8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1921. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 YAMHILL. COUNTY : 36ft a,, 5-" la crop, 9o in cultivation, Mr WiHamuia; rent tloU, crop, suits, enn. promt and rent psid to Oct, 1321, $3500, $2000 cash, bit I. to suit. CLACKAMAS COUNTY 40 a., 14 in cultivation, near Oregon City; good bklga. ; rent S200. trrm. WILBUR r. JOUNO, . REALTOR j HENRY BLDO. ' I WAM' . o b acres axnl will witw 4 or j room house, cm good road -and flow to trans portation; not to exceed la or 13 miles frrna Portland. I bar a client with eah. Mbit ktn you for ahont $3.((? -C PARRIHH. the Fsrra Land Msn, 209 Falling bklg.. Portland. V ANTED. To lease ir buv equipped ranch in Western sQregon YX-222. Journal. r Sai4, nioU111.lt . ra-iuit. ol A ia.u-ro. Or.. near Mt Hnnd.' T-768, Jon 1. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 SALESMAN OK MANAGER We dwra to iH in touch with a party capa ble of taking charts of an office and managing th business . or a saicsnmn Uiat can finance bmurtf in handling an eastern state or ststes for an article of proven merit and absolute n easily. This ia a new snieio and the only thing of the kind on Ui market. It ha, proven one of the fastest seller ever put oo the market. We hsve over f uur -1 lumsaod in operation in Ore ion and Washington and territory not even scratched- hirst article put on market' Febru ary 20, 1921. If you are open for a rol propo sition on a real selling article which has proven beyond a doubt a wonderful deic. call .430 LUMBERMAN'S BIJO.i SUBURBAN G ;nk:Euy n carline. 11430- Fine location on carline. clean stock, good fixtures. plenty l.minei, 2 living rooms, rest -. longr. lease. $ 1 fi 5 0 rvocery . close In, in buHy street, do ing gocf business, clean, atock. good fixtures, 4 living room arid bath, torn f uriiitnre.i SUBURBAN GROCERY I 12100, or invoice; doing $85 day business, mnn deliver ; good building, corner location, 5 living rooms; rent $25. long lease; forced to fell. INTERSTATE LAND CO.,! -24H Stark St. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE, STOCK AND FIXTI RF.S Invoice about 45000, including Ford delivery, oil and gas tanks and pump; receipts average over $1500 a month; nut $15 a month, good ieaae, splendid condition, no competition ; you had better investigate. See Mr. Hurd,- . t-f t: . i paw 732 CHAM. OK COM. THIS IS A REAL OPPORTUNITY 118 rooms. (31 apt.), strictly modern and first class throughout, unusually well furnished; beautiful corner brick building; wonderful dovru ti.wn location; good ieaae and income; a enap for 117,000: terms. See T. A. MADDEN, A. M. HAUG COMPANY, 512 Henry bldg. Broadway C4S7. LARGE, maitufacturirig corforation wants' capabte men to open branch office and manage aales men; $300 to KJooo necessary; hamile jour wn money; excluaive righte, patented article; money-making poaaihilitlee unlimited; will pay evpensea to Baltimore ' if you oualily. Address Mr. Clemmer, Saiesmanagcr, CO A H. Eutaw at., Baltimore. Md. i iooo nkt PKKfrr TA-room hotel, modem, well fnmiahed, good condition, nice corner brick building, good loca tion, long luute. Can't beat it for;$15,000; $7000 cash. i See T. A. MADHEX A. M. 1IAI ti CO. 512 lfwnrv Pl.lg. KroadwaT 54 S 7 KtfiTAl. HANTS lta't pa,s up up .when you are looking for gcod buys in restaurant. Ve hare a large list ing at price ttat are riclit end with terms to auit you. Call and let us show you what we Lave. J. O. GRAY CO.. 1" TVkum' KWg. . Auto. 5BT-45. Are You JLookiing for 'an e"tabhhed furniture, hardware and musical instrument business f - Have good location, long lease, cheap rent, good growing business. Will talk only to parties meaning business, no time for curiosity reckera or speculators. $3000 buys trie entire business. W-iMlSv Journal., HAVl-i tiUtes m.id tar song wiiich tho-o iio hare heard, declare has every cliance for popu larity, if given publicity. I find I am! unable to handle this properly alone and wish to sell half mieret to energetic , party. ' Write Or call at 700 4 1st ave. S. E-. Mt. Scott car. Kern i'arlt station and make; offer. You will not regret- ; CllNFiSCTIO.NKKY Are you looking for a location out of townT We have some real good buys located in Valley 3. O.. (J11AX CO., i -71 TVkum Bid. Auto. Bfll-45. JtCltlls If yott are looking for a grocery atorc, con fectionery, soft drink, pool room, garage,- filling rtatirm nr any kind tf business, see Montgomery A Lean. 437 t'ham. of Com. LlNli" nationally .-usdl, well known and well advertised :n the Pacific coast: can give I r 3 atates to right party. lor full partic ulars write factory representative. M-Ooli. Jour nal. WANT to trade tuaui:v prufierty for stiiulird mi of trick. Federal, D. M. C. or a Mack preferred; property is 50x05. Truck must be worth at bast $2100, even trade. Phone Jensen, Main 70.V-. BAKERY AND ICE CREAM f'AKLOlt IiOcatcd in Southern Orcaon town : monthly receipts $3500: beautiful fixtures; $6000. J. O. GRAY CO., 71 ,leknm HMe. . - Anrn. 5(51-45.' WAN I EO- Mali to iuvei &1 oOO Tn myrtle wood novelty factory operating at Marshficld. and work in j.lant as band saw man. For par ricuiars write, Oregon Myrtlcwood Products Co., Hnn t?3nt Man.hti.-ld. Or.. i'.,UT.Eli wuli $10i ia.sh to take lia.i in teret irr tnick and transfer business; work ortrt $.S0 eek now bocd i PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 14 North Second st. tlONFFi'TIO.VF.KY East side location on tyisy street, doing splen did business. Price $.'.). J. O. GRAY CO.. T18 Deknm BldJ. Auto. B61-4T, ' t'l-NtAl. PA(tr.TlT5 ,. Owner desire dentist to take 'i interest in WeH-estabhshed business in Portland; capable Wan more than the money considered. Mr. MU lrMr. Alder botrl. Main 5275. Printing for Less Wvder Printing Co. Main 5538. 195 3d St A I'lSlRABLH l.ication for a, bemstiiciiiug sn-1 Heating shop, Iook this up, no mutter what ymi'want. Free phone. 432 Alder. Bdwy. 1S43. WILL SELL all or halt interest in gaxaife doing good business in Willamette.-, valley town, in cluding buildings or without. Write for full particulars to CX-165. Journal. , FOR SALE -Equipment and good vnil of mod ern shoe shot ; money maker; selling because of illness, Apply 597 Willamette St.. Eugene. r . or write Box IIS. WA.T partner to- bu Imif interest in one of best haj and grain location iu city. I have NOT got a lot of junk U sell you. W-24 3. Journal. ' Volt WALE Fully etinipped elect rit slice shop bi nice little town, doing nice business. For particulars uuiuire or write. J. It. i'avis. Box 317 Carlton. tr. (Owner. A GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT FOR SALE Downtown: good lease, 3 years and option of ?: ar-comniislste 72. 40.1 Stark st. I HAVE a km hauling contract for 5-ton truik must be on the job by Alay I ; 2 years' work. wim pay pusranteeu. t:. o. uuuea, an a. utij. Broadway 354. , , ill.U weifl established general merchandise store . doing excellent business, 3 bmlrlinKs, flTturrs anl slock at invoice. . About S0OUU. H. - 1L Navton. vaqmna. Or. ; " '. 1 a r-ARtNEft Av An-ted '"' 'Auto tops and painting; prater a business man; $30O mtntli profit ior each partoer. Room 4 01- Dekum bids. - WOOD A N D XAL A cash buess for sale; profit $400 month. Rotwn 401 Dekum bldg. . FLL established furniture repair buMnt in ' rood KH-a?ion, splendid traue; must sell. 20 2. Jonmai. - Nit'l gnucery and confei:tionery store, near school and Hawthorne car line: nearest store h Mocks away: no aaetits. all f-;-73. lOU SALK -i;arage and accessories on higiiway 16 m. Its Irora Portland, at Six Corners, Grauo Btos . props., Sherwood, Or. WANTED Man with $2500 to- buy stale rights for an invention that will interest every farmer. K-829. Journal. ' . VANTK11 Man Willi StSOU aud services: H interest, good income, tight work. Call 10 tn 13. 