It, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY 3. I'inni fm MiiK IIUUL.L.M IIIILL.U PLANTS EXPECTED ; Portland will have in operation in a few days -the only United States government . licensed wool ware house -in the west and the largest In the entire countr. Its operation and the issuance by it of standardized receipts for wool on a grad ed basis will make it possible for the warehouse company and ' for banks to finance the wool clip and to rediscount loans at the federal reserve bank. Western growers would be enabled to store and market their product according to the demand, and to scour. Western wools,; reclaiming the valuable by-products and shipping only the pure wooL These were t statements made this morning by II. K. Hoi man, Jr., espert for the United States department of agri culture;! - who ' came to Portland from Washington, D. C, to pass on the huge wool warehouse and scouring mill of the Western wool Warehouse, which Is now being completed at St. Johns. Hoi man said that the establishment of the big plant meant that the first step had been taken toward the Inauguration of a tremendous textile industry in the West. "As a result of. the warehouse here be ing licenced and bonded by the govern ment, you will find textile industries growing all over the West, for by the is suance of the graded receipts represent ing collateral of a known value, banks will be able to finance the wool so stored. This will make it possible for textile plants to operate on smaller capital with the assurance of being able to obtain ex act grades of wool,'! he declared.. , "In fact. In my belief, the establish ment of this plant goes even farther, and the day Is not far off when you here in Portland will be manufacturing the raw wool products of the Orient." New Corporations File at Salem Salem. May 3. The Beers Pipe Bend ing Machine 'company of Portland, capl- talised at $100,000, filed, articles of in corporation with the state corporation department here Monday. The Incor porators are H. H. Kuhn, W. .H. Beers and 1 E. Crouch. Articles were, also med Monday by the following: J.- K. .manufacturing company, Port land. 95000; Daniel S. Kline, William 1 James and Christ T. Uglesich. Geneva Realty company, Portland. $6000; Fannie Gong, Geneva Gong and George Gong. A certificate filed by the T. H. John son Building company of Portland shows an increase in capitalization from $3000 "to $100,000. List : of Slackers . In Multnomah Bead To Post of Legion Heading of the slacker list .for Multno mas county created no littte interest in the closed meeting of Portland post of the American Legion Monday night in the club rooms. Prepared by the adju tant general of the state, the list was read before all members in good stand ing to prevent any error by ; naming those who were In service. The list was confidential and is not ready for pub lication. ' j -i "Jr- i Despite the care with which the rec ords had been searched names of men were Included who had seen service and lots of it. On the other hand few of the draft dodjrers were left, off and in the llst'were the names of many well known men of the county. Cheers af approval greeted the names of those whom the letonairres had a , ''sneaking idea" should be listed when f the names . were officially read off. ?t ! - A touch of pathos was given the read ing when Jane V. Doyle objected to the reading of one name, 1 The name was that of a. lad who had recently died of wounds received in the service. Through Borne error it had been Included among those .who- evaded the responsibilities of citizenship. ' : ; i r ; t Other business of importance ' con ducted was the nomination of fhe dele gates to the annual convention it-Ku-jrene and requesting, legion members to register for the special election in June. Armei Argentinians Gather in Camp to A t tack Anarchists Buenos Aires, May 3.