18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1S21. REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 SUBURBAN ACREAGE HOMES 13 ten -On Colombia - highway, near Crown ' Point, wonderful view.' running water, electric, fights, ? acre in cultivation, . lota of fqiit, 0 room bouse, (food barn, fa race, etc, 6 cows, good team. 2 dozen chickens, wagon, flow, mower, etc. Price $12,000, $8000 cash. 18. 7T acres On rock road. .1k mile from Hillsbnro highway. 9 acres in cultiva- tion, balance easy, enrk and well; good - bungalow, with hardwood floor, fire- plane, concrete foundation, eu.. chicken honse. 18x4, barn, etc Price 99000, . . ' V cash. JM.o In Tualatin valley. i rnfle from "- H illsboro, good 4 room bungalow, fira- - place, big barn and chicken bourn, all kind of fruit. 1 borse. 17 acres in . - - , cultivation, and in crap; 4 cows. 300 chicken, wagon, spray pomp, plow, cul . tiratnr. etc. Price $7000. H cash. Photo and foil detail of these placea at ear office. All have been inspected by , us and ana a represented- J,et us show you. g RS? ALTORC 732 Chamber of Commerce. : .EVERT KIND OF BEARING FRUIT 5 acres. 6H miles south Portland ennrt - house. AU under cultivation, except anma shad trees, UfiT 2 V4 acres in' bearing t- fruit, IBS trees . of every kind, 10 years old. is fine condition. Also every kind of berries and grape. Macadamiznd road; 8 ; - blocks to school. Creek on place. : J-arge' chicken hoiise for 1000 chick ena. Small - ' him and house and 2 small outhouses. I' nee $3500, half cash. Balance easy ; terms. Only IS minutes out. Inspected 1 , by Hunter. ON NEWBERO HIGHWAY '-. -v 11 acres, on tiie paved road, hi mile -. .: oni electric station and school. All under ' cultivation and the best of soil. 1 acre strawberries. 1 acre. Cnthbert raspberries. . J acre blackcaps and 1 hk seres bearing '. j fruit tree of every variety. S-roora bouse, .." - barn, chicken bouse. The place is stocked, and equipped and furniture included. Own ers going away and offering the place for one half the price askrti by other people , io the same vicinity. Inspected by Hunter. John Frnruson, Gerlinger bide. Realtor. Over 600 small places near Portland. Get Our extensive classified lists. 5. HO and 20 Acre Tracts ' $25 Acre Up;; ...;. '''!' $10 down and $5 per month bny a 5 acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, . 'down tile Columbia river on the 'Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river,- auto , stage and truck. Beautiful laying land, free from rock or gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there is alxo some With streams. Fine location for chickens, .. dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables V " CHARLES DELFEL 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. LU VOU LIKE Fill' IX 8ee these: 1 sere, sll in fruit and berries; rood bides: right in iMitwauMe; city conven iences. A bargain at $3200; terms. .5 acres, .all in bearing fruit, 15 miles Pbrt 'land; food house; stjitation;' $2500; terms. A KKH90N, t MARSTERS HEADQUARTERS for ail kinds of acreage. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 6549 SUBURBAN HOMES 406 S ACRES, H mile frora electric station. between Portland and Hillsboro. Wire fences. Close to grade and bigb school. 8 cherry trees. 10 prune trees, 10 pear trees, 80 apple trees. 2 plum trees, 15 currants. 1650 strawberry plants, etc Fruit all bearing and in fine shape.: Small . house, barn. 2 hoes, 3 tons hay. : 1 cord - wood and euuipmeut Price for every . thing. $2200 cash. Or we will help you - get a loan for part. Inspected by Ma lone, WANT HOUSE TO $4000 Two acre, two blocks out of city. All . tinder cultivation. 8000 strawberry plants .,set out fall of 1920. Other berries. Bear ing fruit trees. 4 room house, gas snd - city water in. Chicken house. , Price $2650. very small payment down, i Or will eon-dder bouse in Woodlawn, Alberta or Peninsula districts to $4000. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Realtor - Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. A-. FINE HOME . - 9 1-10 acres and a 5 room bouse; city water and gas, good outbuildings, fine chicken parsk, and paved road; clone to car. Easy terms. Price $2800 '.. 1 Office 0133 Foster Road, i Phone 661-11 K. WILCOX & CO. 6TRIWTLY modern new 6 rooms and bath, . Oiegon City carlihe. Island sta., 25 minutes' fide. 74e fare. Phone owner. MilwauKie 1-5 J: SUBURBAN bnmesites going fast. $10 pay ments while they last. 302 H Sixth at Apart ment 4. Hard to best. .' 407 FARMS ..-' 46' ACMES-!. ' " On Clackamas River - located at Logan; 35 in cultivation that is sandy bottom land; some timber; 6 room bouse; bam. ben bouse, hog heuse. fruit, living water piped to house and barn, team, 0 cows, 3 hogs, some chickens, wagon. . harness, plow, barrow, cultivator, mower, rake, disc, separator, small trols: crops in. This is a complete little place, Sll - ready to move into, and fine soil. Only $75011 : $450(1 down. Located on the Clacka mas nver near I.ogan. See ns for real farm buys. EL P. Elliott Son. 7th and Main sta. Oregon City. Or. ' THe Man Who Plans,. On becoming a suburban farmer can ' t be interested in this small place of 4 i . , ' acres in lsyton. Or., on Capitol high . way; 4 room house, with water and -; lights in house and other buildings. Plenty of both tree and berry fruits.. Included with place are a cow. shout - 125 chickens, pig, snd a few farm - implements. Price $2500. $1000 cash. Terms to suit 'lontgosirBery & Meissner . 823 Gasco Bldg.' Auto. 232-03. POULTRY FARMERS, ATTENTION Do you - want i to step Into an- established poultry business f.. If so, listen. 5 acrea of rich soil all in crop, with new stx room bungalow, new barn 20x28 new chicken house 20x8d. brooder house 20x24, fine cow, brooder stove, gas engine, , farm tools.; strawberries, raspberries, etc A ot of fine furniture, 450 laying hens 600 young chicks will be delivered in a; few days; about St hour run from Portland over paved ' road : 1 H mile to good town. This is a fine country borne and a gift at the price. Only $8500, $3500 cash. i PARR1SU Sc PARRISH, Main 8327. .209 Kailing Building BEAUTIFUL sightly 10 acre tract in Sherwood district, close to paved highway; faces on state road; about 5 - acres in berries. Price $2700.! Rea sonable payment. Montgomery & Meissner ;- 822 Gasco Bldg. Auto. 232-02. r WE WILL SELL YOIT THIS SPLENDID ' . RANCH ON LONG TIME CONTRACT 2$2 acres near Yamhill. 150 acres in culti vation, 100 acres rich bottom land, tiled and drained, in hope 20 years, ,25 acres now in hope contracted for . 6 years, 82 acres good pasture some timber, 8 springs, creek, well. 8 rm. house barn, other outbldgs, the right man can get a . good deal on this ranch; use your cash to -stock and equip this place. Price $100 an sent Bee 8AM HEWEY at J. U HARTMAN COM PANY. 8 Chamber of Om. Bldg. (Realtor) . EXCEPTIONAL BAKi:iln i 48 acres. 1 mile of (own. Wuhinxnn 1 3 - acres caltivsted, bouse, barn, springs and vmwr: iouv, easy terms. 80 acres nesr Forest Grove, pert cultivated', buildings, creek, 2000 cords of old fir: $26M' terms. ' - Beautiful 17 -acre home. K mfle of town. Wsshington county; 8 cultivated, splendid house water' piped in. barn and outbuildings and y 1 1 um , .ow. terms. lt.BU!S. y4 Bpaldlng Bldg. . FOtt SALK- By owner. 