SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 2S1 NLivi HELPf - Phone, write or wire (or sora petent American citizen, ex-eervice mm, ta fiU tb. piece. ' UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE. 17ft 4tu at. Phon Main 6847. Mo tee charged. 1WU Houtiwrn California boy who are student at University of Oregon are desirous ct either driving an uu south -lor private party or for companionship, between Juno 17 to 20. Address, . . r . .., ! . n- I. . ' , . Plowing, Gen'l , Teaming Cin vating. etc. H. Heuraer, rest tan, LACK, SCRIM AND MAUWUlaLXTai , CUH iva r.i, a US-It Is- f . tN. w - I'l itill NEW. WILL CALL. 'EAST 8518. : ..-'. IOWA FAJPU fciHOl' i ,$08 Flanders at. , Broadway 8267. Painting, Papering and tinting. OLD lioui fixed up and new one put in.. Also cement, garden work ami digging basement. R. I " . . .1 , 1 Bli.k fit 1 mmr oig. - av, o. odvm kj. CARPENTER Estimate given on building, re- pair work. Screen made to order. one p. Hamiwnw. Tb.l260. GET YOL'K PAINTING decorating and signs . before- the spring rush; 2 5 years' experience. Phono Tabor 266. 1 - BfcnEKSS Order now be 10 re tbe rush. We put tbrm on .the window. You will be pleased with out work and price. EsMt 8467. 1 r'nrf . t. 1 - . . in. ' v buu ... - " kinds: we do repai work also; prioaa reason- Kr.IIA BIJ-,. , iuuldt aired man. experienced, would like work to care for chiekeos and gar den: wagils reasons!?!", F-4 61. Journal. WA S TKI iSituafjnn snywbere, by thorough mechanic; also Ford shop and marine engine experience, I,-254, Journal. ' i -Lo w i s" riiXft Rowing and discing of 'JLT1- PHilSK SKLLWUtm 1212, ItMEXT ' foundations, houses raised, eeraent work of ail kinds, reasonable. Mar. 1882. ROOFS repaired' and painted; over 20 year in Portland. roadway nun fllNTlNG AND TINTING. Good. clean wort Woodlawn 34 71. EI UN mower sharpened ami repaired, called tor end delivered, tut 287. " fLOWlNU AND HAttiiOW INU CHEAP. - . PHONE MAIN 8140. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 2S4 '1 UOROUGILLY competent middle aged woman pith 3-year-okl daugnter wanu nouseseepmg, either city or country. l'hone Marshal 2309, mom 4S; or wriie Qf.kie hotel, room 4 2. dinalt raietena, reataurant - or bakery. Call !wit 3542. - , . ,Ol N wooum wanu Itousowork ; iuilday or lialf. Mo waAhings. Experienced cm. Kleepe at kww. 'V-4H. Journal. irXPr.Itit-JCKlJ stenographer wlta knowledge of books and general office work; good refer efiees. K-SH, Journal. ; UltKiW with lil Un girl wiithe ponatiou a houjte keeptr in refined widower' borne. Woodlawn 8034. -' ' - - - - ' BVH'"HBOAIU oierat.r want position prirata eiclmnge. Wdin. " YlH-'NU WOMAN want work by day or by . hour. ' (tall Maroball- 21., t.Ai!Nl4U:.SH WANTS WASHING for nice fam . . I.. i ii.. i fionl lMtK.SS.MAKlXi by tim A lit. 2W-4H. DRESSMAKING 256 liVKlNO. cleaning, proaing, dreaantaaing. re modeling, relining, alterations, pleating, rea annsble prioea. Tbe Cabinet Dressmaking parlors. 424 MorrHn. near 11th. Main 1S2S. ' UkPKRlKNCED dressmaker, tailoreaa; ref. giren. Kdwy. 6652. 465 Alder at., cor. lath. DllKHSilAKIx; reuooablc 777 Vaughn at Auto. Sa'-'-81 i "lAl'lKS' cirmniU aliertxt and refitted. I. Keu- bin. lad'ee' teller, 408 Bufh A Lane bidg. NURSES 257 JiXl'KKItNf.IiK .nunte will .Lake aiflicated patients In my home; sleeping porch, l'hone l'HA( TK'AIj nurse w4U permanent place. Call - Alain 4546. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 mCKI.Y F1TRNISHKD ROOMS KATK8 VBUY HKAriONABluK $4 A WKEK AND UP MAXWELL fiAlbLi ' "207 FOURTEENTH STRKET f IUO.NU ilAIN 1163 OlVTirMSJ IH-rhTTinH ,10'7 H FOURTH BV4S t 1 .MM e M t &1A 1 t 109 Beet dollar s-dy bousa in town. All modern conveniences. Hates to permanent gueata. HOTEL OHIO " 266 S'RQNT ST., tX'lt. MADISON t - " Nice sleeping and housekeeping rooms; not snd cold wur in every room ; automatic elevs tor; reasonahle, by' day or week. ' ' ST.PAUL'iiOTEL13S A jresppectsble downtown hoJeL Transients $1 upk H rial ; Rstea to Permanent ;nents. MOM K richly furukJied ua.ieieiit (ouina beiug refittj-d at neeiai rate to permanent, weekly or monthly , guests. All room facing 6tb of Stark St.. bonne -"?rlion Kmpress ho4el. HOTEL DAYTON frlo0 Hot water, steam heat. elect rio lights in rooms. Rates to working people. ' BL.KKPIXG rooms, beauufully furnished, light, clean and airy, desirable location, within easy walking distance. lieasonable rates. 453 Market t. Main 4 337. . Well Furnished Rooaros Stegro bent; hot and cold- water, reasonable rates. 2R9H kW Main 0375. VERY cor.tlJt fnrntahed Mmcin, suitable or lady. AIo front parlor. Rent very reasonable. Includes phone and renilfiii conveniences. Call rr or nine nntv. 4P2 Market. . - , HOTEL BARRi 12 K btXTH. 2 BLOCKS ! FROM DEPOT $1 per .day. $5 per week nd tip. HOTEL BENTON . Kewly furnithed rooms, clex. light and t.i. widii a ia-Mi Aibina Hotel r Booms with or without board: 24 Albina) Bast 8160. ; New Perkins Hotel WASH. r A. Ue 8pr.ftl weekly and inrmthly rmtwi. Sft Gp. AT 5TH XJa7s ua j vrva vut aux wui uiuuavwuua HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison at 10th; II 1 day; weekly, $3 and tip; f-ee phone and batn; steamheat. WASHINGTON HOTEL . A few attrartin rooms and suites; ; very rt smiable rates by (he week or month. 12 th and ashington sts. 3 1UmMS. ground fhior. private bath; 2 rooms "second floor; light and clean. 41? W; 10th St. f4. ! ON,E room and sleeping porch suitable for 2; hot and cold water, also housekeeping privi lege". Trinity Place. Broadway 1796. rt'riv1 frri?ri3't a nr. V. s t-VPtVfi nrmvfo jJaA w a w5s t- s m ' usmui - e ji irt CIiSE IN ON WEST SIDE; QUIET ttACE; 208 17TH ST. MAIN 762S. 'LARGE front room for rent. 2 meals if desired. Pre-war price. 4Bf Mill. Auto. 518-76.' 465 ALDER, CORNEtt OF 13TH. " XICE CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS, $3 TO $6 PER WEEK.' BROADWAY 5652. ONE sleeping room, 1 single room, 1 room with private bath; nice clean room; near Good Samaritan hospital. Main, 6125. WANT gentleman to sham suit of rooms, C. S. preferred. 695 G linen st, ; : LA RGE light steam-heated room in apartment house. Broadway and Jefferson. Main 6213. $1 DAY, $2.60 week, up; dean rooms, bath free. ' Hotel Csdillae, Thirdi St. near Jefferson, FL'KMSULIJ ROOM, in walking distance: nic and airy: lady preferred. Marshall 212. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 VI, 'L'l V ..mtdharf fmnt rnmt " uiit.hi. f 7 elactrio lights, furnace heat;' use of bath ami pnone. lia per Bintits. P1 wasntngton. t.AI,i; FRONT1 ROOM. WEUU FLKNI.SHED: DINNER IF DESIRED; EASY WALKINts PISTAXCB. 529 Everatt. Broadway 1995. FCRNISHED room in privat family for refined - oouple. Cooking privileges- or board. 11-832, Journal. . . XlfE room and board; walking distance, near Broadway, ah home privilege. Prices res enable., Phone East 5965. .CtOSB in, for 1 or 2, desirable rooms with breakfast; all comforts' of home. 469 Clay at Main s?9. - NICE, large sleeping room, electricity, bath, ' water. and us of phone. 628 Grand ave close to Windemoth baths. Belhvood 865. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, suitable Tor - people: waiamg ai stance- 446 3d su fell Main 2K7H. . COMIXRTABLE room with breakfast, horn privileges. j-non Aatotnatic 218-10, NICELY furniebed front ruom, walking distance. 182 Grand are. Eft 5518. lOL'Nti ladyto share apartment, private room it owma: -walking oiatance. Main 8885 f WO '-'Sleeping rooms walking distance. CaU iarwnnKv, iwwy, oio-or II 1 iM, Ttn St. . i.KM for renu, furniihed. good location: waik- ing disUnce. 248 Grant St. bet. 2d and 3d. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ONE Urge, well lurniehed, homelike room. - suitable for two, 1 30 per month;' also on nice single room, $15 per month; on blank from Library. 225 10th st. Msin J44. - PORTLAND HEIGHTS Light, clean rooms, all convenience; fin loca tion : reasonable. Main . 7159. HEIGHTS. OVERLOOKING CITY, AVIATION FIELDS AND MOUNTAIN : DOUBLE BOOM. EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD: BEF.; 20 MIN FROM POSTOFFICE. MAIN 8563. A COMPLETELY furnished front tooaa. in wali log distanc. 283 Larrabe t- DESIRABLE room ; for gentleman, 6 nun. . wmlk to Washington; bath adjoining; modern; no other roomers, transient or permanent, pri vate entrance. 322 Si Broadway. Main 821. LEAUTIKUL llOOM. SUITABLE FOB TWO ; EXCELLENT MEAL. HOME PRIVI LEGES; WALKING i DISTANCE. EAST R32. i t . JtnAVLY lurninlil front room, suitable for en or two. in Ladd'i addition. Breakfast if de sired. Walking distance, v 691 Elliot av. Eat 8518. 8LEEPINO BOOMS IX PRIVATE FAMILY, WALKIN'O DISTANCE. GOOD CONVEN IENCES. EAST 6990. TWO sieeuing rooius. well lurniaiMd, rputieeiy clean and airy, deeirabl location, within easy rng dietanii.. Very- reasonabt rent. 273 14tb t. Main ?9-V BAY WINDOW room, nicely furnished; refer ence. 351 6th at. Main 7040. DEStBABLE large and also medium sized room in firat-clasa modern steam-heated apt. West aide. Walking distaae. Employed people pre ferred. Kefrrencett. Mar. 240i!. FKA.T room with alcove, tor one or two people; 33.50 a week; home conveniences ; congenial people; 2 meals if desired. 667 Glisan. Phone Broadway Sif48r- FURN I8HED ROOM FOR RENT KEASOS ABI,E. ON 22I AJT1J Kl-tRNEY. TO LADY ASSISTING WITH CHILDREN EVENINOS. MARSHALL 2386. ' SINGM-; housekeeping and sleeping rooms; all - outeide rooms; well furnished and cheap rent 141 l-ownsdaie, corner 16th and Aider. rosowsy ,i i LARGE and lovely forniahed front room with study room adjoining: lots of light and ven tilation; use of bath i and phone; breakfast If desired. 6 Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 205. PLEASANT ROOM s IN STEAK HEATED APARTMENT; CLOSE . INi $18. 303 11TH ST. ' .i'E clean ttont ruouia and kitclieaette; free lights, bath, cooking gaa, phone; reasonable rent. Adult. 1S2 E. 23d at. S-H car. WEST SIDE, nearly finished, ivory enameled, extra nice room, modem, to neat, refined lady employed daring day. 1 1th. Main 6760. LARtiE front room. 1 or 2 gentlemen. C. S. pnf.rred,, Kat 72B7. or Eat 41)14. ROOM AND BOARD 302 1'AItKVlEW Hu'ltL, atu Monttfoiuety. l.nUcr new management. StrirUy modern. Kr.oins with or without hoard. Price reasonable, Mra. N. .J. Freeman. Mui 3 7H3. . ; DHckston Apts. ' ; : Furnished basement apartment, light and airy. Above ground. 44 8 11th st; Marshall 79. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 NORTONIA HOTEL BilJiVISNTU. OF1T WASHINGTON Portia nd's high eias downtown residential hotel . We give you the comforts of home. American and European plan. Rates reasonable. BOARD AND ROOM FOR AUTO 332-18. f GENTLEMAN. A HOME for working people, large double room, sleeping porch, with or without board; hots privileges; come and see. 283 14th at. Main 2533. . f WILL care for 1 or 2 children between ages of 2 and 6 years, in country, 28 miles from Portland; daily trains rand stages; boys pre- & ft 'ELY FURNISHED U66M. EXCELLENT BOARD, SUITABLE FOB TWO $8.60 PER WEEK. HOME PRIVILEGES., NEAR BALL T . I I.' . r -.... . . . . ... . . A. M ni cv. AU II 'JIA I i; O - I , NICELY furnished room vriLh or without board with private fsmily, in Laureltrorst: all home conveniences; use of i piano; no other boarders. Tabor 7388. - i , CONVALEKCENT or semi-invalid patient taken care of in private home by practical nurse; large, nicely furnished room. Best of home cook ing. Sellwood 108. EADY will ear frr and noard little boy; best of care: nice lawn to play; nice, clean home; $5 per week. 403 Peeond at. cor. Harrison. WE havo several business college men with us in 'our Horn, and have room for three more. Excellent home cooking, clone in. Bdwy. 4314. HOME privileges, modern home; 2 meals; $9 per wees'; 1 block M-V car. Automatic 231-65. 15 K. 26th at. GOOD HOME FOR BOY OR 4lRL, 3 TO i YEARS; BEST OF CARE, UOOD BEFER- ENUE.S. Al'T 624-87, LADY with good home will care for children or keep boarders. ,638 H. 23d, foot Nicalai. Main 2695. I i woman in suburban home would like the care of a child from 2 to 6 years. Call Bell wood 8277. i WANTED, a country, lauy bcarrier; room and hoard - 820 a ntnnfh FT11 li'inn.. T? Gervsis, Or. NICE tunny room, 535 E. 11th north. Sarah nut-Ma nan, ptione -fcast 710. . BOA RD and room, private family, $30. - Wdln. "61115. 128! tJreelv i,t. LA liGE room suitahli for 3 ftf a it.rafny men, reaitonable. Bdwy. 8764. FIRST-CLAMS board and room for 2, 3i pr nurnrn. iear eariines. Sll warn. nun. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 WALKING DISTANCE If yon are looking for clean, ,'airv nmri.n nice neighborhood, west side, at reasonable price. aim moms, aii yiarsnaii Z9ia atrer 4:30, AlANOR HOTEL j 271 H Morriaon cor.. Fourth. IT. K-. 2 room suit and-singla alaamne. elean. uniet. nomense. 2 NICE roma, very . convenient; also single See these; very reasonable ; nioe Quiet place. 655 l'Ol: RENT 2 nice, clean, housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gas, bath, walking distance; nice, quiet place, 124 E. 15th south. Phone Fast 4504. ' ' $5 WEEK, up. Completely ruruisued 11. K. suites, absolutely clean, everv convenience. . hi.t water all hours. Sav carfax. Hotel Cadilae, nn, near jexiersrm. , . . large front bay window II. K room. 1st floor. $26; heated: IL & C. running water; electricity: use of phone, hath, laundry. 63 N. igtn. nawy. age 4. CITY VIEW HOTEL Two 2 room suites suitable for counlsa: liaht and clean; $22.50 and $25 per month. 293 V union are., x oioca aoum iiswtnome. TWO furnished H. i K. roomss walking distaure, near 2 eariines. Pretsr man and wife who will care for 8-year-old girl through day. East 144 2. No. 8 . 11th st. S. THREE clean furnished housekeeping room, electricity, gas, bath. 387 Marguerite av. Tabor 8325. FURNISHED housekeeping t rooms, tungle or uounie. gas, wautlng dirtance; free light, bath and phone;' reasonable. Broadway 1644. 549 H Morrison st 2 ROOM H. K. suit and on 3 room H. K. suite. Quiet house; bachelors or couples. !ear V. P. yards. Near car. 132 H Russell. ONE .large front room, neat and clean, fnr- msnea lor iignt nouseneeping, s per weak. zii litn st, II a in isho. ko children TWO H room H. K. suites, very clean a (1 nice ly furnished; rent reasonable. . 122, 12th at.. yr asuingtpii. iMiwy, ae.l TVo and 3 room aDta.: hot and aalA aitr free, phone and bath. 67 N. 2 Ota st. Phon pmanway 4138. IF , YOU are looking for housekeeping rooms, ae tbe clean, handy and reasonable at 203 Stanton at; rant from $1.73 to $3.50. ONE single front room, suitable for two, also two room apartment, with light, water, phon nn ueai. oji im sr. TWO large housekeeping rooms, bath, privat . vuvtxii;, Miige yaru, ou. yeiierson. main lOOO. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonaoie rate; within the three-minuta dis- met, otf Broadway. 846 Madison. - THREE light tunusiied 11 K. rooms at 4U03 82d ve. S. E. Rent 20. : AUo 1 H. K. room for middle-aged lady. Phone Tabor 7396.- SINGLE and two-room H. K. suite, nicely fur- nisneo, ugnt ana clean; desirable location. ciugg i. i'ig-wi r lynx. ( na:i. oit groaqway TWO a room furnfcued H. K. apt.; walking dis tance, lis blocks south of Hawthorne ave., o v r,. mn. i-none rasc Toi. VERY nice 2 room suite, wsa iurussheu, clean snd light. Afco large single limrsekeepitig rni. tew incntH-in. walking oistsrwie. 