THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 16 SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921. PORTLAND, OREGON. Mother, holiest Shing ritute in Churches alive, to 3paid Sacred DAY IS SET ASIDE FOR THOUGHTS OF ONE BEST FRIEND Sunday will be Mothers day. Sons and daughters will honor the dear est of the dear by wearing: carna tions and by writing letters or speak ln . kind words to the ones who watched over them in babyhod's un certain . hours. ' ; t. . But for the' mothers-r-very day la moth rs' day. Her work is never done. She kisea the hurts any old hour of the 24 and she tolls every day. ; , And for this a day has been set aside on which to pay her homage. Mother's day, which originally was a church day, has ' enlarged Itself, and is now frefierally observed by everyone. Mothers day often encourages many who have lead -wayward lives, to write their truest friends the letters they navel been longing for : for many years. The carnation has become the 'flower for Mothers' day, a white flower indi cating that the mother has died, and a red flower that ehe is alive. Special observance of the day will be made in Portland's churches Sunday, practically every pastor announcing a Mothers' day service In a large number of churches the young people have made arrangements to take the, mothers to church by automobile, and to care for their small children in a nursery. Other churches plan to give each mother a flower who attends the morning service. Every effort will be made to make the day one of rejoicing for mothers. FirstPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1ZTH AND ALDER STS. Harold Leonard Bowman MINISTER 10:30 A. M. : i ; . "The Blessedness of Christian motherhood 1 7:S0 P. M. . "The Secret of Endurance1 ARMAGEDDON ; i and . p. -j . - -r Kingdom of Christ Imminence of Both r Sunday Eve., 7:45 The Tabernacle j Sikth at Montgomery '. Vital to every human being Special Music Come '. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH EAST SEVENTH AND HAS8ALO STS. SUNDAY SERVICES AT 3 AND S . M. CHILDREN'S LYCEUM 4:30 P. M. Message circles at close of afternoon meet- .1 1 trr'rc'1 musical program for Mothers' 1 ti S?-T. M2.8- -"eTTA RORICK. I MR. HOLM Fft MB 'riiDvio mm' i Davis. : mn- The Easy Bees Social club of church wHl give a card party in parlors of church Tuesday evening. May 10. y Apostolic Faith COB. FEOKT AKD BUSXSIDB Meeting held at' 10:30. 2:30 and 7 -M every Sunday. 7 :45 every nieht in the week. All nations meeUns skt urday nlghLv ' WELCOME KO COLlECTIOir THE GOSPEL SPREAD BI A A I I Mission Meet Us at Our Electric Sign at the PAJRK AND Rev. W. T. McElveen, Ph. D., Pastor 11 . M. Wlrnrcl, WonUp will, SCTmon Rev. Edward Constant' preaches "THE SIGN OF THE' CROSS" Church School, 9:45 A.' M. Two C. E. Societies 6:30 P. M. THE CHURCH OF THE FRIENDLY HAND CLASP l25ZJ?ewi?lemter3 31 s Sresbyterian 6 3fncrease:in regon A net increase of 1257 members in the 147 Presbyterian j churches in- Oregon during the fiscal year ending Bister Sunday la shown by the annual report of the Rev. Walter M.;irwin, Northwest secretary of the New "Era movement, which was complied during the past week."" -'..; .:V-;-:-r. :,'.' ) - ' i The denomination jumped from 15.882 members to 17,139. Actual ; accessions were 1668 by examination and 1450 by certificate, but the net gain ! was ' 1257. The synod also shows a net gain of 2301 in the Sunday schoola, $18,340 in benev olences and $37,282 in congregational ex penses." The total given to benevolences was $89,911 and to general expenses, $301,933. I I Churches in the Portland presbytery added 878 members by examination and 721 by certificate and made a net gain of 990. The Sunday schools increased 844 ; members, s; benevolences increased $12,213 and -contributions to general ex penses increased $25,362. The presbytery gave $60,749 to benevolences and $164,972 to general expenses. The report also shows 1377 enlisted In mission study classes. ; " As a result of the every member can vass, recently conducted, prospects are bright for an increase In benevolences during 1921. The Rev. Walter H. Nu gent is chairman of the New Era com mittee for the Portland presbytery. ' The advance i of Presbyterianism in Oregon will be made known to the de nomination at the; general assembly at Winona, Ind, May 19 to 28. Lay dele gates from the i presbytery " to the as sembly are Ellton Shaw of Mount Tabor church, P. B. McGutre of Fourth church and T. W. Storey ef KehilWorth church. Ministerial delegates are the Rev. L. B. Quick of Calvary church, the Rev. W. S. McCullagh of Spokane Avenue church and the Rev. W. j H. Amos, assistant superintendent of. home missions in Oregon. !.'!': Shaw . will attend the pre-convenuon evangelistic session ; which meets two days before the assembly. Last Sunday Shaw was surprised by his faunaay school when he; was presented with a handsome leather traveling bag. "THE MILLENNIUM OF CHRIST" What and Why . DOC8 THE WORLD NEED A NEW RE LIGION OR A CLEARER , VISION TP THE OLD? . i Tbooloey and Kvotation nave faDed to prevent wars and establish peace, to produce right eousness and abolish eviL The Maulanle I Kingdom Alona OfTert a Remedy foe Human Ilia, la It Prac ticable? . la It Near? Everyone Cordially Invited to Bear C. J. LEROY : SUNDAY P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE ' Eleventh St. Bet Washington and Alder h - i INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ; ASSOCIATION Seats free Tou are; Welcome No Collection SUNNYSIDE METHODIST CHURCH I 35 EAST YAMHILL 11 A. M , "The Power of a Mother" DR. GALLAGHER, SPEAKER - ' i: -.