THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,- SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 22, 1921. REAL ' ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 HOUSES 2. A. W ICK U AN CO., 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSES 404 HOUSES 404 ACREAGE 405 ACREAGE 40S ACREAGE 40S Shortest Uil Horn' HAWTHORNS BUNGALOW $48505 rooms and large attic: hvtng rnnra em entire front, natural select finish-. '. . during roomys white enamel; Iratcb kitchen, breakfast Book; hardwood floor; fireplace: fill cement basement wa&h tray and furnace. Garage. Term: ""' HAWTHORNE NEW BUNGALOWS $ ISO oown. TThink of it These 5 room modem bungalows with breakfast nook fnr aa little aa $160 down; hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement wash trays. Don't pass "this op. ALBERTA ALBERTA ALBERTA W. have some wonderful home buys - ixt U Alberts district. Some on small - payments down. If yoo are looking f a horns in this popular district, see as aa w are headquarters for good homes. " ' MT. TABOR VIEW HOME 3(8508 This 7 room modern home on lift. Tabot la aa irwpiratimi. Reception ball, bring f room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, den ' and toilet on first floor; 3 bedroom. , sleeping porch, bath and toilet oo second floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement laundry trays; garage; fruit. ' N o im proveme ntn to wf tor. Terms, ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 15950 Below tha hill, in Bcse City Park fae , , ins east; a modern S room bunt-alow with all modern eonrenienoea, includ ' i Ing Oreplsce, furnace, garage and large -attic. $1000 will handle this. We hare man mere- real bargains in Rose City. REMEMBER, our lint of 2 story modem bousea in all popular districts is complete. We bare soma classy bur. . Sea us. : J. Av Wickiraan Co. ."SflOBTEST WAT HOME." S Bra- t. Main 683 arid 1004. FurnislhedS500 Down Walking distance, west side, S rooms, . " almost like new. New plumbing. ""' Price $3750, including (nod piano. This is only the. vaiu. of tha lot and wast side property is advancing fast. A Pay like rent. This b surely a very nretty home and you'll bo wise to call "r621 MARKET ST. AT 16TH.- v Rose City Park S room bungalow, absolutely modem; 1 block from Bandy. A biff bargain. : $4250.00 ; Neilan & ParkhllL i - 219 Lumbermen Bids, - Fifth and Stark Sts. .. at Rose City Realty Co. 2STH AND RANDY BLVD. A WONDERTOL SNAP . Trvtngton bungalow. 0 nn. modern, eorner lot, fireplace, furnace, built-ins. imp, in and paid, near car and school; only $4400, $1000 down balance easy. 3 room house on 72nd sr., clone to Base City car. lot 60x100; only $1450 with terms. New Rom $ty bungalow. 6 rooms modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, all lata built-in, a food buy for the money; $4 850 with term. Kant Ml, evenings Tabor 64 42. 4 BOOMS AND BATH $2300 Brand new, modern and complete, 40x1 00, kt Just off pavement. Sewer connection. Kitchen wiu hare wash tray next to sink, lota of cup boards, dinner table and benches, bath and kitchen in snow white enamel, floors finished. Terms $500 rash. $20 month. . 762 Ellis avenue, Sellwood ear. walk vast. Sidney Q. Lathrop . . 515 ABINGTON BLDO. - THE SIGN OF THE HORSESHOE ESADTUUIi Alameda ft room home, at the pries of a bungalow, 80x100 lot, fine rtew. linn c. dininc. sun room, den, kitchen, breakfast nook, laratory on first floor, 4 large, light bed rooms and large closets on 2d floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, bnffrt, bookcases, furnace full cement basrtnenC, doubts garage. See this beau tiful new home, priced at only $6500, $3000 i - 1 V 1 . I. 1 - 'Jo!hnsonDodson Co. 1 IS N. W. BsnJr bldg. Main 87T. .MAIN 8052- -MAIN S052 4 CASH ." $400 CASH 1 . room bungalow, plumbing, gaa, alee, lighta, nasament, laandry trays, improve me nta paid; 1 block to car. K. C OEDER REALTY CO. . MA IN 8052 MAIN 8052 Bt7I ON THESE TERMS. IT'S TOCR CHANCE i :-f Bight en I'aTement ; .; ' $"500 Cash v, . $40 per month incl. Int. 6 lore?y rooms, has fnrnacwr don't ymi believe owmr mnit stUf Price rat $200 for Sunday. Look, $3300. Open -Sunday. INTEItSTATTi INTESTMSUfT OO. - - . ' BEAX.TOUS Bdwy: 4T51 ' 410 Hecry bldg. BLOCK EAST Oi" LAUBBLl'.L'KST PAKK - New modem B room bunge. low with breakaet rook, hardwood floors thnrngticut, fnrnace, radi , ant flret'lace. cement fruit and vg. room in baeemant. Mnishrd In old ivory with tapestry ' walla. BuiTtins finished with beveled plats glas, "Lot 60x153, gang .Will sell furniture with place if desired. Terras. Owner at home Sun- dsv. 1174 East Ankrny. ' OVERLOOK ' ADDITION .- 5 room bungalow, hardwood floots, furnaes, . tapestry paper, everything tike new, good garage, imp. all in and paid. Price $3800, and worth it; About half down. - GEO. r. CROW. WITH , HK8GARD A 1IARALA. t S01 Uisaiasippi Ave. 1 Wdlh. .1201. Baa., Wdln. 27S5. BUNGA1W :.( DOWN . Pit I OB $2600 ; -4 moms and bath, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, oncrete basemetit, cement walks, lawn, flow ers and shrubbery, on pared street, 3 blocks from oar: a cosy little home, eaty terms. - . ; .BJCIIARD W. MAST, Realtor. R1TTKR, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board, of Trade bldg. A FINS OPPORrnNlTT , - Beautifnl Lalts Grove modern bungalow, and . swrs of ground. This is an opportunity of Bfetijn is get a nice suburban home on easy terms. mortgage. Furnished if desired. 'Ralph Harris Co. '. REALTORS 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6624. 12800 NEW B room bnngalow with full - lot. In Kenton district; just right for t . a worker in that industrial center; batk) built-in cabinebt and all modern eonven - lenees. A small payment down, balance - with small monthly payments., WHALLEY, 612 UcKay bldg. , HOLLADAY HOME SNAP " First modern seven room borne, Jnst com ptstely renovated, like new. -Hardwood Doors turoughont. Largs lot, fruit tree; beautiful -boms surrounding: vacant. 782 Habey, near 24th. $7250. Own. Bobert B. Best. East 1875. Easy terms. A TITLK lnsnrancs Policy u a gnaramss by s " r-pouib!e company that you will not sutfet Ws on account of the title to your real estate. When yen buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title A iru--t company. . krST "eell furnkhed ' 6 ' room bungalow for $2200. 2 large bedrooms, excellent plumbing, All kinds of built-ina. 8 fruit trees. Corner lut. This bungalow is very attractive and double con structed. Am sacrificing, $300 down, Har ( shall 2098.. ill Take Lot or Car 6 room eottags bungalow, full lot. fruit, paved and paid; newly finished inside and out. Take soma cash. Max. 3352 or Tahor 3090. J. B. ROCK : - ROSE CITY PARK-$6000 Swell 6 -roo m bungalow, up to date in all appointments, two fireplaces, hardwood floors: white enamel finish; some fruit. HENRY W. OODDARD, Realtor, 243 Stark St. y OWNER, bargain in a II on ta villahoine, T --jwwe mm, usui, buikb, wreiy snruooery. Berries, trait trees,- opposite tha new park, half block trosa Depot ear. Terms, 150 JS. 8 id $2000 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $2000 Fine modern horns, built-ins, full basement, good plumbing. 100x100 lot; $500 cash, balance t suit. f : SMITH-WAOONKTR CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE , BY OWNER, 8 -room bouse, good condi tion-r . - arranged for 2 families or one, near Jeffer son high school, two blocks from street car. Cash or terms to responsible parties. Wdla. mem. 1&JTKBAL good buys in bouses, Albina, Alberta! Piedmont and Peninsnla Park districts. Let ta show- yon. Pittinger, 693 k Widliama Ave-. or n t a norm wick c.t AIO0E2KN 0 room bonss, bath, pantry, fruit . -room, tuu Basteusct, u bearuic frrtt trees and aTl kinds of berries, 100x100 corner lot, garden vn. trwrier Ba. rtmatntcn St.; terms. ACSE, lota of fruit, bouse, close in. terms; !A acre, unfinished house, ' cheap, terms. 