THE1 OREGON- SUNDAY: JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 1. 1921. V V t - 256 it'S BALE A fin building lots in Overlook addition, S. W. corner of Failing and Pattoo Ay., or will trad for Th Dalle property. Address 1205 Lincoln St., The Dalies. Or. SJxKLNQ. . cleaning, pressing, dreaamaaing. re - modeling, relinine. alterations, tlts una. rea sonable prices. The Cabinet Dressmaking parlors. 424 Morrlcm. hear 11th. Main 1825. JKESSMAKINO by the day; setiafsctioa guax- antecd. Tabor 1324. . ; x i. dressmaker, tailories; ref. given. naj. aoa. jo Aiaer ex., cor. ism. DRKkiaMAKIN'U "alt kinds, tely rwauuablb '42. ft Morrison st., room 6. upstairs. LADLES' garments altered and refitted. , I. Reu bin. ladies tailor. 408- Buh A Lane bldg. NURSES 257 WANTED to apair automobiles, tractor, (aa engines, either at your place tor mine. Bent runntwl work it right price. Tabor 8217. - bCKEENS Order now before the rush.; We put them on the, window. Yon will be pleased wfth oar work 'and price. Kant 8457. NIUSE will take -maternity cao at ,lir koine, veaeonablc. Wodiawn 6326. PRACTICAL nurse, ready lor .ease; permanent . Wf'iTTBi; womm Main 49411. O. . UAl titNIIY borne. 734 Hawthorne are., eor. 21t Phone 234-58. - PAINTING AMI TLNXLXG. Good, clean work. Woodlawn 84T1. - i CHRISTIAN Science nurse, reference given. . ALAN, with family, want job aa helper in graage. F Wage expected 33.73. W-906. JournaL FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS ! KATES VEKV, REASONABLE $4- A WEEK AMI UP MAXWELL HALL 207 FOURTEENTH STREET PHONE MAIN 1J53 . EN ON H OTEL 107mainO7168H Best dollar-a-day boos In town. AU modern .- conveniences. Rate to permanent guest. ' HOTEL OHIO" 268 FRQNTST., COR. MADISON Nice aleeping .yhd housekeeping room; hot and cold watertin every room; automata deva- uirs remflonrjgee. oy aay or wee: ST.PAtOTOTElTS A resppec table downtown hotel. Transient $1 up. Kpjclai Rate to Permanent Guests. eOMK richly luruiahed Uau&ieut rooms Oeuig nrefitted at special rates to permanent, weekly or monthly guest. All rooms facing 6th or Stark at . business section. Empress hotel. HOTEL DAYTON ayIo0 Hot water, steam heat; electric lights in roomy Rate to working people. feir.fc.PLNtr toouu, beautuully' turaiabaxi, light, clean and airy, desirable location, within assy walking distance. Reasonable rates. 45,5 Market T, Main 4337. HOTEL ROYAL Tad - Modern outside, rooms 35.30 a week, II par day Also H. K. $4.50 up. " VERY coziiy furnished bedroom, wiitahl. (or lady. Also front parlor. Kent very reasonable. Includes phone end modern conveniences. Call mornings only. 492 Marked. : HOTEL BENTON Newly furnished room, clean.- light mud sf-rictly modern. 846 ft Alder. I ;-s HOTEL BAXTER . I Vnrniahed or ' unfurnished housekeeping or glp)Tig rooms. MA car to Albina. Albinai Hotel ! Rooms with or without board; 54 Albina: T t - HOTEL OCKLEY . Vorrisoa at 10U; fl a day; weekly, $5 and up; f'ee phone and natn; steamhest; ICK, 'clean basement room, well 4 furnished, with side, entrance, -will rept for 18 per mo. to tnan who will mow the lawn one a week; 893 Wert Park st. FURNISHED outnide steenMng room, walking.dis . i tance, newly renorsted 222 hi Crosby. - r U-NE 2-room apt.. 1 single housekeeping room, both nicely furnished, also nice, cheerful sleeps log rooms. Mn. Nutter, 33 K. 17th sU, cor. - - Ci.u-h- H.lwy. 2B40r ; ; ' ' WeBfl: Fur hashed Rooans - Steam heat, hot and cold water; ) reasonable MtM 26fm Fifth K 812 A MONTH : Front - room with bay window; walking dia tance: 2 blocks from east and Broadway bridge. 885 - Benton st" T.AR71S front room for -rent. 2 meato If desired. Fre-wsr "pi-tr. 490 Mill. Alito r 51 R-76. ttHMMHliD and unfurnished front single rooms, j central location. Baker theatre bide., 11th and tfornwm; apply Mr. Steren. bo office. i 455 ALDER. CORNER OF 1 STH. KICK CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS, 83 TO IB 1'GK WEEK. BKOADWAI 5552. 1'OH RENT Front sleeping room with bath. - suitable for 1 or 2 'employed; first class down town apartment. Marshall 2000. b.VE large room. Including fuel, light, gas and piano. 2 adults. Woodlawa 2602. 834 CLAY -Kumi-shnd j sleeping room ; gentle ' man preferred. Call today. r room - in i walking distance; nice i and airy: lady preferred Mar. 212. . ONE front ' furnished room in private) family. i First ami Clackamav East- 4533. JLOhlC in, large sleeping room 7" tor 1 or 2 ' workinj m-n- 411 E. MilL ' CLEAN. COMFORTABLE SLEEPING EOOMS, CLOSH IN ON WEST SIDE: QCIET f'ljA Kl Zll lTtn HT MAIN 7 .f LAEdE ligbt steam-heated room in apartment tciwi, Broadway and Jefferson. iMain 6213. '.. CLEAN and light bedroom, 33. 5Q per week. ! 62 N.i 23d- st. Main 36S6. FURNISHED' ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 'LARGE front room, suitable for two people em i ployed. Also one single room. Very reason able: walking distance. Mala 8471. : 777 bring gtJeft . ' . . l.OVt-Ll furni&hed room in modem home; no ' other roomers; breakfast privileges; piano; 4 pbone; suitable for two. 883 Mill at.. Auto. ! 631 . ; mcelt furnished ; room inclcdlvo 1 bath ad phonb. . one block to j mismss1t1t car. 34 pee wees. 870 i albina ave. wdln 437. 1 A OOMPIJ5TELT rUrnished front ! . ring distance. 285 Larrabee sC la waXk- WALKING distance or block from 2 earlines; large, nicely furnished j rooms, bath and tela- Ehooe for genUeman Only; reasonable rates, eat 7172. - i ' - HEHJHTS. OVERLOOKLNG CITTt, AVIATION FIELDS AND MOUNTAINS ; DOUBLE ROOM. KXCLISIVE NEIGHBORHOOD; REF 20 ,M1N. FROM CITY. MAIN 8563. TWO seping roouu. well turniciiej. Kpotiesiy ''Clean and airy, desirable locatkm. within easy Ing distance. Very reasonable rent. 273 14th . at. Main 7695. FOR RENT Larre, well furnished room with furnace heat. Kear two car lines; walking distance: East 8162. NEAT CPSTAIRS FRONT ROOM. WEST SIDE, WALKING DISTANCE; iGENTLsr "MEN PREFERRED. MARSHALL , 3441. WELL FURNISHED ROOM BTJTTABLSFOB ' 1 OR 2 PERSONS. REFERENCES 222 V. 18TH. BROADWAY 2260. OPPORTUNITY to study music, home privileged . use of piano to Protestant girl employed; walking distance, desirable. Main '3018. ICLLY lutui-Ud room witli drawing room and - hot and cold water. Beautiful home. Walking S BOOMS, furnished, for 11. K... 813 per month 43 b" ;E. Washington. Phone V EA t sTnET"TesnTuaoaTvory enameET extra nice room, modern, to neat refined lady employed during day. 289 11th. Main 6750. 1VB RENT 1 furnished bedroom, or will share use of bungalow with lady employed. 922 E. F Herman, or phone Tabor 4950. LARGE front room tor 2, well furnished and - clean ; dinner if desired ; easy walking distance. 2 Kverett. Bdwy. 1995. FOR RENT Fnrnathed room in private family Gentleman only. 424 ft Tillamook. 1 block i- or cmon sve. BAVE a room for gentlemen who want aome thing particularly clesn in a nice horn, cen- - WELL furnished rocmj modern borne; walking ij-r--. r.a--t oai rtassaio st. - COMFORTABLE room with breakfast, horn' ynniege. i-none AOtorosuc Z18-IQ rtiCELY furnished front room, walking distance. ' - '.rami --.. rja-t. ooig. . YOCNG kuiy to share apartment private room if iImImiI. -MlWM.-ti,aMM. U. MOOtt ' .NICB room. Gentleman., Ky walking uvmm-e aim now. r-none rn 371. TWO furnished rooms,; private famUyt furnace best 38 21st st : - - - - JOOM in private - family, furnace heat tele-.- pbo-w and bath. Call East 1671.- -- ' S ICELY f urnisbed loom, walking dutaoc. v- via s, pa.wueB jacxaoci ao4 AAnnain, DRESSMAKING FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 NEATLY luraiiud room in!, t.nvax nome. ex- eel lent neighborhood, to one or two refined young women witJh proper 1 references: bain, telephone and other conveniences; privilege of piano and living room; 10 short block from Hawtbornv bridge, side ; 603 La (id , ave. ' all Sunday, between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. 