SATURDAY. APRIL 23. 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, OREGON 15 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 AT THE COVEY MOToK CAU COMPANY- . PLANT Don a fly like howit Or ta tt pile of brtck that muU; attraots the tmrn f ' Oirtorttj Mif temporarily turvt a. crowd of people but it ft only extraordinary value that geta the money. Ordinary value are Uie outcome of ordinary practioea, or rather extraordinary attempt to do m little m aimittle to the car and get aa much 'e.'noney aa pnedble far It. Rueh baHne principle an Very ordinary and extremely unattractive. They are like the pile of brick and no on like brick anyway. : Oiif eerefully bought, carefully rebuilt and refinithed used eara . are the entrm ot the PoJtlaiKl Motor Car field. An honest- of piir pnae, barked by the eotwutnt trainee spur that it nay to be honest ha produced this resulting opportunity for you. Jf. DODOB BROTHERS MOTOR CARS A used Donee Brother Motor Car ia prob ably the most popular ehoiee of the buying tmb ' lie today,. If bought from n after being rabuilt and refiniahed, your (election will represent the highest possible motor ear value and the least eventual las. 1916 Dodge Bro. roadster and oaring.... $ 630 1917 Dorige Rroa. touring 775 1918 Dodge Km. roedtter and touring... 875 1919 Itodge Hro. touring 1 0OO 1020 Dodge Broa. ed-n ........... 1850 1620 Dodge Bru. touring 1200 1920 Ford Sedan, with lot of equipment 775 1918 Case touring, a beautiful ear... 1250 1914 Cole, 7 -pes., privately owned car. 750 11)20 Chevrolet touring, a. dandy, only.. 625 1919 Chevrolet touring 000 1918 Cherrolet touring, excellent abape. 4 50 1 920 f Tievroiet roadster, in nice shape. 025 .1017 Kissel sedan, a swell liule six.... ftuu "VftJ". Maxwell touring, a . dandy 37 Iii2K.MixweII aedan. aa excellent ear for 100 1018 Oakland touring, good condition, snap 923 1917 Reo touring, cheap at .......... B00 iiwiw. r-aige touring, a fine ear. ...... 130O ibis willya-Knight 8. big snap, only. J2o ,1920 ah tourtne. on'v 1 4 ( 1400 100O 1 919 National 6. priced only. ...... 1918 Rnirk roadster., fine shape. . . , 1919 Htndebeker Big Six. 5 pa.... t, 1017 Studebaker Four touring il914 Studebaker ton ring, S-cyL, snap. 1920 Hudson touring at only....... ;1920 Haynea ?-pave.. a beauty ....... . 191 Hudson fiaotr Six. fin ihin. r. . 1500 373 400 200O 2500 1 .'.OO ;1919 Hudson speedster, a good ne..i. 2000 1 1919 Hudson limousine, a beautiful ear. 2700 1615 6-34 Hurlioa. wire wheel. , . . . . 600 1919 Hirpmobile touring, look like new. 1U95 . 1918 Chandler touring, new paint, seat covers ................ 975 1919 Ohandler chummy roadster, fine ! shape , 1400 11920 Chandler. 7 -pea., ajmoat new.... 105O 1819 Model 90 Overland, reduced t. . 50O :"' DELIVERY CARS ;1018 Dodge Bros., screen aide delivery, t 875 i!920 Ford delivery, starter ft 25 ;19I8 Ford delivery, good shape...... 350 CADIIXAC8 ThU great desire tn erentaally own a. CadiUae motor ear a the ripened fruit from the tree of i lorg. faithful arrfce. Honesty of pnrpose is the ; fertile aeed from whlnh this lncious fruit has : sprung. One ef our used rrboilt and refiniehei : ( sdillsna far aurpaases anything that one might find in some other new car carry Kg the same ir. refitment. I All cars guaranteed and sold on easy term. - I t. We are open Sunday COVBT MOTOR CAR COMPANY; 21st at Washington Sts. Main 8244. Also a big display at the new Broadway sales- - : room, downtown. Call at the salesroom most "t ; eonrenient for you. Our antomoliUe tranaporu- I tion srrtce will make it Quickly possible for you , to look orer mir entire stock. BROADWAY L'SKD CAR BBAN'CH I 23-30 N. Broadway. Mam 6244. ' EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY HERE We hare s choice lot of pic.kd ears at price that are bound to please. Come on in the weather's fine. We haie that car you want. "Oood ears." "cheap cars,'' ia fours and sues and all guaranteed. Forda 4 Mitchell 6 :hera. 4 Raxdn 6 Htude. 4 Velie 6 Reos 4 Cbalmera 6 and many others. PORTLAND ACTO SALES CO. 350 Burnaide St. , Open Sunday, afternoons and evenings. 1 BfICK 6 J9L8 i 1900 1 4 90 herrolet 1921, run 800 miles 780 1-Baby Orand Cherrolet .......... 450 1 Oakland 0 ,, 600 1 fusion 6 J . ain t, Maxwell .......i..... 280 Is Ford ..;. 280 1 Ford truck ................... 800 1 Overland roadster ............. 125 - Long & Silva 462 Hawthorn. ! ASK for a demonstration In one of our renewed I Franklins. It's readability and economy will i surprise you. Prices are attractive, too, so don t besitate. but come in trwlsy. BRALY ACTO COMPANY Franklin Distributors for Oregon j Burnaide at 14th at. - Broadway 901. Ford Toairing, 11920 8tartr, demonntxble rim.. Coodyrar time One new spare. Shook absorbers. Gardner csr buretoj. All good rendition. See I twins 60 Is. Broadway. . Toone Broadway 321. MY 1921 OU R lKMONSTR.TllR. IT'S T1IK BEST OLDS IN PiiRTUND: CORD T1RKS A I J. AROI'Mi. (INK KXTIiA. THTS IS A WONDKRi'CJ' HI T FOR ANTONK WISH A ItKAL AUTOMOBfLK. MRNF.STKR BDWY. 2270. CO. WILL C.IVK SKRVH K 1 92 1 Chevrolet 4rt0 touring. 5 fine tires and perfect mechanicat condition: snap at $750 enms terms. I'hon owner Col. 656 day. eve-' ning Col. 432. 1918 PA1GB LIOHT 6 Thoroughly overhauled, new top,, rlajtsy paint Job. good tjrea, guaranteed to be In A-1 me chanical condition and looka like a new Paiige. Sacrifice for $1100. $400. raah, bal. in 10 Wionthn. Unap. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. 1919 IKHXiE TOCRIN; CAR In perfect condition. 1921 license. 5 good tires; $400 down, balance easy. Price $900. Phone Wdln. 3520, after 6:30 p. m. 1030 aiiiirrf sve OVfcRLA.Nl posditcr. 4 new Ures, good paint, in A-l condition: a real snan. $I0O down. Vo' b',D8 r term. Can Propet, Bdwy. 1920 OAKLAND roadster: only run 6000 miles, fiuaranteed in absolutely perfect shape ; wire wbeekt; beet buy in the city. 415 Ulisan. rroBlway y -. 