The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1921, Page 46, Image 46

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and Frank Flympton. The officers elect- I vice nresldcttt Mrs. R. IL Jlamllton i
P.E.O. From All
Parts of State to
Meet Tuesday
ed to serve the club for the ensuing I secretary and treasurer, Mrs. )L 13. Ajs
year are : President Mrs. M. D. WeUls ; ' dre ; critic, Mise Carrie Moore.
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; ProgramReady
: For Convention
i Of Federation
By Telia Winner
rpilE program for the twenty-first an
t X nual convention of the Oregon Fed-'
J eratlon of Women's clubs is practically
t . ready and promises some " interesting
I featurea. The program committee ifa
; eluded Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, president;,
J Mrs. Anna Read, Mrs. Nettie Greer Tay
1 lor. Miss Eda Jacobs, Mrs. E. T. Wade
- and Edith Knight UOt --The convention
" Will meet In Pluilton Mav 3t1 Inn. 1
ia 2 and S This Is elw-Hnn vtrar n I
i Possible that Southern Oregon and
2 dates for , the 'board but no outward po-
m UUcal struggle has appeared so far.
" -Viovernor wicott ana some other oinciais
m ;may be present. The mayor of Pendle
j ton and the Chamber of Commerce will
I welcome the visitors.
Following is the program:
j" May 91.- ifteraooa: Arrival, placing and
" ;rwiitraHoii or detegatea. 8 p. m.. eonention
I m "ealbvi to order by Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, president
fw ,8:15. inTocaUon, Her. O. U Clarke; addnaa of
a .vekxane. Mayor Hartman of Pendleton; wel-,-m
-come torn Pendleton club women, Mrs. John
I a Hailej; addren ot weknraa from Pendleton Cfaam-
i of Cnmncwe, James H. Stnrcin; response,
I Mrs. Cbarks H. Castner. nast mwirimt w
fJ W. C; addresv JocUe 8. A. Lowell, Pendleton;
w report credentials committee; dosing song,
r 'America,
July t WdneBday morning) 9 o'clock, ran
fo order, Mrs. Callahan presiding; Invocation.
He. Alfred Iockwood. 9:15. mnale, "America
;the Beautiful." led by Nettie Greer Taylor ; re
i ports, credentials committee, recording, corre
ct .aponding secretaries, treasurer, ' auditor. 8:43,
t addresa. Miss Cornelia Martin. ; state librarian;
music receas. 1.0:15, "Scholarship loan fnnd."
" Mra. Sarah A. Evans. 11:15, fraternal greetings:
,J? :SO, open foram; noon, delegates' luncheon.
I Afternoon session 2:00. call to older; sing
m Inav "Oregon, My Oregon." 2:15. president's
.aminal report. Mrs. Ida B. Callahan. 2:35,
five mirrate reporta. Americanization, conserva
M . tiott thrift. 3 :00, address, "Practical Pain ten
-on LeeiaisUon." Mrs. Alexandec ThomjMon. 4:0.
play. - presented by Pendleton club women, -2
. Evanintr 7:45, call to order, assembly sirig-
lng.; 8J.5, address, - Mrs. Thomas O. Winter,
v president general federation; reception bonoring
lira Winter; music provided by Pendleton hostess
clubs. ,
June 2 Thursday morning) A :0O. call to
f order. Hn. Uolnns Klaina. vice president, ore-
aid i nc ' Mn3nnna. . I, , : .
5 "? A ---.... . ....1,1 trt sunuin; sepocx.
I rt- elvlca. child welfare and other standing oom-
- I Campbell, Mrs. Boy Bishop, and others; ad
r dress. Professor Sweetser. University oi Oregon.
Noon Luncheon at Athena; guests of Athena
" elnb women. -
June 2 (Thnrsday afternoon) 2:80. eaQ to
order; music 8:00. addraas. Miss Bessie A.
.,: Irwyer; motion pic tores; report motion picture
i committee. 3:30 music, supplied by Pendleton
i talent. 5:E0. address, Bev. John Secor. 4:30.
ductwdoa of endowment fund; open forum ;
president's fonferenea and sapper. ,
Thursday evening (Mr. William Bell praalil-
5,: 7i1 opening music, assembly singing.
