THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1821. kAk . Q BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 RESTAURANT - 13800 mU bur Uiis thoroughly eouippad restaurant '; Doing, a fin buainaaa lunud on on of th best . street la city. Lease at .lew than 100 par month. Thia It a good buy. - GROCERT STORE $780 will bay thie nlca little boat-: ' Baas, vU established, best $35 par . mouth. Doinc rood bruin For per tioulars call at office. GENERAL STORE Stock of about $4000. also building, including an elegant residence with car- , age and other outbuildings, about 2 acres of ground with fruit, hemes aad , f walnuts. A fin place to live, en a rood highway. P, O. aad food business, ; Pno (12000. etorn terms, REST A RANT Thia is one of Portland's best. Leas runs through the 1W25 fair, doing an elegant business and Improrlnc every . day. Requiring $6000 to handle. Cail sod lea it. . F. HIERDON. REALTOR. -RTTTER. LOWE CO. 201-8-6-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. GROCERT AND CONFECTIONER! Wast Side. $4 75 fixtures, invoice stock, about $000; doing $00 day, low rant, comer location. AUTO PAINT SHOP 43x50 floor space, doing about $700 month ban In a, tow rant, $600, all equipped. - RESTAURANT Want Side, 390: duiug $50 day. (rod loca tion and tease. CONFECTIONERY - Went Aide, one of the bant comer locations, doinc $100 day. innr time up to $200. This la no chaao Ittns. but money-maker: wishes to retire; price $4 500, some terms. KEIPPER A- STEWART 410 Railway Exchange bids. Main 7660 LIGHT MANUFACTURING PLANT Substantial frame building 18x70, together with good-sized lot., on macadamized street, in Fulton: is wired for heavy duty machinery; the price for the building and ground is, $l40u $250 canb, balance monthly. If tow deal re to ran a grist mill, there Is a complete set of ma rhfnery in thia place, whim wiu be aoM witn the plaos for $900 additional. This m is really worm 91200. 9 713 Chamber of Commerce bide HOSNER A- NOSNER INVESTMENT Dfc.AI.KRS OFFER Four shares. 7 per cent pref., 2 common. West ern Finance Corp., 4la; a abares Artrrar u. Smith. .Motors. Incorporated, a anap st $375: 4 shares, 7 per cent pref.. 2 common, Western FV nance Corp.. 7415; 3 shares preL, 1 common. American Securib Co., $225. WANTED Partfie Ruts Firs Ins. Stock; Idaho Gold and Ruby Stock. WB BTT AND SET,T OTHER STOCKS OF MERIT Vain 423. 608 Mr Kay Bldg. : For Sale ,; . One of the beat rests aranta la Vancouver. 00 account of aickneas. Also rooming houses, clearing $400 per nth. Owner am other business. W. W. Wilson Co. 505 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash. " ; Cash Buys IN CITT Wall established1 new and 2nd band boidnm dealing in furniture, mtnuoaj uwramena, hard mara, ntn Fine sabnrban location, good buai- awea district. Lone lea, cheap rent. Sell aoconnt of ether business. Deal direct with Owner. . V-665. Journal. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants cap ahle men to open branch office and manace - aaleeinen. $300 to $2000 necessary: handle your own money. Exclusive rights: patented article tnoneymaaing poasibilitles unlimited. Will pay ex penses to Baltimore If you qualify. Address JSeo- retary, BOB w. Kuuw st-. HalOmore, Ml FOR 6ALJ! a real business. We sell direct to the farmer? rent $20 per month: rood loca tinn. About $3000 stock on hand. Will sacrifice and take food car as part. No Blue Sky but s real businem. It win pay you to inraatisate if ym are looking for a good proposition. P-347. Journal. UAViO a fine noineHtaad in Dour las county with $8000 worth of first growth Umber. Ow big to other business am unable to move on aama. o in willing to sell or trade at. a sacri- fioe: $300 will handle. Sea Mr. . Depew, with J. O. Gray Co.. 718 Dekum bldg. - BUSLMjS INVESTMENTS Ws bare erary thing tow want, grocery, eoo feetionery, pool halts, rooming house, garages, hotel aad restaurant. KEIPPER- STEWART 410 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7860 FOR SALE Dairy of 7 good cow and milk route; water oooler, equipment and good will of the business; income from $280 to $300 per month. Price. $1000, terms. For particular call evenings at 1408 . Uliaan or call Tabor S04. - FOR SALE One half interest in a wood work ing and furniture repair ahop in ona of the bast towns in the Willamette Tsliey. . A fine opening for a good mechanic who can run ma chines. Poor health cease of sailing. NX-lil, JeornaL A PARTNER WANTED Auto tire store, rulcanizing. etc ; good location work ; want a partner to look after front end and be generally useful. Ton buy equal half interest with firaV-clasa mechanic: profits are large; $10O0 required. Call room 401 Pelmm bldg. - . TRADE FOR AUTO T wOl trade my half interest In restaurant, soft drink and tobacco business for an auto mobile up to 1 1 200 ; must lea re on account of aic chiM. K-858. Journal. - - F1NK1.Y IM'ATKI) confectioner? and lizht grocery for $1350 if takaa at onca. Hurry, if you want a chance at this. BUSHTJE, GROCERT SPECIALIST j 618 Chamber of Oommeroa. 1 GROCERT BARGAIN Best, neatest, clean store in the city, cheap rent, lease, ft tiring rooms, well 1 oca tad, cash Basin am, iH for (895. -xoa own terms. Patera. 15 N. 6th st. .TB properly organise you. prepare bond inauesT negotiata loans, write prospectuses, furnish stock salesmen or list of sstinfied tarestora. Booklet and inf. free. Natl Orgauizatioa Co.. 163 W. Wash. at Chicago. CASH AND CARRT suburban grocery, doing nice bminsBS, rent $26; nioa liring rooms; prioe $220O. aome term. BCSHTTE, GROCERT SPECIALIST 518 Cnambor of Commerce. SEATTLE DRTTO STORE, located on highway in good district and busy section: place nets $500 per month; equipment all bext bardwood. plate glaea. etc. t all at ZU Morgan mm. FOR SAI.K A dandy caah and carry grocery. good fixtures, fountain, clean stock, two br ing rootna. fioe corner location, aloe neig&boT- bood. 1280 Hawthorne stc. "AL'TO feERVtCE ' sf AtlOS SeS' gas. oils, tires. Tulcsinixing. etc : fine loca tion, good profits ; wui aanu u. ulu room 401 TJeknm bdg. HAVE $1000 dividend paying securities that paid a per cent last year and Z per cent uua Tear to dtt. Will trade for a ninru inhered lota ia eity. V-B0, journal. FOR SALE- Confectionery store, stock and fix tures: tobaccos, light groceries, lunches; rent $20. Liring rooms. 114 Washington st.. Tsa eourer, Wssh. CLD well established general merchandise store doing excellent bn allies. S buildings, fixtures and stock st invoice. . About $6000. U. H. Baxton. i aqairja, or. WANTEI To rent furnished, dining room an3 kite ben to a hotel, boarding bouse or camp; best of board guaranteed. Box 895, St. Helens, Or. - $1200 BUT 3 cash and carry grocery, doing a dandy business. J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. -' GOOD . buaines proposition for either man or woman alone or mail and wife under 80; com fortable Wring qnarters. O. K.. Oak Orgy, Or. GROCERT store, with 6 living rooms, suburban locatpnei, doing about (AO per day: can be bad at Invoice. J. O. flm Co.. 718 Dekum bldg. IF YOU want to get ia auu .tire sad aocetisory store and vulcanising ahop. good proposition. C11 at 409 E. Bum-id". WANTED Partner ia" well astahThried aeeood hand store. Good bus ices. (750 required. z" r. lata sr. i OR SALB trade or leaea. well equipped, small laundry, doing a paying business. Box 85. White Salmon. Wah. - - FEVNET Arcade machines. SO of them. sH newiy- painted and varnished, for sale cheap. 