403 Railway Exchange. Siin 3109. I ROM owner, save commission, fine borne place, 5 rooms and bath, 60x100, paved street at ewd Alberts car. 1276 E. 80th st N. .WILL take lot as first payment on house in Rose City.' Automatic 216-14. i DEKUM & JORDAN REAL HOME BARGAINS " $7000 ITAWTRORNE. A very st . tractive modern residence, within walking distance and close to ear lines on E. Taylor St. - Very roomy hall, large eombined living room and library; dining room baa beau tiful bmlQn buffet. Three large bedrooms. fTpacious veranda. Gar age. Lot 50x100. Very easy terms. $6760 LACBELHL'KST: 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout; fireplace, full cement basement, furnace. laundry trays. 2 toilets, tiled floor in bathroom; modern in every repect: 60x100 ft lot: only 2 blocks from park and clubhouse. All improvements in and paid for. Terms. $5000 WATF.RLEIGH HEIGHTS S room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement base- ' ment. furnace, laundry tray; mnd- ern in every respect ; splendid con dition ; 60x100 lot; exceptionally fine lawn,-roses and shrubbery; all improvements in; $1000 casbr $2500 ARLETA PARK. 6 mom bunga low, bath, toilet, gas, hot and cold water, lights; only 1 block to car, stores and school; $500 cash. - Dekum & Jordan REALTORS 823 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. . .4 th and Stark streets alain 2233. We handle only-good buys. Why not nave your health, your -nerves, your time and your shoe leather by calling Mr. Cable.. A at 613-33, or sailing on him personally. Tell him what yon want. Why is it necessary to enumerate all our buys in this column r If yon are looking for a horns why not tell us 7 we are at your. service every day. If we haven't just what you want we think we can find it for you. Our whole aim and object is to plese you. then you will tell your friends about it. That's the way we have built up our business. Remember we handle only good buys and we never mismprenent. We never want .yoa to be mora honest with us than we are with you. You couldn't be. Call ns on the phone. Come and see us, open every day. Cable Realty Co. 8829 T2d lit. S., K. Ant 813-33. SEE THESE TODAY - - ... --): i If yon have became weary looking for a noma, let us show you one of tha new f room bungalows on E. 4&th at.-, north of Division, hardwood floors, pretty light fix tures, many built-ins, fireplace. The rooms are all good size, street improvements all paid, easy terms and worth more than price asked, i .-. . SUITE 415 PLATT BLDG. if Rooms, and a Dandy This splendid 6 room bungalow all on one floor, cement basement, laundry trav, nice lawn and fruit, only $3150, - $500 down, balance easy; see this -early Monday morning. Reedy &Co. Realtors 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 410 BEAUTIFUL HOME $15,000; elegant corner in best residence dis trict, 100x100 corner, south and east facing, wonderful shrubs and flowers, brick and stucco construction, just like new, 4 light, airy bed rooms, cheerful living room, dining room, break fast room, den. mahogany buffet and bookcases. hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces. The owner of this Deauarul home is making saenncs lor quick sal on account of business elsewhere; we recom mend this offering for anyone wishing a high class home. JohrasomDodson Co. 033 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. GREGORY HEIGHTS A 4 room modern cottage, with a Bon err to basement, Dutch kitchen: full, lot; all assessment paid. One block and half south of Sandy bird. This plane is com pleted and ready to occupy. -42650. $300 cash, balance, like rent. J. L. Smith Co. 228 Henry BuILding Bdwy. 4831 MAY BB WE ARB WRONG. 1UT LOOK! $100 DOWN. Modern room new bungalow $50 per month ir.cL int., baa garage, and cement driveway, beau tiful borne, 2 bedrooms and bath 1st floor, large rooms, large breakfast nook, real fireplace and bi-ilt-ms, opportunity is knocking at jour door. Open Sunday. INTERSTATE TNTESTMENT CO. REALTORS Bdwy. 4T51 410 Henry bldg. BEAUTIFUL Lake Grove modern bumralow: acre of fine land: splendid terms See Mrs. Lee, third bouse north of Lake Grove, above railroad, Sunday. ; Harris Co. REALTORS 818 Chamber of Commerce. ' Main 5624. MT. TAB6R STARK STREET Nine room, modern home which must be sold this, wock, all improvements in, garage, driveway, fruit, nuts. etc. 89x140. Pay me $3500, on terms and assume $2500 mortgage. Furniture cheap with the place. Adjoining erohard, 61x146. at $1000. Tabor 1442. 40 E. 61st st. t2200 KENTON DISTRICT 8 room bungalow style bouse, gas and electric lights, full plumbing. 60x100 lot; fruit, chicken house, easy terms. JohnsonDodson Co. SS N. W. Bsnk bldg. 1 Mara 878T. ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, all the modern buHt-ins, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, cement basement, on a good corner, close to car; -will make easy terms to responsible people. See Royal, i aoor 139 AN ABSTRACT of title is not a guarantee of your tine; is merely a mstory at your uue. A Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yon buy property get a Title Insurance'' Policy, j No abstract required. xitie at .rust eompany. ' $100 DOWN $1300 S-eorgn bungalow, vacant, natural finish In side, fine 50x100 lot, several young fruit trees, garage and chicken bouse. Mount Scott car; balance $30 month. i SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE $4500 $1000 down, 5 -room bungalow for sale by owner: old ivory woodwork, hardwood floors, fireplace, fnrnace. Dutch kitchen, china eloset, bookcases, sleeping porch and attic; 2 block from ear on pved street. Sell. 1854. TUB BEST bay todoy is a 6-room modern bouse in Groreiand Park, corner lot, 45x90, A-l garage. Money talks in this buy, come quick for it won't last long at my price, 1436 East Lin coln st FOR SALE, by owner. 7 room house, hot snd . cold water, full plumbing. 2 lots 60x100 each, 20 fruit trees, assorted; garage, chicken house, H block to car. $3150. terms. 1374 KetHoyt st., S50O down, 830 month. FOR SALE Two homes, large and small one! 62H100 ft, each; fruit, shrubbery, garden land, at 173 East 75th st. N.; near MV ear, 1 block from car line and paved st. East Glisaa, $3750 -Six room cottage, 60x100 lot, alley, hard surface street, fruit and berries, garage, 2 ear lines. 8 blocks to Jefferson high. 1 block Thompson- Owner, Woodlawn 1285. morning. BEHIND every policy of Title Insurance ia a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against loss, yet it ia cheaper than the sbstrsct method. Title A Trust eompany. 4-Rnnu mTTiiiE Nearly modem. Must sell. $1290. Small payment down, balance like rent. See this, be sura. soib vtnn ob, o. xu. FOR SALE, by owner. $3500; 8 room Modern house, splendidly furnished for two families, close in en paved street nice yard and fruit trees. Phone SelL- 1077. . SCNNYSIDE HOME 6 room hous-, garage; first claM condition; 50 1'". lznif k ismriMU Tabor Pan, 6 ROOM house, 100x100 lot; fruit trees and berrias: for sale by owner. 6221 44th at S. El - i . . - HAVE you $3000 cash? Buy my home at 81000 below value. Wdln. 8505. ut" you want a boms in Rose City and appreciate .uj. ri uwmauc Oil-OS ROSE Cllx Perk, by owner, $0500. new nifty 5 room bnngalow. Phone Tabor 176S. VANTvto trade 6 cyl. , Velio as lt pavment oa modem 5 or 6 room hcme. Wdln. 4 737. FOR SALE-5 room ntodrneuntfalow. TermsT Wdln, 1264. Awioa. FOR SALE by owner,, -room house, faar con dition, good location; reasonable, Wdln, 4725. i- 5kntffeTt- MAIN 7027 Vr-SVJ BEAUT IFtTL Westover view home. thoroughly modem, Gssoo - f nmaas, unobstructed view of dries, rivers and mountains. Immediate posseesioa if de sired. Reasonable down payment ao eertable and might consider well lo cated small borne as part payment. East 1990. 