17i acres, 13 icrvi ... u ciuuvauon, n seres in pasture and tim - her: sll good land. 3 kinds of be rrrw Kmjtil'h.iiiv ban and other outbuildino, S brin spring; oata zxi poiJsVLoea inciuaea xor eeainc; pne 43500 $ 1 300 CAflh. Unns on balance; near Clatslujiie! jtweurr. CA aso, ViatftKBTllv?, Iff. Hi a i k a Aart a a ... . 3rrr v - wssna T,-Uin iioi. lutty . sVininmn fair hinl)inai AwKatst a. it r-"- vwssi a.?, vt,vuaM. UWV P'U, rock road 6 mne from KiUsboro, 1 Or. Bay Mi, nnt vrvnt trrm in A Ama V t n.ij.i : stuinuuit vs. 1 00 ACRES close to city, cood oil, no rock. uuiuTBiicii, xv m prunes, in xsyoiiy vs LHsuit, uiwuKsun vu, A xnii to luuon, "V" jj ' , nu uowa; dj owner 00 B. Salmon. East 1890. .40 ACRES $800 428 LUMBERMEN'S BLIXJ. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 ! VERT CLOSE IN FARM 40 acres, 8 miles from Portland court house, west. mile to school. Oood ; . fences. 34 seres under cultivation, 8 acres standing fir timber. No waate land. Creek. Family orchard, lots of berries. 6 room honxe. new large barn, chicken house. Wrick and cement fruit house. Included -with place. 2 horses, harneae, 5 bead cattle, -brood maw, 60 chickeas, wagon, binder and trucks for moving, mower, rake, plow, har row, cultivators, tools sod all erops. Hay -fork in barn. Only 80 minutes out- from Portland. Inspected by Jlalone. Offered - at bxTgaut. i i . ONLT 12 MILES OCT SO acres on fine macadamized Toad. 1 mile from Electric station. . 45 acres under cultivation, baiance in pasture. No waste land, a All rural' cosveniences. 4 room hi use,' barn 60x50, garage, chicken bouae . for 30 chickens, granary and sepsrauir room, i Good welt aad spring. mile tJ school. Owner will consider well located clear house sa first payment. Ranch is clear, i Kasy terms on baiance. Ranch inspected by Malone. j Only 12 miles from ceitcr of Portland, i GARDEN AND1-BERRT IJIND Best of river bottom land, dyked; fine - silt loam snl. Very productive. Specially adapted for gardening and- kngsnberries. -All under , cultivation. In 6 acre tracts or more. 7 miles east of Portlsnd. H mile to Electric station, li mile to pared road. Graveled road tbrough tlie property. 1 mile to good town. Offered on. very easy terms of one-tenth cash, balance in V equal annual payments at 6 per cenU JOHN FERGL'SON. Qerlinger Bldg. Realtor largest Farm Tealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 small places near. Portland. . Get our uuiuin classified lists. 48. ACRES I AT M0LALLA ' 100 acres bi cultivstion. About 00 acres more that is slashed, burned and seeded. Joins the Molalla river. Part of the land is sandy bottom land, fine pasture. The cleared land is all in a body, lays most beautiful, all in crops. LoU more easily cleared. This la a fine grain and dairy., ranch. A good barn, hog house, wood house, fair bouse, fine fruit, good well at house, living ,water on the place, county road on 2 sides. Here is a real farm.. No better soil in Oregon ; you will say so if you see it. Just think of it, a little over $70 per sere for this place. We are only a-sking. $18,00 for this tamj; want ca.ih.bal. at- 6 per cent, owner, lives in the city, is not able to work it. has to rent it out, therefore he is ,sl aniline the price. 3 miles of the town of Mulalia on main road. K. P. Elliott & Son. 7 th and &lain su.. Oregon City, Or. 1 , f ' ; i ; " This- will handle! a good 100 acre farm: nearly fully equipped with farm - implements, tools, wagon, household fur niture, 4 cows and flock of chickens; has good 6 room, bouse, good bam and outbuildings and fences; family orchard. Upwards of 25 acres under cultivation and part in crop, balance pasture and some; good cedar timber. On good jck road.) close to school, within . 4 miles of Cairo Is, Wash,, and 40 utiles from Portland. i Price for Quick sale. $4000, with easy terms. KEW ELL-VAN ALSTINE COMPANY 631 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ; Just Look at This, Mr. Ranclher9-f or; Cheap Land 40 acres of Wonderful rich shot and black loam soil in ' Washington county; springs snd fine creek on the place, nice family i orchard, 4 mom house and barn, and only $3200. This is only 2 miles from town. It. It. snd stores. I have many other farms from $30 to $150 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK, REALTOR i 214-215 Panama Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 408 20 ACRES, between Portland and Hillsboro, 2 mi, from good town, i 1 mi. to school; all under cultivation; 17 acres in clover; good orchard; r5 room house, barn, silo and poultry house; 17 mi. from center of Portland; rent $200 per year; 3 yr. lease; $100 equipment to buy. Ask for Mr. Hunter, John Ferguson. Gerlingeri bldg.. Realtor. Largest farm- dealer on Pacific coast. f S FOR RENT SO acres. 40 in cultivstion. over half seeded to fall wheat; 2 seres prunes, good buildiiffcs, 16 miles southwest of Portland, near Sholls Ferry. Bents for $400. Fuie .potato ground. F. B. MAOISON 216 7th St., Oregon City. Or. 00 A., 27 CULTIVATION, crup, stock and equipment; rent paid to Iec, 1021; $3000, $2000 cash. bal easy. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. 40 A., -14 IN cultivation, near Oregon City, good bldgs.; rent $200. W ilbur F. . Jouno, Henry bldg. HOMESTEADS 410 FOR A HOMKSTEAD LOCATION SEE E. W. Helm. 31ft Hoard of Trade Bide. TIMBER LANDS 411 IF TOTJ ARB LOOKING FOR A SAWMILL OR TIMBER. SEE THE. j WIJ.SLOW COMPANY. 419 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. PORTLAND, OR. 160 ACRES timber, cruise 16,000.000; price $12,000; good location. U. S. Barker. Eu gene, Or. ( TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 "WANT HOUSE TN PORTLAND ' 5 acres, just east of city limits, on ma cadamized street. All under cultivation. City water in house. Gas and electric light there; hi mile to school; 4-room plastered house,! smalt barn, garage, chicken bouse. Property clear. Inspected by Nelson. Con aidir house for part of value. I . . 5 ACRES COMMERCIAL i AT NEWTiERG. OR. Located on fine road, trees are 1 1 years old and in, fine condition: 1 mile to'school, 3 miles to Newbetg. i The 1021 crop is included at $3000. $500 cash. Balance '1 6'; property clear. Or consider house in Portland. Will awnme up to $1000. JOHN FERGUSON. , perlingen Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our exu-niive classified lists. 9 ROOM honseTnWestmorelandin fine condition, with 50x100 lot snd garage, for only $6000; would con sider a lot in Ea.it more land or West moreland, or a small house as part pay; newly papered and new paint; center " reception hall, fine fireplace, fumacet large iHitch kitchen aad three porches. -. located one half block from car; sec ond story has 4 rooms with electrically lighted closet and deck porch. See us for terms. ; Estate Co., Realtors 248 Stark St IRV1NGTON APARTMENT. $15,000 3 -story frame building, 8 apts., 4 of which are furnished; income $175 a month, besides owners apartment-, furnace heat, 4 baths, corner lot 100x100; place is in first-class condition on tflfk l ul.to - will . .. V . .1 . ,. . - , ... ituucuv. or uimuie nouse and $1000 cash as first payment, and will give oaiance. oee air. Stephens. We nave hundreds of other exchanges and can surely, match your trade, b it large or small. 