8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 22. 1821. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 S MILES WEST Or PORTLAND acraa, 1 hi in Urn from Beavertoa. Good land. All under cultivation. Lota or tearing fruit. 6 room bouse, barn, (ante, chicken bonne. 40 rod to acbnoL Included with plK 2 cava, 2 ealves, 115 cluck eoa, AO rabbit. tools . and equipment Aim household furniture, price for everything. $4500 .dear. Large ceh payment. In spected By Nelson. Or consider plate of '40 aeraaww mcrt with not lea than 30 ' acffli under cultivation for seme valu. end will go out a tone distance. - . OS PATES BIGHWAT . - 489 acres along Colombia river, 50 ft. f rora station, also boat transportation. 65 acres of bottom land, 40 acraa dyked. bal ance Dot subect to overflow. l"in crock, -room boom, garage, barn, chicken bourn and other buildings. --. Included with place 7 oowa, 30 nogs, 60 goats, good beam, harness, - -corn pie te line of machinery. Half mile to school. Wire fencing, Good atock or dairy raacb with lota of out ranee. Price $42 per aera for everything. $5000 cash. Mlgjit consider smaller fan or oily property to $ 10,000. (OON'SroEB CAR AS PART PATMENT 40 acres, milea from good town, with free bu to bigh school. Near Pacific high way. Large creek through place. 1 tf acrea of fine bottom land, some fir piling. Will ' eonuder car and 4 00 cash. The land is clear of incumbrance. 62 milea north of - Portland ia well settled omam unity. 10 acres. 19 miles from Portland, Clark Oounty, Wash. 2 ' miles to electric sta- tion, 1 mile to school. Good graveled road. Family orchard. four room house, two chicken houses, garage, barn and lota sf other building. Included with place 8 cows, 8 hogs, 2 bones, 60 chicken, plow, harness, barrow, rake, 2 wagons, cultivator, buggy, tool, crops, etob Price for every Uiing $4500. $2500 cash. Or coo aider Portland house, or acre and haw up to $J600 that ia clear. Ask for Brooks. CONSIDER LOT FIRST PATMENT 1 t acres, 8 blocks from ear. In city " limit. All under cultivation. Young fruit tree. Walks and ourbs in and paid. Good 8 room house, cement baineot laundry trays. Best of plumbing, All conveniences. -Property clear. ilt Soott. car. Consider lot. or bouse and lot up to $3000 as first ' payment.: Easy terms on balance. SO acres, 4 'A miles from WashongaL - Wash., 28 mile from Portland. I -and hi, ' mile to school. 12 acres under cultivation, 17 acres can be . cultivated. Small family .orchard. ; 5 room house, barn, chicken house, other buildings. .Price $3000, $800 incumbrance. Want bouse in Mt Soott '- district and will assume up to $800. . CLOSE IN, CITY CONVENIENCES 8 acres, mile from city limits of Portland. On a macadamised road. mile from station. 7c fare. . Near Mil- waukis mad. All under cultivation. Good 5 room bouse. This is the very best of anil. City conveniences there. - Price $2T00, $1000 incumbrance. Consider 6 room bungalow In Portland and assume soma difference. Will oot go south of Division street, 40 acres, thi mQea from Bend. Or., 29 . , anrns m alfalfa, S3 acres can be irrigated and farmed. Woren wire fences. Main highway by place. Small house, barn and ether buildings. 10 milk cows, 3 horses, 100 chickena, ereem separator and complete line -of machinery. Crops and feed. Price for everything 15700 without equipment $3300. Consider good borne in Portland as . fust payment. See- Mr. Hunter. i GOOD DAIRY LOCATION 104 acres, western Polk, 9 miles from town, 1 hi rmiles to school. 12 acres under cultivation. 110 acres can be cultivated. Small young orchard. Box house, barn for 6 cows and team, woodshed and root . ' house. Good creek and spring. Price $3500. $1200 cash. Balance for 5 years. 6S. or eonaider car or Portland property np to $2309. - TAKE CAB FOR PART IB acraa, hi mile from station, S miles fmm Dallas, west of Salem. All under cul tivation, 6 acres young fruit, new 4 room eottaee on, cement foundation, new chicken bouse, feed well, hi mile to. school, good soil, level land. Price $2650. take Ford or Chevrolet car and some cash. $12,00 can stand for 4 years at H. Inspected by Hunter. CONSIDER JPORTLAND HOUSE v 13 acres, hi mile from good town, with bigh achottt In CowUta county. Washington, 9 arses under cultivation. All can. be cultivated Good young orchard; S room house, barn, chicken house. The place ia stocked and equipped. Price $4500 for everything. : Conaidor houoa tip to : $8000, balance easy terms. 100x150, Just outside city. Capitol HilL " " All under cultivation. City water, gas. Good 5 room plastered house on concrete foundation. Small barn. Price $2650. $200 cash. Or consider house in Port land up to $4500. Ask for air. Kemp. . 4 acres, near Clackamas. 13 miles frtam center of Portland. AU under oultira- - tion. 6 room bouse, chicken house. Home equipment included with place. Frica $2500. Large cash payment. Or consider - light car up to $300 and some cash. , JOHN FERGUSON QeHinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland Get Our Extensive Classified Lista Sale or Exchange - No. 396 140 acres in the famous Woodland diked bottoms. - Fronts on river, but does not overflow. 80 acres in culti vation, 15 acrea in clover. 4 acres Italian prunes,, all excellent alfalfa land. 8-room house, fine lawn and . shrubbery, good dairy barn, silo, prune - , dryer and outbuildings. 2 block from community hall, school and 4 muss from Woodland. Telephone in liouae, ' Includes 24 bead of Jersey cattle, team, 5 bogs, dozen chickens, 7 tur keys A stands of bees, full line of machinery and blacksmith tools, boat and fish nets, ail for only $20.O0O. Federal loan now on place of $9500. ! Will take property up to $5000 and I bai. cash for equity. Sea Mr. Blaine, with Thompson, Swan & Lee, Sd and Main St., Vancouver, Wash. " SPECIAL ATTENTION I have a good many going farms stocked and eouipped to trade; if you are wanting anything in the farm line, come ia or write ma, W. C BECKTELL, 1305 NW. Bank Bid , A REAL HOME Attractive 6 rm. bungalow, ' modern, built ina, full cement basement, sleeping porch, nut, fruit trees, berries, 100x100, $5250. Want 3 to 15 acrea adjoining city limits, near car, not ever 30 min. out, improved. 4219 48th avet 8. E. FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 a. 25 milea from Portland,. 30 a. cult, and in crop, 2 good sets of buildings, spring and creek on place. 0 a. bearing orchard. Price ; $4500 on easy terms, or will take small acreage or Portland property in trade. F. R. Jesse. 627 Oorbett bldg. WANTS SMALL FARM Good $10,000 ciosein house; want small farm,; about equal value. W. C. BECKTELL. 1305 WW. Bank Bldg. 45 ACRES, 4 milea from city limits. About Vi cultivated, balance very easily cleared, lievel garden land. Price $200 per acre. Will consider clear . property to $6000, balance mortgage. uwners only, xaoor yayn. VB HAVE $700 equity in a $2650 6-room . home, on 100x100 lot with lota of fruit. We will trade for small lodging boose close in, EAUH HARRIS CO MP AN V. 8f$ Chamber of - Commerce Main 5924. NICE residence lot, Spokane, Wash., to ex . change for lots, acreage or what, near Port land. Owner, Hedges, 201 W. Park. Main .i..S9A. Vahie $1000. 20 ACRES, stock and machinery; 6 room house, barn, eta., exchange for Portland residence. $18 Piatt bldg. 9$ ACRE farm, fenced, buildings, etc; free of encumbrance;, exchange for modern house ia Bt. Jonns. BIB Piatt bldg. ONE acre and 2 lots valued at $2000. Eugene. Trade for house; will pay difference. S-632, Journal. EXCHANGE What have you for 0 acre fruh ranch near Med ford. Or. Owner. 