3800 $500 DOW A 4-room bungalow, consisting of combina tion living room and dining room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and breakfast nook, hardwood floors; 37 Hal 04 ft. lot, street improvement in and paid. Price $3800. with $600 down.. $4750 ROSE CITY PARK A 6 -room boose, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, all builtine, Dutch kitchen, etc.; 50x100 eorner, double garage, city improvements paid Terms to suit. . " $5500 NEW AND NIFTY ! A S room bungalow, floored attic, cement base ment, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, etc Every imaginable bull tin feature ; finished in ivory and white enamel; 45x100 lot: earage and runway city improvements paid. $1200 cash, balance terms. On 37th St., nesr Sandy Blvd. RUM -WELL A RUMMELL. 274 Stark street. $4200 FOB A FINE 8 room residence with fine large eon. basement, furnace. 2 toilets and baths, buffet and many other built-ins; fine lot 60x100, with 8 bearing fruit trees, roses snd berries, in the Highland district, on H 10th, near Going st.: all improvemenes in and paid; only $1000 cash, bal. monthly; property clear from incumbrance; a bargain as an in vestment as well as g home. F. L. Blanchard, Realtor 401-2 SweUand Bldg.' Mr.b.n 829. East 2134. ALL ELEGANT, CLEAN VALUES $3950 Haw.. Vi blk. ear. Wonderful, nice bung. FirepL. f. . bas't. paved sta. $4200 East of Laurelhurst; el eg. 7 im. Gar age, etc $4800 Exquisite At bung., B. C. P.; un equalled vai i $5250 Mt. Tabor, 6 rm. bung. ; cor." 80x60., blk. ear. Q. C. Goldenlberg:, Realtor Abington Bldg. Main 4803. ' "35 Yesrs in PortlanL- FOR SALE BY OWNER AT A BARGAIN. WELL BCTLT ATTRACTIVE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. FX'RNACE. FIREPLACE, GARAGE, y ACRE OF GROUND, WITH FRUIT TREES AND RKRHTFS CiV A 1 .1 . V I V rw - I . V lm i PHTREET NEAR C Alt LINE, IN ' DESIRABLE Kir.UirlBUltmrOI. CALL SELLWOOD 33 MORNINGS BEFORE JO O'CLOCK OR EVENINGS. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE OF 7 ROOMS, near Multnomah station over SO large bearing fruit trees. Property is beautifully Situated, overlooking the Tualatin valley and the Coast Range mountains. All modern conveniences. Choice gardening ground, 220x150 feet, facing on improved county boulevard. Price $3600. on easy terms. This property must be seen to be sp preciated. For particulars, call on BEN RIESLAND, exclusive sales agent, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st A R-BOOM BTJNOAIiOW TABOR COURT DISTRICT Modern, newly tinted and painted, built in features, I Hitch kitchen, full basement ' Close to 2 excellent car services and 2 schools. Absolutely AtI condition through out. $3650. You are dealing direct with owner. $1500 down, baL on eeny payment pian to responsible people. 1304 E. Sal jaoo. Near 49th. 8 ROOM cottage, good condition ; fruit, berries; cement basement Walks in and paid. $ L650, $750 cash. $15 mo. 6 rooms, close in. full lot; Improvements all m and paid. $2650. $600 cash, or will con sider auto for equity. INTERSTATE LAND CO. Realtors Main 6429. 248 Stark St 7 BOOM HOUSE $1800 This is a plastered house, with full get of plumbing, right on earline and paved st, close in near O-W. shops; will be vacant this Week. Only $400 cash handles it. GEO. F. CBOW. with HE3GARD A HARALA 801 Mississippi Ave, Wain. 1201. Kea., Wdttn. 2785. Rose City $2H50-Easy Terms 4 room furnished bungalow, fine condition, garage, fruit and rosea. 601 E. 74th st N. Call R. SOMERTTLLE. BDWT. 2478. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW UWSSB NON-RESIDENT 9 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, eorner tot, 2 blocks car, 4 blocks school, east front, garage; glad to show it to you; terms to right party. Phone Marshall 1022, Sellwood 2706 evenings. - Rose City Bungalow . ; B rms., full cement basement, furnace, fire place; lot 84x100; garage, chicken house and run; garden in. Street paved. 1 block from car. Reasonable. 855 ES. 42d st N. Owner. BY OWNER Modem 6 -room bungalow with 2 rooms plastered upstairs; has fireplace, fur nace. Dutch kitchen, builtins, garage, nice lawn and Dowers; a snap at $3250; $2000 cash, bal ance easy terms. 1182 Delaware atve. Wood lawn 5166. , ONLY $3250 Buys this newly ca Ira mined and painted bunga low, 6 rooms, large bath, .full basement. Dutch kitchen, builana. hardwood floors, including $150 combination stove, new linoleum. $160V cash; 820 month and interest. Phone Tabor 4411. MODERN 7 -room house in restricted district, garage, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; linoleum And combination range in kitchcen, Ruud gss water beater and gas range in base ment; house newly .painted, new screens for every wmuow. Woodlawn 8664. WHEN YOU BUY OR SELL PROPERTY BE SURE YOUR AGENT IS A REALTOR. EVERY REALTY AGENT IS . NOT ONE. WHEN IN DOUBT PHONE BDWY. 1902. POBTLAND REALTY BOABD. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room modern 1 to use, all - conveniences, fruit trees and small fruit cement basement and furnace. One block from Williams Ave, car. 255 Mason st Wdln. 3768. DANDY PLACE TO START RAVING $369 cash, bests renting; ootnfort&bls 10x1 8 shack, near Woodstock, good garden. Sell wood 9061. KENTON ! By owner, 8 room mod era bungalow with ga rage; all street improvements in, 1 block from ear. 1660 Brandon st. FOR SALE 2 lot. 50x100; house partly ished; also null house. Inquire at Lenta Junction. Party will bo en place ell day Sun- aay. lase sat. seott car. koE CITY PAKK $2800 5-'room bunealow garage, cement driveway and walk, fruit trees and garden; forced to sell; terms. Call Sunday. Phone Tabor 8828. 5-ROOM bouse with bath, near Jefferson hign school, 2 blks, from car, $2700, am all pay ment down. $25 per month. Call Bdwy. 2555. or lis. Diui, Modern, seven-room residence in excellent con dition. East 12th, near Morrison. Price $7500. NEW 4-room bungalow, fnraislied in solid ma bogany; Radiant fire, hot water beater, range; H block from car line; 33100. $1500 cash. lutfv nnowies si. NEW 0 room modem house at 48th and East Wash. ats.. lot 60x100, fruit trees, berries en lot, good location, good ear sarvioa. Call at 1 aos Kasr Btarc. $2000 WILL bay a 6 room modern boose and ground near Bdwy. bridge now ranted for $30 per month. See Ismdigmn, 406 Vancouver are., rat ouaif. 1 ACRE good soft. 2 room bouse, $1000; good terms. inquire ami store, oweu valley road and Buckley are. NEW 4-room bungalow, modern, 4 lot, en ear one, HKinscruu center, tit. J alms, rnce $2300. Tour own terms. Col. 1025. WHEN you get a Xiue Insurance Policy, yon do not need aa abstract e title, One pra- agjoiai in ior au urns, nu. m Tmsg eompaay. S-KOOM bungalow, builtins, fireplace, piped for lunim, joa auiivv, Toaea, a gem. 93ZUO, $1600 cash. 6128 62d st,. Woodstork ear. WB HAVE already examined us utle to yout property and can issue you a Title Insurance D.11-. . I. . i . , . . ivw w i , uray. inj, a mat company WESTMORELAND Fine 6-room bungalow. saouo; py owner. v oodlawn 1897. FOR SALE-lioaae and lot Inauire 715 Bid well aw-, Sellwood. SEE tlus 4-room house, corner lot, close in. ; invu. diaia ivss. $500 DOWN PARKROSTS HIGHLY IMPROVED GROUNDS ' B room semi bungalow with extra large attic (large enough for 2 extra rooms) ; house mod ern, with fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen and modem plumbing, full basement eaa, elec tricity, running water and garage, yard and ground in wonderful condition, 23 bearing fruit trees (allTinds of fruit), 10 or 15 young fruit trees, large strawberry patch. Iocs n berries, rasp bemes and grapes, lots of roses snd shrubbery. This property is located oa Preseott St., near Craig road. Owner transferred tn California. Pos ssvnoa may be had very quickly. This place is really in excellent condition. May we shew tt to yoa at oncet I. V. HARTMAN OOMFANT, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Branch of fioe. 4 5th and Sandy hlvd. Tabor 252. ' FOR SALE BY OWNER ! LAURELHURST HOME 2-story aO-modern house. S blks. from Lsurel hnrst Park, 4 rooms downstairs, 4 bedrooms snd bath upstairs, all enameled in ivory, ele gant electrical fixtures, all street improvements in and paid for; 35 Mieike Place N. (ssme aa 4 2d st), 3d house north of Bnmside; price $7500. Phone Broadway 2205 or Marshall 3923. Inquire 89 N. 6th st. MUST BE SEEN TO BB APPRECIATED. 