in electrically . wiring yosir home. - GALBREATH. tbe painter. We hang paper ngtit side up. lowest rate. Woodlawn 1484 WANTED Excavating and grading, VVoodlswr) 5 3 fi'. ROOFS PAINTED $20: all work guaranteed. , Mult. Roofing Co.. Tabor 7127 evenings. NEAT apperaing young man wants permanent DRAUGHTSMAN open for engagement, 17 years' experience. B-731, Journal. CEMENT work; ail Xinaa. fin alaaa eady. Sellwood 1. PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. 109 E. 46th st Tabor 2658. SCREENS aaade to orer. old screens newiraa. smomtne aii-xr ALL kinds of flower boxes made to order. Auto matic 817-27. SHIN'GLER Shingling dona right, old or new. sum. 2 t v-j is. CARPENTER and coutractor, pHMUirg anything en the buiiding Hrte Phone Last 866. SEWER connections, drain Uie, ceaspoold. septic tanks, eemwnt work. Tabor 8008. KOOF . reshingling a specialty. Last 1201.' ftfeek 5 SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 25 iENOCiltAlHY evenings and Sundays bx ap , point ment- Office ia Broadway bidg. Call Main 43. - : WIDOW wishes position aa housekeeper where ' there ara children. Mrs. Tom Smith, den. DeL, Portland, Or. - - - , PIANO teacher icoiorea ; beginners a specialty; will come to house. - Wood lawn 8480. LACE CUETAINS, HAND LAUNDERED; 11 ! YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. WOMAN 30, with child, wishes position as nonseaeeper. t-lie, journal. TWO ladies wittu to cAjk tot camp of 20 men. Aut 28-4S. OKESSMAKLNC. fun relinel. Auto. 624-4K. DRESSMAKING 256 LVEINO. cleaning, uresaing, dreaamaaing. re- modeling, reliniog, altera tkirn. skating, rea sonable prices. . The Cabinet Dressmaking parlors. 424 Morrtws. tiesr llth. Main 1823. DUESSMAKINO and all kinds of -iilain sewing, ; reasonable. , 188 13th, near Taylor. Main 82.64. IiIlE3' garments altered and refitted. 1. Reu- bin. Ud'et' tailor, 408 Buh Jx ljina bidg DUESSMAKINt; by a woman s institute student j Call Wdln. 5752. mornings. iLAIN sewing, embroidery tatting, crocheting. ! 167 llth. Marshall 98. FAMILY sewing, plain skirt. $2.25.'. 7SH. K. Mam. Kast (iH2 HEMSTITCHlNti Any color, Se yard; also scalloping. 2C9 AU-ky bidg. 3d and Morrison. KXI'KKIKNC KI) drwraater, tailored: re', given, i Mrs. Honyeliurrh. 5U8 Alder t. Bdwy. 5031. NURSES 257 EXPERIENCED nun, best of references. Will take an .afflicted patient -in my home; licht. airy rooms at,d sleeping porch. Phone Main 1072. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS RATES VERY REASON ABLJC S-t A WEEK AND UP MAXWELL HALL 207 FOURTEENTH STREET -PHONE MAIN 1153. LINCOLN HOTEL vTi Very sttractive rooms, single and en suite, thoroughly modern; congenial atmosphere: de sirable down town location: tl.SU and up per night Weekly rates of $5.50 aad up. HOTEL OHIO 2 FRONT ST.. COR. MADISON Nice sleeping and housekeeping rooms; hot and cold waier In every room; automatio eleva tor; reaaonaoie, . Dy nay or week. Hotel Conradine Sh Two blocks north of Washington at Pleasant rooms and suitea at very reasonable rales by day or week. ST.PAUL'HOTELaS A resppectable downtown hotel. Transients $ 1 up. Sj cial Rates to Permanent (iuests. " Broadway Court Apts. Sleeping room, heat and hot water. i!45 East Broadway. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison at Tenth. $1 a day; weekly, $3 and up : free phone and bath; steam beat EXCEPTIONALLY nice sieening rooms, well fur- nished. clean, light and airy; close to business center: rent reasonable.. 