The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1921, Page 25, Image 25

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f .1
: MEET JUNE 21 25
National Convention in Portland
: Will Be the Largest in His
tory of the Association.
'. The annual convention of the Na
tional Association of Bulletins Own
ers and Managers, to be held here in
June, will be the largest convention
In the history of the, organisation,
according to Charles S. Holbrook,
president of the Portland association
The convention' will be one of the
most important assemblies of busi
ness men ever held in the Northwest
and special trains will carry hun
dreds of delegates from the Atlantic
seaboard and other sections of the
East and Middle West- -
- Approximately! 100 cities in the United
States and Canada are represented by
the -1100 members of the national asso
ciation, Holbrook stated, and the aggre
gate value of buildings owned and con
trolled by the membership Is in excess of
. The convention will be attended by
many men of great wealth and powerful
position in the financial world. Clarence
T. Coley of New York, manager of the
Equitable building, which is valued at,
$37,600,000, is one of the delegates, and
there are others of equal prominence.
Cleveland will send a large delegation,
and. a special train will leave that city
for the convention early in June, making
a tour of the Southwest en route and re
turning Kast via the Great Northern,
with, stops at Glacier and Yellowstone
national parka. One of the Cleveland
delegates b F. L. Swetland, owner of
95,000,000 worth of office buildings in
that, city. Swetland is a cousin of Lot
Q. Swetland of Portland. . , .
A large representation will- come from
Southern cities, and E. M. Horine. owner
of office buildings valued at several mil
lion: dollars In .Atlanta, will head the
delegation from that city. Augusta, Bir
mingham, New Orleans, Jacksonville and
ether towns in that section will also be
represented, according to James J. Sayer,
secretary of the local association.,
One of .the principal speakers at the
convention will be Gordon t Strong of
Chicago, owner of the Republic building.
. The21 -stories of this building are en-
tlreiy occupied by retail' stores, and the
rental rates for fioor space in the bulld
ing'are determined by conferences of the
tenants, who have been organized by the
owner Into a cooperative association.
Strong is scheduled to speak before the
Portland Chamber of Commerce on June
20.-' y :
Problems of taxation win receive spe
cial attention on the convention program,
Holbbrook stated, and -the relation of
rental rates to taxes levied -by munici
palities will afford a wide field for'dls-
cussion. Statistics compiled by Secre
tary Sayer show that the net earnings
of 13 of ' the larger Industries of the
country average 11;$ per cent. If office
buildings were to receive similar net
earnings, the present average rental rate
(would be Increased 100 per cent. he
, I The Portland Association of Building
Owners and Managers has 31 active
members. , representing 41 office build
ings and considerable other property.
The" aggregate value of buildings owned
by members- of the local association is
approximately $25,500,000. according to
Construction work was begun last week on the new $74,000 high school building at Redmond, Or. The
building la planned to accommodate Increase in school attendance over a period ; of several - years.
Redmond. Or., May 14. Contract for
the building of a new central school for
Redmond union high school district has
been let to Olson & Erlckaon of Red
mond, , who have begun ; work on the
structure., which is to cost $74,000. The
building will have a large assembly
hall calculated to care for the growth
of the school for several years, and eight
c'ass rooms. The completed plan sub
mitted by Lee A . Thomas of Bend,
architect, provides for the addition of
another unit to provide a gymnasium
and additional class and laboratory
quarters, i Contracts j awarded by the
board provide for brick construction and
modern beating plant.
The building is to be located on E
street, where business men of Redmond
through private subscription have bought
a block facing the girls dormitory built
last year to accommodate students en-
Sayer, and the total taxes paid by mem
bers aggregate $1,125,000 annually.
Officres of the Portland association
are Charles S. Holbrook, president:
Gwylim G. Jones, vice president ; Prank
E. Hart, treasurer ; Dean Vincent, con
vention chairman. Trustees in addition
to the officers, W. C. North. Robert H.
Strong and J. B. Yeon. -
The convention' of the national asso
ciation will open on the morning of June
21 and close June. 25. ' . ,
Physicians to Put
Up Hospital Costing
$35,000 at W. Linn
Plans are .being prepared by E. E.