192U rTKX coupe, run 3UU miles, beet of condition, lot of extras : will trade for tour .Ing car. list 6?63. 188 Orand ave. Open V. . . I. 1 SkAJ.1-1 or .Tihin. lOIA T ... o 1 ' ' - ".unuaurr i , ..f fine conditioa tn every way: $0n, with liberal terms: will accept o.J over-stuffed davenport a DOlx.E, Uie 17. touring; spotlight. Itayfield carburetor, 1921 license; $550. Marshall 3633. evenings. A IlKAi, BCY in a good Paige car, very small payment down, long easy terms on balance Call Prr-p't. Broadway 3606. 11AVK A unmber of good used cars, will sell very cheap and take In smalt car aa.part pay mrnt Call Proft, Broadway 3606. Alll-r Trttnie Re-covermg and repairing "UtO OpS at reascwble price. 323 Salmon st.i between 6th and ' Broadway. BV OWNER 1918 Chalmers, excellent t condi tkin. five good tit as; can be shown evenings. ,$650 for quirk sale. term. Main 992. ' 'CHKVROLKT, Model 490. et-32.V Keal cr at basement price. See 1t at W'eller Motor Comjiany, Washington at 15th. . ltfL'O FOUI touring, run very little and nearly new; a sacrifice. See Marshall tt 60 N. Broadway. liY owner leavinc ' city, new Ford sedan, run Was than 1O0O miles: discount $150. F- 4a 1. journal, BIG! Bug! Who want a bug? $125 i the ' price and it runs like deer. See it at W'eller , Motor company. Washington at 15tli. 1020 OLDS 8. cannot be told from new.- Could ne a Dodge op Buick as part payment: terma on nuance, tall Jonansen at Bdwy. 2-J7W JIiSdKL 90 Overland, in elegant conditioa; $150 down will handle. Call Johanseu at Broad- Way 2270. 310 ImJWN. balance t suit, buys a dandy light touring car. Call J obanaen at Broad way 2270. WANTKD -A good used moyorccle aa part payment on a good used auto. Call Jonan sen at rklwy. 2270. ilAvE a good ued car. wilL traJe lor motorcy 'g cle. Call Protmt. Broadway 3606. OKD bug, good, shape, $275. 415 Oluaa. Bdwy. 4592. BARGAINS infused Fojda and Chef relets at Suite's garage, Beaverton. U K.RlND car. $170 cash or $200 terma. ry it out at t 1 OO Francis ave. eood colidlLiun. $150. 413 Oilman. H.lry. 4S02. All ST sell Ford sedan ticdy. Corae make (titer. 129 e.t Terry. Kenton. , 1tr.Hi AM roaib-ter.7 in verv pood coml liou $275. See Marshall t cu N. Broadway. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 THE TIME THE PLACE THE CAR r 40 Automobiles . J ALT. STANDARD MAKES AND SIZES ; -THE CABS ABE BEADY TOW) - It will pay yon to look these ever before making year deposit . Yoa will ssrs from 10 tw 30 per cent. SIAXWELL chaseis, in fine condition, ready for Bug of delivery .$350 MAXWELL touring, mechanically fine condi tion, good tires, new, refinished. . . , $450 FORD touring, fine mechanical condition, de mountable i rims, shock absorbers, good tires, new top, refinished, Yale lock and switch, for $400 OVERLAND, MODEL 90, motor overhauled, ref inislird, good tires ; if soki this week . . j $575 MITCHELL 7-PASS., 1918. This car is in exceptionally good condition $750 0TERLAND LIGHT 8-CYL. Refinished, 2 new tires, new top, mechanically in first-clewx condition , $775 CHALMERS TOURING. ' 4 " new tiree, newly painted, thoroughly overbanled. A snap at , ... i ....... $875 COLE 8-CTL. 7-PASS.'. overhauled, refinished, S cord tires $1050 1920 OLDSMOBILE TOURING, 5 good tires, wind deflector; cone, quickly if you want It $1150 ESSEX 1920, 5 cord tiree, 2 bnmpera, run like new j '. . . . . .fl400 If yon don't find the ear you want listed, telephone, a it may be in stock. TERMS TP DESIRES. NO BROKERAGE. C. O. BleasdaSe 930 Alder St. Broadway 1852 SEVERAL Ford hue, an in good condition. Prices-range from $150 np. 1920 Ford coupe for sale or trade. Cord Urea and ether extras. 1917 Buick: roadster, new paint, mechani cally A-l. ' 1918 Olds. 8. 7-paasanger. Win take smaller car in on trade. 1918 Indian motorcycle with aide 'car and tandem, very cheap, price. 1020 Moore 30, new. cost $1865. Our price $90O. 1919 5-paaaenscr Velie touring, beat of con dition. $ 1 1 00. terms. 1920 Bell touring, new1 paint, good tires, me dian teal! y first i class. Must sell, make as an Offer. 1917 MaTwetl, fine condition, good tires, new batt-ry. $ 1 50 down, balance easy terms. 1920 Chevrolet delivery, $560, terras. 1918 Chevrolet, 3 -pass, touring, fine shape, $390. terms. 7 Passenger Paige, late model, jturt the thing for a stage. $850, terms. 191 9. Dodge delivery, practically new tire. Mechanically first cla. - Will take smaller car in on trade. GRAND AVENUE AUTO EXCHANGE 1S8 Grand Ave. Feat 6563 Open Sunday and Evenings VRANSON'B USED CAR EXCHANGE 1914 Ford touring .....$150 1917 Ford touring 315 1919 Ford touring 390 1920 Ford touring 425 1913 Hudson touring 100 1915 Hup touring 250 1913 Velie , touring, starter 2 50 1914 Apperson touring, starter.... 200 1916 Overland toil ring, starter. . . . 250 VRANSON S USED CAR EXCHANGE Open i Evening and Sunday. Union are. and Belmont at, upstairs, i Juwt 4376. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 DEMOUNTABLE rims. Fire;tuue and others, sises 303 to 34x4, $1 and up. Fisk rubber cement. 5 gaL cans $1 per gallon. Ford wheels, $2.50 each. LAMBERT TIHE A RUBBER CO.. 23 Grand Ave.. Cor. Ah. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING Let U Inspect Yonr Tires i New and Ueed Tire. JOHNS TIRE SHOP, 102S Hawthorne AL'TOBKD Have yonr auto seat cut to make a bed. TOO Vi William. TRUCKS AJO TRACTORS 802 TRAILERS, SEMI-TRAILERS f and 1 END OR SIDE AUTOMATIC DUMP BODIES ' Trailer and bodies suitable for any kind, of work, and with any make of truck. See ' , : I r. V. PARSONS, 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 321. SEALED proimeals for ihre automobile trucks will be received at the office of the under signed. 