33 N. 17th st Broad way 2640. HoteSQlenwood 2L?b2Z- Strictly modern, elevator service, free bath. SI per day and up. special weekly rates. EXCEPTIONALLY wel, furnished rooms, very pleasant and clean, desirable location, walking distance, $3 a week and up. . 0l3 ft tiluan. Mar. 347. HOTEL BAXTER Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping sleeping rooms. M. A. car to Albina. Hillcrest Hotel 733 WASHINGTON Permanent rooms from $5 up per week. Ixibby, private phones and baths. ENON HOTEL 107 H FOURTH MAIN 715a. Best dollar-a-day house in town. Ail modern conveniences. Rates to permanent guests. 455 ALDER, CORNER OF 13TH NEAT. CLEAN SLKEPING ROOMS: ALSO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; $3 TO $6 PER WEEK. BROADWAY 5652. CLEVENGER HOTEL 4134 Washington at. cor. llth; fl a day, J4.50 a wk. and up. Fine downtown location. Hot and cold water, steam heat. , HOTEL FRANKLIN Washington at 13th. Rates by the week, S3. 50 and up, hot and cold running water, tub and shower baths. Well Furnished -Rooms Steam heat hot and cold water, reasonable rates. 269 5th st' Main 9375. WASH1NOTON HOTEL A few attractive rooms and suites; very rea sonable ratea by the week or month. 12th and Washington sts. HOTEL BARR 112 !. hlXTH. 2 BLOCKS" FROM DEPOT $1 per day. 35 per week and up. HOTEL WEST 61 H NORTH SIXTH Clean, well furnished rooms, with running water, 6 Oe per night and up. ; MODERN, west side, close in, nicely furnished rooms for 1 or 2 companions, with or with out board; home comforts. 738 Irving. Mar shall 8740. ' TOI'RIST HOTEL, 160 First at ' Modern, free bath, reduced rates, 75c per day up. $4 a week up. Transient trade solicited. Mrs. M. I. Walker, pimp SOME, richly furnished transient rooms being refitted at special rates to permanent, weekly or monthly guests. All rooms facing 6tb or Stt-ark kn,in.H mftinw, 1.' ... . t. . 1 LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for two ; well furnished, light and clean; moderate rent; easy walking distance. 333 Oth St. NICELY furnished upstairs rooms, $4.75 per week; 2 pleasant front rooms, first floor, each $25 ler rlionth. 624 E. Morrison. East 1582. ROOMS $2.50 week: new furniturei newly papered and painted, free phone.- bath, walk ing distance. 605 6th at. LARGE front room and kitcheoetre; also single rooms; very reasonable; hot water always for iiatns and isnnnry. "ins r landers rt. WANTED Young man to share nice room, twin beds, showers, telephone, reasonable. Office Y. M. C. A. , BRIGHT corner room, suitable for 2 parties em ployed, also 1 single room, reasonble; walking diUnc-. Main 84 71. i FURNISHED room, with gas plate. 489 Jeffer son. Main 1363. I FOUU furnished rooms in private house for re sponsible eonple. 1200 E. Grant at $1 DAY. $2.50 weea. up; Clean rooms, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. Third at near Jefferson. ROOMS for men, 208 E. 33d. Tabor 1323. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 WELL furnished room, pleasant clean: walkinc distance, with or without meals. 414 Market t.. cor. llth st - " FINE LARGE SLEEPING ROOM. MODERN CONVENIENCE. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. MCE HOME FOR GENTLEMAN EAST 7172. LARGE ROOM. ATTRACTIVE HOME. WALK ING DISTANCE, REFINED FAMILY. WEST SIDE. MARSHALL 8969. NICE clean room, very cheap, for nice elderly man. Auto. 622-31. 7930 5H;h ave. 8. E.j WELL furnished room for rent in private borne,. gentleman only. 424 Tillamook. Ona block from Union ave. - i LARGE ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED, HOUSE KEEPING PRIVILEGE; WALKING DI3 TANCE. 