TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 17 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 THE TRIUMPlt OF ' , ' GOOD, WILL : - - There it satisfaction in coins to a place where a very large stock is earned, where you can depend on the honesty of the dealer ill representing '-cars just at they are and be vara of getting square deal. We have hundreds of satisfied customers and you will be on of them if you buy from us. Prices equal to any sale price, with terms to ' awt yeu and we know that you. can find tbe ear jnu want on otir floor. - 60 CARS TO SELECT FROM PRICES FROM $200 TO $8000 WINTON, used 00 days. . . x. ....... .18600 JORDAN Like brand new. ....... v . . 2100 STUDEBAKER. big . run 8800 miles.. 1600 : APPEKSON, 4 pass., anniversary...... 200O i COLUMBIA 6 A perfect motor 1850 STEPHENS, roadster, jiut overhauled.,'. 12.'. KKn 4,. run good aa new.. 1000 ' JtL'ICK 6. priced very low.. 1250 CADILLAC, very (nod shape . .. 1500 CHANDLER. 5 cords, all good . . 1000 HUDSON SUPER, snappy buy ;... 1000 BUICK 4- Here's your chance. ...... . 675 MAXWELL iiefiniahed like new...... 800 HE 4, new tPi paint, etc............. 400 BRIHTOK Very low price .... ftOO fi RANT 6 Worth more. t. , . . . .-. .... 8"0 Baby Grand CHEVROLET, rebuilt 450 OVERLAND. .5 push., repainted ....... . 200 , 1000 1b. TRAILER, worth $123, for... 75 Mny More Not Licd Here. Your Inspection Solicited. Open Evening and Sunday. A l: RUCKLE'S USED CAR CENTER, Hui-ce-isor to CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, 80 lOUi St. bet. Stark and Oak. - Broadway 1424. The firm with reputation where your dollar is worth more. Down Go the Prices They; Must Move A few Chandler, priced think of it i erne at $500. another at $600. and so on down the line. Remember, these are qual ity Chandler oars. Mean the want ads carefully look elsewhere- for Chandler cars. Chandler cars price $500 or $600. Buy a Seattle. San FYaneiseo or an other newspaper end see if you can find Chandler cars priced as low. No need of buying an Inferior car when we are cleen- ing up on these quality ear at such a price. Wi have other makes, too, priced "'way down, hut our guarantee only applies to the Chandler. W"e know their quality and condition. Twin States -Motor Car Company f NINETEENTH AT WASHINGTON ST. Open Sunday, and Evenings Until 8:30. - . Special eavry terms during- clean-up week. Portable Garages $52 ; AND UP. r. o. b. FACTOR!. ASK ABOUT READY CUT : AND PORTABLB . HOMES. MnxMAna construction co., Foot of Williams Are. Woodla-wn 2413. GRAMM BERNSTEIN ! 2-Ton Truck Run less than 200 ml Ins. bed and 1921 license, as a, sacrifice, terms or cash 8S 10U St. Near Stark: '20 Hudson Speedster Hit is one that will do the job. lias mora speed and power than you get in most of them and it has oversixe cord tires, brand new. Also the beet tubes that we could buy. i Plats glass in rear curtain; all the tools and instnieudn ' book; side curtains open with all four doors; "low price, liberal terms. Take car in trade. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. DODG0 in fine : condition every way: not tbe latest model, but has had the beat; of care since ear waa new. Tirei good, finish like new, 1921 license, inotometar. Terms to right party. $875. Will demonstrate. 854 E. Btl at.-- N. Woodlawn 4 904. . ' . ? Leaving Town f MUST SELL AT ONCE NEAltLV NEW REVERB TOURINO CAR. COST $3200. NO REASONABLE 0STEU REFUSED.- BDWY. S047. A Dort by Owner - T have .a lata (model D'rt car in the best ef condition, but must sell it at once. Ion ran t beat this car for. all around uxatfe. Make n,e a reasonable offer and the car u HOin Fostr road. Lents! Automatic 615-34. OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER 18 model and. this fine light car has been refinished and looks as good as tha day it left the factory and runs' good. ( ome and try lU xw price of $650. with $250 down, balance easy. nn KitnriHVK 514 Alder St, MCKl'HY MOTOR CAR CO. MY' 1921 OLIS 8 I)EM ON HTltA TO it. IT'S THE REST OLDS 8 IN PORTLAND; CORD TIKES ALL AROUND. ONE EXTRA THIS IS A WONDERFUL BUY FOR ANYONE- WISH INff A REAL AUTtlMORH.K. MR jyi'STKR, BROADWAY 2270. CO. WILL GIVE SMtMCK. 1916 ROADSTER delivery, very fine condition, $250 UNIVERSAL CARk EXCHANGE ; Used For.1i ESclusively.; i Comer Grand Ave. and K. . Yamhill. Last 471. nily ana jt.vcnins. t I'ASS;" Bl'ICK, new paint; goi cord Ures: in A-l condition in every way. Will take trade in Drive this tar arid be convinced. . Long long, easy term. Broadway 3606. 1 I.L TELL th world my 1919 Velia touring car is the best buy -jn town; ha alway bad the best care. See it and, you'll want it. 343 Hnmsida St. - ; - i 1 HATE to sell it, but 1 mast. So I have lft mv 1920 Oakland with the Used Car Er rhange, 125 Lownadale St., 15th and Waahing- ton. - 1 : ; "KACRIFICB 1920 Baby Grand ChevroletTlike new;' consider Ford or Chevrolet in' trade terms on balancw. Kant 178. ! - Ti)17 MAXWELlt tonnng. new top. si.lt! iiirunu and tiro; jut overhauled, $450 cai'h or terms. V . L. Hii(rrfto, ISO X. Broadway. i h. UHk plat-aus yide a,i -tn- and brackets , to fit anv machine, n. B., HKly Works, 500 Wi)lwm are. P,"t 1 1 OH. r 1 i"S HKH to believe that $350 wiR-btiy car like this Overland. Come and sea it at Writer Motor company. Washington at 1 nth. MY' MAXWBLL murine car, in the finest roil dition. for $4SO. It's a splendid ojfortunil.y fn someone. Miimine. OAMNU Six, with all-weather top; run like a new car. $150 down -will handle. Call J"htn.n, at Ivroanway -.Ii". WILL M1 or Untie for lrv ohm, 1 OverUn-1, ! Ford, in fine condition. Hansen,- 110 rr-xentt. !. Woodiawn 4011. 1 1 v J KL.A I toun-ng by cwiir. 5 frod lift. tl sod r.nt like new, tor oaah. khu V a.i 45f)f. 1 : THA E a renl snap in a few good stage cars pm-ed vm down and long easy terms. Call f'-nri, nowv. ;tiiK i 1 I 7 1 KM'i .IT, nw paint, good - rubber,' extra tire, perfect condition, 92o0 down; tall Dully, Br.-dwy 2270. 1917 FOKD dlivery, e);prc: body, A-t eondi- tion. new rubber, licence; $l!00 ca.sh. 6G6 Alberta Ft. MARMON 3 4. six ire wheels and six new coirts; i fine for hire ei stage car. Call Dof fy.-3road- . wsv z& i .J'.Hr Sis Sunieoaaer 191U. fully eiiuipped. onren nifnomuos. A. Jl rvreui, va;n. Jit4ft, 1018 I'liltl) milling car; Kiecdonietpr and shock "iorm: x.llio. i7 Wash. st. . bssement $225 PAVKAUD 4 tounng; good tires, 11)21 ""b; gooa suspe. -aui, .i-'t u;. i iv7 FoKD dfliveiy, just like new; only $273." 787 Washington t.. basement. 1917 MITCHElJj touring, A-l shape, value '". tor cloee-in east side lot East 3672 1914 FORD cUaatiis witil seat, fenders n,l irin.1. ahicld, iicenwi; flQ5. ;g7 WaA bajwuieiit. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 THE TIME , THE PLACE THE CAB 4, Automobiles ALL STANDARD MAKES AND SIZES , THE CARS ABE READY TO GO - : ' - . . ....... . , If you are in the market for 'a good rued car from $200 to $1500 it will pay Ton to look over tllig itock. TERMS IF DESIRED. NO BROKERAUS. C O. Bfeasdale S30 Alder St. Broadway 18S2. BUT TOUB REBUILT CHETROLET FROM THE USED CHEVROLET DEPOT OWNED AND OPERATED BT THE CI1EV. B0I.ET DISTRIBUTORS. GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVR0LET3 ALL MODELS ALL PRICES EXCELLENT TERMS. Grand are., between Ankeny and Burnside. . Open Daily and Sunday. Phone East 490. "THE HOUSE WITH CHEVROLET PRIDE" AH Records Broken Last Week ly a Few Cars' Left Over : SEVERAL Ftord bugs, all in good 'condition. Prices range from $150 up. 1820 Ford coupe for sale or trade. Cord tires and other extras. 1917 Buick roadrfety new paint, mechani cally A-l. i 1918 Olds,' 8, 7-passanger, Win take smaller ear in on trade. 1918 Indiai matorcyele with side car and tandem. Tery -faeap price. 1920 Moore 30, new, cost $1363. Our price $900. i 1919 ff -pasHenger Vclie touring, best of con dition. 11 00, terms. 1920 Bell - touring, new paint, good trres, me ehanically timt i-lai. Mutt sell, make us an offer. 191? Maxwell, fine condition, good tires, new battery. $lolft down, balance easy terms. 1 920' Chevrolet delivery, $550, terms. 1918 Chevrolet, 5-pass. touring, fine shape, 1890, terms. 7 Passenger Paige, late model, just the thing for a stage, $850, terms. 1919 Dodge delivery, practically new tires. Mechanically first class. Will take smaller car in on trade. 1 I - - GRAND AVENUE AUTO EXCHANGE 1MH Grand Ave. East 6563 Open Sunday and Evenings MS Dodge Touring . : This Dodge is as good as the day it left the show room. It has the fittest finish and the top and eusr-iona are like new ones; runs fine, motor and starter works perfect; new battery; all goee at low price of $7K5, with $285 down, balance easy, j Take Vord in trade. Open Sun days, 514 Alder at. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. ; 11920 Templar WILL TAKK A KM ALL CAR AS PART PAYMENT AND SLLL AT A BARGAIN. CALL BDWY. 304". H9. Overland Model 9Q This bulldog .type is like new and -will show for itself. Low price of $550, with $200 down, bal. easy. Take Ford in trade. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. ' WILL aell my lata 19 2TTilayne 4" passenger sport model: just put on 5' new oversized non skid Royal cord tires; has 5 wire wheels. I c&a handle a light car or good 7 passenger car as part payment and tfive easy terms. The price is a Rpcrifico: Call the Advertising Manager, Auto. 214-10. FORD DELIVERY BOPIES Fine Condition, $10 and Up. ' UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Used Fords Exclusively. Corner Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471. Open Sunday and Evenings. CHANDLER. 1916. but run only 24,000 miles by private owner. A bargain at $600. Fhone Marshall 1281. 1921 CHEVROLET Baby Grand touring, per fect mechauiral condition and finish; factory guarantee given; $1325, with terms. phone owner, Columbia 638. 1918 PAIGE LIGHT Thoroughly overhauled, new top. classy paint job, good tires; guaranteed to be in A-l me- cnanicat condition and iootts use a new j'aige. Sacrifice for $1100, $400 cash, balance in 10 months. Snap. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. FORD, touring, rung (rood, good tires, 1921 li cense, $195; terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Corner Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471, Open Sunday and Evenings. WILL sell my late model 1919 Oldsmobile littlo ail 5 passenger; has 5 tires, almost new and some extras; car is in fine condition. The price will surprise yen; cash or terms. Call Mr. Kiltou, Anto. 214-10. FORD touring, 191 9, starter, shocks, other ex tras, $495; terms. UNIVERSAL CAR. EXCHANGE Used Fords Kiclusively. Corner Grand Ave. and E. Tamhill. East 471. LOOKING for something mighty good at a low price? Max weil touring only $375. See it 4,-ownelf. Waller Motor Company, Washington at 15th. . COLK h in first claia mechanical condition ; must sell quick. Owner leaving town1; will consider very liberal terms. Phone. Jensen. Main 7952. WHY WAIT tor prices to coma down'f I'm a-king only $300 for my dandy Saxon tour ing car, in good otiape. See it at 842 Burn- nde or call Broadway 364H. 1919 OLDS S. srwrt model, good an new. If you are looking for a real buy tea this ear. W ill accent srmtil car as part - payment. Mr. Nester, Broadway 2270. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 DEMOUNTABLE rim. Firestone and others, aisea 30x3 H to 34x4, $1 and up. Fi&k rubber cement. 5 gal. cans $1 per gallaet. Ford wheels, $2.50 each, s LAMBERT TIRE & RUBBER CO 23 Grand Ave., Cor. Ash. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING i Let Us Inspect Your Tires 1 New and Used Tires. JOHNS TIKE SHOP, 102H Hawthorne '1 Vv o 1 i. to li-i"P, out1 b iw i-oil t'liiiMihM phia Diamend Grid battery, used very little; chep for can. :! AivKcoy. AC roHKl lln your autu seat cut to make a bod. 706 ' Williams. COMTl.KTh tieed viucanisiim ami rtfuddiii t'Ut- fit lor sale. Call 'labor ainU I-OR SALE -St Ford new demountable wheels and carrier at discount. Auto. Ints 2011. Kill 8A1 r Portable "wtiaxn. Phons East 1 56 7. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 PLENTY OrTAVORTT With almost new truck, lass than H price. Will trade tor light car, or small payment down. Lot's go. Cull Auto. Icnts SOU. I-TtiM Maswcll tnn-k, uTih flaT .stuke bWly. F"ine f..r wiJ hauling. W. L. Hughson, tiO it '1' K 1 9 2 0 Ford truck: lire new: Mr run only 800 miles in pert act shspw: terms ran be ar rsffe1. C!l Mr. Netler. Bnrwdw.iv 2270. ilTL'O rUll touring; nearly new. A worderml buy at $500 csah or torm.. 6t N. Bnwd wav. 2 h -TON tiii k, never been used, .owned by dealer lio has sold onL . Cbb kss you borne money on this. Write 1140. Jnnnml. 3-TtN' W'HITkT This Cru. k snui, be ld and wU sacrifiea for oiuck sale. W. 1. Uushsoo. BO N. Broadway. I, CADILIVC 8 rosdsier, . firt-cls comlition; ran very httle. M iU -fUM-rifs-e for quick kale. W. L. Huch'ion, 60 N. Broadway. 5-TON Mack, guarantee same aa new; will consider trsde m lighter truck. Phone Jen sen, IMSHI 4 .OVERLAID rosdster, " m very good coii.IKmi. $21 S, esAk ft tcr-ms. W. L, Hagluim. 00 5 trailer, with brake eyuiuineus. Writs P-322. Journal 1-TON Rpublc in fine luiana. $150 down will bavaille. CaU Jshanson, st Broadway 2a70. ' TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 NEW! . NiSW! NEW! New Republic Trucks New White Trucks New Indiana' Trucks We have the fallowing new trucks to be sold at a large discount, skipped u by dealers who had to M-U. ; . - 1 ton Iteriublic, solid tires. 1 ton Republic, pnumatio tires. ' 1 f Republic, solid tires. 1 H ton ltepubiic, pnaumauc tires. Ujk tun Republic, solid urea. ,2 ton White, rmeumatic tires. 2 ton White, jmeumatio tires. 1 M ton Indians, solid tires, 2 ton Wintber, pneumatic Urea. 1 4 too Winther, pueuautie tires. We have tht. following used trucks: 1 ton Republic, solid tires. i,. 8'i ton Republic. 1919 model. . 2 ton t. M. C. late model. 1H ton O.M.C., lata model. 