THE OREGON SUNDAY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1921. 5 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 GET YOUR Comfortable rammer room bene. See oar special monthly . nfe. a mi. H. K. . $20 1 2 looms H K. $13; single H. K. $8. Thy ere all fiteely modern furnish 4.- Tree-bath telephone and pooL Only one block from N. 8. streetcar, tipshur hotel. H. lith and Upshur sts,.-- ; Phone JVlwy. 1546. - .- MANOR HOTEL ; S7H MORRISON. COIL -4 TIL . Sleeping and H. K, nniu Lew rates by week. Clean, quiet,- Iroraclike. ' THREE fu'miahed-housekeeping room sad sleep- ing perch, heat, light and bath, nice yard with flowers, 125. 427 21st I., corner Vaughn, Broadway 441S. - "' NEWLY- furnished attic tubes; large. . light rooms, very clean and newly furnished: walk ing distance, $10 to $15 tier month. 373 3d at. Main 2Y77. ONE lame, sunny front housekeeping loum with (as and electricity furnished, 94 per Week or '915 per month. 301.17th st. S. W. corner ot t.oiumrits. NEATLY famished housekeeping rooms, corner I'ark and Salmon, serosa from Arlington rlub, $18 and 920 per month.. Main 4300. ' H55 H Salmon. Nobby Cleaner. ZORN HOTEL MORRISON AT FIFTH Nice. ' clean II- K. rooms, with run nine water. Moat central.y located. 1 2-KWWJ suite, well furnished and clean. 37 , a week; also, Bleeping rooms from 33.50 to J'.9U a wees. ma iztn at., comer Washing ton, iiroadway 1B37. LARGE pleasant room with sleeping porch and kitchenette, also large weli-furoished single 'housekeeping room : desirable location, walking ' distance. 357 .12th it-, Marshall 859. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 30S TWO lovely unfurnished housekeeping rooms (23; 1 unfurnished housekeeping room (20; light and gas included. Call 851 8d at. i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS I FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 -ATTRACTIVE front suits of rooms, fireplace, electric lights, gaa plate, etc ; also, front room with kitchen privileges and garage. Tabor 8850. 1441 K. Morrison.. T Nit :ELY famished front . room and kitchenette, running water, first floor, furnace beat, elee-.- tricity and phone; walking didstance. adults. MarshallS 91 6,. 6 0 lLovejoyst - . ' - TWO large housekeeping rooms; big porch and lawn, private entrance. Phone, light and wtter furnished. William's car line; adults only; -639 Vancouver are. . 323 TWO fur. m. for II. K-, light, sunny. ' the first floor front and side entrance, gas, electric lights and phone, hot water, laundry conveniences. - Auto. 211-57.. 788 E. Taylor. 2 OR MORE rooms, first floor, nicely furnished piano, electricity, running wster. use of bath - and phone, aleeping porch if desired : with or without garage; reasonable. 661 Washington. CNB large, pleasant front room with good sized kitchenett, well furnished, very clean and light, easy walking distance. Main 271 6. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat, phone, , good .neighborhood, walking distance. (32.50. 160 K, 1 -'ill St.. at Belmont. East 2163. .TWO light H- K. rooms in private family; ' free phone, light and wtir; one 910 and one 313 per month. EastflSSS. .r'Olt RENT -In private family, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, walking dis tance. Phone East 217. CLEAN, well furaUhed 2 room h. k. suite, gas range, running water, also sleeping room, rea sonable. 11 N. 22d st 25712TH ST. Modem front room, 2 closets; walking distance; for.2 men; also, basement notisekeeping room. NICE 2-r. front apt., running water, private en trance, bath and phone priril.; adults only 2 FCRNISHED II. K. rooms. Ught. modern. 18. , 204 H MacMillen St., 2 blocks 8. ;of Bdwy. bridge. ' ! TWO light hoimekeeving rooms 912.50, 93.30 per werk, cloxe in; no children. 848 E. 8th St. S. East 1081.- EASEMENT housekeeping rooms, clean, well furnished, suitable for 2 men. 414 Market, cor. 11th. -$30 3 modern furnished H. K. rooms, . includ ing light. -ga, heat and water. .Adults; Sell Wnd 10. X4 3 Haig. EOU refined wontan. employed. hou.-ekeeping pririltnres, including beat, liftita. gas and 1 none. i.v Albert-i. Woodlawn 5t55 TWO. fnrnMied H. K. rooms,, good quiet place. tvt eniitiren. am ran i tn, near - TH REE furnished h. k. rooms 925 per mo. 273 Hassalo, 3 blocks north of Steel bridge- TWO connecting hotuekreping room, modem waHcing distance, near Broadway. S2 E. 1st. ..K Rf;K UNFl' RNISHED r7OM 91.23 PER WKFX 16 9 '4 FRONT ST. B.5EMENT housekeeping, use bath, men,, nice ONE pleasant, bright, corner housekeeping room. "J iawiinr. i I r.. XtAK. cor. wth. 925 PER month, 3 large furnished H. K. rooms. nmia ana eipcrrcirv t all noi K. Morrison 4 FurniJicd . roc.m inr mling "modern kitchen. KXE sleeping room, also 1 II. K. suite; clean no weu ugoiea oia lamliill. . THREE clean, furnished housekeeping rooms downstairs. 620 E. Morrison corner 16th at. UOCSEKEEPINO privileges. June 1. in fine mwra nraf, lor 1 or2; piano.- SeUwood 838 LARGE front room, srrantred for housekatiini7. - Tabor W333. .254 Union ave." N. 3 KL'RXISIIEO housekeeping rooms in Nob Hill ditfri-t. Automatic MS-R3. THTU-:K furuHied II. K. rouuis in private family. Marshall 4491. AP ARTMONTTS FURNISHED 307 rW'6 front basement rooms, eTerything iVory, hot and cold water, one or two beds, range, clean, outside entrance, right downtown, reason- aoie. iai l ara. drarad Oak Apartimeots Strictly modern fumislied 2 and 3 room apts., close in. Grand ave. Eat 3302. IN SL'NNISIOE.. on carline, 3 furnished housed keeping rooms, light, clean, sunshiny: 330, includes Hght. heat, g-ts, water and phone. Tabor f384. 43. Belmont. ) UEACTli'UL. aiartment wiuh 4 large rooms and a bath for 9U6; just completed and newly furnished. Ideal for' a couple desiring a first class home. Wdln. 1 203. 120Q Cleveland ave., fel;i.E AM 2 ROOM Fl RNISflED APAKf ME. NTS AT REASONABLE KENT AT 503 AI I'KR HT. '1'HKKE room apt on ground floor, all outside rooms; nice yard; free phone. East 294 9 S73'. East Mill and TVird. THJJ JEFFEK My 25 2 room furnished apt. for 9 1 7 per month. Comer Kutbcll and lAMr 3-rni.-! mod. apt. furnished, all outside rotansi private btl; . rent reasonable. t!0 Cook ave. J1UST sell imnridiately furniture of d-room flat. mostly new; bargain; flat for rent 930; mod ern, central. East 278. TWO room apartment, neuiiy furnished, running wster, gas ranee, electric lights. $23 month; aihilt'.. 1 547 Morrison "t. Phone B wst 2513. !Si'Et'IAI rate for one week. Hot and coH water; single room and double room; also 3 room apt. Bdvry. 1548. 409 N. 19th, ' 1'1'IlNlSIiED 3-rtoiu outside Apt. ; no Hiforma tion ovt.r phone. 1039 H Belmont. Sunny viide car: W l-j'i' illl Walking dislauc;, eua n.i;e J- - rofn apartment; also fnrnislied fn.nt sleeping Tooin ; pre-war pnees. Phone Main S741. lH..NiEE Ai'TS. U setpuig rooms ti to 93 a - " week. Sleeping rooms. '32.50 to 94 a week.. 50 4 Hnwthome t .. near tTKlg. Fir K25. TWO RtK)MS. H. K. - APT.. BEATTTIFULEY FCRMSHED. KENT REASONABLE. 307 MARKET. 4 ROOM furnisbea and unfuniiahed apt., mod ern; Playground for children. West aide. l'hone Broadway 2071. '-5 WILL buy elegant fnrniture, like new, id -room aiartment, rent 9"3. OH week days. --jiob H-U tmnmrrhi. Mar-hgll 267. 932 Jto.NTlf for 2 roota ftrni.htd apartment with private bath, also a 2-room without bath NICE 2 room apt, furnished, very large, equal . fo 3 ordinary rooms. Price $20. Call 633 Dkom ave. PENINSULA APTS?