THURSDAY, MAY 12, " 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. .OREGON. 15 FOREIGN POLITICAL SITUATION IS AID TO WHEAT TRADING ION TANA-IDAHO GUTTING CHEESE ' AMERICA CHEESE TRADE Thar. Wed. Portlaad .................. ... .2 le tie San Fraaelseo .......... ...,le 16e Cbiearo lie lVe Sew York ...........18tte 18Ve Cheese prices are again .showing a new tow mark in the local trade for the pres ent season. Idaho and Montana trip lets are being1 offered at 16c a pound di rect to retailers. . This is rat of le below what the Own Dairyman's league baa been naming for it prod net recently, while the price named la 5c below the general, quotation asked for Tillamook here, although a amall volume of business haa been reported down to 20c. This is practically cost. Both Montana and Idaho appear very anxiottt to dUpofte of their cheese here at the lower price and the wants of retailers are -mora than taken car of. - Storage of cheese haa become necessary be es u. e of the inability to clean up at all prompt ly, although leading interests report that they tre not putting away anything in the ice ouhes. ' r Tillamook 'continues to quote triplets at 19c pound f. o. b, that city. - I Those desiring special information regarding any market should write , the market editor Ore gon Journal, enclosing stamp for reply. ..- HEAV Y DETIA2CD IX BUTTER TRADE Very heavy demand Is showing fog butter. All thai cube extras available can be quickly sold at- 25c a pound, but not a fraction above this at available, a situation moat nnnsnsl in view of the extra ordinary call. CHICKED PRICES ARE ADVANCED Dae to scarcity of offerings of recent days, a general advance is shown in the market for poultry along Front street. Sales of lightweight hens are around 18 19c with heavy stock at 24 & 2 So, while good broilers are around 25c IAMB PRICES SHOvTIJfG DECLINE Local packers are agatn'enoting lower prices oa dressed mutton and lambs. One city killer named 15 016a for tap Iambs, 1213e for yearling wethers and 7 (3 10c on ewes, the for mer for extreme heavies.. SEW POTATOES ABE DO WW AGAIN Further drop in the price of new potatoes shown, locally, with California new crop at To a pound. Old stock is very quiet with practically no shipping demand. Offers are up to all requirements. .. ASPARAGUS FRICESARE LOWER Another lowering of asparagus pricea was forced on the street during the day with local bunches at 91.601.75 per doaen. Over supply of stock is shown. A ' carload of Cali fornia stock was due during the day. BRIEF 2TOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Strawberries at 98.25 3.75 for California, 95.00 for Oregon. Peas in better supply at 14 15o pound. -Country killed . hogs and calves about un engaged. Campbell's soups down 20e a doaen. Florida egg plant cut to 80o a pound in order to move quickly. Libby followed drop in Carnation milk price. WHOLESALE PRICES ITS PORTLAND These are prices retailers pay wholesalers, ex cept as otherwise noted: . Dairy Products BUTTER Selling price, box lota: Creamery, s-tra, parchment wrapped. 30c per lb. Jobbing priors: Cubes, extra. 25c per lb.: dairy, buying price, 16o per In. BCTTERFAT Portland delivery bads. " No. 1 grade, 25c; No. 2. 22 023c; country stations, 20 21c per lb. 4 . CHEESK - Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy triplets. 21e per lb.; Young Americas. 22c per lb.; Oregon-Washington trip lets, 1617o lb. Price to jobbers, t. o. b .Tilla mook:. Triplets, 19c; Young Americas. 20c Selling price: Block Swiss, 38 9 40c; lim burger, 34 30c lb.; cream brick, 30 32c per lb.: im ported Swiss. $1 lb.: select domestic Swiss, 6oe per lb.. ... .' - . - - - E;US Bnying price: Current receipts,-18 H 18c; candled, selling price, 22 23c; select, 24c dozen. . LIVE POCLTRY Selling price :' Heavy bens, 24g25c lb.; licbt bens. 18 019c lb.; broilers, 1525e per lb.; old roosters, 11c per lb.; turkeys. 38 9 40c lb.: dressed. 400 50c lb.; ducks. 85 40c lb. . Free Vegetables and rrutt FKfcSH FRUIT Oranges. $3 005.75 box; bananas. 10c per lb.; lemons. 33.50 5.00 per e.-e, grapefgrult. Florida. 8o.00gr9.00; Cali fornia, 33.25 OS 3.50; Florida pineapples. 57.50 " ts 50 per crate. - -BERRIES Strswbemes, florin Oregon Plums. 33.30e3.75; Dollars, t3.259S.50. At'l'i.ES SI. 25 (2.75. K1E1 FRLITS Dates. 93.65 96.85; farda. SB...0 ts 3 75 per box: figs.' 62.00 3.5,0; prune-, 70s to 80s, 60-lb. box, 7 He lb. . ONIONS Selling price to retailer: local, 75c9t.00; garlic, 15c; green onions. 80944c per dosen bunches. POTATOES Selling price to retailers: Ore gon fancy, 31.25 (g 1.50; sweets, 93.75 hamper. New potatoes, 67e lb. VEtiETABLKS Artichokes, No. 1. per do.. 81.2501735; asparagus. Walla Walla," 32.50 per box; local, $1.50 1.75 per doaen bunches; beets, per cwt.. 91.50; cabbage, flat Dutch, 4o per lb.; Winningstadt, pony crate, 4 He lb. ; carrots, per cwt.. 91.60: carrots, bunched. 843 9 o0c per doe,; cauliflower, local. 82.25$ 2.60; garlic. 20c per lb.; green peppers, large. 40c per lb. : horseradish, 15c per lb.; lettuce, $8.50 3.76 crate,-doaen. 31.25; parsley, doaen, 50c. Per lb., 2c: peas, green. lflWlSe lb-i peppers, long, dried, 4045o lb. : radishes, 50c per dozen; peas. 17v18e; rhubarb. 34e per lb.; rutabagas. le per lb. ; spinach, loci. 81.25 per box; tomatoes, 28 lb. lug. 83.00 per lug; turnips. 83.00 per cwt. Meets and Provisions COUNTY MEATS Selling price: Oountry 14e par id. lor top oiocaera, aoout iza to 150 lbs.; heavy stmt lower: vest. top. SO to 110 lbs., 13c. heavy stuff leas; spring lambs. 1515Hc per lb. SMOKED MEATS Hams. 80OJ37a pet lb.; 'breakfast bacon. 26953c, ' LARD Kettle rendered. 19 He lb.; tieros basis, compound. 12c PACKING HOUSE MEATS - Steer beef. 17c;, cow beef.' 14H15c; lambs. 15lttc per lb.; yearlings, 12 18c; ewes, 7 910c Fish and Shellfish FRKSH FISH Chinook. 203 22 lb,; hali but, fresh. 1520c; sturgeon. ( ; black cod, 12c; kippered salmon, 32.23 92.50 10-Ib. 'basket: kippered cod, $2.85; raaor clams. $4.50 5.00 box; shad, 7 98c lb.; ling cod. 7 Sc per lb.: sturgeon, 20o lb. OISTER3 Eastern, per gallon. 83.00; Olympia. $5.50. . Hops. Wool and Hides HOPS -Nominal. 1920 crop. 18920c . HIDES Calfskin. 8 9 10c: kips, 6 96e; green hides. 2 9 8c; salted. 3 9 4c per lb, MOHAIR Nominal. 15 9 20o lb. - TALLOW AND OKHASE No. 1 tallow, 6e; No. 2. 4c. . CASCARA BARK New, 6c; old. To per lb. WOOL - Willamette valley, coarse. 