8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING, MAY 4, 1321. ,REAL ESTATE f OR SALE FARMS 407 No..52S10 Under -..Market- Value 40 A. hmt loam soil, nnt all tBIable. 8 A. high atate cultivation, abundance of timber for dontestio gse: all fenced; . assorted orchard, fine spring creek throat back aid. of farm, rood farm house, barn, chicken bouse end park, hoc . bouse, large cellar, tool house: adjoining f highly improved farms: very sightly; oq main trunk automobile road; baa all rural 1 advantages; close to school; only S miles 1 from good, town on Pacific highway. -Pries $2730. liberal terms. No45 Unusual Farm V Bargain 40 A-. moat all tj liable. 20 A. la cul tivation, fine lot of first and second growth . red fir timber on back aide of plane; more land easily cleared; rich , loam soil: fenced and cross fenced; watered by fine spring, small stream; 4 A. orchard, some bearing Italian prunes; 6 room house, barn, chicken bouse, hoc i bonss, large storeroom ; in a rery thick- ly settled community, 1 mile from small ; town, od main suto road, with all rural advantage; miles from electric earline, 9 mite, from Vancouver, Price $3600, half cash. ' i No. 377 Stpck and Dairy Farm. 10 acres, all tillable, 60 acres In cultivation, most all in crop; all leaned eniLseroas- fenced; 2 acres of orchard; - Bow 5 room plastered house with hot and .cold water; litres dairy barn and all necessary outbuildings; pressure water -system; waier piped to an bids ; 6 dairy eows, 2 hoes, 3 doa. chickens, cream . separator. 2 plows, 8 harrows, mower, ' rake, cultivator, wagon, hsck, ' harness ' and all necessary small tools: miles from good Columbia river town; adjoin ing highly "improved farms; clone to i school. On mala ,auto road, with all . rnral advantages. Price, $14,000. half t eaah. ' . : Thompson, Swan & Lee 3d and Main ats., Vancouver, wasn. : 80 Acres 10 amis, good soil, all fenced, two good wells. rtloe family- orchard, in fine condition. Good 4 reom house, barn 82x34. hen bous, bog hotue a SO. mot bouse. Clone to school. Can secure taie place for $2000, balance to suit the buyer- 80 Acres I v - ! B0 acres under cultivation; good 7 room hons. rse barn, well and good running water, fam large ily orchard. mile to school, all the farm im . piemen ts, and" crop go with this place. Price $6600. $2000 cash, balance to suit at 8 7. , II 1-2 Acres.;. vOnGood Roadj . : 4 mile from Oregon City, sidewalk all the wee. ,.19 acres m cultivation, gooa ipiastama hntae, garage, barn, chicken bouse. 4 fine cows, heifer, about 10( chickens, brooders and incu bators, A splendid home for $8500. $4000 cab 11 22 Acres. CLOSE TO CAR USE an sirftlv. M. acres of best ash swale, bind. next ta beaver dam. Well tiled, especially adapted to growing berries and garden truck. floods plastered house, porcelain- bat,h, water drum, pressure tank. Barn, - room- for 4 rows and team. An excellent place for only $6230, $1000 ca.sh. Balance' 6 interest.. i : I 20 AC KM BERRY RANCH ? I All In ciUtivatton. 2 acres In nrrliard and lrsranherriea, chicken house. lOtflfri shed 1 00x20. 4 blocks from high scuoou luce 0500. Can secure good terms. si a ill TTH ST., NEAR 8. P. DEPOT Oregon omr, or. ETCEPTIONA BARGAJNS IN SMALL, IMPROVED FARMS - ACRES $1300 i" STOCKED A.M EQCIPTET j .. .-. - .. 4 acres with about L undeir cultivation : mil orchard and berries, fine soil: ionly 2 hi tmles from paved highway; 3; room house, barn 82x36, wood house, tool house, chicken home, cardan tools, eow. 2 nigs. -1 V dozen i chickens; I A. In clover. 2 A. oats and; vetch. Price only 91300; 3700 IS ACRES. $6800 $aoo t - BETWEEN 82ND AND M IX.WAT7KTJB j .1 i - , I IS acres,' all under oultivatlno; about lli 1, ht beaverdam aoH; fine road: S mom bouse, with bath and running water; barn; 82x40. milk hoOM., 2 plows, cultivator, wagon and harness, git kods of small tools, cream Kparator, team, S cows from which the lnootno-is about $120 r ma, full set of milk bottles, -'crates, buckets, etc. : 2 A. now in spuds. Price for everything 800. or will sell o A, with sll UBprovemsnU tad personal propertjL for 34301J 1 1 ca&a. " J. ACRES. $4150 1 " JfOBEST UROVK Thig -19 acrea lies about 8 Vj ' milea from Iferest Grove: family orchard and berriea, 4 room tumse. barn 24x40. ben house, eto. ' S A. now In nets. 16 A. under plow. Pries $4 ISO - ease, or will sell 4 A. and improvements for $100 $900 cash. . I f I 20 ACRES AND CROP. $5280 20 acres, all' under plow and in onp except About V A- around building, which its in full iBeartng iprchard: gnod small house, large bsm: laca now vacant, immediate posaession. Price only $5260 $200 cash, 1 i 1 V, It. Eddy, Realtor. ., RITTKR. IjOWK ft tX)M PANT, -, 201-3-5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. YOn OVKRLiOOK THIK FARM BUT TOO f WH1 MI8S TUB UREATKST BAB- GAIN IN THE STATE ! 87 acres between Portland and BiTisboro. E0 ecrea in cultivation, new house, 4 rooms below YrsUa floored attio above; large old barn, about the land is plowed and ready to seed; there is a, federal farm loan of $4000 on this place; srgne terms can be arranged on the balance, but must have quick action or it will be taken off the market; just bear in! mind that H of Vhia place is worth all that is being asked for the' entire 57 seres. . r - j i t STEWART A JOHNSON. J -- 8 liV Northwestern Bank BMet ! WHT PAT 3 PKR CENT COMMISSION ! WHEN TOU: BUT REAf. ESTATEt Ton save half the enmmis.'uon here, at the asms time get the rock bottom price. NO , PAD IlfNO of prices permitted at this office,, jl em plcy no .other agents, which only add to the expense you, the buyer, win have to pay. I have large list of personally inspected I farms and acreage, some of which are real bargains. ssil or write tor information to 1 M. A. KAIK, i Cut Rate Real EsUte I - Bank of Oregon City Bldg., Oreetm Citv. Or. " 47 ACRES In Yamhill ca. well drained, all ( : tillable, 300 acres in cultivation, balanace open ;rwtura and some r'od timber; all cloven land: ilOO acres 1:1 ctrrrr, 200 acres wheat oats and 'cheat. Good "building. Including 8 room ihouse, large barn and all tipeessary. outbuildings, fences ..A-l woven wire, i- .Watered by live creek and artesian well in pasture, well at house. ! Con rsxiered one of the best farms in its locality. Price $110 per acre; terms. $10,000-cash, bal . aace at 0 per cent. . ; j , WnAAMETTB VAUET LAND CO., 1 409 rlrst National Bank Bldg., Albany. Or. Forced Sale t- i 80 acres a Wapato, 33 miles from . Portland. 40v in NcuIUvation. 7 ira ltyear ; prunes, modem 6 -room hoa'W. TfaTs place .ia worth $8000. Owner must sell and wants .5 an offer. ; 1 i ; V. C BECKTELL, 1305JJ. V. Bank BMa. 1KJ xOU WANT A kARk kOiHl? We have farms in the best part of the state, from 10 to 1100 sores. We are selling some, in such ways that anyone in moderate circum stances can buy. Come in and talk over with us oar methods of handling. We have fruit, grain, berries, poultry and small homes that cannot be excelled. It costs yon nothing to investigate. See J. C. Hare, with T. O. Biid, Chamber of Commerce bldg. . iifcUE Id . A t'lNE PIECE OP IXXSGEO-OFF W lASii OF 8 ACRES 1 Short way south of Cornelius; part of this is ery easily cleared and will make a very fine farm: we are authorized to sell for $3400; esu give terms if desired. .r-'j STEWART & JOHNSON. ! ' - 815 Northwestern Bsnk. Bldg. ' ISO ACRES in Nehalem valley, 2 miles from railroad town: 1.000.000 feet timber: surti aH goad agricultural land. . Will exchange for r-oruaaa property. it- taiet, owner, 68 -iM ACRES. 17 miles' from Portland: hon. , barn, other buildings; stock, tools, fruib and nernes. r.verytmng iirsi class eonaiuon. goOO. Term. By owner. Csll Auto. 822-40. ' A CITY farm: . grab this garden: 7. rocim. 1 V. blocks to car; 10X)k150 lot; northeast; A grod bosn end rn vestment; price $49 SO; down t7W. paianee terms. tu Aoto. 826-58. IO Ft SAl-fc or trade, stock or goat ranch of '.100 acres; fenced: good springs; see ran of selling. Owner. Price $9000. - Then. orn- feurdt. Merlin, ur. i REAL ESTATE i-FOR SALE FARMS 407 BITER BOTTOM LAND" 123 acres located 24 miles southeast of Portland. On main macadamised road that will be pared. 