401 Courthouse, until 5 p. m , Wednes day, April 27, 1921. and will be opened at a meeting of the board to be held at 304 Court house at 4 p.' m., the follnwina day. Certified check for 5 per cent of the bid, payable to K H. Thoma. School Clerk and Business, Man ager, must accompany each proposal. Specifica tions may be obtained at 301 Courthouse. The Board of Itirector reserve the right to reject any and all bids. (Signed! . R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager, listed April 2, 1921. LOGGING TRAILERS COMPLETE WITH BUNKS AND BLOCKS FOR TRUCK AND TRAILER, GOOD CONDI TION. LQWi PRICE. SEE PARSONS, 60 N. BROADWAY.' PHONE BROADWAY 321. 1 4-TON MoreUnd. new rubber all around; lum ber roll costing $700; truck looks as god a new. Will sell cheap and take trade and terms. Out of work. Fhone Jensen, Bdwy. 091. Erenincs Main 7952. WANTED Big auto truck to haul cordwood with; will take on commission or salary with option of buying if suitable. Can furnish ref erence tor my driving ability. Federal or Gar ford , preferred. Call evening. Bdwy. 5000. FOR SALE Atterbury 2-ton truce; good con dition; covered body; new tires rear; good opening: Dayton to Portland freight run. J. I. Stewart, iwyton. or. I HAVE a kr haulms contract for 5 ton truck. Murt be oil job by May 1. 2 yean." work with par guaranteed. C. O. t;ildea. S9 N. 9th. Bdwy. 354. ' 1 HAVE a - tun White truck, also a fine ninton Six automobile which I will trade in on a heme. Will a&sume mortgage. Sea Mr. O'Brien, 23 5 Stark. CASE 2-bottooi tiactor plow, power life, prac tically new. plowed 8 acre. $115 f. o. b. ears Tillamook. Address L. C. Goldsworthy, lulamook, or. ilEPt BLIC 3-ton; rubber 95 per cent good; 1919 model Will sell at a big loss. Trade and give term. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Evenings Main 7952. PACKARD 3 4 -ton. completely overhauled. This truck needs work. Will make trade and aire terms. ' rhone Jensen, Bdwy. 91. Eve nings Main 7952. ONE TON Maxwell truck, flat stake body, tine for general hauling. See Marshall. 60 N. Broadway. KIN.-1.1. trued. 4-tnn. iate worm drive. This track ia ripbt and price more than reasonable. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Evenings Main 7952. G. M. C. 1920 model, excellent mechanical oon diiion. Will sell cheap, liberal terms. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691. Evenings Main 7952. LIGHT TRUCK Worth 30; will sell for 150:853 OberKn st.. near Portsmouth ave. LARGE body for Ford truck. E. 6703. 831 hi. Everett St. 2 TON- truck for ale, or trade for email truck, ma A Ml Mt,ld An. t 1 1 H TON truck, almost new, cheap or trade for 1 ton truck. 833 Mallory ave. OVERLAND 1 ton truck. Sacrifice $200. 787 WashiligtontM.. DaKement. THREE ton White, in good conditicn. Mu.t tell 1920 1 H-TOX truck. Veil cheap or, trade for touring raw. Call at 3 B. 24thst. S. FOR SAIJ? Ford truck, chain drive, A-l shape. Slam 5 TON trailer, with brake equipment. Write P-322, JouW TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 NEW! f NEW! I ; NEW! New i Republic Trucks New : White Trucks ' New Indiana Trucks We have the following new tracks to b sold at a large discount, shipped na by dealer wbo had to tea 1 ton Republic, solid tire. 1 ton Republic, pneumatta tire. : 1 ton Republic, solid tires. 1 H ton Republic, pnenmatia Urea. 2 '.a ton .Republic, solid tires. 1 ton White, pnenmatie tiree. 2 ton White pneumatic tires. 1 V ton Indiana, aolid tires. 2 ton Winther, pceumatia tiree, ; 1 H ton Winther, pnenmatia Urea. We hare the following used tracks: 1 ton Republic, solid tires. 3 hi ton Republic. 1919 model. 2 ton H. M. C, late model, ton tf.M.C, late model. 1 H ton (iramm-BernsteiD, pneumatia tires, ton tteiden. Make your own terms within reasons and own your own truck. USED CAR WAREHOUSE tirend ave and E. Taylor. Case, Happy :Sandiky Farmer aefi Also Several Qood Used Tractors at Bargain Prices ; Case tractor, 12-25 II. P. (run 50 days) ..$1000 Cane tractor. 22-4 0 If. P. ( run 10 daya)..$3000 RuwieU traet, 12-24 H. P. trviti 40 da)..$120n Bull tractor, 12-24 If. P. (run 80 days).. 500 Case hay baler, 17-22 (rim 8 days) . . . .$ 575 Ann Arbor Columbia hay baler, 17x22 (run 13 day) $ 850 Sandwich hay baler, 17x22 (run SO days) 65ti Z Rumley set ar tors, sizes 27x44. 28x48 and 32x54; one nearly new, other two good con dition; prices 50. $1750 and $900 Cau or terms. Will, take livestock, steam engine, tractors, automobile and other farm ma chinery a part payment. Tigard Iiraplemient&Feed Store, Tigard, Oregon WOOD HALL contract, O.OOO cord.-; good road, only 1 k mile haul; man must be in a position to buy a 3H ton truck, new or ued. For further information call Jenwn. Bdwy. 691, Mack International Motor Truck corp., eve nines Main 7962. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES ENAMELED Factory finish. E,' 11. Lampert, Union and E Taylor. Mt10Ut!Ci.i..S OF Al.u WE SEIX FOR LESS: GET OCR PRICES. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Ac. BICYCLE CO. MAIN (!13!. 204 3D ST. 1818 LND1AN motorcycle with, aide car and tandem, $100 down, balance $175; easy term. Fact 0563. i 188 Grand ave. Open Sunday end evenings. 11)18 HAKLKY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, with or . without side car; small payment down, long easy terms on balance. Call Pro pet, Bdwy. 3606. 1920 HAKLKY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, with or witthout side car, in A I condition; name your r.wn term Call Projjet, Bdwy. 3006. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS. M.L MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand Ave. Boys bicycle. A-l condition, 352 Chapman; call roeenoons or in; time Sunday. POWER-PLCS Indian, A-l shape, for sale or trade. Ka.t 112. It. S. JIoTORCYCLE. Rood condition. $50. Wdln. !if. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 Mr. Car Owner Tou will realize a bis saving in your re pair work by bringing it to me -no experiment ing nor gueshwork-r I know the automobile re pair business from A to Z. The only man you pay is the one who does the work no superintendent, shop foreman, or office force to be paid with your money. Will gladly test your car, tell you the trou ble, and give you an estimate of the cost. I have had experience on all makes of can. W. A. DICKINSON. North Pacific Wagon A Auto Works Bldg. nth and Hoyt Sts. Broalway 3S86. FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 Bear axle overhauled $ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed...... $ 3 llajrneto recharged $ S We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which injures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford part only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE ACTO REPAIR CO.. 2 SO Front St. Corner. Jefferson. ATTENTION. CAR OWNERS We will overhaul your car, any make, an j are you money. All work done on a flat con tract bais and absolutely guaranteed Work tinder the supervisioa of competent and reliable men. tiet our prices, they are reasonable and will surprise you -We on generator and electrical, work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanising and retreading; all retread guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Tale- phone Kant SUUH L. H CHAMBERS. Maxwell Specialist ALL WORK GUARANTEED RELLWOOD 3755. DIVISION AT 23D O day adufuneni on all brakes relined THE BRAKE SHOP 327 Fifth Street Main $96 MACHINIST. -A- H. KAFFEKSON Repairing of all kinds. Machinery models. gas engines. 324. F1rtf K' East 703. AUTO repairing, first clase work, prir reason able; a trial will convince you. B. W. B. Garage, 269 Union ave., near Hawthorne. A-l Ignition Man Guaranteed rciimig. price right. Wdln. 5.163 EXPERT ex-service men wiit repar yonr car at your home or at our shop. 89 Killingsworth. very reasonable. Woodlawn 3416. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS ljte Model Cr Hnnwl'f Rstes FEARING A ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 132 12th St.. bet. Wash and Alder. Bdwy. 840 AUTOS FOR . HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. 1 SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill. A-123S. ii. 8. BENNETT, CARS FOR HIKE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY" GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1R7. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WANTED FORD TOURING WITH START ER AND DEMOUNTABLE RIMS; NO DEALERS: WILL PAY CASH. PHONE AUTO. 232-13. 300 EAST 52d. FUR EXCHANGE 2 acres of land, 2 H milt east of Graham. Or., for 5 passenger touring car in good condition. Call 665 hi First sr., mom 22, CARS WANTED We will either give yon spot cash or sell your cars for you. Jake. Ued Car Exchange, 28 N. 11th. Bdwy, 3214. WE ARE in the market for a number of email ear; will pay cajii. Grand are. Auto Ex change. 188 Grand ave. Phone East G563. TRADE three lota on Tibbetts st, valued at tiaoO. for late, model roadster. Call East 2455. between 6 and 7 :30 p. m. WANTED Good Tiuto. or what yon have, in trade for business, established, 432 Worcester Ding. WANT 1916 or lal7 Ford touring. Will pay HBO down, balance monthly. C-164, Jour nal. ' '19 OR '20 Ford Touring or Roadster Will pay cash and want your best price. Will not buy from dealer. East 4814. WILL make good trade for smaller cars. Have 1918 Studebaker 4 touring. AutomaUc i'an-sii. CASH for 192(1 Ledge or Baby Grand. Chevro- - 1.. 1 TB WANT to trade good piano, like new., for Ford FORD KOADSTER BODY WANTED I17A9 CASH for Ford", all models: get our appraisal. Yrnsow' Used Car F.vcbange. East 4376. WANTED 1 Jglit trailer tor touring Mt. biale price and particulars. N-1Q4. Jonrnal. WANT x'ord tmiriog from private owner; will WILL buy a Ford if price ia right, 107 13th et. , nea r iwinpon. IF Torn Ford hng priced ior quick saie call ilanOiaU SBU. ,. i t ';; . i t v I r ;':,-;; .''.".. v;"-;-;r AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8SO TO TKADE Motorboat for roadster or light 6 touring, 254 feet long, beam 5 H ft. IS Tl P. motor. E,iS. Patterson. Camas. Wash. BOX 1 WA N 1 til -iate Ford tourmc or roaaster, muiit be cheap for carh. gee Buiindey. liawtUonoe at Sth -t Kat 720. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 C'LAKIUNKT MALE Learn to play. Clarionet ; players always in demand. ; 19 profeaeiorMiI model clarionets. esepworB hot in A-l condition,, all at 1-3 original price, with privilege to exchange at price paid toward pay ment of any latet brand new clarionet. Six lesson free. Pricea: Besson make, waa $8.1. now $28 Corm make, waa $5, now $28 Buffet make, waa $75, now $23 Martin make, waa $45, now $15 Also several exhibition models, all actually 2-3, or 66 2-3, off. Sale rloara May 2. Eiler Musie Mdg. 7 floers devoted to music and mn siciansl. 27H Wah. st., junt below 5th. SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOTOU.NS, RIFLES, TOOLS. TENTS. SHOWCASES. SCALES, TYPEWRITERS, CASH REGISTERS. FURNITURE, KL'tiS AND ANYTHING OF VALUE BOUGHT. SOLD OR EXCHANGED. 10,000 USEFUL ARTICLES TO TRADE NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE 128 FIRST ST.. MAIN 4495. ACT. 627-46 MT. SCOTT STORE. KERN PK., ACT. 825-82 WE 8AVE YOU MONEY House wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electric (store. 224 H Third St.. near Salmon. Main 6055. SAVE YOUR WIFE Send your laundry to Snowflake Wet Wash. Clothe waehed rrnvwy white in separate compart ment. Phone East 8433. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New machines sold for less: no ' agents employed. Bargain in 2d hand machines. Parts and tepalrs for all Machine rented and renairinc euaranteed. Main 9431. 