122 N. Fog at. St. Johns, Or. - . AUTO to trade for land. Value $500. Want un improved land same value. Must bar creek. N. P. Hourer, Multnomah, Or. CLEAN stovepipes without taking down, prao- tocal. patented; trade for farm. B73 Sarier. 65 ACRES for sale or trade for houae and lot er city property East 5484. - -ROOM ahaok. 2 good lots, for land. 1-7 ti 4. Journal. eO ACRLS lor aainU home or rood lot. V-7o3, Journal , . TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 Ideal Dairy and Stock Ranch - 100 acres. 55 under .cult., mora easily cleared, .about 0 acres more made land, (bat belongs to ' this place; 40 or 50 acrea fine cotton wood Umber and about $4000 worth of cedar on place ; fenced and cross fenced. Good 9 room bouse. large barn, ebicken houses, apple and po tato bouse, fruit dryer, hog houses and outbuildings. 5 acres in orch ard, 3 acres prunes, baj. assorted choice fruita. 2000 choica strawberry plants, etc 15 choice Jersey and Guernsey milch eowa and registered Guernsey bull. 2 fine beifera, 7 to1ym. A eompteto and full line of farm machinery. 3 registered Berk shire sows and 14 pigs, 4 0 old and about 100 young chickens. 4 geese, 12 old and about lOO young turkeys, etc, etc Price only $16,000. eaxb. balance 6 per cent- Or would take fgood residence up to $3000 or $4000. same arot. cash and baL at 6 per cent. mil from school and community haU and 3 hi milea - from good river and railroad town. Thompson, Swan & Lee, Realtors ; 3d and Main Sta., .Vancouver, Wash. WILL awept Portland property or property in any other good valley i twon, in exchange for any of the following : i Two acres near Hillsbnro. - Six room hotise. bsrn, woodshed, chicken house. Can have city water and gas. One acre of fruit of all kinds in excellent condition, one acre of garden. Lo cated on good road, walking distance to grade and bigh school. Free and clear. Price $3000. One grocery, stock and fixtures, with deliv ery car, doing a fine bnsinem, from 4 to $5000 per month. Will take $3000 cash, balance trade. Prefer house and lot in Portland. Priced abont $5000. - t ' Thirty-two acrea, eighteen acrea under culti vation. House, barn, all necessary buildings, all fenced and cross fenced. - Personal : two horses, harness, wagon, buggy. In fai-t all farm tools, two cows, chickens, household goods and furni ture. Price $6200. i 94 Acres,; most all cultivated. New seven room bouse.: bim, woodshed, family orchard, logan and strawberries. AU personal, including 8 cows, farm implements, a dandy place, all in cultivation. Step right into an income. Price $10,000. ) Thirty -one acres, all under cultivation and in rrop. One acre family' orchard. Near school. Eight room hour. Good barn, all ne-ewary buildings. Will accept some trade. Price, $7500. Z. N. fcEELVB. WITH HTLL8BORO LAND A REALTY CO.. ENGLAND A MELLAR, MGRS. J Hillboro, Or. Sale or Exchange No. 396 v 140 acrea in the famous Woodland dfced bottoms. Fronts on river, but doe not overflow; 80 acres in cultiva tion, 15 acres in clover, 4 acres Ital ian prunes, all excellent alfalfa land. 8 -mom noose, fine lawn and shrub berry, good dairy bam, silo, prune dryer and out buildings; 2 blocks from community hall, school, and 4 miles from Woodland. Telephone In honse. Include 24 bead of Jersey cattle, team, $ hoes, ' dooen chickens, 7 turkeys. 6 ' stand of bees, full line of machinery and - blacksmith tools; boat and fish nets; all for only $20,000. Federal loan now on placw of $9500. Will take good property up to $5000 and baL ca.sh for equity. i . See Mr. Blair, with Thompson, Swan & Lee, Realtors f 3d and Main Sts. j Vancouver, Wash. I HAVE good farms, -with and without equip - menta, to exchange for Portland resiliences. ALSO . Farms. - first mortgages and soma cash for city property.. T. M. KELLER, Main 3908. "301 Lumber Exchange Bldg. GOOD STOCK and alfalfa .ranch in Southern Oregon, valued at $30,000. and $20,000 in come city property, will trade for Sherman or Wasco county wheat ranch and assume. T. M. KELLER,- Phone Main 3908. 301 Lumber Ex. Bldg. SCNNTSIDE $3300, trma, 0 rooms, cement basement, fireplace, furnace, electricity, gas, imp. in, paid. Will take grocery about $1350 ss first 1ayment. Clow Realty. Belmont and S8th. Ant. 223-39. - EXCHANGE For auto, lot or hou.e, equity S'acres of rich black soil, level and on good market road 15 miles west of city: homestita all eleared except 2 acrea in timber. 104$ Powell st. Svllwood 3639. Don't Worry can trade anything, anywhere. Main S48S. 909 Chamber of Cpmmercei $3000 SACRIFICE 9-Room, modern bouse. 50x100, fruit, berries, ehirken house garden, fenced. Some cash and trane. runmwa u wanted. Aut. 513-57. 320 ACRES 50 cultivated, buildigs, 30 mQea from Burns, Take auto truck or equity as first payment. 403 Railway Ex. bldg.. Main 3109. A FINE view home - overlooking Willamette $13,000; to trade for duplex or apartment bense. Broadway 856. TO LEASE. 100x100, 4 room shack. 1719 Divtnon St., for Seaside lota. Address E. J. Hart, 545 E. 14th st N. 5 ACRES inside city limits of Port Angeles, Wash., free and clean exchange for light ear in firrt-class condition, i .V-660, Journal. I WANT to trade my stocked and equipped dairy farm for a good apartment house, value shout $30,000. 932 Chamber of Commerce. TWO lots, free of. incumbrance, at Capital Hill. to exchanee for equity of small house or va cant lnt in Kenton district. Wdln. 4120. FOR .TRADE 4 Vi acrea inside city Kmita, for unincumbered bouse and lot. If any r-iinra. to umq. aonrffls g-iwg, .journal. BRAND new car, 5 pass., six cylinder. We give h urn ujcub ox w-room - pungaaow. JSu WANT equity in house . here for dear, amaS ounrajow eottagw and lota in Oregon City. East 5779. SOUTHWEST Missouri acreage. $15,000. to x change for Western, i Portland preferred. L. rj. prftnmcm. till) jeninger DKlg. 00 ACRE ranch. 6 miles from Medford, for aue. n iii iae roruasa no use iirst pay ment. J-175. Journal.' CALGARY Will trade Alberta krt: for Portland real rs- tate or automobile. H. O'NeiH. Columbia 1097. 160 ACRE Eastern 3. Dak farm for sale or ex change for Oregon property. W-259. Journal. 160, some improvement, 60 level, trout stream. eooo. appiy lviu xveuy st. EXCHANGE 2 lot is city for equity in uuncuuv, D-uv, journal, EXCHANGE 40 acres, close in for equity in 8- room. modern home; B-T03, Journal. FOR SALE or exchange, modem 5-roora bunga- low, for acreage. Close in. Anto. 614-S 3 WILL, TAKE aatc- or light truck on nifty 4 room house. St. Johns district. CoL 1025. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE 80 ACRES for $800; will take Ford or small amount of cash for first payment and balance $80 per year: land about hi tillable, easy to clear, balance bunch grass pasture; free rent of adjoining buildings; plenty of work close by; school 1 mile; Gateway, Jefferson county, 4 hi miles; would also sell team, etc, on terms. A. D. Clink. Gateway, Or. VERY modern new houseboat, beautifully fur nished, rnindoa 5 piece library set. oak din ing room, 4 piece mahogany bedroom set. china, rugs, etc., complete, convenient kitchen, gaa range and breakfast nook, nice bath; bouse ex ceptionally well built. Sell furnished or unfur nished. Consider city property. Sell. 2847. , Flour and Feed Mill ,16 miles from Portland; owner not able to operate; good water power site: 6 acres of ground. Will exchange for boma in city or rl near Portland. Price for mill $7000. 403 Couch bldg. ' $1000 Have neat new Httle 8-room house not quite finished, East Milwaukie; 50x100 lot, on county road, nice big fir trees on lawn for fuel. Will trade same for acreage. 