- 2 and 3 room apts. iu Aimna ave. ,"tS,!jj?nBD 2 room apt. 136 N. 22d st. Mar. NICE two room apt Reasonable, 129 13th at. Bsx-helors rrvferred. - UNION AVE. and K illingswcith 321.50 all complete, concrete TmiMing. " NICE 3 room furnished apartment for rent; watcr. light nad Sic .,.... h ai i. : ".' S ROOM apt. furnished, water, heat sndnrhoEe reasonable. Main 4679. - ' cESaN. Kghth r aBd2 -room furnished apart mente. One room suitable for 2. 331 14tiiit. FOB RENT 3 room apt. aiid f urni turef oTaale in first ciass apt, East 1 1 Oo. ' ONE good " 2 room apt-for"inC $4725pe7 week. 86 H Union ave. S. Mohr Apts. 'Fl'RNI.SiiED aparuiien at To9 ilayt ""'it." 3 -or 4 rooms. s- TWO and kiidjeutlie. fumislied cotuplete 932. r.O. in IrvTmrton. East 4 8'2. -' J. ANO 3-riKMu 4iaruieut, lurnisluL phour Main '2. 39 ,Sixh st. Take chiidren. liiREE rooms, ground floor. Ceau, Est 7629. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 2 ROOM U. K. apt, Uxhb. bath and phone; rent 92a. 1 room, h. t, with good kitchen, water. light, bath, rent $14. . , - 1. front h. k. room, well famished, water. Bent and bath, rent (22. , 194 Lownadale St, Phone Main 1834 UiVlNG'TON On cur line, 2 large rooms, small kitchenette, completely famished, ground floor, large yard, roses, D-rrch. fireplace; sewing ma chine, $45, includes phone, water, lights, beat; no cuiniren ; suitable for man ana wite; qwi, em- plygd people prvfeTTea. VMt 43H4 after Z p. m. BCSHUARK, Washineton sL, corner 17U tVmpletely furiUHh-rd 1 room outside apart ments, 925 per month and up. Including bath, gas, electricity, telephone, steam beat. Broad way 64 63. WAOONfcli Aft. tiA.-S VACANOi 943 WEST 8IIB APARTMENT 945 8 large, li!it rooms, furnished, modem; no children; best district. SMITH-WAOONER CO.,1 STOCK EXCH. Florence iApts., 388 1 Three room apt., modern, brick' building Summer retes. Mar. 41714. The Stanfield ;; Modera 2 room apts. - light, beat, phone ; 922.50. Main 7892. THE LILLIAN APTS. 5 minutos' walk from M. it V. ; 2-3 rooms, modem, free phone, moderate price. 381 6th at. Marshall 1378. Elbridige Apts i Two and three-room apts., thoroughly cleaned and newly decorated 274 N. 21st. Bdwy. 4730. Kiog Albert Apartments 1 furnished, - 1- unfurnished, 'strictly modern, tile bath, elevator. 1 1th-Montgomery. Main 359. MAGNOLIA APARTMENTS 2 room apt., 322.50 per month up; sleeping rooms, 93.50 per week up; adult. 148 E. 3d st. East 212. , NICELY furnished -3 room front aptf opening onto porch, with or without garage; also well furnished large room i with kitchenette. 393 W. Park. SOME ONE with small children to ret my five room apt. Firat floor, modern, with yam. rtear a carunea. ULlKJtu wees. Eat 8N2. TWO 2 room apts.. 1 M blocks ftn Hawthorne car; niee and clean ; bo: children ; one small apt. suitable for one or two peo; at work; reas onable. 310 E. ttth at. East 732. Warrengosi Apartments 325 month for 2 room furnished apartment: modern except bath. 402 3d st. King Albert Apartments 1 furnished. 1 unfurnished, strictly modem. tile bath, elevator. 1 1th -Montgomery. Main 359. 8-ROOM furnished flat 920. yard. tmii. 2T DHram ave. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 UARFIEL1 -3-room. sleeping' porch, hardwood floors; will take children. 361 E. Failing, 1 block west Union ave. Wood Lawn 4662. ",r. WESTONI A. APTS. Two and threw room apts. Strictly modem, newly tinted. -66 6 Ctisan. GARF1ELI 3 sjmI 4 rooms, sleeping porch. newly tinted; ! will take children. 361 E: FailiiKC, 1 block west Union are. Wd'n 4662. 3 ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, clean. light and airy; nice location; adults. 967 E: 13th st. N. ' Ant. 320-34. TWO room linf urnis-hed apartment, hardwood floors, electric, range, .'930. Vacant May 15. 895 East Alder.' ' NICE 2 . room a:t.. unfurnished, yery large, equal to 3 ordinary rooms. Price 317.50. Call 553 Iekum ave. UN FT KN LSHE 1 3 room art. with bath, all outside rooms. 1S6 N, 22d st. Mar. 2250. FLATS FURNISHED 309 A BEAUTIFULLY furnished living room, buf- fet kitchen. 2 rhclosod sleeping porches. White er.amel wood work. ' Fine yard. No children. Price 940. 710 Ha-H Madison, near 20th. FURNISHED sleeping room. witb7h. k. privi : legea, to emiluyed lady; rent reasonable; walking distance; modem conveniences. Main 7348. i - UPPER flat. 4 light, air roons, bath and Dutch kitchen, all newly decorated ; adults only. 727 E. Stark. S. S. car to 20th st- 3 ROOM modern front flat, clean and very de- Kiruhla- h-nif..1 ... ..1 . . .... .. i.i- .. 1 .......... j k.. , aT9i?uiutlUMI auiUUi. RiM IMS . U.ll -ftii-niK i;u.- phone, heat. 933. Adults only. - Woodlawn 3196. .. . FOR RENT 3 room furnished flat, light' and gss furnished. 50 8 Vt Hawthorne. 2 AND 4 room modem flats, 9 1 6 and 922 moum. iwounui car. aa yt euta st. FURNISHED flat or h. k. rooms; garage, rea sonable. Sell 298. a'fter 7 p. m. 3 ROOMS, partly funiUhed, electric lighu, water 462S H 67tli st. 8. E. FLATS UNFURNISHED 3 1 0 5 ROOMS, new and clean, partly furnished, . til.., u tt i,, water, jail - ltor acrvire: lease to responsible party; 126 E. 34th. 1 block to Sunnyside car. Tabor 5188. SIX BIG room flat at 1109 Hawthorne ave., near 37th st., no furnace, otherwise all modem; n.s. eiecmc ueoM, piomptng, Tabor 5327 Oii RENT i room iUt, furniture . for sale. i' ii i .1-. .i . . .. " t,o ou nwmnGwn sts; reuc eoo. inquire 24 N. 16th st.' near Washington. NICK,, clean, four largj room flat and sleeping porch. Walking distance East Side. Phone Ant: 230-15. . , NoB HILL DISTRICT MoternS room lower flat to responsible party. 4 K ciOMT-tinf u rri ished fiat for rent. 1775 eT 11th st. S.. Sell wood car. Call between and 12 a. m. 340 W EST side upper flat" 569 H 5th st. ; 5 rooms, sleeping porch; adults. Tabor 4553. 4-j;cOM upper, flat tor reui. 394 Faxgo st.. near Union. . DOWNSTAIRS flat for rent36 Cook a-e near Union. ! Call between 9 and 12. 4 -ROOM upper flat, "930 mo. f no objection to children; near car and schooL 4925 Powell. room basement apartment: heat, light and water e-iw.- 'io ,nn aaa gt. FIAT for rent cheap; Ruud heater (connected) for sale. j-23. JonrnaL HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 FOR KENT, on the 17h of May, 7 room mod ern house, 592 Clinton st Rent 935 month, including water. Call at 324 Front Bt. Maui 7803. 1: 3 ROOM unfurnished bouse. H acre cleared. good well, hglits. gas, 3 blocks from station! 1 from school; small payment; easy terms. Bor 190 Oak Grove. Or. - ELK TRANSFER Jc STORAGE CO. IS Days Storage Free. rnmitnre moved for , less. Bdwy. 244S. Foil KENT 5 -room house, electric lights, gas, with 5 cords wood; very reasonable. 1341 Clenn ave. N. MODERN 5 room house, garage, fruit trees. btrrriea of alt kinds, at Linnton. on a good road; rent 923. Phone Columbia 707. -7 ROOMS, 2 porch bedro.rns. modem, immac- ulately clean, partly furniohed. or unf urn&hed : lee-se. 38S iraiid ave N. ACRE 4 -room houe. water, gas and ga rage; chicken house and bam; 10 minutes' walk from Lenta. Automatic 624-59 6-litXM anodorn house, on Park and Jacluson Call at 208 Arliss apartments before 2 Sunday or after 8 week days. 7 KtKlilS Clean, gas, electricity, furnace. In- qnire SOP Graham ave. 4 ' ROOMS 4i.(i entwiiti..n ..H j ; l'hone Broadway 443. Kerf at746 Vangbn. 912.50 3-ROOM house and sleeping porch. 633 Tioga st. St Johns. FOR RENT 6 large rooms, 5265 65th st and 63d ave. Phone Aut 213-68. UNFURNISHED house, east side, rejuonabie. ; elderly "people. S-616. Jonmal.- 9-ROOM modem house and gs rater 340. 303 Smith are.. ' St. Johns. East 782Q. ? 5 ROOM cottage, 628 Ouimby st, reasonable - " . 3cmwc wean nue. 330 Whole houe, 4 rooms. 