TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, OREGON mi AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE $00 ' Your Car 'Is ' . Here - AND AT TOUR PRICE . $675 . Tor an Kigia efg tearing-. It costs you thing to look at it - '$325 - One of those 90 Onrliadt. Well worth S325 - ' 490 Chevrolet. ready tit go anywhere. f .-' $1150 ; Yon Hf several hundred dollar on thil Hudson super U. 5 good tare. $1400 1920 Klgin. In the best of .conditloa. $600 Oakland six. Just think, only $600 for . a car that last yeaf you would have paid , 1000 for. ; $350 O the eH in and ace - More mile to the gallon. Ten. it's lfaxweil. Come in and ace it. Don't fail to get your car now. WELLKR MOTOR COM PANT. Washington at 15th. UTE MODEL CARS j The largest slock in the city. t. Price you never beanl of before. : Not sale at all. T Jtmt an everv day occurrence at THE rSKD CAR WAREHOUSE 1920 Stephens Salient Six Sport. - 1920 Hayue Sport; wire wheels. ' . 1920 Pateraon Light Hit. 1020 Hnpraobile. Touring. 1919 Oidsmobile 6 Touring. : 1919 Hcrippe-Booth Roadster. 1910 Mitchell . Victory model. .1919 Buick 6 Taurine jf 181 8 "Willys-Knight 89-4 Touring. 1919 Chevrolet Toiirinc. T1920 Maxwell Roadster. '" 1918 Olda 8 Touring. 1918 Ford Touring. 1910 Oakland 0 Touring. . .191 8 -Miteheil A Roadster. 1018 Maxwell Touring. 11917 Hupmobile, model N, Touring. 1917 Ro tt Tonring. 1916 Packard Twin. Packard 30 Tour sag. c Chevrolet Bug. Buiek Bus. If yea com oyer we will ahow yon about J90 more. ... . Lo Prices and Eaay Terras. THB USED CAR WAREHOUSE Grand Avenue at Taylor St. Open Evenings and Sunday. Phone Aut 214-10. ' BARGAINS ' 13 OARS TO BH SOLD AT COST Win ton 8 touring, overhauled ......$125 ' Buick 4 touring, license- .195 Appersoa, 4 touring, el ee. equipped,. 200 -IBexon 4 roadster, elee. equipped . . . . ' 200 ' Chevrolet touring, eleo. equipped.... 2125 . Telia touring. , lec. , equipped ..... . -75 . Hup 4 touring, A-l shape .. 236 Overland 4 touring, eluc. equipped.. 2 50 Overland 4, repainted. ........... 300 i Mitchell 4, first class . ..: 323 . Oakland 6 tonriog. 1917, A-l shape.. 478 .!ola it. 7 -passenger .............. 650 podge touring, 1910 ............ 550 Ford bugs. 7 to pick from. Ford tourings, SO to pick from. Lots of other good burn. V RANSOM'S UMED '. A R EXCHANGE . Eut 4376. ' Union Ave. and Belmont St. Upstairs. V OPEN KVENLNGIJ AND SUNDAYS. FORD TRUCKS 40 to select from 40 With or withnnt bodies. : .Hard rubber or pneumatic Urea. 'Every one in firxt-cUsa shape. - LIBERAL TERMS, j UNIVERSAL, CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. E. 47. ' Of" SurWays and Evenings. - -1919 BTjIOK, light six 7-psas. touring " car, newly painted, overhauled; good tires; guaranteed and: aerWe for 00 days. Here's a bargain for $1000, . terms. Phone Howard Automobile Co., ir Broadway 1130. Alder f 12th, I3HBVROLET Model 4 90 tonrlng. brand new, still in dealer's hands, at the new lew price. Will accept deposit on new ford at face value on this car and you can get your new Chevrolet immediately. Phone Col.. 432. i 1920 OLDSUOBTLS UflHT SIX I good tires, spotlight, wind deflectors. It 014 this week. $1100 - . 630 ALDER ST. ,77 ; 20 CHANDLER DISPATCH Here is the king of all light sixes. This sit iB ready; needs nothing; has sll new tires, 'OB extra, sad bumper; extra tires: mounted tire cover; license; side curtains open with the doors; low price and will give liberal terms and tak car in trade or bonds. 814 Alder St. " MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. FORD BOADSTER Vine mechanical condition, good tires, refill fcned, 8378. 830 ALDER ST. WKAYFTR TTRH COMTANT FEDERAL TIRlS OREGON VCIANIZlN'tJ CO. TIRE ' REPAIRING 333-333 Burnaide at Broadway. IORD aedaa. 1921, practically a saw car, . new spare tire, spotlight, eta. Take ' Ford touring car in trade. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Con Grand Are. and E- Yamhill. E. 471. - Open Sundays and Evenings. "'19 CHEVROLET TOURING At the low price 8525, with (200 down, bal. say; take car in trade; runs, looks and is as a-eod as the day it left the show room. Come aavd try it. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. " rew EXCEPTIONAL BUYS Oakland 0. roadster .,..$350 several Ford bugs, an bargains. 1 920 Chevrolet touring .............. 8500 Stewart truck k. . . . . $325 188 Grand ate. East 6563. . THE FENDER MAN T. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks oat while yea .wait; also repair radiators and bodies. Breadwty 8314. 80 N. 11th st. Bear Bnrnside. FORD TOURING CAR 'SO model, self starter, and works and looks new one; has scene extras; low price gad .tak -$ ITS down, bal. monthly. 514 Alder st - MCRPHT MOTOR CAR CO. SAVE $600 ON HUDSON Run less thaav a60O milea. Ha side wings, hampers, cpsre eerd. in tact is complete, even license. Is better thaa a new one right sow. -xaeor b 1 1. leran. I'OUD touring, good running condition. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand Ave. and E Yamhill. E. 4 71. vew nnnaay ana r-veninga. WIIL a0 my lata Chandler chummy at a sac rifice; will take light ear as firt pgvment and give 10 mntttha on balance. 2 N. 11th. jnnwy.- oiin. tpen eve. TFBAKER Lieht Six- ilO, all equipped; 1948 "le' wner- n- Kreul, Wdln. AlltO F01Tt Be-ooversng and repairing nutv UFS at reasonable prices, 824 Katroow c. ftetween th and Broadway. pASU for your car; condition no object; parti - for all make of ears. Portland Auto Wreck- .lag. 831 Alder tt tWwv. 6SS54 E PUT Steal taeih la yaur old Cywhee!; crankshaft turning. H. P. Black, machine , n . aim D .1 Ada, 1918 CHEVROLET 395. .'This car Is in good - mechanical condition; has 6 good tires, 28 jf. Mtn. twwy. a;n.- tirxy eve 'EToCLD like te trad 1920 MaxweU touring, hke new. for a sedan, any make, or B. Q. roievrolet, Oklsmoblle or what? Ktsi 112. CLASY lrtrd bug iu fint class rf.natitinn for sale.,-has top? and windshield. If you want a grwi car call Ant. iin-a, eve. 1920 VELIE 6. 6 pass.; this car will please -u the most critical buyer. $1250, terms if de sired. Pheae Weedlawe 8844. 1919 LIBERTY In good condition, 5 good tires, and bumper. Price $1200. 151 E. Sumner. Wdln 868. 1920 CHEVROLET . 1920 Chevrolet tonring car, hke new; 5000 mile. Terms if desired. East 6259. ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 J. He 8S 10TH ST., NEAR STARK. Every car in the following list in good shape. Most of tliem have many extras and 1921 license. If any of these seem to tueei your wants, we guarantee satisfaction before rou drira out. Ea&y terms. Dost Sedan ... . Hupmobile ........... Chtvrokts ..... . .... , Overland Roadster 4. . . . . Studebaker Koad.tter . . . 1920 . . . . . Model R 1917 and 1019 7 ....... . .1918 Drxlge Touring . .' 1918 ...1918 .......1918 .......1917 .......1020 .......1914 Paig Touring . . .:. ... , f Liberty . Touring ...... Case Touring ........ Tlavi Sport CadilUo .. . .. ...... , .1916 C. H. COLBURN, Sales Manager. ' Broadway 3231. ; NO SALE We are not trying to mislead the public with tag sale or are we riving away something for nothing, ... ? The eoiiservsUr buyer buys where there is honest value anil expect to pay a fair price, thmt giving more in value and service than when you buy something cheap. Those who have purchased cars of us say they barer looked the city over and our cars and prices are the best yet. You will say the same when you see them and take a jide in one. PICK TOURS ' FROM THIS LIST Winton, like brand new $3600 Apperson, anniversary 4 pas. ......... 2000 Studeliaker big 0, 3800 miles. ....... 1600 Chandler 7 lass., cord equipment...... 1000 Cedillas 7 pass., fine condition ........ 1 500 Keo 4, 1019, runs like new. ..... 050 Franklin series 8, cord equipment. ..... 10O0 Columbia 0, just new all over........ 1350 Hudson Super.' overhauled ........... 1000 Chevrolet, F. B. model aedaa, never sold, give factory guarantee...,....,.,,. 1659 Dixie C (.-., just brand new.......... IITiO Overland roadster. 1920 model...;. 765 Chevrolet. 1919. 490 model ... . 475 Buick 4, first-class buy...... 550 Briscoe touring, good shape 350 Cisarit 6, good shape '....,,..,, 350 Maxwell. 1918, all refinished.. 475 Htudebaker 4, for quirk sale. ........ 350 Chevrolet panel delivery. .-.... 500 Chevrolet light delivery ............. 450 1000 lb. trailer tor camping. ....... . 73 Several others. EAST TERMS NO BROKERAGE Buy from a firm with a reputation that stands back of every deal and sees that you are a satisfied. ? Remember, any reasonable terms and no brokerage charged. i ARBITCKL.ES USKD CAB CENTER 86 10TI1 BET. STARK AND OAK. BDWY. 1424. Open Evenings and Sundays. USED CARS 1920 Pan-American touring, run 4000 miles, A-l condition. Owner has road euntract and must get money from this oar to put into motor truck. . Priced nghUi . . 1017 Buick 4 touring, newly painted and overhauled, $525. ' Overland 00 touring, fine condition. ' I 1921 Ford touring, equipped with dnnfxint able rims and '21 license: run 800 miles. Liberal Term. WTLLIAM U ; HUGHSON "COMPANY, 60 N. Broadway at IHivis. Bdwy. 321. Ask for Mr. Marshall. 1918 BUICK light Six, 7 pass, touring ear; newly painted, overhauled; good tires;' guaran teed and service for 90 days. Here's a bargain for $1000. Terms. Phone Howard Automobile Co.. Broadway 1130.; RADIATOR SERVICE CO. "IT WILL PAT" yoo to see us about repairing that RADIATOR, FENDER Inr BOOT. . Expert, guaranteed work at moderate price. lot union and aj.Mowatr Hawthorne avenues. East 8403. BUICK ROADSTER Refinished, cord Urea, fine mechanical condi tion, $850. 530 ALDER ST. BROADWAY TIRE SHOP BROADWAY AND WILLAIMS i , AVE. TIRES, ACCESSORIES, OILS, . GAS, CRANK CASK FLUSHINGS. TIRE SERVICE lOUD roadster, 1 8 IS. fine condition, speedometer, shocks; a dandy buy; $295. terms, UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor. Grand Are. and E. Yamhill. E. 471. Open Sundays and Evenings. 1918 PAIGE LIGHT 6 Thoroughly overhauled, near tip, classy paint job, good tires; guaranteed to be in A-l me-, ehanical condition, and looks like a new Paige; aacrifioa for 81100, $400 cash, balance ia, 10 month; snap. Mr. Argd. Broadway 3281. 1913 STUDEBAKER chassis, dem. rims. 1921 license, running order, $100; Half bal. easy. GRAND AVE. TIRE SHOP. . 43 Grand ave. N. BUICK , ROADSTER Has set been run since I enlisted in service. Has 9 cord tires, paint is very goad,- runs per. feet. A dandy performer. Call Dr. Morrow, Main 460. . FORD sedan, starter, dem. rims, new . finish, wonderful buy at $625. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Onr. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. K. 471. Open Sundays and Evenings. MAXWELL TOURING , This it the real goods -in the light four; has new finish and runs fine; low price, and w will take Ford in trade; low price of $625. with $250 down, bal. easy: 514 Alder ft. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. FORD ear, 1917 model, all in good; running or der, new tires; have taken this ear in on a debt and will sell cheap; no dealers, 365 Union ave. S. :.-'' 1917 FORD touring, demountable rims; looks fine, exceptionally t low first payment, $30 monthly on balance. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 325 Gli-aan. bet. Bdwy. and 6th. 1021 NASH DEMONSTRATOR , Driven 90 days. Attractive discount. Tabor 6645. Mr. Railsbaek. ,, Bdwy4 521. "Portland Motor Car Co. : - i -t; J 1920 OLDS 6, 5 pass., in perfect running condi tion : could use a Ford or Chevrolet as part payment ; terras to suit on balance. . Call Johan sn. at Broadway 2270. ' . 1919 OLDS Light 6, very good condition, looks and runs like new. Bargain at $1085. Terms. Take Ford in trade. Billingsley, 455 Hawthorne. East j;20. 2. 'j 1918 OLDS, looks and runs just'like new. This ear is right in price and right in every way. Don't overlook this one. Call Propst, Broadway 3605. HERE is a good Ford touring car, $50 down. $28 per month. Nothing to buy but gas -and oil on this one. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 825 Olisan, bet. Bdwy. and 0th. 1917 GRANT Six, in A-l condition; gaud tires, good paint, 21 license. . Very cheap. Small payment down. Call Propst. Bdwy. 8606. OAKLAND SIX. with all-weather tap. in fine condition: $150 down will handle. Call Johansen. at Broadway .22 70, 1918 DODGE touring, new top, good tires, will sacrifice for quick sale or will take Ford or Cavrole in trade. Tabor 4874. LATE '18 Maxwell, extra tire, bumper and spot., in fine condition. Have to sell. Private party. Call Mar. 27 6 109ft R1BT Grand niearnleravnadater. TTaji mn only 1500 miles. , Must sell t a large dis count. Call Propst, s Bdwy. 3606. 1920 MITCHELL, on of these easy riding 6 cjrl. 5-pasa. automobiles that is a pleasure to own and drive, $1150, terms. Woedlawn 2344. 1916 CHEVROLET touring, good rubber sand recently overhauled, $225. Will give terms. Tabor 8888. CHEVROLET sedan, new finish. 6 good tires, mechanically perfect; very cheap en easy terms. Call Jonanaen, at Broadway 22TO 1918 CHEVROLET sedan: good rubber, extras; refinished: $750.; Call Duffy. Broadway 8270. Terms. ; . 1017 STUDEBAKER 4 touring; fine aaape. Would consider car auitahle for bug; terms on balance. East 8158. AUT- OSILES FOR SALE 800 BARGAINS IN '' ' ' USED CABS I Hapmobile .................. $700 1 Baby Grand Chevrolet, .... , . . , . 450 1 Saxon 6 .................. . . 450 1 Buiek 4 ................... . 200 Peerless 4 173 1 Overland roadster , 12a Long: & Silva 442 HAWTHORNE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 Repairing, vuuatmjing, etc. ; guar anteed work, quickly done. Used Urea. Old Reliable Vnlcanizers. 18 th and Thnrman. VVE IHJ curtain repairing, also install plate Class. B. B. Body woria. SOU William are. East 1198. ' A L 1'UBi.W tlare your auU cut to mH m bed. 70644 Wiluaan. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 8Q2 2 too CMC. entirely overhauled, rwainted, and backed wib the regular GMO guar antee and policy ............ $2150 3 hi ton Velie, equipped with' wood rack, cab and windshield; can b equipped for log ging or graiel haul .......... .$1376 1 Vs ton Morcland. absolutely new... $34 50 1 ton White; every unit in this truck has been carefully 1 rupee ted. ehecked and overhauled. .Only ..