965 E. ALDER $2950 Good 6 room house, with cement base ment paved st, no encumbrances; being painted. Price $2950. $500 cash, balance easy. CORNER 9TH AND JARRETT $2450 Double construe tod home, with breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, everything in good condition; good garage; sewer in. Any rea sonable sum down, balance easy. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 SUrk St $4000 ROSE CITY $4000 One of the most complete - bungs! owe in Roee City, oak floors, double construct ed, fireplace, numerous built-ins, full base ment furnace, corner lot. select shrubs. : garage. $4000 will buy this today, with $1000 cash. Go out snd investigate. 1680 Fremont cor. E. 65th. CM. DERR 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. Tabor 6419. IRV1NGTON 718 E. 21st St North. T Toons and garage, center entrance, large living room and dining room in front 2 bed rooms, 1 very large, 1 with fireplace downstairs, 2 extra rooms upstairs. Hardwood floors in all rooms downstairs, enamel woodwork, walla pa pered, really a gem of a place, a wide street 50x100 lot Low price for quick sale. Call L. R. Bailey, owner, Marshall 646 or home phone Tabor 2290. OUR NEW -SYSTEM OF HOME BUILDING We assume all responsibility and can save you big money. Bungalows on your lots for $1500 to $3500. None better. O. H. SKOTHETM CO., REALTORS 408-11 Couch Bldg.. Main 1575 Note- Some new bungalows for sale at $300 cash. $2750 EAST TEAMS Buys dsndy new 4 room bungalow, corner lot 50x100, cement basement laundry tray, 2 bed rooms. 4 closets, fine bathroom, best plumbing, nice living room, dandy kitchen with built-ins. Sewer and everything paid. Best part of Monta villa. See it Snndav or any evening after o. un-ey at zT c 7 Tttt st. n, LAURELHURST 46 MICHAEL PI .ACE ATTTUCTTVE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. LONO LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE. FRENCH DOOR TO DINING ROOM, MODEL DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK, KPH.VACE. GA RAGE. FOR PRICE AND TERMS CALL R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478 HERE IS JUST THE PLACE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR Good, modem 5 room bungalow, bufltin buf fet wood lift full basemenU wash trays, all improvements in and paid. 241 East 50th st, 1 block north Hawthorne are.; $3350. terms. See this, then see L. E. Steinntetz. 406 Gar linger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 8224. KENTON district, quick sale, by owner; modem 4 room bungalow, eonuu lot ana 14 ft. alley. Garage, up-to-date chicken house large enough for 175 chickena. All wired. If yoa are looking for a good home you will find this a bargain. $2500 cash. Auto. 312-05. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 6 rooms well constructed, .tapestry paper, cream enameled throughout, fireplace, fine loca tion, fruit and berries; everything like new, 50x 100 lot; must be sold; price low; $4250, $950 cash. Sell. 458. ALAMEDA Only $7000; aa exceptionally beau tiful bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, elegantly finished, artistically designed, on beau tiful corner lot in Alameda; $3000 will handle; shown by appointment only; to see it is to buy it. uwn. automatic ai-7 FOR SALE $3250 CASH 81000 For sale, $3250". cash $1000, H acre near carlin. and St Johns park, on choice cor ner, 6-room bard finished boose. 20 aecorted fruit trees, grapes, all kinds berries. Will take S3U0U cash. 637 Myers sr., st Jonm, or. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room house, bath. concrete lounaanon, in excellent condition. 1 H lots, fruit and berries, garden in. near S- P. A P. R. L. shops. 655- . 17th, Brooklyn car. 1 Clock south ol i'owei L. LOT with 2 cor. on E. Oth, between Killings- worth and Brown aves. no ft. East front room for 4 houses. $1250 incL all inn. Will sell en easy terms or exchange for small house in good location. Pellwood T71. rose city bargain Near 48th and Sandy Blvd. 5 room modem bungalow; absolutely modern throughout 60 yards to ear. $650 down, bal ance to suit Eaot .8038. 5 BEDROOMS 8-reotn modern bungalow, full lot, paved street, garage, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built ia, cement basement trays; 2 blocks to ear, fine neighborhood; wonderful buy. Call Main 6827. VERY attractive, new, modem 4 room bunga low, with breakfast nook, cement basement full lot, nice location, close to Willamette Blvd. and Peninsula mills. Fnce $2800; terms. call owner. Ant. 832-21 or Wdln. 670 KENTON district. 5 room modem bungalow, ca ment basement furnace, all modern, garage, 50x100 lot 4200, $800 down, balance $40 per month. Woodlawn 5262. ONLY $2600, terms. 7 -room, lot 60x100, full basement, fruit1' and berries, close in, Mt Tabor school. See this. Clow, Belmont and 38th. Ant. 223-39. SIS room house, sleeping porches, sun parlor, six lots, great variety fruit, bearing; -chicken bouses and runs. Lawn, rosea. Owner mast sell. 5UUU. Ant. B44-14. or j-927. Journal. FOR SALE 4-room house with bath aid fun basement gas and electricity; lot 41x100, east front one block to ear; $18001 cash. Alberta diPtrictk 1093 E. 28 th st N. HAWTHORNE, only $2700, terms, 6 rooms, neat and cozy. See for yourself ; dsnfly lot fruit and berries: cement basement 1131 Bel mont st Aut 223-39. ' $800 3 room cottage at 6S42 41st av- g. E av 1 2 rooms plastered, newly papered and . painted. i.- .... .... W T UnntM 4 ROOM new house, bath, toilet, 2 porches, 5 Ox 100 lot cement sidewalk: Montavilla district Price $1200; easy terms. H. MendenhaXL Tour ist hotel, 150 First et 12-ROOM modern house, furnished, . near water St., south porttana, close to scnooi ana ear line, $4500, easy terms... U. W. Millersmp, 165 H 4th St Main 6275. 2 LARGE lota, 3 room house, light, water, basement Carage, berries, fruit and flowers; cash or terms. 275 E. 60th st N. M; V. car. FOR SALE Six-room house, lot 67x150, half sere or whole acre, on 5 2d st N. ; lots of fruit. A snap for someone. Tabor 1547. NO. 410 EAST 21ST ST. N.. modem. Con venient una Old Ivory finish. Uarage. Sleeping porch. Oak floors. East 4198. Owner. $3800. 10 room furnished Cat in 2 and 7 room suites. Income $70 month. Walking distance. Terms, Sell. 93. FOB BALE By owner. 10 room house and lot. income $36; terms reasonable. Call 207 N. xaa si. FOR SALE Modern 5 -roam bungalow, large Attn, garage, comer, 491 E. e7th at ti, Owner, Tsbor 487. BARGAIN $440SNAP 6 urn bungalow, Rose City park. Tabor" 3753 FOR SALE 4 room house, newly refinished, in- siae, with bathroom, sewer in garage, $a00 oown. asm and peweu. sjau sell ivzo, CARTER block on Montgomery St., with three large houses. Will ssrnftna god give terms. B-715. Journal NEW 5-room shingled bungalow. Low Price, easv terms. Phone for price and location. Phone ziz-in. an nay Sunday, w. H. Say. OWXER must sell lovely suburban bungalow at Roth station, Oregon City line; river front- KENTON" S room modem bungalow, fireplace ano ramae. narowooa uoors, .42 uu, teams. Woodlawn 5262. - WHEN you purchase your assae nave the title insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. Title g Trust company. . B. X. GATEWOOD CO GOOD HOUSE BUYS I SUNN 1' SIDE, 6 rooms, modem boose, furnace, fireplace, full basement 50x100 feet, paved street -west of 28th; $4500. $1000 cash, balance easy. SELLWOOD : bungalow, like new, ' 3 rooms down, $ up; furnace, full cement ; basement floored; 2 lota, fruit berries. This is a real home. Price $4000, $1500 cash, bal. easy, . WOODSTOCK. 