329 Salmon; mod ern. - WHY PAY 93.50 for two men to move your lumuurg wb wor a inr o. Mam o y o. WHY PAY 83.50 for two men to move your iiuiuiurc we worm lor e.o. Slam B?n FOR RENT 5-room bouse, fruit and garden- v i , ncn afucr. rugae 11DVT -yg J WE move furniture ol B-4-e room honse for j v. r mrmgr unocmitwg. Slam BIIO. mupiik. room nouse close in. cock. Wniiasrts avenue ear. SIS Han- FOR KENT 7 -room house. Inquire 317 TrVU - lamette blvd., cor. Kiliingsworth. FOR RENT Moving trucks with men that anow now to move mmirnrg. Bdwy. 401. MODERN 7 room house for rent. 646 Keibv MODERN. 0 rooms, sleeving porch, larga' yard. fwii am M.lia. BOI T . . MODERN 6 room bungalow with garage. Hawt thorne sve. ? Bell. 3041. 5 ROOM cottage, 1079 Water st, 920 per mix Phone Marshall 777. ' -' WE MOVE PIANOS FOR 95 MAIN 6290. FOUR room cottage for rect. Hood and Sheri dan sts. Rent 912 50. 5-li.OOM house. Phone Tabor 4526. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 MEIER A FRAN'st'S , INFORMATION AND' RENTAL. BUREAU; Beliahle, up to date lists of desirable vacant bouses,, apartments ani flats,, with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bnrean of great value in helping them get properly and auickly located. 1 ,- . ! .- :' : 'J --I v . ! EIGHTH FLOOB - . GOOD modern 8 room hom; nardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, extra, toilet and lavatory, suitable for- 2 families, large 1 garage, full lot, lawn, roses, etc 127 E. 32d st Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. ATLAS TKANEFfcll & STOKAlfK CO. Bianotand furniture moving. 30 days' f storage on ail household goods until oar w warelMnue is filled. ; 104-N. 5th St. ; PbsaM Broadway 1207. , I SEE THIS BUNGALOW FOR KENT OR SALE i TABOR 234 FOU !kENT -h acre ground in Monta villa, berries, f nrit; house partly furnished. For particulars call East 1681. . HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FOR 1U5NT furnished for the summer months or by the year, the attractive country home of Mrs. W. W. Cotton, ion Powell Valley road, west of Gresham; 9 rooms. 3 baths, furnace, elec tricity and Bull Run water. Address Mrs. W. W. Cotton, Alexandra, Court. Give telephone number and references. F-473. Journal. FTVE room modern: bouse, new furniture, big garden, lots of berries, close to school and M. Vj ear, (40 a month; must have references. 94 E. 61st US. j- :. ; 7ROOMS. 10TH AND EJ DAVIS ROOMERS WILL PAY THE RENT SOME FURNISHINGS. WALKING DISTANCE SMITH WAGONEK CO., STOCK KXCIi. 6-HOOM house, mostly fumishe; 2 large chicken houses, barn. 1 acre, 2-3 cnldvauon. fruit trees;; 4 blocks from Bryant station. 8. P. 320. fc Mrs. Van Sichle. FOR i RENT A home on wheels; stove, beds. tent, complete; auto trailer camping outfit, for sale cheap or will rent reasonable. 0-789, Journal. i - ' WONDERFUL, west side view, walking distance, most modern 6 room duplex house, elaborated furnished; must see to appreciate, t Adults, 9115 month. Main 1528. 'Wn.lTlesae L2 rooms furnished home, hardwood floors, west side, ;914d iter month; gross in eome(258. Owner leaving city, immediate pos session. 0-145, Journal. LEAVING city, will rent my 6-room modem bungalow furnished for 3 mo. at 945 per month: 3 blks. north of Peninsula, park; rent in advance. 14 97 Congress st. I MULTNOMAH Five room modem house, furnished, 340 per month, 1 blk. of: station. Main 4253. Mrs. It van.- I FOUR LARGE ROOMS AND BATH IN PRI VATE FAMILY, j CALL AFTER 1 P. M. 254 .. 16TH ST. j FHOXE EAST 234. FURNISHED 4 room house and ? hi acre, fruit and berries. $20 per month. Inquire D. J. O'Conner, cor. 92d and Woodstock ave. STRICTLY modern 7 room house, sleeping porch and garage for June, July and August. References required. 990 mo. Tabor 1041. FIVE room bungalow, gas, tights, not modem, to: small family of adults. . 916. 6842 64th ave. s. K.. near, tn st. A a to. 613-44, FURNISHED house, lawn and porch, away from dusty roads, suitable for tubercular patient convalescing. Piper, Main 5465. MODERN 6 room bungalow for rent: close in; Irvincton. 490: Tillamook st; garage if desired. Open 10) to 6:30. ; 942.&0 6 -room furnished house,- modern, walk ing distance, no i objection to children- 548 Mill near Chapman St. MODEiiN 7 -room house, furnished, including ga rage and fruit trees; rent 350., Call 749 Mississippi are. JUNE 1 5 room modern bungalow, furnished; adults; references.' Wdln. 1073. -1099 E. 32d: St. N. i - 925 3 ROOM furnished house, including wa ter and lights; no objection to children. In quire 527 Market st. FURNISHED bouse, 5 rooms, modem, one block to car. $40 a month. Call at 5018.' . 72d st. S. E. Firland station. AFT tilt May 20, modem 3,-room bungalow with sleeping porch and garage, adults only. - 503 Greenwood ave. between Division and Clinton sts. FOR BENT 5 room house, partly famished, at 12S7 Greely St. 4 ROOM house, partly furnished. 408 Ivy 1- - ' .-I. ' - .- "I " FOR RENT 2 room furnished house. Inquire - 317 Willamette blvd., cor. KiUingsworth. ELEGANTLY furaisned houses, garden, fruit trees, eiecping porch, reasonable. 252 Gibbs. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 BY -OWNER C room flat for rent, furniture for sale, will make a very close price on furniture if in the - market; : look this over. Located at 145-'4 11th t ! . FURNITURE of 5 room house for sale cheap; house for rent or will sell or , rent separate. 405 4th St. " i A NICE 8-room house for rent, all modem, near Broadway; some furniture for sale, prict 9l50Phone Et 5965 HOUSE for rent"cheap. One flat furnisheoTand one unfnraished. Little furniture, for sale. H27 E. 15 th N. HOUSE for rent; furniture for sale, aH or part. Main 2463. j STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT IN TACOMA,' WASH. HALF OF MILTINERT STORE IN MAIN STREET. BUSINESS SECTION. SUITABLE FOR LADIES" READY-TO- WEAR, BLOUSES. HAIR GOODS OR ANYTHING IN LADIES' LINE; LONG LEASE; RENT REASONABLE. 1113 BROADWAY. TACOMA. WASH FOR LEASE Hotel parlor, unfurnished; pros perous town of North Bend, Coos Bay; estab lished over 10 years; 31 heated rooms and lobby. 375 per month. J. D. O Donnell. 802 Spanlding. - T i FOU SALE - Iase on the 8wedish delicatessen end grocery store, at 223 and 227 Yamhill st. Call Phone Main 6190. Alaska Uerrinii 6c Imp. Co., F. War. bom. . i FOtt KENT, reasonable, storeroom, good base rnent, brick building. Inquire of Rossiter Bros., same building. Fourth st. between Main and Washington sts.. Vancouver, Wash. STABLE -1 7 "stalls, "close in east' side. I HERMAN j MOELLER. Realtor, 1025 Gasco BUig.j Main 1480. FOR deslnble space Ui Ilreproot warehouse. Phone Bdwy. 3715. ! OFFICES AND DESK ROOM3 1 S OFFICE frt rent :and furniture for sale. Tbii is a snap for some live one with a small amount of money.! Come early; it won't last. I F. B. PEETS INVESTMENT CO. ! 303 Oak St. . , DESIRABLE desk room in front office with phone, yery reasonable to permanent tenant. 212 Board of Trade. - DESK raom, with telephone sad stenograph! service. Phone Bdwy. 3 715 SUMMER RESORTS 316 9- ROOM fnrni bed house at Beech Center, Wash., rnnnmg wsier. electric lights for sea sort, 2 room, furnished house. Pali 8-Ml. 646. WANTED Iot or ground, lease of buy. bet Ike I ytle snd Rocka-.Tay. G-674, Jonmsl. SEASII'E eotuge for rent for the season. On paved road. Woodlawn 3282. SEAVIEW Comfortable cottage, hot. cold water. bath, four beds.j 3175 season. Box 96, Sea view, Washington. ' FOR SALE OR FOR RENT t Desirable 5 room furnished cottage, on the beech. Seaside. Or. Sell wood 1694. THREE room famished cosy cottage at Seaside, for rent June, July, Ausrust; 930 a. month. Write Wm. C. Schmidt, Seaside, Or. ; 4 ROOM fumishf-d cottage at Seaside, 1 5th are. 975 season. Wdln. 1763. TWO cottages at Seaside for rent; block from beach. Marshall, 443 1. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 t WANTED Home for boy 11 years old and iatner; must oe east sloe. Phone, Sunday. Main 6414: . ; I ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WIDOWER, age 40, desires board and room in private family; plain, congenial home, with no young children; plain cooking; not nearer than one' block to car; give particulars and pnone. G-007, journal. BUSINESS girl wants board and room - in pri vata family. Catholic preferred. Call Tabor 8031 after 12 m. HOUSES 361 FIVE or six room bouse, unfurnished- on lease; must be modem; reasonable rent Phone East 4 2.'i2. By June 1. WANTED 5 rjom modern bouse by couple: Peninsula district; reasonable; win lease if satisfactory. Phone E. 4043. f - A FURNISHED or unfurnished house for three months while we build. Auto. 224-93. -'WANTED To rent 3 room furnished or un - furnished flat er small bouse. Sell. 1647. TO LEASE by June 15, 4 or 5 roots modem unfurnished J Ones. T28 E. Yamhill WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU I houses, flats or apartments ; with List your as; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING,; STORAGE. Xa?A3S ' SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. ! 93 Fourth at., opp. Multnoman HoteL; l'hone Broadway 371ft A FAMILY of 3 adult wih to rent 5 or 6 room modem house, ; unfumii-' ed. elosei ta Ivriogton or Broadway car Hue. Option of tmy irg. East 824. - , ; ': ' , BUSINESS man and wife wish S to 7-roum modern house by June 1 ; no children. Fst 967. : - ': WANT house of about- 4 rooms with yard. Pre ferably East side, not St. Johns, for about 315. CsR or write 63 East 6th st N. i WANTED To rent, by man and wife, 4 jor 5 room bungalow. K-847. Journal. , - BEACH PROPERTY 400 SEAVIEW, Wash., for the season, beautiful cot tage with 4 bedrooms fully furnished on the boulevard 1 block from! Shelburn1 station, corner 100x100, large barn. Mrs. T. J. Seofert,, East 4378. - . . ,. GEARilAKT T- f. Bnngxlow, all modern, fireplace. : For irent, season or any part of season. , Otto Jb Harkson, 41d Chamber ot Commerce. Main 639s nuJit lumisnnea cottage at Gearnart, Or., for June 935. snd for August 940. V-644, BEACH lot for sale wood 614. reasonable. Phone 6dl- BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 FOE SALE THE VTKIXQ MARINE PLANT , j Nicolai, two story FAINT 29 th St., near concrete building. size about 40x60 ft Lot size. 73x136 ft. Wakefield, Fries & Co. : REALTORS ,85 FOURTH STREET, j FOR SAL; Two-family residence. Nob Hill district, full lot with double garage. Main io4t- . r 1 APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 STOREROOM AND APARTMENTS i 5 living rooms and storeroom, occupied by grocery first floor. 6 room anartment iwvon1 floor: garage connected with building; corner lot esiiuu, 1 block from Alberta st. and ( 4 blocks from Union sve. Price 35500; 92500 cash, balance on time 16 per cent BROWN &, GRANT ( 201 Consolidated Securities ; Bldg. , Bdwy. 8222. ESTATE to be cloaea. Make offer for 100x100 northeast comer 11th and Taylor, West Side. bast 1:1 HO. 600-600 14 -602 2195, Willis. ms : ave.. 85500. East LOTS 403 DOTS 950 DOWN NO INTEREST OR PAYMENT FOR 90 DAYS AND WILL GIVE BUILDERS 2ND , MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE MORNrXGSIDE ADDITION Restricted residence section of Mt. Tabor; fine lots for 9750, Including improvement, : wonderful building sites; beautiful fir trees adorn many lots. See us before you build.' Go look at this property, starts at 69th and Stark sts. J. I HARTMANl COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. ALBERTA SNAPS Lens than y original cost; these bargains won't keep; look them upl today, then see us: 9250 E. 38th near Going; cement walks and curbs . -f 3300 E. 23d near Deknm; 1 block to Wood lawn car. I 9350 NW. comer 23d and Emerson. Six 100: subject j to sewer only. i : 3375 E. 35th near Prescott; lots in this dis trict used to sell for $600 each.. ; j 3550 E. 15th near Alberta; a rare pickup. BITTER, LOWE; & CO., REALTORS. 201-3-5-7 Boiard of Trade Bldg. I LOTS IN EVERY1 LOCATION Laurelhurst Alameda Park . , Abtmsda Park . . IrvingtoB Park . , Westmoreland . . ....$1000 800 700 250 m . 700 650 1800 2000 8000 Rose City Park. KJngs Heights ... . . . . . . F'ull block. Fulton . I . . . . 100x106. 2l.t and Johnson. RUMMELL Sc. RUMMEL 274 Stark j St. IRVINGTON MSTRICT 1 GO SEE TODAY . Salesman will meet you at East 15th and Fremont, Sunday from 1 pi m. to 5:30 p. ra. These are chon-e lots with all improvements paid. 9750 and 3875 for inside lots, 91000 to 91125 for comers. Only a few left. 9100 down, $10 a month. . j " JohnsonfDodson Co. C33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. COIXNIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT VIEW LOTS 3850 AND UP Choice view lots, located on E. 26th and E. 27th sta, between Mill and Harrison sts. : only 3 blocks south of Hawthorne. Prices 9850 and up. choice comer lot 91100; u-rms . 20 per cent cash, balance easy monthly payments. HEVDERSQN-BANKCS CO.. 1 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. WHY GO WAY OUT , ! . When you can get a j nice lying lot with all im provements in and paid, near 23d and Yamhill: walking distance to west side and near high and grade school, for 3950? .9350 down, balance easy terms. .Main 931. MULTNOMAH district bargains. Oregon elec tric, highway, wster, gas, electricity, 25x90, 350; 50x90. 3120, 90x115. 9300; 90x200, $650. Choicest level vie homesites, 60x100, 3250 up; 4 and acres 9500 up. Owner, 319 Railway Ex. bldg.. Main 675, East 7688. BEAUTIFULLY wooded 65x100 lot. 9600. 96 cash, 912 monthly, also: 50x100, 8500, near Peninsula Park and Jefferson high. JohnsonDddson Co.! 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ; j ' Main 3787 BUnilNG SITE 93t)0 Bays .4.08 acre all in cultivation and ploughed, nearj grade and high school, churches.- lodges, stores and car. Chalker, 4709 E. 61st st. . -. i - i ' . j FOR SAIJ5 West side. Macadam street; i one lot 100x95. some bearing fruit trees, 4 -room shack; good for manufacturing, good trackage. Owner, 310 2d street south; 92000. part cash. 10 2d street so RE I .A N D tin s; ONLY 9625 Easy term WESTMOREI.AND-4-ln E. 21st st- near Bybee; no liens; ONLY 9625; you couldn't put the improvements in tody for 9500. BITTER, LOWE 4 .CO.. REALTORS. 201-3-5-7 Beard of Trade- Bldg. " YOCR LAST CHANCE 1 ' Iurelhurst lots at these prices. Bee J. A. McCarty, 270 hi Stark st. Main 1700 nings. Tabor 5037. p v IRYINGT0NriX3T"SACRIFICE One lot left, corner 50x100; will sacrifice. This is a wonderful I buy. Price 91250, all St. imp, naid. Phone Kasi 7292. 9200 YOU SAVE from cost prina if you buy my two Enrol Heights lots for 9450 now when I want to sell; beautiful residence site, ftr-t off 52d sts.; aonie terms. TX-771, Journal. 7 BEAUTIFUL homes building now in Walnut park. We are determined to have 3 more this wrek. If you are looking for a beautiful homeftite call Woodlawn 951 or Woodlawn 3304. 31 WEEKLY. 60x100 $325 : Including assessments; cement walks. Alberta car, close to school. R. W. CART. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Residence .Main 1377. , 9323 oUxlOO CEMENT WALKS $1 dawn. 91 week. Alberta ear. Close to school. Let me show you. It W. Cary. 1219 N. W7. Bank bldg. Residence Main 1377. 7" YOUR OPPORTTJNITT ! Laurelhnrst lots. While they last, at extremely low prices. See J. !A. McCarty, 270 hi Stark. Main. 1700; evenings,! Tabor 5057. , . -LAURELHURBT LOT BARGAINS See J. A. McCarty. 