-IU. P.) Sta tioned in an armed camp. 5000 members of the Argentine Patriotic league to day awaited demonstrations by anarch ists at Gualeguaychu, in the province of Entrerlos. i t 4 i Fighting broke out on May day when anarchists charged a i patriotic parade in that province. I In the revolver fight ing and knifing ! which followed, five persons were killed and 2g wounded. t . Boy Reported Missing ; ? nrron rit v. Mav 3. Max Nutten- bergej-, young lad of- Beaver Creek, has been reported missing . from his home. The boy, who is 15 years of age, started for Oregon City Sunday, in tending to fish tor salmon in the Wil lamette river here, but had not re turned up to a late hour Monday night when the report reached the sheriffs office. Effort is being made to locate the boy. He was wearing blue overalls, a mackinaw . and cap when he left home. . j Mosey and Exchange' - Ncw'York. May 3. (I. N. 8 Y- Cll monej on the floor of the New Tork Stock. Exchange today ruled at 7 per cent; high 7 per cent; low 6 per eent Time money was steady. Bate were H7 per cent,- The market for prime- mercantile paper was ateady. ''all money in London today was 4 per cent. Sterling ex chance was steady with bn&ineaa in bankers' bills at S3.07H- for demand. THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION 4 Invites Tenders on - Rubber, Rubber-Lined and Unlined Linen - Hose.- ' 'K Sealed bids will be received until May 9. 1921, 2:00 P. M., and will then be opened and read publicly in the office of L.I Van Middles worth, Manager Purchasing Department, Division of Supply and Sales , (Room 353), 1317 F St. N. W , Washington, D. C, for furnishing ; RUBBER. RUBBERrLINED and UNLINED LINEN HOSE in such quan tities as may be erquired for a period of four (4) months from June i, t92t. for use of all ships operated - by or for the account of the' UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORA TION, at the following ports: i i BOSTON NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE NORFOLK SAVANNAH NEW ORLEANS SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE j Proposal forms and other information may be obtained from Man ager Purchasing Department, Division of Supply and Sales. The Board reserves the right to reject any and alt bids. Sealed bids should be addressed to L. Van Middlesworth, Manager Purchasing Department, Division of Supply and Sales. 1317 F St. N. W.V Washington, D. C, and endorsed: "Sealed Bid for Rubber and Linen Hot. 'Do Not Open Until May 9, 1921.' " j An Alpine Mirror SET IN THE SILVER AND JADE OF SNOW CLAD PEAKS AND GLACIAL WATERS. WAITING FOR YOU AT LOVELY LAKE LOUISE sp'.,::r - IN 'THE.-: ;J -l r:: : - j : ' ': . CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES , ' ' V , v WALK OR RIDE THE MOUNTAIN TRAILS. . INHALE THE GLORIOUS AIR-THEN COME BACK TO DINE AND DANCE AT THE CHA TEAU WATCH THE MOUNTAIN SUNSET REFLECTED IN THE DREAMING LAKE AND. BE GLAD THAT YOU PLANNED SO PERFECT A VACATION. ... AND LAKE LOUISE IS ONLY ONE OF NINE I ALPINE RESORTS BETWEEN VICTORIA, B.C. AND BANFF. EACH WITH A HOTEL. CHALET. OR BUNGALOW CAMP i i ; FOR FULL PARTICULARS WRITE. TELE PHONE OR STOP AT THIS OFFICE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY f$ E. E. Penn, Gen. AfU Pass. Dept. ' : ' fr' M fa eiM Kailwaw - 111 55 Third Street, Portland, Ore., Sss' INFORMATION ON CANADA AND CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS ON Ft UK Vur V-lr. Mav 9. ff.: N. fel Th utrw-lr marlipt olosfd irrpETilar tori a v. The market - showed an irregular tone in the late dealings. U, 8. Steel wae maintained around 84. with small changes in the other steel Industrial. Atlantic Gulf yielded, one point to 41. American International - broke from : XZ to 50. Mexican Petroleum sold down to 147. compared with the- morning nifrn of 151. 