80 acres under ml ti ration; 23 acres can be cultivated. Spring and creek. Some standing fir timber. 2 blocks to electrio station. 2 miles from goad town. 8 1 room house, milk house, smoke house and other buildings. Family orchard. Price $123 per acre, which includes all the crop and machinery.' $7500 cash. Mia-nt consider bouse in Portland that is dear for , part. This is rich bottom land not subject td overflow. One hour out from Portland. Inspected by Brooks. WEtL WORTH TUB MONET 108 acres, 40 miles from Portland, Tsm hill county. M mile to school. S miles from good" town. 2 miles from station. SO acres under cultivation, balance In pas ture. Large bearing orchard, lots of cher ries, 100 prune trees 12 years old. 8 room, house, large barn, Uo, chicken house nod other buildings, Price leas than $85 per acre with 6 young milch cow. S horses, 2 brood sow, chicns, binder, mower, rake. seeder, plows, harrows, duo plow, harness,' hack, spring tooth harrow, all crops, etc. Water is piped to house. Buildings in fine shapeV Property inspected and photo taken . by Brooks. : j REGULAR FARM BARGAIN : ON PACIFIC HIGH WAV C4 seres, on the paved road, south of Portland. In Lane county.. All under cultivation. Best of black loam soiL Creek ' ; on plate. Wire fences.. Good -M room house, large barn with cement floors chick- - en house with cement floor, garage and other buildings. . H acre berriea and bear lng family orchard. 80 acres now in grain, 2 acres potatoes and gsrden In. Only mile to station. i'ree bus "to - high and grade school. Price $8600 with very small cash payment. The place is stocked and . equipped, which ean be bought This is In ' a well settled community and to A-l land. FINE OOING BAIRT RANCH 47 acres, in Washington county, Oregon. At station. 80 acres under cultivation. 40 acres can be cultivated. Large bearing orchard. mile to . school. 6 room house, barn 60x90, machine shed, ohicken' house. , Bearing family orchard. 0 good milch cows, good team, 3 hogs, 1 bull, chickens, complete line of machinery, feed, seed and furniture.! Price $7500 for every thing. $4000 cash. Only 40 miles from center of Portland. The income from the sale of milk for 1920 was $2300. VERT CLOSE IN? FARM ' 40 acres. 8 miles from Portland Court House. West, . mile to school. Good fences. 31 acres nnder cultivation. 3 acres standing fir timber. 1 No aste land.' Creek. .Family orchard, lots of berries. 6 room Ihouse,. new large . bam. ' chicken house. Brick . and cement fruit house. Included with place: 2 horses, harness, 6 head cattle, brood sow. 80 chickens, wsgon, binder sad trucks for moving, mower, rake, plow, harrow, cultivators, v tools and all crops. Hay fork in barn. Only 80 minutes out from Portland. Inspected by M alone. Offered st a bargain. j 40 acres, 80 miles southeast' Portland; 7 miles from town. 1 mile to school; good macadamized road. 8 acres under culti vation; 8 acres more ready to plow; bear- ing orchard. 3 room hotue, barn, good chicken bouse. Price $3000. including 2 cows. 3 heifers, 3 calves, 1 2 sheep, 5 lsmhs. 50 chickens. Also 40 sores of leased land in crop and 2-3 included with this place ana au the stock. $1500 cash, balance 5 years per cent 1 40 acres. 32 miles southeast from center of Portland. All ran be cultivated, 30 aares nnder eultivstion and in crop. - Good , soil. mile t school. Bearing orrhard. 6 room house, large barn, granary, modem chicken house. Included with plae: team, 4 cows, calf, 150 chickens. 2 wagons, 1 binder, drill, rake, plow, harrow, buggy and tools. Price for farm without equipment . $4500; $1000 cash. With equipment, $5500; $2000 cash. Inspected by Uunter. 80 acres 32 mile smith Portland. Close to good high and grade school. On good road. 75 acres can be farmsd. - 11 acres now In crops. Balance in second growth fir timber. Bearing fsmily orchard. Lots of berriea. ' 4 room bouse, barn, large chicken house. Included with place: 1 team, 2 milch eows, 2 yearling heifers and 225 W lute ' Ijpghorn chickens. 1 Very complete line of machinery and household furniture. Price I for everything, $4 500. large cash payment- Inspected by Brooks. ' "'! $500 CASH 2000 OORD8 WOOD 40 acres, 25 miles south Portland. 1 H Tittles from .town, and Oregon Electric Sta tion. ,. Best of black loam soil. Creek by place. Aljf level bind, well drained: AU ean be cultivated when cleared. Over 2000 cords of .-wood on plaee t Ths Is a well - improved farm on 2; aides and is in a dis trict of high priced ' and productive land. Price $3500; $600 cash. Balance on easy. terms at 6 per cent. Inspected by Hunter. ' . . , 20 acres, 42 miles from Portland. 1 mue irom station, town and Columbia river. high and grade schools. & acres under cultivation. Id acres can be farmed, lots of fir timber. Graveled road. 2 acres clover and timothy, good fences. 2 room house. Price $1800; $600' cash, balance at $100 year. per cent.: ; , . JOHN FERGUSON. ! Qerlinger BSdg., ; Largest Farm Dealer en Pacific Coast Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. . Get our extensive '""'i-4 lists. , BUT DIRECT FROM "OWNER , " ' I have made enough money to support myself wift:o8 rrst our lives, and want to retire. What I have done you can da Begin bv buying my 28 acre farm. 12- miles from Portland, on paved road, 1 mile from earline. good school, churches; fine neishborhood, thickly settled; tele phone. cream route, R. F. I). Farm all culti vated. wcH; fenced, fine soil, no gravel, well drained. Crop and gsrden all in. 3 acres full bearing orchard, sherries, nears. tirunAS nltims apples, quinces, walnuts, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, black berries, gooseberries, currant, rhubarb, asparagna. Assortment choice roses. Good 8 room house, newly painted inside and out.. well rurnKned. 'J wells. - 1 on poreh. Woodshed. 45 oords wnnd TtmnHev ltMu - In. mi b tors. Barn, granary, tool bouse and other Duiioings. 4uu enicaens, 3 Jersey eows. 2 horses and all farm tools and equipment. Some feed oats, corn, wheat. New 1920 Ford with starter. This is bargain at $3000 down, balance your own time at 6. Wiil sell without car, furni ture or equipment if desired. George Granes, iscsamss, i r. 24 -ACRES. 17 under cultivation, orchard of 2 ... - , . 1 . . , MiB uu rjiemen; 'ome berries, 8 acres pasture, running creek all ' - 1 1 - niie iamen iana. 4-room house, new. with fireplace; bam 4Kx40, hay carrier, stanchion. 4 cows, chicken house 14x 36, 1 chicken house 14x34; Js mile of high way; personal, 290 White Leghorn chickens, 2 cows, 1 heifer. 1 horse, 3 wagons, 2 plows, cul tivator. wheelbarTew. 3 tons hay in the barn, hay rack: price $7000. $3500 cash. 10 acres.. 2 acres under cultivation, all ffneed; a new 4 -room bouse, chicken house and shed; personal, 1 horse, buggy, harness, 30 chickens; $1300 cash, balance a mortgage of $800: price 82100. ; HILLSBOKO LAND AtREALTT CO. England & Mell-r. algrs.. 1 1 : 1 1 -1. r . AN IDEAL iDAIRY ASI) STOCK RANCH All the elements necessary to making this the finest ranch in Oregon; 1000 acres of cutover land, good soil, all of It; no rock, no waste; over 200 acres rich alder ereek bottom, about 60 cleared. 3 in orchard; plenty of outrange; . 2 fine creeks, lots of living springs, large pond, water power for electrio liohts. water piped to buildings and barns; good school: free auto bus ff to nigh school; daily mail and telephone: 2 H miles good town, railroad, boat landing and Columbia: river highway; 2 hours' drive from I ortland; attractive price and terms; might con sider psrt trade. J. B.. Laber, owner. 705 Broad way bide. 3S ACRES. 