The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY. MAY 12, 1921.
, Oregon's &ll-star delegation at
Washington, utterly unlearned In
1 - jm l . .1. d
mentals of squeeze plays; mass for
mation or team work when it comes
to bringing home the pennant in the
political game of patronage, has lost
its chances so far as diplomatic ap-
iwuuineou irum vrcgvu aire i;uu
; cerned.
. This, at least. Is the belief of' political
prophets and tne budding tear or tnose
gentlemen who have turned their am
bltiou eyes towards foreign fands and
-'There is a wide distinction between the
job of minister to Si am. to Nicaragua,
to China or to Tlmbuctoo and that of
collector of customs, fjnited States at
torney or any other federal job the
. jurisdiction of which is bounded by state
lines, especially In so far as delivering
the appointment is concerned.
The federal attorneyship, the job of
collector of customs, of collector of in
, -ternal revenue, of United States marshal
. snd the various other lesser berths which
things federal within the 'state. of Ore
gon. run with the. land," It might be
said, and must of necessity be filled by
the appointment of Oregon candidates.
. But it Is different when it comes to
diplomatic positions, for as to these the
field of ambition is bounded only by the
mere is no more reason, meore ucaiiy.
- for the, . SiameM job to come to an
. HMrnn mh IS, n tA fin fmm fall f Arnla
or Maine or any other of the 48 statea
And. as a matter of fact, candidates
: for all these positions have hoisted their
lightning rods from the sacred soil of
practically all of them, unless the Demo
cratically saturated units of the Solid
"; South are excepted.
And it is also a well known fact to
those who have bn In Washington, or
," in touch with political conditions there,
'' that the delegations of these other
states many if not most of them larger
In nutnbem and arsrreeate DOlitical Dower
nun i nfl rnmmiirpfl rtr tivs I rcini uiih
state have been driving ahead as units
' in behalf of candidates of their qwn.
other words, state delegations from
most of the other states have banded
Awa,Vaw n n t r ,itfni, Ci a unit In
' pressing the claims of particular candi
; dates agreed upon by them. They have
., advanced, and are advancing,- in mass
: formation upon the various cabinet of
flcem deoartments and the White House
'; in support of their, unified demand that
'.' the man chosen by them shall be given
i; the Job selected by them for. him.
. But the Oregon delegation is different,
, Senator McNary is playing his own hand.
Senator Stanfield is doing the same
Congressman Mc Arthur, Congressman
Sinnott and Congressman Hawley.each
has his own set -of rules and regulations
; and makes his individual plays. Senator
1 McXary has a campaign torn- -reelection
looming 7 ahead of him, -which undoubt-
matters. ' "' ' ".;
Senator Stanfteld and his friends are
not overly . enthusiastic about Senator
McNary's successful political future,
which has its Influence. Congressman
McArthur would like to shift his title
;, to senator and his activities to the other
wing of the Capitol building.
And so it goes, and because it goes
so the hopes and ambitions of Oregon's
' potential ministers to foreign lands are
glimmering. ' . -V .
It is apparent that personal antipathy.
veiled though it may be, and political
jealousies, though they may be hidden
and veneered by outward fraternity, are
, holding the members of the Oregon deie
: gallon back from unity of .action, not
only In state patronage matters, but in
those having to do with diplomatic ap
pointments. . , ,, - .. - u
Sooner or later, arid as a matter of
course, , the State positions will come to
some of the various candidates not be
cause of any harmonious action of the
delegation, but because the jobs have to
be handed out in the final analyses. But
' this condition does not apply to the
diplomatic Jobs for which Oregon men
are contending and as a result poli
ticians here would be more surprised to
' see appointments 10 uuuiud oiu
here than the reverse. r
" This situation, on the face of it, leaves
.a golden opportunity for "passing the
buck" when the time cornea Senator
McNary can assure disappointed candi
dates that be. "did his darndest," but
that the others would not 'play ball,"
while Senator Stanfield. potential' Sen
ator McArthur and the others each can
do the same, all of which is interesting
now, and may be much more so when
; .vote counting time comes not so very
long from now.
The Thirteenth
Portland Post
American Legion
1 14th and Burnside
P. M.
Ladies 12.00. genUemen
t.ri (n it u .
W tifu academy. Twenty-
A l)A 1 Lhir? -na Washington.
3fJj9 Beginners- class starts
51 Monday and Thursday
evenings. Advanced
classes Tuesday and Fri
day evenings, s to 11 :30.
Plenty of desirable part
ners and practice; no em
barrassment. We guaran
. tee to teach you to datic
others do not. There is a reason. Learn
tii a real school. Phone Main 7655. Pri
vate lessons all hours.
Unless An Article Is of Good
Mask O'Uth
A non-massage Liquid Mask which supplies the
method wherby the skin is given youthful freshness
and color. Makes one look and feel years younger.
