THC 0HEG01I SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MOHIITNG, II AY 1. IZZT. FOODSTUFF PRICES ARE DUE FOR ADVANCE BECAUSE NOW FAR TOO LOW 1 Edited by -.j n tbuua EL Cobea PORTLAND SUPR NTHEVHEAT FED EME EGG PRICE HAS A HIGHER RANGE Market Gets Almost Twice as Much - Grain as All Other Pacific North West Porta Prices Higher, Monday Tuesday - , Wednesday Thursday Fidsr Saturday WEEK'S WHEAT BIDS Hard Whit North. White. CloH. $1.32 1.53 ,..$1.33 . . .. 1.33 .... 1.89 .... 1.3S . 19 .... 1.39 1.39 1 88 1 39 1.38 Tted Soring. Wall. 1.29 $1.26 1.8&. 1.2T 1.81 1.88 L34. 1.34 1.30 1.81 1.83 1.39 Wheat bids were forced generally higher on the Portland Merchants ex change for the week, this city being the highest bidder for sanplies in the Pacific . Northwest, While bids for bard white at $1.39, the extreme point reached dur ' ins - the week, were 'not as high by lc as the previous extreme figure, other 'varieties and classifications were at the highest point on the present movement. Wheat U going ao fast to foreign porta that one won data whess all the stock is coming from, 'la addition to tha hue supplies already shipped ' front Portland and other points, ships already 'chartered for this port wtfl take oo an fin.-nj 4.000,009 bushels. Portland continues to lead by far all ether porta in -wheat shipment, ao far aa tha Pacific coast n eonoemed. . To dsjte tliie season tha Showing ia ia carload lots as compered wits year sgo: 1921 1920 Portland : ... i ........... : 17.059 8.3 0$ . Taeotna . - 4,443 8,798 'Seattle 4,434 6,00V TjocaJ, Trade Proved to Be Too Low as Haa .Seen Contended by The "Journal Batter Market Is Active. Improved outlook for some commodities is Indicated in the week's activities In, the Portland wholesale trade. On every side it is now apparent that the reaction In prices on many farm products has been too low. This is Indicated espe cially In dairy products. Ess market shewed a ' rather spirited and somewhat unexpected advance ia the local trad tor tha week, attention was recently called by tha market department of Tha Journal to tha effect that Portland was ia reality tha lowest market for eggs in the entire country, and that this condition waa scarcely a natural one There ia not tha' lightest doubt that in their tea red eoadition, tha Ms buyers beat down esc values to a point where it was diaoriraina ties against tha Pacific Northwest producer. Tnia waa by no means a local condition, bat' the bearlihneea started hern. j While California prices on eggs were Usher than those ia effect here, tha tooal shipping trad 'Normal' Prices Would Be Much Welcomed by Growers Who. Sold Below Averages of Many Seasons IRREGULAR CLOSING OF STOCK Totals t. . ' . ; . . . i . , 25,958 S0.809 While tha figures of Astoria shipping are missing, they are so nominal ss to have no effect opon the total. Portland this season V therefore not only leadins all other Faeifio .-, Northwest porta . in the receiot shipment of - wheat ' to other countries, trat it received and shipped almost twice the volume of wheat that all cher porta of, the Pscifie Northwest could . claim. - i - ' Liberal decree of strength Was shows ia : oats and barley lot tha week, sad prises were ' higher in both lwiee. liaken' flour a bowed a farther advance, and there waa additional rue force for xaiilfeedB. FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent $8.60; Willamette vslley brands, $8.90: local straight, $8.75; bakers' bard wheat. $8.25: bak ers' biucstetn. $7.75; bakers, Talley, $7.25; cra bam. $8.80; whole wheat, $8.90; -Mootans imnl wheat, patent, Sl.6u9 8.25 per barrel. . Price for city delivery, 15c extra subuiban. 20s extra. - IIAT -Baying price, nominal: Willamette timothy, fancy, $20.00 (ft 25.00 per ton; Easter! Oregon timothy. $27.00 ft 28.00 per toa; elover. $ 10.00 9 15.00; atraw, $14.00; alfalla. $10.09 wlO.QO per ton. GRAIN SACKS- Nominal, No. 1 Calcutta, 6 e; domestic, 6e ia car lota; leaa amounts higher , Mil J STTFFS MiD mn at sain, sacked, toa lots. $30.00; carloads. $29.00. OATS Per ton, bujing pries: Feed. $30.00 " 41 SOJiO. BARLEY Buying prices; Peed. $22,50 9 28-00: b re wine, $24.80 9 25.00. fKED Buying price, nominal. - FEEDSTUFF8 F. O. B. Mills: Boiled bar ley. $3800 9 40.00; whole barley, $35.00; al falfa meal, $26.00: cocoa nut meal. $30.90; cracked eoro, $41.00; whole son, $$$.00: scratch feed, $51.90; ao bean meal. $53.00 per ton; whole cats, $37.00; roUed oats, $40.00; Chirken wheat. $52 00 per ton. ; ; Merchants xchanKe bid: ' - . WUKAT - Hard white , Soft white . , White club- Hani winter . , Northern aprins ilea walla : PEED OATS No. 2 white . . .v.-. -i . i ..... No. 3 gray - BABXKT Brewins ................. Standard feed . . COBN No. 2 E. T. ahiprnent. No. 8 K. T. ahiprnent. May -Bid. 1.39 . 1.89 1.88 1.88 1.84 1.30 81.00 80.00 24. SO 22.00 83.00 31.O0 Br TTvmaii 7T. flohsa Annearances Indicate that foodstuff, prices are either at the extreme bottom. within a fraction of it. or are below what they should be,-even for this period, of raadjustraeat. trices -ui some lines ttave cone entirely too low, eonstaerins; may ba axpectad In fnany quarters, The- average person appears to h&va some indefinite idea as to what constitutes abnormal price." The average person does not know what a normal pries is. Without complete statistics in sight, it Is Impossible to tell exactly what prices are: normal and what . are abnormal. .- ' . . .. I Fact of the-matter is. that' in a number of lines rices I p have already dropped below the normal. This applies prin- cipally to efrgrs, butter, cheese, potatoes, onions and lika prooucts. JuegB nave soia tnis season at tna lowest values for many years. The "normal" price, so called has pot been so low as tnia season vaiues. . j ;; f, - Batter Uasssally Xow ' r ' Butter has sold lower this eeaaon than for over 10 years, and this, therefore, puts that commodity below the normal. And still there are many uninformed 1 people who will talk of prices going back to the normal. I Chickens are today selling In the markets at no higher than so-called normal prices. Just I what constitutes a "normal" Dries I am unable to say. ercect nerhaDB to aueas that people usins; the expression "normal" really mean "average.'1 Cheese has dropped below so-called normal prices, and vaiues recently indicated that all nrevious low records for a score of veara would b ra&chMi a nA naasA. saseni that it waa to possible to ship to New ; Bo far as normal prices are concerned, cheese reached that limit soma Urns ago, Tork because of the low prices ia tha east. have become abnorlnal for their lowness. .1 California aonHnuad to ahlp ito erg in eayload .1 - . I r loU to the Atlantic aesboard, aren though ages I . ! ; Fotatoe Below Horrsal . 