8X5 Thurman st. CLEANINO. prwaing shop. Rent' (10. Living (150. Teach busiaasB. 1270 Cor- beet st. CIGAR8 AND SOFT bttrNKS " ! S pool tables; best loratioa; $1850 hasv- aies ic nmrai oi inn ning. MODERN ap-to-data shoe repair ahop ia fast growing wno. sown icr sate ob a ancruice. M. U. fetecson. 927 Henry bklg. DENTAL equipment for aala, leaving city, aheap. Wood'awn 1285, mornings. MEXICO and South America, the lands of op- partunraec. lnrormstion. aireadwsy 1935. SMALL goine printing plant below invoica; $700. Broadway 6099. GARAGE, wast aids. $2800; $1800 will noodle. J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bids;. - MEAT" market futures; suue price aud coail boat in fast leUcc D-4Z. Journal. BUSINESS ! OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 614 Swetland Bldg, -Portland. Oregon. -Its. (989. , Mar. 1286. ! RESTAURANT Xaftt aide, doang e nice ' brvdneas. Bant $17.60. Comer location. $1200.00. - I" RESTAURANT ' West aids Washington street location. Rent (160.00. 3 year leans, (2500.00. ' CAFETERIA Wast side. ( year hsase. rant $150.00. large sea ting capacity. (3500.00; ' (3500.00 cash wui handJa. - - " i GROCERT ' Wen established, baa 6 nioa larga living : rooms, tump or invoice, doing over $100.00 per day. (4500.00. Tanas to responsible party. -s j . , j . , , -.; ;., ::y:- CONFEOTIONEBT Dandy corner location. 2 nioa living rooms. Rent ' (50.00. good ' lease. . (400O.00. : J OONFECnONEBT Comer locaUon; this ia a money maker; serves light lunches. Rent (40.00, with i lease, (1800.00; Some terms to responsible party. . Two living rooms. :(,: -'r; -; i CNDEBTAi-tNO! ESTABLISHMENT Will sell buidnaas outright or would - prefer a partntr, young man, good mixer preferred- ; Shopper don't waste our time ' unless .you mesa businesa. This will stand - the closest of investigstion. A REAL BUSINESS CHANCE If you are tired working for a bom. and can stand prosperity, (2500.00 will do it; soma term., T BAWMHX One-half interest in large sawmllL 30.000 to 40.000 capacity, boiler, en gine, planer and everything. 9x10 donkey engine, double cylinder and dou ble drum; jma ( k - too Packard truck, . half paid for, i - 160 acres of timber. 3.700.000 feet, an paid for; half interest ia all this for (6300.00 (4000.00 cash. Clow to hard surface road and railroad. :V: ' : IvJsAWMrtJL ':',;:v We hava a good hardwood sawmill 15.000 capacity, in good town, 10 yean of cutting, lumbar contracted for (85.00 per thousand ; f. o. b. Portland, half interest aan be bought very cheap. 8ee us quick if you are uUsrastod. , COMPLETE SAWMILL EXADT TO i RUN : It mnt be sold. Right on the tsO road. with 240 acres of timber at (1.00 , per thoosand stumpage, 85 H. P. angina, 40 H. P. boiler, carriage completa for 80-foot logs, t Whealand edger, cut-off saw, sawdust conveyor, everything quipped, 1'ou can buy this very cheap. Cocoa ia and make us an offer. i BJlRBEB 8HOP Good, dean 5-chair barber shop tn Vancouver, Wsahington,: good location. S tuba, 1 doable bowl wsshstand. beater, oak combination ease. each barber (30.00 per weak. Frica (1250.00. , ' ,);': i I ; . . CLUB CARD AND POOL BOOM In Vancouver. Waabington. eentef io- . cation, fixtures cost (1080.00, did . (785.00 net busineBS for the month of April, business good, long lease. Price (sOO.00. Till SEE SOOTTO.V A DATLT. PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 514 Swetland Bldg. I Portland. Oregon. Max. 8989. , : ; Mar. 1285. Own Your Job Immediate Employment Tn Cooperative Woodworking Plant (300 to (500 Required. . Permanent Positions at Good Wages and Profits. Box Pkg. Co. i OL.XMP1A. WASH. . HERE XT IS I CROWIf WAFFLE P.I.ACB $1430. If you want to make money and be in the heart of the eity. here is your chance on 6th st; .every turn of the baa dmeane money here; . reasons bla rent, and God know a bargain. 1 i-i ' WE aim hava many bamins in Grocery , Stores, Confectionery and Soft Drink es tablishments. If yon want to buy right . and be treated right, sea as. QUICK SALES OO., 408 COUCH BLDG. A GARAGE SPECIAL On busy street; sail gas, oils, tires, storage and auto repairing; (14UU handles it. Room 401 Iekura bldg. i i i ,1 APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 33 APTS. $16,000 7 rooms, mor-tly 3 room apta, modern and well furnished throughout; nice corner - brick bldg-, good location; rent; (500, 5 year lease. wwng Q9V. xerroa. ; ! See T. A- ! Msdden -' A. M. HACG CO, 812 Henry blda. ) Bdwy. 54 ST, NORTHWESTERN' HEAT 85 rooms. . 24 apte.. strictly modern and first class throughout, nioa corner bldg., wonderful downtown location, good lease aad net -" over (boo. price S14.000; easy j Sue T. A. Madden, j A M. IIA.UG OO. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 8487 A LADT wishes to meet unencumbered gentle- . man with (6000 to invest in an apartment bouse. All elegantly and newly furnished. This wui give equity in property as well as furniture. Plsca nets $275 a month. West Side 10 min utes' walk from business district. Address man ager, 866 Hall st- or phone Mam 7375 22 ROOM apartment for sale by owner; (1350 win handle. Bent (55 par month with lease. aiain z 1 1. : HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES i 1 FOR SALE 502 THIS IS A, DANDT 30 rooms, some apts, some single, modern ana well lurnlsned throughout, nice corner bldg. best West Bid. location; rent (170, with lease nets (250 and 3 room apt, for self. : price auw. terms. ' r l Sea T. A. Madden ! A. M. HAUG CO. 612 Henry bMg. j Bdwy. 6487. LOVELY BOARDING HOUSE 14 rooms, fine furniture, (1600 handles rent (55, lease; aU the boarders you can handle clears $200 monthly: fine for small familv this is clsasy aad will hot last on these terms. 1 nave auto and wui snow you this place quickly. J. SUUK.XW .tUfiDUJUS. XULALTOR 201 West Park. Main 2590 HOTEL ST: GEORGE FOR SALE Owing to the death of the late .George Dar veafr, I am offering the, Hotel St. George at Pendleton. Or., for aala. FULLT EQUIPPED: BIG FATING BUSI NESS. Liberal terms to responsible party. VIRGINIA DARVIAU. Executrix. ' Pendleton. Or. SPLENDID HOTEL BUT " T5 rooms, fine location for workingmsn. Unusually good furniture, hot and cold wa ter, stesm beat, fin loans; nets over (800 per month. JOHN FERGUSON, GEHLINGER BLDG. 25-ROOM building and ground, a big anap for (6500; terms (1200 cash. bal. like rent; all outside, light rooms, electrio light and gas in all rooms, well located, eloea in, property worth 8 times the pries ; would make fine rooming or housekeeping place if furnished. H. W. Gar- land, aoi so. cor. Taylor. PHONE ME TOUR LISTINGS . " , 1 lSrKUT IMMEl'lATELI SELL TOU OUT QUICKLT J. EUGENB HEDGES, REALTOR 201 Weot Park i Main 2590. 27 ROOMS RENT (50 On Sixth street toward Union depot, where yon turn away 80 people a night, all for (1350 on your own terms. Patoa of coarse, 15 N. 5th ate . , ANOTHER FLAT 8 room upper flat. Rant (52.60, Including heat,: Nicely furnished. Price (625, terms. SEE MRS. HAUG 612 Henry ' bldg. Bdwy. 6487. 13 ROOMS RENT (20 ' ATI on one Boor, clean,- neat and tight; A-l location. Price $66. $195 will handle. Fet era. 15 K. 6th st. , -- 11 ROOMS 11 2 blocks from Washington st-. en earner. of eity. all full, all for $896. tarte. Peters, IB N. 6th at - - FURNISHINGS af yard aad fruit; Russell st housekeeping, larg East 3248. 