1 lots ar as first payment on a house and assume. Owner. P. O. box 824. City. Monday Bdwy. 617 3. HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME $"7000 Thoroughly modern, well built 8 room X story bouse, corner lot 60x80, on Hawthorn ave. Price $7000; will take small 'bungalow up to price aa part payment This is a fim class property in every reepec. Sea Mr. Stephana. 738 Chanv of Com. ' FOR SALE or trade 5 room modern house. 84x 185 lot. orchard and berries, chicken house fOT 400 hens. Price $3500. Want 5 acrea near Portland. 4803 79th at,, comer 48th ave. $2800 "EQUITY 40-acre improved farm, near Kelso and Pacific highway, for acreage or tJLsTI?3-' G" Norb. 20 E. 83d at 17 ACRES. 15 ia cultivation, mile from Oregon City, good road. Take Portland property to $3000. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry WO. . , ... FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE Pacific Agency, Inc. ' $14 8 wetland bldg. -Portland. Or. Marsha", $089. Marshall 126$. CALIFORNIA DO YOU WANT TO GET AWAY FROM . THE RAIN' NEXT WINTER f Tf you do and will kindly call at our . office and list your property r aand it in by mail, we will submit same to uur parties in California. Nothing too large 4 or too email or too far from Portland fur W to handle. " We also have a number of Idaho Irri gated farms which are very desirable. Bekrw are a few of oar Southern Cali fornia properties and in the next few days we expect to have a large bat from Los Angeles. ' IMPERIAL VALLEY 820 acres, 190 acrea in a good stand of alfalfa, with 70 acrea more beang pre pared for same, balance is all good clo ver land; has 2 or S email shacks on the place and priced way below : value for a ' quick turn. $200 per acre, or will trade for property in Oregon. EL CENTRO. CAL. SO acrea of very choice alfalfa and grape land. 40 acres in alfalfa that will eut 6 crops this year. The other 4 0 ia all plowed and is ready for crop. Has a nice grove of eucalyptus trees with a few mixed shade, trees, including date palms. This ia located in the beautiful San IMpgo valley. Price. $21,000. with a $9000 mortgage, or will trade for something in Oregon- or Washington. ; ;' 13 ACRE TRACT This tract ia all nnder bearing lemon and orange trees. Good 7 room boose and a large barn and other good improve ments. Close to the paved highway snd in a selected neighborhood. Price $35,000 or will trade for good income property. RIVERSIDE ? 89 aeres, located in the beautiful Mag nolia avenue, just 1 hi miles to the little town of Arlington. ' This land is well watered by an irrigation project and will make somebody a dandy borne. Price $13,500, or will trade for Oregon prop- SAN DIEGO A beautiful 3 story apartment house, fully furnished and equipped, located in an ideal part of the city. Price $190,000, with a $60,000 mortgage, or will trade for property in Oregon or Washington. PASADENA , 2 story brick building on a lot 120x 170 that is bringing in good income at the present tune. Price $200,000. with an $85,000 mortgage. What have you to offer? , . ETJREKA. CAL. We bare several farms of different sizes in your locality, ranging from $10 per acre and upwards, or can trade your property for property in Oregon and Washington. We have lots of other good California, properties, but would take too much space to advertise on the different tracts that we have at this time. If you' are inter ested in 'California, Idaho or Washing ton, kindly call at our office and we will gladly go into details with you. If we haven't what you want we can get it FOR FURTHER INFORMATION : ' SEX - BOB ROLES. Pacific Agency, Inc. 614 Swetlaod bldg.. Portland. Or. Marshall 3989. . Marshall 1265. 80 A.. 40 UNDER enltrration, some commercial timber. 8 roomed noose. large bsrn, 1 hi mi. school. 1 hi mi. Col ton. Family orchard. 2 springs and well, $5000. For Portland property. Might put in atock, etc Trade Portland property for cheap Douglas county land. 110 a., 50 cultivated, some timber. S room bouse, barn, family orchard, 2 wells and springs, 1 mi. school, 6 mi. Lebanon. 6 cows, 2 heifers, 4 calves. 2 brood sows, 6 pigs, chickens. $9350. Mort $4000. Trade for acreage near Ore. City up to $5000. If yon hare any property in Portland to aelt or trade of any aiae, list it with "bOCKHOLD BROS. 601 Swetland Bldg., Phone Main 5769. For Sale or Exchange Beautiful 9-roofri Iurelhurrt home, bunga low type, modern in every detail; 100x75 corner lot; 5 large airy bedrooms, beautiful living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, first and' sec ond floors; large tiled bath, hot water heat French doors leading out onto cement porches, which extend across front and side of bouse; many buiU-ins, breakfast nook, unusually large closets. Owner would consider good building lot smaller house or larg-r house with larger grounds. Mount Tabor or Nob Hill preferred, in exchange. ' Mrs. Snow, Bdwy. 4664 820 Lumbermens Bldg. DEKUM & JORDAN WANT INCOME PROPERTY Have 160 acrea Z hi miles from good alley town, 80 acres under cultivation. 15 acrea in prunes, fair buildings, several springs, some good timber, splendid pas ture. Owner wants income property to S 50,000 will trade this ranch- at $16, 00 dear and pay cash' difference or assume. SEE CS. Dckum & Jordan REALTORS 323-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts.. Main 2233. 10 acres, 7 in cultivation : 1400 raspberries, 2800 strawberries, 15 fruit trees, 3 acres oat, 1 hi potatoes; 4 room tacuse, barn, now chicken house 12x50. milk bouse, cow, borne, 100 chickens. 1 pig, cream separator, 3 plows, har row, and small tools. $2S00, some cash. 10 acres, 7 in cultivation, 3 acres timber; spring, 2 room boose; loins school and near store; good road: all seeded to oats and clover. $2000; will trade for house up to $3500. 2 acrea; 60 fruit trees, bearing: strawberries, raspberries ; 4 room bou-e with concrete bsse ment; on river and near highway. $2500. Will take car aa firt payment A. J. BOCKHOLD with A. C. HOWLAND. 601 Swetland Bldg., Portland. Oregon or 620 Main Street Oregon City. Oregon EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE I Dandy little grocery store, buildings, and Ford delivery; price $4500; aB free of in cumbrance; doing a good business, will prove it before buying ; aged couple feel they are entitled to a rest, and will sell on easy pay ments, or take Portland property or seller's contract; this place will stand strict inspection. - Peterson & York r 437 N.W. Bank Bldg. Main 8005. 160 Acres Exchange i 30 in grass, balance In vine maple and alder. aR good land but rolling; Tillamook county; house 18x20. barn 30x40., $350J. WU1 take house of same value. 60 acrea; 52 in crop; No. 1 land, all level; miles to M alalia ; good, fair buildings; no bet ter ground. $12,000, Will tske Portland house, or small acreage np to $7000. A. J. BOCKHOLD with A. C. HOWLAND, 601 Swetland Bldg., Portlands; Oregon or : 620 Mara Street. Oregon City Oregon. VACANT lots, unencumbered, fa the Penrn-' aula district to trade for equities in improved property. . J R. E. MENEFEE A CO., t 416-417 .Railway Exchange Bldg. r Main 4085. . - $500 Have fine half-acre tract at East Milwaukie, ao buildings, 7e carfare. Will trade same. What have yon? Owner, F. O. box 924.' City, Mon day Bdwy. 8173. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 acres, stock or dairy ranch, 10 acrea eleared. Some old buildings, running water, on country road. Enough timber on one 40 for small sawmill 4 Bailee to railroad station, good soil. $35 per acre and $2.25 per 1000 for timber. Will consider 10 or 15 acres reasonably near high school. Must have dwelling bouse tnd some cleared. : C. L. Hutchinson, Amboy. Wash. :- MODERN 7 -room house, fireplace, all built-ins; full cement basement; close to Peninsula park, grade and high schools. Take auto and each firat payment Address owner. 