2 HtMjji iuruished apt., just cleaned and painted. furnace heat, easy walking distance, lights, use of telephone, hot water and bath furnished, for l or 2 adults. - Phone Main 4051 Sunday and Monday forenoons. - - FUKNL&iiED front room suite, wiLn kitchenette if desired; also single room; reasonabla to responsible party; private family. Walking dis tance, near Broadway and Willismi ave. 852 Vsncoover ave. ! ' ONE large, well furnished, homelike room, suitable for two, 830 per month; also one nice single room, $15 per month; one block from Library. 225 10th st. i Main 1464. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Light; dean rooms, all conveniences; fin kx$a- tion; reawnsble. Main 7 lag NICELY furnished room, newly kalsomined and 215-14. ( ROOM AND BOARD 302 PAKKVIEW HOILL, Montguuiety. Luder new management. Strictly; modern. Booms with or witii out board. Pricus reasonable, t Mrs. N. . J. Freeman, Main 8783.' BOOM and board for business girls, all modem conveniences; walking distance: $5 par week. Automatic 219-74. 12 E- 7th St. ANY ONE wishing home with board.. East 144 7. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 NORTON HA HOTEL ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's nigh j class downtown residential hotel I We give you the comforts of home. American and European plan. - Rates reasonable. fCELY furnished room with or without board witn private tamiiy, in .tjaureinurst; all bom conveniences; use of piano; no other boarders. Tabor 7838. ' s CONVALESCENT or semi- invalid patient taken care of in private home by practical nurse. Large, nicely furniihed room. Best of bom cooking. Sell. 1068. RELIABLE elderly woman to-: live with me in own home and share expenses. Must love pet. Sell. 2279. - GOOD HOME FOR BOY OR GIRL. 3 TO 6 YEARS; BEST OF CASE, GOOD REFEfiV JUT, 024I-8T. ONE front and one side room completely fur . nUhed, bath, heat, on carline. Ail home privileges, board if desired. 646 Williams ave. HOAKD and room in private family, in walking distance from Terminal No. 4- 943 N. Kellogg street. TRAINED NLKJiE will care for baby in her home; would consider a parent to board. Woodlawn 2815. WANTED, in country, lady boarder; room and board, 820 a month. Ella Finney. B. 2, PLEASANT rooms, strictly modern, home cook NICE sunny room. 635 E. 11th north. Sarah Buchanan, phone East 7419. BOARD and room, private family, 830. W'dln. - 6105. 1289 Greely st. ' LARGE room suitable for 3 or 4 congeniial men, reasonable. Bdwy. 8764 BOOM and board in refined home, 39 per week; for business couple or one. ; Tabor 1935. PLEASANT room in modern home for I or 2. Home cooking 1084 Knort (t. Autn 832 61. EIKST-CLAi.8 boaifl and ruou (ur 2, 3i per month. Near 2 carline. Call Wdin 6115. , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED i 304 5NE- laxge lower front room, one small sleeping - room, two, front H. K. room with kitchenette; hot and coM water, electric lights, gas, heat; reasonable rates. Corner Washington, 30 N. -17th st i j i. REDUCTION IN PRICES Nicely furnished IL K. rooms, single and en suite, some private baths;, all conveniences. Children welcome. Walking distance. 186 Sher man, nesr smpyards. ONE SLEEPING' PORCH Also rooms, nice two-room apt., with sleeping porch, no children, i 655 Washington. Broad way 3477. ' - 3 CLEAN furnished light housekeeping rooms. more suitable for bachelor: Free gas and water: walking distance, 474 'East line st. FOR RENT West side. 3 room clean apt., rea sonable, good furniture, elec lights, quiet place. - 850 Thurman and 25th. Phone Mar shall 224. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, will rent reasonable to refined. permanent people. Beautiful grounds, eta. 631 Hoyt St. Phone Bdwy. 4046. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, fclectricity. gas and bath. Will lease. $35. 367 Marguerite sve.- .!'.( FURNISHED H. K. rooms, hot and cold water,, sinks, electric light, rent reasonable: walking distance. 683 Hood st., near Northwest Ship-rani-. Main 726. 2 NICE . com, very convenient; also aingle rooms, hot water always for baths, laundry. See these; very reasonable; nice quiet place. 655 I landers st. FOB RENT 2 nice, clean, housekeeping roouisT ' electric lightav gas, bath. , walking distance ; nice, quiet place. 124 E. lGlh south. Phone East 4504. ; . 35 WEEK, ui. Completely tunu&bed Hi K7 suite, absolutely clean, every convenience, hot water all hours. Save carfare. Hotel C-i'tili'. 3d. near Jerfer-on. Cxi 1WU luriii.iitfd 11. . In.. rtiuUL-,.. waikiug di.uiit-c, near 2 carlmes. Prefer man - and wife who will earn for 8-year-old girl through day. . Eaut 1442. No. 8 K. 11th st. S. CLEAN, modern 2 -room suite, running water. light and airy, 819 a month: also 2 -room hus.ment suite; no obiectfons ;to children, 817 349 12th st.. Marshall 3535J LARGE, modern, well furnished room, light, cJan and airy, suitable for working girls or employed couple, everything but cooking gas furnished, $12 a month. 825 12th st- NICELY furnished 2 room suite, hot Water heat. newly renovated, close in, rent 'reasonable: also one single b. k.'room, 883 Clay at. corner Broadway. ' $10 A MONTH up. 2 furnished H. K. rooms, walking dktance, laundry, hot and cold water, electric lights,' yard, 4 06 . Vancouver ave. East 6039. BE PLEASED to show you '& h. k. rooms, nicely fur., choice location. Lights, heat, water, phone. blk. M on ta villa car. No children. 81 E 28th st 2 NICE large H- , K. rooms on ground floor; Private entrance. Employed couple preferred. One large single . H. K. roatn on upper floor. 281 Larrabee st. WELL furnished 3 room suite; large rooms, clean and light; private bath. Adults only. 231 Broadway. Main 7299. r 3 NICELY furnibed, clean, pleasant houekeep-j ing rooms, aieeping porcn, including lirht,- water, bath; adults.- 511 Rodney are. HOUSEKEEPING , rooms close in. 83.30 a week and up, including gas light bath and best. 225 11th st ' ' 7 NICE, neat H. K. rooms, well furnished, gas - heat, no objections to children, Broadway 3239. 4W3H wssmngton st 2 NICE front rooms on first floor, gas, elec-. tricity. heat and phone free, at 262 12th at or phone Main 4236. " - , NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable rates; within the three-minute dis trict, off Broadway. 846 Madison. SINGLE and two-room II. K. suite, nicely fur nished, light and clean; desirable location, close1 in: pre-war rent. - 847 Hall, off Broadway. IF YOU are looking for housekeeping rooms, see the clean, handy and reasonable at 203 Stan ton st; rent from $1.75 to $3.60. lUo room luinifbvd H. K. spt-s. ; walking dis tSTire, 1 Is blocks south of Hawthorne ave., 310 E. 9th. Phone- East 4732. 2-ROOM H. K. apt. walking distance; bath; electric light and iron furnished: in private, home. 325 a month: 568 East Pine st 2 LARGE front i rooms, housekeeping ; quiet, cheerful, $5-.50 week. - 480 ft Belmont, cor ner 9th. 1 NICE front sleeping room, 2 large windows, well furniAed ; use of phone, $8.00. 936 E. Couch st., .East 698. " 2 ROOM H. K- smite and 1 8 room H. K. suite. Quiet bouse. Bachelors or couple. Near V. P. yards. Near car. 152 ft BusselL 3-ROOM kuite. modern,- running water. 5 min . utes walk to center of town, bachelors only, 265 5th st 2 OR 3 BOOM basement apt, housekeeping. . cook stove and .water; also bath and phone. 328 Clay st. ' VERY nice 2 room suite, well furnished, clean and 'light Also large single hou-ekeeptug room, good location, walking distance. 857 12th. TWO furnished H. K, rooms. Modern. Rent reasonable. 168 X. 18th. FURNISHED IL K. room, cheap; electric light! 326ft 1st st FURNISHED h. a. room and kitchenette, walk- '"g nisrance. per. week. 295 'Benton. TWO room flat, gas, water, 33 week. 343 Front near Market - .. .; IIKkUM M . I .i..,. " p-wi-f iHu, very I rmniMf 876 -6tb st ' t ROOM flat, gait, water. 33.50 192 ft saarsex. pear rTont. TWO housekeeping rooms, 310 10th st. be tween IVsumlHa andj Ciay. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 FURNISHED 1 room and kitchenette, 1 or 2 ladies or man and wife, cheap. 2 sleeping rooms, first floor and upstairs. 35 and 32.25 per week. Phone, bath, beat, ligbt. water and gas. 88 M. 22d st. : MANOR HOTEL son. H. K. 2 -room suit and single sleeping. Low weekly rates, i ' - I. . PHONE MARSHALL 2508 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS' t I UNFURNISHED ; 30S S ROOMS, unfurnished, 830 per month. Includ ing gas, electricity, water and phone. E. 6277. $12.003 i unfurnished water, gas and sink. H. K. rooms, lights. End of Brooklyn car line; 746 E. 20th st. South. THREE uunfumished rooms and bath foe rant, 960 orbett. Maraball 1098. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS i " FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 LARGE single and 2 room suite, first floor, running water, phone electric ligbt. heat; de sirable; eldse in location; 2 blks. to ear: lovely yard; child allowed. 85 E. 12th and Wash. 1. 2 or 3 ROOM SUITE and kitchenette, rea sonable.! Will arrange, to suit. Responsible party; private family. & blocks east of Broadway bridge. 3(52 Vancouver ave.- 2 ROOM i APT. ALSO H. K. ROOMS. FUR NISHED. ONE 2-ROOM APT.. UNFUR NISHED. SEASONABLE BATES. 650 COUCH ST. i NICE 1 irootu front apaorimcut. Also 1 H. K.. room ' and kitchenette. Clone t, heat Adults cnly. Bath and phone privilege, 494 Taylor. Also one j front sWtnng room. Al'AKTMiKN T 3 well furnished rooms for housekeeping, water in room, conveniences and bath- adjoining, close in. west aide; rent reaaon- aoie. wn Jiay, near lllb st. TWO large, dean. H. K. rooms, large porch and private entrance; phone, light and water furnished, walking dutanee; adults cnly. 639 Vancouver ave. i $21 WEST SIDE Nicely located. 3 turn, house keeping rooms; lawn, rosea, elec. lights and water free; gas, wood stove, walking diitanoo. 1 34 Porter St. i CLEAN, bright room with kitchenette, gas, ligbt and beat, S2E; private home; bu.ineas couple preferred .266 14th St. near Jiffrxm. SgEEPINi poix-u, u-s of parior, Louie priv ilegea, 33 per week. Breakfast if preferred. Walking ditance. East 2163. 1 66 K. -1 2th .t. 1 -room i with kitchenette, gas light and phone, bath. Iso 2 well furnished rwsms, light water, phone: on car line; Sell. 614. 594 -Clinton st 2 NICE. CLEAN FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY: GAS FREE. $20. 66 E. 22D ST. PHONE EAST 6020. THREE light luniiaiied H. K. rooms at 4903 3 2d ave. 8. E. Rent $20. AU 1 H. K. room for mlddl-asred lartv. Phone Tabor 7396. THREE furnished H. EL rooms, near Laurel hurst park, for two girls or couple employed; use of bath, 34 per week. Phone Ant 236-35. THREE bouse keeping rooms and sleeping porch, partly furnished. Mar- 8694. 146 Hamil ton ave. FOR RJCNT Housekeeping room, 1 sleeping mom. Msin 1112. TWO furnished IL' K. rooms; private entrance. 143 E, 7 2d st. north, near M-V line. THREE IL K rooms, private bath, good luca- tion. -97 W. K.Ulin5Srorth are. 2 NICE, large H. K. room, also 1 single, -rent reduced, very close in. 60s Davis st. 2 NICE cldon front housekeeping rooms $16 month, adults. 694 Front corner Meads. ONE LARGE fusnislied housekeeping room. Phone, -bath, private entrance. 104 E. 18th. FOUR nice clean H. K. rooms for two couples or 4 adults, nice view. 68 E. 10th at. PLEASANT, lovely, modern home. IL K. prirl leges for 1 or 2. Sellwood 836. THREE unfurnished H. K'. rooms, water, light and phone free. 682 Rodney sve. East 342. APARTMErTTS-----FURNlSHED 307 FURNISHi:D cool front 2 and 3-room apart ments, summer rates: water and lights free. 1578H E. Glisan. Tabor 7025. King Albert Apartments 1 furnished and 1 unfurnished, strictly modern; tile bath, elevator. 1 1 th and Montgomery st. LARGE. , light, front 2 room apartment, con venient to Kenton. St Johns and Vancouver Industries; 20 min. to town; adults, 822.50. Iximbard st and Albina ave. Wdln. 2642. Florence Apts., 388 1 1th Very nice, strictly modem, 3-room gronad- floor apartment - THREE rooms and private bath, rant $26.50. including water, phone and garbage. Phone Wdln. 6111. :U Elbridge Apts. Two and three-room apts., thoroughly cleaned and newly decorated. 274 N. 21t Bdwy. 4730. COMFORTABLE 2 -room apt., one large loum with built-ins, hot and cold water: back porch with access to nice grassy yard. 351 W. Park. Mar. 4215. VERY attractive 2-room furnished suite in Irr ington home, first floor, porch, closet dressing room, pantry, sink and gas range, $30. East 1620. 443 E. 18th st N. ' , MAGNOLIA APARTMENTS 2-room apt 822.50 per month up; sleeping rooms 83.50 per week up; adults; 148 E. 3rd st. East 212. ' THE CUMBERLAND APTS. 2 and 8 room furnished apartments, newly renovated; also 3 room unfurnished apt- facing rtrt,- west Park and umumbis nrsrv i vrqr a ipta 434 Harrison st Strictly modern S room furniahed apts. 865. per 'month. Adults. , Main 1052. ONE furnished 2 room soartment. cn very choice 3 room apartment; must furnish bed ding and dishes; desirable location. 380-390 Jefferson st . CARL0IS APTS. ! 2 and 8 room modern apts.; reasonable? rates. 14th and Market THE LILLIAN APTS. 5 minute wslk from M. A F.'a; 2-8 rooms, modern, free phone, moderate price. 381 6th st Marshall 1378. - - i - BRUCE APARTMENTS. 25th and Korthrup. Six-mom modern, steam heat janitor's service, hardwood floors; reference exchanged; . 8100. East 1369. GRAND UNION HOTEL Two-room apt. newly renovated, light, gas, phone, heat furnished, $3 per week. 387 ft E. Burrfide. COMPLETELY furnished 5 room modern apt. . 2 bedrooms: furniture nearly new; rent very reasonable. - See it today between 10 and 5. ".I r-verett st-. Art a. Hdvry. 5646. THE STANFIELeI -204 Porter st. modern 2 room apts.. light, heat phone, clean. You 11 say sol $22.50 gnd $2S. Main 7392. THREE rooms, furnished j gaa, electricity, phone, beat furnished : i 335 month. Inquire 645 X. Union ave.. or phone st 5407 week days. PORTNOMAH 4 rooms, sleeping porch, clean, nicely furnished, hardwood floors; walking distance: adult.. 200 E. 1 8th. Phone East 4276. Chateau Belle Mae ; Modem 2 and 3 room apts. 414 4th at $30 AND 833 2 , 4 -room apartments, does to Sunny side oar. walking distance. 152 E. 20th, cor. Belmont. ONE. two and three room apta,, completely fur nished: running water; all large, dean outside rwnus. ivr . jiiwio rvwee. ; .if j. o LO ax. DUNDEE APTS. H keeping rooms. 83 to iS a week. Sleeping rooms. $2.50 to $4 a week. ftOft Hawthorne ave., near bridge. Ea-t 825. FOR' RENT 14 room furnished apt; private bath, 326; also 1 single housekeeping room. $12.50. Wdln. 5S92. 242 KUKngsworth ave. GLADSTONE APTS. " - Modern H, K rooms, single og en mite; rant reasonable. 71 Grand sve. H. MODERN 2-room, lower apt. partly furisbed, or will furnish complete to smaale -iant. 702 E. 9th. Sell. 683. , DlKL APARTMENTS, 790 E. Aakeny ' st Modem, completely furnished 8 -room apart ment, light, clean, airy; adult. East; 1808. d-ROOM furnished apartment, running water, no objection to children; 330. 389 6th. Main '2. . FL RM.SUEIl a-room apartment, 325; walkang dianew- 432 Broadway. UNION AVE. and Kilbngsworth, $21.50, all complete, concrete building. - ' TWO room apartment, dean, completely furn ished. 60 ft Lombard t Col. 617. . FURNISHED basement apartment, lisht and airy. Above ground. 44 8 11th at MarshsU 79. 3 AND 4 ROOM furnished apartment, able; Wet Side, aCU Broadway 2071. FURNISHED APT., newly renovated, 2 room and bath ant Famnont Apts., 286 11th. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity . Place. Two and 8-room apt-. 845. Tel.. hest ami water included. " " ! ! SUNNY MONTI Modern furnished apts. for rent Tabor 1889. NICE 2 sxn spt., nice, light and airy. Price is richt Call 553' Dekum sve. "- i f CiEAN 2 room aparuuent; rent very reasonable. 64 S ft Washington -t. Bdwy. 8449. ' ROOM furnished apartment for couple; ex change for iu-rvicea. East 4852. 