--' ": - ! POPULAR SUNDAY EVENINQ 7 s45, "Four Tribute to Mother" FOUR LAYMEN WILL SPEAK 'A Church With a Message' FIRST FRIENDS' CHURCH EAST 35TH AND MAIN STS. 7:48 i "SUtCIDE' The alarming increase in this crime has a spiritual as well aa a social, economic and physiological aspect. ' The types, causae and cures will be discussed in a helpful way. i 11:00 "MOTHERS' DAY" ;- 8PECIAL MUSIO East Side Baptist Church CAST 20Th! AND SALMON STS. Walter Benwell Hinson, J. D. MINISTER 11:00 A. M. . "WEARY OF GOD f 7:30 P. M. "YOUR MOTHER r SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30 A. ML. B. V. P.: U. 8:30 P. M. Seven Stages in the Creation of Man The Spiritual Meaning of the First Chapter , ' ofi.tienesis at - r . NEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH Assembly Room Portland Hotel, 11 o'clock. " ' VVM. R. REECE, Minister. MADISON STREETS 3fmportant J5ew The quarterly convention of the ninth district of the Multnomah County Sunday School - association will be held Sunday at 3 p. mi In the Lents Baptist church. H. R. Scheuer man, president, will, preside. ' The principal addresses ; will be given by Mrs. V. E. Wright, for five years a meraber'of Billy Sunday's evangelistic team, and by Miss Carrie MUlabaugh, a mission work specialist. " The ban ner will be awarded the school hav ing the largest percentage of its offi cers and teachers present. - v.H:- : BAPTIST The First German Baptist church 1 of Portland of which Rev. Jacob Kratt. has been pastor for 24 years, has the distinc tion of being the largest German speak ing Baptist church in America. Dr. Kratt speaks to ' probably as large audiences as any other Baptist pastor in the state. Baptisms are frequent. The Third German Baptist church at St. Johns, the Kct. i Bueerman. pastor, has out grown Its meeting house, and is confronted with the question of taking care of the increasing number of communicants . who 'desire to attend the Sunday school and preaching services. On a recent Sunday $1500 was pledged by the members of CJlencoe Baptist church toward a parsonage for the Rev. W. B. Stewart, pastor. The white crosi committee of the East Side Baptiat ' church is collecting packages - of hos pital cotton from the Membership to send to the denominational hospitals in China.; At the First Baptist church Sunday morning and evening Dr. B. B. Sutciiffe of the Moody Bible institute will preach. The temple Quartet will sing. . Mothers' day will be observed ; at the Third Baptist church Sunday. A special program will be rendered by the Sunday school at 9:46. Mothers will be brought to the morning services in automobiles. At 11 o'clock Her. Xt E. Close will deliver a Mothers' day address. Special music suitable to the occasion will be rendered by the choir and the young women's Bible class will present each mother with flowers. Mothers' day will be appropriately observed at the Ulencoe Baptist church on Sunday. Kev. V. B. Stewart has prepared two special sermons. A literary and musical program will be rendered at night by the Sunday school and choir. A Mothers' day sermon will be preached Sun day morning at Calvary Baptist church by Kev. J. E. Thomas and a special program will be given at nisht. Iter. G. K. Schlauch. registrar at MeMinn Tille college, has been secured as the indefinite supply pastor by the congregation of the Uni versity Baptist church. lie comes to Portland each Sunday to preach and will give a Mothers' day sermon this SundayPfhorning. Kev. w. . herns has resigned as pastor of Sellwood Baptist church to accept a temporary position as missionary for the Baptist state con vention, lie works as a missionary for the board when needed but otherwise is free to ar range his own evangelistic services. ' Kev. Hardie Conner baa arrived from Staf DIRECTORY Sunday After; Ascension Uniform Sunday School Tjesaon "Rest and Recreation." Lev. xiiii: 30-43; Dent, xii: 15; Mark vi: 31, 32. ' Golden Text "The streets of 'the city shall be full of boys abd girls playing in tha streets thereof." -Zech. viii: S. l'oung People's Topics ' Baptist TJnion "Living Close to Christ " I John iii: 18-24; John it: 7-10. Epworth Lague "What We Owe Our Par ents." Ex. xi : 12; I Sam. i: 10-11; John xix: 26, 27. : '- -i Baptist . nrst White Temple. ! 12 th and ? Tayfov. Preaching by Dr. B. B. ' Sutciiffe. 11, "The Clmrcb the Body of Christ"; 7:45. "The Jew els of the Lord." KatvBid E. 20th and Salmon. Kev. W. B. Hinson. 11. "Weary .of God": 7:30. "Tour Mother." ' i Third Vancouver and Knott Ttev. R. E. Close. 11, "A Mothers' Day Address"; 7:30. Arleta 48th ave. and 64th at. S. . Itev. Owen X. Day. 11, 7:30. j Calvary E. 8th and Grant Rev. 3. K. Thomas. 11, "Mothers' Day" sermon; 8. "Moth era" Day" program. Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Rev. W. B. Stewart. 11, "Tha Gloriea of Motherhood"; 7:30. "Our Mothers." Sellwood Bethany Rev. .W. N. Terris. 11. 7:SU. , Grace E. 78th and Ash. Rev. W. H. Tol hver. 11. 7:30. Swedish l&th and Hoyt, Rev. T. G. Sjolan der. 10:30. 7:30. St. Johns Chicago and Leonard. 11. T:S0. Highland . 0th and Alberta. Rev. . Walter L. Riley. 11. 8. University Park- Drew and Fiske. Rev. G. R. Schlauch ' (supply). 11, "A Mothers' Day Ser mon"; 7:30. "The Right Road." ML Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Kev. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8. Elim Swedish K. 0th and Alberta. Rev. August Olson. 2 :30. Lents 88th sL and 60th ave. Rsv. . A. Smith. 11, 7:30. Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Rat. F. Uofimann. 11, 7:30. CaUiollo Pro-Cathedral 15 th and Davis. 0, 7:15. 8:30. :45, 11. St. Peters Lenta Rev. J. P. O'Flyna. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman. Rev. J. C. Hughes. 0. 8:30. 10-30. 7:30. St. Francis C. 12U and Pins. iter. J. B. Me.Namae. 6. 8. 8:15, 11. 7:45. Immaculate Heart ol Mary Williams and Stanton. Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. . 11. 7:30. Holy Rosary Ji. 3d and Clarrimse. Hal. E. S. Olson. 6. 7. 8. . 11. 7:30. - ftc Rosa K. 53d and Alameda, Rev. J. O 8. 10:30. 4. BL Andrews E. tfth and Alberta. Rev. J. Kiarnan. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Tha Madeleine . 24th and Sisklyoa. Be?. George i Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. Ascension K. 78th and x'amhill, Tzanciacaai rathers. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandanaw Bav. r. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. Rev. C. Ray mond. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 43d at S. . Jesuit Fathers. 8:30. 8. 10:30. 7. St. Stephens E. 4 id and Taylor. Rav. Warren A. Waitt. 6. 8 JO. 10:30, 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Tan eouver ave. Rev. WiiUam J. Devina. 8. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Philip Nerl (Paulist Fathers) B. 16th and Hickory. Rev. M. L. Ferry. 7 :30, V. 10:80. 7:30.. St. Clements S. Smith ave. and Newtoa. Servite' Fathers. 6, 8, 10:30, 7:30. Sacred Heart K. 11th and Cell lot. Rev. r. Gregory. 8,10:80.7:30.! St. Agatha K. 15th and Kehalem. Rev. J. Commisky. 8. 10:30, 7:80. St. SunisUus (Polish) Maryland and Fvl ni. Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30, 7 :30. SL Joseph (German) 15th and t Couch. Rev. Frouin Eppes. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Michaal (Italian) 4th and MiiL Rev. M. Balestra. 8:30. 10:30, 7:30. St. Claires Capitol Hill. : Fattier Aioyatua. O. F. M. 7:15. :15. " St. Charles E. 83d and Alberta. Rev. M. Wallace. 8, 10:30. AU Saints E- 89th and G lias a. Rav. Father William Cronin. 8. 10 :30. t. Patrick lta and Savier. Rev. Charles U. Smitn. Masses, 8. 9:15, 10:30. 7:45. St. Btrgitta'a chapel Linn ton-Glen Harbor. (Attended from' St. Patrick s), 8:30. Our Lady of Sorrows E. 5 2d and Wood-' stock. Rev. G. C Fallu. 8. 10:43. 4:30. St. Anthony's Chapai 7022 43th are. Rav. G. J. Fallu. a a. to. Holy Family Chapel E. 37th and Sax. Rav. G. C. Fallu. 8:45, 7:45. - Onriaun i Firt Park and Columbia. Rev. Harold H. Griffis. 11, "The Power of a Worthy Woman hood"; 7:45, "Our Part in the World Criiis." by Hon. .Oliver W. Stewart of Chicago. t Ka-st Side K. 12th anri Taylor Kev. Norman F. Johnson. 11; "A TribuU to Mothers"; 8, "The Ureat Brotherhood." - V Church of Christ Rodney and Knott. Kev. Jo-enh Bfyii. 11. 7:80. Montavilla E. 76th gad Glisan. Rev. Car roll C. Roberta. 11, 7:80. Kern Park Rev. JF. H. Ghormley. 1L. 7:3U. St. Johns Central and Oswego. Rav. Hct bert Jones. 11, 7;fl0. Tabernacle H. a Nth and Alberta. Rev. R. Tibba Maxay. 11. 7:30. . ChrtatLai Selaaew Lesson subject: "Adam and Falling Man. . Firsts lstl and Everett. 11. 8. -. Second K. th aud Holladay. 11, 8. i Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver and Emerson, 11. SJ Fifth 2d and 42d are. 8. E. 11. Siatsi Masonic temple. 86S VirtbU1 : 1L S. Seventh Smith ave. and New lortu ' li. Ail enarehea Wednesday. 8 p. m. Oonoraaatlonai First Park and Madiwrn. Hr. TV. T. IfeRI veen. 11. sermon by Itev. Klwarl Constant: 7 ;30, "The bign of tha t'roas.V y Ben Sooell. of Portland's Cnurch'es and footing ford. Arizona, to take over the pastorate of the jriausione mttit churrn. I Next Krklay evening the East Side Baptist church will celebrate Ir. V. B. Hinson's birth day with a banquet and social. The pastor will preach Sunday morning and evening. The night service will be a celebration of Mothers' day. ! - CHRISTIAN Mothers day will be observed Sun day morning at the First Christian church. Appropriate music will be ren dered by the church quartet. In the'eve ning the Hon. Oliver W. Stewart of Chi cago, formerly a member of the Illinois legislature, will speak under the aus pices of the Flying Squadron Founda tion of Indianapolis - and in cooperation with local leaders interested in better citizenship. Mr. Stewart's address will deal with his experiences overseas. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ; Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist, announces a free publi5 lecture on Chris tian Science by Frank H. Leonard, C. S. B., of Chicago, a member of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Chrrst, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., in the ! James John high school, Sunday, afternoon at 3 o'clock. The public is welcome. 3& f CONGREGATIONAL Ben Scovell, the distinguished dra matic reader, will give his presentation of Wilson Barrett's religious drama. "The Sign of the Cross," which deals with the persecution of the early Chris tians and the burning of Home by Nero, at the First Congregational church Sun day night.- The reader will depict the 1 characters in the play. Mr. Seovell isj the nephew of Sir Henry Irving and the son of the Very Rev. Frank Scovell. formerly dean of Salisbury. Eng land. The Men's Brotherhood will hold its an nual "ladies' night" on Monday evening. The men will prepare and serve the banquet. At the Sunday anoming j service at Sunnyside Congregational church special music will be given in honor of Mothers'! day as follow: An them, "The Mothers of I Our Land"; solo. "Mother o' Mine," Holmes I. Fvrris; solo. "Tell Mother I'll Be There." Miss Marian Bennett; solo, "Uttle Mother of Mine," J. Scott Milne. Miss Martha Reynolds will be at the organ. The Sunday school - will give a Mothers' day pro gram at 9:45 a. m. All mothers have been in vited to this service by a personally delivered in vitation. Tuesday evening the 'Men's league will hold its regular monthly social. The prin cipal feature will be a debate between the Pied mont Presbyterian Brotherhood and the Sunny side Men's league on tliei subject: "Resolved, That Country Life Preferable to City Life." Wednesday evening the interdenominational Bible class will begin a new study in the book of Revelation. ; . i . . Mothers' day will be fittingly celebrated at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. Fea ture of the morning service are plenty of flowers, special mu.ic and an appropriate sermon by Rev. E. E. Hint. At night the five reel film, "The Mill on the Flois," will be shown. Highland Congregational ! church will observe j i , ,. OF CHURCH Sunnyside E. S2d and ! Taylor. Rev. J. J. Ststib. 11, "Mother and Mother's God"; 7:45, "What Constitutes the Ideal Congregation f " Atkinson Memnrm: E. I 29th and Everett. Rev. - E. E. Flint. 