10c; me dium, 20c: fine, 20c per lb. ) Eastern Oregon Idaho. 16 9 20b per lb.. QrooaHas . v SUGAR Refinery beam: Cubes, 99 40; fruit and berry, 87.63: D yellow, $6.63; beet, granulated. $7.40; extra C. 96.45; Uotden C. 96.65. HONEY Per case. 98.00. BICE Japan style. No. 1. '4 . e; .Blue Rose, 6 H e per lb. ; New Orleans bead. So. COFFEE Boasted. 19 9 31c. in sacks or drums. . SALT Coarse, half ground, 100s, 818.50 par ton; 60s, 917.85; table dairy. 60s 927.25; bale.-, 93.50 9 4.00; fancy, table and dairy, 934.50; ramp rock. 926.50 per ton. BEANS Sales by Jobbers: Small white, 4 4e lb.; large white. 4 4c; pink "tteperlb,; lira, 8c; bayou. 10 He; reds. 10c; Oregon beans, buying price nominal.' CANNED MILK Carnation, $5.50; Borden, ( ) ; Aster, 95.40; Eagle, $11.50; Libby. $5.40; Mount Vernon, $5.40 par case. SODA CRACKKRo la bulk. 17c per lb. NUTS Walnuts. 28 9 S2c lb.; almonds. 29 9 30c; filberts, 21c in sack lota, peanuts. 10 9 14c; pecans, 23c; Brazils, 30c Rope, Paints, Oils HOPE rSiML dark. 14c; whits. 16c per lb.; Standard Manila. 20 He LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls.. 4e; kettle boiled, bbls.. 96c; raw. oases. 91.09; boiled, cases, $1.11 per gallon. ' COAL OIL Pearl or water white, in drums or iron barrels, 17 He gal.; cases, 80c per gal. GASOLINE Iron barrels. 80c; eases. 42 He per gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 12 4e; 500 Iba TURPENTINE Tanks. 7c; cases.; $1.12; 10 cee lots le Less. ;-;.. ' ,esswawawawsSSwaswawawBweess If tnaeapolis-Dulutk Flax Dnluth. May 13. (L N. 8.) Flax May, $1.77; July. $1.78 H; September. $1.81 H; track and, arrive. $1.77.. Minneapolis, May 12. (I S.) Flax May. $1.75: July. $1.78: September. $1.82; track and arrive. $1.7891.80. Saa Francisco Barley Market - San Franotsexv May 12. TJ. P. ) Barley spot ieea pec eeJMat, f W l.i'i H abrppuic. 8L30 91.45- . ' 1 ;.(. .: 1 CMAIVICET BASKET UTTAIL. PR1CEJ. Br Hyman H. Coben Retail butchers are not at all keen about giving; the public the benefit of the very low prices that have ruled cm veal recently in the wholesale market. The public is so tired of the extreme prices asked by retailers In the face of abnor mally low values at wholesale, that It is buying; but sparingly. : Retailers report doing very little business compared with the normal, but this appears due prin cipally to the fact that they are unwilling- to give the public any of the bene fits of lower prices. . : No matter how low the price goes at wholesale, many of the retailers have some manner of absorbing this reduction. Many of : them are inclined to talk of lowering values, but actual purchases made show this to be untrue except for inferior quality, i Lard is the one cheap thing that re tailers are selling today. One down town shop has been quoting 15c a pound for a number of days. Egg prices are now beginning to climb and poultry too Is showing the effects of much smaller supplies. Asparagus Is lower with sales on the public market down to 25c for two bunches. These, however, weigh only 4 pound generally, although Ihe legal weight Is one pound. The following prices rule generally in retail shops for good quality.' Some values are frac tionally higher, inferior stuff fractionally lower Butter Fresh creamery. 25 9 86c doaen. . Eggs Fresh extras. 24 9 2&e doaen. Poultry Chickens, dressed. 35c pound. Fish Salmon. 25a per lb.; halibut, 25c per lb. : perch, 15e per lb.; sturgeon, 26 9 80c lb. Flour Best beat : patent, $2.25 9 2.40 per sack. 49 lbs. i Potatoes Burbanks. $1.50 91.75 per sack. : Onions 1 H c per lb. Minimum prices on the Portland public mar ket: Cauliflower 23c bead; carrots, 2e lb.; celery hearts, 15c; onions, lHe lb.; potatoes, 1 lie lb.; dry beans. 7e lb.; bulk honey, quarts 90c; pints. 47e; ducks. 50e lb. ; geese, 45e lb.: cottage cheese, 20c lb.; hens, 26 929c lb.; fryers, 26c lb.; eggs, 25c dozen; butter, 88c lb.; milk, 11c quart. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicane Hogs $9 Chicago. May 12. U. N. 8.) Hoes Re ceipts 20,000; fairly active, strong to 10c higher. Bulk, 98.45 9 8.90: top. 89.00; heavy weight. 88.4098.75; medium weight, 88.65 9 8.90; Light weight, 88-70 9 9.00: light light. $8.50 9 9.00: heavy packing sows, smooth, 87.50 9 8.20: packing sows, rough. 87.25 9 7.50; pigs, 38.00 9 8.75. Cattle Receipts 9000; generally steady. Beef steers, choice and prime, 88.90 99.75; medium and good. $4.00 98.90; lightweight. $7,25 9 8.00; good and choice. $8.5099.50; common and medium, $8.00 9 8.50; butcher cattle, be&ers, $6.00 99.00; cows. $5.25 7.75: bull. $5.00 9 7.00: cannera and cutters, cows and heifers, 52.7598 23; cannsr steers. $3.00 9 4.60; veal calve, light and handyweight, $7.2599 00; feeder steers, 96.7598 50; stock r steers, $5.75 9 8.25; stacker cows and heifers, $3.75 9 6.25. Sheep Receipts 10.000; lambs. 10 9 25c higher; sheep, steady. Lambs (84 lbs, down), $10.73912.25; lambs (84 lbs. up, $10.50 912.00; culls and common, 98.00 10.50; spring lambs. 910.75 913.25; yearling wethers, 98.25 910.00; ewes, 86.00 9 7.60; culls and common, 32.50 9 5.50; feeder lambs, 87.00 9 8.50. : I ' : Omaha Hogs ss.M , South Omaha. May 12. (L N. S.) Cattle Receipt 3300; beef steers, 15 9 26c higher, top, 38.65; she stock. 25c higher: bulls, strong; veals, stackers and feeders, steady.. Hogs Receipts 900O; mostly 15 9 25c higher.- Bulk. 87.90 9 3 40; top. 88.50. . Sheep Receipts 4800; killing grades strong to 25c higher. Native spring lambs, 812.40; clipped lambs, 310.40; best clipped ewes, 87.00. Kansas City Hot M-BC Kansas City. May 12. (L N.: 8.) CatOe Receipts 4500; dull. Steors. 87.8599.00; cows and heifers. 96.00 9 8.60: atockers and feeders. 86.5'9 8.50; calves, 86.00 9 8.60. Hogs Beeeipta 7500; active. Bulk. $8.10 98.50; top, $8.65; heavies, 88.0098.85; lights. 38.2598.53; medium, 88.10 9 8.50. Sheep Receipts -4500; steady. . Lambs, 310 50911.40; spring lambs, 812.00; wethers, 36.5096-75. ( Denver Hogs 9S.BO Denver, Colo., May 12. C. P. Cattle Receipts, llOO; steady. Steers, 37. 0098. 00; cows and heifers, $6.50 9 7.75 : stackers and feeders,. 85.50 9 7.00; calves. $7.00910.50. Hogs Receipt. 1800; 15 925c higher. Tops. 88.50; bulk. 37.50 9 8.25. - Sheep Receipts. 70O0; steady. Lambs, 810.009 11. 