8tudebaker hunff, around 8S7fe. Reading dropped over one point to tiovernment bonds unchangea ; ; rail way and other bonds steady. Total sales 999,100 chares; bonda $12,- 334,000. . , - Tork. Mar 3. (I. K. S.) Stocks continued in good demand this morning and the market was firmer witn traaing broad. : - : ' .: Attn? th Btart market mewnepta wro irree jalar and there was tome indkn tht pwto wl-icb had wn acu in peciaii5 ior day, had taken advantage of an inereaaine de n.aml and reafixed profit on wrenil lines f Ktorka Tbee Indiraitions wwa moot pronounced in OwdeM. whb-h sold down in 31 , t low ot about fie points from ita recent hich. and Stndc hakrr. which, in steady supply, dee'.ined to.SSVi. Koysl Injtch was in demand, artianrinz t A H and funeral . Asphalt oer -wo point tc 7. . Keystone Tire wa in snppiy ana ivetu Pprincfield. after opening up 14 to- SI, dropped to 49. .... ' ... ... ' . : . H The marine bwti were actively tradttd in. ma rine preferred adTaneins; to 57 and Fniifd Fruit advanced 2 to 118. Tnited States Steel was in steady demand, raovinz r H to K4 . Corn Producta was active, adrancins 1 point to 76. ' Although many storkn showed 1osm rtannr Jie first hour, at the end of that period the market trne became . strons and vigorou, ndvances oc curred in the important issue. United States Steel waa hrtisht on a lane scale, sdvancinc to 84, a rain of, and BethJekem Steel B after reacting to 30 , moved up to 61 H. American Internationa 1. which -old down to SOU. had a brisk demand to 53 and Atlantic Gulf ransed from 39 to 41. There waa heavy tradmc 1n Milctn l-ttro-leum, which fintt advanced to 151 and then yielded to 14Si. tudebaker. afer its de cline to 88, recovered all of ita los-- Fierce Arrow, after yielding to 40. moved up to 42. ': Reading was the only active lailroad stork moving UP one point to 74 . Furnished b Overbeck & Cooka Co., Board of Trade building: ' BIG POOLS APPEAR TO HAVE BEEN TAKING THEIR PROFITS ERRATIC PRICES N OTOUR ET Sales. 500 2500 500 600 1600 600! 1200 2200 400 2200 300 20600 2400 520O !0700 700 2000 2000 1500 2i0 ' 20t 700 2000 STOCK, High. Adams Express. . . Advance Rum ... Agr. Cbem. do nf d. Ajax Kubher Alaska Jold Alaska Juneau . . . Allia-Chaimers . . . Beet Sugar. . Am. Bosch . , . . . , Am. Can Co. ... . . do pfd. . . . .' Am. Car & Fdy. do pfd. ..... Am. Cot. Oil. Am. Drug Synd. Allied ('hem. .... Am. H. It Lea.. do pfd. ..... Am. Ice ........ Am. Intl. Corp. . . Am.' I.inseed .... Am. Ixxm , . do pfd. Am. Saf. Razor. . Am. Ship tc Com. Am. Smelter j . . . . do tifd. ...... Am. Steel Fdy . . . . Am. Sugar ....... do ufd. ...... 1 800; Am. Sumatra . . . i . . 900lAm. Tel. A Tel. . . , 2B00Am. Tobacco. 9200, 100 2900 1000 41400 7S0O 2O0 14 0O Wool . . . . W. I, pfa. Am Am. Am. Zinc Anaconda . .... . , . . . Atchison 'a ; . do pfd. '. Atlantic Coast Line. AO. Gulf & W. I. . Baldwin Loco. . . . . . do pfd Balto. A Ohio do pfd. . 3 40 64 32 84 128 23" 6 46 11 52 53" 47 91 '6 h 11 44 30 90 73" 108 1 23 81 42 82 90001 Beth. Steel 700IB. K. T 4 00 i Butte C. A . 300, Butte A Sup. . . . 2200Caddo Oil. . . ; . . 2200iCalif. Packing... .... jdo pfd. ..... 4 , , lanoiC-anadian I'ac., . .i 46U0 Cen. leather, i . . 2100terrb Ie Pasco.. 58110 Chandler Motor.. lUOIChicago A N. W. 300 500 3800 900 2200 1000 Chicaco Gt.- W. . . do pfd. ...... Chile -Cop. ...... Chino , , C. M. St. P. , . . . do pfd. 1800 1 Coco Cola. . Sugar 600IO. A O. 200 Colo. F. A l.i 600 Colo. Southern . 800 Col. Gas & Klec. 3900 Columbia Graph. 900 Con. Gas 800 Oontl. Can lSOOIContl. Candv .. 12100 Corn Prod. .. do pfd. ..... Cosden Oil C. R. I. A P do "A" jfd. . . do "B" pfd... Crucible do pfd. ...... Cuba Cane do pfd Cuban Amu. Dome Mines D. A R. G. . . do pfd. . . . . . Endicott Johnson 1400Erie . . 400 do 1st pfd. . . do 2d pfd. . . . 