1 Potatoes have likewise dronned below "normal or even averare oriees. ; At least not for many years have tubers been so low gnerally 1 as during the present aweun. .'I 1 ... 1 1 1 Onions have so undermined "normal" nrices that the nreaent futsjion in llkalw to remain a red letter affair in the history of the industry. Whils prices have J reax:Heu m.s iuw luw prcsen t tseiisun, mere nai never oeioro1 witnin the memory of the present trade been a period when so much of the crop went to waste because of the lack of demand at any price. It surely has not been. normal - year ior onion growers. , ; 1 Then there are beans. You've heard the public tails about low bean prices or Reactionary Tone Is ' Shown at the Start of the Short Session Some . Show Fair Advances. " - Jnrte Bid. 1 87 1.87 1.87 - 1.83 1 aa 1.39 ! 31.00 -30.00 24.09 22.00 81.7$ 30.50 Bilea 100 tona Mo. 2 eeatern oorn. May. $32. WHOLESALE PRICP IS POBTIVSTD These are pricee retaQea pay whoiaeaiera. ex eat aa oUterwisa noted: X Osiry Products BtTTTErV-SeHing pries, bx lotsr Creamery, . ctra, parchment wrapped, 800 per lb. - Jobbing rieee: Oukea, extra, 25o per lb.; dairy, payias pcire. Jc per lb. . BDTTEBPAT Portland defieery tasia Mo. 1 grade, 2ae; Na. 2. 23 0 23c; country atationa, 2021e per lb. CHEESE r Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fanry" triplets. 21c per lb.; Young America. 22e per lb. ; Oregon-Washington trip lets. 1$ 1 7c lb. Price to Jobbers, f. o. b ,Tilla monk: Triplets, 19c; Young Ameriru, 20a, Selling price: Block Swias, S840e; bnburger, S4(SS6e lb.; ereaa brtrk, 1082e per lb. ; im . ported Swiaa. SI Jb.l eefeot domeatis Swias. $us per lb. - . . . KiGS Buying prioa; Corrent raoeipea. IS tf 1 Be; candied, aeliiug . price. 23c; select, 24 25ndoaen. LITE POULTBT Setting pries: Hesry bans, 24 2 Be lb. : light bens, 1819 lb; broilers, lA4 25e per '? old roosters, lie per Jb-i turkeys. 89 9 40s lb. J dreaaed. 4050 lb.( aucka. S5(9 40o lb. Fraclt Vegetables sad Fruit PT.fcSn FKCIT Oramree, $3 00 9 5.7i best baaaaaa. 10s per lb.; lemona, $3.50 o 5.90 per eae, graprfgruit, Florida. $6.00 0 9.00; Cali fornia, $3.35 8.50; i'lorid piaeappiea, $7.60 498.50 per crate. BKRBISS Strawberries. Florin, $3.50 srata 20a: Oregon. $5.00 crate 34a. t APPr.ES $1.25 0 2.75.. DRIED PaUlT-Datee, $.656 85: tarda, ' $3.608 75 per bos: fig. $4.OO0S.5O pruned. 70a to 80s, 60-tb. bos, 7 Vie lb. ONIONS Sellina nrioe to retailer: Local. : $1.00; garlic. 15c; gxaaa cniaos, 3044o per ocen bunchee. POTATOES Selling price to retafierst Ore- grm fancy, $1.28 1.60; sweats, $3.75 hamper. New potatoes, 8 0 7s lb. VEGETABLES Artichokes, No. 1. per dos.. 81261.S5: arneresua. 81.50: local. 81.26a 1.50 per doaen bunches; beets, per rwt.. $1.50; cabbage, flat Dutch, 4c per lb.; Winningstadt. iwnr crate. 5c per lb.; carrots, per cwu, $1.50; carrots, buncbed, 4550o per dot; pauhflower, i loeal.. ii03.U0; gariio, . XOc per lb. ; grean peppers, large. 40a per lb. ; borneradiah. lb per lb.; lettuce, $3.50 3.75 crate, doaen, $1.25; parsley, dozen. 50c per lb.. 2c; peaa, green. 18 18c lb.; peppers, long, dried, 40 W 45c per lb.; radishes, 50o per dozen; peas. 12Vi15c; rhubarb. S 9 4e lb.; .rutabagas. 1 c pr lb.; spinach, TBcal. $1.25 per box; tomatoes, 23 lb. lug. $9.00 paTNlug; gurmpe, $3.UU per cat i Meeta and Prorlalons i COUNTY MKAT3 Selling priewt Coaatry boga, 14c per lb. for top blockers, about 125 to ISO - 'Da.; Deary mui lower: Teat, top, on to 110 lba.. 13c, beary Staff kas; . spring UmK IS a)14e ner lb. 8MOKKD MEATSHarsa, $037o per lb.; preakfast bacon, 26 53c LARD Kettle rendered. 19 Vic Bx: tierce bans, compound. 1 2c ... PACKING HOCSE MEATS Steer beef. 17c; cow beef,' 14V416c; lambs, 15 loo per lb. ; yesrongs, whijc, ewn, i wive. Fiah and Shellftah PBESH FISH Chinook, 17 18c lb.; bsbV but. fresh, uetuc; aturgeon. t 1 ; niacx coo. 12c; kippered aalmon. $2.25 2.50 10-lb. basket: kippered cod. $2.85: rasor dams, $4.50 W s.ow box; snao, 1 00c ta-i was bju. -a w Re r lh : atnreeon. 20o lb. ' OYSTERS Eastsrn, par. sauoa, , $5.00; Olympis. $.r Hops. Wool and Hldss - 1 TrTS Nomioil. 1 020 mo. 18 A 20a. UIUE8 - Calfskin. 8 10c; taps, 5 0Se; areen hidn, 2WSc; aalted. B t 4e per in. - MOHAIR Nominal. 1 5 O 20c lb. ' 1 T ALLOW AND UUEASki No. 1 tallow, 6c; .NO. 2. 4c 1 , WM)L. : WiiiameMa valle. cosrae. 10c: ass- 11 um. ave; line, zwe per m.i aaatera vresvw ,SWZOc per lb. SCGAR Bafinerr basia-. Tnbss. $9.60: fruit and berry, $7.85: D yellow. $.$$: beet, granalstsd, $7.56; extra C. $6.69; Ooldsa C. $0 h. - .-HOXEY Per ease, 8 8.00. KICK Japan style. No. 1, e; Bias JKoee, e per Ir. ; Mew Orleans- bead. Sc. wittii Moaneq. italic, u drams. . . tiALT Coarse, half ' ground. 100a, $15.50 per toa; 60s, $17.86; table dairy, 60s, $27.25; bales, $3.60 4.00; fancy, table sod dairy, $34.50; lump rock. $26.50 per ton. . BEANS i- Sales by Jobbers:- 8maj white, 4 4 o ib. t la rm white. 4 e; pia t las pec lb.; Umas. $c; bayou. lOVsc; reda. 10c: Orecoa kteana. buying once nominal. - CANNED MILK Carnation. $5.89; Borden, -); Astor.. $5.40; Eagle, $11.60; Libby. aaouni leraooj per csss. SODi CRACKEK3 Id bulk. He ner rh. NCT3 Walnuts 2832e lb.; abnonda 29 Vflvc; iujkiu, .i iu-aatca lute, paanuia. ivs 14o; pecavae. xsc; atraaua. sue. ... . Rope. Painta, Oils . ' KOPB-SLsai, dark, 14c; wnitav 16s per lb.; Stsndarrl IMsniia. 20 Vic. .. . LXND OIL Ew, bbls.. 99c; iatlls wars quoted higher than her. Then again the reputktion of the Oregon egg baa become so good during the last soople of years, that sales are made ia New York at higher prices thin fog tha product of any other section. Chick so Trade Hlghar ' -With higher prices q noted, some increase in arrivals of . chickens may ba expected ia , the Portland market for the coming week. Chickens are ;ia extremely limited supply hers for the week and the prerious extreme be richness ia the merfcet has sntirely diaappesred. Small broilers, those that weigh leas than 1 Va pounds, are not in tha best call and it is not sdrisabls to ahip theaa Bolese they are requested by wbolesaiera Butter Situation Active ' Trade ia tha batter market assumed son aiderabis aeKrity ia the local section for the week. While the outpot continues liberal, there wss a call for every pound and more. Storage interests were keenly seeking atocsrs of cabs extras, swt tha uppermoat limit of price wss 25c. and it was impesstbis to find anyone willing to pay ere S fractsoasi prwniuat, de spite the bugs call. - Country dairy butter: eontinned to arrive in liberal anpply, bat demand was only fair at sx. treats low values. -, Chssas Prtesa Are Shsatss! While no further action was taken on cheese prices by Tillamook makers during the week, s general cut of lc a pound was acted fat the selling price here.