1S95 Missouri ave. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 APICISA1E BUSINESS AND PROPERTY OWNERS: For a quick and Satisfactory sale list your business, hotel, apartment house or real estate with SURETY INVESTMENT CO. We will sell you out within seven days. We have cash buyers waiting for all kinds of businesses. Partnerships formed. loans negotiated. No business too large er too small for us to handle. A progressive firm with a force of wideawake, competent sales men at your service. Our years of experience and satisfied patrons prove our successful sell ing methods. When others fail you. see us. All business dealings absolutely confidential. No ob ligations. Cell writ- r phone Main 2990. SI RETY INVESTMENT CO., 311 PANAMA BT.DG., PORTLAND, OK, Do You Want to Sell? We have buyer for 6 or 7 room house, any good location, $500 down and good monthly payment Phone your number and we will come and see you. Reedy Co. - ; Realtors 618 Chamber of Cranmerce bldg. Main 4190 We Want a House .5 or 6 rooms near Piedmont car barns. Must be bargain and easy terms. Give us full information. Neilan & Parkhill 219 Lumber ens Bldg. Fifth and Stark SU. WE HAVE a client who. wants a 5 or 6 room house in Sunny-side or Rose City; have $500 cash to pay down, can pay $25 or $30 per month on balance.' "SUN HOUSE" BLDG. CO. 216 Sd st. Bet Stark and Washington sts. HAVE clients wanting 5 or 6 room residence in any good district Pavement not necessary if sidewalks and sewerlu. $500 to $1000 cash. Must be good value. BTJRKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt bid. Realtors. Main 7027. y WANTED Wanted lot in Colonial heights,. Murraymeed er Stratton's addition, price must be reasonable. M-717. Journal. I HAVE slouO caah to pay on modern bun galow, either Rose City, Piedmont. Irrington or Laurelhurst; price, not to exceed $5000. A 457, Journal. WANT LOT in R. C. Park on paved street not over 2 blocks from car, and N. of Sandy. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark Street Main 831 WANTED to buy lot on Council Crest Will give choice lot all paid for. at Gearhart as part payment Mar. 1196, after 10 a. m. WANTED Smal close-in home, to $2200; will give $650 light car and $100 mo. on balanca. E-870. Journal. CL.1KNT with cash wants an improved 5 acres near car, under $3000. Akerson &.Maratera, 420 Henry bldg. WOULD like to buy a Laurelhurst lot for cash. Desire one splendidly located. Edgar Bray field. P. O. Box 4, city. WILL trade one-half interest 160-acre Idaho ranch, first payment modern home. Marshall 2946. - WANT four or five-room bungalow, will pay $200 cash and $25 per month. - Phone Automatic 624-92. G. C. GOLDEN BERG CAN SELL TOUB LOT Abington Bldg. "3$ Years m Portland." Main 4 803. Tabor 8104. HAVE $250 down payment of 5 room bungalow and attic; must be modern and south of Mor rison st. East Eide. Phone East 7018. . FROM OWNER only, modern 5 or 6 room house. Give lowest price and location. W 917, Journal. WANT the best 5 room bungalow that $500 down and reasonable -monthly payments will bny. Brodway 3856. WANT 5-room bungalow, good district; mut be . priced right and owners only. Aut 314-01. PRIVATE party wants the beat house $300 down $35 Per month will buy. Aut 321-68. WANT lot or small acreage as part payment on $3000 borne. Owner, Tabor 8825. BABY GRAND roadster for sale, trade for house not too far out Call Anto. 221-68. WANT to trade 6 cyl. Velio aa 1st payment on modern 6 or 6 room house. Wdln. 4 737. WANTED 5 or 6 room bungalow. Must be on paved street Main 3109. 403 Railway Exch. WANTED Lot neighborhood 14th and Skid more. Mr. 8ermon. 200 2d st WANT 4 -room bungalow. Mont&viUa; $800 first payment. Y-758, Journal. WANT lot 100x100 in Mocta villa; all cash. Y 759, Journal. ' WILL trade Oakland car for good lot Alameda Park. Rose, City Park. Mr. Sermon, 200 2d st HOUSE and acre outade city limits on ea&y terms. Y-761, Journal. , CASH for Irving ton lot, owners only. Give full description first letter. B-54 6, Journal. WANTED 6 or 7 room modem bungalow in Irrington or good district Y-218, Journal. ACREAGE 455 WANT CIXSE-IN IMPROVED ACREAGE A . Portland resident wants a piece of acreage, on good road, within 20 milea Of Portland. On the Oregon side. Not over 20 acres. Near electric line preferred. Want to turn in a clear house on the east side. Will give difference it place has equip ment Owner ia offering his pn-perty at cash value and anything submitted must be a real bargain. See my agent JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building 6 ACRES with orchard and 5 .room bouse on graveled road; price $5000, terms. Also 8 acres with 3 room house on good road; price $4200. terms. D. J. O'CONNOR, 9 2d St. and Woodstock are., Lnets. Aut 626-75. WE WANT CLOSE IN FARMS AND ACREAGE If yon want to sell it costs nothing to let us know. Personal inspection and individual at tention. , J. C. CORBET CO.. Lewis Bldg., Realtors WANT subarbajn house, semi-modern, chicken run. barn, garage, fruit and berries. Not over 2 acres. Small payment down, baL monthly. S-626. Journal. WANTED Small house and not less than 6 acres, near a carhco. Will pay $200 cash and $20 per month. B-708, Jou-nal WANT 1, 2 or 3 acres on Oregon City carline. N-665, Journal. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 WANT A VALLEY FARM Have $10,000 cash and $10,000 in trade . (Eastern Wash, wheat land) fox a valley farm. See us at once. Montgomery & Meissner 822 GASCO BLDG. -0- WANTED To rent stock ranch, furnished or to manage. It E. Callison, 602 N. Main. New berg. Or. TO BUY an improved small homestead re linquishment anywhere aa near the coast as can be. Inquire 806 E. 14th at N., ' Port land Or. , . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 FREIGHT RUN IN AND OCT OF PORTLAND. GUARANTEED INCOME,. WITH NEW TRUCK. LARGE RESPONSIBLE PORTLAND FIRM. STEADY. APPLY 430 BURNSIDE, NEAR 10TH. WEST SIDE. ' . , 1500 HANDLES family boarding bouse clearing $200 per month; finest fum.; see this soon. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR 201 West Park. Main 2599. GROCER I store, -doing about $60 per day. with comfortable living rooms in connection, ean be bought at about $1600 or Invoice. J. O. GRAY COMPANY. 718 DEKUM BLDG. GOOD paying shoe repair, with modern equip ment Well established. 647 First st, N.S. ear. - - - AUTO PAINTING BUSINESS ' Bhop full of work; large-profits; price only $600. Room 401 Datum bldg. PARTNER wanted to take half interest in a good tire vulcanizing and accessorise store. , 409 E. Bamside st CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, groceriea, nice place for man and wife, good business. $11 First st STAND to rent oa Columbia highway. Wdln. 2319. : BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITIES STORES, ETC 500 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY West Side, doing better than $50 day; rent $35, with 6-room cottage: good comer location; will invoice about $2700; sickness reason fox selling. - GROCERY EAST SIDE Corner location, doing $69 day. with 6 liv ing rooms and bath; 2-year lease; rent $55; ao fixtures to buy; price $1700. SHOE SHINE Washington st location, 4 chairs; price $1200; rent $123 per month; long lease: do ing $15 a day and up. CONFECTIONERY Heart of city, good location, doing $70 a day business; price $5500; rent $105 per month; good, terms, with lease. . - RESTAURANT. East side location, doing $50 a day and np. price $6000; the only restaurant in that dis trict; $1000 will handle. KEIPPER & STEWART, ' 410 Ry. Exchange bldg. Phone No. XX 7660. Pacific Agency, Inc. 514-20 Swetland bldg. Mar. 3989. Portland, Or. Mar. 1265. GROCERY Located in east side; doing a very good business; monthly receipts $5000; stock with fixtures $4000; price $4000; cash $3000; will invoice. f GROCERY J Strictly cash and carry; store on west ; side ; doing a very good business, with two living rooms- in rear, furnished; vent $12. SO; receipts monthly $1000; price $1600 cash. $2000 WIXA, HANDLE 25 ROOMS 25 rooms, located in White Temple district all housekeeping, divided into .1,2, 3 room apartment, .hot and cold water in some of the rooms, Hteam heat in some rooms, rent only $H0 a month, making a net profit of about $250 a montli. This place must be sold at once and will take a smaller room in trade as part of firbt payment. See Mr. Stokke, with J. O. GRAY CO., 71 S Deknm Bldg. MAIL ORDER publishing business desires to lo"3 cate in Portland. . Established -five years; specialising in detective literature. 