MONDAY. MAY 9, 1921. THE OREGON! DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON '"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 BARGAINS SAFETY AND ." ' SATISFACTION " ! . ON USED AUTOMOBILES. SEE OUR WARRANTY STATED BELOW. FTeieny brtnd-iiew Mtiwell ears, used br u u demonstrators, sold st bargain - prices; one driven 600- miles at a dis count of $200. Others to $325 off. 120 TeEs , i-(ia. .... , $1230 Model "N, Hupmoblle, ' completely aver- ' hauled and repainted 800 7 Xwdgw roadster .................... 600 .. .118 Oakland, great bur at...... 650 919 MitrbeU light six, sold is 1920. . i ml bargain ............. i ... . 1180 -. 1910 Maxwell automobile ........... SS0 1917 Maxwell sutomobils ............ 400 - 1918 Maiwell. all cone over, repaired and repainted; fine little car........ 600 1I2I MuB roadster, a dandy UUlo ear . ,725 Rebuilt Essex, sold with warranty- earn aa given on tew can; also 90 days' free service. 1919 Essex, everything fine condition. .$1300 . 1920 Essex with warranty and service. . 1400 1919 Chalmers light at", with hot-spot. -overhauled and repainted, all in fine , condition . ' . 1250 - 1920 Chalmers It-peas., a real automobile and a decided bargain at . . . , 1650 BEBl'ILT HUDSON WITH 90 DAYS' FREE 4 SERVICE AND A FACTORY WARRANTY. 1917 Hudson super tix. rebuilt and re- painted; look just like uew; will sell with a factory -warranty the same as given on new sutoinomiles. . . . $1250 1916-1919 aeriea Hudson super six. re- ' built and ail gone over; also repainted; old with standard factury warranty... 1900 1920 Hudson super six. overhauled and refinished like new; sold with warranty; , great buy. ... 1775 1920 Hudson speedster, all gone ever by as to see that everything is in perfect - condition; refinished, and brand new '. Urea; sold with warranty........... 2050 Our used automobile are sold with a war ranty the same aa factories give with new euto mobiles, and 90 days' free' service. Or On those ears that are not sold with war. ranty and free service are sold with 10 daya' free trial subject to their being returned with foil credit on an other car yon may select. Our store for these used 'ear bargains st 40 46 Broadway, which is Brvadwiy and Couch t Phone Broadway 5739. C I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. BUT TOUR REBUILT CHEVROLET .-. : FROM THE USED CHEVROLET WEPOT OWNED AND OPERATED BT THE CHEVKO ' LET DISTRIBUTORS CTJARANTEED REBUILT CHEVBOLETS ALL MODELS ALL PRICES EXCELLENT TERMS . Grand eve., between Ankeny sad Bnmaide. ' Open Daily and Sunday. Phone East 490. '.THE HOtSE WITH CHEVROLET PRIDE Stop! Look ! Listen ! -, Hont to goodness . bargains, gents. Don't buy until you see these. We don't promise you ac-iclhing for nothing and we are not losing mnrfiy on them, .but we bought for csb ; they . didn't cost us a jot and we sure sell' good Cars cheap. Not a car in our stock older than 1917, and all - in guaranteed mechanical condition: liuirks. Chevrolet. Dodges. Mitehells, Velies and " cithers: no .something for nothing bait, no - camouflage; just' real honest bought-for-cnah bargains at prices that you nun't heat, 1 - We Are Used Car Specialists. . PORTLAND AUTO SALES. . 834 Burnside, in Ixiwt ngart bldg., cor. Park. Open -Sunday Afternoon and Evenings. M. B. FISH Radiators. fenders, bodies, hoods, tank, repaired snd remodeled: auto sheet-metal work a special ty. 105-107 N. 15h st. . Phone BROADWAY 2299. 1921 CHEVT.OT.ET BABY ORAND DEMON STRATOR. PERFECT CONDITION. FA5 TORY tiUARANTKK, AT WHOLESALE PRICE. PHONE COLUMBIA 668. - FORD coupe. 19S0, just like new; a snap; na.i, irmv UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Crand Ave. and K. Tamhill. E. 471. s t pcn Sundays and Kveni ngs. 1920 TEMPLAR 5 passenger touring car; run only 8 700 miles; just like new, 6 cord tires, bumper and spotlight; will sell for $1300 less than it cost; some car and some buy: terms. Phone East 1962. 1910 BUICK POUR :.l - Car In excellent conditionr good tires, snare; . good top and upholstering; bargain at $450. Mr. Wilson, Bdwy. 1572; eve. Wdln. 3168. . 19l2 Cadillac t must be sold; body needs paint and top, motor good, $123 cash takes it. 909 Chamber of Commerce. - . " TRUCK tine nationally used, well known and well advertised on Pacific coast. Can give 2 or 3 state to right party. For full particulars write factory representative. R-344, Journal. OVERLAND BCO Electrically equipped, top, fenders, new paint. . 6 ' good tires, good mechanically. $275. Colum bia t412. - MITST BB SOLD By owner, Dodg, roadster, new tires, spotlreht. In good running order. 1916 or 1917. 5511 Frmer -Rd. A. Blo-73. LATE 1919 model Ford, touring, starter, block type. , oversixed tires, shock absorbers, fine condition; private owner, $425 cash or terras. Soodlawn 721. CHEVROLET." 1978 touring, rine mechanical . condition. $425; terms. Phone East 8044. 1917 OLDSMOBILE roadster. The price is right, the car is right, $600. Call Bdwy. 1572. Mr. Oravelle. 2 H -TON truck, never been used, owned by dealer who nas sold out. an save you some money on this. Write L-140. Journal. HATNES model 2,-In good running condi- tion. Take you anywhere. . $125 down, $20 s month. 804 East Morrison. East 6024. 1917 STUDEBAKER six in good condition: new cord tires in rear; light car would be consid ered in exchanje. Bdwy. 15 1 2. Mr. Stoppalman. 80x3 H MICHELIN S ply tires. $20. Wsms' better. We know how to. repair tires. Vul csn Tire Shop, Orsnd are. -at Pins. E. 4896. . NEW Lexington 6 at $500 discount. Call at 837 Vancouver sve, between 10 a. m. and 2 P. P. - I - - DUO BODIES in stock.' $50 and up, cr we build to order. R. II. body Work, 500 William. ' ave. Ihone Kt 1 1 "H, Super Hixi new paint snd in dandy shsi; must te sold . at once; cheap. 123 N. Bdwy. opp. new posfofflce. Bdwy. 89. fcHEVHOl.KT sedan, new finish. 5 good tirei. mechsnkly pertect. very 'cheap on easy terms. Call Johansen, at Broadway 2270. . 1917 AND 1919 DODGE, good mechanical con dition and good finish. Call Duffy, Bdwy. 270. - - - - .., .. .1917 STL'DEBAKER 4 touring. A-l oondnion; good tires- Need money. Sacrifice, $350; terms. Aut. 230-59. BRAND new Ford never been run, big discount vith terms. Esst 178, lORD bu. top and windshield and fenders; ' fine condition. 10. 13th st. Bdwy. ,4208. , FOR RENT Garage, corner of East 19th tt N-. and Knott. East 1845. i- - , 1916 MAXWELL tourinjriicenie. starter, good rnnnine condition. $20rt cash. 28l Russell. Save- light deuvery body to trade for Chevrolet tonnng noqy. Main 34 76. S J91 1M.HMJE in A-l randition. $700 cash; mignr, raae roro n. t lay St., apt. 6. Gi-J'SMOBII.E 8 roadster, jut overiisuled. .. $000. 10713th st. Bdwy. 4208. D-44 BUICK roadster $650. , 2SsI iTthT Bdwy. 3214. Open eve. 1920 FORD roadster, many extra." ; .'515. term. . Billingsley, Hi Hawthorrle. East 720. '. WE reiiair fenders and wreck bodies. B. B Body works, 5Q0 Williamt ave., Ea.t 1188. To l"7 e FORD roadster, $225. good condition. WoodlawTt 530 a. . , , DOlSlK 1919 roadster, all new urea. Call East 3021. 0875. . - POR KALE Buick' bu" $300. Thorn East 34H.- ( AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 See These Values Today GOOD BARGAINS IN LIGHT CARS ' We have soma fine buys In light ears. . both fours and sixes), all specially priced at our red tag sa)e prices. If yoo have a ' salable light four this is your chance to trade it in on a good light six. We hare's : number of Mitchell Light Sixes that have been overhauled ia eur own shops, repainted, with good tires and in splendid shape. These sixes are priced way down for quick sale. In addition, we will grant reasonable terms and make no charge for brokerage. : NOTE THE BARGAINS LISTED - 1 Sale - i price, price. Maxwell 1918. good shape, good tires . t .......... . 650 $ BOO ford 1918 touring, with de mountable rims ........ Overland chummy roadster, wire wheels v Overland model 79 touring. . ' Iiaynea, 1920 model, with lots of extras, 2 spotlights, eord : tires all around with 2 ex tras, special too. bumper. 450 550 225 378 475 173 finish like sew. plenty of pep and power.....,,,. White SO touring, rebuilt. . . 2500 2230 400 1750 225 990 8no - 950 575 375 75 125 250 750 0O Jordan 1920 S passenger. . . 2000 Mitchell 1915 5 past. 4 cyL 300 Mitchell 1918 5 pass.. Bore lc Reek, new rubber..... 1200 Mitchell 1918 5 pass...... Mitchell 1918 i 8 pass..,.., Mitchell 1817 7 pass...... C hevrolet delivery -1918,... Mitehell 1918 1 7 pass. . . . Great Western 5 pass. 4 cyL Htudebaker 1915 6 cyL.... Mitchell 1918 5 pass...... Maxwell roadster,1 I very good condition ............ .1 1000 11 50 750 450 775 200 350 800 300 250 - - i ! OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY Come down any time snd we will (Isdly show and demonstrate any used ear la the house. They era all in running order snd most unusual values aa priced for this big : sale., ! ; I a- Lewis & Staver Co. , - 1 i Broadway and Everett St. 38 Tears in tbe Northwest. Phone Broadway 4675 ! ' BARGAINS 12 CARS TO BE SOLD AT COST Wloton 6 touring, overhauled $125 Buick 4 touring, license .......... 195 Apperson 4 touring, elec equipped.. '200 Saxon 4 roadster.) elec. equipped.... 200 Chevrolet touring, elec equipped-.... 225 Velie touring.) elec.-' equipped. . . . i 276 Ha? 4 touring, ; A-l shape. ....... 250 Overland 4 touring, elec equipped . , 4 Overland 4, repainted Mikhail a ri 1.- 250 30O 825 475 SO 550 Oakland C too rine, 1917. A-l shape t'ole 8, 7-passenger ...... ,m .... . Dodge touring, 1916 ...... I ,. . Tord bugs, . 7 to pick from. 1 Ford touring, 20 to pick frotm rf '. It of other glood buys. VBAN'SON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE if East 4376. , -Union Ave. and Belmont 8t. Upstairs. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. Portable Oarages $52 AND CPj . O. B. FACTORY. ASK ABOUT READY CUT AND PORTABLB HOMES. I HH.LMADE CONSTRUCTION CO., root of Williams Ave. Woodlawa 2413. STEWART truck, very good condition, a great sacrifice, $275-. f Oakland 6 roadster, most sell st once, $250. , Several Ford bugs, all bargains. 1 820 Overland touring, run 180O miles: will sacrifice. . i 1917 Buick roadster; wta take any reasonable offer. : .. i - I ' . 1920 Chevrolet touring: looks like new: $650. 1918 Ford, touring, very good shape. $300. ' GRAND AVE. AUTO EXCHANGE 188 Grand l'e. i East 6563. WEAVKR TIRE COMPANY I lT-:iERAI. TIRKS ORlXfON VULCANIZING CO. I TIRE REPAIRING 333-335 Burnside at Broadway. FORD roadster.! - 1918. fine condition, i speedometer, shocks; a dandy buy; $295, terms. ! UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor- Grand Ave. and E. Tamhill. E. 471. 'I Open Sundays and Evening THE FENDER MAN , I. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks oat whlls ou wsit; also ; repairs rsdistors and bodiea Broadway 8214. $0 N. 11th at., near Burnside. iFUliD sedan, starter, dem. nmi, new .1- - finish, wonderful buy at $625. I UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor. Grand Ave. land E. Yamhill. E. 471. Open Sundays and Evenings. SAVE $000 ON HUDSON Bun leas than 25 0O miles. Has side wings, bumpers, spara cord, in tact is complete, even license. Is better than a Dew one right now. Tabor 7817. Terms. 1918 BCICK Light Six. 7-paas. touring ear; i newly painted, overhauled: good tires; guaran teed snd service for 90 days. Here's a bargain for $1,000. Terms. Phone Howard Automobile Co.. Bdwy. 1130. WILL eel my latei Chandler chummy at a sac rifice : will take) light car as fint payment and give 10 months on balance. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. 8214. Open eve. 1920 HUDSON Speedster, very best order, hard r to tell from brand new. $1900. Take smaller car in trado. Billingsley, 455 Haw thorne. East 720.1 FOR SALE Mitchell Six. 7 passenzer, 5 nearly j new cord tires, 1921 license, $600 cash; or will consider small car and baL cash. F. O. Keniaon. 923 E Burr St.. f. John. Col. 522. 5 PASS. MAXWELL, must be sold at once; J 2 new tires; new top and paint. Terms. 139 N. Bdwy. opposite new postoffiee. Bdwy. 89. STUDEBAKER Light Six, 1919, all equipped; ! 5070 miles. Owner. A. H. Kreul, Wdln. 194 5. Aitrn Trains Ke-eovenng and repairing rUUtO i OpS ,t reasonable prices. 823 Sslnior. .. betweeli 6th and Broadway. 5 PASS. KISSEL! at your own price; 5 cord ' tires, new paint- and top; terms, 130 N. Bdwy. Phone Bdwy, 89 CASH for your car; condition no object; parts I for all makes of cars, romaua Auto wraes- ine. 5S1 Alder st. Hdwy. ;S4. Vk E PtJt SteeJ Jeeth tn your old ilywheel; i crankshaft turning. H. P. Black, mscbin hop, 594 Alder stl nroaoway znat. 191' CHEVUOI-ET 305. This car is in good I mechanical condition; has 5 good tires. 28 X. 11th. Bdwy. 3'-' 14. irpey eve. CLA8X Ford bngj in firet class cx-nditif.w for I sale, has top and windshield, it you want a er!d csr call Ant, i 616-83, eve. . 1820 VE1.1E 6. i5-iass.; this car will please tlw most critical buyer. $1250, terms if de sired. Phone Woodlswn 234. HrFifOBILE touring, the big 4. latest model. i looks and runs like new. $930. or take Ford in trade. Billinggley. 453 Hawthorne. East 720. TFl5 LiBEUTT i-In good condition, 5 go.rf tires and bumper. Price $1200. 151 E. Sumner. Wdln 53. , , CASH paid fw eld cars, eonaitwn no object; i part tor aa mates 01 can. 1 ncmnson c elly, 44 r1sndT. Ter 11th. Bdwy 8503, FOR SALE 5-tpn Federal. $230, some bar gain. Young's 1 Auto Shop, 87 N. 12tfa. Bdwy. 4644. Call; week daya DORT touring, fine condition, looks like new. i cheap for cash. 1 Broadway 1989. -: . FORD' bug. $250.$100 down; good rubber. 128 i-N. Bdwy. Bdwy. 89.v - ' 1319 FORD touring, $390. Call East 5757 after 5 p. in. OVKlti-AND touring; good mechanical condition; 'l $200. Ant; 644 44. $520 4th st. S. E. fOR SALE 1920 ton Ford; Unns. , See - jJStevcn. Jim SW inu ivin iTg. FOR SALE New ; 1918. Ford. 120 W. Emer- i son st. - ! ' . ' . . 1920 CHEVROLET delivery, will sacrifice for I S25. Phone owner. Eat..l78 - la 15 CADILLAC 8 7-pawwnger, needs paint: J '"USt scil, $8j0. East T2W. FORD coupe, run 300 miles : wire wheela sua other extras.: Phone vvooaiawn aeia. 1920BUICK 6 touring. $1350. 107 13th st. j Bdwy. 4208. : ' i - E. M. P.. Flanders J920 as it ia $05. A real j .si rirw-e. . 5511 Fo tr Rd., A CIO-73. 191 M VAUiE. $975. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. 