1 ton Granna-Banurttun, paeumatic tires, ton Seldru. Ifaks jour .own terms within reaaoi and own your own truck. USED CAR WAREHOUSE Grand stc. and K. Taylor. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! We are sacrificing them slL It will pay you to see our lines be- fora buying. The following are typical o four stock and prices: ' IK -tote GilC, worm drive, $1075. 3 -ton Denby; a splendid wood truck. $1100. 2-ton CMC, a bargain, $850. WB HAVE MANY OTHERS, SCCH AS: OldsmpbUe Speed Wagon, , -ton Republic with body. One-ton Gary. , One-ton KiwelKar. 1-ton Republic. 1 -ton Republic Two-ton Republic. One-toa Ford. Ixjrig Ea.y Terms. Ne Brokerage. Granning;& Treece 542 Alder 8L i Bdwy. 1723. CASE 2-bottoru tiactfir plow, power iiie, prac tically new, plowed 8 acres, $115 f. o. k. cars Tillamook. Address L. C Ooldaworthy, Tillamook, Or. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES ENAMELED Factory finish. E. H. Lampert. Union and E. Taylor. 1.11AN moUjrc.vi ie and hidecar tor sale. Electric equipment. 1920 model. Run .7000 miles. $275. Can be -seen on Couch St., bet. 2d and 3d, 10 a. m. tr 5 p. m. MOTORCYCLES OF :L MAli.ES WE SELL FOR LESS; GET OUR PRICES. ; INDIAN MOTOBC1CLE & BICYCLE CO., MAIN 6189. 204 3D ST. HENDERSON motorcycle, in A-l shpo, for sale cheap; a dandy buy. East 7595. 556 Wil cheap; a dandy buy. East 7595. 656 Union ave. N. cor. Knott st. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS, aLL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCUfi CO.. 44-48 Grand Ave. BALE or tradu, good bicycle worth $35. What have your 7016 3ftt.h ave. H. E. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ....L. ............. .$20 Rear axle overhauled . . . ....... 6 Valves gronnd, carbon removed. .......... $ 8 Magneto recharged ...(. ....... .......$ 5 W'a hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St., Corner Jeff ersocu ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS We will overhaul your car, any make, and save you money. All work dona on a fist con tract basis and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the supervision of competent, and reliable men. Get our prices, they are reasonable and will surprise you. We specialize on generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanizing and , retreading ; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Tale plume East 8068. E. H CHAMBERS MAXWELL1 SPECIALS ' ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED SELLWTOOD 3755. DIVISION AT 23D. 80 days adusimenu on all, brakes 11 J1XU-1I relined. THE BRAKE SHOP 327 Fifth Street Main 698 FORD EXPERT We do all kinds of repairing and overhauling at reasonable prices. Work guaranteed. Wheeler Street Garage, . Phone Eat 80K3, MACHINIST. A. R. IJAFFERSON Repairing of ail kinds. Machinery models, gas engines. 324, First st. East 7803. MOTOR expert, ail kinds motor work and over hauling, guaranteed right. ! Best references. $1 hour. Bdwy. 183. AUTOiaepairing, first class work, price reason gble"ps." trial will convince you. B. W. B. Oarage, 269 Union ave., near Hawthorne. Al, Ignition Man Guaranteed repairing, price right. Wdln. 5363. EXPERT ex-service men will repsii roar ear st your home or st our shop. 89 Killingsworth, very reasonable. Woodlawn 3468. ' lit i 1 t 1 Kl.l'Allt v v li is. Sm r . . i 1 .... c ,.I . ... ,u o-i.f and T Washington sts. Main 639. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 ' AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS f.at Model crs Ftcasonnbie RatM FEARING & ROBNETT CITY GARAGB 132 12th St., bet. Wash end Alder. Bdwy. 840 i4( Iir,1I Lltl . I t JUA WITH OR WITHOUT 1RIVERS, DAY OR NIGHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE. 2D AND MAIN. MAIN 3055. 1 1 I ; f lU I IVU A V i a,' ij fci L" V AUTOS FOB HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT' DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN FASHION GA RAGE, MAR. 232. 10th st Ysmhill. A-1233. U. S. BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 CARS WANTED Wt will either giva you spot cash or snO yonr cars for you. Jake, Used Car Exchange, tv. iitn. ttdwy. 314 WE ARE in tbe marked for a number , of small cars: will pay cash. Grand arc. Auto Ex change, 188 Grand sva. Phnne Emt-6563. IB ALE three lots do. TibbelLs sL, valued at "$1500,, for late model .roadster.-. Call East 2455, between 8 and 7:30 p. ni. NEH' WCII AFF BROS, piano snd some cash s first liaymptit on 6 passenger car; must bo in good condition. 92 E. 8.1d N. Tabor 2248. WAN i Ej i--ltte Ford louring or roadtr, iniLst be cheap for cash. See BiUinsslcy, Hawthorne st. 8tb st. Kt 7 2V i HI I-. acitM, ail chiar, at Wutxlburu, Oi , J1,0. Take car as first psarment to $850. Tabor 8933. , Money advanced on autos stored with us. it prick auto wrecking co . i atm ami alder AUU) WRECKERS BUY ANY CAR 15TH AND ALDER CAM! lor oil vrx tor i t recking- Call at tire shop. 4 2 l ; rn d pv. i X". WAN'l t..l Can, for wrei smg. Oregon Auto Wrwkmat Cii.. 0'J N. llth at. near Erereft. CAH tor Ford., alt iii1i'1s; gpt our apprai.-als. Vranson's ITsed Car Exchange. Fast 4376. t WAN TED Light trailer tor touring car. biate prico snd psrticHlars. N-104. Journal. WANT Fon ' louring from prirale owner; will pay rush. Wdln. 721. WILL buy a 1 ord if price is right. 107 13th pt , near ariins-Trnj WANTED Ford coupei for esh : bring car to 4 45 Hawthorne sve. i East 7 20. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 WANTED lOO.UOti dirty hands to use GETS IT prp. A -k vonr croeer. CUTUBLUi' rasptM'rry plsnis, $5 per thousand. Wdln. wis, evmings. ' ' NEW MULTIGHAPH, COMPLETE; CASH OR EASY TERMS. MAIN 5134. TAILOR-MADE suits left on hand at half price. Modern Tailors, 89 N. 6th st. VOI R -toves, he.ls. wmi vwl. Ant. 319-34. iiiLE dirt,-good mjU. Call Lact elO ' ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 WRECKING VANCOUVEB BAR BACKS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS . FOB BALE " 850 rltraous chins closets and tanks. . Steel storage and pressurs tauka. 120, BS4 $sl., test 110 lb. Tsbssco H. W. besting- boilers, No. 27. American Ideal li. W. heating boilers. IF. B. steam boiler, 54xl. 1 836 8 steam American besting boiler. 10,000 ft. steam radiators. ,: Pipa, valves, fittings, F0BHESTAL. MscQUATTJ & CO.. - 19Ui god Itesene gts.. Phone 527. Vsncouver. Wash., Box 84. Buy, Sell AND RXCBANGB cash registers, showcase s, fountains, scales, star fixtures. - , L BOXER, Mar. 2488. 1 1 8 Second st CEDAR CHESTS ' Direct from factory to your home, Tennessee and Port Orford eedsr; solid copper tiuumiWR, latest designs. Write for catalcgoa J. W. HIGGINS & HON 1912-18-18 F! OI.I8AN. TABOR 808. , WE SAVE YOU MONET House wiring, lighting fix tnres. electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electne Store, 224 ft Third st near Salmon. Main 5055. SAVE YOUR WIFE ; Send your laundry to Snowflaks Wet' Wa-jh. Clothes washed rnowy white in sepaiate compart ments. Phone East 8433.1 i Sewing Machines We have the lsrgest' stock of u-ed Sewing MacbicsW in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 1 72 3d. near Yamhill. WINDOW SCREENS AND SCREEN POORS . Screen coolers, 3 size,s; breakfast tables, medicine chest and all other special cabinet work made to order. Lumber a kid moulding for sale and retail. j UNIVERSAL, WOODWORKING CO.. 100 N. 3d St., Cor. Flanders. 