181 58 ROOMS 66 '- With a big dining room doing all kinds of business, a location can not be beat, cheap rent with a lease, all for (1595 an your own tana. Peters, 16 N. 5 th st - - A REALvBUY FOR (676 6 room flat' first floor., all new furnitnr af high grade.! Owner leaving city; must sacrifice. i See MRS. HAUG 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5487. 1000MS RENT (25 An in apt, location where rooms are always full, wwU furnished, all for (1695 on your own term. Peters, 15 N. 15th at. ,: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE , 502 PACIFIC AGENCY; Inc. - 514 Swetland Bldg.- , ' Poruaad. Oregoa, Mar. (989. ! Mar. 12(3. BOOMING HOUSE t . .. !,.,.- - v j ; Ten rooms. Bent (70.00. We3 fnrmhed. good income. Close in. (1330.00 (900.00 r wiU haudla thia, PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 614 Swetland Bldg. -Portland. Oregon. Mar. S989. i Mar. 1265. I ROOMING HOUSE SPECIALS 19 rooms, income I $233 monthly: oloaa in W. aid, t $2200; terms, in reason. 14 room, au honsekeeDing. clean, homelike: rent (60; good furn.l: (1800. Sea this, it's nice. Tanns of (12(0 down. 11 rooms. aO h. k.. dosa Whit. Temole: clean: (1700 or will exchange for ooafeoiionery. i2vv nanniea I 10 room, all h. k.. near 12th and Jeff.: oak furn.; alean; fi. little horn. and. income of (140: only (1600; Isaac, 8 rooms, h. k.. 11th st., near Main; (800,- rent aau. sea tnis at once. 8 rooms, east aide, rent (53. some fnm. 1150. fine family boarding' now; act quickly, j BUB ati Utt WHKBM, 3 EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. ! 201 Wet Park. . i I Main 2S0O. ltOOMINU HOUSES WHiTa! TEMPLE DISTRICT t 17 rooms. H. K.. furnace- el-c. . well fur nished beautiful noma. Price (3600. terms. NeU (160. . 14 rodkns, H. K. Prica (2000, terms. Fur nace, else, rent (85. wall furnished, nica runs and water In rooms. Clears (100. 18 rooms, II. aw price (2100, terms. ' Rent (39. Furniture and irugs good. Clears (120. 13 rooms, a better beautiful horns and fur nishings. Prica (3600. term, lneoma (260. clear (160. t I 12 rooms, fine Knob Hill home, r price (1800, terms. Water in rooms. - Clean (165. With 4 ear garage. j Many good buy In! White Temple district J. H. ELT CO., 128 14TH 8T.. REALTORS 27 ROOMS, suburban, finely equipped dining room and kitchen, good indus trial district, mill running, business , good; (2500. M cash, f ( 25 rooms, east side, all on one floor, brick building, housekeeping, good inaoma; (1700: terras. lO rooms, no housekeeping exceptionally good, very attractive home, Whit. Temple district; (700 handles. : The, are typical; we hava many ethers of various sices and prices. Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, GEBJuLNGEit BLDG. APARTMENTS 50 rooms, private bath in every apart ment; refined, quiet home and fine income for retired eoupla; i vary little work to car for place. I I 60 rooms, mostly sleeping, very fine lo cation aad extra good iaooms on invest ment. , i ' . - 104 rooms, about 40 sleeping, balance 'apartments, private hatha for all apart ments aad most of the sleeping rooms; nets more than (1000 per month; (12,000 handles. Mrs. Alba ugh, with John Fargu-' son, GerUnger Bldg., Realtor. HIGH CLASS ROOMING HOUSE Modern 9 room house, in perfect condition; T bedrooms, running water in every room: mot unusual plumbing; beautifully furnished, new only 3 months, lovely tparpets, best of bads and i 11: mi i I l . 1 ... muuuqf, .cry tuia view uiuc vdjiiqbi aibuiiea range, instantaneous Ruud water heater, furnace large basement, with laundry trays. Income (175, rent (75. Will sell -bouse, including all furni ture, for (11.600, i or furniture for (3500. jUkowu ty appointment. - jaiu. djw. lwx. sons. 820 Lumbermen s bldg. A REAL BARGAIN 118 rooms, 31 apis., modern and very well furnished throughout, beautiful ; comer brick bids., best West Side location; rent (550. long learn: nets (700 with janitor. 2 apt, and ail totopnonm- tree. Prica only 117.000, terms. 6ee T, A. Madden A. MJHACG CO. ( 512 Henry bldg. I ' Bdwy. 6487. Main 8052 . "8052 $1000 DOWN . 22 rooms, light bousekeemng: plsoe dears Total price better than $150 ieach month. $2250. big snap, better hurry. K. C. OEDER REALTY CO.. SIS' Chamber of Commerce bMg. Main 8052 ' ! I Mam 8052 55 ROOM APARTMENT Mostly two's; income close on to $750, steam beat, leaae. good turn.; $4500 handles; just right for lone woman. J. EUGENE HEDGES. KTALTOR 201 West Park. Main 2590 8 ROOMS, completely furniahed. reasonabia rent. best location in city; 2 ; rooms pay rant. Call 262 Broadway 8. I 6 ROOMS 8 Clean, neat. ' dandy house. sweQ furniture. cheap rant, all for $495. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. NOTICE TO REALi ESTATE DEALERS. THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL IS NOT ON THE MARKET AND IS NOT FOR SALE. ONLT HOTEL in a good town 15 miles from Portland. Owner wants to retire, . M. C Peterson. 827 Henry bldg. ' - business opportunities Wanted 550 Want to (Buy or Sell? ANT KIND OF BUSINESS No Publicity. I Broadwway 4743. M. C. PETERSON, -827 Henry Bldg. A CASH BUYER For your business, large or small, to sell quickly, quietly and without publicity, see ALLISON BILLINGS, 401-402 Dekum Bldg. Established 1904 WILL buy half interest in fishing outfit with straight party; state wast you usrs. wm. a. Kilian, Buverton, Or. - -- MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CTTT LOANS NO fJOMMISSIOK On improved property or tog improvameat purposes. I The baat and easiest method of paying loan is our monthly! payment plan. $32.28 per month for 38 month, or $21.24 ner month for 60 months, or (16.17 per month for Btt months pay a Joan ol siuou ana interest. Ioana of other amounts in aTe- proportJosv Repayment Privileges, EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN AneVl. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. to Loan On improved-city property; s first mort gage; interest quarterly. , .. . - Neilanl& Parkhill 218 LUMBERMENS BLDG.. - . 6th and Stark at. I HAVE THE MONEY READT No waiting; several clients after ma to place their money for them. If you want a loan in any amount from (1000 to (12000 at per ecnt and 7 per cent interest come and sea ma now, while I have the money avai labia. Fred & Williams, 506 Panama bklg. (300, $400, $50O. $OOU, $760. $1000 AND up .Lowest raws, quick action. Pay $10O or mora any interest data. Gordon Mortgage Co., 681 Chamber of Commerce bid. Main 1(70. NUX1CE ... Win cash small: mtg. or sellen contract (800 to (1500. prompt attention. Se A. K. Hill. 426 , Lnmbermens bldg. ' - ((00. $400. (500. (750. (1000 AND Low rates, quick scttioa Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber: of Commeroe. Main 6445. MONEY TO LOAN. (800, (500, (700, (1000, (1600, (2000, en city unproved proper- at 7 per cent. J. l Vitus no., no wweo piag- BCILDING loaas on city and au our baa property. money advanced as work piogieosea W. G. Beck. 215 snd 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. SEE OREGON IN-. eV MORTGAGE CO., 223 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. I HAVE $ooO. 10 . to loan on IT timber. : 932 Chamber tmnMrce." (500, (1000, 1150O, (2000, (2600 AND UP F. H. DESHON. 