- This waa due to a general dsairv of local wholesalers to keep cleaned op, despite the fact that cheese centers elsewhere are beginning to show signs of revived activity. The one bis drawback to the leesl situation is th (act that many small factories, which hart stsrted during the last few years, arc without sufficient financial support to bold back tbeb stock, aad for that reasoa are sacrifiirirvg ia order, to get ready cash. ' Potass Buying Resumed Some baying' of potatoes in carload lots wss shown at local country points during the week, Whils ss high, as $1.10 H5 a cental wa paid in a small way for Some extra select stock at common freight rats points, general purchases of good quality Surbanks. were not above $1. wails round stock of Quality waa not above 75c . He Hope for Onloos With Increasing supplies ef new crop Cali fornia onions coming forward sad prices' for such stock dropping rapidly, there ia today not the slightest bope of any improvement ia the local onion situation so far ss the 1920 crop is concerned. v Apple Daensnd Qseel Xtaaaaad for apples wss rather favorable at n ebangsd prices in lbs Portland trade for the week. Offerings from primary points are very scant, bat prices sakad there are higher tbaa tha iocs trade sea peen wining to pay. "'. , Ceuatry assets Steady ., . With pracrinallr ao chanae in price for the week, the market tor country killed bosa and calvea waa steady along Front ltaceipta in both lines wars aaoderate. POTATOES 1 ALOITO THE COAST ' v -: ! Settle Markst Seattle. Wash., May 14. TJ. P.) Pota toes asOdina getns, 635.00 9 40.00; locaAt, $1S.OO 20.00, Saa Franciaco. May ' 14.- (TT. P.) Potatoes River whites. $1.76T2.25; sweets, $5,00 0 S.0O. Onions- Aastratiaa brown, 40 e 50c bag. Lee Angetei Market' Los Aasales. May 14 (L N. 8.) Potatoes Idaho russets, mostly $2.15 92.50: rorala, $1.902.00t Oregon Burbanka, $2.25 2.85, few $2 60; new potatoes, beat, $1.50 1.75; small. 76c9 $1.00 par rug, . BAIBT COAST PEODUCK OP THE 1, SawUls Marks . Raattle, May 14. (U. P.) Eus-reaa ranca, J26e; pallets, 20c Butter Xocal creamery, cubes, 29c; pneks, sue, Ansalea. May 14. tt . N. B.) Bat. tor, 37c . Erri Extras, 24VaC.; case aounU 23c; pe lets, 20c ': Poultry aana, l 32e; broilers, 2027c; fryers. 40c. . Chtcags PaJry predaes Chicago, May 14. L N. ! S. Butter, re osipta 11.192 tsibe. Caeasaery, xtra, SOe; Orsts, 26 (1c: pscking stock. 12 913c , Eggs-Beoeipta, 27.034 cases. , Corrent rs eeipu, 2020VaS; ordinary firsts, lbyl9c; firsts, 21 921 bo; extra, 23 Vic; checks 17c; dirties. 18c ' ' Cheese Twins, new, 14s: daiaias, 14 Vi 9 14 Vic; yeaaf Ameiioaa, 14Vas; Leeghorna, 14 Ho; brick, 12 V 9 13c . . Live poultry, tnrkeye, 85c; ahtekeisi, 80c; roosters. 16c; goes. 16 918c; ducks. 30c . e FsrsIgB xeltaags Market New York, . May 14. (U. P.) Foreign ex. change was firm at the opening today. Quota tions include: Sterling. $3.99. up .00 Vi ; francs, .0866, np .0000 Vi : Ure. ,0559. up .0001; marks, .0177. up .0000 Vi ; Canadian dollars. .8938, - . Closing Quotations wars: Sterling. $4.00 Vi ; - fraaes, .0$57; hrs. .0559; marks. .0176 H: Caaadiaa doUsrs, .8938; Dsniah kroeea. .1815. . Ifew Tork Bask Statement New York, May 14. -I . S.) Bank stale ment Average Loans, decrease, $5$, 826,000; demand deposits, decrease., $42,531,000; fiats deposits, decrsaae, $703,000; reserva, decrease, $177,200. p Actual Loans, raecreaas, $106,537,00; de mand deposits, decrease. $11,995,000; time do pojots. decrease, $3,629,000; reaerre, incresse, $702,890. . . ., Sew York Wool aad Hides New York.' May 14. -(L N. 8.) Wool Market auiet. Dotnestic fleece. XX Ohio. 23 9 43c: domestic nulled, scoured basis. 18(72ci domestic Texas, scoured basis, 40 982c; do mestic staple, scsurea oasia, a a w uc ' Hides Market quiet. Native attars, 9 Vi 9 10c; branded steers, 9c ; . , , Minaeapolis-Dnlath Flax Dumtb. May 14.- -L N-. S. Flax Mav. $1.80, July, $1.82; Beptaaabsr, $L85; track and arrive $1.80. r Minneapolis. May 14 L K. S.) Flax May. Il ia; Jtuy, Svl.sovt: Heptember, $1.84; track aad arrive $1.80 9 1-82 Vs. Kew Tork Potato Market New York. May 14. (L N. B.) Potatoes fin Duis, barrel or Dsn ) -Market weak. Nearby white, $1.29 9 B OO; Bermudas, $3.00 910.00; souuwrns, Si.eo te 0.00. . 1 11 ' 1 ' ' : Potatoes to : Artxoaa Parkolaee. ' Or.. Ua 14. Professor L. Bead of tiladstone skipped a carload of pntaliwai irou rarsxuacs to snram xaia wees. 5 aval Stereg Market ' New York, May 14. l K. S.) tin SavaBnah. 69c: New York. 68c; jsevr xswa. sa.eo. Tiapsa JboOsd, bbls..! $1.01; raw. eases. $1.15; boOed. esses, H.10 per gallon. 1 - COAL OIL Pearl er water whits, la drums or iron berrela. 17 aaL: eafes. SOe tier caL GASOLINE Iron barrels. 28c; esses, 40 Ms per gallon. j v. FUBI, OIL- Basis, $2.10 bbL WHITS LSJLD-r-Tos 4ots. 500 13 lb. 1 TLKPENTtNE Tanks, 97c; eases, $112; iv case lots is esss,- so-called normal" ones, but it is a fact that beans are lower today generally throughout the country than for so many years that the trade has forgotten about it. ; 1 . - i- ... I .- :f Apple Growers Are Bamped r , Surely apple growers are not to be' congratulated upon the prices they received this season. Surely none would want the price to go quicker to "normal" than the apple grower himself. Abnormally low would be but a shell word to describe what has actually been suffered by the apple growers this season, PTvto aV Is t L. M l 1 T T t a L si .. Bii uicrs ib mi sjrower ot cauoage. tie wouia very mucn appreciate "normal prices for his 1920 crop.- Most of it went to waste this season because, even at the lowest price known for many years, the demand was insufficient to take care of more than nrhaDi 2a ner cent of thA Ameriraui mn Th rmni of the crop rotted in the fields, while people talked of waiting until prices went Prune erowers know what It fa to hava the nnrilir rf imi. X rsr tiisif ni.irine during the "back to normal" talk. Prunes sold this season fat prices that were so aw,, w irc rya.L uij tuusiuciisi in no-vsuteo nomiai yeara i Then there is the wool rrower. iha . mnhair fact the grower of most farm products. Many of them would consider themselves yerF fortunate if they could have secured "normal" prices for their 1920 production. Moat of them have sold their products at prices that were the lowest for many years, while their product cost was the greatest. I I T , iNormai prices woum do considered as wonderful hy these many growers if they could have secured them, eliminating from their memory, if they could, tha fact that the cost of production was abnormal. T, f ; Pacific Coast Eggs Shipped - With Much Less Breakage Touring the past year considerable im provement has been noted in the condi tion of eggs on arrival at the eastern terminal markets. There' Is less bad order and breakage than resulted for merly, particularly .during the war period. j , ; , Mara of this Improvement is no doubt dos to tha fact that shippers