SATURDAY. MAY 7. 1021. 11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, 'OREGON REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Furnished Home West SJde Down . a 3 mores, almost new. modern plumb? ins. including porcelain laundry trays. new gas furnace, pretty electric fixtures, lovely porch, French doer, eery attrac - tire Dutch kitchen with lot of built-in end windows; will sell this lovely bttl home with lot approximately 34xlOO, fronting on Market street, for $3450. and yon can pay for It on your own term. House sets bark from street and there 1 a eery attractive outlook toward . , rprtland Hts. Tliere u some wonder " ful poplar trees and other trees. Call 521 Market street M 16th. DOES TUB IHUTH H'liTf . ,. . I HOPE IT DON'T OXl ILL QUIT BUSINESS Listen, you limit been disappointed so many 'times with fake ads that you are frightened. We do not mrpraatnt Every bnyer mentis friend. i lWXfU Bt'.VUALOW $3150. . Fireplace, all large room, full basement waf.b . trsys, larira attic, improved atrwt, near car iiops, 1 block to car. 20th st; $300 cash, $20 monthly, do mortgage. Tliia offer U for thi week poly. T. O. Bird. 526 Clumber of Com merce. Bealtor. Marvhall 1022 or Sellwood 2 7 0 . evening. . - - PlNE 9 -room house on 4 acre of. ground; all kinds of . fruit trees in bearing, all kind of small frtiit: all of ground i planted in -garden now and there are two garages, two chicken coops and two runs. Tliia place cost the owner : oier S7O00. Price now $6000. about half cash. ! balance easy terms, or will give deed and take I " . .... r 'n.i. hi.M 1.. seen to be appreciated. Owner will be at honse aU day Sunday. - Located at 0804 Oth ft. 8. K. Come and pee it. or if you prefer, call Auto. 641-47 and owner will take you there in his merhme. , - 1RVINGTON For sale by owner, 6- room modern home, all built-in, hardwood floors, sleeping porch and sun porch. One of the beet built houses in this dis trict Phone East 5269 for appoint ment. ROSE CITY BE ALT Y CO.. 28th and Randy Blvd. East 661 Evenings Tsbor 6442. ROSE CITY BARGAIN 8 room strictly modern bungslow, lares Bni room and dinmg room, all late built-ins. fire place, hardwood floors. ' full basement, furnace, 1 block to R. C. car, only $5000, with $1000 down. flood listings wanted at the right price. Hare buyer waiting. .. , OVER HALF ACHE MODERN HOUSE - 6 rooms and bath, chicken house, 14 fine fruit' treea, lots of berries, flowers, splendid lo cation, half block to car. Taxes only (26; easy terms. Sellwood 1200, t ROOM HOUSE $3800 Double constructed, 8 years old, payed street, in Sellwood. 8 blocks to car, no mortgage. S750 cash. $25 monthly. T. O. Bird. Marshall 1022. fectlwood 2700 evenings. Home -for: $900 .' 4 room house, bath and toilet, fruit, berries, chicken house, all for $900, $.400 cash, bal. $15 per month. CiB. KKNXEDT, 0218 60th are. S. . Aut 617-32. SOME BUY 6 room hem's and 2 lot, has bath, -toilet, gas -and electricity, garage and chicken house; all kinds of nice fruit; $2i0 down, balance easy. OFFICE 1)133 FOSTEB KOAD FUONK 661-11 AUTOMATIC K. WILCOX & CO. STOP THAT KENT -- Just finished, beautiful home, all bnilt-ins; tr.nt wnn ll in nH naifl Inr' lot. 1 tlft feet J rieen fine ' neichbnrhood. 1 5 min. on carline : 8 more houses under ' construction; $4600, rea sonable terma. Come out and' see them. ; Bich mond, car to 33th and Clinton. Owner, Aut. 218-32. 4-BOOM house, large lot. $105, $500 cash; . neat" little, bungalow, 2 large" lota, $1600, $550 cash, lot 60x178 feet; one-room house, $4t0, $125 cash,' ri -acre tract; house started, $750, $75 cash, clone in. city water and gas. Come out Sunday to Watson's on Boone's Ferry road, or call Main T818. 6 KOOil modern house with large finished attic. 'nicely furnished and newly painted inside and out. On Ivy st.v 1 blk. to Williams are., close In, all imiirorements in and paid. AH goes' for $3200, with $500 cash, balance monthly. 'This la ft ssenfire. Wilsus 1). Smith, 680 WUlams re. East 1208. r OWNE1V $2500, $500 down; 6-room house, bath, toilet, lights,' gas, full basement, new rrage. chicken house, fruit, lot 50x100: 10 minutes walk- Franklin high school. 6 blocks Myrtle Park station,- Mount Scott car. 6704 47Ui are. S. E. BRAND NEW four room house, bath and base ment, just completed except bath tub, light fixtures and inside staining; very large corner lot 56x124. 'Corner. 84th St., and. 70th are., 1IL Scott car. Grays Crossing. Just aa is $2500, $850 cash. Terms. Owner. Aut. 27-15. OVERLOOK BARGAIN - a vuui kujiboivw, i 1 1 wf wu iiuui o, truti v l or;, n a. iandy buy and ft real home. Onllj $6400 ouuw cash. i " SABIN k. KIM A. AVdln. 1402 or Wdln. 64S. SACRIFICE 8 room house, furnished or unfurnished,' gas. electric lights, city water, bath, lot 150x100, near carline and Kenton school: berries in cul- 3 ration; must be seen to be appreciated. Leaf ig for California. Owner. E. WHITE, 1497 Lancaster Bt. FOR SAI.K BY-OWNER SELI.WOOO HOME All modem 5 room house, lots of built-in features, hardwood floors; i garage, some fruit. '-Phone Sellwood 2431. 630" Spokane are. Some : terms. j BOSE CITY ! PA BE - Itendy built 5 room bungalow, breakfast nook, . cement ba&vmeot, hardwood floors, ready to more into May 15. $4750. $900 down, or would take late Chevrolet aa part payment. Phone East 3333. ' .VAIACT PARK bungalow, close to Jefferson high; 'all ', modern , conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, worth $(f000, our price $5260. .Mr." Vail- Main 4441. - FINANCE SKBV1CK CO.. Reaitora. BUILD NOW See ns for derigns and estimates free: get ' of 100 designs $1; established 1 years; satisfaction assured. U B. BAILEY CO., 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. iKY choice 7-room Irrington house, all white inside; hardwood floors; with garage if de sired. $2500 cash necessary with reasonable terms on balance. Call East 4198. 410 E. gist st. N. Owner. iEAU Portsmouth are. 3 blocks to St. Johns ear. S-room house; 2 beautiful comer lots, fruit, berriea, garden in; $2000. $1200 down, balance $20 per month, 7 per-cent; by owner. 90 Syracuse st. FINE 7-room bouse and double garage, built -by owner; also 2 large greenhouses and 3 rice chicken houses. This includes 6 lots. Will ell all or part. . Price on all, $12,000. Automatic 223-71. g. ROSE CITY PARK 4.-.n New 5-room bungalow.' hardwo-1 floors, fnr x.cce, fireplace, all built-ins. cement basement, garage -and. runway. For appointment call Tabor S271. evening after 6 o'clock. DANDY modern 6-room house, bungalow type; furnace, fireplace and hardwood floors, also garage with cement floor. $5250; terms. Phone -KOOM house, pantry, toilet; telephone, elec tricity., water; fox sale or trade for horses. li.ovra tai aiut. uuaner block, with good 7-room house. S. W. corner 12th. and nan streets. vrwner, X343 E. Hoyt. TO SETTLE an estate, 4 room house with bathT room rtouse, with ah, large lot 6824 ana osau ovui ave. is. i c. VACANT lots. $75 to $125. Small homes AlZ $500 down, Barrand Realty Co.. w v sjLiuvyift oi nuftiu Til ja - ixv.a-c, $uj(i, uuuwooa iroora, fire- - Pi-vcw. duiicw, DooKoae; ermffe. Owner 2011 w.ui ttfiwa. nuu m oi iiTiaiort Kim ANY person having lot clear. I will build 4 or 5-room cottage. lam mm at nuu Taylor at. east, after 6 p. m FOB SALE Modern 7 room house with double nni, vii Lwun rot , .t w r c. tgu) SI. i -MOlEBN 6-room houe with garage, lot fiOilfin fruit and berries; $3000, with terms. Owner w. wns Anca S NEW 4-room bonbalows; can move right in- hard surface in and paid. 1281 Willamette Douievaru: , t-ziwa nuuset Doaruoms, an rintshed in -' ifory; furnace: corner lot. double garage. niinunysq, qiuin. rya-Tl. - WEST -SIDE 7 rooms, gas. bath. ch-ctricit 9 - fireplaces, cement basement; ,$4000. Owner. 