15 SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, OREGON ! ) AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 SOME FINE BUYS In Light Cars ' Paring; ear Ml which continues this week, we have taken ia trade sore light font cylinder esrs wjhicu sr put ttj at tale price. M listed below. - - - - - - . We tiU. have sne great Iu; ia Mitchell light si see.' overhauled, repainted, with food turn. Wo will take your light car as part pay ment on ana of these (and sixes. tir stock ai eooatanUy changing an4 it will pay yau to keep ycui era en thi, sal. NOTE THESE BARGAINS .,....-.. Former f rice. Maxwell. 1J1S nnrl alian. iiMd Hale . Price. $ BOO 400 37S 478 m tire , t 1918 Msvw.U, S paw.. 4 cycle Ford. 191 8, tourings with de mountable rim ........... Orerisnd Cuuoiioy roadster, wire wheels ..: Overland model 70 touring... -Hayr.es. 1920 model, with lota of - extiau. two tiioUlibu, oord -1i rf all tmind with twa es:- ABO 500 4$0 bso 285 ttsa. apeeial top. bumper. fua- ihU like uew; plenty of pep and power Win SO., touring. : rebuilt... Jcrutn. 1020. 5 past. ....... UiUhell.. 1915. 5 paw.. 4 eL . Mitchell. 1818, 5 pass. Bore A " fleck, new rubber ........ Mitchell, lit 18. ft lau M'Uhell, 1018. 5 paM. ...... t't.cviolet delivery, 1918...,. Mitchell, 19 1 T, 7 Pmi ....... .reat Western, 6 paw., 4 cyL Mitchell. 1918. 5 pass........ 2500 600 306 1200 100(1 1150 450 780 200 00 225 400 1750 223 600 N00 950 873 675 ll! 5 75(1 We will (rant liberal terms with no charge for brokerage and privilege of stopping part ar all ef intcre.-t at any tune. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver .Company : Broadway and Everett street 86 Yssrs in the Narthwaat. WOULP YOU LIKE TO GET A. used lak Call at our itora far trUuIrs. and while cere visit our Ud car department and inspect eur splendid una of ued car bargain. ou ui find no butter value anywhere in the city. And junt think what it meant to you when wa UU you tiat we guarantee aatufactioti.- AND YOU U1T GET A CAR FOB NOTHING Don't buv without first reing these bargalnat 1 V 1 n fhrrolet 1820 Paige. T-psss. 1918 psigs, 6-pea. -1918 Paige. 7-paaa. 1910 Paige. K-paaa. 1819 Paige sport. 1920 Pais. 5 pass, 1816 Stud... 5-psss. J911 rliipmobils. 191B Stitd., 7-paaa. 1980 Paige coupe. 1818 Stude.. roadster. 1814 Chalmsrs." 7-naaa. Model 41 Marnvin . . . . 1018' PAIGE LIGHT 6 900 Thoroughly overhauled, new top. classy paint Jon, good tirea; guarant! to be in A-l me chanical condition, and long like a new Paige; aacnfica for (11 0Q, 8400 cash, balance in 10 months; una p. Mr. Argo. Broadway 8281. LOWEST PRICKS. t'AKa IX 81 PERU condition. , EASY TKUMS Tl AM-' OPKM BCNUAT CNTIt, 2 P. at. cook ;n.r, 00.. ia.. - . Paige UUtribatora. '." 11th and Bnrnaide. " Phune Bdwy. 3281. Cut Me Out H ,Arn Worth Fifty Dollars A part payment on a lued car if presented not later tnan MAY 8TH. 1821. All prices plainly narked. WELLER ! MOTOR COMPANY Washington at 15th. , O. G. GEBBEB r To reduce my larce stock of new FORB. RADIATORS ' ;-..(..- . ' r" I will for short time sell them at cost. TUeia ara Gordon. Ford sod Jackson Ireexe- l'roof radiators. 4 HI Daiis i Bdwy. 4881. RADIATOR SKBTICE CO. "IT WILL PAY" yoa to eee sBont I repairing that RADIATOR. FENDER lor BODY. Expert, guaranteed work Jit moderate pricrs. Cor Union and w-Nojuir liawtborce avenue. Est 8493. OUBV UEi EREXCE Any JMew Ford Dealer. Any iof Our Cuatoraers.- r . ' I7sel'. Fortls ExcluRively.- i;IVERSAL OAK ESI'UiKGE; for. f.rand A tc. ; and K Yamhill. East 4 71. LOOK - IK you want a cooil used car? If you do, list your want with me. 1 will get you the rar you are looking for. . Call at 12th and btark or pi i one Bdwy. 1872, Mr. Itaby, 1918 SrilirPS-BOOTn roadster, looks and runs just tike new; tlua la real one; ws guarantee this tar e snap st the price a&ked. Small pay ment down. Call Propst, Broadway 8608. 1921 OLDS EIOHT, tame as new, a high-price car at a great discount, run only 2000 miles,' fine tires, service goes with this car. ' Mr. N eater. Bdwy. 2270. ' 1921 OLDS SEC TOPRUfG Hun 8000 miles; could ua a good Ford oz Chevrolet as parf payment: terms oo balance. Call Johanseu. Bdwy. 2270. 1820 FORD touring. Driven 3500 mijea. This car ha $200 worth accessories; practically new. Must sell on account of sickness. CaU East 296. ' ......... PRIVATE" party must sell his car cheap; in . lmt chop now; motor and everything in A-1 cunuiutiH, mr laiii. t.au x.aa auow i or aem- nnstrstion. liAVtu a number ul auiill used cars, will trad for good ued motorcycles. Our prices are the lowest lit Portland. Call propat, Broadway 805. ' : ' . . - LATE MODEL BtJICK ' rr 7-tM.wenzer. ia ficst class shane. with 5 eond tires and thoroughly equipped; SHOO, terms to 1920 OLDS EIGHT Run 2S00 miles; hU car cannot be told from new; could uj a Dodge er 'Buick as pert payment and sive terms on yslance. VsU Johanaen. Bdwy. 22.0. CflEVROLET TOCHING Ite mcHlel. j Make me an offer and drive it fiome. lMione Jensen, Mar. S241. 1017 VI.L.IK. good condition, new top. new bat tery, oumiwr. Rpouteui, o wres, ure cover, Must soil, $600 ch. Tabor 8140. VOR SALE 8tuU speedster, cheap for cash. n be teen at.Stte Broadway er call Aut B2I1-13. r . 1017 .OLDSMOBILE roadster, the price is riant, uic car is right. 8600. Call Bdwy. sir oraveiie. 1919 IK 11 )UE deliverv. DractifaTlv new .' tirra. nrsi ia ccntution; must sell true week (or Lh. 895M. 1SS Grand sve. East 8583. MAL14. touring, ail we are aakinc is 8375. Come in and see real ralne. Weiler Mptqr : coniiaii)-, wasnington at lBtn. ; PRIVATE garase for rent. 37 per month. a!o im-ming apace, fa per mootn. 4. TT. tsar- swiiii. new Miimin t... Mnn 4243. LlG iK'Utts in ics, oU iim ijj., i.r n,; ouid to order. B. II. Rod Works. SOO Willimn. tv. Phong Kwt 1198. , 4 L.!'."!' uiy Dort touring to be sold with WeUer Motor company. Washington at 15th. Get vty price. i " . - PODGE TOURING, lata model, fine looking, A-l condition, very reasonable; private parts. Tabor 880. PV ERLAND i MODEL 00 Overhaulj.1, refin ished; 5 good Urea; $150 down; ..aUnce in 10 months. Call Johawen. Bdwy. CS70. 1917 OAKLAND 6, in good, condition, lota ot pep, real Value at $500. Call Mr. Wilson. Bdwy. 1372. :eve. Wdln. 8188. FOR SALB-4-By private owner, 7-pasa. Olds 8; ' fully eouipped. - CaU Tbor 8403 after Sun- day - FOR SALE - - ton Federal. $230. some bac gain. Youus's Auto Shop. S7 N. 12tb, Bdwy. 4 644.1 Call week days. FOR- RE.NT-r-(range, eorner of East 19ta st N.and Knott. East 1843. l016 MAXWEIJ, tourins. license, starter, good nit-tiirtg comtition. 8200 Tasb. 289 Russell. HAK light olisry hody tt trade for t'herrolet tonring body. Main 84TB. 31 lOlGH in A-l condition, $700 cash; nright take Ford in. 262 Clay St.. apt.' 8. -CHEA, KOLBT HKli.tN. in elegant condition; vecy cheap; ea-y terms. Call Jobaasen. Bdy. 2270. BUICK ROADSTER ?