THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON FRIDAY. APRIL 20, 1021. . iHANCE m OFFER )avld Lawrence , Ut..l.21, by Tb Journal) feton, Apr'L -29. Germany an opportunity to modify rtlon proposals and make 'satisfactory to the allies and prevent occupation of the Ruhr. though the United States goyern y'pjnt is not taking the initiative or i'dopting any course that might be con- i'strued as an effort to persuade Germany. to change her proposals, nevertheless the cables and radio have convened to Ber lin within the last 24 hours enough news paper dispatches and official utterances : from Taris "and London especially to let " the" Germans know their offer is unac ceptable. CLAUSE IS M1SCOSHTRUED The difference between the allies and Germany does not center on the amount to be paid, but upon the terms and method of collection. An error in the cabled text has been discovered which puts a different light on at least one important paragraph of the German pro posal, that which relates to "unproduct- Ive outlays. The first version made it , appear that the German government ' wanted to be rid of- these outlays, which .are interpreted to' mean the funds spent in sustaining the allied armies of ocefa - pat Ion, but the German government's official statement now says the note should have read that German business ' must be rid of '.unproductive outlays," and that the phrase refers to disadvan tageous trade arrangements. .AX OTHE 11 CLARIFICATION . In any event? the most objectionable clause in the German proposal is that which declares as condition of payment ; that ail penalties or "sanctions" must be removed. The Germans declare - offi- J cially In a supplementary statement - made after the German proposal was made! to Washington, that this means only the penalties Imposed by the recent . London conference and does not Involve in ariy way the sanctions provided by the Versailles .featy. , Should these two important points be mad ; in an official communication to ' the United States', It may be that when the allies examine the entire proposition (it may fall into the category of a ' 'suitable basis" . for discussion latlc'r on. I II ANTE WANTS' ACTIOS 5 For the moment the French are de w j ternjined to occupy-the Ruhr and talk about modifications in the German pro posal afterwards. 4 The French "believe they will be better able to force German acceptance when the French troops are in possession of the valuable resources of-ithe nuhr valley than now when French public opinion would be indig--i.ant over anything that resembled diily- dallying on the. part of the Briand ministry. The Germans have approximated the sums asked for by the allies but, as " indicated by the British counter-questions, everything depends upon the de- tails of the proposal and not the general . principles of value promises of the Ger man note. . V.j 8. COURSE WARY Meanwhile the United. States govem . ment Is pursuifig a wary course, fascl- - nating- indeed in its disingenuousness. 'i m The ' American government does not "want to close the door'"' to a settlement of the reparations problem which K realizes means so much to the economic condition of . the whole world, and the AVashington government, on the other hand, does not want to adopt any course that would encourage "Germany to be lieve America has deserted- Jier associ ates in the war. The league' of victors in the war is still intact, ajthpugh Germany sees here and there a waver ing upon which she bases a lingering hope of division in the allied . ranks. FAITH IS HUGHES Secretary Hughes has the whole situ ation weir in hand. President Harding has so much confidence In this .that he went off to Hampton Roads to review the Atlantic fleet and gave the secretary of state complete authority to go ahead without further reference to him. , I This is somewhat of a change over the WiUion metlfod. The custom in the preceding . administration . was for the president to permit no action to be taken on important matters of foreign policy without his explicit consent to every . move, however detailed. Mr. Harding reverses ' the process and per mits his secretary of state to take the 'initiative. The last cabinet meeting on jTuesday gave Mr. Harding an oppor tunity to get the advice of his colleagues i and a course of action V-as determined ' j upon. - But every hour brings new situ lations and they are compelled to take - . the full responsibility for the course of I the United ' States government. MOVES PARTiT SECRET J The various moves . in the situation " J have been taken partly in secrecy and i partly with public knowledge. The Ger Jman note did not arrive in Washington until about 5 o'elock Monday afternoon, Within an hour the French and British ambassadors here had unofficial copies for the information of their govern ments. As stated ' In these dispatches and now confirmed by a cablegram from Kdwin It James, Paris correspondent of the New York Times, the allied diplo mats had a chance to say Informally to - f Mr, Hughes what they thought of the German proposal. Of course, it was - unofficial, informal." indeed quite per-- sonal, but sufficient to let Mr.. Hughes ;. f know the new proposal was not accept . I" able to the allies. HUGHES PAID TRIBUTE - Mr. James cables today, for instance: i "French diplomats are .very pleased i with-the graceful manner in which Seo : t - retary Hughes permitted the Paris gov- ernment to place a veto on the German proposals and thus halt them.. It is I understood here that as soon as he got ' I tbj proposals, Mr. Hughes gave Am I . bassador 'Jusserand the opportunity to u ixint out that they. did not measure up - to what France had demanded. Ambas sador Jusserand cabled tliia f act ' a.nd last nlg'ht Paris confirmed his oppo sition." . ." The foregoing throws an interesting light on state department denials that they had received formal notification from the allied governments and proves that the American government has not been in the position of formally re ferring the German note to the allies. KOT YET SCORCHED ; The department of state has been eager to have as much time as possible for the exchange of views between the : .