4 800 j Famous Players Fed. Ming. A Smelt) do pfd. . . Fisk Tire . . Gaston Wms. Kren. - Cigars Gen. Elec. . Gen. Motor . . . . IGoodyear . . . 8700!Gen. Asphalt 9O0 Goodrich .... . .... jGranby . . . . 400,'Gt. Nor. Ore 39300 600 J00 200 9400 lOO 2000 200 3700 400 103OO 2400 700 100 6600 1300 300 1800 3700 5500 100 600 do pfd, IGreene Cananea Gulf S. Steel . . Hupp Motors . . . . Houston Oil nia. Cent. ...... Inspiration ...... Int. Agr. Corp. e. do pfd. ...... . .1. Interboro ....... do pfd. Interstate Callahan. Int. Harr. Int. .Merc. Marine. do pfd. ....... .Mtkel. i . . . . . Paper 40 48 37" " fxjw. 1 Bid. 39 ".45 '33 38 '" 89 61 31 83 129 "ii 44 11 50 '50 47 90 ' '6 10 43 '36 89 "71 107 121 79 42 91 37 i 12 5 15 18 60 112 39 30 84 63 7 17 12 25 26 42 30 62 31 36 CO 88 58 1 76 41 29 300 2900 400 - 700 4 800 leooiint. SOOOIInt. 3400ilnvinicible OU 2000!L-Und OU ...... 1 1001 Jewel Tea ....... 2500!K- C. Southern . . 300 do pfd. ....... 1 1.900 Kelly-Springfield . . lOOOiKennecott ....... 6000jKeystone Tire 1000Lack. Steel ...... 3 00 1 Lee Tire . i.. , . . . 100 (Lehigh Valley .... 500LoriUard ........ IMaekay . 1 . . . . . 300Maxwell Motor. . . . . 30800Mexicaa Pet. . . . . . 1400tMiami .. . . ....... 8500IMiddle State OIL . . 12OOMidval0 Steel 200M. K. A T. . , 100 do pfd. ....... 2200iMissourl racific . . . 2200 do pfd. ....... 3 4O0 j Mont. Ward M. 8t P. A S. S. BC. Nf. A St. L . . , . . Nat. Enamel . . . . . Nat. Lead ........ Nevada Con. ...... New Haven ...... Norfolk AW. 9 400 Northern Pacific... .... I Nova Scotia Steel. .... fN. T. Air Brake. . 700N. T. Central ... ttoOIOkla. Prod, ref . . . SOOJOutario Silver. . . . . . . . (Ontario A W, . . . . lOOOiOtis Steel..,..,. 4100 Pacific Oil. ...... 4000 Pan. Amn. Pet... 110O fan. Amn. Pat. "B 2500 Pnoa. 4O Po. Gaa 1500,Per Marquette... 500 200 1490 84 20 59 24 19 68 13 19 81 18 1 137 14 ' 41 30 71 25 39 15 84 91 37 5 93 15 57 17 65 21 4 11 27 4 60 52 21 17 53 29 60 150 6 151 23 14 29 2 18 88 24 16 41 82 39 89 36 60 11 5 15 17 59 111 88 29 83 6S 7 17 12 24 26 41 28 61 3 1 35 59 8 87 57 1 74 38 28 82 -20 " " 59 23 19 66 13 19 '79" 17 :1 i3i" " 14 'hi". 41 80 70 25 37 15 81 91 86 5 93 IS 53 16 63 20 4 10 26 ' 50 49 21 16 B2 28 49 148 s ti 146 23 14 29 . 2 " 18 87 23 'io 39 17 47 73 35 1 38 39 61 31 83 27 11 20 6 3 11 51 57 50 47 90 ;ov 0 .10 43 78 30 89 Ql 71 07 122 79 33 9 41 82 75 77 41 90 100 37 49 61 12 5 14 18 60 76 112 38 29 83 63 7 17 12 24 26 41 29 61 30 35 59 '8 87 57 -1 75 103 38 28 73 63 83 84 19 59 23 19 ' 1 6 13 19 13 78 7 24 17 12 17 95 74 70 - 13 38 70 6 35 47 18 12 17 95 73 70 -8 12 38 69 62 34 47 18 58 136 14 10 73 41 21 30 70 24 37 15 81 91 86 8 46 I:- 4 12 ; ' 5 93 14 55 I 16 04 20 4 11 "1 53 49 21 16 52 28 49 1147 63 5 1146 23 14 28 2 4 ' , 18 37 2 68 10 61 77. ; 12 16 95 73 85 78 64 4 17 13 88 69 62 35 47 IS st:K. '1 High, t t"ow7 . . . . . ll'h)Udelihia Co. . . 1 BOO, Pure Oil........ 230!Pierce Arrow. . . . . HOO Pierce Oil . 1700PitU Coal. 700! Pitta A West T. . .. . . . I Pressed Steel Car. . ' 20(1; Pullman 1300 1 Ray Cons.. 2401 Reading 1. . r lOOjRemington . . .:. . . 1600 Keplogle j Steel 430IS. Republic LAS. loeido pfd. .1 " 0Kep. Motors. 960 j Royal Imtch Oil. . I 20Ry. Steel Hpg.... i. . t S. O. Ind. ...... 7906!Kears Roebuck . . . . 20AjShell T.i A T. . . i 50;8inclair I. ...... . 200)Sloss Shef ROOojHouth. Pacific . . . 420fliMouth. Ry. 200 do pfd. r 800 St! L. AS. F. . . . . 2100 Sttomberg Carb. .. 49400 Studebaker ...... 4:. . - Swift A Co. . . . . . ; on Tenn.. tp. A Chem. 4800 Texas tKl . . , . '2600 Texas Pacific . . . . l2400 Tex. Pic. C. A O. . ' 6700 Tob. Products . -, . . 8 2O0 Tran. Cbntl. Oil... 7 1200 Cnion Oil Pel. . . . . ; 80 Tnion Pacific . . . . i . . . s. Cnited Alloy . . .. ; : 200 cnited Orug ...... ! 8 1 00 Cnited Food Prod.. 2600 Cnited Fruit . 