POr address. Miss Elnora Thomson, repreeent-
irig- Oniversity of Oregon extension. 8:45, music
Mot Jana Thatcher. 8:45. addrefla.
i- - ?Bn9 8 (Friday morning) 0 :00. call to order
fc 9:10, : resolutioas. 8:80. roll call, election of
ofnoew: bosinesB sesmon; concluding ceremonies:
- Installation of new officers; adjournment
- .-. .: ; . ....
ElectJon of officers at the Highland
rarent-Teachers on Tuesday afternoon
resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Ruby
Brehms ; vice - president. Mrs. ; John
Holmes, secretary, Mrs. WiHiam Pear-
son; treasurer, Mrs. Ida SpeUert audi-
l T; tor. Professor Charles Boyd ; staff cor-
responaent, Mra Hallie Johnson. Mra
Z Hurd furnished a delightful program.
: after Which blus rlhhnn. ij
C to 19 successful contestants In the W
C T. U. essay contest. A vote of kpl
f ; preciation was : tendered Mrs. Holmes
if, the retiring president. It was voted to
. I " accept the Invitation of the pacific Coast
I . Biscuit f company to visit and Inspect
f - their factory. A- delightful social hour
i followed with the serving of light re-
freshments. The 'gym had their last
work for the year Tuesday evening
t 'Make me a child again Just for tonight"
- "as litferally true with the "Girls. ice
f cream and cake - followed. Miss fura
i Peyton Is entitled to much praise for the
j work she has accomplished in the class.
I " The committee on Jewish war orphan
i i; fund, Council of Jewish Women. Mrs.
Milton Markewits. chairman, have col
S X' lected $800. Five hundred 'dollars has
j been forwarded to the Joint distribution
j- -committee in New York. . Three hundred
I additional will now be sent Three
j orphans have been adopted, one each bv
5 r ij a. vuoi jes jiiwnue, jura, isen selling,
X Mrs. . Sanford Lowengart ; Mrs. D. Solis
t nV r-n 4 , r . i ; w
1-r wucii iuu mm AiejLnaer uernsteta,
one tnnthev. Pmiv hv 11 t.A..
m . " J uuuui"
Dutine: In thisf fund. TW. wimmfttx. .
retires and the work will continue under
the prescient, Mrs. Julius L. Loulsson.
i0 pians iormuiaiea Dy her.
The lesrlslative cnmmlttM nf )t. n..
m roa Federation of Women's Clubs, of
- -which Mra.' Alexander Thompson is
chairman, has issued a circular letter to
an ciuds in me state urging their indi
vidua! Indorsement and personal support
if vue woman's jury ill.
Research Club
Luncheon to Be
Last of Season
THE Portland Women's Research club
will ' hold its final luncheon for the
season Monday, May 23, at 12 o'clock to
the crystal room of the Hotel Benson,
Mrs. R. H. Sawyer presiding. Honor
able Ben W. Olcott, governor of Oregon,
will speak informally. Walter H. Evans,
district attorney, i will discuss i the
"Woman's Jury BOX" The principal
address will be given by Benjamin F.
Irvine, editor of The Oregon Journal,
whose subject will be "The New United
States." j ,
A musical program of unusual attrac
tiveness has been arranged. Ira D.
Morgan and Granville Morgan will sing
a duet aceomnanied bv Mim Mari
.Not. Miss Jessie Lynne Sawyer will
give a group or scotch; folk songs In
costume. Miss Alice Genevieve Smith,
harp soloist, wiir contribute to the pro
gram apd Park Elizabeth Sawyer will
sing with harp accompaniment.
For reservations telephone Tabor 791,
Tabor 1395 or Main 8576.
. ". -. i I .
The teachers of the Couch school will
be the honor guests at a banquet to be
given in the Tyrolean room of the Hotel
Benson, Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. Mrs.
Arthur Eppstein is chairman of the
committee in charge. Plates will be
$1.25. Reservations must be made by
Tuesday with Mrs. Addie McClure, Main
6705. The banquet Is open to all mem
bers of the association. An interesting
musical and literary program will be
The Woman's association of West
minster Presbyterian church will give a
silver tea Friday from 3 to 5 at the
home of Mrs.! Andrew P.. Porter, 728
Tillamook street Mra M. C. Felter Is
in charge of the tea. Receiving will be
Mra Porter, Mrs. Charles T. Chamber
lain, and Mrs. A. F, Bittner. Assisting
In the dining room will be Mrs. John
son Porter. Mrs. E. H. Pence, Mrs. J.