Treatment and for sale in Beauty Shop.
Remarkable Group of New Dresses
In the
Dresses for street, business and afternoon wear in
a large' selection of beautiful new models. One of
the most attractive groups of high-class frocks the
Garment Store has shown this season under 35.00.
Fashionable straight-line, paneled and surplice effects,
embroidered and beaded in many pretty designs, also
$6.66 to $7.77
A small lot of ilSo pairs Women's Pumps
1 1
Boys' and Girls Buster
Buster Brown gu'nmetal calf Shoes in button or laced styles with McKay
sewed soles to be . closed out Wednesday at 25 per cent discount.
Department, 3d
Home-owners who want floor coverings of dependable
quality are invited to visit our Rug Section and . view
the finest collection of high-class Rugs in the Northwest.
Many special lines on sale Friday-Saturday big savings.
Axminster Rugs
I Reduced
9x12 ft. Seamless Axminster Rugs in a choice selec
tion of desirable patterns and best colors. For tomor-
rp crf," !pial 39.75. $42.50, $47.50, $58.50
SPECIAL LOT of 9x12 ft. Axminster gQC CA
Rugs, slightly imperfect, on sale tomorrow DODeOU
Wilton Rugs
9x12 ft. Wilton Rues in manv beautiful
patterns. Tomorrow priced special only
Fringed Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 ft.,
choice of several patterns. .. Specially priced
- One lot 9xl2-ft. Velvet Rugs in assorted
designs and colors. Specially priced at only
I Summer Rugs
125.00 Summer Rugs in fiber weave with C"f Q fZ A
stenciled borders. 9x12 ft. Special at only 3JXoOU
$3 5.00 Wool Fiber Rugs, size 9x12 ft., only $24.75
24x36 inch size $1.0O f 30x60 inch size $2.15
27x54 inch size $1.65 I 36x72 inch size $2.90
ii 1 s x u y
Bulletin of
Frocks for All Occasions
Season's Favored Materials
some trimmed with ruffles. Dresses of Taffeta, Satin,
Silk Crepe, Tricolette, Tricotine, Twill and Serge in
an excellent range of wanted colors, including gray,
henna., brown, tan, blue and black. Sizes in the
assortment range from 14 to 46.
Sale in Garment Salons, Second
e Pumps, Oxfords
and Oxfords selling heretofore at 9 to $15
on sale at $6.66 and $7.77 pair. Shown in
B Width Only
Sizes 4
if you can wear above sizes and width you
will get a splendid bargain. Samples of the
well known "Grover'' makes. Colored Pumps
and Oxfords selling in the regular way at
to ft 5 offered at $7.77 pair. Black or
white fabric Pumps and Oxfords formerly
priced $9 to $12 at $6.66. Strictly high
class footwear and perfect fitters. We also
include a number of styles from our regular
stock. A bargain at $6.66 and $7.77 pair.
Brown Shoes . V4 : Off
1 '
Royal Bengal Rugs
At New Low Prices
' l t ' , . v . . . .... - . . j .. . ' ;
Royal Bengal Rugs so closely resemble the finest of im
ported Rugs that it takes! an expeYt to tell the difference.
Come in and let us show! you these beautiful floor coverings.-
Prices are much less than you would be obliged to
pay for Oriental Rugs. Full assortment of sizes ranging
from 2.5x4.6' up to 8x10 ft Prices range $25 to $175
Quality It Is Expensive at Any
Important Sales at
Second Floor
Silk and Fiber Vests
At $2.10
Bargain' Circle, First Floor Women's
knitted Silk and Fiber Vests in bodice
style with silk ribbon shoujder straps.
Pink and lavender. All sizes. PO " t
New shipmenfjust in. Special D5eXvf
-Del. Monte Solid Pack Tom a-'
toes $1.75 dozen the can
Crackers any regular 20c
package specially priced only
Assorted . Cookies - regular
45c kind specially priced at
Libby's Corned Beef tomor
row priced special, the can'
'House Dresses
; Dresses in This Sale Formerly j
Priced Up to $355 j
A very special offering for Friday it the Center
Circle, 1st Floor. Women's Tub Dresses and Aprons
in attractive1 styles for porch and house wear. Long
and short sleeves, some with large pockets. V-neck
styles with collars of self material or of pique and
chambray. With the advent of warm weather every
woman should have a good supply of cool garments
of this kind. 1 Percale, gingham and chambray ma
terials. Stripes, checks, figures and plain colors.