467 10th st - IF YOU are looking for a bargain in a 4-rooai ' ' wuifc call Tabor Baus. . HOMES in all parte of city on terms to suit ynone .rtrosoway a son. i OK bAi-i. by owner, new bouse at cost. Come see it, lit li. TWtn St. Ji. or Tabor 833 MONTAV1LLA car. a rooms. 60x100 lot. $950. Tabor 2899. ', . - 1 BUILD bungalows on your lot. city or oonatrr $1250 and up. Wdia. 2782. REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE HOUSES 404 If Too Want to fiEIX QUICKLT. and T Agree With Ton o Price and Ternm 10 Pay Is All We Wait.1 J, ' I. BABTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Main 208. ; BRANCH OFFICE Sandy Bird, at 43th. St., Tabor 832. A lioMK 1U KV ItYOOl-X" , 800 to Belect From. WHY PAY HUNT WHK.N S1! A HOMK IN ANY 'TAUT Of THE CITYI 6MALL. PAYMENTS. EAST TEEMS. - Marsh McCabe j Co. i ' " Realtors f 822-3-4 Failing bldz.' -! Msrhall 39i8. :Step RSgM En) Completely furnished; 5 room modern bungalow, bullt-iu', lhitch kitchen, laundry tub", full basement, large let; a snap at $3250. $850 cab. balance like rent. . Kee EKAHTORS 518 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 4190. HOLSfcS FOB SALi. Free plans, free estimates, free adrice. Talk with our practical building man. "No cash pay ment down." Let us build tor you on eajy repayment plsn. SUN-HOCSE" BUILDING CO., 216 Abington bldg. i On 8d bet. Stark and Wash.' FOR SALE CHEAP Large 8 room hou. old iory fiaih. hardwood floors, full basement, modern ki all ways: lot 50x175 ft-; large barn and garsge, hen house, chicken run, 3 large choice cherry trees, 3 pear tree and shrubbery. Might trade for cloe in acreage. 203 E. 53d N. T. lvlrio. Phone Tahor 2032. $30O DOWTJ KUBNISUED $3000 5-rootn bungalow. Newly Unttd, fine repair. Sleeping porch, attic; 60x100 lot; 12 fine fruit trees, berried Use of 2 lots for gar den. Half block tq car. An exceptional bargain. MABSH A MeOABE CO., BEALTOBS. 322-3-4 Failing bldg.t ! Marshall 8993. GRAND AVENUE BABGAIN $1900. $500 CASH, $25 PER MONTH 6-room house, lot 50x100, full plumbing. Grand are., near Alberta.; clove to school. SAB IN & BIMA, j Wdln. 1402 or Wdln. 648. OWNER transferred to California, most sell bouse, modern, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, few built-ins, full cement basement, all newly painted and tinted; also fine shrubbery, $6000 on terms. Call 314-93. : Telephone for ap pointment ' : ' ' ' $3000 NEAK WALNUT l'AKK 5-room cottage. Cement basement, 50x100 lot. Fruit trees, sewer, pared, 2 blocks Union car. New garage. MAU.SH & McCABE CO., BEALTOBS, 322-3-4 Failing bldg. ' Ms rshaU 3993. HOME BUYERS, REfD TIHS ro beautiful 5-r. modern Hawthorne bunga lows, latest bniltins, i pared street, ererj-thing paid; lot 50x100; only $S00 needed. $4000 and $4200. terms. Be li wood 618. Acre6 Room fiotase For leas than price of a h(m This is a wonderful bargain if you hare $1000 cash., bal ance easy. 157 E. 87th st. N. CLOSE TO CAB 5-room modern bungalow. aU large rooms on one floor: hot water heating syttem; dandy garage and chicken house. Price $3950. $1250 down, balance $25 per month East 8038. SACRIFICE sale Leering city. 6 room modern house; full basement, with laundry trays, gas and electricity ; elode to school, 1 block to Montari Lia car. Owner. I Price $2650;' terms. 1517 E. Flanders St.; cor. 57th st. COTTAGE BUNGALOW This little home has nice large rooms and is spick and span: recant, more right in. Go look at 1028 E Caruthers, : near 34th st. Call owner. Tabor 7463. FOB SALE or trade for grocery stock. 5-room modern bnngalow, built-ins, full cement base ment, wash trays, fireplace, garage, near Beed college, 1 block from car. 'Owner, phone SeiL 2460. I ! ' ; $500 DOWN ! Nice eosty home, small family, 4 , rooms fur nished complete; garage. 432 Brown tt , Wood-lawn- 424. i 1 i - J 4 ROOM BUNCJALOW 2 blocks to Bone City car; garage and chicken bouse; only $2100. $600 down, balance $25 month. East 8038. I 1 !. BEAUTIFUL 5 room bungalow, in Base City; full lot. pared street; also garage; ail modem, built-ins and furnace; ivory finis's throughout. Phone Ant. 223-71. A BABGAIN from i owner, 6 room bouse, full basement, hot water heating system, fruit trees and rosea, on lot. close to Alberta car; terms. East 5133. . SELL WOOD , 6 rooms, modern, i 50x100 lot, 'streets and sewer in and paid : will 1 take Ford car aa part of first payment. 620 Li mi itc BOOM bungalow, ! hardwood floors, furnace. Lhitch kitchen: all built-ins; nice basement; a dandy home; $3500; reasonable terms. Call Broadway 38 56. $6200 i-PIEDMNOT, 6 room bungalow, built 18 months, strictly modem, hardwood floors throughout. 1167 Bodney are.' Wdln. 3336. owner. ! BUNGALOW 5-room. finished attic, full lot. furnace, fireplace, buffet, garage, cherry trees. Hawthorne dist., 2 blocks to car; owner. Tabor 5296. 1118 E. Market St.. near 38th. BY owner, at Multnomah, new, modern, doable constructed bungalow. . near stores and car. $3200. $850 down, i Inquire Multnomah drug store for Perry Smith ... . - FOR SALE BY OWNER ; Modern 7-room house in excellent condition. . 12th, near Morrison.' Price $7500; terms to responsible party. I Phone East 5275. 4 -ROOM furnished bungalow, in Alberta: best or leather - furniture, t hardwood floor, full basement, cement floor, garage. $3800. 1103 Hi. 3t)th st ix. ' . : REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . ACREAGE 405 This Is Your CSiance 1 acre of good land and a 3 room house, with good outbuildings; ts i goat. 18 chickens and a Chevrolet car. 1018 model. This house is fur nished. It all goes for $300 down, haL easy. OFFICE 9133 FOSTEB BOAD . PUONB 661-11 AUTOMATIC K. WILCOX & CO. POWELL. VALLEY ACRE TRACTS $100 DOWN Beautiful building sites, surrounded by oretty homes; close to bard surface roads: gas, electric ity, phone and water available, $750 per acre. siu per monui ; uot for Jr. (J. Marshall with . FBANK U McGUlBE Abington bldg. " ? Main 1068. A FINE HOME 2 M acres and a 5 room house : city water and gas. good outbuildings, fine chicken park and paved road; close to car; easy terms. Price OFFICE 9133 FOSTEB KOAD. PHONH 661-11 AUTOMATIC K. WILCOX & CO, FOR SALE BY OWNEB Cheap. 12 V acres. V in splendid i apple orchard, ncn - soil. small fruits, running water; near, paved highway. waer, gas ana electric lights, on O. E. uy.. close to Hillsboro, desirable location. Write Klare Bremer. Box 213. Hillsboro. or call at County ILecorder s office, courthouse. OR SALE 6 acres in i Sherwood, Or.; 5-room house, barn and ' outbuildings. 3 acre in berries, all clear and in high state of cultiva tion, $4000. $2000 will handle. 3 blks. a of depot Wm. Behwalt FOB SALE 30 acres of diked land on Pnt island, Wash.; bargain at $75 per acre: good minting ana iisaing on same. Write O. Brecke. , 7siti, j r. OAK - GROVE TRACTS Oregon City car: hi fine soil; 4 blocks vest of Ution, aer lirer; S600; $10 ca-she $5cr month. 0-599, Journal. ACRES. aU in rultiTatioa, 4 room house and vr O V LJl S$ ri. $12 ACBE 80 acres. 9, mile Forest Grove. unimproved, - most em fo rlear iht hmah w lenna. juessam, &x. Helens. ACBE, 76th at.- house, large chicken house, 14 fruit trees in bearing; $2000, easy terms. -ii, journal. 