9 ReAtTOR 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1 Don't Wnrrv C,n. trtde anything, anywhere.. Main 34S5. ANADIAN wheat lands. Alberta improved farms; exchange improved acreage or bns Wittichen's T.imit ..i. . - m 96 ACRE farm, fenced, buildings, etc; no morv a if!?; K?ne lor mode house in St. Johns. WANTED- Good car, furniture or what hare I""M payment on suburban acres J Bal- y mimuiif, OVi Sixth St- ' Apt 4. HIGH CLASS Canadian farm, equipped. - Ex change for farm; consider cky property. 420 Lnmbermens bldg. i - 6 FAMILY flat, $125 month income. Exchsnge menTbldg 01 orchara'T' . 42$ Lumber- 1 f'1, ,for, " cheap or trade ' for prop- erty near Portland- 722 Bid well are. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 17 ACRES, IS la cultivation, mile from Oregon City, en good road ; new buildings. Take bouse to $3000, bsX mortgage. 6 per cent long time. Wilbur F. Jrmno, Henry bldg. 'WAra--REAL estate CITY PROPERTY 450 ' mTNDREM OF HOMES SOLD. CAN riKLL. YOUBS. CLIENTS WAITING. : G. C. .Qoldenberg , REALTOR AbinrfriJ Bldg. : "85 Years In Portland.' Main 4803. Eve. Tabor 8104. If Yoo Want to Sell TELL fS FOR QCICK Af'TION LIST WTTH STAR REAL ESTATE ft INVESTMENT CO. 331 fctark St. REALTORS. : Bdwy, 6358. Wu HAVE many customers with small pay menus down,: Phone us about your home. Harris Co. Realtors 8.16 Chamber of Commerce!. Main 5824. WANTED To trade my equity in Cole 8 Sport model, looks like new, as 1st payment on 5 or room modem house. Eve., call 15-31; day time, call Msfn 73.1. & Oil tt ROOM niixiern house. Give lowest price, terms and full description. A-373, Journal. ACREAGE 455 h AXI 1 acre tracts, $250 up; one tenth down and year's time, without interest, on balance; close in. For information call Bdwy. 1357. Ask for Mr. Irkin. ; WANTED-rGood ear. -furniture or what have you as first payment on suburban acres? Bal ance $10 mon-tldy. S2 H Sixth st-. apt. 4. WANTED -A small piece of improved acreage on Ysquina or Alsea bay. Address., W. : S.. 38 Ross St.. Portland, Or. WANTED 10 to 40 acres near Lebanon, Or.; must be cheap: 1-3 ca&n: irom owner only. Address 142 H Russell St., Portland. Or. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY! 457 WE HAVE just sold a home for a party who n wanting about 40 acres with "fair improve ments. Must be in good locality and on a road that can be traveled with car all year. STEWART A JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' WANT farm or orchard bargain. Cole, 426 .umbermen bldg. 20 ACKES or less south or west, near highway" Give Particulars-. B 827. loiirruL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 lhrCarey 211-218 Ry. Exchange Bldg. ! $1575 Grocery and confectionery, east side. Rent $25, including four living rooms. Nice Little business. Good net income. $3500 Con fee., cigs. and card room. Good business. Ixng lease at $60. Good fixtures and furnishings. .$6000 -Grocery, bakery and restaurant, west side. ' 3 year lcae at $70. Very good business and good net income. $2000 Bakery, east side location, busi ness is running $400 week. Good wholesale and retail business. Rent, including large miser. Ovens and , steam boiler, etc., only $25 mo. Auto delivery. Show cases, cash register, counters, etc. This is a money maker for a live wire. - $3500 Good west side bakery doing good business. This price includes all modern machinery; also auto deliv- ery. Will consider some terms. $-100 rA very nest little two chair barber shop, west side location. Hood net : income in brick bldg., with steam heat. Good - fixtures. $1600 Swell 3 chair barber shop in big but-iness bldg. Rent very low. Good net income snd a very good buy. $2100 One of the best up to date barber shops in big down town bldg. Fur niture and fixtures of the best. Excellent high chkis trade. If you are lookimc for something good see this before buying. $ 1 200 The net income on this west side garage is about $300 mo. Can you best it for the invetmentf Oood building and good location. Come in and let us tell you about it. $4000 Big eat side storage and repair shop. Four year lease. Good. in come. Good location and the price is right. COrp. Main 6983. Main 74 R7. John Brown Co. Realtors BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Confectionery at invoice, about $2000; country store at invoice, about $1500; gro cery. 5 living rooms, invoice $2500; grc4 eery. 2' living rooms, invoice $2000; auto top shop, west side, $800; restaurants, $400 and up: 2 studio specials fer this week: many other businesses not advertised. If you want to buy or sell a business and want results, corae to 322 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAR. 3331. Possibilities off Dividends Repaying Investments ; Within One Year: Unusual opportunity to invest small amount of capital in profitable and weLl established Port land food manufacturing concern. Man with selling ability preferred, who can devote all or part of his time. D-197. Journal. ROADtiOUSE ; Beautiful furnished 100-room roadhouae, large dance hall, grounds, on water, near As toria and Seadside, highwsy road, completely fur nished, good lease; want live partner with $1000 cash, or will sell whole; no curiosity seekers. Answer immediately, Flavel Tavern, Hammond. Oregon. GROCERY 3 rooms snd bath, over store; rent $30; doing $40 day; can easily be doubled: partners can't agree reason for silling; $1700, some terms. KEIPPF.R Sc. STEWART. 410 Railway Exch: bldg. Main 7660. liLifcUS If you are looking for a grocery store, con fectionery, soft drink, pool room, gsrsge, filling station or any kind of business, see Montgomery A Leap, 437 Cham, of Com. - GROCERY 3 rooms and bath, over store; rent $30: doinj $40 day; can easily be doubled; partners can't agree reason for selling; $1700, some terms. , KEIPPER 4 STEWART. I .410 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 7660. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 5586. 12 84 St CARD ROOM Confectionery and lunch, good location : do ing $50 day. Price right; $2000, some -terms. KEIPPER & STEWART 4 TO Railway Exch. bldg. Main 7660. FUit SALE Gixid. live, going poultry farm, t stocked, with high record trapnested "White Lpghorns. This reer we have sold over 12,000 fy-old chick. 0-586, Journal. WILL SELL my auto top business at a bar gain, in a good paying town about 50 miles from Portland, Or. Write or call Ik Biggins. 292 10th St.. Portland, Or. WANTED A partner with mechanical ability to help handle repair work in auto shop.- $400 required.; good profits. J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. - INEXPENSIVE real estate office opening for hve wire with $100 for equipment. Estab lished business. Help needed. Call afternoons. .624 Foster road. ; 1EN room roomiughous in heart of city, rooms all fuU. $350 will handle. J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. SHIPPING 3000 cotds of woui and lumber; want responsible party handle Portland end. -pmun required. noodlivn 1950. GARAGE West side location, doing a big busi ness, $4500, some terms, J. O. Gray Co., iio iffKin oiug. FOR SALE Drag saw with Job of cutting wuvu, sit .uiiiiuri jun, .. , t uonci r tics to., outa ana tnvuuon sc. IUST sell my well established furniture repair Journal. w CONFECTIONEKY A chance to clean up big this summer. Does a fine business. $2100 will handle. J. O. Gray Co.. 718 Peknra bldg. GOING express and storage business for sale or would consider . equity in m.n home in the city. East 6434. . KESTAUKANT Welt located; a big trade and priced right. J. . Gray Ccv, 718 Dekum DlUi,'. f.lfnrF.RT for ul. iini eoeno. cash or terms to suit responsible buyer. East WILL SELL good paying vegetable route and nx, 2u to a a per day. This is a good bet. M-3. journal. falOliK on Morris st. Can use for anything - but a "grocery. 