Light and dark Dresses and Aprons form- J-f QQ
erly selling to 13.95.' Priced special at Dle0
Center Circle, -Main
Crepe Blouses
Second Floor The woman who is looking for an at
tractive Blouse at small cost will find many pleasing
models in this special offering. We have put the price
lower than quality permits, but as lines are somewhat
broken as to sizes we are willing to sacrifice them in
order to clean up the. lot quickly. Georgette Crepe,
Crepe de Chine and Tricolette Blouses trimmed with
tucks, laces, fringeetc- also braided and beaded ef
fects. Many of these have tie sashes. All C4 QQ
the desirable colors. . Wonderful values at D40
Clothes of the
s For Boys 7
More and more are parents com-.
ing to the conclusion that it pays
to buy quality clothes for boys. Not
necessarily high-priced clothes, but '
garments, that are made of depend
able fabrics. We show a splendid
stock of high-class Suits with
Extra Pair of
strictly; hand-tailored garments.
All-wool materials, perfect in fit and
finish. Greys, tans, checks, stripes.
Prices range from $15 to $27.50
Boys' Blouses
Plain colors and fancy striped pat
terns. These were selling only
recently at 1.50 and 1.75. AQ
Tomorrow specially priced 70C
Boys' Knickers
main rioor rancy mixtures, in
greys and other desirable colors.
Lined throughout All J- f A
sizes 8 to 17. Special DAeX
Reduced Prices on
No better!, time than right now to
supply bedding needs with prices down
to the lowest level in years. Note these:
White or tan Woolnap
blankets priced special, pair
Fancy Plaid Woolnap
Blankets priced special, pair
Plaid Woolnap Blankets
in good weight special only
Wool-filled White . Blan
kets priced special at only
Double Blankets of white
mixed wool now priced at
Single White Blankets of
white mixed wool at only
12.00 sateen
covered AA
Comforters priced special
at tfU.UU
4.50 silkoline covered
Comforters specially priced VJOmXJU
4.25 cotton fUIed Com- flQ AO
forters specially priced at tDOeftO
Price Shop Here
and they
- the Standard Store
$15 to $30
-s-Giving the women of Portland another great opportunity 16 choose
new Hats at a ridiculously low price (savings average over half). The
time has come to clear the stocks of all late Spring Hats and we Intend
to accomplish- this in a way that wilkgive our customers the benefit
of real savings. 250 Hats In the sale. Beautiful Pattern Hats from
Cupid, Curtis and other New York artists are included. Mod- Q- f
els selling heretofore at $iS, $20, $2$ to 30. Your choice UJLU
$12.50 to $25 Sport Hats
This takes in practically bur entire stock 67 Sport Hats and Sailors.
With the season only beginning for this class of headwear, doubtless
many women will avail themselves of this opportunity to buy a smart
Hat for street, sport and outing wear at a substantial saving. A
Very latest shapes, .colors and combinations. Your choice DXU
1 Millinery Salons, 2d Floor
Better Grades
to 18 Years
k - 4
Great Sale of Draperies
Splendid Savings!
-Crowds have througed the Drapery Section all this week.
Thrifty shoppers were quick to see the advantage "of buying
during this sale and as a result are selecting curtains and
draperies in great quantities.. Thi. special sale ends Saturday.
Curtain Nets
Filet Curtain Nets, AKg
regular 75c grade, atatlC
Regular 1.00 Nets COn
priced very special
5.00 Tapestries and Damasks, yard $2.50
6.00 Tapestries and Damasks, yard $3.00
7.5 o rapestnes and Damasks, yard
8.50 Tapestries and Damasks, yard
9.00 Tapestry and Damasks, yard
-10.00 Tapestries and Damasks, yard
-12.00 Tapestries and Damasks; yard
Drapery Velours in rose, taupe,
mulberry shades on sale at big reductions.
4.50 grades
6.00 grades
7.00 grades
10 grades
12 grades
16 grades
and Get the Best!
! Goolmor Porch Shades
Are Self -Hanging
will not flap in the wind. Get the full
benefit of your porch this seasonequip it with
Coolmor Shades. Department on Third" Floor.
Trimmed Hats
8lx99-lnch Bleached Sheets of excel
lent quality.' Full bed size. f70
Tomorrow specially priced JL I O
' 4 2x3 6-inch Bleached Pjllow QQ
Cases specially priced at.only OOC
Fancy Bath Towels in good large
size. Also plain heavy Bath HT!
Towels tomorrow priced at Iwv
72x72 -inch Mercerized QJ QP
Table Cloths, special at only DrtU
Regular $250
Navy Taffeta
$1.98 Yd.
Main Floor 36 inches wide and beau
tiful soft finish. Navy blue and a full
assortment of other light and dark col
ors. Regular 2.50 grade. Q-f AO
Specially priced only, yard DXi0
3.00 soft finish Taffetas In light
and dark colors and change- OO AQ
ables. Tomorrow, the yard tDxO
3.50 Swiss-finish "Chiffon Taffetas
in navy, brown, grey and IQ QQ
tan. : 36-inch. Priced, yard Det70
Regular 1.50 Nets QtZn
priced very special at V V
Regular. 2 Nets P- OP
priced special at tDXeD
blue i and