888 14 E. Bornside, room .r ' FOR KEN 'f , 50xS0 space in garage on, bus; comers ideal location for used car exchange, t"r or paint shop. East 057. lull SALE or lease, one of the best wood, coal, hay and grain locations in Portland, W- 250. Jonmal. " Al'TO 'illiL STORE Vuicanicing and retread ing shop; estahlislied business; will teach buy ers; tjiy business; term. 409 E. Burnside. IOR SALE Pool room and conf jetionery ; good location. Apply 383 K. Bumsi ie. IX) H is A LE Soft drwk aud coulecUonery atore st 242 1st st. AUTO reiiair shop for rent. 494, Hawthorne. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 5O0 EXCELLENT tiAL8 AGENCY The sole and exclusive salesf agency in the state of Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska. Mon tana. Arizona or f"ew Mexico for tbe l-S Co. oil aaving burner. . valreiess pomp and vacuum system, can be aeenred by ; competent bnaineea men qualified to purchase a aufficient atock of appliances to ojicn . up btisines. Tbe right man can net $10. One per year from this business in any two of these state. The I S oil burner are bow installed in many of the leading nianu. facturiug plastsant Poniand. There is nothing like the D-S pump bn the market. They pump water and a I moot i any liquid or solid can be handled by these pumps, doing the work of a conveyor system in many instances. Have bo valves or niovin z part. Sell for much less than others of equal capacity. Tbia la a propo sition for a business man with sufficient capital looking for a legitimate opening. Apply in person or by letter. ... OAVE PORT-SCOTT CO., INC.. 1108 Ylhn Bldg. BIHR-CAHEY 211-218 Railwa Ex. Bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP Wert aide location; good steady income, net $300 month. $709 cash, balance terms. VCLCANIZINO Good location on wt side; good income; low rent; very low figure for cash. BAKERY Doing wholesale :and retail busmeaa. Income $400 week. Very; low rent, including 2 living rooms. .Modern machinery, and Ford delivery car. AH cash bnsiness. To eee this is to buy. CONFECTION, CIGAB8 AND LUNCH Income $25 to $30 day. Bent, including living room, only $18 month. Very attractive place. Price including H. ; K. , furniture only $1900. BIHR-CAREY,, Main 7487. Mam 93. CNLY 10 day left on purchase contract, on only store, with poftoffjee, $500 stock, 1021 Ford car, cow and calf, yearling heifer, 1 bow, 60 chickens and household furniture, all cn 2"-cre nil cfrarcd farm in crop: 1 - 4 -room nouse, 1 2-nwra bou! e. ood barn, chicken house and botf boose; faulty orcliard and berries; property located at Bucil. 7 mileq from Sheridan, milti from church and school; bert bargain of fered ttii season; unable to make final settle mi'nt; will sacrifice everything for $5500; $1700 cash, baL 5 tier cent- Come tt once to Kliwridan for insjieotion, or wire you are coining. P. ij. MORITZ lfOTRf, SHERTftAN. SHEKIOAV. OR. 54 ROOMS , riiANSIENT HOTEL Good we?t s'de location, corner brick bufld inc, all the rooms on 2 floors, hot ar.d cld water and lm beat in erery roon. good furni ture, rent $350, with four-year lease; making ntt profit of about t50 a month. This place must be seen to be appreciated. See Mr. Mokke. J. o. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg. Auto RC1-45. ' NOB HILL LOCATION 00 rooms. 24 apartments, stnctly modern, well furnished, good condition; brick building, rent only $350, with. 4-year lease; netting $850; $$000 cash will handle. See T. A. MADDEN, A. If. HA EG COMPANY. 512 Henry bldg. Broadway 5497. MfST SELL AT ONCE My dairy anch, near Clackamas, on paved road, 162 acres of ground leased; good build ings; 28 cows; crop in ground; horses and ma chinery; $300 per month to you; $4500. Will Uke $2500 cash to handle. C. E. Y EAGER. 1.21 " Northwestern Bank bldg. Grocery Bargain The best buy in the city of Portland. Caah and carry business. Has 5 Irving rooms, cheap n-nt with lease. All clean, neat stock and a loca tion that can not be beat, all for $84 5. On your own terms. Peters. 15 N. 5 th St.. LOOK AT THIS ONE 42 rooms, modern in etery respect, brick buildinc, rocms on two floors, rent, only $175 with two-year leae. income about - $750 a month. Price $U5O0 with terms. See Mr. Stokke. J. O. Gray Co., 718 IekDin bklg. Aoto. R81-45 FOR SALE A good wallpaper and paint busi ness, 'good clean stock, in a fast growing town cf over 0000 population; enough work unsolicited comes in to keep 5 men at work the year round ; avenge business S18.000 per year; atock invoice about $3500. Don't answer if yuu don't mean business. YX-751.1 .Ttnirnal. ,' A DANDY little dressmaking shop, busy, good prices. A-1 location ; lady leaving town, make her an offer; quick. KUN-HOLSE BUILDING CO., .210 Abincton llldg. On Third, Between .Stark and Washington. FOR "SALE Mummer resert on beautiful Isle near growing city,' including cottajes, ten'.s, diniiu; roi m, brat auri government lense on 10 acre grove on .shore- of lake and streams; fine fishing, hunting, boating; a beauty spot of Ore gon. Open f roirt sAprU to November. Paying well. Addrws Box 'iiiHt. Klamath Falls, Or. BETTER SEE THIS Grocery store, well located; will sell at in voice, lone lease at $23 per month for store and 3 uving rooms in connection. U. L. Webb, 414 East SUrk st. " A DANDY hule ilressmasing ahoti, busy, good prices, A-l location; lady leaving town, make her an offer; qnir. SL N-HOl SE BCILDING CO., 216 Abinaton ltirlg. On Third. Between " rstark and Washincton. GARAGES We liare some verj' good buys in garage", both r.l miri wpftt side lomtions fn im ' 1 lfl to $30,000. Terms can be arranged. J. O. GRAY CO.. 71 lick-urn Bklg. Auto, 581-45. IF Vol' wiih to sell your business and get quick re-nits, lift it ith us. . We have a large stl..-- force and chts that are waiting with coney to buy. J. O. GRAY CO., 1 Dekum Bldg. ' Auto. $1-4.V "BTkery $1200 for fixtures and invoice stock (about $2001. Rent $35: receipts $25 to $30 a day. MAKrH McCAKK Business Brokers 322-3-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash. HERE lis A KEAl, sS'AI' A pavini; riftanrant and lunch pom.. Living nwsms. :ara3e. lieup rent. An iils'al place for a h ifiie and busine combined, florae and see it 317 Russell. MAKE money ,t kme in your tare t.me; no experience necessary; will sell my toy soldier mauutacturing oiitfil, all or part. 2sS K. Broad way, apt.' 205. after 5 p. m. or call Broadway iiunng nsy arid a-slt Tor employment office. GARAGE East side location; partners can't agree; will sell at sacrifice. $70(1 cash, balance easy terms. J. O. GRAY CO., .718 Irkiim Bldg. "iAuto. 581-45. LAffGE MODERN GARAGE Excellent location. 3 year lease, only $100 month rent, full of steady storage, big sale gas. -oils., tiros, etc; $2500 handles iU Room 401 Dekum bldg. ! E PROPERLY , organise you, prendre bond issues, negotiate ioaus, write prospectuses, furnish stock salesmen or list of satisfied in vestors. Booklet and inf. free. Nst'l Oreanua tion Co., 163 W. anhmgton at.. hicago. "" PARTNER FOR AUTO BUSTNES.S On busy street s sell gas. oils, tires, vulcan izing, wash rack, etc; need assistance of steady man: equal half interest for $1000. Room 401 Dekum bldg. t Bl OWNER A -da-iidy dialling and prelim shop., taking in; i to $16 per day right liow. c-n be bought cheap, cash or terms. Call 216 Abineiou bldg.. Third between Wash ington arid Stark. RESTA I. RANT Bst buy on west side, doing good business, steady trade, well equipped: $3500. : J O. GRAY CO., 718 TVkum Bldg. ' Auto. 661-4S. FOR SALE A sru i'.-u.DU-u(i vumt snd waJI papcr bwiiieas, j. invoice $0000, r will sell half interest to someone who understands Hue. business. WX-R'.t Journal." WAStKf cure . man for iarlnir twltli tftiln cash : for good ' paying business. Dirtr work require.!. I in (rive security. Jor, money pending trial of business. C-2S6. Journal. it ron i siTbTTsiness cards STT FOR 15U ENVEUiPKS V. FOR lOO LETTERHEADS 120 Twelfth Street. Phone Bdwy. 5009 4 - HORSE Fairbansa-Morsc traction wood saw. price $160 $50 cash, balincs $25 month. 