3214. Open eve. 1821 FORD touring with extras, $350. UrtuZ Bulisgsiey, 455 Hawthomc East 720; AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE B00 WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF LIGHT T8KD CARS ON THE EAST SIDE. WE SELL FOR LESS. WHY 1 V UPSTAIRS. :. -r ' 1916 Ford touring, overhauled, extras. $250 1919 Ford touring, starter type . . . . 295 1917 Ford touring, repainted. .... .; 325 ' 1918 -Ford nadter. shock 350 1918 Ford tourinc.avxtra, repainted. .: 365 1919 Ford touring, starter type, ext.. 400 1 920 Ford touring, extra. ......... 426 1920 Ford roadster, starter, extra. . 600 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras... 625 . 1920 Ford eoupe, extras ......... 675 1920 Ford sedan, snap ........... 775 1921 Ford sedan, extras, new...... 895 Bnga $800, Bugs $323, Bugs $375 1916 Chevrolet touring ........... 200 1909 Winton 6, touring ........ . 100 1913 Buick 4, touring, generator ... 200 1914' Apperson 4, touring, elect, equipped . . . . . . ; . , 200 -. 191S Hup 4, touring,' Al shape. ... . 250 1915 Velie 4. touring, elect, equipped. 275 1917 Raxoa 4, roadster, elect, equip.. 200 1916 Mitchell 4, touring, Al shape. J 80O 1916 Overland S3, touring, repainted. 800 1917 Oakland -6. touring, overhauled . 4 75 1916 Oakland 6. touring, some car.. 475 1916 Dodge, touring, good shape ... . 650 -, 1917 Cole 8, 7-peas. , 650 . 19I78tudebaker 4, 7 -passenger. ... 425 1919 Overland 90, Country crab.... 695 1918 Overland 85, touring, like new., 009 191.8 Oakland 6, touring, eord tires. . 700 1018 Buick light 6. touring, new tins 825 -1917 Hup big 4. souring. Al shape,. . S5 1919. Page 6. 7-pass.. W. V 1450 WK GIVE SERVICE WITH ALL CARS VRANSONS USED CAR EXCHANGE, East 4376. Open Evenings sod Sunday. Union are. snd Belmont st. Upstairs. , Cash trad or teTma. - No Brokerage . . ' - V.- '- ' -" " LATE. MODEL CARS ': r The largest stock in the city. i t Price you never heard of before. ' Not a sale at all Jnt an every day occurrence at THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE 1920 Stephens Salient Six Sport. 1920 Haynes Sport; wire wheel. 1920 Peterson Light Six. 1920 Hupmoblle Touring. , -1919 Oldsinobile 6 Touring. , 1919 Scripps-Booth Roadster. 1919 Mitchell a. Victory modeL 1919 Bitick 6 Touring. 1918 Willys-Knight 88-4 .Touring. '1019 Chevrolet Touring, 1920 Maxwell Roadster. 1918 Olds 8 Taurine ' V 1918 Ford Touring. i . 1913 Oakland 6 Touring. 1818 Mitchell Roadster. 1918 Maxwell Tounn. 1917 Hupmobile, model N, Tourmg. 1917 Reo 6 Touring. 1916 Packard Twin. - s i Packard 30 Touring. Chevrolet Bug. I Buick Bug. If you come over we will show you about 1 0 more. . Low Price snd Easy Terms. T THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE Grand Avenue at Taylor St . ,: Open Evenings and Sundays. : ; j Phone Auk 214-10. . j . ; 1918 DODGE sedan, exceptionally good condi Uon, 6 eord tires, 2 bumpers, wire wheels. $1173. Take Dodge touring or Ford in trade. Billinggley. 455 Hawthorne. East 720. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 Repairing, vulcanizing, etc.; guar anteed work, quickly done. Used tires. Old Reliable Vuleanixers, 18th snd Tknrmsn. WE DOi curtain repairing, also install plate glass. R. B. Body works, 500 Williams ave. East 1 198. AUTOBKI' Have your auto scat cut to make a bed. 706 V, Williams. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 Rebuilt -Trucks All loverhauled and put fn first-class con dition! we have all sizes and makes; it will pay you to investigate our line. Tbe fol lowing are typical of stock : i 1918 DODGB delivery i .... $ 850 1917 REPUBLIC. i-ton, crsnpleto. , RO0 1917 REPUBUir. 1-ton . . ... , . . . . 8S0 1917 KISSKL KAR, 1-ton 775 1917 G.M.C.. J V-ten ........... 1075 1917 REPUBLIC. 1 H-ton ..,... . I00O DENBY. 8-ton ........ ... . . 1100 . REPUBLIC. 3 H-ton. dump body snd hoist ................... 3500 Long Easy Term. No Brokerage. Granning & Treece 543 Alder St., corner 17th.' Broadway 1723. NEW! NEW t AT A BIG DISCOUNT NEW1 . NEW REPI BLIC TRUCKS : NEW WHITE TRUCKS , NEW INDIANA TRUCKS NEW DEN BY TRUCKS ' These trucks are absolutely new and have never mn a mile. - We must sell these truck?, so make your own term within reason snd driv s new truck at wholesale cost. . i We have the following used trucks: ; 1917 Ford delivery. i ! 1915 Ford delivery. ; 1919 Chevrolet one-ton. s.1919 ( sied wsgen. 1918 'Gary one-ton.. 1918 Ford delivery. 1918 2-ton SeMerT. cheap. i USED CAR WAREHOUSE, jGrand Ave. and East Taylor St 1 -TON Keuubuo truck. A N c, 1 shape, 4 new tires, large express body And cab; name your own pries and terms; must be sold st once, j 128 N. Broadway, opposite new postof fiee. Broadway 80. FOR SALE -Ford delivery truck, used 4 mo., 1920 model ( Goodyear tires, starter model. Call Wdln. 2214. except between '0 and 1 a.m. or call at 1576 Albina ae. 1920 1 -TON OlcUmobile truck, A-l condi tion! good rubber. 1 extra casing and tube; price reasonable. Mam 4878. HALFI TON REO TRUCK. $600. TERMS. EAST 3110. . WANT WORK ! for 2 H-ton truck or would Tabor 883. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES U- ENAMELED F ' - Factory finish. EH. Lampert. Union snd E. Taylor. MOruKcVci.ES OF Ai.L MAKES VTB SELL FOR LESS; GET OUR PRICES. ! INDIAN MOTORCYCLE et BICYCLE CO.. MAIN 6138. - ' 204 3D ST. FOR j SALE Harley-Davidson. 2 speed, old style, good mechanically ; needs overhauling. Phone! East 7082 or call at 466 East Stark. Price $a0, WAN f ED A good used motorcycle as part pay ment on a good used auto. Call Job a risen at Broadway 2270. MOTORCYCLES AXD PARTS. jlLL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44-46 Grand Ave., electrically eju.pped. tandem, Z motor, juat overhauled, very cheap on easy terms. I Call Johanseu at Broadway 2270. 2 SrEED Harley, Dream Undem, It it T. I light, speedometer, new tires. 47 E. 9th st N. INDIAN motorcycle at reasonable price; make offer. 4535 67th at. S. E. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, 2 -speed. A-l condition. Call eve.. Ant. 626-22. Price $8$. fe.i.Kt i KitAj.1,1 K-iuiit'ii Inuukii, .i down. j balance to suit. Call Joha risen at Bdy. 2270. DAYTON motorcycle, tandem, excellent eondi ! tion; good tires. $75. Main 6111. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS, 804 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled . .................... $30 Bear axle ovarhsnlad ...... ...........g Valvea ground, carbon removed. ........ .".$ S Magneto recharged -...................$ 6 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, ate., which insures- perfect running motor. Genuine ford part only used. ATI work gusrsnteed. : ' GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO-. ! . '280 Front St, Corner Jefferson, FORD REPAIRING exclusively. We specialize - on Ford work and can give correct estimate on cost of repairing or overhauling i ail work guar anteed. " - ! i : 1 CURLX'S FORD SHOP. -327 Salmon st Main 8154. YOU cannot set it done better or more res- sonabliy. Auto repairing in your garage or our, Dy iirw .class mecuauic - uu sast 1471, day or night " - STUTZ and all high class cars repaired and work guaranteed: personally' supervised bv Fred F. Geppart. Auto Rest Repair Shop, 10th ana ottnoa. - nam oi. ONE of th best , auto mechanics in Portland is out of work; will overhaul or d'o any kind or repair won st your own garage. Bdwy. S8S6 .FOR STUTZ IMPAIR WORK Seen Quin L. Jones at Vista garage, -21st and Washinaon ats. Matn 3.9. REPAIRING , OUR SPECtALtT: 'ut prices- Guaranteed work. Ignition specialists. 