1 .i. United Wds. of N, J. do pfd. ....... 6700irnited Retail Stores! l5O0C S. Ind. Alcohol. ; 7O0;lT. 8. Rub. . .. JOO do 1st pfd ...... BOOjC S. iSmelting 30200 U S. Steel 8O0 do pfd. f 90 CUB Copper . . . . 1800Va. Chem. ...... 104 00 1 Vanadium Steel... 2000!Vivandou' ........ 100i Wabash! 1200 do A nfd. ..... do B pfd. . . ... . 800 Western Pacific. . . 700 Western Union . . . 200 Westghw. E.AM. . . . . j . West . Md 1 500: White I Motors . . . . . lOSOOIWillys-Overland . . . llOOl - do pfd. ....... , 2 00 1 Wilson Packing... . . . . (Wisconsin Central. . 200 j Wool worth ....... ! 1 3O0jWorthington Pump. ' 700IW A U E 85 42 10 64 28 108 14 75 33 65 21 eo 89 83 47 27 43 76 22 P 56 22 45 90 Standard Oil Stock 10 41 21 28 54 12 22 117 't7 23 113 54 74 78 34 84 108 55 29 88 8 I 7 21 "27" ' 90 48 '43 10 42 114 54 9 35 40 10 63 28 102 14 73 . 32 64 2i 68 S9 'kiM 46 '26 43 75 21 55 21' 44 88 " '9 40 21 27 61 11 o 116 06 21 110 . . i . . 52 72 76 "33 83 108 54 27 87 6 T .U. lis -7 T 4A U. 26 89 48 43 " 9 40 114 53 9 gar 32 35 40 10 63 27 88 102 14 74 33 32 64 91 21 8 89 76 89 46 26 43 75 21 55 22 44 88 100 10 40 21 27 51 11 21 116 31 96 23 110 9 I 21 52 73 76 IOI 33 84 108 54 28 37 7 7 20 13 26 89 47 9 43 10 40 42 33 i 114 62 9 -Closing- Anglo . . . Borne Serysmer Buckeye . . . . Cheesebrough dm pfd. L. Continental Creseent . , Cumberland Eureka Galena coin Galena Old pfd. Galena New pfd. Illinois Pipe i . . Indiana Pipe . Nat l Transit . . . X. T. Transit Northern Pipe) . Ohioi Oil . . . Interfl Pete . Penri. Mex. . . Praivie Oil Praiiie Pipe Soiar Refg. . Southern Pipe .......... South Penn. Oil ........ S. W. Penn. Oil S. O. Calif, j. . S. O. 1id. .L S." O. Kansas! 8. O. Kentucky . . . S.-CL N. T..L . S. Ot Ohio. pfd'. Swan A Finch . . Union Tank do pfd. . . "Vacuum '. . Washington S. t. Xebra;ka Imperial Oil Bid. Ask. 18 18 360 390 82 87 192 205 98 100 121 125 27 29" 135 145 92 94 42 44 93 99 93 174 177 87 83 27- 28 145 150 91 95 , 310 315 1 8 1 8 29 32 510 520 193 196 410 425 97 99 22H " 233 67 70 77 78 75 75 615 630 405 4 15' 358 860 410 411 35 45 105 108 93 96 305 315 28 32 185 17 5: 97 99. ! w York Bond Market ; ( Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Atchison Genl. 4s 76 Bal. (A Ohio Gold 4s 65 Beth. Steel Hef . 5s . . 81 Crnti Pacific 1st 4s. . . i 72 B. A J. Col. 4s 79 H St. t'anl ;enl 4s... 63 Chgo. N. W. GenU 4s. 74 L. A N". Uni. 4s. 80 New York lty. 5s. 20 Nor.,; Pac P. L. 4sa ......... 74 Reading Genl. 4s -77 Cnian Pac. 1st 4s 81 TJ. S. Steel 5s 95 l:nion Pac. .1st Ref. 5s. ..... 74 Sootihrrn Pac. Conv. 5s. .... 80 Southern Pac' Conv. 4s. ..... 78 Penna. Conv. f 4 ... 85 Peniia. 1st 4 a. 76 Ches. A Ohio Conv. 5s. ..... . 82 Or. Short Lin4 4s. ... , . . 78 Co.l 76 66 81 78 80 ' 64 75 80 24 73 '81 H 95 77 !3 78 85 77 89 79 1 2 State Bank Men Accept Other Jobs :' . ' A. L. Mofland : has resigned his posi tion as assistant cashier of the State Bank of Portland and will immediately assume the! management of the State bank of Battle Ground, Wash. W. E. Smith, another employe of the State bank. Is leaving the institution to take' the position of cashier of the American Security bank of Vancouver, "Wash. FOR MAY Investment PORTLAND, t to yield about B.80 j $14,500 est Sept. 1, 1927 & 101 'CROOK COUNTY, 6t to yield 6i I J1000 Dec. 1, 1925 100 YAKIMA CO., Road 6s to yield 6A $1000 Llune 1, 1922 100 I BAKER. Oregon, 6a to yield 8 I $5000 May 1, 1941 & 100 ASTORIA, 6t to IW4 about 6.07- i 6.06 - I ....... I $4500 lAugr. 1, 1935 S 99 1000 Feb. 1, 1939 "99 , 2000 ; " 1940 " 99 ASTORIA. Bs to yield about 6 fm $5000 est. Nov. 1, 1930 89.90( PORT OF BAY CITY, 6s to yield 6 Vi A $2000 3000 4000 400 May 1. 1928 97.22 " 1929 " 9B.93 " 1930 " 96.63 1934 " 95.66 , . 1 6s, yield about 6.46. CASPER, $6500 est. Sept. 1. 