629 EVERETT. BDWY. 113. WALKING distance, nicely furnished front room, suitable for two. ladies or gentlemen; , light, bath, phone. East 7714. 120 E. l$th. I HAVE 4 nice newly furnished sleeping rooms to rent: a real home, restricted district, walk ing aisiance. rj.at uitis FRONT ROOM. MODERN COTTAGE. BKA SONABI.E BENT. ONE OR TWO. 448 TAYLOR ST i CLEAN, light, airy rooms, large clothes closets, newly furnished, west side, walking; distance, 769 Hoyt at Phone Marshall 24 86.! " LIGHT, clean, pleasan. ouLsiue . rrx.ru, . two windows, clothes closet, free bmth, phone, close in. $15. 354 Boss st.. East 4256. j LOVELY room with private family; borne privt leges; ref. " 266 N. 21st Bdwy. 4715. LARGE. AIRY. CLEAN FRONT ROOM. FAC ING PARK AND HILL. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. MAK. 1761. 4SO PARK ST, PLEASANT furnished room, walking distance, 1 block 2 earlines. outside entrance. $$ per wk. East 2505. ( . .'. NEAT COZY ROOM. C. 8. LADY. KITCHfiN PRIVn.E;ES IF DESIRED. MAIN 2897. FURNISHED rooms, phone and bath for gentle man. ia ltn rt puone r.at 1W7 1 TWO ncia rooms in lovely noma, sultabla for ladies or gentlemen. East 77. - i LARGE, pleasantly furnished room for Udiea in privata family. 715 E. Bamiiide. C1JAN cosy aleetnng room In very nice modern Lome; walking distance. Eaat 4942. i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 A NEAT furnished room, line neighborhood, walking distance, all conveniences with privi legs of kitchen ; suitable (or lady - employed. Phone Marshall 18K6. SUITE of elegantly fumislied rooms for i or 8 gentlemen; also 2 single rooms. Rath, phone, centrally located. 406 2d st bet. Harrison and Hall. . . 2 ROOMS. $10 and $12, in a, refined home. 84 N. 21st st cor. of Everett, Notrjfill. 1 block from Washington. Walking distance,' large lawn and flowers. Bdwy. 8 (too. WASTKIi lteiiited man- wtio can appreciate unuMutlly nice room. Mar. 17K. I ROOM AND BOARD 302 Park View HoCeE c'r.T. 'Coder new management, rooms wilh or without board; transient meals served; ratea by day or month. ... 7" fl IE ALBINA IIOTEI, 24 A I.'bTnA 8TT Rooms, with or without board, close to the mills and industries of the east side; ratea very reasonable. East 8150 THE HAZEL 385 THIRD ST MAIN 70B4 Select residential tiotel. strictly modern. - ah outside rooms, moderate ratea. LARGE sunny roomsbreakfiC-dinn able. 161 N. 23d It Marshall 8374. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 Do You Want a Home? lrvingtnti. rlegatit room-.. xcil.nt biisrd. laundry pritilcse, gtrag. near carline. East 0645 - L- LARGE airy room, liome cooking suitable for 1 or 2 gentieman. : home privileges, near Broadway bridge, phone East 4433 or ctjl 35 lirrahee st; 81'ITK "f elegantly newly tarnished rooms for 2 or 3 geutlt men ; 1m two sinsle rorius; bath, gas. centrally l.satisL 406 Second st, t.t. Il.srrison end Hall. BEST --of care given small children; day or hour; private home. Auto. 529 02. 726 Everett t. WILL board childrrn In pnvate home. Call Aut I 7-30 ROOM, wilh two meals, In jui modern bTTme. single beds. Main (1KB. REFINED gentlrman can hare room with board in uri.at.' tain.lv . hi.mr jtrivitfg-.- Kat- 'Site's ROOM aud boariT nTulerri nouie, i block 11 C. car. , Tabor 12.19. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 $3 PER WEEK and up. or monthly ratea for the very best, cleanest and comfortable fur nished H. K. rooms in the city for the money; close in, west side. goid clewn neighborhood. These rooms are well ventilated, very cool in summer. Rooms must be seen to be appre ciated. They are not trash or dirty. Just the place where working people can save money on rent Deimonte. 