TUESDAY, .MAY 3, 1821. THE OREGON DAILY JOLT RNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON 21 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 DEMONSTRATOR - '"",,'" 1921 Grant 8c .' ".- Better than new. 'Bis discount Easy term. CHl'MMI ROADSTER ' Overland, late model, perfect condition, gnod tires, $630. Terms, CKOW ELKHART FOUR Brand new 1921 6 passenger, 5 8000- mile tires, - At wholesale price. Termv- .-'' NEW TRUCKS IV, ton apeed wagon, -cord tires, 2-ton (olid. tires, standard throughout. Win aell at factory cost . Easy Term. PERFECTION MOTOR SALES CO. 10th and Stark. , - .. ..'- Bdwy. 1641 "" A rieamre to Demon-irate J. i. '( "Distributor Case Six Davis Six- CK!CI CAB BARGAINS MOPFL II HfTPMOBn.K A Handy little car in splendid condition, hearty new cord tire and 1921 license. - 1920 DAVIS BP0RT MOliEIi Newly painted. 5 wire wheels, new tires, ' 1921 license. - - 1917 CASE Pine condition, and will be sold rights 1931 license. 1917 CHKVROI.KT 1919 C HEVROLET Good condition. pare tire, 1921 licenxe. 490 OVERLAND UOADSTEK I'rvced'iow; 1921 license. I Ate model Paige, in fine condition, 1921 licenhe., : , J'lno Liberty touring, splendid, ahape; good 1 as new. 1920 FORD TOITRIN M 1th 1921 Iteenne, ft wire wheels and many eitras: mechanically -jiarfeut; come in and try thia one. . . C. M. COLBURV. Rales Mgr. 88 lOUi St.. Near- Stark. THIS t'AR SPEAKS FOB ITSKLF "I'm a latest model Case six 7 pass, touring ear, all dolled up. I've got special aide curtain, clock, bumper, motormeter, wire wheels, 1921 license, 'good tirea and I'm ready for the road. My owner baa left me with the 1. C. Warren Motor Car Co. Used Car Branch; at 3 4 2, Bum aide. I'm soma car for the low pries they're . M. B. FISCH Radiaton. fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired and - remodeled; auto sheet-metal work a-apeciai. ty. 105-107 N. 15 a st Phone BROADWAT 2299. '18 BUICK 4 TOURING This little four is the only one of this make on the row. - Never for sale. This one aias had fine care, aa t lie factory finiah is still good on It: has lock and extra tire, and ready to go; low pnee. $650, with $250 down, balance easy. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. . - MTRPHT MOTOR CAR CO. BCK'K LITTLE '4 CTL. TOCRINO CAR; T11KJE SPLENDID CARS SKLPOM OF FKHKD FOR SALE: IT IS IS 'FINE CONDI TION AND A LATE. MODEL; EXCEPTIONAL VAKIiAlN AT $485. WITH TERMS. PHOXE OWNER. EAST 8044. 18 DODGE TOCRING Best . Dodge we have had .this winter ; it is new in all ways; runs snd arts perfect; we will take 3o0 down, balance easy. Take Ford in trade, late model, balance monthly. Open Sun days. 614 Alder at. - MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. - 1920 Buick light , run only 2(500 miles, 5 . ; Dodge Touring - (loot! tires, mechanically richt, refittkhed; this car tuust be sold today at a bargain. 530Alder st. 1921 S'OKI) cont. used 4. months; must sell. $775, terms. Will take touring or roadster in trade. H. Moore, Conradine hotelj 11th and BHrnmiie sts.. Broadway 4049. - Iave word. CHEVROLET. 1918 tonring. fine mechanical FORD touring in good condition. Must sell at once. Priest $25Q. Will take inuil payment down and $25 a month. Call after 6 o'clock. Woodlawn 320U Mr. Docksteader. 19I8MAXWELL touring, mecbanicaily perfect. tvactirally new cord tirea. Owner must sell at once, hence priced at $405. Terms. U-616, Journal. - 'BARGAINS At our great, renewed car sale 'which continues all this' week. Do not fail to attend. Northwest Auto Co.; 18th and A Ider sts. 1 FOR SALE. 1918 model Buick. all in fine fun ning shape. A. W. Bintley, Bdwy. 83-2. 509 KvereJlt - FOR SALE BY OWNER, 1918 FORD TOCR- ING. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. TERMS. XALL AUTtk. -I.KNTS Qll.t Jv 1 8 CHANDLER churauiy '4 pa.ss., in fir't - 'clans mechanical condition, good tires; will sell at $850, Call Marshall 5719. " OVERLAND MODEL 00 overhauled, ,' refin- i-hed; 5 good tirea; $150 down; balance in 10 months. '. Call Johsnsen, Broadway 2270. lt.l BOLil.c In stork, .u sou ui, ui we bii'd ' ' to order. B. B. Body. Works. 500 William', sve Phone East H8. 1917 Studeuaker 4 -touring, engine over ' hauled, recently repainted, good tares, 1 $375, Terms. Antoroatic " 230-59. . LATE 1917 Stmlebaker 4. A-l condition, for sals cheap or will take old car in trade. East 31 58. . . . 1919 DODGE delivery, practically new tires. . first class coniition: niut salt this week for c'l. $950. 188 Grand ave. East 6563. WANTED Ford light delivery body; must be in good shape. Call. era. Broadway S60O or day times Tabor 8J854. -..'- COME to 2S N. 11th if you ara looking for a good lined car at la low price. -28 N. 11th. Bdwr. 3514. 1919 FOUD bug, top, windshield, lots of -extras; will trade, for pbenograpb and cash; price $400; 889 E. ICtli st. S. : 1920 ESSEX touring car, cord ttires, good as new; need money. Make me an offer. Hhone Jensen. Hdwy. 1, evenmSS Marshall 5241. TUit SALE Ford touring car. Call . Aut. - 613-81. Ss-45 MLICK, 1920. Snap. 107 13tu sr. Broad- "" my 2U!i- ";" " ; - '" - - . fOR SALE- 1920 ton Ford; terms. J See Stevens, 57th vt. and 70th ave. FORD roadster. 1918: extras, $330; lermsT 150 Union ave. East 4376. BUICK bif 4 roaddster. $350. 107 13th st. Broadway 4208. ; - s ONE Fold tourine, late uiudeL A bargain at $350. Call Main 25!. BUICK ROADSTER $650 2S N. 11th. Broadway 3214. 1919 SCKlPS-BIHiTH roadster; wire wheel; oargam. 101 i.iib sr. oroxiway KUI'MOBIIIC, gbod mechanical condition, 1921 H, ua .nil fK,inn I i 1 IL'rfl. AAOK UE l.iii bug.- new Lop. liuui and radiator. A. momui. t. kit .isiit 2r CHfcV KOLET roadster, "225. - 107 13th at. Broadway 420K. . ' TaT5 BUICK TOURING $1225 2S N. 11th. Broadway 3214. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 DODGE BROTHERS lIUTOii CAES As Dodge Brothers dealers tea feel (Teat responsibility - botft towards you and to the car we cell you. - No witter decision eouM be made than, to purchase your wed rebuilt and refm lhed Dodge Hrcthers motor car from it own exrloive local representatives. : Jl Dodge Bro. roadster and touring... -5W li)17 Dodge Brothers touring. ........ . 775 191 8 I)o.ie Brae, roadster and tonring ... 875 1919 Dodge Brothers touring ......... . 10w 1920 Dodge B rot hem aedan. . i . ...... . 1850 1920 Hodge Brothara touring 1200 1920 Ford sedan with, lota of equipment 778 118 Cm touring, a beautiful car 1250 1914 Cole 7 pass., -privately owned, only 750 1920 Chevrolet touring, a dandy, only 623 1 9 1 9 Chevrolet touring ............. ... 600 1918 Chevrolet touring excellent shape. , 450 1920 Chevrolet roadster, in nice shape-. . 625 J 91 7 Kissel sedan, a swell little ax..... 900 1018 Maxwell ton ring, a dandy........ 375 1920 Maxwell redan, an excellent car for 1400 1917 Jteo touring, cheap at. .......... 50( 1919 Paige touring, a fine car..,...,,,' ISO 1918 Willys-Knight 8. big fiuD, only . . . : 1 -06 1 920 Nash touring, only ...,......,. 14O0 1919 National . priced only ... i ...... 1400 1918 Buick -roadster, fine shape... 1009 1919 Studebaker Hie Six, 5 iiaas. ... 15O0 1917 fttmirbaker Four touring 375 1914 Studcbaker U .tiring, 6 fjl, snap, ...".' 4O0 1920 ilayne- 7 pas., a beauty ....,, 2500 .1919 I layae touring only i' . '. . 