$ 5. Ittii t. .. . tJruadwsr 32H. AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE 0O You! Must See These Cars Why?"- BECAUSE TOO WANT THB BEST " . MONEI WILL BUS nro Ton eteb pbiyb am "eixje six"? Come and take a rid in this one at 8830 you sera 8100. Dent wait. Do it wow. $1200 would be a cheer prfne for this ear that we only ask 111 50 for. Iff en ef those Super Bl Hitdaons. bee it now. A BOOK Of SERVICE TICKETS FREK , WITH EVEltT CAtt . If it's a Light Sis.1 try ont this Oakland. We sell you satiafactiest and terries with erery ear. Tlut one ia $600, ji . , . We have three Overland bareaina: Model 90. 882B.. - tieeinar ia beUarmc Raw this one.. . f - Model HI, BDO wortn 930. Another 80, 1919 model, only 8500. Hem amber, a book ef serrice tickets with every car. t, Then we hart bargains in CHEVROLET'S . :i GRANTS BEOS i J DOBTS ' MAXWELLS STUPEBAKEBS FOKDS j FORDS REMEMBER Service and Satisfaction. We tell you WELLER MOTOR COMPACT Washington at 15th. ,C. O. BLEASDALE Tlnsse cars are equipped with "manj extras, some haviDg BiioUight, windshield deflectors, bum pern, spare tare, new top and, must of them new jy jmiuieu. . , TERMS IF TKSIRED NO BROKERAGE 191 Ford ruuiter. 1019 Foid touring. 1917 Max weU. ; 1918 Maxwell touring- I 1918 Maxwell 3 passenger. 181 Oreriaud model bo. 1918 Ovcrlaud. model 90. 1818 Overland, model 85-4 R. 1916 Overland, model 83-B. 1918 Ohalmers touring. 1918 Oakland touang. 1819 Oakland touring. ' . 1819 Scripps- Booth. 1918 Mitchell touring. 1917 Hw'k touring. 1817 Hiurk roaiUUr. ' 1920 Buick touring. 1917 Iotlge touring. 3 017 Cole 8 touting. . 1921 gaer touring, i 1821 Jatktton tounng. 1919 Oldsmobile, 4 paaaenger. 1 920 OldnmobUe touring. 1920 Essex, touring. : H you are in the market for good .used car from 8200 to I22UU it, wUl pay you to look -over uut iwci, : C. O. BLEASDALE 630 Alder Street : Bdwy. 1882 BUT TOUB REBUILT CHEVBaJLET FROM THE USED CHEVROLET ESPOT OWNED AND OPERATED BT THE CHEYBO- LET PISTRIBUTORS GUARANTEED REBUILT CHWTROLETS ALL MODELS J ALL PRICES EXCELLENT TERMS Grand are., between Aaksny and Bnrntide. Open Pgily, and Sunday. Phone East 490. "THfi HOUSE WITH CHEVROLET PRIDE Portable Garages $152 AND CP. F. O. B. FACTORY. ASK ABOUT READY ' CUT AND PORTA BLB . 1 HOMES. MTLLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO., Foot of Williams Ave. Woodlawn 24 111. FORD TltUfKS 40 TO SELECT FROM (0 With or without bodies, hard rubber or pneu matic tires. Every one in first-clgs shape. LIBERAL TERMS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand Ave, and K. Yamhill. East 471. THE PENDER MAN I. E. DURHAM.' who takes the UnkS out while you wait; also repairs radiators and bodies, Broadway 3214. 30 N. 11th at. near Burns! de. 1919 CHEVROLET touring. 5 tires, good me chanical shape. 8400. with terms. Phone Columbia 432. 1 . V 81200 1920 OLDS SIX jf20C 5 cord tires, tpquigbt and 1921 jicen e; ear is in extra good, shape every way. Will take light ear as first payment, terms on bal. Call Wdln. 3520, evenings. r STOP! LOOK! My new H. C. Sfutr touring for $550 leas than cost price. Bdwy. 240. Ask for Mr. Hoover. 85-B OVE RLANlPlS passenger, all in A-l con dition; very, very cheap; small payment down, balance long, eaay terms. , Call Propst, Broad way 3606.- - r ISUICK SIX 7 pas. 1918 model, in absolutely first-class condition; good paint, good tires, fte. Consider good Ford in trade. $1025. 735 Clinton it, Seliwood 1134. " FOR SALE Mitchell Six. 7 passenrer. B nerly ; new cord tires. 1921 license, 8650 cash; or will consider small car and bal. cash. F. O. Kcninon. 923 E Burr st.. St. Johns. Col. 522. 1920 HARLET-DAVIDSON motoreycle witli I or without side car, in perfect condition ; ji real snap. Small payment down. Call Propst. Broadway 3606.' - . - Ll-iGIN 5-passenger, 1919 model, good rubber, new paint, '21 license; in perfect running rendition. A snap; easy terms. ' Call Propst. Broadway 3606. - . $150 STUPEBAKER $150 Good tires, ready to drive away; first party with $150 lakes it. Palace Garage Co.. 12th and Stark. Mr. Gravellc. ' MY 1920 Chevrolet is for sale. I most sell it quirk. Mske offer. "See it at Welle r Motor company, aaniogma at loin. FORD touring car in A-l condition, for $275 cash. See it at No. 8 Eat 53i st, near Burrside, MV rr. 1917 MITCHEI.L. all in A-l condition; give me an offer and name your r wo terms. Call Propst, Broadway 3605. GOOD Ford touring. $200 in extras, as firt payment on good, small, paying confectionery. P-498, Journal. WILL sacrifice 1820 Baby Grand Chevrolet, like new; consider Ford or Chevrolet in trade. with terma on balance. East 178. ' Auto Tops ..bi.'p'ricer Kalmon sr.j between 6th end Broadway. la 18 UAULET-DAVUiSON motorcycle, with or . without tide ear, in good condition; a snap. Pall ITopst, Broadway 8603. CASH for your car; condition no object: part for all makes ot can. rortiana Auto wreck ing. 681 Alder st Bdwy. B254. WE PUT - Steel teeth in your old flywheel; crankshaft turning. H- P. Black, machine tnop. ose Aner sr. nnmmr sobs MAKE ME AN OFFER On a light 6 Mitchell In good . mechanics! con dition. 121 is. water st. cor. Aiaer. is. aaiu. LATE 1920 Oakland sedan, $1350. 28 N. lttb tt Bdwy. $214. 1919 FORD touring. $390. ; after 5 p. rn. : Call East 575T LATE CHANDLER chummy. $923. 28 N. 1 ltb. ' Bdwy. 8214- . FORD roadster. 1919 model, with starter block, ' 8375 Tabor 8338. ' OVERLAND Country Club chummy. 11th rt. Bdwy. 3214. 29 N 1918 FOKD touring. A-l condition, repainted good tires. 533.". East 8158. BRAND new Chevrolet, will discount with terms. Phnne' owner. East 178. ' pt Km.A-MJ touring; goui) meclutnicSi coudition; gtli. AUt. an tn . . ra. 1917 KISSEL KAR. $586. 28 N. lttb st voii SALE" 1920 'ton Ford: terms. See Stevens, 57m u and 7Pth gve. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 LATE MODEL CARS ; ". The largest stock in the city. Prieea you never beard of before. Not g tale at alL ' Jnt an every day occurrence at THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE ' '1920 Oakland 6 Sedan, new. 1920 Cole 8 Sportster, new. it 1920 Stephen Salient SMI Sport. 1920 Uaynes Sport; wire wheals, 1920 Chandler Chummy Roadster. 1920 Peterson light Six. 1920 Koonojny . Chummy Road at er. 1020 Hneasobale Too ring. 1919 Oldsmobile Touneg. f . 1919 Scrippn-Booth Roadster. 1919 Mitehelk 8, Victory model. 1919 Buick 9 Touring. 1918 Willys-Knight 88-4 Touring. 1918 Mitchell 6 Ten ring. . 1919 Chevrolet Touring. ' 1920 Maxwell Roadster. ' 1U18 King 8 Touring. 1918 Olds 8 Touring. 1018 Saxon Touring. 1918 Ford Touring. 1918 Htudeeaker 8 Touring. 191T Dcdge Touring. Ml 8 Oakland 41 Tounng. i 4u8 Mitchell A R dster. ' 1918 Maxwell Touring. 1917 Maxwell Touring. 1917 Sixon 8 Touring. 1917 Hupmobile, modal N, Touring. 1917 Oikland Touring. 1817 Rao 8 Touring. 1910 Win ton 8 Touring. 