resKxe tha importance of a good finer, sad are now able to obtain a better grade of filler and a better made ess esse than baa been possible heretofore. Nata rally this lessens breakage, and shipments Of SSSS arrive st dsBtinstioB In better condition. . v . West Coast tmprovaoieiit ' This allows space for -1 lengthwise in the ear However, the (Set that there is less breakage ! possible variation in h tbaa formerly is das ant only' to the was ef remaining space after Better nuers sna stronger cases,, oat also to the apparent disposition of shippers, particularly es tha Facifie coast, to give more careful attention to tha propel stewing or loading of cars. They natvo come te realise,- after eaperirneins heavy breakage tosses due to careless stowing, that s Utile extra tf me and expense in the loading of ears is weQ spent and ia the best kind ef lasar. sacs sgainst breakage It baa been noted that serious breakage ss a role, does not Occur in cars which are loaded solid, with the top layer complete When buf fing is aseesmry te prevent shifting of the load, the use of straw seems to be giving better satis fsctinn than wooden brackets wr lira me If tha wood is of a brittle nature, the braces of tea gire way and the brakes) ends, penetrating the nearest esses, do considerable damage ia addition to the breakage which results from the shifting of the lead in the ear. . anandsedlzed Cars Built Standardised' refrigerator cars which permit solid loading are now being paed by shippers ia msny' parts of the country with ver coed rs solta These ears, ef which 5600 are now in use, wees designed as s special egg ear. to be used as iar aa praeoceoie ior egg shipments exclusively. atanaarcuzea for soUd lead of the dimensions of the The ears provide a Inedine spacs approximately 83 fet 8 inches in length. 13 eases planed end to end with barely 2 ktehne for a the sixe of the cases. . Any the cases bars been packed the full length of the car They were therefore ins npoa the basis standard egg ease tightly in each row is taken np by packing straw' in the center of xne winta lot the ear allows eiarht rowa the i the of cases to. ba placed side by side., tun .soaking the eontents of the car 120 eases to tha Uyer, or a total of 480 sssrs when the load --rrrSats of four complete layers. The use of the standardised ear is eepeeiaTlT advantageous when full loads are shipped. The time and expense required for buffing in ears which esa act be loaded solid are avoid'ed. The load can not shift in the; car, and therefore there is less danger of loss; from breakage, which is sa ad ran tags both to the shipper and the transporta tion company. Furthermore, toe ear is eared fro mthe usual damage to tha interior wall god insulation caused by Oririiag nails into the waHs, T-l SJ Jtiariy liosses in Wheat Trade Are Shown in Chicago i i j sawsssasnsasssesasws t Chieago, May 14. I. N. S.) Buying of 1,000.000 bushels wheat by foreign countries : on the break ' today caught the wheat market in an oversold con dition and prices rallied sharply, closing with little changes for the day. Coarse grains displayed less recuperative power and averaged sharply lower. Provisions closed lower." 1 . ; ' May wheat finished Me lower to Me higher. July unchanged te c off. May corn e lower, July c off and jseptemoer who on. , aaay i oaia e down, July VsC off and September 9ic aown. ; .. Cbieago, Bay 14. (t V. S.I The effect of the paasags of the Tincher bill by the honse yesterday was less thaa bad been exneeted aad price declines on tha board, i of trade were not especially marked, 1 ' Wheat started with May IVi to 24eIower and July wss 1 snd 1 Vic off. Selling prar sure was ia srkieaec -. Vina tnrle wss esnforsi Mli nrtoaa SX . . li. . Sower for July snd Vi to p lower for September, Declines or to f or July ears and Vi to e for September sate were recorded. Provisions stsrted higher with limited offerings, of the ' Chicago prioes aa furnished by tha Caited Freest J Open. Hiehi ' May ...... 141 Vi 144 July ..114H 116V4 f . i COBN 1 May .....v.. 04 60 ' B2 ' 62 I 4 ; 5j.f I OATS I i B7S, 47Hi B9i 89 Vi 0 Vi 40 - I BTB lc---- ......,13H 139 Vi 137 V4 .......109Vi llOVii 10$ Vi iuly . Sept, ....... May July Sept. ....... TjHW. ' 140 Vi 112 694 14 63 86 Vi 89 Close, 148 Vi 115 Vi 60 S 68 H 4 89 H 40 vi Msy July Sept, Msy .. July . Usy . Jaly . Msy .. Jaly -. Msy . . . . Jaly ... " . ..... . V ) BARLEY 3H l" PORil' 139 110 95 ...965 .. .995 j" ...NT LARD 965 995 BXBS i66a ': 5s -i , Sao ; ; 997 sa 63 Vi 1700 1725 950 I 980 96 ' 1000 Kew York Bond Market Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke company: Bid. Asked. aecmaoa uens. ss .......... Bait, ek Ohio Cold 4s.,.,.... Beth. Steel Bef. 6s. ........ CsnL Pacific 1st 4s a B. A Q. CpU 4s SL Psul Gent 4s Chicago N. W. GeaL 4s...... LAN. Uni. 4a ........ New York By. 6s. .......... Northern Pac p. L. 4s...... Reading Geni. 4s .......... Union Par. 1st As. ......... U. S. Btscl 6s.. ........... Cakm Pse. 1st Kef. 6s...... Southern Psc. Coar. 4s ..... . do As 78 Vi Penna. Coav. 4 Via ........ SSVi Pennaw let 4 Via .......... 70 Vi Shea. A Ohio Conr. 5a. .... . 4 regoa Short Line 4s..., ... 79 77 67 85 Vi 73 V4 80 76 ' 80 A 20 Vi 75 Vi 76 SO 54 75V4 ' 77 H 87 Vi 81 84 ! 75 76 80 Vi 98 75 90 78 S7 76 84 Vi 79 ' Kew Yerk-LendOB Silver New York. May 14. (L N. 8.) Commercial Wr stiver wsa sooted as follows today: riiiianetwi nnchanand at SS e; foreign. s lower at trsndon. May 14. (L N S.1 Bar silsoa- J was d lower st 33!sd. Cotton Is Moveci In Narrow Limits New York. Mm 14. 1-rT V a srh. ..- market opened stesdy today, 8 points higher to 1 point lower. There (wss, little trend is the Bt during the frrvt 15 minutes, nniera evenly divided. Japanese interests, who were credited with having bought about 10.000 bale ' vrcwoer on yesieraay a late break were promi nent purchasers this immiine t.b-i-- K..... ni bales of July. The South sold hedges and there was further local and Wall street liquidation. The market weakened; lata in the morning but the class was barely steady at a net decline of 6 911 points. i - - epot cotton quiet. 10 points lower at 12.55. AW V Month, January. ... . . eorusry . . . March May........ June. ...... Jnly August ...... Sept ... October . . . . , N or. Dos. ....... 1380 1897 1240 1280 1335 1366 High. 13S0 1402 1242 1285 1293 1341 Low. 1870 1302 1228 1267 1298 1825 1369 1354 dose. 1367 1389 3 392 128S 1259 1271 1291 1305 1327 1349 1354 ..,..... ..4...... Forelg Bond Market Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. 214-215. 216-217 Board of Trade bldg. Rnssiau 5 Vis. 1921. !.,.. V, nnssisn afts, ivs . , j . . . . , . French 6s. 1931 . . I . . 1 . . . . . . , IBKfl SIS, AW X t . rrencn &s. lVL'O. Italian 5a, 1918. British 5s. 1922. British 5s. 1927. British 9s, 1929.. rtntish rky. 4s... Briuah ef. 4s... Belgium rest. 6s. . Belgium pram. 6s. German W. L. 5s. Berlin 4s ...... Hamburg 4s . . . . 