-allied governments and Washington and :- also to give the allies full opportunity to change their minds if they found anything in the note that would permit . it to be used as a suitable base for negotiations. Secretary Hughes lias handled life natter with all the deli cacy of an . experienced diplomat, and thus far, contrary.: to the. expectations In some allied quarter, the1 eminent sec retary has not had his fingers burned ; liy the crosscurrent of interests involved i fa the reparations controversy. Villa, Content on Rancli, Sends Word Crop Is Mexico City, April 29. (I- N. S.) One year i on the ; farm has con vinced Kranciaco Villa. . former ban dit, that the simple life is the life for him. Citisen Villa sent word to friends in this city today that crops are excellent and that he is entirely satisfied with the outlook on his ranch. Villa is now sole and abso lute owner of the Cantillo ranch, , which was ; given to him when he surrendered 1 to the Obregon govern ment. The: government has Just paid -230,000 to the former owner of the ranch to insure Villa against any prosecution in the courts re garding payment for the t land. British; Bet 3 to 1 . On Yankee-Japanese War! in Six Months By Universal Service) San Francisco, April 29. (U. S.) British subjects In the Orient are laying wagers with odds at 3 to 1 that Japan and America! will be at war within six months, while In many cities in China the British citizens are taunting the Americans because the United States has taken the many Japanese affronts with out declaring war. Thiis is the information brought here today by several prominent passengers rwlio arrived from the Far Kst AJharles Kdward Russell, prominent wrker and former member of the special Root mission to Russia in 1917. one of the arrivals, ttold of the betting by the British residents in Japan, although he declared that, in his opinion, the mass of Japanese people do not want war with America. I ' Witter Bynner. American poet and president of the Poetic Society of Amer ica, gave the information about the Brit ish taunts at Americans in China Russell, who has been touring the Ori- cnt for the last few months, has made a study of the Oriental situation. He said China, not Yap, will be the bone of contention between America and Japan, and the situation is rapidly shaping it self for one or the other nation to short ly assert itself, concerning the big Ori ental republic. American Declares He Beat Einstein to 'Relativity Theory 1 New York. April 29. (U. S.) The Kinstem theory of relativity is old stuff. It was dug out in Newburgh, K. Y., by Xh-. Wesley tWait, 20 years act. At least that is what Ir: Wait de clared here today. He hurried to Wash ington to present his case before the National Academy of Sciences. But be arrived too late. Now he's going to take it up with the Smithsonian Institution. The only difference between the Kin- stein and the Wait theories is the name. Dr. "Wait christened his theory "The unity of universal existence." Now he's going to ask Ir. Kinstein a lot of ques tions. Simple little questions like this: "Did not; chemical affinity come Into existence when the universe environ ment influence began to concentrate the friction into physical matter all from one source; under varying tensity cre ating the density of the atom?" Panama Is Told in TI. S. Ultimatum to Take White Award Washington, April 29. (I. N. S.) An other note to Panama, couched In such terms as to make it virtually an ult' matum, has been dispatched by this gov- 'emment, it was learned authoritatively today. ! The note, it is understood, sternly ad monishes the Panama government to accept the WTiite 'award as a basis of settlement In her boundary dispute with Costa Rica, as demanded by this gov ernment in the previous notes that have passed between the two countries. , Senate Committee Favors Immigration Bill Wilson Vetoed Washington. April 29(1, X. S.) Dis carding the amended -immigration re striction bill passed by thk house re cently, the senate immigration commit tee today reported favorably the bill passed byi the last congress and vetoed by former President Wilson, which pro vides that immigration be limited to per cent of the foreign-born population of the United States. The committee refused to accept the house amendment' giving religious refu gees unrestricted" admission to this country. ; Yakima Appeals for Lower Rail Rates Seattle, j Wash.. April . 29. (U. P.) Telegraphic appeal for emergency rail road rates to move 1200 cars of thq 1920 Yakima and Wenatchee valleys' apple crop has been sent to the interstate com merce commission by the state depart ment of public works. Refusal to grant the ; request will ; mean bankruptcy to many growers, it was stated. BUILDING PERMITS IHienitHra, of S1IMJO or more: ' 1'rotzman Shoe 4'o.. renair hot!. 110 Broad way. between Washington and Alder; builder, same: szuuu. Hi K. Howitt. rwt rwridenee, 215 Burnside, between SOU) ana sd; builder. J. . soungmet : William & 'Co.. erect factory, 661 Missis sippi.- between Mori roe and Cook; builder, W. C. Arthurs: I400. Kred ereet residence, 6222 54th are. between 52d and 64th tits. ; builder, same I. C. Robnett. erert residence. 678 E. 67th N.. between Sand; and iSifkijou; builder, T. U Johrron: 2i00. -. ; Pbil K. Spraener, ereet residence, . 2 2d, between Stepbens antf Harrison; builder, same - Kdith Patterson, erect residence,- 1220 Bod nejr, between Jesux and Jarrett; builder, Fred Patterwn: S3000. K. Katun, erect residence, 1060 MarrUnd. between Alberta and Webster; builder, Thomas Chri,tianen; $2800. '" ZJite? Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES John M. Bigler. legal. Salem. Or., and F.irmg S, Drake, legal, city. Edward D. Schomarter, legal. Garden. Home, Or., and Margerste Brown. legal, 778 Ghsan at. Frank P. Seivert, legal. Vancouver, Wash., and Annette T. Sullivan, legal, Silt Marshall sl MARRIAGE UCENSES and Eva Bain. 10. 743 Miller at. Rolmod A Robson. lea-eL 4800 93d in. S. and Ada Robson. legal. 108 E. 64th at. N. August P. HonUsu, legal, 181 14U at., and Bessie 41. Rawson, legal, 21 Jeasup at. Panl Stanley Fry. 2 1, Bremerton, ' W ash., and Louise Helen Meissuer, 20. 254 N. 20th at. Arthur B. Eaton. legal. 862 Powell St.. and Esther A. halyard, legal 862 V, Powell at. Harry D. Allman. legal. Gresham. Or.. ana Mary V. Schlegel. legal. Gresham, Or. Krrin F. Hosfort. 27, eoo Marbn ne., and Grace Billings. 20. 884 Milwaukee at. tTtni A. e Violette, legal, 8304 51st at. B. E., and Wenonah Smith, lesal. 329 E. 67th at. Axel Nelson. 24. 0103 3d a. S. K... ana Valda Dorothy Rongren, 22. 6111 63d are. K. Edwin Howard Crittenden, leeal. 71 Grant! ave., and Charlotte W. Dugger, lesal, 71 Grand avenue. WEDDINQ A-N"i Vliil TINti CAUD ENGRAVERS 311 lioma bids. O .SKITH aV CO. BIRTHS EDMONDS To Mr. and Un. Earl Edw. EU- monds, 1450 E. 29th, April 23, a daughter. LBEKS To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Albere. Walluga. Or., a daughter. LIN L) 1o Mr. and Mm. tiam Lind. Oregon City. Or., a daughter. SPIRRELL To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rrmrrefl. J 222 K. Pine. The Dalles. Or., a daughter. BI KI'ICK To Mr. and Mn. Bay Burdick. MU waukie. Or., a son. THOMAS To Mr. and. Mra. John Henry Thom as. 268 Montgomery, a daughter. CARRIGAN To Mr. and Mra. I B. Crriga.n, 6711 63d a tci. 8. .. a son. . DAVIS To Mr. and Mn. J. S. Dans. 847 Jun ior, a daughter. BC8WBIO, To Mr. and Mra. Walker Bnswen. 377 E. 25th N.. a aon. EDMO.VDS To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edmonds. 1450 E. 29th. a daughter. SPECIALS To Mr. and Mra. Filippo Speciale, 2S Taggert. a daughter. BOONE To Mr. and Mra. Daniel Boone, 624 Borthwick, a son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Johanson. 560 Quimby. a aon. BCTTERWORTH To Mr. and Mra. Arthur Bmterworth. 762 E. 70th. a aon. WHITEHAIR To Mr. and Mra. Fred A.. White- hair. 54 7 M Commercial, a on. BAUMGARTEN To Mr. and Mra. Oscar Baura- sarten, 537 Snmner. a daughter. BENZAR To Mr. and Mrs. Geoira Benzar, lr28 Maryland are., a son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mra. Harry Johnson. 