270 hi Stark st. Main 1700. Evenings, Tabor 6057; FOR SALE 102xl00 facing east, city water, berries, fruit trees, shack. 1145 E- 21st st. N. near Kiliingsworth. FOR SALE by owner. 40 acres 2 miles from Oregon City, 90 lots, and h acre, house, bam, in Irvingtnn. East 762. 3 MORE beautiful lots in Walnut park at bed- rock prices. Phone Woodlawn 951 or Wood-U-wn 3304. - H: ' . . v , . ... . LAURELHURST Go look at my lot 50 ft. from 39 th and Pine near Park. Make me an offer. Tabor 7463. i -. TWO LOTS, cJosei in. with 18 bearing "fruit a A A f f tan a. . trees, ituo. Dome terms. - JJerry, 1 a 7 Cham, of Com, bldg. - , -i; 9700 50x100,' streets paved. Three carliiKS. 959 Ea t 12th st. N. . Write twnei. 'iboa Litser. Sve Li-oca. Wis. ' -. FOR SALE Kiliingsworth ave.. about 75x100; seme fruit; small payments and easy terms. Phone Aot. 213-63. '"' --- 1 . G. C GOLDENBERG CAN SELL YOUR ' LOT Abington Bldg. "33 Years in Portland" anjLm inu9: - - laoor B1114. CORNER 60x50. close in. near Washington St., e9ou. a-ojp. journal. UiWV I'tTV Pi KIT I AT3 Soma reel burgains. Tabor 6559, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 A. H. BirrelIGiO Co. CHOICB LOT BARGAINS 81230 COMMERCIAL ST. 91250 Nothing finer in the whole section than this corner, 50x100, at Commercial and Mason sts. - Terms if necessary. $750 ALAMEDA AND E. &3D $750 A fin. lot for that new bungalow you are to build. A convenient location, good surroundings. . : , $850 MT. TABOR $850 View lot fronting E. 60th, not far from Stark. All clear, hard street. 1 It's a real : buy at this price. - $850 ROSE CTTY PARK $850 Best buy in this choice section today. All cleared and cultivated; good surround ings. - . - , ; , . ' i , , $ 8 50 MARYLAND AVE. $ 850 ' Fine large lot, 60x120. all streets in. Tiastem owner offers this at very low price. $600 WESTMORELAND $600 Full lot in restricted district, all improve ments paid for. i i A. El. BirrellQill Co. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg,. afe.h.ii 4114. , 1UOTS 1- LOTS LOTS 100x100. Irrington Park on East 80th N-, all Improvements paid. $1500. Terssa. 100x100 EastmarelanO, $1800, all improve ments paid. Owner will sell ou Tery easy terms" or build to suit. I 50x100, Rose City Park, facing east on East 53d, all improvements rjaid- $7&u cash. Alameda, facing east on Glenn are.,- $75f ot 11 1 ft, an nnprovemencs paio. t f WESTOVER TERRACE ! Facing east on Cornell road, unobstructed view, all improvements paid. Price only 53500; Cost present owner about 95000. i j IRVINGTON DISTRICT i We -have a few choice lots i just north of Fremont on East 15th, 16th, 17h, 18th, ail improvements -paid. . $750 and 9875. $100 down, 910 a month. : , i ; : ' JohnsonDodson Co. : 1 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 A VARIETY OF OFFERINGS THAT WILL ENABLE A SALARIED . MAN TO MAKE A START 100x100 In Irrington. on Hancock st cor ner, everything included at 34500. 60x100 in Knott near 26th. everything paid; 91200., -. . . 60x100 comer at Knott and 26th; every thing paid; $1500.: , Comer lot in Leurethnrrt with ..i - eerything paid, $1600. 60x100 Laurelhnrst, ' tverything in and paid 91250. I j . 54x140 in Imperial are. near Sandy divu., everytnmg paid, IlSou. W. Qoddard, Realtor 243 Stark St Main 831. $100 DOWN PABJCROSE 8 ACRES SNAP ! STRAIGHT MONTHLY PAYMENTS Hare Is a dandy tract, joins on the drainage canal, ground mostly cleared, balance in oak. ash and cottoowood trees. Now is the time to buy Farkrose property. .. j .4 3. L. TfARTMAN COMPANY" ' 8 Chamber of Commerce bids. . Main 209. LAURELHURST SPECIALS T AH Improvements paid; cash preferred, bnt might make terms: $ 1000 FloraL near Glissn frt MS 91300 Imperial, near Sandy, 50x140; fine view or ait. nooa. - ! $1600 Dandy corner in E. 87th near Sandy; 6000 square feet. $1500- E. Ankeny near the Park;! the "biggest bargain in this section. $1900 E. DaTis near E. 39th, 66xl00: ideal location for a large house. ' $3000 Comer 8300 square feet, in Everett at, beautifully situated. i BITTER, LOWE A CO.. REALTORS. 'i 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 3400 ROSE CITY: CAR I 950 down. 915 montha dandy lot on 72d sf and near Sandy blvd., just the place to build a cozy little home. 1 . 1 : : J i ' :. 1 J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. j , Main 208. ' 1 - i Branch Of rice, 45th and Sandy blvd j Tabor- 252. i " ".'..' 1 LOTS SACRIFICE OCICK SALS 9 600 Laurelhnrst, 33d and Hoyt st 31000 Laurelhnrst Floral ave. 91350 Laurelhnrst, opposite park. 1 i 91500 Laurelhurst, ) Bumsido st near; t lorat : I ! 9 450 Piedmont way below cost 9 450 Woodlawn comer. 9 600 Rose City. . ! ; '91050 100x100. 28th and Tinamook CHAS. RINGLER k CO.. 225 Henry BldgJ SOME LAURELHURST BARGAINS i i COME OUT TODAY ) LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE f E. 39TH AND GLISAN. . j A few more lots for 9850 Some choice one for 91000 and 91100. i Act quickly, only a few left Phone for auto or come to the office at 39th and Glisan sts. Tabor 93433; eve. East 1(38. le.L,AJltJiTI. f I . 1 TUVIVriTflN l-lTHTUKn ! Corner, 59x100, 91062.50. East front on mi lou sr. auiius insiae, lacing east on Knst ' , near rajung, .100, au improvement, paid. 9100 down, 910 a month, on either of these. ; JohnsonDodson Co. i 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ! Main 3787. PIEDMONT 100x100. southeast corner Mai lory ana Ainswortn ; paved ail around, sewer esse xnents paid; 'beautiful . surroundings; close : to car line; ONLY 2SOO. i ! : RITTER, IXWE A CO.. i REALTORS, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' IRVINGTON DISTRICT $1000, E. 27th near Tillamook; lots at this price in this district are few and far between. BETTER INVESTIGATE RITTER. LOWE Sc CO., REALTORS, s zoi-3-o-f Board ef Trade Bldg A SNAP, near Columbia Park. $200 cash, near : JolinsonDodson Co. C33 N. W. Bank Bklg. ! ! Main 3787 TREMONT PARK, fine lot ; for $250, $50 down, 35 monthly, neat Arleta school. Take lit Scott car to Laurelwood. 1 See. 6248 Foster road wtek days.- f 5800 Hancock near E. 35th., Paved and paid Let us show you this one. ) - j RITTER. LOWE & CO., ' REAITORS, 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' : EXTRA size corner lot. : Alsmeda Park, near ear line, improvements paid. Cash 81500. Allow buyer commission. L-266. Journal. 1 BY OW'NER Lot 43x107, AinsworUTnearTJn ion. Also lot 50x118, Aleraeda Park; im provements in and paid. East 339: 1 FINE lot ,for sale, very cheap, on Marguerite - ave.. Hawthorne car, close in. Phone East 7451, Mrs. Wert i - WOULD LIKE to buy a Laurelhurst lot ; for cash. Desire one splendidly located. Edgar Brayfield. P. O. Box 4, city. 574xl82. FENCED, plenty i of berries. ruit Iiowers, Dig cnicaen nouse, , block to St Johns car; 31125. Call Broadway 3196. ' s CORNER lot. 100x100, N. E4 corner Klickitat 91000. Will sell separate $450 Inside, cor ner $550.. terms. Tabor 8240. ! , CHOICE lot in Council Crest Park, overlooking Tualatin valley, at a genuine sacrificet. .Call Sellwood 1414 alter 6 p. m. ' 100x100 CORNER, East 25th and Brazee; one of the finest -vacant .comers in Irrington. $8200. Tel. 317-24. i SACRIFICE two fntt, sightly lots. Evergreen station, elose to highway. Owner, Tab. 7148. FOR SALE 50x100 corner: lot; $500, A int Tabor 714. 1 LOT for sale. 50x100. Peninsula Park.' 1495 Height sve. 9400. i MAKE mo sn offer for lot 2 blocks from Irrington car line. - B-128, Journal. - CASH only. hk block. N. E. corner East 21st Oak; mske offer. Piper, Main 5465, 9375 ROSE CITY i PARK CORNER 5 5x1 0 lot. Assessments paid. Tabor 6558. SCNNTSIDE building lot, 40x100. fruit ...r.M.i. MiA 19.1(1 t'.sO BS07 I 1450 ROSE CITY PARK- -TERMS Nice SOxlOO tot assets, paid. Tabor 6559. FOR SALE Nice lot in Sunnyside. E. Washington, cor. 83d. ' Call 984 CORNER lot in Piedmont 50x100. $1150. terms. Call Woodlawn 6262. . 