167 tttout t. hk block 8. of 20th and Wash. DESIRABLE 2 room suite. modrn well" fuf nished. newly painted and very clean, easy walking distance, reasonable rent. 293 Mont gomery, corner of 5th. - CITY VIEW hotel, good, clean housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple, or also bach, lorj quarters. 202 Union are., 1 block south of Hawthorne ave. VERY nice 2 room suite with slee;Hng iircli, also 2 pleasant sleeping rooms and sepamtt aleep inc porch: easy walking distance; moderate rent 655 Washington. anoF Hotel 4Mhor rrlson. 8t H. K. and sleeping rooms. Low rates hr the week, clean, quiet and homelike. Mariliall 280S, $4 WEEK, furnished fi. h. imTteri;uitiblrfor single men. every convenience; hot water st all hours; baths free Cadillac hotel. 3d Dear Jeffercn. $3 WEEK, furnished II. K. suites, clean, large rooms, bay windows, evtry convenience, hot water at all hours; save car fare. Hotel Cadil lac. 3d near Jefferson. FCRNISII LT housekeeping rooms. light. Tiot wster and heat $2. per month. Near Bth and Washington. Call Wiley Bdwy. 200 or Main K1XII after 7 p. m. 3 NICE, rooms, immaculately clean, south west side Fulton Park neighborhood,-, with or with out garage; telephone, lights, water, etc., fur nished very reasonable. Marsnail 1204. BELLINCHAM apts., housekeeping and sleeping rooms, rates reasonable. 421 E. Morrison st, cor. Oth. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms uhfirst floor, private entrance, large porch and lawn; rent reasonable. Will lams ave. car; adults only. O'-tll Vancouver ave. -, - ONE 2-rooiu suite, crean ami well furnished; de sirable location, easy walking distance; family with small children preferred; reasonable rent. 47 i olnmma, comer 14th.. 2 H. hZ rooms, neat snif clean, best location, drapes ivory woodwork, running water - and ranges. 101 Park at.. CLEAN H. K. rooms, with kitchenette, hot and -cold water and lights; walking distance; sum mer ratea. 83 North ,21st st. TWO furnished housekeeping : rooms and one single housekeeping room, electric lights in cluded; newly furnished. 4-ri2 K. Couch near ftth. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms irneajp; electric light, running water, bath, free phone, 473 E. Burnslde at 0th. East 6055. . FOR BENT" One large sunny si njie HK. room, modern, $0 week. 233 Main. Main 6276. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at tor.. Park and Salmon. Imjuire Nobby Cleaners, 856 H 8almonst. Msin4306? , . . TWO furnished. 2 unfurnished. ! furnished suite. kitchenette, electric lights, very reasonable, Phane Broadway 135. NICE housekeeping room, near Broadway; refer ences. Water and lights. Phone E-t 7usi ONE ROOM and kitchenette; 2 mum suite on first floor, well furnished and clean; desirable locatipn, close in, reasonable. 195 16lli at. FURNISHED H. K. apartments, with sleeping porch; also garage. 331' 14th at Phona Main 5156. NEAT clean, II. K. rooms, free lights-, water and phone, from 3 to $4.50 per week. Five minutes walk l center of town. 812 . Clay it 2 TWO-ROOM hou-ekeeping apartments, newly furnished, clean, use surrounding, walking distance, reasonable. 468 loth st Main 786 8 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, including aa. ' electricity, water, phone and heat, $35 month. Phone East 5407 or call 545 fi. Union ave. HOUSEKEEPING room and fa-nt-died room. 847 Mi-souri, corner of Shaver. Phone Wood ewn 1310. ONE and two rooms, furnished h. k.. low rent Walking distance; gentlemen preferred.. 