McClaren for a ! $35,000 hospital to be
built at West Linn for a group of Ore
gon City physicians. The building will
be. two stories in 'height with full base
ment and 47 by 96 feet In dimensions.
It will be constructed of hollow tile with
stucco exterior. ' Besides spacious wards
for patients the building will contain
nurses' quarters,' two operating .rooms,
X-ray room and -a steam heating plant.
McClaren has - been commissioned to
prepare plans for a fireproof residence
at Salem for E." "Wi Wilson. The house
will contain eight rooms and will be
constructed of hollow tile. Cost is esti
mated at $15,000.
The same architect has under way
plans for a $6000 residence for C E.
Edwards of Tillamook. ; '
Building iPlans Are
Enlarged 2 Stories
North Bend. Or, May 11 Plans be
ing prepared by Tourtellotte & Hummel
for the proposed North Bend hotel have
been changed to provide for a five story
structure, instead ; of - the three story
building originally planned. The ex
terior of the building will be of white
cement stucco. A large lobby and dining
room will be on the first floor and the
First National bank of North Bend will
occupy a corner; of the building.
Nau Drug Store Renews in Sell
ing Building; Protzman Shoe Co.
Signs With Imperial Hotel. ;
Frank J Nan has executed a new
lease on his ground floor location' in
the Selling building at the corner of
Sixth and Alder streets, for an ad
ditional period of five years, it was
definitely learned Saturday. .:!lv
It was rumored a short time ago that
the entire lower floor with the excep
tion of the Johnson Music House was
being leased to a group of New York
ladies ready-to-wear concerns for 1 a
period of 10 years. W. W. Ferguson and
Marvin C. White, representing tbe east
ern firms, refrain from any comment
other than to the effect that the Nau
lease has been definitely closed by
Strong & McNaughton, representing Mr.
Seiiiner. who crefers to consider the pres
ent occupants of the property even at a
financial sacrifice to himself. .
The leasing of the -ompeian room in
the Imperial hotel to the Protzman Shoe
company for a period of five years from
iiu 1.. is also announced. It is under
stood that the lessees will spend about
$15,000 in remodeling the premises ior
their particular purpose and will con
tinue to handle the Edwin Clapp shoes
as formerly. The consideration in both
trannKloni is being withheld. : Mr,
Metschan and the Imperial Hotel com
represented by W. W. Fergu
son In the transaction and Marvin -f C
White represented the lessees. - , ;
h r ' GosheA Farm Sold ' j
Eurene. Or May 14. W. A. Howard
bought the 7 acre farm of W. T. S. Pat
ton at Gosnen lasi weeea.
Portland, Oregon, May lS, 1921.
VOLUME 1. NO. 10.
Practical Side of Home
. Building Shown
' Portland. Or., May 15. Building your
home is a serious business, and should
not involve- risks if you go, at it in a
business-like way. It shouia net you a
profit Just as any other welt managed
business should, depending upon the
- sound judgment you use in the con
ducting of your building operations.
Tke iBTCftment Standpoint '
, ? The way to consider the proposition
is from a dollar and cents point of
view an Investment. If you would
figure up the sums you must pay for
the privilege of shelter and home con
veniences, it would surprise you. espe
cially when you remember that money
spent for rent does not buy one dollar's
worth of ownership.
Sestal Costs Lowered
The same amount of money put Into
building a home of . your own will
not only prove to be a better invest
ment, but will at the same time lower
your rental costs. The return that you
.will get on your investment all depends
.upon the type, ; character and class of
home you build. If you build a modest,
attractive home from a plan designed
tt eliminate waste, your rental charge
will not only be low. but your invest
ment should Increase in value.
We 1 now have under con-
struction In various parts of
the city, several 4 room
r r -bungalows that we are able '
' to offer on very easy terms.
Two of these may be had
for a $500 cash payment
and $25 per. month with no
mortgage to assume. Inter
, , ested parties are invited to
call at our offices and make
' arrangements to see the
Elwood Wiles & Son, Inc.
, zss star street
, . !.!.. -S ' l
I 4t. . ,funua IV,
feu ' I- J
. J ' " -i ),
J -mm. 4jm m !