244 iltanaena, a aon. SAIfl.I To Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Eahli. 688 E. sotn N.. a dauehter. t PAPOVICH To Mr. and Mrs. N. Paporich. 38S El Ererett. a dauehter. AMATO To Mr. and Mrs. 8. Amato. 715 E. Taffrert. a flauRliter. DEATHS KAl,TKIt James Henry Salter. Portland Sursri cal hospital. April 27, 74 years, fancrenous cholecystitis. riUVVElAA Salratore P. Filippelli, 566 Hood Apnl 27. iiS years, bemonhue due to cut throat w!f inflicted. THORNTON Mamie Dorothy Thornton. 6621 !rlHt. April 27. 1 year, lobar pneumonia. FRiNKlJN Adelbert 8. Franklin. .St. Vincents hoopital. Apnl 27. 4 5 years, nentonitn. JENNINfl Barbea O. Jenning, 4"5 Multnomah St.. Apnl 28. 75 years, cerebral heraorrbase. AI.BRIGIIT Maria Albright. St Vincents hos pital April 26, 56 years, pulmonary embolism. WALiilMJ Ella V. W'allins. 1038 Macadam st.. April 27, SB yearn, myx-arditis. NEW TODAY 50 Synopsis of the Annnsl Statement of the CAMDEN EIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION of Camden, in the state of New Jersey, on the thirty-first day of December, 1920, made to the insurance commissioner of the stale of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAI Amount of capital stock paid up. $1,250,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year i 5. 199,014.48 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year..... 207.23 1.46 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 251,504.75 Total income . . $5,747,750.69 " IHSBritSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year. including adjustment expenses. $2.4 16.292.61 Dividends paid on capital stock dunng the year .... 141.910.43 Crmmissions and ealaries paid during the year 1.687.906.54 Tgxes. licenses and fees paid dur ing the year i7,B9k.13 Amount of all other expenditures 273.812.75 Total expenditures .$1,710,020.52 ASSETS Value of real estate owned SLmSr- Ket .value) ...... $ 157.500 00 Value of storks and bonds market value ) . . S. 423. 673-00 639.175 00 316,533.06 684.927J42 94,844.08 Loans on mortgages and cw Ca?h in banks and on hand .... Premiums -in course of collection written since Sept. 30. 1920. Interest and rents due and ac crued and other assets. . . . . . Total admitted a!et ..$7,346,652.56 LIABILITIES Gross claim for lo!es unpaid. . .$ 957,372.80 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 3.937,456.0H All other liabilities 188.376.47 Surplus . . . . ... 1,013.447.21 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of $1 ,25.0.000 .... $6,096,052.56 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year .$ 46.594.77 Losses paid during the year ... 6.973.61 Losses incurred during the year., 16,874.50 CAMDEN, EIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION EDMUND E. READ JR.. President. JOSEPH K. SHARP, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service; A. C. BAKBEK, - Insurance Commissioner, Salem. NEW RUGS Rrwoven frora eld carpets save on halt oat of ordinary carpets. On ftaft roga ara velvety, duiabke aad aitsstia. Guaranteed to wear. FLUFF RUGS NORTHWEST RUG CO. Tha eldest and best equipped factory. . Fluff and rag rags woven all mra; car pets icfitted; 9x12 ruga steam tlisaad. $1 60 We call for and deUva. 1S8 J. Eighth St. Fnene Cast 88S becuouaj Houses avaa oaragca . HADK TO ENDCBK lBTestigat Free CUUoBa Red! made BUlff. Co Portland, Or. E. 11th and Market fhona K. 6114 West Side Office. 800 Lwi3 Building, Fourth and Oak bone IMwy, 4335 FLUFF RUGS from old carpets, woolen clothing, rag rugs, all sixes; country mail orders giyen prompt attention; mattresses, feather pillows renovated. '-Send for booklet. . Carpet Cleaning Largest, finest equipped carpet cleaning, refitting works in state of Oregon. Separate Plants: ; CARPET CLEANING BRANCH ; 107 E. Lincoln 8t. 9x12 Auga Steam Cleaned S1.BO WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-69 UNION AVE. N. East 651$ 23707, ast 6953 IbaaSaE Apartment Site IMxlH TMt, on fist and Johnson Sts. A REAL SNAP AT $SOOO : Terms Can Be Arranged . Rummell & Rummell t 2JI STAKK STJLEET . . . (ids g- sd Vi-i or . Ht- FLUFF RUQ Mad Trom All Kioda of Old Carpets ' On SalO FhitT Rua S1S.OO One As Fluff Rufl A.OO OREGON FLUFF RUO CO. f SS4 C. Stark L v Tabor 7814 SPECIAL NOTICES 101 UID3 will be rsoeired unLU 10 o'clock May 2 on a atoca- ol ceneral merchandisa located at Warren, Or. JnTenlory may be seen at our. office and stock viewed by appointment. All bids are to bo accompanied b j deposit of 10 per cent. Tha right is reserved to reject any or all bids. ' THE AIXJl'STMENT BUREAU OP THE PORTLAND ASSOCIATION -OF CREDIT MES 4tfoPittock Block. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I, Harold Hawkins, will not bo responsible for any debts whatsoever contracted by my wife. Opal Hawkins, as she has left my bed and board. Harold Hawkina. 2 Huchtel are. FUEL, cost 1 cent per person per meal. Bee cooking- demonstration all day Saturday." If. S. I-ani Mfg. Co.. 191 4th St., near Yamhill. MEETING NOTICES 102 GRAND OPENING PICNIO KIRKPATHICK COUNCIL. 2227, Security Benefit asao ciaUon. will open beautiful Crystal Laka park next Sun day, May 1st. Baseball, races. Ctmte-t. BHiii?. nunc lot ernoon and creninK In one of V, 1. . . K naus. ocn s famous union music. Gents 00c "ole ". inriudinj; war tax. RefresiifnenU ffr 00 arcMindn. Come -and bring your Bela&rea and friends for tha beat tima in your flASSALO REGULAR meeting this (Fri- uajl eveuiuK. ai. i. vi. v. r. temple. 226 . Alder street. No j j- r nesree wore- Damantsn looae an Ellison encampment No. 1 win meet with na and a large attendance of Hassalo members should be present to hear tiie new Odd FVllows" Buildina- asso-iation'a report on the new . building plans. Refreshments. Visiting brother in Tiled. F. F. H. MIMS. N. G. W. D. SOin, Rec. 8ec G. A. R.. ATTENTION t The members of Gordon Granger post No. 43. are requested to attend tha funeral serrifes of our lata com rade, B. i. Thomson, at he chapel of R. T. Byrnes, 801 Williams are nut, near Mason street, Saturday, Apnl 30, it 2 p. tn. J. C WjlLiiSlSI. Commander. IW'THORSE L.ODGK NO. Ill HA A. F. ANI A. M. Special com munication Saturday afternoon - at 1 :30 tor the purpose of conduct ing the funeral services of our late brother. J. G. Schmidt, a charter member of this lodge. Services will be held at Imnning's chapel. Kast 6th and E. Alder sts. Visiting brethren invited to attend. Pleafce bring automobile. C K. Mtl.F.KR. Sec. WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18 R, A. M. Called convocation Sat urday, April 30, at 4 and 7:30 .p. m. R. A. degree. Visitors wel come. . By order of E, H. P. HOr QTJACKENBUSH, Sec'y. PORTLAND LODfiE NO. 65. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication, Pythian building. 4 :30 Friday afternoon. Work in M. M. degree: al at 8 o'clock when work will be conferred by past masters or the lodge. . Large attendance expected. Vis iting brethren welcome. By order W. M. ' H. J. IIOI GHTON. Sec. THE North Portland Lodae, I. O. O. F.. No. 230. will give a basket social at teeir hall in Kenton on Monday evening. May 2. AH Odd Fellows and frienils are cordially in vited. H. CONN. WM. HODGSON. -B. F. LONG, ' Committee. COIA MBIA Social club will give a "Hic-kp' entertaniment Saturday evening. April 30, T. O. O. F. temple. 