1 1 1 ill. 111S, 7 S .......... Sluntch 4s ......... Munich 0s . , , Frankfort 4s Jan 4s ...... Jap 1st 4V4s....... Jap 2d 4 Vis. . Fans sixes r. . ........ U. K. 8Vis, l2l!.,.....rtp.; V. K.5Vis, 192a...i....n. V, K, BVaS. 193 rwa-e-nawea'a f m . r 2 V 1ST BAIf Bid. Ask. 15 17 .: 7 9 TO 71 J4 86 67 76 TT 45 Vn 46 879 409 890 402 891 403 313 326 280 292. 73 . 75 75 ". 77 12 13 14 16 15 3 7 18 19 17 19 18 . SO 36' 17 17 20 3 18 67 - 67- 84 84 S4 84 08 98 ; 9 87 97 90 91 85 86 PH.CIFIC COAST BANK STATEME3rT Monday . .. .1 Tuesday .... Wednesday. .: Thursday 4 . Friday ..... Saturday . . . Portland Banks This Wees. 4.713.372.84 I 4.383.403,47 6. 364. 878.56 -6.il33,L01.84 4.789,924.08 ; 4433,847.76 ; Year Arc 6.864. 12619 6,577.318.22 7.S53.883.79 5.960.484.14 5.722,289.97 4,860,676.36 Weak- .i..$28,23,523.65 $37,528,228.67 ika .$ 462.821.00 84.292.00 -: Taoorna Clearings Saturday . . l ... . uasances satuuna,y '1-:---V'--8saUeBaks.'f" Clse rings Satordsy ..........$ $.964,102.00 Balances Satttrday .... . .... 764,722.00 .- Spokans Banks Clearings Saturday ........,$ 1,646.460.00 Baiancea Saturday! .......... 611.720.00 San I Francisco Banks . . Clearings Saturday ........ . $17,800,000.00 Lee Assets Banks - Clearings Satordsy .......... $12,874,118.00 New York, May 14 (J. N. a Th stock" market closed irregular r today. Most of the leading issues rallied irons the low levels, whils other showed a heavy tone. ,: U. S. Steek snored np from 82 to 82, American Sumatra rallied aver 6 points to 60. ears Itoebuck was in supply, ; falling ever $ points to 78, and Fsmoos Players sold dews to 71, less of aeariy 6 points. Texas Pacific '. Bsilwsy wss hi , demand, moving as' over - 1 point to 26 Mariras Petroieam rallied from 144 to 145,. ' - - Government - bonds, unchanged; railway and other bonds, Irrearular. Total sales ef stocks foe the day wars 89t, 000 shares; bonds, $3,894,000. .. : Total sales for the week i wars ', B.21 6,000 Shares; boods.v $53,818,000. W .;- Trading waa eemparatively Snist at the epenr iag of the stock market today, with Uie tons steady and price changes confined to fractional advances or declines. , :i , , - . s Some prasure, however, wss sxsrtedr against Chandler Motors, on wtrlcb tha stock broke 2 points te 64. Other motors were frsctioaslly lower: The-tire shares sold off, slightly. Stsel aomsaoa ranged between 82 aad 83. Baldwin showed a fractional decline, while Cru cible rose feeders tely. Mexicsa Fetrolenm ress hslf to 146. Other oils were slightly .higher, California Petroleum selling np to, A 9. - inter national paper rasa to 67 . American Sumatra waa errs tie, first selling np to 67 sad then dropping to 66, The rails did little I Furnished by Overbeck A Cooks Oa. of Trade building Board Seattle "Wheat Bid Seattle Waah..lMay 14. II. N. S.) Wheat -Hard white. $1.39: soft white. $1.39: white $1-89 r bard red winter, $1.84; soft red winer, $134; northern spring, $1.34; - red Walla, $1.34; Big 'Bead Blueatem. $1.40. Sales. 1 ' STOCIC' j High. 1 Low. I Bid, j 100 Agr. Cbem. I 47 47 47 500 Ajar Rubber .... 83 32 $2 300 Alaska tiold ...... ; ... . . Alaska Juneau ., ..... ..... 1 1 100 Ailis-Clialmers .... $6 36 $6 200 do pfd. ...... 77 - 77 76 400 Am. Beet Sugar... $9 38 35 400 Am. Bosch 48 46 46 SOOan. Can Co $0 30 29 do pfd. 83 800 Am. Car A Fdy... 127 123 126 do pfd. .,', ..... 107 J .....Am. Cot. Oil 20 ..... do pfd.- ........... ..... 50 100 Am. Drug Syad.... 6 6 6 60O Allied Cbem ... 45 45 45 100 An. H. i Lea... 11 11 11 Sot do pfd. 53 52 62 Am. Ice ........ . . . i . 53 2400 Ass. IntL Corp.,,. 4$ 47 47 . 500 Am. Linseed,,,.. $ V 3$ 36 ...i.. do pfd. . .......... 68 600 Am. Loce. ...... 87 ft 80 86 ..... do pfd. ...... 102 1600 Am. Saf. Rasor. . 6 6 6 SOO Am. Sliip as Com. 10 10 10 1200 Am. Smelter .... , A3 -t 41 42 do pfd. ...... . . . 78 800 Am. Steel Fdy.... 80 $0 29 100 Am. Sugar ...... 1 1 01 ..... do pfd. .,.,......!...... 101 2400 Am. Snmatra .... 60 65 60 1800 Am. Tel. A TeL .. 105 105 108 1200 Am- Tobacco . .... 123 122 122 209 do "B" 190 5000 Am. Wool ....... 76 75, 75 do pfd. ................. 97 .....Am. W. P. pM.. 34 .....Am. 2ine 9 1300 Anaconda ....... 42 " 41 42 ..... Ass'd Oil ........ . .... ...... 101 y 400 Atchison ........ 81 81 61 10400 Atl. Gulf. A W. I. 40 87 88 1700 Bsldwin Loco. .... 89 88 88 ..... do pfd. .... . 100 400 Balto. A Ohio.... 40 89 39 1 do pfd. ; ..... ..... 60 . . Beth. -Steel 8 . . . . . , . ... . . 103 ..... do "B" ....... 60 59 60 . . . . , B. R, T-.s"a . 4 , i 106 Butte C. A Z..... 6 6 6 Butte A Sup....'. 14 100 Caddo Oil ....... 17 17 17 - 200 Calif. Packing .... 80 6 60 2600 Calif. Pet 49 48 49 , ..... do pfd. 78 1400Cansdian Paeifis .. 113 114 114 200 Cent. Leather .... 40 89 89 200 Oerro le Psaco. . . . 29 i 29 29 12100 Chandler Motor . .. 66 165 66 20OChicseo A N. T... 66 65 65 t 100 Chicago fit. Wfl ' . . 8 6 8 ..... do. pfd. ...... .... 18 1600 Chile Coo. ... ... 32 12 12 SOO Chine 26 25 26 700 C. M. Ac St, P. . . 27 27 27 1300 do, pfd. ...... 43 42 42 SOOOoca Cola .i... .. 29 28 29 100 a A O. . . ...... 62 62 62 Cole F. A L ; .... 80 SOO Colo. Southern ... 37 36 86 3 HO Con. Gsa A Else.; 69 69 69 2300 Coltunbia Graph. . . 7 7 7 . 400 Con. Gaa 89 89 i 89 ? -.. 4 .. Con.' Cigars ... ..... 89 ' . . i . . do. pfd. .... v ........... 67 1200 Continental Can . . 48 i 47 47 200 Continental Candy.. 1 : 1 1 600 Corn Products .... 74 73 T8 do. pfd. ..... 108 ' 1900Cosden Oil 85 85 35 250O a B, L A P. 32 31 81 .140 de "A" pfA i.. 77 77 16 10O e "B" pfd. . . . 6S 65 65 5100 Orucible ........ 79 77 78 ..... 'do, pfA ' ...4 84 AOOCubaCens 20 19 19 . .... do. pfd. ................ 61 700 Cuban Am. Sngar. . 24 23 23 ..... DaL A Hudson . ..... 100 I $00 Dome Mines ..... 19 . 19 19 ..... D. At It. G , . . . . 1P00 do. pfd. 1 1' t 1900 RndicoU Johnson. . 65 64 64 400 Erie 18 13 1$ TOO do. 1st pfd. ... 29 20 20 . . . . . do. 2d pf A ....,....,... 14 12800 Famons Players... 76 71 72 Fed. MA Smelt. . ....... . 7 ... do pfd. 26 tOOFiak Tire 16 16 16 ..... Gaston Wat .... .......... 1 . . . . . Gen. Cigars ................ 69 1600 Gen. Elaetrio .... 188 186 186 2400 Gen. Motor ...... IS 12 12 ..... Gen. Mot. 67 ..... Goodyear 11 llfiOO Gen. Aiphalt .... 71 69 70 600 Goodrich 33 87 87 lOOGranby 24f24 24 100 Great Nor. Ore... 80 i 80 30 . 400 Great Nor. pfd. ... 7 70 TO ..... Greene Cananea .. 1!44 40 600 Gulf S. Steel..,.. 4ttv0 40 1300 Hupp Motor 13 18 13 1400 Houstoa Oil ..... 78 76 Vi 77 ..... Iiu'nnie Central S9 7O0 Inspiration 86 86 36 TOOjlnt. Agr. Corp. e-. 9 9 9 ..... do pfd. 46 SOOJIaterboro ...... , 4 .4- 4 ,...,( do pfd. ....... .......... 12 300'lntersUto Callahaa. 5 6 6 1700 Int. Harr. ....... $0 88 0 .....lint- Mer. Marine.. 