215 iiiii, corner mr-i. FURNISHED iront 2-room h.k. su le. Call Siiii- uayswei nay, omcr aays roorums's or alter O rt m a 9 t !. A .1. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in suites. coeap renL, nice ana clean. usj atn st. housekeeping room, $4 per week. 23 1 urn st. 13 DAYS' STORAGE FREE We move yon for less. Broadwsy 244S. FOlt RENT-Tr2-room furnished apartment; ei-jn iiiiik iwcnisneo. n tiassaio. ONE neat, clean, furnished H. K. apt. on 21 FURNISHED l. K. JroJma, $1.73 a week and iioor, tacing pane. 4H4 Park st. r.irvinc mno. e?a 1R1 at. FURNISHED 11. K. rooms $3.50 per week and up. wasiitngton st WELL furnished outside single II K. and IV ing room at 14 Grand ave. NJ. East 7451 FOR RENT Two light housekeepiilgToolria near, ano clean; sin. r. 4 llth st. SEE clean, convenient and reasonable rent rooms 28 Stjnton st $1.75 to $5 weekly. .HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " UNFURNISHED 305 Hotel Royal MORRIHoS AT V. -i ii tun onvenlent If. K. rooms. $4 a week up; sleeiiing rooms 9 1 per qay. as a weea up. t lose in HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 IUVINGToN Two large rooms with kitchen ette, large yard, rosea, porch, on gronnd floor; no children; suitable for two adults only. Must be quiet people; $40. includes . phone, lights. waver, neat. r.esi saw. ATTRACTIVE front suite "of room., fireplace. electric ugtii. gas plate, etc. ; also a front room with kitchen privileges, garage.- Tabor niiov. n. aiorruon. 11. K. ROOM, 1 person, Hht rooking, gas and laundry inemded. walking distance; reasonable. 464 East Oak. Eat 8657. $30 THREE modern furnished IL K. rooms, including light heat, gas and Water. Adults, Sell. 1000. 843 Haig . TWO convenient H. K. rooms, light phone, gas, bath and laundry. Nice for two girls. Walk ing dirts nee East 4962. ONE very large .modern H, K. room, with kitchenette. Between Jefferson and Mam. Close m. Walking distance. 249 13th st. $20 TWO connecting IL K. rooms, bath and electric. Call 651 E. Morrison. LARGE living room arranged for housekeeping. 254 Union ave. N. Tabor 9333. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 TWO ftivi 4 room furni&liea mi. ft'rivsw baLbT FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Buena Vista 434 l.4i:iIIS0V Main lO.'.J Three room strictly modern furnished apis . ne: papered in tapestry; (ilisl bathrooms and 011 1 side kitchens. S65. AdnfU oiily. 8USHMARK. Washington" Vt.." corner" 17th' -- t'ompletrtj furiiih.il I risiio imi-ldr aiiart mrnts, S23 per month and up, includtua bath. gas, electririly, telephone, strain beat Broi way 54 1 THE EDENHOLM 'IV, SS 2 and 3 room apts.; heat, light and telephone. Private baths, walking distance. S25 to S33 per month. .1 TWO lnii and kitulicnctie In 1rriiitii, i it eluding light, Ilea t . gas, hoi water And phon; separate enlraiict; East 4H52 TU0 E. I(riwa Sunnysidlel Apartnucnts One furnished aisiirtmeiit for rent... Tshor ONE lwu-nui apL,i excepiKiiially well fur n 1 lied and strictly modern; desirable location, HI minutes' walk Irom buiiirss unur. faK.Aii. H.n5llallst. NUin 775 EI.A BORAT ELY fuTniVhed-'6 r.ms in diiiTict house, west side, with ihe 1110-t "wmiilrrtul riew in the city, walking distance, nni t : see 111 M'l'reciate; reference; I 1 ft jwr mo. Main IJ'.'K, ' King ABbert Apartrnsnti 1 fu tiiiKhrd 1 iinfurnKti1. t rict Iv nnl' m. ultj tmlli, rlft-Htor. r Itr Mniii uomt ry . M nin H .. ESbridsre Aots. . . c9 - - - u- Taa and three room spts., tlmroochly i-lcsried aud newly decorated. 