1 $25 MONTH for 2 room furnished apartmeat, 402 ft Sd at. Waxnntoa Anta. - FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Beautiful 4 Room Furn : ished Apt. $50 Per Mo." ; STBIOTLT MODERN AND NEW, CLEAN. LIGHT. 1 AIRY APARTMENTS: VEBT SPE CIAL RATES. OTHER8 ASK CP -TO 890 MONTH j FOR NO BETTER. THESE APART MENTS ! HAVE EQUIPMENT FOR FAMILY OF TWO TO FOUR PEOPLE. FIRST CLASS JANITOR SERVICE. "The Columbia", ' 'coS . LINCOLN APTS, 4th and Lincoln Main 1377 Nicely furnished 2 room apartment; steam heat; no extra charge for light and private phone, 632. 5Q..r Adults only. - . i KINDLY DO NOT PHONE $43 WEST SIDE APT. $45 " Thre : nio large rooms and hall, pass pantry, bath; 2 : people only. ' SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. t vi-. l'l. 1 uvf .-oi rnwr. ; $45 WEST SIDE APT. 845 - ' Three nice large rooms and hall, pas pantry, bath ; 2 people only. ; . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXCH. TWO front outside rooms, lower floor, newly fumi-hed; nice and clean; walking distance. 324 Hsasalo. cor. 1st.1 VERY desirable 3 room- apartment, suitable for 2 or 8 girls. Walking distance. Main 3018. NICELY furnished 3 room apt 861 Mis-.wii.yi ave. i Wdln. 5. - , 1 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 GARFIELD 3 rooms with sleeping porch. Liv- ing room extra large, jiewly decorated, 861 E. Failing, 1 -block west Union are. Phone Woodlawn 4662. ' UNFURNISHED APT., nice 4 room apt. well located; adult; reference; some furniture and draperies for sale; very, reason ahl rent Phone Marshall 1319. WESTONIA APTS.. 666 GLISAN Three room apt, newly tinted, modern con veniences, . walking distance, in the Nob Hill district : NEW '2 rooms and bath, unfurnished, 1st floor. 1523 ft B. Glisan. Tabor 9373. FLATS FURNISHED 309 FLAT FOBN RENT - FURXITCM i FOB SALE. ! Elegantly furnished 4 room flat and al-. cove, , already to keep house, rent only 830. I -See "MRS. KELLER GEOj T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teou bldg. BEAUTIFUL furnished 6 rooms, 2 aieeping porches. Universal combination range, fire place. Wilton rugs, Ba-Do heat fin yard, strict ly tirrti class; price $50. 710 E. Madison st near 20th. --'' 1 . 4 BOOM flat partly furnished, close to school and can; electric lights and gas; not modern. Phone East 4989. LOOK!-4C)LOOKr 4 room upper flat li-ht, waer, phone, bath; adults only. 72TE. Stark. 'East 3310o WEST SIDE, finbt view. 5 room lower flat; nicely furnished, 2 porches; walking distance; adults; also one 4 room unfurnished flat Call Sellwood 1370. . . 3 ROOM furnished apartment: free phone; light and water. $25. Tabor 2649. . FIVE room, clean, modem furnished Dat, $30; inclnd. water and garbage, 565 ft Williams ave. Agent $25 PER MONTH: furnished 3 room modem lower flat; cooking gas, light and telephone free. 675 Tillamook. ' $33, FIVE-ROOM flat for rent and furniture for sale, (j 3650. Can rent one or two rooms. 309 5th st . 6 ROOM flat furniture for sale. 8625. . Central location. Can rent out part and make 865 per month. 129 ft Grand ave.. near Morrison. FOR RENT- 4 room lower suite, completely furnished; private home. 88 E. 33d st, near Stark. I Tabor 2457. FOUR modern rooms startly luraished, upstairs ; no children; 820 per month. 115 E. 74th St.. ealli Tabor 3072. i FOR RENT Partly furnished flat 27th and E. Start; nice yard. Phone East 1885.' 4 ROOMS, furnished, bath, heat lights, gas; no children. 340. Woodlawn . 3996. 4 ROOM flat with private bath. Columbia 784. FOUR room modern flat mostly furnished. 53 ft 80thi st Monttvflla car. $22. f 6 ROOM upper flat furnished, neat and clean, electric lights and gas. 15 minutes walk to P. O. ! 620 6th st 5 ROOM flat furnished, walking distance. In quire t 369 K. 11th. i MODERN lower flat for rent fumitora for sale. 711 Kearney st. near 22d. PARTLY furnished 3 room upper flat 816; walking distance. G. W. Neiwn. East '2933. MODERN furnished flat lif09 E. Main al. ' FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 6 ROOM modem house and - 3 sleeping rooms and 'bath upstairs; reception hall, ( living and dining room, nice kitchen and Knaement hot air furnace: good location on east aide; references; 860 per month, . including water and phone. H-492. Journal. ''I SixRoom Flatj 8 rooms, unfurnished, gas, etc 867ft Hood st Marshsll 4313. 1 5 -ROOM unfurnished flat with bath, j $,18 per month. 707 ft Commercial st i ' MODERN five-room flat for rent good loca tion.! handy for railroad people. 802 E- 10th and Center st. NICE 5 room downstairs flat at 284 Morris st near: Williams ave.. for $22.50, Call after noon. 6 ROOM flat at 1109 Hawthorne ave., near 37th, 835. fhone Tabor 5327. MODERN 6 room upper flat, 609 E. 8th at N. East; 2952. - i ' - - - i FOR RENT Flat 6 nice rooms and bath. 833 and, Division. Inquire 1007 Division st $40 UPPER flat of o nice rooms and sleeping porch: adults. 569ft 5th st Tabor 4553. FOR RENT East 2040. room flat unfurnished. Call HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 METER FRANK'S INFORMATION A1TD ' ' RENTAL. BUREAU Belisble, op to date hats of desirable vacant booses, spartments and flats with definite iaiar marion ' pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland wfS find this bureau of great vara in helping them get properly sod quicxiy we mo. .. SIXTH FLOOR t HOUSE for rent 6 room modem except fur nace; full lot, nice yard, garage, sts. im proved, dose ta school; near Jefferson high; will give a year's leas to desirable tenant 345 per mo. 841 Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlawn r. 'ClTr . .' ATLAS TKANKFiOt A. STORAGE CO. Piano and furniture moving. 30 days' free storage on all household goods until our new warehouse is filled. 104 N. Sth st Phon Broadway- 1207. ! RECEPTION hall, dining, bed. bath rooms! kitchen. Abeolutelj dean. Basement yard, water, gas. dec light furnished. Adults. Ref erences. West Side. .Walking distance. 148 Curry. " 5 ROOM house in Kelly st. South Portland car to Custer, up steps to 1649 Kelly." Will rent for repair work. Handy ' man's opportunity. 349 Salmon. gu UNFURNISHED HOUSE 340 Kin rooms, bath, electricity, gaa. cabinet, kitchen, built-in, full ; basement( East side. 8MITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHr S ROOMS, modem, hnmaculstely dean, partly furnished or furniture, for sale. 388 Grand ave. north. ! , FOR i RENT - 7-room goad house, .'garage, ao children, give lefeience. 845 per mo.' 859 Ivy t. East 7619. ELK TRANSFER V STORAGE CO. i 15 Days Storage Fre. Ftimrrnr moved tor less. Bdwy. 2448. 5-ROOM cottage, lot 68x100. one block car'; give long lease tf yon buy furniture. Call 1.1, (.01. SIX room houne, niue and salo. near Lerabee. deaa. 250 Hap WE move furniture ot room houe. tot 810.-For further vformatk-a. Msin 6290. FOR RENT Modern Phone 621-82. 0 room boose. $25. WESTi SIDE 4 rms. nd bath.1 809 Kelly st Nice location. $20 yer month. Bdwy. 2487. 5 ROOM house for rent at 769 2d st HOUSES FURNISHED 312 3-ROOM furnished sniper flat bath, toilet: clean. close in, - east side, pleasant neighborhood; adults;: 827.50. 730 E. Salmon. East 8495. MODERN 3 room rams hed bungalow; . pSuio. gas. t electric and searing machine. $45., Call Wdln. 4295. after 9 Sunday. MODERN room hovse, eomp4t'v .fnrnisbed. Piedmont distrret; 'no children : references. Ant 829-19. 1174 Ihight ave. , MODERN PMimont home, 5 roams' and sleeping porch,- $80 per month. - WsDn. 4685. ; -- ELEGANTLY furnished noose, fruit trees, gar sUa. high elavaboa, reasonabls. 262 Gihba, FOR RENT houses- furnished" 312 Dekum & Jordan ' WILL LEASE FOR fl YEAR V . 