0O;: ewes, $5.50 9 6.25; spring lambs. $9.73 911-50. No Seoul Hog Market Seattle, May 12. L N. 8.) Hogs None. Cattle Receipts, 83; strong. Prime ateera. $7.75 9 8.25; common to good, 34.50 9 5.50: medium to choice, $6.00 9 7.25; best cows and heifers. $6.50 7.00; common to good. $3.00 9 4.50; medium to choice, 94.50 9 5.50; prima light calves, $10.50 912.00: heavy calves. $6.0097.00; bulla. 4 00 9 5.50. Sheep- None. 4 :. DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST . San Francisco Market Ssn Francisco, t May 12. Butter Extras, 34c; prime firsts. 82 He; California firsts. 81 He Eggs Extras. 2e,: extra firsts, 25 He; dir ties. 'o. 1. 23c; first extra pulleta, 21c; un dersized puUets 18c " , Cheese California flats, fancy, 16c. ' Seattle Market Seattle. May 12. (U. , P.) Eggs Fresh ranch, 25c: pullets. 20e. Butter Local creamery eubea, 29c; bricks, 30c Los Angelas Market Los Angeles, Csi, Msy 12. (I. N. S.) Butter: Creamery extras, 35e. Eggs Extras, 25e; case count, 24c; pullets, 20c. - Foultry Hens. 23932c: broilers. 20925c; fryers. 45c. , POTATOES ALOHG THE COAST Seattle Market Seattle. May 12. (U. P.) Potatoes Yak ima gems, 835.00940.00; locals, 316.009 20.00. Lee Angeles Market Los Angeles. Cel., May 12. tl. N. 8.) Po tatoes: Idaho russets, mostly 82.25 9 2.50; rurals. $1.90 9 2.00; Oregon Burbanks, $2.25 9 2.35; few, $2.50; new potatoes, beat, $1,75 9 2.00; email. 75c9$1.0O per lug. San Fnsrmiao Market San Francisco. May 12. U. P.) Potatoes Hirer Whites. $1.75 92.25: sweet. 9.5.009 6.00. i Onion Australian orown, 40 9 50o bag. Chicago Dairy Prodace ; Chicago May 12. (L N.' B.) Butter Re ceipts, 7779 tuba. Creamery, extra, 31c; firsts, 25 930c; packing stock. 12 913c Eggs Receipts,-20,517 cases. Current re ceipt. 20921c: ordinary firsts, 18H919He: firm. 21H922c; extra. 23 4 924c; checks. 17e; dirties, 18c (Cheese Twins, new, 14 9 14 He: daisies. 18H914; Yonng America. 14 He: song horns. 14 He; brick. 18 H 9 14c Live Poultry Turkeys. 83c; chickarm. 80c; roosters, 16c; geeae. 16 918c; ducks. 30c , j mm si 1 11 in t Yi fit Monarch Mine Centrallia. Wash.. May 12. A large delega tion from the Oentralia Chamber of Commerce yesterday made up a party which drove to the Monarch mine in the Hannaford valley and made a trip through the mine The Monarch is practically the only mine in Southwest Wash ington la operation. It is operated by stock holders, 1 ' : Liverpool Cottoa Dn 1 Liverpool, May 12. L N. 8.) Spot cotton was dull at the opening today. Pricea easy. Sales 8000 bales, . American mid. fair, 10.62; good mid.. 8.72; full mid. 8.27 mid., 7.62; low, 6.57; good ord., 6.32; ord.. 4.57. Futures opened dull. JNaval Stores Market Now York. May 12. (I. N. S.) Turpen tine Savannah, 60 9 61; New York. 77. Rosin Savannah, S.6S; New York, 5.75. r Kaw York Bond. Market Punished by Overbeck aV Cook Co. Bid. . . : ' Ask. Atchison Gent 4s........... 77 77 "i RaL A Ohio Gold 4s,, OA 68 H Beth. Stool Ref. 5s. ....... 85 . Cent. Pacific 1st 4s. 73 t : 78 4 a B. O. CoL 4a. ........ 99.72 99.76 St. Paul Genii 4 Hs. ....... 8 68 Chicago N. W.! OenL 4a. . . . . 76 H 76 U A N. Uni 4s.... 81 H 81 New York Ry. 5s. . . 21 24 Northern Pac P. L. 4s 75 H 76 Reading Gerd. 4s...... 77 H 77 I'niou Pac 1st 4s 80V. 80 . K- Steel 5s. . v. . 954 96 Union Pac 1st Ref. ' 5s 75 H 75 t otituera fmc font. . 5s. . . . , - S6 Southern Pac Conr. 4s. . . . . 78 4 78 74 tnna. Con v. 4 Hs. ......... 86 H - 87 'enna, 1st 4Hs .... 76H 76H "hes. A Ohio Cone. 5s. .... . . 84 H 85 'Ore. Short Line 4s. ......... 79 80 BAKERS' FLOUR UP I 25 CENTS BARREL THURSDAY WHEAT TRADE Bid Loss Gala Hard white 9L38 le Soft white L88 Winter elab ........... U8 le Hard -winter U ; .. te Northern spring ...... 1J8 le Red Walla L3 .. le NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Reported by Portland Merchants Exchange Cars 1 Wheat Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland. Than. 44 ... 9 3 3 Year ago ... 11 ... 2 ' 2 Season to date.. 16.882 248 908 531 2826 Year ago ... 8.076 174 9757 464 2104 Taoomaa, Wed.. 21... 3 Year ago ... 11 .... 4 ... 1 Season to date. 4.412 61 955 167 921 Year ago . . . 6.762 94 3085 176 827 Seattle, Wed...- 5 ... 4 1 14 Year ago ... ... 2 ... 1 Season to date.. 4.432 212 454 435 1876 Year ago ... 6,983 244 1109 643 1179 Bakers flour showed a further ad vance of 25c a barrel in the local mar ket for the day, placing the extreme quotation at 8.25 per barrel. No change was made in patent Hour but the trade is given the tip to prepare for a change soon.: ..... .. ' ' ; Higher, prices were again forced for wheat op tions at the opening of the eastern trade Thurs day. Short covering in the May was believed to be ooa reason but the one big feature outstand ing is the European political situation. Considerable wheat haa- been reported pur chased at interior points during the last 24 hours although there appears to bo .a holding tendency among most of the growers at this tuna, due to latest price advances. ' With the advance of 25e quoted in bakers' flour, hard wheat is up to 88.25 with blueetera at 97.75 and Willamette valley 97.23 per bar rel. Patent flour is very quiet and with most of the retailers selling at th present wholesale price or leas, it would appear foolish to advance the latter while retailers have such liberal stocks. -' FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent, 98.60; Willamette valley brands, 88.90; local ,tMi,M SAVK. K, V 1 ha, .4 h.t IB 9I. V.V. era' bluestem, 87.75; bakers, valley, 87.25; gra ham. SS.80; whole wheat, 96.VO; Montana spring wheat, patent, $7.60 9 8.26 per barrel. Price for city delivery. 15c extra; suburban, 20c extra, - HAT Buying price, nominal', Willamette timothy, fancy. $20.00 9 25.00 per ton: Eastern Oregon timothy, $27.00 928.00 per ton; clover. iv.oov i.oo; straw, l4.uo; alfaua. tiv.oo 919.50 per ton. ORAIN SACKS Nominal,' No. 1 Calcutta. 5 He: domestic 6e la car kits; less amounts higher. ( MIIX8TUFFS Mill ran at mill, sacked, ton Iota. $20.00; carloads. $28.00. OATS Par ton, buying price: Feed. $27.00 927.50. . BARLEY Buying prices: Feed, i $22.00 9 23.00; brewing. 824.50. SEED Buying price, nominal. FEEDSTUFFS F. O. B. Mills: Rolled bar ley $38.00 940.00; whole barley. 835.00; al falfa meal, $26.00; cocoa nut meal, $30.00; cracked corn, $41.00; whole corn. $36.00; scratch feed, $51.00; soy bean meal, $53.00 per ton: whole oats. $37.00: rolled oats, $40.00: chicken wheat, $52.00 per toa. Merchants exchange bids: WHEAT May. i June. Bid. Bid. . 