1 j - ; A CHOICE residence lot E. 70th at GUsan, in Jonesniore addition; 3659 rash. Tabor 1305. PIEDMONT - lot for sale, cheap. Woodlawn 5603. ; CITY lot to trade for ued ear. Will pay dif f ere nee. Marshall 4376. REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE LOTS 403 ROSE CITY LOTS i E. 63th st. north of Failing, full 50x100 ft. sidewalks and curbs. $273. E. 67th st. north, of Failing. S hi blks. from Rose City car, $350. E. 6Sth st N.. bet Siskiyou and Stanton sts.. east front Ihi blks. from Sandy blvd, $475. : E-" 46th st N., bet Klickitat and Fremont paved and everything paid. $650. . E. 49th st N.. 1 lot south of Stantoa st, srerythinc in and paid, $800. .. . : " E. 41st it R, bet Brazee and Thompson. 8 blks. from Sandy blvd., below the hill. $900. E. 40th st N, bet Thompson and Brazes, east faring. 2 blks from carline. $900. 3. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bklg. Main 208 Branch Office. 45 th and Sandy bird Tabor 252. . v (Realtors) ! - LOT BARGAINS ROSE CITY DISTRICT SOxlOO on Milton at., facing sonth. 100 ft west of 63d st, only 4 blocks north of Sandy; graded st, sidewalk, curbs and water mam in and paid. Total price, only $300. 50x100 on 2d st. facing east, 150 ft north of Hslsey; all improvements -in , and paid. A snap at $750. , 80x100, S. E. earner of : 45th and Siskiyou sta: all improvements in and paid; a pickup at (9UU. , 1 I - ' WESTMORELAND LOT 9700 60x100 on 18th St. facing west. 200 ft south of Bybee ave.; all improvements in and paid. Only 970O; terms 970; cash, Dai. 10 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT - 48x100 on E. 26th st. facing east;. 140 ft north of Harrison st. 91000. Terms 9200 cash. balance easy monthly payments. ' HENDERSON -BANKUS CO. 428 Henry bldg. . i Bdwy. 4754 3 BIG BARGAINS $ 650 Franklin near E. 31st; paved and paid. $ 700 Franklin near E. 86th; 80x100; no - liens. $1300 Northeast corner E. 28th and Cora; 100x100; easy terms. 1 BITTER, LOWE A CO..- REALTORS, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR LAURELHURST E.i Davis, facing south 100 feet east ot 31st; 40x100; all improved for 31S0O. ,-:- RITTER, LOWE A CO., REALTORS. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. $1 WEEKLY BCYS 50x100 " Pitch tent Cement walks. Alberta ear. R. W. Cary 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Resi dence Main 1377. i ' HOUSES 404 BEFORE BUYING NEW HOUSE, find out about our new 51500 bungalows BUILT FOR YOU. Any building terms in reason; loans furnished. j O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS, 408-11 Couch bldg. ' PIEDMONT . Strictly modern 6-room bungalow. 2 bedrooms. sewing room "and sleeping porch upstairs; hard wood floor in hall, living room and dining room; fireplace, furnace, fnll cement basement garage and all built-in conveniences: best ot car service $5000 cash will handle same. 1181 Garfield ave. Phone Woodlawn 809. Call Monday for BETWEEN LAURELHURST AND ROSE CITY PARK AT 203 EAST B3RJJ N. Eight room house; bam with room for 8 cars; lot 54x175 ft; full basement: furnace, fireplace; best plumbing; hardwood floors; old ivory enam el. Price $6000. Terms $500 cash and rest like paying rent Call Tabor 2032. owner. TAKE A CAR OR LOT CASH AND EASY TERMS ON BAD. Have 5 r. modem bungalow in restricted and exclusive district Comer lot Feved and paid. Leaving state. Want good auto, must be priced right 1 blk. to Bdwy. ear.t boo Duncxiej Home all day. By owner, i ALBERTA BARGAIN 92200 Good 5-room house with - conveniences, large basement, lot 40x100, 7 fruit trees, garden, near school and Alberta ear line; am leaving city: will sacrifice for quick sale; very small payment down, balance easy terms. 1058 E. 7th st. N. ' ' HOME "HUNTERS LOOK HERE This is a modem home of 5 nice large rooms at a price you can afford to pay. East front Lots pf fruit, garden stiace, roses. Full base ment, furnace, trays. Rose City Park 1 block. Owner, Tabor 6990. i SUNNYSIDE Old time snap, to clean up es tate will sell at ear rf ice good six-room bouse, garage, extra fine corner, 50x106, fruit trees, one block to car. 93500. See this before buying anywhere else. H. H, Staub. ; 1027 Belmont Tabor 219. RENT ONE LIVE IN THE OTHER Two good 6-room houses on one lot, paved street, income 940 per month; price 93150; East 81st and Stark sts. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark st. Main "81. PIEDMONT For sale, 6 room house in beauti ful Piedmont, short walk to Jefferson high, hardwood floors down stairs, sun room, fire place, furnace, full cement basement fruit closet fine fruit trees and rosea. 36000, terms. Owner. Woodlawn 4975. 1 $2000 SNAP $2000 . 6 room modem bungalow, Al plumbing, full basement 40x100 lot fruit; $300 cash, bal at 8 per cent SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL 8 room modem bungalow with garage; 5 Ox 100; $3700. 3500 cash, bal to suit WILBUR F. JOCNO, 222 Henry Bldg. : - ROSE CITY -' 94S50 New 6 room bungalow. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, and buffet; cement basement; $1000 cash. Would consider lata Chevrolet car as part of first payment Sell. fi83; eve.. East 6372. BARGAIN IN HAWTHORNE 6 room bouse with garage, lot 50x125; free of all debt 93700; 9500 cash, bal. to suit WILBUR F. JOCNO. 222 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful 14-room borne, complete ly furnished, with every modern convenience, extra white porcelain sink in each bedroom, idee location; 7 minute from heart of city: will sell frniffire separately. 407 14th st. near Hall. BUNGALOW style 6-room: house, cozy den, big bath, furnace; fruit trees, berries, 50x100 lot; 92-750. easy term. 1230 E. 10th sts. N., near Amsworth. t ' KENTON Nifty 5-room bungalow, modern with fireplace and builtin features; fnll lot; paved streets; block to car and school: high-class bun gnlows all around it; 93350. Main 6327. . SMALL bungalow, surrounded , by large beauti ful homes, wonderful view of river, 2 blocks to Sellwood Park. Paved street and sewer. 494 Rex ave. " " '. - ' : - - - THE BEST buy todoy is a 5-room modern house in Groveland Park, corner lot. 43x90, A-l garage. Money talks in this buy, come quick for it won't last long at my price.: 1436 East Lin coln st ROSE CITY PARK corner: 6. rooms, sleeping porch,- Dutch kitchen, fireplace, pipeless fur nace, garage, etc. See this surw unusual buy. 61st st comer Sandy. Owner. 36500. Terms. RICHMOND 8-rotsn bungalow, modem in every respect, garage, fall lot fruit and berries; a good bny if you make a largedown payment Call my agent. Main 6327.- DO YOU WANT THIS HOME? Nifty, new, 5-room. modern bungalow with 75x100 ft; block to car. ; Terms. Stratton. 217 Abington building. : ,' : . . MODERN 7 room house, 2 lots, on corner, paved st. large garage, fruit trees and berries. Terms. Call Tabor 8097. v, FURNISHED bungalow. lot 75x80, corner 28th and Alberta; (2600, easy terms. Sellwood 2509. Msin 5456. : 4 ROOM house, 100x110; $2101.. 3300 cash, 'bat to suit Wilbur F. Jouno. 222 Henry bldg. ; -. ' " ' ' CAN TOTT BEAT THISf Good shack, sightly 40x110 lot; garden In. $550 cash. SeU 8061. WILLAMETTE, blvd. bungalow, 5 rooms, strict ly modem, comer, garage, lots of fruit trees, plea' ant view. Main 6327. PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, cheapest and the best buy an years. U sold immediately, $800 cash, balanea like rent Main 7159. $2950 FOR 5 room noQern cotUce, 24th and Madison st; garage. A dandy Luy, but small tot -Terms. East 111. No agents. 