43a Williams ave. - FOR SALE Poolroom and confectionery ; good location. . APPir asa iw Hunmaa. ,-... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 33 APARTMENTS $16,000 - 100 rooms, mostly 3 room apt. ; all modern and very well furnished ; nice and clean ; beau tiful corner brick bldg.; good location; rent $F0, with 5 year lease; net about $650 with 2 free spts. " Terms. See T. A. Madden. A. M. HACG CO. ' .. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 8487. THIS IS A DANDY "85 rooms, 24 apta., strictly modern and first class throughout; nice corner bldg.; wonderful downtown location; nets over $600. Full price only $14,000; easy terms. , See T. A. Madden, A. M. HAUG CO.. : 512 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5487. NORTHWESTERN HEAT 85 moras, 24 epts., strictly modern and first class throughout; nice corner bldg., wonderful downtown location, good lease and income. Full price only $14,000; easy terms. See T. A. Madden, 1 A. M. HAUG CO.. 512 Henry: bldg Bdwy. 54 87. 22 BOOMS, west aide, all housekeeping; apart ments well furnished, clean; rent $60; garage. A fine money maker, a snap. $2400; terms. Other snsps. Gsrlsnd. 201 Third. 9 ROOMS, West Side location. Rent $35, clears $65. Good oak furniture, floss mattresses. Full price $1150. 320 Henry bldg. Broadway 4743. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 HOUSEKEEPING WEST SIDE 10 rooms, very close in, expenses small. $900 handles; 12 rooms, stove and gas heat, full price $950; 11. rooms, north of . Wash. St.. $500 Hkndles; 11 rooms. White Temple, extremely low rent; 6 rooms, rent $30, price $500; 10 rooms, newly reno vated rent $45. good; 27 rooms, suburban, newl paper4, $900 handles. I s EAST SIDE 10 rooms. Very attractive yard, good house, $600 handles; 14 rooms, good cor ner, spotlessly clean, terms; 25 rooms, all on one floor brick bldg.," $1200 handles; 16 rooms, brick bldg., nets over $100. $1000 bandies; 8 rooms, unusually good furniture;; very good looking house, full price $950. i MRS. ALBATTGH, : " JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 30 ROOM hotel, all outside rooms, nice building, lobby, dining room seats 84, nice surround ings, attractively located right by two: largest mills in th country, working full foreei. Hotel cannot handle all the business, owner very sick; will sell this property complete immediate sale, big sacrifieei small payment down. Fine propo sition. List 10. . . . ' . Western Brokerage Co., 817 Northwestern Rank Bldg. " 14 ROOMS $1750 ii White Temple 14 large ftrtl sized mora' enter White Temple, very well furnished; good rugs, 2 baths, furnace, a very homolike house with pleasant yard: every thing clean; rent $55; nets $125 month. Full price $1750. $1000 down. HENDERSON-BANKCS CO. 426 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4 754. 11 , ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING Close in, rent $4 per room; gross income $180 plus 2 rooms for owner; price $1,700, terms. 909 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BEFORE you buy or sell an apartment, hotel or rooming house, seo . C. E. BOWDEN CO. Main 3638. - 815 Cham. Com. Bldg. Let TJs Write Your Fire Insurance. QUICK RESULTS fl! That's what you get when you list, your apart ment, hotel or rooming bouse with .-' THE A. 1L HAUG CO.. i 512 Henry Bldg. Broadws 5487. Bargain terms by owner clean roominc-hou.se, good furniture, yard, garage; fine location, wslking distance.. Main 17651. FOR SALE-? Apt. bouse at beach; 15', on in vestment. ea-y terms., Aut. 614-10. FURNITURE of 0 rooms and sleeping porch; 3 rooms pay rent: close in. Marshall 1886. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 HAVE CASH buyer for good wood yard' at reasonable figure and for large or small restaurant-' Also parties wanting to lease small hall and party wanting good lunch room, with or without equipment. Mrs. Albaugh, : with John Ferguson, Gerlinger HAVE client who wants partner In a very lucra tive business, .who can give his services and put about $700 to $1200 into the business. For particulars call for Mr. Wishard, at room 218 Ry. Ex. bldg. Phone Main 7487. Want to Buy or Sell?, ANY KIND OF BUSINESS No Publicity. Broadwway 4743. M. C. PETERSON. 827 Henry Bldg. MERCHANTS If you want to sell your business without publicity, see or write MU.V TUUJIUaiX Sc. LCAF 437 Cham, of Com. Phone Bdwy. 319H. WANT suburban grocery store and building with m( imc earden land: will eo DD to SfiOOO. mnat be worth the money. Call Mr. Wishard, at room 218 Ry. Ex. bldg., or phone Main 7487. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved . property or i-r improvement purposes. ' The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.28 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 98 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. i"" of J other amounts in proportion. ; Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS Sc LOAN AS'!t. 242 Stack St.. Portland. Or. . i I HAVE THE' MOSEY READY No waiting; severs! clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan in any amount; from $1000 to $12000 at 6 per ecnt and 7 per cent interest, come and see me now, while I have the money available. Fred S. Williams, 506 Panama bldg. t - NOTICE Win cash small mortgage or seller's contract, $600 to $1500; prompt sttention. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lnmbermens bldg. . $300. $400. $500. $60, $750. $1000 AND up. Lowest rstes, quick action. Pay $100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1S70. $800, $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick scttion. Fred W. German Co.. 732 chamber ot Commerce. Main 6445. MONEY TO LOAN $300, $500, $700, $1000, $1500, $2000, on city improved property at 7 per cent. ) J. U Wells Co., 803 Gasco bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. SEE OREGON INv. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chimber of Commerce. 4th snd Stark. $60", 1UU, $15u0, 2UUU, S2oU0 AND UP F. H. DKeiHON. -815 Chamber yif Com, bldg. MONEY to loan, $100 to $000. A. H. Bell. 11 Mulkey bldg. Main 4379 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OH AUTOMOBILES v FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. - Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR ' PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNZTURE OB AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS1 TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 306-307 DEKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. SALARY LOANT WE LOAN MONET CHATTKL. on abort notice to salaried or worUngtnea on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. r tiO MORTGAGE ' NO TNDORSKB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE -COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, i. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUILDING. MO.NKl to loan " On Goods in Storage. Bank Ttste. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER OO 63 4th St. opp. Multnomah Hotel Phone Brosdway 8715. QUICK money to salaried people on unsecured note; confidential Investigation. 318 Cham. of Com, bldg. Licensed. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL '603 WK BUY liz&t and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. V. E. Bowmsn A. Co.. 210 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Mam 8026. CASH paid for nurtrages and swuers eowtrsvrts on real estate in Washington or Oregoa. B. SL .Noble, 810 r ngibermens bldg. FINANCIAL MONEY WANTED 651 WANT to borrow $600 from private party for 2 years, give first mortgage on acre and small house; close to Oregon City car; not tar out. 0-167. Jonmsl. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce. -i i HORSES - AND VEHICLES 700 CROWN STABlsES," Inc. - Have 100 head of horses that are for sale, exchange or hire; have matched teams ef all kinds, will exchange for mules, horses or Liberty bonds. AU kinds of w aeons and harness for sale. Have some horses that we have taken in exchange that there is lota of work in at your own figure. We are here to stay and guarantee all stock as represented. 285 Front. U.S. STABLES We carry a large supply of the very best horses and- mares that money can buy. i It will be to your advantage to come : and look our stock over and get our prices. ; We sell every hone with a guarantee.. 36$ Union ave. 8., cor. Stevens st. 0. D. Williamson & Glass BY OWNER Black matched mares. 3200 lbs.. 10 yrs.; pair matched geldings, 3000 lbs., 5 yr. ; 3 hi -in. heavy Weber wagon, almost new; horses are sound, but not fst; will accept best Offer; leave city May 10. Merrick, East 6647. 68S K. Sth st. N. . BARGAIN $125, small team mares, good har ness and spring wagon; also 1500-lb. horse, good worker, for $65; good dump wagon, farm wagons and spring wagons of all kinds. Wood yard. 327 Front. . J BARGAIN $125; smail team mares, good har ness and spring wagon; also 1500 lb. horse, good worker, for $65; good dump wagon, farm wagons and spring wagons of all kinds. . Wood yard. 327 Front. MUST sell by Msy 10, team of horses, 2700 pounds; colt,' 1100; team of mules, 2200; harness, 3 farm wagons, plows, harrows. 630 Jefferson st., near 21st t I 165-ib. MARE. 8 years old. , good Worker; bay horse. 1500 lbs. Owner leaving town. Must be sojd. 430 Hswthome ave. I HORSES for renti double and single. 646 Front St. Phone Main 2208 i LIVESTOCK 701 FOR SALE Fresh goats and coming trash. from $25 up: also milk snd hide.! and for service two pare Ssnnon . snd one Nabisn of the best in the Westt, at Portland Gist Dairy. 82d and Fremont-sta. Address R. 1, Box 4 96. 10 LARGE fresh Durham and Holatein dairy cows, gentle family Jersey. 753 E. Ash. FOR SALE Young cow.- 75 per cent Jersey, first calf.- giving over 3 gal. a d ; this is a No. 1 family cow. 197 E. Stark St.. cor. 78t.h. HAVE tor sale 0 head trash dairy cows, iiointein and Jersey, with calves; all tested for T. B. See Mr. Bruce. Union Htock Yards. N. Portia nd. JERSEY cow. 5 years old, will sell for $75. In quire st store 52d st. and 75th are. Phone SeUwood 3297. DAIRY for sale,. 8 cows, 2 horses, auto delivery and all farm implements: must sell; make me an offer. .1. It. Schmeer. 47th and Alberta. '1'WU I rc-u cows, one Jere-iiulsteui. other full Guernsey; 5 gallons of rich milk: a day. Price reasonable. 1445 Milwankie ' ave. FOR SA LE 2 good cows. .1992 Berkeley St., 3 blocks from St. Johns carline on Fessenden. TOGGENBUKG goats ana gusts milk tor sale. 29 K. Wth i-t. N.. M-V car. Tabor 5459 WANTED Pasture for 6 months-old heifer. ftu Aut. 816-48 or 435 Brown st. WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 .PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY Hoganized trapnested Tam-red and O. A. C White leghorn chicks. $14 per 100. $135 per 1000; Barred Rock and R. L Red chicks. $20 per 100; 2 weeks Reds, 25c; 1 week Leghorns, 18c: pullets and broody hens. 1034 E. 12th st. N. Wdln. 1485. IP A V Prompt deliveries oo O. A. C and iLZJL a Tancred White LeghorosJ Barred. C IHI H Whito and Partridge Plymouth U iliiyik. Rocks, Reds," Anemias. Buttercups, Wyandottes, Best stock. Prices reasonable. Free catalog. Write today. C N. Needham, Salem, Or. i Extra Special 3000 O. A. C. White Leghorn chicks, Thurs day. May 5; 15c each, $14 per 100, $135 per 1000; one of the best hatches of tpie year. Wire your orders at my expense. I'll ship O. O. D. Don't wait until Thursday, order today. J. R. MAGUIRE I 7S7 Orejron st, Portland. , Phone East 1805. BABY CHICKS; - From a mating of the Tancred and! Hanson strains; nothing better: hatched in Master ma chines, insuring the best of vitality; a few chicks left in hatches of May 5 and 14. Phone Bea verton. PAUL DUDLEY. R. 4. Beaverton. Or. BABY CHICKSj From the famous O. A. C. strain m tings, 221-egg hens mated to cockerels from 300-egg hens. Place your orders now for April, iMay and June delivery Portland Seed Co. Main 4040. "BOOSTERS WANTED 1 Wanted. 500 people to buy a setting of from my hesvy laying strain of 8. C R. I. Reds; 8 grand pens te select from. A few good breed ing cockerels yet for sale. W. V. Loo mis. 1923 Multnomah st Phone Tsbor 8197. Chackslla5C Thoroughbred White Leghorns, none better; R I R. 203. Suderstrom Poultry Farm, 1176 Powell YsUey road. Sellwood 1493. i BARKED ROCK baby cnix. 25c; hens with chix, setting hens;, eggs $1.50, special price incubator lots; bronze turkey eggs 50c; 20 years a breeder. Evans Poultry yards, 365 E. Lom bard. Woodlswn 1656.-. WHITE LEGHORN chicks from high trapneated egg producing hens; strong, vigorous fellow.; 8 days, 15c; 2 weeks, 20c; 3 weeks. 30c. Master Incubator Co., 415 Jessup St. Wdln. 4344. O. A. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs, from heavy laying trapnested eggs, tested with sex indicator, 75o for 15, $4 per 100. C. Heinz, Multnomah station. Main 8166. 1 fee: Chick feed, $3.25; growing mash, $2.50: buttermilk. $4 keg: scratch. $2,751 eggs mash, $2.50. Wd. 4344. TANCRED White Leghorn chicks. May 22, $15 per hundred. Tabor 3822. Parkrose Hatch err, Portland. Or. ; FOR SALE Laying hens, 1 - year old, in fine shape, laying good; aho 2-month-old pullets. Schneller's Poultry Farm. Woodlawn 1198. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn setting eggs. $3 per 100. Fine stock. Can supply ;by thou sands weekiy. E-976, Journal. MAMMOTH Black Minorca egio, Nixon, best. $2.50 per setting 15; prize winner at Spo kane poultry show. Tsbor 946S. 124 5 Hfclsey st. THOROUGHBRED Velvet R L Red eggs for hatching; heavy laying strain; $1.25 a setting ot.15. 6183 SSth st S. E. MS car. TWO pairs of wild geese, used for decoys, $12, ws naignt. woodlawn 5147. ; HEN WITH CHICKS FOR SALE r WOODLAWN 4479. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatch - ing eggs, $1.50 per 15. Tsbor 6559. FOR SALE Hen- and 8 game chickens, month old. Sellwood 1278. . FOR SALE Chickens, chicken house, wire, also fruit jar. 325-33. 684 E. 51st N. WHITE Leghorns and Ancona year-old bens, cheap. Aut. 621-54. 6348 84th st S. E. FOR SALE Ma-stor colony brooder, 500 chick si. Phone Tsbor 396f. - WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs, incubator lots; lay ing hens. Wdln. 62S1. 