$1450 1 Vi ton Federal, with twe ton rear spring; overhauled ........ ,.....$1250 2 ton Reo. overhauled, repainted. . . $450 1 a ton Wint.hrr, four-wheel drive, just the thing for extra har4 going, auch a deep sand or mud . ...... ..... . .... $1 500 1 ton Republic, overhauled, pew solid tires . . ..... ... $1050 ton Republic, pneumatie tires.. $078 1 ton OMC, overhauled, repainted, A A-l condition .'. . . . . , . . . .$1350 ton QUO, overhauled and repainted, for aale for only . . $850 4 ton Buick, pneumatic tires . . $678 Ford Light Delivery, looks like a new machine - . $4 23 WentvvoirtBi&Irwsn, Inc. 200 Second St. Cor. Taylor. Rebuilt Trucks All oveihaulcd and put in fint class con dition; we have all sixes and makes: it will pay you t investigate our line. The fol lowing are typical of stock : 1918 DODGE delivery L . . .$ S50 1917 REPUBLIC. 9 -ton, complete 500 1917 HEPHBLIC. J-ton ......... 050 1917 RISSEL EAR, 1-ton . . . L ; . i 775 -IvlTO.M.C. lVa-ton 1078 1917 REPUBLIC, lW-ton ...L... 1000 DEN B V, 8 ton L . . . 1 100 ItEIM BLH', a 'A-ton. dump body nd hout ............... r .. . 8500 Ixmg Easy Terms, ; No Brokerage. Qrannlng & Treece 542 Alder Nt.. corner 17th. Broadway 1723. NEW I NEWl AT A BIG DISCOUNT NEW1 NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS NEW WHITE TRUCKS NEW INDIANA TRUCKS NEW TiENBY TKLCKS ' These trucks are absolutely new and have never run a mile. We; nuU sell 1 these trucks, so make your own terms within reason and drive a new truck at wholesale coat. We have the following used trucks: 1917 Ford delivery..!. , ':, . 1915 Ford delivery. I 1919 Chevrolet one-ton. I 1919 Oidsmobile speed wagon. ! 1918 Gary one-ton. i 1918 Ford delivery, j " 5 i 1918 2-ton Selden, cheap. ! 0SED CAB WARErtOUSE, Grand Ave, and j Eat Tsylor St. ATTENTION OF WOODHAULEHS I have some very reasonable buys in trucks, especially equipped for wood delivery, $150 and up. Federal. White. Packard. Kissel, G. M. C Mack. Republic and many ethers. For any in formation phone Jensen evenings. Mar. 5241. FOR SALE Ford delivery truck, "used 4 mo., 1920 model 5 Goodyear tire, starter model. Call Wdln. 2214. except between 0 and 1 a.m. or call at 1576 Albtna ave. , CITY HAULING contract with respomable Port land firm. Work in handling cord arid slab wood in city: permanent contract; requires jMir otaaae of truck. Apply 430 Buraaide. west side WHITE SH-ton, with dump body, completely overhauled; guarantee; Will trade sand pi re term.. Phone Jensen,! Bdwy. 691; evening Marshall 5241. TRUCK line nationally! used, well known and well advertised on Pacific coast. : Can give 'J or 3 states to right party. For full particulars write factory representative. It 34 4, Journal. LUMBER HAULING CONTRACT Near Portland, with j 8 -ton truck ; stead. Apuiy ouniMuc, west siue. FEDEBAiT" 334 -ton, worm "drivel priced for quick sale ; will trade ' and give term. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 001 ; evenings Marshall 5241. , 1920 JfON Oidsmobile truck, A-l condi tion, good rubber, 1 extra casing and tube; price reasonable. Main 4679. 2 Vt -TON truck, never Men used, owned hy dealer who has sold out. Can save you some money on this. Write Lrl40, Journal. WILL sacrifice 1920 Ford truck. See it be fore buying. Call Auto. Lenta 2011, HALF TON REO TRUCK, $600. ; TERMS. -' EAST 8110. " .- T ': " ' - MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES ' ENAMELED . Factory finish. E. U. Lampcrt. Union and E. Tsylor. 1920 INDIAN motorcycle, run 408 miles, cost $564 equipped. Will sacrifice (or $450 grid give liberal terras. See Mr. Marshall. William L. Hughson Co.. 60 ,N. Broadway at Davis. Phone Bdwy. $21. - -'- MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES WIS SELL FOR LESS; GET OUR PRICES. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE ek BICYCLE CO.. MAIN 6139. 204 3D ST. FOB- SALE Harley-Da vidson . 2 speed, old style, good mechanically; needs overhauling. Phone East 7082 or call at 48 East Stark. r-nce sav, 1918 HABLEY-OAVlDSON motorcycle with or witnout side ear. HnuUl payment down, bal ance on easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3606. MOTORCYCLES AITD! PARTS, aIX MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLdfi CO.. -o urana Ave. HENDERSON, electrically equipped, tandem, Z motor, just overhauled, very cheap oa easy terms. Call Jehaaseg at Broadway 2270. HAVE a numtwr of good used ears; will trade for a good '-used motorcycle. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3605. WANTED A good used motorcycle as part pay. - ment on 1 Broadway 2 - ment on a good, used car. Call Johansen at 3IU, - - - - DAYTON motorcycle, j tandem, excellent condi tion; good tires, $75. Mais 6111. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ATTENTION, CAB OWNERS r We will everbanl your car. any make, and ave you money. All work done est a flat con tract basia and absolutely guaranteed. Work coder the supervision of competent end reliable men. Get our rrices, tiey are reasonable 'and will surprise you. We specialize on generator and electrical work, battery recharging astd re pairing, vulcanising and retreading; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Tele phone East 8068. FORD REPAIRING exolusively. ' We specislise oa Ford work and can give correct estimate on seat of repairing or overhauling; all work guar anteed. ., L"' J - CURLY'S FORD SHOP. 227 Salmon st. I' ' Main 8154. "1TT n.nnAt ..t it Ai.ni KtTr m vba. sanabUy. - Auto repairing in your garage or ours, by first class mechanic. Call East 147T, day or night. j' 1 ' ' STUT2 and all high elaa ears repaired and work ' guaranteed; personally supervised by Fred F. Geppert. Auto Rest Repair Shop, 10th and Salmon. Main 3237. FRF IF 80i days i aduaiments en all brakes THE BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth Struct h Maia 896 A-l. Ignition Man Guaranteed repairing, price right Wdln. 6363. FOR S TUTZ itLaPAlK WORK Seen Quin L. Jones at Vista garage, 21st snd Wasitmctnn sta. Mam 9. CADfl REPAIRING OCR SPECTALTT, fl V JXk Out prices. Guaranteed work. Ignition specialists. 355 Wheeler St. E. 3083. PBD7ATB aut remiriag and orbauiiag ia your own garage, rienest wore. j-,ajt on I a. ECONOMY' AUTO REPAIR SHOP AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 PORD OWNERS ruau vvernanivu . . . overhauled ......... . . $36 axle overhauled .,..,.....,,.,,..$ ground, rarbost rssaored.. ,........$ 8 to recharged ...................$ 8 Bear axle overnaasra Valve Maeneto We band-lap pletona, scrape bra rill ra. etc.. which inauree a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only Used. All work guaranteed GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR OCX, 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. ! AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 J AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DBJYER3 Itf Model tlar" BesJKinab'e Kate I FEARING V BOBNETT--CITT GARAGS 182 12th St.. bet. Wash and Alder. Bdwy. 640 lit iMMNg AND KSsKX i WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE. 2D AND MAIN. MAIN 3055. AUTOS FOR niRK WITH OK WITHOU DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 838. lOth gt Yamhill. A-1236. H. S. BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AW TAYLOR PHONE MAIN H6H7. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 TOH TRADE For a lata model Ford or Dodge, 1 'i cre at Lent. 65 I bearing fruit trees, alio berries pn place valued I $1400: easy terms. Dayton Hotel. 190 Vs 1st St., call after 6 p. ra., room 221, Larsen. i i WILL TRADE 160 acres tand In Eastern Ore gon for late model car. Dodge or Buick. iS 6.1 1, Journal. I I WANTED Light car as first payment on i 7 room-bungalow. Price $3750, terms on bal ance. Automatic 314-01. ' WE ARE ia the market lor a number of small cars; will psy cash. Grand ate. Auto kix ehang?, 188 Grand are. Phone East 6563.! CASH for late model light! car. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 325 Gliaan at., bet. Broad- ray and bixth. wTn Itll) -Late lrord touring or rw&dbter. moat be cheap for cash See Billingsley, Hawthorne t ttrt i. r,att T2. C4R8 wanted to wreck, prt for all ears under ii aii price. o. ex . . 18th and Alder. Broadway 4to Wrecking Cp., WII4. trade light modern IV 1H five-pass, oar f. Sell. 1947, No for equity in late light c dealers. - WANT to buy a good used IFord. 28 N. 11th, Bdwy. 3214.- . : WANT FORD TOURING OBJECT. CALL AUTO "M5ND1TION NO LENTS 8011. ! CASH for old cars for wrecking. Calf at t(re snop. a unina ave. nr m in&ai . casn price paia dition' no object. 121 for old cars: con- N:. 3d st i WAN'i-JjD Car in trade nnk. Ant. 319-97. . ur liotis equity- CASH, for Fonia, ali moden); get our appraala. WANT ear to $1200 a part payment Cin A 1 . ,1. 1 r r,. . ta.uv iiooie. ysner, . isoor Oiso. WANT iglit cheap car. 107l 14th. Bdwy. 4208 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 90O MUELER Big 3 convector pipeiess heating sys tem; you don't pay for jhjBh Irent when ydu get our furnace; wo are in line with the re- aucea cost. ' - . A. L. HOWARD 280 3d st., bet Salmon and 'Main st. Mam 1806 WB SAVE TOU MONET House wiring, liihtina fix- to rea, electrical repairing, sup. piles. Third Street Electric Store. 224 Vs Third St.. near Salman. Mam 6055. oAi'lia 1-ire and burglar proof safes, caw and secondhand, at right prices, bought, uld and exchanged. Easy terms if idssired. 7 , NOBRIS SAFE eV ; LOCK CO. 105 Second St. j Main 2045. I FOR S A LK Assortment floor case. card tai bles, chairs, soda founuim complete, dishes, knivea, forks, refrigerator, srales, raot beer bar rels, Iron gates, diiing ron tiBle; sacrifice prices, cash. 'redit, 242 Salmon. I tlFFICK' Fl UMTUHK Used roll flat top dok, chairs and tableau large selection, prices lowett, I. O. Wax equip ininthouiie.24 N. 5tb fit- Broadway 2739. FOR LOW PRICES OX WOOD-ANDCOXE SEE US. PROMPT DELI VERT. CRE3TGN Rugg & Carpet Washe - ..On your floor with Hanijilton Beech Electri SAtES No. 70 Sixth st. Hear Oak. New end second hand Herring-Hall-Marvin safes and icei t- uine is. aiusoong fc to. Bdwy. 12t2. ; Excavating, any kind of 'team work, day or lobi M. FIELDING..- AUTO. B2tS-83 5 BUiSIXEaSs CARDa ROSE CITY PRINTERT Ton moat bring this ad. 120 6th St 20 years experience; satisfaction,! guaranteed. a. it. rutnam. wain. i SECOND band lumber,, doors, glass for garage or tactory, ana pneg. wain. t7l4 aiur a p. m. CIRCLE EXCHANGE, 4 1 5 j Flietiner bldg.. 10th and W'aashington, buy and sell ladies' slightly worn cieiinng. tuiwy. uu. WANTED Good pasture, near Portland, for one team, for -tlia summer. 1 Tnr.r. refit 1 a Write Nat Beeachey. 420 Mi Durham st, city. tjiii.Mfl KK ULPA1H islitit'. iu Hood location, nrith ftntf "ia -a 1.,. f ... ..!. XL." ' W with first elasa trade, i for sale. W-2D8, journal. -ItAIS guarantee house pauit. white; roof paints, - sningie stains. lute enamels, var nisfies: barirain. 67 lTnion ave. COLLAPSIBLE go-cart, $4; lawn mower and hose $3.50. man's bicyclte $10, Vietrola and records $30. 5502 85th t. S. E. . OOMPUTING SCALES, casn registers,' coffee mills, meat choppers snd general store fix tures, at 226 Stark st. between 1st and 2d. WELL established new and second hand furniture store, centrally located, $3500. L-255, Journal. . S Dentists-v: KKZiZ&ZFT Without Painl Latest Nerve Blocking Method. ItADY'S clothing size 34, new coat, bbuat size 4, heating stove, chiffonier, books at your own price. ' 770 Albina ave. UNION Apparel Exchange sells slightly used ladies clothes, new spring hats, eta 719 union eve. cor, ivy, apt in.v LAWN mowers, sharpened and repaired; bi- i - i . i L : t -7 . 11. . cyciea- xepeireu; leaenu vyai ,iiif . t i - iwis- swuiJIiii .are. i ! FOIt SALE One used Ball electric washing machine, $95. Smith-McCoy Eleectric Co., 1 04 5th, between Washington and Stark. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamiltos . Beach electric carpet masher; also vacuum cleaning done. East 404o.j GALVANIZED wire screening, size 2 ft. 10 ir by '6 ft. on frame auitahle for poultry a in. UJ v, uti name .uiwwis u IWIUU u I rabbit pen, for sale cheap. SelL 1947. PENNY ARCADE machines. 30 of them, all newly painted and varnished, for sale, cheap. eso xnurmaa at nt-B A IT TTJl Combings made up. 8. V. Pierce. 8 MJs.Uirv 24 Killingsworth. Wood lawn 4380. 100,000 dirty bands to use GETS-IlT Seep. Ask grocer ATTRACTIVE "used sppa tel. very reasonable. lioz jr.. Tiisan a o?ti, , .um t.. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. FOR screens, mirrors, , mrdksine cabinets, fur- : . : : . - 11 11' l liDf 111 LU I VI iri'VU 1I1S, I 'l Ulll, 17.1. EXPERT rug cleaning, , discount on all phone orders until May ?2. Bdwy. 1200. HONEY. Warranted Unadulterated, 70c Qtiart. EAST 1416. are fo j 4 STEEL lumber roil: S679. -- - truck, cheap. Tabor SHINGLING and jobbing iby day or contract Phone Marshall 3519. ) CESSPOOLS and sewer oonnectiia and cement work. Miller, Btain 1818 . TAILOR-MADE suits left est hand at shall price. Modern Tailors. 8 f N, eto st T JVHAT have you to exchange for a cabinet pbonogra pn 7 I4 latnist. cavvy. zooa. Y'OUNG lady must sacrijjice narya blue suit and gray top shoes. Tabor 2159. FOR RENT Eleetrie vscuom cleaners; 24 hour day. Sic delivered. Wdln. 1259. GASOLINE and oil stcrag ti.n-ka and pumpaT P. O. Bo 867. I FOR SaXS Cash rsglstei, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St., near Ash. FOR SALE Registers, saowesses. wall Cask or credit aa naimon. ; PlOWing Atso trTiter. Ufda 4307. IF TOU I- furnace smoJtcs or dossn't heal, veil. Vat (A Avrwtl l u. Jimv. vs aw u a. , LaADIKS' sjr.n a appart?! and bata at great r J . u. j-H.ba. f. TT..4- 5A1K call ieonara. atlio. w-oi UUCviwIl 1 1 mil niCTnuisari.i aajy x. u. A. B. COMBINATION RANGE, tiractieally new, at AA 11 laTias. -fiainatE $160. Call Main 9406 POTATOES 75c whiio they last. 40 91st st. OIKS- on Ofcr. i.c, uewicnra. iinor pif . VACUUM cleaner for rent, 85a a day; delivered anywhere. Weoaiawn 8tj. "STAR A STAR" thmgies, direct Uom , -Still Call Taykir-et. dock. Main 8065. . I EXPERT PIANO tcTXG(. pUyer pianoe,1 worS guaranteed. r. a. riamueison. am. 3440. REAL BARGAIN IN USED SODA -Ft )U N TAIN, A-1 tjunjuiiitji. luytinanitiusAt, SECOND-HAND White aewinj machine, cheap 661 E. 2 1st at. " I ' " . r .