1800 1920 Hudson tourinff- at only .... 200 1918. Hudson Huier Six, flue shape.. v.. J 500 1919, Hudson apeedeter, a good one..... 2O00 1919 Hudson limoujane. a beautiful ear. . '27O0 1915 -S4 Hudson,, wire whb. . OOO 1919 Iliipmobtle Inuring, kicks like new.. 1095 1910 locomobile touring, a beautiful car 2600 1918 Chandler louring, pew paint, seat p . covers ......-........ ... ,..; 975 1919 Cliandier Chummy road tor. fine :. " : I shHiw .,....., . . i ......... 14"0 1120 'CltandW, good condition, .snap ... . J4P0 1920 Chandler 7 pes., almost new..;... 1950 1919 Medal 90 Overland, reduced to. . . . -y 590 DF.I4VKRY CARS 1919 Dodge- Brothers screen skin delivery 950 191 Dodge Brother terpen . side delivery 875- 1920 Ford delivery ' eturter 525 P1 For deliver .good shape. ....... . 350 1918 one tun it. public light tnscfc ..... .V 750 We are open fundT. ' CCTF.T MOTOR CAB WOMPANT 21st at Waahinirtoi ts ' .Main 6244. -Alio a big display at the new Broadway salsa Toorn downtown. Call at the salesroom most Livnivenient for yon.' Our automobile transiwrta- tion wrvce will maae it auirkly poaaibm for you to look; over onr entire irtoek. BKOA.DWAT ISEU CAB ftR ANfJ! 20 SO N. 'Brondvrav Main 0244. ARBI't; RI.K S ACT03 J AHK BKTTEB Overhauled and in fine . oondinnn, all ready to to. Come and see for yourself. fc ALL CARP DEMONSTRATV:i ' NO MIMKKPRKSKNTATIONS r . COMPARE OUR PRICES Winton, iur-t new,; used 90 davs WMidebsker Big 0, J run 800 miles. . , , Baby rand edn, factory gusmnlee. . Apneraon 4 rw.. ;Anniversry model.. Moon 6-44, Victory model. A-I t'olii inbia 0, almost tiew . , Franklui. seriaa f. dm shaoe....... Ttro 4, 1919.. first-cU buy....... Buirk , 5-pahS., Jate 1 9 19 . Buir-fc 4, 5-pass. Vou grab this . at. . Chevrolet 490, new tori and tirea. ...... Matwell touring, retinbihed . . . , . . . . . . Brisoo touring, runs fine.v Reo 4, just, new teii. tires and paint. . . . $ 3fi00 . 1HOO . 105O . 200 . 15SO . 1350 . ' 1 ooo . 1000 . 1250 . 575 . 500 50O . 35 , 4O0 , . 350 , .- 350 . 5I0 . 4tl . 750 . 195 75 tirant 0, good ahaie; a pickup . 4, . . , Mtudebaker 6.s7 :.. 1917cord tirea. Studebaker 4 . runs very good , Chevroifft 490. panel delivery. Chevrolet 490. light delivery . Oakland 8, wcrif ice price -. l2t Overland roadster. Overland, model 79. repainted 1000-pouIia traljrr, juat new . . . Small payment down.' balance easy. .Open evenings and Sundays. ARBUCKLE'S I VSED CAB CENTER. ". Sueeeaor to CONLKY'S C8EI CAR. CENTER. S3 Tenth at., :letwoen Ftark and Oak. Broadway 1424. THIS t'AB SPEAKS FOR ITSELF "I'm an Overland DO touring car, and from the first day I was run I have always been handled carefully, The condition of my motor and paint will show that. My tires are all good and I'm being sacrificed for $700, and all be cause my former owner bought a new Velie. Sea me at 343 Bnrnsidc." w . ' '18 BfICK.6 TOURING This car is reiinished the '20 colors and looks and runs and is .just like the 20 Buick; has new cord tires all around and will do your Bum mer work and bring all you give for it this fall. Take $350 down. baL easy.' Take csr in trade or Victory ion us full vslue. Open Sunday. 514 Alder st. -Murphy Motor Car Co. . OU REFERENCE Any new Ford dealer. Any of our customers. t , . Csed Fords Exclusively ; UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. Esst 471. WEAVEB TIRE COMPANY f FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZUSa CO, I TIRE REPAIRING $33-335 Burnside at Broadway. DOES IT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU ? : The reputation of the firm you buy of T LOOK US UP UNIVERSAL CAB EXCHANGE, Used Fords Eclnsively. Cor. Grand ave. and E. YamhilL . East 471. 1820 STCTZ -5 passenger, run 44000 miles; $400 in extras; classiest and best car on the markft; everything good a new; worth $4500; price $2500. Grest e?t bargain ever 'offered. Cash, time. bomU or diamond. Don't mi s thi. ' Call Main 7650. FORD roadnter, 1917-18 series, fine, mechanical condition, good - tires, 275; terms. Call Columbia 656. j " FREE FREE FREE" Expert advice on the proper place to purchase a used Ford. UNIVEBSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor. Grand ave. and .E. YamhUL East 471. 1819 CHEVROLET touring, 5 tires, good me dian ical shape,:. $400, with; terms. Phone Columbia, 432-, f.:' ' Baby Grand Chevrolet, run les than 400 miles, i will give new car guarantee on this car. and service; will sell at bis discount and give ueuil new car terras. . Fields Motor Car Co., "east side branch, 12 Grand ave. N. ; OLDSMOBILE 8. Has been overhatiled4Dd re painted; will sacrifice for $850. Terms 2O0 down and balunce on esv iiayments. Call Broad way 1400 or Tabor 5965 after 5:30. Mr. Bich. 1021 OLDS SIXTWRTNG run 3000 miles; could use a good Ford or Chevrolet as-part payment; terms, on balance. Call Jouamen, Bdv. 2270 lpj Otj.:s EHJrl'l -run 200 mites; this car cannot be tcld from new; could ue a Dodge or Buick as irt payment and give terms on balance, fell Johanen, Bdy. 2270. TIKES 80x3s. guaranteed 400O miles, $11.50. Used tires, $3 up. Kims at half price. Gnar anteed tire repairing. 42 Grand ave. N., corner Couch. a PASS. CHAL.2JEUS; model 1919; hot sijt; guaranteed condition, good rubber, a real bar gain at $1100; voir consider small car in trade. Phone Aut. 22-11. CHANDI.EK Chummy, will sell my late Chan dler Chummy $1050; will take light car up to $500, balance monthly payments. Call Mar shall 5158 after 6 p. m. WE stock platglass side deflectors and brackets to fit any machine. B. B. Body Works, 500 William eve. East 1198. 1918 DODGE in fine condition, will trade for ' -Ford or Chevrolet and give terms on differ- enoe. Owner. Tabor 4874. 1917 OAKLAND 6. in good condition, lot of Pip, real value at $5O0. CaU Mr. Wilson. Bdwy. 1572: ewe., Wdln. 316S. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, perfect shape both mechanically and appearance. If you are look lng for a goog car, priced right, call SelL 8071. WILL airiiic 1920 Baby Grand Chevrolet. ... . , i.i.ii3,,iri jcoru ui viievroiet iu I rati e 1 . .... . Mn 1 .- -. L . i. AsflTI TTfirrse Be-covermg and teuairing ulu UpS at reascnablo prices. 823 Salmon st . between 6th and Broadway. ONE Ford touring with starter, iatti xuodvi, tfood condition. Call Mam 3ol CASH for your car; condition bo object; parts for all makes of cars. Portland Auto Wreck- m, mi siwr n. ruiwy. n.'.n VVE PUT Steel teem In your old flywheel; cransanari Turning. M v. mars, macDina shop, 684 Aider at. Broadway 2081. 80x3 V MICHELIN 5 ply tirea. $20. None . better., Wa know how to repair' tirea. Vu ean x-ire poop, oranq ave- st Pine. E. 4880. MONEY ADVANCED ON ACTUS STORED WITH US S. & S. AUTO WRECKING CASH paid for old cars, conaiuan no obiect: parts for all makes of cars. Thomnson it Kelly. 44 Fbinder-. near ltth. Bcwy" 8508. CLASSY Overland bug. just .overhauled; - good ' top, fenders, etc. Must sell this week. , "Will aacrixKre tor eoty. - tm Auto. OlO-oT 1919 AlAXWELL touriua. firaUclT" out. ; Priced for quick sale. .Terms given. Write owner. X-026, Journal. lOhi'S painted, A I joo, - io. tiruou ave. and Belmont t., 'jftair. - ONE Ford sedan. Urfw ntbbtr and ock a brib ers. $500. Call Main 2ot. . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 OCR'CARg SPEAK FOB THEMSELVES Bead what they have to say about their con dition and prices. 'ibejr sre scattered in thaaa columns. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAB CO. I'sed Car Branch , 343 Burnside fct. Phone Broadway 3648. BRAND ae Chevrolet, wil( discount with terms. Phone owner. East 178. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 AU i'oBED Have your auto seat, eut to luak a MMt 7AKU. Willi. - . . FOB SALE, new $8x4 S. STtirea ttTTi Urand ave. 5 TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 WE SELL TRUCK TRANSPORTATION ' THAT COSTS LESS r Packard 4-ton, platferm body and cab; the tires on all four wheela are nearly new; built by a com' pany who does' not alight or stint in any detail of construction, . 1450 2 'i Ton Klfcfber, nearly new, ex cellent steel cab snd wearlv new . 1 : tires 2450 . . 9 ' .; m Ton Mreland. absolutely new, equipped with alj standanl units such-as Continental motor, Tim j . ; knn rear end. etc.; far below the wholesale prica .......... 2450 1H Too White. tut ererhaaled . . 1375 1 4 Ton Federal, now being over hauled 1250 1 Ton Rruhlic,. entirely overhauled from start to finish; the tirea ara i '' absolutely new .............. 1150 ?i Ton Republic, equipped with i- ' )' gotxi panel delivery body...... 675 Ton White. 1375 Ton Bnick. - ThJsMnck has ; new tires; ha been overhauled ' t ,W from start to finish, and tt a ' very good buy at .......... . 4V75 . ... Ford liglit delivery, good condition 850 Wcntworth' & Irwin," Inc. 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor., FORD 1-ton truck, pneumauii tines, used .6 months and in A-l condition; shock absorbers, apeedometer, clock, dash light, Stewart horn, mntometer and siKiUight Cost $1 339,82. $875 takes it. Call main 0304 after 0 p. m., wek da vs. HAVM f:herolet ' 1-ton truck; in A-l condition. Will ' taia light touring car in trade. Must sell t once. Chevrolet dealers will give guaran tee and service on truck. Call at 12 Grand ave, K. or telephone Fat 490. ? " ' - U.-M. V. 2-ton, 1920 snodeL Looks like pew. will sell at. a 30 per cent . discount. .Am you interested Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; evenings Mar-dial! 5241. '- ' ' ' -: FOB SALE . 2 ton truck. A-l ahape. New paint, new rubber. A bargain. Eat- 7904. - BUS K. rrego st- TUCCK line nationally used, well' known ' and! well advertised on Pacific eoafc i Can give 2 or 3 states to right lwrty. For full particulars write factory rcnrwevitarive. K-34. Jourusi. KtS.SKL truck. 4-to, a reliable and standard make. 1 ma must go quick. Make me an offer. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691; evenings Mar shall 5241 SLIGHTLY .used 2 is truck; oversize throughout, 4 speeds, worm drive, good rubber, a husky rig. .24; $5Q0 will handle. Call Sell. 225. 2 -TON tnu'k, never been used, owned by deal 5 cr. who has sold out. Can save jou some money on this. Write Ii-14Q. Journal. .: FEDERAL truck. 3 Vi -ton. This is apparently as good as new. Will trade aud give terms. Phone Jensen. Bdwr. 691; evei. Marshall 5241. NEW 2 -ton truck, small payment down, lone . . .- .... . 1.. .'-11 II.... m7J tiiiiv. yrit iviai iv , ,nifi in i -w . ONE 4-TON I'ackard , truck, chain drive, trial. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES , ENAMELED . Faetorr finish. K. H. Lamport, Union and E. Taylor. IOiVKCtl.K OF ALL. MAtvKS WE SET.L FOR LESS; GET OIJK PRICES. INDIAN- MOTORCYCLE & BICYCLE CO . MAIN 13. 804 3D ST. HENDERSON Z motor. A. B. C. generator, tandem, good tirea, very cheap, easy terms. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 270. "MOTORCYCLES AN1PAKTS. aXX. MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand At. 1917 INDIAN, with tandem, new tires and tubes; mechanically guaranteed; for . sale cheap. Tabor4 373. - WANTED A good U5ed motorcycle as part pay ment, on a good liied auto. Call Johansen atBdwy.2270. HARLEY - DAVIDSON motorcycle wanted; will trade 1919 Chalmers 0 roadster. -'. Sea Wd liams. 200 3d t. Main 7889. i - JOHNSON motor wheel, run 225 miles. $95. Clarence Panly. Linnton, Or. : HA RLE Y-DAVIDSON. 2 -speed. A-l condition. Call eve.. Ant. 626-22. IrW $85. ELKCTRHJ equipfied Indian, 50 down will handle. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. BICYCLE for sale cheap. Herbei Pauly, linn ton. Or. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS- 804 ATTENTION, CAB OWNERS Wa will overhaul your car, any make, and save yon money. All work done on a flat con tract basis and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the supervision of competent and reliable men.. Get our prices, they are reasonable and will surprise you. Wa specialize on generator and eiectricsl work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanising and retreading ; all - retreada guaranteed for 4000 miles. . Hfcil PUI1.LM TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Hawtborna av. , Tele phone East 8068. - FORD OWNERS ' FOBD overhauled . ; . . . . . 829 Rear axis overhauled ........ I ......... 8 Valves ground, carbon removed ......... i, .$ 8 Magneto recharged . . ................. $ 5 Wa hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, ate., which injures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE ADTO REPAIR CO., '" 280 Front Corner Jefferson. K. H. .'CHAMBERS- MAXWELL SPECLS ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED RELLWOOD 8755. DIVISION AT 23D. iCOICmj 80 days adustmenu on all brakes U. JT U ll 4 relined. THE BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth Street Mala 696 YOUi cannot get it done better vor mora reaaon ab'.y. Auto repairing in your garage or ours, by first-claaa mechanic Call East 1477. day or night.- A-1;'I gn i tion Man : - Guaranteed .repairing; price right. Wdln. 5383. FORliWtug - and Mitchell chasiiii. Ford touring ; I rta i , ,g II, I um 1I,U,I1B , wwt iunnutQi ionsble. 125 16th St.. comer Wahington. EXPERT ex-servica men wilt repas yonr car at your home or at our shop. - 89 KiUin gsworth, rary reasonable. Woodlawn 8466. Mill Slui itl-.l-Altt MUlta Reen Qu:n L. Jones at Vista gs rage, 21st and Washington sts. Main 6359. AUTOS FOR HIRE . 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DBIVER3 I .at" 'Model I'nr Hcatonshte R?tm FEARING R0BNETT CITY OARAGK 182 12th St., bet. Wash and Aider. Bdwy. 840 UI'DHON AND KrtittCX . WTTH OR WITHOUT 'DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE. 2D AND MAIN. MAIN 3055. - AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA BAGE. MAR. 233. 10th at YamhilL A-1S36. H. S. BENNETT. CAES FOR HIBEWltHOUT DRIVEBS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR PHONE MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8S0 LIGHT auto and some cash as first payment on 6 room house in Cleveland ave.; balance like rent.' Wm. McDaniel, 1123 Montana ave. WANTED Tears for wrecking. Oregon Auto wrecking ua., iiui st near Everett. WANTED Olds 6 touring; will pay spot cash. r"none ou-oi. 2-TON truck for sal cheap, or trade for S-pasa. ear. Woodlawn 2329. I WANT a Ford in a hurry, 107 13th at, bet. Stark and Washington, i . FORD wanted, have tot. valued at $222. bal ance cash. 82O0 E. S2d St. HAVE diamond ring and $125 for used Chevro let. K. 5th ft- N. Eve. - ; AU'iO WKKCKKRS BUY ANY CAB I5TII AND ALDER. ; BDWY. 636. Hit. H EST cash price taid for old can; co ditiott no object. -121 N. 3d at. ' CA.Mi tor Ford", ai: nirntr: net our ai,irsii-l. Tiuwn'i Used Car Exchange. East 4376. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 . FORDS WANTED I wiS pay caah for soma Ford touring or road sters. Bring your car to 514 Alder at. Late models. ; ' I MURPHY MOTOR CAB CO. WANTED Automobile as part or down pay ment on 5 room house; paved atreet, modern conveniences," erriae- to ear and achooL $2600. Cook. Ant. 819-87. LIGHT car wanted; hava seller's aostract and eenrities; also 2 houses in city, small and other properties.. Drive around to Stark fc ' . - other acreage 414 B. WE A HE in the market lor a number of small cans will pay cash. Grand ave. Auto Ju ehante. 188 Grand are. Phone East 6565. WAN'lED Lata F'ord touring or roadster, must be cheap for ca.h. Sea BUUngsley, Hawtborna at 8th st. Eat 720. WANT j Ford touring from private owner; will pay cash. Wdln. 721. GOOD light car wanted as 1st .payment on bungalow. Aot 314-01. - . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 - WE SAVE YOU MONEY - Hons wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing sup plies, : Third Street - EJectrn Store. 224 Third at., near Salmon. . Main f 6055. WINDOW . SCREENS AND .SCREEN DOOK3 Screen coolers, 3 sizea; breakfast tables, medicine chests and all . other spacial cabinet work made to order. Lumber and moulding for aal and retail. UNIVERSAL WOODWOBKLNG CO., I 100 N. 3d St., Cor. Flanders. l. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN Ll'MBKR STORE. 171 FRONT ST.. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lum ber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, acreen diiors, fruit and vegetable bos shooka. I See our odd stock of sash, doors. HOC WATER BOiLEU tor sale, $0; light and heavy welding of all kinds. We weld saws and rprina. . Prices right. Al work guaran teed. ,, Get onr estimate before having your work done, I Independent Welding Shop, E. Watar and Washington pts. Phone East 2782. cir-c dewing Machines Qtaeftp We . ha va tl largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair, 172 3d, near YamhilL I . -. OKF1CK i l K.ViTt llfc - NewF and used dks, fih. etc,,, bolirlit, sold and exchanged. Adding machines, check writers, typewriters, time i-aie?. M,ie eabiml-., Prices lowest. Wax Office Equipment Houe, 24 N 5th Hdwy. 2 :.-- . CONTRACT OB DAY WORK. MAIN 1606 OB' MAIN 0293. "-!.:"' and 7 Excavating EJectric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wcrks. 413 Bnrn sidp. comer loth. Broadway 6674. 3 OFFICE IFCRNITURE " I Bought, sold and exchanard. HANSKN-WAPENSTE1N DESK CO.. 1QK Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877. Rugs, Carpet Washed On lyour floor with Hamilton Beech Electric Washer; also vacuum cleaning. Wdln. 5758. BROKEN furniture repaired, retinitJied, uphol stered, crated and shipped; scratches removed from pianos and phonogTapha, The Furniture Shop, phone Ka.st 8574, LADIES, let the Vogue sell your slightly used er i misfit garments, - handsome gowns, party dre&aes, furs, -.shoes, coats, at reduced pneaa. 408 Alisky bldg.. 8d and Morrison. Main 813:1. rtls-rfft-Scfrt-B-vir ' DR.. A. W. KKENB OenitHSitry 851 Washington St. Withoiot Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. FUKNITURE repairing. Frame mirrors, medi cine cabinets for sale. Call, deliver. Wdln. 1487.1 ' - - - COMPUTING SCALES, casn" registers, coffee mills, meat choppers and general stars fix tures, at ZZo Stark St.. Petween 1st ana ga. Nt-W Ford tractor attachment, cost $350; will sell for $150 aa I bave no use for it. U. Scldegel, McMmnville, r. ; FOUND A man who will, repair and upholste your furniture at your home; prices very rea sonable; all work guaranteed. Broadway 4755. SHINGLES grader's celebrated Star A Star brand for rale at Couch st. dock. W. L. Snider. ' 1 H ii , i , . . LaWnMowers Sharpened PHONE EAST 5424. SKCON D baud miaber, djrs, glass for garage or factory, and bnck. Wdin. 6714 after 6 p U'N RiN Apparel Excnange sells slightly used ladies' clothes, new spiring hats. eta. 719 T'nion ave. N., cor. Ivy. East 1826. RUGS washed on your floor witb Hamiltoa Beach electric cariiet washer; also vaeuuaa cleaning dona. East 4045. IF ' YOU wish to buy a good furniture repair business, with first-class, trade, write Z-971 Journal. - 1 ' - ' I FERTILIZER - : Cow or horse manure delivered anywhere. East 17630. COLTS armory press 11x22. in first class condition. $325; terms. Geo. L Smith. Prtg. Co., 11 S. 6th st. FOR- SALE Tsbles, dressers, lounge, wash stand, fruit jars. Cheap. 359 Ivy. Call Kast 7HIB. SAFES No. 70 Sixth St., near Oak. New and second-hand Herring-Hali-Marvin safes and steel cabinets. Bushong &, Co. Bdwy. 1202. , Excavating, any kind of ' team work. ' day or job. i.M. FIELDING. AUTO. 626-83. SPECIAL summer prices on all wood snd coal; lowest prices, prompt delivery. Crestoxv Feed & Fuel Co., 50th and Powell Valley road. I PACK WINTER E.JGS NOW STRICTLY' FRESH INFERTILE EGGS KAST 4 04 INCti BATOR tor eale, oid "Trusty, good eondi tWu. cheap. Alio small gas heater. , 6022 58thi ave. S. E. Sellwood 14 79. PENNY ARCADE uiclmc. SO of them, all newly painted aud varnished, for rale, cheoy. 035!Tluirman ft, , - - BQ BOSE UCITYSPBUNTERY f 3 1 ai5l You must bring this ad. 120 5th St. FOB SALE Beed baby buggy, in fine condition. Woodlawn 4751. CEDAR FENCE POSTS. Sell wood 257. eve- . nines S"llwood 167 2. 'ED 100,000 -dirty hands to use OKTS-IT Srap. Ask grocer ATTB ACTIVE used apparel, very reasonable. 1 r,. f.nggn at .linn. lany -1- o ELECTKIC vacuum cleaners soifl, exchanged. repaired. Bay Bentley. Main 4Q7 BUSINESS ii gooil we'll sjy c! V in best Wet Vs.h Shoe Repairing, lit OOP TAILOR-MADE suits left on band at half price. Modern Tailors.. 89 N. 6th at. WHAT have you to exchange for a cabinet phonograph? 148 13th st. Bdwy. 2555. FOB BENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day. 65c divered Wdln.-1259. GASOLINE and oil storage Unas and pumps. P, O. Box 667. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash. oi? rxnmrn eots plowed. pEo IT ILW Yf 111N J( in 4307. John Cora. FOB-SALE- Registers, showcases, wall, cases. Cash or credit. 242 Salmon. SPECIAL prices on summer delivery in No. 1 fir-and King lump coal. Sellwood 257. DRESS SUITS tor . rent: we alm buy dress suits. Barella Misfit Clothing.. 51 3d st. VACUUM cleaners, rented $1 per day delivered. Wee days Bdwy. 28 1 2. Eve. Tabor 5786. tF "YOUR furnace smokes or doesn't heat well, call Ixwnard. Auto. 326-51. LADIES'- spr;ng apparel and hats at great r duction from dress maker. , East 8015. POTATOES 75e wuiie they last. 40 91st st,. 3 bias, off Starke No deliveries Tabor 881 W. VACUUM cleaners for rem, 85c a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495 SMA1X heating stove, aUo gas plate, cheap. Call 725 H Powell at... , Boom 108. CEllJAB FENCE l'OSl'S. Seilwood 257 eva- nlmrs Sellwood 1672. CESSPOOLS and sewer connection and cement work. Miller. Mam 1818. LADY'S beautiful : silk coat, fixe 42; young Hart Mountain tangera. Kat 6588. DRY cordwood. $8.50; 5 cords or more, $7.50. Woodlawn 401 1. Call after 7 p. m. FOUB evening tssK, 2 uita, 4 irees; 30-38, PBSsoTisM?. Tabor 4422. GOOD combination range, gas, wood and coal. S55. 