160 ACBES good lend $30 per acre, 50 fruit, clear, buildings, $500 down, long term. Owner i propKiyn at 5 ACBES, M cleared, HurU boulevard, beauu- m vew, nou nun water, gas. East 462 S ACBES all improved, with good building. """ft. nmn. ou jo. FOJt-,?ALE 30 acres near Portland; modern onwiings: nest or soil. -M-696, JcurnaL SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ..JUST NICE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME Price Will u.k. v T.k. . ,. 12 res aa smocth and almost level, at eity limits of Lebanon. Brand new bunrvlow; $3000 half cash, balance terms to suit. Learengood Jc ONE ACBE HOME Jr Tl 'J?r.nd Pvement big bargain for tc t t,k v- iV"' casu. Balance easy. 1ST V Wft Bw. -i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 HEBE 13 A LiTTLE HOME FOB YOU AT SMALL. PRICE 15 acres. J miles from Scio and mile from atatioa. nearly ail in high state of culti vation, with juit enough timber for wood. Land is mostly Thomas creek bottom. Good 7-room bouse and fair aixed bam. - All kinds of out building and on good graveled county road. Land m rich silt sod. almost level, and there is no better in the county. Owing to death of head of family It ia offered for quick sale for $2250. i. C rjLEAVENGOOD CO., ! ' ! Lebanon, Or. - Suburban Homes W have them, and can sell you anything yon want, either improved or unimproved, from $100 down, or more. OFFICE 91 S3 FOSTER KOAD 4 PHOXE 661-11 AUTOMATIC i K. IWiScox "& Co. I r SUBURBAN ibomesites going fast, $10 pay menu whilei they last. 302 Vi Sixth st Apart ment 4. Hard i to beat FARMS 407 PBtCE REDUCED ' FB0M- $ 1 6,3 0 0 T O $ 1 3,7 0 0 FARMj (NEAB PEBFECTI0N) OWNER Seriously 111 Few Days to Live. UNSt'BPASSED 50 ACBES f Located near Tigard. on rock road, one mile to Capitol Higiiway. All cultivated, except 1 M acre timber. : Tualatin Valley, deep, rich aoil Land is smooth, drainage good and is tiled: everv acre a producer. BUILDINGS 1-5 room house, bath, electric lights, outside bnca ana stonea cellar: potato, wood. chicken houses, large barn, private water system. , Fenced and! cross-fenced; not one foot unde airahle land. PERSONAL inemded: - horses. 2 seta harness. 2S cows, 3 hogs, 3 or 4 dozen chick ens, all farm implements, wsgon. buggy, hand tools; also fine growing crops of wheat, clover and meadow. . All hay and grain in barn, except wheat This gives Ian opjortunity to purchase ' at a snap bargain a 50-aere farm that cannot be ex celled in quality or land within 30 miles of Port land, and could not be purchased' under $16,500 except for the serious illness of the owner. Act Quickly, if interested. Residence. Marshall 1650. GEO.! E. E N G L E H A B T. BKOADWAT 5173 624 HENRY BLDG. Or Phone J. Edwards, Sellwood 3588. Only Required This will handle ft good 100 acre farm nearly fully equipped with farm implement, tools, wagon, household fur niture, 4i cows and flock of chickens; has good 6 room house, good barn and outbuildings and fences; family orchard. Upwards .f 25 . acres under cultivation and part in crop, balance pasture and some good cedar timber. On good rock road, close to . school, within 4 miles of Carrols, Wash., and 40 miles from Portland. Price for quick sale, $4000, with easy terms." ' ' N EW ELL-VAN ALSTINE COMPANY 831 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 80 ACRES about 540,000 feet of merchantable ear Stra&sel sta., on the P. B. it. N.. timber, near 12(1(1 l.rm. 20 acres, new 6 room bungalow, barn,' fruit and berries, all in cultivation. Near Hillsboro, $7000, terms. .110 acres. 90 acres clear, balance pasture and timber, 8 room house, barn 64x64, on highway near Hillsboro, $20,000, terms. Will consider nice home in Portlsnd as part payment 136 acres, all cleared. 2 sets of buildings on. own water ami light system, fruit and berries, stock, crop, implements. Near Hillsboro, $38,000, will accept house and lot as part payment, terms. 20 acres. 16 clear, old hotise and barn, near Newton station and highway, $3800, terms. 5 acres, all cleared, old house and bam. near Hillsboro, $1300. terms. ' 40 acres, enough Umber to pay for place on it, $80 per acre, terms. Kuratli & Wismer i HILLSBORO, OREGON HERE IS A REAL FABM AT SACRIFICE PBICB i STOCK, CROP AND EQUIPMENT ; 2IS acres, lying about 4 miles east of Leb anon on good graveled county highway, Hamil ton creek flows through the place, with about 50 - acres of good bottom land, the balance is bench land in pasture and some wood timber. Has a good 8-room house in splendid repair and 3 good bams and silo. ' On a B. F. D. route with telephone in house. About K mile from school. Equipment and stock ia ail that is necessary - for the place and crops are all looking fine. This place has always been considered cheap at $65 per acre, but owing to sickness in the family the owner offers it with everything ex cept what he can carry in his trunk for $55 per afcre. $7000 Cash, Balance Time to Suit C. L LEAVEN GOOD & CO.. Lebanon. Or. FOR SAL13 130 acre of dairy and fruit ranch in Clark county, black rich soil. 20 miles from Vancouver on N. P. B. B.. 35 acres in cultivation. 20 acres in oats. 4 acres in fruit, 4 acres in com, bttni, potatoes, some timothy and clover. 85 acres in potato land with lots of timber. 10,000 cords of wood, 2 large springs and 2 good wells. Cream bouse and separator, large barn 58x60. 6 room house with ; large porcn chicken house, well house, etc All farming tools to run place. One buggy, one double spring wagon, one two-horse farm wagon, one bnggy hone, one span of horses, 10 hogs, 26 bead of milk cows and heifers, 18 to freshen, 2 bulls. 75 chickens. 15 geese, 25 ducks, house furnished complete Everything goes at the price at $9000; will give terms. Write owner, J. L. Buttner, Uei&son, Wash. MODERN 5 ROOM HOUSK AND 40 ACRE STOCKEU ANI1 EOUIPPEU jKANCU ONLY S370O Living room 36 ft. fine bath and toilet, hot and cold water, good spring, water piped in, 30 acres extra good soil lies fine, 5 acres in crop and garden, some open pasture, fire wood, barn. 2 good cows. 1 heiier. 2 horses, wagon, harness. other implements, brood sow, turkeys, chickens. household goods, kitchen furniture; 1 mile to school. It F. D., 42 miles to Portlsnd. Photo st office. See SAM HEWEY at J. 1 HABT MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Uldg.. Realtor. ONLY $6000 30 acres, 20 acres cleared. 4 cows. 3 heifers. team, wagon, mower, rake, separator, disc, plow, barrow, all kinds of small tools, 4 room house, good bam. other outbuildings; erop in. only 18 miles from Portland, $1000 cash or city prop erty. ' SA KIN & BIMA Wdln. 1402. Wdln. 648. . FOB SALE By owner, 17 9i acres. 13 acres in cultivation. 4 V acres in pasture and Um ber ; all good land. A Hindi of berries. maii house. barn and other outbuildings, 3 living springs; oats and potatoes included tor seeding; price $3500, $1300 cash, terms- on balance: near Clatskame, Or. W. Keller, Box 225. Clatakanie, Or. FARM CHEAP i We have them all equipped or without any sue you want Try as. office Jv.- WUiUUJL & OO., 9133 Faster Road Automatic 661-11 OWNER ILL. MUST SELL) 160 dairy farm on paved road, close in. fully equipped and stocked, only xoUUi) cash, bal ance small per cent net earnings oi larm. J. O. Bird. 62ti Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE A dandy 4 3 -acre farm. fully - eomnned. lair buildings, orchard, best soil rock road, 6 miles from Hillsboro, Or. Buy now, put your crop in. Address, t. Ja. Heidcu, Hillsboro, Or. -- RKKDVILLE 20 ACBES Plastered 'bungalow. 5 cows, bam. poultry house, best soil, ail under cultivation, mile paved highway. . Terms. T. O. Bird, 526 Cham ber of . Commerce. Realtor. 100 ACRES? close to city, good soil, no rock, 50 seres cultivated. 