4 room, modem bunga low, tn first class condition; garage, M acre, lots of fruit and berries. This is a charming little home. $2730; good, easy terms. WOODSTOCK. 5 room, modem house, stesvrly new; basement, ft Ox 1 OO feet, near car; fruit and berries; $280O; good terma. WOODLAWN, 3 room cottage, large cor ner lot; near car; fruit and berries; $1500. $300 cash, balance easy. MONTAVILLA. 8 room, modem cottage, neat and clean:, lota of fruit and berries, nice garden: $2300. This is an excep tionally nice place for the price. Terms, MONTAVILLA, 2 new modem bungs lpws, $2700, $500 cash, bal. easy. RICHMOND 1 r. house, 3700; easy. B. ii. GATEWOOD CO., 163 Vi 4th st BEAUTIFUL Westover view borne, thoroughly modem, Gaseo furnace, unobstructed view of cities, rivers and mountains. Immediate possession if de aired. Reasonable down payment ac ceptable -and might consider well lo cated small home as part payment East 1999. A BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME One of the most sightly large comers in Laurelhurst. 90x100 kit with wonderfully con structed large 7 room house, wotb full attic. Living room 14x28. large dining room, beauti ful kitchen and breakfast room. 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, plate glass windows. Instan taneous Ruud heater, hot wster heat with gas for- fncl, two fireplaces, large double garage with doors electrically operated, fine electrical fixtures. In fact a most complete home. House alone could not be built for price asked. Price oidy $15,000. $5000 down, balance 10 years 7 per cent Shown by appointment only. , Call Tabor 407. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 412 E. 39th Street 5-room bungalow, oak floors, enamel woodwork, large sunny rooms, full base ment large kit, only $4750. See this today. Improvements paid. CM. DERIt. 1215 N. W. rank Bldg. Marshall 2245, Tabor 6419. $3500 A MONEY MAKER SUNNYSIDE CAR Here is a good buy 6 rooms and bath, newly tinbPd, full concrete basement waah trays, paved street best car service ' in town, only 10 min utes to west side. This home is vacant We have a traant wbo will pay $40 a month rent for it You'll make about 14 per cent on your money here. See us. COM TK St KOHLMAN. " 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 6530. ' WEST MOUNT TABOR SNAP. Good modem, well built 7 room home and large gtssBed-in sleeping porch, hardwood floors in aU rooms; 2 bathrooms, fall basement, fur nace, 3 enameled wash trays, large double gar age with servants Quarters; lot 100x160 ft. fine lawn, shrubbery, fruit, etc 1530 E. Tsylor St.; vacant: key next door west: all improve ments in snd paid; $7500, terms. L. E. Stein- mets. 406 uernnger bldg. alain 6091 or Tabor 3224. $1500 4 room boose, new, water, sink, toilet Tights, complete. 65x90 lot walks and grade. $250 down, balance easy. Open evenings. 909 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3485. WEST MT. TABOR SNAPS Good 7 room house, basement garage, lot 50x160, fruit berries, etc. assessments paid. 1504 E. Taylor st Vacant, key 2d house east $4800. terms. Another 7 room house, $4100, with furniture, $4300, terms. L. K. STETNMETZ, 406 Gerlinger bldg. Msin 6091, or Tabor 8224. SELLWOOD'S MOST CLASSY BUNGALOW Very artistic, large cement porch, facing city, beautifully arranged, hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace, very best neighborhood, built for home by very good mechanic. Good reas for selling. Terms. Phone SoR, 2704 for appointment. S HOUSES 100x150, all improvements in and paM. Per fect title. 305-309-311 Eugene st This is walking distance from business center. Price $6500. This is a great bargain. Owner non resident McClnre & Schmanch Co.. 306 Rail- way Kxctiance bmg. Main 1603. S ROOM new bungalow, the last word in ar tistic design, and construction. The selling price is actually less than cost H. W. floors, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, eement basement fur nace and laundry trays, full eorner lot with a view; hkrh-clsas residents! district will be sold toaay. uau Main 09Z7. WOULD you like to euiov tha freedom anil fresh air of the country and yet be near yonr work and the dtyt We have such a place a modem 5-room bungalow, 25 minutes out en the Mt Tabor earline; only $3800. with a J""." w" wmcin. .... ,..rv, AUUfUinic ai9-l. BUILD NOW See US for designs and estim'.tea free; get bingslow book of 100 designs $1; e-tabbjshed 10 years; sat wiser ten assured. I R. BAILEY CO., 924 N. W. Bsnk Bldg. I HAVE a modern 7 room house, doubly eon- structed, fun basement, and garage, on eorner lot, on Bose Oity Park earline. Must sacrifice and win sell for $2500 with $300 down and balance) less than rent Tabor 244. PORTLAND HEIGHTS IF YOU ARE LOOK ING FOR A REAL HOME, SEE 978 COUN CIL CREST DRIVE. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. J. J. ARMSTRONG, OWNER. PHONE H1UI S4IO. A HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS 8 nice large rooms, on a beautiful lot, in a good district; only $1600, $600 cash, balance easy terms. Why pay rent? COOK. Automatic 819-97. BY OWNER Strictly modem 6-room house, Hawthorne district all built-ina, hardwood floors; fire plaoe, furnace, full eement - basement, near schooL 1234 E. Lincoln. 8TRICTLT modem 6 room bungalow, hi w. floors, fireplace, built-ins, white ivory finish, all large sunny rooms, full cement basement furnace and trays, full lot X block to ear. Main 6327. FOR SALE 5 room house, 5 lota, fruit and berries; well improved; fine location; close to school and ear. Price $4250; K cash. 9423 58th st 8. E. $1800 6-ROOM bouse on 24th st. south; paved street sewer, gas, all paid up; $500 will handle. Come and see; Owner, 693 E. 21st Phone Sellwood 8321. BY OWNER Modem 4 room bungalow with attie and basement 100x100. with lawn and fruity Also other lots for sale. Wdln. 1236, 1309 E. 29th N. WEST SIDE BARGAIN S modem houses, 19th and Overton sts-, 6, moms and a rooms, pnoe sziov, good terms. a W. Millership. 165 4th st Main 6275. 814504 room bouse, 40x120 lot, 8 bearing trait trees, garage; block from car and stores. Terms. 927 Front st. Ask for Bill. $4000 WEST SIDE, 7 rooms, gss. bsth, elec tricity; 2 fireplsces; eement basement; lot 50x100. Owner. 467 10th st 5. ROOM modem bungalow; paved street, fur nace, all built-ins; a dandy home, 83400. easy terms, rtroaaway gaoo, I OR SALE By owner, 7 room house, lot 75x100, one block from Sellwood ear Una, 525 Maiden are. 6 ROOM bouse for sale in good condition hot water heating system; fall basement; frnit trees and rosea; no dealer. Terma. East 8133. WESTMORELAND Am leaving town snd must sacrifice my beau tiful 5 room bungalow by owner. BelL 1374 6-ROOM bungalow, aU builtins and modem r lot 83x100; garage, chicken house, nice garden. Call evenings. Woodlawn 1573. 4-ROOM house. 3 lota, big bam 'and shed, only $2000, $500 cash. Sell. 161 daring day and Bell 2953 evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE Modem T room house with double garage, on corner lot, at 263 E. 15th st KEEP YOUR HOME ASD FURN IT UBE IN SURED. PROMPT SERVICE. CALL MAIN 6827. SALE OR TRADE, $500 equity 5-room house (.sacrifice). Webb, 414 E. Stark st NEW 5 room modern bungalow in Overlook at cost. Woodlawn 1462? FOR SALE Two new bungalows. Phone Tabor 783. W, D. Doane, 1302 Hawthorne. ACREAGE 405 160 ACRES 13 milea west of ferUaad, phone .. East 1358. SIX ACRES, south of Portland. 