42 East 7 2d t. K. or 517 Chamber 6f Com merce, week days. . - GOOD blacksmith and automobile business; also 2 room house, with 1 acre of land, in 'good Washington Co. town; $1250. terms. Dubois. c, retaining niag. FOR SALE $550 Confectionery, school supplies, noon lunch ami hm'trting. Aut. 237-2T THE BEST buy in a restaurant; must be sold, ),rwn . . v ic. , eouieouo will get a Dal" i. Bune. ols Cham. Com.. gs $7i0 RESTAURANT, located hi busy atree. doing fine business, rent 518: must sell; some terms. , imerstare I.ana o., stark st. WANTED Office nun that will buy $1000 interest -in small, live corporation; handle own money; investigate. p-if, journaL 1 HAVB a Iirsl cla-st. prvposiuon for a man witn Journal. - . OAFETKRIA for ate, good business proposi tion for the Tight party; requires $2000 cash. Call Wood lawn 27B0. CLEANING and pressing business- at a sacri fice Must sell '4t once. Call 905 Cham ber of Commeeee. - . GET tiiis mouey-uiaXer new Sugar Pull . Waffle ......;, .,,.-. .aisin ou. W lt,L unejt m buikting inaterwl business with ipnm iKrt.T oy experience. y-naa, Jonmal FOR SALEr Pool room and confectionery; good location. - Apply 83 K. Burnside. FOR &ALE Soft dnuk aud confectionery store, - at 242 1st sr. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 5142 S wetland Bldg. Portland, Oregon .Garage, Oat of town, b competition, bldg. 6 Ox 00, 9 year lease; rent $24. This ia a money maker; open for Inspection; will in voice. Stock $3500, machinery $4500; some terms to responsible trty and takg in a good residence up to $3300. ' $5i5COCafeterIa I ) ; West side, 3 TearV lease. Will": invoice every dollar asked. $3500 cash will bandia this. . i ' - Cigarstand ; Office bldg.. lump or invoice. $2300; rent $50; good learfe. everything new; $1700 cash will handle this. Business Opportunities A man with $2000 can buy halt inter est in good garage in good town. 28 room hotcL well furnished, large lobby and dining room, in good S story concrete building, in good lively town; lease 10 years; part subleased. Price $50o, half cash. , General Merchandise On lower Columbia highway; good trade center, farming, lagging and fishing stock; building and ail about $7000, $5000 busi ness monthly; some terms. General Merchandise 20 miles 0' a paeed road; cad estahliathed Iiusine.s, runtime $90,000 yearly, invoice about $18,000. fixtures $3000, long loasa on building; soma terms. Good proportion In beat tatyroll town in S. W. Washington; doing $3000 business a month; lease and fixtures for' $6500. Pool Hall Located in good town on highway, near Portland; 3 pool tallies and room for another card table: atock will invoice a boat $r0; place at present is netting between $250 and $300 per month; low rent; atock to be invoiced above price mentioned. Price $1200. j Taxi . ; . Only taxicab service in town of 1S,00 population; 4 closed cars, 2 Dodge, 1 baby grand 1 Chevrolet, and 1 Ford; good condition: Ford aud Chevrolet nearly new; also good roomy garage; gas pumps, tools, office fixtures, safe, etc Trice $4500. SOCCPqq! Hall Pool hall, cigars and confectionery, lo cated in small town, near Portland; doing a good business; net profit between $250 and. $300: stock will invoice about $250; stock not included in above price mentioned. This is a dandy buy for the money.- PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 5114 S wetland Bldg., : Portland, Oregon Mar. 3989 i . Mar. 1265 I WANT. A STOCK : OF QOOOS; Most any kind grocery, hardware, furniture, implements or general merchandise, in exchange for my 4 84 acre stock and grain farm: 200 acres under cultivation, two sets of buildings; H mile from good store and P. O. ; about ii mile from school, 2 miles from high school, 3 miles from R, tt. station. 18 miles from Eu gene, Cy. Lots of out- range and running water. , i 1 C. F. BAUMAN, 430 14th Ave. E., .. Eugene, Oregon. F1RST-CLXSS SMALL HOTEL 30 rooms, soma suites modern; hot and cold water in alt rooms; elegantly furnished in maple, mahogany and walnut: new rugs and mattresses: nice corner bldg.; beat west side location ; good lease; nets over $500, and beautiful apt. for self; neatest place in the city; price $9500; terms. j -',.,. See T. A. MADDEN. A. M. HAUG COMPANY, 512 Henry bldg. i Broadway 54 87. WILL TRADE income property in Tumalo, Or., near Bend, jfor .light grocery, picture show. Confectionery or barbershop near Portland lour corner lois. building 30x110, hot and -cold water piped throughout, four living rooms, some furni ture, garage and Ford car, private lighting sys tem. Front of bniluinff fitted for confectionery, billiards, pool snd bsrbcrsbop with fixtures in. Excellent1ocation for; barber, lunch counter, or service station. : Make an offer. W. P. Thorp, Cornelius. Or., or Link's Business college, city. MOVINti PICTURE THEATRE $1100 equity in $4100 suburban theatre, if a ting 312; 5-year lease; 2 Power and stere opticon machine with Wagner converter; 2 living rooms; rent $60; will take good car in "trade. GROCERY East Side, doing about $75 day cash end curry, corner brick bldg. Owner sick. $3100, KEIPPER 4 BROWN MP Rgiltrsv Kxch. bldg, Main 7060. 2 APARTMENT houses for'aaie in Mor.taviHa, healthiest part of eity: one 2 years old, uon taius 4 apartments 4 rooms each, income $50 per month, price $3100, $500 cash. The other has 11 rooms, 3 apartment, income $32, price $2100, $400 cash. The rents are -very cheap and ought tov bring lots more. Owner must sell quick. You better see me at once if you want a bargain, i A. M. Searie, 1924 L Glisan st. Tabor 14 49. - - LOOiv THESE tiVER, BAKGALN HirNTERS. 16 rooms, close, in; $KOO handles. 11 rooms. White Temple district; $800, balance easy. 44 rooms, walking distance: $1780 bandies. SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO.. 218 A bineton Rldg. Bet. Stark and Washington, cn Third Kt. Q r oce ryMust Sell Stock around $3000: fixtures go with bide.: rent-$33; riving rooms aud garage; live busi ness; best corner Beaverton; have vither interests, require my attention, Thos. Cobb, Beaverton, Or. IKK THIS I P 25 housekeeping rooms in Whitj Temple dis trict; corner building, all the rooms on 2 floors;, rent only $00 a month; $2500 will handle, or will trade (n a smaller rooming hntue. See Mr. Stokke. .!. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekmn Bldg. Anto. .'.HI 4 5. I ! WHAT h& "vm i uu to' trade? I nave a dandy -little business, doing $3 to $20 per 0a ; my value on it is $50O. SUN-HOUSE BUILDING CO., 216 Abington Bids. ' On Third, Between Stark and Washington. HOME WITH A GOOD PROFIT , s 1 2 rooms in veri good location - 2 sleeping rooms and tbe rest housekeeping ; corner build ir.g; net profit about $75 a moHh. Price fluOO. easy terms. See Mr. Stokke, 3. O. Gray Co.. 718 ItekniB bldg. Auto 561-45. , RESTAURANT Small restaurant. Went side; rent $30. Price $700 caah. i J. O. GRAY CO., : 71 S Dekutp Bldg. ; Auto. 561-4 5. $600. CASH WILL HANDITE 11 rooms (all housekeeping!, modern, nieely furnished, good condition. See MRS. HAUG. i 512 Henry Bi.jg. I Broadway 54 87. : I GARAGE . West side location; in automobile district; will sell at invoice, about $2200. J. O. GRAY CO., 718 IVknm Bldg. Anto. 561-45. $15(r0 CHATTEL mortfage. payable S75 month 7 ' int. : will trade for good business or room ing house, apartment. Owner, Main 2590; will assume. SMALL dressmaking shop, good location $50; cheap. Call Snn..i Aut. 644-15. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 $3,ooo ias.ooo 38,ooT5 A strictly modern: apartment building steam beau oil burner. 124 per cent net; liberal terms. 6 per cent interest. Nob Hill. 9 Flags) gmsB$Laja v I 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES - FOR SALE 5Q2 10 HO 'MS. nicely arranged for housekee;jing. Buy direct of owner aud save . ceuuaisAou. IA... - o-rin-v a s-o west i ara f' ROOMING bouse, fine place for boarders; can ciear over ivv a racnui ana nave good home by owner. Main 7651. COUNTRY hotel for rent, well furnished; doing , - - -r. FtlR SAL11 lUmmiug house, Jo morns, $4 0C . cash, handles by owner. Cell alcjr 2498 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 BlilR-CAilEY CORP., MAIN 7487 MAIN 683. 