6 M1L.T5S FROM HII.LSBORO " OVER THE SKYLINE BOULEVARD 21 acres in high state of cultivation and in crops, 2 acres in orchard and berries, 10 acres slashed in pasture, balance good timber; 4-room house and 2-room house; large barn, tool shed, hog house, poultry bouses for 1000 chickens; running water. With this - goes good team. 2 wagons, mower, rake, plows, cultivator, gas woodsaw, lota of small tools, cow . and chickens. Everything for $65O0. easy terms. Will take small place in exchange, i STEWART A mnvsnv 815 Northwestern Bank Bld'g, FOR SALE by owner, 65 acres of good land I close to school, ereek running through place en good road, 4 5 miles from Portland 2 H miles to boat and railroad.) Also 9 good milk cows. 1 separator almost new. 3 horses. 2 dozen chickens, 1 brood sow and some farming imple ments. Will sell stock with or without place. $3500 takes all If taken at once. Henry Gib bona. Carrolls, Wash. 1 - . NO REAL estate man ia ' entitled to use the L n Realtor" unless he is affiliated with the National Association of Real Estate Boards and subscribes to its pledge to protect the inter ests of buyers end sellers of property. Do busi ifh a. Realtor. When in doubt phone ( l'T V l ' . : r . ... m .M-AJ ULiWJ. JgVa. " rauv men can maintain I membership in the Portland Realty Board, all Jts members are "Realtors' and are entitled to the use of this copyrighted name. For your own protection buy jour property through a Realtor and list it with one also. Portland Realty Board. Broadway 1-902- . .- 120 ACRE dairy ranch, 25 acres in crocs. 63 ! acres practically eleaaed: good grass, new deep soil; 4 room house. 'large bsrn. spring wm 2 ,Jr.om $3SU0. PWivT take ?nSct or "rtS .assy terms. Owner. W. K Fox. Nashville, Or. . - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 STfingpn avr FJT-rpPETJ FARMS I. Th fnllnwimi nlieo . arw all stocked snd eouipped. t The rois are in and growing Ta7 rre ready to move right an: 20 V Acres Beat red-shot soil. 7-room bunga low, good barn, gnraga, eta. Price $0000. $30O0 rash. baL at 6 peg cent, 20 miles from Portland.. .. 80 Acres Dairy farm in Lincoln county. fuH set of buildings, trout stream, on . highway, best of soil, lies well, a good paving farm and worth the Price. $52 50. 60 Acres .General farm, 6 miles from Port- land city limits, shot soil, running creek, spring water piped to Duiio, ' ings, 80 acres- in wheat. 10 acres hay, all kinds of fruit, price $13,000. SoOOO cxh. 83 Acres Nrsr Boring n the Litres da line. iujI set of PtuldUnzi. 23 acres in cultivation, about 50 acrea fir and cedar timber, running water, best of shot soil, price $7330. H . cseh. 10 S Acres In Clackamas county, full set of buidings, all kinds of fruit, 65 acres in cultivataon, bard road. running . water, price $10,000, $4500 cash. . 1 130 Acres Stock farm, complete, about 1 25 head cattle, 2 hones, good build ings, running water, lots of out range, 1 1 kinds of f ru't, 40 miles 1 from Portland, an ideal location and a .sacrifice prvss of $8000, $5000 cash. 135 Acres General farm with. 134 acres : in , cultivation and in crop, bfest of oouom land, good buildings, wa ter system, borders rn . Tualatin river. 14 miles fr-m Portland. hard road, price , $31,000, $15,- ww easn. . 464 Aeree Dairy and stock farm in Lincoln Co.. best of sniL minm water. lots of outrange, first class butkl- tngs well located, t'. lQiles from K. K. Price $20,:M. $12,000 cssh. Remember these farms all bavj stock and equipment and crop. All have Kejn personally inspected and we have photos and complete de- ui at our 01 1 ice. . Ldtx. us abow you the cnes wiucn interest you. - j. 732 Cham, of Com. 10 acres, 5 acres cleared and In culti vation. Good 5 room plastered bun galow, i with bath and water piped in bouse. Small barn, extra fine large mod ern chicken house with runs, brooder house. 200 thoroughbred White Leghorn chickens and a number of new chicks. Brand new 500 egg incubator. rod horse, cow and all necessary small tools and implements. All cons of berries, all fn fine condition. On good gravel road. 1 milu from pavement and suburban car station, and 8 miles from Vancouver. Priced at $4300. Terms can be arranged. ' 20 ACTCS $75 All cleared and In cultivation, finest kind of soil. Modem 7 room plastered bungalow, fireplace, water piped to house and barn. Concrete potato house, bsm 60x54, chicken boose, tool shed, garage, woodshed, bog house and blacksmith shop fully equipped with tools. Very complete -set of. all . farm implements and small tools.. 7 eows. Holsteln bull. 1 brood sow, 7 pigs, good team and pony, about 24 chickens. On good gravel road. 3 miles from town and paved highway. $3000 cash, balance at 6. Will con sider some trade. Albert Miller, Farm Department, I . ElwelS, Watts '& Percaval Washington St. at 8th. Phone VANCOUVER, WASH. !3. 1 MODERN DAIRT RANCH . Lebanon; good graveled road, R. F. D. and K.,cririuuD, o owu oouse, jS earns, j 4 fti i u cow barn. 22 iron stanchiorn. 50-ton silo, horse ham SflYltn- ti .w-K . u 1. eiectnc light air pressure water system, i mile v; jl miie 10 nign scnooi, first clsss ranch. The owner has lost his wife. Price, mcludinc crorj. 1l!0 lion ,uh i uiui k.i. b pericent. CHICKEN RANCH rOOm hlWIW - ,KoH I l. for 8 cows and three horses. 110 prune trees in bearing, cherries, apples, peacnea, raspberries, strawberries, curranta, gooBCDcrriea. grapea, etc. m xtr 1 1 " i-fkatn ennJ A S 1- : 1 . ... w-uv vuwa, v CJUClOQg, qnDf LT .V "" J n" owner n rery balance mortirac. V If you want a chicken ruich coma and nee thin. It's wortit th njemey. ' A-Aj BUUiltMlU A HUi5g 200 ACRES Over jfo acres cleared, baknee pattureiand ami itovered with small timber in spots; 'some large trees for wood; best of ------ . w.iri.- . meres 7rcDaru OI Sll kinds trees; berries. Excellent seven room house. cuixsu, iuu7, Dim, moaera piumbtng, best spring water pined in. perpetual flow of water; house is hard finished throngboot. Two aUo of 100 ton capacity; garage chicken house, snow and au buildings required. This place is on '". uraw unruti rrrer, nas rural tree oeUvery. a telephone, and the school is hrn , mil . n. w. . . V. --11 J . . producing excellent crops every year. Is Ideally situated for stock or dairy farm. Four miles from Kelso a good little city. Included with the above farm is the following described per sonal property: Team, wagon, harness, buggy. ' 2 . ....... n,, i-iywn, iwrniwn, nay raKe, mower, binder, 1 disc, T-ream ; separator, feed grinder, milk cart, scales, woodsaw, steel roller, cider mill, 2 wheelbarrows and. other tools too numerous to m,nHnn Immlt - , . : . n terms may be arranged. Bee or write Lawrence ' Mr. : Rancher ; 'Just Look at This i One of those fine 80 acre farms, won derfully productive soil: 10 acres in 6 and 7-year-old apples Spltxenbergs, Yellow Newtown and Winter Bananas) j 10 acres in clover. 4 acres wheat and vetdh; 4 room house, fine barn, sheds and oothouiea. with spring water piped to the houw. With the farm goes farm implements, all for $K0O0 I have many other farm. large and small, from $50 to $150 ier arre. I J. B. HOLBROOK, REALTOR 214-15 Panama Bldg. C0MP1JETE1.T SXTvED AND EQUIPPED 117 um. Aft . - ... - . ... -H, suns oc fTutuva- 44nn iiul all In - o 1 . ... . i . , v-'t. 79 mcTrm oiversiiiea or chard; land lies jusf right for drainage: lot more alajiner. nA i -wri k . .1 . ... : - - - ,...vu o, vtM uio main roaa with mail and cream route; can be traveled with - -un jai uiruuso; gooa t room nouse, large bsm, all other outbuflding ; all paintedVand-in good condition ; with the place goes 3 good cows, fine team, full set of farm machinery, all ,in good " ' j"-"-. iiua is a going place, so you can go right on it and make money. Price for a ehnrt t i l.T',i v. i, u . , : , " v -j . v v , vuu WB1 gOOU tune on the balance. ; .-Ja: . STEWART & JOHNSON. !UV 315 North wastem Bank bldg.