3 ROOM house in Sellwood for sale. Dutch kitchen, water, gas, bearing f rait Prioe 912O0, SlOw down, balance easy. Call 20Q A-Bdwy. c- ii WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS 93800 5 room bouse and garage,, fruit trees and berries, nice location. Owner. 878 Brook lyn st J '-' '-onv bm, -in Woodiown. Rmsll monthly payments.. Owner, Mrs. Gleason, Mar shall 668 before 11 a. m. FOR BALE 4-room bouae, : full lot. bearing fruit trees. 1339 Detroit ave. . PARKROSE 8 room house and shed. 1 acre. Tabor 7312. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A.. G. TEEPE CO. . A. ti. TEEPE CO. ' ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHTRST ' ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST ROSS CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST BRANCH OFFICE. 40TH AND SANDY BRANCH OFFICE, 40T1I AND SANDY " OPEN SCNDAT TABOR 858$ If yon intend buying in either of these popular districts, you owe it to yourself to get in touch with this office. We give mast of our time and attention toward the sale of property in Rose City Park and Laurelhurst We, will con- eider it a privilege if you will bnt inspect our listings, ine nouses must seU themselves, xou will not be urged to iuy. You'll be under no obligations positively. : H" T0U WANT A REAL HOME - ' '. SEE ' A. G. TEEPE CO. '-j: ' 270 Stark St Near 4th Main 8092 Branch Office, 40th and Sandy Tabor 9588 Branch Office Open Sunday . FURNISHED . Dandy little home 'of three rooms, completely famished and everything ready for immediate occupancy; a very fine garden and chicken house, near, car; 91600. Small cash payment balance like rent MODERN 5 ROOM BUNOALOW Full lot. near car, 91850. $150 CASH $25 PER MONTH ! ' " :." ' . . ., '. -1 . f : '- . Peterson & York 437 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8005. ALAMEDA PARK NEW BUNGALOW i Eight large rooms. living room 1 5x22, fire place with most expensive tile; bookcases with beveled plate art glass, all trimmed in genuine mahogany; oak floors, tapestry , paper and bracket lighting fixtures: mirdo room opening into living room, with large eliptie arch, French doors to full cement front porch ; dining room opening to living room same as musie room : specially designed buffet with beveled plate mirror ana Deveiea piat art glass; kiu-nen ana breakfast room of special design with inlaid linoleum: tile floored bath and shower, with most up-to-date fixtures; triplicate medicine case mirrors, 2 large bedrooms with maple floors, 8 bedrooms on 2d floor; hot water heating and many other special features that make the home complete. Will give $4000 mortgage at 6 per cent interest. If interested in this most com plete home call Wdln. 2553. 808 DUNCKLEY AVE. OPEN SUNDAY. -ELI 8IMONSON. OWNER AND BUILDER. LAURELHURST One of the prettiest bungalows in this dis trict- Located near park. Five rooms, bath and breakfast nook. - Best double construction. Hardwood floors; fireplace. Attractive built-in features. Cement basement furnace. Garage; eement drive. A distinctive bungalow offered at 97Uuu. (2UOO eaau. MSUfJANCI O A N RK50N $500 DOWN T ROOMS AND GARAGE UNION AVE. CAR '100x1 50-foot lot: a good suburban home and in the city; fine place to keep chickens; located in Lsntara are. near union. 3. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. ON 16TH NEAR DIVISION At 33500 this excellent 6-room house fa a genuine bargain: lot 60x100. -has fruit, tree, shrubbery, berries and grapes, - full -basement, living room, dining room, kitchen, porch and pantry. These rooms are large, well lighted and nicely papered; 8 " bed- , rooms and bath on second . floor. The owner must make a change and - priced it ' to seU quickly; must have 91500 cash. Shown only by appointment : Sea Mae Innes with HARVEY WELLS CO. Main 4564. , 60$ Gasco bid. "A HOME FOtt EVERYBODY " BARGAINS -$21005 ra, cottage -60100 fet, $22505400 down, . $20 per nv, ft, 5 rra. bung., new. 60x100. r. . $2600- 100x100 lot 4 rm. bung. $2700100x100, 5 rm. bung. Dandy. $3200 Alberta. 5 rm. bung. Fine. MANY OTHERS CALL US ' MARSH A McCABK CO.. Realtors. S22-8-4 Failing Bldg. ; Mar. 8998. ; $40008 ROOMS WILLIAMS AVE. CAR 2 story, 6 rms., fireplace, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, full cement basement fur nace, comer lot, street improvements in, 2 blks. car. A bargain. Shown by appoint ment only. Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T, MOORE CO. 1O07 Yeon bldg. LET US SHOW YOU REALTORS. V i 45TH ST. ROSE CITY PARK 9470O; only 2 blocks to Sandy blvd.. 6-room bungalow with garage, paved street and sewer in and paid; 91000 will handle it; our branch office is only a short distance from this place. J, L.. HARTMAN COMTANT, ' Branch Of lice 4 5th and Sandy Bird. , Tabor 252. ; - BUNGALOW SACRIFICE New 5 -room bungalow, with-' "4 of an sere of ground, on paved highway, 4 blocks from electric station. This Is a sacrifice for a quick sale. Price 92000, 91650 cash. Pisa W. E1EK14J3 s I. 732 Chamber of Commptr. BY OWN ER A modern wen built 5 room btingalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, ' large bnt fet book case and breakfast nook. Finished in old ivory end white enamel On a sightly lot 60x100, with no encumbrance. Near Creton school, vtelking distance of Franklin high. Near W. W. and Mt Scott carline. on I'owll st between 42d snd 43d. "See it Sunday. ' EXTRA GOOD VALUE MODERN HOME ALAMEDA PARK - 8 rooms snd sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built ins in living room, dining room and kitchen; bouse is in fane condition; lot 60x100; garage and 4 nice fir trees. Pries $7000. good terms. BROWS V GRANT. 201 Consolidated Securities bldg.: Bdwy. 8222. BUT THIS SNAP $1300 Little 5 room bouse, close in nesr Rus sell snd Vancouver ave.; a chance to pick this up at the ground value. ' Terms if de sired. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 216 NT W. Bsnk bldg. Marshall 4114. $1000 RAVED " Yon wiR save $1000 on the Mount Tabor home of 6 rooms snd sleeping porch. ; Strictly modem on a lot 50x150. Let us show it; $4900. MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors, 822-3-4 Failing Bklg. Mar. 3993. NEAR LAURELHURST 4-room bungalow, living room 18x22, with massive fireulace and bookcases-- din in room ; 18X18, white ivory finish; large music -room; j hardwood floors, large sunny bedrooms, big I floored attic, full eement basement, furnace and ' t-ys; 1 block to car. - -See owner. 209 Falling 1 bldg. - - ' YOUR CHANCE $2800 4-room bouse, furnished, 2 lots, good garden, fruit, beautiful little home; go where you may you can't beat it; only :- 91000 dwn, balance easy terms. QUICK SALES CO., 406 COUOH BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK By owner. Koine away Strictly modem 5 ror-n bnngalow, one blk. to Sandy, on comer, lard wood : floors throughout cement basement, furnace, garage. 94250. Furniture cheap. 327 K. 41 t vt N. Tabor 6841. ; ;, I rvington Home , -v Wasco stree;: Si rooms, fireplace and fur naoeT You will buy ft. 94300. terms. Sell wood 25Q9. Msin 5466. ' - HAWTHORNE BARGAIN '. 5 rooms and sleep; nc porch on 46th, hi block off Hawthorne sve. Phone for description, then if interested come see it and nuke me an offer. Must sell st once. Owner. Tabor 7012, HAWTHORNE new bungalow, 4 rooms. 