355 Wheeler St E. 3083. PRIVATE auto: repairing and overhauling ia your own garage, i Honest work. East 5378. ECONOMY AUTO REPAIR SHOP Or service at your home. East 2967. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS We will ever haul your ear, any nuke, sal save yen money. AH work done on s fist con tract basis snd absolutely guaranteed. Work under the superviston of competent end reliable men. Get our price, they are reasonable sad will surprise you. We speciaiire on generator and electrical work. ' battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanising snd retreading; all retreads guaranteed far 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 70T Hawthorn ave. Tato phone East 8068. - I j " ' CDR1D 00 day adusuaents on all brakes reltned. THE BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth Street Matn 696 A-l Hern it ion Man - Guaranteed repairing, price right. Wdln. 6863. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 :, i-H',. : .- Z ' J ! -';.:.- 4 - ' AUTOS RENTED WITHOPT DRIVERS I-st Model tvr- Reasonable Rates FEARING V ROBNETT CTTY CARAGB 183 12th St. bet. Wash and Alder. Bdwy. 849 HUIWOSS AND tsnKX - , WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS, DAT ' OR NIGHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE, an AND MAIN. main auoa AUTOS FOB HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 243. 10th at TasahiU. A-H88. H. s. bennet. cAba P6r hTbITwiThoPT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIKL) A-N1 TAY1X3R. PHONE MAIN 1687. i AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WANTEIWLlght car as first payment on 7 room bungalow. Price $ 3 7 5 f, terms on bal ance. Automatic 814-01. i . WE ABE la the market lor a number of small cars; will pay cash. Grand ave. Auto Ex chsnge, 188 Grind sve. ' Phone East 6563. CASH for late model light cars, i Jake's Used Car Exchange, 325 GUsan st, bet Broad way and Sixth. I i .- i . . - WAN'iED 1-sle Ford tourmg or roadster, must be cheao for ca.h. See Biiiinaslev. Hawthorns it "in Kast i xv. CARS wanted to wreck, parts for all cars under --- ivv. w m. AUtv yT tTV Sinn WO., 15th and Alder. Broadwsy 636. ' VVILJ, trade light modern 1818 five-pass, car i or equity in late tight ear. Sell. 1847. No dealers. I i . : WANT to buy good used Ford, j 28 N. 11th. tKlwy. 8214. WANT FORD TOURING, CONDITION NO . . r ,c tm i.i,. . , . . v . . . . . wmh l. LSUj AtllU L.I.XTS Z01I. ", CASH for old cars for . wrecking.? Call at tire snop. 43 (.rand avej J. HIGHEST cash price paid fori old cars; eon dition no object.; 1 2 1 N. 3d st CASH tor Foros, all modeu; get jour appraisals, yranson's Used Car Exchange.! East 4376. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 MUELElt Big 3 convector pipeless heating sys- tem; you don't pay for high irent when you get our furnace; we are in line with the re uucea cost. - i A.-L. HOWARD. 230 8d st, bet Salmon and Main! at Mam 1806. WEJ SAVE T0TJ MONET House wiring, lighting fix tores, electrical repairing. . sup plies. Third Street Eiectrio Store. 224 V, jThird st. near Salmon. Maini 6055. SAFk& Fire and burglar proof; safes, new and secondhand, at right j prices, bought, sold snd exchanged. Easy term if desired. NORRIS 8AFE St LOCK CO. ' lOS Second St. j Main 2045. FOR SALE Assortment floor leases, card ta bles, chairs, soda fountain complete, dishes, knives, forks, refrigerator, seal's, root beer bar rrls. iron gates, dining room I table; sacrifice rroi. ..reqir, -tz rsaimon lll,IIt.' li'lTDVI-MiDf Used roll .flat top jdck, chairs and tables, largo selection, prices lowest DL C. Wax equip- mcm. iwutr, ;i .n. m;- st. Broaaway 2738. Rugs Carpet (Washed rt . . ... - '" -mr hjid :jubiiikhi Heecu iiaectric ..murr, vscuum cleaning. Wdln. 5758. SAFESNO. 70 Sixth t.. near Oak. New snd 1 nernng-aiau-jaarvin sale and m m tj. puwy. PLO WINO KM"ttin- kind of a JUV T l"-tttem work, day or iob. ' u Vtit mvn il iHTn aoa ci JTSlTb BUSINEetj CAROs mfo afUV ROSE CITY PRINTERT PHaD'iJ You must bring this sd. 1 20 6th St CEMENT WORK 20 years experience: satisfaction guaranteed. a. ft. nitnim, warn. !3zi NEW Ford tractor attachment. cost $350: will usa for it H. sell for $100 as 1 have no. Sehlegri, McMinnrille, Or.1 SECOND band lumber, doors. glass for garage or factory.-and brick. Wdln. 5714 after 9 PACK WINTER EGGS NOW STRICTLY FRESH INFERTILE EGGS EAST 404. CIRCLE EXCHANGE,! 415 Fltedner bldg.. 10th and Waashington. buy and Sell ladies' slightly worn clothing. Bdwyi WANTEI3 Good pasture, near Portland, for one team, for the summer. Horses gentle. write .-at weeacney.' IJurham st, city ftl.Mll Kii ltl-.fAlR HUf. in good location; with first class trade, for sale.. W-208. Joumal. : t ' . ONE UNITED STATES 2 H. P. STATIONARY GAS ENGINE. CHEAP. CALL 4533 67TH ST. S.. E. -. M ! : i . 3-YEAR guanuitee house paint, white; roof paints, shingle stains, white enamels, var ni'hes: bargain. 07 Union ave. COMPUTING SCALES, casn register, coffe mill, meat choppers snd general store fix tures, st 226 Stark st. between 1st and 2d. WELL established new and second hand furniturs store, ceo trail y located, $3500. , L-255. Journal. -; ' i . !. . D)An'aL ttsl-a-V ! I UK. A. W. KEENE len tlStrV j tsUi Washington 8t Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. FOUND A man who will repair and upholste your furniture at your home; prices very rea sonable; all work guaranteed. i Broadway 4755. LADY.S clothing ease 34, i new coat, shoes size 4, heating stove, chiffonier, books at your own price. 770 Albina sve. UNION Apparel Exchange sells slightly used ladies' clothes, new spring hats. etc. . 719 Union ave. N.. cor. Ivy. East 1828. LAWN mowers, sharpened and repaired; bi cycles repaired; general repairing. 774 Mis sissippi sve. ! j I RUGS washed on your Door with Hamiltoa Besch electric csrpet wsaber: also vacuum cleaning done. Esat 4045. : GALVANIZED wire screening, size 2 ft 10 in. by 6 ft, on frame suitable for poultry or rabbit pen, for ssle ' cheap. Sell. 1947. PENNY ARCADE machinea.i 30 of them, all newly painted and varnished, for sale, cheap. 335 Thurman t t ' TWO STEEL BEAM plow condition. Tabor (3479. cheap; first clad Combings j made lip. S. F. Pierce, 24 Killingsworthj Woodlawa 4380. WANTED 100,000 dirty hands to use GETS-TT 8r.ap. Ask grocer ATTRACTIVE used apnarei, very reasonable. 1132 E. GlWsn at 39th. ; Tsbor 2825. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners - soid, exchanged. repaired. P.ay Bentiey. atain 4 8U7 BUSINESS is good-i-we'U say so! Vcribest Wet ... , . n.u.. i.-. . a . ii . FOR acreens. mirrors4 medicine cabinet, fur niture, etc.. call Wdln. 148 7. EXPERT rug cleaning. 15 discount on all phone orders until May 22. Bdwy. 120Q. HAWCV Warranted Unadulterated, nWCl 7c quart EAST 1416. 4 STEEIt lumber rollers for truck, cheap. Tsbor 8679. :' ! - T i . ' - : ' SHLNGUNG snd pobbiag by day or contract Phone Marshall 3518 ROLLER TOP office desk $ 8, 1 typewriter in cluded. 