-"- -I : .0 'Acres All good land, has been logged off, some brush on it, some not hard to dear. This- is about 4H miles of Molalla and to car lines, steam snd electrio This is on Milk! ereek. good loca tion, all small homea around the placet. Here is your chance to get a dandy little homeland make a start. Price $80O, half cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent E. P. Elliott A Son., 7th at tafX lk.7 4S 1 aa4 Aaua. A aX . kEEDVILLE S BEST ii acn. rv - ht dark brown loam, all In high state of cultiva tion, no better soil in Washington county ; , fine a room bouse, fireplace., hot and cold water, gas and gas range, good bam and outbuildings, fine family orchard; all fn crop; 1 good horse, harness 'and wagon, 1 fine cow, chickens, t ma chinery and tools, hay in bam; on fine iauto road, only mile from town. If yon are looking for a first class place, here it ia. , Priced right. For full particulars, see me. 1 -- r. "ur, i nenry rtldg. WE.y SELL YOU THIS SPLENDID RACH ON LOSO TIME CONTRACT. 232 acres near Yamhill. 150 acres in Culti vation. 100 acres rich bottom land, tiled and arained, in hope 20 years. 25 acrea now in hops contracted for S years, 82 acres goo pasture, some timber. 8 springs, creek.: well. 0 rm. bowse, bam. other outbMgs, the right man can get a good deal on this ranch; use yonr cash to stock and M.iipthis place. Price $100 an acre, SAM HE WET at J. L, HARTMAN COM PANY. 8 Chsmber of Com. Bldg. (Realtor). IB ACRES. -very choice knd. near I Tg eouver, $500 Improvements; price re duced from $3000 to. $2100 for .fltrick sale: $500 cash and easy payments. N W Uerrifiekl. 810 Wash, at, Vancouver, Wah! Phone 323. j . . , . i . . N. W. Merriffield, I SICK, going to Arizona; win sell my 50 -acre valley farm. Take house and cash. V-84S. Journal. . j . . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 40 ACRE PARKS - 40 ACRES, WASCO COCNTT -; 40 acres. located only mile, from Friend, in waneo county, all level, volcanic aah soil, no uuuju, du. sss su eeesi aiasneo. met ONL.X iuv, gauu easn. 40 ACRES. CBOOK COCWTT 40 acres, located near Bend in Crook eonntv. Bandy loam soU ( SS a. paid up water right; worth $50 per a. goes with, this; 10 a. on which J ia. per uses have been palled, balanae ail In trees.; Price ON LX $2100, $600 cash, bal ance a v years. j - . . j ! 5 40 ACRES, BEN TOU COCSTT 40 acres, located anlv 1 mfle from Te-rirr- in Benton county. level, 12 a, under plow, about 100.000 ft. 1st growth timber; orchard 3 years om, 4 .room noose, running water, bam 32x47, milk boose, 2 chicken hern a, plow. rake, mowtr, culdvator. cream separator. S cows, 8 calves, horse, 150 bens, sUo 450 White Leghorn baby chick. 12 a. in crop. . Price ONLY $3500, e-svuv easn. 40 ACRKS, CLARKE COUNTY 40 acrea. located near FLihera ' in Clarke county, au level,, 10 a. under plow. 5- a. in o-year-oui prunes, i tine gravel road. .small house iii-. x-xutis feuuu, oou easn. . 40 ACRES. COLUMBIA COUNTY . 40 acres, located near Yankton In Columbia county, about $4; under cultivation, 1 a. in clover, 45 bearing fruit trees, berries; H4 story C room plsstered house, bam 26x36. stock, tools ana crop ina-tiaed, at only g iooo. ft cash. ; 46' ACRES, LEWIS COUNTY ; ' ! ': i 40 seres, located near Tvalina in Lewis rntin ty. 20 a. under plow, family orchard 8 years old, 5 room hotue, bam 40x60, hog bouse 10x12. woodshed 20x20, wagon, j harrow, mower, rake, disc, etc. cream separatorj team, 5 cows. z caives, z nogs, about 4U hen. 17 a. in croo. about. 20 tons of bsv in barn. PVire for ranch. stock and equipment only $7500, $4500 cash. P. Li EDDY, Realtor. HlllEK, 1X1WE & COMPANY. 201-3-5-7! Board of Trade bldg. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS Your Last Opportunity In Central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford excellent shelter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock rais ing are being carried on successfully. The country is -jdeal fpr mixed fanning. . The Canadian Pacific railway' is offering a large area of these fertile lands in Lloydminster and Battle ford districts. This fertile land will Wnmi the. borne of thousands of properous farmers. u similar iana cieager wneeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Llovdminster the world's prise oats hsve been grown, and butter of the highest Quality" is made. A man ean soon become Independent on a farm in this dis trict. These lends ean be bought now at an average of about $18 per acre. You pay down 10 i no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then 10 annual payments. Interest is 6. M. E. THORNTON. SupU of Colonization : Canadian Pacific Railway. 120 Ninth sve. ., Calgary. Albrta. THE following are stocked and equipped. . good ! buildings, near school, good roads; less than 20 miles business dis trict, Portland: telephone. R. V. D., cream route; plenty of fins water, lots of fruit, r 43 1 acres $12,000. K cash. R0 acres $18,000. H cash. ' 135 acres, 6 acres prunes, $18,600, hi cash.: . i We locale !you on farms, prune or chards or acreage on easy 'najments , Atkinson & Porter' 705 Slain ' St, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 832-Jr Sunday. A, GOOD FARM BUY 15 acres, convenient eitv nf Van. Wuh . 5 minutes walk to car tine, store, post office, good laraW 'house, laem i ham. ,hi.kHi hrniw lumber to bid. woodshed. Splendid well of water, on R. F. D. and phone line, close to 2 schools, in well settled community. Live here, work in Vancouver. 25 'minutes by auto, one mile of Battle G round hia-hwav.. li ml! t fcirrf n. face road, part under cultivation, some partly cirarea, in pasture, good, clear abstract title, no incum. , warranty deed. Way others have sold It is $1000 nnder value at $3000, hi cash. naiance mortgage at J per cent. 1403 Pit and 14th. Vancouver. Wash. Phone S0S-Y. Immcrii- stjr nniMMfiiMi mvm, . . E5kCkPlT6SAL barSaJS( 48 acres- 1 mile of town. WuhmetAn wnti 13 acres cultivated, house, bam. snrinsra anH creek, timber: $1600, easy terms. acresnear ' vxireat lirove, part cultivated; buildings, creek. 8000 cords of old fir: S2500. terma. i i .' - Beautiful 47-aere home. V rnfla of town 'Washington county; 8 enltivated. snlendid bouse. water piped in, bam , and outbuilding and orchard; - $2500.! tenna DUBOIS. 804 Kpttlding Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR AUTO I have 100 ahres land in Central Ore iron 4 miles ut R. R. and town, this is a fine clace for some one-who wants to co into chicken snd dairy hir-inera. Ineschules! river runs through thw land- cine chmste. good ground, about 65 acres can be put in eultivstion at small cost. Balance amoer mutaDie tor wood; and posts. My terms are $500 cash "or will take light at of like value as first neyment. Total price- $1450. 7 years at 6.i Seer me at 3(17 -ht at or phone Marghall-2982. J. ; R. Hight, owner. rtftilaf.Tif aiJ-tt 'v , 10-room modem bouse; hardwsorl finn ataauW heated, full cement basement, elentrie lia-hta. bath, toilet, all built-m effects, 2 modem bams. etcR-w-ic jifcoia, running water, aoume garage, equipped with Fairbanks stock scales and corrals, fenced and cross-fenced ; $ miles from CorvsUis. 2.oo: mortgage 513.200. Terms. Con sider trade. liiW, HUlcrship, 1654 4th: st. Mntn 5275. . !' ' i . A REAL BARGAIN: 35 acres. 24 miles from Oregon Citv. on road to be hardsnrfaeed nnder recent' bond act: 20 acres clear, 6 acres in bearing Anjou and BOSS near. S Seres of bea.rina' armlaF- omkamrl good family4 orchard,' good well, ' 13 acres in timber. Price $5000. half down. This is abso lutely the best buy in (Clackamas county today. Address, owner. L. A. Morris. Oregon City. Or. ..... ... ....... j. . . 64 Si .l',a BjlinininF Mnl . A n miles from Portland, , fine soil, 45 acres in 'culti vation: honsA- ham. etc eletHc li ffS: t. water, some equipment. Price $10,000," only $1500 down, balance $500 yearly; or imight trade lor Portland property. -013 4'MAMBKR OF COMMERCE -ACKE KANCU i Right on highway. 