1 HAVE a. fine auto polish, also for brass, cop per and for fine furniture; guarantee. Will demonstrate at any time. Good chance for pol ish mfg. or auto accessoriea. Can I I hear at once? Give business; no phone. Address MX 709, Journal. - j , i D. B. SCULLY CO., DOWNTOWN- LUMBER STORE, 171 FRONT ST., BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lum ber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen doors, fruit and vegetable box shooks. See out odd stock of sash, I doors. HOT WATER BOILER for sale, $5; light and heavy welding of all kinds. We weld, sawn and spring. Prices right. AH work guaran teed. Get our estimate before having' your work done. Independent Welding Shop, E. Water and W7aahington fits. Phone East 2782. CLOSING out sale of nursery stuck, iruit and ornamental trees, grape vines, berry plants and shrubs in- variety at less than ewt. ' East Side Nursery, phone East 8474. 51 Union .ave. N. Open Sunday. ANOTHER selection of fixtures for 5 rooms, including bowl for living room; 3-Iight double chain fixture for dining room; chaiu fixtures and glassware for all other rooms: $36, in stalled. Broadway 24;5, 3o9 Ankeny. POTATOES, Pride of Muitnomah; good table or seed. $1.00 to $1.50; 40 gallon feed cooker. Gresham car. Gilberts station. P. O., Ients sta tion. Box 470, R. D. No. 3., Pottiasd) Or.. X V. Wagner FOR SALE A combination gas and wood range, an ivory bed; coiled wire springs, mat trees; also airplane engine and nice mahogany piano. Call 71 o E. 7 3d st. Pi.. llm oity. SODA fountainssreompiete; all sizes floor counter cases, coffee mill, registers, scales, adding ma chines, iron gates, store fixtures, cash, credit. ATOMOBILEtj, MGTOKCYCI.ES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing will be found under these different classi fications. - LADnS, visit tha new Art Needlework Ex change; crocheted yokes, embroidery, chil dren's dresses, etc, st prices that will gar a you money. Koom MO Mohawa; oldg. FOR SALE by owner, ice box. 6x8. 2 counters and a new ritancuird computing scales. Inquire 411 Fading. SAFES No. 70 -Sixth st.. near Oak. New and second-hand Herring-HaU-Msrvin safes snd steel csbinets. Husiiong & Co. Bdwy. 1262. furniture repiir business; fine location, snd Tirt class rraoe. iMtin, journal. COMPLETE set of liniituia fixtures for 5-room house: $26, installed. 359 Ankeny, Broad way zoo. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE (Mu Haag). branl new, $95; sells raguiarly $135. Broad way a4iij. .-loy Ankeny. 30-30- WINCHESTER rifle. $20 ; wireless out fit, $10; Smith motor wheel, $3-5; girls tn- SPECIAL summer urices on all wood snd coal: . lowest prices, prompt delivery. Creston Feed v Fuel Co., &oth snd 1'oweli Valley road. CUtCLE exchange, 415 Fliedner Bldg., upstairs, buys and sells ladies slightly worn apparel. also reline ladies suits. Bdwy. 2 2 0. i MY beautiful new cabinet, large size phono graph and records. Must be sold today. Whiit am I offered? Marshall 4730 mornings. PACK WINTER EGGS NOW STRICTLY FRESH INFERTILE EGGS EAST 404 NEARLY new . elertriu washing machine and fumed oak dining set cheap. (1745 55th sve. s. K. - ! Cow or Horse Fertiliser Big losds delivered anywhere. East 7638. Dentistry 85i AwhiBgfoENst, Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. Plowing, Gen9 1 Teaming Ficavatinsr, etc. H. rmumer. r.asr .ii.i NEW or used agate cutting and polishing ma- cmne. msiq price ana cymuHuu m letter. A. L. Royce, Marshfield, Or, COMPUTING SCALES, cash registers, cofTes muii, meat cnoppers sna general rare na tures, st 226 Stark St.. between 1st snd 2d. Plowing, and Harrowing PHONE 828-83 EVBMJWS BOSLNESa CARDs , fl eifk urvTT. MTV pntNTKRY U alV Yon mast bring this ad. 120 Bth St. wnMowers Sharpened PHONE EAST 5424. A SNAP--5-bm-iinr gas range for leas than lislf price, 15. Call 4173 Grand ave. N. Wood- lawn 4SMS. i'OCKET billiard table, as good aa j new; paid 14; will sell for $50- Phone , Cot .628. 1001 N. Iinard St., St. Johns. FOR RENT -Eleetrio vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day, 85c delivered. Wdln. 1259. GASOLINE snd oil storage tr.nis and pumps. T. 11 Kit K -. CALL BROADWAY "2453 for best prices en house wiring. FIN Hi upland table potatoes, .1.25 sack. 11)39 Pacific st.. Jjiurenursr, rsoov 3io. GOOD vii lea ni 7.8 r outfit for sale cheap. 432 Hawthorne ave. East 822B. FOR SALE Cash reglslei, sale, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St., near Ash. LOTSJPIXIWED. Phone Main 4307. John Corn. FOR SALE Registers, showcases, w'sll casesT Cash or credit. 242 Salmon. WOODjT'oTd'first growth, fi. aeUveredtl0e cord. Call Main 1515. SPECIAL prices on summer delivery in No. 1 ir snd King lump coal. Seilwood 257. DRESS SUffS tor rent; we also buy dress suits. Bareil s aiisnt Clothing, ex 3d st, VACUUM cleaners, rented $1 per dsy delivered. Week days Bdwy. 2872. Eve. Tabor 5788. VACUUM cleaners for rent, stir, a Uay; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3498. AUTOMATIC electric waah-ne machine, in good condition. $a.V 3120 62d si. S. K. IF YOUR furnace smokes or doesn't heat well. call lonard. Auto. ffJti-iM. lADI E" s iinng apTarei and hats at great re- Hi,tir,n ln.ni d,,K.n,,h.r Vu..t !H1K SEVEN BANK ADlilSti MACHINE. $17.50. . Kilt IMl IliDL'IJ f L COll IIL'IIJ'L- r,T,., .'li .. i .'.' . ,r,. v-t plan,, NEW 34 1 4 General cold ure, tuo. e5o Bdwy 977. Room 801. STRONG losanberry up plants for sale $27.60 per loon. J. irfinmer; nnoer, or. FOR KALE Gas rapgi-, : Clark Jwwel. sUgliUy nmn; leaving mwn. r. rrr?aaway. CEDAK F;N:ii IIJSTli. tMillwood 237. eve- VACUUM cleaner for sale, good as new, fhone Tabor 7807. GOOD upright, piano, $k50 old viplm, $60. Mar.-b.aU 3780. , AT1RACTIVE used apparel, very . reasonable. 1 X E. ;lian at Mt.h. labor 2S'5 . WAYNE gasobne tank snd pump for sale, cheap. P. O. Box 567. . EI .F.CT H 11 wavber for sale, factorv .11 . ..n. ELECTRIC washer for sale, factory guarantee poes w-it ji ; praeiii-any new. xaoor 7nl. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged, repaired. Ray Bentley. Main 4907. BUSINESS is good we'll say sol Vcnbe&t Wet Wash sV who Repairin. East 90e. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 ORNAMENTAL vases, garden oencnes, oira twin i tsins, etc. Buy direct fro fsetnrr. Standard Art tons Co.. . 1680 Macadam at. MsrshsU 778 o 0 K. 11th at. Open Evenings JHEU aj Miu ! " " --- - real hard-erped mtmey- UiT them Ui oace- over. . w. a'v V 1 la . M'T- KKII1I S 1-W aa : Just Across the Broadway Bridge siEWINu MACHINE KMPORILal tint mac nines sola tor teaa ; wa nmt emsloyed. Bsrsaias in 2d Bsnd machines. . . iw. AV . Tl U.Kinaa . s iknim i' ,v. i rented and -repairing guaranteed. Main 8431. 