'Owner is a detective and writer of international' reputation. Stock on hand and copyrights worth $30,000. Will sell half interest for $5000. Ought to clear above all expenses $25,000 a year. Give full particulars of yourself in first letter. Ad dress F. Dalton O'Sullivan, Merchants Loan A Trust bldg.. Chicago. I1L " REAL BARGAIN Team of hcrses, 6 and 7 yean old. color sorrel and brown, both recu )ar chunks, low heavy made; weight about 2700; $185. Abo good mare about 1400 lbs.. Coming-8 years old. $85; all servicearly sound and absolutely true workers anywhere ; Jnst out of work and mut sell at once. Also three heavy 1-rrseR. 848 Russell st Mrs. Banner. 70 ROOM TRANSIENT HOTEL Owner is sick and must sell his 70 room modern hotel, corner brick building, with down stain lobby, good west aide location, rent rea sonable, three year lease. This place to be sold on easy terms or will take houie and lot as part of first payment See Mr. Stokke, with J. O GRAY CO.. 718 Dekum bldg. . MR. INVESTOR. I am offering you an oppor tunity of your lifetime. My hardware, crock ery and notion store, witn general repair anop ;n connection, with full set of tools, vis. : carpenter, plumbing, glazing, blacksmith and bicycle. My 'only reason for selling business in another prt of state demands my immediate attention. For further particulars call at 564 Umatilla. $15,000 STOCK $100,000 BUSINESS In good Columbia river town, general mer chandise, all dean lines : will sell at present invoice value, about $15,000; doing over $100,000 a year; cheap rental, no buildings to buy. This is a gilt-edge proposition. LIEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ' Attention, ExService ' Men For an investment yon couldn't do better than file on a' good HOMESTEAD. See E. W. Helm, 316 Board of Trade bldg. GROCERY store, close in on West Side, do ing a nice business, can be handled on $1100 payment J. O. GRAY COMPANY, 718 DEKUM BLDGt TRUCKING BUSINESS Truck line, doing a good business, ean be bandied on a $1000 payment J. O. GRAY COMPANT, 718 DEKUM BLDO. MONEY FOR MERCHANTS Even when the banker says ".No," send for the circular telling what to do in a business emergency. GEORGE FRANCIS HOWK II CO., 630-632 Burke Bldg.. Seattle, w asiy CONTRACTS OPEN I will have three contracts coming np Mon day the 23d; one log hauling contract, one freight run and a gravel job; This will be open for your approval but you most be in a position to purchase. a truck. Phone Jensen. Marshall 5241. OWNERS offer for sale a complete woodwork ing plant suitable for planing mill or furni ture factory; plant should prove a splendid in vestment under aggressive management; $3000 cash or acceptable securities will handle. Phone CoL 1251. RESTAURANT Have s wonderful West Side location, long lease, dandy building. Must be sold this week at a sacrifice. $1000 will handle. See Mr. Depew, on Sunday from 10 to 12 or Monday morning. J. O. Gray Co.. 718 Dahuro. Bldg. HAULING contract for 1 hi ton truck, $750 re quired; want year's work; can clear truck and $10 a day. All work on pavement; job and truck are 100. Ask for Charlie, 227 Salmon st Main 8154. $2000 COMMISSION to a good promoter to sell my new invention: does the work of 60 to 100 men; greatest money earning device in the world. Give your phone number. B-725. Journal. CONFECTIONERY A chance to make more money the first year cnan tue cost ot tne bmuws, going concern, open to strictest invextigatJon, can be handled for $2100. J. O. Gray Co.. 718 Dekum bldg. MERCHANT! If yon want to sell your business without publicity, see or write i MONTGOMERY A LEAP 437 Cham, of Com. r Phone Bdwy. 8198 AUTO repair shop, located In a very -busy dis trict catering to industrial trade, wants me chanic with ability as partner, will accent Ford aa part payment or give terms. Price $650. J. O. GRAY COMPANY. 718 DEKUM BLDG. IXjK SALE A first class 2 -chair barber ahop . and bath; 5 years lease;; rent $25; poor health, most Quit, $700 cash. T. W. Murphy, Wheeler. Or. STORE building. 22x38 feet 3 living rooms on side; $1800, $800 cash, "balance $18 per month, including, interest; all improvements in snd paid. 1312 Belmont m agents. OWN your job; immediate employment in co operative woodworking plant; 30O to $500 re quired. Permanent positions at good wages. Olympia Box A Package Co., Olympia. Wash. WHEN you are looking for business opportuni . ties, call on us. Our customers are our refer ences. J. O. GRAY COMPANY. 718 DEKUM BLDG. FOR SALE Wood sawing machine, 6 h. p. gawline engine mounted on 1-ton Ford truck. - This machine is in fine running order. Call 429 Hawthorne avei. A. B. C. Fuel Co. WANTED To rent furnished, dining room and kitchen in a hotel, boardinghou.se or camp, bst of board guaranteed. Mrs. Ferguson, Box 63. St Helens, Or. GARAGE for sale the bent garage in citjf--went side restricted district income $n00 per month; best at; to paint ahop in city in connec tion. O-790, Journal. BUTCHER shop for sale: aR kinds of machinery: reason for selling poor health; shop in good country town, only 45 miles from Portland ia the state of Washington. XX-307. Journal WANTED, man for furniture repair work with $1000 or $1500; good position for right -w AKU t 1 ' FOR SALE Small butcher ahop. best suburban location : in Vancouver; good lease. Deal di rect with owner. B-12 2 , Journal. FOR immediate sale, will sacrifice for $1000 grocery stock and fixtures that wili invoice about $1400. 808 Union ave. North. SOMETHING NEW INSURE YOUR IN COMB Main 41S4 DRUG STORE, in good suburban district real good business; wiil sell inventory. 0-177, Journal WELL established garage with service ear on very busy street, good paying proposition. $2250 with terms. 0-V5. Journal. SHIPPING 3000 cords of wood and lumber; want responsible party handle Portland end, $1000 reqnired. Woodlawn 1950. i'uR RENT Repair shop. 50x50, in garage; a chance for a good mechanic to make some real money. East 6568. WANT partner with trucks or teams to saw 4000 cords and market- Address Owner. P. O: Box 1091. ' GROCERT and eonfecuoneiy store for sale. T-787, Journal. A GOOD going, paying business bargain for aale - fair terms. Y-760, Journal. FOR SALE Poolroom and confectionery; good location. Apply 883 E. Bnrnside. FOR SALE 10.000 lbs. "Cwanta" kippered salmon, a Portland product Seliwood 554. $550 WELL established, second hand store. 288 N. 16th st WANTED Good bsrber as partner or will hire. V. B. McCarter, Wallowa. Or. DENTAL equipment lor sale, leaving eity, eheap. Woodlawn 1285. mornings. FOR-SALE 2 chair barber's outOt $25 First street - FOR SALE If you are looking for a good fro eery bo.ineea to about $1500. call Cat 1262. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 RESTAURANT $3500 will buy. this thoroughly equip ped restaurant ' Doing a fine business, located on one of the best vxrfceta in city. Lease at less than $1000. per month. : This is a good buy. GROCERY STORE $750 will buy this nice httle business, well established. Rent $35 per month. Doing good business, bring rooms in connection. GENERAL STORE " Stock of about $4000. aim building including an elegant rexidonr with garage and other outbuildings, about 2 acres of (round with fruit berries snd walnuts. A fine place to lire, on good highway. P. O. and good busi ness. Price $12,000. Some terms. RESTAURANT This, is one of Portland's best Lease rune through the 1925 fair, doing an elegant buaineos and -improving every day. Requiring $8000 to . handle. Call and see it F. RIERDON, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE Sc. CO., 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade bids. Pacific Agency, Inc. (514 Swetland bldg. Mar. 3989. Portland, Or. Mar, 1265, BEAUTY SHOP This business is equipped to handle facial massage, scalp treatment aliam poo inc. manicuring, chiropody. This ia an old established business; old age rea- son for selling. $1400. LUNCH COUNTER Market location. This business Is run so ' Sunday and evenings, are yours; $1500; some term to responsible party. CONFECTIONERY Corner location, - 5-year lease. This is an old established business ; 2 nice liv ing rooms, reasonable rent; $4500. GARAGE 100x100, 2 floors, the meet up to date garage in the city. This will store more than a hundred ears. This will sur prise you; $10,000. "HOSNER ft HOSNER. Investment Dealers, OFFER S 'or -1ft shares ARTHUR L. SMITH MOTORS, INC.. bargain; per share. $70. 4 shares 7 Sfe preferred, 2 common, WEST ERN FINANCE CORP.. for $415. 2 glares 7 preferred. 1 caramon, WEST ERN FINANCE CORP., for $205. WANTED Pacific States Fire Ins. stock offer. Idaho Gold ft Ruby offer. 8000 to 12.000 share Oregon-Wyoming pooled certificate receipts offer. WE BPY AND SELL Other Stocks of Merit Tell Us Your Wantv v Main 4823. 608 McKay Bldg. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS The California ft Oregon Lumber Co. of Brookings, Curry county, Oregon, is now ready to receive Dids for the construction, in whole or part of 14 miles of main line railroad from Brookings, Oregon, south to village of Smith tuver, iei isorte county, California. Work in cludes construction of one deck none trua bridge ot three 162 foot spans, several minor bridges, approximately 6500 feet of trestle and necessary grading. Plans and specifications may be seen at tne company a otrioe at Brookings, Oregon. Bids will be opened 2 D. m.. June 15. 1921, and the right ia reserved to reject any or ail oicw. CALIFORNIA ft OREOGN LUMBER CO. Cleaning and Pressing Business for sale; good income. TRICE $650.00. Neilan & Parkhill 219 Lumbermen Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sts. AUTO REPAIR SHOP I want to get in touch with a good auto repair man with a little capital to establish a repair and auto accessory shop in one of the finest locations in the Willamette valley; richt at the electric station snd paved highway, surrounded by thickly settled farming district This is not a partnership. This opportunity ia yours if you take it See Fred II. Parriah, 209 Failing bldg. Main 8327. . GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE STOCK AND FIXTURES Invoice, about $5000, including Ford deliv ery, oil and gas tanks and pumps, receipts aver age over $1500 per month, rent $15 per month; good lease, splendid location, no competition; Yon had better investigate. See Mr. Hurd. F C AWT O " 9 752 Chtmber of CVmmrr bld$T IN WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT 19 rooms in White Temple district part sleeping and part housekeeping rooms, furnace heat running water in all the rooms but two; making a net profit of about $150 a month. Landlady has three rooms, for self. Good build ing snd good furniture, rent only $65 a month, two year lease. This place must be seen to be ap preciated. See Mr. Stokke with J. O. GRAY CO., 718 Deknm bldg. MEAT MARKET PUBLIC MARKET YAMHILL 8T. In BEST corner on street Thousands shop here daily. Wholesale and Retail. Iirase eevtrs WORLDS FAIR PERIOD. Price on sppliestinn. TERMS hi cash, balare marketable paper. We rave anotner equally as gooo. l ms uses quics action. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS 264 Stark st Main 583 snd 1094 LARGE manufacturing corporation wants calla ble men to open branch office and manage salesmen; $300 to $2000 necessary; handle your own money. Exclusive rights; patented article; money making possibilities unlimited win pay expenses to Baltimore if yon qualify. Address, Secretary, 603 N. Eutaw at. Baltimore, ma. ROOMS; PRICE $350; SNAPI $350 buys 6 room house. Has good furniture, good location, good building, furnace heat This is sure a bargain at $350 and must be sold st once. See Mr. Stokke, with J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. Will be at the office between 1 and 2 Sunday. WE PAY spot cash for stocks of merchandise, shoes, clothing, furnishings, women's wear, Jewelry or hardware. Bigger the better. Con fidential, of -course. George Francis Rows ft Co., merchandisers and financiers for business institutions, general offices 630-632 Burks bldg.. Seattle. Wash. - A PARTNER WANTED A first-class mechanic wants a reliable partner for equal half interest in a large modern garage; long lease; full of storage; plenty repair work, and being on a busy street has big sale gas, oils, tires, etc $1300 will handle it Call room 401 Dekum bldg. LAUNDRY GOOD COUNTRY TOWN Good paying laundry, fully equipped, doing good business, $3250; 4 living rooms and bath, rent $30. Particular this office. I.irt 89. WKSTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY 817 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. COUNTRY store building and lot 50x100. with all fixtures, rented: 40 milea from Portland on railroad; good chance to do business. Will sell or trade for bouse in Portland, or close-in acreage: also auto truck. Price $2500. Phone Manball 3746. COMPLETE dairy equipment, including pas teurizer, boiler, motor, bottle waher, filler, cans, bottles, etc, in fact, everything necessary to carry on the milk business; eheap rent long lease, clee in on east side; reasonable. See F, L. Miller, 355 Washington st Main 8579 FOR SALE One half interest in a wood work ing and furniture repair shop in one of the best towns in the Willamette valley. A fine opening for a good mechanic who can run ma cbisaa Poor health cause of selling. . NX-653, Journal. A PARTNER WANTED Manufacturing; equal half interest for $1290; duties easily learped; profits average $50 week and np for each partner. Call aoom 401 Dekum bldg. AtTCTTfRE STORE Anto accessories, tires, vulcanizing, eto. A splendid opening for active nun. Your "money fully secured and ant willing to teach buyer the business. Call room 401, Dekum bldg. POOLROOM and confectionery, buy from owner, save commission and g.t a paying business cheap. Call at place Sunday, at 2031 East nts nr. etty. t. m. Ryan WOMAN wants unmarried partner for good, safe business proposition. Particulars through in terview only. Out of town sppucant. eonsid- ereo. s-iu, journal. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 ON ACCOUNT of death of my mother, will sell - a 16 room aU housekeeping rooming beuae. CaR 148 hi 11th st. room 2. Bdwy. 2914. 