6 1 5 Chamber of Com. bMg. MONEY to loan, $100 to $3000. A. H. Bell. 11 Mulkey bldg.; Main 487. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 SALARY- . LOAN WB LOAN MONEY CHATTEL en abort aotic to salaried or worMngmen en their own not. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment. Each tranaacuoa . auictty eonfidentiAL . HO MORTGAGE ; NO rmORSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Wa also .loan on household goods, piaavav eta. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED! 118 FAILING BUILDING. MONE1 TO LOA On Good in Storage. Bank Rata. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER OCX, 68 4tb St, opp. Multnomah HoteL - 5 Phone Broadway (715. QUICK money to salaried people oa unaeewred note: eontidennal lnvegugatiust 81ft af Coaa. bldg. Licenser! , FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOANlckATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OK AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL. IMITATE, BONUS OK ANXiillNU OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT Of YOUR POSSESSION. j Also Salary Loans TO AI-ARLEr PEOPT.B ON THEIR KOTrTS WITHOUT SEtUKlTYl. IF TOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OH ON FURNITURE OR Q ACOMOBILIS CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE J-A j a . Aa-r w a i v.. a i j w uvta 2am.F- a IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAT US TOU MOBS MONEY. IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT TOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DEL AT PORTLAND LOAN CO. fUCEVSEDl 1 S06-80T DEKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers1 contracts F E. Bowman t Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 3026. C-sctt paid for mortgages and sellers contract on real estate in wssnington or uregon.. ts, E. Noble. 816 Lnmbermens bldg. : - - FOR INSURANCE, loan or inrtsunents, see Strsrton. 217 Abmeton bldg. i MONEY WANTED 651 WANT Irrigation, American or Canadian, muni cipal bonds, mortgage or good industrials. (12,000 to (15.000. Have A-l highly improved farm exchange. Win pay dif ference or give terms, i . QUIN, 206 Morgan Bide, Realtor. WANT (1000 on 4 lot with rood 6-room house, best of plumbing; fruit trees, chicken house; : i4 block from car; prop- 1 erty well worth $3600. . Ask for Mr. Brooks. John Ferguson, GerUnger bldg. Main 8529. - T, , j (1500 ON $3500 RESIDENCE Income (25 Per Month. 1 HERMAN MOEliER, REALTOR, 1025 Gaseo BuUdiae. Main 1480. ABSOLUTELY gilt edgnd mortgage offered at tf per cent discount Your otrotortunitv if you have $1300 and ordinary business sense. i in, Journal. WANTED $350 for 2 years at 8 per cent: wiQ pay 5 per cent eoknmifHion and; givs (900 Player piano lor security. M. 6654J I WILL "pay 15 per cent for (200 for 1 year 'or less witn 3-O-acre ranch as security. G- 3, 07. SEE OREGON TNV. at j MORTGAGE CO 222 nam per or tjommaroa. V WANT (1500. 8 on my $4000 home, from private party. 032 Chamber Commerce HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 CROWN STABLES, Inc. For sale or exchange, a consignment of horses Just arrived. Have n7 kind of horm that you are loosing Tor. if He is not tn the bsra can take you out on the job and show him to you. we aire by tne aay, wee or month; rattier mre than to sell. Have all kinds of harness, farm equipment, grading outfits. Have horte that have been taken in exchange that are suitable for 5 or 6 yean' work on small ranches, at your own price. We take Liberty bonds. Every thing .guarantee! as represented. I'HIL KCKTTKR. Pres.. 285 Front St FOR SALE Pair mules, and 7, i 1300 Iba. each, with or without harness. Gray horse.' have taken in exchange,! good for few; years hard work on rinrn. S55. Bay mare, 1550 Iba, 11 years old, will do her pkrt in any kind of work. $115.. Best pair of black sreldines. about 1150 lbs. each, 7 and 8, have been pulling i a 14-inch Plow; 1st sleek and sound.: $225. with harness. Hava a few other horses that have j been con signed to me to sen. All kinds of wagons. Foot of Taylor street Tayloti st dock, west aide. L. on st lorse, , uonerts. FOR SALE Gray horse. . hsve taken tn change, sood for two yean' bard work 'on ranch, $53. Best pair' of black geldings, about 1150 lbs., each 7 . and 8, have been pulling a 14-inch plow; fat, sleek and sound. (225, with hsrness. Have a few other horses that have been consigned to me to seu. All kinds of wagons. Foot of Taylor street, Taylor st dock. wmb aiua. ia luwon Morses and Mules Shipment of horses and mules trill arrive Sunday; thia stock is I all young and in good shape and will be sold very reasonable; also severs! good: aa arils horses; priced from (50 up. Horse for hire by the day, week Tor month. O. K- Howitt. Columbia Stables, 1st and Co lumbia sta. .. U. S. STABLES 25 bead of horse and mares, -weighing 1300 to 1700 lbs.. 5 to 7! years old: stock: soma well matchebV teams: first-class the market for horses come and look! this stock over. 365 Union avej S. corner of Stevens st G. D. Williamson & Glass 25 HEAD horse and mares, weighing 1240 to loou uv : gooa uuxenea teams; bays and blacks, weight 2800 lbs. to 3100 lbs., ages 5 to 6 vyears; an in good condition and ready to work; barn em and waeons, 3 eaddie horses. KEYSTONE STABLES 381 Wster St. Corner Montgomery. JUST arrived a carload of Eastern Oregon mares and geldings, ages from 4 to 0 years old. blocky built, good. olid colors. Everything guaranteed as represented ' and free! trial ai- ked and a few cheaper horsea. If jyou are in the market it will pay vou to look thi stuff over. J. 8. Wilijamson, 240 K. 8th, FOR SALE Sorrel mare, about 10, years old and brown horse about 11 Tears; old. with good harries and wagon, to be sold by adjust ment bureau in care of L. Roberta, (130. Must bo sold. A bargain for some one. j Taylor st dock. Wt Ride. ' ! 4 TEAMS of good young work hories, weight from 2300 to 8400 lbs., 8 single horses, weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs.; no further use; will seU them very chesp. Call at (96 Powell Valley road. ; ' i S1'AN of Belgian mares 6 and 7 years old. weighing, about 2800 lbs., right out of work and in good shape, with nearly new : 2 hi inch farm harness. Prica (300. 381 Water at. M est Mile. . FOR SALE Cheap, 8-year-old P ere heron mare. weighing about 130O lbs., sound and gentle; too young, for eity. I Keystone Stables, 381 Wster st, corner Montgomery. GOOD gentle team horses wetglung about 3100 ids., in good snapej tor s?5. inquire Key stone Feed Stables, 381 Water, at Cor. Mont gomery. TEAM of mules, 2200 lbs. ; horse team, 2700; nam ess, o wagons, plows, narrows, ruaaouabia 630 Jefferson st near 21st FOR SALE 3 good work teams, weighing from 1400 to 1600 lbs. each. . East) 9th and t landers. 1 DUMP wagon, 1 1 sale cheap. J. F. 2-iu. steel beam plow, for Walsh. E. 50th st. cor. Fremont TWO teams for salei weighing JOO0 .pounds; l.arncs and wagon for sale, by cwner. Sell- wood 107. SMALL team, harness and wsgon; also 1200 lb. horse, single or double harness and wagons of all kinds. Atlas Woodysrd, 827 Front EXCHANGE team bay horvea about 1000 Iba. each. Win take cow. nulk goats, chicken or what have yon. Phone I SeU. 1124. (70 BUYS bay mare, chunky built weight about 1300 lbs., to fine shape, wen broke and gentla. 