15 200 do pfd. . 64 64 64- 700jlnt. Nickel 1 36 35 3200jlnt. Patter. ....... 68 66 64 . , do pfd. ..... ..... 100 - 1700jTnvincible Oil I,., 19 18 18 300Island Oil ....... i 4 3 3 aOftiJewe! Tea ... 9 9 0 30o!k,C. Southern... 26 ?6 6 .... ,j do pfd. .......... 61 . 2100 Keny-Spgfld. ..... 45 44 44 1100 Keaoooott ....... 22 21 21 SOOIKeystone Tirs,.... 15 15 15 ' 4O0Lsek Steel. . . ; . . ;. 60 49 49 1400!Lehigh Vslly..... 64 53 53 i 100 Loriilsrd ..... ..... 164 00 Maxwell Motor..... 6 5 100 do pfd. ....... . 6 6 6 do. 2d pfd.. . . . I 1 24400 Mex. Pet......1..,. 148 144 145 60O Miami' ...,28 28 23 3700 Middle States Oil. . 14 18 13 200 Midrsls Steel...... 28 28 28 sr..,., M, K. A T...... .... ' 2 ..... do. Pfd. ........ ..... ..... 4 . . . w Montr Power, ,,,: 1,.., 63 200 Mo. Pac.,..,.... 21 21 21 400 dopfd.. ...... -4X 40 40 lOOMont. Ward , 21 31 20 100iM St. P. A S. S. If. 70 70 TO , SOO Ba. A St. L. ...... 13 18, IS 100 NaL Enamel.,,,.. 57 57 57 ."i... Nat. Lead........ ..... ..;.. 77 . 200 Nevada Con....,,.. 12 12 12 800 New Haven. .... .". 19 ; 18 18 Norfolk A W. . . . . ..... ...... 98 'eOONor. Psc 73 73 73 . , . . . Neva. Seotia Steel. . . . . . . 34 ....N. Y. Air Brsks. ...... ..... 72 1O0 N. T. Central ... ,70 70 70 SOO Okla. Prod. ref. .i. . 8 S 3 400 Ontario Silver .... . 6 6 5 t , Ontario A W. . .... 1 8 ..... Otis Steel ...... .....if..... 18 1900 Pacific Oil ...... $ 33 33 . Psc Gas A Else.;. .......... 62 8600 Pan. Amu, Pet.... 68 66 67 ?00 do B" , ...... 61 61 61 T 1 700 Penna. . ........ 35 85 85 120O Peoples Gas ..... . 62 61 Si St i 600 Per MarqneUe , 21 21 21 . . . , . Pmhideipbia Co. . . . . . .-. ..... 82 i 700 Pure Oil ........ 34 84 84- 1400 Pierce-Arrow . . . . 31 81 31 100 Pierce Oil 10 10 10 Iitta Coal ., .1. ........ . 61 . 200 Pitta. A W. Vs. ..I 29 29 29 100 Pr. Steel Car...,. 1 87 87 S7 ; . Pnllmaa . ..... .1 . 103 : 600 Ray Cxms. .......I 14 14 14 22001Bssding . . . ....( 72 71 71 LAMBS ALONE IN A WEAK POSITION Hogs Are About Steady bat Cattle Sell Ationt 50c Higber Good Movement in Mutton Alleys. J Hogs. Catties. Calves. Sheep. Cars. 8057 172$ 169 6945 106 1987 1669 123 4926 1 98 1835 149 156 7784 198 2796 1508 231 6637 111 $894 1572 139 4484 11$ 5243 1408 81 6463 11$ 3170 2890 233 766 141 .4688 1617 182 1921 1ST PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RT7N Tkjis week ... Week ago ... 2 weeks ass... 4 weeks ago ... Year age ..... 2 years sgo . 3 years sro. . . A yeass ago .. A total of 106 cars Of jlivestock entered the orth Portland yp.rds during the week, compared with SS last week and a Similar volume two weeks ago. , Moss showed only fractional change, cattle were firmer and higher, while sheep snowed but limited change. f ' There was a liberal increase ia the number of hogs to reach North Portland for the week aa compared with the previous six days, but prices were at aa advance bf 25e. to $10, for a lAmtted supply, but this improvement was not retained. lings dosed the' week with s top sf $9.75. Thai is practically in Una with the landed aost ef midwest 'boos bare f - Genera! bos market ranges -" ' ' Bstreate price ......... .4....$ . - 10.09 Prims light .....j.... 9.239 9.7s Smooth heavy. 250-800 lbs" , ,. 7 60 9 8.69 Smooth heavy. 300 Ibc an;. , .. : 6.60 9 T.89 Rough heavy . 6.009 160 Feeder pigs 9-009 S.7$ Feeder piss ........... .U .. , -8.509 9.69 Stags . 4.009 7.69 CsAUe Are Aanosd y-; A. fair Improvement in the ran of cattle at North Portland tailed to check the liberal, de mand for supplies. Cattle started tha week with prices stesdy, but Tuesday showed an advance of 50c for tops with extreme atoera hitting $8.75. This strength was retained during the entire period of the week. j I- General cattle market rasjges Choice steers ......... ... $ 8.109 8.T$ Medium to good steers. , , i, ., . 7.75 9 6.69 Fair to rood steers. ...,,..., 7.009 7-T5 Common to fair steers........ 4.00 9 T.09 Cnoiee nows and heifers. .4.... 6.50 9 7.2$ Medium to good eows-beifen. . . 4.04 0 6.59 Fair to medium cows-heifer. .. . 6.60 9 6.00 Common eows and heifers. , ... 4.50 9 6.69 Csnasrs . ............ w. . 3 009 4 59 Choice f seder ........ 4 ... . 6.259 6.7$ Fair to good feeders. 5.25 9 6.2$ BulU ,,...., 8.50 96.66 Choice dairy calves. ..... 10.00 910.60 Prune licht dairy calves...... 9.50910.99 Medium UgatMairy calves, i.... 6.60 9 9.59 Heavy caivs ...,. 3.00 9 69 Sheap TradsXAotire , -.;,...--- Activity wss pronoaneed in the sheep I and lamb trade at North Portland ior the week. Receipts showed a fair increase over the pre ceding six dse Kortberjh packers vied with local interests in taking bold during the week. Spring Ikmbs started steady but lost 25 latat in the week at $8 for tops, General sheep val ues were asehanged- - j' General sheep sad iamb irsngst Prime lambs .......... I ... .$ 7.60 9 8.06 . - . , .w 9 A k 1 . jol ? K A ssr w SIJ mirs....,,y.... cull Ism os ...........1.... 1: 6.50 44 "7.59 boow 8.009 6.009 4.609 A. 60 9 3.50 9 1.00 9 6.09 6.00 6.09 5.00 4.60 A.26 Hogs Sheep. 29 ... ... 13 54 i . .. ... 1849 . . j ... ... 1849 14 J ... . 283 78 I 96 " ' a 144 1 a 100 . 2 ... I 64 184 I ... 169 ! 866 31 1 .. 76 5$ asiT a , tse '! '. . j Xfl ay 84 j , 28" ... v i 83 64 ... f II 01 i T 107$ 2207 247 j 29 T8 40 e a 415 ft 15 3 273 j ... 22 ' . . ." ... . . . Feeder lambs Light yearlings . . Heavy , yearlings ............ Light wethers Heavy wethers Ewes . Disposition of Livestock Following wsss ths disposition of livestock at North Portland for the wee : Cattle. 'Calves Bennett Meat .... Barton As Ce '. , . . Carstens Packing C. Chambers Packing . United Meat . .... Frye A Co...... M. J. GUI ;. Henry Packing Co. Port. Provision. . . . L, Otto ......... F.- L. Smith. . . . Scbleaser Brpe . . . Sterrett Packing i. Swift A Co. Miscellaneous ..... Throqgh stock . . . Oreeon feeders . . Washington feeders. AMERICAN" LIVESTOCK PRICES , Chicago Most 4S.60 Chlcaro, May 14. (I ; N. 8. ) Hoes-i-Ke. eeipts, 3000; mostly 10 9t5e lower: bnlk, $8.2$ 98.75; top, $8.90: hmvjfwelgbt, 68.2598.60; medium weight, $8.40 98.75; light weight, $8.6093.40; light bghts, :$8.60 9 $8.90; heavy packing' sows, smooth, $.7.4098.10; packing sows, rough, $7.16 9 7.40,; pig, $8.00 9 8.80. v Csttlw Receipts, 1 000 ; eompared with week ago,, beef steers, butchers, aba stock arid stackers snd feeders 25 9 40a hicher; bulls, steady; vest calves, 60c lower; top beef steers for week, $9.76. ' i - : Sheep Receipts, . 700O eompared with week sgo aged snd pew crop Lambs mostly $1 1.69 higher; sheep and yearlings ; 25 9 50o higher; frfijT, laanbe steady. Kansas City Hoa SS JIO I Kansas City, May 14.i. N. 8.) Cattle Receipts 400; dull. Steers, $7.00 9 8.257 cows snd heifers. $$.60 8.00 S stockers sad feeders, $7.00 9 8.25: calves. $7.00 9 9.00. Hogs Receipt 1400: active. Bulk, $8,10 9 8.40; top, $8.60; aeaviaw, $8.00 9 8-30; , sight, $8.1398.50; mediums, $8.2098.50. . ' . Sheep Receipts 600; steady. - Lambs, $10.35 911-25. - - 1 . Omaha How tM ! South Omaha, May 14. (L N. 8 ) Hot Receipts 4700; fairly active snd steady, with yesterday's average Bulk. $7.9098.36; top, $8.'50. Cattle Receipts 400. 