13 RoomsRent 320 , Location can not be beat Clean and nest on one floor. Price $695. $200 will handle. Peters, 15 N. 5 th at OWNER 14 furnished H. K. room. White Temple district; price $1900, scans terms. Phone Main 5156. . 23 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale by owner. 193 West Park at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE -502 BIG BARGAIN IN COUNTRY HOTEL We are instructed to aell the furniture, bed ding, linaa, range, kitchen utensils, table, oh airs, office furniture and aU equipment of the only hotel in Woodland, as owners are ill and ean- not care for it Business well established snd making money. Building ia a 8-story frame. in good coud,taon, ana rent is reasonable, and lease can be had. At chep second-hand prioea' th. house will invoice more than the price asked, but they have made the low price ia order to eall it quick. There are 25 guest rooms, good range, plenty aU kinds kitchen and dining room equiiment and good - trade.' House well located in center of town. Will stand the moat rigid investigation. Price only $000. LEWS RIVER LAND COMPANT, WOODLAND. WASH. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN 6 rooms, good furniture, rent $30. $400. 8 rooms, extra good., furniture, very attractive house. $950. lO rooms, very sightly location, good place. $950. 10 rooms and restaurant in Vancou ver - , $N00. 5 rooms, rent $45, including beat water and care of garbage; very attract) re furni ture. $850. 20 moms, housekeeping apartments; riots almost $100. $900 handle. ' 1 o moms, newly painted; lease obtain able. $850 handles. 9 rooms, brand new furniture, walls clean, good house. $500 handles. Mrs. Aibaugh, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger BW., Realtor. Pacific Agency, Inc. 514-20 Swetland blda. Mar. 3989. Portland. Or. t Mac 1263. , 14 ROOM HOUSE ' Good 14 -room house, furnished wtt-h, two bathrooms, electric Ihrhts; all rooms rented out Also small store building in cluding $800 stock- of groceries. Two lots fi0xl25 each. These two .places are bringing in s good income. This prop erty is located in s small town, 25 mile from Portland on Pacific highway; price $4 500; mortgage $1000: $2000 cash will handle; - will exchange for rooming house in Portland or Vancouver. DO YOU want a good paying proportion in a country hotel in a progressive town? If so, I have it. i - ' - . This place is situated on the main street; has had sn entirely new wing sdded to it s year ago, which was newly furabdied. Thre are Sn bed rooms. 2 sitting- ror.ms. larse' lobby. 3 baths. 2 showers, 2 lavatories, 4 toilets. The lot is 112x100, with a cement sidewalk. Owner wishes to retire from bu-dnesa. . having reached the age and- circumstances to permit of it This hotel is very much above the average country hotel from all standpoints, not only from its location in a live town, but eteo in its equipment income both present ana future, fnce Sli.uou, casn itttuu balance at 5 per cent Inquire FRED HKRBERT, Ridgefield. Wash . Pacific Agency, Inc. 514 Swetland bldg. Mar.' 8989. Portland. Or. Mar. 1265. ROOMING HOUSE 82 rooms. This nets you bettor than $225 per month, AVashington st. loca tion, $4750: $1500 cash will handle. ROOMING HOUSE ' 77 rooms, one of the 1 eleanewt house, in town, money makerj 6-year lease; $12,000; $4000 will handle thia. BE YOUR OWN LANDl OKD 20-room hotel, good WashimrUm town, and 1 acre ground, property joins hiirb school, fine view Mt Hood and valley of Hood rivtr, and other scenic attractions, shrubbery and lawn, lota of frnit, chicken bouse, 2 mocks to postofrice, over 100 feet norehes. building ,n fine wmdl- tion and well furnished, large lobby, bt hold is town, excellent proposition for good hotel people, on i Mine, ground and larnipmngt,: goouu terms $2000 cash, ball nee easy. ltt 18. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO., 817 Northwextern Bank bldg. Main 8052 i Main 8052 MONEY MAKER BIG i MONEY MAKER $6000 CASH DOWN $6000 96 ROOMS 96 room hotel, very cheap: rijht clnse in. See R. C. Oeder Realty Co., Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 8052 Main 80 $2 sPPORTLNITY'S KNOCK 120 moms, 81 arts.; modern rnd elegantly furnished throughout beautiful comer brick bldg., best West Side Vwation; rent only $650; long lease; netting $700 with Janitor; 2 arts, and aU telephones free; a real bny at 117,000, terms. 8KB T. A. S1AIIK., A. M J1AUG CO.. 812 Henry Mdg. Bdwy. 54 87 $1260 NET PROFIT 7 6 -room hotel, modem snd ver rtfeelv fnrn isbed throughout, -nice oorner brick bkig., good location. !ig lease at low rent; priee only aie.uuo, S7UUQ casn. v SEE T. A. MADDBf, A. M. HAUG CO.. . BIS Henry bldg. J Bdwy. 64 87 37:RoomsRcnt $75 Boarding houe. all full. Ton ran res rllnine room ore rent it out A bargain. Buy this for Hen it again ana double your moony. A REAL BUY 80 rooms, some apt,, some single. aU modern and well furnished, several fireplaces, nsst comer bldg., dandy location: rent $170 with lease; net over $250 snd 3 -room apt for self; price $4500, SEE T.,A. MADDEX, A. M. HAUG CO.. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. $487 6 ROOMS, rent $30. furnace, fireplace. basement laundry trays; mock bettor furniture than the average that sells for $100 per room. A very comforts We, dean, well furnished home for Only $41)0. Mrs, Albauch, with ' JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. NORTHWESTER IN HEAT . 85 rooms. 24 ats , s'rictly modern and firxt class throughout nice comer bl'1,. Wonderful downtown location; net about $6C0; full price only sis.oou, essy term. SEE T. A. MADDEN, A. M. HAUG CO.. ffl 2 Henry bMr. Bdwy. 84 87. WHITE TESfPLE 19 rooms, h. k.; Income ' $255, which means that yon net better than $150, besides your cheerful two room suite; whole price only $2200; $1660 down. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR 201 West Psrk. Main 2590. 27 RoomsRent $50 On Sixth st. toward Union depot All on one floor. Light rooms, good f omit ore, cltmr $250 a month. If sold st once, price $1350. Pay $450 down, frai. g yon make It Peters, 15 N. 6th st THIS IS A DANDY 10 rooms practically new. bish srade fnrnitnre. fine house, fruit treea, berries, etc. ; .good -West Side location; net $60 and 4 so imi for self. Price $1350, terms. , SEE T. A. MADDEN, A. M. HAL'G CO.. 512 Henry bldg. 1 Bdwy. 5487 11 ROOMS, close in weet side; h. k. ;" $875 bsn dies; income $110; price $1300. Fine for boarders if you want to keen! them. , J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR 201 West Park.. Msin 2590. 18 RooirisRent' $35 Brick building, running water rooms, dandy lo cation, fair furniture. AU for $1495. Easy terms. Peters, 15 N. 6th. . A REAL OPPORTUNITY 85 room hotel, modern and well fumi-died throughout good ermdirJon. beautiful brick bldg., located in the heart of the city; rent $278 with lease; net $450; price $8500. half cash. BEE T. A. MADDEN". A. M. HAUO CO., 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 84 7. FOR BAR0AINSPEE ME READ MY BULLETIN BOARDS -THEN ASK ME FOR FACTS J. EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR 201 West Park. Main 2S90. THINK OF IT 44 h. k. rooms, income $250 net rent $100, with lease. Full price $4400; eah to handla $180Q. K. Owen ft Co.. 874 Yamhill, WEST SIDE - 14 -room boarding honse for refit, north of Nob district; steady boarders; doubls garage. Y-757, Journal. 35 H. K. ROOMS. 8 sleeping rooms, direct from owner: West Side location; close-m, , good terms. P-751, Jrmrnal. or call Mar-ball 250H, WILL sell to b:ghct bidder for cai-li in next 10 days 1 4 -room boarding bonse. fully equipped, bv owner. 