E. Cameron and Mrs. John Pearson.
Mra E. C. Peets wiU sing, accompanied
by Mrs. A. E. Doyle. .
;":' e -
The Woman's Association of West
minster Presbyterian church will meet
Monday at 2 :30 p. m. This will be
Westminster Guild day with Mrs. Neal
Crounse in charge, t Mrs. A. J. Peaper
wm lead the devoUonals. Violin num
bers will be given by Miss Johnson with
Mrs. Isaac Staples at the piano. Mrs.
C. E. Fuller is . chairman of the
hostesses. A social hour with the serv
ing of tea will follow.
Th ol,man Parent-Teacher assoda
l,.wU1 5old..lts annual meeting and
election of officers Thursday at 3 -30
5;mhere be a report of state
Sni T!SOIU The "dren of the school
wiU give a program.
T,TLjI2V8?Wlvea' 5 cotocll will . meet
l n the story hour
iS?t -f.entraiHbpary' G- Duncan
will speak on the recall. -
A BOVE, left to right
V Mrs. E. N. Howe, pres
ident of the woman's as
sociation of the First Congre
gational church; Mrs. I. D.
BoDine, president of chapter
, C of the P. & O. Sisterhood.
BelowMrs. R. Bruce Hors
fall, president of the Business
Woman's Art class.
Talented Young
Reader Will Be
Heard Tuesday
IN BEHALF ot the building fund of
the Portland Women's club, t Mrs.
Walter S. Klien arl Mrsj J. Earle Else
will present Miss Florence E. Wilbur of
New Tork city, drama specialist of the
National Community service, at the home
of Mrs. Klein, 46 North East Forty-first
street Tuesday afternoon ! at 2 o'clock.
Miss Wilbur is a charming and talent
ed young woman, graduate of ; Ithaca
conservatory of music and Cornell uni
versity, and has had a wide experience
in university and Little theater drama
and production of every sort
She will read "Beyond the Horizon"
by Eugene CNeiL This I play won the
1920 prize awarded annually by Colum
bia university to the author of the best
American play produced f in New : Tork
during the season.
As the proceeds are for the building
fund, 60 cents admission will be charged.
Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor will sing, also
Miss Juanita Hughes. Refreshments
will be served. !
Take Monta villa car, get off at Forty
first, four and a half blocks south.
The women of the White Temple will
celebrate May with a May party at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. E. H. East on
Mt Tabor slope Friday, night A fancy
Maypole exercise on the lawn by twelve
girls in fleecy costume will be presented
by Mrs. J. A. Finley and a unique and
varied program of trios, dueta and solos
by Professor J. A. Finley, director of
the Portland Oratorio society. Walter
Hard wick, well known baritone, will
sing, and Mrs. Coleman IF. Bucy read
her poems on Oregon. Mrs. East's as
sisting hostesses are Mr. Floyd Smith,
Mr. W. a. Stiles, Miss Anne Johnson,
Mra H. E. Ford and Mrs. J. E. Steven
son.. ::
The Suitnyslde Parent-Teacher associ
ation will meet Tuesday at 2:46 p. m.
There will be a program by the chil
dren of the school, also a talk by Mra
N. P. Gale Jr., Audubon society organ
iser, and an address by1 Mrs. Nathan
Harris on "Keeping Step With Our
Children. Reports from delegates to
Pendleton and reports from standing
committees will be given and there will
be election f off ioera. i All members
and others interested are urged to be
Joy Club yill
Hold Meriting
Next Tuesday
r I THE Joy club will hold j Its regular
X meeting of members next Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock in . room j E of the
Central library. All members are re
quested to be present This will com
plete a third successful month for the
Joy club, during which tirhe interesting
programs have been given, under the au
spices of the club, each Sujnday evening
at Multnomah farm. The entertainers
on these programs have given their time
gratis, other: persons have given the use
of their machines to take Jie groups to
and from the farm, and refreshments,
donated by members of th club or out
side individuals, have been served to the
inmates of the farm after Ihe entertain
ments. Requests have bee ti made that
the club extend this work 10 other Insti
tutions of the county, a tlnji Which will
be carried out as soon as the! member
ship of the Joy club increaises. t An Invi
tation is extended to persons who would
be Interested In assisting in this work
to attend the meeting of members to
be held next Tuesday evening.!