1 S snOsa to station. M mile to school; wire fene- ' tng, 2 k acres raspberries, some log so and black and H acre strawberries; 4 rows' grapes. 140 feet long: also bearing fruit trees; macadamised road; good 6 room plasV r ered house, with eement basement and fire place, bam, chicken house; included with . place very ' complete line of machinery, gas engine, cow. chickens, horse.' pis. The land is all under cultivation and on the bank of the Willamette river. AU can be irrigated by pumping from river. Price for - everything 85300 cash, or 85500 half cash. A real home. Inspected by Hunter. NTNE ACRES land, 4 mils from Newberg, 4 acres under cultivation, all can- be cultivated; good soil; over 1 acre of bear ing strawberries; 45 prune trees, 8 years old: wire fencing; well j-. box house, 18x24; shed barn, small chicken bouse. Included with place: 2 cows and chickens. Price $3000. 31000 cash. Very easy terms on balance. - , ACRE TRACTS. WEST SIDE Between Multnomah and Maplewood. on a mscadsmized road, on the Electric line, 9c eommuntation fare; best of soil, no rock r or gravel; high sightly ground, city water and gas to each acre, electric tights being put . in; offered in half and acre tracts. Price $700 per acre up. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 10 ACRES, 10 miles from center of Port land. 4 miles south of city limits, 5 acres under cultivation, an can be culti vated: 100 young fruit trees, 6 bearing; 4 rows red raspberries; 80 young prune trees; box house (2 rooms); bam, chicken house and yard; ' H mile to school. Price $2500. 31000 cash. ONE ACRE. ALBERTA DISTRICT One acre, with over 1000 berry plana of every variety; 2 room bouse, 12x 28, ceiled, chicken house and runways, po tatoes and garden in, city water in house. Price 81500, 8500 cash, balance $10 month or consider good Ford car snd $100 as first payment Ask for Mr. Hemp. V NEARLT 2 acres on the paved road, just east of Portland, H mile from station, 4 mile to school; 56 bearing fruit trees, lots of . berries ; 4 room plastered bouse, - garage, chicken house: conveniences can be' had. Price $3600. $1000 cash. Housn baa basement and the soil is good. Inspected by Brooks, OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS One acre, 14 mile from Electric station; 2 3 under cultivation; graveled road; , place all fenced, 2-3 a ore in potatoes; gss . snd electric lights there. Price $850. $250 cash, balance $20 month, 6 per cent ( ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY Nearly 8 acres, on the paved road, with 6 M acres in loganberries, some f rait trees,- balance in fir timber; V mile to town, station and school ; bet of loam soil; city water. can be had. The berries are contracted until 1925 at $90 per ton. Offered at a real bargain, $4000. Urge cash payment NEARLY M. acre, in city limits; aQ Under cultivation; bearing - fruit trees, some berries, 3 room house, with sleeping porch, gas. city water, electric liehts, all in; chick en house with runways. Price 81576, 8775 cash, - balance $10 month. 6 per cent In spected by Brooks. HALF ACRE with fruit trees. Ii mile from high school, 1 block from station, 1 1 miles from Portland; good car service, all under, cultivation; 9 room house, barn, . chicken house, ; electric lights. Price $2000, $500 cash. Ask for Nelson. FIVE ACRES, 1 H miles from city limits. aU can be cultivated when cleared; near school; good soil. Mt Scott earline. Price $775 cash. JOHN FERGUSON Qerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places neatPortJand. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. 20 ACRES at Eagle Creek station on Ertacads line. ' All cleared, deep black roil; no gravl. This is divided into two 1 0 acre tracts. The best possible producing soil $250 csh is sll that ia necessary. Eero is an ol portunity ta bny tile best possible Isnd wltii a small payment and at the low price of $200 per acre. 6 acres, about 4 miles east of MootaviTla. cultivated; partly in fruit and berries. 3 room hcuse, small barn. Good acaL $2600, $300 cash. 2 acres oa paved Toad, short distance from earline. 7 room house; garage; ehickeo house. All in cultivation. Large fruit trees, $4000. $1000 cash. 2 acres, Base Line road, near electric line. Cultivated, fenced. 6 year trees, berries. Clear soil. $100 cash.. Price $1500. IHSUftANC! LOANS a nuistfl m cwstacl IARK50N 5, 11 Gland 20 Acre Tracts : $25 Acre Up $10 down and $5 per month bnyi a 5 acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, dawn the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto atage and track. Beautiful laying lam, free from rock or gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there is also some with streams. Fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. ON THE BASE LINE ROAD Almost 2 H acres, partly in cultivation . with some fir with a nice fir grove, practically all level; price $1000, $200 cash, $12.00 monthly. SW RSALTOHS r 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHOICE LOCATION Hera is one of the best suburban bemesitea to be had, just outside city limits, facing on section line road. Splendid soil ready for seeding. Bull Jinn water available. Almost one acre, $1070. $110 cash. R. H. CONEREY. Reader. RTTTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - "BURBANK" 2 ACRE TRACTS Absolutely the best soil on the' east side. Rich, deep, red shot soil, free from rocks or grsveL Fronting on Bsrr road, half mile west ot Karker road, ttarr road parrsllels Saw line, one mile north. Prices from $400 to $500 per acre. Any tract $30 down and $15 per monu. STRONG tt CO., REALTORS. 606 Chamber cf Commerce Bldg. 4 ACRE BUCKLEY AVENUE $323" Near car line, running water, 25 minutes' drive to heart of city. On very easy terms. It H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Bpsrd of Trade bldg. . FOR SALE BV OWNER 20 acres unimproved land, 15 acres tillable, fine View, good water, soil and wood; 80 rods from rock road and school; 1 miles from Goble. Price $730 cash. T. T. SMITH, Goble, Or. 28 ACRES practically level, on good road; very easy to clear, near transportation, only 840 per acre; 5 years to complete payments. JohnsonDodson Co. 833 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. 214 Acre wooded tract Fronting on Barr road, three milea from city, $1150.- 350 down. $15 per month. STRONG A CO.; REALTORS. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WHEN YOU BUY OR SELL PROPERTY Bri SURE YOUR AGENT IS A REALTOR. EVERY REALTY AGENT IS NOT ONE, WHEN IN DOUBT PHONE BDWY. 1902. PORTLANB REALTY BOARD. 4 hi ACRES, cleared, -4 room stuck, city water. macadamized street 4 blocks at car, $5500. terms. , 4 too cottage, gss,; garage, fruit "31100. Terma. Barram. 6129 52d st Woodstock ear. BEAVERTON ACREAGE, city gas, grocery de livery, telephone, daily mail, good soil throughout, excellent location, near earline. Only 3150 per acre. Will trade. 1350 Bur- rage tt. ACREAGE for sale. Very choice, close to Court ney station. Oregon City earline. paved road. See Lewis E. Reese, 1 Si Blks. east on Courtney road. Phone Oak Grove, 29 J. BEdT 640 acres of unimproved land in Cow lit county. Wash,; apparently level; auto can to to the place; good running water. 813 par acre. Address, Box 140, Kalama, Wash. FOR SALE, highly improved 12 acres, 1 miles Ii. W. Bilverton, mil. senool; $3000. Ad dress. Mrs. Don Bewen, SQverton. 5 ACRES. 5 room house, chickenhouse. barn, garage, berries of all kinds, fruit crop in. Terms. 806 First st, Newberg, Or. FOR SALE 10 acres. $050; EiKvaditk CaiiL, rout S, box 18. city. - 100X125-ia Peninsula add., some trade. Eajt 3110, or eall at 871 H Kumeu St. Apt, K. life ACRES, will trade for small nous and lot frice $2,000. Wdln. 143. I IM ! iv a) A Large Proposition Consisting of 760 aeres of .and, 11 , miles from railroad and only one mile from store and postoffiee. 