357 lttli. housekeeping rooms, bath and phon. $23 Clay st., bet- Broadway and 6th. : it,v, milium il. c. rooms. JjiWeru. Ken, rcasnnaoie. 109 1BU. FOR RENT ' v tlOUSElCLEPINC ROOMS . ; FURNISHED 304 ONE large lower front room, on (mail sleeping room, two front li. K. rooms with kitchenette; kot and cold wUr, electric lights, gag, heat; nasouabU rate. Corner Washington. SO N. 17th st. ' - ONE SLEEPING PORCH ' Also rooms, nic- two-room apt., with sleeping porch, no children. 633 Washington. . Broad way 8477. ' " -' ' FOR KENT West aide, 3 room clean apt., rea sonable, good fnrnitare, elec light. Quiet place. 856 Thonnan and 25th. Pnoo Mar shall 224. . FURNISHED and unfurnished room, will rent reasonable to refined, permanent ; people. BeantifuJ groand. etc 631 Uoyt st. , Phon Bdwy. 4046. ' ' ' FURNISHED H. K. rooms, hot and cold water. sinks, electric he tit, rent reasonable; walking distance. 663 Hood St., pear Northwest Sbip- yara. sism 72B TWO large, clean II. la. rooms. 2 beds, hot and cold water, electric lights, gas, bath. pbon. private entrance; $5.50 week. 475 E. Burmude st Eat 5055. FURNISHED H, K, iooio. chtao; electric light. 326 H 1st st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - UNFURNISHED ; 305 ROOMS, unfurnished, $30 per month, lnclnd ing gas, electricity, water and phone. E. 4)277. 1'OK RENT a nnfurnbiiied housekeeping rooms with sink and gas, eiectric liglits; adult only; with private family. 315 Cherry st. FOR BENT 3 unfurnished basement rooms. $23 a month, including gas, light and water; close in. 225 1 1th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED .AND UNFURNISHED s PRIVATE FAMILY 306 Jt KiKJM APT. AUK) It. K. RtOMS. FUU NISHED. ONE 2-ROOM APT.. UNFI'R NISHED, REASONABLE RATES. 650 IIIHH MX. NH'E 1 room frtmt apartment. Also 1 H ' K mom and kitclienette. I'.oset. lcat. Adulta cnly. Bath and phone privileges. 494 Taylor. Abrf erne front leiiing r-xim. APARTMENT 3 well furnished rooms lor housekeeping, water in room, convenience and bath adjoining, close in, west side; rent reaaon- aoie. 49 -iay. near 14th st. WO large, clean, H. IT rooms, large norch and private entrance; phone, tight and water furnished, walking distance; adult only. 639 Vancouver ave. 3 NEAtLV furnished n. k. room. gruuud1 floor. . . ..vii. w,,u i i . r, p i ,1 r i r-L. oaxn, elec tricity, gas-, all for 322 per month. No large ...i.,iFi. m rrr .... ,1. , . .Tl , CSr. OR' 3 comfortably furnihed hotitkeepmg apartments: gas. liehL heat ami tl,nlinn,, every convenience for laundering; rent reaaon- ante: 1 block trim Monmnlla car. f5 E. Ash. Xilt KE.NT FOR 3 MONTHS, 2 NICELY FI'R- NISHED H. K. ROOMS, SEPARATE TOI LET AND LAVATORY; ADULTS ONLY. CALL TABOR 36ti5. $21 WEST SIDE: Nicely located. 3 furn. house keeping rooms; lawn, roses, elec. lights and water free; gaa, wood stove, walking distanoa. j .i x oner sr. tLEEPlN4 (Kirch. iiHe of parlor, noma pnv lieges. $3 per week. Breakfa-t f preferred. Walking dttartee. Kt 21fi:t. 166 E. 12th THREE furnulixi U IT ... r i .' : " iwu, nvar aurei- i, r ivo girts or couple employed; use of bath, $4 per week. Phone A lit, 286-35. 2 NICE. CLEAN FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS IN PRIVATE -FAMILY: GAS FREE, $20. c. .Jli lt. rHUMK KANT 602O. OUR FilRNl.vHED H. K. ROOMS, LIGHTS, i n pi in d.)v) TWi) PARTLY FURNISHED. H. K. ROOMft avXIT.,,KEPJN, LIGHT, UA8 AND PHONE. CALL, F.4.ST 7O05. 2 NICE, large H. K. rooms, also 1 single, rent reduced, very close in. BOS Dsvis st. FOUR nice clean H. K. rooms for two couple 'ii t aniui. nice- view. n't ri. loth st. 81NIJLE fumislied houkeeping room, free gaa $10 a month. 210 Mill st, $25 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, bath, sink, iw ,mi turn water. .su ,t c.. Morrison. Lltiii I' trout room and kitchenette, hot and ' Kvci. -,.11, IftVIDT HI HOUSEKEEPING room; also sleeping room. 3.13 13th st.. cor. Market. TWO or three H. K. rronu. $3.50 or 14 lift week, elec. lights end gas free. 940 Upshur st. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THE LINCOLN IPittTUEvfa 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. Furnished f-vAom . xr- oV5 l? PH11 Pbon and lights. Adults; : LINCOLN AITS. 4th and Ijncoln Main 1377 PleeJV fllriimHt ' . . w . , - ."., . ,11 , BUHiq neat; no extra charge for light and private phone. Atnms omy BUtiHMAIiK, Washington st.. corner 17th . ,r i j i , hi- ,,r, i i room outAioe apart ments, $25 per month and np, including bath. , . , , kkiwuhc, Biesia neat. .Broad way 5463. King Albert Apartments 1 furnished snd 1 unfurninhMi atrictiv nw. . tile bath, elevator. 11th and Montgomery sts! 2 AND 3 room suites of very, clean, light, large luiuwiKu aa. av. rooms; waiaing aistanee; nic yard, first floor, running water, electrkuty. Broadway 3935. 658 Glisan. Florence Apts., 388 311th Very nice, strictly modern. 3-room ground floor apartment. THREE rooms and private bath, rent $26.50. iih iuuiiik eauer, pione ana garnage. Plione Wdin. 6111. - 3 ROOM basement apt., furnu-hed. heat and waivr ree, private Dstti sna toilet. 1 block to Sunn j aid ear. 126 E. 34th at. Tabor 5188. ElbridgeApts. - ...... . wuiii -t , i--. i ,M,i u, , . i j nnntq and newly decorated. 274 N. 21st. Bdwy. 4730. THIS DAVENPORT, 605 Jefferson St.. 2-roora furnished apartment for rent, front apart ment, private bath and phone; also- 1 house- WEST SIDE, 3-room housekeeping apt., com- lonauij lumisnea, nam gas, ngot, pnona In eluded, May 8, reasonable. 467 St. 23d t. Auto, 824-12. BUENA VISTA APTS. 434 Harrison st. 8trtctly modern S furnished apts. $65 par month. Adult. 1.062. CARLO IS APTS. t ; 2 and 3 room modern apts.; reasons ble rates. J 4th and Market GRAND UNION HOTEL- T -Two-room apt. newly renovated, light, gas, phone, heat furnished, $5 per week. 387 E. Burrwide. . - ... MAGNOLIA APARTMENTS 3 room apt., $22.50 per month up; sleeping rooms, tS.r.O per week up; adults. 148 E. 3d st. East 212. J THE LILLIAN API'S. . , 5 minute walk from M. acsF.'s; 2-8 rooms, modem, free phone, moderate price. 381 6th st. MsnihslI 1378. ir ONE furnished U room aoartment, an van rhniM i.., Snmi-K L. .i .1. .1 ., , . . rv , "- . .. . ....... ucuuihb uuues, ue- iramq lucatiun. nguru eiterson st. THREk rooms, furnished: izaa. eia'truitv t,h,m. heat furnished: $35 month. 'Inquire 545 NUnion ave., or phone East 5407 week days. PORTNOMAH 4 rooms, ueeuuig norch. clean. nicely furnished, hardwood floors: walking umunce; annus, gun r.. lorn, rnone East 4276, ; Chateau Belle Mae1 ; Modern 2 and 3 room apts. 414 4th t. $30 AND $858 4 -room apartments, close to Hunnyside car, walking distanoe. 152 E. 20th cor. Belmont. ONE, two and thre room apt., completely fur nished; running water; all large, clean outside rooms. Reasonable rates. 214 13th it DUNDEE APTS. H keeping rooms, $3 to 45 a wees. steeping rooms, -.SU to 34 a week. aow Mawtnome ave., near bridge. Ft 825. THE STAN FIELD 204 Porter at., mndan. 9 room apts., light, heat, phone, clean. , TouH i fc.wv ,nu iy. aaain lovz. 3 OB 4 room furnished ant., modern. nla. ground for children, West sida. Phon pqwy. um. 4 ROOMS, well furnished,, on car- line; light, bath, gas, phone, clothes rooms; adult only. mil urmre imuji, num. ovifo, ' , 2 -ROOM furniahed apartment at 631 Thur- man or pnone navy. 14ST, , ' , LOVELY front 3 room apt., opening onto porch, 88 per week; well furniahed, clean and hint, witliin walking distance. , 393 W. Park FCRNl&.Hiul 3-room apartment, waiaiag distance. 