1926 P 97-V 5000 " " 1927 " 97.50 MARSHLAND D. D., 6, yield 6 $8000 June 1. 1925 97.27 ". 5500 " , W26 " 96.73 7000 " . 1927 " 99.23 Stogk MMKET New Tork Times Rumors were cir culated in the financial v district again that W, C Durant, head of the Durant Motors, Inc., was planning a merger of the Durant company with Studebaker and Pierce-Arrow. . TOimaian : T?cl ratiw. mniwv mlnaes system, banks and Interest next. ' TJ. S." treasury certificates of $500,000, 000 may be issued soon. . y r . j . Bullish interest claimed to have disre garded selling movement in stocks from time to time. . I7 Montgomery "Ward April sales $26,44, 073, decrease $3,027,383 from April, 1920. Standard Oil of Indiana stockholders to vote on increase in authorised capital from $100,000,000 to $140,000,000. : "New Tork federal reserve bank has called on member banks for repayment of $13,000,000 today. I Nebergall Company Purchases Market ; ' - ; ' '"''''! - ' Eugene, Or., May 3. With j the pur chase of the Quality meat market here today ; by. the Nebergall Meat Packing company of Albany, D. E. Nebergall, president of the company, announces that he will soon start the j construc tion of a modern two-story brick build. ing to house the retail market here. The new building will cost about. $20, 000. he estimates, and ' will be special ly constructed for a modern meat mar ket. . s ' , . . The company has two retail markets at Albany, a packing plant just out side that city, and also a retail store at Corvallis. ' The president expects that a million-dollar business will be done in the five establishments this year. , . t Earl Gates and Frank Allaway are the former owners. Carl Mlchelson, an old employe of the Nebergall i company, will manage the market here. ' r - -! Foreign Bond Market Russian 5s 1921 Russian 5s 1026 Russian 6s 1019 French 5s 1931 French 4s 1017 French 5s 120 Italian 5s 1018. . . . .. nritith 5s 1922, British 5s 1027... Itritish 5s ' 1929. British vky 4s -. British ref 4s.. 4. 4. Belgium rest 5s. Belgium prem 5s. .... n t.eman W. L. 5s-... . . , , Berlin 4s . Hamburg 4s . Hamburg 4a ......... Ijeipsig 4s .. 4 . ... . . . Leipzig 5s Munich 4s ............ Munich 5s Frankfort 4s . Jap 4s Jap 1st 4s.. Jap 2d 4s Paris 6s . . . I. K. 5s 1921 V. K. 5s 1922 C K. 5a 1929 V. K. 5s 1937 Bid. A-k. 15 ,17 7 9 16 18 63 64 48 49 72 - -x 73 37 38 893 403 383 3S 384" 396 305 317 276 288 64 67 69 72 1 1 la 1 2 12 13 14 15 14 13. 13 15 14 " 16 13 14 15 17 63 64 66 7 83 83 83 84 08 98 99 99 96 96 89 90 85 86 PACIFIC COAST BAKK 8TATEMEST Portland Banks Clearings 0 This Week Tear Ago Monday ....$ 5.423,898.62 $ 6i970.844.85 Tuesday ... 5,324.616.10 5,876,290.59 . Spokano Banks i Clearings Tuesday $ lj298.,663.00 Balances Tuesday . . .... 195.831.00 Tacoma Banks Clearings Tuesday ,.... 796,542.00 Balances Tuesday 66.803.00 Seattle Banks ' Clearings Tuesday t 5.455,455.00 Balances Tuesday .. 867,054.00 San Francisco Bank aearings Tuesday $26,300,000.00 Los Angelas Banks . Clearings Tuesday .$13,593,935.00 1 1 Adding an ounce of 'camphor to each five gallons of gasoline he uses, an Eng lish automobilist claims to effect a fuel Baving of 20 per cent. ; ' VANCOUVER, .8.65 v ' $5840 Feb. 1, 1923 C 4' to yield 93.63 REPUBLIO OP CHILE. 6s to yield about 6.36 to 20 $5500 j Feb. 1,1941 99 NOR. PACIFIO-QR. NORTHERN 6', to yield about 6 ' , $9400; July 1, 1936 96.50 - 1 - t Call or Phone tor Details . OfrOUNT PLOOR VVMBBRtgCNO BU1I flPnt AMD BnTi FREEMAN. SMITH CAMP 10 with Safety Invest for 3, 4 or S years where you will receive a high return with absolute safety. For 'full particulars mail this coupon to dept. "C." ILoHartmanCooslnc. Investment Securities Main 208 Portland, -Oregon Name . . . . Address The ability of the debtor to pay is the source of a bond's strength 40 to f Security 6 Gold Bonds General Obligations CITY OF BANDON, ORE. Due 1926-41. Don. $1,000, $V0 PRICE TO YIELD 11 to 1 Secnrity 10-Year 7 GREYBULL, VYO. Improvement Bonds - Price 100 Yield 7 ' Both bonds income fax exempt. Purchases Increase In Pacific Section Says Credit Eeport The April report of the credit clearing bouse of New York is based on about 200,000 actual transactions by manufac turers and wholesaler, aggregating in volume over $1 50,000,000. In the Pacific coast section, the re port states that purchases were more active than in March, but not so good as the corresponding month for the past five-years. -.