211-218 Railway Exchange bldg. Sd St.. bet. Wash, and Stark 74 'ROOMS HOTEL Fine location, big money maker, lone lease, and tent only $200; modern good furniture, plenty linen and furnishings. Priced only for a short time. $8000 cash, baL $2500 on easy terms. : Place will net $600 every Booth in the year. 81 ROOMS. BRICK HOTEL Downtown location, in fine condition, always full; 8-year lease. Rent $125; clears $360 mo. $3750 cash to handle, bal. easy terms. 28-BOOM HOTEL Located clase to depot; fine place for tran sient trade; rent only $100; nets $500 and mors; price rash, $5000; best investment in the city. Main 7487. i 103-BOOM . APT. HOUSE In excellent location for apt. house ; mod ern in every respect, well furnished; Ions lease, reasonable rent. Nets $900 per mo. $$00 cash to handle. Small baL, easy terms. I 20 BOOMS Housekeeping apta.. 2 rms each: gross in come $425 mo.; everything is in good condi tion: will net $285 mo.; only $1700 cash. Main 7487. - " i 16 ROOMS 8 2-room apt?., fine location, good money maker; rent is right; nets $150; only $900 caah to handle. . 14 ROOMS Close I in, 5 2-room apta.. rent $30; nets $120; 3 single sleeping rooms; only $500 cash to handle. j 18 ROOMS 4 2-room apt.. baL single, housekeeping: rent .only $50; splendid location; good money maker; $00 cash will handle, baL very easy terms. j ! 10 ROOMS Housekeeping, close in, rent $30; good net income, f Price to handle, $500, baL terms. 9 KO0M8 Housekeeping, yery best location, good fur niture; a nice home with income; price to handle, $200 cash; small bal. terms. I BIHR-CAREY CORP.. MAIN T487 MAIN 6983. 211-218 Railway Exchange bldg.' 3d st.. bet. Wash, and Stark, HOTEL Net income over $1000 per mo. elegant httle brick, spiendid furniture and beds, many private baths, long lease, can be handled with $12,000. ! GOOD HOTEL BUY Strictly first class, ewsutiful lobby, beds, carpets and furniture are of the very best, private baths throughout, ideal location and a 7-year lease, it re quires $50,000 to do bufiness. i APT. IIOLTSE Over 50 apts. 1. 2 and 3 rooms each, completely and well furnished, has long lease and is netting over all expenses, $900 per mo. 40 SLEEPING ROOMS Nice corner, brick bldg. rent $200, lease 2 years. This is a strictly tran sient location, price $7000. Some terms. , 71 ROOM HOTEL Nice corner, modern, brick bldg., fsirly well furnished, elegant West Side location, long lease at $7.50 per room, now netting $900 per. mo. can be handled with $7000. bal. to suit buyer. 18 ROOMS 18 This is a beautiful place to live, lo cated in one Qf the best school dis tricts in Portland, furnishings are good. Rent $65, lease, strictly modern and clean. Price $4200.. Some terms. ' 45 ROOMS 45 Mostly II. K. Some sleeping, ele gant, close in. Wrest Side location, brick bldg., good lease, steam heat, netting 55O0 per mo. can be bandied with $8500. 11 rooms, rent $50. Price $1350. 9 rooms, rent $65. Price $1000. Several other small ones, both H. K. and sleeping. F. RIERDON. Realtor RITTEK, LOWE & CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bid". ' WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE MONEY MAKING ! BOARDING HOUSES ! FIRST 6 8 rooms, rent $55, good sound furniture, all the boarders you can handle. East Side, $950, or will trade on larger place. SECOND 14 rooms, rent $55, year lease. East Side, ex clusive, very best furniture, big .producer, nice class patrons, $2500; fine for lone woman. THIRD . 60 rooms, West Side, industrial district, rent $75, long lease, ordinary furniture, big income, $3000; will trade. FOURTH 11 rooms. West Side. Nob Hill, rent $35, easy to run, respectable place; ladies, take due notice; $1300; wants $950 down. See me for others. . EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 201 West Park. Main 2590. IU ROOMS, all sleeping but owner's apta.; close in; furmtuVe and carpets good. Price $1350; pome terms. 8 rooms. Nob Hill district; furniture and rugs fairly good. Price $00. - This is no shack, either. i 5 room flat, 3 bed rooms, kitchen, dining term, pantry snd bath. Price $550. Easy walking distance. R.-nt $19. 4 room flat, bath, pantry snd 2 closets; furniture i fair. Price $225. Rent $15. J. W. Barrand. 349 Salmon Main 4245. SPLENDID HOTEL RUT 77 rooms, fine location for workingmen, unusually good' furniture, hot and cold wa ter, steam heat, very fine lease that runs 5 yean; net income over $800 per month; the price of this house is far below , the market and can be handled for an ex ceedingly low initial payment; will consider trade for small apartment house or good home. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson. l-ROOM H. K.. modem $70 rent; we3t tide; well furnished; price $2700, terms. 21-room H. modern, rent 60; west side; good furniture ; price $2500. terms. 23-room H. K., close in, west side; priced to stll, good terms. 0-rooin H. K., close in, west side, low rent; goood furniture; price $1100. Good terms. We have other?!, hotels, rooming houses,- all sizes. Call 163 V West Tark st. We have the lisrsains. Anderson Ac Clark. SLEEPING ROOM NO HOUSEKEEPING 10 lovely rooms, excellent furniture. Nob Hill ; 1 2 rooms, very attractive home, also Nob Hill; 10 rooms, beautifully finished intoHor, White Temple; 16 rooms, un usually good furniture. White Temple. These is re all good places at reasonable prices. I Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Getiinger bldg. WE HAVE bargains iu acreage, farms and ti'.y protMfrty, rvioming and apartment house., large and: smalL Irge list to choose from. we i n iocate jou ragiu. WEST SIDE REALTY CO. 164 West Park st. Realtors. GEt REAlY' tOtt 19iS FAIR Here is a money-maker prominent west side, completely furnished, corner apartment building; grosa income over $14,000; $16,500, cash re quired. Why lease? R. W. CART. 121 NW. Bank bldg., Main 1643. Jo. 3 22 rooms and 4 sleeping porches, all apts: well furnished;! located in heart of west side: clears $128 a month; if sold st once, $1350, on your own terms. r-eters, m utn st. FORTY TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS . West pide, close In, money maker, private baths, steam heat, good new furniture; $5500; attractive1 terms. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR, 201 West Park. Main 2590. HOTEl 4 YEAR LEASER-CHEAP RENT 60 rooms, ail new furniture . just installed; brick bldg. 4700O, easy terms. CHAS. iRINGLER & CO , 225 Henry bldg. WILL you Ja-ke lery vmaft pament for your rooming House or noarcttng nouser 1 have buyer with as low as $200 drawn. i. EUGENE HEDGES; REALTOR. 201 WEST PARK. MAIN 2ft0. I Bargain No. 1 lo rooms, oo comer, brick bldg.: on one floor; lease; always full; $850; pay $250 down. Peters. o otn sr. 22 H. If. rooms for sale by owner; clears over xiou; siou casn wiu nanaie. Automatic 528 20. i 1 ! A BARGAIN . 1 1 rooms of extra good furniture, 'house rent $50. with a lease, t ail Mam 4604. 2 7 ROOM hotel, in heart of city. .Rooms full all the time. Will sell cheap on account of sfeknees. j Owner. Phone Anto. 510-34. 33 ROOM hotel. $3200 handles; steam heat; lease; $4200. Fred Lawsoa Co.. 416 Cham. of Com. $1500 CHA'r'fEL mortgage, payable $75 month int. 1 i want rooming, boarding house or apartment; will assume. Owner, Main 2590. 12 ROOMS, building and furniture. 50 feet from busiest traffic corner cn Ju t Side; er.stiO. Main 6327. lO-ROOM apartment, modern. $105O cash; rest SO: income 10O. 16tt W. Park. 15 ROOMS. aU H. K., $1200. Try U Realty Co.. 169 W. Psrk. 10 ROOMS A bargain. Try La Realty Co.. 169 W. Park st. 18 ROOMS. $1600. Rent $40. Good income. 169 W. Park. 7' ROOM APT., $11 66. U cash.' Rent t4T. Income $100. 169 W. Park. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 STARE ST. MAIN 3092. . 