190 3d st, nesr Taylor. CREAM SEPARATOR for sale cheap. Good as new, 700 pound capacity, has both the disc and wing effect, and very close skimmer, easy running and e.y to clean, low down tank. Call and see for yourself, seeing is believing. Take Mt. Scott car to 84th tt, S. E. one block south from car line, residence No. 6201. WINDOW SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS ' Screen coolers. 3 sizes: breakfast tables. medicine chest and all other apecial cabinet work made to order. Lumber and moulding for sale and retail. UNIVERSAL WOODWORKING CO.. luo N. 3d St.. Cor. Flander. 1). B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER STORE. 171 FRONT ST.. BET. MORRISON I AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lum ber. laLh, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen doors, fruit and vegetable box shooks. Se our odd stock of sash, doors. Hawthorne Electric Co. LIGHTING FIXTURES, ELECTRIC WIRING, MOTORS. SUPPLIES I. DROUTLLAT, E. B. EVEREST. 880 Hawthorne ave. East 5725. SINGER ELKC1R1U SEWING MACHINES W take your machine in exchange, balance cash or easy payments. Phone for demonstra tion. Machines rented. Expert repairing, any make. MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE 882 Morrison -t. Mar-ball 721. A iANiY walnut Vose piuoo, cuet when new $475; present day price $550. Owner saya take $200 cah or Liberty bonds for immediate sale. See this; also Oabler upright mahogany; name price or on terma $12 a month. Oregon Eiler Music House (7 floor devoted to music and musician"!), 2S7 Wash. st. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418 Bnrn iide. corner 10th. Broadway 6674. OFFICE FURNITURE Bought, sold and exchanged. HANSEN-WADEXSTEIN DESK CO., 105 Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877. FOlt SALE or rent, steam shovel, revolving type, on traction wheels, first claa condition, ready to work. RAILWAY EQCD7MENT CO. 23 5 Stork. Main 2363. POTATOES. PRIDE OF MULTNOMAH Oood table or seed, $1.00-$ 1.50; 40 sal. feed cooker. Gresham car. p. O. Lents sta.. Box 470 R D. 3, Portland. Or. WM. BAILEY, ! Lawn mowers Sharpened and repaired, 366 HAWTHORNE i, AVE EAST 6786. LE 1 us wash your ruga with the Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer in your home. We do vacuum cleaning and floor waxins : Wood lawn 575S. Cow or Morse Fertilizer Big loads delivered anywhere. Kast 7636. Dentistry DR. A. W. KEENE 851 Wa.-hineton St. without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. i'ltt .sAl.h No. .' Oliver tytwwrllcr, gootl a.-s : new; will sell for $30; leaving town. 571 I Tlrarmin st. Bdwy. BUGS washed on yonr tiuor with Hamilbnn Bearh electric carpet washer; also vacuum elesning done. East 4045. ThOROI'GHRKED Partridcc Wyandotte hen end chickens, also two half Persian kittens. SeSlwoewt 1112. SAFE Hall fire proof safe. Make offer. 204 Oerlinger bldg. , HARDWOOD, light delivery body with gli pane ta and doors. IVed month. Cost $97. Will sacrifice $25. Wdln. 2881. BifiS Foi. WINiEU Psck your eggs now. Strictly fresh, infertile eggs. Phone East 404. SEHD.VD 1UND furniture nought and sold. Simmons beds, $;).45. 790 Miss.' Wdln. 4612. DRY cord wood. $S50; cheaper grade. $7.50. Woodktwn 4011. Hansen, call after 7 p. m. v.- FOR SALE Piano 250, refrigerator $15, din ing room table and chairs $20, large rug $25, bed et $25 3S Grand ve. N. FOR correct time, call Main 3579. For scien tific watch repairing, aee Miller, next door to Majestic theatre. UNION Apparel Excnange bells slightly used ladies clothes, new spring hats, eto. 719 Union sve. N., cor. Ivy. East 1828. KKFINISHING, cabinet work, etc. Phone l.a-st 664 9. CUTHBERT raspberry plant, $5 per thousand. Wdln. SOO, evenines. NEW Ml LTIOHAPH, COMPLETE; CASH OR EASY' TERMS. MAIN 5134. $150 EMERSON phonogrspn, ued 2 months; just like new, $55. Main 3026. TAILOR-MADE suits left on band at half price. Modern Tailors. 89 N. 6th st FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 lat St.. near Ash. LOTS PLOWEK Phone Min 4307. John Corn. FOR SALE Registers, showcase, wall Cash or credit- 242 Salmon. WOOD, old first growth fik, Oeli vered$ 1 0 a cord. Call Main 1515. SPECIAL pricea on summer delivery in No. 1 lir and King lump coal. Sellwood 257. LADIES' spring apparel and hats at great re duction irom aressmaaer. atast iuis. DRESS SUITS lor rent; we also bar dress suits. Barell's Misfit Clothing. 51 3d st. VACUUM cleaners. rented$ 1 per day delivered. Week days Bdwy. 2872. Eve. Tabor 5786. VACUUM cleaners tor rent. Nc a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 8495. IF YOUR . turnace f modes or doesn't heat well call Leonard. Aut. 326-51. GA SOLINE and oil storage Unas and pomps. i . yj. box oo i. J ATTRACTIVE used apparel, very reasonable. i -t i.. ,,ieaii s. .-iiTiii. jailor ZB.a WAYNE gasoline tank and pump for sale, cheap. t T. r ,i -r i . ' oo. .lot. ELECTRIC washer for sale, factory guarantee k'ts wii ii ; prac-icaiij new. laoor t tyJ i. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners void, excuanjzea. - . 1 II.. .T u.;. . n . ROOT beer barrels, soda fountains and supplies. suowcaaes, otner iixturra. zo v a.-Bington. BUSINESS U good we'll say so! Vtribfiit Wet "ii ec oiif ivi iaireiia. i w-t .loo FANCY wrapped Yakima apples; bargain pricea. 1 53 Front st., near Morrison bridge. HIRES' fountain and 5 ft. counter show a bargain. Tabor 1249. WANTED lOO.OOO dirty hands to ue GETS IT swap. Ask your arocer. ETR" Y' buggy, cheao. aood as new. lias v '-'9th North. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, almost aa good as EET us do your digging and lawn work: hour "i ciif.ract. tvoouiawn OJOP. BEAU XIFUL" brown luTuHii and hrxu t w...v. East 6524. RO FS , painted, oiled or waterproofed, pre-war iJiMT .. miarantrefi wore, Mam. 869 DRY box wood for sale. $5.5 ier load.