138 136 138 136 138 136 133 132 133 132 131 130 8000 3000 3000 3000 2400 2300 2200 . 2200 S150 3100 8050 (8000 Hard white Soft white White dub Hard winter ............. Northern ' spring ........... Red Walla FEED OATS No. 2 white No. 2 gray BARLEY Brewing ................. Standard feed ............ CORN No. 2 IE. Y. shipment No. 3 E. Y. shipment. ...... Wheat Trade Is Mixed at Opening Of Chicago Market Chicago, May 12. (I. N7 S.) All grains registered moderate declines for the day. Volume of business was not large. Provisions closed lower. May wheat dropped lc and July lc off. May corn,. c lower; July, o off. and September, : lc down. May oats, 4c off ; July, c lower, and September, c down. - 5 Chicago. May 12. (L N. S.) Scattered rains over th grain belt during the night en couraged selling of wheat at the start. May was H 9114 c lower and July 4e higher to 4e lower. Prices of corn, which ranged from H e higher for September to He lower for July, eased off after the opening. Tradawaa light. First trades m oats were at declines of H 9 He The market lacked support. Provisions started a shade lower for lard. There was no trading in pork and lib during the first half bona. Rang of United Frees Chicago pricea aa furnished by the WHEAT Open, i High. 143 145 1161 UTS CORN 604 i 1 63 j 63 65 65 OATS 87 . 37 89 40 40 41 RYE 139 140 111 ' 111 BARLKT Low. 142 114 60 62 65 87 39 40 138 109 ..... CI os. 143 116 60 63 H 65 87 89 40 138 110 68 63 May July ...... May July September . . May ..,.. July ...... September. . May ...... July May ...... July ...... PORK May ...... .... .... .... 1695 1725 1725 1720 1720 LARD 967 967 950 950 1000 10OO 980 9 80 RIBS ) owe vP'TQ e . 900 July ...... July May ...... July ...... HEWS FAILS TO STRENGTHEN TONE IJT COTTON MARKET New York. May 12. (L X. S.) In the face of the reparation and tariff nsws. the cotton market was easier today. First prices were Stall point lower. ; Later th list dropped further. - At the end of th first 18 adnutea Tshtes were about 28 points under the previous close. Th South was a leading seller and room traders unloaded cotton that had been bought on the rise yesterday morning, Liverpool purchased here and sold late months, while Wall street traded both ways. There were seven notices issued this morning, j The market was easier in the late dealings. The close was barely steady at a Cat decline of 25 to 28 points. Spot cotton quiet. SO points lower at 12.85; no sales. - -. - , . . - Month January ........ February ....... March ......... fay June ... . . . July August September . . m . . . October ........ November ...... December ...... Open. High.' 1416 1417 1443 ' 1445 1277 1277 Low. 1402 1422 1258 Close. 1402 1413 1422 1257 1280 1303 1822 1337 1857 1373 1390 1320 1323 1300 13751 1378 1353 1390 . 14 1411 New Fork Sugar and Ceffee New York.' May 12. HJ. P. 8ngar quiet; raw iinBi; reunea quset; sranuiatea 630 9 840. Coffee No. 7 Rio spot Ce : No. . 4 Santo 899e. ; i- .; f Chicago Potato Market Chicago May 1. (I. N. C. Potatoes Receipts. 80 cars. Northern White, sacked and ouiB, si.vosy; Texas Trtumpbs. sacked 84.0094.50; Florida, No. 1, 99.00 per bbL No Fear Damage Dm. Or.. May 12. No damage to th peat bloom ha been noted. Saa Fraaelseo December Barley ' - Saa Francisco. May 12. Barley Deeesabei 1209127A. : i EGGS SI LL MOVE TO HIGHER POINT THURSDAY DAIRY PRODUCE ,:J; Batter. Eggs. Portland ................ ......86e 84c 26e Sle tie tit tit Saa Fraaelseo ............... .34 Chleago ................... ....Sle Seattle ........... .y....... 89e New York ..........87c Log Angeles ....... ......,.,...35e Egg prices continue to advance locally with buyers offering as. high as 19c a dosen for current- receipts, Thursday de livery," while others are freely offering 18c for similar delivery. p ; - Chang in egg market sentiment her has been due for soma days but was slightly delayed. There waa a noticeable decreas in offerings of eggs at, practically all point recently. Shipments to th . East are being resumed by coast centers, although most of the movement at th moment originates in Calitonua. j tota storage operations continue here, but on a j more limited scale. Th recent advance in the : price ha stiffened th backbone of, th trad oon aiderably - t I Selling price, of extras haa been moved as high aa 24c a doaen to retailers, but there is little business in such offerings because of the plentiful stock of ordinary duality. New York Batter and Eggs New York. May 12. (L X. S.l Butetr Market easier, unsettled. Creamery extras (salted and onsalted). 85 87c; creamery firsts (ashed and unsalted). 31 935 c; creamery higher than extra (salted and unsalted), 86 9 88c: state dairy tube. - 22 9 3 5 H e : imitation creamery, ladles fresh firsts,! 22 H 9 23c Cheese Market steady..: Whole milk spe cials. 16H919c; whole milk fancy, 169 17He: whole milk. lower grades, 1491e; Wisconsin whole milk fancy Young Americas, 17.918e. i 'Eggs Market irregular; nearby white, fancy 319 32c; nearby brown fancy. 84c: extra, first. 25 9 26 He 30c; Foreign Exchange Market New York. May 12. (IT. P.) Foreign ex change opened slightly higher. Sterling, 3.98 ; francs, .0835; lire. .0332: marks, .0164: Cana dian dollars, .9100; kronen, .1820., . . Foreign exchange dosed strong. . The i pro nounced strength which came into th exchange market about 2 o'clock waa ascribed to the set tlement of German reparations questions: Clos ing prices: Sterling, $3.99: francs, . .0843; lire, .0643; marks, .-0172; Canadian dollars. .K38; kronen, .1820. World's Wheat Shipments World's shipments of wheat and flour in bushels: Wk Ending" May 7, '21. 11.884.000 2,821.000 4,416.000 296.000 18,917.000 Wk Ending May 8, '20. 4.048.OO0 7,104,000 1.056.000 Fron V. 8. and Canada, . Argentina ....... Australia ........ Others Total 12.208,000 j ) : Money and Exchange . i New York, May 12. (L N. S.) -Call money on the floor of the New York stock exchange today ruled at 7 per cent; high, 7 per cent; row, T per cent. Time money waa steady. Rates 6 9 6 dot cent. - I The market for prime ntercantOo paper was steady. - , 1 . Call money In London today was 4 : per cent. Sterling exchange was strong, with busi ness in tankers' bills at $3.99 for demand.) Chleago Cash Grain rhicaeo. Mav 12. Cash wheat No. 1 red $1.47; No. 2. $1.47 91.47: No. 1 hard. $1.52 H 9 153 H : No. Z, $1.48 H 9 l.SO ; No. 1 northern spring. $1.48; No. 8, $1.42. Corn No. 2 mix. 61 Ho; No. 8. 