10 in prunes, 3 in family orchard, indication of oiL 1 mile to station. same to highway; $l2.t"0. halt down; by owner, sou K. waimon. East FOR RENT FARMS 40S 'TOR:-RENT.: SO acres. 40 in cultivation, over balf seedtA to fall wheat; 2 acres prunes, good buildinrs. 16 miles southwest of Portland, near Snobs Ferry. Bents lor $400. . Fme potato ground. F. B. MADISON , 216 7th St, Oregon City. Or. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 FOB SALE 3 tracts of alfalfa land, 1 20-acre all in good stand and well fenced. 1 34-aere, 30 acres in alfalfa, good stand and fenced. This land lays only 4 miles from Stanfield on good road, come and look. Price slug per acre. $1000 down. Joe Baumgartner, B. F. D. box 46. atanfleW. Oregon.' HOMESTEADS 410 FOB A HOMESTEAD LOCATION REB E. W. Helm. 816 Board of Trade Bkig. TIMBER LANDS 411 160 ACRES Umber, cruise 16,000.000; prioa $12,000; good location. U B. Barker. Eu gene. . Or. REAL ESTATEFOR, SALE TIMBER LANDS 411 ; IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOB A SAWMILL OB TIMBER. SEE THE -... i ': WINSLOW COMPANY. 4 19 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. jPOBTLAND. OR. COBD wood timber for sale of a mile from the town of Hood Biver on highway. F. M. Miles, 509 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 1RVINGTO.N APABTMENT. $15,000 : 3-story frame building. 6 apts.. 4 of which are furnished; income $175 ja month, besides owner's apartment; furnace heat, .4 baths, corner lot 100x100: place is in first-class condition on the inside: will take residence or double house and $1000 cash as first payment,' and will give long time on the balance. See Mr. Stephens. We have hundreds of other exchanges and can surely match your trade, be lit large or amall. 1?E 732 CHAMBER OF COMMEBCE FOB TRADE. ALFALFA LANDS Forty acres fine alfalfa land I in crop, mile fnftn Hermiston. for city property. Price $10,000. 18 acre alfalfa ranch for Willamette valley farm. Price $3000. 10 acres in alfalfa, improved, for city property or small tract in Willamette valley. 80 acres unimproved alfalfa land for city property. I Other alfalfa and fruit lands: lor city or country property. BY OWNEB For sale or exchange for home in Portland. 10 acres. 714 acres .cleared, 5 acres apple orch ard, acre family .orchard and berries for boms, use; 2 H acres partly: cleared; 2 room lioue, new; good well, chicken house, granary, suibic, 1 mile wes: S. P. depot, Tualatin, 1 mile west from Capital highway. W. Walton. Tuala tin, or. ' Don't Worry Can trade anything, - anywhere. Main 3483. 909 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE 311x100 lot. sidewalk in. free of incumbrance, good . abstract W ill trade for auto. Tabor 1093. I $1200 EQUITY in choice Park. rose acreage; ex change for equity in city I residence or light 6 touring car. Phone 621-68. BEAUTIFUL lot in Irvingtoh for Oakland or Berkeley. Also $30,000 income property, a.- 384, journal. 40 ACBES of good highTland, Tillamook county, for sale cheap or trade for prop erty near Portland. 722 Bidwell are. EXCHANGE Late 1910 7fpassenger car for Portland or suburban property. B-320, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 CANADA land, partly impi roved, for city or improved acreage. 80 EL 'Baldwin. Wdlc 2C73. WILL trade 152 acres N. Dak land for Port- land nro Deity. See owner. Eklund, 387 Col- lege st. Main 3154. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 HUNDREDS OF HOMES SOLD. CAN 8 ELL YOUBS. CLIENTS WAITING. Q. C. Qoldenberg REALTOR Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portlandl' Main 4803. Eve. Tabor 8104. HAVE CASH to pay . for a modern 4. 5 or 6- roora bungalow, lot not lees than 50x100, on Ainsworth five, or near Walnut" Park, Pied mont, Jefferson or Peninsula! district; must be good buy. Give phone and address in first let ter. Owners only. B-311, Journal. WANTEDT Strictly modem 5 room bungalow. R. C. Park or Hawthorns, not over $5500; large cash payment Main 802. Sunday. Main 7616. GEO. T. MOORE CO. , BEALTOBS, . 1007 Yeon Bldg. HAVE $200 to pay down on $4000 to $4500 modem readence. Not V podia wn or Alberta disrtict East 7018. WANT vacant lot, $1000 or. under. Give good trade. 1496, Journal. IBV INGTON lot, bal. cash. IB. C. P. bungalow to $4500. Main 867. ACREAGE 455 WANTED- Jood car, furrjuure or what have you as first nayment on suburban acres? Bal ance $10 monthly. 392 Sixth st, apt 4. - HAVE client waiting for close in acreage and Improved farm up to $3ou0.'M. t. Peterson. 827 Henry Bldg. I WANTED 10 to 40 acres hear Lebanon, Or.; must be cheap: 1-3 cash: from owner only. Address 142 Russell st, Portland, Or. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 WANTED COTJNT BTTfOB Clf f Dairy, fruit and chicken farms. PABBISH A PABBISH Farm Land Specialists 209 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 632T WANTED A good farm with tor without stock and equipment; must be llocated on a good road and near a town. Please give description ii fall, price and terms, or no attention will be given. H-333. Journal. WANT farm or orchard bareain. Cole. 426 Lumbermens bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 ROADHOUSE - Beautiful . furnished 100-room roedhouse large dance ball, grounds, oh water, near As toria and Seadside, highway road, completely fur nished, good lease; want live partner with $1000 cash, or will sell whole: no curiosity seekers. Answer immediately, Flavel Tavern. Hammond. Oregon. WE HAVE for sale at Lewiston. Idaho, station- ery store, stock value $5000. fixtures $2000. This is a going concern in would be a good business for good tovs and any one interested in this line. ADJUSTMENT BUREAW rOBTLAND ASSOCIATION CREDIT MEN Phone Broadway 3726.. FOB SALE No. 2 Bussel shwmill with No. 3 carnage wheels friction nigger. Bevel gear swinging cutoff saw, one extra cutoff saw and main saw. 18 h. p. Advance compound steam engine and about l'lu thousand to saw out on the sot at 2500. Will give terms. Forrest Stalej, rtewoerg. ure. BUYEBST If you are looking for a grocery store, con fectionery, soft drink, pool room, garage, filling station or any kind cf business, see Montgomery Leap. 43 T Cham, of com LOCAL food packing corporation is selling touuu worth or stock in amounts of iaou up, to be -used in expansion. Will pay handsome dividends, and also consider acuvv member. 0-168, Journal. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Mala 5586. 102 3d St BARBERS 1 barber chair, pool table, candy, soft drink etc. small town, house partly furnished. $3 50 cash or will rent $30 mo. Box 44, Tualatin, Ore. WILL, SELL my auto top business at a bar gain, in a good paying town about 50 mues from Portland, or. Write or call L. Biggins, 92 10th st, Portland, Or. PARTNER for auto repair shop located on a busy street in a busy neighborhood. 4nu will han dle. J. O. Gray Co.. 718 Dekum bldg. WELL established new and second hand furniture store, centrally located. $3500. x25$. Journal. SHIPPING 8000 cords of wrx.d and plumber; want responsible party handle Portland end. $1000 reqnirerf. Woodlawn I1BSO. lll'GT ..-.11 nr n.1 1 tahlliluH flimitlir. Mnai, oiuuucss. KUDU iuyuu , yni-o UlUi, t?