381 Water st, west side. ire, chunky built weight a WANT 'to exchange team of mares ,4 and 5 years old lor uru or other light automobile. AUtO. 624-88. 10 HEAD of horses. 4, to 7 years old, 1400 to 1800 Iba. and somei well matched teams. In quire 564 Northrup st i INK nair of hav . weight 2400: sen cheap. 2 miles road. Box 408. of Lenta on Foster -1 - 2700 LB. TEAM, fat good workers, and 8 in. farm wagon, good condition, 'no junk; cheap. 4010 -67th at Mt. Seott ear. j FOR SALE. 1100 pound bay horse, good condi tion, (65. 37th stf57th are. Woodstock car. Mr. Ruby. f FARM wagons for aala chesp by L. Thompson, 727 Powen st. near gist st I STALLS for rent by day, week or month. Ns tional Stables,' E. 9th and Hawthorne ave. GOOD set of work in fine shape. (35. 330 San Rafael DOUBLE team (3 day, single team $1.50 day. 64Tront-st Main 2208. WANTED hore, must be cheap; write A. Fi- field, 278 Baldwin: St., eity. RIDING pony for sale, $20. 940 Macadam rd. LIVESTOCK 701 TWO goats . (wethers . make good team for a child, $5 each. Tabor 9075. - j 1-YEAR Toggenburg Bulk -goat, fresh. 1 cotoliig fresh. 1221 Wilbur st j CALVF.S WANTED. PHONE , MARSHALL 2178.- YOUNG JERSEY family cow and calf, .2 east of Lt on Foster road. Box 408. WANT to rent from 2 to 10 cows; lots of feed and good care. K-toz, Journal. FORTY good 6-week I old pigs. S. F. ! Lind, 2 miles east of : Gresham. Phone 28X1. - MILK GOAT and doe kid. sale or trade for trap drum, 1109 S. Syracuse st. St Johns. MUST seU young cow, fresh with heifer calf, cheap. Main 8392. " - - 1 WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832. EXTRA GOOD MILCH COW. SELL. 1652. 701 Auction Sale off Pure : . Bred Stock : Brush Prairie, Wash.. 11 mile northeast of Vancouver, on paved road. Monday. : ' May 23. 1921. Lunch at noon. Kale 1 S. m. 17 REGISTERED JERSEYS Entire erd of E. C. Courtaon. 15 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS from , the hard of Kasper Jenny. .: . . Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, ' Auctioneers." . . " ..!.. Yancouver, Wash. ; i. ... -j . AUCTION SALE- N. C Han wfll hold his second annual aala of purebred Shorthorn cattle at his place In Ridgefield. Wash.. Wednesday. ' June 1. 192L About 30 head of cows, heifers and bulls will be offered. .Write for . bill. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, ' s : Auctioneers, j ;i i . Vancouver, Wash, i TOGGENBERQ milk goat. Your chanoe for bar- ram. Conditions fores sale of entire herd: 7 milking docs. 4 doe kids. 1 registered pure breed, Toggenberg buck. Don't write, but coma make of fer. 795 n.emlworth aver Woodstock car. SOME large dairy cows, 5 and 8 gal. milkers. 1 very choice - young Jersey. 365. Sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 1128 Macadam road. South Portland car to and -of line. : 1 block south, 1 east FOR SALE -Fresh goats ana coming fresh, from (25 up; also milk and kids, snd for service two pur. Ssanon and ona Nnbiaa of the best in tb. Westt at Portland Goat Dairy. Ba and fcremont sta Aadress K. 1, Hut 188. OK SAJE Registered Ouernney bull 3 years old. guaranteed; sire Jeffs Chief, a bargain.; if you need ona. Pno (100.- W. F. Young, noer- wooa. or. ! FOR SALE or trade,' 2-year-old heifer, milking five weeks. 43d at, and Harrison, Milwaukee, j. u. a-yniston. ' FOR SALE 3 milch goats, H Toggenberg. for 60 tf taken this week. 2833 71st st SE. S. as A. cac. HAVE for sale 6 good fresh cows at (75 per head. Sea Mr. Bruce at Portland union stock yards. North Portland. Or. FOR SALE 1 fresh cow, Jersey-Guernsey, now giving better than 6 gallons per day. Fhon anytime Monday. Oak Grove 174-M. FRESH 6-year-old Saanen goat, from good stock. guaranteed to miuc 9 V quarts per osy. Price $60. Tabor 3862. GOOD fresh Toggenburg doe for sale. e: Wornom, 37th and B, sta.. Vancouver, Phone 26-F-25. : Wash, C11EAP 2 family cows, 3 to 3 gallons each; also Ford bug, wire wheels and windshield. Zf25 Ks-t Washington, cor, 8 1st. LEAVING CITY Must seU good family, milk cow. Can and see it at 64 E. 65th st N. No junk. Tabor 7164. WANTED Cow tp milk 2 months or more for feed, with privilege of buying. 4004 79th st. S. E. FOR SALE Fresh cow, large Jersey, gallons. SeU wood 520 or 4911 42d giving 6 sve. S.E. TWO 3-year-oid heifers; will b. fresh this fait Phone Sellwood 1938. ONE Jersey-Holstein cow with big 4 weeks old heifer calf. Joe Georgesen, 2048 Hodge st THREE extra good young fresh cow. 5 gallon. 968 PoweU and 32d- i GOOD Jersey cow for ssi. cheap. 1354 li oadsm road. MILK goat. (25 each. Automatic 616-88. 9628 45th sve. & FOR SALE cheap, a thoroughbred milch goat wui be fresh at once. Phone Wdln. 6285. ONE Jersey cow, 3 to 4 gals, a day, (45. - 8200. . Tabor TEN Holstein ' Durham and Jerseys, fresh cows. 4 to 6 gat 753 E. Asa. WANTED Guernsey bull calf, good grade. Webb. Beaverton., Or. WILL trade 100 rabbit for horse, harae wagon or eow. Tabor 2087. and SALE OR TRADE: Goat girtjig 3 quarts milk; ha Z kids. Phone East 1530. FOR SALE: Gentle cow, S gala, milk, cheap. 39 W. Froseott st I GOOD pasture in eity. Phone Sellwood 2476 POULTRY AND RAEBITS 702 BABT CHICKS AND EGGS Either Tom Baron or : Tancrad Special Leghorn matrags; none better. (15 per 100. B. Woolery, 344 Sooth ZOth st, Salem . MISCELLANEOUS lot of chickens. 9 fat hens. at (1.60 each; 16 K. L chicks at 60c. almost ready to fry; some younger. Also fencing and equipment cheap. Phone ,, Main 7Z83. ' BARRED Rock eggs, (1.60 setting; special price incubator lots: Rose Comb An con eggs (2. Evans Poultry Yards, -365 E. : Lombard. Woodlawn 1656. MAMMOTH Black Minorca eggs. Nixon's Best $3 50 netting 16: 2 pern R. M. 24 bens for sale, Nixon's best Tabor 9468. 1245 Halsey. SELLING CHEAP 25 White Leghorns. 6 Blk. Minorcas. 2 R. I Reds, all for (33. Mt Scott car. 6442 83d st S. E. i FOR SALE February hatched puRets six weeks old crucc. o laying Hens,; all; Letnonu, f Don. MSin 66B4. : MAMMOTH Black Minorca e;gs. Nixon's Best z setting 15; a pens B. M. 24 bens for aala. Nixon's best Tabor 9468. 1245 Halsey. FOR SALE -One chicken house. 85 hens and one blooded rooster, (35. Call . Woodlawn 5662 between 4 and 6:80. BABBITS at your own price if you come today. Am closing out does and young from 2 to months old. 607 Yukon ave Sellwood 2252. TEN Black Minornaa, Mammoth strain, fine lay- era. 463 Kerby at East 7410. Canaries for GALVANIZED wire screening, 2 ft 10 in. by 6 ft Suitable for chicken or rabbit Pen. ; For sale cheap. SeU 1947. EIGHT thoroughbred White Leghorn hens, Peta luma strain; all laying. Small WeU made house and run, (18. East glos FO SALE -Laying bens, 1 - year old, in fine shape. laying good; also 2 months old pullet. SchnelleVs Poultry Farm. Woodlawn 1198. 2000 WHITE Leghorn chicks. $10 per 100, Progressive Hatchery. 1534 E. 12th N. Woodlawn 1485. 300 WHITE Leghorn bens. O. A. C strain, 2d year, laying better than 60 per cent (L50 aptece. euv k. uavia R I RED hatching eggs, Meade strain. 15 for (1.50; (8 par 100. 1128 Macadam road. Marshen 2178. 20 WHITE LEGHORN hens,, year old. (1.10. A. G. Day, Lnther Station. Grenham car. THREE hens with W. 4479. L. chicks for sale. Wdln. FOR SALE 10 rabbits in first etas hutches. (40. 76th st and 69th ave. S. E. W. L. PULLETS for sals. 2 months old. 44th and Ain-worth. Wdln. a 7 17. 