- Call .wm. iigin, r i i.ij aiotitaaa ave. Hi! ill Com pings made Ui. 8. V. Fierce SHALER tire and. tube vuicaniaer, good aa new, naif price. 7(4 Mississippi ave. LAWN mowers tharpeacd auil repaired, 774 . Mississippi are. . re h a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 WBEOUXO TANCODTEB BARRACKS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FOB. 8AXJB 859 -yftreooa ebfnar cloeeta end tank. Steel storage and pressure tank. 120. 664 gal., test 110 lbs. i Tabasco 11. W. heating boiler. No. 7. . American Ideal H. W. heating boilers. .1 F. B. steam boiler, 54x16. 1 836 8 steam American heating boOes. 10,000 ft steam radiators. Pipe, valve, fittings.' FORREST AL. MacQUAID & CO.. 19th and Beserva ata., . Phone 52T. Vancouver. Wash., Box 24. Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGB easb reals ters. f onntaina, sr-aaps. tlon xixtiuesv L BOXER, Mar. 2488. 118 Second t CEBM CHESTS Direct from factory to your home, Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; aolid copper trtmaainga. latent designs. Write for catalogue. i. W. HIGOINii as SON 1912-16-1S T. OLISAN. TABOR 808 SSaS5?'gga?.sf ORNAMENTAL vases, garden Dencnes. Dira natn loon tains, etc. Buy direct from factory. Standard Art Ston Co.. 1630 Macadam at. Marshall 778 or 309 fi. 11th st. 10 DBOPHEAD sewing machine with attach ments, $20 each; portable electric machine for rent : sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steea, 152 Grand are. East 2359. THE VALUE of a machine ia but sbgbtly rertuced by a little ue. yet we sell all makes at lexa than pc-ce; latest new Singers, cash or time; rentals. $3 a month. Singer Store. 193 4th. Main 0833. . OFFICE FURNITURE ADDING MACHINES. , New and used desks, chairs, files, aafes. safe cabinets, sjiecial, perfect condition, 7 bank Bur rough. $145; 5 bank, $100; new safeguard checkwriter. $10,000 bond $37.50. Wax Of fice Equipment House. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. Sewinsr Machines We bare the largest stock of sued Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 3d. near YatnhiU. , HOT WATER BOILER for a)e, $5; liatit and h.rv eiiiin of all kinds. We weld, (awn and up ring. Price right. All work guaran teed. Get our estimate neiore navue juur done. Independent Welding Shop. E. Water and Washington sta. 1'none r-asi SAFES Fire and bhrglar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices. boux'-M. oa and exchanged. Easy terma if deeireo.. NOP.RIS SAFE eV LO- 'K CO. 105 Second 8t Mam 2048. ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE 1-bght chain fixture 1.35. 3 lights $4, 14-inch in direct bowl $9; we do electric wirina. Reliable Electric. Union ave. at liuaeelL Phone Eatt 36R6. Open evenings CLOSING out ssle of nursery stock, fruit and ornamental trees, grapevines, berry plant and shrubs in variety at less than cost. East Side Nursery, telephone E. 8474. 51 Union are. N. open .-Sunday A DAN DY little upright piano is to be sold for iamny morula oaca to cniuuiu, w it's worth more than $260. See piano dept., second floor Eilers' Music bldg. Elevator 2o7 Washington. ' THE VOGUE, room 40S Ahakj bldg., entrance on bd near Morrison, has exclusive wearing apparel, some slightly used; very reasonable; alo children s clotnee, X to n. A'1'OMOWIl.Eij, MOlOUCICtJiO, LAUNCHk-a er boats are aeparate clarification. A large listing will be found under these different claaat- ricstions. UkdKRN furniture reuaired. refinished. uphol- stered, crated and shipped; scratches removed from pianos and phonographs. The Furniture Shop, phone East 3574. LICENSED independent electrician, wires a rooms for $12. 5 rooms $20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to paaa inspection. Woodlawn 3791. HOT WATER TANKS 8bgaL ST. 40-gaL $9; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace coils: gas heaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams sCE. 8510. WHY .n everlajuue asravUou by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable rooff We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kind of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 5120. FOR, SALEi 1 Garland gas water heater $12, 1 gas piate, 1 gasoline eamp stove, 2 Ford var tm refers, 1 Ford luggage carrier, rear end, 106 E. Hlt st. N., near Olisan. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your slightly used dresie. furs, shoes, coats, at reduced price. 403 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 8182. .ktt or Uacd st cutting and iHjliahiruf nid ilfine. State price and condition in first letter. A. L. Royce, Marsh field. Or. COMPUTING SCALES, cam register, coffee mills, mest choppers and general store fix tures, st 220 Stark st, between 1st and 2d. Plowing and Harrowing PHONE 626 83 EVENINGS 5) ROSECITYPRINTERT S LS0 You must brine this ad. 120 5th St. Lawn Mowers Sharpened THONE EAST 6424. lto. 'much tor inile. tknid aa new $15. I'houe Tabor S39 4. FOlt SALE 1 cook stoTe $10. 1 heater $8. 1 can ranee . 621 E. 14th st. S. ST HON G 1'anberry 'tip planet for sale $27.50 per 10O0. J. lmmtr. Huber, tr. 111. IK Kilk poplin maternity dreaa, like new. Rnaonble. Tsbor 2.1 1 2. ZOKH iiano truck, lOxlti inirtable garage. Main 243. SEVEN BANK ADDING MACHINE, $17.50. 4''0 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. MAKE yonr own trailer, rubber tired carriage wheels cheap. 787 Washington St., basement. TWO teuu, 12x14 and 6x8 and a fly for sale. -!i Mroartway after 4 o clock, BEAUTIFUL ma. 9x12. $25; overstuffed rocker. $35. Ea.t SO.tM. FINE reed baby biiacy. ivory, corduroy lining, pocrt value. Wdln. 123. 2 TON truck for sale, or trade for am ail truck, car or real estate. Aut j 623-55. Popcorn and i-canut machine for sale cheep. iwy. 4 7 3U FOR SAIJ-; S.t Uiihe and kilchen uteusiU, al- mt new. Phone Ea?t S334. PITTSBURG instanuneoui water healer for aale. 144 N. 1-h st. Broadway T.T,H. WHAT havs you to fxchanae for a cabinet phonograph? 