1918 Packard Twin. . ' Packard 30 Touring. Bioddard Dayton Touring. A pper-4on.,-Touring. Chevrolet Bug, nuk-k Bug. . ' ; " Overland Bug. If you some over we will show you about 100 more. Low prieea and Eaay Terms. THE : I 8 ED CAR WAREHOUSE Grand Avenue at Taylor SL Open Evenings and Sundays, i ; Phone Auk, 214-10. It:;. USED CARS 100 to i select from. All kinrla. hie and little, late models, at exceptionally low prices A-l AUTO WKS. WAREHOUSE CO., IF TO 17 want bargains in used ears call and inspect the cart at Long t Silva's. 462 Hawthorne. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 itefiairiug, vuuaumurf, . etc.; guar-, anteed work, auickir done. Used tires. Old Reliable Vulcanize, 18th and Tburman. WE DO ' curtain repairing, also install plate glass. B. B. Body work. 800 Willisana ave. East 1198. AU'i'OBED Have your auto seat cut to make S bed. 706 ti Williams. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 KKWl NEWl AT A BIG DISCOUNT NEWl NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS 1 NEW WHITE TRCCKS NEW INDIANA TRUCKS These trucks are absolutely new and have never run a mile. We inuit sell these trucks, so mgke your own terms within reason and drive a new truck at wholesale cost. We have the following used trucks: 1917 Ford delivery. , 1915 Ford delivery. " 3 1919 Chevrolet one-ton. 1919 Oldsmobile speed wagon. 1918 Gary one-ton. 1918 Ford delivery. 1918 2-ton Selden. cheap. USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. and East Taylor St Lumber Trucks : Dump TrucKs ; Wood Trucks : Any make, any size, any price, any terms Or any information I might give ycu just phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691, or evenings. Marshall 6241. FOltD 1-ton truck, pueumauc Uies, used 6 months and in A-l condition; shock absorbers, speedometer, clock, dash light, Stewart horn, raotometer and spotlight Vt $l$39.r2. $875 takes it Call main 6304 After 6 p. m.. week days. ' '- HAVE repoahessed "1818 Gary 2-ton truck. 1818 Nash,' 2-ton; both excellent condition; bo tli good buy for wood hauling or farmer. Call Main 1493. FOR SALE 24 ton truck. A-l shape. New paint, new rubber. A bargain. .. Ea-- 7.9Q4 695 E. Oregon St. KISSEL TRUCK. 4-ton worm drive, low price and can arrange terms to suit you. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Evening. Marshall B241. GMO 2-ton 1920 model. Will trade for tour ing car and give terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. evenings, Marshall. 5241. : FEDERAL 3 Vt -tin worm drive and in perfect thai, rhone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Eveuings, MamhaU SL'41. FUK SAIJi---Oue Noalsuu tractcr. good macnine fur farm or road work ; price reasonable. Cati East 3487. ask for Roberts. REPUBLIC I H ton overhauled. This is a good boy. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691. Eve nings, Marshall 5241- ' ; ONE 2 -ton truck used 5 months; want good 7-pas. car or caah. 'Owner can furnish job. J-912. Journal. MACK TRUCK. 3 -ton late model. Guaran teed like new. Uump body. 1'hone Ji Bawl, it'll. Kveninga. naraiiau tai. WANT WORK for 2 hk -too truck or would sell. Tabor 883. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 INDIAN motorcycle. 1916. power plus twin, good order, light, license, speedometer, good tires, $100; with side car, $150. Icdian motorcycle, 1913 twin, in good run time order, tires O. K., $60. Bicycle, 20-inch frame, box handlebars, new cbsin and bearings, tirea O. K., $18. ' Racing bicycle. Harley-Davidson, new V italic racing tires. $25. Phone Tabor 1770. 1111 Division St. WE HAVE on band a very good Harley-Psrid-son motorcycle, equipped with tandem and a 95 per cent new National aide car, will sell com plete or separate ss desired. f ' ., C. G. BLEASDALE, 530 Alder SU MOTORCYCLES; ENAMELED. Factory finish. E. Tailor. E. 1L Lsmpert, Onion nd 117 HAKLi-Y-DAVlDSON uiotorccie. Will inunntM this one in&t like u,u r ral fn.n Small payment down. Call PropsC Broadway 3605. MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES WE SELL FOR. LESS: GET OUR PRICES. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A BICYCLE CO. MAIN 6139. 204 8D ST. 1917 HENDERSON motorcycle with side car. looks and runs like new; a real buy for the price asked. Small payment down Likes this one. Call Propst, Broadway 3606. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS. aLL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand Ave. FOR SALE - 1919 Cleveland motorcycle, in gooa conaiuon, ga ca&o. inquire ois a. jersey st SMALL boy's bicycle, iff a beauty; alaq girl's oicycie. oo& vuapuiau near jiiii. DAYTON motorcycle, tandem, excellent condi tion; good tires, $73. Main 6111. 2-SPEED Barley. rream tandem, light, speedometer, new tires. 47 1 II. A T. . 9th at N. $133 TAKES my 1916 Excelsior, finest condi tion. Wdln. 864. HARLEY-DAVmSON. 2 -speed. A-l coudition. Call eve.. Aut. 628-22. Price $85. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 E. H. CHAMBERS Maxwell Specialist AIL 'WORK GUARANTEED e RELLWOOD 3755. DIVISION AT S3D. CDRB 80 l" sdusonenu on all brakes a 4shm relined. TUB BRAKE SHOP Fifth Street 837 Main 896 YOU cannot get it done better or more rea sonablly. Auto repairing in your garage or ours, by first class mechanic Call Eaot 1477. day or night. - ONE of the best auto mechanics in Portland i is' out of work; will overhaul or do any kind of repair work at your own garage. Bdwy. 3886. Al Ignition Man Guaranteed repairing, price right Wdln. 536$. WANTED 'la repair automobiles, tractors, gas engines: either st your place er' mine; best guaranteed work st right prices. Tabor 3277. WILL fix your car in your own garage; work guaranteed by experienced factory mechanic Phone East 1729. . IX) It STUTZ rtcPAIU WORK $eu liuin L. Jones at Vista garage, fist end Washington sts. Mtin '63."9. REPAIRING. OUR SPECJAL'Tf Cut prices. Guaranteed work. Ignition special iats. 355 .Wheeler St E. 3083. FRIVATR auto repairing and overhauling in your own garage. Honest work. East 5378. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ATTENTION. CAR OWN'EKS We will overaeol ynur car, any make, and tare yon money. ATI work done oa a Oat con tract basia . and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the euperTision ef competent and reliable earn. Get. our prieea, they are reasonable and will forprise Jan. i We specialize on generator and electrical work.' battery vecnarging end re pairing, vulcanizing and retreading; all retreads guaranteed far 40O0 miles. HEMPHDMVS TRADE SCHOOL. TOf Havrtnome ave. Yele- pneee East suss. FORD OWNERS FORD everhauled J8 Rear axle everhauled .................8 9 Valves ground, carbon removed.....,....! j b&sgneto recharged .8 We band-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. AH work guaranteed, lUUARANTEB AUTO REPAIR CO, " . 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. EtXiNOilY AUTO REPAIR SHOP Or service at your home. East 296T. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS BENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS I.ar Model Cr Reasonable Rates TEARING ROBNETT CITY GARAGB 192 12th ei. bet. Wash and Alder. Bdwy. 849 HUDStiNS ANI KsfeKX WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE. 2D AND MAIN. MAIN 3055. r AUTOS FOR HIKE WITH T)R WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill. A-12S8. H. 8. BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DltlVKlia. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYI.OK PTIOXE MAIN 1687. ' AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WHO want my 3 lots on TibbeKs street nar 41st? Win seal on. easy terms or trade for late model roadster. Call East 24 58 . this evening. i ' i - WE ARE in the market lor a number of small ears; will pay cash. Grand are. - Auto feji change. 188 Grand tve. "Phone East 8563. WANTED Used light oar for private use; no dealers. Must be " cheap for cash. 1030 Mallory ave. IT YOU want to sell your Ford roadster at .a real bargain, call Taoor 8121. Sunday. Privato party. CASH for late model light can. Jake's Used! itr exchange, 925 GUsan .at., bet. Broad wgy and Sixth. ! Wlli iED Late Ford touring er roadi-ter, must be cheap for cah. See BiUingslay, Hawthorne st "in -i Kaat ?su. f CARS wanted to wreck, parte for all cars under nail price. . ea o, Auto wrecking Co., inmiM Aiatt. Broadway oso HAVE new piano, bench and library table. i msuogany tei; wiu trsup tor rora car o: itte nKKiei. mil-orewiler, labor 91 WUL trade 2 acres 7 wUet from heart of city er - city lo u lor a light used cgr. Sea Murray. a-oruanu ijaunary to., tuest o WIU. trade light modern 1918 five-pass. - car for equity in late light car. SelL 194 7. No aealeri. i CITY lot at Marsh field or to trade for auto. vvnat nave you. o &4th ave. S. E. CITY lot at Mandifield to trade for auto, have your 54 24 64th ave. S. E. What CASH for old cars for wrecking, shop. 42 Grand ave.; N. Call at tire WILL, pay cash for good used Ford. Phone wain. 1878. Ma dealers need answer. AUTOMOBILE wanted, have lot. will trade for automobile. Mam 6244. Esrle F. Heym. HIGHEST cash price paid for old caral con- auion no ODject. 121 8a st I WANT a Ford in a hurry. Stark and Washington. ' 107 13th st, bet. CASH 1X3U 11th. CARS 28 N. Broadway 3214. HAVE good diamond ring, $100, for good uaed 1918 FORD touring. A-l condition; will trade lumiture ana pay difference. Eat 8236. CASH for Fords. al lumtet,; get our appraisals. vranson Lisea .ar Kxcnanga. East 4376. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 A'Oftnce-to'Save A CHANCE TO' SAVE MONET You can buy a. new Gillette $5 ssfety razor lor t wo. Good new canvas gloves, a pair for 2oc. Sew brass iinevi pocket knives, 45c. Men's new heavy overalls at 95c. New ' in digo blue union made overalls $1.26. Men's suits in new and 2d hand. Trunks, suit cases, blankets, quilts, and every article we handle will be sacrificed at a very low price. We must clear the room for a different line of merchandise. 262 Front tt. between Madison and Jeffereco sis. ciiuo noLei nuig. GKTS-1T soap is just the dope. To make your" hands come clean. Onr furniture polish WUl tend to abolish Those man that you do not want seen. Our floor sweep will pick up . . The dust on the floor; And it won't circulate in the air. Our rooming house spray Is tn effective way To get rid of the bugs you have there. GETS-IT SOAP" CO., 321-3 FIRST ST. WE SAVE YOU MONEY House wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third i Street Electric Store. 224 M Third L. near Salmon. Alain owe. SAl'E&-Fire and burglar proof safes, new . and aecondliand. at right prices, bought, sold and excuangeo. r-sy terms 11 aesired. aNOailiS SAFE & LUCE CO. 105 Second St. I Main 2045, Rugs & Carpet Washed On your floor with Hamilton Beech Electric dasher; also vacuum cleaning. Wdln. 5758. SAFES-No. 70 Sixth St.. near Oak. New and second hand Herring-Hall-Marvin ' safes and steel cabinets. uushong & Co. Bdwy. 1262 Excarating. any kind, of team work, day or iob. M. FIELDING. AUTO. 626-83. spvriir. ,mmr imes on all wood and coal lowest prices, prompt delivery. Creston Feed V Fuel Co., 50th and Powell Valley road. PKVW ikiAim machibc. ao 01 tliv-ui. rewly painted and: vamiciied, for eale, cheap. 635 Tlmrman st. . FOR SALE 100 sks. American Wonder potatoes or trade lor ivirsun numii uuiier. cur uiiui- mauon call J. Sigristj Oswego B. 1. box 63. ElflNffh BUSINEBts CARDS . SHJjy . ROSE CI'IY PRINTERY Sfl.15.iD Yon must bring this ad. ' 120 5th St CEMENT WORK; 0 years experience ; satisfaction guaranteed- R.' Putnsm. Wdln. 5241 NEW Ford tractor st-tachjneot, cost $350; will sell for $150 il l have no use for it. H. Scblegel. alcMinnvUie. ur. ; SECOND hand lumber, doors, glass tot garage .or factory, and brick. Wdln. 5714 after 6 P. m. i PACK WINTER EG4JS NOW STRICTLY FRESH INFERTILE EGGS EAST 404. LADY'S wrist watch. 15-ietreI Waltham. gold filled cases. 1361 E. Lincoln. Phone Tabor 137 3398. NEW copper coil git water heaters installed for 827,30. aieo any 4na 01 piumoin uooe- Tabor 1382. ' . CESSPOOLS and sewer concoction and cement SECONDHAND U BJta tewing machine, chean. 561 E. 21st st. ROLLER TOP office dek $8, typewriter .iu rinded. 485 Woodward ave. TAILOR-MADE salts left on hand at half price. . . - r.. z t . - c A H? 1 M . 1. m aioueru J iiujib, u tr - viu - WHAT have you to exchange, for' s cabinet phonograph? 148 Igtrt st IPdwy. 2 555 FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 boor day, 85c delivered, wain, lian. GASOLIN E and oil stcrage tf.nks and pumps. P. O. Box 567. ', FOR SALE- Cssh ' register, safe, adding machine. showcase. ' 43 1st St.. sear Ash. FOR SALE Registers, sBowcaaea, sail ' Cash or credit. tfi Sainton. SPECIAL prices on summer delivery in Kov X - fir and Kmg tump eaai. teifwooq zai. VACUUM cleaners, rented $1 per day delivered. Week days Bdwy. 2873. Eve. 'labor 9788. Plowing Lots plowed. " . . ' Also fertilizer. Main 4807 IF YOUR furnace i amoses er doesn't beat well, call Ionsrd. Auto. 826-51. LADIES' spring apparel and hata at great re duction from dressmaker. East 3015. POTATOES 75c wbiie they last. 40 91st st 2 bias, eff Stark. No deliveries. Tsbor 8817 CUT flowers. Krout will deliver in city. Doug teas t ana, t mi. b. iTouxoaie. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 85c a day; delivered anywhere. wooaiawn a5. i LKY cordwood, $8.50: -5 cords or more, $7.50, Woodlawn 4011. Call after 7 p. at "STAR A STAB" shingles, direct from milL Call Taylor-st. aocs. atsin 6. LAWN mowers sharpened and repaired, called for and "deHvered. East 287. EXPERT PIANO TUNING, player rrianot. work guaranteed. F.' MUST saeriiice my new caiiiuet puoouerapfa, Cost $150 two; months ago, $80. Mas. 4730. ssemlagi, I - -' - WfETON velvet carpet with border; littie used. 15x14, $U. Wuiu. X918. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 WRECXINCJ VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS BCTLPINGS rOB BALE 850 vitreous china elnaeta and tank. Sttel storage and. pressure tanks. 120. B64 gal., test 140 lbs. xabaaco ti- w. Beating! Doners, ne. i, American Ideal EL W. beating boilers. 1 SS8 8 steam American beating boilat 10.000 ft. gtesm radiators. lipe. valve, fittings. FOBUE8TAL. MaeQUATJ 4k CO., ' 19tb end Reserve sta.. Pbone 527. Vsnermver. Waab., Box 24. Buy, Sell AND EX CHANG rash registers, showcttst, fouaUuuy scalse, stere tixtmea. ' L. "BOXER, Mar. 2438. 113 Second at. , CEDAR: CHESTS ntrrt (mm hetnre to ous home. Tcnn and Port Orford cedar; solid eoppes trimmings, latest designs. Write for estalogue "T2-18-1R E fcl.ISAN. ' TABOft 80a StgSvg?. ORNAMENTAI. Tsses. garden a. N t.irf '.- ImmIim Hirrl KatH foun tains, etc Buy direct front factory. Standard Art 8 tons Co., 1$30 klaesdasm , Marsball 778 o 80S K, lltb st, Vv.va iKH SCREEN POORS a n hvaakfast tables. medicine chesu and U other special cabinet work made to order. Lumber and moulding for ssle snd retail. . UNIVERSAL IVOOUWUSsiau vu 100 N. ad St., tor. riaaaera. SINGERS, Whites, Kew Homes, etc. just use new. e u a eu. - Service, lavis snd other guaranteed drop ... S1K tn 818. Lstest Singers, esb or Unas. Rentals, $3 per month. Singer store. 188 4th. Mam 683a D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER KTrtwsi i7i p-HfiVT gT. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lum ber, lath, ahinglea. doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen doors, fruit snd vegetable bo shook K nnr odd stock of sash. door. HOT WATEU BOILER lor sale. $$; light end heary welding of all kinds. we vera saw. i r.i. riut ai wore runs- teed. Get our estimste before having your work done. Independent Welding Shop. E. Wate ana wagmngion sls. r-onne cji j. Sewiner Machines . . . , . -. ..h. ff n.ut We nave toe largest aw Rawine Machine In tile CIll. una- car. Prices. Ws rent and tepaU. 172 3d. near YamhilL . I'. Wl IIVITI lik. i .d a Jia. files, etc.. bought, sold and exchanged. Adding machines, clack writers. typewriters, ume hi.k-j. "'? , a Prices lowest, nu uuiw iAjir.v""" - N. 6th. Btlwy. Jinn Plowing (. CONTRACT OR DAY WORK. MAIN 1608 OR MAIN 6293. ' . and " C Excavating ( Electric Motors vtonirht oM. rented and repaired. Walker , Electric Works, 418 Burn- Fide, corner linn. pruanwg - 10 DROrTTKAD sewing machines with sttaeh- menta. 820 eacb; portable aiennc raa-uia for rent; sewing machines dranea ana repaireuu K. it. steen, 152 Ursad ave. xuast FIGS. PRUNES . t 23 lb. box black figs. $3,100 lbs. black figs. $11.50; 100 lbs. split Italian prunes. $450. . BEAVKB OrttMTEUy, Z8I ramillll. Office Furniture, Safes IRWIN-HODSON Bargalnt New and Second-hand. LICENSED independent electrician, wires S rooms fog 812, 5 rooms zu. Ail new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass Inspection, Woodlswn 3791. ELECTRIC fixtures wholesale, I light chain. 81.35: 3 light fixtures. S4 : electric iron. 86.05. We- do electric wiring. Reliable Electric Store. Union snd Russell. East S6R6. ATOMOBILEis. MOTOUCTC1.ES. - LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A largo listing will be found under these different clas fications. ARMY GOODS, tents, cots snd complete, line of arms goods. Wholesale and retail. Army Surplus Sales Co.. Sam A. Mesher.. Prop.. 33 N. Third st. corner ' Couch. Bdwy. 1748. HOT WATER TANKS 3u-gsL $7. 40-gsi. 89; tested snd guarsnteed; atove and furnace coils; gas heaters installed: expert plumbing repairing. Last Side Welding Shop, 208 Adams st. K 8516. WHY i.n vi.rlatiiie aezravation by a leaky roof? Why not s comfortable and durable rooff We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofsjs work guaranteed. Main 5120. DIAMOND RING Handsomely cut lady's ring with platinum setting, perfect stone, 85-100 of s karat, for $500. 631 I Uncock. Plains East S08K. ' OFFICE FURNITUKB Bought, sold and exchanged. HANSEN-WADENSTEEtf DESK CO.. 105 Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877. COMPUTING SCALES, casn reglstsrs. eorfea mills, meat choppers, snd general store fix tores. st 226 Stark tt. between Its snd 2d WELL established new and second bsnd furniture store. centrally located, " $3500. L-255, Journal. Dentistry . .FvMit Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. FOUND A man who will repair and npholt your furniture at your home; prices very res, annable: all work guaranteed. Broadway 4766. LawnMowers Sharpened PHONE EAST 6424, UMON Apparel Excnanga sells slightly used ladies clothes, new spnng mu, w Union sve. N., cor. Ivy.. East 186. RUGS washed on your floor with iiamii ton Beach electric esrpet washer; also vacuus, . I .. . , O , K ' Cleaning gone. si.afc mvyttm. YOU wish to buy a good furniture repair business, with firat-clast trade, write i uu Journal. - FERTILIZER Cow or horse manure delivered Anywhere. East 7686. FOR SALE Young lady's beautiful dark blue satin dress,, only worn 3 times; a bargain. Size 36. Woodlawn CORDWOOD timber for sale, about of a mile from the town of Hood River, oa high way. F. jsl. Miles, oua siccay mug., i-gruiuu. GALVANIZED wire screening, size 2 ft 10 in. by 8- ft., on frsme suitable for poultry or rabbit pen, for sale cheap. Sell. 194 7. WISH to dispose of Udy's three-quarter length , spring coat, blue, for $7: SUq a blue serge suit in good condition for $6. at 833 Main st. work. MOler, Main 1818. APEX vacuum cleaner for sale. . Call at 1015 K. 23d st. N. Wdln. 1869. BASEMENT digger and gravel for sale. ,; Call Sell. 1079. 1 ' " FOR SAIJi Gsrlaud.wood range, perfect con dition. Main 5311. 446 Park at. rttOT STEEL BEAM plows cheap; first class conuiuon. laoor a t iy. - VACUUM cleaner for tale, good "w. 7607. Tsbor tVrubiugs made up. S. F. Pierce. 24 Killingsworth. Woodlswn 4380. POOL table. A-l conditiuu; $100 casn. 670 E Main at. CEDAR FENCE POSTS, nings Seliwood 1672. Seliwood 357, eve- 100,000 dirty bands to use GETS-IT Scap. Ask grocer ATTRACTIVE used airei. very rea 113 E. Gli'sn at 89th. Tsbor 2825 reasonable. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. rroaired. Ray BenUey. Main 4oi BUSINESS i. good went say ot Vcnbeat Wt W7ah & Shoe Repairing. East 906. i r - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 SATLV finish silver Conn saxaphone and out- m, siiguuy o-u, r ..r G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CQ, 149 6th Street BRUNSWICK VicUols for sale chesp- 488 Everett tt- ' - " ' WANT best piano $125 will buy. $15 snd $5 or 210 s month. 1065 R. Salmon St. MARTIN saxophone outfit, "G" mslody. includ ing ease. 3110. Term. . i G. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street $235 BUYS Tine piano, Hardmaa make, ma- nogany. lenni, an biu FINE assortaient of musio folds snd bags, frost . fti.au to !. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO COv '? " 149 6tli Street BKNT a player piano, musie included. Harold M. fillOeTX, M HMH'll WEBER PUnov mahogany pate, $250. Terms, " - , 149 th Street PIANO WANTED Cash, from private- partiesT it bargain. siarsnau iaa 1-iANl) WANTED Cash aeai. Main 644-14. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 We Will Trade You t A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH. For Your 0.1d Piano WHY NOT? COMB UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER SEVENTH FLOOR . Lipman, Wolfe & Co. CASH BUYERS, ATTENTION ' - . Bscuritv Storage Co.. Soring Clesraaee 2450 Fmrrwii uorieht. eash ........ 31 4 $576 New upright, out of storage, cash.. ,$294 $550 Kimball, modern, oak. cash ...,...$290 Two small upright pianos, easii, $65 snd $ TB $473 C. A. Smithy large, f me-condition.. . $215 S9SO Yeas 4t lions, gooa aiiape. cava.. ,t,.i $575 Dsvia k Bona, large mahogany.. .... $293 $250 llanols, pUyer, 80 player rolls. $ 48 S751I Pimna nlaver nlann SO tllaver rolls.. $365 Four parlor organs, $18, $25, $33 and $ 88 103 10th st, cor. Stark at wasnington. PIANOS i. . KEW AND SECOND-HAND. PIANOS AT ' . - INVITING PRICES AND. '' CONVENIENT TERMS !-' WE SELL FORUCSS : Lipman, Wolfe & Co. SEVENTH FLOOR -$10 MONTHLY.' as befor. tn wor, buys new $525 pianos for $395: $15 sends it bom.; $8, $8 ee $10 monthly buys $75, $195, $295 to $393 osed pianos ; $10 to $15 monthly buys used player piance; $3 monthly buys $28, $85 to $58 organs during anniversary sale. (4a yeast in the piano business. ) Schwsn Pisno Co., 101-103 10th st. at Washington and Stark. Pianos to Rent We ,will rent yon s brand new atandard piano snd apply money paid on purchase price. W by rent seoond esnd pianos eisewnerer Answer KM ABE WAREROOM9,' LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO., STEIN WAY PIANO Wonderful buy ia nearly new, large style Bteinway piano. Jt you want aomeiuing iooo. ucn t ovnriouk tQis. t'ncea low to seu quica. (575. Terms. G. F. JOirNSOX PUO CO. 149 6th Street- - GENUINE antique piano, very old and genuine Broadwood Burr walnut oase. not worn out but pronounced by expert to be in perfect condition. No triflera. Also good ball tree for sale. B 310 Journal. - - ' WE HAVE a fine line of used phonograteps In all the different makes. Victor, Lduon, Co lumbia, Brunswick, t just the price u want tl Pay tor them, slake your own terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 th Street. ' HIGHEST prices paid Tor pianos, phonograph records, musical instruments. Exchange snd rensir. 254 Market ft. Phone liln 012. PARTS and repair' for viol inn, s-uitaiH, mando . linx. banjos, and all small goods. Piano tun ing and retuushing. Get our prices. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th 8treet 8195 BCTS $475 used Emerson upright pisno, $15 cssh. $3 monthly. Downstairs store. Schwan Piano Co.. 10th and Stark. IHAUTUI'L golden oak esse Stiry Si Clark piano. New $350. Terras.. -G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. ' 149 6th 8 treat FAMILY of adults will store -piano for party leaving city; might buy later. 1063 E. Sal mon at. x FINE barpsiH " in Kingsbury piaoo, mahogany eabe, 5275. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 14ft 6th Street PHONOGRAPH and records, $100 value, sacri fice $C5; $23 cash, balance your terms. oeuwooa sssz JUST received, finest imported French clario nets in "A," -Bb" snd "C"-$40 snd up. j. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CQ. 148- 6th Street. FOR SALE Columbia 244 H Abler-st. grafonola. VIOLIN outfit, siecisl $35. This includes bow esse, rosin and extra strings. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th Street. SHONINGER piano, very sweet tone, walnut case, li Xe new. Main lesu. PLAYER rolls, all the latet hits in the 'Q. K. 8. rolls and "Ampico,' Try our roll service. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Cth Street PIANO for rent, upright mahogany case, good condition. Ketsrences. Tsbor 6683, VIOLIN strings. "Interna.": "IA Favorite." AmatJ." Special string semes . F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6 Ui Street BEAUTIFUL quarter-sawed oak Victrola, library taoie, . nargsin. iifl m. i.pui k. .. TRADE VICTROLA for used piano, good prop osition. . Main KoKH. 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS " 902 COAL and wood ranges ........ $1 5 00 tip Cook stoves ........ $10.00 up Gss stoves ................. f 10.00 ot Gas water beaters ............. 3 9 00 up Floor coverings, yard ,,.....,.$ ,75 np Kitchen queen ........ .... $ 8.00 np Kitchen cabinets .$12 00 np pining Boom extension tables. . . $ 7.00 np Pining room chairs ,........,$ 1.50 up Living room rockers ....,.....$ 4 00 np Library table ............... f 6.00 up Simmons beds ...... ...... 10. 60 up Cotton felt SBSttrasa.t. .,..... 6.75 up Steel springs ................ f ft.OO up Coil springs ,,.........$ 8.00 up Dressers $ 9.00 us PORTLAND FURNITURB EXCHANGE .208.-210 First st. $dl8d ! ' Fine brocade velvet or' heavy tapestry covered davenports, maaaiv spring arms, back and loose spring cushions. Just a few sre left, so mska your selection early. $10 down, tut ptisnce te suit. DRAPERIES Get our estimste on , your draperies. We save you money. Easy terms given. o. sr. u UAJ, 892 14 Morrison, opposite Olds, Wortman A KingJ - 1 8AVE MONE1 Trv our tales dept. if you want to bny or sell household goods; reduced freight rate! to most all points m our tnrougn pool cats, ex pert packing, repairing snd refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage, t ueproo( gtorsge, low insurance rates. J. 8ECl"RITY STORAGE eV TBAXSFER CO.. 63 Fourth at., opp. Multnomah botcL Phone Brotdway 3715. , Reed Specialty Shop -- 819 WILLIAMS ! AVENUE. Manufacturers of high giade reed furniture. Reed furniture made ta order: also repaired and refinbJied. Buy direct from factor, BARGAIN in Tcuneuos t-edar ebstt, 1 oak Uble, 1 Morris chair. Call 353 Larrabee st, near Broadway bridge. OiFICE FURNITURE, consisting ef desk, chaira. tablet, aafe, blue print filing esses and mis cellaneous srticles. Call Hsllack. East 8860 FURNITURE of 6 room house for sale; i cheap junk. Phone owner Seliwood 3258. 6 HOLE range, woud or coal; good as new. A snap, $25. 114 Union! ave. ' LAUNCHES ANP BOATS 904 jt ROOM houseboat, partly. furnUhed; also rowboat; $300. part cull and terms. Call at 4th house from mill at Milwaukia Sunday and week days. B 119. Journal. - FOR SALE 2 cl. 2 cycls marine engine. House 3$, PerUsnd, Motor Boat club. CRUISER, excellent cabin, bargain, 28x8, 20 h p. Standard boat house, toot Madison st. , FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 REBUILT typewriters, sll makes, rentals, re pairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA por table. SUNDS rtli.1i; gauiDg macumea. . aaaie 2288. K. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth tU ALL makes-guarantee one year. Best re-con-struct ed typewriurs on oast New price list Wfaolessle Typtwriter Co.. $21 WssiusgUa sb. Portland. Or. FOR RENT Uf.derwood, Remington, $3.50 mo. Empire Transfer. I 28 Brosdwsy. Bdwy.' 155. ! - - ALL MAKES ' of typewriters reoted. repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th rt Msm 8668 NO. 11 Remington type enter for sale, cheap. Sell. 8545. I - . A NO. S 1'ndcrwood tiTiewriter. AI condition $40. Also large oak bookcase." $15. E. 296. SWAPS 92S lb 16 T.PiSS. Studebaker 6. fine condition in eeery war: $600, with liberal terms; will accept good oremuf fed davenport as first pay ment o9 las at FOR SALE OR TRADE for htht nuohine or aDrttung vaiuaoie, a u in tviuuiswru ai Call Wdln. 1773 CHEVROLET touring." good - order, $290r or trade: what nave youfi tv-tio, -journal. DANCING MICE for sale or trade for bird ei what nave you? Kast ?.o. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED Pecple ot rorUand to know, that 1 pay the ntgbeet cash price lot eeeona-nana bossehold eooda. No amount toe larsw ew-toe small. Prompt attention i N. At- ri EATER Phone East 2203. 148 Russell st. $12.50 TO $23.00 MEYER. THE TAILOR, pays, more for 8ee- ond Hand suits, shoes, overcaots. We call day or evening. Marshall 1329, or 253 Madison a tree-; near Third.. HOUSfc Cl-EAMlNM TIME Do not throw things sway. I psy good prieea for second-hand furniture snd household goods. Also tools, clothing end all kinds el junk. Cell Msm 734. . BEST CASH PRICKS FOR ALL KINDS OF JUNK SUPPLIES. TOOLS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS. ARTICLES. BEFORE SEU.ING CALL MAIN 3483. WANTED -Some esrioads red fir slab wood, ra- uius lo muea of 1'ortland. X l UU, journaL WANTED FURNITURE 952 WE WANT YOUTt USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE OR FURNITURE LINE TO SELL OR EXCHANGE CALL US FlltST; MAIN OOT9 t.WVVM umnVClSU A lrl7RJ.ITllRa CO., 221-228-285 FRONT STREET. Owl. Furniture Co. MORRISON . Ws want wm sued fnrniture. stoves, carpet and pianos: w. pay the highest cash prieea. 166 and ioh Mrft tt. call siain v M. R. SEATER Buys tne best SS well s chespe grade of second hand furniture. 280 Grand are. Ant. 232-58. WANTED 2 car lots of second bsnd furniture. W ill pay more than any other ucaier. - can Fast 8923. ' WANTED 3 carloads of 2d hand lumiture. tools and any old household srtacles. will pay more than any other dealer. tall East 4912, WE BUY used furniture, stoves, etc Reliable I Furniture Jo., -U3-.ua za. uain taus, ill? ARMY QOOOI ll. STlVfV IIMIIIM turn uli tholesale and retail: eriese reduced. U. Horvnatln. 2d st, or 204 1st st. Msln 7573. ART NEEDLEWORK ORDERS taken in embroidery,, lsces snd painb- ings. 493 Wab. Mrs. J. -Eppstein. ATTORNEYS E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary public, 934 Chamber of Commerce niog. BATHS JL Turkish : Baths Somah" Electro Therapist 24-honr aerrice to men. LANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMAN, INC., 109 2d St.. blaoll book mtnufacturerA A-3188. Msln 188. OABPENTHBw ANP BUILDERS GENERAL contractors pisns furaiaued for H clause of buildings, alterations, rapturing- Jtf' timste given. Phone Wdln. 4iw, Olt eauniates on now cortoUucUon. or renioaei- mg, at ressonsoie unnta. cji uv. CAT AND DOS HOSPITAL. HOSE CI TV VETERINARY HOSPITAL Inc. E. 7th and Grant, - Both phones. . Dsy and Bight service. Three seUrinsrisnA CEMENT WOR FOR ctsneht work au kiuda. large or srosil, reesonxble prices, call Mr, Smith, Tabor ZaJa. ' CE2U.ENT WtlRkv OF ALL KINDS AU 1. osa-i f OHIBOPRAOTORS CHIROPRACTIC. Uam UUu m and meaje. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Msrsbsll 8187, rto' lnn IS Ilowninl. Ourl evenings. LR. McMAHON. (McMag bis system People taking sdjustmsnts while smiling! lltn yes CLE SM IN a AND DVEINO REGAL Clesuew, Tsiitti and lUttera Clean. ina .n,4 rivinir a naei&.tv. Out Of tOWO order given prompt attestion. 127 V. 6U St., Portisnd. Or. COAL AND WOOD es Fuel Co. U'mit . an.i mali PromDt SCrviee. n .ninnH ld.iiu-'R 1 ill uer load: half -s.lInr4 in O KL -&orrl lots.' 88.23 USX -Cord. ( it hr- wood of aianv kinds reasooabie. Office 2til Fremont et Phone Aut. ati7-l. .' ; BOXWOOD DeHvered immediately by Fulton .Wood Oct. 1261 Macadam. rnone Main en a. FIRST GROWTH EXTRA THICK KEW riu COUNTRT SLAl A-u tuui'nuuu Cedar Creek Wood Fuel Co. Phone Broadway 1783. 48-'iU N. 18th tt. GOOD 16 god 12-ln. country tlab, $5.60, $7 SO. Heavy block, aiau, n. imx, aora, tuaa, nu load. Bareain. Delivered anywhere 811. 1769. A S'-t-O Cordwd. gooa sound VUI) U WUUU tecwd growth. Iluy early. OREGON FUEL 4J4J-, VYOOHmw.i vivs. iMltrNTRIi SUAUWOOP Green or dry. 4-foot or steed. Su Wood ec coa, t.o., MBinjiwi. BUY yuur winter wood now. Good heary 1st growth fir. s.50 per pord. . E. iiowman A V,o.. Main 3ua. ULIi GROWTH yellow aiul red fir cord wood. newly rut. 87. 5U. '4 eora lots, cast or Wdln. 4709. ' l'Olt SALE Oak, fir snd si.li wood. liiered from 2 to 109 cords or incanoea lots. AX-374, Journsl. FIRST srowth cord wood. 8B.50: dry 4 fool slsbwood. (7.5U per cora; Mock sua siao, i Inch. 6 a load. urosqway 4iiv. UHUl.lt your winter woud no iu 1U in. green slab, in 2 load tuts, nana oi uouauav " Wdln. 6283. " CORDWOOD Old growth. No. 1, $8.50 per cord. Acorn Wood A Coal Co.. Wdln. 21 S J FOR good old growth fir wood or heavy country slab, call Seliwood Bl'J DRY 10 inch 1 and 2 inch lumber trimmings. xij.r.0 per load. wooaiawn jtaaa. DRY CORDWOOD. $8.50; 5 eoras or more. COUNTRY slabwood, 86. 50 cord. Every stick son nd; never In water.. Woodlawn 195Q. CliEAl'- Dry . wood, cut from heavy umber eord er toed. Coiumbia 743. DRY lumber trgnaungs, $8. 50 ptr load. Wood -lawn 3387. FOR Vent price on cordwood. slabwood and coal call lleerrtt Fuel Co., r.ajit -ZiOH. BLOCK; AND SLAB mixed in 16-ln. length. Al-o ' corrlwoofl. Ttbor 7614. toiiuwuun, jf.50 per coid, m jt v cord lota. ."vation! rHieut'o.. r."i il.iOl growth c-OfdtkouO U pur cord, dli vcred ; spffial price on lrger lots. Wdln. 6312. PLAY safe, graded strictly No. 1 old growth wood, $9 cord for May and June. Ant. 616-87.: DENYISTS DR. B. E. WRIGHT 8d floor. Raleigh bldg.. cog. 6th - and Waahingtoo st. Matn 21 f. A-2119. - PEERLESS DENTISTS Expert dentistry at saving of nesrly 4. Out of highj rent district; open nights; N. E. corner Second aud Burnaide, Broadway 224. m a. a j tni wsaniogton Br. Without Psln. Latest Werve-Blocking Method EDUCATIONAL 4. OAWOINO lll-i.ii.KH DANClNti ACADKMx PORTLAND'S 1.KAD1NO BCiiOOU! Cetillion hall. 14th off Wsshington; Brosd wsy hall, Broadway and Mala. Claae and pri vate lesson by expert professional ijuitructurs, in all branches- ballroom, classical, ballet, etc. Phone or call (or ppointmcnU. Bruadwsy 8380, 613-39 . , Downey's. Dance Studio 888 H Wsshington street, over Ha re) wood. Former instructors Cotillion bsU. , Main $558. Dl Patterson Downey, inst. THE DANCE STUDIO' 509 psum bldg.. Wsh tngton at Third. Private hoar er half boar lessons; dsy. evening. 