1185 E. 26th N. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 703 REGISTERED setter rjumries. 3 months old. Mr. Foster, rear of 2021 Miller ate., near liberty notel, Vancouver, wasn. ! GENUINE St Andrewsburg rollers. Auto. 325- 83. b4 Bist st. . PEDIGREED English bull terrier. 6 months old. SeUwood 3114. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 1918 OVERLAND. A new cord tires, new paint and in A-l condition; a real bargain. Call Propst, Broadway 3606. 1919 FORD bug. ton. windshield, lots of extras: ; will trade for phonograph and cash; price uu. bsv xotn st, a. 1920 ESSEX touring car, cord ttirea. good as nffw ; need money. Make me an offer. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 91, evenings Marshall 5241 FOR SALE Ford. 1919 touring. $300; good running order and a bargain. Aut I 827-84. 181 McMillan st i 1919 OAKLAND, runs like new, all overhauled and repainted. $800, terms. 194 W. Park. Main 8242. i CHEVROLET touring. 490 modaL $250. Wood lawn 11)17. . $25 NEW Ford, contract; $12.50 for quick sale. Main 3912. - i FORD bug in good mechanical condition, newly painted; some terms. Main 7810. ' CHEVROLKT SEDAN in elegant cooditioa; very eneap; easy terms. ' Call Johansen, Bdy 2270. 1917 DODGE, by owner; new top. brakes and cattery; aol casn. slemcar. last 6647. FORD eonpt,. run 300 miles; wire wheels and AtKe itm W Plmna U'mHUwn Sfll 9 1918 "CHANDLER CHUMMY $900" 28 N. 11th.- Broadway 3214. i'OIUl roaditr with dehvery box inciudsd. foe VUCK SSU, llO, 1SDOC ZO. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 -SOME FINE BUYS In Light Cars ' During oar sale which continues this week, we hsve takes in trade some light four cylinder ca rs which are put op at sale prices as listed below., . - . . . -. '- l - We stai have some great values In light sixes, overhauled, repainted, with good tires. We will take your light car aa part payment on one of these good sixes. Our stock is constantly chang ing and it will pay you to keep, your eye on this sale NOTE THESE BARGAINS : :.....-. i'onwr Price. Maxwell, 1918, good shape, good , tires ........$ 6S0 Sale Price. $ BOO Overland touring, good tires and good condition, with wind de flectors ................. 675 430 550 223 550 375 4T5 175 Ford. 1918. touring, with de mountable rims ........... Overland Chummy roadster, wire . wheels Overland model 79 tearing.... Hsjr.es. 1920 model, with lots of extras, two spotlights, cord tires all around with two ex' tras, special top, bumper, fin ish like new; plenty of pep and power 2300 White) 80. touring, rebuilt. . . 600 Jordan. 1920, 5 pass. . 2000 Mitchell. 1915. 5 pass.. 4 cyt. 300 Mitchell, 1918, 3 pass. Borg & Beck, new rubber .1200 Mitchell, 1918. 5 pass....... 1000 Mitchell, 1918. 5 pass. . . . . . 1150 Mitchell. 1 9 17. 5 pass. ........ 650 CLevrolet- delivery. 1918 450 Mitchell. 1917. 7 pass....... 750 Mitchell, 1918, 7 pass 775 Mitchell, 1918. 7 past.......'. BOO Great Western, 5 pass.. 4 cyL 200 Mitchell. 1918. 5 pass. 900 WUte. 2250 400 1750 225 990 00 930 600 375 075 575 750 125 750 The Mitchell sixes listed above have been overhauled in our own shops and are. in! fine mechanical shape. You will make no mistake in getting one of them at prices above listed. We will grant liberal terms with no charges for brokerage and privilege of stopping part or all of interest at any time. - . j Mitchell, Lewis Staver Company Broadway and Everett street 38 Years in the Northwest WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET A USED CAR Call at our store for particulars, snd while here viit oar used car department and inspect cur splendid line of u--ed car bargains. You will find no better values anywhere in the city, i And just think what it means to you when we tell you that we g-iarantoe satisfaction.' . AND YOU MAY GET A CAR FOR NOTHING Don't buy without first seeing these bargains: J918 Chevrolet 1920 Paige, 7-pass. . 1918 Paige. 5-pass. 1918 Psige. 7-pass. ' 1919 Paige. 5-pass. 1919 Paige sport 1920 Paige. 5-pass. 1916 Stude., 5-pass. 1917 Hiipmobile. 1918 Stude.. 7-pass. 1920 Paige coupe. - 1918 Stude., roadster. 1914 Chalmers, 7-pass. i Model 41 Marmon ...$900 1918 PAIGE LIGHT 6 I Thoroughly overhauled, new top, classy paint job. good tires; gusrsnteed to be in A-l ! me chanical condition, and looks like a new Paiee: sacrifice for $1100, $400 cash, balance in 10 montoa; snap. Mr. Argo, Broadway szai LOWFsT PUK ES. CARS IN 81 PERB CONDITION. EASY TERMS TO ALL. OPEN SUNDAY UNTIL 2 P. M." COOK & GILL CO.. Inc., Paige Distributors. 11th snd Bnrnside. Phone Bdwy. 821. Buick Tourin 1920 Buick touring; 90 dsys' servicer and guarantee; like new car; perfect con- . - dition : cord tires, spotlight snd bumper; motometer; gesr lever lock. All for $1450, and remember, no extra charge for terms. Ask for Dr. Kistner's car st Howsrd Auto Co., 12th and Alder. Broadway 1130. OUn CARS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Read what they have to say about their con dition and prices. Tbey are scattered in these col D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. , Used Car Branch 342 Bnrnside St Phone Brosdwsy 3648. 1920 OAKLAND SEDAN J This car has just run 1800 miles, looks snd' runs like new; has pew spare tire, bumper and lots of other extras; will give someone a wonderful price on- this car, as I must have some money at once. Cjall l.itst 7338. 1921 CHEVROLET BABY GRAND DEMON STRATOR. PERFECT CONDITION. FAC TORY GUARANTEE. AT WHOLESALE PRICE. PHONE COLUMBIA 656. N . "IS CHEVROLET TOURING This light four is first class every way and win spesk for itself; hss new tires and Isome extras; all ready to go on that trip.- Low : price and take $225 down, balance easy. : Open Sun days. Murphy Motor Car Co., 514 Alder at THIS CAR SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Tin a 1919 Velie touring car and have always had the best of care. There, is many thousand miles of good service left in met and I'm a bargain at the low price the S. C. Warren Motor Car 'Co. is asking for me. I'm parked at 342 Bumside st My former owner bought a new Vehe. " Htord TRUCKS " 40 TO SELECT FROM 40 With or .without bodies, hard rubber or pneu matic tires. Every one in first class shape. LIBERAL TERMS UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471. '18 OVERLAND CLUB ROADSTER This little beauty has been refinished, novelty colors and it looks and runs the best ever;! will do your work st small cost Corae and try it Open Sundays; low price, take $250 down, bal ance monthly. Murphy Motor Cor Co., 514 Alder st HUP ROADSTER, small delivery bed, electric lights, Willard battery, top, windshield new paint and magneto; like new. For.- quick 1 sale only $225, your terms, 201 West Park. . Will take 32x4 tires as first- payment j - IT'S hard on me, but you will be in luck if yoo buy my 1920 Chevrolet -at $650. Left it with Ed Rickert See bim at W'eUeT Mo tor eommny. We-hinctrvn it 1 6th' 1920 STEPHENS," lust the same as new; will give the same guarantee a a new one; priced way down, easy terms, will take car in trade. Call Propst. Broadway 3606. TIRES 30x3 M . guaranteed 400U milea, $11.60. Used tires, $3 up.. Rims st half price. Guar anteed tire repairing. 