432 Broadway. , UNION AVE. and Kiliingsworth. $21.50, all complete, concrete building. . SUNNY MONT. " Modern famished apt, for rent. Tabor 1889. FURNISHED API., newly renovated, 2 room and bath ant. Fairmont Apta., 286 ilth. NICE 2 rocm apu. nice, light and airy. Pric is rialil.. Call 653 Dekura ave. PARTLY furnlished 5-room fiat, $30, Call Room 409 elweUand. ,' 1 FRONT, room apartment; kitchenette, 394 12th t. Mar 2294 NP'E housekeeping apt. clue . ia. 307 Market. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Beautiful 4 Room Furn ;, ished Apt. $50 Per Mo. STRICTLY MODIRM ASD NEW. CLEAN. LIGHT. AIHY APARTMENTS; VERY 8PE- t lAL KATES. OTHERS ASK CP TO MONTH FOR NO BETTER. THESE APART MENTS HAVE EQUIPMENT FOR FAMILY OF TWO TO FOUR PEOPLE. FIRST CLASS JANITOR SERVICE. "The Columbia" - mia : WHY PAY ENORMOUS PRICES: For dingy apartments becaoM they are on the West Side?! Why not come' just a c roes the Mor riaon bridge to tb. Grandest apartments. Grand ave. and Stark, and tent a nifty clean S room apt. with bath and all conveniences; nice, new rues, everything newly renovated, for less money, an apartment you will not be aahemed to invite your friends to. Ton will Have to harry, only 2 left. Phone East 208. "- MODERN ! 4 ROOM FURNISHED APART MENT. $50 PER MONTH. ALSO ONE FOR $60, BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN AND LIGHT AND AIRY. FIRST CLASS JANITOR SERV ICE GUARANTEED. THESE ARE LOVELY APARTMENTS. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA. - : FURNISHED cool front 2 and 3-room apart ments, summer rates: water and lights free. 1578 K. Olisan. Tabor 7025. APARTMENTS ' UNFURNISHED 308 GARFIELD .1 rooms with sleeping porch. Liv ing room extra large, newly decorated. 861 E. Failing, t block west Union ave, Phon. Woodlawn 4 062. WESTONIA APTS., 666 GLISAN Three-room apt., newly tinted, modern con veniences, j walking distance, in the Nob Hill district. I ' FLATS-BURNISHED 309 WIiT SIDE, finest view, 5 room : lower flat: nicely furnished, 2 porches; walkiag distance; adults; alio one 4 room unfurnished flat. Call Pellwood 1370. ! 3 ROOM furnished apartment: free phone; light and water, $25. Tabor 2649. " NEW 3 room strictly modern flat, nic privat bath. aU outnide room, light and airy: couple employed or eiderly couple only. Ref. Sell 2412. FURNISHED 2 room lower flat, stationary wash tub and bath, including lights, water, garbage and phone, $20. 702 K. 9th. Sellwood 683 OAK iM.i;n withes to sliare 5 room flat with congenial pernile or woman employed: walking distance; rent reanonable. Call Main 7348. FIVE room, clean, modern furniohed flat, $80; includ. water and garbage. 565 7 William ve; Agent, $35, FIVE-ROOM flat for tent and furniture for 'sale, $650. Can rent one or two rooms. 309 5th st. 3 AND 4, room modern fists, mostly furnished. $18-$22. Montaviila car. 53 Vi 80th St. MODEltNi 4 room flats, furnished and , unfur nished, i 394 Fargo near Union ave. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 6-ROOM I unfurnished flat with bath. $18 per . month. 707 ft Commercial St. MODERN five-room flat ior rent, good loca tion, handy for railroad people. 802 E. 10th and Center sts. - 6 ROOM flat at 1109 Hawthorn ave, near 37th. $35. Phone Tabor 5327t LOWER flat. $30 mo., 1798 E. Morriaon and 6th. i Phone Aut. 630-70. FOR RENT Two 4 -room flaU. Inquire 267 Failing. unfurnished. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 MEIER aV FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, np to data Bats of desirable vacant bouse, apartment and flat with doflnit infor ms t ion pertaining to each. Newcomera to Portland win find this bureau of great value in helping thm get properly aad quickly located. , i ," ! SIXTH. FLOOR i ATLAS TRANEFKK A STORAliE CO. Piano ; and furniture moving. 30 days' free storage on all household good until our - new warehouse is filled. 104 N. 5th t- Phon Broadway 1207. ...... GOOD modern 8 room borne, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace,- wash trays, extra toilet and lavatory, suitable for two fami lies, large garage, "full lot, roses, etc. .127 E. 32d st. Main 6091 or Tshor 3224. 5 ROOM bouse in Kelly St., South Portland. Fulton car to Custer, up steps to 1649 Kelly. Will rent for repair work. Handy man' oppor tunity. 34 9 Salmon. CrOoO modern 7 room house, vacant; butlt-in buffet: Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. 4012 E. 47th st, S. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. 8 ROOMS, modem, immaculately clean, partly furnUhed or furniture for sale.' 388 Grand ave. north. ' ' FOR RENT A 5 room modern house, fruit, $25 per mo. fall after 5 p. m. 428 K. 10th; Sellwood car to Sherman st. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. I 15 Days Storage Free. Fnrnftnr moved for less. Bdwy. 844$. WE mov furniture ot 7-4-o room nous, tor 810. For further Information. Main 6290. FOR RENT 6 -room cottage, 4 64 N. 24th; sas. o furnsce; $30 rent- Tabor 770. 4 ROOM arid 7 room house, SquUl Portland district. Msin 7135. - ROOM lioue for rent. 818 E. 15th street south; near 8. P. car shops. $20. I HOUSESFURNISHED 312 6 ROOM modern house, furniahed; S , sleeping rooms and bath upstairs; reception nail, living tnd dining room, nic kitchen and basement, hot air fnrace; good location on east aide; refer ences; $60 per month, including water and phon. ; H-492, Journal. $35 FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, fur rushed. 14 acre ground, fruit and berries; 2 block from car; graded street; cement sidewalk. References exchanged. No children. Take Mt, Scott car, get off at Wood me re. walk St blocks south. 7626 62d ave. 8. E. i FOR RENT Good; furnished 4 room bungalow, gaa, phone, electric i lights: fruit, hen hous and garden. Phone Tab. 692. $55 OUTE MODERN F1AT. extensively furn ished; finished in old ivory; con v. location; Ideal ; surroundings; vacant soon; reserve now. 1085 Hawthorne ave. 6 ROOMS, furnished, furnace, fireplace, garage, garden, fruit. Nice neighborhood. Walking dis tance, i White enamel finish. . East 2726. 743 E. Bumnde. MODERN 6 room house, completely furnaUied. Piedmont district; no children; references. Ant. 329-19. 1174 Haight ave. BEST YET Absolutely modem 5 room. Sleeping porch. PIEDMONT. From owner. Wdln. 4685, I WISH to share my furnished cottage with a congenial couple; 2 blocks to, M-V oar; $10, per mo. Man Hamilton, 11 E. ' 78th st. N. SEA VIEW Comfortable cottage, hot, cold water, oatn, tour Deus, ti t a season. Max 96. seaview. Wash. BY May 15, 8 -room modern furnished house with 2 lots, in fruit, berries, flowers and garage. Wdln. 1784. 5 ROOM modern house, $35 per month. Call Automatic 614-80. $30 3 ROOM furnished house; walking dis tance. 514 Market near 16th at. 5-BOOM cottage partly furnished. 3318 64th st, S. E. Aut. 618-80. $25 8 ROOM furniiJied house, modem. 538 Mill, eor. 17th St. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 i FLAT FOR RENT 1 FCRNrrURE FOR SALE Elegantly furnished 4 room 'flat snd alcow, all ready to Xeep house. Rent only $30. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE .CO.. 1007 Yeon Pldg. HOUSE FOB RENT, ALL OB PART OF FTJR NITX'RE FOR SALE. 79 E. 19TH ST. N. 6-ROOM house with nic bath and back yard, for rent, 316, furnished, for sale cheap. 611 Pettygrov. st. 6 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. Phone Sell. 32-18. V STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR desirable apace in luepraot waxahoaaaT Phon. Bdwy. 3713. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with" tela pbon and stenograph!) service phon Bdwy. 3713. ' PL'BLiO STENOGRAPHER can have free of fie spaoe, T eon QKlg. write -a4, JnrnL WANTED TO RENT HOUSES , 361 SMALL family want small hoa., furnithed. reasonable rent; . east prefsrred. Broadway FURNISHED or unturtushed hous. in Alameda or Hose City Park. Will give lease. Call Tabor 494, Sampson. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 RENTAI, BUREAU Ust ywar booses. Hats o anailmmit wtta a; asuck results and good tenanta. FACKTffO, MOVING, TOBAGs5uLOA! SECURITY STORAGE 4k TRANSFER CO. $ rourth st, opp. Multnomah UoUL Pbon. Broadway ST13 Wanted-?" to C room furnished fist or house. not more than SO minutes' walk or car from 6th and Wash, Very q.urt and carafnl ten ant, one boy 1 0 years and baby 4 months. Reasonable term pleas. Gile. ear Painless Parker, dentist. "'"' WANTED To rent 3 or 4-room famished hous, reasonable, by young couple with 4aby. 8-619. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 FOR SALE Summer reeort on beautiful lake near growing city, including cottage, tent, dining room, boats and government leas, en 10 acre grove on slior of lake and streams; fine fishing, hunting, boating; a beauty spot of Ore gon. Open from April to November. Paying well. Address Bog 296. Klamath Fslls. Or. , LOTS 403 ROSE CITY LOTS CHOICE LOCATIONS S. E. cor. Sandy and 39th st ' Good business location on boulevard.- $1500. M block south of Sandy on 49uh at Choice location below the hill. $1150. - 8. W. cor. 60th and Alameda, 100x100, very choice lor fin. residence. $2000. S. E. cor. 68 th and Sandy, & block, paved ou (idea. $2500. - J. K HARTMAV COMPANY 8 Cham, of Com. bidg. Main 208. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 50x1 0U lot on Milton at., facing smith, 100 feet went of 63d st, 3 blocks north of Sandy; graded st. curbs and walks in and paid: a pickup at 3300. 50x100 on E. 62d at, facing east, 100 ft. north of Halsey; paving and sewer in and paid: a snap at 8760, . HENDERSON-BAN KUS CO., ' 4 26' Henry bidg. -, Bdwy. 4754. SOME LAURELHURST BARGAINS ' COME OUT TODAY LAUBtELHURST TRACT OFFICE , ' E. 39TH AND GLISAN A few more lots for $830. Some cholc ones for $1000) and $1100. Act quickly, only few left Phone for auto or ccme to the office at 89th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433; eve.. E. 7738. i Delahunty. I 100X100 $1600 Corner East 8th and Mason; price Include all street improvements; $250 will handle; in Fide lota in this district are seUtng for $800 to $1000. Bee us at once. Johnsors-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bidg. Main 3787. A REAL BARGAIN ,$100 down, $25 per month, buys an acre of land lalmiut 9 city lots), between Irvington Park and Columbia blvd. Convenient to Al berta and Woodlawn cars. City water. . light and gas. ( Beautiful home aiteH. Dandy view. Fine soil.' rice Mr. Naylor. with 1. O. Elrod. nl7 orbett bidg. Maui 6173, IRVINGTON DISfRICT CORNER 59X100 31062.50 $100 down and '$10 a month; all improve. mini in and paid. See u& at once. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Rank bidg. Main 3787. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT Choice view lot. 48x110, on E. 26th st be tween Mill and Harrison; only $1000. Terms, $200 cash and easy monthly payment. HENDERSON A BAN KUS CO., 426 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 4754. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 50x100. $500. $100 cash, $10 a month. close to school and ear. fie. us at once. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bidg. Main 8787. CHOICE Irvington lot Between Thompson and K razee on 11th near school. 3 block to car. $1200; improvements paid. COB A; McKENNA CO.. KJSJkLTOK 82 Fourth st Main 4622. WHY A RENTER? $1 WEEKLY Burs nic lot 60x100. cement walk, close ta ehooi. Alberta ear. Better jwtch tent than pay rent R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bidg. Residence, Main 1377. PORTLAND blvd. lot near Willamette blvd.. 2 blocks from car. Will sell for $850 if buyer assumes :sewer assessment COK A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS 82 Fourth at Main 4522. EXCELLENT business location." 100 ft on Sandy, between 25th and 26th. Heart of thickly settled district Priced very low. . COK A. McKENNA CO., Realtor. 82 4th t Main 4522. MUST i sell lots 11 and 12, blk. 69. Vernon. The ar east front lota on East 2 2d , street about 80 feet south of Prescott. Mste m an offer for one or both. Box 60, Craigmont. Idaho. WESTMORELAND, paved street, near school. good car service, improvements paid. $700. 10 cash, $10 per month. ' COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth st Main 4 522. WHO wanti my three lots on Tibbetts st. near 41st? Will sell, eay terms, or trad, for Jate model roadster. Call East 24 35. Una eve ning. ' . YOUR OPPORTUNITY Ijfurelhurst lots, while they last, at ex tremely low price J. A. MeCarty. 270 Stark rt. Main 1700. Evenings Tabor BOS 7 LAURELHUR&T lot, on Couch at, near 32d Excellent location and priced very low, $975. COE A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. 82 4th st Main 4522. YOUR LAST CHANCE Laurelhnnrt lots at these prices. Sea J, A, MoCarty. 270 Stark st Main 1700. Eva nines Tabor 5t57. . 50x100 CORNER, 2 block from Lombard a, .car, on Gravenstein st A real snap, $360. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Realtor. 82 4th at Main 4622, WESTMORELAND lot in Milwaukie t. ch.ap for cash; ail Improvements paid. Owner, Sieirwooo zia. - WE offer 34 lot, in a desirable addition, clear. near car line; must bo sold. John M. Payne Ac Co. Main 9012. G. C. GOLDENBERG CAN BELL YOUR LOT Abington Bidg. "33 Year in Portland." Main 4803. Tabor 8104. BENEDICTINB HEIGHTS lots oa sal st ex. tremely low price on easy terms. Bedrlck, 859 Milwaukie st. Sell. 1994 l-ACitEI-lll'lLUT LOT HAUUAINis See J. A. MoCarty, 270 H Stark st Main 170O. Kventngs Tabor 6Q57. BEAUTIFUL Laurelburst lot. tscuig the park, 50x180. on Oak ft lot 3, block 94. Pric 81900: terms. Owner. Tahr.r 5694. - ROSE CITY, on 44th, 50 ft south of Tbomp on. west feeing, $110 0 Tabor 64 4 1. $350 1 BLK. ROSE PABK CAB Nice 60x100 lot. Aasmt paid. Tab. 6559. ROSE CITY. N. E. . corner 41st-Tiilamook, 81150.' next to corner, 895Q. Tabor 6441 HOUSES 404 4 1ST ST. BUNGALOW A fin looking 8 room bungalow, 2 lots, with an abundance of fruit and berries. Pric just reduced irom souu to s, nee BRUCE HOLM AN, REALTOR Main 6327. 209 Failing Bidg. AWAY BELOW COST 5 room modern house, 6 years old. ripeless furnace, li. w. floors, full basement with wash trays, gaa plate, fruit mil lot, garage, 82800; sniiu casn. montniy. payments. pqwy. nuvv. 5 ROOM buug&low, hardwood floors, furnace, Dutch kltcbsn: all built-in:' nice basement: a dandy home; $3500; reasonable terms. Call Broadway 58. IF YOU want a am all home at cost, build to satisfy yourself. Cor. lot. 1 block from paved street ana - canine. rnvate party, ? jlit. . Miller, OOi Btnr. nuig. main iaai. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 4 -room bungalow, cozy little bom for old coup! or young married cuple. This is g bar gain. Come see it 1814 owkiyou st BUNGALOW- 6-roam. finished attic, full lot, furnace, fireplace, buffet, garage, cherry trees. Hawthorne diet, 3 blocks to ear; owner. Tabor 6296. 1118 E. Market St.. near ssuj. A TITLE Insurance Policy la a guarantee of the -Title to your home. W hen you buy your bom bv the title insured. .Better ee sale tnu sorry. Ttle A Trust company. BY owner, at Multnomah, new. modem, double constructed bungalow, near store and ear, $3200. $650 down. Inquire Multnomah drug stove lor rerry smitn. - - AT A SACRIFICE 5 room famished house; A fruit trees; im provements in and paid. (1725 un furnished ; S700 cash, balance like rent, oau railing st. 4-ROOM furnUhed bungalow, in -Albert;, best of leather furniture, hardwood floor, full basement, cement floor, garage, $3800. 