-v Journal-. "'1' UBoCEBY store, comer location, doing $40 to $50 day, can be bought for $1200, no fix tures to buy. J. O. Gray CoJ, 718 Deknm bldg. GOING exnresa and storage business for sale or would consider equity in small home in the eity. East 643 4 RESTAUBANT and lunch market. $1400 today only, counter in public J. o. oray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. $500 FOB QUICK SALE. FURNITURE1 OF 'tnnu et at i-TTir r.Tir.iivrr "porch ROOMS RENTED. MARSHALL 1886. WILL sell vegetable route and rig. doing about $25 per day. Other interests to attend. N- 648. Journal. r ' YOUB Victory bond can earn 10 per cent. Offer lasta until Saturday 5 p. m. 309 Lum- tmi hWt HEAT market for sale doing cash business in good location. glOUU. Must sell at once. Phone Tab, 7023. j FOB SALE Poolroom and eonf ecuonerj ; good location, s Apply 883 E. nnmswie. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 li.pnnus fnenshed. west i aide, walking dis tance. 2 baths, arranged for boose eepmg apartssenU; income $115; furniture $700, rent $45. East 2881. , - i ' - HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 FURNISHINGS of 18 clean bovuekeeping rooms. modern. Uy owner, 4.x via. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 Mr. and Mrs. Hard to - Once Over : If yon want something classy IS rooms fall of the beet furniture money can boy. in ft hoa to match. Priced right, owner leaving. M. C Peterson. Henry bldg. A SMALL) apartment house for sale by owner; brick building, in good district ; If you are looking or a home with an income, investigate thi, one at $4000: good terms to right party. D-495. Journal. ' ' 1 '" ,'"" . BEFOBEyooTbuy or sen, an apartment, hotel or rooming honse, see C, E. BOWDEN CO. i Mais 3838. 815 Cbsm. Com. Bids. Let Us Write Your Fire Insurance. QUICK RESULTS III That's what you get when you list your apart ment, hotel or rooming house with THE A. 11. HAUC CO., ' 512 Henry Bids, Broadway 6487. 9-BOOM, i furnished, i werit side, walkuig dis tance, 2 baths, arranged for lionsekeeping ttarenitnts; income $115; furniture $700, rent $45. East 2 SSI. ' ' L '. : 10 BOOMS, west side, rent only" $23 month; electric lights, aU housekeeping, newly fur nished; snap. $1000, terms $300. Garland. 201 3d. i) ROOMS, all H. K., modern, completely fur nished, walking distance on weat side. By owner. 90O, terms. 488 Everett BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 Want to Buy or Sell? ANY KIND OF BUSINESS No Publicity. B road w way 4743.- M. C. PETERSON, 827 Henry Bldg. MERCHANTS If you want to sell your business without puoueity, tee or write alOn XliOatEBX ft LtAf . 437 rhim of Cum. - Phone Bdwy. 31. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION Oa improved property or 1! improvsment purposes. The beat and easiest method of paying a loan is onr monthly payment plan. per m onto for on montna, or $21.24 per month foe 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 90 months pays loan ot $1000 and interest. Loans ot otner smounts in s proportion. Repayment Privileges. , EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN .'. 242 Stark, St. Portland, Or. I HAVE THE MOSEY BEADY ' No waiting: several clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan ia any amount from $1000 to $12000 at 6 per ecnt and : per cent interest, come and see me now, while 1 have the money available. Fred Witliani, 506 Panama bldg. $300, $400, $300, $60o. $750. $1000 AND up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more, any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., (i31 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1BTO. $300. $400, $500. $75U. $1000 AND UP Low rates, auick acttion. Fred W. Gera aan Co.. 732 Chamber of Com meroe. Ham t44. koNEY TO LOAN $300. $500. $700. $1000. s I aoo. $2000, on city improved properv at 7 per cent J. L. Wells Co.. 603 Gaaco bldg. BUILDING loans on citgr and suDurban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. BEE OBEGON INv. . A MORTGAGE CO 223 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. jOO. JIOOO. $1500. tJOOO. .25O0 AND UP MONEY to loan. $100 to $5000. A. B. Bell. II Mulkey bldg. Main 4811 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OS AUTOMOBILES A7 a ( im, A a a 'v ru, &a s v j iv g vx-' wjr rf A-rcw - BEAL ESTATE. BONDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY UUT IN YOUB POSSESSION. Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLK ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECUBITY. IF YOUB PAY MENTS TO OTHEB LOAN COMPANIES OB on fubn:tube OR AD-OMOBILB CON TBACTS ABE TOO LARGE. WE WUJ PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY, IF NECESSABY, AND YOD CAN REPAY US IN SMALL, MONTHLY PATMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN' CO. f LICENSEDl 806-307 DEKTJM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. SALARY LOANS . CHATTEL WI LOAN MONET en short notice to salaried or worxingraen en their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or on Inly paymenta. Each tr ansae Uun strictly confidentisL ' - NO MORTGAGE !TO TVDOB8KB ABSOLUTELY so SECURITY We also losn on household goods, piaaosw ete. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED) i 218 FAILING BUILPINg. . ' MONEJ TO LOAN On lood in Storage. Bank Bste. 8ECTJ RITY B TO RAGE & TRANSFER OOw 53 4th St, opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 371&J . QUICK money to salaried people on unsecured note: confidential investigation. ! 316 Cnasa. of Com. bldg. Licensed. ' MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 W'E BUY first and second mortgages and1 sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman i. Co.. 2 lO Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 3026. i CASH paid for martgages and sellers contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. XL E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg.J ' MONEY WANTED 651 WANTED A loan of $2500 from private party; will give first mortgage on. valuable property. l'hone Wdln. 3611. 1 BEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDER wishes $1500 loan, on new house. Value of $3250. B-321, Journal. WANTED to borrow one year, $700. Large diamond ring. 10 interest B-312. Journal. HORSES AND -VEHICLES 700 CROWN STABLES, Inc. Have 100 head of horses that are for sale. exchange or hire; have matched teams of all kinds, will exchanee for mules, hones or Liberty bonds. All kinds of wagons and harness for sale. Have some horses that we have taken in exchange that there is lots of work in at your own figure. We are here to atay and guarantee all stock as represented. 28S Front JUST arrived ft carload of Eastern Oregon mares snd geldings. Ages from 4 to 0 years old blocky built good, solid colors. Everythirii guaranteed, as represented and free trial al lowed and a few cheaper bones. If you are in the market it will pay you to look this stuff over. J. S. Wuliamson. 240Q E. atn. 40 HEAD horses and ma s. 4 to 8 years old. weight 1200 to 17O0 lbs., some matched teems; harness and wagons. This stock is all well broken and ready to work. Price reasonable tu save feed expense. - KEYSTONE STABLES, 381 Water St Cor. j Montgomery. NOTICE Full blooded Percheron stud horse. He is at 240 E 8th at He is for sale or for. service. The service is from $10 to $20 for guaranteed coil. j. 0. wuiiamson. OVP. Ann ft nf n a r. 9(IH ihm. 5 and 7 years old and heavy set of gw,d breeching ksrne . Everything complete. Must be sold by Tuesday. Ask for Mrs. McDonalds team. East 10th st FOR SALE, by owner, team of homes, weighing 0U, 7 and years ow. ,1 xz-inca wonn Deere plow, 1 harrow, spring wagon; a snap if taken at once. Call 4123 72d st S. .. Mt Scott car. ; MUST sell by May 10. Team of horses, 2TOO pounds. Colt 1100. Team of rortlew. 2200. K&mess, . 3 farm wagons, plows, barrows. 