3 blocks to electric sta tion; part under cultivation. House, (bam. t hicken house, well; cows, chickens, cord wood, farm implements. All for $2200. $600 cash, balance very easy terms. Ready to move into. Where can you i do better? . HOW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. I SMALL WHEAT FARM $4500 ; 240 sores near North Bsnk road, all good. 150 in grain now; good buildings with water piped to them, hog tight fences., famii yorrtisrdj will i comae isrm macninery. I'nce $4300 . csih. lnis is a en. ! j , LI EDDEMANN COMPANY !13 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 35U0O 160 a. farm, 45 miles from Portland, one mils from highway, 12 a. in cultivation, 11 bead of stock, tools ! and implements, new furntetjed bouse, new bam, newly painted, spring and meek on place; $2000 cash, balance. Terms. Owner. Delena, Or., close to Rainier.- Fred Aronson. j CANADIAN farm lands, last great block of Cana diaa Pacifie Railway company's reserve lands. Remarkably cheap, on long and' easy terms. Landseekers' excursion party leaves Portland tor Calgary, Alberta, on Saturday, Hay 7, reduced railway rates. . For further particulars see Cana dian Pacific Railway company; 208 Railway Exchange bldg..i L. P. Thornton, district repre sentative. 47 4 -ACRE BARGAIN " 37 in cultivation, bearing prune orchard 2 acres timber, 5 cows, 2 horses, 125 chickensi all implements, 1 fair buildings, spring water piped to house; $2250' will handle, balance at 6 per cent. : RU1Q1ELL & RUMUELL. : 274 Stark St. S A BARGAIN MUST SELL $900 will buy 5.9 acres of Al for berry and chicken ranch, 1 acre cleared, good 4 room bouse, furnished, garden tools, and chickens, gar den planted, 1 5 min. walk to highway, close to A -tori.. J. Z.IPhtt. Blind Slowh. Or. i ! 30 'acres, 20 in cultivation, stock and farm implements; will accept Portland residence, 4000, balance easy. j WDLN.I 1402 OR WDLN. 848. I 10 Acres, 5 acres in grain, baL pasture, 75 cords : wood, 4 room house, fumiahed, fine barn, ereek and springs, 5 miles from Oregon City on good road, $2000. C. W. Millership, 16$ 4th st. Mtn'S275J 100 ACRES close to city, good soil, no rock. , 60 acres cultivated, 10 in prunes, 3 in family orchard, indication of oil. 1 mile to station, same to highway; $12,000, half down; by owner. SOOE. Balmon. East 189Q. - SMALL FARM ON COLUMBIA BLVD.! - 7 room house, barn for 30 cows milk house, no : city asseasmenta, Will sell five or more acre. R. W. Cary, 1219 N.W. Bank bldg. 160 ACRES unimproved ,' 6 acres in grass, road to place, 3 1 miles from Pacific City. Cash price $1600. i Owner. Route 1. Box 134, Mc- Minnville. ! FOR SALE 53 acres. H mile west of Aams ville. Or.; stock and machinery. . Write I for terma. Henry rennea. ' REAL ESTATEFOR SALE FARMS 407 See Thef e Before Buying t In the famous Lewis river -valley. 140 t-.-.Anrea with 80 nnder cultivation, erope are nearly all in. Dandy room bouse, in good shape, bams, bog bouses; prune dry er and lota of other buildings. Personal property consists of the following: 23 bead of grade cows and heifers, Jersey bull, reg istered sheep, horses, 25 head of bogs, tur- . keys, chickens, bees, 5 barrows. 3 cultiva tors. 3 plows,' 2 mowers, bay rake, lots of other equipment too numerous to mention. This man is sick and in, order to sell will , aacrifice. -, For further particulars call at office. ; ... , ' I A -Real!: Farm ,v:-v Vrt 80 acrea first-class land, hi f cultivation, -crops in, 6 room bouse, modem i in every way, 2 large barns, 5 good eows, 2 2-year-old heifers. 2 brood sows, 3 horses, binder, 2 cultivators.' mower, rake, disc ;2-section harrow. - drill, potato digger, 2 wagons, cream separator, plenty of smsll tooU and all household furniture. - Price $18,000. $5850 down. This place 12 milcs out and just off the pavement, A ,KEAL BUY. Columbia 'Investment ny 4VI MAIN BT. VANCOUVER, WASH. -. ( , FOR RENT FARMS 408 FARMS FOR BENT ' 30 ACRES, WOODLAND 30 acres, nau Woarllan4 iXCmh li. nnrlsr plow, orchard, 4 room house, barn 40x80; nothing to buy. Rent about $50, per year. j 71 . ACRES. LAUREh ' Tl Vt acres, with 30 a. under plow and in crop, also about 200 a. pasture, house and bam, 9 milk eows, calves, team, chickens, all farm implements and dairy equipment, also household goods. : PRICE $2400, some terms. Rent $350 per year. . .i j j 80 ACRES, WILSONTIIJUE 80 acres, 30 acrea under olow.: i a. straw berries, orchard, 5 room house, a barns, all kinds ot farming equipment, team, 2 cows, hogs and hens. PRICE $1530, $850 cash. Rent $3C0 per year. - ! 10 ACRES; COOS COUNTY 100 acres, with 32 a. under nlow. 4 or 5 a. fruit, 6 room bouse, large bam. fnU aet farm equipment, 12 cows. team. 2 sows with 23 pigs, about 20 a, In crop. PRICE $3300. 32500 cash. ' , - j ' 140 ACRES. PORTLAND i I 1 4 f img dsirv wit It retail WiarSn rm-f1nrl bringing in about $1000 per ySa.; 38 bea4 rows, trxiJts ojou, pan easn. 145 ACRES, DAYTON 143 acres, with 100 a. under nlow of which' 75 is in crop, 4. room bouse.i bsm 50x60. sll kind of farm tools, also household furniture, 3 norses, good cows, chickens and hogs. PRICE wiui- eovvv casu.i 145 ACRES. JEFFERSON . t.- - 143- acres, with 75 a. tinder plow. 60 a. in crop, fruit and berries, good buildings, large bam, 24 head eows. bull, horses, nogs, chickens, sll isrm equipment. PK1CE i for all only $3500. $1200 CASH. 11 168 ACRES. LEBANON 168 acres, with 45 a. under nlow. -30 a. In rpp, ' 2 a. fruit, 5 room house, 2 bam, silo, jftiU set farm machinery, ensilage cutter, Burrell muser. team, 13 cowi ana lfers, bogs.: Price $3000, or win sell crop anffitransfer lease for a wo. s 360 ACRES. 860 acres, with 100 a. under nlow. 53 a. In crop, a a. lamiiy orchard, 2 mouses (eacb 4 rooms) , nam, all farm equipment, 4 horses, Z mules, 7 eows. hog, sheen, 80 goats, chickens. turkeys, etc, PRICE $3550, 82000 cash. nave otners it tnese ao not appeal to yoo. !. U EDDY. Realtor, RITTER. IflWE & COMPANY. ! S013-5-7 Board of . Trade bldg. ! Noi 46F6r Lease 80 A;, near Reedville, 25 A. cleared and under cultivation,, fair set farm bldg-, 15 A. now seeded to or on: rent $300 per year, $200 easb. $100 in labor. Which includes 4 bows, complete line farm machinery, i -Win give 3-year lease.. Following personal property for sale: Good team horssa, wagon, har ness, 4 cows, 1 bull. 3 calves, 3 brood eows, 26 pig. 2 young sows, 1 boar, spring tooth harrow, 1 cream separator. 75 chickensi, gasoline ! engine, household furniture and ail small tools: 'Price on personal,1 property $1750. Would con sider goodiFerd as part payment. Could give f-ome iterm. . : No; 3336 H Acres" 61 A., about half i in cultivation.: 6 roont house completely furnished, large dairy brn, 8 bead ' milk cows, team horses, mower, rake, plow, disc, barrow : cream separator, 100 chickens, all crops: This is located 1 Vt : miles from good . country ! town 'and cheese factory. Price $2350, i$1000 cash. " Noi 349fl Acres ' ,; .1 00 Al IS under cultivation, balance' good pasture with running water, iiood bou.e. ( nice orchard and lawn, good bam, main county road. 1 hi miles from city limits of Vancouver. Will rent for cah rout- or on shares. Noi. 308100 Acres . 100 acres, about S5 nnder cultiva tion, part upland and part bottom, new modern dairy bam, concrete floors, large sUo, modem milk house. Win give 3 or 4 years' lease. This is located. 6 miles from Vancouver just off of paved road. Following - personal property for sale: 50 head.; of high grade HoLatein cattle, 3 head large work horses, new Cleve land tractor with plows and disc, ensil age cutter and blower, feed grinder, -manure spreader, two wagons, gasoline engine, 2 horse cultivator, corn planter, corn binder, all small tools and a fine growing crop. Pricei $12,500. $3000 cash, balaim $500 every 60 days. This is sn A-l dairy ranch. No. 379S0 Acres. SO acres, about 60 acres under culti vation, fair house and bam; will, give 3-year lease at $500 per year. Will take less for the first year; 8 milk cows, 8 head heifers. Price $850. See Mr. Blair With , Thompsoo, Swan Lee 3d and Main Bte., Vancouver, Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY -860 a.,- 90 In cultivation, 55 in crop, near WiUamina; crop, stock, equipment and rent paid .to Oct. 1921. j $35t0. $2000 cash, - "WASHINGTON COUNTY 90 A, 27 in j cultivation, near ReadviUe; crop stock equipment and rent paid -to Dec. 1921. $3000. . $2000 cash. . ' CLACKAMAS COUNTY 40 A, 14 in cultivation, near Oregon City; good bldga.; rent $200. " . - CLACKAMAS COUNTY ' ' 80 a., 25 in cultivation, stock, crop, equip ment; rent paid toj i Sept., 1021. Near WUaon ville. $1500. I Small payment, easy terms. . WILUCR F. J0LSO. Kealtor. Henry Bldg. FOR RENT Half section. 