9:30 s. rs. to p. st. Coarse lesaoas specially priced Class Monday, rndav. 7:80 p- m. Mis lrelsnd SUMMER'S Dancing scademy. Dancing guaran teed in 8 1 br. seasons. 85 H 5tb. Bear Btark. Club dance, Tues.; elaj. Thornday. Bdwy. 8590. HIU8I0. 8CHOOH AND TEA0HEW8 trtL tTWlsOSI aoyeara' experience; t lessons st your home. 81. Aut 848-13 ktK.S. ANNA L'lIOMMEDIEW MOORE, teacher of -piano. 391 Mill st. Mar-ball 8103. I CARROLL PAT, teacher of voice And pUn 14$ 13th tt- Brosdwsy 265S. t ELECTRICAL WORK C. C.i (Shorty) TURNER, ' licensed electrician. Iet Sliorty do your eleetricsl work, wire your new or eld borne. Automatic 321-52. fD)m)o rr iVi ,r '.IT WANTED FURNITURE 952; aU'Ol' CASH k'Oli CotU UluMltlis .JUain 8878 UNITED FURNITURE PTORB 173 FIRT STREET PERSONALS 97S THE Swedish Baths, as given by the NiabrUis, consist of a combination of treatments such as Swedish masnege. gymnastic, hydrotherapy, bake oven, radiant light and heat clectrio light baths snd various electric raodaiitira. raechsuical vi bration, such as the human shaker for obesity. The baths and treatment are ei-jx-clally benefi cial In many .acute -at well as chrnnlo diseases. In particular do we rvoommend tliem for business people. It. relieves nerve tenalnn snd keeps up the general functioning of the body, which is so essential to sedentary work. Dr. Nisbeth is s native of Sweden, snd has practiced his profession for 25 years. He has practiced in Portland for 16 yean, and can give hundreds of reference! from Portland snd else where. For sppointmenta phone Broadway 518, or eall et office, 533-85 Pittock blook. TWO lodim motoring to California desirous good seller; Novelty Agency, advertising. I'l ic ing high class goods before the pubiiu. E 551, Journal. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST wue doesn't hurt you: 8 yrs. htm Exam free. Globs 1 neatre rung., 11 in and wan. zns. FOTF1TEX V.'tTt "wuliK "cAl.l, ' iA v' qoTiTfl Manicuring, shampooing, laciiil maoMigr, chlroiiodist. Jetfersonian Apartments, Apartment 4. ' Main 5432. EYES tested and gutaeea fitted by giadiiate -tight specialmt as luw a $5; satisf action guaranteed. Zeli Bros. & Co,. 288 Wsh. st i.n.A i ita.(uir ni la beat leatiinr initiiiMiii:e. any thing that a leather. LeatherUfe Co., 810 Oak ft. Broadway 406. bLil'KKFI.l Olb HAIK. moica. wart ruio..l by 10 needle method. Trial free. Jusie finley, 514 Bivh A lane bid. Main 6368. Lawyer VoTf enton Bldg., 84 6th sL Broadway 4US. MASSAtiE, batlv. Dr. fc.lma toorenaen. 50$ Panama btlg. Main 60NH. Dnigie phyaieian. WANTED- l.artie to know pnuoos toiiut sni- ; cirs now sum st no iiieunur nut. FLUFF RU0S AND RAQ RUO$ PORTLAND RUQ CO. Fluff Bugs. Msde From Old Csrpsts. Rsg Rugs, s Scislty. , Psrpet Cleaning, Siting, Refitting. Ws Call and Ik-livei. 1872-1874 B 17TH ST. SKI.LWOOD 8672. CARDENINO LANDSCAPE OAT!DENEriS CONTRACTS AND HOOKS I'HONM BROADWAY 803H HAT CLESNFRB ian nvena UAT8 elesnsd, blocked, dyed reaaoiitbl. snd saU inirior.v. noyal at Work. ii9 Flrat st JEWELERS JEWELRY REPAIR 5 KOSa ds CO., INC., 819 Mohawk Ilidg. M. Miiarnvitz, I'rrm. WboliMialo Manufacturing. Work Guarantied. LAUNDRY Lace Curtain f ii;t-Lt; f t tr i w " J 371 1 1th. M 2264. LAWrvMOWER ORINDINa UWN UUWKU 111 i'l "r 1 1 . "" TABOR 4072. TABOR 4641. 24 If K. SERVICE. WORK GUARANTEED. WE OOIJJiCT AND DELIVER. WUB9EWIE9 , GREGORY HEIGHTS NURSERY Perenntsl. parch box plant snd sbrubbsry. Order geranium gnd pansy plant now. 698 801b St.. Roue City cr. Tabor 82flt. OPTOM B TNI 8T EYES cie'ntlficIly teated 'with mod . sjovvJ Vn ,n,t"mnta; glasae fitted at i w rmT,VrK.l'iw"':a''D gusrsnued. A. E. HURWITZ. Optometri.t. 223 1st St FAINTINO, TINTINQ. PAPERHA N Q I H I oT- Wall Paper, Paints, Etc, nKCU.-vil STREET. MAIN 7822 UliL BROS..' INC. LET J. A. 1IAVIS A Klis 1,1,1 ;-. Iiainting, tiuUng and paper hanging; work ami rV ti satlafV. W'o.xlawn 320. iL, . . Ioortui4 snd ign PhoT.W 2lfl6nrU,2a '-' - 'NtlrTkr0X' !nUn. rpni. rintln"g1-l4 N. 1 7th st. Brotdway 4414. Woodlawn 213? PT? I"! TTO R N E V G Hehfi10,l,oEi, f-tenuTlrademarks, copyt rights. 610 Chamber of Commer-. bids. FffVaiCIAN PR. it. A. .pfi fu JFs7 Rrodwy Jlldg. Office I'ri-Hce onlv. 1 PLSgTEBINa PILASTER the hou. with a hammer snd Colnm": bis puuiter wall board. Ui batuHla FLUMBINQ AND 8TEAM FrfTiNfT LOW pri.e on .11 kinds plumbing .p7ir T71 n.. nil I nlon avw N . nT W. A. MYERS. ? td'a-t.A n't'HT 9 7" I'LUMHING Kli'l'I.IKS at W KolJ.SAl.a ri'I' E3 STARK-DAVIS i , l 4th at. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84 86 87T9Fronii. PWINTIWO, ENOBAVINO. BINDINQ HjfsU) LINEN !ARIi.S $4,6( Liborty. Priutery. 163 1, 4th st. ' Main B2a F. W. BALTES ft CO, 7 lat snd Oak. Main 165. C11.65. rilE IRWTN-HOIiHflN CO MP AN TT H7 Wsshington. B roadway 4 8 4A -1 J It. AMCJ IPV ''sTINti COr Quality. h77?. AniJIUCit Ice. 252 Wh. t Main 4671. ROOF REPAIRINQ HAVE your roof repaired by. expert. W. rv pair or paint tin and flmiule nda and rria.r or renew gravel roofs. Main 1424. Ask fur Mr. Pigeon. Evening call Wdln. 8190, liOOl'.S repaired end painud; gutter. li-,no,r Roof flecumy luc, mfga. Webloot I'tlut 2i!6 Bosrd ef Trad. Main 671. Main 6of. ftvl, lt H OREGON ROOFING CO. Painting and ttLair" -ing all kind of roof. Jit Gllsuntte la.nt wsed. All work guaranteed. 1764 E. Gluan at. Phone Talmr 4S17. Tslmr 7259, ' 8EWEH CONfygOTIONft SEWEU WORK Ttrra colta pi,, ' aeptio tanks, by eontrart or dsy. Main 4H55. SHEET METAL WORK MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS Roofing. guttering, snouting. jrbblng anl fn-r1 rrr'tHn. Phone Bii'l vti gs Ah 6HOE WEPAIRINQ Model Shoe Repair Shop Pre-war price on thus rr.tlrlng. Men't oak ten bslf soles. $1.60; Jsdi' $1.25. Uubbtr tieelt, f0c. 122 FOURTH HT. MAtf B222. ifOVi RIPSfHINO Why Buy a New Stove? We repair sll kinds of stov, gss ranges sad fnrnace F.aat 5931. . ' TW8N8FEW AND 8TORAQ8 WHO MOVES YOU 18 JUST AS IMPORTANT AS WHEHK YOU MOVE PaTl Broadway 1281 or Aut 1169. Our track snd careful anao sr st lour term, Oregon Transfer Co. Office tnd Rtortge, 474 (ill-to. BECURITT TO RAGE A TRANSFEQ Prk1ng-Mfvirig Storage IIONET LOANED O.N GOODS LV,BT0nAC8 $3 Fuurth at, opp. Multnomah bout 1'bone Bruadsay $715. . "alwats pick thu best HftnsEriTiOT GOODS SPECIALIST Storage. pa:kn. hipping ,nd moving; horse sod aula vtbs; siw dsl rate to all point. C O. PICK TRANHFER A STOTLAGE CO 2d and Pin. t. Brodwy 6 A-1f, Storage, and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. we 12TH AND GLTS4.N. BROADWAY 8471 ht.HI i KIi t lih.ll.ii i RA'l KA i- fcil .. ioi., o,, h,isehoid gYMls. Pacific CiiSAt hr r-iii Co. . flth nd Tloyt. Bdwv, , 7"S. VIM Trannfer and Slorags. Iu i'i' Ire. tUa sgs. 42 Union sve Taut 6434. t)MB R EJLL A 8 JiLPAiitED AMi Li.ruU.iw7u While vou slrti. THE BURET K tiUOl. atiO ii ALDLU I PIANO Fine tone.' bargaiu-. . Aut 4 .