71 K. 7Zd ft, . K-C car. COVEBKD atotk or form body for Ford truck. Kast 6708. 831 E. Evei Bi. lack i XEW 3130 Graflax camera, pack attachment, for Priotie sutomaoc oo-ga. FINE upland potatoes, $1 sack. ..(1039 Pacific street- Tabor 21M8. "STAR A STAB" shingles, direct from mill. Call Taylor-t. dock.- Main bobs. GOOD work borne or wiii trade tor cow. call Main 1405 before 8 :80 a", m. cr after 4 p. ra. LAWN mowers skarpened and repaired, called for and delivered. EaH 287. 200 CORDS of timber. forWood on'river bank. yau sell, itsy. BLACK chiffon sport jacket; cost $45; sell for 1. Maul J3i. . - - ' EXPEBT PIANO TUNINf, playr piano, work guaranteed. K. A. Kemoelson, Wdln. 8440 ONE doaen jars home canned fruiL Auo White . aewmg maciunc. - Phone Ja laos. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 000 ; WBECKIN0 TAX0CTEH -. BARRACKS BUILDINGS ' BUILD D?GS FOB SALS I- 350 vitreona ehlna eloseta a ad tank. Steel storage and Ereaeura tanks. 120. 1564 (at., test 110 Iba, ! Tabasco H. W. heating boOers, Ka. XI, American Ideal H. W. beating boalera. i . 1 SS6 8 steam American hasting bailer. 10.000 ft, steam radiators. . ' Pipe, valves, fittings. - 1 '-?.' .. t . FOBBESTAL, UacQUATTJ Jk ,CO ; 19th and Reserve ats., i Phone 827. Vaneonver. Wash.. Bog 4. Buy, Sell AND EX CHANGS cash registers, ahoweaaea, fountains, scales,, star fixtures. -. L BOXES. ! Msr. 2488. 118 Second St. CEDAR CHESTS xnrecx rrorn rectory xe your wi. "mu , .ri . vnw. i", mwns . -, . , a latest designs. Write for catalogue. i .. V w . uicnivs A KOM i : 1912-16-18 E fil-lSAN. TABOR 808 nuVilfTVTAT. Mf I w.nK hint Katb i fnojft- tains. etc. Buy direct 'rose fact eey. Standard Art tton Co.. 1630 Macadam at. MarahaU 178 or 808 11th at, I i A VERY beautiful William and Mary :odel ... i i. . . . ill,. . Har K"lb. i i , mnxr. , V. . fa. m, v 1112. . . . - . , i ' vi 1 1, V a 9mm- Also elegant mis hum.-... - - ords, all far 8S5, worth mors than twice this amount, ana a tovety wawiut wwu r model Mandel, only $175. See tbee ami -ever. ! others at Phonograph Headattarters, 3d rtoor Kilers Mnwo building. 287 f Washington St. 10 DBOpHKAD sewing machmea with attarh- Kin U . alMHrb .-tllK, menu., o " wt;, - for rent; aewmg machines cleaned snd repaired. THE VALUE of a macmne is but slightly rod wed by a little ose, yet wa aaH all makes at. leea than H pries;: latest new Sincers, cash or time; rentals, $3 a month. Singer Store. 193 4th. Mais 6838. -'- .. . . - - - WOODDRY WOOD. ' Dry wood, light snd heavy. O, K. Slid Boss OHy Wrecking CW Broadway 1846. BEAUTIFCI. melody C aaxophona for sals for owner who must raise money to go back east with. See Oregon Eilers Mnsic House, band and orr-heatrs department, main floor Eilers buildiDS, entrance 287 I Washington st. ' - ; Office Furniture, Safes . 1BWIN-HODSON f Bargain New and Second-hand. ' BUY your summer waists, children's dresses, crocheting, embroidery, etc., at cast price: everything a bargain. New Art Needlework Ex chanse. 330 Mohawk bldg. LICENSED independent electrician, wires 9 rooms for $12j & rooms 820. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 8791. ' C1BCLE EXCHANGE, 415 FUedner bldg.. 10th and Wailiipgton. .Bale on ladies , one-piece dresses this week. . lUlmitvg suits specialty- Bdwy 220. i ' ' ELECTRIC fixture wholesale. 1 light chain, $4.35: 8 light fixtures, i $4 : electric Ins, $6.95. We do electric wiring. Reliable Electna Store. Union and KnsaelL Kast 3S8. AlOMOUlLlWj, MOTOUeXCLfca. LAUNCHES or boats are separata ctasniicationB. a ars Uftirig will bs found under these different da - ficatu.ns. ARMY GtMlllS. tenu, cots and complete line of army goods. Wholesale and retail. Amy Surplus Sales Co., Bam A, Mesher, Prop., 85 N, xnirrj St., comer coucn. oawy. im. HOT WATER TANKS Str-gal. $7. 40-gai. $6; tested sad sua ran teed; store and turaaee coila; gas beaters Installed; expert phimbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 208 A asms st. aoio. FoK LOW,. PBICES ON WOOD AND COAL SEE US. PROMPT DELIVERY. CRESTON FEED k S"UEL CO.. 50 TH AND POWELL VALLEY ROAD. - WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof I Why not a comfortable and durable roof f We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roof: work guaranteed. Main 8120. FOR SALE White bed. complete; only used few times; $25. 1679 Brandon St.. Kenton. , - MUSICA- INSTRUMENTS 901 FISCHER piano, almost new and just aa good. beautiful mahogany case, about the price of a new one; best boy in the city. . , SOCLE BROS., , 166 10th Near Morrison. FINE GBAND, CHEAP $540 buys $1100. grand, about 7 months eld, just like new, with bench, terms given, some bargain, less than a cheap new upright. Broker age Co., Bl 1 Worcester bldg. SAVE money; we have several, slightly usea ' Pathe, Victor, Columbia and Stradivars pho nographs at greatly reduced prices. SOCLE BBOS., 160 10th Near Morrison. KNABE piano, mahogany case. If you wsnt-s good piano at the right price see this one. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., I 149 Sixth St. ! : HADDOBFF' GBAND, latest atyle. Big reduc tion. TERMS GIVEN. SEIBEBLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St,, bet. Washing ton and Alder. ' VIOLIN outfit, special $35. This includes bow, ease, roin and extra strings. G. TV JOHNSON PIANO CO., ' "- ' ' 149 Sixth st. : ' I-BANKLtN PIANO. Walnut caae. a wonderful instrument at a baragain. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LCCA8 MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. bet Washington and Alder. LUDVVIG piano oak case; this piano in line condition; a, bargain at $325; terms. G. TV JOHNSON PIANO CO., 1 49 Sixth st. KIMBALL PIANO. Oak ;case. at about half price. Beet of condition. . Terms givn SE1BEKLTNG-LDCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4 th st.. bet, wasnington and Alder. $300 BEG IN A with two . doen...recor. price- to aell quick, S4S. 1 Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth st KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, new, just used for demonstration. Big reduction. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. VIOLIN strings, "Intone."; "La Favorite" and '"Amati"; special string service. y i. i G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., .? ' i BlXtH ST.. $150 VICTKOLA, good condition, looks like-new, and 28 selections, only $lo0; terms. SOCLE BROS., 166 10th Nesr Morrison. $161.75 MARTIN saxophone outfit, slightly used, for $120. Don't miss this -one; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., - 148 Sixth st. STEIN WAY e-' SONS piano, beautiful ease, wonderful tone; sacrifice $175. 409 Abing- ton bKlg. VICTOR XIV phonograph, regular $225 atyle. ' priced at $185; jut as good as new; terms. . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., r 149 Sixth st. ' WELLINGTON PIANO! A Rig Barks in. See it- Oak ease. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st.. bet. Washington and Alder. WEBEB piano, mahogany case, $250; beatr buy we have; terms. 