50 . S room, fine faftiiture for sale: rent of flat only $35 per month, east aide, close in. 10 ROOMS 10 rooms, light- housekeeping: place clears about $80 over and above expense; total price only (1260. $950 cash, baL like rent. 16 BOOMS $60 CASH DOWN 16 rooms.' light house keeping : place dean about-$100 each month. 22 'ROOMS " . .- 22 rooms, light housekeeping; rent only $70: clears about $159 each month; $1600 down will handle bat. rent. . ' . t 8 ROOMS 8 rooms, good furniture: house very close in: clears above expenses about $65. A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 STARK ST. MAIN 3092 PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 5 H42Q S wetland Bldg. Portland, Or. Mar. 3989. Mar. 1205. 30 ROOM HOTEL Hotel of 30 rooms, brick 'building,' well' furnished, in the heart cf the city. Good lease at a very attractive rent. Full par ticulars at this office. APARTMENT HOUSE 25 2-reom apts., fireproof building, swell furniture. A corner location. Tills place is always full $10,000. will get possession. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 51420 Swetland Portland, Or. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 8 rooms, $600 caafc. 11 rooms, $1100 cash. 15 rooms. $1700. $1180 down. 16 rooms $2000, only $700 down. We have over 50 other small places listed, all showing a good net income and can be bought on easy terms. MAUSil ec MCUAur, Business Brokers S22-3-4 Failing bldg., 8d and Wash. 2l MONEY MAKER ins room apartment, all in 2 snd S room apartments, automatic elevator, fine brick build ing, rent $600. with 3 year lease; nets $1400. Price $15,000: half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG 512 Henry bldg. Broadway 5487. CLOSE IN. West Sale. 2 5 rooms. K. K. ; price sMliifi. Will take SHOO cash and -Furd ear; 13 rooms, rent $40, clears, $85, close in. food; price $1575 cash. BeantUiU o room flat, walking distance, price $850. Call Sun day J. H. ELY . 128 14th. St. "REALTOR" Wi s7l.se 1 A s. 1 K rnnma rrfr lcT5 Flaf fnrTll- X' Ul J V IA A. t s uom i -"-"- - -- w , .vtri Mtwisia miKt Via rnnfl lnrajion and t 1 v,ai-r t wnct atrYs mnmnfr w tT Rome rooms; fnrnace heat; cotrd furniture; all full. AH for $935. Tour own terms. Pfrter, 1 kJ . IU !51 vn Ts-kTT TT A VT a first class hotel, apartment or rooming home, any size, any price, any plac, wo he it. ' rs tn t-s m a If A T rM7VT A. M. HAUG CO. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5487. $1100 a - ... i f c . , nnt S4K. 2-vear lease. Price $1100 if taken at once. Owner has other' business. Present income $110. INTERSTATB IJIND uo. ' 248 Stark Ft. FOR QUICK SALE ,A , . 1 1 II T." U-V.it. 'P.W.ot. ll- 111 aitfl rooius. an 11. . . 1. , cation, electric lights, furnace or stove heat. water m rooms: wen srimusni aim i.v, ------ ture. Price 110. terms. 387 Taylor. FOR SALE Furniture and business in good ..... 1 . . : , . wl- .10AO tittle notei 10 nuwmnir, evw. ... PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANT. 14 North. Second St. l. 1 1. IV SCSbUlOUi That's what you get when you list your apart ment, hotel or roomiDg house with TtTF. A. M. HAUG CO.. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5487 Ht.sii.lr): yin.a. 1.1.1 1. 1 o . ; That's -what trai sret when you list your hotel. apartment or rooming house with inr, A, JUL. lALU S-.F. 5 1 2 Henry bldg. ; Broadway 5487. WANTED 550 A CASH BUYER To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or write ALLISON . & BILLINGS. 401-402 Dekum bldg. EstabRshed 1904. MERCilANTS Tf -won wsnt to sell your business without publicity, see or write MONTGOMERY & LEAP 4 37 Cham, of Com. Phone Bdwy. 31ft. AM tU listings in garages, Kr.ery u.ies; restaurant. 1uur.11 cimt. ..nn. . - halls, etc. Ij?.t with rt. for quick results. I 'ail for Mr. Mhara . tsinr-carey jn-.n y. hide. Main 74 S7: Main 0933. i , vn . . . 1 1 l. . u .1 vKwi-v In ffnrul Iocs tion; one,with living rooms preferred. Wish !rd. 21S By. Ki. bldg. . ' V x-,v-c . K..H .amI .....r.1 blnni in 1 1 . country with property; give full particulars in letter. B-315, Journal. WANT small business (paying), that $500 will handle; mint stand rigid investigation ; from owner only. X-1S0, JournaL TRADE Auto worth 4.)0 and good lot worth $1400, for bti'iness. i:-39. Journal. WANTED To buy . 12 to 30 rooms H. K. ; must lie riirht. Marshall 6O0O. No agents. 1 i .1.1 I tVJ VUJ JUtctcati ruin". v wu - ss ami m. v , "Y- ,'' .. - , , .r Journal. TEAM of mares, weigh about 2200 lbs., sound. To PAY ch lor a small cigar shoAcaae. i good workers snd travelers, sell cheap, or East 2444. ' trade for any kind of cattle. 1123 Macadam ' St., South Portland:. - FINANCIAL VMVi SALE One surrey, rubber t.r-s. two seats. . .. . ' ! in good order. $40. James Robbina. Call MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 60 1 34-r, Mdwaukie, Or HARiLY-DAVlOSON uioureyele, 3-speed. e- CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION teas, in A-l condition, $125, or will trade. On improved property or for improvement WrpIX. 046. P"3!.. MA ... , . FOR SALE 1 -dumpwaBon. 1 set heavy work- .l i. fmon?hl-S.Jw..S2n I harness. 1 12-in.' irteel beam plow. J. F. loan is our monthly payment plan. W.uh few m, v mi.h nH Kremnnt .ijl $32.26 per month for 36 months, or Vaish, v. eor. lv. ..Oth and Kremont su. $21.24 tier month for 60 months, or NXNK hedd or hoi.sO(i, weight- iroin lOOO to $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a 1800 lbs., harness and wagon very cheap. loan of $1000 snd interest. 21lth and Powell Vallev rnailT Woodstock car. Ians of other .mounts in same proportion. tpU SALK-Fine young team and new liari.e. 4aUITABLEATlNasrieL4jAN ASS'X - TUf1 S,2J2 U'mb"d " ' 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. ran sy tm. tst. Johns. - XLAii weighinj; " 24 OO lbs.. liam and farm 1 HAVE THE MONEY READY .L?0" ' j3, L'l" JttTZZ'r7 " No waiting; several clienU after me to place 16 54th t. S. E Woodstock car. their money for them. If you want a loan in HAVE 2 nice big teams, wagon, harness; one any amount from $1000 to $12000 at tt per team 3350 lbs., the ath-r 2830 lbs.; got to ecnt and 7 per cent interest, come and see me sell one outfit. Phone Milwaukie MOW. gST,". whlletL,h7" " " ble. "red 8- GOOD ranch team, weight 200O pounds, sound. WtUlama,, 61)8 Panama bldg. I lie II rose station road stouth to Foster mad east. $500, $1000, $1300, X1C000 AND UP . Box 408. Car leaves 1st and Alder every hour. . IrT1 OliCK ACTION MULKjS, 2200 lbs., both 5 years old. gliaran- M, immediately ready for loans on Imp. ud d genUe; harnrns and wagons of Portland property. P. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber n k.,,. u-u.rrf S27 Fror t. of Commerce. LONG ESTABLISHED. ll kinds. Woodtard, iZl rror.t. lOOO AND tp to loan on imoroved real e- J4J "JAKES geenUe T tale security in food districts. light ck: most be sold, or txade for chickens. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUU.DERS, 118 Last Stark and 75th st. Suite 415 Piatt 'Bldg. . Main 7027. FOR SALE 2 good teams, weight 2900 and $300. $400. $500, $600, $750, $1000 AND J3Slb,; "ound. ood workers and gentle. up- Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or 630 L. 24th st. 8. . more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. THREE horses at almost your own price; have 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1870. , been working every day. 1029 East Yam- MONKY TO IX) AN 300, $300. $700, $1000, hill st. - " . $1500, $2000. on city improved Proper at ijAiPUJ CRAY and bay. 5 and 6 eara old, 7 v" pot- 1 l- ell Co.. 608 Gasco bldg. t weight 840a jba. mml true worker. BUILDING loans on city and aunurbsn property. Very reasonable. 896 Powell Vallev road H. X2tfC?irr b!m 407" iooi -TU for Ue o, " m: ,. .,, ...- i ii , Csxchanra. root of Main. $300. $400. J500. 75. $1000 AND UP . .- 1 !,. . in"i Low rates, quick scttion. Fred W. German H-TT "? UyUO nJ tirn 10-3 Co.. 783 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. I P""11 lley road. l.iU ch amad r.itg or aeiier,' cimtract; r-1?'NF "i C8U" luI au- prompt attention. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lum- I Woodyard. 337 Front. - - - perm ens bldg. 2, LOTS in Seattie. Wii trade for team, har- I HAVE $500, 10 ft, to loan c acreage or I " d wagon. 432 Hawthorne. East 8226. : good yacant lots. 932 Chamber Commerce. TEAM brown geldings, 2SOO lbs., with btneai, SEE OREGON IN v. 4k MORTGAGE CO., 223 ' complete. gl-tO. James Shaw. 20H Russell st. Chamber of Oramerce. 4th snd Stark. AUTOMOBILE to trade for light team, harness MONEY to loan. $100 to $5009. a, H. Bel I and wagon. 893 Grand see. 11 Mnlkey bklg. Main 437. HORSES for rent, double sna Tingle. $46 : S r Front sU Phone Main 2208. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 FOR SALE Hre. wagon, harness, harrow and ' SALARY " LOA.-Va. CaTT ! plow. 206 Kuell nt VTJt LOAN MONEY " 3 ACRES to rest for pasture, of which 3 acrea : en short notice to salaried or workmgmea oa have been killed. East 512L - ! their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or Vvri c . r r.. r fi monthly payment- Each traco ttrietly FOIlSAE--i arm wagons. Thompson, 727 confidential. ' Powell i?t , 1 KO MORTGAGB NO TV DOBS B FINE fresh cow and 3 female sheep and horaeT F aESOUJIELY KO SECURITY i Tabor 4941. ' - W VNDv'ESTITi IXiR TRADE-A die for . singie dnvin, bar- COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. "- Can 221-37. ; - - . (LICENSED) ' - Ft)R SALE 5 yr. old Hamilt-viian mare, weighs h.'-: 218 FAILING BUIXDINQ. 1000 lbs. 6fl2 Harold are. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS ' 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FrRNITTJRE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. 8ECTTRITI USUALLY LEFT IN OUS POSSESSION. Also Salary Loans to salaried people on their notk8 without security. ip your pay ments to other loan companies or on furn:tcbs or automobile: con tracts ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM CP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY, AND TOD CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR. CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLsWD LOAN CO. fT.ICRVfilCni 106-80 i TJESXM BLDO.. 8D AND WASH. 1 . - ' H05KI- TO LOAN On Goods in Storage. Bank Rate. ( SECURITY STORAGE fc TRANSFER CO, ( 53 4th St.. opp. Multnomah Hotel. I Phone Broadway 8715. QUICK money to salaried people on unsecured note; confidential investigation. 316 Cham, of Com. bklg. Licensed. MONEY to loan on aumonos. Jewelry, strictly confidential service. Zell Bros. Co.. bonded brokers. 288 Washington St. near 4th- MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 T HOSNER &. HOSXER ! Investment Dealers ! ----- OFFER -! Subject to, Prior Sale i j 70 shares Pacific States Fire Ins. stock; bid. I 65 shares Western Rubber stock, Taeoma, at right price for cash. 1 4 shares of pfd. and 2 shares common Western Finaace corp.; snap at $420. I ' WANTED Idaho Gold & Ruby atock. Offer. I To btiv or sell stocks of '"---! - - i. Blain 4823. 608 McKay Jildg, CASH paid for mortgages and sellers cs.atmets on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lnmbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second martgages snd sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman AH'o . 210 Cham ber of Oimmeree bldg Main 8026. INSTALMENT contract.' $900, 7 per cent, well secured, liberal discount. East 6329 MONEY WANTED 651 i WANT TO BORROW $150O at 7 per i cent on 0 room bungalow on Ainswortn ave. Worth $3750. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, i . Suite 415 -Flats bldg. Main 7027. $6(10 ON 5 room house, Woodlawu district, j Value $2000. 1 $1500 on 6 no. house, on Ainswortn v. Worth $3750. I BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS Suite 415 Piatt bldg. Mim 7027. BKTTER THAN BONDS PORTLAND RESIDENCE MORTGAGES $1000, $L200. $2250, $7000 . HERMAN MOELLER, REALTOR 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. $1800 WANTED, 7 per cent; splendid i-ropm ( modem residence; lot 75x100; garage, niac adam st. Property just sold for $3950, Call 4427 42d st. S. E. Mar. 746. FOR SALE Fin,t mortgage, $1700, 7 per i cent, on good residence property, due in two years. X-190, Journal. IT PAYS to see us for mtg. loerus; 12 years' ! successful experience. A. K. Mill. 426 Luin bermens bldg. - WANTED $2500 or "$3000 from private party, ' 7 per cent, 3 years, on improved residence. Woodlawn 1402 after 6 or before 9 a. m. $200 WANTED, ono year; good security; 10 i Per cent. Z-01. Journal. - SEE OREGON TNV. A MORTGAGE, CO.. 222 i Chamber of Commerce. . WANTED $2,100 building loan nn a new bungalow, close in. K-353, Journal. TO BORROW, $l0O, 6 Iirt mortgage se ' entity. J905, Jonrnfil. LOAN of lf.oO oa fine Rose City Park ; bungalow and garag". M-608, Journal. WANT $900 for 3 years tm Roue Oily l'ark 1 4 -room bungalow. Talior 6559. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 FOR SALE One span of bay niarei. 5 and 6 ! years old. weight 3000; heavy boned and blocky bnilt. Price $300. Team of mares, 6 and 7 years old. weight 2900. Team of mares, 2700, both 4 years old, heavy boned snd blocky built. These mares are all sound and good workers and sold wkh ' a guarantee. One 5-year-old Belgian mare, weight 1600, aon-nd and a good worker. 240 F.t 8th st. cor. Main. For Sale or liire, Shipment of horses from Grand Rondo Talley. Bs-stern Oregon. All blocky built farm chunks and heavy draft horses. Also have on hand some street used horses taken in exctianire. Will sell cheap. tr K. Howitt. Columbia Stables, Front snd Columbia sts. Main 3030. FOR SALE Team weighing 1 2 OOIbs. each; j 5 years old, brown and gray; well broke, gentle, with harness; $2 0; one team about 1.100 lbs. each, wMh harness, $120. These two teams have been confined, pending settlement of estate; must be sold; they are cheap. Taylor St. dock, west side. 8 - II EAD of horses and mares f roan 3 to 8 years ! old, weighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs.; well broken and in good shape. Carload of horses to arrive Tuesday. April 28. j KEYSTONE C STABLES." ! 381 Water t. corner of Montgomery. 10 HEAD of, g-ood work horses and harness. j heavy wasons; no reasonable offer will be refused. ! CRESTON FEED & FUEL CO., Ccr 50th snd! Powell Valley Rd. M. S. car. FOR SALE- At bargain, good blocky team, well I matched, weight S300. 7 years old.' good wagon and harness. Also 1400 lb. young horse and doubfe harness, cheap. Call 233 Gibbs St., South Portland. MARE and hore. 2750 lbs., jut out of hard j work, sound and in good condition with har ness, complete, $250; terms. James Shaw, -206 Russell st. - FOR SALE -At a bargain, team, weight 3000, i harness and good farm wagon; one team, weight 2800; one team, weight 2500. Call at 100 K. 9th st. W. TEAM of sorrel mares, full, sisters, weighing i 2800 lbs., blocky built, young, sound snd true; will sell seasonable. 4503 67tb st. Mt. Scott car. , TEAM of mules 6 and 7 years old. weight 2800 lbs., both mares; well matched: good free workers; drive like horses: will sell cheap for HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 i--: Crown Stables, . Inc. For sal. 100 head of the best bones that have beeen soen in - Portland -tor many a day. We hire by -the day, week or month. We ex change for horses, mules or cattle. : ! Ws take in Liberty bonds. Have all kinds of Barneaa. We aim to' sell 25 per cent, e beeper than any barn in town. We don't intend to run np feed bills ea our consigner. All stock guaran teed as represented. ' PHIL 6CETTER. Pres. ' 2S8 Front street. . U. S. STABLES : 1 We have 25 head of the best nones that have been shii-prd to Portland this spring; they weigh from. 1300 to 1800 lb., well matched, all blacks and bays, 5 to 7 - years old; we will sell this week- very cheep, as, we are cleaning up for the summer: now, if yon an in the marktt for horses, come and inspect this stock; all hones guaranteed as represented. ' G. D. Williamson & Glass 565 Union ave, 8. corner Stevens at. NOTICE 1 Just reeerfved a carload of Eastern Orecon horses and mares -from 4 to 6 years old, weight from 1200 to 1600 lbs., some well matched teams. These horses all out of hard work and a few cheaper horses. Come snd look: over this stuff if you want to buy. AU stock guaranteed c represented. 