: A
V .. . .: : , '.
j 1 Hi -zMi
A Home is a combination of house with
surrounding grounds. Kach is inter
dependent upon the other, and should
combine to produce a beautiful, vwell
balanced picture.
Treat your yard as you would a room.
Shrubbery and flowers, being consid
ered ornaments and not . furniture.
look best when they serve as decora
tion against the house and along the
boundary line. -
A bom if ' properly slanted, will
bring you added profit in ' happiness
ana dollars.' - ,
Incidentally this is the plan of the
home in the upper right hand corner,
which also has two- upstairs rooms.
Cost $500u . , . s . , , , ,
Should take advantage of the .
State Home Loan of $3000
if the Oregon state bonus '
bill passes on June 7.
we will gladly send yon ;
some rery valuable informa
tion as to how this money :
may be obtained and applied
toward i the building of a
home, i -
1 Cat Oat and Kail This Cospo .'
(Town or City)
' OtalM. - tU Stark
- MiarFesrife ':
Prtlaac,0re- TmAUW
a - j i
tering school from remote parts of the
lare union district. I
Committee Urges Enactment of
Gross Sale or Turnover Tax,
Says president of Association.
Enactment of a gross sale or turn
over tax of approximately 1 per cent
to apply to all sales exceeding $6000
annual turnover was recommended
by r the executive committee of the
National Association of Real Estate
Boards at its recent meeting in New
Haven, Conn., , according to Fred E.
Taylor, president of the national as
sociation, "who presided over the ex
ecutive sessions. Taylor returned
home Thursday. . '
While the New Haven meeting was the
primary objective of his trip EastJ Tay
lor also visited the realty boards : in 15
other Eastern cities ' and delivered - ad
dresses before thousands of realtor and
business men. Among the cities visited
were Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Bos
ton, New York. Philadelphia, Newark,
Camden. Baltimore, Washington Pitts
burg, St. Paul and Minneapolis. .
The meeting of the executive commit
tee at New Haven was the largest In the
history of the association, 193 delegates
being present from realty boards In va
rious parts of the Vnited states and
Canada. -Another record was broken
when 79 new realty boards were voted
Into the membership of the national as
sociation, making the total affiliation
357 boards, having an aggregate member
ship of 150,000 active and associate mem
bers. .'. - t .
In addition to its recommendation ef
a gross sale or turnover tax, the execu
tive committee also adopted a resolution
urging the revision of the revenue laws
of 191S by the repeal of the excess prof
its tax, the elimination of the surtaxes
in the federal individual income tax sys
tem, or a reduction thereof, so that the
maximum rate will not exceed $0 per
cent, and the repeal ef the miscellaneous
excise taxes, except those on tobacco and
liquors. - "
The committee also by resolution urged
realtors and others to foster and encour
age .building and . loan associations ac
tively by depositing their idle funds with
them as a mean of promoting the home
owning movement. I:
During his visit in Washington, Taylor
called at the White House to urge Presi
dent Harding's acceptance of an invita
tion to address the realtors of America
at the coming annual convention lr Chi
cago, and received assurances from the
president that he. will dispatch a special
message to the convention- in the event
he is not able to appear in person.' Her
bert Hoover, secretary of the department
of. commerce, promised to deliver one of
the keynote speeches at the convention,
providing he is not detained in Washing
ton by business of an emergency nature.
The other principal speakers scheduled
for the Chicago, program in July are
Frank Branch Riley of .Portland, who
will speak on "Selling America to Amer
icans" ; Major Dawes of Chicago and
United States Senator Calder of New
York, who will discuss the housing prob
lem. ' -t
in consulting with 600 prominent real
tors at Chicago, Taylor found that great
plans are being' laid for the entertain
ment of 7500 to '10,000 realtors at the
July convention. A fund of $100,000 has
already been subscribed to finance the
convention, and space In all of the hotels
along .the lake front has already been
reserved by realtor delegations from dif
ferent parts- of the United States ,and
.Taylor said yesterday ; that he found
general business conditions to be on the
mend in the Kast, and that Portland oc
cupies' a favorable position In the minds
of Kastern business men and financier.
He says "that conditions are better In
Portland than tn any other city of sim
ilar size visited on his recent trip.