630 Jefferson rt. near 21st ' JUST SOLD my farm, have extra fine young team. -weight 3000 lbs., will sell . reasonable; will take any good security, as I have no ose for them. 7115 41st ave. Aut 641-72. $00 TABLES chestnut sorrel mare. 7 years old, weight 1400 lbs., . broke single and doable snd gentle. 881 Water st, west side. ONE horse for sale, good for farming; gentle. years old; good worker. Call for Mr, John son. 620 Front street $140 BUYS team of bays, bone and mare, S ' years old, weight about 2500 lbs., well far- broken and gentle. 881 Water at, west siae. FOB SALE 3500 lb. tan 7 years old, or trade for smaller team. East 4988. - - FOB SALE or rent, good young team, bame and dump-wagon. - East 498S. HORSES for rent, doable ana single. 54"! Front st. Phone Main 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 FOB SALE or trade for young stuck. 10 head cows and bull. O. Kedoiph, Ardeowald sta. WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832, LIVESTOCK 701 FOB SALE Fresh goats aad coming fresh -. from $25 up; also milk and kvls. and for service two- para Sannoa and one Nubian of the beat in the Westt. at Portland flt Dety. 82d and Fremont sta. Address B. 1. Box 44ft. BAKGAiN Ranch teaaa. mare ami horse, about 2200 lbs.,' with harness and wagon- 1967 E. Sttrk it Trial allowed; also 1 fresh 4-gallon ecw. - - - ' - ' ; FOR SALE Two extra fine milch goaU cheap. . Meet me at Carol station. Estacada line; men tion day and hour and 1 will take you to see them. Write B. 2 box 91 -A. Milwaukee. Or. TWO gentle family cows, Jersey," Holstein-Jer-aey; give rich milk; cheap. S4 10 5.8th ave. S. E. Woodstock car. . ., HAVE for ale 6 bead fresh dairy cows, Holstein and Jersey, with calves; all tested for T. B. See Mr. Bm.-e. Union Stock Ysrdt, N. Portland. COW and calf for sale. $105 for both: have barn, will seU for $5. 200 VV. KHpatrick st TWO cows "for sale, one fresh with "icalf. 2318 51st st B. E, . j TOGGENBUBG goats and goats' milk for sale 2u K. h t. N.. M-V cnr. Tabor S4St. FOB SALE Al milch gust and twin kkia; very reasonable. 855 64th st N.. Boie City. car. FRESH Saanen milch goat Milks 1 gal. daily. Price $75. $3541 57th st N. Tabor 3802. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 PROGRESS!. -HATCHER VE Y Hoganixed trarmei'ted T snored end O. A. C. White I -eg horn chicks. $14 per 100, $133 per 1000: Barred Bock and It L Bed chicks. $20 per 100; 2 weeks Reds 25e; 1 week Lechorns, 18c: pullets and broody bens. 154 E. 12th st. N. Wdln. 1485. ( E A DVT Prompt deliveries on O. A. C. and !." 0 X Tanrred White Leghorns. Barred. C JHI If White and Partridge Plymouth lk & 11 Bocks. Itedv Aneonas. i Buttercups, Wyandotte. Best stock. -Prices s reasonable. Free catalog. Write today. C. N. Need bam, Salem. Or. i BABY CHICKS From the famous O. A. C. strain mi ting. 221-egg hens1 mated to cockerels from 300-egg hens. Place your orders now for April. May and June delivery Portlsnd Seed. Co. Main 404. LAST of May Chix 15c each, 50 or more; Juue chix 12ttc. White Lnrhorns. Hart s Oualit y. Order early. 400-cgg X-lisy incubators for sale. $30. Hart's Poultry Book, $1. Don t come on Sunday. W. H. Hart. Ri 3, Beaver ton, Or. I -cBaby ChicksllSc Thoroughbred White Leghorn's, none better: RIB. 20c. Smierstrom Poultry Farm, 1176 Powell Valley road. Sellwood 1493 300 WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS, day oid. 13o each. $1 per 100. 300 White Leghorn chicks, 10 days old, 18c each; also Barred Bock, and B. I. Bed chicks, 25c each. J. 11. Maguire. 787 Oregon, near East 24th. B L BED baby chicks, oldest strain in Oregon, 1500 this coming week, all hatched from this strain. I'hope Tabor 6134. . a st is., iverrnai "T.liion t . I-V. ; . r . t. . , ..u ; M .... V A, ,UbV ?auutU IWtUUlli UWIU heavy laying trxpnested eggs, tested with sex Indicator.' 75o for 15, $4 per 100., C, Heinz, WILL have a few hundred White Leghorn chicks from high egz record trapnested mat in gs, hatch off Bunday. Tsbor 7821. QUALITY POULTBY FABM BROWN and White Leghorn year-old hens; ex cellent layers. $1.10 each: fancy Barred Bock hens, $2 each. J. B, Maguire, 787 Oregon, near East 24th. r-ABK It. L It baby chicks, 14 days old. set . ting eggs. $1 per 15, $6 per 100. Fertility KiwiaiiL l mam i i . PEBKINS superior laying, trapnested White ' Leghorns now ready, $12 per hundred. 1337 Burrage. Phone Wdln. 6314. i FEES Hi feed, $3.23; growing mash. ; buttermilk, $4 keg; scratch. eggs mash.' $2.50'. Wd. 4344 TANCBED White Leghorn chicks. May 22. $15 per hundred. Tabor 3822. Parkrose Hatch- err. Portland. Or. - t MAMMOTH Black ' Minorca eggs. Nixon, beet. $2.50 per Eettisig 15: prize winner at Spo Vsne poultr-v show. Tsbor 4fi. 1245 H'.lev it. THOBOUGHBBED Velvet B. L Bed eggs for hatching: heavy laying strain: $1.25 a setting or in. oisa ssth st e. E. MS car. B. P. B. Setting hens, 1 year old, $2; iko enx , , . . o ? - . 1 1 rii,a, ui wui at. D. x. . , ua nr & Vslley road and school. FOR SALE White Leghorn and Rhode Inland Bed hens. $1.25 each, if sold to one party. Automatic 331-10. 836 Kerby st LIGHT Brahma eggs $2.00 setting; very fine ' cockerels $3.00 each : pair Mammoth Pekia ducks $5.00. 4 735 60th St S. E. Bd. 213 THOROUGHBRED Partridge Wyandotte hen snd chickens 3 weeks old. 1024 1 HoIgaU st SeUwood 1112. ,...-' -1 19 MAMMOTH Blsck Minorca pullet. 56th st Sellwood" 2.M8. 5604 FOB SALE 1 White Leghorn bees, 1 roooier 6112 84th 8. E.. Mt Scott far. 1000 TRAP-NESTED Tancred White Ighom chicks, $14 per 100. 73 Front, near Oak. LEGHORN chicks, trapped, record strain; day old 15c, three weeks 30c. Woodlawn 4344. LAYING HENS $1 , Phone Automatic 642-1 1. FOR SALE Chickens, chicken house, wire, also frnit jsri. 325-33. 684 K. 51st N. LEGHORNS 12 excellent layers. Boosters. 15 Rhode Island babies, $26. Aut 642-72. WHITE WTAXIH1TTE egss, incubator lot: lay ne h-ns. Wdln. 6281. 11R5 E. 26th N. DOGS. BIRDS, . PETS, ETC. 703 REGISTERED - setter nannies. 3 months old. Mr. Foster, rear of 2021 Miller ave., near Liberty hotel, Vancouver, wash. ' IA! PORTED St Andnaiburg mllers, 574 Spruce st, near E. 12th and Sherman. Sell. 938 TOY Boston me puwy for sale, 1300 Sandy blvd. CO'KATOO parrot for sale cheap.: 6278. 4t E. Clissn. Call Bast YOUNG Harts Mountain rollers from imported stock; alw bird rage. - Eaft 5ft8lv 1 BIN OLE bud pup, male. $25. Call before 3 p. m. 719 E. Tyler st, St Johns. FINE hound puppies for sale. Residence, War . pa to. or. ii. c. Fnes, Gaston,: or. WILL give female kitten to anyone who will provide good home. - Marshall 3780. ENGLISH setter puns for sale. Wdln. 3198. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 STEPHENS ROADSTER Brand new Stephens Salient Six roadster for sale at ft tremendous "sacrifice; vrijl give very easy ' terms and might consider smaller car as part payment Eat Side Garage.! East Sixth and Taylor. Phone East 7439. ) THIS CAR SPEAKS'lxiB ITSELF "I'm a seven passenger 1918 Beo touring ear and I'm in fine shape. Come down to 342 Buxnside and take a look. 1 think you'll want me. My price is only $700 and terms if you want them." FBANKLIN Looks and runs like new, 4 cord tires, new paint ; will accept small car as part payment, balance long easy terms; or small payment down gets delivery on the car. Csl) Piopst Broadwsy 3605. . WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIKES OREGON VTJLCANIZINO CO TIRE BEPAIBINO SS3-SSB Burnsida at Broadway. THIS CAB SPEAKS FOB ITSELF "I'm a fine Stndebaker four touring . car and have only been driven 10.000 miles.' Just think of that low mileage and you will realize I'm be ing sacrificed for $475. I'm at I. C Warren'a Used Car Branch. 