226 Alder street, for the Rebekah Ladies' .band. A clever program, for tune teller, grab bag, candy and punch booths and good time is premised- Wear old and ont-o-rL-ite clothes. . Prizes for best Admission 25c. get-up. VICTORY CHAPTER NO. 130. O. E. S., and friends will be guests of Palestine lodge No. 141. A. F. and A. M., at a social to be (riven Saturday, April 30,- Archer Place halL Mt. Scott car. By. order of W. S. TOWNSENI), Sec'y Palestine No. 141. W. M. SCNNTSIDE IXiDGE NO. 163. A. F. AND A. M. No meeting this Saturday, April 30. An informal dancing party will he given at the temple, 39th and Hawthorne, com mencing 8:30 p. m. Admission 50c. Tou are cordially invited to attend. PALESTINE LODGE NO. 141. A. F. AND A. M.. wUI give a so cial Saturday. April 3. Mem bers and friends cordially invited. Archer Place hall, Mt. Scott car. By order of W. M. W. S. TOWNSEND, Sec ALBERTA LOlX;E NO. 172, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication Saturday evening. April 30, at 7 :30. Work in M. M. de gree. Visitors invited. By order W. M. FRED W. NICHOLS, Sec. OREGON LDOGE ST)! 101. IT F. AND A. M. Special com munication (Saturday) at 7 p. m. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER, Sec. HT. HOOD LODGE NO. 157. A. F. AND A. M. , No meeting this vening, account of Eastern Star sard party and dance. All mem ers and their families urged to be resent tomorrow, Saturday eve. Social evening. F. W. ENKE, Sec. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, buttons, pin, eharros. Jseeee Brrr.. 131 -IS 6tb t CARDS OF THANKS WE wiah to thank our many friends for their many acta of kindness and words of cheer and comfort during the illness and death of our daughter and sister Edith, VV. H. Grcvea and family. - WE wish" to thank our many kind friends for the beautiful flowers and for their kind sym pathy and loving service during our recent be reavement. Simon Gevurts and family DEATH NOTICES 103 RAY At his residence in Hillsdale, Or., April 29, 1921, Albert James Ray. age 62 years 5 months and 1 day; deceased is survived by a widow, Mrs. Harriet A. Ray, two sons. It W. and D. G. and one brother, G. H. Ray and one sister, Mrs. L. A.. Branded, all of this city. He wss vice president of the Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner 3d and Clay. Funeral notice later. PROUTT In this city. AprU 29, Allen 8., sged 7 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Prouty of 628 East 64th st. N. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery . at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 SCHMIDT The funeral, nervice of J. G. "The Schmidt will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street, at 2:30 p. m.. Saturday, April 30. under the auspices of Hawthorne lodge No. ,111. A. F. and A, M. , of which deceased was a member. Friends and members of above fra ternity invited. Interment at Columbia ceme- tery. Albany papers please copy. JAL1 At the residence. t5 Brazee street. April 28, Joseph Jali, age 77 years; beloved father of P. V. Jali. Funeral will be held from the residential funeral parlors of Iunning A McEn tee, Morrison street at Twelfth, Saturday, April 30, at 9:30 a. m. Thence to St. Joseph's church. Fifteenth and Couch streets- Requiem mass will be offered at 10 a. m. Friends invited to attend. Intermrnt at Mount Calvary cemetery. SALTER The funeral services of James 11. Salter will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 Bast Alder street, at 2 :&0 p. m Tuesday, May 3. Friends invited. Remains . will be for warded to Sbelton. Neb., for concluding services end interment. - MAINE At her late residence, 517 Gideon St., Linda Mabel Mayne. aged 53 years. Funeral service will be ; held at P. L. I-ert-h funeral parlor. East 1 1 th at Hawthorne, Satur day at 11 a. in. : Friends invited. Interment will take place at Newcastle, Ienri. JENMNG The funeral service for the late Barbara O. Jenning of .4 55 Multnomah at., will be held Saturday, April 30, at 2 o clock p. m.; at the above residence. Friends invited. Concluding service, Riverriew cemetery. J. P. Finley A Son. directors. - Bl'UilN The funeral service for the late M. Bullen of 2SO Jessup st.. will be held Saturday. April SO. at 2:30 'o'clock p. m.. at Finley a mortmtry. Montgomery st 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service, ; Portland crematorium mansolenm. HL'NTER The funeral services of the late John I.. Hunter will be bekt Saturday,- April 30. at. 2 p. m . at the rhapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment, Rose City cemetery. HAUKNESS The funeral services of the -late Osrar Haukness will be held Friday. April 29, at 2 p. m., at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment. Rose City cemetery. . A: 104 LIN DELL At 901 West 39th SC. Vancouver, Wash.. April 27. Anns LlndeU. aged BO years. beloved wife of J. W. LindeU. mother of Mrs. Ciara Van Ankea of Allegan. Mich. Anna and Julia LindeU. recently of tit. Paul, Minn. : Hulda, Edith and I.ydia of Vancouver. .Wash., and aim. Laura Eosberg of Sweden. A. W. LindeU of Portland. Enneral services will be held Saturday at 2 :30 at the Church of God on Failing at, sear Union are. Interment Rose City Park ceme tery. Miller ic. Tracey directors. ' Chicago Daily News. St. t Paul Dispatch and Allegan Gazette papers please copy. ' PANDER At the residence, 672 ,6th St.. April 27. 1921, Charles Pander, aged 49 years, be loved husband of llatue Pander, father of Lester, Josephine and Henry Pander, brother of Mrs. C. Kestig. Mrs. U Gumbert of Portland. Or.; Al Pander of San jose, CaL. and M. Pander of Ban Francisco, Cal. Mr. Pander waa member of W. O. W.. Webfoot camp No. 65. Moose lodge and Foresters of America. Friends invited to attend the funeral services sc Holmsn's chapel. Sd and Salmon sts.. at 2 p. m. Sunday, assy 1. 1921 Interment Ahavai Bbolom cemetery. San Francisco. CaL, papers pleaxe copy. HOWARD In this city, at bis apartment. 270 th St.. April 28, 1921, Jyte Jtiowara, agea 79 years 2 months and 26 days. Deceased is survived by a son, Frank H.. .of this city, two daughters, Bonnie Fish, Santa. Rosa, CaL; Grace 1 olinein, Alameda, Cal. ; two grandsons, oeraia M. Ashton. Portland, and Harry Fish;. two grand daughters. Claude Fish and Shirley TofinelU. and one great-granddaughter. Geraldine Ash ton. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 p. ro.. from the chapel of the Rkewea Undertaking Co.. corner 3d and tlay. Friends invited. Interment. Mt. Scott Park cemetery. j WALLING At the residence, 1038 Macadam St.. Anril 27. Ellis F. Walling, aged 68 years, beloved wife of John E. Walling, mother of C. Xj, Sloan of Starr, Or., and C 11. at Culver. Or., and J. B. of Holly. Or., and Mrs. J. K-. Damewood of Staar. Or.; Mrs. Delia Banta of Madras. Or.: Mrs. M- E. Pickennc of Port land: also survived by 24 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, three brothers and one sister. The remains will be forwarded Satur day, April 30, at 1:45 p, m., under the direc tion of Miller & Tracey, to Crawf ordsville. Or., wtier services and interment will take place. rTTIVCl'K A, , K. rouirlAnM A X U V '!1,1 N., April 28. 