15 HENS at (1.25 each and portable coop for $10. Phone Tabor 902. ; TANCRED White Leghorn chicks. IS each. 664 Linn ave. Sellwood 1818. eenta THOROUGHBRED O. ing eggs. $1.60 for A. C. Barred Bock hateh- 15. Tabor 6559. FRIER8 for aala. 44th aad Ainsworth. Wdat 1717. I. R. hen and baby chicks; any amount up to 60; lc each. 40O4 7th st. s. K. VELVET RED R. L hatching eggs, (L25 for 15. - 22? E. 43th st Tabor 523. MAMMOTH Pekin duck eggs, $1.50 for. 12 1502 Denver ave. Kenton car. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs. (1 lot 15. 1 502 Denver ave., Kenton car. FOR SALE 12 6. A- C. W. IL b bens. layers; price reasonable. 932 E. 18th st AM SELLING laying Campine hens and rooster cheap: leaving city. Tsbor 890 "BARGAINS Rufus "Red doe and 8 young, (2 Himalayan buck $1. Bdwy. 4358. R. I. RED settinos. Mead's red velvet strain. si. ignorns. tzu rj. estn st. woootocc. SETTING hens. (2. 833 K. 39th. Automati 222-14. BABY chix, Sheppard strain Ansconss off today Pekin duck egga , vebb, Beaverton. BABY ducks 85 Indian runner. eta. each, heavy . laying strain Market 1038. o: A. C. BARRED ROCK eggs. 1382 Maryland ave., Kenton csr. (1 setting. O. A. C. BARRED ROCK eggs. (1 par setting. 1382 Maryland ave., Kenton car. LEGHORNS 12 excellent layers. Rooster. 16 Rhode Island babies. 828, Aut 643-72. 10 FINE bens and roosters, gusts, bird - and eagesv Automatic 610-76. - HOLLYWOOD White 4916 79th st Aut. Leghorn -642-11. - chicks. - FINE Flemish do for sal or trad for chickens. Phone SeUwood 3811. 2 HENS with young chickens, also 7 1-year-old bens, chicken bouse and run. Aut 825-33. SPANISH cockerel for sale. 4 months Inquire Mr. Seffiken, 11 N. 10th. okL 1000 TRAP-NESTED Tancred White Leghorn chicks, $14 per 100. 73 Front near Oak. WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs, incubator lots; lay tny hens. Wdln. 6231. 1185 E. 2th N. FOR SALE 4 laying bene and 28 8-wk.-old chicks cheap. Call a. m.. SeU. 2140. HENS with baby chicks," Tancred White Lt homa. Tabor 8969. I i -. R. SALE. Rhode Island Bed andplymouth k baby chicks. 10 days old. Wdln. 1504. WHITE WYANDOTTE chicks, 25c each; also ben with chick.- 664 Linn ave. Sell. 1818. FOR SALE or trade for T ant-rod W. L. cnicas; dandy Dnroe brood sow. Can Main 1986. R. L It eucaerei .aale reasonable. Aut 624-46 LIVESTOCK POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY Hnganized trarmeted Tancred and O A. C Whit Leghorn chick. (14 per 100, (185 per 1000; Barred Rock and K. L Bed chicks, (20 per 100: 2-waeks-old White Leghorns. 18c: 1 week Leghorns, 16c; pullets and broody hens. Jos. B- lztn st. N. Wdln. nsr. - KING POULTRY FARM . -.--. .: .. .; .. (Registered) It L' Red and Barred Rock baby chicks, 25 each take as many aa you want: none better. soma with mother hens. Hatching eggs. On Glisaa St.. 2 miles eat of Portland city limit. Tsbor 6578. TrouUiala. route 2. box 550. Wa deliver. ' ' HATCHING egga for aala from English Tom Baron Whit Leghorn, bred for vitality and heavy winter ere production. Many reports are now coming of 100 per cen hatches. Try them. i ia yes urae io oatca up vtui imw mwiaavs. Price 6c per egg at my residence, 6201 84th st S. E. Take Mt Scott car to 84th at. then south from car Una 1 block. Mrs. H. Koauig, Automatic 618-81, ' . ' i - , O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORNS K 500 d&r-old chicks. Msy 13. 600 on May 16. B00 ea Mar 18. 15o each. 814 Der 100. R. L Reda and O. A. C Barred Rocks. (20 per 10O. Wire your order at my exnenae and I'll ship C O. D. ' Two weeks old White Leghorns. 20c each. Week-old Racks 25 each. J. R. M a- guire, 787 Oregon street E A flV Prompt deliveries on O. A aJXTa- X Tancred White L shorn. C and Barred. f"IHJWV White and Partnug Plymouth liaila. Rocks. Reds. Ancona. Buttercurjs. Rocks. Bed. Anconsa, Buttercupa. wyandottes. Best stock, prices reasonable. Free catalog. Writ today. : C. N. Kvedham, Salem, Orr - BABY CHICKS O. A. C. Barred Rock aad White Leghorn chioka, hatch off May 26. (12 and (20 per lOO. Hoffman Poultry, Farm H15 E. Simpson St Woodlawn 1253. BABY CHICKS From mating of Tancred and Hanson strains. Nothing better, hatched in Master machines. so they're easy to raise. Few left batch May 14, also May 30. (15 hundred. Paul Dudley, Bear- erton. Or. Telephone Beaverton. HATCHING egga of my quality strain Rose Comb R. L Reda. first nrir.e ia poultry show, re duced to $3 per 1560 eggs for (5. Mallard or decoy duck eges, (2 per 11. Pekin duck eggs, (1.50 per 11. Mrs. Ai Breck, Arder- waid, n. a. Box 13, Miiwaukie, or. 13cBafcy - Chicks113c Thoroughbred White Leghorns ready Monday, 16th. Sunder-trom Poultry yard. 1176 Powell valley roeo. peu. na. - FOR SAl-E- 3'0 White Leghorn pallets. 2 months old, from best Hnganized pen. Abo Barred Rock and White Leghorn chicks. Reas onable. Wichita sta.. Gresham car line. Spring water Poultry Yards, at. station. ' j FOR SALE White Pekin duck egg. (1.50 per setting: baby ducks, 60c each, 3 weeks old. 63e each; 6 setting hens, (1.50 and (2 each. Barn. 67th st, 70th ave. 8. nd Woodstock car, 10 blocks south. ! Bafoy Cfoicksfla5C Thoroughbred White - Leghorns, none bettor R I It, 20e. . Suderstrom Poultry. Farm. 1176 Howell Valley road. Sellwood 14 93. EGGS FOR HATCHING O. A. C. White Leghorns and Parred Rocks, R. L Red and Brown Leghorn. Kits I0o each for balance of season. J. R, Mguire, 7o 1 Oregon st near Eaxt 24th. , FOR SALE. O A. C. Hatching eggs. White Leghorn, Barred Bocks, Rhode Island Reds. 15 for $1. $5 for .100. Mrs. C. C. Anderson, Gresham, Or., first plsca anova Gresham depot on Estacada csr line. WHITE Leghorn baoy chix tor May and June deifvery. from heavy laying, boganized stock. Safe arrival of full count live, strong ehix guar anteed. $12.50 per 100. (120 per 1000. Pioneer Hatchery, 442 Sixth st, Petarama, Cel. VSIiilK and Brown ix-gliorn heus, year old and excellent layers; ai.10 each. J, xt Magture, 7S7 Oregon st. near East 24th. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 703 Iff You Love Cats REMEMBER Fine Cats cost but little more than ' scrubs BEAUTIFUL FLUFFY PERSIANS Strong. healthy fellows: good naturad and companion- aula. - SUNBURST ORANGE PJ&iialA-N KITTEN a. WE SUPPLY THE BEST AT PRICES TO IN TEHEST YOU. 4 Registered Eastern Studs at Service, (3, 124 8 E. MORRISON. TABOR 7274 THE Piayfair Kennels offers at stud the Boutuil terriers Walnut Duke, A. K. C. 281051, who fias just returned from the Seattle dog show. Where he clearly demonstrated his high qualities. winning as follows: Flr.t novice, first Ameri can Dreo. lint limit, iirst open winners dog and the beautiful silver cup foe the beat Boston in the shew, 'either male or female. He also won the silver cup for the best smooth terrier in the show of any variety; his irirr-inf qualities equals bis wonderful show reocrd. This dog bss never sired a white beaded or- splashed pup : to data. Wheatland.: Jackie A. K. C. 248354. a winner every time shown, and the sir. of winners. These dogs are bred in tb. purple. Thia kennel is housing more flint prise winning male and females tlian any other kennel in the state. , Remember, the sweetness of lew price never equals the bitterness of poor quality. Nottingham Avenue, Park Rose. Phone Tabor 7278. AT STUD The Airedale terrier "Coxcomb Schatzy." A 50 lb. terrier of the finest breed ing, sired by Mt Low $100 Bill, out of Sun Maid of Ashbume. For particulars address Cox comb kennels. 