6-room modem flat, west side, hard wood floors, etc.. only $40 per month, completely furnished. practically new furniture. Cost $1500. If sold this week will take $950. Positively . will not leas flat without . sal of furniture. . Owner leaving city. Must sell at or Dekum & Jordan REALTORS Chamber of - Commerce ' fourth and Stark St. Main 2233. Bids. WALNUT PARK DISTRICT 1159 Rodney ave.. comer Killingsworth ; 4 room well furnished apartment, fuH t set of plumbing, fine lawn, roses and trees, private entrance, ' garage. Willis ms ave. car. i Rent reasonable. 5 ROOM modern house, furnished or .unfur nished ; i 3 lots in garden, fruit and berries; chickens; garage, paved st. 1 block from car: to lease: old folks going away; no children. Call Tabor 6207. - 1 8 ROOMS, furnished, furnace, fireplace, garage, garden, fruit .Nice neighborhood. Walking dis atnctL $100 mo. reduc for special car, to re sponsible : party. White enamel finish. East 120. MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms and bath. 1 block from Alberta carline. completely furnished, in eluding player, piano, etc; responsible party only; rent $50; possession May 1. 1085 & 11th st NV Phone Wood i awn 1708. ' i ELEGANTLY furnished house, panoramic har bor view; Queen Anne architectural design; central east aide; 5 bedrooms, ideal gentlemen roomers; lease over the fair 1925. Sell, terms, decided bargain. 496 Commercial. ' ; S ROOM furnished house, walking d-stsnoe, newly papered, 630 .month. 295 Benton. COZY. MODERN. FURNISH El I ROoH HOUSE. ADULTS. 1 BLOCK . FROM MULTNOMAH STATION. 2 BLOCKS FBOM CAPITOL HIGHWAY. MAIN 5012. UNUSUALLY attractive. 4 room wungalow paved street one block Alberta, 4 Bdwy. car. funace. fas. radiant electric phonograph, etc. Garden planted. 340 per month. Wdln. 5346. 6 ROOM house, mostly furnished. 2 large chicken houses, bam, 1 acre, 2-3 cultivation, f rait trees. 4 'blocks from Bryant sta., S. P. $20. Mn. Van Sichle. FURNISHED house for rent 6 rms., chicken house, barn, ft aen plowed and partly planted; no small children. Paxkrosa, Prescott st.. 2d heuae off Craig road to right 4-ROOM tunushed bungalow, with gar ace or without Abundance of fruit; 2 lots. Phon 618-4 9. 6021 53th ave. 8. E. ' FINE large house m Irvingtoa to leas fur nished or part furnished. Call Monday. East 2708. ' - - I .WISH to share- my furnished cottage with a congenial couple: 2 blocks to M-V car. $10 per mo. ; Maria Hamilton. 11 E. 'TSth st N. ACRE, 4 room house, water, gas, garage, barn, chicken house, mn; 10 min. walk to car: ideal, summer home. Ant 624-59. 5 .ROOM and bath, strictly modem noose with garage. $50 per month, oa less. $45. Aut L6T1-89. COMPLETELY furnished modern bungalow, 2d are. and Boardwalk. Seaside, Or. Inquire W. A. Viinrers, Franklin apt., Atoria. Or. ' UPPER part of house, 5 roomi. furnished, ga rage. $40 per munth. Adults.. 1363 E. IStb t Side door north. ' Sellwood 'csr. Sell. 52. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE 7 .large room some mrnishmgs. SMITH-WAGONER CO. - " STOCK EXCH. HOUSESFURNITURE FOR SALE 313 A REAL BARGAIN Party leaving town wishes to rent nice 7-room house in desirable 1 location on West Side; and sell their' furniture; solid oak, upholstered in genuine leather,-good rugs, etc Very reasonable. Main 5951. ' FINE 8 room house for rent furnishings for sale. Very clean and good, including draperies,- car pets', bedding, player piano,, etc ; 1 block to Sunnyside car, 110 K. 20tft. HOUSE FOR RENT. ALL OR PART OF FrR- N ITU BE FOR SALE. 79 E. 19TH ST. N. 5 ROOM-modern, , 322.50, to party buying fur niture for 8140: 11 E. 6th st, N., between Ankeny and Bnrnside. - 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE REASONABLE. 850 HOOD 8T. OR TELEPHONE BROADWAT 1437. 6 ROOMS of furniture for sale,, by piece or lot Will lease house; goodgaraga. . Tabor 3325. 367 Marguerite ave. - - FURNITURE of 4 room -fiat for sale. Flat can bo rented for $12.50 per .mo. Inquire a"; 406 E. Clay st " V . FLAT for rent steam heat; furniture for sale. Close in. Msrehall 1886. FOR RENT 4 room house, furniture for sale. 668 E. Salmon st FLAT for rent furniture for sale, 334 Larrabee ave. block from Bdwy. bridge. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT sGsxage room, 50x100. in heart of auto district west side, Bdwy. 332 or Bdwy- 5355. j 1 SPACE for shoe repair shop, office . or small business, in good location. See fe. Mory. 117 Lombard. FOR RENT 50x100 garage building, just off Automobile row; suitable foe used car room. Metscer-Parker Co., 269 Oak st. FOR RENT 'Store iu-e. 402 Washington st Singer Sewing Machine 3iv. FOR desirable space ' in Phone' Bdwy. ,3716. oreprooa warehouse. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with tele phone and steaogrspsu service Phon Bdwy. 3715. - 6 ROOM house, furnished ; rent for 4 months at 26 iu. 81st st. near Pina. SUMMER RESORTS 316 GEARHABT BEACH BUNGALOW 4 room furnished bungalow, nicely furnished; almost new, ideally 'located, bargain for cash. Call Wdln. 824., 11 WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU List your houses, fists or apartments wrtk i; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOAN'S SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth at., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Pbone Broadway 37 lo LOfc'AL business man and wile desire to rent E or 6 room modem house with garage, for any time up to one year.. Will : ear for property as ' our own. Any references and will secure rental. E-6R7. Journal. WANTED Nicely furnished i house for June. July and -August; must have large living room and a bedrooms. Address 612 Morgan Dlug. Phone Main 1497- or Bdwy. 4033. WILL LEASE 5 room modern bungalow, garage, furnace, close in: prefer j partly furnished; renable couple. K-3o, journaJ- 5 OR ROOM house. 1 withes garage praferredT Will take lease and give goog ref erence. - Call Marshall 5252, today, after Sunday. Bdwy. 8261. WANTED At oncej house from 6 to 9 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, i Rent reasonable. Call Bdwy. 4403. UN FL ltXISUED bouae, 6 rooms or more, at once; must be in good condition, modem. .'a!i r.a-t oi-. gj, WANTED -May 1. dean, modern)-house, 5 or more, moms. Phone East 8457' REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 PRICE 8b20O. Monthly income 6180. East side corner location',, frame building, 2 stores, 4 apartments. 6 room' house in rear. Lot 50x 100. Must sell. Add. R. 1, Box 243. Portland. Or. . 600-600 ft-602 .Williams ave., $5500. East - 8195; : APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 ESTATE to be closed. Make offer for 100x100 northeast corner 1 4th and Taylor. West Side. East 2195.-. :-: ' LOTS 403 Rose City District Nice full sined lot for 820O, everything paid. Boyal. 7 2d and sandy Blvd. Taoor laa. SIX lots, 4 blocks from Oswego iaae, 2 hlucks from highway. - Good well on place. v orea wire fence, on good hard road right to' place. 8900. 8500 cash, 8400 aa time. Inquire un place. G. A. Baker. Sontli Qwegf. i 3250 FINE 60x100 LOT ' In Irvington . Park ; street graded, walks In and paid.T .. .....v.. f ;.-s SMITH-WA;ONER CO., -STOCK EACH. BEAUTIFUIj Lauveibur. t lot, lacing tlte para. 50x180. un' Oak st. I-ot 3, block 94. Price 81900; terms.' Owner. Tabnr ?64. FOR SALE 102x100. facing east; fruit trees, berries; shack: city water. 1145 E. 21st N. Mar auUingsworth. ,t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 IDEAL ROSE CITY LOT $775 - , ... EVERYTHING PAID Drive by. and sew this. It is oa 55th st.' sixth lot north of Stanton, facing west Ground is about on foot above street leveL Yes. all pave ment and. sewer assessment are paid in full at this pnea. ' J. L. HARTMAX COStPAXT. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208 . . . . . I - Branch Office- 45th and Sandy blvd. Tabor 252. I - ' -----' (Realtor.) I Piedmont : Lot ; Snap facing .bas; between Jeasnp and Jar- -rett sts. This is a snap at $1150, and balance of $123 on sew.r. Why pay 8500 mora. . ,- I Neilan & ParkhiU: 219 Lumbermen's bldg. 6th snd Stark sts. MT. TABOR PARK in your back yard, where th kiddies can enjoy th beauty of nature in the moments of their playtime. We offer a. beautiful view horn ait containing 7800 aquara feet, for $2250. On easy terms. Just cast of 60th at, bet. Taylor and Salmon, appointment call .1 RITTER. LOWS 4 CO . 