- FOR SALE Ice chest, nearly new; holds 156i lbs. ice, $65. . Full infonuation. East 5395. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 800 A. L. HOWARD PLUMBING SUPPLIES Wholesale and Retail ' PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES MULLER PIPELESS FURNACES ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE 230 Third St. Bet. Salmon and Main Sta. Main '1806.' ' Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE cash registers, showcase, fountains, scales. tr hstusea. ' . ' L BOXER, afar. S4 8 8. 118 Seoead st, CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your home. Tennessee and Port Qrtord cedar;, solid copper trimmWAk latest designs. Write for catalogue. . J. W. HIGG1NS A. SON H12-l-18 K GI.IBAN. TABOW 08. ORNAMENTAL vases, garden iji i ".jt k.n.hM bird hat.h form taina. etc. Buy direct froae factory. Standard Art Btoa Co.. 1630 Maeadam at Marahall 778 r 800 K. f-1 ! ' i iitn su VlNUOW SCREEN AND SCREEN DOOK screen coolers, " , . rI medicine cbnta i snd all. ether special cabinet work made to order. Lumber and moulding tot "uni'versalSvoodworking CO, tan az HA At f'.nr. Flanders. SINGERS. Whites, New Homes. "etc., jusi like new. $25 to $45. New ltoyal. Service. Da via and other guaranteed drop bes $15 to $18. latest Singers, cash or terms. Rental, $3 PT month,. Singer .,... ids aih ' Main 6833. D. B. 8-ULL 5.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER STORE. 171 FRONT ST., BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4218. Lum ber, lath, shingles, deora, windows, molding and mill wor. screen doors, fruit and vegetable be tboea-. See onr ooa stnea oi sau. yo.. M)f 'wa'tEU' BOllER Ur . $5; Tight an4 heavy vselding of all kinds. W weki saws end springs. Prices right. . Al work guaran teed. Get our estimate before having your work done. Independent Welding Shop. E- Wat and Washinrton sta. Phone East 278fr. Sewing Machines We hav the largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pere prices. We rent and repair. 172Sd. near sammu. Electric Motors Bousht, told, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn eide, corner 18th, Brcsdway 5674. 10 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attach ments, $20 each ; portable electric . machine for rent; sewins machines cleaned and repaired. E. 11. Steen. 152 Grand are. East 2J59. 4 .-.. STAR-A STAR SHINGLES made from good live green timber, well manu factured, twice $2.75 per M. at plant Phone Marshall 4003. Western Reduction ; Co., 2-fth and Nicolai sta. i' FIGS, PRUNES ' ! '25 lb. box black f'SH. $3; 100 lbs. black figs, $11.50; 100 lb, split Italian prunqs, $4.50: ! ' BEAVER GROCERY. 287 Yamhill. Office Furniture, Safes IRWIN-HODSON Bargains New and Second-band. LICENSED indepcndeni eiecirlcian. wiree S rocms for $12, & rooms $20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pans inspection. Wood!awn 87 l ATOMOBlLEa, MOTUltCYCt.ES, LAUNCHEi cr boat are separata elaasificationa i A large Hating will tie found under these different elaaa iieaimns. ARMY GOODS, tenu, cola and complete line of army goods. Vholesale and retail. Army Surplus Sales Co., .Sam A. Mesher, : Prop., 35 N. Third st, comer Couch. - Bdwy. n. OT WATER TANKZs So-gaL $7. 40-gai- $; resiea ana guaranieeu; aiove ira lursicv nun, a as beaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st E. tSli. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky rooff Why not a comfortable nd durable root r We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 5120. OFFICE FURNITURE i Bought, sold and exchanged. I HAN SEN-WADEN STEIN DESK CO., 105 Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877. tl.ECTHIO fixtures wholesale,. 1 light chain, $1.35, 3- light fixtures, $4: elcitrie iron, S6.95. We do electric wiring. Re'.table Electric Store, Union and B-well. Eart 8686. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 BEAUTIFUL golden oak case Story eV Clark piano; new; 350;eterms. j G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. . 149 th at. STEINWAY $115. Harvard $200, Thompson, man. .case, almost new. $250. See these. The beet bargains in the city. 409 Abingtun bldg. ' SATIN finigw silver Conn saxaphooe snd outfit, slightly used, for $185; "C" melody,, G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th st. v BUILD your own phonograph; interesting work; all metal parts .furnished; retail snd whole sale. Portland Phonograph Supply Works, 647 First st. VIOLIN outfit, special $35. This includes bow, cane, roein and extra strings. G. F, JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th st. PLAYER piano only $4 25. with $30 bench: terms; very lateet, perfect condition; just compare with any other in city up to $800 elsewhere. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. MARTIN saxophone outfit, "C" melody. Includ ing case, $110; terms. ; G. . JOHNSON FIASO CO.; ' 149 6th st GENUINE I vers A Pond upright piano, food condition ; only (175, terms. SOULE BROS., 166 10th, near Morrison. FINE bargain in Kingsbury piano, gaabogany ease. $275; terms. - G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.j 149 6th st LEFT with us fo sale, fine nearly new upright piano, guaranteed in 1st class condition; $250. SOULE BROS., 166 10th, near Morrison. JUST received, finest imported French clarinets in "A," "Bb" and "C" $40 and up, G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.i, 149 6th ft ' VICTOR phonograph, $150 size, good as new, and 14 records; only $95, terms. - SOULE BROS.. ! 166 -lOth, near Morrison. VIOLIN strings, "Interna," "La Favorite. "Amita." Special string service. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. - 149 6th st $650 MARSHALL k WENDELU mahog. and bench, only $240; terms. 311 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE A-l Kohler 4c Campbell 88-note piano, like , new, by private party. 1005 J3. 3th St. N. $195 BUYS $475 used Cmerson upright piano, $15 cash, $5 monthly. Downstairs store, S?hwan Piano Co.L 10th and Stark. LARGE sue man. Columbia Grafonol and choice Te cords. ; For aale cheap or trade eor piano. Alain 7 724. $150 CABINET Playerphong, $80; $15 down, 10 months to pay balance. ; McCormick Music jo., wasnington st KIMBALL PIANO $375, best of condition, oak case. - Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st , bet. Wash, and Alder. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS MAIN 4495 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDEB FRANKLIN PIANO, walnut ease. A I ' Seiberung-Luca Music Co., 125 4th at. enap. bet. wasn. ana Ataer. .HIGHEST prices paid kne pianos, phonograph record, musical instruments. Exchange and rermir. 