8 seta of heavy breeching liur nrn and collars. - 240 K. 8th. J. S.. Wil.iamstMi. I AUCTION AITCTION AUCTION I Will be sold at public auction April 29 at 10 a. nr.. at the National SUMm, r. tltli and Hawthorne ave.. consisting of 18 head of good young work horses, 1 4 wagons, farm and spring wagons. Also 10 buggies, aud 14 sets harness, double and single, isad some farm implements. Lots of small stuff too. numerous to mention. To b sold without reserve.. W. -H. Routhage, auc tioneer. ' - . FOR SALE Blocky tiB7!iB-year.ol4 mares, ! 2800 . lbs, or choice of 8 teams. $350. Through with spring farm work-.- Excelsior Iai ry, corner Vancouver ave. and Columbia blvd. Wood lawn 1998. - UVESTOCK 701 Holstein .Bulls At Auction, Sa :- ' April :30, 192 1 ! 1 7. head, most of them ready for servlee. all registered, popular breeding; from profitable rows, sired by the royally bred bulls on the' Prates Farm. - Do-not overlook this opportunity to secure a herd bull. A. few choice females, will be offered' at private sale. Herd under I'. S. government iiisjieetion. Sale held on the Lake side Stock Farm near Scappoose, starting im mediately after a free lunch at noon. Catalog gives details. Send for one. P. A. FraJtea, owner,-Scappoose, Or.'sE, A Rhoten. sale man ager. Salem, Or. CoL, J. W. Hughes, auc tioneer. W. I Tennent, clerk. FRESH milch goats, also 4 doe kids by regis ; tered pure Saauen buck wh.jme twin is an 8-qt. doe, their dams "8- and 4-s)t- does; if you want a good milker at the right price, call Sun dayWhite Rose Goat Dairy. "The Home of the Saauen," 1109-Henry a (Eastmorelsnd A NEW bunch of fresh -cows just received, mostly Guernsey-Jerseys and Durham-Jerseys; these are heavy rich milkers. - -Will sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 1128 Macadam St. South Portland car to end of line. 1 block south. X block east. - 4 HIGH grade-. Toggenberg milk goals . (fresh) ; also- doe kids, by registered purebred buck. Tbey are priced for sale. : Iion't write; but come and see for yourself. 795. Kenilworth. ave.. Woodstock- car. " POR SALE Fresh goats ana coming fresh. i from $25 up; a bo milk and kids, and for service two' pur., Sannon snd on. Nubian of tbe beat in the Westt, at Portland Geat Dairy, 82d and Fremont sts. Address R. i. Bog 466. I'Oit A- it, - , puliet, one Jersey euv, also one Holstein heifer; 6 blocks north of Bell Rose station on Gates road. - It. F. D., box No. 376. '- - ' IOR SALE -1 miich goat,' 1 doe kid 2 years old. 1 .doe kid (half Toggenburg) 8 months; $60 ior the three if sold this week. 2833 71st g. K. . . - - -' I'Ull SALK 1 J ersey -Holstein cow giving over 4 - gals, milk ; reasonable. See Harriman, at 262 Bumside, afternoons or evenings. -, s-ts-r V us -v'i rowed. Immediate seme. 1 Main JC06 or- Wdln. 5536, Rvenings. FINE Jerucy-Gutrn.-rt-y cow, iresfl in weeks, I gave 5. gal. .last year... genUe, $90. I'hone Min 1565 ' . "1 A BARGAIN De Ival milker complete witi .piping, for 32 , cows and gas engine.: George BuscU. It. 1 , Oregon City FANCY" PIGEOXSa fneaur. Kings, runts, fan tail homers, owls. : magpies, pouters; turbia, triimpetcrs. tumbled, j Q..! ;2wth N. dl. 1 ?24. FOR SALE 1 fresh'4 hi gal. cow, also 1 freih oow- with first calf, $55; both rich1 mien. 1067 K. Stark sL, cor. 78th si. I THOROUGHBRED 'iogacpbuig doe kids For wile cheap. Bucks given away. 1109 So. Syracuse, St. Johns. Ji 15-MONTU-OLD purbred Jersey heifer. Box' 1 775,' Buckley ave., 'A mile from. Powell Val ley rd. I AN EXTRA good cow, giving over 5. gallons; priced ri-souable for immediate sale.. I'hone Marshall 1H76. - - " . ! FOR SALE 2 cows, fresh 3 weeks. 4 gal. day, with or without the calves. 93 Barr road, a R. H. tr. 3 FrNE fresh registered Guernsey rows for Sale. Second floor, Goidon bldg , 4Ui and. Stark. Vain 3517. ' - ' WANT1H Good young, : fresh 6-galion cow; good lest. No- dealers; 6 88th st. N, Tabor 74Ktr. j FOU SALE A ' good Jersey cow. giving 2 5" gallons at present; will' be fresh in August. Brarg. Garden Home.- Ma.in.483. FINE Jersey ran, -genUe to handle, freeli 2 months, giving eok1 4 gallons; reasonable rrlce. 04P E. JW N. 1 IOR SAIJv Saanon milk goat. I gallon a day. S5 E. 57th N. Tnhor 8862. i WANTED Any kind ' calves. W oodlawn . - '2124. - ..--'! FOU SALE Young Durham cow. cheap. Wood lawn 1 377. - U BIG Irish Guernsey. Durham, Holsteins and Jerseys, ail young cows. 753 K. Ash. FOR SALE Two fresh cow, 2 miles east of lents. at BelK-Rrs station. A. J. . Oldenberg. MILCH GOATS, from $10 to $50 each; some fresh. ' ir:) lain sve. ar... Am. ais-nn TOf iG EN B U UG goau ana gaaU' milk for sale. ' 1 - ( . . . w X , 'C .... R. Ii., ..'.-.. T.. llgHI St . .I., ..I ' . I.-,.. ... GENTLE, fresh Jersey cow and calf, heavy milker. Wd!n. 8341. - . i . - MILK goat, from $10 to $50. 9628 45th are. - K. K Anto 616-86. j . WANTED A young Chetter white pig. l'hons - Tabor 897.- FOR .SAlE 5 fresh cows, 5 to, 7 gallon. 1 block east of station: phone -Oak Gr.jve W-M. LARGE Jersey Durham cow Just fresh, rich, hesvy milker. Phone 1 1 7-M, Oak Grove. tt BIG fresh Guernsey, Durham, llolsteius and Jerseys; all young cows. . 7.13 E. Ash. JEItSKY cow, 4 gallons, tests 67Wm. Heuip; Bridgeti..ld. Wssh. j l ow. wacou, 2 luonth Jersey bull. Call Sunday ' Inform n, Charles Cook. Wichita station. FRESH three-quart milch goat and 5 triplets, two Nsnny kkls. 92 E. 3d St. N. .WA.VTKD;U rent. . 10 lo 40 cows; Grx care and feed. M-708, Joiirn!. I FL E now with calf, heavy milker, reasonable? V. 1. Witstm. Jennings Lodge. - ' LARGE 4 year-old Jersey Durham ow, fresh. Main H3.02. . ' ' " ' ' " I FOR SALi; Two good young Fleniu.if buck jfro m reggitered fck, 66 E. 9th. East 53(18. Cil 11'. UOaI:.- .', giving iiik, 2(l ilol land streeC Wrfn-sllawn r.23. - i . Folt SAtrJ Y ouorf lloUleui, frec. 220 I" 9th asreet smith. ' Tabor 74H9. I WANTED Bef. vesl and hrg. Tahor 782. CALVES W ANTED. PHONE MAP.SHALL 2178. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 BABY CHICKS, day oL Wiu la Leghorn, S. t... Iieavy. layingt strain. $16 per TOO, ) 1 week $18 2 weeke $20. 3 week $25. We hatch every week. 839 Ocboco ave., Sellwood Gar den. Oreszon. ' TRIO Buff Cochin Bantam. Burred Rock eggs 15 for 11. trio Whit? Pekm ducks., dint is! .1? for $1.59- 1502 Denver' ave. Kcu- ton car. , . ti; HIoliOlGiilSjUED ' Ruff Orpiugtoo . laying pullet and one rooster $15, 658 E. 4U s.; N. Tsbor 9420. ' CH01C ANt:ONAS. best in the ataUt i-K.S i -per eettmg. urns. 3is;. ... THOROUGBRED. Barrd Rock eggs $1 r r enr sisryisna sve. Ken'on car. - O. A. C. STRAIN PiymouOi Rock laying heiu 2 years old. $1.50 each. Wdln. 2012., AiARRED Rock. Rhode Lland Red.' ioiden and Silver Seabritht hatching eggs. Tabor 494 1. 43 THOROUGHBRED laJBeau' pigwma. $20. A. K Van Ordel. Cottage Prove, Or. FOR SALE White Minorca setting eggs an3 cwkereL -806 Montana. Woodlawn 2178. . 0 WHITE Leghorn hens and rooster . for sale cheap. Tail sen, azit - - - VERY choi ihorougbhred barred. Rock rooster. Price $5. Tabor 75Q8. l"OK SALE AuUrtJo 100 rig rtitrubator, $10. C. B. Moore. Phone Tabor 3807. WILL trade farm wagons for chickens and eggaT I- Thompeon. 727 Powell st. TWO DOZEN Brown Leghurn hens. $1 e cJT 11 R 52d rit., eor. Ash. FINE' Fii strain White Rocks, Luck tot 32 j cents pound. Main 9828. ! - turday POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 HERE'S TOUR CHANCE TO FNTKIt THE CHICKEN BUSINESS BE GINNING WITH FIRST CLASS STOCK. JANUARY, FEBRUARY. MARCH AND APRIL MlATCHES RAISED FOR SPECIAL USE. BARRED ItUl'KS. WHITE M1NOK CAS. WIIITB WYANDOTTES. BUFF ORPINGTONS. AM" LEAVING l"ORT IAN D AND MUST SACRIFICE THE FLIK'K 260 IN AI AUSO IN CUBATORS AND BROODERS CHEAP. 