435 Woodward ave. ! CESSPOOLS and fewer connect! ia and cement work. Miller. Mam 1818. TAILOR-MADE suits lett on hamt at half prlc. Modern Tailors, 89 .N.'wthi stl . WHAT have you to exrhsnge for a cabinet - phonogrspnT na lain nx. aavry. zaaa. FOR RENT Electric! vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day. 85e delivered. wain. IZQ9. GASOLINE and oil storage tanks and puaapa P. O. Bo 667. : .' J - - FOR-SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine. anowcase. so i st., h au. i FOR SALE Registers, snowcases. WsR rssr Cash or credit, zsz osi moo. VACUUM eieaners, rented $1 per dsy delivered. Week days Bdwyi g872.Evy, Tabor 1786. Plowing Abo fertiliser. Main 4367. Iff YOUR furnace smose or doesn't beat well, call Leonard. Auto. 326-5,1. LADIES' spring apparel and heta at great, re- duction from dressmaker. East 3015, POTATOES 75o white they. last. 40 91st st. 2 D1KS. OH DH. ucuiciica, xsoor Oil 1. VACUUM cleaners for rent, 85o a day; delivered anywhere. Wood:awn 848S. "STAR A STAR"' shingles, direct from mill. Call Taylor-t. docs. stain 8065. EXPERT PIANO XiVNIXG. pUyer pianos, work guaranteed- r . A. Bsmwelson. wain. 8449, REAL BARGAIN IN USED SODA FOUNTAIN, - A-l IXJ1)1 HUL JU84 IMIVIUUfiiMS, SECOND-HAND While, sewing mschine, cheap. FOR " SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 7 A. Li HOWARD . PLUMBINO SUPPLIES Wholesale and Retail PLUMBINO AND HEATING SUPPLIES . MULLER PIPELESS FURNACES ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE 230 Third St. Bet. Salmon snd Main 8m. Main 1806. ' Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGB i ssh registers, showrsss. fountsins, scales, store (ixtursav L BOXER. ' - ' -Msr. 9488. 113 Second st. CEDARlCBESTS tWrect from factory to your boms; Tennesssn snd Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings, latest designs. Write for catalogue J. W. HIGGINS SON 1912-16-18 B. GLISAX. TABOR SOS. ORNAMENTAL vases, garden benches, bird bath foun tsins, etc. " Bur direct from factory. Standard Art Stoat Co., 1630 Msesdsm st MarshsU 778 or 309 E. 11th WINDOW SCREENS' AND SCREEN DOORS a t 4 bm luaahf lilt tablea. medicine chests and all other special cabinet work made to order. Lumber and moulding for sale and retail. UNTV ERSAL WOOllWUHklflU vu. 100 . 80 Bt., uor. rianoera. SINGERS, Whites, New Homes, etc, just like new, (25 to $45. New Royal, Service, Davis and other guaranteed drop herVt $15 to $18. Latest Singers, cash or terras. Rentals. $3 per month. Singer store, 193 4th. Main 6833. D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER STORE. 171 FRONT ST.. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL : PHONE Main 4213. Lum ber, lath; yhigi doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen doors, fruit snd vegetable, box shoos s. See our odd stocs of sasn. qoois. Hot WATER BOILER lor sale. $3; light and heavy welding oi au sinus. in "tw and eprings. Prices right Al work gusrsn- leea. let our osumaie wiotv u.,u Z. ..7 done. Independent Welding Shop, E. Wator snq wasninrToo sts. rmmv a o... Sewincr Machines ' We have the largest stock of used Sewing MscMne inlhe city. Com pare prices. We rent and sepsis. 172 8d. near xamniu. Plowing "UiNtBACT OR DAY VORK. MAIN 1606 OR MAIN 6293. and Excavating ( P.Iectrlc Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Kurn side, comer 10th. Broadway B674. 19 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, $20 each ; portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Staen. 152 Grand sv. East 2339. V 8TAR-A-STAR SHINGLES made from good live green timber, wrfl manu factured, price $2.75 per M, at plant. Phone Marshall 4 09 3. Western Reduction Co.. 24th and Nicolai sts. ; . FIGS. PRUNES 25 lb. box black figs, $3; 100 lbs. black figs, $11.50; 100 ; lbs. split Italian prunes, $4.50. i BEAVER GROCERY. 287 Tamhill. Office Furniture, Safes IRWIN-HODSON Bargains New and Second-hand. LICENSED independent electrician, wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 rooms $20. Ail new ma terial used and guaranteed to pssa inspection. Weodlswn 3791. , I ATOMOBULEii, MOTOxlCYCl.ES. LAUNCHES or hosts sre separsta classifications. A large listing will be found under these different classi fication. 9 ' ARMY GOODS, tents, cot and complete line of . army goods. Wholesale and retail. Army Surplus Sales Co., Sam A. Mesber, Prop., 35 N. Thira St.. corner Coucb. HOwy. 178. HOT WATER TANKS Sw-gal. $7. 40 -sal. $9; tested end guaranteed; stove and furnace coils; gas beaters installed; ax pert plumbing repairing. bast Hide Welding Hoop, zua Adams St. xs. !. WHY an everlastinc axaravation by a leaky root ? Why not a comfortable and durable roofT We repsir, rubber-bond and rejuvenate sll kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 5120. OFFICE FURNITURE " Bought, sold And - axchanged. HANSEN-WADENSTEtN DESK CO., 105 Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877. ELECTRIC fixturss wholesale. 1 light chain. $1.35, 3 light fixtures. $4: electric iron. $6.95. We do electric wiring. Reliable Electric Store, Unicn snd Rnssell, East 8686. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 VIOUN atrings, "Interna." "Ia Favorita," "Amatd." Special strins service G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street ' FINE bsreain in Kingsbury piano, mahogany case. $275. Terms. v G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 14 9 6th Street JUST received, finest imported French clario nets in I'A," "Bb" nd "C" $40 ana up. ii. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street BUILD your own phonograph; interesting work; all metal parte furnished: retail and whole sale. Portland Phonograph Supply Works, 647 Arst t VIOLIN outfit, special $35. This includes bow, cue, rosin and extra strings. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street PLAYER piano only $425, with $30 bench: terms: very latest, perfect condition: just compare with any other, in city up to $800 elsewhere. Brokerage Coi, Sll Worcester bldg. SATIN finish silver Conn saxaphnne and out fit, slightly used, for $135. "C melody. . G. F., JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street GENUINE Ivers & Pond upright piano, - good condition; only $175, terras. SOCLE BROS.. 166 lOfli, near Morrison. MARTIN saxophone outfit, "C" melody, includ ing case, $110. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street LEFT with us for sale, fine nearly new upright piano, guaranteed in 1st class condition; $250. SOCLE BROS.. .: 166 10th. near Morrison. ' FINE assortment of music folds and bajs, from $1.60 to $20. i v G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. !. 149 6th Street - VICTOR phonograph, $150 aize, good aa new, and 14 records: only $95, terms. SOCLE BROS., . 1 166 10th, nesr Morrison. BEAUTIFUL golden oak tsse Story Sc Clark piano. New $350. Terms. : G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street $650 MARSHALL WENDELL, mahog. and bench, only $240; term. 311 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE A-l Kohler eV Campbell 88-note piano, like new, by private partyt ; 1003 E. 36th St. N, $195 BUYS $475 used Emerson upright piano. - $15 cash, $5 monthly. Downstairs store, S'.-hwsn Pisno Co.. 10th and Stark. KIMBALL PIANO $21 Z. best of condition, oak case. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucaa Musio Co., 125 4th st, bet Waah. nd Alder. WEBER Piano, mahogany case.. $250. Term. , G. J. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street SPOT CASH PAID FOR - PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS MAIN 4495 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDER FRANKLIN PLNO, wslnut case. A snap. Seiberiing-Lues Music Co., 125 4th st, bet Wash, and Aider. - HIGHEST pneea paid Kir piano, phonograph record?, ' musical instruments. Exchange and rerwir. 254 Market t. Phone Main 6012. uAliujiA.S I'lAAO, dull uiatuigauy case, 4Z, very best of condition. A bargain. Terms given. Seiberling-Luca Music Co.. 125 4th st FAMILY of adults will store piano for party leaving city; might buy later, tuea . Sal mon st. STODDARD PIANO $285, oak case. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4tb st., bet- Wash, and Alder. FINE pianos $120' up $250; 3 Kim balls, Mil ton, Emerson, Steck. Marshall A Wendell, many ether, easy terms; ; 811 Worcester bldg. WANTED Good toned piano for cash. Msr- Shsil 6709. V BEST player piano, rebuilt and tuning. V Kremar. 334 starxet su- siain nuiz. BEAUTIFUL uuarter-sawed oak Vk-troia, library taoie, pargain. - iw r. join t. TRADE VICTBOLA for used piano, good prop osition. Main b:b. . VIOLIN Hand-made, for $30. worth $76; made in lsvv. starsnau aiHu. PIANO WANTED Cash, from private parties, if bargain. Marshall 1532. tu..i player piano, music included. Harold H. ?iirert.- ismnin sr.. $1H5 BUYS beauuful $525 piano, Kimball make: terms. 811 Worcester bldg. GRAND pisno wanted, c--h; consider upright - Mats 4424 neiore . i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 We Will Trade You A! BEAUTIFUL NEW ! PHONOGRAPH For Your Old Piano I WHY NOT? COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER . J SEVENTH FLOOR Lipman, Wolfe & Co. i CASH BUYERS. ATTENTION neurit 8tua Ga. Bnnna Clearance $450 Emerson upright, cash Ilia $678 New upright, out of storage, cash... $296 S0 Kimball, modern, oak. cash 629U Two small upright pianos, caul, $65 and $ 78 S473 c. A. Smith, Urge, line condition., .sz is $525lVoo A Sons, good sbspe. cash. $195 $575 Daris as Sons, large mahogany.. ... .$295 $2 BO Pianola player, 80 player rolls. 4 3 $750 Piano ntarer nlano. 40 Player rolls.. $365 Four parlor organs, $18. $25. $33 and $ 88 108 IQth st.. cor. Bttri at waamngton. PIANOS NEW AdO SECOND-HAND PIANOS AX INTITINO PRICES AND CONVENIENT TERMS WE SELL FOR LESS ilipman, Wolfe & Co. SEVENTH FLOOR ' : 1 $10 ifONTHLY. as before tne war, buys new $525 pianos for $895; $15 sends it home; $6. SS or SIO monthlr burs 876. 8195. $295 to $395 used pianos: $10 to $13 monthly buys used player pianos; $3 monthly buys $28, $35 to $$8 organs during snniversary ssle. (45 years in the piano business.) Schwsn Piano Co., 10I-1W3 10th at Washington una cunt. Pianos to Rent will rent von a -brand new standard piano and apply money paid on purchase price. Why rent second hand pianos eisewhersr Answer KKABE WARER00MS, LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO., ' T PLAV:Us : ' Kimball Player Piano. Universal Player Piano, Decker Player Piano. Prices $275 and up. I All in good condition. Terms given. Heiberling Lewis Musio Co.. 125 4th st, bet Wash, and Alder. " STEIN WAT PIANO Wonderful buy in nearly new. large style 8 tern way piano. ' If you want something good, don't overlook this. Priced low to i sell auick. 575. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street. 1 PARTS and repairs for violins, guitars, mando- line, banjos, and all amall goods. Piano tun ing and refinishing. Get our price. I i. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street GENUINE antique piano, very old and genuine Broad wood Burr walnut case, not worn out but pronounced by expert to be m perfect condition. No triflers.. Also good ball tree for ssle, B-310 Journal. ! WEJIIAVE a fine line of used phonographs in sll the different mskes. Victor, Edison. Co fembie, Brunswick, at just the prir. youi want to psy for them. Msk your own terms, 1 O..F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 1 . 149 6th Street. PLAYER rolls, all the latest bits in Uie "O. R. S' rolls and 'Ampieo." Try our rott service. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. i 149 6th Street WELLINGTON PIANO, dark oak esse, $295, retry good condition. Terms given. Seiber-ling-Lucss Musio Co.. 125 4th at. bet. Wash. and Aider. I PIANO WANTED Cash deaK kfam R56. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 ; COAL and wood range ....... $1 8 00 ne I Cook rtove ............. . ,$lo.oot up Css stoves ,.......$10.00 up Oss water heaters ............ $ 8 00 up Floor coverings, ysrd .........$ .75 up Kitchen qneens .............$ 8.00 up Kitchen cabinete $12 00 up Dining Hcom extenaioa tobies... $ 7.00 up Dhsinf room chairs ..........8 1.60 up Living room rockers ....... ..,9 4 00 up IJbrsry tables ,........$ ft.OOt up Simmons beds ............. $10.50 up Oottoa felt mattresses. ....... $ 6.75 up Steel springs .......8 5.00 up . Coil springs .....$ 6.0 up Dresser $ 9.0O. up ' r 3KTLAND FURNITURE EA.CUANGJ. 208-210 Firtt t ' I : SAVE MONEY - - i - - Try our sales dept. if you wsnt to bay or sell j household goods; reduced, freight rate to most all pofnta in our through pool cat. Ex pert! packing, repairing -and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage,. Fireproof gtoraga, low : insurance -rate. e SECURITY 8TORAGB TRANSFER . I 53 Fourth t opp." Multnomah hotel Phone Broadwsy 8715. L COOKER cheap, gas range, $9; 6 bole (.range. with, coil, $12; heater, with roil, $10,' box eoutfb. $2.50: dining table. $5: oak dining chairs, $3 each; kitchen chairs, $1.23 ; j stand. $1.50; dresser. $12; Singer sewing mschine, $6; Wmi. K a ,,n. (nriiin. 1 ,,n hi . 1 1 r i n SI up(!several nut. cheap; lawn mowers and garden tools. East 6067 113 Grand ave. i . .jReed Specialty Shop 'M 819 WILLIAMS AVE. ! Manufacturer of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture made to order; also repaired and refinished. Buy direct from factory. i FOR SALE Good sanitary couch, msltress and cover. $18: folding breakfast table. 32.50: good dining room table and 4 chairs; $28 East 3533. 6 HOLE range, $12; copper coil water heater. $12; 4 bumf r gas range, $15; oak dresser, $22.60; bed and spring. $7. and other household goody Sell 8051. 558 Powell t I , FOB. SALE Wood and coal range, cost $140, ' used one week, for $100; $10 down, $10 per month. Call between 4 and 7. evening. 795 Irving st. DOUBLE bedstead with springs.' like new, $12; spring cot with pad, $3. 11 E. 52d st, cor ner I Ash." BARGAIN in Tennessee, cedar chest !l oak table, 1 Morris chair. Call 333 Lerrsbea st. nesr Broadwsy bridge. FURNITURE of 6 room house for sals; no cheap junk. Phone, owner. Sell wood 3268. ' 6X10 AXMIN'sTKR rug, $20; kitchen table. $2: Is wn mower. $3. 481 Msson t. u FOR SALE MACHINERY! 903 FOR SALE- 18-in. second-band lathe, good con dition, cheap. 288 Morrison st. ' FOR SALE Ga engine, 3 h. p.. $33, 550 E. 4 1st st 8. W-R car. ' M " LAUNCHES AND BOATS I - 904 ATTRACTIVE new houseboat, large living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, Pullman breakfast table and other builtin features; gas range; 20s 89 I bouse on 26x50 float; very substantially ekmttrucred ; large new log; gss, electricity, water, phone. SeUwood 2847. -, - 3 jROOM houseboat, partly furnished; also row boat: $300. part cash and termsj Call at 4 th house from mill at Milwauki Sunday and week days. IV 31 9, Journal- FOR SALE: 2 cyL 2 cycle marine .engine. House 83. Portland Motor Boat club. FURNISHED houseboat. 