320 or more, prin ci pally wheat land. Also 200 finewool sheep tor saie cneap. j -rnis requires but little immeui ate can. Lw Negul, Culver, Or, IRRIGATED LANDS 409 , For ; Carpenters "... y Wears able to furnish employment for several carpenters on a job near Bend, Or., to begin work at once. Want men who are willing to apply part of their earn ings on a ! farm, borne in this section. Several hundred i acres fine irrigated farm lands, with free Water rights and all under cultivation. Price ranging from $65 to $90 per acre. . This is a good opportunity. For further! information see MONTGOMERY A W EISSNEB. ; 27 Gascft jbldg.j Maia 7602. " Irrigated Lands ; Easy terms of paiyment; convenient to railroad, schools, telephone and power lines; rural mail, ia fact everything to make farming both profit able and pieasanb We have 40f 60 and 80 acre tracts ready for Immediate settlement; some all in alfalfa and1 the: others partly in alfalfa, the balance ready to be seeded. Ochooo Land Co.. 806 N. W. Bank bldg.. Portland. Phone Main 4416. , i J ... -'- BEST irrigsted, land in Idaho by, a dam site. Q-660, Journal, HOMESTEADS 410 WHAT have you to trad for 160-aere homestead relinquishment. Full details in reply. S-621, Journal- i t FOR A HOMESTEAD LOCATION REE" E. W. Helm, 318 Board. of Trade Bkig. V WTTJLAMTN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS 411 Q YOU ARB LOOKING FOR SAWMILL OB TIMBER, SEE TBS WLNSLOW COHPAJTY. 41 LUMBERMEN BLDG. PORTLAND. OR. SMALL lugging. nuUina- or cord wood propoai- . tiou; railroad, bard road, near1 river, near Portland. Reasonable terms. Parker, TO J Flsnder. " - - 120 ACRE timber and stock claim. 3.000,000 ft. timber, for sale or trade for 1-ton truck. K-840. Jonmsl. i QUARTER section original timber, to 11 mil lion; on road and stream; six miles to rail. Quick action needed; ' K-373. 'Joumat MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE 412 IF sold this1 week, grocery and meat market, 6 , -room house, close in; 7 pass. Paige car; $6000 cssh. X-934. Journal. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 LINN COUNTY EXCHANGES 810-acre farm, all in high state cultivation 100 acres clover, good buildings, $47,500; trade tor Alberta farm. j , , , 640-acre stock farm. Central Oregon; good Buildings and water; $10,000 clear; what have you to trade for this! 540-acre valley farm, fine black loam ' soil; $80 an acre; will trade for income property to same value. v ' 1 68 at-re stock farm, $8000; want" smaller term, to . 85-ecre seneral farm. $5000: take trade to half. What have you for any of above? Give lull details, price and location of your oiiering, or no atunttion. . , , ," GIBSON A ALVIN. LEBANON. "The Land Men." OREGON. A SPLENDID FARM TO EXCHANGE for good property -in Portland or any city In Oregon. Will take small farm as psrt. ' The tarm offered for exchange consists of 1001 acres located right at good RR. town in the Willam ette valley, some 506 acres of very rich pro ductive land cleared, balance very good pasture and timber, some 250 acres in crop, family orchard, creek through piece, water in all pas tures and at al) bids.; very fine 2 story white nouse, aiso a very gooa smaller nouse, 4 oaros, machine sheds and all necessary outbuildings; buildings are located in - a beautiful grove of shade trees, giving ' the farm a very homelike appearance; fenced-with woven, wire. Priced for short time only st $55 per acre. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. . 403 First National Bank Bldg.. - Albany, Or. IRVINGTON APARTMENT, $15,000 3-story frame building, 6 apts.. 4 of which are furnished; income $175 a month, besides owner's apartment: furnace heat. 4 baths, corner lot 100x100: place; is in . first-class condition, on. the insmc; will take residence or double house and $1-000 cavth aar first payment, and will give long time on the balance. .See Mr. StephensJ We have hundreds of other exchanges anil can surely match jour : trade, be it large or small.) BEALTQPS , 732 CHAMBrTR OF COMMERCE FORTY acres, 25 acres in eultivstion. mostly a LI seeded, plenty of fruit and berries; . 4 room; house, fair bam and chicken house; in St. Heir ens district, on good rock road. Personal: 2 horses, 2 cows. 2 iiicst 75 chickens. 1 wagon. harrow, plow, cultivator, rake and lot of other small tools. Will accept grocery stock in small town near Portaud. We have other farms, on which we can accept some Portland property 4 Price $8500.. - .' j 11UXSHORO LAND & REALTY CO., . Eneland A Mcllar. Managers, 1 Hillsboro, Oregon. WANTS PORTLAND PROPERTY 61 acres. 30 miles from Portland, 5 miles from Newberg; all fine land, 50 acres cultivated. 1 0 acres bops, . balance clover and grain ; 5 -room. nouse with bath, etc ; other good buildings stock and equipment included; price $13,500 will consider Portland property. LUEDDEMAN.N COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. . WILL TRADE my flats for lots: must e cor. : prefer Irvineton or Sandy blvd. Call Main7t31- , !' J. Rolbbins -. 301 Railway Exchange bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow and garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bathroom,, full com erete . basement., laundry trays, sll. modem ex cept heat,- corner lot COxlOO; will eaebang4 for 6- or 7-room bungalow or house, must be modem and in good condition; will pay or as-i sums difference; prefer East Irvington or Rose City Perk, close in. Call i944 Weidler ut-i phone Kast 4 1 . -- . Trades Trades Trades We may have jiwt what you iwaht, Til us wnat you nsve, i 1 A. W, Estes, Realtor 005 Chamber of Vrmswi-rce. Avi. f,14-wa WILL TRADE my modern 7-room bunga low, lot 66 2-3x100, fine fruit trees, for 4- or 5 -room bungalow. Main 703. ' sJsl 30.1 Railway Exchange -bldg. STOCKED RANCH 360 acres near WiUamina, CO acres in cnltii ration, 40 arrs more can be plowed; good set buildings; 10 'scree walnuts; $1500 worth of stork snd farm implements; all for $3500, $2006 cash will handle: or will take residence no to $2500. and balance cash; this is ;u-st the place you have been looking for,. ! 09 CHAMBER- OF COMMERCE. WILL exchance for good city property, 43 acres. 1 mUes 'west of Beaverton,, hi in cukivai tion; some good -timber on the balance. Oan be subdivided into small tracts; owner ha reduced (he price to $6000. but must have value in trade. 815 Northwestom Bank bldg. AiGROCERY or confectionery store; prefer this east side ; will trade' in a new 4 -room modem bungalow, lot ouxiuu, value asuuu. F. L. BlancEnard, Realtor I 401-2 SweOand Bldg. Marshall 829. j WILL TRADE my 4. lots. 50x100: each, income now $20 a .'month, clear, for 7- jroc.m house and some cash; must be modem.. 3 Main 7931. . ' SOKTHKliN ORBGON ORCHARD Value $4000. to exchange for ; PortUnd or suburban property. Give or, take some differ ence. 70 E. 18 lb N. Itast o:. J.. I EXt:HANGE Dairy ranch: want borne proposi- tintt alnns the Columbia. : sea coast, soutn: small resort. What have you? Address Box 1 00, Troutlake, Wash. ' TO TRADE my equity" of $1700 in 33 acres unimproved nver bottom land, very nest o adil. 30 miles from Portland, for good late model Ford. bal. easlu NX-U&O. Journal. Don't' Worry Csn trade anything, anywhere. Main 848 09 Chamber of Commerce. 140 ACRES lake frontage on Couer 'd Alene llake in Idaho: rough land: some timber, and small bouse. Will trade lor gooa usea liigni car. W. E. Jerome. 257 Chapman. I SEE this 100x83. on earline, 4 blocks from postoffiee, St. Johns; will trade for acreag. at Tsylor, R. F. P. 4. Box 133, Beaverton. Or. aveeaviue or -aiod. umei irmHiw. CANADIAN, 320 acre, highly Unproved farm. I equipped, owner 11 ere. ivxenauge nor . nu here. Consider city tiropoTty. Claude Cole, 426 LnmriertneTi bldg. TO TRADE acres near McMinnville, feO j acres near Medford. 