42 Grand are. N., corner. Couch. ' 5 PASS. CHALMERS; model 1919; hot spot; guaranteed condition, good rubber, a real i bar gain at $1100; will consider small car in trade. Phone Aut 220-41 CHANDLER Chummy, will sell my lake Chant - dler Chummy $1050; will take light ear up to $50O. balance monthly payments. Call Mar shall BIBB after 6 p. m. I WE stock pbiteglass side deflectors snd brackets to fit any machine. B. B. Body Works, 600 Wfliisras ave. East 1198. I $0x8 MICHEL IN 5 ply tires, . $20. None better. We know how to repair Urea. Vul ean Tire Shop, Grand ave. 'at Pine. E. '4896. CASH paid for old ears, conaiujn no object; parU for all makes of cere. Thompson At Kelly, 448 Flanders, rtesr 11th. Hdwy 85Q3, CLASSY Overland bug, - just overhauled; good top, fenders, etc. Must sell this week. Will sacruice ior seuv. vau nuuj. oiv-ai FORDS painted, Al Job, ala. Union av. and Mermont t.. upstairs. HUPMOBILE.- good mechanical condition. 1921 license and insurance. Call Wdln. 6085; 1917 HUP bug 4. touring, new top and (ires; - A-l shape. 150 Union are. East 4370. 1920 FORD touring, extras, $425. 150 Union .." ave., upstairs. '."'''' : ! ' COME and get this Ford touring for $235 at A . a , ui. . w j . , -wi . BUY my new Dodge, you save $50. including .- W . . Kl. Ka VICO .... V. - I . 28 ff. 11th. Bdwy. 8214 1920 FORD toorinc. starter and. extras, $u00 a; Tsf .... 1917 FORD ROADSTER $283 Good coodxUoa. Wdln. 0803. . AUTOMOBILES- FOR SALE 800 BARGAIN SAFETT AND SATISFACTION Our mwd antomnbflea mrm with . w. - the same aa factories give with new antnmnbilM ana vu asyr tree service. On those cars that are Tint sold with warrant snd free service are sold with ten days free trial subject to their being returned with full credit on any other car you may select Can at our used ear branch store at the cor ner of Broadway and Couch st 1916 automobile ..... 1917 automobile ..... . ..$ aso ... 400 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, repaired and - -repainted; fine little car. ........... : too 1920 Maxwell roadster, dandy little ear 725 Practically brand new. Maxwell cars, used by us as demonstrator, sold at 'bargain prices; one driven J100 miles at a dis count of $200. 120 Telle big 6, S passenger........ 1250 Model N Hiipmobile, completely overhauled - and repainted ; 800 - - . - ' i: t 1917 Chevrolet, fine condition,.. 600 Dodge roadster ............I ........ 600 Rebuilt Essex, sold with warranty same as given on new cars; also 90 days' free service. 1919 Essex, everything fine condition. .J ISO oJ 1920 Essex, with warranty and service. . . 1400 1919 Chalmers roadster, in ftna condition I 950 1919 Chalmers light six, with hotspoC. : overhauled and repainted, all in fine condition ....................... 1250 1920 : Chalmers, 5 pass., a real automo bile and a decided bargain at 1660 .REBUILT HUDSON WITH 90 DAYS' FREE SKKVlfK ivn a h-iptquv uiau. 1917 Hudson super six, rebuilt and r painted; looks just like new; will sell with a factory warranty the ssme as given on new automobiles $1250 1918-1919 series Hudson super six." re- i . built and all gone- over, also repainted: ' S sold with standard factory warranty.... 1694 1920 Hudson super six,: overhauled and refinished, like new; sold with factory refinished. like new: sold with warranty: great buy 1775 1920 - Hudson speedster, aO gone over; I sold with warranty . . . . . ........2050 Our store for these used ear-bargains at 40-46 Broadway, which is Broadway and Cooes) street Phone Broadway 6739. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 12. Passenger PIERCE -ARROW"-.' S Ready to take out of the paint shop; Just like new; new body, motor rebored, oversize pistons, wrist pins, self -starter, generator. Pierce crown fenders, new 36x8 cord tires, srtillery wheels"; sll trimmed, in blue craftsman. This car must be seen to be appreciated. Should be ' good for at least 150,000 miles with any care Will consider unincumbered improved prop erty as part payment Also' negotiable paper ox Liberty bonds. ; G. G. GERBER 431 Davis. Bdwy. .4331. BARGAINS BARGAINS 1918 Oakland tonring, A-l eondl- ' tion: think of this. . $ 825 1918 Buick 4 eyl.. the best buy in the city .-. . 300 1918 Old.smobile roadster, overhauled, cord tires '750 1919 Nssh, overhauled, new. paint, new tires, guaranteed like new... 1300 1918 Nash, looks like new. ...... 1050 1918 Oldsmobile touring.-good finish 800 1918 Dodge. A-l condition .. 723 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. i 10th and Bumside. Bdwy. 521. Snappy 490 Chevrolet 1920 model, in fine condition: 2 new tires, never used; csr like new and looks it Price $723. Terms if you wish. See car at Howard Auto Co. Salesroom, 12th and Alder.- Broadway 1130. 20 OAKLAND TOURING This car hss been driven 30O0 miles snd is new; will &' its own talking and we will give you the finest ride in a new car at low price that you ever bad. 'It needs nothing; ready to go; take $350 down, balance monthly or, take light car to that amount as first paymentsbai ance easy. Ojien Sunday. 514 Alder street. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. : USED CARS i 100 to select from, AU- kinds, big: and little, late models, at exceptionally low prices and long. es-.y terms. , A-l AUTO WKS. A WAREHOUSE 00.. 622 Alder St RADIATOR SERVICE- CO. "IT WILL PAY" yon to see ns tbont repsiring that RADIATOR. FENDER lor BODY. - Expert, guaranteed work lat moderate prices. Coe Union and aou Hawthorne avenues. East 8499. MUST raise some money st once. -Will sell my 1919 Oldsmobile Little 6, j S passenger, to the first person making me a reasonable Cash offer. Just overhauled and painted. I will guarantee this car. Phone automatic 328-52. , v Buick iTouring - 1920 Buick light 6, run only 2200 miles. 5 tires. This car must b. sold at once. ; 530 Alder st- : I HAVE a 1919 Excelsior motorcycle with sidecar in first class condition, trill sacri fice and give reasonable terms on same. Call automatic 214-10, ask for Mr. Kipper. DOES IT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU t The reputation of the firm you buy of f I.OOK US UP UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. ! Used Fords Exclusively. Cor. Grand ave. and E. -Yamhill. ' East 471. - THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, who take, the kinks out wttfje yon wait ; slao repairs radiators aad bodies. Broadway szi, bu n. aim at-. wear-ssamame. 1918 CHANDIJEU chummy, in excellent shape . throughout, first-clase tires and spare, a fine buy at $875; easy terms. A-l AUTO WKS. WAREHOUSE CO., 622 Alder St CADILLAC, 5-pass., $150. Motor in good condition. Body needs psint and top. Will make good jitney, delivery or track. Only 115,0. 908 Chamber of Commerce. 1919 CHEVROLET Leather top. shock etwrb- ers, good condition : other extras; $500, terms to responsible party. After 6 p. : m.. Tabor 8640. ' - . ' ! BY OWNER - Grant Six. 1919, - in good condition: ' nst overbauled. Can be seen at 1439 E. Stark at. or call owner. Mar. 3352. OAiki-AND SIX with ail-weather top. good tire, and finish. $150 down will, handle. . Call Jchansen, Bdy. zzvu. 1621 OLDS SIX ROADSTER Just new; will sacrifice fox a quick sale, . Call Johanaen, Bdy. 2270. , COMPAU7 tins price, $325. Model 90 Over land. Come in red see ft Weller Motor company. Wsshington at 1 Btn. 1917 OLDSMOBILE roadster, , the price ia right, the car ts.ngni. ouu. cau twwy. 1572, Mr. Gravel!.. i'OB, SALE Ford touring car. Iota of. extras; cash or terms. : Owner. 