4 rooms, batb, wood Shed, rowboat. Tabor 806, - ' FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 REBUILT typewriters, sll makes, rental, re pairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA por table. SUNDSTRAND adding machines.' Main 285. E. W. Pease Co.-llO Sixth st. ALL makes guaranteed one year- Beat re-coaP tructed typewriters on eosst New ssriee list Wboleulo TypcwriteT Co., $21 Washing ton st. rortinq, ur. FOR RENT UndcrwdOd, Remington. $3.50 mo. Empire Transfer. 25 1 brosdwsyj Bdwy. 155. ALL 'MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oracon Typewriter Co., 94 6th st Main 3t8. NO. 11 Remington typewriter for sale, cheap. i : Sell. 8545. - , - - 1 - FOR SALE OR RENT Remington tynewriter, A-l condition. Sell. 1139. 1 SWAPS " 928 1916 7-PA8S- Studebaker 4, fine condiUon in every way; ' $600. with liberal, terms; will aceept good overstaffed davenport S first pay ment 829 Oak at . : - ; FOR JIALE OR TRADE for light machine or anything valuable, a lot in KiliingsworUi ave. Call Wdln. 1772 ' . I HAVE two lota in Rochester, Wash., wiU trade for email yob carpenter Work. Par ticulars, Woodlawn 1276. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 HOCSb CUiAHtXM TIME Do not throw thing away. I pay good prises for seeond-bsnd furniture snd house ho id good. Aim tool, clothing and all kinds of junk. Csl) Mam 74.- ' r fetSF CAii"pKIcts-:F6u''ALL kiirbS "0 JUNK SUPPLIES. TOOLS AND OTHEK MlsCEl.LA EOUS ARTICLES. ' B&FORJC SELLIXO- Cjil.l. MAIN 4. i , vVA'.Vfsiiot'ftiL'N' ok Siitl.E. tent MAIN 4498. AI'TO 627-46. 128 FIRST. HEMSTITCHING mschine wanted, i F-455, Journa 950 WANTED- People of Portland to know that I psy the highest cash prms to meonu-nana household gooda.' No amount too large eg toe null Prompt attention. N. AL b EATER Phone Fa-t 2208 " 148 RusseTI st WANTED, for special eolleclion Indian bas- ket, pottery and souvenirs, burnt wooowora, boxes, frames, wall hangings; mineral speci mens and curios; , price na object. - U-614. Journal. ' $13.50 TO $25.00 METER. THE TAILOR, paya mora for Sec ond Hand suits, shoes, overcaots. We call day or evening. Marshall 1229. or 233 Madison street near Third. ; - WANTED FURNITURE 952 WE WANT TOUR USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILIi PAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IF TOU HAVE ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE OR FURNITURE LINE TO SELL OR EXCHANGE CALL US FIRST: MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE & FU EN ITU KB CO.. 221-223-52 FRONT STREET. Owl Furniture Co MORRISON W want your used furniture, stores, carpet nd pianos; w pay the highest cash price. 166 snd 168 First St. Call Main 4627. TUi CASH FOR USED FURNlTUfiX" Main 5878 TJNITKT Fl'RN-ITTJRB BTOR 178 FIRST STREET HL .R, SEATER . Buy the best a well s cheaper grade of second band furniture. 286 Grand ave. Ant. 832-53. WANTED 3 carloads of 2d hand furniture, tools and any old household article. Will psy more than any other dealer. Call East 4 913, WK BUY used furniture, stoves, eta. Reliable Furniture Co., 203-205 Sd. Main 7308. - PERSONALS 975 I All going East a far as Illinois, in my sna chine; hsv. room for on. person, man; any one wanting to share as companion writs. P-828, JournsL ft3V OOODS ' ' B. 8- ARMY GOODS tor sal. whoUaaO. ana rets 11; prims reduced. H. Horen stein. 2d St. or 204 1st st. Main 7B78. HT WUDtlWORK ORDERS taken in embroidery, lace and pain? ings. 403 Wnli. Mrs. J. Eppotein. ATTOSmYB E. W. EASTMAN, Uwyer snd notary public, 984 C lumber of Com merce bldg. ATMS Turkish Baths IhoteI: Electro Therapist 24-hour serrice to men. BLANK BOOK MAKCRt DAVIS A HOL.MAN, INC., 109 2d St. blank book msmifscturera. A-3188. Msln 189. GENERAL contractor plans lurnislied for all classes of building, alterations, repairing. Es timate given.- Phone Wdln. 420. . i i. ii. 1 11 1". iiOU enunuies in new conotrucUoo. or remodel ing, at reasonable prices, call Aut 64-B. OAT AND DOti HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Inc.. K. 7 th and Granu Both phon. Day snd night service. Three Teterinsrisns. OIMEWT WOW - I i'UU ctsmrnt work an kinds, large or small, reasonable price, cell Mr. Smith. Tabor 2825. ' CEMENT WoRk OF ALL KLNDS , AUT. 643-71 CHIROPWAOTOm i:HlknPHl('TIC, tLha and 10th floor Broadway bldg. Mamball 8187. I Jr. Liatira a. Downing, upen evening. DR. McMAHON (McMn) hi ytem Popl - taking adjustments wbil. smiling; 11th year. OLEAHIWO AND OY El NO REGAL Cleaners, Tailor and Hattrr cfeaning and dyeing a specialty. Out of. town mail orders given prompt attention, 127 N, 6th st, Portland, Or. i fjOAL AND WOOD Peoples Fuel Co. '- Wood and cosL Prompt service, "Dry cordwood, 19-inco, $8.50 per load; half dry cordwood in 2 Vi -cord lots, $8.25 per cord. Other wood of many kinds reasonable, Ofliee 261 Fremont st Phone Aut. 327-61. FOR low prices on wood see Prompt delivery. CRESTON FEED A FUEL VQ. Stlth sand I'owell Valley Rd. BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood OsV. 1261 Mcdsm. Phone Main 417S FIRST GKOWfU EXTRA THICK RED SlA COUNTRY iLAB AND CORDWOOD Cedar Creek Wood Fuel Co. Phon. Broadway 1783, 48 50 N. 13th et COUNTRY SLABWOOD Green .or dry, 4-foot or sawed. Star Wood & Coal Co, Main 6012 GOOD 19 and 12-in. country slab. $5.60, $7. SO. Heavy block, lab, $8. DRY, eord. load, hall loea. Bargains, ueavereq snywnere. psii. ntr rtnrfiunn(i $3-60 Crdwd. good sound lyUrUWUUU second growth. Buy early. OREGON FUEL CO.. WOODLAWN 4102. llLt your winu-r wood now. Ghh1 hesty law growth fir. $8.50 per cord. F. E. Bowman A Co., Main 81)26. OLD latOWIH yellow and red fir cordwood, newly cut, $7.-50, 2 cord lots. East 8651 or Wdln. 4709. I FOR SALE Oak, fir and ash wood. Delivered from 2 to 100 cords or iucarload lota. AX-374. Journal. - FIRST grwvth cordwood, $8.60; dry 4 foot a lab wood, $7. SO per cord; block and (lab, 16 men. 88 a load. Hrnnwy 41 111 OliKEil your iHiuter wood now m 10 in. greo slab, in 2 io4 lots, , North of Iloliaday are. Wdln. 6233. CO RDWOOD-Oid growth. No, 1. $8.60 per cord. Acorn Wood at Coal Co.. Wd In. 2182. FOR good old growth fir wood or "hea vy country alab, call SeUwood 8122.' BLOCK and slabwood, 2 load lots, $11.50. Ns tional Kurl. lUmt 2041. DRY 16 inch 1 and 2 inch lumber trimming. $6.50 per load. Woodlawn 2528. DRY slsbwuod, $6 per cord, 4 -cord lot. Main 8360. ! ' - - . COUNTRY slabwood. $6.6o cord. Every- .tick sound, never in wstrr. Woodlawn 1960. F1R.ST growth! cordwood $0 per curd, delivered; special price on larger lots. Wdln. 6812. CHEAP Dry: wool, cut irom heavy timbers; cord or load. Columbia 743. DRY CORD WOOD, $5.00; 5 cord or mora, $7.60. WoodUwn 4011. Cll after 7 p. m. DRY lumber Uanmings. $6.60 per. load. Wood- lawn 3387.i FOR best price on cordwood, slabwood and coal can ri error ruei to., r.ast zOtt BLOCK AMI SLAB mixed in lo in, length. Alo coylwond. Call Tsbor 7604. i 1'L.AV ssle, graded strictly No. 1 old growth WtSt4 I MH fn. f . V . .lA Vn. Am. Al. ttt COR1WOJD, $7.50. Call ' Woodlawn 4011 DENTISTS DR. B. E. WRIGHT , 3d floor, Raleigh bldg., eor. 6th and Washington sts. Msln 2119. A-l 11 9. TreERLE DkNTll&TS" Expeit dentistry st saving of nesrly V,. Ont of high rent district; open nights; N. K. corner yecomi sna purnsio;., nroriwy ZZ45. W- . . ,"., . ... VVvl'S " uennsxry iMHrk COUOATIONAt . i AN CINQ ' 'J I.ANC1.W At'AiiK!J!f l'OHTUMll LEADING SCHOOLS Cotillion hall, 14th off Washington; Broad way ball. Broadwsy and Matn. Class and pri vate lesson by extxrt professional instructors, hi sll branch s -bsliroom, classical, ballet, etc. Phono or' call for appointment. Broadway 8380, 818-39 - ' v-Downey's : Dance Studio 886 H Washington wtreet, over Hssel wood. Former instructors Cotillion Lull. Main 6538. If. riuriwin issnwr, n'.v- TUB DaNCX 8TCDT6. 