1103 E. 30th st N. QUARTER block cn Montgomery et Three 8- room nooses, tois is a oargaio. 416. oou. nair eaen. -.. journal. IF YOU are looking tor a bargain ines 4-room 1 VSM W V U " , . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 WONDERFUL HOME BARGAINS 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sal by - .. FRANK I McGUlBE. REALTOR " LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST IF NECESSABY.- well Help Yon Mai Your Down 1 ymciT- Every one of our more than 1200 homes ha been personally inspected and appraised before being offered for your consideration. Every dis trict in the city. THE biggest most vanea selection of Home Bargains in the entire WEST. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL , 23 courteous salesmen at your service. SUNN Y8IXE-HAW THORN E $4 800 VACANT! A double-constructed bnn galow, newly renovated I 6 rooms, eon , taining overy convenience; built-ins, furnace, garage, 50x125, with trees, etc. K. Lincoln St., block to car; THIS 18 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE; SEE IT AT ONCE. CENTRAL E. PORTLAND $3675 Nicely furniahed 5 room cosy bunga low cottage, bath, electricity and gas; i, ... E. 29th. Terms. i AIiERTA DISTRICT $3990 For a large family: this is "tb thing!" 7 pleasant, airy rooms, with all mod ern convenience; in good condition; enrage ; E. 19th st; term. $3300 Thai 3 room bungalow is the; kind you're looking fori Every modern ( convenience; cheery fireplace; French doors, garage; Glenn ve. Terms. KENTON FURNISHED $3750 $500 down! 100x100. furniahed KENTON 4 room bungalow; Ideally lo cated in a natural grove; sleeping . porch; gas radiator; . abundance of mall fruit; garage; H block to oar. Minnesota ave. SELLWOOD FURNISHED! $1400-500 down! A IJTTLE WARM BROWN BUNGALOW of 4 rorrais, in . viting you home! Cosiest of 1 Hitch kitchens, electricity, gas. .woodshed, 2 full lots. Ochoco ave. See FRANK I- MoGUIRE Realtor, To Buy Your Home. ! IMPORTANT WATCH FOR OUR BOOTH AT THE AUDITORIUM MAY 0 TO 14. Abington Bidg. Main 1068. ,' 3d St Bet Wash, and Stark. THE HOME OF PERSONAL SERVICE. -ROSE CITY PARK 5 Room Bungalow and Garag $5850 . A brand new bungalow, with living room ex tending the entire width of house. Hardwood floors, splendid, fireplace, full cement basement, Hutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, etc. Po sitively nothing liUe it in Rose City Park for tli money. Jxx-ated on 4 7th at, not far from Sandy, facing east Paving and aewer paid. IlUfiSl, A. G. Teepe Co. 270 Stark st. near 4th. - Main 3092. Branch office, 40th and Sandy. Open evenings. - Tabor 0586. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY" 800 to Belect From, WHY PAY RENT WHEN YolJ CAN OWN A HOME IV AN Y PART OF TlIEy CITY T SMALL PAYMENTS, EASY TERMS. Marsh -McCabe Co. Realtors 322-3-4 Failing bidg. Marshall $993. Step Right , In Completely furnished ; 5 room modern ; bungalow, butlt-lua, Dutch kitahen, laundry i tube, full basement, large lot; a snap at $3250, $,r,0 cash, balance like rent . - Reedy & Co. : REARTORS 618 Chamber of Com. bidg. Main '4190. ; IRVINGTON For aale by owner. 6-room modem home, ail built-in, hardwood floors. . sleeping porch and aim porch. On. ' of the beat built house in this dis trict Pbon East 6269 for appoint ment IRVINGTON ' . ; DUTCH COLONIAL 7 dandy rooms, well arranged. : center en trance, oak floor, double fireplace. 2 set of plumbing: enamel wood work, full basement, fur nace, fruit room. If you want a good buy ia a colonial call me today. C M. DERR 1215 N W. Bank bidg. Marshall 2245 OPEN SUNDAY TABOR 8418. ; HAWTHORNE ' ON DIVISION ST. Here yon are, 8 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, all kind of built-ina, full con crete basement furnace, garag. only been built four years. And think, only $3000. Now. if you have $1000 as first payment, I will show you the greatest bargain in the city. FRANK MAHONET. COE A, McKENNAA CO.. ; -82 Fourth St Main 6871. 6 ROOMTtiou'm), 3 bedrooms, bath, lot 60x100' with variety of fuil bearing fruit trees, on hard surfaced st. 3 blocks from Woorlstoi-k school, directly opposite proposed city park and playground. u- a dandy bargain for anyone. Price $2650. Will give reasonable terms. Bee Madden. , r . - A. M. HAUO CO.. - i 812 Henry bidg. Broadway 6487. $1150 DOWN$1SO ... 8 -Room semi modern and 2 fine lots; some frait and chicken park. Close to - ear. Pric $1150. Easy terms. ; Office 9133 Foster Ttoad ' V Phone 661-11 K. WILCOX It CO. A LOVELY NEW HOME of sevea rooms, with a woods rial view that eaa never be cut off. House, is extra well built double conatracted, and has all yon could wish for. Come and see for yourself. Price $6860. Re. Mr. Brick Dell. 696 E. 67th st N. near Sandy blvd. s HOUSES FOR SALE ' ' Free plana, free estimates, free advice. Talk with our practical building man., "No cash pay ment down." Let us build for you , on ewy repayment plan. STJN-HQCSB" BUILDING CO.. 216 Abington bidg. ' i On 8d bet Stark and -Wash. 1 " $5o6 Cash near piedmonT , ' Thi i on of our best buys; 6 rooms nd bath, full cement basement. 50x100 lot Tb price, $3800, is absolutely right Remember, only $500 cash down. ' COMTE A KOHLMANV M. 6550. ;' ; 208 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. . $2000 LESS THAN NEW 7 rooms, b. w. floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, double constructed, cement basement, furnace, tray, full lot, garag, ail improvement paid. BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR, Mala 6827. 209 Failing Bidg. Acre6 Room House For less than pric of a house. Thi is a wonderful bargain if yon hav $1000 cash, bal ance easy. 157 E. 87th st N. j STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW In restricted dist., 5-r., brk. nook, corner lot, paved, paid for; will take small 2 or 3 room house or good lot a part. ' See t Bock at 403 Couch bidg. ': Kenton District - - 6-roora modern bungalow, 75x106 lot, under cultivation. $8500, $1000 down, balance $30 per month. Wdin. B262 or Wdin. 4180. - FOR SALE or trade for grocery stock, 6-room modem bungalow, built-in, ' full cement base ment, wash tray, fireplace, garage, near Beed college, X block from car. Owner, phone Sell. 2460. . BUILD NOW Bee us for design and estimates free; get bungalow book, ot 100 designs $1; established 10 yrs; satisfaction assured. La Jt. BAILKI .Q., PZ. W. W. Mtll BlOg. XEAR Portsmouth sve. 3 blocks to St John car, 6-room house; 3 beautiful comer lota, fruit berries, garden fa; $2000. $1200 down, balance $20 per month, 7 par cent; by owner. 