274 N. 21sl. Bdwy. iT.Ui, 1 1IE H TANKIEI.lir 201 IM lli"ri;i! M " Mslcrn 2 r.x.m apti.. light, neat, ilinee. tnrgs lawn. $22.50 Nice basement apt S2H. Mam TK1I2 CONVENIENT, front (apt. downstairs. Children allowed. Rents f(r $25 to parly hn him .mall amount of furniture Including .lng nu- chins li.i.i Ererelt. .( , cor. 'JOth TW rix.m aparinienti wilii dres-ing riMiiii, iiew y pais-rcd ami painted, first floor, rltat en. trance, large lao, ;t:.. 4hU Jetfersjli. Main 1363. THE J Kr'l-KR.Si INI AN ,Tn in iA"vTrj i;'j si 1 V Attract-ivjt 3 t'Stm Miite, lsre airy rooiiis, le CBBIry reinjatrd, it ipiil ronreiih-iices, lummer rates. Adtilfs only ;s-v walking distance; Nlf'EI Y furnished 2 1 room apartments, $30 $42-50; private phone each apartment; ad only. tints 'In Apt., 4tli and Lincoln. 0 In u!t THE AI.TAtllT A PA II 1X1 l:sTst oth and t olleic. j ct.xni-steri: 3 Al'.o 3 lo m at. l'-t'f .lone. risim apt. $25 Til REE Isrse furnished "room la rtmeiitJ to 2 7 Lit, 542 East 27tli at Richmond s-ar one block south THE LILLIAN Two and three rooms, modern, large and airy. STltlt IMS and h( hwitfiiriniirin nf-M eier" Frank, 'all WilcviBdwv 20U or Main Mian m ft 7 n n. I'ORTNoMAH 4 r.w.nis. tiardwiasl ll.s.rs. walk" ing distance, adults; nicely furnyhed ami clean 2011 East 1.1th. IMione East 4270. tion and modern conveniences. ' 3110 Jeller- stm. j iFTTlOO.M apart.men Z a r"uea nd 1" m a ) l", nice and clean, wulVinj dintanre, no childten. reasooaoic. 01V r.. yin si r.ast idi;, "'i'IIE7iRO"VRl ISI (illl)Vl.ll HT 1 and 2 room, wrl.i furnished : rates $12 to a. lu- month ri.one iiri HO.'iH Fl.'KNIhllK.lY Al"i.. 'Wjiil In t' and cold 1 pniale bath, for 2 adults only; close In. Ilss.alo m. corner 7 r ki d cold water. isa In 4 4.1 it., corner 7rh WEST SIliE. 3 rts-.m. ilean aiit'. elcc , lights gisid furniture ; second Dixit, reasonable, ".'id Tliiirman and 2lli FINE apt. lor rent, n llcely furnishrd, piano, fire- place. everything Bdwy 47. fui-iu-lii J. :,I14 Oliaan, THE ELMS 1 A I FOI'llTKKNTII I.OSK IN. TllllKE ROOM ATT. II E 81 KE to see tloe clean and htrtit apts ; strictly nimlem: furnished and 1 unfurnished; price rca-tiiah. -Bdwy. 207 1. ui a i i : a i ("TtiTi .ITf fX'i a T: M'Miern 2 and 3 rimt apart incuts. fJimishcd. Hates. 414 St. ItiHiM apurtinent, iflean. coinpletely luinuilTciC iMi Vi Ixmilisnt stl Coliiinliia till. F7u RENf 3 room f urn lehr-ifa I rt men I aiiii Its rase, fjnee In. 4 75 E Everett st 'lK 7k KLEY -aissrl'iiielila;" Bl7T rt'iuiy I'iace7tii ' 3 rooni fnrni-hed fritt apartment Mar. I!r,ii. l.'MON AVE ail KilhiiK woitu eomHi'te, concrete i huildtng JI Ail 11 m-iii-., wilh hath, isalkliiu tli.- tance. $'.' month. i 4110 Itoss st lit 4U72. FOR RENT I and 2 room hirni hd "apart ment . I 2JV 1 4lti "t , m ar Washiiigtin 3 ROflM apt, " clean, " compl'-tely ftirnl.lisd. I 6M0 'i Iximbard stj t'ol. 017. FI'RMSIIED aid. for rein, I sr s. 14th st. APARTMENTS - UNFURNISHED 30S PORTNOilAil a-rix.ni ground floor aistilrnent. $35, adults, walking disiaiu t. :ou Last l.lili. Phone East 4 270. i 2 ItTlOM apt. wismI, ler nio. 4 2 N. 2 ligtt, water 'furnisiied, $20 st st. Mar. 411 1 2. WHY pay cr Itrnl Nice 2 risoii aiits., $5 ui. 54 5 H Washington si. I4.lv . ,34 40 FLATS FURNISHED 309 $25 GOOD, couiloittahle jut ordinary luniiture; Side; water paid. M. S 4 i rtsun uiwr flat; clo.e to ctir; Lst Cobb, 028 Chamber of Commerce. -t- WEI. I. -FURNISHED 3 room ila. siricilv md ern, intute ht'i. n first fl'aor. Walking di- tance $4Q. B8 fith 1st. . TVVO 3-4 room ntiHlem flats, iiifettly furnished. 