842 Burnside." 1920 ELGIN SCOUT in A-l condition, priced very low; Wvrlds of pep and' very cheap to otcrate. Drive this ear : and be. convinced. Small payment down, balance Jong ; easy terms. Call Propst. Broadway 8606. FBEE FBEE FBEE Expert advice on the proper piece to purchase a used Ford. UNIVERSAL CAB EX CHANCE. Cor. Grsnd Ave. -and K. Ysmbill. ; East 471. THIS CAB SPEAKS FOB ITSELF "I'm a peppy little Allen Four and you'll like every feature of my construction. ; I'm being given away at 342 Bnrnside st for $300. Just think of itt ' Call around and see me." YOUB POCKETBOOK IS YOUB FRIEND We'll Treat Yonr Friend Bight Used Ford Headnnarters.: CNIYEBSAL CAB EXCHANGE. ' Cor. Grsnd A ve. snd E. Yamhill. East 47 1 . 1920 STEVENS, just the same as new; will give the same guarantee as a new one; priced way down. eay terms. Will take car ia trade. Call Propst. Broadway novo. ; HAVE been forced to take over fine Hudson Super, nearly sew; splendid buy for somebody. Main 1492. . 1918 CHEVBOLET - touring, excellent condi tion, ft good tires. $393. 28 N. 11th st Bdwy. 3214. 3 -SEATED roadster. 'Beo; A-l eo edition. To appreciate tola yoa ssnst see it Automatic S22-40 1917 FOBD roadster, $285. good condition. wain. oauz. '18 OAKLAND SIX. good shape, good tires; isuu, term. ztria r. ami, or unor u GABAGE fair rent; very reasonable, 1 203 Com- - nercial at, near Kiuingsworth. Woodlawn 242. FOBD bug ia good mechanical condition, newly - painted; some terms. Main 7810 AUTOMOBILES -FOR SALE 800 AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANf" - . PLANT , Did it ever occur to you that the amount of bosineas done monthly er yearly by ft need ear dealer might serve as a key to the truthful so lution of the qneatioe you have do donbt asked yourself many times: Where shall I buy my earf How shall I find a dependable dealer t Who is it that will honestly attend to the rebuilding and refiousbing of . sucn ears as they offcrr for sale? A great volume or owl ear Dimness, a ma reader, radiators not only the answer to each question, but the added intormaOoa, that years of conscientionv fconost effort have been bece sary to build up such a volume. That there surely exists ft high laeai or tns possibilities of ear salvage. That a great determination undoubtedly stim ulates such cctiotf aa ia necessary to produce re built snd refinihed motor cars so successfully as to obtain this treat volume of business. The successful management snd sale of our popular new casn demand) that we not only maintain ft great volume of nred car bu.dnea. but that we continually increase it. One cannot jump into it today and out; tomorrow. I NOTE 3. ned cars were sold by tins firm during the month of April. I 1 DODGE BROTHERS MOTOB CARS We know of no batter motor car value for the money invested than to select on of our ued, rebuilt and . tefiniahed Dudge Brother cars. 'i ' i -..:'--.' 1M16 Dixise Brothers r'dster and tours.. 8 6o 1017 1 Vxlge ilrothers touring .........$ 773 1918 Itodse Brotherai r'd-ter and tour'g..$ 876 1910 Dodge BnLhers touring $1000 1H20 Dortse Brothers sedan ..........$1850 1920 Ikxlse Brothers touring ..,.$1200 191H fas touring, a beeutiful car. ... . . .$1250 1014 Cole 7 imus., privauiy owned car. only .... . . ..... 1910 Chevrolet ten ring 730 500 4 30 U23 900 H.M) 1018 Chevrolet touring, excellent shape. 1920 Chevrok t roadster, in nice shape. . 191T Kipael sedan, a swell little six..., 1 9.1 7 Liberty touring, a dandy for 1918 Maxwell tonrine. a dandy 375 1920 Maxwell aadah. an excellent car for.$14O0 1917 Beo tourinc cheao at .....$ 500 1919 Paige touring, a fine car ,$1250 1918 Willys Knight 8. big snap. only.. . .$1200 1920 Nash touring, only $1400 $1400 $loo $ 800 gisnu $ 895 $ 4 on $1800 $20t) $2500 1919 National 6. priced only ... 19.18 Buick rood'ter. fine shape 191 tt Buk-k Big Six. fin. shape .. 1019 Htndebaker Big Six. 3 pass. 1917 Studebaker Four., touring 1914 SUidebakert touring. 6 cyl. 1919 Hsynes. touring, only..... 1920 Hudson, touring, at only . . 1920 Hyne. 7 ipajiJ.. a . beauty .. snap. 1018 Hudson Super Six, fine shape . . , . .$1500 1919 Hudson Speedster, ft good one. .$2000 1919 Ilndson limousine, beautiful ear. ,$2700 1915 tt-34 Hudson, wire wheels, looks good . . . i. I $ 600 1919 Hupmobilei touring, looks like new..$10n.t 1916 Locomobile, touring, beautiful car..: $2600 1918 Chandler, (touring, new paint, seat covers ... I. ... i .. $ 975 1919 Chandler Chummy rosdxter. in fine- shape . . . 4. . . I. . $1 400 1920 Chandler, good condition, anao ....$129$ 1920 Chandler. ;7 pass., nearly new. .... $1875 1919 Model 90 i Overland, reduced to....$ 075 DELIVEBY CABS 1919 Dodge Brothers, screen aide deliv'y$ 060 1918 Dodge Brothers, screen side deliry..$ 875 1918 Dodge Brothers, rjanel delivery, good sliape .$ 050 1920 Ford, delivery.! starter ....,.,...$ 523 1918. One ton Republic light truck $ 730 .1 J ! t CADILLACS ' The rebuilt Cadillac motor cars produced by our ued car department actually inspire a de sire to save the heavy depreciation attending the purchase of some other new car of equal oust rne excess value is quite noticeable. All cars guaranteed and sold on easy terms. We Are Open Sunday COVET MOTOB CAB COMPANY 21st at Washington st. Msin 6244. Also ft big display at the new Broadway sales room down town. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. . Our automobile transpor tation service will make it quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAB BRANCH 28-30 N. Broadway. ' Main 6244 1 ! ' f BARGAINS 12 CABS 'TO BE 80IJ AT COST Winton 6 touring, overhauled ....,.$123 Buick 4 touring, license ; ., 193 Apperson 4 touring, eleo. equipped.. 200 Saxon 4 roadster,! dec. equipped. . . . 200 Chevrolet touring, elec. equipped..., 223 Velio touring, elec. equipped 27 5 Hup 4 touring, A-l shape 250 Overland 4 touring, elec equipped.. 250 Overland 4, repainted..... 300. Mitchell 4. first class 325 Oakland 6 touring. 1917. A-l shape.. 475 - Cole 8, " passenger ............. . 630 Dodge touring. 1916 ............ 030 : '.Ford bugs.j 7 to pick from. Ford tourings, i 20 to pick from. Ixms of other good buys. VRANSON'H USED CAB EXCHANGE . East 4376. Union Ave. land Belmont St, Upstairs. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. t Cut I Me Out i i- -I An. Worth Fifty Dollars )-!:." " ' As part payment on a used ear if presented not later than MATlOTH. 1021. AU prises plainly marked. - i l" WELLEil MOTOR COMPANI Washington at 15th. 5 Built into 12 pass, bus Wonderful ear with -8-inch frame: Westingbouse shock absorb ers all around: car in good, condition: recently overhauled in the Locomobile plant at San Fran cisco. This is one of the easiest riding cars evef rebuilt Will take negotiable paper or Liberty bonds. i SO. O. Oerher 431 DAVIS. BDWY. 4331. (CUNNINGHAM i 1 I ' ' ' . ' " PRATICALLY NEW s MUST BE SOLD- - Most artistie and one of best cars . made ; 6 paseenger sport model ; forced aale. . See O. C. filbert. Multnomah hotel, today. . TIHS CAB SPEAKS FOR ITSEI.F "I'm a claavy; 1919 Velie touring car. Vy owner traded me on a new Velie and I'm' down at D. C. Warren's Used Car Branch af 342 Bnrnside. They're asking a very low price for me and I'm anxious that someone buy me, for I'm s rarin' to go.'' f. (-.':'.. BUICK LITTLE 4 CYL. TOUBING CAR; THESE SPLENDID CABS SELDOM OF FERED FOB SALE; IT IS IN FIN K CONDI TION AND A LATE MODEL; EXCEPTIONAL BABGAIN AT $485, WITH TERMS. PHONE OWNER. EAST 8044. 