890 Syracuse st . ' ' ' : A BARGAIN - from - owner, 6 room house, full basement, hot water beating system, fruit trees and rose on. lot, close to Alberta car; terms. East 6133. ' " -. - WE HAVE already esaauaed tne title to you property and can issue yon a Tttle Insurance Policy without -deiy. Title It Trait eompany. BARGAIN OR INVESTMENT, $1900 bath, garage, imp. st, fin loc, 1 blk. to ear. Sellwood 1250. MODERN, 4 room, double constructed, all liens paid, $3200; very easy terms. COOK, Aut 819-97. FOR SALE , Madera 7 room hoase with daabl garage, OH comer lot, at 265 E. 15th at. " 2 NEW 4-room bunbalows: can move right in: bard surface in and paid. 1281 Willamette Donievard. .... REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 . Bihr-Carey MAIN 7487 v MAIN 6983 . ALBERT A Very good looking, genuine ly cms-true ted bungalow with 2 bedrooms, fireplace, vrns jot built-in,' garage, on block from car; an exceptional buy for' $3250, with very convenient terms. MONTAVfLLA Dandy , four room bun galow with on bedroom and aleeping porch., on full , lot in most excellent district, two blocks from car; very best of plumbing. This is, a real bargain for $2230. email down payment. -. t EAHT FIFTY-NINTH STREET New bungalow with full lot, garag. moat mod em plumbing, every known kind of built-in, 1 bedroom, for only $2160. with $50O down. This ia a typical bungalow and well constructed. FIFTY-8IXTH STBF35T Fine bungalow on corner lot, with tsrsge. two bedrooms, built-in buffet. Initch ; kitchen.1 Thi houe is furnished and may he had for $2000 with small down payt?nt PENINSULA WeB const rncted bung-, low on paved street with sewer nd garage, '2 blocks from criii full plumbing, gas and elecetriclty; tlceuiiig porch. Thi u a snap for $2OO0. ' Kmatl down ipaymetit SELLWOOD Attractive-looking bunga low with two bedrooms! on full lot with sewer, two blocks from- earUae; abundance of fruit and berries: 8a district Pric only $200o, with very uy payments. EAST BURNSIDE STREET Four room -bungalow on hard surface street with sewer, one block from car, on. jbedrootn; full, mod . em plumbing; fruit tree The price of this place ia only $1000, wild small down pay ment . . . ' - : . i ' Bihr-Carey 21 1 Ratlway Exctange. bidg. ,, Stark and Third st. - Main 7487. i Main 6983. ' - - ' ' il - t MT. TABOR PAVED STREET . $3000 3 ROOMS-et $500 CASH . 100x100 lot. 0 room eottag. fireplace, on 60th near Stark; all imiirorementa la and paid; lot worth the money. j, I IRVINtlTON-48 ROOM ? $1260 CASH Wll.Ii HANDLE Fine, modern home, llUamook, near 35th st; dining room and living room -oak floors, firej lace, bookcases, buffet. Jlutch kitchen, break fast room, bedroom bath fimt floor; 8 fin bedrooms and hall 2d flotr; basement, laundry tray, garage; all improvement in snd psld; (eooO: a good buy. Paanih A Parrish. 209 Failing bidg. Phon Main 6327, evening Tabor O Id, I ! e $800 Cash Hawthorne! 1 Addition , . 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, iMerted . lighting fixtures, tspeatry paper, all the built-ina, 60x100 ft lot; price only. $4200; s good ouy lor soiaeone. SUITE 415 PLMT BUILDiNG " OOING TO BVYf IN ROSE CITY PARK Oil LARELHURST While we bundle property rt all tlie better rHtrleta,' we rav rsrt-icrilar attention to Rnee City Park and Laurelhnrst In addition to our downtown office, ire m initatn ji tiraucn st 4uth and Sandy. We are intimately ia touch with the best buys. It'll pa?)uu to inspect) our lui- r A. G. Teepe Co. REALTORS 270 RUrk ft.. Near 4th H- Main 8002 Brancb flffice, ,4tth sjnd lsndy,. Open Evenings f-Call Tabor 0586. ALBERTA DISTRICT $8700, modern ' 5 :rm. bnhgalow, lot lOOx 100, garage. This is a snapr 15 full bearing fruit trees and lot ofberrian; TERMS. J. U. HARTlfAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerc Bidg. Main 208. Branch Office, 4" 5th and! Sandy Blvd. . Tabor 252 I Evening East 6062. . ' New Bungalow : $3700 By owner: ' terms.) Just completed, double constructed, modern 0 room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, writing desk, buffet, solid hardwood floors, full set plumbing, paneled din ing room, plate rail, Dutch ; kitchen, breakfast nook, table and benches, electric fixtures, insid nd outside entrance to a full! cement basement; all rooms nicely tinted snd (finished in ivory; walks; east front Open 3 to 9 p. m. For ap pointment eall Aut 322-04. 1019 E. 28th st N., 1 block south Alberta ear. 0 ROOM bungalow, all on I on floor, book- rases in living room, buffet In dining room. Wonderful Dutch kitchen: 13. bedroom, also floored attic. Nice lot, with garage and alley. Price S2600, with $475 ca li IK block from car and school. I. Ralph Harniss Co. REALTOR 816 Chamber of ' Commerre. Main 0624. j LAURELHURST 6 room, 2 story with all I the built-in", oak floors, fireplace, full basement furnace, garage, option ot one or two lots, furniture for sale, sacrifice if sold .this week. r C. M. DERR 1215 N-W. Bank bidg.. J ..'Marshall 2245 OPEN SUNDAY TABOR 6419. A GREATBARGAIN 7 room house, in Sunuysid. district, imp. in and paid, only $3200, with $4 0O down. If you want to sell quickly and w. agree with you on price and terms. Hist it with the ROME CITY REALTY CO., We have buyers irslting. ' 28th and Handy I Blvd. -' Eat 661. Eve. Tabor 6442 HAWTHORNE -''OTTAGB-BUNJAIjOW ,$2850 $800 ICAHH B rooms, in rood condition, on 50x100 lot. with paved street and. sewers In snd paid. This i a good buy. Immediate possession. HENDERSON-BAN CO. 429 Henry bidg. I Brmdway 4754, SnapS36i50-Only k -rav eieg. some, near isaa saa., m iir places, en. pinmoing. cement oaau, irmw oor., paved sts.; farms. Main 4 803. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington bidg. 85 Year in Portland." -DUrLEX HOUSE WALNX'T P4.RK In excellent physical eonditlda and particu larly adapted for 2 email families r 8 room. 2 baths, good furnace and an Instantaneous water beater: garage, fruit and nut trues on lot: beat of ear service.. Price $8750; terms. - BROWN A GRANT 201 Conwilinsted Sernritie bide. Bdwy. 8222. AN ABSTRACT of" title at nop a guarantee of your UU; it is merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Poliey is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yon buy property gat a Title Inmrsnee Poliey. No abstract required. Tit! A Trust company. GRAND AVENUE BARGAIN $1900, $600 CASH. $25 PER MONTH 6-room boos, lot 60x100. full plumbing. Grand -ave., 'Bear Alberta, close to school. OA BIN K1MA, Wdln. 1402 or Wdln. 648. ROME CITYTAHK $2300 $60O CAKH $2500 4 room. Dutch kitohen. 60x100 lot near 63d and Sandy bird. ; next, clean place. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. 426 rienry bidg. I Broadway 4754 OWNER transferred to California, must sell house, modem. 7 room and sleeping porch. few built-in, full cement basement all newly painted and tinted; also fine shrubbery, $6000 on terms. Call 814-93. Telephone lor ap pointment. MODERN 6-room bungalow, 6 years old, hard- wood floor, fireplace, bookcase, bullet, I ratcn kitchen, laundry trays, cement basement, $1000 down, or might consider same trade, COUK, AUt B1H-P7 5 LARGE rooms by owner. Fin hall with glass r renen. door, i living rooms, 4 touet. eu built-in. Cor. lot 50x106, fruit, berries; all ia fine shape. Call after 12,; 1085 Vernon av., 1 Wk. from Alberta car. . I i $760 WILL HANDLE $4000 - Modem 7 -room house, 2i lot, paved street, sewer In, all lien paid ; between 2 eariines, close to high school, near Walnut Park. F. H. COOK, Aut 319 97. NEAR S. P. SHOPS, $3150 5 room bungalow, fireplace, comer lot, im- J i roved street, I block ear; i $500 cash, bal ant ik rent; no mortgage. Phone Mar. 1022 or SelL 2706, evenings. SELLWOOD 6 rooms, modem, 60x100 lot, street and ewer in and paid; will Uk. Ford ear aa part of first payment 6-Q Linn ave. BEHIND every policy of Title sneuranee i a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against loss, yet it ia . cheaper than the abstraet method. Titl A Trurt company. TITLE Insurance lv tn modem way of baadliag title to real estate. Quicker, eost lea 'aad no abstract required. Title Treat compear. VACANT lots. $73 to $125. Small homes, $100 to $500 down. Karraud Realty Co., B4 Baimon aiam 4440 HOMES in all parts of city on term to suit Phone Broadway aal FOR SALE at a snap, house and lot Phone Tabor 4526. FOR SALE by owner, new hou st cost (Tome J. 19, VA T H.i. tu rc. 1 a, u II.. . 