- Indebtedness in April waa less than the month, previous, as well as in April, 1920, 1918, 1917 and. 1916, but is higher than April, 1919. -, , Payments show, less activity than in March as well aa April, 1920. 1919 and 1916, and are better than April 1918 and 1817. Congress Hard at Work on Problems Of Labor, Trade By Walter B. Brown. Editor New Totfc rVimmerrial ' (Written for the TJnited News) New York, My S. Congress and the administration are bard at. work in an endeavor to solve our domestic prob lems. Transportation is the keynote, and that. In 'turn, hinges upon the labor problem. Hearings before the railway labor board are still in progress, but there is little doubt in anyone's mind that the board will recognize existing conditions as against the theories of amateur economists of the type now pleading labor's cause. Kven if it be true, aa they claim, that more efficient management can reduce operating costs, the benefTj of such reductions does not belong to the railway employes, but ; to the general public m the- lorm or. re duced freight and passenger rates. This particular group of wage earn ers has no divine right to a subsidy at the cost of heavy taxation of the general public If that were so, itwould be far better to levy a direct tax and be done with it, rather than have it spread throughout the entire economic fabric as it does now. It has been pointed out that it has cost the nation since the government took over the railroads, in the way of guarantees and losses of various kinds having to dowitn the ex travagant operation of the'.roads, some thing like $2,000,000.000, ; and yet it is declared that this sum will have been well expended if it wilKhave cured the people of the 'socialistic idea of govern ment ownership of the railroads.. The state park committee has accepted a deed from Robert Moran, retired ship builder, for 26.000 acres of natural park land on Orcas island. Puget sound. TEXT BOOK WALL STREET A 40-page book (copyrighted) discussing clearly and unmis takably rules governing stock market transactions: Method of Trading. Commission Rates. v How to Open an Account. Augmenting One Income. Deposit Requirements for v Carrying Stocks on Ac- '. count, Dictionary of Wall Street. History of the New York Stock Exchange. History of the New York Curb Market. . Foreign Exchange. And many other subjects of interest to investors and stock traders. Copy Free Upon Request McCALL & RILEY CO., INC. 20 Broad Street New York Exchange Rates Continue Rise in New York Mart New Tork, May 3. (TJ. P.) French . francs, opening above 8 cents, were the feature of the for eign exchange opening today. Othors were higher,. Sterling. $3.96; francs, .p801 ; lire. .0491 ; marks, .0165 ; Canadian dollars, .8912 ; kro nen, .1820. , FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES ' Corrected daily i7 the foreign exchange de partment ot the United State National bank. Quotation .below, except the pound aterlinc. are quoted on the baaia ot 100 unit foreign . Opening nominal rates . Draft London Cherkt. I .ha. aterlinc. IDDVi Pari Kranca . . 7 . I Berlin Marks, . 1.53 Genoa Lire...