201-3-5.7 Board of Trade Bids!. - For IRV1NGTON IMPROVED LOT OX WEIDLEH ST., BETWEEN 218T AXD 22D STS. : - - I ,- i i This is a beautiful cultivated lot with bear ing fruit trees and shade trees, high class built up district size of lot to suit from 50x100 to 75x100, with or without garage. Go look it over. : ' I -i ; BITTER, LOWE V COMPANY, Realtors, i 201-3-5-T Bnard of Trade Bldg. i ! CORNER lets, with aTl street imrirove msnts In. and paid, 8800 to 31200 each; inn streetcar service, in weatmoreianct , for terms, see . r -Ladd 1 Estate' Co ' "- , 246 8tark St " ; COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT CHOICE VIEW LOTS 810008200 DOWN Choio bom sites. 48x1-10 ft deep on E. 26th st. between Mill and Harrison Sts., pick one of these snsps up before they ar all 'gone, only 5 lots left st this price, comers if you prefer tnem for 1 1 OO on easy terms. HENDERSON-BANK US CO. I 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754 COUNTRY HOME IN TOWN I Only 9 minutes out on red line, overlooking city. 140x230. bet California and Nevada sts.. on red . line and Oregon Electric: price only 82100; 3600 cash, balance mortgage. See this at one. -i " I JohnsonDodson- Co. ! 633 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY TTa50 On the north side of Milton st. 100 ft west of E. 63d st, only 3 blocks north of Sindy. streets ' graded, curbs and cement sidewalks, water main and electric light line in street j Total price $350 cash. All liens paid. I HENDERSOX-BANKUS CO. 1 '' ! 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy.14754 WONDERFUL VUiW HOMESITE Unobstruct ed panorama of north, south and west con taining 7500 square feet; Mt Tabor park in your back yard; on Yamhill st You I must e this property to realize its beauty. Price very ' "s , V'- low anu terms easy. Call for sppointmen KlTTl&K, UIWB at CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 100x10031600 I An improvements in and paid, nicely wooded, facing east on E., 80 th at. -just north! ofiAins worth, on car, about 4- blocks to soaooj and store. This is a real value. See us' st JoIhnson--Dodsoh Co. fin X. W. Bank bMg ' Main 8787. i MULTNOMAH DISTRICT ft PRICE "-It's up to you. Pay full price with salesman's profit added, or buy direct from owner at ft price. 3400 50x100 lota 820O. 3800 .quar ter acres 3400. . Water, gas, electricity, j Our prices soon to be advanced again, ao get quick. 319 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 675; res., iE. 7688. IRVINGTON DISTRICT j - V 50x100 facing on Fremont near E. I 15th, all improvenwits in and paid; price only 3950; tivu down. SJO a montn, 'see us ati once. jJoliinonDodson Co. 633 X. W. Bunk bldg Main 8787. ONLY reputable real estate men can maintain membership in th Portland Realty Board, all its members ar "Realtors" and are entitled to the use of this copyrighted name. Fori your own protection buy your property through a Realtor and list it with one also. Portland Realty Board. Broadway 1902. . i BKAUTDTJLLY wooded tract 60x155. size of 2 lots. 870O; 870 cash, 812 monthly; slao (uxiuu: aou; 350 caaii. 510 monthly; near Jefferson high snd Pefttmula park. f JoIhinsonDodsori' Co. 633 X. W.' Bsnk Wdg. Mam 378T. BENEDICTINE HEIGHTS LOTS , C For sale at extremely low prices, on easy terras. 35 minutes to 2d and Morrison sts. from these lots. ImproTemenU in and paid. . Buy now while baying is good. . i . I .'.. HEDRICK, ' i I j 1 859 MilwmuVie t SeI!word 1904. NO REAL estate man is entitled to us the name "Realtor" unless he is affiliated ; with the National Association of Real Estate- Boards and subscribe to its pledge to protect . the inter ests of - buyers and sellers of property. I Do busi ness with a Realtor. When in doabt phon Portland Realty Board. Bdwy. 1902. . ! - 1 BEAUTIFUL LOT 50x100 on paved Baao Line road 'in Ventura Park for 8300 R. H. CO FRET,' Realtor, RITTER. LOWE St CO. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade bli $mm$S Down ! - Close-in on E. Tamhi; walking distance: all improvements in and paid; Lea fine; near high and grade school and H. 8. 'car. A food place for your future home. Owner, Main 931 LOT Alameda -Park; everything paid; ; 8750. : JohnsonDodson Co. i (REALT6RS) - i 633 X W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 MUHT seU lota 11 and 12. blk. 69. Vernon. These are east front lots on East 22d street about 80 feet south of Prott. Make me an offer for one or. both- Box 60, Craigmont Idaho. ' YOUR OPPORTUNITY i Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at ex tremely low prices. J. A. Mr-Party. 270 ft Htara it. Mam livo. Kvemngs Tabor BOS 7. BY, OWNER 2 lots in WoodmereL 60x100 each, near school, 6500. - 1 lot 65x100, Msg dalena Park. 3250. Terms. Uolmberg, Broad way 200, except Bnnday. ' ; ALAMEDA PARK lota. We have lots in Ala meda from 8700 and up. If yon Intend building let in show you some good buys. BUM MELL R' MMKLL. 274 Stark t Rose City District Nice full sized lot for 8200, everything paid. Royal, 72d snd Ssndy blvd. Tabor il65. YOUR LAST CHANCE Inreihurat lots at - these prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270 ft Stark at Main 1700. Eve-nine- Tabor 6057. - I IRVINGTON On E 20th. 100 ft N.i of Brasee. East facing. Near Irvington club. $1800. Owner. Tabor 965, ONE of the best corners in Leureihart 60s 100, $1800. Assessments paid. Ternm. Broad way 2986. . I , NEAR Jefferson hieh and Peninsula 'park. 6 Ox 100, 8500, $50 cash. 810 monthly; also S"ilfl. iTfln. trms. Main 3787 FOR SALE OR TRADE, for late model road ster. 8 lots on Tibbetu at Value 81500. Call East 2453, between 6 and 7:30 p. m. FINE lot oa John st. St. Johns, close in. Sail on easy terms or will sacrifice for cash 1292 W. Lombard at. St Johns. I BARGAIN 50x1 00 lot. cheap, dose estate. near Laureihurst: paved streets. Bunayside car 38th and Belmont Aut 223-89J LALKELHUHST JXT BARGAINS Be J. A. MoCarty. 270 ft Stark t - Main 17QO. Evenings Tabor 5097. WESTMORELAND lot on Miiwauaiwi at, near '.lay borne ave. AU improvements paid. Price S850. Easy terms. N. Arnrcy. Kelt. ;214S. BY OWNERS. 60x130 lot with 12-foot alley, $350. easb or terms. Woodlawn 105. FOR SALE Beautiful comer lot near Lsurel hnrst park :' terms. Tsbor 7161. - ROSE CITY X. E. corner 41st and Tillamook. 31150; next to corner, 3950. Tabor 6441. ROSE CITY, on Sandy blvd., 100x100. N. W. corner esa, iiovu. isoor est 1.1 4 LOTS. 10 minutes out, 1 block to ' Mississippi ear. Main 6327. ' ' I - ' CHEAP for quick sale, 8250 sot 50x100, Moo tavilla. 79th at V-636. Journal, i FOR SALE In Rose City, corner lot, 100x160. c-m-nt sidewalk. Broadway 4854.1 t X1K.M-.R lot in Laureihurst, 3110 easb ; ererythine paid. Main 8144. I - ? LOT in Laureihurst S9s0; everything tiaM.' Woodlawn 4828. '. - I . - TWO fine lots for sale oa paved st, 330. Call Wdln. 2385. - -I - -. NICE building lot neavr Penmsnia achooi aial factca-y datrict Bargain for cash. East 6743., REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 i " ON. SANDY BLVD. " : ' 81050 ' I ? EVERYTHING PAID i-arg corner . lot This is one of the finest there is, faces south, 115 ft on Sandy blvd. Drive by snd see this. N. W. eor. ot 76th snd Sandy blvd. Restricted district - J. Lv HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Branch Office. 4 5th and Sandy bird., !'