The Joy club program given last Sun
day evening: at Multnomah farm fol
lows: Piano solo by Miss I Dorothy An
derson; vocal solo by George E. Brew
ster, accompanied by Miss Shaffner;
reading by J. B. Adam; saxophone solo
by W. E. Burks, accompanied by Miss
Anderson; humorous sketch, "Uhe for
tune Teller," : by ' Misses "Bertha Foun
tain and Lucile Xievy, accrnpanied by
Solona Clary, students of Madame Ma
rie B. Van Velsor, and vocal; solos by
Miss Katherine Story and Mrs. J. B.
Adam. Miss Anderson playing accom
paniments for both. I, i
... j-lj 1 :
Mrs. E. IL Sensenich's home tn Irving
ton on Wednesday afternoon i was the
scene of one of the most popular club
events of the season, the closing meet
ing of the season of the titudy depart
ment of the Portland Womnn's Research
club. A luncheon was served by Mrs.
C G. Tipton and the following host
esses: Mesdames A. It. Geocge,; D. Watt,
A. L. Leonard. J. C. Frtydlg. Oliver
Johnson, Cora McBride. E.I A. Olsons R.
C Nichols, Charles Fleck, Milton York,
A. W. Moore, H, L. Ganoe, G.I E.
Cramer, A. E. Richards, Fj. Lj Schafer,
Fanny Perry, F. M. Beeson, Phil Law
son, , A. Belding, J. Greenburgh and O.
M. : Thompson. Mrs. Leei Davenport
director of the department conducted
the citizenship drill and presided. Mrs.
George Williams presentedthei soldiers'
bonus bill, Mrs. F. O. Northrup the
health bill, Mra G. L. Buland the
women's jury bill. Mrs. Buland and
Mrs, Beggs, the two women j who are
running for school directort , w?re intro
duced. The one minute reirponses from
members brought out man? interesting
points. ; Mrs. Aw L. George gave a paper
on present immigration conditions. Fred
W. Park, Americanization secretary of
the Oregon Institute of Technology, told
of the things that are being done in
Portland toward Americanizing foreign
ers. V.-.-. V . j. j: ; 1 -h. ::
' .:-:!'' : J:'-: '; 4t v: - - I , "
The Woodstock Parent-Teachers will
meet Tuesday at 2 o'clock. There will
be reports from the various delegates at
tending the stat. convention, Woodstock
has the honor of the most delegates of
any school In Portland, having sent
six to Pendleton. There wUl also be
an Interesting talk . on , Parent-Teacher
work by Mrs. J. F. Hill, president of the
council. DlstribuUng samples! of Ore
gon Products, election of officers will be
held for the following year and light
refreshments served. I i
' . , ' - .: p"; n :":
The Portland Parent-Teacher council
will hold its annual luncheon at the
Hotel Portland, Saturday, at 12 o'clock.
Mrs. E. H. Palmer is the general chair
man and Bhe is assisted by Mrs. W. L.
Block. Mrs. C. B. Simmons and .Mra.
George G. Root An interesting program
is being prepared. Reservations must
be made by Friday morning j by tele
phoning Mrs. William Fehrenbacker. Ta
bor 8234, or Mrs. P. E. Alger, Sellwood 7.
The Women of RoUry will hold their
monthly luncheon Monday at 12 o'clock
in the Tyrolean room of the Hotel Ben
son. All women of Rotary are urged to
be present and to bring a guest as this
will be guest day. J. Roy Ellison will
speak on Rotary. C. H. White of Aus
tralia win tell some Interesting things
concerning that country. I Otto Wede
meyer will sing. The new president
Mrs. E. C Peets, will preside.
The regular meeting of the Alameda
Tuesday club will be at the .home of
the president Mrs. J. Weston Hall.