98500; easy payments; welt built, artistic and pleas ing; paved street, fn:l lot. -Main 6327. FOR SALE 5 room modern cottage, 222ET 97th st, cor, Salmon. Price $2350. Snap ouick sals. nou -lFlA s REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ALL TRICED RIGHT $2050 Brand new 4 room bungalow with . , , ground lOOxltiO,- concrete foundation. ht basement; bath and toilet, do not ; - forget we said this was brand new, 93U0 920 monthly. $2650- 6-room well-built, plastered oottaire, electric lights and gas, bat u and toilet, sr-rxind 80x107, $500 cash, balance la suit $2700 liMixlOO. with old 5-room, plastered cottage, eler-trie lights, gas and patent toilet 1 blk. from Sellwood car, pav. , ing, sewers, sidewalks all in and paid . for. A remarkable buy, (300 caa, 930 monthly. $2750 New 7-room. unfinished story and halt house on ground 7 5x226, garage, 4 rooms, plastered, a mighty good value, 8750 cash. $28004 . room plastered cottage, concrete foundation, full basement, fruit snd berries, very close-in, on East Side, 9650 cash, $23 monthly. $2850 Brand new 4-room, furnished bunga low with ground 100x100, some bear ing fruit trees, atrawlerrieM and rasp berries, 9320 cash, 920 monthly. $2850 Splendid little 1H story 5-room bun galow type of cottage, splendid condi tion, cement floor in basement sta tionary tubs, extra sink and extra lava tory in bedroom, street, sewers, side walks, everything in, in the pink of con dition. 1 blk. to Mississippi svenue csr. A mighty good buy, 9500 cash, bat te suit $2850 In the Hawthorne district, ws have a 6-room, modern bungalow in splendid' condition, paved streets, sewers, side walks all iu and paid for. Splendid , value, $900 cash, $30 monthly. $2950 6-Room, plastered bangalow, hi base ment, concrete foundation, 9 bearing fruit trees, 4 rooms finished, lot &09'. 9300 cash and vacant lot as part py 1 tneut $20 monthly. We invite you to visit our office and look ever the photos of our numerous listings. Homes to suit any purse; salesmen with autos at your service. 782 CHAM OF COM. NEW FRANKLIN TRACTS 923 DOWN. 915 PER MONTH $0x281 FEET- Faees on 52(1 st with the bark adjoining Franklin high school; ground 60x2 81 feet; hard surfaced streets, gaa and water In street: some tracts with trees on, others sll plowed and ready for garden; these are going fast; pick one out today. 3. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, , 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main -08. A HOME WITH AN INCOME Here's an opportunity for thrifty people that's seldom offered: Brand new, spic and span bungalow of 4 rooms, all in white enamel, large living and dining room combined, bedroom and kitchen, bathroom, thoroughly modem, electric lights, gas. city water. ON 1 ACRE OF THE VERY FINEST GARDEN LAND in Portland. Just think of it; area of 8 CITY LOTS, beautiful location, fine view of Colum bia river. Price 84100. Terms 9500 cash, balance like rent Immediate pos , session. l'hone for auto and see this. It's a dandy little home and a splendid buy. 'J. W. CROSSLET. REALTOR "Better Types of Homes" Main 6073 ROKK CTTY PARK HOME V y home situated on one of the best streets in Rose City below the hill. Ihi blocks north of Sandy, no -east wind;-' 2 -story square hou-e of excellent construction, fine condition; 6O1IUK lot, all in lawn, trees and shrubs; first floor, living room, dining room and large hall' with beamed ceilings, den, kitchen and built-in pantry; floors are varnished natural color, not oak ; second floor, 3 bedrooms, two in ivory; white enamel bathroom, 10x10 feet; linen closet larce attic, tuft basement Caloric pipoleas furnace, good wash trays. An ideal home for family of four or five. Excellent bur at $5250; $2000 down. Phone Autrimatio 825-21. - 36700 Splendid seven-room house, all modern conveniences, en Willamette boulevard. Wonderful view up, down and across the river. All kinds of fruit, berries, grape arbors, hedges, roses .shrubs snd vinos in great variety. A wonderful home at a bargain. R. E. MENEFEE A CO. 418-417 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 4035 IT'S A BARGAIN Extra well constructed and tn finest enn dition. large combination living and dining room, 2 nioe bedrooms with large -closets, large bath room with good fixtures, kitchen with built-in conveniences, solid concrete foundation, half basnment, fine lot with bearing fruits, walks and curbs in and pant close to good car line; some cash, balance easy; will consider good light auto. See owner, 625 Henry bldg. Broadway 6858. . S311l50-Terms 5 Room Bungalow This Is a snap.' 5 rooms, all on one tlmn, fnll basement, fireplace and buiit-ina; 6O1IOO lot: one block to E. Ankeny car. This plans is located in a nice bungal ow section. Shown by appointment 605 Couch bldg. Main 5201. ' LAU RELHFRST 1122 -COUCH STREET NEAR PARK Beantifnl new bungalow ot 7 rooms and den, hardwood floors throughout, large plate glss. windows, expensive taiextrr paper in all roomj. Beautiful lifhting fixtures, tiled bath wan hower, finished in rich old ivory and whit throughout. This is a home you will be prouj to own. Open for inspection. MODERN "7 ROOM BUNgTOJWTsOO Five rooms and bath, first floor, 2 ni;e h-l- rooras, second floor; lpeles furnace, beanu.'u! oak floors in living room, dining room and on. ahedroom; built in buffet and cabinet kitchen; Tiouse is almost lik new snd Is a bargain; lo cated about one bloeK from carline on Killings worth avenue; $1500 will handle. -balance very easy terms. BROWN A GRANT, 201 Consolidated Securities bldg. Broadway 8222. DUPLEX HOI HE WALNUT PARK -In splendid physical condition ami nieely ar ranged for two small families; 8 rooms and sleep, ing porch, 2 baths, good furnace, radiant fire and an instantaneous gaa water heater, lot 6O1 100, garage and nut trees, best of ear service ; price $6750. terms; owner would consider smaller house in part tsment. BROWN A GRANT, 201 Cottsolidatwd Securities bldg. Bfiwy. 8272. . FENIN8ULADfTRICT $1450 4 rooms, lot 100x100, $250 ca-h, easy terms on balance; 2 blocks to car. Laurelhurst, large, mod.-ra 7 room story and half bungalow, garage, all improvements in and paid! , $6500. 915'0 cash, terms on baleore. New 3 room modern bungalow, fnll lot, bear ing fruit, full basement, sewer and walks paid; 92500, easy terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark Street Main 5429. A RARE BARGAIV Beautiful new buncr-lfw of 5 rooms and bsth, hardwood floors, exiiensive ' taiiestry pair, Fronch doors, fireplas-e, Dutch kiuheo. bre.k fast nook, full basement, cement porch. l,t SOxl85. 7 bearing fruit trees fini-h-d in r; t old ivory and white throughout. 7055 fo.i Valley road. Near 71st street ,$2700 5 -room house. 14 frait trees. W of small fruit, good gmrd'-n. house has 8 rooms dmn and 2 op, g's-si basement; you . will never be able to get a better bargain than this; 9200 down and easy terms on balance. QUICK SALES CO., 408 COUCH BLDG. ROOM bouse. v.itl hi a'-.r. of gr.unu. ra ted between two car line; all of the ground is planted now in garden, all kinds of fruit trm in bearing; berries of sll kinds; garage and c!.i - -en cooiw, etc. This is a very nice plate snd Bin t be seen to be appreciated. Call at 6804 9n j t. S. E., or call 641-4 7 and owner will tis you tliere in his machine. Price 90000, abo,t half eajh. Owner will be at the place afl cUy Sundsv. Bl.VUAUtW FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 rooro'i and un iorrh. I hi k floors; firepla-. ' furnace, buffet botrkesses, Dutch kitchen, jr.i. -, sewer, rat front corner; a blor- to r 94500. Tenni. Photo at 217 failing, o r, 1 effk. Msin rlf8 1 or Tabor 8 906. PENINSULA park,. 5-room' new bui.g: buntins, hardwood floors, cement' baacine large sUir, east front corner, lOOxlOS. li Haight ve