1921. Joel B. Ettinger, aged B7 years, beloved husband of Grace Ettinger, father of Elizabeth, Janet, Dorothy, Mahals and Joel B. Ettinger Jr., and brother of Mrs. Anna Neaglfy. Mr. Ettinger remains will lie in state at Holman's chapel, 3d and Salmon sts.. until 12 o'clock Saturday. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Portland crematorium. 14th and Bybee sts.. at 2 p. m. tomorrow (fcatnrday). Apnl , 3t 1921. GOU'MAN April 28. 1921, Selma Goldman aged 63 years, beloved wife of 11. 8. iold man of Oregon City, Or.; mother of Morris Goldman. Mrs. Ben 1evin. Mrs. liattie BitUnan of Pcrtland, Or. ; skter of - Sam, Uerman and Max Bromberger. Mrs. C Seidman and Mm. Joe Goodman. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman'a chapel, 8d and Salmon sts.. at 10:30 a. m-, Sunday, May 1, 1921. Interment Ahavai Sholom cemetery. Please omit flowers. WKHNER The f liner U cortege of the late Lynn D. Wehner of 166 East 13th st will leave Finley s mortuary. Montgomery at oth. Sat urday. April 30, at 8:30 o'clock a. m . and proceed to St. Francis church. East 12th and Inne sts., where mass will be celebrated at 9 o'clock a. m. l"riends . invited. Concluding service, veterans " plot. M L Scott cemetery. SHUEVE The tuneral service for the late Jen nie Shreve, wife of H. W. Shreve of 11 Skid- mnre St., will be held Saturday, April 30, at 10 o'clock a. m. , at Finley s mortuary, Montgom ery at 5th. Friends invited. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS 105 WARD HOLHAN (WALTER J. HOLM AN) ' THIRD AND SALMON MAIN 607 East Side Funeral Directors . , F. S. DUNNING, INC. "The Family- Sets the Price" 414 E. Alder st. Phrrse Bast 6. Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AT HAWTHORNS PHONE EAST 781. Dunning & McEntee Morrison t. at 12th. 'Broadway 430. Ant. 545-68. CHAMBERS CO.. Funeral Directors ' All the Conveniences of a Home WoorTltwn S3 06 248-250 KilHngsworth are. R, T. BYRNES 901 Williams its Wood lawn 220. FJNLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMEBT AT FIFTH. , MAIN ). DOWNING A M'NEMAR A Domelike Moderate in prices. lrringtoB district. East 64. MILLER A TRACEY, independent funeral di rectors. Prices as low ss (20. S40. $60. Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-T888. M'ENTEE A EILERS. funeral parlors with all tht privacy of a borne, 16th ei Everett sta Phones Broadway 2138. Home A-2188. RkjS3:s-nvIU I047 Belmont St. Wb.tUa.vagV'Vi'i Tab. 1258. B -2546. A, R. Zeiler Co. phonei ave. 088. CIL-o-.-oavuNDERTAKING CO: Main 415J OKCWCS A-2321. Corner Third and Clay. MONUMENTS 106 FKEY-FREIHEIT CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS 1141 MILWAUKEE STREET Out of the High Rent District "NUFF SED." OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MEMOBIAIS 6. THIRD JL WNE STS PHOWE CT43 , OBLAESIMQ GRAMITE Cq ' -U 267-3RD ST. AT r-1SDISOM FLORISTS 107 J 32&M0CQIS0N 4 XAvamnoicnu LARGEST QETA.ll FLOfilSTis PORTLAND Ladies TIME TO PLANT YOUR FLOWERS We have a beautiful assortment of plants ef all kinds for window boxes, flower beds, etc. Special advice on how to plant. Very reason able prices Robinson-EAllander Co., 940 E. 40th st. Sell. 1757. - And Floral Designs. Si Large Hothouses. No Branch Stores. it between "th and Tel. Main 7709. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's PragresalTe rjortof Flowers for An Oecasiona, Mam 721 6. T. C LUKE. Mgr. 6th and Alder. martin a fokbes t.. florists. s& vvao- ingtpn. Main 209. A-1269. - Flowers foe aa occasions srtuucaKr arrangeO. . FLORAL SHOP C & 245 Alder. Marshall S922. r,lt,sBIl K. W. Bank Bldg. VUlida.JJ'ClH O 6116. 331 Morrison st. LOST AND FOUND 108 LOST I'IkU on Beaumont car, Wednesday night. Please leave at this office, or telephone Tabor 7426. LOST Brown aiik umbrella in Meier A Frank's lavatory. Tuesday afternoon. Reward. Call East 3658. . EXCHANGED by mistake. Universal lunch box. name A. R. Huckins on end. for one with initials J L. N. For exchange csll Tabor 4388. LOT, strayed or stolen, female-yellow pup, tall clipped; license No. 2061. Main 3173; re ward. LOST Ladies' gold wrist watch, morning April 2 7. bet. 3d and Washington and W sot park. Reward. Call Woodlawn 1814. - LOST Black - velvet bag containing money "ana bankbook, bet Taylor's Ferry road and Hood on uster st. Reward. Phone Mar. 4595. 50 REWARD LOST, A LARGE ROLL OF BILLH, B4-:T. 17TH AND YAMHILL. AND 4TH AND MORRISON. MAIN 6464g LOST Overcoat, between Union ave. land E. Lincoln and 21st and Pettygrove. i Pbooe r-rnaowsy I 22. ABAMINE brooch, silver mounted. Montavilla, bridge. Woodlawn car, Sunday evening. Re wsrd. Phone Wdln. 3928. - LOST. Tuesday, cameo brooch, with safety catch, : shopping district, Mt. Scots or Kenton ear; reward. Tabor 5215. LOST Tuesday, cameo brooch, between 5ta " - and 2d on YambilL If found return to dm A Co., 3X6 H Wahmgton st. Reward. tXUND Young eoUie -dog. - 1Q41 3d st.. after 6 p. m ClaimanU call LOST Flesh chine waist, Meier A frrankX Finder please call Woodlawn 3792. LOST Purse, between E. 28ih-Oregon, E. 23d Sandy. LfcA 7114. Reward. . FUNERAL NOTICES LOST AND FOUND 10 THE (olio wing article were found on the ran of the Portland Railway. Light V Power Co. April 27. 1921i 14 umbrellas, 4 lunch boxes. S - purses, 1 pin. 8 suitcases, 8 handbags, 4 pairs and 1 single glove. 2 books, beads. Ever sharp pencil, 10 ride-book car tickets, canicaae. fur tail. cap. 9 packages, saw set. 2 pairs rubbers, flexible pipe. Owners may obtain acme upon propes identification at First and Alder street station. I8T Saturday, ' Package containing 2 boys' pongee waiats, Z pair boys panta. Return to hemstitching dept.. Powers Furniture Co. Re- ward. - LOST --Somewhere in central shopping district. pearl and diamond sunburst brooch.- Kewsrn. Main 1305 between 8 a. m. and -0 p. m. Wood lawn 1170 evenings. TAKEN from Multnomah Athletic club dining room, a Corona typewriter. No 1110.1. Re ward if returned. No questions asked: E. Oak ley. LOST Between Portland and Canton Or. . one Canton cord tire No. 176204. size 35x5; Call United State Eat 7396. liberal reward to finder. Bakery, 4th and Oregon. LOST Black velvet bag containing money and bank book, between Taylors ferry road and Hood on Custer street.- Reward. Marshall 459.V WILL party who took bicycle fro in EaU 34th and Arnold sts. wed. eve. return sama to 144 East 80th at. after 4 p. m. Reward. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 'A REAL OPPORTUNITY Ton want a good position, don't youT Here's how to get it: Begin a course of instruction at the Adcox Auto schuul st once. (Not one cent to be paid down). IF AT THE END OF THIRTY DAYS TOO ARis ENT1US.LY ' SAT ISFIED then pay one half of your tuition tee and AFTER YOU HAVE GRADUATED AND SECURED A GOOD POSITION YOU CAN PAT THE BALANCE OUT OF TOUR WAGES. School open tor inspection daily at " OREGON EX-SERVICi: MEM The state pays part of your tuition fee. VT will -trust yon for the balance until you secure a good position. ADCOX ATJTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO 8T. SPECIAL 2S AtJTO COURSES TOUR OPPORTUNITY AUTO and TRAC TOR, ignition and battery work; vulcanizing and retreading- Driving. Up-to-date practical shop experience. DAY and EVENING clauses. Ore gon ex-service men, the state pays your entire tuition fee. Catalogue and information upon request HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorns are.. Portland, pp erating the largest chain of practical Auto and Tractor Schools in the world- Am West's Largest Business College. Assures EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION. Jul boainess courses, including comptometer training. Enroll any time day school, suahs school. write lor tree eatajotjue. u Morrison, phone Main 690. TOO CAM EARN I OUR WAT THROUGH AXJSKT BLDG.. 8D AND MORRISON. KNROLLr in a business school where students se cure individual instruction in the major sub jects and personal attention in all subjects, book keeping, atenographio. calculator, private secre tarial courses offered. Writ or call lor inter view. New term now opening. Day and eve ning sessions. Oregon Institute of Technology, 191 6th St.. Main 8700, Local 3. THERE are many openings tor trained adver tising managers; Qualify for uue of them; we move May 1 to our new. large quarters in the Railway exchange blue. ; additional and exten sive facilities will be inaugurated for training men' and women for advertising position; enroll now in night class forming for May 1. Pacifie School of Advertising. fiOW -Panama bldg. WITH the. revival of business comes the call for efficient office help; become efficient by specialising in our class of calculator, multi- graph, typewriting, etc., classes now forming; register now: only a limited number will be received at this time. Callam Office- Appli ance School, 405 Artisan bldg., Broadway at Oak. MODERN BARBER COLLEGE teaches the trade in 8 wks., tools f-vrniahed; some pay. Posi tions secured. Special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 284 First st. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach yon the trade in 8 weeks; receive some pay while learning; positions secured: Oregon ex-service men receive stste aid. write of cau lor cata- logue. 234 Burnside st. ' . ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Karoil tree. Frank Iv. Weilea. former asst. state supC. Mgr.. N-W. Bank bldg. Auto. 612-13. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages whiks learning; positions guaranteea. Mgr. 22 yearr egpenerce. Oregon Barber college. 2d atsaisoa. MUSICAL education for ex-service mn uudec state compensation at the Modern Conserva tory of iuaic. 14H 13th st. pawy. zaaii KAST SIDE COMMERCIAL, SCHOOL Miss Re gins Bucket's private school; individual Instruction. 122 H Grand ave. Kairt 427. LXARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Telegraph in stitute, 484 Railway Exchange bldg. nig 01 HELP WANTED MALE 201 WANTED Thoroughly experienced drapery salesman; mu-t be competent and furnish best of references. Answer. B-314, Journal. WANTED 50 boys. bet. 10 and 13 years, to deliver the Ladies' Home Journal. Sat. Eve. Post and Country Gentleman to customers. While earning a nice profit, valuable prizes sucn baseball articles. aames. books. Boy Scout equip ment, arid other prizes, are given free to boys who make good. Fred N. Bay, 27Q 4tn st.. city. EXPERIENCED carpet cutter and. layers want ed; only those who thoroughly understand the business need answer.. C-lo. journal. NEED HELP! Phone, wnte or wire tor com petent American citizens, ex-service men. to tm the nlsce. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE. 170 4th St. .Phone Main 0347. No fee Charged. ' ; MI'SK'IANS bass, bantone. cornet, trombone. alto, good amateurs. Carnival Co., $20 per week. Interview at grounds, Ariela, Thursday at 3 p. m. Mt. Scott car. LUMBER hauling contract with 3 ft -ton trucl for sale: biz money and stesdy work, with re sponsible, steady mJ). Bee truck manager. 430 Burnside. States Anto Truck Co. WANTED -Young mau with Harley-Dvido motorcycle to travel. Apply A I G. Barne Circus adv. car No. 2. 3. P. depot. Sunday morn ing. May 1. - THREE solicitors tor works. Experienced cleaning and dyeing men preferred. 7 7 4 Williams. , SOLICITORS for cleaning and irWing estsb lishmect: excellent proposition. 345 hi. Jef- ferson, corner of Broadway. KALESMEN for household specialty, good com mission. Call 8-9. 5-6, Room 312 Labbe bldg. , WANTED--Exerienced house-to-house salesman with car. W-244, Journal. WANTED Experienced torch salesman. W-243, J otrrnal LIVj experienced stock salesman wanted. 40S Title eV Trnot bldg. FREE manure if you haul it .away. Packing Co., Kenton station. Sterrett WANTED Solicitors un couiini.-siou basis. Csll Nobby Cleaners Sc Iyers. STtS V, Salmon st. SALESMEN WANTED 202 HIGH POWER MEN ABLE TO EARN FROM 500, 31000 A MONTH. OCR CONCERN IS WELL AND FAVOR ABLY KNOWN AND OFFERS A GOOD FUTURE FOR PRODUCERS. CALL ki ll A. M- 8V LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. WE have a desirable proposition to offer a com petent, clean-cut salesman in the Portland, aulo- antomobile sales not essential, providing appli- cant is s real salesman. Maxwell Motor bales Corp.. 368 K. Oregon. East B31. W E have a desirable proposition to offer a com petent, clean-cut salesman in the Portland antomobile retail field; previous experience in sntomobile ssles not essential, providing appli cant is a real salesman. Maxwell Motor Sales Corp.. 363 K. Oregon.' East S31. WANTED Two experienced salesmen to sell auto repairmen the best anto electrical guide and service manual ever published. If you have a car you can easily make 330 per week. See Mr. Adcox, Adcox Anto School, Union ave, and Wasco st. ' -' " WANT real estate salesman with car to sell homes; A-l opportunity with established firm; no other house salesmen employed; you have it all your own self. Address P-34J, JoornaL WANTED Salesman for new otiice specialty; every office worker a prospect; big earnings to producer. Room 312 Labbe bldg. Call 8 to V and 8 to 6. GOOD PAINTER WANTED 647 UNION AVE N. SALESMAN for a very good udehae. Frame mirrors.- mediHne cabinets, etc. Wdln. 1487. TWO young men to make baskets; experience in nailing required, '1321 Macadam. . SALESMEN WANTED 202 BaTE proposition Fa"E salesmen" CAPABLE OF MAKING -BIG MONET BOOMING MONTANA REAL ESTATE. CENTER- OF OREGON DIHTRICT. CALL 406 TITLE A THI ST BLDO. AGENTS WANTED 203 BIGGEST kind of big money for agents who have Fords. Call at once. East Burnside Gar age. 10th and Burnside. Ask for C. lrling. AGENTS wanted, Benedict Nutter? Co.. 188 East 87th at. N.. Portland. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 EXPERIENCED saleswomen for china ind kltrh enware, draperies, silks, linens, ready-to-wear, pictures and bonne dresses. Apply before -10:30 a. m. Employment Bareau LIl'MAN. WOLFE A CO. MBS. L. V. SCOTT, lormeny with the federal employment service, furnishes competent of fice wotneo : also women for ail other lines of -eiar ployreent, 329 Henry bldg. Broadway 4687. WANT a lady of good appearance and educa- - tion to do soliciting for local antomobile con cern; salary and com m Won baoia. C-204, Journal. Hi Jr..NO.HAl'llt.ll wanted with experienoe in musie store; record or sheet music dept. J 4 43. Journal. ANY G1KL in need ot a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Mayfair and Alexander sts." Phone Ms in 840. DM cur MAM' a lady of good appearance and education to do soliciting for local automobile concern; salary and commission bais. C-204. Journal. UOUSEKEEI'ER wanted for family of 2; must be neat and clean; write box la. Msnra. i r. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ' 205 COI.LEi;TOlt for established agency; must ba live wire. Commission baau. Will make good proposition to party who desires to atuay law. EkO. .loarnll. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 NEED HELP! Phone, writ or wire lor com petent American eitirens, ei-eervice men. to fill the plsce. UN EMI LOT MENT COMMIT TEE. 170 4th st- I'hone Main 5347. ri lee Charged. - LAWNS Planted, eut and trimmed. Also garden work; reasonable charges. Wdln. 1438. lioylanc and ItcminirtoTi LAWN MOWKlid SHARPENED Repaired. 'For sale: 24 hour service. All work guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Lawn Mower Hospital, Tabor 4641. CHOKING and house work on ranch; good worker ; 3 1 OOP to loan. K 347, Journal. rLASTERING. rhimnry and eetuent work, r 109 E. 46th st. Tabor 2658. EA-M iLiiir.U dtmres piwiuon as salesuiali: bate had eviierience. B-300. Journal, HOUSE painted, 1.10 0" rooms, tinted. 31-35; papering. rc roll. woodlawn snsi. CAKPEN i Kit- F,timatea givrn on building, re- pair work. " Screens made to order. 1367 Hswthome Tabor 711'J. Shop, Plowing, Genl Teaming Kvcavating. etc. H. Itaiimer. East 4318. fal hUKKI,y, a-tive, cloan, resfiectable man, acniuttomed to general farm labor, position on small fsrm. J 442. JourmH. " GET YOUR PAINTING, decorating and aigns before the spring rush; 2 years experience. Phone Tabor 26. MACIilM.Vl'. young man. 3 years' esp.. wanls position in machme or automobile repair shop. References. K-374, JiMirnal. Ol J lawns fitetl up and new ones put in. Also cement, gard"n work and digging basements. Tabor 3470. 242 E. fil-h H . l'LOWING and excavating done. Am at your service by atTpomtment. I'lione Tabor etoll EXPElUENtED man wants farm work where no milking, wage rea.tnnslle. K-dflft, JoumalL PAINTING, tintwg, paperhani ing, cheap. E. E. Mefferd' A Hon. Brtwy. 32H7. PAINTING and kalsomining, $3 a room up. W. Kice. Phone Aut. 621-63. "" " EXi'AVA'lINU O. n. BOW KRH Phone Fast 8183. 0. PAINTING and trmnin in all Uieir branches. Reasonable. Woodlawn 3326. Vahl Bros. L.1WN MOWERS sharpiued and repaired, work guaranteed, called for and delivered. East 287. SCREENS u.nie to order, old screens rwirau. A titomstic '317-27. ALL kinds of flower baes msde to order. mitir 817-27 Aut lsEVKlt connn-tiona. drain tile, cepols. eptlo tanks, cement- work. Japor siwq. PLUMBING by the hour or by the joh. very rea-onsble. Ant. 235-51. P1AJWLNG AMD HAKKuWING CHEAP PHONE MAIN 8140. GAI.MHEAT11, the paintei. right side up. lowest rate. We lieng paper "Woodlawn 1484. FOR plowing and excavating, first class work, call T. N. Conner. Tabor B36S. ROtlAlH TINTED 13 in aud out painting and papering. BHwy. 8323 PAIN TING and tinting; guod work, from 33 up. Wdln. 8471 t CARPENTER and contractor, Joooius anything in Hie building line. Pbone East 8656 CEMENT foundations, houses raised, cement work of all kinds; reasonable. Marshall 1882. JAY HIE JOBBER Brick, piaxteruig, cement work, repairing, remodeling." Aut. 311-73. POULTRY MAN, exueneoced, wauU work poultry farm fslngle). J-44S. Journal. CEMENT work; ail kinds. Slrst class ; only. Sellwood 919. V A N T E D M ilk house, work aud delivery. K 350. Journal. WINDOW SCREENS MADE TO ORDER. TABOR 284 ! IIIoTi school boy would like position after school and Hat n relay. Mar 3632 evenings. FOR reh'nrllng call Woodlawn 60 87. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 LACE. SCRIM AND MAlKjL'lSETlE CIR TAIN'S. DRAPERIES, DONE CP LIKE NEW WILL CALK EAST 8813. VoUNG man, married, ex-service, wants job badly; capable of managing garage or accessory department: references. Bellwood 2023. TRUST WORTHY lady wants bouae cleaning, washing, other work; good work guaranteed, Woodlawn 630S. LACE CI RTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 11 YKS. EXPERIENCE. 80c CP. EAST 6106. COM PET ENT sleuograplier 4eura secretarial position. C 137, Journal. DRESSMAKING , 256 DYEING, clearing. prewung.'dreaamaaing, re modeling, rehning. sltsrationa, pleating, rea sonable prices. The Cabinet Dressmaking parlors, 424 Morrt-on. near 11th Msin 1823. DRESSMAKING dona reasonable. : smb.. bead ing done: cotton dresses IS each. Call Ma shall 28. The Hsnthom No. I. 231 12th st. LitK SMAKINt;, tailoring. I3.S0 s day. Bdwy. 6C52. 45ft Aider st,. eor, 18th. DRESSMAKING all 422 H Morrison St., kinds, very reasonsbls, rwm 6, upstairs. DRESSMAKING by the day; eeiiafsction guar anteed. Tsbor T324. . - LADIES' garmeiiU altered and refitted. I. Reu bin. tad' ' tailor. 408 Bu'h at Ijne bldg U'EMS'll '1C111NG. be per yard; also sireseuiaa- l"g.' 200 Ahky bldg.. 8d, and Morrison. DKEHHMAKING. tub. and beading dooe rea sonable. 1034 8. Syracuse St.- Col. 101 S. NURSES 257 NURSE will take maternity cases at ber hums, realms hie. .Wot.dlswn 8326, FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOMS 30O HILMSIIKU and urituriiiniisd lront suigla robins, central locatiun. Baker theatre bldg., 11th and Morrison; apply Mr. frjtevens. bor. office. 4 55 AIJ'r.K, CORNER OF 1 3 TIL NICK CLEAN SL:EPING Ri.XMS, 13 TO 6 PER WEEK. BROADWAY 6652 FOR BENT Front sleeping room with hath, suitable for 1 or 2 employed ; first class down town apartment. Marshall 2009. I ON K large room, including fuel light piano, 2 adults. Woodlawn 2682. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE KLEEIMNG KVW)ir CMlSE IN ON WEST SIDE; QUIET PLACE: 208 17th ST., MAIN 762 FURNIhliXD front room In private home; one or two employed ladies; breakfast if wanted 827 E. 3 1st st. South. Clinton ear. FURNISHED rooms, with use of kitchen If de sired, 88 month. 763 21st E. end of Brook lyn canine. ONE SLEEPi.NU POfiCli Also rooms, 2 room apt, with sleeping porch, no children. 665 Washington. Bdwy. 3477. FLRMMil-.D reum, siiuahle lor man or laiiy employed: walking distance; nice place for ime. - Main Wa3 after 6 p. m. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, large, front room oa ground floor, running water, suitable for two. 33Q a month. 833 11th au Main 47. LARGE light steam-heated room in apartment house, Broadway and Jefferson. Main 6213. CLEAN and light bedroom. 83.50 per week. 82 N. 23d s. Msin 366 NICELY furnished room at 12.30 and 84 per w,.,-k. Broadway e7 8. CLEAN, niwly lurmhed room with breakfast , and laundry pnvileges. 225 4 13th St. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 ENON HOTEL 10 mVn0 doUar-a day bouse tn town. All modern conveniences. Rates to perraanent giieU. ... hotel ohio 268 FRONT ST.. con. MADISON ' ,Arpu"t housekeeping rooms; hot New Perkins Hotel A?k Special weekly and monthly ratea. 