11, "Motherhood and the Home Fires"; 7:4, motion pictures. Highland E, tb and Prescott, Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "The Mothers of History." by Rev. Mrs. M. R. Stuart; 8, (concert. Waverly Heights si. 32d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11 j "Mother"; 8. pic tures from "Browu Man's Land" continued. Laurrlwood 45th ave. . and 85fh st. S. S. Mrs. Alio M. Handsaker. 11. 7:30. Pilgrim Musoun and Harold S. Tuttle of Forest University park Haven b never. - Professor Grova. supply. lL and sximtiard. Rav. O H. Johnston. 10:3O. 7:SO. Finnish Mason and Albina. Rev. A. A. usnu. o and 8 p. m. i St. Johns S. Iranhoe and Richmond. 7:30. . I 11. Danish-Norwegianl E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Torgesten. 11. 7:30. First German Ebenexer E. 7th and Stanton. xtev. oeorge Xiociier. i.u:30. 1 :30. Second German E. 8th land SkKhnore Rev. Henry Hagelganx. 11. 7:30. Zion German K. 9th and Fremont Rev. J. H. Hupp. 11, 7:30. ! Dunkard Church of tha Brethren Borthwiek and Brai rmrd. Rav. George C Carl, 11. 7. Xplsoopal Pro-Catbediai of St. SUphens 13th and Clay. Bt. Rv. Walter Taylor tiumner, bishop; Vary Rev. T. T. Hicks. 7:45, Holy Communion; 11, morning .prayer and sermon; 7:45. evening prayer. i irjiity 19th and Everett. Rev. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 8,' 11, 8. St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont. Rev. Thomas Jenkins. rector, i 7:S(t. u:3A. 11 "Christ's Heavenly Priesthood"; 7 :30, "The Dia- hiuu ui v aiuug. Bt. Marks 21st and Marshall Rav. J. G. Hatton, rector. 7 JO. 11. 17:45. SL Pkuipa 242 RusseuJ lo, 11. St. Andrews Hereford sU, Portsmouth. B-, John D. Rice. , 11, 7:30. Grace Memorial East 17th and Weidlsr. Rev. O. W. Taylor. 11. 8. St Michael and AU Angela K. 43d and Bioadway. Ray. F. X. Bowen, ricar. 8. 11. O.OU. I Church of Our Savior 80th ave. and 41st ju o. x. xtev. joun.. a. Mccornucs. 10. 11. 7:30. Jtishop Morns Memorial -Good Samaritan nospiiai. itev. a . ji. Howard. 7 and 9 :80 a. an. SL Paula Woodmerev Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. ! All Saints 26th and Savier. Bar. Frederic K, Howard. 10 and 11. 1 St. Johns Memorial 15th and Harney. Sell wood. Rev. John 11. McCormiek. 10, 11. 6.' at. Matthews Corbett and Bancrots, . Rav. E. H. Clark, vicar. 10 and H a. m. (iood buepuerd Vancouver ana Graham. Rev. John Dawson, rector.' 7:30, 9:45, 11, 7:30. I Mission at SL Johns Bickner's hall. Rav. John D. Rice, vicar. 2. 3. St. Peters Chapel 1973 E. Stark. 10. St. Jamea Chapei K. 12& at. and 87th ave. 10. Chapel of the Transfiguration E. 50th and Diviautn. 8 p. m. EvanoellcaJ First EL 6th and Market Bey. Ezra. Maorcr. 11. 7:30. day Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob Stocker. .No church service on account of con ference at Salem. 9:30 . m., Sunday schooL . Swedisn. Tabernacle M. l itti anu uusan. Rev. J. C. Ledin. 10, 7:30. "The Holy Spirit in uie acv xesiameni. Lents F. B. Culver. 11. '7:30. SL 1-auL, li otti and F.iimg. Rev. J. Har gert. 9:30. 11. :80. 7:30. West Portland Multnomah station, Ray. F. M. Fiauar. 12. 7:30. ( Fra Mathodlat First E. 9 th and Mill. Rev. W. J. Johns Un. 11. 7:30. I ' Central E. 66 th and Flarultra. Rev. 8. G. Boper. 11. 7:30. I Alberta E. 30th and Wvcant. TUw. M T. Bonn, xx. :. at. Jonns B. Richmond and Hudson. Bar. xi. xtiacaman. xi. 7 :so. UaU KT. O. M. Blair. rntMi 11. 7:30. First E. 85 th and Main. Rav. Bosur 1 Cox. 11. "Mothers' Day Service": 7:45. "Siii. oide." -it Seooad E. 92d and 8 lit a vs. 11, 7:30. Wast P edmoa j Uorth wick and jsrsay." Rev. Carey Jaasup. 11, 8. ; .lavish )' Congregation Beth Israeli (Reformed) 12th and Main. Rabbi Jonah B." Wise. Office 716 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SaMiatn services Friday at 8 p. m. and Saturday at 1030 aw ns. School, Sundays, at 10 a. m. Uongregauon Ahavai Sholom Park and Clay eta. Rabbi R. Abraliamson. Friday. 8 n m Saturday, 8:30 a. m Congregation Wovah Eedek Talmud Torah Cth and HaU. Rev. Abraham L Rosencrants. Friday, 8 p. m. Saturday. 9 a. m. Sunday. 10 a. m. Keligioua school. I ' I altss Day Sainte Church of Jesus Christ ot Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison. Herbert C Iveraon. mission president. 10, 6:30. Reorganised Church E. 76th And Irvine. Elder C. ii. Jones. 10:45,1 7:45. , Lutheran SL Js-ies W. Park and Jefferson Rav. WUham E. Brinkman. 11, 7:45. ax. Paul E. 12th and I Clinton. Be. A. Krause. 10:30 (German) i "The Christian a Witness for Christ"; 7:801 (English). "Christ Our Advocate With tha Father." , Trinity (Missouri Synod) Rodney and Ivy Rev. J. A. Rimbach. 10:45 (German). 7:30. . Church foe Deaf. Rodney and Ivy Rev. J. A C. Beyer. 2:30. "What Does the N'eaxnees of tha End Enjoin Upon Uif" Our Savior a E. loth and GranL Rev. M. A. Curiatenacn. 11. "Instant in Prayer" and communion service;. 7, Luther league, : - ' . Bethlehem Wonrgla 14th and Davla Bar. BL J..j Thorpe. '11. - - Btsxr gvangslsaal Korvaglaa (Free) Wy- ' gant and B coney Rev. A. A. Bomvik. 11. 1:48. v.... - . , wraca itcgiisn; E. 24th and Broadway- Mothers day with a special service at 1 1 a. ro under the direction of Mrs. M. K. Stuart. In the evening a concert will be given UDder the direction of Mrs. . W. Caldwell with vocal solos by Mrs. W. Lofquist, Miai S. Peterson and Misa M. .Dowling; violin solo by T.. tialbraith; read ings by J. K. Taylor and Miss M. E. Caldwell, and chorus work by the young women' choir. ', jf . . EPISCOPAL The Very Kev. It. T. T. Hicks, dean at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral (Episco pal), will preach both: sermons Sunday. Miss Edith K. Burke will lead the young people's meeting at 6 :30 p. m. In the par ish house when a debate will be given on the question, "Resolved, That Immi gration Is Detrimental to the United States." R. Hays will lead the affirma tive team and Miss Martha Batterson the negative. St Stephen's chapter of the Brotherhood , of St. Andrew will pay a fraternal visit to St. Pavid's chapter on May 13. i Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of St Davids church, will preach two sermons Sunday relating to the 10 day season of the Ascension. . The vestry will hold its meeting Monday night and the Women's guild will meet Thursday at 2 p. ra. On Wednesday night the Oirls' : Friendly society will, hoki it monthly social and dance in the; parish bouse. 