1 . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth st MARTIN saxophone outfit, "C" melody, in : eluding case, $110; terms. 'G. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth t $175 BUYS a genuine Iven A Pond upright piano, guaranteed good condition. Soule Bros.. 166 10th rt. near i Morrioon ' $15 BUYS $475 used Emerson upright piano. $15 each, - $5 monthly. Dewnstaira store. SehwsB Iisno Co.. 10th and Stark. SCHIRMER. $150. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st, bet W arhtngton and Aider, CHICKERING PIANJ, $375. Terms glvi. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4tb st, bet Wsshington snd Alder. ' . HIGHEST prices paid tor pianos, phonograph - record, musical instrnments. Exchange sod rertsir 254 Maritet H. Phr.ne Mstn 6012. BEST Player piano tuning, rebuilding. V. Kre mar, ii Market at Work gnarteed. ' Main WANTED Piano or player for cash, la any condition. K-3r, Journal. PARTY calied East has left Sonora with me to ell at a great sacrifice. Call 402 Market, at, covner 10th; Marshall 580. FOB SALE olumbia grafonola and 55 rec ord.. $a. Call Sell. 287 8 after S p. FOB SALE Good piano, dark oak. st bargain Auto. 614-25 or 4824 65th at B. E - PLAYER piano for ssle, cheap; cabinet and roils. Call at 526 E. 27th rt. N. KENT a player piano, music included, r Harold S. Gilbert 384 Yamhill st PIANO WANTED Cash, from private parties, rf banmin. Marshall 1532. . - LiiOi-iLli piano, niee walnut ease. eeeeat enndifion. for ssle. soi. 8o 1tn st TRADE VIOTltOLA (or sua piano, good prop- orttion. Main 8580. - DESIKE piano suitable for ctudio. 1'rics, not age, cotiubt. Phone Main 7724. t-LASf ) W AS'I Kl (Jash deal. Main 8.86. PIANO Fine tone, bargain. : Ant 644-14. MUHCAL INSTRUMENTS 001 LIKE NEW, : afELODT O TNTERNATIONaI. PITCH SAXOPHONE, INCLUDING i LEATHEB CASE ......... $75.00 LAW80N PLATES PIANO, WITH BOLLS, BENCH, GOOD CONDITION . ..8600 GBAPHONOUA. MAHOGANY CASE... $40.00 OAK TABLE TYPE VICTBOLA . . . . . .$25.00 8150 PLATERPH0NE, COOP AS NEW . ........... . . . .. . . .'. . . .$96.00 USED VICTROLA, $75 STYLE, FOR.. $45.00 WE ABB THB ONLT HOUSE IN PORT LAND CARRYING A COMPLETB LINE OB RECORDS IN ALL FOREIGN LANGUAGES. McCORMICK MUSIC CO. : 429-431 WASHINGTON ST. BETWEEN UIU AND 12TH ' We Will Trade You A BEAUTIFUL NEW ' PHONOGRAPH For Your Old Piano WHY NOT? COME UP .AND J.ET V TALK IT OVER SEVENTH CI-OOB Li pman, Wolfe & Co, CASH BUYERS. ATTENTION Seenrity Sterage Co., Sprfug Clearance $450 K.meeaen wprigbi, cash . . . . $ 1 8575 firm upright, out of storage, cash.. . $295 $550 Kimball, modern, oak, cash . . . . $290 Two small upright pianos, cash, $65 and $ 78 $475 C. A. Smith, large, fine condition. . . $21 b $525 Vase sV Syrns. good shape, cash.. ... ,$195 $575 Davis & Saws, large mahogany. . 4.. .$295 $250 Pianola player. SO player roils...... $ 45 $76 Piano player piano, 40 player rolls.. 8365 Four parlor organs. $18. $25, t $85 and $ $8 1Q3 10th Ht.. cor, start at Wanhington, PIANOS NEW AND SiiCOND-HANP PIANOS .... AT INVITING PRICES , AND CONVENIENT TERMS 1. W E SELL FOB LESS Li pman. Wolfe & Co. SEVENTH FLOOR PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS 8250 Pscksrd priced st ............ $1 85.00 $225 Columbia priced st ........... 186.00 $175 Edison priced st ............ 115.00 3140 Columbia priced at ........... 1 00.00 $ 80 Packard (sew) prised at 68 00 $ 75 Lerepbene (cabt. ) priced at.,.. 55.00 $ 65 Packard (new) priced at. .... . 65.00 $ T5 Columbia priced at .......... 40 $ 75 Columbia priced at .......... 82.80 . ii. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.--. 149 Mh st. $10 MONTHLY, as be for. tne war. buys naw $525 pianos for $395: $16 sends it heme; 30. 68 or 310 monthly bays 875, 6195, 8295 to $395 used pianos; $10 to $15 monthly buys used player piaaoa; $3 monthly buys $28, $35 ts $58 organs during anniversary sale. 45 yean in the piano- busineaa. ) Schwas Piano Co,, 101-103 10th st. at Washington and Start. Pianos to Rent . We will rent yon a brand new standard piano and apply money paid -on pure base pnee. wnj rent second hand pianos elsewhere ? , . ' f ? A newer KNABE WAREROOMS. -LIPMAN. WOLFE k CO., -' A BEAUTIFUL oak case, like new, genuine Kim ball : - the text to the most expensive style, st only $260. This is almost half price. Also an Ellen orchestral upright st only $290. end a mahonn Steinwav. $275: nay $16 a month. Oreon Eilers Musio House, 287 Waahlngton sU. just below sm. WE NOW rent good musical pianos AT 86.00 A MONTH. OLDER MODELS FOB LESS. RENT APPLIED TOWABD PUBCHASK. ' No cartage charged if rented six months, OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE. 287 Washington St Main 1123. i i -HONES . Soprano, alto. melody tenor, baritons: convince yourself lv..,re you buy; try the gen uine "Martm." See the new tuning mouth pieces for all saxophone. Do away srith your tuning troubles, G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth st - BASS amesr desires poaitioa, singing , low bass in male Quartet; range two ' octave, below middle "C.' Karl E. Fisher. Beaverton. Or. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 COAL and wood ranges .......815 00 aa Cook stores ............ , . ,810.00 up Gas stoves ...$10.00 no Gas water heaters ............ $ 9,00 no Floor coverings, ysrd ,,...,...$ .75 op Kite ban qneeas .,$ 8.00 tip Kitchen cabinets ........... .$12.00 ttp Dining ' Boom extension tables. . . $ 7.00 an Dining room chain ..........$ 1.50 BP Living room rockers 4.00 op Library tables ...............$ 6.00 no Simmons beds $10.50 np Cotton felt matt r sua ...$ 6.75 np Steel apringa ..... .4. ........ 8 6.00 up Coil springs 8 800 up Dressers 3 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE KXCliA NUJs 208-210 First st, . on all overstuffed dsvenports, chairs and rockers, in tapestry snd velour, which means that yott can now buy , an overstuffed davenport with Mar shall spring cushions covered in fhie grade Upestry, as low as. . , i $64.75 Terms to suit your convenience. 188-190 FIRST ST. AVE MONEY Try onr sales dept if you want to bny or sell household goods; reduced freight rates to most all points to ear throng- pool ess. Ex pert packing, repairing and re finishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage, low insurance rates. SECURITY 8TOBACE aV TRANSFER CO., ,63 Fourth at, opp. Multnomah ' hoteL - Phone Broadway 3715. " Reed 'Specialty Shop 819 WILLIAMS AVENUE. Manufacturers of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture -made to order ; also repaired and rafini'hed. Buy direct from factory. $150 Victrola, foe -ale with record, only four months old. $120; electric table lamp, heavy brass bed. Simplex electric heater, reasonable. Phone Main 7298. - FOB SALE Oak, dining table . with 4 chairs, $S5: j rockers $3 each. 1414 Winona ave. Woodlawn car to Winona ave, 4 CHAIBS, dlnin groom table, $40; wicker buggy. $22.50; gas range. $30; garden hose, wringer, ...v.. sat if. pit t,k aao.t FOB SALE Sectional bookcase, dark fini-EL Trbor 5I872. FURNITURE of 6 room house for sale; no cheap junk. Phone owner. Sellwood 3258. "Z BED with new mittrem. Call Wdln. 2665. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 5 BOOM houseboat $400. 5-ton launch, 32x7. 15 H. P., medium duty Smaller engine, $350. Hull El Kader, $2.00. - GUY INGBAM. i Marshall 62. 1052 Macadam. . lOOi - Evinrnde ffintor with -ki'f. 855. Msr 2832. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS ' 90S BEBUILT typewriters, sll makes, rental-, r pairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA por table. SUNDSTRAND addirrg maehinea. Mala O . ,. -T. - . w .,. . ALL makes goaranteerl one year. Bet re-coo-etraeted typewrite ra on eoaxt New price list Wholaewle Typewriter Co., 321 Ws-hingtoa at. 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Bixth St. . uitwuu, . -1 . FOB kENT Underwood, .Remington, $3.50 mo. Empire Transfer. 23 Broadway, Bdwy, 155. - . . ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold oe swath ly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 9 tTn rx. Mam . FOB SALE One flat top-oak desk, $10; 752 anconver, Aaxo. aio-ero. A NO. 5 Underwood typewriter, A 1 condition, $40. Also large oak bookcase, $15. E. 296. SWAPS 925 1918 7 -PASS. Studebaker 6, line condition in every way; $600, with liberal terms; will accept good overstuffed davenport aa tint pay ment 329 Oak st - : " MAKES- geldings and 3 heavy wagon, total value 370O; will trade or light automobile. Merrick. Eat 6647. ' A ANT information of Jutia squiries or J. Wii met Ant. 811-73. W. 8. Jiy. T Z TON truck for sale cheap, or trade for 5 pas aenger car. Woodlawn 2329. . 92S FOit SALE er trade, davenport eernet sweeper. hbrsrr table. Will accept rug, vacuum sweep er, old car, or anything I can use. East 112. WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS 950 $12.50 to S?-! ' FOR SECOND-HAND f SUITS OB OVERCOAT MEIER, THE TAIL0U PAYS MORE FOB CLOTHING AND SHOES We cell dav or -renin anvwhe.'stein the city. Call Msr. 1229, or 253 Msdion St.. near 6r st WA.SIED 1'eople at Purtund to know that I nev the faiahast eash nrioe lor seeoad-hend aontwhcld a-ods. No amouat tee large er toe isua Prompt auention. N. M. SKATER - Phone Eat "2208. 14$ Bassetl at HoLKl i'.i.IUalhu TIME to not threw things away. I pay good priees fot second-hand furniture sad heuaehold soods. Also tools, cloUdas snd sU kUdi al junk, UO Mam TS4 BEST CA-Vt PRtCES FOk 'ALL 'UDS 6 JUNK SUPPLIES. TOOLS AND OTH.il MISCELLANEOUS ARTICIJES, BEFOI SELLING CALL MAIN 6483. Wanted a SEf Otf'TisNtBl T66U, V- 4 8. JOURNAL. WANTED -FURNITURE 952 WB WANT TOUT t USED BOTTSKHOI.n GOOOS AND ' W ILI' PAT. TOP Mlt-I BBTr. iu, vnn . u u .. illVTUIVll IV THE HARDWARW OR FURNITIJHF, LINE T4 SELL OR EXCHANGE CALL US FIRST; MAIN r. n . . . . . nr..., , n n . . . , t, W u I . , i.auvis nAni'wsnq m ruanuvas CO., -2I-2'-8-2-5 FRONT STREET. ' Owl Furniture Co. NEAB MOsUHSON - Wa want yaor ttsed furniture, Steves, earpets and pianoa; we pay the lugbeat eesb prices. 19 and 108 ntt st - can ani mi, Ma R. SEATER Soya ffce beat as well as cheaper grade of seean4 band furniture. 380 Grand ave. Ant 288-68. WANTED 2 car lota of second hand furniture. Will pay mere than say other dealer. . Call Fast 828. U E BUY used furniture, stoves, etc- Re liable Fornttiira Co., 203 2Q za. Main iiut, '"- ARMY tOODI XL" fc.B. ,-GOOLia " lor sale, - whoUaeI7"e retsJQt - priees red-eett H, Hnrwratetn. . 9 d st. e 804 1st st Main f 878. . AWT 8HPUWOWK ORDERS uken la cmbrokkrx, laces and pair u Inga. 4 93 Wash. Mrs. J. Eppstein. TTOIrltV. JK. W. EASTMAN, lawyer snd noUry pa 34 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - ' ' '": ,J TH ' - ' Turkish Baths $luT&i&t Electro Therapist 24-hetir ssrvtca to men. LANK BOOK wtAKKW DAVIS as HOLMAN. INC., 10 84 -at. la book manufacturers. A-3183. Main 18$, I0 2d at. VaaJi OARPENTKR MO SUILDWt, RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Contractors & Builders Houses built plans fmrviiahed; stora front altsraUons. counUrs. shelving I general repair ing.' Door snd window soreeua sue to erdar, Vint class workmen odjr. . , . 168 West Park. atu . GENKuAL contractors plana lumii-ied lor all clasaaa af buildinga. alterations, repairing, i tlmates given. Plione Wdln. 4 280. " OAT AW P POa MQ8PITAI. BOSE CITY VETEBJNABY HOgPrtAI Ina.. E. 7th and tirant - Both phoaea. I'sy a4 night service. Three veterinarians. OEM-NT WORK toB ctanent work " aii ainds large of amalL i w a . ii a. ?. -. -. i ' ft, Teeaon-inme prion, can Mr. nmiui, 8awr "cJll" Woiii op ALL kinds" A -T. 1H-1I OHIBOPHACTOH6 CHtltOPRACTK!- Hum 10th floor Broadway bldg. M $161. Dr. Laura E. Downing. Open evenings. Lfi. Mc-lAHON (UcMaa) hia aystet People taking adjuetsaents while S-aiMng; lit- year. OtKANINQ AND Of 116 llivGaL "Cleaners. TaUucs and UltT- -Clan-ina and dyeing a specia.ty. Out of tow -sail erdera siren DroBPt attaation. 127 It. Out st. Portland. Or 'coal amp wood Peoples Fuel Co. 1. Promot service- Dry cordwood. 16 inch, $8.50 per load; half dry cordwood is 2 H-corU lots, $8.25 par eoM. Other wood of many kind kinds reasonable. Of tie 261 Fremont "st Aut 827-61. BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Oa., 1261 Mara dam. Phone -Main 417S. Viksf GitOWiit tij-TRA Tii-- k-f3 FIB COUNTRY ' SLAB AND CORDWOOD Cedar Creek Wood Fuel Co. Phone Broadway 1788. 48-50 N. 18th at Heavy block, slsb, $8. PRY, sord, load, half load. Bargains. Delivered anywbera. B.q 1T69 $1.50 Cordw'd, " good souni Cordwood second srowtb. Buy early, ORKUON FUEL CO.. WOODLAWN 4102. LOU-TUI SABWO-7 Green or dry. 4-foot or sawed. . Star Weed A Coa. Co., Main 8012. ..- -i ' BUT your winter wood uow. Good heavy 1st growth fir, $8.50 per Cora. r. e. Uow man eV Co.. Main 30-6. FIBS I' growth corawoud, 8B.O-; dry 4 Tool slabwood, $7.50 per cord; block and slab, 16 men, so a loan. uroaqway n, CORDWOOD A-l,, first growth, $8.50 deliv. ered; 8-cord lots $8.26; Just fromthe ooua- try. wain. 487. OLD GROWTH yellow and red Cr cordwood. newly cut 67. ov, "m eora lota. BAat 851 or Wdln. 47O0. lilt i' cotiDVVOOD, $8.50; 6 coroi er mste. S7.DQ. wooaiawn soil, can alter t p. m. COUNTRY slabwood. $6.60 cord. Every stick sound, never tn wafer. - Woodlawn 1850. Foil good old gruwtu lir wood vt heavy eoun- try slab, cell Sellwood Bl-. FlltS i GUOWili ip lor May delivery, $8.40 " per cord. Ilarinjfton Fuel Co., I at 6203. FOR beat prices on cordwood, slabwood and coal call Heerdt Fuel Co., Kast 2458. BLOtlK AND SLAB mixed in 10-ln. langth. j ln cornwoon. . mi i aoor foov. COHinvoolJ, 67.09'per curd, in 2, Vi cord lotZ National Fuel Co., Es-t 2041. jBY lumber trimiiiinga. 86.50 per load. Wood- ia mi g.vi, FIRST growth cordwova $9 per cord, delivered; anecial price on larger lot. Wdln. 6812. PLAY safe, graded strictly No. 1 old growth wooa, w corq tor way ana June. Aut 18-S7. IBY 16 inch 1 -and 2 inch lumber trimmings. 86.50 per load.. Woodlawn 2628. OCNTI8T8 DR. B. JEtTWRIOHT 84 door. Raleigh bldg.; cot. 8th and Washington sts. Main S118. A-91I8. PEERLESS DENTISTS7 Expert dentistry at saving of nearly . Out of high rent district; open nights; N. E,. corner geenna ano nnrnsMie, uroeaway 2245. Dentistry Srs5V TrVitbout Pain. Letevt Nerve-Bloeking Method. COUCATIOMAt OANOINO . --ItlNG-JbB'S DANCING ACADEMY , POBTLAND'S LEADING SCHOOLS ' Cotillion hall. "14th off Washington; Broad way hall. Broadway and Main. Class and pri vet lessons by expert professional instruct ore. in all branches ballroom. . claarical. ballet, etc. Phone or call for appointment. Broadway 838(, 513-89. ' Downey's -Dance Studio 886 H Washlngtori street, over HsrelwoodL Former instructors. Cotillion hall. Msin 5558. D. Pathcrson Downey, Inst j -l-fTiA-sniTWlOT1lOfc Lwo Wdg.. Waah- ingtoa st Third. Private boor or bslf hoar lessons; day, evening. 