195 Union ave. N Phone Eat 4476. fcli.HT room h. k.. splendid furniture, close In, WS location. Full price $650. E. Owen ft Co., 874 Yamhill st RUOMLNG house, splendid location, gaud home for man and wife and income bexides, reason able; terms. Call Monday. Main 7651. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE - 602 80 ROOM hotel, lumberman's hw:liHirUT, good building, ail outside rooms, doing big bus nru. netr two largest mill in state, running full blent. hotel clears over SHOO per month, young rnupl owners unable to tmndle the busliifc: ruunt wll immediately, building, ground an I fitnuihlntj. $lr00 eaih handles everything complete; big snap to people who know the hotel butiinme; pay balance like rent. Ijt 19. WESTERN BROKEnAGE CO., 817 Northwestern-Bank bldg I Orert Htindny lo a. m. to 1 p. m WANTED 550 HAVE cash buyer for furnishings snl lease of good rooming houa. or apafV ment bouse. See I S. Dekum. & Jordan REALTORS $23-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Fourth and Ptnrk sts. Main 2233. HAVE immediate buyer for good houekep ing plaoe of 15 to 20 mourn. Price mut-t be reasonable and place miixt ba sf"d living quMrteri for owner. Mrs. Albttuttti. with JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger -bldg. "Want to Buy or Sell?-" 'ANT KIND OF BUSINESS No Publicity Hrosdwway 474$ M. C. PKTKRSON. 827 Henry Itlrig 'IIL'TERS If " you -are looking for a grocery store, con fectionery,, toft drink, pool room, garau. fillinc station or any kind of btidnena, see Montgomery ft I-sp, 437 Cham, of Com. SUIN'OlJi MUJ. WANTKIi. Want to buy or Inue al-ingle loilt IX 707, Journal. WANT to buy a 2 or ,1 i-lmir bmb'-r uliop; won It oonrider liaif interest in larger ahop. b. hill. Journal. ' : HAVE CAil -I am a new comer anil want a morning hou-e of 12 to 20 roon. h. a. pie- fered. Mr Temple, Main 5157. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS - NO COMMISSION On improved property or tor improvement purposes. Th. best snd easiest ' method of paying a loan Is ont monthly payment plsn. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month fov 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 mouths pays a loan oi $1000 snd interest Loans of other smotiuta in s4r proportion. Repayment Privilege. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN . A4Q M. 243 Stark St, Portland. Or. I HAVE THE MirEY BEAiiT No waiting; several clients sftvr m. to pise, their money for thrm. If yon wnt a loan in any amount from $1000 to $12000 at n prr ecnt and 7 per cent in U rest, coin, and m. now, while I bar. the money available, s'rad a. William, ftlltl Panama blog. NOTlt'K -Win cash raortgagg or sellers' real mtai. contract Also privet, funds to loan: luw.t rates. Prompt attention. See A. K... 11 ill, 4iio Lumbermen bldg. i $S067$4d0. $500, $o1ut$7o0, $To6oa1d up. ..Lowest rates.-quick action. Psy $100 or xoor. any tntsr.ot data. Gordon Mortgage o., til Chamber of Com mem. hide. Main 117 0. S.'OoO ON l.Mil:o ED UESlDKNClfc PROPERTY 7 HERMAN' MOKLI.KR. Realtor, 1025 (itvn Kuildinii. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan on morUstfea. second . mortgages and sellers' contract on real e1a! in Oreeon and Washington, Charles Deifel, U18 Railway Eicliangs bldg. ' Irrigation,, Amarioan or Canadian, mutiii'liml bondn, mortgages or good indium!, wo-urituw. Ul IN. ma Morgan Mblrlg. ItKALTOIt $800. $400.. $50t,$750, $lnoO AND I P Low rates, quick acttion. fc'rad W Geroiaa Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 044 ft. 1 HAVE i0U, JUO and $150. 10 per cent, lor city property or cxeage, 932 Chamber Co tu rn eree. ' Money to iAf $so, $5oli7$7b6T$Too67 $1600, $2000hon city improved propery al 7 per cent J. LTWella Co., 60 $ G a -co b Ids BUILDING loans on city and iiourban protrtj, money advanced as work trogresr W li. Beck. 215 snd 216. Palling bldg Main S407. SEE OREGON IN, ft MOIIltJAGF. CO.. 2it Chamber of Commerce, 4lh and Stark. $"5d, $1000, $150O," $2000," $2000 ANlFf'P P.H.DKSHONeiBJlliambrr of Com bldg. MONEY to loan. $100 to"$RO00. A." H.Bal . IA .-. 1 V. k.1,4.. tVA.i .AWafc S $1000, $500, 7 per cent; title eipoiue only. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 do you need;money LOANS MADE CM AUTOMOBILES FTTRNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS (III ANYTHING Off VALUE. SKfCItlTY USUALLY LEST 1! YOUR POSSESSION. Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON- THEIR NOTP!$ WITHOUT SKCt'HITY. IP YOr n PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOA COMPANIES 0 ON FURNITUKE OR AimiMoHILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO I. Alt'. K. WE VVJI.L I'Af THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU WORK MONEY. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN IIKI'AI VA IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMKNTS TO BUlf YOUR CONVaUiIECR LEGAL RATES. NO DEI. AY PORTLAND LOAN CO. t LICENSED) $06 807 DEKUM BLDG,. 8D AND WASH SALARY LOAN, CHATTtUi WE LOAN MONEY en short notic. to salaried or working men on their own notea. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly peysaanta, Each UanaacUoa strictly confidential. HO MOHTGAGK WO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY WO SECURITY We also loan oa household roods, mason, etou CALL AND IN VKMTIOATE COLUMBIA DIHColTNT COMPANY. (LICENSED) S 1 8 FAILING Ii C ILDTNO. MO.NKt TO LOAN t On Ooods in Storage. Hank Rate. T SECURITY STORAGE ft TKANSKtll CO, 6$ 4th Ht. opp. Multnomah HoUL Phone Ilrosdwsy 8716. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WANT Irrigation. American or Canadian, mont'-tinl bonds, mortgagee or good lnln tnsle, wnntiM. OUIX, 206 Morgan bHj REA tTOIt WK RUY firt and s-cond morizages and seUcrs' contracts ' r E. KovBin 4. Co . 210 Clum ber of Commerce bldg. Msin 8026. CASH paid for mirtcirei and seller' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. II. V. Noble, 816 LnmHerrmni bldg. LJ1IEHAL diicoiint on Htmdivara l'honograpti stock. Owner, MarhH 7 MONEY WANTED 631 WANT $2000 on highly improved subnrbin borne of 7 hi acres, Jutt north of Hill-, boro, all under Iilnh tat. of cultivation and fine -modern b'illdirr I'rotie'rty well worth $7000. JOHN , PLUG CHUN, Ger linger bldg. Main 8529. INCOME PROPERTY lOR SALE $30,000 A long term - guarantee an Income of 6 per cent rm pnrcha. price over and above all taxes and aernen. J 415, Jrrirnal. WANTED $3000 to $4000 on clone In. high class residence property. No eoraraiaion. J 4?4. Journal. WANTED From private irty, $''00o on -room, large, 2-tory lionoe; real clute in. Eat 3S Main 1Sf. r WANT Joan. $1000 to $1500 from pri rat.- party. secured by mortgage on hiingalo In lliee City Psrk. fl.'.ft E. 7nh st N. WA.NTLI rProm priraU party, a firt mort gage loan of $'J3?tO tar 5 years at 7 per cent; gilt.-c.lgcd security. Call Tabor 11M. rWAST$1600, 8 per cent, on mv$4000 home, from private party. 932 Chamber Commerce BEE OREGON INV. ftMORTOAGECO."$ Chsmber of timm.rce. ' $14 00 AT 8 per cent on new- bungalow Tot 100x100. Wilbur K. Jouno. 222 llenrv bldi. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 10(10 ll. IIOHHK. b.orky buUL t'boti. Aut marie nzs-ss. FA KM wagons tor sale by L. Thompson, 72? Powell St.. near 2 1st t. 1 1600 LB. HOUSK, S years old, ch.irky buiit snd in" fine ermd!ti'n. ' Woodyard, 327 Front. WANTED Good gentle okl hurt., cheap. Ai toms tic. 617-14. WAN f E D Paetur. for 2 tmsll horu-s. not far from Portland. N-i8 Journal. FINE ps'r of mree. wriKlit 2:iif 2 milts tutt of I-enU on Ynr ter rosd...; Hot 40t. NEW et of 85 breeching hrne-; a -nap for Write or oil W. J. DOLiiLE tesm $3 dsy. sicKle Warn $150 dsy. 546 front st Main 2oa. WANTED V sgon lor farm im. i'bons Me day. Woodlawn 1241.