3B' I FRIENDS Rev. H. Cox, pastor of the First Friends church, will discuss the subject of "Suicide" at his Sunday evening service. He will seek to show 'the vari ous types and their causes, and also give some suggestions as to remedies. He issues tCa invitation to everyone in the city who has been tempted to this crime to visit the service. The morning serv ice will be a celebration of Mothers' day. EVANGELICAL Sunday school will be the only service .Sunday at the Clay street Evangelical church, as the pastor. Rev. Jacob Stocker, is attending the annual .con ference at Salem. The members are asked to ; meet Monday at 7:45 p. m, to listen to an address by Bishop S. P. Spreng of Naperville, 111. LTJTH ETRATT A service for deaf mutes will be con ducted by Rev. J. A. C. Beyer at 2 :30 p, m. Sunday at Trinity Lutheran church. All deaf are Invited. Rev. A. Krause, pastor of St. Pauls Lutheran church, announces an organ recital prelude to the morning and evening services as a new Sun day feature. igf METHODIST Bishop Luther B. Wilson of Xew York city, secretary , of the board of bishops, will be the preacher at the Sunday morning Mothers' day service in the First Methodist Episcopal : church at 10:30 o'clock. Arrangements are being made by the young people to bring aged women and mothers to .'this service by SERVICES IN Rev. C. H. Bern hard. Jl, "Chrit'i Ascension Into Heaven"; 7:30, "Christ Absent, Yet Present" Bethany Danish Evangelical TJnion and Mor ris. Bav. L. p. Kjollar. 10. 11. 7:80. SL Johns Peninsula and Kllpatrick Be. Ia Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustan Stanton and Bodney Bav. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45. Immsnoel- 19th and Irnni Bar. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Portsmonth Lovely and Fortune Rev. S. O. B. Knutsen. 11, 7:30. Blon Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Bav. H. H. Koppelmann. 8U6. 10:16. 7:43. j Immanuel (Missouri Synod) E. 15th and Leo- Rev. H C. Ebelina 9:30. 10:30. Ger- man. Church of tha Redeemer tinrlh a ti ' 1 VVw.n. v. , (English) E. 15th 10. service 11. rinnisn 179 Fargo. Rav, A. oalminen. 10; Sunday school, 7. I Marks (Wisconsin Synod) Miliary and Sfadmore. Rev. P. Hinderer. 9:30. 10:80; except on fourth Sundays, 9:30, 2:30. mathodlrt episcopal Centenarv-Wilbur E. wth and pin Rm frank I. Wemett. 11. preaching by Bishop rtiuiam x. Anaerson ol Cincinnati; 7:30, An Old Fashioned Mother," by the pastor. Central Vancouver and i Fargo Rev. A. K. Maclean. 11, "Our Mothers"; 7:30, "The ctory of Bessie," by Rev. J. H. Irvine. Clinton-Kelly E. 40th and Powell.' Rav. S. Mace. 11, "Mother." , i . . Epworth 28th and Savfer. Bev. Frank I Moore. 11, preaching by Bishop W. O. Shep- aru; . :au, preacning ny Bev. E. L. Miller Flrex 13th and Taylor. Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30. nrMchin hr Rulinn I.ith.r R Wilson; 7:43. "Knighthood Then. How and jcver. Fine Norwegian Danish lsth and Hoyt. iter. y. JX. reteron. 1 1, 7:4S, (xAiglish) preacning py ttev. (. O. Mcuullocu. German Rodney and SLauton. Rev. F. A. nenumann. 10:45. 8. sHoyt SL 15th and Hoyt Bar. E. . uertxiar. 11, 7:80. Lsuraiwood JC 63d and Foatr. Rav. E. K Finley. 11, preaching by .Evangelist George Ben- uaru; li, Motners u&y. Lents 86Ut and 5aih are. Rev. T. R. isioiey. ii, i:4. Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. Bev. W. . sjyara. n, 7:80. MonUvilia K. 80th and Fins. Bar. F. A. wmn. li, 7:90. ML Tabor E. Slat and SLark. Bat. JJL L. g-StlOS. 11. 8.: Patton Alberta and Mw-hlgan, Bev. Gaorga MX. DtUHK, XL. i :3U. Rosa City Para kw. 58 th and Alamedav Rav. C W. HueU. 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. 15th' and Tacoma. Rav. W. S, " ' . 4 V. M.VkUBUU. , 8, 'The Kingdom of God in the) Itsjht of the scriptures. E. 85th and lamhili . Rav. T. H. Oaliagher. .11, Mothers' day celebration; St. Johns W. ravitt and Syracuse. Bav. W. E. Kloster. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwiek. Bar. 8 Moody. 11, 7:30. . University Park Fiske and Lombard. Rev. H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7:30. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Skidmora and Vancouver. Rav. Guslar S to raker. n. Westmoreland Milwauki and Midway. Rev. E. S. Mace. 10, 11. 7:45. Mothers' day serv ice, special music ty Clinton Heuy church choir. Woodstock 44u and Woodstock S. E. Uav, C. Poor. 11, "Keep the Love, of God"; 8, niwaeii ana neing a nieesing. Woodlawti E. 10th, near lAtrham ave. Rev. J. II. Irvine. 11, "The Wueen of All"; 7:30. iu.uuiera uay songs ana message, African Zion 117 Wiliiama are. Rsv. L A. Moore. n, 7;3o. , District superintendent. Bar. William Wallace Touncsoo. 891 E. 62d it. N. labor 2190. Ml. C South First Union and Multnomah. Bav. 1. B. Harris. 11, 7 '.43, Whitney boys' Chorus. Naz arena First E. 10th and Waidler. Rav. A. XI. Bowes. Preaching by Mrs. De Lance Waliaoe ot Kansas City, Mo., 11, 7:30. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane. Bev. Henry Bell. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th sL Bav. C. U. Fowler. 11. 7:30. i Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Bar. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 7:30. Scandinavian 940 Gartield. ; Rav. J. B. Mlttby. 11, 70. . Pi aebyterlan First 12th and Alder. lr. Harold Leonard Bowman. 10:30, "The Blessednesa of Chnsuan Motherhood"; 7:30 "The Secret of Endurance." Westminster East 17th and Schuyler, Rev. Edward H. Pence. 10:30, "Tha Deformed Imagination"; 7:30. "Why Love la So Won derfuL Central E. 13th and Pine. Bev. Walter Henry Nngent. 