1 Compared with wee ago: Beef steers, mostly 60c- hWher; top, $8.65; she stock,' 60 9 75e bicher; bulls, cannera, ent tera and vesis, 25 9 50c, higher; stackers and feeders, strong.' j H Beep None Comparted with week - sgot Spring lambs. SOe higher; wooled and clipped lambs, fully 50 9 76c higher; sheep, 25e higher; feeders, stesdy. .: i No Dsnrar Hat Msritet r . Denver, May 14- Cattle Receipts 800; 25 higher. Steers, $7;f)0 9 8.00; eows and heifers, $5.50 9 8.00; stecker and feeders, $5,73 9 7.00; calves, $8.00 910.50. ; Hog No market. . .!... Sheep Receipts 500; 16c higher. Lambs, $19.50 9-1160; ewes, ' $5.50 9 6.50; spring lambs, $10.75 911 50. ; . .. No Seattra. Marat Seattle. Wash.. May 14. IL N. S.) Ne livestock receipts today. t Sales. 4 50O 100 STOCK. Remington ,. .,. Replogle Steel . . . KepnbUe L A B. , . no pta. ReD. Motors . . 100 Roysl Dateh Oil Ry. Steel Spgs.. H. O. ind. . . . . 9700 Sesrs-Boebuek . . 4. Hhsttnck. Aris. . ... . 400 Shell T. A T. . . , . AeOOjSinelalr . . ....i.. . ... I Sloes S net flew ..A, 800 Sou. Pacific ..... .-1200 Southara Railway.. . . . . . 1 do pfd , . . . 4 . f'tOOjSt. l: A S. F..1. : looi.stromberg Cark. i. 21200Stdebaker ....... ..... Swift A Co..... .... . (Tenn. Cop. A Chem. 4 000! Texas OU 12000Tsxss Pscitie i4.. 700jTes. Psc C. A O. 2 1 0 0 1 Too. Products ... i . 400!Transeontinental Oili 20O I Union OU of Dei.,. lOOiUnioa Pscifio . . ,. .....ICaited Drag ...j. .200!Cnite4 Food Prod. lOelCnHed Fruit ...,'. . ....lUnited Kds. of SjJ : . . . .1 OO pfA . : .-I. aSOOlCnited Ketsii Stores lSOOIIJ. S. Ind. Alcoivoi 6 2 0OI U. 8. Bnb. ... . . i .( 200 O. 8. Rub. 1st pfd.. lOOitl. 8. Smelting .... 14200U. S. Start !., .1 . lOOtU. S. Steel pfd. . SOOi Ctah. Copper . . . . . .... (Ve Chem. ...... 8O0Vanadinna Steel. . t . i'i xv! v lvanuou ..... . . . . . . tm aoasn ........ I A ..... 1 L- . t A 2VViVtsonsn sv Jiu. , , Wabsfth B pfd.,,. IUV-11. Warm -.L- 6091 Western PaeY . . . Western Pac pfd. IOO western tsm 4 . . . . . j Westinghee" E. A M. 2UO nex sia, ....... ... . . (Wbito Meters . .J. VVViniuf-viriisuu . , I do. plfL ..... 200WUon Packing ... i .IWtoeonsin Central aOOIWaolwsrtb ..... I Worthingtoa Puukp . Sooiw, A U 1S.4.77.. High. 1 Ixw. j Bid. . . ..: 8 5 . , : . . ..... 27 69 68 68 90 90 S9 , . . . 18 63 65 65 a a a Hft ..... ..... 76 81 77 78 1$ sva ' - '27 "26" 26 40 76 76 76 21 21 21 62 23 28 23 37 87 S7 79 77 77 ..... ..... 99 40- "89 89 26 24 25 28 28 28 56 66 65 11 11 11 24 28 23 119 119 119 05- 21 21 21 110 110 109 ..... ..... 10 .......... 23 -60 59 69 68. 67 67 73 7 72 101 101 101 34 34 83 83 88 82 109 109 108 66 65 66 28 84 84 . S4 8 8 8 8 22 22 22 18 .......... H 28 28 28 .......... 66 89 69 69 ..... 48 10 10 10 ...... 89 8 8 8 ..: 88 41 41 41 84 112 112 112 61 10 10 J 10, Government Will Resume Auction . Selling of Wool Boston. Mase. May 14. -Passage of the emer gency tariff bUl 4y the senato roreaiiadowed for several days, has bad its due effect apon the wool market. It has led not only to a stiffen ing of values ia some grades, but to speculative purchases. Some members of ths trade still are skeptical regarding the final y as rigs of - tna measure, prevalent opinion bare is that advance under its provisions are not likely in any case to exceed 10 per -cenL - Not ranch change ia noted, in the ayenesal de mand for wool. Keller are taking 'advantage of what little firmness exists to elsar the wsy for the new clip by selling old wool st the msrkeL Some nnevanneae in pricee has been seen with sales made aooordiag to condition, quality or nva eney of selling. In some honeea stocks have been absorbed freely, the remainder being largely con signed lots, the sale of which st the market level has been vetoed by ths owner. WTuie it is pot easy to get partimilars of sales swing to ths attitude ol nssmiiacturert, eneoeh is known to abow that a steady nnsnmit ia in p egi esa. The Boston wool trade was given s disagiee . able surprise when it waa announced to be the purpose of the war department to resume tlie auction sales, ths first sale to be held May 2 5. Reoeipts for the week were: Dome 1 tic 1.869, 800 pounds : foreign b.416.500 pouniis. Spring Forage Is About Exhausted Goldendale. Wash., May 14. The forave anpply en spring ranges in Use Columbia river baain has bomeexnaasted, in many instsana, much sooner thaa it was expected thia year, snd the sheep hsve to be held on iMertnediaes sangt in ths lower altitudes surrounding the govern ment pastures in the national fiareet reserve, which will not be open for tha pasturing of stock until July 1. - : ; , - The annual migration of abeea from ths spring lambing ranges to the high mountains has been started by KSekitat sheep ownsre An nually, approximately 6O.990 bead of wes with their offspring are moved en hoof, for distances basin baa beceene eshaustad, in many instances, Kitraordinsry . cere and skilled husor are re quired in transporting the large flocks of sangs sheep from winter to summer quarters. Jfo Frost Bain ago IsaesbOeld, Or.. Msy 14. Frost 4his week did no materiai dsnsace to the fruit crop of Coos oounty, according to Inquiry which has been nude ia different sections. - The trait well Along and the growers say tbst it wss past the point of being hurt except by a very heavy frost. Ths prospects are for s big Apple crop in Ooes eoanty, according Ao present indi cations. Last year the crop wss abort and ia many sections of the country there waa ao yield at all. Bitting the caterpillars Bosebnrg, Or., Msy 1. Caterptusri are-sow on ths defensive in this sector snd the ruthless warfare being waged against, them by the farm ers still continues. With the antinoe of orch ard experts tha local growers have sprayed their orchards with a preparation guaranteed to destroy- the posts. The work Is proving effective snd tha eaterpUHr are gradually retiring to the oak treea Their destructive work cab be easily noticed en ths foliage of tits trees. Without the spraying it ia very possible that the entire 1922 prune preapsota would nave bees destroyed. Sew York Ssgar aad Coffee Kew lark. Msy ' 1.C. P) Sugar Quiet. Raw, 34.7794.S9; satined quiet; granulated. $6.30 6.60. . v 89cN' 7 HU IPOt" C: N" Snto Cbieago Potato Market Pototass Receipts, 60 oars. Northern White, sack and bulk $191. 