700 sores of this place is under cultivation st the present time, and oa the place are $8000 worth of stock and rquiynient, 70.000 feet of lumber and a comtJtte sawmill and planer. The price ia $46 per acre and ten to fi. teen thousand dollars will haixje. I say without fear of contradiction 1 that here ia one of the best rrorxwks tions in the state to double r treble your money in the next few years. There are other conditions that would make the purchase of this farm very valuable to a party or corporation who has money enough snd a little surplus to goj this ncichbrrhoml. No better proposition for colonisation anywhere in this part of the country.' See Mr. Meissner. with Montgomery & Meissner 822 Ciuco Bldir. $100 liOivSJ $100 DOWN " OWN YOt'R OWN 8UBLKBAN HOME These beautiful one acre tracts, with citv wster, electricitv n. .... - 1. ....! . V. . . fsst-growing Eatrt Side, out ths hsrd-surf seed PoweU Valley road. Lies level, with excellent yiew and pleasant surroundings. ONLY ONE niniiBEii ihih.n, balance eay monthly pav menta. MOVE OUT AND HAVE YOUR RENT! Price $750. Act quickly, as we hsve only a few left. Phone or come and we will take you out in one of our 30 autos. always ready at your service, ask Tor r C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlRE. 205 Abington Bldg.. Msin 1068. Third (St.. bet. -Wash, and Stark. $100 CAfciI--ilS MO N T 1 1 L Y A splendid tract of 1.7 acres, with brand new o room coiiage, practically completed, land all in cultivation, hi Tnile from Carver line, on rood macadamized rosd, 9 milea from Portland. We nave three of these tracts and cottages are be ing erected on all of them. Total price $1400. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 15-ACRE C.RESHAU FARM IS acres in high state of cultivation, located 4 mile from eky limits of Grcsham, oo good road, high SchooL fine orchard, srood f room house, bam snd outbuildings; crop and equip ment, consisting of good young team, new har ness, wagon, all farm machinery: good cow, 225 chickens go with this place, for $10,000, $6000 casn, oaiance long terras. 0 per cent. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK ETCH. 3 ACRES RYAN STATION A S-aere place. aH cultivated. 1 1 kinds fruit and berries; on hard surfsce road, near school and station. A dandy 7 room house with sleep ing porch, fircplaoe, et. ; large barn and ehick-n nouses. If yon are looking for a dandv nib' urban home dose in, investigate this. Mr. uraae, witn i RUMMET.L A RTTMMELL 274 Stark St Near Vancouver 40 acres, about 1 acres timber, wfll sell tn ' 10 acre tracts: fine land. 60 rods f rots. W. mills; plain- school near; pared highway. iasy terms. OFFICE 9133 FOSTER ROAD PHONE AUT. 646 26 K. WILCOX A CO. - FOUR ACRES 34500 Fronting ,E. 82d st. fhard surface) and not far from earline, . Nearly all modern; cultivate. Would divide into 2 nica tracts. Very reasonable at this figure. . j A. H. BIRRELL-CILL OO. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. 20 ACRES, unimproved, half mile from elcfc trin depot. 8 .miles from Vancouver: worth 82300. will take $1600. Ten or 20 acres close to nard sort ace road, selling st $100 per acre, will take $80. Forty acrea in Clackamas county, 6 miles south from Molalla. $2000 worth of tim ber, clone to mad to be hard surfaced soon, good land. Will take. $1500. Hi-e owner. Frank T. rierry, vji namner or commerce. IT RCEGG ACRES 2 H and 5-ecre tracts, all cleared and cultivated. Paved road and earline. Finest of soil; no gravel. " Eeey access. Priced right. Easy terms. i A. W. LAMBERT A SON. REALTORS. Grand ave. and East Akier. . East 640. 10 AOiUii, 4 room bonj. new), ducts n bouse, shed; two acres jcultlvatd; IB mil, from Portland. Personal : ! Hots., oow, heifer, buggy, 180 chickens, some household goods, A snap. Price $2100. Terms. IHLLSBOKO LAND A REALTY CO.,.? England A Meiler, Mgra. Hiflsboro, Ore. - - 20 Acres 5 Per Acre 40, miles from Portland, near good road, stores snd P. O. ; good bunting and fishing. A summer home or camping ground. Owner must raise cash. A sacrifice. See us today. A. W. Estes, Realtor , ' 90S Chamber of Commerce. A a to. 314-63. FOR SALE by owner: If you wnt vacant property, all laying nice and sll cleared. 1 will eeJl you from ?4 acre up to 4 hi acres. Hare good modem home, good bam and lots of fruit Can soil yoa 1 or 2 scre at $1150 per acre. Look this place over if you want to buy. 5029 52d st S. E. SpH. 1242. "4 ACRE BUILDLNO SPOT" Facing Buckley avenna. An clear, running water, near earline, $4 70, on ea.y ter-v, R. 1L CONFRKY, Reoltor. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trsde bldg. 'Fife Acres; for Sale Five acres right at Garden Home station. AH in cultivation, $4000 Terms. Address E. H. Sattjwaon, Hillsdale, Oregon. 22 ACRES, 2 milea Estaeada. Excellent road. 800 cords fir timber, lot of eedsr: 8 room bouse; running water. : 81500, 8500 rah.'l 80x167, larga poultry house, bearing Trott; 68th and 82d st : 31250. Hamlet, 6657 82d st Phone 617-40. ! -4 9 MH.ES FROM PORTLAND 2 hi acres, all kinds of fruit and berries. Fine 6 --room house, costing $2000; bam, garage. Fine water. $2200. Terms. C. W. MILlJntSTirJV 163H 4th st Main 5275. ON BOTH sides of Rockwood rd. in a long stretch, 20 acres, rich soil, 6. a. clear, 8 min. from station, $540 p. a.1 Your own terms. Will sell or exchange for bouses in good location. Sellwood 771. 20 ACHES- VILLA AVI Just outside city limits, extensive view; price $275 per acre, j HENRY W. GODDART, REALTOR, 24 3 Stark St Main 881. ' A REALTOR MUST AND DOES KKOTECT THOSE WHO BUY OR SELL PROPERTY THROUGH HIM. NO IRRESPONSIBLE REALTY AGENT CAN BE A MEMBER OF THE PORTLAND REALTY BOAKD. 40 ACRES CDTOVER LAND Wul take in 2d band car aa first payment Balance long time. This is In good location, and surrounding land sold at $40 per acre. Will take 836 per acre for this. B-719, Journal. 3 ACRES GARDEN-HOME All in cu iti rati on, . near school and stores, for $2500. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR 243 Stark St. Main 831. 10 ACRES, 6 acres grain, balance pastors, 75 cords wood. 4 room bungalow. Furhiihed. Good bam, spring wster to house. -Good creek. Horse and buggy, $1850. Terms. C. W. Mulershlp, 165 hi 4th st Mam 6275 $30 l' "ACRE1 aci'BS good leftl land ou paved road, a mus from Vancouver, witn enough cord wood to pay for land; no better buy anywhere; $8o0 cash will handle this; great bar gain. - J. R. Wolff. 419 Henry bldg. MUST b sold jst once, 13 acres in cultivation 4 acres orchard, all kinds of berries, ,2 acres potatoes some buildings. B. 1, box 219-B. 92d and Sunnyskle road. mile from 82d on paved road. I hi ACRE tract near Hswthurne car; 18 bear ing trees, berries) bairn and good 6 room bouse, fine basement vacant $4000; one third cash, p. O. box 936. Phone BIZ-ng. HAVE ten H-acre tracts, near Oswego Lake and Bryant station, suitable for chickens and ber ries, $250 to $400; hi cash, $10 per month. See owner, room. 806 St I Charles hotel, FOR SALE -i hi acres.' between Brysnt snil Tualatin, Or. walking distance of Oswego lake; some buildings. Fries 11600. P. O. Box 7 8, Tualatin, Or. 1 ACRE, close in, on fe-!d at., $1700; $70 aash, $7 per month. j INTEK3TATB JUA? NT CO., Mam 8429. 248 Stark st $2500 12( ACRES, 6 miles Gasteu; 7 acres cleared and fenced; ptenty water; 3,000.000 ft fir. Can or writ 222 W. Sumner. ' Phone Wdln. 8488. " ! - ' SELECT HOME8ITES Sightly, in eultivation and berries. Bun Rim, gas, electricity, no city taxes, 40th and King st. Terms. Milwaukie, Or. Owner. . S ACRES, hi in bearing Bartlett pear orchard, the rest in cultivation: on Oregon City-Port land bighwsy. Call Monday, Oak Grove -17 4 -M NEAR Mintncitnah ststion. 