11. "The Story of a Mother s Love "; 7:4 5. "The Leprosy of Sin." - Calvary -1 1th and Clay. Rev. Lv Bowrtng Quick, 11. ' Our Mothers (an appreciaUon) ; 7:45, "A Sermon W ith a Lash." ML Tabor E. 65th and Belmont Rav. Ward Macflenry. 11, "Our Mothers and Our Christian Faith"; 7:30, musical program and short talks by Daughters of the King. , Vernon 19th and WyganL Bar. J. G Mergler. 11. 7:80. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarre tt. Rev. i. Francis Morgan. 11, His Mother and Ours"" 7:30, "Jesus and the Pbyssciana." Fourth First and Uibba, Rev. Monro G. EvereL. 10 :30, 7:30. Keniiwortu K. 4U' and Gladstone. Rev. L. K. Grimes. ! 11. "Honoring Mother"; . 8. "Stories of Mother." Hope 78th and Everett Bar. H." K. GOas. 11, 7:45. - ' Boae - City Rev. ; Dons la W. M. UeCluer. 11. The Eye That Despiseth Its Mother"; 7 JO. "The House' of Alpha. " ; . Forbes Graham and J Gantenbetn. 11. preaching by Rev. George B. Lewis, "'Sidetrack ing of the Human Race"; 7:30. "What Is a Christian f" 4 Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Rev. John .PeopleY Societies automobile. At 7:45 n. m. there will be an Ascension day service. Knights Temp lar, Oregon commanaery ro. I, attena- ing. The processional win ; oe at i :u. Sir Knieht Lr. Joehuaf Stansfield will give the special sermon on "Knight- nooa -rnen, isow ana jver;" - Sunday morning the congregation of Cente-nary-Wilbur Methodist church will be honored by the presence of Bishop William F. Anderson of the Cincinnati ares. ' He will preach the ser mon. At night Dr. Frank L. Wemett, pastor. will conduct a Mothers day service which in eludes a special program of muiic. Sunnyside Methodist church has : made plans for a ngreat Mothers . day service : Sunday morn ing. Special invitations have been mailed to mothers in the congregation .urging their attend ance. Aged mothers will be taken to church by automobile. Every man entering the church will be given a flower. At the evening service four laymen will speak as follows: "A Tribute to Our Dead Mothers," "A Tribute to Old Fashioned Mothers,". "Mothers of Today" and "Mothers of Tomorrow." The' chorus choir will render special music under , the direction of Professor L 11. Hansen. f i Mothers' day services will be held at Sellwood Methodtat church Sunday. There will be a short progrtgn by the Sunday school at 1U o clock, and the pastor will deliver an appropri ate sermon at 11 o'clock. An ; effort will b made to furnish conveyance fori mothers who desire it. At night the young people will dis cuss tne topic, wiiat we Owe our Parents. Rev. Alexander K. Maclean will conduct a Mothers day service Sunday morning at Central Methodist church. Exercises appropriate to the day will also be held in the beginners and pn mary departments of the Sunday school. At night Kev. J. H. Irvine will preach. Bishop William O. Sbepard will be ' the preacher Sunday morning at Kp worth Methodist church and Rev. E. L. Mills, editor of the Pa cific Christian Advocate, at night. Rev. Frank L. Moore, pastor, is confined to the hospital witn a aenous ca.e ot lobar pneumonia. A special service in honor of Mothers' day will be held Sunday morning at: Clinton Kelly Methodist church. -Men of the church plan to assist the pastor. Rev. E. S. Mace, in the serv ice. The church will be decorated and songs motners often sing will be rendered by the choir. i . Sunday night the young people of Clinton Kelly church will accompany their pastor to the v estinoretand chapel and assist him in a Mothers day service. Rev. Elias Ojerding will preach the Sunday morning i cnfiuD) sermon at tlia first or-wegian-Danish M. E. church. At night Rev. c. o. Mcculloch will preach. i Mothers' day will be appropriately observed Sunday morning at Laurel wood Methodist church by Rev. F. B. Finley, pastor, and Evan gelist Ueorge Bennard of Chicago, The special meetings will close Sundav niilit The annual Epworth league convention of the PortZand district will be held May 20 and 21 at general aiemoaii cnurcn. i The cornerstone of the new $30,000 building for the SU Johns Methodist congregation will be laid Sunday afternoon at the new site at Jersey and Charleston streets, next to the public li brary. Rev. W. E. Kloster, pastor, will pre side. Prayer will be by Dr. E. L. Mills, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate; a solo by nergeani j. u. crane; anthem by the choir; the address by Bishop W. O. Sbepard and the (Concluded on Page Five. Column Three) PORTLAND D. McLennon. 11, 7:30. I Anabel Rev. F. H. MIxseB, 1. 7:30. Millard Avenue 65th ave. and 73d at Bev. Henry White. 11, "Mothers' Day. Its Meaning and Message "; 7:30. "The Finrt Commandment With Promise." Marshall Street 17th and MarshaU. Bav. A. J. Hanna. 11, 7:30. Mixpah E. 19th and Division.! Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11. "Salt and Light of the World"; 7:4 5, Mothers' day service.. j - . Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Bav. S. W. Sea man. "Thoo Blessed Mothers of Ours"; 7:30. "Christ's Promise for the Christian Life." Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Bav. Alex ander R. Evans, 11. 7:30. i Holt Chinese 133 First Bev. Ga Sing Hoy. 7 p. m., school; 8, preaching. Raf armed Evangelical First 12th and Clsy. Bevi G. Hafner. 10:45, 7:80. n Second E. 83d and Columbia blvd. Bar. ix. jieusser. xx. Tnird .Lenta. Rev. A. F. Iienkaemper. 11. luwmwi; , o, iJCTigllsnj. ' Reformed Preabytarlan First MinnesoU and Ainswortbj Bar. F. Ik Seventh Day dvntftU Note Regular serricas ot this denomination re held on Saturday. . Central K. 11th and Everett L, X. Dick son, ptitor. iu, lias. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery. E. J. all D bard, minuter. 10. 11. MontevUla E. 80th and Everett. J. A. Ger- naru m, 11. Lents 94th at and 68th are. W. D. Hunt ington. IV, 11. ! St Johns Central av. and Charleston. A XX olkenbcrg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmora and MaUory. Elder Jona Saivatlen Army Corp No. 1243 Ash at Adjutant Henry & Cozens. 