Residence to Occupy
Old Cemetery Site
Elma, May 14. E. IL France, cashier
of the Bank of El ma, has purchased a
quarter block at the corner of Main and
Division streets and Is preparing the
ground for building a residence there
costing $5000 or more. Many years ago
this section of the town was used as a
cemetery. This small cemetery was
covered by a beautiful grove, of fir
trees, but now each day France's woods
man is busy ricking up a fine lot of
Three Days of Extraordinary Bargaining-he Kind
You'll Like Mbndayj Tiiesday and Wednesday
No mail, telephone, C
orders taken
during our
lO.D refunds, exchanges or free delivery I reserved. This is larger than our last week sales and you'll find
ir Dollar Days sales and the right to limit is many items of interest not advertised. Store opens 9:30 A . M .
Women's Pink Crepe Bloomers
Made of best Quality material, full cut,
elastic at waist and knee. ff
Special, 2 frairs for OJLsUU.
' - - Boys' Beach Suit: .
' Made '' of , serviceable blue chambray and
white pique and; just the thine for spring.
7. At, 2 pairs CM nil
in all sizes 2 to
300 Flannelette Kimonos t
in beautiful floral satterns and colors. Some
with elastic waiSts, others with large rib
bon trimmed collars. Your fl" flfl
choice on Dollar Days. each. . . DXeUU
sss f ss iiwsi
Women's Cotton Union Suits
Specially fitted with band top and lace knee
or cuff knee, ood spring weight. During
our Dollar Days Specials at, P" flA
2 suits for. . . . J tDXeUU
: 50-Inch Mohair a Yard
The tflress Goods Section will have many
wonderful values these days, but foremost
will be 50-inch mohair in navy and black.
Excellent quality and good lusher. f(
Dollar Days Special. DAeUU
Standard Ginghams, 6 Yards for
A. F. C Toil d'u Nord ani Everett Classic
Ginghams in the prettiest plaids Jt ff
and stripes. For Dollar Days.. DJ-eUU
Women's Knit Bloomers, 4 Pairs
Women's Bloomers of good quality knitted
materials in pink, made with elastic knee
and waist A special for fl" ff
Dollar Days tDAeUU
Women's Gowns, $1.49! Values
Women's fine quality Muslin Gown made
with square neck, trimmed with lace and
colored stitching, full cut, short
Children's Good Weight Medium
. - Ribbed Stockings '
Just the weight ior vacation time, I" rf
in. black and brown. 6 pairs for tDieUU
This Is One Regular Bargain for .Our
Dollar Days Specials
Hand Emb. House Aprons - .
The Lorraine make. Made of best quality
Bleached Muslin, pretty new designs, the
regular 1,&S. value at, . : QQ
Women's Pure Silk Hose
with fibre top, mock seam, in black, white,
grey, navy and cordovan colors. Our regu
lar 1.50 values. While they CI Aft
last, per pair ......... . . tD ieUU
25 Children's Voile Dresses
in white with lce trimming, new patterns
and styles. While they last at J1 ff
our Dollar Days Special price, each0ieUV
27-Inch Mercerized Poplin, 3
; r Yards for
1000 yards of 2?-inch Mercerized Popfin of
a high grade, in white and all J- . AA
colors. For Dollar Days Special DJLeUl
Sateen Petticoats, $1.95 and
$2.95 Values
500 Wonderful values for 500 lucky
women. Finest quality sateen Heather
bloom and Broadway Taffeta Petticoats.
.Regularly marked to 2.95. Sizes ?1 (f
36 to 46. For Dollar Days.,.. tOXellU
All Woo! Serge, 2j Yards for
Another offering, ifrom the Dress Goods
Section for Dollar Days is 36-in. g" fA
Ail-Wool Navy and : Black jSerge tDXeVU
Kute Kut Play Suits
This famous style of pegged top Play Suits,
made of khaki blue denim and galatea.