234 Msrttet t. Fnone Mim BO!2 iiAiliiiiAN 1'IAMJ, null uiatiogany case, SJU, very be-t of condition. A Bargain. Terms given. Seiberiing-Luras Music Co., 12r 4th st WEBER piano, mahogany ease, 8250; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. - , ' 149 6th at, $75 VICT RO LA, slightly used, $45; terms, $10 down and $1.50 per weak. UeCormick Music Co.. 429 Washington, st ; STODDARD PIANO $285. oak case. Term given. Seibeiiing-Luea Music Co.. 123 4th St.. bet Wash, and Alder. - WANTED -Good toned piano for cash. Mar shall 5709. ! BEST player Kane, rebuilt and tuning. V. Kremar, zo Manet st Main euiz TRADE VICTKULA for used piano, good prou- VIOLIN Hand-made, for $30, worth $75; made in 1900. Marshall 3 780. FINE upright mall, piano. $225. 429 Wash- ..... . . . PIANO WANTED Cash, from private parties. it bargain. Mara nan maz. KENT a player piano, music included. Harold H. Gilbert. 984 lamntii st. $185 BUYS beautiful $528 piano, Kimball make: terms. 311 wereeeur Ding. GRAND piano wanted, cash; consider upright Mam 44 oeiore p. m. WILLABD piano for sale cheap; consider rtnall talking mar tune as part payment, labor o6 MODERN upright Smith A Barnes, good for practice, only 317a. 429 Washington st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 90 We Will Trade You A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH For Your Old Piano WHY NOT? COME UP AND LET I'S TALK JT OVER . SEVENTH FLOOB Lipmant Wolfe & Co. CASH" BUYERS. ATTENTION i I Security Storage Co., Spring Clearance ' $450 Emerson upright cash ........... $1 $575 New upright, out of storage, cash... $29$ 85S0 Kimhall. moil.ni. oak. cash ..,....$296 Two small upright pianos, cabii, $65 and $ 7f 4 C. A. Smith, large, fine cooaiMon. . . i $525- Vaee V Hons, good shape, caah.N. .... $19$ $575 Dm via it Sons, large mahogany. ..... $29$ 25Q Pianola player. SO player rolls. $ 4$ $750 Piano clave r Diana. 40 clayer rolls., $38$ Four parlor organs, $18, $25. $35 snd $ 88 103 10th t. cnr. Stark St wasnmgtop, - if PIANOS KEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS ' AT - i : INVITING PRICES J '"' AND "' CONVENIENT TERMS WE SELL FOR LESS Lipman, Wolfe & Co SEVENTH FLOOR $10' MONTHLY, aa before tne war. buy new $525 pianos for $35: $15 sends it home:: $fl, $8 or $10 monthly buys $73. $195, $295 to $$9$ used pianos; $10 to $15 monthly buys used player pianos: $3 monthly buys $25. $30 to $58 organs during anniversary sale. 146 year ia the pia.no business.) ttehwan Piano to,, 101-10S 10th st, at Washington and Mtark. ! Pianos to Rent We will rent vnu a brand new standard piano and apply money paid on purchase price, vv ny rent second-hjBd pianos elsewneref Answer KNABE WABEROOMS. . J LIPMAN. WOLFE eV CO.. ' . ' HTE1NWAY PIANO Wonderful buy in nearly new. large atyto Steinwav ciano. If you want something good. uori b ovenoua una. 4 iiwi., ivw w aci $57 a ; terms. . V. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th st WE HAVE a fine line of used phonographs in all the different makes. Victor, Edison, Co lumbia, Brunswick, at just the price you want to. pay for them. Make your own terms. G. F. JOHNSON riANO CO., 149 6th st . xr r u Kimball Player Piano, Universal Player Piano, Decker Player Pianu. .Prices $2 75 and up, All in gooa corwiu.iou. irrnis Bivrit. o.iunuui Iewis Music Co., 125 4th st, bet Wash, and Alder. 1 I . I PARTS and repairs for violins, guitars, mando lins, banjos, and all small goods. Piano tun ing and refinishing. Got our prices. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6ih at FINE assortment of mutiic fold and bags, from gl.au to szu. , G. F. JOHNSON riANO CO.. 149 6th ft WELLINGTON PIANO, dark oak case. $295, very good condition. Term given. Seibcr-ling-Lucaa Music Co..' 125 4th at. bet Wash. and Alder i I PLATER rolls, all the luteal hit in the "Q. HT S. roll and "Ampico." Try our roll service. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., I i 149 6th st ' FINE pianos $120 up $250; 3 KimbsTls, Mil ton, Emerson. Sleek. Msrslisll St Wendell, many ethers, easy terms. 8 i 1 Worcester bldg. PIANO WAVTKD Cash deal. Main HSHO." HOUSEHOLD GOODS 002 Brand New 1921 Rip '".At 1914 Prta 9x12 Brussels rugs, just arrived from fantory (2 pattern only), blue and : old rose, price lowered to. . .$22.50 Same rug in 64x9 feet only $12.75 Also $28.50 9x12 wool and fiber rugs at just half ........... $14.25 9x12 grass rug at. ........ $8.1)5 Mish Fmraitiire Co.- 188 190 First St. COAL snd wood range ....... $18.00 up Cook stoves .. ...... ,t .... . .$10.00 up Oaa stoves ....,". . . , .... ..$10.00 vv Gas wster heaUra ............ $ 9.00 up Floor coverings, yard .........$ .75 up Kitchen queens .,,....,...,.$ 8.00 up Kitchen cabinets ........... .$ 12.00 up Dining Room extension -tables. . . $ 7.00 up , Dining room chairs ......... $ 1.50 up Living room rockers 4.00 up Library tables .$ 6 00 up; Simmons bed .,$10.60 up! Cotton felt BUttresae...,....$ 6.7S up Steel springs , .3 6.00 up Coil sprtnaa .$ 8.00 up Dresser . 9.00 ug PORTLAND FURNITCBB EXCMANGU ! 208-210 First t 8AVE MONET it Try our sales dept if you want to cuy or sell houaebold good;, reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars. Ex pert packing, repairing and refinishing. Money loaned on - goods in storage. Fireproof gtorags, low insurance rates. . " SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 53 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah hotel. .Phone Broadway 8718. Reed Specialty Shop 819 WILLIAMS AVE. Manufacturer of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture made to order; also repaired and refinished. Buy direct from factory. ' FOR SALE Good sanitary couch, mattress and cover, $18: folding breakfast table. $2.50; good dining room table and 4 chairs, $28. ONTf wood and Coal stove" with hot water tolls, one baby oriole; both in good condition. Will sell reasonable. 629 E. 48th N. Automatic 321-10. ' ., - ft HOLE range. $12; copper coil water heater, $12 ; 4 burner gas range, $15; oak dresser, $22.60; bed and spring, $7. and ether household gooos. eeii ougi. quo rowvii av. DOUBLE bedstead with springs, like new,' $12; spring cot with pad, $3. HE. 62d St., ear ner ABU. FOR SALE 6-hole wood range $15, gas .n . r. . . . , . !1 m r. range eie.ov, uv cuun e, v w.ww. dining table 88.50. L. Mann, 288 N. 16th st. FOR SALE Nearly new 4 -burner A-B -gas range, very reasonable, or will trade on wood range. 134 E. 2d st N. FURNITURE of 6 -room house for sale; no cheap junk. Phone owner, Sellwood 3258. - . FURNITURE for sale, 6 rooms. 751, Wpson. Apply after 6 o'clock. ' , 8X10 AXMINSTER rug, $20; kitchen table. $2i lawn mower, $3. 481 Ms son Tt. - FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 FOR SALE 18-in. second-hand lathe, good con- niqon, caeap. ag aaornaon at- FOR SALE Gas engine, 8 h- p.. $35, 550 E. 41st at 8. W-R ear. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 ATTRACTIVE new houseboat, large living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, Pullman- breakfast table and other builtin features; gas range; 20x 80 house on 26x50 float; very substantially constructed; large new logs; gas, electricity. water, pnone. aetiwooq zni. 3 ROOM .' houseboat, partly furnished; also rowooat; $800, part casn ana terms. usii at 4th house from mill at Milwaukie Sunday and week days. B-319, Journal- ." FURNISHED houseboat. 4 rooms. Bath, wood shed, rowooat Tabor 806. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rente la, re pairing, supplies. Distributor CORONA por table. SUND8TRAKD adding machines, Maia 2285. E. W- Pease Ce., lio Hixtn at ALL make guaranteeil eaa year. Best re-eone strncted typewriter on coast New pries list. Wholesale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington st. rnniinn, . tr. FOR RENT Underwood. Iteming ton. $3.50 ma. Empire Transfer. 251 Broadway. Bdwy. 158. ALL MAKES or typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 84 5'h st Min 8668. FOR SALE OR KENT Remington typewriter, A-l condition. Hell. 1159. 'V':?--.;' .'; --';r---:.'i SWAPS t-rw--- 925 lillS 7-PAS3. Studebaker 6, fine eoouiUon in very way; $600, with, liberal term; will accept good overstuffed davenport a lira pay- WILL TRADE Leghorn pullets and year-old hens for anything 1 can use; vvoodiawn 1717, A. A. Kelson, route v, no oee, yprrianq, nr. I WANT a lot; have to exchange good team, . harness and wagon. ' Columbia 110 WANTEDr-MISCELLANEOUS 9 50 "WANTED People tit PuiuaticPta gnow that I Pay the feisbeat 1 cash price for aeccnd-baad household goods. No amount too large or. too until. Prompt attention. , , N. IL SKATER Phone Fast 2208 i 143-Russell st WANTED, for special collectionIndian bas kets, pottery and souvenir, burnt woodwork, boxes, frames, wail hangings; mineral speci mens and curiae; j price nu object U-614, Journal.' i - . $12.60 TO $28.00 METER. THE TAILOR, pays more for See end Hand suits, shoes, overcaot. We call day or evening. Marshall 12.29. or 253 Madieon atree-; near Third. IlllLbb t:i.KAlu TIMfcV Do not throw thinga away. I pay good prieea tor second-hand furniture and household . goods. Also tools, clothing and all kinds of junk. Ceil Main 734. ; . BEST CASH PRICES FOk ALL KINDS 6 JNj WUPPLIEW. TOOL AND t)l HkR MtSCELLANEUUis i ART1C1ACS. Bt-fctllUi SELLINti CALL MAIN 648a. " ! WAST SHOl'TtlUN OR RIFLE. TENT MAIN 44. AUTO 627 6. 128 FIRST. UKMSTiTCHLNG maehiae wanted. V-45S, Journal. '-: i . WANTED FURNITURE 9S2 WE WANT YOUR USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE OR FURNITURE LINE TO SELL OR EXCHANGE CALL US FIRST ! MAIN 9072, LEVIN HARDWARE Ic FURNITURE. CO., 221-223-22 FRONT STREET. Owl Furniture Co e MORRISON We want your tued furniture, stove, carpets and pianos; we pay the highest cash prices. 166 and 16 Kin-t at. Call Main 4627. M. RJ SEATER Buy the best as well sa cheaper grade of second hand furniture. 286 Grand ave. Aut. 232-6i, WANTED 3 carloads' of 2d hand furniture, tools and any old household articles. Will pay more than any other dealer. : Call East 4912. WK BUY used fmSiture, stoves, etc. Reliable Furniture Co.. 203-205 2d. Main 7808. ARMY OOOOS U. 8. ARMY GOODS tor sale, wholesale anj retail; price reduced. IL Horeneteln, kit 2d at. or 204 1st st Main 7678. ' a)RT. NBEOttWOBW ORDERS taken In embroidery, laces and pamte ings. 4 03 Waslij. Mrs. J. Eppstein. ATTORNEYS E. W. EASTMAN 934 Chamber of lawyer and notary public. Commerce bldg. BATHS Turkish Baths Zlli?!$L Electro Therpisti 24-honr ervic to men. BLANK BOOK IWAKCR8 DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC., 100 2d st, blaa book msnufacturera. A-8188. 1 Main , , CABPEIyTERg AWO BUItDEH GENERAL contractor plana furnished for sU classes of buildings, altjrations, rvpaifing. LV tlmales given, l'hohe Wdln. 42M0 I I1 UK estimates on uuw jv.atrm;Huii, or remodal- ing, at reasonable! ptltrea. cajl ai, . " 1 . OAT AND OOA HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOsT'lTAL. Ine.. K. 7 tli and Grant Both phone. Day and night service. Three veterinriana. CSMtNT WOBS 1-Gli ctauent . wutaj au Kind., large or uill, n-asonable prices, !cIl Mr. Smith. Tbor 2326. CEMENT W'tiHa OF ALL KINDS i AUT. B43-7T CMIItOPRACTORS tail ROPRACIIC, steam baths and nurtj 10th floor Broadway bldg. Marshall 8187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. Open evenings. -!- DR. McMAHON (McMsn) hia ayatsm People taking adjustments while emiling; lltn year. ) ' ptEAWINO AMP PV ?INO RK;AL Cleaners. Tailors and Hatter-r-lellng anrf rii-oinir a STiecialtv. Out of town mall order given prompt attention. 127 N, 6tb, t. I'ortland, Or. j , ; ' ' COAL AND WOOD Peoples Fuel Co, ! Wood and roaL r Prompt service. n 1 . n 1 v u Kit . ln.il tislf ury c. i ni.iKiu, ju-,ut:u, ...wv im , dry cord wood in 2 "A -cord lots. $8.25 per cord. Other wood of many kinds reasonable. Olfiee 2H1 remont st !i-none au ii-si. 1X)LI lovf prices on wood aee us. I Prompt delivery. CRE8TON FEED A FUEL CO. initn ! ana x-oweu vaney mu. BOXWQOD i 1 Delivered immediately b Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macadam. Phone Alain 417V, FlltHT ;ltll Will EXTRA THICK RED FIR COUNTRY SLAB AND COUDWOUD " . Cedar Creek Wood Fuel Co. Phone Broadway 1783. 48-60 N. 13th t COUNTRY SLAB WOOD ! Green or dry, 4-jfoot er sawed. 1 Stat Wood sV Coal Co. Main 6012. GOOD 10 and 12-ln. country slab. $5.60, $7 BoT Heavy block, slab. $8. DRY, eord. load, half load. Bargains. Delivered anywhere. Sell. 1769. OLD GROWTH yUow and red fir eordwood, newly cut. $7.50i 2 cord lots. Egst 8651 or Wdln. 4709. ! " - ':.-1 1 FOK SALE 0k, fif and aab tio0- Delivered from 2 to 10() cord or j incarload lota. A A-o a , d ouruai. FIB ST growth eordwood, la.iOs 1 dry 4 foot - -1 . V 1 . -T K.l L.. ,...wl i U- . ...1 ,t,h 1M 1. . .. 1 , Tl M .. i I 111 - Bill CTB,rU. SPK;iAL IN aJlaUWifV smakU JH11U' J-UIA1) 1X1TH OREGON FUEL CO. ' WOODLAWN 4102. ORDER your winter wood now in 16 in., green slab, in 2 load lots. North of UoUadaj gre. Wdln. 623$. BUY your winter wood now. Good heavy first 1 growth fit, $8.50 per cord. F. E. Bowman ec SjO., iMain aiioi. 1'L.AX safe, graded strictly No. 1 old growth -wood. $9 cord tor May and June. Aut 616-87. BLOCK AND Siamlxed in 16in. lengilC Also eordwood. Call East 6363. - C0RDWOOD-H31d; growth. So. J, $8.60 per eord. Acorn Wood 4c Coal Co.. Wdln. 2132 FOR good old growth fir wood or heavy country sUb, caU Sellwood 8122. 1 BLOCK and alabwood, 2Toad lote, $11.50. K. Uonal Fuel, East 2041. ! t DRY 16 inch t And 2 inch lumber trimmings. $6.50 per load. DRY alabwood, $6 , 8380. Wood lawn 2328. per eord, 4 -curd lota. "Main COUNTRY slabwood. $6.50 cord. Every stick sound, never In water. Wooaiawn 1966, FIRST growth eordwood $9 per cord, delivered; special price en larger Iota. Wdln. 6312. CHEAP Dry wood, cut from heavy Umbers" DRY CORDWOOD, $8.50; 5 cords or I more. DRY lumber traramings, $6.60 per load. Wood- lawn as7. ! FOR best prices on eordwood, slabwood and coal rail Heerdt Fuel Co., East 2456, - i BLOCK AND SLAB mixed in 16-in. Jangtb. Alo eordwood. I Call Tsbor 7664. 1 cwiiuVvwuD, i.tiO. Call Wotaiiawn 4011: DENTIST DR. B. E. WRIGHT 1 8d floor, Raleigh bldg., cor. 6th l -' ! aod Wssulsgton sta. 1 Main 8119. ! I A-211. Dentistry .fftSrV Without Fein.' Ieest Nerve-Blocking Method. EDUCATIONAL .-I : OANOIWO ! . ! RLNGlLK S 1 DANCING ACADEMY I PORTLAND'S LEAD1NO SCHOOLS CoUllion hall, 14th off Washington; Broad way hall, Broadway and Main. Class and pri vate lessons by expert professional instructors, in ail , branches ballroom. classical, ballet ete. Phone or call for appointment Broadway 8380. 