11. 8:15. 8. ' i Corps No. 4128 1st Ensign Je'- Millaf and tVptain Mrs. L. I'pton. 11, Mothers' day service; 3, conducted by Colonel and Mrs. J W. Cousins; 7 :30. . Splrltuailft -First Spirttuallst E. 7th and Hasaalo. t. 8. Sciratifie Christian Spiritualist Alisky hail. Bev. K. M. S inula ton. 8. 6. 8. Spiritualist Church of Eternal Light 1840 I. vision, iter. Ms v A. Price. 8. independent Bible Spiritualistic 441 E.12th. Rev. io m. schori. a. - 8wdrilMrolt4i New Christian Assembly room Portland hotel. Rev. William H. Reece. 11. "Seven Stages in tne Creation ol Man Uay Three.'1 Unitarian f Church of Our Father Broadway and Yamhill Rev. William G. Eliot Jr. 10:30. "The Mys tery OI XVTU. Unltad Brethren I vConfarcnc ' auperintendent Rev. G. E. Mo- Donald First E. 15th and Morrison. Rav. Byron J, Clark. .11. "Faith of Our Fathers"; 7:4 5 "The Honeymoon and the Home." i Second E. 27tn and Sumner. Bev. Ira Hawley. 11, "Mother"; 7:45,, "God Wu Biesftexl W ith His Son. I Third 67 th at and 3 2d are. 8. E. Itev. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "A Mother's Influence" 8, lecture by Rev. C. P. Blanchard. Fourth TremoBt Rev. Leila Lackey. 11, jsouier ; i .mi. evangelistic service. unitaa evaneeitcal First E. 10 th and Poplar. Farnham. 11, "Mothers"; 7:30 Bsv. H. H. "God s Last Word to a xxt World. ' I Ockley Green Willamette Mvd. and Ga: Rev. A. P. Schmalk-. 11. 7:30. St. Johns Iranhoe and John. Gates. 11. 7:80. United Presbyterian First E. 8 7th and Hawthorne, Bev. CP. Ra. H. F. Given. 11. 7:30. Church of the 8 fringe it Grand and Wasco. Bev. a. Earl DU Bois. 10:80, 7:30 Kenton 120 W. Lombard. - Rev. Carl Scott Dunn. 11. 7:80. Multnomah Multnomah station. Bev. David Bteei ooarp. iu, 11, o:o, 7 :ao. , . Mlaslona . j '" Christian and Miaionary Alliance E. 9th and Clav. Rav. John E. Fee. I Peniel Mission 109 H Second. 2. S. 8: aauy except asonuay at o p. m. Myra ll omitn. supt . n. i Pentecostal jru-st ana Washington. Rat. Will C. Trotter. 11. 3, 7:80; daily 7:30. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal) 248 4a First, 2. A dos to lie raith -Front and Burnside. Sm. Florence Crawford and R. R. Crawford. bun- Oar, iu:u, it :ov. wj aauy, 4 :aa, I'antecostai xl V tiui, , oavrga B. Far row. s. 8. - i , Christian Assembly E. 20th and Ankanv. Pastor A. W, Smith. 11. 2:46. 7:46. Volunteers of America 224 Burnside. Eve nings except Monday. 8; Sunday. 8, 8. Uospal Mission cmon ava. tx. 8:15. 7:45. Cospal Hall E. . 28th and Stark. 10 40, T:30. i -. , Bible standard Mission 2na and Morrison. Bev. krad Uornahnh. 10.30, 2:80, 8. Mtsceilnneeu T. M. C. A. Sixth and Taylor. 8. Church of God 863 Failing. . ' Rev.- Harry Neei. 11. 7:45. 1 Realisation League 148 lSUi. Rev. H. Ivl- ward Mills.- 11. "Finding the Great Panacea." Divine Science 81 & K. Clay, i Rev. . M. Minard. 11. !-..- Church ot in vine Tratn sol Central bide Kettle Tailor Kloh. 11, 8. Tbeonphiral Society 901 Central bide 8. Universal Msssnnie 318 Abingtoo blue; . .. ... ' . .. Internaoonal buu Btuaenis sasoeisuosi W. O. W. temple. 11th and Alder. 8. 8. First ChmrcA of rsycnie science llth and Alder W. W. Aber. 8. "Blmdfold Mewages." The Psychical xteseercn sjenter aortlao4 sw- teL 7:45. . ... ... ; . - Chriataoerpnien ex k. wasmngten. 11. -The Society for Spreading the Knew ledge ef True Prayer Portland hotel. Monday. .8. "SOUL" -. ... .. ... - . ... . -. I baptists saaaioid Annual CSonvcntion; oung iPebpleJeVal ly Beg;inninfr Monday even ins and con tinuing over Tuesday and Wednesday, the Baptists of the Willamette associa tion will meet at the Kant Side Baptist cnurcn for their annual meeting;. The convention will open Monday eve ning with a you ngr people's rally, when tne worm vviae puna will present a missionary f play, "Maladies and Rem edies.-" Reports of, the committees, mla sionaries and the convention will be given Tuesday morning-. The women's session will: be in the afternoon. Busi ness sessions ; will be held Wednesday morning and afternoon. Beginning at 2:20. p. m. Wednesday a conference will be held on religious education. une orncers of the association are: W. E. Whitman, moderator ; Rev, R. E. Close, clerk! and treasurer: Rev. E. AJ Smith, historical secretary; L. R. Mar vin, member ; of the state convention board ; Dr. ,0. C. Wright, state conven tion secretary, j Besides the local speak ers addresses will be given by Rev. and Mrs. Henry Topping, missionaries from Japan, and Rev. P. C. Wright, associate secretary of the Ministers' and Mission aries' Benefit fund of tije Northern Bap tist convention. Head of Methodist Sunday Schools to s Speak in Portland Much interest is manifested 'In the coming on Monday of Dr. Bert E. Smith, superintendent of the adult department or the board of Sunday schools of the Methodist church. He will address the Methodist preachers' meeting Monday at 10:30 a. m. at the Y. M. C. A. audi torium, and will be the principal speaker at a Sunday school workers' banquet ivionaay at b :30 p. m. at Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church. Delegations are expected from every Methodist church In the city at the night meeting. Bishops L. B. Wilson and W. F. Anderson will be guests of honor. Bishop W. O. Shep ad. Dr. W. W. Youngson and M. B. Paranouglan, Methodist Sunday school worker In Oregon, will also attend. The Rev. F. M.i Jasper Is chairman of the committee on arrangements. Dr. Smith will speak Sunday at Salem, on Tuesday at Greshamj and Wednesday at Albany, returning to; Portland Thursday morning, when he will address the district super intendents of the Portland area at the First Methodist church. Immediately following this meeting Dr. Smith will have a conference" with Sunday school workers at Vancouver, " Wash. Industrial Conference An industrial conference aimed to ar rive at a clearer understanding of the responsibility of the church in meeting? social and Industrial problems will be