10191 DODGE TOUBING Car looks good and motor is in fine con dition. Want 1920 Ford or will sell outright Price $900. Will take $300 down and give terms; 3 good tires and 1021 license. Call Wdln. 3320 evenings. 1030 Mallory ave. DOES IT MEAN ANYTHING TO TOU The Reputation of the Firm Yon Buy Off LOOK US UP! . UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Used Fords Exclusively. Cor. Grand Are.; and E. Yamhill. East 471. A REAL snap in a good Paige car; looks snd runs like new and s very ebesp price; will take smaller eat as part payment; term on balance., Try this sr. Call Propst, B'way 8606. CHEVROLET, 1 9 1 8 touring, fine meebanVal -condition, $425; terms; Phone Eaat 8044. 10x8 -TCllfctlN ft ply tires, $20. Wo. better. - We know bow to repair tire. Vuk esn Tire Shop, Grand sve. St Pine. E. 4890 1918 OVERLAND, s new coru tires, new paint and in A-1 condition ; ft real bargain. Call Pt t, Broadway 36Q6. - CASH paid for i oid ears, eonqiujn no object; part for an j makes of ran. Thompson A gelly, 44 Flanders. nsr 11th. Bdwy r,Qn. $700- -DELIVERY $700 Almost new, a snsp for someone. Palees Garage. 12th and Stark. See Mr. Gravelle; CLASSY Overland bog, jast overhauled; good top, fenders, etc Must sell this week. Will as entice lor .au anio. oio-oi. OAKLAND SIX - with all-weather top, good tires and finish. - 150 down will handle. Call Johanjen.Bdwy. 2270. 1916 CHEVBOLET touring, good rubber and recently overhauled. $225. Will give terms. . m a i - ' 1SDOT BOOn. 1920 OLDS SIX. in excellent shape, light cheap to operate and: priced right ; will give very rea sonable terms. N ester. Bdwy. 2270. 1917 AND 1019 DODGE, good meebaiueal con dition and good finish. , Call Duffy, Bdwy. 2270. r ' . " ' " FORD eonpe. run 800. miles; wire wheel and ether extras, j Phone Woodlswn 8612. LATE 1010 Liberty touring. $883. 28 ST 11th st Bdwy. $214. OLDS 4. $373 , 28 N. 11th st Broadway 8214. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 BARGAINS SAFETY AND SATISFACTION ON USED AUTOMOBILES. SEE OUB WARBANTY STATED BELOW. Practically brand-new Maxwelt cars, used by ui aa demonstrators, sold at bargain prices; one driven 600 miles st a dis count of $200. Others to $323 olf. 1920 Veils 6. 5-pass. . . .-. ..$1250 Model V. Hupmobile. completely over- hauled and repainted 800 Dodgs roadster , . 600 , C50 1918 Oakland, great buy St. 1919 Mitchell light six, sold in 1920. a real va lit am ,...,..,...,... xi ju 1916 Maxwell automobile 330 400 1917 Maxwell automobile . , 1018 Maxwell. all gone over, repaired and. repainted; fine little car. ..... . -Mill 1920 Maxwell roadster, a dandy Utile , car . 723 Rebuilt Essex, ioM wilh warranty same sa given on new cars; also 90 days' free service 1919. Essex, everything fine condition. .$ 1.'! 00 1920 Essex with warranty and service,, 1400 1919 Chalmers light six, with hot-Knot, overhauled sud repainted, all in fins condition 32"0 1020 Chalmers 5-paa., a real automobile and a decided bargain at 1B."0 REBUILT HUDSON WITH 90 DAYS" FltKB SEBVICE AND A FACTORY UAHiUNTl. 1917 "Hudson super six, rebuilt snd re painted; looks just like new; will sell - with a factory wsrranty the same as given on new automomiles $1250 1918-1019 series Hudson super six. re built and all gone orrr; alao repainted; sold with standard factory warranty... 1600 1020 Hud.ton super six, overhauled and refinished like new; sold with warranty; u great buy . . 177$ 1920-Hudon speedster, all gone over by us to see that everything is in perfect condition: rr finished, and ' brand new tires; sold with warranty ..... , 2050 Oar used automobiles are sold with a war ranty the asms as factories give with' new auto mobiles, and 00 days' free service. Or On those ears that are not sold with war ranty and free service are sold with 10 days' free trial subject to their being returned with foil credit on any ether car juu may select Our store for these used ear bargains at 40 46 Broadway, wbirh is Brvadway and Couch at. Phone Broadway 6739, C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBUJS CO. -12 Passenger PIERCE ARROW Ready to take out of the paint shop; just like new; new body, motor rebored, ovendze pistons, v wrist pins, self-starter, generator, Pierre crown fenders, new 36x6 cord tires, artillery wberl.i; all trimmed in blue craftsman. This car .must be seen to be appreciated. Should be good lur at least 150.000 mileawith sny rare. Will consider unincumbered improved prop erty as part payment Also negotiable paper or Liberty bonds. G. G. GEBBElt 4S1 Davis. ' Bdwy. 4331. I BARGAINS BARGAINS Model 83 Overland ............,$ 1 50 1019 Buk-k. cord tire:... 11 ;1915 Cadillac.. 7 pans ... 03O 1918 Buick 4 cyL. ins best buy in the city . . 80O 1018 Oldsmoblle roadster, overhauled. cord tires 750 1010 Nash, overhauled, new paint. new tires, guaranteed like new... 1300 1018 Nash, looks like new 10. ".o 1018 Oldsmoblle touring, good finish Moo 1918 Dodge. A-l condition....... 7-'5 POBTLAND MOTOB CAR CO. 10th and Burnsida. Bdwy. 521. . Cut Me Out " II Am Worth i ' j Fifty Dollars i As part payment on ft vised csr if presented not later than MAT OTH. 1021. ; All prices plainly marked. I WELLER MOTOR COMPANT Washington at 16th. : WE HAVE NOTHING TO SAT Our Pin speak for themselves. Read, what they have to say. You'll find tliem scattered ia these columns. . ' D. C. W ABB EN MOTOR CA COMPANT, Distributors Velie and I'eerlens Motor Cars. Used Car Braneh $42 Burnside fit , Phone Bdwy. 3648. M. B. FISCH Bsdlators, fenders, bodies, boots, tanks, repaire'J snd remodeled; auto sheet-mete! work a special ty. 105-107 N. 15b st Phone BROADWAY 2290. 1921 CHEVBOLET BABT O 71 AND DEMOV. 8TRATOR, PERFECT CONDITION' FAC TOUT GUARANTEE, AT WHOLE3ALB PBICE. PHONE COLUMBIA 65. THIS CAB SPEAKS FOB ITSELF1 , "I'm the snappiest littl. Overland In thie man's town at my price. I'll chsllenge say Overland in town to match me for value at my price, $283. Set mt at 842 Burnside, near Broadway." 1915 Bl'B'K 4 ' ' . Car In excellent condition, good tirev, r;r; good top and nphnt.tering. .bargain st $4 AO Mr. Wilson, Bdwy. 1.173. eve. Wdln. 31 DODGE tooring. late 1117. by owner. SVw top, braken, good 6 volt battery. leaving citv Will sacrifice to cah buyer. $550. Merrick 6S51':'Mn Kvt B"T- "ATTENrTION. stag, and for hire men. I hive 4 good' stage cars, price cut ia two; all in good condition: long eay terms. Call propst Ilroedway 3605. ovkblanTPbug " Electrically equipped, Uip, fenders, new paint, 6 good tires, giod mechanically. $275. Colum bia 1412. $2O0 Id WHAT you save, on this ' Elgin Six. Bide in it snd yon will say it's a bargain at $675. -Now is the time to buy. It's at Weiler Motor company, Washington at 1 5th. $110f nud-oo aaper-ix, fine mechanical shape; new paint, eeven cord tires, bumper, spotlight: terms. Call. Ant. 510-24. b y5w' n'e n7" Grant Six. 1010, in goo.! condition; just over hanled? can be veen at 1438 E. Stark at., or call owner, Marshall 8352. TIRES 30x3 H, guaranteed 40 miieVH.'SfT Used tires, $3 op. Rims at Salf prv. Guar. SBteed tire repairing. 42 GfslI ate. N., eoroer tioneh. PRIVATE owner h'bvl(Ufcrnra.le. 19 I s model. rery best condition, shock absorbers erid other extra; $330, terms. Call Woodlawn 721. Toff-GRANT 6, in A-l condition, a realsnap; mall payment down, balance on easy terms. Call Propst. Broadwsy 3606. WE stock plategtass side deflectors and brackets to fit any machine. R B. Body Work. 5O0 WIHisms ave. Kt 110" THIS cUasy Ford sodan. 1920, dnveo 3Ho, extras plenty, spare tire, $730. H 341, Journal bOKDS painted. Al oe, la. tmo n ate. aud Belrnnt . T p-t I r-. (Cenllnus on Fetiewlnf Pass