618-89 ! "' ' ' ' " " : ' Downey's Dance Studio 886 hi Washington street, over Hazel wood, former instructors. Cotillion halt ; Main 6558. 1). ratteraon uowney, du THE DANCE STUDIO, 509 Deeunt bldg.. Wash. ington at Third. Private hour or half hour lessons; day, evening, :80 . m- to ., Conn leaaonc - specially priced. Claae Monday, Fridsy, 7:80 p. m. Mis Ireland. SUMMER S Dancing academy. 1 Iwticing gurii- teed in 8 1-br. hwrrs. S5 14 5tn, near, Bterk, Club darwe. Tuea.; claa Thursday. I Bdwy.: 8590. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS LAWfJOTT 20 rear-:" '-experience:"- olane lessons at your home. $1. Aut 643-18. MRS. ANNA L HOMJJEDIEW MOORE, teacher of piano. XVI Mill at. siarniiall oiua. L. CAB ROLL DAY. teacher of voice and piaaj, 148 13th at Broadway 2535. ; . mm WANTEDI URN ITU" S 952 StMf tuli i.seii Hli.MItU" i: Main 8870 i UNITED FURNITURE "TORE !! 178 FIRST STllEET PERSONALS 075 THE SWEDISH BATHS I A given by the NisbeUis. consiata of a combination of treatments i aurh aa Hwoiii-b massage, gymnastics, hydrotlierapy, bken.-u. Radiant tight and haaL eleclrui light bsllis and various eleetrie modalities, meclianii-al i brationa. such sa the luimau ! shaker for oleilv. Til bath and treatment are e-pee tall v benrfu isl n many acute aa well aa rh.ri.nln dieaaa. In particular do we recommend them for business people. It relieves nerve tension and keeps up the general functioning of the bodv, trJhtch is so essentia) to sedentary work, j I' Dr. Nisbeth is a native of Sweden, Ami has practiced hia profession for ,23 years. Ha- has practiced in Portland for 16 years, end ran sir hundreds of reference from Portland and rWn-' Where. For appointments phone Broadway 6 I !. pr call St of flue. 533 35 Pittoek Work. . GUARD YOUH ETEKIGI1T I employ only the lii"4 modern instruments ami the most scientific method in ex amining your eyes. 20 years! exienrnro. Tlum aands of satisfied patients. Evenings and fcuii days by apixitutment C'haa. W, Goodman. 209 Morrison. Main 2124. IWO ladieH motoring to iCallfnrnia desirous ' good seller; Novelty Agency, sdvenniing. 1'Uo ing high class govd-t belore' ilia pubiK'. K 331. JournaL m ELECTRIC uianirurs. marcel, facial nut-wag , i -eoalp treatments, electnn vibratir maaaua. Pollyanna Beauty larlnrs, 813 Broadway bldg. tEATHliUI.IFB "iHiys diviiiends every day lu the I user: anything that's leather. Lvatlieriile Co., S10 Oak at It.lwy. 400. i iEYES tested and giaasea'fitted br graduate eve. n aiabt spmiialmt aa low as go; .atifai:ti4ia euaranteed. 7,ell Bros. eV ('., 2S3 VVsili. at bL l'iiUFl.l UL 8 IIAlu, moir, warn. laiuo.ed by 1 10 needle method. Trial free. .Inkle mlrx. Ml Rush tk lane tide Main 6308 La" 'i .... .''t. r-i . n ... rr .-..am oiininaium r nr.b, ah cases, WyCr 404 Fsolon! Bldg.. 81 tltti sU Broadway 4098 1IA88AGE, baths. Dr. Elm oreu-en, 60S Panama bldg. Main 6086. Drualan pliyitcieo. . - j ELECTRICAL WORK - (i. C. (Shorty) TljHNEU. licenced elctr;ls, ' 1 Let Shorty do your electrical work, wire your new or old home. Automatic 327-52. n-LUff nUO AND RAO RU06 CO.- riuff Rug. Msde From CM.l 'CsrpeU uag uues, miecisiiy. Cgrpst Clesning, Sixing, UafltUog. L . w t,,n nd Deltvei. 1672-1674 K. 17TH HT BPII.LWOOO 8$'i$. "HAT OLEANERS AND OVERS HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed1 reaaonabi and a ; isfactory. Royal Hat Works, 228 Fiist st. JEWELERS JEWELRY REl'AHt ROSS A CO., INC.,. 819 Muhawk Illdg.' . M. Muscnvlta, il'rop, - ' Wholesale Maiiufacturlug. Work Guaranteed. T LAUNDRY Lace Curtains lAT. UWNMOVVIR ORINOINa LAWN MOWER HUMCITAfr TABOR 4072. i TAHOIl 4141 4 ll. SERVICE. WOBtC GUAUANTIKI). , WE COLLECT AND. - DKLIVKH. JRIE8 GREGORY HEIGHTS"" NURSERY rrnnl.li imhIi 1, .. . . ij- " win inn nruDparf. 91 m'Vn?! ','.d Mnf," PlBl how. J f ' V'f f'T Thnr 8299: ORTOWETRIgT BYES Kienirfiieliy tested wlih ma&. instrumenu; glasses fitted at t waIVV ving: aatisfartiin .n,,,.!. " A. E. HURWITZ, Optometrist 225 1st r. , PAINTINO. TINTINa Saeuian,u. ' H 1 . , , - ., .. " rs s WaO Paper; Paints. Etc. I 330 SECOND STREET; MAIN 722" UM Urosal, Inc. PA is T I X O DECI 1 It A T ivrnr-ivTTTTT ' Estimates cheerfully given' MORRIS & CALWAY ' Mam aan.n G,fch-ftV.H P ,NTIN'f. deivyrafinTT.id-aign; P,one0,T.bi,,r W 1 Ttt sit. Brosdwsr 4414 U'omi... flWHIDE, ouuide painting, iriatierlng ! I "g; Pri right. Broadway 3207. nd tml- -?TC?T1TTP5.' ? f righU. 610 ( bsmber of Commerce bldg. PMVICIAft -or. r. a. i-'ja rr xii-aT Hm.H... 1 1 1 1 Office I'ractlce only. FLUtMBINa AND STEAM --. umbinr fi-vKRiCi.bwiig sndUw. A. MYERS, 178 K 2d at. N. " til 2i I mT. W- A ... .- - I , "..I " I- ll- f, lAiW tirices on "all kinds plumbing 'supplies l.ia ! ua lisiire on your installations. Alberla plinp!,. P'-t. 1 T Union ave. N . , near ltuju-11. y 4H5. r r. ffxf" 11 t sj cr.t;Vif"ii.-t,-trT .-.-...;:-t:-- : v .. . . ... ....... ,,ar,,-i sr, nilDI.tai I. IB I Plflf'F.R. STARK DAVIS ((1 u a?u . J? RRIWTINO, ENORAVINQ. BINOIND JJIM lASY.lt riPlm a r.n Liberty Frintery, 1054th st. Main 0263. printing .7 I1 " 1 1 ereT 1 limrt' v735k-iu7".i3V,v,vt.-i r 87 Washington. Brodwjr 484, A-H3. AIMQn PV I'UITING CO. 4j.iality, ri.TT. naiUlGI ice. 252 Wash, st Main 4671. HOOP REPAIRING ROOFS repaired and painteu; gutter :leand. I.Uoof Security, Inc.. rafgs. Webioot Paint Board ef Trade. Main 671. Main 6644. ..rt . d it o . Oli&iON IttJuii'iNli t'o. I'.inlmg ami repair" I ing all kinds of roof. Best (iilsonile tinf need. All work gusrsnteed. 1784 E. Glisao at phnnes TaHor 4817. 'f al.or 7250 SHEET METAL WORK MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS ! Roofing, guttering. ) miitine. . irbblna i ..a general repalrine. Phnne B isdway 02. 228 A;h HOE RERAIRINO Pre tan heels ROc j 122 FOURTH ST. MAIN 8222. STOVE RCPAIRIWU Why Buy a New Stove? i We repair all kind of stoves, gss ranges sad fnrnsces Est $981. 1 TRANSFER AND STORACC 1 WHO MOVES TOU IS JUST AS IMPORTANT A3 WHERE YOU -MOVE 1 CaU Broadway 1281 or Aut 1169. On I tracks and careful men are at your service. j Oregon. Transfer Co. I Office and Storage. 474 Olisan. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Parking-Moving Storage MONET LOANED ON GOODS IN STOHAUl 1 63 Fourth at, opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. "ALWAYS Plctf til BEST HOUSEIioLTT ! GOODS SPECIALIST -4- Storage, peeking, hipping and moving; horse and auto rsnaj De da! rates to all points a 0. pick trXn-sfeti a storage oo it and Pine ets. Brodwsy 686 A 1644. i Storage and Transfer : Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND OLISAN. BROADWAY 8470 Puall'LAND AUTO TKANSFEIt CO., U lilrd . st 229 Main at Phone. Main 1550. Kra ning call 617-55. Any part of city. Aft Scott daily trip. HKDUCED FUEI'aliT RA ILS to ail iminU cr. J biuehola goods. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. fth nd Hovt. Bdwy 70S. VIM Transfer and Storage, Ii a ays' Ire. star. : age. 42 Union are. East 6434. UMBRELLAS itLC Alii Kit AMJ RLCOV LliLD While you alum, THE SURETY SHOP. 3i0 ALl'LIf Model Shoe Repair Shop -Pre-war nrlcet on shoe repairins. Men's n.a half -soles. $1.60: ladies' 112.', u..u,... Or aernce at your home. East 2967. V