wi ! t II
..... OltUV
Size t to 8 years
Dollar Days
Men's Blue Chambray Work
Shirts i
Made of good serviceable! Chambray Shirt
ing, full cut and' made to wear. Only a lim
ited amount of broken sfzes left. Special
at our Dollar Days; Sale, J- AA
2 shirts for j DeUl
"". ; - :" '''''
Hair Bow Ribbons
' Three Yard for
in light and dark colors, floral patterns;
also all staple plain colorsi suitable for sum
mer time. Hair Bows for the AA
girls. DoUar Days Special... i. tDXeUU
Our Complete Line of Georgette
39-Inch material in all the new shades for
spring wear. While it, lasts at, QQ
Our New Complete Line
. of Organdy
every spring shade Included. Just the ma
terial for new spring dresses. During our
Dollar Days specials, 3 yards QQ
One Broken Line of Very Service-v"-
able Purses'
for women. Some new styles and all very
serviceable styles. Values up to A A
2.95, Dollar Days Bargains, each DAeUlf
Window Shades, 2 for
36x72 fine quality Green Win- J" AA
dow Shades: Special Dollar Days wXeUI
Children's Dresses, $2.95 Values
250 Children's Pretty New Wash Dresses
of fine quality standard Ginghams and
Chambrays. Prettily trimmed in contrast
ing combinations. For Dollar J" A A
Dayv each .... ....... . . . . . . .,jBXUU
Corsets, a Lot of $2.25 and , ,
'jfcd?' $2.95 Regular
From the Corset Section we offer front
and back lace in low and medium bust, of
pink and white coutil and batiste. II AA
Some with elastic Inserts at waist DXeUU
Children's Coats, Values to $10
12 Children's Pretty Coats of serge and
checks, broken sizes. Super spe-" A A
dal for Dollar Days........... OXeUU
Men's Round Up Seamed Hose
We have 300 pairs full . seamless rib top,
heavy-weight, built for long wear, made to
fft. In black and brown. . Sizes 9J4 to ttyi.
During our Dollar Days Special, J-f A A
5 pairs for ................. OXeUU
Women's Kid Gloves
We have too pairs of our regular stock.
Some of these are slightly mussed up, having-
been tried on .but not defective. They
sold at 3.25. 3.50 and 3.75 j In white,
tan, black, grey and brown. Q" A A
Dollar' Days Special, per pair. . DXeUl
White Outing Flannel
36 inches wide and Just the weight for
gowns, and pajamas and under- C-J A A
garments at, 6 yards for tDXeUU
Buy Outing Flannel at Dollar Days Prices
and Save Money 1
Women's House Dresses
Made of light and dark Percales in all sizes,
Including outsizes, long sleeves, roomy
pockets. Just the garment for A A
the house. Reg. 2795 values, ea.OXeUU
Men's B. V. D. Unions
This is the famous Athletic Underwear for
spring, in all sizes. Yours dur- Q-f A A
Ing Dollar Days at. the suit. . . . DXU!
Infants' Shirts
Three for
Fine quality Infants' Cotton
Mixed Vests, sizes l to 4.
Special for Dollar Days ....... .
and Wool
English Longcloth and 36-In. Soft
Finish Nainsook
Regular 25c and" 29c values in these two
For Dollar Days, 5 yards QQ
Sheets, $1.50 Values for
120 Sheets, size 72x90, for this sale. Made
Of good quality muslin. Special Q- A A
for Dollar Days tDXellU
Dress Shirts, Extraordinary Vals.
300 Men's Dress Shirts In fine new patterns
with French cuff and band top. Special
Men's Store offering for Dollar QQ
Mens Silk Dress Ties
in all new colors and patterns, including the
new spring styles. These Ties are our reg
ular 75c values. Dollar Days Cf A A
Special. 2 ties for tDXeUU
36-Inch Light and Dark Figured
VoUes 69c Values
Our complete assortment of : patterns tn
both light and dark figures, including all
the new spring shades and just the weight
for spring dresses. Our 69c A A
values. Dollar Days Special, 2 yds.DXeUU
Girls' Black Sateen Bloomers, 2 Pairs
Girls' fine quality Sateen Bloomers,
made of fine quality material and fit
ted with band top and (gl Aft
elastic knee. Dollar Days eD JL J
Extra Heavy Bath Towels,) 2 for
A new shipment of extra heavy white
Turkish Bath Towels. Size 21x41
inches. For Dollar