148 13th st. Bdwy. 2553. FOR SALE Ga range. Clsrk Jtrwei. slightly tiseo; leaving town, otia j Hroadway, CEDAR FENCE l'OSTS. Seliwood 257, eve ning Sellwood 1672. VACUUM cleaner for aale. good as new. Phone Tabor 7607. CESSPOOLS and gewer coiiDtcuon and cement worV. Miller. Main ,181. UtiiiiiAitf i-aspoerry ptaula, very line, o per IQrtO. Wr.odtork Nnr-ery. Rell. 23S2. LOI fOWlN(; OK HARKOVVLNG MARSHALL 3515. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day, 85e delivered. Wdln. 1259. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 BANJO SALE Learn to play, lessuua free. ;AU standard makes to choose from. ! Banjos that were $125, trow $78 Banjo that were $ 40, now $26 ' Banjo that were $'75, now $4 7 i And ever so many other. Pay eah or tray on time. Sale closes May 2. .Oregon Filers Mu mc Hone, mtin floor, entrance 287 H Wah.i t. SEX;LKITV STOBAGE CO. Clceing out uw; upright piano. $75, $193, $215. $2&5 ea-.h. Also one $750 player, $365: $950 player, $495. risno 'torcd 75c monthly. Cor, ldci and Stark. Will exchange fine new Victrola. Edisoa, erafe nola or Brunswick phonograph and records for it i , . . ... I'utiio. jaism aiacmne t.o. , aau Aider, utiio. maae musio compartment pfcno bencne finished to ofder, $12. Harold 8. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st $15 CASH and $10 monthly aa before the war) buy $325 new piano for $395, at Sihwsn Piano Co.. 101 10th st.. at Stark. WAN.1EU To buy pianos, players and phono graphs. Will pay cash. Call room 550 up stairs, zitm vtasnimrton st. Ant. 511-20 HIGHEST - pricea ' paid tor pianos, iihonoaraph record?, musical instruments. Exchange and repair - gnorti pt.. Mtm tiff 12 CHAFF BROS, piano. Juat new. Will sacri fice and give term. Tbor 2246. FOR tiALE Bargain, cabinet phonograph and" record". 1309 Sandy blvd. RENl Gratonoia, $3 per mo. Empire Trnfer. 254 Bdwy. Bdwy. 185. WANTED Cood uaed piano for eaah Viw SMALL TALKING MACHINE" WANTED Main 4495. Ant. 827-48 35-82. j NEED of money. $125 take $200 new Stadi- ' tiongrHi. ,ywnw. AUtot f4-54. 2 tlOLINti lor .eie cheap. Call E 59H I'UNU WAMED ij casu. Main .Sou!" MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 We Will Trade You A BEAOTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH For Your Old Piano WHY NOT? COMB CP AND LET US TALK IT OVER v SEVENTH FLOOR Lipman, -Wolfe & Co. CASH BUYERS. A -TEN HON Security Storage Co.. Spring Clearance $450 Emerson upright. ca?h ....$14u $575 New upright, mit of storage, ea5h...$293 $550 Kimball, modem, eak, cash .......$290 Two small upright pianos, cash,' $65 and $ 75 $530 Gaylord, large, carved, jcesh ....,..$245 $475 C. A. Smith, large, tine condition.. . $2 1 h $525 Vose A Sons, good shape, eash. . . . . . $193 $57S Davia 4k Bona, large mahecany $295 $250 Pianola player. 30 player roll. $ 4 5 $750 lienor player pin, 49 player rolls. .$363 Four parlor organ. $18, $25, $33 and 38 103 10th L. eor. Stark t Wshtngton. , PIANOS KEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS CTYTTTNO FBICES AND CONVENIENT TERMS WE SELL FOR LESS Lipman, Wolfe & Co. SEVENTH FLOOR APPRECIATIVE municuui wanting very fine Sheraton model genuine Edisou diamond dfec phonograph not to be told from new, rout $200; a:o $30 in record and $10 .Victrola rrctnl, attachment; total value' $240; can be secrired at bonafide discount of $80, almott 40 ; all cash not necessary. See phonograph headquarters, 3d floor Ell era Musts bldg., Washington, between Fourth and Fifth Pianos to Rent We will rent yon a brand new standard piano and apply money paid on purchase price. Why rent second-hand piano, elsewhere t Answer. KNABB WAREROOMS. LIPMAN. WOLFE U CO. A DANDY little upright piano is to be sold for family moving back to England; pay us $105:; it'a worth more than $250. Sew piano dept., second floor Eilers Music bldg. Elevator 287 Washington. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 COAL and wood range ....... $1 5 00 ua . Cook stove $10.00 up Oaa (toree $10.00 UP Gaa water heaters .$ 9.00 up - Floor coverings, yard ...$ .75 up Kitchen queens .,...........$ 8.00 up Kitchen cabinet $12.00 up IMning Room extension tables... 7.00 up Dining room chain ..........$ 1.50 up Living room rockers 4.00 up Library table ......$ 5.00 up Simmon beds $10.50 up Cotton felt maUrsaaea $ 6.75 up Steel spring ........ , ...... $ 5.00 up Coil springs ................$ 8.00 up Dressers .....$ 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208-210 First t A VERY line $200 Uteat style Victrola with repeatograph attachment and with $40 worth of maenificent Red Seal and other Victor rec ords, actual $250 value; will sacrifice $105 for quick cash sale or $5 ad'litional on easy pay ments. See phonograph headiiuarters, 3d floor Filer Music bldg., 287 Wash, st-, just below Fifth. Reed Specialty Shop - 319 WILLIAMS AVENUE Manufacturers of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture made to order; also repaired and rermistied. Buy direct from factory. S i EEL range $20, airtight hea ter w ith -coa I grate, pipe and board $12. llotiomt headlight heater (new) $12. Heywood baby carriage $22.50, grass rocker $8, grase nig $8, dining set $40. other articles cheap. 1105 Hawthorne. Tshor 8325. A Jr'IXB style 10 walnut ictroia, complete with record, will go for any offer better than $75, cah or easy payment. See phonograph head quarters, 3d floor Eiler Music bldg.. 2874 Wa-h. et. ' FOR SALE cheap, a lot of furniture consist ing of beds, single and double, Vulcan gas range, electric heater, rockers, etc. Main 3358. 