60 He; No. 1 yellow, 62 962: Na 2. 61 9 62 He; No. 9. 61 962c: No. 1 white, 62 9 62e: NO. Z, 6Z9BZHC. Oats No. 1. white. 89 40 c; No. 89940e: No. 8. 89c London OraJa Cargoes London, May 12. Wheat -t Cargoes dull, tending easier. Corn Buyers cautious, due to fluctuations in exchange rates. j Liverpool, May 12. Wheat Sellers. 18s 71 This is nominally higher than previous close. - . . Dried Fralt and Beaas New York. May 12. (I. N. S.)- Market steady. Marrow, choice, 96.50; pea, choice, 94.254.40; red kidney, choice, 99,25. Dried Fruits Prune export demand increased. Apricots, choice to extra fancy, 28936c; prunes, 80s to 60s, 89 16c; do 60s to 100s, 6H s8c; peacnea, cnoioa to extra vancy, ie; eeeoea rai sins, choice to fancy. 22 9 23 He. New York Wool and Hides New York, May 12. (L .N. 8 ) Wool Market quiet. Domestio fleece. XX Ohio, j 22 9 48c; do pulled scoured basis. 18 9 72;! do Texas scoured basis, 40 9 82c; do territtoyr sta ple scoured, 5590c r . i Hides Market firm. 1 Kative steers, 9 H 9 lOe; branded steers, 9c. New York Metal Market New York. Msy 12. (L N. S.) Copper Firm; spot and May. 12 9 18c: June. 12 913e: July, 13 9 18 He - i Lead DuD; spot. May and Jane, offered. 85.30. -Spelter Dull; spot, offered, 84.93; Msy, June and July. 4.794.a. Seattle Wheat Bids Seattle. Wash.. May 12. (L N. S.l Wheat Hard white. $1.38; soft white, $1.88; whit club. $1.37; hard red winter. $1.82; soft red winter, $1.32; northern spring, $1.32; red Walla, 91.32; Rig Bend bluestem, 91.40. New York Poultry Market ' New York. May 12. L N. 8.1 Live Poul try Market steady. Fowls, 32 936c; turkeys, Z5c; roosters, itfc: aucas, zu&93c; geese, 14 918e; broilers, 85 9 65c ' I j New York Potato Market New York. May 12 (L . 8.) Potatoes (in bulk, barrel or bag) Market weaker. Nearby white. $1.2593.00: Bermudas. $3.00 Wil.ovi Bouwerna, Saa Francisco Poultry Market San Francisco. May 12. (U. P.) Poultry Broilers. 35 9 40c; large bens, 35 9 37c; best aucx. - so ay sac Standard OU Stocks Bid. - Aaked. 20 20 860 890 82 , 83 190 200 98 100 118 ; 122 77 78 . 130 140 91 93 42 44 93 99 93 99 - 178 183 r 80 - 82 27 28 147 150 89 92 297 802 17 17H 25 28 620 530 191 195 412 420 222 227 65 ' 68 81 81 76 76 605 620 400 410 S0 855 883 395 104 108 33$ 345 ,106 109 93 96 298 303 28 32 160 170 a s Anglo Bora Serysmer Buckeye . . . . . I Cheesebrough . do pfd. . . . . Continental . . , Crescent . . . . . Cumberland . . . Eureka Galena, c ........ Galena. Old. pfd .... ualena New. pi a. . . , Illinois Pipe ...... Indiana Pip ...... National Transit New York Transit. . . Northern Pip ..... Ohio OU ......... International Pete. Peon. Hex. ....... Prairie Oil . . ' Prairio Pip Solar Refg. ....... Sooth Peon. Oil. . . . & - W. Perm. Oil . . O. Calif. ...... . a f Ind. Kansas . . . . . O. Kentucky ... O. N. Y. ...... Ohio do pfd. Swan A Finch. ...a Union Tank ... Vacuum ....... Washington . . . . S. O. Nebraska" . Imperial OU ... PACIFIC COAST i BANK STATEMENT Portland aanaa . This Week. 4.713,372.84 4.888.403.47 5.864.878,66 Taooma aanaa - Tear Age 8,854.128.10 6.577.318.22 T.KB8.338.79 5,960,484.14 729.955.00 78,949.00 8,206.718 00 834.083.00 . - i 1.658.81Q.OO lionday . . . Tuesday . . . Wednesday . Thursday . . 'learinga. Thursday .......... 9 Balances, Thursday ......... . soatu Canki Clearings. Thursday i ....... .$ la Lances, Thursday 1 ....... . Spokane -ttsnfes . learings, Thursday . ... . .... . 9 laiancea. Tbursdav - l . . . j... . 484.8O9.O0 Sao Franclsoe BteMks . learings, Thursday 820.700,000.00 Lee Anger Banks vaearings, Thursday ,. .... . , . .914,276,437.00 FEW HOGS OFFERED AT NORTH PORTLAND THURSDAY LIVESTOCK TRADE Hogs Steers Lambs Portland 9.7 88.79 Mt Chicago i... 9.96 &9 Wih Omaha ....!. . 840 8.89 12.49 Kansas City ...... 8.4. 9.99 11.49 Denver M ' 8.00 11.99 Seattle SJti ' No market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. Cattle Calves. Shet Thursday ...... Week ago :. :. . Two weeks ago. . Four week ago. Year ago . . . . . . Two years ago, . Three year ago. Four years ago. . 680 15 2 1341 : 14 164 ; 15 ... 929 8 615 ... 0 891 ! 6 329 . ..' ... 281 ; S 610 118 ... 409 17 891 120 ... 14 763 780 82 160 39 744 . 146 19 180 19 While there were 14 loads of livestock reported in the North Portland alleys Thursday, very little stock, aside from sheep, waa available for the market. Prices in general were considered about steady. Out of the 688 head of swine reported in th alleys Thursday. 387 head, or $ loads, came direct from South Dakota to killers, while most of the amall remaining lot went to killers on eoatraet." Actual offering of hogs on th open market was nominal and prices war ooCMUdared steady. General hog market range: Extreme price ......... ......9 Prime light ... . Smooth heavy, 250-800 lbs.... Smooth, heavy, 800 lbs. up.... Rough heavy .............. 10.00 S.25 0.75 7.609 6.50 9 6.00 9 9.00 9 8.50 9 4.00 9 8.50 7.60 7.60 9.75 9.00 7.60 Feeder pig Feeder pigs , Stags . ... OatUe Demand Steady Only a small run for Thursday was shown in th cattle alleys at North. Portland. In this lino early demand wag good and former prices were generally continued, t General cattle market ran-: Choice steers ....8 Medium to good steers. ....... Fair to good steers........... Common to fair steers. . i . .... ' Choice cows and heifers....... Medium to good cows-heifers. . . Fair to medium cows-heifers. . . . 8.50 9 7.76 9 7.00 9 8.75 8.60 T.76 7.00 7.25 8.60 6.00 6.50 4.00 6.75 6.25 ' 6.00 9 6.50 9 6.009 6.60 9 4.60 9 8.00 9 6.25 9 6.25 9 una Common cows and heifers Cannsrs . ............ Choice feeders ........ Fair to good f seders Bulls . Choice dairy calves ...... Prim light dairy calves.. , 5.50 10 00 9 io. 50 9.60 910.00 6.60 9 9.50 8.009 6.60 Medium light dairy calves...... Heavy calves ............... Sheep en ntarkst Quite fair stocks of sheep and lamb entered the North Portland market Thursday. Demand ia mad continued -lavoraoie ana no change waa in th price General sheep and lamb rang : Prim lambs ............. .3 7.509 Fair to good lambs. , 6.50 9 Cull lambs 6.00 9 Feeder lambs 8.00 9 Light yearlings 6.00 9 Heavy yearlings ............ 