509 iwsum bldV. U'asV. t acton at Tbira. private Hour or bau hour lessons; day. evwning, :su a. m. to p. tn. Cour ksseons apecislly priced. . Class Monday, Fridsy. 7-0 p. m. Miss Ireland. SUMMERS Dancing arad-mr. iHncing gnsran- taied in m I -nr. nrwori. m vt nil. r.esr stark. Club rtarwe, Tn-. ; claw..Thnrwly. Ttdwr. 8Bt0. WU8IO SCHOOLS AND TtACHCRg T. E. LAW SON 20 year' experienr; Uaae lesson st your horn.. 81. Ant 64 9-18. MRH. ANNA L'HOMMEDUbW MOORE, teacher of piano. 891 Mill St. Msr.hall 3103. L. CABKOIX DAY, toacner ol voice 4 ntssa 148 13th t BroaAway 2333. WANTin---MISCELLANEOUS 97 TUB SWEDISH BAfTiS As given by th Nkbeths. consists of s combination of treatments such a Swedudi i. gymnastics. hnlmthmnr hikMt,n. radiant light and beat, electric light batin and various elec tne modalities, marhank-al vi brations such as the human shaker for olltv. The baths and treatments sre especially benviicisl in many acute aa well as rhmnio diarasrs. In particular do w. recommend them lor buit people. It relieves nerve tension and kei up the gesMral functioning of th body, whiuli is so essential to sedentary work. Dr. K'icbeth is a native of Sweden, and h practiced his profession for 25 years, lie ha practiced In Portland for 16 years, and ran give hundreds of references from Portland snd ele wbere. For appointments phone Broadway 6 IS, or call at office. 533-85 Plttock block. GUARD YOUR EYESIGHT employ only th most modern instruments and ilia most acienUfto method in ex amining your eyes. 20 years' experience. Thou sand of aatisfied patients. Frenincs and rn day by appointment. Chaa. W. Goodman. 20 9 Morrison. TWO ladies motoring to California dexirnu good seller Novelty Agency. dverUsing. Plac ing high class goods before Uis public. E 3ii, JournsL 1 GETS both feet fixed Tip St Dr. Eaton th CHIROPODIST snd ARCH HI'EClAl.lbT whs doesn't bnrt you: 8 yrs. here. Kxsm frek Glob Theatre bids.. 11th snd Ws.h. Hdwy. 2hJ. ELECTRIC msnicure, insroel, arsalu treaUneuta. eiectrio v ibrsu masHsti. Pollyanns Beauty parlor. 815 IjiATHElLiVE" pays dirideml user; 'anything that's leather. 3 1 0 Oak St. Bdwy. 406 . ETES tested and glasses fitted sight spsdsliKt as low a guaranteed. y,ll Bros. Co. Brodwy bl.lg. every day to tlm Lralheriif Co., by gradiiste ers- $5; atif action , 23 Wsh. u waiU fmodbf . Jml Fluley, 6S68. SUPEUFLI Ot'S HA 111. mnies, 10 nsedl metliod. Trial fn 314 Buah A l ane Mrlg Main R esawwrAs Consultation 1'ltElw. All im. lUaWjur 404 Fntoa Bldg.. 84 6th- st. Broadway 4 999. - MA.HHAGE, hatha. Dr. Klana skirensea. 60S Panama bldg. Main 6086, Drug law pbystctsa. CLEOTRIOAL WORK O. d. (Shorty) TURN K ii, Yu riiM..l vlnrtru-ia 5! I-et Shorty do your electrical work, wire your new or old home, Antomatio 827-2. PLurp nuos and rta roqs Rua co. Huff Bugs, Md From Old Csrpets, ng siug. npecuity. Carpet Ctoaning, Sising, Rafittlng. .... Wi Cn nd Deliver. 1678-1674 K. 17TH ST 8KI.LWOOD HAT CltlN'Dl mn nvial BATS clesnsd, blocked. dyu teaaonaM snd aat lsisnnry. Royal Ht Worka, 323 First t. JEWELERS JEWELRY REPAIR -R08S Ai CO., INC.. am Mobivt Bldg. M. Muav1u. Prop. . Wholessl. Manufacturing. Work fiusranterd LAUNONV Lace Curtains 1 f wwwowgw oftiNDina 1 W V iJOUlri' UAu't.t'p a I ' ' 1 TABOR 4072. TAU0R 4 841. . 24 IIR. SERVICE. "'. WORK GUARANTEE 11. WK COLIJiCT ivn ' DKMVKtt. NUR8ERIE8 GREGORY HEiaiiTS"" MI!DBnV Perennls!, porch bos plants snd shrubbery, 0iIJ'JZnvmm P"V P'ne now. ..... .,,T t-mr. i aoor OPTOMeTWieT aSSSW EJTES :ienufl.'ily Uald with nwC jfm ?n instruments; glsaao fiffd st 77 TT7'JlriiJ"Urtin ruar.nued. A. E. HURWfTJ!. Optom.triat. 225 1 Tt , PAINTINO. TINTINO. MRMa Z WalB Paper, Paints Etc. 230 SKCO.MI STREET. MAIN 7L'J unl Bros., Inc. GE TOUR PAINTING. d-cor.Un s .T PliorTabo; ""J LNHIDE, outside iintina. ...i ..rr ingl prlre right Broadway 8267 LATENT ATTONNE V9 ' r& ri5hf.01in5, pr,f. r right. 610 ( hmhr of Crjmmsrr bUg. PMV6IOIAN8 "dr. r. a. pi. mi rsr flrodwy Ilidg. Office Practice M PLASTER th. bouM with UmTT nTCoTJrj: bi plaster wall board, or a ,! buckim, ohaf.idf,' us wtn.r m;:; LIJMaiMa asiSV5TT:rvr-T :r-"" i riTTina LutV ' price, on .11 k,.id. pluiuoiiig ..i,,.!, T71 Co-M'ron'r.: "M't Plumhincr knkral jobbirTi nd cwt ! "in , ri.' ! 11 irr nt. aik 211-V7, ' i v l I F IMib all. . TEE M. L KLTNE CO. 84 86 gr.rrn7y PWtNTINO, ENR VINO, UHOHH 500 wt&Kui: " IJberty Printery, ,l5 H4th t." JWin 326.1. :ti&rw&. "Vritt VrtWrO'-TuTTiHrrv lit aixt r 337 Washington. Brosdwy 484, A-IM. AMQlf f3V-,'UISTIN" J' i.i.lii,. hTtT. rUriSILtSZ I i. 252 Ws.h. t m.u 47i. ROOP WtPAssio ROOFS repaireu and painted; gutter, clean.)' Roof Secumy Inc.. mlga. Wrulont paint L'i"6 Board of Trade. Main $71. Msln 6941, Painting an1 r,air ing U kind of roof. Best Gllaonit paint used. All work gurntrd. 1764 E. GUa L phone Tshor 417, Thor 72r,j w ItWtH COHWICTIO SEWEIt VOltK'lerrs toils . plM... ..., tanks, by contract or dsy. Msln 4..n5. MEET MET6L WORK MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS Roofing, guttering, f-wroftnt-. Jcbhlns ani general reriring. Phon. Broadway 02. 21 A-l, HOE StEPAININO Model Shoe Repair Shop Pr-wr prtesi on (hoe fwpeirlng. Men' oat tan half soles. 81.60; ladiss' $1.23. Ilutbsr heels. SOe. 122 FOTtftTH ST. MAIW 6222. TOVE RCPAININa Why Buy a New Stove? We repair en kind of stoves, gss rang asj furnace. East 5981. TWANgyjje A NO ITORi WHO MOVES TOU 18 JrHT AS IMPORTANT A3 WlsEHB YOU MOVE -CsTl Broadway 1281 or Aut 1169. Our tracks snd careful men ar at your sernc. Oregon Transfer Co. Office snd Storge, 474 Q1l-n. SECURITY STORAGE tt TRANSFER CO. Pc I ng - M .vin g - fl tor g. MONET tOANEU O trOOHS IN 8T0RACS . $3 Fourth st., oop. Maltnomah hot.L Phone Brosdwsy $71$. "ALWAti pirff titE Bitst mrKn?r,nr GOODS SPECIALIST Storags, r-rki. shipping snd moving! horse and suto vaus; st. cisl rte to sll point. , C. O. PICK TBArER BinuGI ro td snd Pin at. Broadway 56, A-1!-, Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. 1STH AND OLI8AN. BROADWAY 8470. PuHii.AND ALIO TRA.ShFKU CO.. ia 1, i. 1 st 229 Msin st Phone Main 1BS0 K ... nlngs rail 617-65. Any Irt of city. Mt Scolt daily trip. fcEDl.l'ED Jr'IlEli;llf ilAikti to ,l ,,i,., tMAisettold goods. I'sclfic f'st Forward. ng Co., 9th "d Hoyr. nowy n.i. VIM Transfer and Sloragfc. li n' Irs. siur g. inion ave. s.a ,. ummtiui LEl'Allii- ii ami lilit'oV LilLD While tni tint. THE SUItKIY SHOP, K;o 14 iUCB PERSONALS ita