10; Texas Triumphs, $4.26 9 4.50; Louisiana White. $3.60. San Francisco Poattry- Market Ban Francisco. May 14. (V. P. Poultry T"irei!?.80c; 23 9 26s; bast ducks, 23 986c Saa Francises Barley Market San Francisco. Mar 14 Barter W rwt feed. per cental. $1-20 9 1.25; shipping. $1.30 9 1.45. Staadard Oil Stocks Clceiag Asked 20 390 83 m 104 120 26 140 93 44 99 99 183 82 28 : 150 92 1 $00. ' 17 24 530 195 : 415 94 225 - 68 81 - 76 620 416 352 895 198 45 109 96 308 82 166 03 FOBEIQir EXCTtASGB RATES Corrected daily by ths foreign exebaage ae aartment of the United States National bask, OnotoUoas below, eaeept tne pound steruns. are Quoted am ths basis of ISO units fnsalga currency. . , Opening nominsj rstas on bank transaerienst 1 Draft . Cable Pse London - - Checks. Transfera, Value ijbw, sxerimg f ) 9 S.O0 Pari Francs. , 6.54 8.65 Berlin Marks. 1.77 1 7T Geaors Lire. ., 6.69 : - 6.60 Athens. : Drachmas. . . . 6.66 ' 6.60 Cooenhaaeo Kroner ,18.05 ' : 18.10 ChrisUania Kroner..,,. 1.0$ - 16.16 StorkhoJas Kroner..,.. 21.40 28.43 Hongkong Cnrrency 60.86 6S.65 , Japan Yen... 48.60 49.00 Shanghai Taela 66.50 ' 67.00 Anglo ........... , . Borne Scrysmer ...... Bnckeys ...... f ... . Cheesebrovjgh , . Cheesebroagh- pfd ... ConUnental ........ fresna ... . . ..... . Cumberland ........ Korean ...... alena eora Galena Old pfd Galena New pfd . . . . . Ulinoia Pipe ........ Indiana Pipe Nst'l Trie-iit ....... N. T. Transit Northern Pips ...... Ohio Oil . , . . . .. . Inter! Pets ......... Penn Mex ......... Prairie Oil .,.,... Prairie Pips ........ Solar Rerg Southern Pipe ...... South Penn Oil S. W, Fena Oil .... 8. O. Calif. 8. O. Ind- f, O. Kansas ....... S. O. Kentucky . . . , . 8. O. N. Y. S. 0. Ohio .. ....... S. O: Ohio, pfd Swan A Finch ...... Union Tank ........ Union Tank pfd . . . . , Vacuam ........... Washington ........ S. O. Nebraska . ... Imperial Oil ....... . k .at V s e 4 - Bid ... 3 ... $60 , ... 82 ... ia , .... 98 ... 116 ... 27 . .. ISO ... 9i . ... 4 . .. 93 ... 93 . . . 178 . . SO . . . 27 i . . . 147 ... 89 ...993 36 ... 25 .i 616 ... 190 ... 405 ... 05 ...220 ... 65 .... 80 ... 76 . 60S . . . AOO ... 347 ,..885 ... 104 r ... 36 ...104 ... 93 ... 298 ... 24 ... 185 ... $4 $ 4.864 19.0$ 23.81 13.30 19.80 18 36 2670 TllANSPOIlTATioN Travel lscket IlsBtloas Hotels Railroads etetvmsbip Lines Motor Trips Tours and Roads ' OOBSXY B. SMITB, aUaasst ' WurnaaV nvsisEsa officb Main 7173 Marshall W Wheat Is Held; Walla Walla Crop Outlook Is Goc! WsUs. Walla, Wash., May 14. WaDa V-.!'a ralley farmers were not perturbed by the r ii in the price of wheat laot week and the t no tion which broueht the price hack to $1.15 uur ing -the last seven days. Very tittle wheat, if toy, wss sold during this period, ths grain seen -s say, snd they funiicr express themvlves ss ( the opinion that the fanners here will prolyl- ' bold what -they now hare until the market cixi for the new crop. This ia about 40 per cent i .tha 1920 crop. The new crop is now in excellent cond ': tt sad iarmera are dally expressing more and 1 -satisfaction over the outlook for splendid 1 thia -yeav, -All erops in this sectiua a re siu.pc 18 inchos in height snd the stands sre sai ! be neavy. Ttte cool weather of the last ' wnia baa helyed arnssUy to ennserve the Boi.-. ' Tfew York Batter and Errs 9iow York. May 34. (L N. S ) Butter Unsettled. Creamery extras (salted aid tis ealted). $1462 e; ereamery firsts (Ksited s t ansaltod), 2U81e; cresmery, hicher than ex tras (salted and nnsalted), 31 33c; s dairy tubs. 20 9 30e; ladles, fresh finua, 9 23c. Cheese Stesdy. State whole milk epeoi. 16910e: state whole milk fancy, 15 v 17 c: state whole milk lower grade. 14 1 15 He: Wisconsin whole milk fancy Yoi.. j Americas. 37?18o. Kxrs lerrwular. Nearby, white fancy, S e : nearby brown, fancy, 819 32o; extra, Suo; firsts. 24 9 26 Vie. Eastern Cash' Grain Chrcago Cash wheat. No. 1 dark hard, No. 2 hard. 161. Corn No. 1 mixed, 1 1 1 4161; No. 2, 60W61; No. 3, 69 (a .,..; No. 1 yellow, 619 61; No. 2, l; Nu. 3, 69(f60. No. 1 white osU, 38 988; .V.i. 2. 38 is 38 ; No. 8, 87 (S 38. At inn es po 1 1 Cash wb'Vt. No. 1 dsrk north-"(, fsncy, 1639175: Ne. 1 dark northern. 14 X59; Ne. 2. 189 9141; No. 8. 135 144; N... 1 northern. 441 9148; No. 2. 137(o14s; ' 8. 1849180; No. 1 red spring, 186143; ... 2, 135C4 1S9; No. 8. 1339184; No. 1 4. bard Montsua. 164 9156; No. 1 bard 1. -..- 149 9 161. ( Dried Frnlt and Beans New York, May 14. (I. N S.) Beans Firm. Marrow, chores, $8.25 ( 6.60; v eboice. $4.25 94.40; red kidney, choice, $3 . .. lned fruits Export demand increani A prieuts, choice to ex-fancy, 23 88c; jinn . ., SOa te 60s. 8 9 16c: prunes. 60s to It s 6 99c; peaches, clioice to -ex-fancy, l i- ; esedsd raisins, choice to fancy, 22ca.23c TRANS1HJKTATIOS Steamer Tickets to EUROPE SOUTH AMERICA AKB THE ORIENT OREGON PACIFIC COMPANY 24$ Wilcox Bids;.. Portland, Oregon. JUala iiti BOOKIXO AGENTS FOB ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY HOLLAND-AMERICA ; UNE TOYO KISEN KAISHA MATSON LINE FRENCH LINE SWEDISH-AMERICAN . LINE ASB MAWY OTBESS I Coastwise freight and pas genger -service temporarily suspended account marin -strike. Regular sailings will be resumed immediately after strike is broken. TRAN4-PAOIPIO FSEIOMT 6CRVICK to aU oriental porta. V. S. rthlntnna M .M . A-l Steel American Vessels SAiLsNG Fliu Portland: 4.4. OOAXET May l". 4.4, btONTAQUK June 1 8.8. ABCRC08 July.1, Pay Purthar Information Apply to PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. 101 THIRD 8T. PHONE MAIN $21 ' '' 'trCSflr Stesndshlp 'kAT-. tJ Tick eta for Ail Lin ' MTW Choice AsoornsscdsUoos at t f Tsntkataa. V M M Spsetal ssrvtee Is sa aortas' pose. M U parW, i iuj s. lr.s rsraue. E I , Itinararias fsspsrsd. H ' Steeples rer and hotel i ssirva. H B tsiai stsrle In advsoee, at home M s w. or aaroaA. , 8sn4 fer "Oeeao 8atUlgs,, fi yae. Aoierloin rr. Co. A C YlH D.Walkae, D..A. Z .C TsVystVcor. eta a oak st. ; . AUSTRAL! UK.W It ALAMO AND SOUTH 6EA8 Vis Tsbttl and Rarstonsa. Mall and ssu $srvlaa from Saa Pranclsee every 24 Oara UNION S.S. CO. NEW ZEALAND, CSO Oavtfomle SU Ssn Seaoelace. ' Or Looav Suemsnm aad RaiiroaA ar ' ASTORIA AND WAT POINTS STEAMER GEORGIAN Round tnp Dally (Kxeept Friday) Leave Portland 7 .10 A M., Alder bL Dori Direct Connections for Seaside FARC 42.00 EACH WAV. Night Boat Daily (Kxeept Sunday) Tu' Direct Connections for Marts Bench. Maw 1423; 641-S3 , Alder St. Dow. C jit IT' V, Mm rrYT. iT1. v52.twe?n PoI1Jnd. Maine. Philadelphia, Postoo an.. Jtfo e5.!T!- fi? FMS,iBeil Portland, Oregon, Seattia and Tacom vu tteel vaaK c&n1- Nortb Atlantic and Western 8. a Cos .auo-cos a5ASTBOCari - I WKSTBOCXS . Fxorfl I From From rrora - Portland 1 Portland Mi In Boston Hhlln ? ? 1." 18. S. Yalta .. ..May 29 Jane 1 Job 7 5 5 l'FIL . 8. N. Vfest Islets. .Jane 12 June-15 Jone tl 8. S. West Togss.Jsss 19 S. g, Artlrss ...... Jsis Jsly 1 Jsly 1 For Further Information Apply to TH ADJHliLAL JLUiE, Facifie 4ast Agents 131 Third Street Pboae Mala f.