4.50 9 Light wethers 4.50 9 Heavy wethers 8.50 9 Ewes . . , 1.009 8.25 7.50 6 00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.60 4.25 Wednesday Afternoon Sarss STEERS No. Av. Lbs. Price I No. A v. Lbs. Price. 21.... 1391 8 7.90 I 22 1116 9 8.00 21.... 679 8.00 j 15.... 1065 7.86 9.... 1098 8.25 f COWS 1.... 800 8 6.00 1....1200 8 6.60 6.... 975 7.00 - 2... .1045 6.60 1 1020 7.25 1.-...1020 6.75 "2.... 400 8.26 2.... 1065: 6.25 5 1074 7.25 5 1124 j 8.00 1....1030 4.25 1.... 830 ' 5.00 1.... 910 5.00 1.... 796; 6.60 1... . 990 6,25 CALVES ' 1.... 10O 8 8.00 1.... 105 9 8.50 1.... 100 8.60 1.... 100 10.00 9.... 138 10.00 1.... 140 10.00 1.... 140 10.50 1.... 120 7.00 BULLS 1....1720 9 4.50 MIXED CATTLE- m 8.... 507 9 6.75 ; HOGS i . " V ' 73.... 188 8 9.75 9... 5 330 $ 7.75 -5.... 262 9.23 87.... 20O 9.76 85.... 217 9.76 2.... 600 8.00 6.... 280 7.75 2.... 205 7.75 15.... 186 9.75 -5.... 160 9.75 1....'620 6.50 7.... 218 . 9.75 8.... 240 9.75 9.... 254 9.50 5.... 134 9.76 4.... 212 9.76 1.... 210 9.75 3.... 176 8.75 1.... 290 9.25 1.... 220 9.76 7.... 207 9.75 13.... 148 ' 9.75 10.... 182 9 85 1.... 820 8.23 8.... 180 9.75 23.... 175 10.00 12.... 120 9.76 13.... 110 9.75 :3.... 160 9.75 1.... 040 6.00 85. 200 8.75 80.... 188 9.75 3.... 100 8.75 30.... 15S 9.80 36.... 143 9.50 - 40.... 139 0.60 5.... 216 9.75 - 9.... 196 9.75 1.... 510 5.00 ' 1.... 249 9.25 .... 186 9.75 2.... 235 9.25 5.... 212 9.75 1.... 190 8.35 8 172 9.85 8.... 256 9.25 1.... 420 7.75 7.... 211 9.76 5.... 184 9.75 4.... 232 9.76 8.... 243 9.75 2.... 190 9.75 LAMBS 22.... 77 $ 8.00 8.... 63 8 6.00 47.... 65 8.25 10.... 50 6.00 25.... 68 8.00 1.... 60 6.00 13.... 65 7.50 8.... 56 7.76 2.... 63 5.00 17.... 68 7.O0 EWES 5.... 177 8 2.50 17.... 120 $ 2.60 Thursday Morning 6 si as Hit lilts No. 12. , 6. Av. Tbe, . . 680 .. 666 Price. 1 No. I Av. Iba, Price ,. 410 3 4.50 5.00 5.60 COWS 880 590 8 6.50 5.00 6.00 6.25 .1070 . 650 . 880 3.50 8.50 6.00 i . . . . x 1 a, i 4 X e A i ,530 .1070 . 210 . 150 .1100 .415 . 230 .. 280 . 250 . 132 CALVES 510.50 I 1... 10.50 I BULLS 9 4.00 I 1 . . . MIXED CATTLE 9 6.00 HOGS 380 3 6.00 .1110 9 4.00 I:::: 6.... 10.... 5.... 12.... 1.... 8.... 8.... . 2.... 9 9.75 8.75 9.25 9.75 9.75 9.75 4.50 9.25 7.00 9.25 4.... 230 9 928 2 385 7.76 3..,. 203 9.76 6.... 110 9.25 2.... 160 9.75 1.... 840 8.75 2.... 340 - 8.76 18.... 190 9.76 1.... 560 5.00 112 199 390 280 863 240 LAMBS 200..-. 112 5 7.25 YEARLINGS 25. 75 8 5.50 70 8 4.00 WETHERS 1.;.. 140 172 8 8.00 BUCK SHEEP 8 8.00 Foreign Bond Market (Furnished by Overbeck A' Cook Co.) Ask 18 9 18 88 , 94 75 -: 42 408 401 402 824 281 78 . 76 18 .14 15 15 15 17 15 18 19 : 67 84 64 98 99 97 91 86 Bid. 14 7 16 7 V. Russian Russian Russian French 5s, 1921......... 5 He. 1826.. 6s. 1919 r OS, 1831. French 4s, 1917 69 74, 41 896 889' 890 812 279 ' 71 78 12 14 . 18 15 14 16 15 67 84 V French 5s. 1920 5s. 191S e a a a Italian British 6s. )22. Itrih ft. 11.? British 5s, 1929. British vky. 4 . British ref. 4s . Beleinm rest, 5 m m a- Belgium prem, 5i trsrota W. . 1 5s. nana as ............. Hamburg 4s ......... Hamlrara' AHa ....... Leipsig 4 s ........ Leipsig Ss ........... Munich 4S ......... M iinich fta e Frankfort 4s Jap. 4 4s . .. .... ..,. Jap. 1st 4Hs......... Jap. 2d a ......... 84 98 99 97 91 86 Paris Bs tJ. K. 54, U. Ks. ltrSlere.... 1922 -1929.......... 1937... ....... iV:-. r;V Ueerty Bead Sales r-. Reported by Overbeck A Cook Co.: ' Xigh. Low. CIos. Uberty. S ..,..... i . 8882 8860 8860 Uverty. 1st 4s .,...... .... .... 8762 Liberty. 2d 4s ......... 8740 8726 , 8780 I.iberty. 1st 4i ....... 8780 8770 8772 Liberty. 2d 4s ....... 8746 8728 8788 Uberty, 3d 4 14 s ........ 9072 9062 8066 r.iberty, 4th 4s 8762 8734 8746 Victory. 4s 9784 9774 9776 Vsctory, 8t 9780 9770 9776 TANKER TAKEN TO TO To carry 10,000 tons of grain to the United . Kingdom, the tanker Bwiftscout was taken this morning by the Northern Grain & Warehouse company for Immediate loading. The Swiftscout is one of the new tank ers built for the Swiftsure Oil Transportation company by the Northwest Bridge & Iron company. Terms of the charter are private, but will probably come within the confer ence rate. The Swiftscout la a privately owned boat and will not come within the dictates of the shipping board as re gards, crew. ' Seven vessels were built for the Swift sure Oil Transportation company at Portland. Three were equipped and sent to sea, but are now tied up at New Or leans. Three are in Portland harbor and the last is on the ways. The craft were constructed for the transportation of oil from Tampico to the United King dom, but the bottom fell out of the market on the continental aide and the ships were tied up. The chartering of the Swiftscout for grain opens up a new avenue of trade for the big tankers. They measure 12,000 tons dead weight and can carry both bulk and sacked wheat. ONE V. S. .DEPARTMENT FINES ANOTHER XT. S. DEPARTMENT The United States government has fined itself $1000 for violating its own rules of shipping. Just how the fine will be paid or from what pocket it will come is the mystery that suggests itself because of the latest row between the United States collector of customs and the United States shipping board. ' Collector of Customs Will Moore Im posed a fine- of 91000 against the steamship West Ivan, a shipping board vessel, which sailed for the Orient last night The fine was assessed $500 for not having a sufficient number of able seamen and $500 for not having a full complement of officers. The West Ivan was dispatched under the direction of James W. Crichtori, agent of the division of operations for the shipping board, and left down the river at 1 o dock this morning witn a cargo of lumber for the Orient- She was one of the shipping board boats held up on account , of the marine workers strike. , PORTLAND ELEVATOR OO. ! GETS CONTRACT FOR DOORS ' After weeks of squabbling and open ing of new bids and then, advertising for some more, the contract for the rolling doors on pier 2, Terminal No. 4, was awarded this morning to the Port land Elevator company for $10,025. The low bid carried. The high bid was sub mitted by George W. Johnson & Co. and called for $18,000. . Routine matters and matters laid on the table took up the rest ot the meeting ot the dock commission. ALT ALONG. THE WATERFRONT The steamship Artlgas of the North Atlantic & Western Steamship company, Admiral