766 East Thirty-third street north, at
I o'clock. An informal luncheon .will be
The ladies of the St James Lutheran
church will give a benefit xnusicale on
Friday evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Bracher, 405 East Twenty
f trot street north. - All members and
frU&da are cordial) tnvlia
TITEMBERS of the P. E. O. Slster
lfA hood throughout the state will as
semble Tuesday at Woo db urn ror me
annual state convention. It Is expected
that more than 100 women will be pres
ent several new chapters having oeen
organised during the past year. : j i
Following Is the program:
Tueeday, Mr 2
4 - a; nfiva Wtairri
11 la- "-iOW3WMt vra VAw.,a.a.w
2 p. mj Formal ope nine, enrollment -
deletr&tev: artpointment of cominittee aad guard;
PT n Unsst sasaMWKlaaSl Mnsrl meat
S walV (AL. " - UM VViluiuu am.auwwwp . M
ing; music. New berg orchestra; singing ol
"America." by audience; introduction of tPft
of honor, state officers and presidents of Chap
ters 'J" and "L"; addresa of welcome to the
city. Mr. Austin; address ot welcome in oeiiju "
P. E. O., Mrs. Mabel SetUemier. H. " ot Wood-
i WH n Thnntnn. "1 of New
hm! : namni. Mrs. Edna C Brown ton. first
vine president. "1,7 of 1 Grande; vocal solo,
"The Swallows" Frederick H. Cowen) , Mra.
Richard WUliami of Newberg; addresa. ; Tbe
Advantages of Small College." President Clark
of Pacific university; violin goto. "Melodic da
rvwmr" (Klhv "Nachstuck" s (Schuman),
Glen ft. Taylor of Newberg: Informal recaption
and get acquainted hour.
Wednesday, May SS
9 a. m. Convention assembles; devotionala,
conducted by Mrs. Emma Parka, second vice
iwMid.n ' mlimtMi pemrt nf credentiaja com
mittee: officers" reports: vocal solo (a), ''Boats
of Mine" i Anne Stratton Miller), (b) "To a
Hill Top" (Ralph Cox), Mra. Nella M. Feem
m n.hmntr "is " i nmMTitatlnn of charters. Mrs.
Odeil. state orgamxer; response. Ir. Don Dn
derwood. Chapter "X." and Mra. Mary Martin
Mass. hapter "Vf": paper. "Delta Gardens of
Lower Colnmbia River." Mrs. Laxzie Tanay,
Cnntj p. mnine: lunch. .
1 :30 p. m. Formal opening; Iiical chapter
reports, by first delegates;: exempuiicaaon ox
the ritual, officers of Chapter "U." Haiem;
i1 iln. "How Do I Love The" (Ware).
Miss Katherim Davis. Chapter "C" Flve-minnte
talks by past presidenU: Mrs. Ella Herman. "U ;
Mrs. Myrta erguson, "a ; jars, iwroui; ix.
DnmMir "TV': Mrs. Veda M. Jones. "A": Mrs.
KU.nnv K" Krtnt. "V": V rm Rm m Lnoe Mc-
Caw. "B": Mrs. Jessie Kirk. "Q"; Mrs. Lena
OdeU. "C." i .
A n m ftrmn meerJns': invocation. " Amer
ica the Beantifol," by audience; piano solo (se
lAfnH). Mrs Weller. Woodburn: address. "Fit
to Be a Mother," Dr. Dora Underwood; a group
of songs ta) "8wung Lkjw. sweet umnov -T
RnrMr1i).: fbl : "flood Morninc. Brother Sun
shine" (Liaa Lehnunn ) , c) "Vals" (Kennedy
Russell) , Mrs. Daisy B. St. Clair of Portland;
TonMne Mra frtrnds Kint GrUWell. "N":
address. "Our Debt to the Future," Miss Lacy
M. Lewis. "S," librarian . A. U.: vocal sow.
"Dunna" (McGUl) i Miss Katnnrtne Iavis, "J";
TMlinff "Riirmrwwwi TMsires." &1LHI Orah. RarK-
ness. "X"; vocal i solo (selected). Miaa Edith
Lov of Woodburn j reception, i - t
' Thursday, May 28 i
8S0 a. m. Cotn mittee meetinw.
a m )nAmnff nde:. devotionala. Mrs.
Parks; minutes; response to roll call by second
delegates. A." "Thought on Women of the
Hour"; chspter reports, by first delegates, two
minutes. "Tbe Points of Our Star as Exempli
fied in the Lives of Historical Women," Mrs.
Lola Bodine. aasisted by Mrs. Annette Weather
ford and Mra. Pearl Livengood, "0"; report ot
local by-laws committee: muoic
1:30 p. m. Convention assembles; opening
ode; devotionala, Mrs. Parks:; minutes, roil call;
committee reports;! music. Miss EdUth Love;
memorial hour, conducted by Mra Alice Bon
ham : memorial address : tributes. Mrs. H. O.
Bowen of Eugene; election and installation of
officers; Question box, conducted by Mra. Ella
saze liernum, past state prescient.