- 4.89 tt Athens Drachmas. . Copen bacen Kroner. .. .. Cnriatiania c- Kroner. . . . . Stock holm ; Kroner. . . . Honekon t urrcnr i. . . Japan Yen. . . Shanghai- jTaela ...... J8.22 13.G8 S3.6S 51. AO 48.50 8.00 oaf bank Cable Traniifers. f 8.K7 7.03 1 . 5 5 4.80 6.20 18.28 15.63 , 23.68 St. 8.1 49.00 850 transacinn: I'ar 8 45 1 !).i J 23.8 1 19.30 19.30 2S.T0 28.T0 28.70 Liberty. Idherty, Libert), liberty. IJherty. Liberty, Liberty, Virtnry, Victory, - Liberty Bond Kales XKeported by Overbeck ft Cooke Co.) Miab. l)w. I. low. . . . 8890 SHs . Ut 4r. I'd tut 2d .1.1 4 th 4. . . . 4 H . . 4m.. 4 V... . "4 , . 4 V 7S0 H7 r.n noiu tte4 0SO4 8873 B7R0 7S4 f7! - U874 H730 87rt S7S4 jo.-.o R7 40 0798 Engineera announce that work on the Pacific highway between tloshen and "Walker willrstart in about two weeks. A COMPLETE RECORD OP YOUR INVESTMENTS Cfan conveniently be kept in a simple and compre hensive way, that will enable -you to know at a glance: Securities Owned, Annual Income, Inter est Dates, sad when your Bonds Mature. - We shall be glad to present anyone with one of these Permanent Investment Books, upon request. Yon may telephone, call or write Broadway 3171 Bond & Goodwin s?Tucker tMfORPOtArt D VJvTTED STATES NATIONAL BANK SUOOINC v PORTLAND ' los wcim " IIATTU jjUmpqua J Douglas County g Oregon' 4. -6 Bonds A Dated DUE K May .15,. 1921 July 1,-1926-30 g DENOMINATION: 1000 S & Assessed valuation. 4,746,305 E Total bonded debt, 325,000 PRICE 98.00 8 5 TO YIELD ABOUT 6.30 to 6.48 S Ralph Schneeloch Co 0 LUMOCPMCNS BUtLONQ V - . Pvmruwn, Oncsov :-- .. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc tEstabllsked IStO BROKERS HEMBEBS CHICAGO BOABD OV "('' . - - TBADE. ;7.,-.,-, , Correioa.CBts, E. F. HTJTTO IT CO. Members Kew York 8tok Exeksirs. rrlvato kurl WltM Direct to All I beearltT aa4 Comssodity Markets, i LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS j BOUGHT AKS SOLD ' . : '- KAIK IS aad S84. S81-S BAIL WAT EXCH. BLDQ. .95 l07r Vo Sound Securities of the Northwest Maturity. Price. Yield. Portland Gas & Coke Co, 7 First Lien and General Mortgage Gold Bonds-;...... Jan. 1, 1910 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 7V2 Gen eral and Refunding Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds ... May 1, 1941 Portland Flouring Mills Co. 8 First MorV . gage Bonds Feb. 1, 193G Province of British Co lumbia 6 Gold Bonds April 25, 1 19-2 G 9T.50 in par 8.00 93.84' 7 nnfv Each one of the above bonds offers a desirable medium for sound investment. The proceeds from these issues have been expended in'dc--velopment of the Pacific Northwest. Call, phone or write'to us for further information. BLYTHAVinER, Co Ycon Bldg.. PORTLAND 4 SEATTLE - SAM FRANCISCO - LOS ANSELES - NEW YOWC J , 6.50 YIELDING 6.50 UMATILLA (Municipal) DRAINAGE DISTRICT Umatilla County, Oregon 6 Gold Bonds Due 1925-1930 EXEMPT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 1). C. Henny,' reclamation ensrinwer, reports'; "My lnvejitijfatlon nh&wn the value of these bond to e unquehUoned.. Th bonds are a afe and unusually attractive investment." This district comprises 1600 acres. of splendid fruit and farm lands under Intensive cultivation i also includes town of Stanfield. , ' - . . . .. veteriptiTe iircniar tpon ueqieiu tXARK. KENDALL Cr CO. Inc GOVERNMENT MUNiaPALANDX)RP0r?Ari0N BONDS FIFTH AH0 STARK STRH.T5 - PORTLAND OREGON Htoeks. Boads. 1 Col to a. Grata. -Ete. ! 1M BNtt ! TrmUo aUdla Overbeck&CookeCo DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES : Hamper Ckleaa-a Boara of Trads CorraapoadcBts of Loffaa Bryaa Cfctearo ' tw fort :. I S II U1I 111 i Wrf UR BOND DEPARTMENT is -' equipped to give the same reliable, effi cient and courteous service in investment mat ters, which characterizes the service of every " department of this bank. Coir offerings, include the highest type of gov ernment, municipal and corporation securities. . . 1 4-U h r TL,LJU.. ii 4 '