1 -a li,. . gm ni. ; . pr luur 0Od $200 DOWN, ( room house, do in, easy terms. Aut 235-31. . I I MAIN 7D27 WJJ VWSKATPARrNir REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Charming Home West side, $500 down, 5 room, al most new, modern plumbing, iniluttinc' porcelain laundry trays, pew gas furture. fretty electric fixtures, InrNy porch, rench door, very attractive Dutch kitch en with lots of built-in and wimluMn: will sell this lovely little bom with lot approximstely 84x100, fronting on Market t, for (3460, ami jiu can pay for it on your own trrmn. Hou-e set back f rem street and there is a very. : a'traclive outlook towsrd Portland II te. There ar some wondtTfui1 poplar tree and other trees. Call 621' Market tt at 1 6th. WANT A HOME Hav you ever naid, I want a home and want it bad, but for $500 It can. t be had.' If ymi hv, your trouble re over for bere ii on that ran t be beaten. Thin bungalow h 5 rm , b. w. floor, cement basement, floored attic, all built-in effects, the tame as are in a SHOOli pl-e; en paved street, with everything psid, and only 500 DOWN. Call Tabor 262; evenings. East 6962. Sunnyside $500 " Cash $SN0t buys noat fl room home mar ,'loth St, built-in bookcases and buffet, full ba.rmnel, slice: improvciueliis - sll paid; don t fail Ui re this. MAIN 7D27 SUITE 415' WASH Ai PARK fUttbuii::x $2 II 00 Market St. d r 8 vc, , west side, close in; five rooms, bath; high, sight ly ;terms. Owner, E.Q495 JEFFERSON (III, II Ml liiiOL A 1-OSITIVE BARGAIN The price i only $2650 with $500 rath dewn; 6 rooms and bath; garage; cornrr lot: Mft paved on hrxli eide" -ewer l si"' 'l psld for: few block to high school. Tou'd iM-tter oe (In tod ly. It, will purely b sold, tomorrow. COMTE A KOHIJH AN. Main 6550. i 208 Clumber of Commerce blilir. TUlXKINi; OF BUliJilNGr Why pay exorbitant price to tli man wlio doen't work T GET MY PRICES. RESn.TS GUARANTEED, EARL E. FOG F.I. DESIGNER AND BI'ILDEIt 1 ' AUTO. 625-70 $44011 Easy terms. Modern 0 room hour. lt floor finished In white enamel, entrance hall, large living rtiom, dining room, psta iantry, kitchen ; 2d floor,' 8 large airy bedriMims snd hstlr newly paintad inside snd out, look Ilk new; Fox fur nace, fireplace; st. paved and paid for. 1 .orated atE. 36th st. Call owner. Tabor 594- BRAND NEW four roomTioune, "bal K ami base ment, just comjileted except bath tub, llglit fixture and Inside staining ; very large corner lot 66x124. Comer 84tii at and 7 mil ave., Mt Scott car. Grays Crowing. Jiut as w $2500, $850 cash. , Terms. Owner. AuU :7-i5. DANDY WOKXtNOMKN'K HOME 6 ROOM. I Oils 100, $801)1). ' Adjoining Eastmorektnd, 4 rooms down, 2 up, 12 bearing fruit trees, -plenty berries, cow barn, chicken houses. Owner leaving c.ily want uuii-k sale. Any reasonable terms. T. O, Bird, Mar. 1022. Sellwood 2706. 3 ROOM KUMiALOW 4i0 flood furnace, fireplace and built In eonve nlrncm: room sll good sis and 2 room con) I be finished In attic; lot 66x100; about a block from car and near A i ns worth ave.; good terms. BROWN A on ANT 201 Crm-oHdstrrt Wecnrttlea bidg. Bdwy ROSE CITY PARlf 5 rooma, strictly modern bungalow, nrar ear, below the bill; must sell atone; full lot, garsg. enameled throughout: ill fine rumlition, Price $5750. Call Marshall 8362. . J. B. ROCK. 408 COUCH BLDU. labor 3000. ROSE ritT N EW" BINGAI)V 4 rooms and breakfast nook, full at.l.ic, hard wood floors, firej.lace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash traya and large front rorch. Bargain ami good terms. Owner, 'J locks from llos City car. 741 Pi. tilth sL, north of Sandy. Phone Tshor WOT 8. j SACklFIChT 3 room house, furnished or unfurnmh'd. , electric lights, city water, -bath, lot i:Oilno, near narlln and Kenton school; berries In cul tlvatlnn; must b seen U) be appreciated. Uti lag for California. Owner. K. WHITE, 1497 lnraster Xt iohe'citY $2650-r-Termi. Furnished 4 room cottage, newly nauiied and decorated: 2 creetin,l porches , excellernf rnndltion; garage, o fruit trees, full lot. N.; 2 block sontb of Hsndr. 091 E. 71th SU am leav1nu ci i v alberta hlv room house $2730 $500 i;asii Paved street, 15th st: 1 block esr. Like rent, no mortgage. T, O, Bird, Mar. 10U2. Sell. 2708. ev.ninaa. .-,llll IMiWN New bungalow. 5 room, snd brnkfa-t nook; DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED; on hard surface street, near, car; hardwood floors, rirel fire place; Dutch kitchen; cement banemi.nt, laundry trays; full lot. $3200. Easy payments. sarsnsil zol. 1 BLOCK To. HAWTHORNE CAR Modern 6 rixgn bungalow, sleenin norch. corner lot, cement beemcnt, traya, garage, bono Ilk Dw. He. BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR, Msin 6327. 209 Fsilin g Bidg. Peninsula District 4-room bungalow,' bath, lust built lot 80s 109, builUns, 12-ft alley, lawn and garden in, price $2300, $900 down, balance esiy term. Wdln. 6262. Wdln. 4180. A TITLE Insurance policy is a guaraoie by a responsible company that you will not sulfa Ins on account of the title to your real atate. When you buy real rotate get 6 Titl Insuranr roller. Ne b tract rqulrd, Titl A Truat eompany. $3400 NEW BUNGALOW1,' 4 rooms ao1 nrnasrast nook. un car line, all nnnro? nventa in and paid: fireplaee, Dutch kitchra, oement basement, lanndry trays, large living mom; full lot; on very easy terms. Marshall znii. laiidfi vkiii wars ir i-inu- " R.Miu. , .... ',... . ,A.Aja V ' I ..'II. WllMaB, , -1U.II. VM.UI.1I1, W ' I t I lot I Fruit tra, sewer, paved, 2 block In. lin ear. MARSH A McCABE CO.. RFALTORe. $22-3-4 Falling bidg. Marshall 8w$. ALAM EDApArl K"$6fT0--T k R M'fT " . , w,.,," , I.U L'l II, I . ,1,1,1,1, garage, street paved, sewrr; all Improvement paid; best buy In Oil neighborhood; a bargain for cash. Wdln. $02.1. $456o EAr-V TKItliA ' 6 rooms and dan. strictly modern. This nric is below the real value Me. it today , BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR Main 6827. 209 Failing Bide TI60 DOWN" for 8 room bouse, newly painiwi and eaiountned: ground 43-4x220, on good! street; only 1 block from 6 2d st Price $00. Owner, 60032d st.Ant. W2JS-75. lt5RK?'lTY BUNOAi7W BY"TWN"rTR Best part below the bill, 5 rooms and l rop ing pnrcn, living room 12x24; trees snd l)mii bery furnished; ifdealred ; terms. R10 K. 4 4 th N. 6 ROOM bungalow, gsraga, full plumbing, elec tricity, gas; fruit trees; H block to r and na,l ru, , O O I '.HA ..1, 7 11". a... ave, jtm. ni.-vi. BK OWNER 6-room. modern, at 4438 40ih av. B. is. IWtV, gsou cash, oalartc to suit; will consider ligbt touring car a part. Phone An in. cis-it. CLOSE your real estate drsi without 'uhuyir,g detail by using a Till Insurance Policy. No . . o-. . , a . m i. , , irjuiim. iviw m . run ,!,! ;nnf. W ILL . SELL equity In 6-room mmirn lira. and acr of ground, or will rent furnished with lease. Call Bdwy 1437. after 4:30 WHEN you purcLe your ootne bsv. toe titie insured. Get a Title kustiraace 1'ola-y. liu ak Titin compsny ' EVERY purchaser ol real ..taie mould have in titl insured. Better be ssf ttuwi sorry. Titl Trust eomnany. BY OWNER New bungalow. $.1450, term; modem, comer lot. on pvmrnt, garag; a gflsp for someone. 601 E. 39th st Tabor 18 fi 5 . TITLE Insurance ssves lime sna roony beeaiu. no buat at required. Title A Trust uss AN excellent 6 room house, within 6 blocks' tit city Hall, $5000; terms. 433 Chamber of Commerce. Brodwsy 856. KEEP YOUR HOME AND FURNITL'lik, IN SURED. PROMIT SERVICE. CALL MAIN 6327. VillKS " f ou ft iiu lnurafic itV?y, yon do not iwd aa btrart ot UMa. Un pr g tr.m 11 (. Tll Mm T , ennnnsn UoNTAVlt.LA car, cowas, 60x100 Lt, J:, Tabor 29. 1 BUILD bungalow on your lot. eity er cuuatry. $1250 and up. Wdln. 272, " ' (Continued en rtnwui Pea HlPUSiNissir yuitotw