held In the t city Jurtef 26 and 26. The speakers will be Dr. Wprth M. Tippy of New York cityj executive secretary of the commission on social services of the Federation of Churches of Christ in America, and Dr. Arthur E. Holt of New York city, secretary of the social serv- i Ice work of the Congregational churches In North America. The .conference will be directed by the federation of churches. ' Evangelistic Services Rev. Mae Eleanor Frey, an evangelist from New Jersey, is conducting evan gelistic meetings at the Pentecostal Mis sion, 112 First street, of which Rev, Will C. Trotter is pastor. . MOTHERS' DAY AT CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EAST 1STH AND PINK - I WALTER HENRY NUQENT, D. O., MlnliUr l - 11 A. M. SERMON ' ' "The Story of a Mother's . I Love" :4B SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:45 EVEIvINQ SERVICE SERMON 'The Leprosy of Sin' SPECIAL MUSIO BV LARGE CHORUS APPROPRIATE foe tha DAY CENTRAL, THROUGH PASTOR and PEOPLE, EX TENDS TO T0U A CORDIAL WELCOME. Tract Depot 266 Alder St. AUTOMATIC US-U Schofleld Bibles and Testaments Oxford Teacher and Red Letter Bibles and Testaments Writings by C. H. M. and Uabelln Ironside "He That Is Spiritual, "Satan," "Salvation, "Through Kvangellsm," and "The Kingdom in History and Prophecy" by Chafer. Writings by Haldeman, i and Moody. Upurgeon CENTENARY -WILBUR METHODIST EAST NINTH AND PINE ' "THE rBIENPLT CHCECH" FRANK LLEWELLYN WEMETT . -.. )- CASTOR TWO NOTABLE SERVICES TOMORROW , . ; t- -- ' j 11100 A. M. . BISHOP WILLIAM F, ANDERSON - i; i - . . -..; 7:30 P. M. DR. WEMETT SPEAKS ON THE TOPIC: "AN OLD FASHIONED MOTHER" Kpecial program of mosic for MoMier Day, inrlndfns Tours' "MaUMV Mine," suoc bv MR. C. ARNOLD MORGAN. OregonBookand 25 OF METHODIST BISHOPS ARRIVING TO HOLD COUNCIL Twenty-five of the leaders in Methodism are wending their way toward Portland. One bishop ar rived in the city Friday evening, an other la expected tonight, and sev eral will arrive early , in the week after conducting services in North west cities. The bishops are coming to, attend their semi-annual execu tive meeting, which convenes in the First Methodist Episcopal church, May 11 to 17. Bishop : William F. Anderson of Cin cinnati arrived Friday night and will rreach Sunday morning at Centenary Wilbur church. Bishop Luther B. W1L son of New York, secretary of the col lege of bishops, will arrive tonight. Ha will preach Sunday morning at the Mothers' day service at the First Meth odist church and Sunday night at the First Methodist church at Salem. Sunday Blshojf- C. B. Mitchell will preach in Tacoma: Bishop K. O. Rich ardson In Yakima, and Bishop Homer t.. Stunts in Hlllyard. Tuesday Bishop 14. H.. Hughes will speak in Bellingham artd Bishop Anderson in Seattle. Thursday noon " Bishop W. F. McCon nell will speak at the chapel hour at Reed college. The following bishops will speak at the noon luncheons of civic clubs: Wednesday, Ad club. Bishop C. B. Mitchell; Thursday, Pro gressive Business Men's club, Bishop Adna W. Leonard ; Friday, Realty Board, Bishop T. S. Henderson ; Satur day, Civic club, Bishop F. D. Leete. On Thursday noon the district super, lntendents, college presidents, area offi cials and executive committee will at tend a luncheon with the board of bishops at the First Methodist church, on Friday noon the pastors and retired ministers will lunch with the bishops and Saturday noon Will be laymen's day. The women of First church will eervu these luncheons. . On May 15, twenty Methodist churches In Portland will have a bishop in. tha pulpit. Eighteen other Northwest churches will also be served that day. The grand reception to the bishops will be Thursday night at First church. Governor Oloott and Mayor Baker wHl officially welcome the eminent visitors. On Friday night the Epworth Leaguers of Portland area will listen to Bishop Adna Wright Leonard, world president of the organisation, ' at a special rally at Centenary-Wilbur Methodist -church, f .tea . Laymen's League Speakers . "The Mystery of Evil" will be the ub ject of Rev. W. O. Eliot Sunday morii- .lip, av ilia y iiuivii ... tarian). William I'). Wheelwright will speak on "Our Relations with the Japa nese" at an open meeting of the Unitar ian Laymen's league at 8" p, in. Monday I.. I V. ..I. ....1 4 CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11TH AND CLAY STS. REV. L. ROWRINO QUICK, MlnitUr. 11 A. M Junior rmn: "DOMINOES' Morning Topic: "OUR MOTHERS" (Aa Appreciation) 7:45 p. M "A SERMON WITH A LASH" 2:SQ P. M JUNIOR ENDEAVOR 10:00 A. M. BIBLE SOHOOL VESTMINSTER E. H. PENCE, D. D., Pastor. lOC "Th Deformed Imagina tion." 7:30 "W&y Love Is So Wonder fid." 12:10 BIBLE SCHOOL MEN'S CLUB S:S0 V. P. 8, TALK BV H. R. ALBEE Mornlnf Musie in Affnrtionsta Memory of j. m. TTiNasR Anthem "Th Lord Is My Saepberd" ( V. Bchubsrt) Offartory Melodia (O. Tbossas) Contralto Solo "Tba Better I And". .... if. H. Coma) " By Mn. Fred Bead FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Corner . Testa sod "Weldler Strsett ' - Talia Broadway Oar. ALPIJT Jr. BOWES, Pastor Plton Kart 788 Evangelistic Meetings will "be conducted by Evangelist Mrs. DeLance Wallace of Kama City, Mo. SATURDAT 3SI0HT AT 8 O'CLOCK SUNDAY AT 11 A. M., t, llii P. M. "MUTTERINGS OF THE APPROACHING STORM THE CONCERT OF DISCONTENT": One of the most Iralflraat by prod art a of tbe war U tha ondenlabie resasrltatloH of psyrhlc lafluenres. A lecture that will strengthen and Instruct th thoughtful believer and fascinate and interest the unbeliever, Louis K: Dickson EVANOELIST SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 8 At 7i4S WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT HALL - CORNER OP TENTH AND TAYLOR Catty Corner 'rom i'ublic Ldbrary A OI1KAT NONO SERVICE I.fl by - PROP. 1. V. I'OLCORD " " Aaaiated by upeclal singers and play ers, will precede the lecture. , KTJJflTBOny IKTVITE HKATN FHKE Hundreds are. in attendance, so coma arly for good tteata.