190 8d st. near Tsylor. OFFICE FURNITURE EQUIPMENT Vw and lued roll top. flat top snd tyjst- writer desks, chairs, flies, etc. Typewriters, CLectanuini, auu uiw-umiw, . . - - - -giaphs. tnultigraphs. dictapbonea, t prices below . . , . --, 1 .. i f ..Ku trie lowest. lnto tux uwu mir .u. m ' - nets.. Wax Office Equipment House, 24 N. Stav Bdwy. 2739. 10 DR6PHEAD sewing mschines with nttsch raents, $20 each; portable electrie machine for rant; sewing machines cleaned sad repaired. E. B, Steea, 152 Grand sve. East 3358. THK VALUE o! a machine is But slightly reduced by s little use, yet we seil all makes st less than M pifce; latest new Singers, cash or time ; rentals, 13 i month. Singer Store. 193 4th. Main 6833. Hawthorne Electric Co. LIGHTING FIXTURES. ELECTRIC WIRING. MOTORS, SUPPLIES ! . X. DROU1LLAT. i - H. B. EVEREST, i 380 Hawthorn are. jsastajzo. SINGER ELECTRIC SEVV1NU MACHINES We take your machine in exchange,, balance cash or easy payments. Phone for demonstra tion. Machines rented. Expert repairing, any make. MORRISON jST. SINGER STORE 382 Morrison st. Marshall 721. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burn side, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. OFFICE FURNITURE Bought, sold and exchanged-HANSEN-WADENSTEUS DESK CO.. 105 Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877. SAF'ES Fire and burglar proof sales, new and secondhand, at right prices, boujtit. sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desireo, NOP.RIS SAFE & LO'-K CO. 105 Second St. j Main 2045. FOR SALE H day parlor cluck, $7; 15 jewel gant's Walthsm (watch, open face, 18 isize, $7.50, perfect timekeepers; also ladies' small gold watch, open face, $5. 4 34 Spokane ave,, Scllwood, evenings. ! ELECTRIC fixturesj whole 1 light chain, $1.35; 3 light fixtures, $450; electric irons, $6.95; electric heater, $6.95. Reliable Electric. Union at Russell. East 3688. , ; LET us wash your rugs with the Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer in your same. We do vacuum cleaning and. floor waxing; Woodlawn 5758. ! ' BROKEN furniture repaired, retinished. uphol stered, crated and shipped; scratches removed from pianos and phonographs. The Furniture Shop, plume East 3574. LICENSED jndependem electrician, wires 3 rooms for! $12, 6 rooms $20. All new ma terial used snd guaranteed tu pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. HOT WATER TANKis 3i-gsX. $7. 40-gai. $9; tested snd guaranteed; stove and furnace coils; gas heaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. fcast side welding tsnop, zus Adams st, is. asm. IIY au everlasting sggravaUon by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable roof? We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Mam 51(1. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your slightly used or misfit garments, handsome gowns, party dresses, furs, shoes, coats, at reduced - prices. 403 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 8182. FOR correct time, call Main 3579. For scien tific watch repairing, see Miller, next door to Majestic theatre. UNION Apparel Exchange sells slightly used ladies' clothes, new spring bats, etc. 710 Union ave. N., cor. Ivy. East 1826. RUGS washed on your- floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpeC washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 PIANOS ' NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS i AT INVltlNG PRICES AND CONVENIENT TERMS WE SELL FOR LESS Lipmani Wolfe & Co. SEVENTH FLOOR DRUMMERS, ATTENTION 1 See our new Thcnias &eparate tension snare drum, the snappiest drum that has evtr been built. Drums repaired, adjusted and rabeaded. G. F, JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 0th t. " A, B. CHASE mahogany piano, latest style ca-se, used very little; iafi exceptional buy for the money. Bee this sure. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. VIOLIN stxmg-4, "The Italian Favorita," "Amarj," also '"Intuna." Try our special string service. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., ltv otn st. CHICKERING PIANO, $375. Re.t of condi tion and a wonderful toned instrument. If you want a Hood piano see it. EE1BERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at. beL Wash. , .1 A ' .1 CIARIONETS ik.tluu syatcm II" flat, -A" or "C." These ! are genuine French iru-tru-ments. Come in and inspect them. Clarinet and i-jnoidione rLedi, extra. Quality. . r. J ll.ii.-! fMMl ir.. lif ntn si. VIOLIN outiit, ii.ecul. iii. ' 'fuii liicjude yio lin, bow and ca:ie, rosin and extra strings. S. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14 9 th st. $300 KEG1NA machine with 2 4 records, priced to sell quick, at $45. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., , ' 149 6th St, SECURITY STORAGE CO. -Closing out upright pianos. $75, $195, $215, 215 it Hon; US eah. Also one $750 plsytir. $365; $950 player, $495. pinno stnrert 75c monthly. Cor 10th and Ptark. BRUSTER PIANO. Used a short time, latest style mahogany "case. A snap. aSEIBE RIS ING LUCAS MUSIO CO., 125 4th st,. bet. Wash, and Alder. I PIANO WANTED Will exchange fine new Victrola. Edison, grafr nola or Brunswick :phonogrsph and records br piano, nyait 1 anting siacnme ., aao Ainer. KIMBALI PLC0S. Twe big bargain, best of coniiition. See thdm. Terms given, SEIB-KRLING-LUCAS MUlsJg, CO., 123 4th St., beL Wath. andiAMer. NEW Columbia grafonola for Ford roadster. U. VI - I Willkm. ,1 -. c McDOUGALL MUSIO STORES, 129 10th Bt $700 VOSE piano for quiok sale at mnco less Shan half. A fine instrument at a bargain. 409 AWngtow bldg." OREGON made musle compartment piano benches finished to order, $12. Harold S. Oilbert, 384 Ysmhill st tij CASH and $10 monthly las .before the war) buys $525 new piano for $395, at Schwan Piano to., nil ititn St.. at Star. WA.Vl El -To buy 111a iios, playern and pbono graphH. Will pay cash. Call room 5SO up- stairi. i'7t wanliington st. Ant. tili vn MARTIN saxophone- outfit. "C" 'inekaly, includ ing case. $110. Term".. G. F. JOIINSOV PIANO CO , 14.9 6th st. BEAUTIFU'L uiahoKany piano, almost new. olil standard make; will sell cheap, if tke at once. 1 elepriona owner, Marshall HIGH ESI' tirices taid lor iiulbos. uhonoarapli rp'oid", mtvical instruments. Exchange and repair 254 Market ft. Phone Main 8012 S-CH1KMEU PIANO. $150. Terms given. SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIO CO., 125 4th t... bet. snd Alder. KiMHAU PLAIER F1ASO. Big redactioB. lerms iriven. i.NPioerling-laicaa Music to., 125 4l.b St., bet. Wash, and Alder. HIGH EST prices paid for r'ianosT DhonoeTacnT rrcorda. miisics! ; lrmtrumeuts.- Exchanga and repair. 