53 Mi 60th at MoiitavlHa car. $12, $18, $22 month. ' I FIVE room mislerti furnished flat, $'jrTnciiid ing gnrtmge and water. - MI3 Vi Williams are. F"UI t N I l'l '' 11 E "f or s ie . $ 5 r. " Vf r ( h ,"ii,s, i ei, t , $30, downtown (iwnrr, East 27118. 5' 1KMIM apartment J no oTijertiifii lo 1 or 2 rhildrcn. In'inir-1 at 1.167 llsvi'liorne ate, 8 RtMJ.M modern fat, prlrata Imtli, ruiiple eul ployisl. no children. Sell, 24 12. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 LARGE lower condition; fint gas range; $4 0. Marshall 3978. flatl. 5 rooms, ha lb; good view; nice lawn, heat, water, 061 Front, cu(, Lowell are. 4-ltOOM lower flat, i furnished -or uijfurnishe.lT 740 MinnoU are. LV.t 5378 or W ool- lawnJ121. L ' IRVINGTON district, j room mislern upper flsT ga heater, range, I ice const, furnace, ntm.f Unted. $40. E.t 7504. Fi.AT lor rent, gas, riate In banuienW west atde vlectiit ily, umt range, fur Impure 301) Hherinan al-( 5 II MOM nio.l.ni fl.i It ; rent t 'M) . furuiUu'e ssle rcesonahle Main ,14 9. VACANT JUNE I - 4 room upji-r fiat, modern ,HrtO and Belinnntj Talorl 1)6.1. 3 ROOM flat with garage, I nion near Kuvo ); adults. East 2l!irj 6 ROOM modern ti..t.. noar Montaomery Hai3 plant. Itrosdwsy 1137. " HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3 1 1 ATLAS TRANSFER. & STOl'A'-K CO. Piano and fiimltur moving. So dayi' tree storave on all hoii.jho)d giesls oolil our nvw . wtreliuiise 1. filled i 104 N 5U st Phoua Broadwsy 1207 I'Oll I.EVT Ten loom houe. electro ily, gas. hath, 785 Kelly el., went side; S. P. far to Coruett and Gibba. j Cal at houae ot ptioua Aut. 5 DM12. " J FOR RENT 3-rooiij coiisac and trsis, fruit trees, 2 blocks of car and at'erw, 30 Dilmitca tirltj, Rent$ 1 .. Call Ka.t J'-: J FOrT It EN 1-1 llaM ti.mJ story liou.e, 7Ci 2 large families; near O VV. R. ft. slmie. ; It us. sel) ami Albina ate. 'Owner, Main 1M61. or Ea-t 6933 j - ELm "fllAMSFKlt A K'i'fR AGK s 1$ Days Storage t ree. Ft ml tn re moved for less Bdwy 244a. 5 AN1) 4 risom -ottavs. electricity sim! a','1 go4 e- nditi'in, yard, wr-t side. Phone Itroads-sy 4439. Key at 7481 Vaughrpist 7 ltK)M lio.i-c, aili'siile for O.M hoi-, aili'stiuf for rooming hot; 1 ooritlition: yard; West Side. ph avl 44H!i. K4j at 7 16 Vaughn t KKS3 c Broalwayl ona S BOO Mi house with bath, gas sod electricity. for rent. 115 Revere at.. $20 per inmiiU. Henry W. G'slhr.1. (243 8tark t. liill RENT, Small eottsge at iMultooinah station; osrJal furvia'hed ;' water, gas, etc". I'lHmv Mer. 24 I FINE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW FOR KENT; CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH l Hihiu S416 37TII AVE H. E FOR RENT, 3 room hoii.e. lot jOilOO, incluii.-s sitef tall Tabor 2wlMi, $12 50 3-rs,iu hioise wltii sleeping pore Tioga st. Wt Johns. WHY i'AV $3.50 ftir rwo men roott your furniture iwe wotl for $2.75 Mir '.'.90. K move furniture I off a -e rjoaiieiusa lot $10. For fiirtiier inforn,atlrm. Main 6Z90 FOlt RENT 6 ro,ai house at 111 SLrplirni st Call Ant 633-74. foiT i RENT Seven; room house. Impure at 817 Willamette PJIvd. Cor. 'Killtngsworth. ItOi iM modern lffoii,pnt fionie, $00. Last 8421. FfHt RENT 7 room nnslern houe. 080 I' Harri.on at. Ant ! 212 Ml). FOR RF:NT 4 rfia cottaa-e, on HouJ IL 1st Caruihers and SlMr1dan sta. i ROOM cottage, newly papered $25 4')J 4th st. Key at rear cottage. MoVE I I A N HFOH t MAIN 620.