'Phone Automatic 618-31. CARS wanted to wreck, parts for all ears under half price. S. A 8. Anto Wrecking Co., 15th and Alder-, Broadway 686. . ' HAVE new piano, bench and library - table, mahogany set ; will trade for Ford car of late model. Call Orewiler. Tabor 9118. -. . ,, 1919 STEVENS SIX $950 -ZS '. 11th SU Broadway 8214. If ;.-- I' --! it j, AUTOMOBILES- FOR SALE POP IXIlMlK HHOTHEKis MOTOil CAiid ' As Iodce yBnahers dealers we feel a great responsibility both towards you and to the csr we sell you. No -wiser decision could be msrte (nan to purchsse your used rebuilt and refin ished Dodge Brother motor car from its own exclusive local representatives. 1918 Itadge Bros, roadster and touring. . .$ 650 1917 IKxige Brother touring.. .-. 775 1918 Dodge Bros, roadster and touring .. "75 1919 D,d-e Brothers touring.......... 10o 19211 Hedge Brothers sedan 1SRO 1920. Dodue ' Brothers touring. 1 '-'". 1920 Ford sedan. with lots of equipment 775 1918 Case touring, a beautiful car 1250 1914 Cole 7 pa., privately owned, only 750 1920 Chevrolet touring, a dandy, only... 625 1919 Chevrolet touring .' , , 500 1918 Chevrolet touring, excellent slupe.. 450 1920 Chevrolet roadster, in nice ehspe. , . 625 1917 Kissel sedan, a swell little six. ...... B'0 1918 Msxwell touring, a dandy 37 5 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent ear for 1400 1917 Reo touring, cheap at. ........ 500- 1919 Paige- frraring. a tine car. 1300 1918 Willys-Knight 8. big snap, only.... 12O0 1920 Naj-h touring, only 14CH1 191-9 National 6. priced only..!......-. 1400 1915 Buick roadster, fineshautt, 1 OO0 1919 Studrhaker Big Six. 5 paW 1500 1917 Studebaker Four touring , 375 1914 Studebaker pairing, 6 cyL, snap,.. 40O ' 1920 Haynes 7 Pass., a beauty.......... 25O0 1919 Haynes touring only......;...,... 1 X00 1920 Hud-ton touring st onlv. ......... 2000 1918 Hudson Super Six, fine shape...... 1500 1919 Hudson speedrter. a good one. .... 2tM 1919 Hudson limousine, a beautiful car.. 2700 1915 6-64 Hudson, wire wheel 600 1919 Hupmobile touring, iooks like new. 1095 1916 Locomobile touring, a beautiful rar 2U00 1918 Chandler touring, new paint, seat covers ..... ; ... 975 1919 Chandler Chummy- roadster, fine shape i . . ; 1400 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap..., 1400 1920 Chandler 7 pass., alrmvt new 1950 1919 Model 90 Overland, reduced to.... 690 DELIVERY CAItS 1919 Dodge Brother screen side delivery 9P 1918 IkkIbo Brothers screen tide delivery S75 1920 Ford delivery, rtarter. j ........... 625 1918 Ford delivery, good shape. ........ ' 850 1918 one ton Uepublia light truck 760 We are open Sundv. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 21st at Washington sts. Main 6244. Also a big display at the new Broadway sales room downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for yon. Our antnmobilo transporta tion service will make it quickly possible (or you. to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH 8-30 N. Broadway. Main 6244. Thoroughly , Rebuilt and Guaranteed. W service (hem the same aa new cart I for ninety dirs. AU in Fine Hhapa BARGAINS Easy Terms No Brokerage Fee Howard Automobile Co. New Salesroom t Twelffthand Alder - Broadway 1180 BUY T0UB REBUILT- CHEVBsjLET FROM THE USED CHEVROLET DCOT OWNED AND OPERATED BY TIIE CHEVRO LET DISTRIBUTORS GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVROLET , ALL MODELS ALL PRICES EXCELLENT? TKttMS Grand ave., between Aukeny and Burnsida, Open Daily and Sunday. Pbons East 490. "THB HOUSE WITIJ CHEVROLET PBIDB 1915 LOCOMOBILE Built Into 12. pass, bns -a wonderful cr . with 8-lnch frame; Westlnehoti shock nhwirb. ers sll sround; car in good condition; recently overhauled in the locomobile plant at Sn Fran cisco. This is one of the raslutt riding rani ever rebuilt Will take negotiable -paper or Liberty bond.,, - -O." O. Cerber 431 DAVIS.. BDWY. 4331. - FORDS.-50 to pick from. . Bugs, 7 to pick from. ' Chevrolets. 3 to pick frofh. Osklsnd 6s, 4 to pick from. Dodge, roadster and touring. Ford coupes, 3 to pick- from. Ford Sedans, '2 to pi-k from. Buick 6.. Grant 6, Pars H. VRANSON S USED CAR EXCHANGE. Union ave. and Belmont st, upstair. Open Evenings and bundsys. THIS CAR SPEAKS -FOR ITSELF "I'm a dandy little Maxwell snd have always been run in Portland. You'll, like my pep and snappy appearance and you'll want to boy me roWj$450 please don't misjudge me. Call sround land see me at 342 Burn side st. My former owner bonght a new Velie' . : REAL-BARGAINS Chevrolet tonring ........ $295 Oakland 6, roadster 295 1919 Chevrolet touring 4 50 1917 Msxwell touring 850 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., E. 8770. ' Grand ave., Hawthorne ave. " "" '19 MAXWETXfOU'RlNl? : This dependable 4 is ready for the trip, all reftnisbed, new tires and full set tools, side cur tain, extra tire and low price, and take $200 down, balance monthly. Open Sundays, il4 Alder st. Murphy Motor Csr Co.- 1 . FREE FREE FREE Expert advice on the proper place to purchase a used Ford. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor. Grand ave. and K. YamhllL East 471. $150 STUDEBAKER $150 Good tire; ready to drir. away; first party with $150 takes it Palace Garage io., 12th snd Stark. Mr. Gravelly. . ' EARLY'18 FOKD touring, shock sbsorbers, oat side emergency brake-: completely overhauled; new .rubber; terms; $365. 600 Williams avew iMt 1198. feUICK SIX 7 pasa 19-18 model, ia sbsoluti-ly firstclsas condition; good paint, good tires, etr. Consider good Ford 1n trade. $1025. 735 Clinton st, Sellwood 1134. FORD CHASSIS, new" block, new rear axle, new rubber, overhauled. $195, terms,- 600 Williams ave. Eat' 1198. PRIVATE garage for rent. $7 tr ra'"h( aUo 'parking space, $3 per month. i. W. Be rand 849 Haimon t.. Main 4245. link iUDlLe in Mifi, Sol .fid up. or Mo build to order. H. B. lKly Werk. 500 Williamt sve I'rione i,at LATE 1917 Studbsker 4 touring, ermine o r hauled. recently repainted, good tires $373, Terras. Automatic 230-69, ' FIRE LOSS"" " Studebaker 1918 rhsssia. just the car for da livery or hng body. $225. 249- 6th st ' LOME to 2 H S. 11th if you are looking for a good used car at a low prica. 28 N. 11th. LA IE 1917 StudWiaktr 4, A-l condition,- for sale cheap or will take old ear in trade. East 81 5. 1919 DOIGE delivery, practically new tire, first class condition; must sell this week for cah. 9ft0. 1 W8 irsnd sve. East 5I3. IF YOU are looking for a car to put ou a atas run com. and see to is big 6 Jeffery at 249 6th St. Price $900. Make your own term. W AN X EI Ford light delivery body; mutt be in good shspe. Call eve. Broadway CtiOO or day times Tabor 8854. FOR SALE 1920 ton lord; St ena. 67th st and 70th ave. FORD roaLtter. 1918; extra. 150 Union ave. East 4876. terms. 6e $"3507 terms. BUICK ROADSTER $850 28- N. 11th. Bmsdwsy 8214. 1919 BL'ICK TOUUi.NG $ I'iiX aw a. Iitn. Hroadwsy 8214. iM.Ixife Tot?lttNJ--iUi. '" Come snd se. H st 24 9 th at. Mr. Reach FOHl cluuMis in taiod ahar, tortd tires and CHAl.Mi.Hft five-paM. in go.1 coudiiion, tZJ Main 8316. AUTOMOBILE Bale or trade. PeiTwood 1 '? f. iConUnuMl on Following Pao V