' ,'
The Women's association ! will meet
Wednesday : from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
There will be the usual sewing for char
ity. A hot luncheon will, be served at
12:30 o'clock. VThis meeting will be fol
lowed by the meeting of the Women's
Missionary: society. A playette entitled
"Madam Mala prop versus i Missions,'
written by one Of the members, will be
presented with the following women as
members of the cast: Martha, Mrs. J.
Freidel; Mra Marsh, Mra W. H. Phil
lips: Mrs. Wakefield, Mrs. E. B. Mac-
Naughton; Mrs.! Sawyet Mrs. F. C. Ut
ile : Madame Malaprop, Mrs. W. K.
RoyaL Mrs. E. C. Peets will sing
"Morning by Speaks and Gilbert's
"Evening." A May day party will be
one of the social occasions of the year.
All : the women f the church and con
gregation are expected to be present
At this party prizes will be awarded to
those who have outclassed their com
petitors in a recent money-raising cam
paign for missions. Three prises will be
given, first to the woman earning the
most dollars ; second, the most novel
manner of earning the dollars ; and
third, the best story told. Next Friday
afternoon Mrs. C H. Farrington ; and
Mrs. E. N, Howe will be hostesses at a
Missionary tea to be given in the home
of Mra Farrington. The women of the
church were delightfully entertained by
the Men's brotherhood at their ladies
night banquet held in the church Mon
day evening. The entertainment which
was a clever "take-off" on (-prominent
members of the church and -the pastor.
the dinner, and the decorations, were all
provided by the. men of the organization.
The '"Business . Women's club held Its
luncheon meeting Thursday In the social
hall of the Y. W. C A. The speaker
was W. F. LaRoche, whose subject was
"The Columbia. Basin Differential Rate
and What It Means to Portland." The
hostess for the day was Mrs. Etta B.
Bancroft. Next Thursday is members'
day. A review of the candidates for
office at the coming election of the dub
in June will be held. All candidates for
offices and for the board of directors
for next year will be seated at the head
table and will respond to roIlcalL Music
will be furnished by Miss Lenore Greg
ory, violinist one of the club's members.
, e- . e :..!
The current literature department of
the Portland Woman's club will be en
tertained at the home of Mrs. IE. R. Pit
telkanv: 614 Hawthorne, avenue at lunch
eon Thursday at 1 o'clock. Assisting the
hostesses will be Mrs. Nettle Greer Tay
lor, Mrs. Orien Van Schoonhoven, Mrs.
T. P.! Wise. Mrs. M. H. McClung. Mra
Bert Hicox, Mrs. H. H. Brigham and
Miss Elizabeth Mathews. Miss A. B.
Manley will read and Helen Barbara
Pittelkan will give a. dramatic reading.
-' .... . .i
Both Interesting and instructive was
the lecture given by Professor Albert R.
Sweetser of the University of Oregon on
"The Wild Flowers of Oregon" In room
A of the public library on the! afternoon
of May 13 before the Portland Study
club and its guests the Corriente club
and the Fortnight club. Professor Sweet
ser's talk was illustrated by lantern
slides made from the paintings of the
flowers dona by Mrs. Sweetser,
The regular meeting of 'the Home aux
iliary will be held at the deaconess home
Friday. A potluck luncheon will ; be
served at noon under the direction of
the women of First church. Following
the business meeting at 1 :30 p. m. Mrs.
S. Earl Dubois, who is promoting the
dally vacation Bible school under the
direction of the State Sunday School
association, will speak.
.. . . ... e- " ... : I .'
The Catholic Woman's league will give
a luncheon, at the Hotel Portland, May
24. at l p. m. All members and friends
are invited to attend. Reservations can
be made by calling Mra E. A. McGrath,
East 2225, or Mrs. Winthrop Terry,
Woodlawn 2232, k
:- .v!.:;: v---:i-j-- .:- : .v,-"i'-M! ':':";-:;"i-'":...
The members of Chapter W of the
P. E. O. Sisterhood will meet with Mrs.
D. Kuhlman. 482 East Fifteenth street
Monday afternoon. This is Mothers'
and Daughters day. Each member will
bring .her mother or daughter.
i -
The Girls Friendly society of i St
Davids church will meet Wednesday
under the supervision of the Industrial
committee. : ; The girls are requested to
bring their thimbles.
. - i .