. Tabor 252. . , ;: .. Keartnr) BEATIFI L IRV ING TON PORTLANDS MODEL HOME SECTION Ton will never have another opportunity to buy homesites in Irvihgton At th low prices we are now offering. Lots in other cities limilarly lo cated to Irvington sell far twice -the money. Don't let out ide speculators pick . up these real bar gains and make a profit off of you. . The Hughes estate wants the -real home owner to take advantage of this lot jssle. lrive out to day, look at block bounded by Stanton, 8i-iyou. E, 2 2d and E. 2Sd, also block bounded by Klickitat. Fremont E. 20th and E. 2It, also half block on Stanton . mnning from E. 20th to E. 21st, then see us for special price on par ticular parcels. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. ; 201-3-5-7 Board nf Trade Bldg ' ONE IKJ1J.AU 1KWN ! ONE DOLLAR WEEKLT Splendid comer kt 4 Oil 00. 2 block from ear at Myrtle Park; sidewalks and curbs all in; price 8170. 1 . 782 Chamber of Oommerce. DO YOU WANT an unobstructed 'view of the entire city, south, we&t north f Would you like to have Mt Tabor in your back yard? If you could buy a homesite with aU improvements paid, on easy terms, and have aa additional fea tures, VIEW and PARK without charge, would "it interest you? Drive out today, between Taylor and Salmon and east of 60th st, then se u for special prices on particular pared. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg IRVINGTON DISTRICT GO LOOK TODAY Salesman will meet you at E. 15th and Fre-' most, Sunday from 11 a. m. until 4 pi m. ; these are choice lots with all imbprovements rsid: from 3505 to $875; $100 down, $10 a uonth. . r JoHnsonDodson . Co. " ,f (REALTORS) f.33 X. W. Bank bldg Main 8787. $50 DOWN ROSE CITY CAR - $350 60x100 ft-lot. north of Sandy blvd., . just the place to build a little Konie. . ! J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham- i ber of Commerce bldg. ' Branch of- j- fice 45th and Ssndy blvd, IRVINGTON IMPROVED LOT OX WEIDLER, BET, 218T AND t22D STS. Tliia is a beantiful cultivated lot -with bear ing fruit trees and nade trees, high cla-a built up district si2 of lot to suit from 60x100 to 75x100, with or without garage. Go look tt over. BITTER. LOWE & Crt.. Realtors. -, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bM . BARGAIN Fine lot. corner A Insworth ' ave; and Con cord st, near school. Sidewjlk and sewer, gar den and fruit Only $650. Terms. v KELLER, 801 Lumber Kxchsng? bldg. Phone Msin HBO i A SNAP Close in, 50x100 lot. worth $850. W'iU sen for 8475. 24 miles from 2d and Morrison sts.. Z block from carline-and paved street. 11. A Calef. owner. 68 5th St.. Portland. ' 50X100 CEME.'T WALKS 3323 . : Even though it's 8 1 down, 8 1 Week. It's better to push the button st your own front ' door than to be a slave to th elandlord. R. W. Carey, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg Forget y&l'r tr6ljbles: $1 down'.". 31 weekly, solves the rent problem. 8325 buys dandy .lot 50x100, with cement .walks. Alberta car R. W. Cary. 1219 -N. W. Bank bldg Beaidence, Main 1877. " l.frT in E. St. Johns. 8250. Call Wdln. 5563. HOUSES 404 - NEAR PIEDMUNT ! New 4 room bungalow, priced right Terms to suit See ', ! BRUCE HOLM AN, REALTOR. . Main 6327 1 209 Failing nldg , . A BARGAIN 82000. $600 cash, balance terms. 5 room furnished house, corner lot. idewLks.and sewer in and paid; bath, ess, electric lights: 1 block to ear. Aut 620-SS, evenings Aut pza-41. 82000 CASH will bny a 6-room modern hoiiite i and lot full ixed basement, large attic; will make 3 nice 6-room flats; it is now rented for 830 per month. Se Lanriigan, 406 Van- couver ave. near Broadway. East 6039. i FOR SALE BY OWNER. J Modern 7 room residence. E. 12th near Mor rison; price. 87500; all modern improvement rendence in excellent condition ; terms to re- rvnible party.' Phone Ka-t 5275. - - MODERN 6-ROOM bungalow, furnace, fire- i place, hardwood floor, all built-in, on paved street; $4500. $500 down, $35 per month. If taken before May 1 ; 15 nun. . , from town. Ant 223-71. 111' OWNER 6 room modern bungalow, nesr I school; improvements-In ; garage ; 2 blks. from Richmond car;lear title and terms. W. J. Muir. contractor and builder of ''Honor Built Hno." Tabor 471. rooms 8dMo . ! Nicety located in eentral' east- side. Mmlurn home, cement' basement full let paved street, imprrvements paid 8700 casli. f . , SMITH-WAIMINKH ty. STOCK FTniANGF. 32350-! NEARLY new 4-room bungalow, 1-3 j cash: fine basement and garage; aU modem, double built and on hard 'surface street;- 8500 underpriced; I waft to get away. For partie- mars pnone ssiomttie oiz-ov. DESIRABLE location. 6 ruoms, bsth, elegant finish, strictly modern, lawn, fruit; 84500; $1000 cash,' balance to suit ' Must take charge of my dairy nnrfy June I. rTJ at 25 r. 71 't N ATTRACTIVE, well built 5 room modern home, oak floors, , built in ' pipeless furnace, garage, full lot; f rait chicken house, 4 blocks to 'car; built 6' years; 32850. terms. P-341. Jonma). KENTON DISTRICT j ( 8 -Room,' modem bungalow, 76xlO0 lot, under cultivation , I3DUU, a i won oown, naisnc ,o per month. Wdln.- 5262. or Wdlrr 4130, NEW HAWTHORNE IIUXGAIXJW" 1 Just cgnpleted, modem, all latest builtms, ivory finished and .tapestry papered; street lm provement paid: $TI200; terms. Sellwood 618. FOR SALE -By owner, : modern 7 room, -sleeping porch, etc, near Reed college. 83900 for quick sal. Easy terms. 6111 41st st 8. E SelL 227. - ' !,, NEAR HIGH SCHOOL ; v Rarriftce by owner, 5 room, modem bungalow, finished In ivory, . bniltins. Fox. furnace, nesr csr. Tabor 234. v " . - 5-ROOM BUNGAfXiW , i Nearly completed modern well-built bouse, ce ment basement, tile fireplace, hardwood floors. Bv owner. 1260 E. .Alder. ALBERTA modern 5 -room - double constructed j bungalow, all builtins, best (dumbing; floored attic, finished basement; 8260Q, SMIO cash, balance 330 per month.: Owner, 565 Webster. ONLY $200 down on a 5 room house, about ft 1 block from car, 'balance of $800, payable m Ismail monthly installments. Inquire 6003 - 92d ist .Ant 628-75.S 1 "4 i ROSE CITY PARK . Modern 7 room bouse; oak floors,, fireplace and furnace; large yard with fruit trees. Terms. 614 East 44th st' N. ; "' 1 lOR SALE Our j 6-itoorn bouse on coratr lot lot overlooking the river on Sellwood carline, opposite the "Oaks)," rVHl. 2316. 1 P.Y OWNER, Cozy 4 room bungalow, restricted neiguborbood. Price j 62660 - cash. Wdln. 5826. ' . ' K-R(JOM bungalow,- 50x100. Corner lot. 8S200. ' Terms oa part 1221 . Musourl .Woodlaen 1487. '-.-'.'.'- i -.! - T1T1-K Insurance tr toe modern way ot handling titles to real estate. 1 Quicker,- costs less and no aba tract required. Title st Trust company. $4200sj GOOD 7-room modern, oak floors, coin plete in every way, nesr csr; terms, Strstton, 217 Abmgton Ding. 8T3-nTJTOW7! 6-room bungalow, lot 68zlOO, 1 blk- ear; price 83 20O, very easy tem. Call Tabor 1637. BUT THIS HOUSE $2200, west side, 4 rooms, sll conveniences. Terms like rent Cat! Mr, Perry, East 3377. 4 BOOH ; plastered, plumbing, lights, gas. Aute j or lots wanted. 1010 Kelly 6 ROOM house and 6 lota on Division, cheap; good term. Apply at 1606 Division st $3000 -FOR modem 3 room house, gaiagej 24th and E. Madison sts. Fast 111. 9 ROOM bouse, modem, good district; $5400; half cah. 501 K.- 87th. MODERN 5 room bouse with 2 lots, $2400; terms. I c.r r.. afn ant Hassaio. FOR SA LE Modem 5 room house. Phone 73Q-Y. 2Q6 W. 81st t. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 7 - room - house, 868 Victoria at hear H roadway. Keny terms. Call Main 817. HOMES pa easy term !. R. C. Waller. 5s43 Foster road. ''Phone 626-53. - FOR . SALE House and lot. SuxlOOf 6 room house. 797 E. 8th st X. $600 HOUSE and lot berries and fruit, in paved road, ta city. WoodUwa 1763. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 WESTSipE Furnished if, Desired 5 room on floor, very easy terms, a really charming bom and practically new; rooms sr all ligbt. and cheerful, lot 50x80; splendid soil; (will aell adjoining sartnient sit if desired); on easy jterms. You may look the city over but youll hardly find such a splendid little horns fur 83460 or 13850. fnrnlxtied. including good piano. Do not wait a someone is going to get til. snap of a lifetin e. 521 Market U at 16i.ii. . 