0:30 s. as. to p. aa, rriday. 7:80 p. m. 'Miss Deland, . SUMMEB'S Dancing academy. Dancing guaran teed in 8 1-hr. leesons, 86 H th. -ear Stark. Clnb dsnce. Toes.; claas, Thursday. Bdwy. 8590. - SSU8IO SCHOOLS AHP TIAOH8W8 MRS ANNA I.TlOM-fETriEW MOORE, teacher Of piano. 391 Mill at ajaOhlll 810a T. E. LAVVSON 20 years' -Xperleui-e; ptae Vi one at yowr howie. $1. Ant. 643-P8. . L. CAR BOLL DAY. t-eeber ot voice sad E-aaJh 148 13tb at. Brosdwar 2588. KLKOTWICAt WORK C. C. (Shorty I TURNER? licensed 'clecUkUn. Itt Shorty do ycur electrical work, wire your new or old bom. Automatic 827-62, . SWAPS mmmmmw WANTED FURN.TUT C rVi' CASH FOB USED HuMiU.. Main C873 UNITED Fl'RNITl'RK STOR8 178 FIRST 8THKET PERSONALS 97 5 hwediah Batlis, as givaa by"the Kiiiru,. aonsiat of a combination of treatments such as Swediab massage, gymna-tica. hvHrotlieraiiy, hake oven, radiant light and heat electria light bains and various electrio modalitiea, emwlianlcal vi b rations, such as the human ahak.r for obmaitv. Tbe bath, and treatments are eapecially brueit rial In many acute as well aa chronic diHraiu m. la particular do we rronmmend them for buainr people. It relievee nerve tension and keeps m the -general functioning of the body, which la o essential to sedeMkry work, Ir. NlsbetU- Is a native of Sweden, and has practiced hia pmfeaalon for 28 years, its haa praetioed In Portland for 16 yean, and ran give hundreds of referwnres from Portland and else where. For anpointmenta phone Broadway $18, or call at office. 538-85 Plttork bbx-k. $1 4.ETS both fe (Ueil up at lr. Katon's tl,e CU1UOPODIST and ARCH sPECIAIJST whe deean't bur yon; 8 yra. here. Ksam. free. C,)ote Theetr. bldg., lltb and Wa-h. Bdwy. 2S-4. FOR BKAUTT WORK CALL MAY CO I "LT Kit Manicurin. ahamnoning, - facial masuaa. ehironoilist. Jefferaoniaa ApartmetiU, Apartment 4. Main 8482. i EYES tested and (lasses fitted by graduate ei aight apeclalit as low as $5; satixfactioa guaranteed. 711 Broa. A Co., 288 Waeh. sc WILL drive Ov.rlaad to San Dice o: take eom- lianion; divide expense; Tabor 2910; Cherry- man, ruin r,at rtam-on. FROM 4'iia day on I will not lie nwonaibl. fr dbu Ineurrid by Nelti. E. Tsltuon. Co. R. Pattison. . LEAT1IEKUFE ia best leather inaursnce; an?. tiling that's leather. LeatherUfe Co., 810 Oak ).. Broadway 40. ' gUI'KKFLUOlB HA lit. mmea. ear La reuuvad ky 10 neeel. method. Trial fro. Joste Fialss, 514 Bup.Ii A Lane fclrlr. Main 6368. B nifvat Consuliatiun FKEr-, ' All ceve. aUGlWjrWr 04 Feotos Bldg., 84 6th st Broadway 4903 MASSAGE, bat-.. Lie. Klrna Sunwra, 608 Panama bldg. Main 6088, Dragi-wi phviieian. VVAVTED Ladic t know itii-"m uilel arur cles now sold st 210 Fliedner bldf. ,m .,i. - D LOr" 8U6I AND RUOS "ToRlira- COT Tlnff Bogs. Made From OH Carpets, Rag lings, a Hpecislty. Carpet Cleaning, fixing, BefittlBg. W. Call and Delivei. I6T8-1674 R 1 TTn ST. PF.l.LWOnn 8fvt. OARDENINO . LANnscArEGTRnE eh if CONTRACTS AND HOURS PHONE BROADWAY 8933 MAT OL-AWKHO HMD PTB W8 BAT8 cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable a ad a tafarttory. Royal Hat Work- tt fWmt st LAUNDRY Lace Curtains v 24. LADIT-H The Model llTTRhop: LaU-t ' slyT-a. "-"car 73 kiJ MURBCRlia .OREQORY HEIQHT.5 , NURSERY r Persnnlsls. porch bos plants and shrubbery, OB-,",,,,!um nd pannv plants now. j .688 60th St.. Hose fty car. Tshor 6?0 o,TolwgT,lT 0gaaskw ClES aoienUfioally teateid with aaod--rglvv Instrumenu; glasses fitted at fTSv taring; satisfartlon guaranUed. A, R HPBWITS, Optometrist 223 itt It. . PAIWTIWO. TIKTiajq. sAPt'wMAWoTrrQ Wall Paper, Paints. Etc. ' 22B-2.IO HVJ-ivr. a-nvvi . . .7, - -w.-a- t-rji, WAU i B vriL. tSKOSM INC. KT V.ll'li HilM 'f! t'"v 1 r,.fo".iL :.- "".'"' sod .,, Phone T.W 266.' ' ' Prtaiica. par to asurfy,- w;.:i,,r,""'i ron nd ins, tinting. I K.4 14 t 1 J"6'1W8F sjaj J 4( tveorjiawa 21 14 PAINT paper, kal-omlne make Wmall coat, dependable morM hnlria Tali eliM-r,,! bor 78'js! yATirrr ATTowsigYg 1 J1,..001.'"11"- PaienltTadem'srks e.oS rhjhts. 610 ChsmoTr of CommeVV t'y- PHVaieiama ', ba, H, jL.rmTiA.lli, Rroailw.w fll,1 Office Practice only. Pt-SSTa-rtlnl- ltlZ2.r' ,ril. "j' "d Coiur : "$" awp rrg.a, ,7v,r Ce,U,c?rri0i;n '"JUtlion,. Albi;,., i -o,, ail ninn ava. N n.. r Hniwell. K. 4 ? a .1 Plumbing: fcif AlATii"h,,'n' -'i"- ..s- a.rv. n I rl n rt iri iw f ' 1 I M M Alh- . THE If. I- KTNB WIWTItSO. two S) Avi rOBlN O I N a ' SOU VVLN :ahds-$Too r . WE-" CARDS $2.60 I-berty prints, 185 4Ui st. MaIn B263 Printinc? F-y!:IBAi'TE c6 ui aA jj. snd Oak. Msin 165. tlf-64 887 Wash! ngton. Broadway 4 84. A -128. AMQI pv printing to. auaiitT' s-TT. fLyJlG 1 fee. 262 Wash, at Msin 4671. WOOF HtPAIwTlvO " HAVE yor roof 1 repaired by experts, Wa r pair or paint tln and shli.ale r-xits snd reiieir or renew gravel roofs. Main 14 24 Ak tar Mr. Pigeon. Evening call Wdln. 8190. KOula repair-- and painUd ; glitter. 'r.iruT. Roof Security. Inc.. mtgj. Webloot Paint 26 Board of Trada. Main $71. Main .644. 1 nnn.- oulgon lioon.sa co. J;.i,.g ,! r.;r: lng -all kinds of roofs. B.t ;ilonlt. p.,nt naed. All work guaranteed. 1764. E. Glirsa at phones Tabor 4817, Tahor 7059 68W8W COWrvgOTIOfva Uii't...J Xi'j 1 , tr m . . ,T "'" serra eotta p!pe. septio tanks, by cotitrsct or day. Main 45i5. 6HJI8T W8TAL WO K MULTNO1A111 SlSEET I METAL WORKS Roofing, guttering, ermutlng, Jchblng - mn4 geyiersl r slrine. phoea Broadway Ht 22. 6HOK BEaAIRIWO - Model Shoe Repair Shoo Pre-war prices on shoe repairing. Men's oik fan half soles, $1.60; ladies' $1.25. RabUa heels. 50c 122 FOURTH 8T. MAIN 6222. 6TOWI W-S-AIRINQ Why Buy a New Stove? Ws repair sQ kinds of stoves, gss ranges and fnrneces East 6981. TNANtriN AND TORAOf WHO MOVES YOU IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS WHERE 100 MOVS CaU Broadway 1281 or. Ant 1188. Our tracks snd careful men sr. st your serei'S. Oregon. Transfer Co. Office snd Storage. 474 Oll.an. BECCRITT STORAGE at TRANSFEQ CO. Packing-Moving Storage M0NKX LOANED ON GOODS IN ST5RAC . . 68 Fourth at, opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone. Broadway 8715. '"'J8 TJl.Vi'lf .ionstnof.ir GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, jrkio, shipping and moving; horse sod suto re as; spe rial rates to all points a O. PICK'TBAN 8 PER A STORAGE CO td and Pine sts. Broadway 696. X-tf9. Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLI8AN. BROADWAY 8470 Portland auto -'transfer co. i. w 1 at 229 Main at Pbjne Main 15C0. !.. bings call 617-53. Any part of city. ML Ecoil daily trip. liKlU 1.11 I'hLlolii' RAILS 10 all im. ,,n . bvUehold goode. Pacific Ciint Forwarxl.ng Co.. jtevTand Ho-t. Mv 7Q8. VIM. Transfer and Storas-. Ii ' 1 1 . au,f. age. 42 Unioo ave. l-,.t 0434. UIW8W-LLA9 iiL-'AUst.ii AND Rl.:ulTITir While you liot. THE SURETY tLlOV. 300 V AUjL'.'J mm