196 W. Franklin ave., Astoria. Or. PET STOCK and suptiliea. W are headquarter in th. N. W. for birds aad cages, dogs, eats, rabbits, caviea, eta- Food, remedies, etc Call or write. Pet stock catalogue on request. Rout ledge Seed A Floral Co.. 14S 2d st. Portland FOR SALL Prices reasonable. Water b;uil puppies, English setters and hound dogs. Take Rose City car to 79th st. then five block south, or ' address Beal' - Kennels, P. O. Box 486, Route 1. dry. . WHY interbreed when you can breed to cham pion, prise Persians for same priest - Smoke, sflrer, red or black: all Eastern eats; cats board ed. Tortland Cattery, phone Ant 614-64. i ST. ANDREA SBERG rollers (imported), guar anteed, line trainers. List of birds sent on request E. B. Flake. 590 S. 17th, Sa lem. Or. 2 WIRE Fox Terrier pugpiee, 4 months, fineet stock in country, pedigreed. One mala $35, one female $15. One-half value. 660 Eliza beth St. M arket 5 0 3JK ONE fine einger, yellow St Andraasberg, 2 years old. with new enamel cage, all for. $10. Call Wdln. 2006. ,. -. - t I FOB SERVICE Boston terrier, champion prize winner front Canada A, E. C. 15429. Main 1663. JERSEY oows. 12. splendid type, for quick aale wiU seU below value; ages 4 to 7 yrs. Telephone Tsbor 1107. - FOR SALE or trade. 22 W. E. F. Winchester rifle, A-l: want an Airedale. 765 E. Everett it East 44C6. PADEREWSK1 CATTERY Studs and service eats and ait for sale. Tabor 7773. ONE fine singer, yellow St Andreasberg, 2 years old, with new ens me) cage, all for (10. CaU Wdln. 2006. ' . SMALL black dog male), white stripe on breast loct since Thursday. Reward. Phone Auto. 828-57. - ST ANDKEASBURG trainer for young birds. Call Marshall 6048. aala, also TWO Irish Setters, male and female, 9 month old. Phone Marshall 6498, or M-722, Jonrnst FOR SALE Cheap. Tabor 6587. fox terrier male poppy. MALE TOY Fox Terriers, tan beauties. East 660. 224 E. 2d and N.' white; MEXICAN Chihuahua pup for '!. (IS 46th. Tabor 862. REGISTERED orsnge and silver Perdan at stud. Main 6450, Hillsdale. Or., box 22. FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. (3 and (3. 189 HookeT st. South Portland. WANTED Young Airedale bitch. Must be front registered parents. W-901. Journal. WILL trade about 100 rabbit for ehirfcens, geee, ducks or turkeys. Tsbor 2087.- -ZOeJjjQG COLLARS and hsrness at reasonabl prices, KellerTirnessCB.r 49 S. 6th. FOUR Orange Penian kittens for sah reason- able. Call Tabor 3750. on Monday. Wt. ANDREASBERG ROLLERS, CAGES, CHEAP. 74 eriiltlS OT. BKIjU. 938. BOSTON terrier male puppies, (40 aad $437 1309 Sandy brvd. Taoor sxas. "BEAUTIFUL (o( aai. CaU th studio. Main 4W. ' WANTED A good horn ' for female eoHie; also have a male puppy for sale. T. 9140. POINTER, Journal. Setter pupa tor aala cheap. , X-800. FOR SALE St AndresKburg imported trainers and females, cages. Phone Ant. 237-18. COLLIE dog for sale with licence, cheap. 6l9-5. TID3EE tovely 6-weeks-old kittens. Tsbor 8460"? AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 8TUTZ roadster, mechanicaily and paint lik new, $&00 worth, of cxtou; must U at XaOOZ 7311. . . 600 20 CHANDLER DISPATCH This light six is first class every way aad wa win give yon any trial you ask, aa all our cars are first class. This ona baa new tires and bumper, licenses. ( spotlight and re finished the very latest colors; a brand new appearing car at th low price and we will tek (500 down, bal. monthly; take oar of late model, . popular make. first payment terms that you can meet on balance; also- take liberty bonds, full value. 16th and Alder sta. MURPHY MOTOR CAR OO. Real Buys, Easy Terms 1920 Stuta roadster.' like new. 1921 5-paxa. Studbier. mo 2500 miles. 2.1918 Packard Tain, good stage ears. . 1920 Stephens, clused ear, like new. 1920 7-naaa. Case, lik new. . - 1920 490 Cbevrolst , 2 1920 Maxwalla, Ford bug. - EAST SIDE CENTRAL GARAGE. East 6th and Taylor St. Eat 7438. New Light Delivery v - Bodies t BUS MOUNTED Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. SOU second cor. Taylor. Main 2892. CUNNINGHAM ' nUCTICALLT NEW , - . ' MUST BE SOLD most beautiful car In Oregon; 6-passen-eord tires, fully equipped r forced sale C Gilbert Multnomah hotel. The for. 6 See O. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoodi, tanks, repaired and remodeled: auto sheet-metal work a special ty. 10B-107 M. 16B ct Phone BROADWAY 2299. CHEVROLET Model 490 touring, brand new. till in dealer s hands, at the new low Price. WUI accept deposit en near Ford at fao value on this car and you can get your new Chevrolet inimediately. Phone Col. 432. 1919 OVERLAND touring, new top, repainted. AUTO' RALES COMPANT, - NINTH AND COUCH FORD roadster, good Hree, shnek 'absorber., dou ble wishbone, new top. piste glass and back curtains, xale witch lock, 7. ,630 ALDER. WILLYS SIX TOURING Rafinfehed and looks and runs fine. This csr will show the real good car it ha bad and we v. ill give liberal terms or take car in trade. If yon are looking for this make of car vou will make no mistake by buying Uua ona Ws give service snd wiil tek bonds. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. - CADILLAC 8. Model 66. T pas, touring. Ex oellent condition; a bargain. Phone Tabor 8828. DODGE BROS, roadster. Ifvyou have mads up , vour mmd to bur a new Dodge Bros roadster, come and sea this one. You will save (360 and still have new roadator. 1920 modal. gtea Mr. Beach. 249 6th st Main 7352. LATE 1920 Templar. 5 passenger touring with lota of extra: run only 4000 miles; wiU seU for (1800 leas than opst and take cheaper car in part payment bslsno term. Phone Tabor 8064. - 6650 KISS ELK A R (G50 This car ha been thoroughly overhauled and rertamtod. L. as S. Used Gar Exchange. ZS M 11th. Bdwy. 8214 LATE model Buick 6 touring: cord tires, new naint and iuat overhauled. Bargain. East 54. 845 Union ave. N-, near Broadway.. Open Sun day and evening. - DON'T MISS THI3 . . - . . - DODGE 1921 touring, in A-l condition. Call BeB- wood 3130 Sunday before 10. 1918 BUICK SIX at a bargain. Excellent con dition; 'paint good; new cord tiros all around, with 2 extra Easy term-. Don't miss thia. Call St George. Bdwy. 1480. tATK model Ford touring, electrio equip, per- feet condition; took like new. A snsp if taken at once. Terms. East 68. " 843 Union ave., near Broadway. Open Sunday and evenings. ESSEX Too win be th loser if yon fall to wonderful little car. (1200. tertni this Call Woodlawn 2844. 1918 CHEVROLET. 5 passenger touring: wi! sell for (350 and give terms; just overhauled and in fine shape; bargaini. see this. Phone Bdwy. 4825. - FOR SALE 1916 Cole, in fine condition. mw tire, run 1200 miles. Will take smsU car or runabout In part payment r East 7109 today. Msln 6199 week days. 1921 NASH DEMONSTRATOR Driven 90 days. Attractive discount Tabor 6645. Mr. Bdwy. 621. Portland Motor Car Co. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6. just overhauled, oo3 tires; a bargain at (425, on terms. Phons fVl. 656 dava: after 6 n. tn. . East 8(144. 1919 FORD touring, elegant shape, $lo worth of extras. privets ' owner, bet 6. and 7 p. (450. Terms. Wdin. 8073, m. (OxSfe. MICHELtN 6 ply tires, (20. Hon better. We know how to repair tiro. Vul can Tir ahop. Grand ave, at Pina E. 4896 OVERLAND Country Club chummy, 1 A S. Uaed Car Exchange, 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. 8214. LATE model Chevrolet, touring, good condition. A good buy. Terms. . East 66. 