254 Market st. Phone Maia 6012. ITALIAN a iajnleoit iiom IW to tij. iiuuuti bHrmonteaa 75c :to $3.5ii. i F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14! fitl, ?,t WELl,INt;TN PIANO, oak esse. bargain. SEIBMRLrNG-IUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st., bat. Wash. and'AlrW BF--iT player piano Inning: rebuilt. V. Kremar, FHONO; ItAPHS, recnrd, needle snd supplies, open evetunirs. in r tirosdwar. $15l t'Oi.UMBi.V I gralonola with KiO double fct4 words, rntt sell cheao. Ml Tsylor. FOR RENT Grstonoia, H per mo. Empire 'irsnstcr, tww;. nawy. igj. WANTED tiooa used piano for cash. Mala 4424. "SMALL TALKING MACHINE" WANTED Main 4495. Aut 627-46825-82. riANO A-l condition. Will sacrifice for cash. $160. - Sell. 628. PIANOS $200 and up. 4 09 Abington bldg! PIANO WANTED fay casu. Mam 8538. .' " . ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 MAHOGANY -player piano with bench and play er roils, $659 terms or discount for. cssb, Vodern upright nthoe&ny piano, "in good shape. Price $225. $150 filsyer phone, good as new.. for $90. ; Liberty JlionoRrsph, cabinet sise, with record compartment, $50. 845 boys Ijorophor.e phonograph, record com partment, fumed oak case, sll in fine condition. $120 Columbia grafonola. golden oak, ia rood c Edition, $75. 73 Tictrol for $4 3., Wa are tbe only bousa in Portia ad carrying a complete line of foreign records. , Mccormick music co. 4 29-431 Washington St. Between 11th snd 12th. . We Will Trade Vou A BEAUTIFUL NEW For Your Old Piano WHY NOT? ' COMB UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER SEVENTH FLOOR LSpman, Wolfe Co. CASH BUYERS, ATTENTION Security Storaae Co.. Sarins Clearance $450 Emerson upright, cash 1 4s $575 New upright, out of storage, cash. . .$2W5 $550 Kimball, modern, oak. cat-h .......$290 Two small upright pianos, casii, $S5 and $ 75 $550 Gaylord. large, carved, caen SJ4 0 $475 C. A. Smith, large, fine condition. -. . $21 ! $525 Voee Sons, good shape, cash, . . . , .$195 isia 1 avis dr. sons, large manotany. -a $250 Pianola player, 30 player rolls... ...$ 45 $750 Piano player piano. .40 player rolls.. $365 Four parlor organs. $18. $25, $35 and $ 38 103 10th sr., cor. Stark at Washington. WE list below a few of our puonograph specials - lor tiua wees : $250 Packard, priced at ...$185 zzs t olumbia, priced at ............ ls ,173 Edison, priced at .............. 115 140 Columbia, priced . at ............ 100 80 Packard (new), priced at 65 75 Lorophone (cabinet), priced at.... 55 65 Packard (new), priced at........ 55 75 Columbia, priced at ........... . ! 4l 75 Columbia, priced at $32 50 Columbia, horn, priced at. .... . 18.00 , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st. Pianos to Rent Wa will rent you a brand new standard -piano snd apply money paid on purchase price. Why rent second-hand pianos elsewhere? . Answer. KNABE WAREROOMS. LIPMAN., WOLFE & CO. BEAUT1FI L lualiutauy Weber piano, pertect condition; a real barsiun at $250, terms. - G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., , 140 6th Ft HOUSEHOLD ; GOODS 902 Gas Ranges at Lower! rices SEE THE VFAVORITE" GAS RANtJKS SHOWN IN OUR WIN DOW. THEY A RE SURE LY BEAUTIES. We have thera in all-over enameled, blue nd white' or gray and whire with plain nickel trimmings; rust proof enameled elevated side oven snd broiler, .tar cooking burner, automatic lighter and gas-saving needle valve adjustment. "Favorite" blue and white all-over enameled priced at $128.50; ""Favorite'' gray and white all-over enameled priced at $124.50: "Favorite" gas range with enameled door only, priced at $72.50. No charge for installation; easy terms, no interest. With each range we include a 42 rjiece set of dishes. Mlsl FiiimitareCt).' 188-190 First st COAJj and wood ranges ....... $15.00 up Cook stoves .$1 0.00 up Gas stoves .....$10.00 UD Oas water beaters ......$ 9.00 tip Floor coverings, yard .........$ .75 up Kitchen queens .............$ 8.00 up Kitchen cabinets ...$12 00 np Dining Room extension tables. , . $ 7.00 up Dining room chairs .........$ 1.50 up Living room rockers ..........8 4.00 Tip Library tables ......,$ 5 00 up Simmons beds .$10.60 up Cotton felt mattresses. .......$ 6.75 np Steel springs .. .......$ 6.00 up Coil springs ..,..$ 8.00 up Dressers $ 8.00 up PORTLAND FCRN1TUBH EXCHANGE 208-210 First- St. ' SAVE MONEY ' 1 . ' Try our sales dept. if you want to buy or sell household goods; reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars. Ex pert ' packing, repairing and refininhing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof Storage, low insurance rates. . ! SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 53 Fourth St., opp. Multnomah hotel, ; ' - Phone Broadway 3715. . 11 Reed Specialty Shop ' 319 WILLIAMS AVENUE Manufacturers of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture made to order; also repaired and r.i mtiiii. xiiiy mr"ci, imm imnnjr. 6-HOLE RENOWN ranae. water coil. $15. Acorn heating stove, $10; Dresser, two 9x12 Brussels rugs, two 4 beds, complete; linoleum nargain. eti Alliens St. FOR- HALE Good as new leather rocker, nni try couch, ivory steel bed complete, hose, Cheerful heater complete, oak rocker, oak dresser, curtain rods. etc.. on view. 1461 Mississippi av. WE ARE closing- out our stock 01 second-hand furniture, stoves snd ranges. See us for harzains. 288 N. 16th st. -Bdwy. 2223, NEW genuine mahogany dining set, cheap; also new Superior ga rang. Am leaving city. Main 1003. BEAUTIFUL overstuffed davenport, bin chair , .to match, like new. cheap. 88 E 44th N." FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 FOR SALE 1 Va H. 1. gasoline engine with pump, practically new-: can be . seen running; been used about 2 months. Taylor Street dock, West Side. . fi HttRSEPOWER engine," keroccno or gaso line, pump jack, 250-gaJ. water tank; ued 8 months. $60. Aut. 861-11. Lents station, route 3. box 500. R, F Hare. DONKEY engine for sale, one Big Ben ssw. call aotl FTont at. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 AN UP-TO-DATE or 8 iss. gasoline launcbr just uka new: a very seaworthy craft: a very pfnlty eabin; ail inclosed; electne equipment. A snap at the price asked: terms to responsible retrty. Call Mr. Propyt, Broadway 36Q6. 24 IT. LAUNCH. 4 cl , 4 cycle, 12 h. p. Cau j Brll. 1994 after 4:30 p. m. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 liEBl ll.C lypewuUrs, all nukes, rentan, re pairing, rupplics. Distributors :ORONA por table. eCNDSTRAN I) adding machines. Msrs 2285. W. Pasa Co., 110 Sixth St. jll-L makes "guaranteed one year. Bent re-con-structed typewriters on coast. New price list. Wholesale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington sL, Portland. Or. - FOR XLh.ST Underwood. ' Remington, i3 50 mo. 155. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired snd sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co.. fl V fth t Matrl 3068 SWAPS 92S FIRST cisas l)rfl roadster oiMiy lo escnance rr Foid touring body. Dotson MrDermott. 91'27 Foster road. oiip. postoffwe InfA WILL do pa-nting, dmoraiang, rarx-riiancing as firkt payment on small car. I'rubii, Tabor 5218 WILL give Victrola and 7," rscorcli, rame $200, aa first payment on light csr. Call at apt. 8. 