6 up. t us show you our i,rimmi1ition. SPLENDID ftont room aitractiuny-furnuhed; BUllahla f,.e . , . . ' K4n . , , -rra gpnurmeii , near am.yi water: come and ...wuinn apsrtments. ftH4 Klnt st. ST.PAUL'iiOTELm 'IWLi A resppecUble downtown hotel. Transients 61 up. Special Kates lo IVrmanent tiiieata. HOTEL DAYTON riu llot wntr, taui hfAt, - If r trio UuUu im HOTEL ROYAL (l. 11. Molil.l- KIIM A K XI) Modern OUtshla ronlna ts Ml a week. It tut dst. Also H. K, 84 ftp up. SOME richly furnished transient rooms baing refitted at special rates to mmnnmi werklv or monUiiy gnesta. All rooms f . ins nth or wars St., ounnexa section. Kmpraw tmtel. liOTiEL BENTON Newly furnished r.x.ins. clean, liirht and strictly modern. 346 V Alder. CITY VIKW HulKL Good, clean houssket'nine rooms, suitable for ecnplm; slai sleeping rooms. 2 93 Ss Union ave. i niuca sontn or Hawthorne. V ELL furnixlied, cozy, front room' with f irrjila' e and use of kitchea Also clean and airy sleeping rooms. Wslktng di.iUnce. 45& Mont gomerv. corner of 18th. EoiTifSr with or without' han1.' dorinitory "'single auu uouoie rooms atsilahle J a week up. J E AN N U D'ARC 263 14th st. Msln 3 4?ft .. HOTEL BAXTER Fnmlshed or unfurnished liotlrkociiing sleeping rooms. MA rsr In A thins. AHbina Hotel Rooms with or without board: 24 AIMnaf Eat 8l0t MI'K, rlean basement tm, well luriiisliet. with side entrance, will rent for IS firr mo. to rnan who will mow tha lawn once a week; 89.1 UW Park st. v FT'RNISHED outside sleeping room,' walking di. tancc, newly -renovated. 222 H Croby. UNK 2-room aiH., I sinale lioiihelie, ping rrom, both nicely fuminhed. slm nice, rhrtul silo ing rooms. Mrs. Nulter, 83 N. 17th sL, cor. Ctlich. It,!wy 2640. Weil Furnished Rooms Steam hest, tint and cold vsU-r; reasonable rat , l-'ifrli st. ttLKKPING rxKiius fur rent, . bath aud ilsene 32H Clay L FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 NEATLY f untihc) room in' pr7ai ' Ii-hii. ex eellent neiglibrhood, to one .or two refined young women with proper referemes: bath, telephone and other convenience; pnfiUa of piano aed living room; 10 short." bloi-ks from Hawthorne bridge, Kst. Hirle 603 leild ave. CLOMK IN, HUt 2, City.Y KIKiVT IKimM Wl TH Bit K A K FA ST ; I ' iM K( HIT A HI K HOUR AT TtKA HON ABLE RATE. 460 CLAY ST. MAIN 222W. II ItM.slll.ll r-Him suite, with kiUilietiel le if desired: a.leo nititfln room; rensonsMn 'In raipnnsilila strty; private ' family. Walking 1n tance, near BroadwHy and Williams ave. .'I'i- Vaneouver sve, FOR IIE.VT2 cUsn, airy sleeping room. newly furnished with bath;, emiiloyed mar ried couple or gentleman preferred; very rea sonshle; clo In: csll Ail 32 1 82. ONE' large, well furnished, homelike room, suitable for two, 930 per moiuh; aiw one nice single room, $15 per month; one block from Library 223 tOth st. Main 14H4 TWO pleasant sleeping rooms, well furnished and rlean; very desirable location; ey wslking ' distance. (16 and IIS per. month. 273 14 Hi su Main 7005. SLEEPING room tn private family, walking dis tance, good conveniences. li E. 0th and Ash. Phone East 6HM0. PORTLAND HEIOlltS I,ight, clean rooms, all eorifetiieni-es; fine lore- flon: reasonable. slain 70 WELL ECRN IsilED sleeping r.m. EurnVce heat. Free phone, bath and Hgut. SIO per month. Near Montgomery Ward. 823 Savier st. Near 2,'itb si. Mar. 8663. LOVELY turiiislird room in modern, home; no other roomers; breskfast privilegrs; piano; phone: suitable for, two. 383 Mill at, Aulix. 631-86. NICELY H lt.MsHk.Ii ROKVI INCLUDING Bath ami phone. block to MIMMIHHII'lT CAU. 4 vrh Ml.K. 870 ALBINA AVK. WDI.N jai. WAl.KIMi ilistaiice or bimk from 2 rarlme; large, nicely furnished rooms, bsi.h and tele phone for gentienian only; reasonable rates. East 7172. FIt" KENT Irge, well furnished r-m with furnace hest. fear two car lines;' walking distance; lst R1A-. UNNY front sleping room in private family, walking distance; very reasonable. Call East 4142. NEAT L'PHTAIUS FRONT BOOM, S l.sf SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE; GENTLE- MEN PRKFEIIKKD. MARSHALL 8441. ONE large, double room, also one (ingle room with sleeping pureh. A rea) home lor young men. 26 14th. Main 2833. Well FNisH"frrn6oM " s rriTA TiT.z ro rt 1 Oil 2 PKBHONM. ItKFI-.ltl.NCKri. W. 18TH. BKOADWAY 22'10. OPPORTUNITY to study uulc, borne privilege, use of uano to Protestant girl employed; walking distance, desirable. Msln 8018. LAltGE lnnt r'm lor 2, well tumulicd an'! clean; dinner if desired: eay walking distance. B2 Everett. Bilsry. 1003. FOIl RKNT Furuislie,! ronn in pnvate familr. Gentleman only. 44 Tillamook, 1 block east of I'nion ave. HAVE a rri for gentlemen who want some thing particularly rlean in a ni'-a bonis, cen trally bs-sted. Kast 221. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with use of kitlien, laundry tub", etc. Hepara's etil-i pes. Couple preferred. 1"32 F. 22d t- north. Allterta car.. A ELL furnished r'loin, tnrntnrn Ixnne; waJktiig distance. Kast ' 331 l.lasealo st. ONE sleeping room, t ioe Tri. for oiis it two t employed. 364 Grand sve. N COMFORTABLE room ntTi br. kfi., Iiome privilege. I'hone Automatic 211-111. NICELY lurnwlied room, walking ijt,i4iiire 848 6th 't... between Jackson -nd l,lnef,ln. NEATLY furtii-brd rmia, board If desired; I4H E. 7 2d s. North, Tabor 4 7.1 ROOM AND BOARD 302 ROOM and board for bu.inew girls, nil uosh-rn eonveoiences; walkitig dtstjince; $i tt week. Antomstic 210 74. J2 JvJ !'"JL BOARD and room for 2 buaineaa peot le. privet sitting rriom and sleeping iorrh with 2 beds, close in. 205 W. Park. Msln 8181. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY "NORTONIA HOTEL ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's high class dowbtowo rcsi'Ieotlal hotel We give you the comforts of home A merles a and European plan. ' Hatws reasonable. MOTHER'S "ears given children, by day or hour. 720 Everett l"b.i.e Aut. A2U-02 CONVALESCENiT or ssmi- invalid pslient l.l.n csre of In pritaijt home by praHical nneie. frge, nicely fnmlslied room. Best of home Sell. 10. First - cI.aSS iu x it aVTT COLUMBIA, liBNER OF T:oa lib. is a f 0T1L. MAIN 2864. ON K front and one side room (!riiji,-t-l (ur- niahed, bath, heat, on carline. AU boms pnnleges. boar! If de-lred H4l t'll)tams are WANIFii. in ceintry, lady larer; iis,m a'"l board, 120 a month. Ella Finney, (. 2, Gervi, Itr. PLEASANT room, strictly mislern, home cuok in, 1 or 2 person" N 1 7'h st. WANT children to b'a.rl ; no other rhii'lref good home and mother's rare. Ant. 33 1 )JiAUll aud rot.m," eio: tn, W-t biilc; el i in roe. Phone Bread way H7W4 Ml M sunny rmim, J3. E. 1 I til ,mrth. fisrsn Buchanan, phone Ft 74 10. ROOM and boerf in refined home, per week; foe business cerple rer erne. TiKor I ItrlA. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 30 4 TWO room' flat, gas, waler. 13 week. at j Krrnil nsr Market. MODERN II reas,rt,abe. K. room. i ieiing 4siu. h. j70 ih s. 2 Fl. RNiliED bouseSeersing room, oewij, i .s - fs-r-d awo jsiinteo: lir't. si'r 1 4 S 1 IContinaed on iollowliig- 1'agei 30X i