846 Union ave., near Broadway. Open Sunday and evening. 1917 BUICK 7.-peenger. (750. good eondi . tion ; hew top, good rubber; term. Billinga- ley Motor Co., Hswthome at 8th. East 720. 1920 CHEVROLET roadster, with delivery box. First class snap.: Looa lik new, as Tabor 5603. 1919 PEERLESS, owner in east wishes to self; no better oar in Portland; will consider car in trade and give term Phone Bdwy. 8848. OVERLAND First class condition. . A sacrifice. Price less than a Ford. See it at 1048 Cor- bett st Mar. 1442. v HAVE A number of good Used light cars that I can sell for (100 down, balance payable in 10 month. CaU Johansea at Bdwy. 2270. i " 1918 FRANKLIN In excellent ' condition, run about 10.000 mflea WUI take car in trade. Msm 6058. HAVE Grant 6 in fine condition; would trade on house or sell reasonable; take Ford as part. y owner. i-07, journal. FORD bug. painted robin s egg blue, with cream wheels; demountable rims, shocks, stc. ; real barcain. 11 Union ave. N. 1920 FORD touring, '21 license, excellent con dition. See thia before you buy. ttobinaoa Bros., 11 Union ave. N. . OVERLAND "90" touring. (383; term FUl- ingsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne at 8th. East L720. -- - .... - OAKLAND 4 roadster, new tires all around. Bosch magneto, eleetras lights; thoroughly overhauled. $200 cash. 6128 82d & E. 1917 MAXWELL Good condition. Etuy term. A bargain at 8375. Mr. Docaateadrr. North west Auto Co., ISth and Alder st. Bdwy. 1460, 1918 MAXWELL Overhauled; new paint; easy terms.: A snap. Only -(450. Phone Mr. Docksteader. Bdwy. 1460. UUP MOBILE, 1917, for sale by owner; new tires, absolutely perfect engine, just evertuied. ou. Yioy Msaison. . - YES. you wui find Oodge tounng on our floor if you eome early. WaUer Motor com- pany. Washington at 1 5th. FORD -.roadster, starter, speedometer shockat etc, rlna condition. sie; term. Biiungstey Motor Co., Mawtbome at lith. Km 720. W ILLYS-KN IG'HT loadntar in first class condi tion throughout, : mechanically perfect, very cheap. $425. terma 487 Union. K. 8969. FOR SAL2 Ford coupe. 1921; run 800 miles wire wheel and other extra. Owner leav ing town. Phone Wdln. 5612, after 6 p. 1920 BUICK 6 pass., in perfect condition look and runs lik Dew, $1400, tertna Owner, Tabor 7808. 1921 f CHANDLER, 7-paita. tour., run only 600 miles; 5 Silvertown cords; aacrifio for eash, 985 'Wasco st. " - - LIG HT six Cbalmars touring ; cord , tires, new top, (395; terra. Billingaley Motor Co., Haw thorne at 8th. Bart 720. WANTEDA good used motorcycle a part pay ment on a good tlied ante. Call Johansea at Broadway 2270. - - - -" 1919 FORD touring, speedometer, shocks, ete., good condition, $390; terma. Billingaley Motor Co.. Hswthome at 8th. Eat 720. SEVERAL 1st model light ear cheap; will air terms. Call Daffy. Bdwy. 2270, 1917 FORD delivery, overhauled aad painted; sacrifice $275. 742 W. Giiaan, week days. 1920 FORD. A-l, trade for furniture, groceries or fixtures. 1020 Glen ave. N. CADILLAC 8, 7-pawenger, fin stage ear, bar AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (7 50. thristensen Garage. 107 13th. AUTOMOSILES F0II SALE IZl TEIIME1 We 'are .still giving you terms, and when we say "terms' wc mean "your pwn terms in reason.' We arc : not charging any brokerage. W e . w i 11 take your old car in -trade on a new or used -xa.v: We have both new and used carsStut2, Revere, Moon, Dixie-. Flyer, Studebaker,- ; Chevrolet, Pate room, Scfipps-Booth, Cole and Velie. " We also have New : .and Used Trucks. . -: Don't forget, , "Your err .. s ir uwe jrerms in Keason and no brokerage. American Wardtee 4IS. E. Ash St., Xor. E. Sixth St. Phones: East 6752, East 435 ; BETTER USED CARS AND WHY. Wa rebuild both Hudson snd Emi n.ed art- tomobDes and sell them with a warranty U.a aama a given with tiia pure baa. of new cars. We also giv 90 days' Irs Samoa, to Sam a 1 given on new care. On Othar make nf antAmohllea lhat wa trad. in, w repair and overliaul them so that used car tnat are not sold witn a warranty are in first-el condition and are sold with 10 dart free trial, subject to their being relumed with full credit on any other car o4 may aeiscL 1919 Essex automobile, rebuilt snd re painted, sold with th warranty. . .$1283 1820 Essex, lik new, sold with the war- uvr . ..,.., 1300 1450 127J 1920 Esssx, run iust long enough to lim ber It up ; there was no work to do on It; sold with th warranty. . KIT Hudson Super Six, rebuilt and re painted, looks just like nee, sold with th warranty ............. 1918-1919 series Hudson Super Six, re-, - built and repainted, sold with the warranty . ................. 1920 Hudson Super Six. rebuilt and re painted, sold with the warranty . . , 1920 Hudson Speedster, like a brand new car; sold with tb warranty...... 1609 177S 2050 Practically brand new Maxwell cars, used by us as demonstrators, sold at bar gain prices; on driven 600 miles at discount of (200. Other to (325 off. 1920 Tali 6, 6 passenger .......... .(1250 Dodge roadster ................ .... 600 1919 Mitohen light six, gold is 1920. A real bargain................ 1164 (SO (75 450 673 1916 Maxwell automobile KIT Maxwell antomobil , 1918 Msxwen, aU gone over, repaired and repainted; fin Jitu ear ........ 1920 Maxwen ' roadster, a dandy httla Our store for the used ear bargains st 40-46 Broadway, which i Broadway aud Cone st Phone Broadway 6739. C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. J. H. GRAHAM (( 10TH ST.. NEAR STARK. , Every ear In th following list Is fn good" snap. Most of them have many extra and 1921 license. If any of the seem to m-( your wsnts, wa guarantee aaUaXaouua betor you drive out Ey term. Dort Sedan H uproot H 1929 ............... Model U Chavrolet ............ 1917 aad 1819 Studebakar Roadster ............. 1918 Dodge Touring ..1916 Paige Touring .................. 1016 Liberty Touring ................1919 Cea Touring ..................1917 Daria Sport .................... 1920 Cadi 11. .1914 Sao 1916 AND OTHERS. J . - i a H. OOLBUEN. Sales Manager, Broadway 3231. BT OWNER A Regal rodter that can ( . (Ill cash. Ton can't best this. for ca buy. An ideal machine for roadster or tpeeuy bng. I need th money. A. 6 16-34, SAVE MONEY Rebuilt .5paa Templar, factory guarante; win paint your color; (1700, - tertaa, 5707, or Marshall 1428. FOR SALE 1 7-paug 6-cyhndw tiOb " ear, in running order; good tiraa. i'ar quick sale, $125. 63 N. 23d st- $700 DEI IVERY $700 Almost new; a snap for someone. P&Iaee Garsge, 1 2th and Sfark. 8ee .Mr. Gravel e. 1920 BABT GRAND Chevrolet touring, r-,- sod looks liks Sew; (1050, with term. V show it to you. Phone Cot 656. - - DODGE DODGE I1m;e Rons -and look like new. $760. term. Tsbor 1454. . 1917 STUDEBAKER in good eondiln ; n eord tires in rear; light ear won'd be corv . t eri in exchange. Bdwy. 1572 Mr. Bfr-iT-l'-'r" 1920 BABY Grand Chevrolet roadster.' J.i r i only 150O sniiea.' Must sell at a large i.- count. Call Propat Bdiry. 300H. GOT to get the money, so I 'sta-. ofierin? t- Hudson super at $985. I left it with Via.' -- Motor crmii'ny, W-.hmrlon st Ifith. SALESMEN, look at my bcr.j.v-iiootu. r -star: just what you want; very reason. . .-. 107 19th st bet. S urk snd Wah. i'OR SALE, a beautiful bug body "fur i'ori O. Mtrrill A C. 35 24 st - - - FORD touring, fine order. $2Ii - Jefferson. Marshall 192.