3200 CASH BROOKLYN 6 rooms and bath. 4 rooms and bsth down and 2 on the upper floor: big lot 60x119, good ganigv. gas stove and-Ttuud heater. '1 f e street fet paved and paid. for. The price of this home is $3150. with only $200 essb down, loud bettrt st this today (Suudsy). It will sell ou.ckly. ' COMTE tt KOHLJJAN Main 6550. 20H Clumber, of Commerce. i S38i50xTERMS . .. ": $3850 TERMS . Brand New Bungalow ' 1690 ALBINA AVE., KENTON CAB ! Just completed, a 6 room snd 'Urge beth 'room. hardwood floor. Dutch kitchen, plenty, built-in effects. line electric fixtures. Bresk faot nook, with tables, etc. - Full cement bane ment . lin locality. Good riew. Full lot, ft block to good car asrriiw. See this today. Owner on premises,. 1 to 5 p. m. Phones: East 65 16 day, or Woudlswn 1550 evenings. 84050 RUNGAliOW 31000 cash, 330 per month and interest buy -one of Uie rnnat beautiful mlrn bungalows uukginable. Has fit "-very large room.- and breakfast nook, hardwood floors, rsip'iidt built ins" and real firenlace: tlie whole house in 1 In keeping with th bathroom; which lias a tiled floor, recess tub. shower, and a' besutiful buiit in feature..' -Shown bv appointment. A rare, bargain at 84960, 31000 cash.' If iiceusary we help you with the down paymunt We are open Sunday. - . INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. slealtors. I-.- Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg,- $2flW--Market St.; drive, : West side, closejn; five 'rpomis, bath; high, sight ly; terms; Owner, E.-8495 - pYllOME FOR EVERYBODY" I 800 to select from WHY PAT RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN A HOME ANY PART OF THE CITY 1 SMALL PAYMENTS, EASY TERMS. ' Marsh & McCabe Co. . Realtors ' - ' : 822 3-4 Failing Bldg. Man-haU 8993. IRVINGTON' ItAUGAIN - BEAUTIFUL HOME Lsrg. ' corner plat of ground, 100x123 nr 100x200; colonial type house; extrs well con-4 structed; 8 large and well arrsrted rooms! all ; kinds of shrubs and fruit., garage., etc.- This is a real homey home on on. of the finest corners In that district and will be sold for about ft of what it could be duplicated for. Go look It : over; 8. E. comer 21t and Weidler.- 832 E 2 1st X. Phone E 32 4 or Main 367. ' ' ..,. i. .u.,' , ,;tc.t---. .'Ai- 1 " ! This attractive bungalow ha 5 rooms and 1 bath'- down and 2 finished rooms in the .attic; : white lmtch kitchen-, full basement high- ciass furnace, wash ; trays, 50x100 lot;- 4 blks to! Franklin high school and . block to car. Call! us today. (Sunday). , : COMTE A KOtfl-MAN " " , Main 6550.'. 208 Chamber of 'Commerce ; 750 CASH 34SOO Balahce 325 per month snd interest, buys a beautiful 5-roora bungalow, complete, up to the minute, with garage, taieriry paperi hard woe I floors, fireplace and breakfast n0ok. A ml ' bargain at 84500. We sr. oiien Hulidar. , INTERSTATE INVESTMENT;" t'O. , , . -- ' ' i Realtors. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry RMt. ; i Never -Again . ,r 4-Booro house and floored attic Thlss Vmiaa is modem, cement os.iementr wasfi .trays. Every tiling snd ' acres. Price f'JtiUO, ra.y terms,' 'OFFICE 91.13 FOSTER ROAD Plume H61-1 1 Auto. K. WILCOX tt CO. IF VOO. WANT A REAL HOME . - A cor.y Uttle bungalnw . i Here are 5 rooms, niouly decorated, all on 1 floor; plenty of choice roses and fruits;- on hard surface street PRICE $3800 TERMS c 1601 E. Tjh st Take either Hell wood or Oregon City car to Spokane sve. Owner. - Some JHoime, 5-Rnom plastensd and 1 lot, clne to car, aTJ in good condition, basement, smaU payment down or will take in light car. " . - ! Or FICE 9183 FOSTER ROAD ' j I ! Phone (Ifll II k: wii.cox a co. FOR SALE My equity in 7 rooms and sleep-' ing porch, full cement bssrment. garage with rement floor, Imtch kitchen with white .nawl finish, built in buffet in dining room, locsted 1 . II .V. .1 1 . 11 . .4. . . . . near 40t.h st and Taylor 111 i.j 41)110. 'it,f f.806.1204 K. Taylor. . A TITLE Insurance' Policy u a guarsme. by s respoxuiible company that you will not suiter, loss on account of the title to your real .stated When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. ' No abstract required. ; Tilt A Inul C'lvniiany. . iiAw'fitoRNT: bCS'GALtW 83300 3700 fasti-. 5 rooms. Jtiit comideted ly owner; Ivory fin : iN. breakfast nook: .'.Oil 00 lot'; near rr; street, ps'eil snd pnid. Anto 219-19, evenings. SACRIFICE SALE living ciiy, 6 room mod era home, full basement with laundry tray, gsa. electricity, close to school, one block to MontavillS Car. Owner.. Price 82650, terms 1517 V, Flanders st. cor. 57th t i. ' BUILD NOW ' See ns for . designs snd eHtlmates free; get bungslow book of 100 designs $1; sstablishsd 10 years; ttsf action sssured. U R. BAILEY CO., 924 X. W. Bn BM. " THIS 6 room buntalow all in old ivory, Dutch . kitchen, full basement, lot 80xlOO. fruit trues, nice garden, near good school, 8 blocks from WondHiock car; price $2200. Wdln. 8934.; Owner" Nt.iR Portsrnoiilh ave;, 8 blocks to fit John car, 5 -room house; 2 beautiful corner kits, fnflf," berries, garden lit; 32HOO, $1200 dosm, -balance 320 per month, 7 per cent; by owner.! 890 Syracuse t. . - , . PEN INSULA DISTUR.T 4 room bungalow.-lisUi, just built, lot 60t 109, bnilt lir 12-ft alley, lawn and ganl.w in; - price $'300. i $900- down, balance eay terms, Wdln. 6202. W. 4130. TH iSK LA-fi , New 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, cement basemen t, $4 800:: 6950 cash, at will .take Chevrolet csr as iart of payment, Est 8533. A BARGAIN from owner, 6 room house, full basement hot water beating system, fruit trees snd roses on lot, close to Alberta car; terms. Kat 51 33. fTROOM house, just, lot SOilOO, graiid st.- and wslks. 82250, 3Mi0 down, balana terms. G. llofi-.trand, 1374 ft Greeley st wuin. -nwrta. sj r, n ijA n. sim 1 iu.i 7 room Ihitcli crlonisl, just completed; break fast nook, sleeping porch, hardwood floors snd bniit'ins. Call owner, Wdln. 674 1. MOVE RI6IIT INI Have 2 new houses, vacant! 3350 cash, -or light an to, will handle, . balance rent G. L. Webb. 414 Eat fisrk t DANDY little home war Firland mation, M. 8. car, combination dining and living room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath.' 4930 7 0Ui-t- rl. K. , near rostrr road on 50th ave. 7-ROOXf lious. nice lawii, 7!i100: i.ed tre! , 4 bedrooms, full bament; ray terms. Own er moving. S25 Maiden are. Sellwood " car. 3700 down. ' . $340 RARE bargsin 4nT nu-i'k smie, 5 rom, . sttio, cement basement, fireplgee, mirror door, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 1 block . to car. Cicnv Beslty, Aut 228-39. $500 CASH Suapoy 6 r. bungaiow; furnace, fireplace, bdw. floors, bu!lt-Jn, 50x100 kit. Owner leaving. flow, Realtor, 38th sod Bel- mont Ant 223-89. , FOR SALE rHy tjwnmr't new 4 rofiin bnnsslow, full plumbing, gas and electricity; lot 6010; near Peninsula school ; at a baric sin, as -Owner 1 going East. 1520 Knowtes sve. GET Till. Insurance instsmo of so aostrad. II a quicker and ebesper snd you sre abstatntetr pro'erfed gain-i error. Title A Twit company. TITLE Insurance Mf time sua money becsuse no abstract .is required TlUe tt Trust oaf psny. WEisT SlDi; 840OU. 7 rwnu, bath, saa, elec tricity, 2 fireplsces, cement basemegrt Lot SOxlOd. Owner, 47 10th st. 7 ROOM modern - house, in Rinse City, clou to : Alameda lrive: 2 nice sleeping porches, full basements f.91 E. ,51t st. N; Tsbor 8693. WE II AVE , already esamineo toe title to yool - ftroperty and can iau you S Title Inauranc icy withuut d-lsy Title A Trust company WHEN you purchase your num. nave th. tiug -. insured Get s Title Insurance Policy. liua -A Ttwt cemfsny " '' CiltsE your real estate deal wiinoni annoying '. details by using s Title Insurance Policy hi abstrsct 'required. Title A Trust comininv. st'ARlEli bluua ou iaouLotiry .1. 1 l.ra room - bouses. Tnis is a bargain. $10,19 Oil, half cash, - N-654, Journal