1 of 5 acre, autall . (nut. tlm,r. Arklr... aoc 27. rout. 2, HillsMsle, Or. 1 ACRE on Lnviaion at, $1000. 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent a month. East 7894. BUILD YOUR COTTNTRT HO MB IN BEAUTIFUL ELLAUUBST "On the Columbia River Highway." Beautiful ELLAHURST la only an hour and a half drive up the Columbia Rtver Highway from Portland. located jut arros the river from Brecon Rock, these site also have a commanding view of the Columbia river the stately tit l Peters Dome and CaUuMlsal Bock. Beginning In the cool shade of the mountain and gradually sloping to the samly beach of the Columbia, ELLA lit KST ia truly a natural playground. - Lovers of srmrt will enloy bathing and touting; mountain climbing and hiking thrinuih ptintent scented woods trails. Surrounding fishing streams, well stocked with trout, will tempt iLsiirrmen. Every visitor will exclaim over its gorgeous seniles and beautiful sunsets the freedom and freehneHS, and last, but not leant, the inspiring Urns over tha Highway. . ' . ( ELI-AtirrST sites, both lame snd small, are reasonably priced. Convenient terms limy be ar ranged. For fullparUculiirs. see SAM J. COTtMAN. OWNER Ofliw of RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO. 210 Lew ia Building Broadway 4074 Broadway 2934 Pacific Agency, Inc. M4-20 Hwciland bldg. Mar. 8989. ' Pop land. Or. Mar. 1265. ONE AfltK 1 acre, locate! 8 miles from Port bind, on hard surface road, good 4 room plas tered modern house, barn, chicken house, garage, orchard lieartng. ahniblwnr, cilv water. Price $3100; cash $1500, easy term. -2 AcresSSiDO Cash - Comfortable 3 room bouse (not a shack), fronts on M2d st, has snitndancn of fruit snd berrios. only 2 blocks from iHTisi.i st-. city conveniences;,. Very easy terms can be arranged. MAIN 7027 V, WASK-JPARK 2!S lOWN 8tfc0 MOn'tiILY ' A spltuidiii 1-acre tract, good soil, smafl creek, fine for chickens, berries and fruit 1 A milea from citv bruits: total nrire 1275. W. ha,. only 20 tracts in this platting left, soma ax larg. as B hi seres snd proportionately on the saui. terms. Get in oa the ground floor. 9 732 Obamfrffcf of Ciromrr Only 8.50 Per Acre $175 cash and 8100 per year; 80 acres un improved DO miles down the Columbia; conntv road and trout stream through the land; greater part tillable and about 450,000 ft Umber, mar logcing stream. A. W. Estes, Realtor 05 f'bsmher of Commerce. Auto. 514 63. ma ai:i;k as no" Think of itl A beautiful eimHryJomewle where nature has been overly generous snd -rm-grndgingly livished her bnst for your Well b-1ng, and right at the city's door. ?,0 minutes' rim. out the Powell valoy road; $50 csu, balunc. $10 pot month. It- If. CONFTiET, Realtor. irriTEn. Ivowk a c . 201-8-5-7 Hosrd of Ttwi iMg. ? 40 APnES OF BEHRY LAND ; ONLY $1200 -$300 CAK11 Finest "kind of red shot soil; It tuts no ennui for raspberries, log&ns or strawberries; enouicli eedsr on part to pay first payment. Good place to keep cows ami chickens. (lit ready now. Clear up some land and get ready for fall plant ing. Only 2 V4 miles from Columbia river; good road to town and market Will be glad to show you this land any time. B-721, Journal. FUR SALE 5 acres, iiar SlieniLiui Or., hi mile from depot and on rock road, 2 seres in loganberries anil sirtKl snd a lot of atmw berries; fair bmirte, barn, chukan bouse ; all under fi tins and cultivation; ran be irrigated If doMred. Price' $17O0. $1000 osih, biL es-y terms. Would consider Kord car in deal. This ia a good locality. Ixts of work.. Addraas 1. O. box 400, Sheridan. Ot. 5-ROOM. modem "bnnealosv, with 22 aeres or part lilgb. grade plumbing, firetilar, prowure water ayntcm, gsraee and out buildings. an new. Young orchant Paved roed. near station. Plums Main 1 4 4 1 . evenings. East 73U4. ; NICELY, IMPROVED ACHE AD cultivated, family orchard, brries. good 4-room bouse, barn and other huilriinir. on train road, 8 mil", from courthoiisrt, elrctnc suc tion 1 tulle; all tools, furniture, wood, e'e, . Included; price 14.15. LI EDJUC.VfANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Oommeroe. "N ICfcl.V LOCAT ED 1 AC'RiTtBACT" Covered with twauUful grove of native treea cnt the Powoll valley road, just tha plsee for tbst summer bomn. Price 4 4 00. $50 cash, balance $10 per month. Ki rat money up gets it It H. CONFRKY. ltealtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201 3 5 7 Board of Trsde bldg. CUT OVER LAND Practically level, deep, rich, productive enfl. near transportation on good road; pnee only $30 per acre; 5- years to complete payments; any number of acres y n want. Jolhnson-Dcdson Co. 633 N. W. Bsnk bldg. Main 3787. 6T ACRES 20 MILTS PORTLAND $90 PER ACRE . Ranch or eordwood opportunity.' Nesr Molalla road, 1 hi miles elcetrio station. 7 in crop, mora easily cleared; bouse, barn, well, at cram; cruised 4000 cords wood. Reasonable terms. J. C. CORH1N CO., JLOSjBj Jewis Bldg. 10 ACHES GOOD fcllACK $(io'0. I .oca ted 80 miles from Portland, It It sta tion 1 mile, 1 acre cleared, 2-rooro shack, well; price $600, terms 300 cash, balance to euiU H EDDEMANN f.. 1'3 ChamtH-r of fVtromere. 2 aches (;lea7:ed at lTMz&T;RT"s"TAtiW. On street cir line, no hiiildinits. but fins Isnd. for II 00. $200 csJi, balance nurutlily, or will sell i acroon snme terms. STEWART A JOHVSriN 815 Norttuveetim Hank Bldg. iUll TKADK 10 arr, clear of iiicuinhrxiu-c, near Eugene. Will lake Kord car, luiut be in g.wd sbaiie. Call Ant 627-JS. SUBURBAN HOMES 408 COUNTRY borne with many city comforts. 15 a- good soil, crop in, 6 mora bungalow h. A e. water, bath, fireplace, garage, ottuw buildings; timber; fine water system; near 8. P., school snd town. $3000. Owner, East 47C9, or 682 E. Broadway. . T" ACRE by uumwr. in.a.1. city limits, with iu U era 5 room luuw, large barn, ami fine chick en bou.e, 8 eherry, 8 apple, 8 prsr, 5 pnins, siso berries of all klnla, iuilf of acre sowed In wbeat $4000, $1000 cash, easy terma. 1646 E2.'lrd ot. -. BEAUTIFUL 2 hi acres, nndrlr cultivation, wltE new 4 room and attic plastered house. Wa ter, lights and gas. be carfare. This is ideal berry land. Just east of city 'limits. Call Ta bor 1041. ALOHA STATION 13100 6 i aeres. sll in cultivation ejrept a for pasture; small bouae, gas, walr, telepbooe. A wonHer'ni bargain.' HEN HY' VV. c.q,'DARD, 243 Stark St. A KfCAL'ft ilt Mf" Sf AND DOES PROTECT THOSE WHO BUY OR S4;LL PROPERTY THROUGH HIM NO 1RBEMPOVHIBLB REALTY AGENT CAN RE A MKMLEU OF THE PORTLAND REALTY OAK': FINE 3 room new, iriiern buuKslow, ready to move in with 1 acre on hard surface road. Garage, etc. Price $4750, tenia $1000 rash, balance $20 monthly. Inquire at Gale A Gale. Fotter road and Ienox are, ilEEJ V ILLE'S choi7eNt little 13 a. ranch, si us culti ration snd crop, stock snd e-iuljfed. Fin orchard, good builduigs, $9500 is the price. Worth invust.ratin. J. It r WOLFF. 419 HENRY P.LDf. NEW, etri-tly modern. 6 rooms and "bath, full eement basement, Oregon City line, 7 "4 e carfare. Hand station. Phone owner, Milwaukie 1-8 J. ' ' 8 ACRES GARDEN HOME AU in cult. riht at station; modern house, bath, gas, water, telephone. Price $s)00O. Teruis, HENRY W. 001)I)AHI, 243 8TA RKST. TWO acres near city limits, Tarnly Greshara ear, school, all in berries. Building, water, gss, electricity. Call 241 hi Washington st L. Wsgner, owner. VlKEGON CITY CAItTlNE "Two choice lots, in full bearing fruit , Kear Courtney station. !,. Terms. C. E. Apple, Oak Grove, phone 1 1 3-W. - 100 "ACRE ranch "in' lJiicoTn counly; mo-,Uy good timber and nnlimitrd rsnga for stock ; owner munt leave country. J. Oliin, 713 Mtcai- svs. PA RKI COhE hi sere, cleared; large garage; . $1050. terms. Tabor 6561. sSn SUITE 415 buiimfss)Kpi att pi rv. 8UUitKS uw