63V EA 46TH ST. N. TABOR 94 2U. PROGRESSIVE . .Ii AT C HER Y Hogsnixod tmpr-sted Tanrred and O. A. C. White Leghorn chicks, $Ki r.er 100, $140 per 1000; Barred Rock and R. I, Red chicks. $2S per 100. 1534 E. 12th at. N. Wdln. 14H... LARRED ROCK eucs. I.io Milling; baby chix. incuoauir lots specialty; ltmn turkey eggs. 50n each; Buff Minorca egi, $2.50; Gokien Sea bricht Bantam ecc. $1.50. 20 years a breeder. Satisfaction guaranteed. Evans Poultry Yards. 865 E. Iainib.Pl. (lln. 1(156 The kind you want. I n. kind we produce. Iglmrns. Reds. - Barred. 1 ffnti-e wiuis ana i-srinage tUvti, Aa ailS.i oonas, Bnttenuiw, Minorcss. Wy sndottea. Correspondence invited. Fre. catalog. Order early. C. N. NKEM1AM, Salem. Or. BOOSTERS WANTED Wanted. 600 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy laying strain of 8. O. R. I. Reds; 8 grand -pens te aalect from A few good breed ing cockerels yet fur sals. W. V. Ixwmia, 1923 Multnomah st Phone Tsbor 8197. O. B. N. U. - p. A. will hold tuoir regular eslu- cauonsl meeting In room E, Central publio library, Tuesday, April 20, at 8 p. m, Mr. A.. T. SeJlwood, president of the poiiltry an., will give an addreas on the coming intern tlon&l show. MARY L. STEVENS, See. It. 1' lltli baby ehivVthe oldcststrainTn Oi-e- gon. Have been in a number of ei;c layins contests and made s credits ble showing. All chicks hatched from this strain. Tabor (MS 4. 82d st, at KrnsiaU station. 800.000 WHITE LCGHORN BABY CHICKS . Bred for eggs, rigor, size; ssf arrival in good condition guaranteed. Write for printed matter now. Oak HaighU Poultry farm. R. R, 8. bos 0-67. Tseoms. Wash. IScBaby Chicks-115c Thoroughbred W. I, none better; also W. I hatching eggs. $5 100. Suderstrom Prtnltry Ysrd. 1176 Powell Valley road. Hell, 1493 O. A. C WiiTi'i.; iguorn l.au-hiug eaaa Iron heavy laying strsin, trapnested ; eus tested with sex indicator; 75c for 15: $4 .per 100. C Heins, Multnomah station. Main 8166. baby chicks From mating of Tancred and nansrm White IWborus. Notliing better. A few April chirks left at $20, slso May chicks at $15. . Paul oimiey, neaverton. It. 4. FOR SALE, O. A. C. Hatching eggs. White Leghorn, Barred Rockv Rhode Inland Reds, 15 for $1, $5 for lOO. Mrs. C. C. Anderson, Gresham, Or., first place above Gresham depot on Estacsda car line. MASTER ELECTRIC Incubators snd brooders, moisture regula tion, safety fin oil lamp. Master Incubator C.ynpany. City. Woodlawn 4344. ' WHITE Leghorn baby dux for May and June delivery, from heavy laying, hoganiied stock. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chix guar anteed. $12.50 per 100. $12J per luoo. Pioneer Hatch y. 442 Sixth at., PetAlum , C.1. 11A 11 lll.x; KUGS $1.50 B Tl dark riuU 1C. 1. Reds, bre for winter Uyers; thorough bred. A. W. Belsiger, R, 5, Box 247, Vancou ver. Wash. SET' that old hen witn egua from trapliusted stock, either leghorns or ilarred Rncka But ler Poultry Farm, Jennings Lodge. Or. . Pliun. Oak Grove ISsW. THE PLI.'mAgK on your prjf pouiOy has commercial value. We pay highest price firr Black Minorca, W. F. Spanish and 1-ghorn; also white goo, feather. U-ftl, Journal. FINF Buff Onirioti thoroughbre.1 rooster and laying hens; also setting eggs, 15 for tl .'.o. R. K. Ford, Wichita sta ou, opposite school house. - 60 W. L. HENS, laying pulleU. $1.20; 50 R. I. R. and 11. Rock laying pullets. $2 each; fst bens 85o and 40c lb. 1918 E. Stark and 75th sts. FOR SALE Good genue family cow, fresh, fine heifer calf; also White LeEhorn baby chicks. At Gilbert station. E. M. Calkins, It D. 8. box 4 76, Lents, hr. 200 S." C..' WH'ltE"'LTiGTiORV 'year-olil pullet; Tancred strain, healthy chickens, $1.25. Must sell quick. -603(1 60th.ve.;S. K. lit, Scott car to 62nd st, 5 blks. sonth. LEAVING cily and must diapose of my Birre! Rocks (Hamlets), Rhode Island lte.ls (1.1 liottsl snd White Wyandntlrs ( Woods -, Ijt-t May pullets, all laying. Mrs. York, 867 Weidler st. POINTER PUPPIES FOR SALrf" Dogs handled for the Seattle how. CsU Campion. Tabor 125. Professional , liandler. Kennels, cor. 93d and E. Stark. BABY CHICKS, $13 per Km and $ 1 2 iter 100, . C. WHITE LJOGHOKN; apecial maliiig. heavy laying strain. Crape Lane Poultry farm. Turner, Or. Scratch $2.75. Egg mash $2.60. Woodlawn 4344. I lin k leeit, Jrowing mash. Tlnt'ermilt. 20O THOHOLGHBRKD Wtute leghorn puiicia." 7 U 10 weeka olfL Pmgreeaivo Hatchery, 1584 E. 12th N. Wdlri. 14M5. JOHNS RHODE ISItND JlEDS Trapnested, thoroughbred eggs for hatching, low rates. 956 Williams sve. Aut. 317-RI. BROODER, used, ilelial.ie oil uuming, Tu 1 1 0 chick slse, $1. Mseter Incubator Co.. Wdln. 4344. 19 VI Hi I L leghorn bens for $2i, ail laj.ng, O. A. C. strain. Call Sunday or after 6 y. m. week days at 65H K. "Hh S WrHITE f-ghoru halcliliig r.i, iHwi "sl'a. Guaranteed fertile. $1 for 1.1. Also ISO er incubtror. Klifl Vrnii-ciir,- ere FOR SALE Chickens, White leghorns and An- cona pullets One tliorontflmrej v. lirH-k rooster, cheap. Phone Main 16.17. FOR SALE 100 O A. O. White leghorn young bens. A bargain for enick ssle. Give pi one .numb. ;-w.'is. Journal. 5 1 -YEA II Silver Cempine Lens, $1.25 eai; 1 Plymouth Rock rooster, O. A. tt. strawv 61.50., Mrs. Wilhelm. 72d and McCoy st. 8. E. FOR SALE S. G. White 1-ehoro clues from vigorous parent stock, $15 per hundrvd. Us r Rockwell. Newberg. Or. CANARY BIRD SHOP Trained Rollers, $ 1 5 and Up 11SI K. 2"'h st N Antomnrle 325 IT. WHITE Rocs ei'gs fur hatching from t-n liea.Jed' by 287 egg malo. T. D; Kirkatrick. 7520 63d ave. W. K. Aut mm. , 60 W. LEGHORN cl.ii. T, weeks old," 25c apie.. M. H. Wright, Shattuck ta. W. S. Red Kleerrlc til) H. c HiliTi; leghorn Js.u.g heus fur $50; good lavini? strain. Ant. 313 Co. GIANT does, New Zealand doe and American Bhles- 32J N. I'Oth st. I'AKI Kll'iii. IV vKii'iotte VV. l-giriis, emjj lur Im'cliirie. 1744 Ulske St.. Portland, Or FINK W. 1 cockerel, good lavinj strain. 1040 Schiller at- Phono eiellwood 1124. YJ-.AR OLD W. L. heus, laying; 75e va n. T. ..... . nun Oil SALE--- Utn nd 14 White Vud.i. riucaa. onnn om sr. r.r.. BABY ducaa. heary layiiig strain lndinn kumi.r, 3.'.e. aetungs $1.5(1. Marshall 103. 5 ltHoLK UiAHU" It KD aettinn LeOflT for ' e.lf'. also other bens. 711 Wtr st.. ner Hookef. FOR SALE Rabbits; 3 does, well h rnl nJ vnsted. Phone Aut. 640 (lo. eveninirs. W'ANTKIs To trail. Belgian hare buc. 15 hum. . oln, for e.rre same age or cl,ir.' hnr I' 37ih. 15 WliTTE Lf ;GIIORNS with larg ooi, and wire fence, $20 cash. lst 34 6,'i. S. :. BLACK MINORCA, also It. I. Red ggs ,for setting. 1KQ3 Belmont. aFLEMISIl t,IANT d's and 1 bucs for sale, full blwd. Wdln. 1 4(11 . ' GREEN FEED cutter, -!, ral.W " 5231 40tli ave. 8. E. Phone Aut. I-'-" 4 O. A, C. Burred Rck g $1 per tttiiua 1 3 'A 3 ' Mryls.nd sve. Kentm car BRAHMA ere for lt lung. Hue ley. e., 1 block south of Powell Vs'ley road WHITE, VvYXNIXiTTl; in-b"ing egg.,, best "of stork, now $ I per setting. Columbia 6f5. FOR SALE K. L Red hatcCiig $1 for 15. .175 Sberrett sve. FOR SALE 2 pair iiai.arl docoy dac Ken ton ear. 174 W. Wniche!. liA U R- I- ii iwiby cijieks, 7 oaya oj.l ; -m(ij ..gr.. 1 i-r 15. 7 i-r I'm. Ms'n 74!1. . IHOROi;i;HBUEIir"It. I. Red tgn for setting. 15 fr.e 1. Talw 7548. SETTING HEN! FOR bALE TABOH 754 . 10 VV. I.. HENS and cocker.-!, fin. stock, trade for bics-eJe. WootUawn 47HS. R. 1. 1U-.D ha iciutig eg, 41.25 lor IS., J.4 7J Newcastle sf. WALTER Hogan strain, day-old W hite TZT horn ehieks foT'ssle, 1 5e each. Tabor Ift'lfl. WHITE I-EGHORNS $1.00. Automatic 642TL 4916 79th . W. V. . 45 .OH tt O lliiode Islami Lvda. baby chick,. wl:l sell cheap if taken at cotce. 04 4 E. Taylor THOROUGHBRED O. A. C Barred Rock bstcoi tng eggs, $1.50 for la. Tahor 6S.59. ion SAl.L 4i Vvune l-inorn hens 1 1 entiii Woodstock carline. 6015 f"th ave. H. K. FN C Y - Toulouse geese lift aaie; phone Mn 614. fETTINO hwns for ie. W-iin. 1917. RABLirS and layig hen- 94 (Jraid at- '