line local agents. Is due to ar rive Friday with general cargo. She will said Saturday for Orays Harbor and load a part cargo or lumber lor tn Bast coast. Mrs. M. Bollam, ticket aegnt for the McCormick line steamships, sailed' for Hood River this morning via automobile as a guest ot Mrs. George Joseph. " The Japanese steamship Mitsukl Maru of the Mitsui line is due to arrive from the Orient Friday. She has a quantity of inbou.nd general and will load mixed cargo out. ' Appointment Expected Soon I Early appointment of the now mem bers for the United States . shipping board is anticipated at the national cap-' ital, according to advice contained In a message received by the Chamber of Commerce from W. D. B. Dodson, gen eral manager, who is now at Washing ton. Dodson says that a very favorable hearing has been given the China in corporation act by the nub-committee of the Judiciary committee. Halibut Catch Made j Newport, Or., May 12. jThe fishing schooner Acme, owned and 'operated by Captain John Wick of Coos Bay. arrived in port Tuesday with halibut from the banks off Newport. The fish are above the average in weight. The crew re ports a very rough sea, with strong northerly winds. : - Rates Stectdy New York. May 12. (L N. S.) Rates are steady, but offerings slow for wheat and flour. General cargo holds firm. with only fair offerings. The board to day stands : Ocean (steam) gram, steady; United Kingdom 7 shillings. Germany 24 marks. France 25 francs, Holland 21V023tt kronen. General cargo, fair demand. News of the Port DsfJsrturas SUy 11 u-,.1 Tt.i .ii Hr4tlal itauuf. foe flaBeat and way porta, wheat and general. Apua, snwnwa simow.. . ws. wm. flour..:. ....... - HABIHE AJLMAHAC Weather at Bhrart ntootti North Head. May 12. Condition at the mouth of the river at noon, sea smooth, wind southwest. 4. miles: weather cloudy. TMes at Astoria Frta High water. Low water. . 4:85 a. m.. 8.2 ft 11:47. a. m.. 0.1 ft. 6:12 p. m.. 7.6 fC DAILT RIVER BF-BIFOS 8 a. m.. Pacific Time. -- River, Tsmptur. lUoona, 3Zf If I -- ail CARRY GRAN UNITED KINGDOM j as Sana 40 I. . . .1 22 18.1 25 13.8 40 21.0 10 4.6 20 5.1 20 4.0 12 5.2 18 12.7 Weaatche .. Lavrieton . . UmatUIs ... Th DaUaa... Eugen . . . . Albany .... Salem .'. . . . Oregon City.. Portland . . . 0.d 0.5 0.6 . 0 0 n 4 lO.OO 67 ?88 . . 41 41 39 "48 O.OO T6 65 68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 661 0.00 0.4 0.00 '64 () Rising. RITER FORECASTS ' The Willamette river at Portland win tint during th next three days. , . AT KEIGHBOKIHO PORTS Astoria, May 12. Bailed at midnight. Mont Berwya, for Genoa and way ports; sailed at 9 a. m., steamer Apua, for Cork. . - . . . Tatoosh. May 11. Paaaed out at 5 a. -m.. steamer Alrvis, for Corambia river Astoria, May 11. SaUed at 2:20 p. m gaa schooner Boamer. for Newport aad Weld port; arrived at 6:30 p. us., steamer Santa Aucia, from Beattl: aailed at 8 p. av, steamer QuinalL for San Pedro. Seattle. May 12. (I. N. 8.1 Arrived. Morning Star, from British Columbia porta, at noon: Northwestern, rrom Boutawesteru Alaaka, 11 a. m.: arrived May 11. C. ft. . U H. T. Heather, fraea sea duty. 2:05 p. m. : West I'anon, from Norfolk, 12:30 p. m : destroyer Wm. Jones, from aoathera cruise, 12:30 p. m. Bailed May 11. Kbooner . Phiilppin. fog . Fiji Islands, ia tow tags Oregoe and Magnet, 9:30 p. m. !--- -- - Juneau. May 11. Hailed. Admiral Watson. southbound. 6 :80 a. m. Shanghai May S. Sailed. Bants Rosalia, for Seattle. Hongkong. Maay 9.- Sailed. Sows Mara, for Seattle, -- Kten. May 10 Arrived, rtainbrldg. : from Port Townaend, theno Jan. 24, Callao, May 6. Ax river, Taurus, from Port Angalaa. these Feb. 9. Sailed. May 10. schooner Minranao, for Puget Bound. Nukulofs, Maay w. Sailed, schooner Meteor. for Puget Bound. Nukulofs. May 9. Sailed. Arixona Mara, for Seattle, r hailed May 10. Vst Jessup. for Se attle. Shanghai. Mat 7. Arrived. ImlAy. from Baa iFnnciaeo, v-i.i , a . ; a - ci ; , . . Manila, - Cristobal. May 10. Sailed. West Cemak, for Antwerp. ' San Pedro, May 11. A rived last night, steam er Steel Age. from New York, for Portland; arrived, steamer West Isleta, from Portland, for Portland. Maine, and way porta: arrived Slid sailed, steamer Jalapa, from Pert land, for Dau- sig; arrived, steamer Wahkeena, from Columbia river; sailed at 11 a. m., steamer Weat Haven, tor New York, from Portland; sailed, steamer Effingham, from Europe, for Portland, via San Francisco and Puget Sound. N Ssn Pedro, May 12. Arrived, Lyman Stew art, from Seattle; President, from Seattle: West Isleta. from Portland. Sailed, ; West Haven, for Baltimore, Point Wella. May 12. Arrived. Colin H. Livingstone, from Seattle. 10 a. m. Taooma, May 12. Arrived, Quadra, from British Columbia ports, 7 a. m.; Tyndareus, from Seattle, 7 a. m. Arrived, May 11, Texan, front Seattle, 2 p. m. Port Townsend. May 11. Arrived, steamer Wiilaolo, from New York, for Portland. , San Francisco, May 12. (L N. 8.) Ar rived May 11: Celibes Maru, Calcutta. 12:10 D. m. : Eiastroyer Somen. San Pedro. 8:60 p. m. Sailed May 11: Admiral Evans. Los Angeles. 11:80 s. m.; wahelmina, Honolulu, lz:ao p. m. ; Moerdyk, Antwerp, 6:10 p. m.; Willhilo, Mew York, 5:80 p., m.; Taketoyo Maru, Yoko hama, 6:35 p. m. Arrived today Ensley City, Chinwangtao. 6:10 p. m. : gas schooner 0 quiila, Monterey, 11 a. m. Sailed today; None. Te Arrive at Pertnane Due. Sedgepooi , ....... Teas a .......... Admiral Sebr . .. W. C. S. A.... May 14 .-New-nrork Msy 13 ...Saa Fvaa. ...... May 15 .. Europe ....... .May 24 eastern Sailor. . . . , WUhnlo Anna C Morse... Wast Hilton .... Ensley City , . . . . West Ksdron .... Bantu ......... Formosa . ....... Bearport ....... Senator ........ ...New York ......May 17 ...New York ......Msy 24 ...Kan Fran.. .....May 20 ...San Fran. May 20 . . . London ........ Msy 20 ..........New York May 16 ...Port Said May 17 ..........North China.... May 20 ... San Fran. ... . . May 80 Ktna . . It A .Hull . May 21 . . ! rw x m a .... ua . NoorderdUk ..... Have Maru ...... Bloat Asa ....... M?aUgu ....... A, . Rotterdam May 24 . . ..Orient ........ Msy 2- ...New York May 18 ...China, Japan, .May 96 tlsrry Lackenbach Lehigh Benelder Tokufuku Maru. . , WUlfaro ...New York ... ...Philadelphia .. ..May 90 , .June 1 . .May 30 ...Yokohama .... . . . Shanghai . . . . . . . New York".. . . ..May 18 ..June 7 T Vessels From Portland For , Europe ...... . N. China porta ! Date ..May 19 . .May 16 .May 18 . .May 24 . .May 22 .May 20 ..May 18 Eelheck . . . " "v trail . . . . Beuledi ......... Sedgepooi ........ Steel Voyager. . . . , Wiilaolo. ........ Santa Alicia. . . . . . V . Tsswsl i K, V. Krus. . ..Europe ...... , Europe ...... , N. Y.-Boston . .New York . . . . . .West Coast ... is in Port Berth. ......... Terminal No. 9 Mindoro ...... Willamette , . . . Clark ea Wilson St Helens Eastern Marinar West Nivaria . . . . Anson S. Brooks . , Eelbeck Geo. U. Bind . . . . Benledi , Dolphins . . . . . .Clark-Wilson . . . TerminsI No. 4 Eelevator . .8t. Helens ....... Montgomery i ...... . Knappton , . . . . .Tongue Point Waiotapu . l - . . i i ; rjayis sua . . . Notice to Mariners " Th following notice affect aids to naviga tion in th Seventeenth Lighthou district, ac cording to Robert Warrack, superintendent: Oregon and Washington Columbia River la) - Clatsop 8pit gs and whistUng buoy. 12, essasasa9Ee-nasmassssB99sas9-9 TRANSPORTATION Travel AMaet ' i Reserratlona Hotels Railroad Steamship Line Motor Trips j. Tours and Roads SQ-aSa F-wyiu - DOBSKT B. SMITH, Managet JOURNAL BUSINESS OFFICE Main T173 Marshall 1979 Coastwise freight and pat' senger service temporarily suspended account marine strike. Regular tailings will be resumed . immediately after strike is broken. TRANS-PAOIFIO FRCIONT 8CRVICK ' to all oriental porta, U. 8. Shipping Board A-l Steel American Vessels SAILING FROM Portland: . i S.S. COAX IT ............ ....May 25 S. S. MONTdaUl ............ .June 19 S.S. ASKROoa ....July.16 t Fer Further loforrrustlon Apply to PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. 101 THIRD ST.. PHONt MAIN 9281 ttprnaa' lan.lV ngX: ??ftla.?d Seattle ana Tacoma via IS snn eanaLj North Atlantle and Western a n Cn sr,n neei vmnln EABIBODFB 1 Wewvs Portland S. S. Artlgag .....May 19. 8. H. Leklgk Jae 9 b. b. vrett Togug.jsse It For Further Informorlmi Annlw THE ADMIRAL LLSE. 191 Third Street WILLIAMS LINE DIRECT SAILING for PORTLAND 'r. FROM i NEW YORK S. S. Willpolo, May 14 FOR RATES AND A. C CALLAN, Agent 414 Oregon Building. PORTLAND, OR heretofore reported light eitlnguif bwi Msy 8. was reiightea same day. (b) Tin toumring aids maintained for th benefit ot fishermen were lighted May 1: - Peacock Spit ranae lights. Republic Spit range lights. Jetty Sands light Charts S100. 6151: llaht list. 1921. No 200. 201. 202. 208. 204. 205: buoy list. 1920. page 20 Washington Willapa Bay (a) Wills pa found in position May 6 b Untxanoe channel buoy. 2. found missing May 6,- waa replaced same day 400 yards. 114 degree from former position. Charts, 6100, HI 3. Buoy list, 1H20. page 88. Washington Seacoaat Umatilla Reef Weht vessel replaced on station May 9, and Relief light vessel withdrawn. Chartv 6102, 6265, 63)0; light list. 1921,. No, 407: buoy hat. 1920. page 48. I - Washington -Seacoaat -Swiftsure Bank light vessel, temporarily withdrawn from station Msy 9 Station now marked by Relief light veseeL Charts, 6102 light li.t, 1921 No. 408; buoy 'at. 1920, page 44. Position of Vessels Radio reports, from North Head give the positions of the following vessels at 8 p. m.. May 11 : Quinault, I Portland for San Pedro, croselng out Columbia river. Rainier, SeatOe for Ban Francisco, 235 miles from Seattle. Dodd, Point Wells for Richmond. 605 miles from Richmond. Strike Situation Clears Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 12. Although the strike situation at Argen tine porta la unchanged, the government is more optimistic and expects to settle the dispute amicably. Uew York-London Silver New York. May 12. (I. N. 8 ) Commer cial domestic bar silver was unchanged today at 99 e; foreign. e higher at 0 He. London, May 12. (I. N. 8.) -Bar silver was unchsnged today at 94 d. TRANSPORTATION LINE HPB New York Cberhoargr Soutsamptos ADRIATIC Juns 1 July 8 Aug. 2 OLYMPIO June 4 Juns 25 July 19 A aw York Liverpool CELTIC May 28 Juns 23 July 23 CKUHIC , Jan 11 July 9 Aug. 6 BALTIC Jnly 80 Aug. 27 If. T.-Boston-Aioret-Ulbraltar. . aples-Uenoa CANOPIO June 17 CUKTIC ...July 13 Philadelphia Liverpool HAVERFORD ,. . . May 28 July 2 Aug 6 AMERICANi.INE RED STAR LIXE N. TM Plymouth. Cherbourg, Aatwern KROONI.AND ...Msy 21 June 25 Jnly 80 SEKI.AN U .....June 1 July 2 Aug. 6 LA PLAN O ......Junell July 16 Aug. 20 FINLAND June 18 July 28 Aug. 27 V.-V. -Hamburg (vis C hereout-? after May 86) MINNEKAHDA . Mar 21 June 80 Aog 11 MANCHCK1A .. . . Juu 2 July 14 Aug. It MONGOLIA -. . June 16 July 28 Sep. 9 WHITE STAR-DOMINION - ' MontrtaJ QDCbee Liverpool . MEOANTIO ....May 21 June 1 8 Jnly 18 PANADA June 4 Jnly 2 Jnly 80 VKOIU June 25 Aug. 6 Sept. 1 7 CITY OF LONDON June 29 lateraatlonal Mercantile Marine Co. Foe reservations and tlcksts apply to ramsl aaent or Company's offio. O. P. SAROINT, Martaoar, 610 Saoond Av., BaaUla, WVawa, ' Phone Mala 119, New Ybrk-Havre-Pcuis Haw Quadruple Screw Oil Burnae DADIQ 68.700 Tsn ; a affvla? 46,000 Moras power June 23, July 27, Aug. 17 I, A ttATOIE Mayfl Jane 18Jsv 14 jhiua.o msy 21 Jane t& ., . LA LORRAINE. .May 2H July 6 An-. 6 Ana;. 9 tag. t Air. 4 Aar. 27 LAFAYKTTE . ..Jn 4 July f LA TOrKAI5E..iane 7 July t. FRANCE .... Jane 9Jly 7 ROCHAMBEAC Jon18JaIy 23 Hamburcr Direct NIAGARA ....... Jaly 16!Sept, 8Kov. 6 New York, Vigo, Havre ROU8SILLOX ...Jan 4 f........ Fugsal Bros, Facrfle Coast Agent, 109 Cherry 9L, Sealtl. or local Offloa. A9TORIA AND WAT POINTS STEAMER GEORGIANA Bound trtp Dafly (K leapt Frtday) Leave Portland 7:10 A. M.. Alder ht Doafe Direct Connections for reside. PARS 92.00 AOH WAV. Night Boat Daily (Incept Sunday) 7 3S Direct Connections for North fieash Mate 1422: 641 23 Alder St Does, (ldl If frtVA c Jim r fCSlr Steamship Gr Ticket for All UnsV V ig Ca-ie Asvwmo.sil.tlses at UA S Tariff aaaa. w ft U Special servt kstmrlsg ties porta, vim and sail lag psraula. I II I Itioarsrie Pavpared. I II 11: Bleeping ear and betel mars a. I H fa m we made la adranaa, at aaaa If abread. W Kmkd ,c "0mm Santwaa" M IS If VrIVt-rt D. Walker. D.P.A. AjS'.W TkVyfVV Cor, 6th A Osk 8U.S, , WESTBOUND From From PYora . Portland Maine Boston Phlla S. S. Tafsa May 29 Jans 1 Jaae f K. a. Weat Isleta.. Jan 19 Jane It ; tt B. 8. Artla-aa Jaae ea t.i. t i.i. i Paelfle Coast Agat Pha Mala "SMp Wafer3' 8PAC15 APPL.T TO Broadway 1431 Broadway 1414 Brosvdwa 30 Phones