7" ii me t. W1T.JOW " baby buuET, onola elelric iarao. heater and iron; want Jrar. small gas range, rug or what? Tabor 3825. -A t;OOIy Ford for cah regiter. Kasl, 428. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 BEST CASH PRICES FOli ALL KINDS OF JUNK SUPPLIES. TKf.fS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. BEFORE SELLING CALL MAIN 5433. 1 WANT some machine shop and garae equip ment. Want to trade a 1918 Haynes- light twelve chummy. Bdwy. 1764. Wain jKi. bMAI.li TALKING MACHINE WANTED Maia ?5, Aut, 27-4tt 62a-8U. 950 .$12.50"to$25 , . FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER, TUB TAILOR " PATS MORE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES We call day or evenirur anrwhe.-a in the city. Call Mar. 1229, or 258 Madion ... near 3.1 st. W'AN'lEDl'eople qt Purtlano to too tjott I pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. I No amount too large or too email. Prompt attention N.I M. SEATEB " " Phone Est 2208.1 ! 14S KnwD s- lloL.Sls 'Cl.EANU.U Tl M C Do not throw things away. I pay good prices for second-hand furniture and household goods, Abo tools, clothing and all Aindj e( junk. Cal) Mam 734. - WAN lED -A - lawumower grind.og niatfliine. What have you? Write Route 3. box 25. tsneouver. Wash. VV ANTED -FURNITURE 952 att'Ol' CASH FOR USED rl UNlTUEB Main 8878 UNITED FURXITURB 8 TOUB 173 FIRST STMEET Owl Furniture Co a MOBlllsON Wj want yoiir used furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos; we pay the highest cash prices. ' 1 and 168 First St. Call Main 4627. Used Household Goods Tools and junk. Etvt Sid Secondhand Store, 871 Russell. Kmt fi8T. f VE Bl'V tiwd furniture, sUiViA. etc. Reliable Furniture Co.. 203-203 2d. Main 7308. ARMY OCODS b. S. ARMY" GOODS ttir sale, wnolessla snd retail; prices reduced. H. Itorcnstein . k5 2d st., or 204 1st at- Main T7 8, ART NEEDLEWORK ORDERS taken in embrualery, lace- and paint ings. 493 Wash. Mrs. J. Kmwtftn. -'!- ; - " " ATTOWWEVS : " E W.- EASTMAN, lawyer and noUty pubUc 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BATHS Turkish i Baths nom aiV' iioteiu Hlectro Therapist 24-hour service to men. BARBER COLLEGE MODERN Barber College teaches tiie trade in 8 weeks; tools furniohed, snd some pay while learning; apse 1 ! rates for April. Call of write for partieulara, 234 1st at, ' " , BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS ek HOLM AN, INC., 109 2d st. Plsn book' manufacrtirera A-3188. Main 183. OARPCMTERt) AWO BUILDERS , RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Contractors Builders Houses built, plana furnished; store front alterations, counters, shelving; ganarsl repair ing. Door and window screeua made to order. First class workmen only. - loB west Park. - - - saam ANY KIND of carpeiuar work or cabinet mak ing. , call Wdln. Qiao, CAT AMD DOB H08PITAL ROSE CFl'Y VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Inc., F., 7th and Grant, Both phones. Day aod night service. Three veterinarians. CEMENT WORK FOR can. ni wora an ktudv targe or fmall. ressonable prices, call Mr. Smith. Tsbr.r 2325, CEMENT VOR iF ALL KINDS AUT. 643-J7 CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC, stesm baths snd maae. 10th floor Broadway; bldg. Marshall 8187. 1 ' taura E. lowiiipg. upen eveniega. iR. McMAHBN (McUao) bis system People taking adjustments while smiling; at year- CLCANINB AMD PVEIW0 Expert " eyeing knd cleaning, with prompt etr tentioc sail at right prices. Wa, are one year old and growing i every tUy. Ltuo ave. at Weldler st. Eaat mil. REGAL Cleaners, - Tailors and Hatiein CU.en ing snd dyeing a specialty. Out o town mau orders given prompt atteation, 137 M. 6U St., Portland. Or. - : - CLOCK REPAIRING EXPERT clock ' a4 wtcl repairing. oat Clock, Co.. 20 Gernnaer aiug. ywar. mn. COAL AND -.WOOD ! Peoples Fuel 'Co. Wood and eoal. Prompt service. Dry cordwood, 16-iach, $8.50 per load; half dry-.cordwood tu 2 14 -cord lots, $8.23 per cord. Other wood of many kinds reasonable. Office 26 1 Fremont st. Phone 4tit, 327-evl. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Ca, 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. ' WAHNIXG OON 't-.W Al t For lower prices on wood they won't go lower. It us protect i you , on your summer order. fawthorne rliel Oo. ft sins. FIRST tiltoWliriTia 'THICK RKD ' hu Country slab and cordwood Cedar Creek Wood Fuel Co. Prion Broadway 1783. 48-50 N. JSth n. GOOD 16 and 12-in. country slab, $5.50, $7.50. ; Heavy block, slab. $8. DRY, eord, load, half load. Bargains. Delivered anywhere. Sell. 17q9. r'.n.vSHmnA $7.50 Cordw'd, good sound wra iui w tj"SA second growth. Buy ear OREGON FUEL CO., WOODLAWN 4102. COCN'TRI SUBWOOU Green or dry, 4-foot or - sawed. Star Wood Coai Co.. Main 8012. FIRST growilt cordwixid. Sn.ou; dry 4 foot slabwood, $7.50 per cord; block add Slab, lo Inch. t a load. Itroadwsv 41111. ii-t GitoVv.ul iauviiou,- an.uO cr.ii CIU. OAK WOOD, $105(1 PER CORD. PHONE WOOIrl-AWN 5357 JitY ynur" wmtr (K,d- iiww, "ou'Lai dry curd- wood. 8 cordj? lor $1H: amgln cord, so jo F. E. Bowman . 'Co.. Main . DiWIt. REfsT dty old -gcuwtli cirdiood. 1 on- cannot best it. $9. 50 pe r cord, aui. tlli-si. DRY' LUMBLH irjiumnig. sla. graan slab "uid. I'hone- W'oorllwn K" t'Ts, FlR, ok! -growth, rnwn, $4.50; second growth, dry, ft. 7ft. vinin. -cia COUNTRx slabwood,. $6.60 cord. Every Hick sonnd, never, in wntrr. -Woodlawn 1 950. illll tikal jald grown, nr aHjil or Heavy cuuu- HEAVY liift growth cordwood. abort and 4 ft. slab; prices richt. Call Woodlawn 2019. FIRST GHOSV'ill lir lor .May delivery, $.i9 pgr enrd. Harrington Fuel i'n.. Eat 8205, iBY. eUkWlMUi. $7 PER LOAD WOOOI.AWN 1539 ' DRY CUliDWIKill s..-ll, 6 cords or mma 7.rt. wmidiawri 4ii i I fail sftar 7 p. rn. BLOCK AND SLAB mixen in 16 in fcngihl For quick dehvery call Tabor 7684. COMUWOOO, $7.Q per.iair'l, in 2 4 cord iota. siioni ruei in., rJtwt i k li.n urowtii ti,nlwi l per cord, di-lircrcd special price on larger jots. VVdLn. 3 ij, . FOR bast prices on cordwood, alabwood and aal i . , i i, ta...,l ,-.... . . . a cau urtiiui . uci i--.,. wet , . u . PHY lumber trimming fur sale, Vdn. 0ENTI8T8 EXP ERT deo- wiry at as ring of riesrly on ha if sue possible by our location out of the faich rent dl-tnct Hd mid Itiirnitrt- Bdv. 2 '24 5, DR. B. E. WRiCfflf 3d Jloor, Raleigh bldg;:, cor. Atta and- Washing tun gta, - ' . . Main 2119. i . A-2119. Dentistry jV Without- Psln. Intent Nerve-Bloeking Method. DRUOLESA fHVSIOIAM DR. JOS. SMITH, drugleas pbyMctan, treats 11 diseases, men. women and children. 214-15 Fliedner bidg. - EDUCATIONAL OANCINU lilM.i.i M i'A. N- Ai'I..Ui. " l"ORTLA SU'S lEADING Sf'HOIJLH r . Cotillion hall. 14lh ff H si-hlhrfoa ; Brnsd wkv hsilj Broadway end Main. I laas and prt vste leon by eviicrt profe-ional in-tnictora, in sll bra,nche.s ballroom-, classical. bsHet, etc. i'linna or call for appointment. Brd;ay 83MI, 51 3 30 , Downey's . . -Dance. Studio 389 Washington street, over Hsselwood Former iniitnictnrs Cottlitoa halL Main biTiS, . rsrierwin i wwney, inri. THE DANCE STCDIO, SOti Desum bldg.'