- The Woman's guild of St: Michaels
and All Angels church will meet at the
home of Mrs. Charles Levis, 897 East
forty-third mtraAt nogtla. gsi(nMl ;
Baptist Women!
Society to Hold
Golden Jubilee
' - " i I
-" .-1 i i j ) t -
npHE Woman's American' Baptist For
X eign Mission society, organized i in
1871. celebrates its golden Jubilee i In
June with a series of events from the
Atlantic to the Pacific.. Each of the 10
districts will plan its own commemora
tion and all will culminate in a great
victory processional and pageant in Des
Moines, Iowa, at the time of the- North
ern Baptist convention, June 20-22. i
The Columbia river district will cele
brate the Jubilee in connection with its
regular annual meeting In Seattle, June
1 and 2. The program essentially Is an
exhibition of results, living dividends of
the investment of life and moneyfe Chris
tian reconstruction In the Far East
through i the agencies of the Christian
home mother - school church, and
above all, the Bible. It's a wonderful pro
gram of pageantry, song, speech, his
tory. Illustrated story. - I
There will be a number of guests from
the Far East at Seattle wonderful
young women. One Is Khan to Bala Rat
'of Bengal-Orissa, South India, daughter
of a high caste Brahmin. She Is a
speaker of rare Interest and a master of
the English language, a college graduate
and a teacher.
Dr. Ma Saw Sa, the woman physician
of Burma, who was the first Burmese
girl who ever got a college education,
will also speak. Dr. Ma Saw Sa is the
head of the Lady Dufferln hospitals In
Rangoon, Burma. She passed her first
arts examination as a student; of the
Baptist college in Rangoon In 1906. Then
she spent five years in the medical col
lege of the government hospital In Cal
cutta, India. Afterward she studied two
years abroad, receiving diplomas from
the Royal College of Physicians ahd Sur
geons at' Dublin. , !
Others will add interest to the meet
ings. Miss Grace Kan of China, Ma
dame Frances Kolatorora. our 'Czecho
Slovakian visitor ; Miss Martha Wesnke
of Lods, Polan4, ; and. members: of the
National Woman's board from - New
Tork. The Columbia river district cov
ers Oregon, East and West Washing
ton, Idaho and Montana. . j 1 '
- , i --llj F '
The Con tents club was entertiUned! at
a 1 o'clock luncheon at the X. W. C , A.
Tuesday with Miss Bertha i Morres
hostess. Rollcall was responded to by
"unusual uses of paper." Mlw Ruth
Rockwood gave a talk on "Paper Illu
strated by some fine exhibits f hand
made Japanese paper. E. K- Stnton, a
representative of the Crown-Wfllamette
Paper company, gave a very interesting
description of a trip to a loca paper
mill." Election of officers were Presi
dent. Mra J. F. Hill ; vice president Mra
C. W. King ; secretary, Mrs. A. pu GHe ;
treasurer, Mra H. J. Houghtoft. The
program for next year's calendar" was
presented by the program committee,
and promises to be very Interesting, j ,
3 I
The Shattuek Parent-Teacher socia
tion will meet Tuesday at J w m. i A
special program will be presented by the
pupils, after which open house will be
observed. Exhibits of the worl of the
pupils will be shown in the sewing and
manual training rooms. The entire pro
gram under the personal direction I of
the principal, G. E. Jamison. I-
The Woman's New Thought club and
the Realization league will join bjk an en
tertainment in the form of a picnic
luncheon, at 1 o'clock, on Wednesday, ! at
the home of Mrs. Rose Bruce,1 48 W.
Winchell street. "Realization" ?wlll be
the subject Mrs. H. Edward Mills will
conduct the meeting. j
The Fortnightly club held its regu
lar annual meeting for elecUonj of of
ficers and closing the year's business,
Monday.; A bountiful luncheon was
served by the hostess, Mrs. H. Cv Keop
pen. Assisting Mrs. Keoppen were
Mesdames Frank Colllnson, C r,S- IUff
lvW ... .' - ' ... , I I . li'V!:
Front Lace, or
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Front Lacing Corset.
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All Sex Woo
These New-Idea Dessert Molds
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Here is the latest idea la lrxlV
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tial is embossed on top so, it
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A new, exquisite cittern of Wm. Bearers
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How to Secure Gifts mcTiTio
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frr six fnftfal molds.
Jl and 10c for the spoon.