11 lota at Newport and sfme raTsb.: J-917, Jmnuu. 1 ! ANDY 5 acres, near Hillabero. for houses In or near Portland, not over jzavw. nzf ood.- ' 1 ; i- 35 YOU have a good resUlence lot (clear) to trade for equity' in modem o room house. te owner; give location- . n.-ao. -jooraai. ; - EVERALi pieces of acreage, some near Port- . land, to exenange lor lots or umms, ntw. 14 E. Stark at. ' '-- ' - - ' S f5 EXCHANGE House equity for acreage near Portland. .See Webster L. Kincaid, Realtor. 401 Lewi Bldg. Phone Hdwy. 4 aa. ; 98 Acre farm, fenced, buildings, :ete..l no mort- gage. Exchange for modern i house in St. Johns. '818 P1U bldg. ' "! S XORIA'S downtown lot and 3 residence, lots; will' trade for home in Portland: value uuu. Kosovac, 410 terlinger bkig. I ! 0 ACRES, unproved, near Oregon' City earline; auto road. Take home in city aa part; terms. Stratum, Abington &ldg. 1 I -' 1 TO TRADE for anytlung ycra tave. Good Cen T tral Oregon land.' Csll 6324 96th st B. E- 44ACRE. near city, close to car: will aeD; trade lor lis tit tract or car, am. oo-a r ANTED Good ear. furniture or what have vm, aa firat navmen mi rwg $10 mofUhly. 892 H BixUi at. Apt. 4 LAIiGK tract of lou. close in, in Division i at: want income property, j. it. jacaiaoon, owo E. 43d st. Tabor 5361. I f ti ACRES of fruit Land worth $750 to trade l Tor house eqm'y or tet. t-ii, journal. TWO lots. . ttCUt and Kat Davis sui., for i 6 I mas. auto. ' Eveninss Tabor 4349. ! HALF acre fine soil; trade for lot. or what bare yon? Day phone Tabor $825. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 514 S wetland Bldg. Portland, Oregon t Mar. 3989 Mar, 11265 : SUNNV CALIFORNIA The ' Land of EverUsting Sunshine Are You Contemplating a Change! If so, it will pay to call at our office and list your profierty that you want to trade and tell us exactly what locality you are desiring to go to and the nature of the property wanted. As we have offices la that part of the country, we can get quick action fog' you direct. ' . A Samp la of Some of iOur California Trades: j SACRAMENTO VALLEY . " i : 80 acres, located 88 mules -from Stockton, CaL, Just of a mile from the' Uncoln Highway. This land is In a high state of culUvatoo and will trade for an apartment bonne, hotel or in- " come property in Portland. SAN BERNARDINO, 20 arre tract with! a fine modem home and other improvements, a good artetian well of water, 5 acres in peaches, balance in cultivated land, land. Price $40,000, or will trade for stock of merchandise or country prop erty near PortUnd. I 40 acre tract. 20 acrea in a peach orchard and 20 acres of cultivated land. Price $20,000, or win. trade for a stock of merchandise or country property near Portland, j REOLANO's, CAL. 50 room hotel, nicely furnished. located on the main city street of Red- land. Price $63,000 or will take city property in Portlands VALLEY 192 acre ranch, located the beau tiful Cummings Valley of Kern county. California 129 acres in 7-year-old bearing orchard and 1 30 acres in 6 y oar-old orchard. Balance of the land is excellent, alfalfa, grain or potato land, has a small house, good bam and' , other buildings, S good 12-inca w V , abundance of water the year round. Price $!0.000 or will trade for a good wheat ranch or a business block. RIVERSIDE, CAL. 30 acres. located i or a mile N. of the beautiful: Magnolia eve., just 1 H miles to banks, stores, library, and school, whirb are located in Arlington. Has a good 180-foot well, electrically equipped, and has an abundance of water. Price $13,500, or will trade for property in Portland. , RAMON Av CAL ' ' The city of Ruraona'- Is located in tne , Deautltul Ban . slightly N. and W. I have a o-acre trgct, located 1 mile rrortli of Ramnnx, nd close to the- "tale paved h-ighway ihat runs through the city of Ramona. I This Is all good, fertile, tillable soil.) $1(0 per' acre. 20 aches, 1 mile 8. E. of Ramona. has an orchard of 50 bearing almond trees and a young orchard of 40. Has a gnod well withvwhich you could. Irri gator the whole 5farra a good farm' bouse and other buildings. Price $5000, , 40 acres, 2 miles S. of Ramona, all 4 fenced, H now in grain and 6 acres planted in orchard, sJ.io 20 acres n alfalfa, has an abundance of water. . Price $6000, o" will exefeange either one of these tTiree ranches 'mentioned, " "in Ramona, on or for 1 'ortland In come, or city property. S20-ACRE RANCH 1 60 acres fn 8-year-old lemon trees with, orange fillers, a border of olives. Complete underground water System 1 with a fine jumping plant Modem 5- . room bungalow, hardwood floors, elec trta lights, etc Isuxe bsm and other buildings; stocked and equipped, and bout of soil. price $00,000, or ' will consider property in Portland. - LOS ANGELES V A dandy stone . and concrete flat building, containing 3 stores and 5 apartments, . with an income of $212 month. Price $40,000. A dandy 75x125 ft lot with, plastered stone and' flat building con taining 3 stores and four 4-room apart ment. Income of $240 per month. . Price $46,000. ( One lO-noia house, fully modem to A beautiful location. Price $30.00O. . ! One 50x113 ft. lot with a 2 story ' too btiildlng. containing 2 mxfrm and two 6 room flats. Income of $180. per" month. Price $18.t.i(i. i These above mentioned properties lo:atel in lx Angelas cn be ex--' changed for pnierty in or l near Portland.. ; - JBERKELEY,' CAL. j 1 Beantiful lot 32x80 ft. located on Kast 14th st, with a valnatfon tvf $3200, carrying a $1700 equity, to trade in as a payment on a bungalow ' in Portland up to $5000. Can pay a ' cash difference. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 5 Nice building lots, located within the citv limiU of San 'Frsncijico. j Pri-e $8500. -or will trade in oh a j small tract of land close to Port-Laud. IMPERIAL VALLEY- 3 Acres, located 2 blocks from EI Centro station, with tt is included 3 shams of Imperial Xktmpany's water stock. This will make a beantiful I home or could be used for - ware house, or business , building, as it is -located near the station. ; Price $2000 , or will take a dairy or stock farm ' ijrrefrred up to $4000. - SEE BOB ROLES ! 4 PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. !SI4 SwetSand BSdg.v PostSand, Oregon Mar.3989 Mar. 5265 , TO EXCHANGE On account of. an Ofwralion I am unabl. to drive my larg. car, but can kick i around a Ford; will giv. someone a good trade; have a Hupmobile in splendid running orderr-come in and let m. tell you aU about it. 806 -NW. Bank bkig., or pbone Maia 4410. ask for Mr. Brown.- - -:!:' 1 T" Ay owner " 20 acres near- WiUamina. .10 acrei, heavy timber; trade acreage close in or modem bun galow, clear property. 6128 52nd street Wood stock car. , , - ,' - 160 ACRES land. '. Daokta, close to. railroad and town, value $17.50 ner acre, for lota. acreag. or small farm. Would assume some dif ferenee. Give particulars. H-3 4 4. Journal. CHEVROLET 490, good eondition. new pain. I orj los on rmprovea sxreei viui nikhiuk, w east side. East 4156 business hours, 1219 K. Taylor evening. 1 40 A' 'RES of good high land, Tillsmook county, for sale cheap or trade for prop erty njr Portland. 72U Bi-lwell sve. WILL TUADK BO actes. valae; $4000, for rooming bouse or smsU apts. i in Portland. Auto, j 522-36. ' . 'I'; 8 OR 10 UlUJON Umber; can drive across it; close to 8. p. f or portlsnd or sunurnan property or farm. K-867, JonrwaiJ $1209 EUL'ITY in 6 room modem hotue for equity in small improved acreage. U-49. Xournsl. Hilt iriALE Lot 60x100 in Irviimton dixtrict. N. W. eorner, Z blocks from csr. flZOO, rnJ 137 acres, 6 -room bouse, bsm, well, etc, exeh. for lou m Rose city or irrington. sis Piatt bldg. ; --.!-: - TO EXCHANGE equity in 4 room Vancouver bungalow, modern, for .Portland canity in car. 840, Journal. - LARGE List farms to exchange for city. 403 - By.: Exchange. Maia $109. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 ! ' GOOD MODERN BdLDINOS . 24 acres, 10 mUes south Portland, 1 mil. from good town, with 2 electric lines, rocked road, good soil, 17 acres under cultiva tion, all can be cultivated. 2 aorea in - berries. New 8 room plastered bungslow, water system, garag., ham 40x50. elm-ken house. 1 mils to high and grade school. Included with place 1 team, 2 eows, 1 . heifer. 80 chickens, cream separstor, . brooder, incubator, complete line of ma chinery, 300 sacks of onions. 15 sacks potatoes, crops and all house furnituso, in cluding a piano. This ia a fine home, well located. , The buildings are reasonsbly worth $7001). Consider Portland hovue for part valuer WANT HOrSB FOR FULL AMOUNT 20 Acres, 23 miles .west Portland. Near Hillsboro. V mile to electric station, school and paved road.' All' under eulti . vation. 0 room house, barn and ether - buildings. Lota ot berries and bearing fruit 11. acres wheat, 5 acres oats and other crops, also 8 eows, 1 heifer, 1 horse, brood-sow, 40 chickens, etc Price for very tiling $7500 clear. Only 1 block to city water, gas, alectric lights. 'Consider 7 or 8 room bouse in Portland in good district for full amount. Ranch personally inspected. Photos at office. -- WANT' PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY 314 acres: 60 miles south Portland. Be tween Independence and Corvallix. Woven wire fences. Good road. 100 acres under cultivation. All can be cultivated. 4 arres bearing orchard, 9 room house, bam 4 0g ! 60: hog house, other buildings, I hi miles from Asmall town, electric station and school. Good, black, loam soil. uid not ' under eultivstion in timber. Price $123 per acre.' Clear. Want Portland apartment or other Income property. ' BETWEEN NEWBERG AND McMINNVlLI.K 155 acres, on fine macadamized rosd. mil. from red- electric station, I mile to , . school, I hi milu to good town, 54 srret under cultivation. Good spring. Good logan berry land, in well settled community. Price $130 per acre. Consider Portland house for air of equity of $3900. 3 ACRES, i4 mile from Bsaierinn, Or. All can be cultivated, 3 acres under cultivation, bearing orchard, good 4 room "cottage, large barn, chirken house, county road. Price $2630 with $1250 cash. Might discount for all cssh or consider small house in Portlsnd up to $2000 and - some cash, balance on. the land payable at $25 per month and interest eery six - mouth. , Uuiiected by iUlone. 51 Acres, 1 hi miles froi Woodbura, Or. Good wire fences, rocked!, road, land all under eultivstion snd 'in rrtts which is " included. Offered for less than $150 per acre. . Incumbrance $2400. Will consider" " Portlsnd bouse and assume if some cash is paid. Ask for Mr. Nelson. JOHN FERGUSON. GEUL1NGER BLDG. , Realtor . Largest Fsrra Dealer on Pscifto Caast f. Over 500 IS mall Places Near Portland f - Get Our Extensive Classified LUsU- - A FAIR EXCHANGE BENEFITS .ALL PARTIES, HE Eli ARE SOME: 40 seres, near Oregon City. . Well le. . eated and excellent soil, '2Xt in cultivation. 15 In -crop. liuuie, 2 spring. ..Value $6000, Want Portlsnd Reidenr. A dandy little 20-aere farm, 4 miles from Wasliougal, 12 in eulUvation. House, barn and oilier buildings. Value $30oii. WUl-toke house ia Mt fcVotfc 20 acres, finely improved Snd all stocked, near Forest Grove. An ideal small-farm, finely located. Value $7500.- Want 8 room residence in Irvington or Leurelhurst to full value, Bm Maclnnes with fiarvejy Wells & Co., i -Realtors " . - 603 Gasco: Bldg. Mam 4.64. $40 ACRES, good bniMlng. 75 head .rat tle, 10 horses, machinery and tools; located; in Lewis countyi. Wssh. ; $50,000; ' ' all clear of encumbram; want to trade .for income- property ; will pay difference. 1680 acres. Union county. Ore.; fins wheat land; $100,000. all free of encqmbranr;. 80 acres; Clarke county, Wah. : 1 8 mil'" Portland: jgood bnildinBn; $11,000; will take hnuseiand lot at $4I0, Jiiin) -ash and terms on balanoe. Phyns 632-J Bun day. Atkinson & Porter . 705 Main Street. Tanoouvaf, Wash. 384 ACREH, Bt0Jklil a!h" KQt'lI'l'lYi " FOR SMALL FARM NEAR TORTIND 250 acres in a very hhrh alate of cultivatim. 175 acres in far! eron. a splendid orrhard for fsmily uses, a bring creek in the pasture, well of good water at the bouse, also one st ham. other improvement, consist of garage, two feed sheds and chicken bouse. : Fence are in good repair. rsrra u located I y, mile from vailry town, near Eugene. Kqulpraent: N"w binder. 2 mowers, hay rske, 3 cultivstonf. spring tooth harrow, 8 section sbscl harrow, disc, corn) fated steel roller, disc drill. 3 walking . nlow. iloulil. dijic plow. Case gang plow, broadcast seeder, 2 wagons, 3L seated hack, bnsgy and all amall tools; all equipment new. " Kluck : 4 horses. 7 milk cows, 3 heifers, 85 lames, chickens. I'ncsd fog Quick sale;' $75 per acre for everything. WlItlAKKlTK VAIlyt:i UMI tX). 40$ First National Bank Bldg., - Albany. Or. For Traie-120 Acres " 120 acre 13 In 10 year, mighty nice Bpitzenbnrgs snd Netvtown applet ft n alfalfa, a0 more in fine crnfs. fins clustz-r nice, modem buildings, completely-stocked ami equipped with, ifujrv-. crws, he-ii. goats, hogs and chickens. Will trad, for V.I ty property or sell on such terms that it will pay its way out - W, C BEC&TELL, 1305 S. W. Bank Bldg. toa SALE Or trsde. 100x100, in Wasl,ing- I ion au .near sum. rtu rvenwooa 7t$, 10 ACHW at Medford. r lose bi. t.) eschsag. fag ! Portland protertv. " Call 8e!wroel 8094. HIX family fiat. $125 ai'mtu iiior.mav ExcUsans. for farm. 4'H lAimbermens bldg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE 60 Acres 53 In cultivation, sll level snd good si!i good bouse and bam- and outbuilding,' sll 4h horses,: cow, pigs and' ill tools, nearly new snd good. This is a fin place. Price $14,0O0. Will take $6000 Portland resulemw. or a fi-ai-re tract on a good road. Must be good. A. J. ROCKJIOLD, With A. C HOW LAND 620 Mam St. Oregon City. Or. v7-1.-4 Acres V CHICKEN BANCII v One acre in oats. A acre in potatoes. 1 4 acres ready to plant, strawberries, raspberries, black caps, currants. 5 room house, barn, ehick- ennouse, running water on place,- n.ar Oregon v.uy. -auv, irt ca.n. i A. C. HOWLANDl . ' 620 Main 8t Orego City, Or. Acres FOR BALK OF TRADB 23 fn cultivation, house snd barn. 1 1 lua,t of cattle. 3 pigs, good team, wagon and ail tools, $4000. j t, KutAiiu wita a, (aIiowund 620 Main Wt. , ' OrevTm Mt y. r. . F01R I1EHI 80 acre. 40 in cultivation. over half aa to fall wheat; 2 acre prunes, good bnildiifS' 18 n.ilns sm:liwest of lorUanil.. near Sholla IVrry, Rents fori $400. Fine potato ground. I F. B. MADISON J 216 7th Bt. Oregon :y. Or. . - 65 ACRKH ; . Near VToodland. Washington. . An .o arJl no "tone. I New house, fenced, nmni. a cleared: ,l,alsnce very easy to etisr. I.nmh., for barn, i Price $3500; $500 jssli give ism- sesstun. , Or will tske city home in excusnc.. Q9 Chsmlasr of Commerce. FOR Ai.i; Nested room house, lot 40x100: near cartme; price $2'J00; equity $650: bal. easy payments. WtU sell equity psrt cash and balance terms; or might consider trade. V 648 Journal. . . 160 ACRES, Ijincoin Co.,' close 4o .Utioti, imr buUdUlgs. Vlll sell or exchanua for place or good car. E. B. L'llrey, '470 ' Van couver Ave. 50 ACRES, 20 In cultivation, old bldg..' neer electric station. $5500. Will tske I'ortUcH property to $3300, bal mortgage.: Wilbur F Joune. Realtor, Henry Bldg. ' WE HAV E severs! ehio--b-itd6.M Into Us aia in bet traits of eitr Will ai-S,in t.w . piano. Keed-FreVK-h i'lano Mfg. Co.. 12th ana Wftshpvs,. Vrosf)vrsv 7!V. FOR SALE OH TUAIib 7" acre farm: ftoeked and e'lnnwetl; -will consider Portlati.l resideuce vp to $3000. Be owner, 4902 41t st W. K . Portlsnd. Or. HALF ACl.'K, unfinished bouse, 7 room hot,-. near .- K ilbngsworth. $3950. 403 JUy. Ex.' Msin 8f09. kXjUSALU. o 1 trade; small chUken ranch" 600 eords wood, near Hood River; small house. Richard Talboy, 510 McKay bldg., PoruandT -