. Weak. ineton st Third. Private . hour or half boor lessons; day,- evening, 9:311 a. m. to t p. m. f Vmrae leuont spacislly priced. CUas Monday. Friday. 7 :80 p ni, Miss Ireland ' hi MM Kit. ltanciiiS acadamy. Dancina ansran tcd in 8 I br, IcsMiiis. 5 4 5ti, near y-'l.i rk . Clcb danae-. -fws, t claas. Thursday. Briaev 3."!i. WUSIO CWOH ? TEACHERS la. CARROLL DAY, teacher of voice and pian. IIS 13th at. Brosdwsy 2553. -- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FURNITURE 52 M, R. S EATER Buys ftn bev as well aa cl.eapr grade of -o- I bsnd fttrniliire SsO Grsn1 . A"t. 232-6.t. PERSONALS 97 PR. NISBETT'S baths and rcaoace. conducive to betl'.ti and vtgor; nervous rue treatd; eleulricsl treatmciit. mas saga, bake oven; methods rntmt snd prices rigiiU Cstl ab otfica and amines sjipoiiit mrnt ; dcUy may aiem diapr"int tuent, 538 Pittockr block. Broadway 518. EVERY wearer of bear? shoes, hikers, buiiieis" fishermen, laraiers. -loggers snd -millmen. wilt find Leatherlife a 'bap -e' help." Anything that's leather. LcaQierlifa Co,, 310 Oak iu Phone Bdwv 40. 1 GETS both feet fixed tip St r. Eatou't tHe CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST whs doesn't hurt jtiu ; 8 yn. here Kits free. Globe Theatre bldg., 11th end Wanli. Bdwy, S24. SOMETIILNG NEW Hsvt. you tried the r'.-c-tnc manicure at 815 Broadway buildiug? 50c. Main 6654. SUPERFLUOUS HAIU. mows, wans rerooted by 10 needle method. Trial free. Josie Fioiey. 814 Rush At Lane Mdr Main 8368. t li.i. Not be icl-nlioiti i: l'r ny biiU 11.11"- tracted by my .wife, Rita Dolphy, frum tlii date. A. V. lVilphy. Consultation FKU&Z All caeii. 404 Feu ton Bldg., 84 6ih sU llroHilwiy 4993. MASSAGE, bath. Dr. Klraa r,reneB, Mi Panama bldg. Main 50S6. Druglms phyaiciaa. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TE80HER8 YTlE. tAWSON 20yt"srs' exti-rlen-V; rUni' lessons st your home, $L Aut. 648-18. MRS., ANNA L'lfoMMEDlEW MOOII H, tcsther of piano. B91 Mill t klsrstisll 3103. ' ' ELECTRICAL WORK ' . dTL iSuorlyl TURN EH, liuvm-ed electrician. let Shorty do your electrical work, wire your nawor old bom. Automatic 327 52. FLUF RUQS AND RAU RUGS RUQ CO. luff Rugs. Msd. From Old Csrpeta. Bag Ruga, s Sjiecialiy. Carpet Cleaning. Sisina, RufitUng. We Call and Deliver. 1678-1674 E. 17TH ST SKI.LWOOD 882S. HAT CLEANERS AND DVERS U ATS rleacad, blocked.c dyed reaslmalde and ssV tsfsctory. Boral Hat Workit. 828 First St. LAND6CARE OARDENERS LAWN MAKING pur pecilty. Geo. Antn, 2Q02 E. Salmon. Tabor 8441. L8UNORV Lace Curtains j'Al?St. LA WW MOWER QRINOINQ l,AW. MOWERS SHAUJ I.M.O Reiiaired, For Mile; '24 limir service,' AH work guaranteed. CIJ for ana deliver. Iiwn Mower ll.uiilu.l. Tshor 4 64 1, WN MOWER8 olmi iwnittl ami irpsired. work, rnaant-f t, calle-l for anil deltveird. FaM, 2N7. MILLINERY , LADIES Thaj Model Hat SUi. i.atrn'at'yiVv ...I?WMt ttlc. 72 li. S 1st ).t,, n-ar s.ars, KV ' car. - NURSERIES - GREGORY HEIGHTS - NURSERY , Psrennlslt, porch- bos plants snd shrubbery. Order gcrsniema snd pany plants now. 683 8oth St., Ro?e City car. Tabor OPTOMETRIST (SMSew El EH scientific liy tested with nid aaT ersi instruments; glassas fitted at -."T,rf' satiafsctioo guarantj-ed. A. E. HURWITZ. Optomatrist, 22.1 1st St, fAIWTINO. TINTINO, fArt RHawr.i wrT Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. 228-230 SECOND STREET. MAIN 7822. UHL BROS., INC. Let j. a. Davis a son t,i,i y,.ur . Wlli- painting, tinuiig and patwr hanging; work an I pay to salify. Wdln. 320 , Uivp lOU'U PAINTING, fl-oorsting d aieni k T . 8 TC" rtusU- -r '' 'lirieii.e. Phone Tabor 260. . SIGN PAINTING ' 1 - A! Taruiri 'nn J- .W' PejntJng. p. rrTTrniSlTl N. 17th at. Broadway 44 14. Womllawn 2121 PAINT paper kalsoiuina make Znt thrTut Hmalt rot. dcrffT;da1ile work Tsbcr 7.nk fATENT ATTORNEYS JIm. f1""!"- tr.d.m.rk-cop7. rights. 810 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PHYBICIANsT dr. r. a. piinXipsT Broadway Bldg. Office Practice nnlv PL ASTEWINB PLASTER-th. house with . hammer snd CrdiTrS: Jf,' board, for bsttenitss. nn. buck Hng wads.. Ohsfeldt, 145 First-st. Msi RLUMBINQ ANQ tTEHIII riTTiaa" LOW price, on sll kimi plumbing m,i.hW in Baa ' . " P""flIE MIIH'H: r i i-.i . "wanatJons. Aibeita numb Co.. 517 lnmrtSTg N . nwr Itjnjij N -, Plunibi ng Zi1-' in n1 W. A. MYERS, 1? 3 . 8Tlt.INReA;r,fT,"t"o1? PLUM KIN ft hi Pl'LiE.H at WHoLma, "ij PRICES fiTAftK DAVIS ' . 1HM 4H t irii?i. ljel us figure t)n i.ur i.l, i'ruiupt autn rvlce . Phone-W'nrillswn 3757. THE M. L. KLINK CO., 84-86 sYpT FnTTT PRINTIPIO, ENfiRAVINQ BINDINQ Printing rndkIOiTl? "t5e iftwiNifoDHON company: 887 Wabinton. Broadway 434. A-12H. AMCI PV R'NTING CO. 4J.,t,. tv-,,; tlaaUn W. 252 W'.sh. t Main 4f!7L ROOF REPAIRING HAVE your roof repaired by iter's. Wa ra pair or faint tin and shintrlr r,nf grid nii er renew gravel roofs. Main 1424 Ak for Mr, I'igeort. Evening call Wdln. 3190. ROOFS repaired and painted : .gutter. i-ini-d' Roof Security, Juc , ints.- Webloot Paint Board ef Trade. Main 571. ' Main 5944. Cot. 685. OREGON ItuOl'lNti CO. I'auitiiiK ami rei.a.'ft ing all kinds of roofs Bet ;ilvjni paint nsel. All work guaranteed, 1704 E, Glisan st Pbonea Th,rr 4I7. Tatmr 72';;. " " Imeet metal work " MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS ' Rocfing, gutVrrfng. r pout ins. Jobbing an genersl renairing. Phone Broadway U? 228 A-.H' 8HOE REPAIRINO ' ' Model. Slhoe, Repair Sho Pre-war prices on shoe repairing. Men's o 111 half sole. $1.50; Isaias' $125. Rubber heels. 50r. - . , . .i:it ror.RTTT 8T. , main r.;-.5. 8TOVE RBRAIRIWQ Why Buy a New Stove? . We repair sll Vnds of stoves,-gas range. .n fimaces East 5931. TAILORINO tX.rMR to I. I. Rosen, the tailor, snl gfj to $20 on your spring suit, doe to low reat. Ideated 88 N. 8th at., bei. Rverett and Davis. TRAMSFER AND STORAGE WHO MOVES VOU IS JUST AH IMPORTANT AS WHERE YOU MOVE Tail Broadway 1281 or Aut. T769. Oat trucks sad caretol men are .at your fccm-. Oregon Transfer Co. Office snd Storage, 474 GHsao. SECURITY RTOIIAC.K A TRANSFER to. I'trlmc Moving Storage MONET LOANED ON -GOOf'S IN STORAOl 53 Fwuriti sl., -OTP. MuHo'mail hotel. I'hope Broadway 3715 ""ALWA tfl if K THlf BEST HOTS f. Wii3t" Gf)OD SPECIALIST Storage, larking. fhipping snd movmr; horse and auto vani; sp Bal rates lo ail rviints C. O. PICH TKANsrETl A STORAGE CO 2d SDd I'm, eta. Broadway .-.Prt A-ir-a, Storage and Transfer Clay c n if 12TH AVDGL18AN PTiOAOWAT 3470 i'lili l l.AMi Al'TO. TIS.WfFKR Co. i. lu- at S'O Main rt Pu n Main li.'O, Kit. rloga rail 017-55. Ant part of city. ML feeoit da I Iv Irnai, VTil Tran-fer snd SK-ragc li rt;a' (it. ,( ;; ' age. 42 Union Esl 6 4 !M. 'umbrIllas ' " RLpAlJ.t-T aSii' "i:j,i 'ot'EiiLD . Willie vnt b'-p. THE ELKEi euup, a.ooH Ai.r-.