4 74 Jefferson r. FOR SALE China closet worth $75 for $33; two 9x12 rug", brass bed andt other fumi tore at bargain. Leaving city. 170 Vista ave., apt. 5S. Marhall 18S1. a " NEW overstuffed tapetrr daverfport, roekert and chair, spring edge and cushions. Latest pat tern. Worth $225. Price $163. Beckman'a Furniture Co., 283 Rnssell. FOR SALE Osk dresser, sanitary couch, 1 double bed and spring: reasonable. Tabor' 612. 949 E. 73d N. R-C car. WE ARE closing out our stock or eeeood-hand furniture, stoves and ranges. See us for barcrainf.. 2S8 N. 16th st Bdwy. 2223. FOR SALE Household furniture,- vefy cheap, carpet, heater, kitchen, range. 4 69 6th si- Phone Marhsll 647 PARTY' leaving city will sell cheap a hookca. hall rack and mirror on stand; kitchen table and two rdisnt fire. 48.-i8 96th at. S. E, 4 DOliEN" quarts Economy jars, cheap if take lot. Call Woodlawn 1437. FURNITURE "f 4 rooms cheap. (Joing East 7I 7th st. S. K. FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 FOR SALE 1 ! h. P. gasoline eniine wHU pump, praeticily new. (Ian be seen running; been mcl about two months.. Taylor Street (tnek . West Side. TO OO cheap for quick sale, Wii.amette wide face 'roading donkey 12x14, with er without lines. GX-84 2, Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 ROWROAT for rent for salmon fishing at Red ding boathouse, Unnton ferry slip. Good salmon fishinc close. . FOR, SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S REBUILT typewntcrs. sll makes, rentals, re pairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA por table. SCNDSTRAND adding machines. Mala 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth St. ALL makes guaranteed - on. year. Best ra-ron- Wholesala Tt-oewriter Co.. 821 W asnincton st-. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired I and sold on monthly payment plan.. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 6'h st Main 8668. OFFICE FURNITURE 906 36-IN. light oak. roller, top desk. Pat. lock, just use new. qn v.. ititn st. . SWAPS 925 FOR SALE 1917 Light ttix, sell cheap or traile for Ford, or livestock. Call at 030 E. 24th st. B. - WILL do painting, decorating, tperhanging aa first payment on small car. Probst. Tabor 5218. 1918 Dort, good condition, 4 new tires. Will take Victrola rart payment. 1383 Divi sion st. Tsbor R603. LOT in E. St. Johns a.ddiLou close to carline, to trade for piano or FotiL DX-4 93, Jour nal. HAVE 60-acre farm to excliange lor house or stock of merchandise. What have you? DX-494, Jonrnal. I WILD accept a goed piano as part payment on my Overland Country Club roadster. KX-855, Jonrnal. I OR SALE or exchange, 2 rug, almost new, for overstuffed furniture; one ia 9x19.4, the oilier Pv9 feet; afro a 9x12 rag rug. Woodlawn 4 I 20. $150 GOOD lOo tricar for lot, or what have you to match tn trade S-013 Journal. DIAMOND ring for vacuum cleaner in A-l condition. 529 Everett. Broadway 199S. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 WAMtl People ot fort Is na to know that I pay th. highest cash price for second-bad nouseboid good. Xo amount too large ox too small. Prompt attention. . " ' N. M. SEA TEH Pbon. E't 2208. 143 Rnwefl at. UOLSL C1.EA .-.i:. TIME Do net throw thine awav. 1 nav arood nrlnW for second-band furniture and household gaods. ike tools, clothing and all kind of junk. Call aiain ( BEST CASH PRICES F6k " ALL KINDS OF JUNK SUPPLIES. TOOLS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. BEFORE SELLING CALL MAIN $43. WE PAY' highest pricea lor aeconduand eioth ing, shoes, furniture, trunk and bags. 82 N. 3d t. Broad wiy 355. . ' SMALL TALKING MACHINE WaN'Te6'"" Main 4493. Aut. 627 46 625-82. WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. NEAR MORRISON W want njiaegt fnrnitn rm dvl CA.nmtM A nry inq iyn rirt St. tSMU Mam 4Z7. - Used Household Goods, Tools and inak rant Rid Sccnndhajid fltiare. 27X BuaseU. s 638T. WANTED FURNITURE 952 - WK WANT Y0CR ' V CSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILL. PAT TOP MARKET : PRICES If yon have anything In the Hardware ox Furniture Line to aetl or .exchange Call ua first.- Main 9072. . Levin Hardware & : Furniture Co. - 221-3-8 Front St Portland, Or. Main 9072. ' - . Corner! Salmon. KUi4itH f'UK CMED' FI'itAliLliK Main 8S78 UNITED FFRNITURE PTORB 173 FIRST 'STREET v- M. R. SHATTER . Bny fne best aa wetl as eweaper grse of avennd haad furniture. 286 Grand ave. Aut. 292-01. JI'F.IXON Kl'JlN. CO. Pvs yeur pnew for furni ture.' Eaat 6957.- 113 Grand ave. WE BUY used furniture, stove, etc. TUHable Furniture Co.. 3-205 2d. Wain 7308. PERSONALS 075 SOMETHING NEW Hate you tried the eleo. tno "manicure at 315 Broadway building f 50e. ' Main 6654. SUI'EKFl.UOUS HAltt. moles, waru removed by 10 needle method. . Trial free. Joaie Finle. 514 B'h It tide Main 6368. D nv,rtioir Consultation i KKu All rases. lUaiWyCr ft04 Feuton Bldg.. 84 6th at. Broadway 4-993. ARMY OOOOS V. S. ARMY GOODS tut le, wholesale and retails price reduced. H. nortnstain. i5 Jtfcat, 204 lat at. Main T57$.r . . k w w k n v . . n ORDERS taken in embroidery, lace and paint ings. 493 Wa-ih. Mrs. J. F.ptwtein. ART NIIOLIWORK MTTORfaEVt Ev- W. EASTMAN. Uwyer and notary yublie, 9T14 Chamber' of Commerce Wdg. BATHS Turkish Baths (f.lSBHo.l ; Electro Therapist 24-honr service to men. BARIiR OOtLEOI MODERN Karhrr raUnia teachea the trade in 8 weeks; tools furnished, and some pay while learning; special ratra lor April, van or wrtw lor particulars. 234- 1st t BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS UOLMAN, INC., 109 2d . blnk book maniifacrnrer. A-81B3. Maln 18.3. OARPENTEM AWO BUILDERS .RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. . Contractors & Builders Houses built, plan furnulhed : tor front alterationa. counter, (helving; general repair ing. Door and window screen maoe to oraer, First claaa workmen only. 1B West Para. Main buz. ANY KIND v earprnicr work or cabinet uiai.- Ing. Call Wdln. 5195; CAT AND DOC HOSPITAL fiuos tail tsiiu.tAsi nuax-aAu, iw. E. ' 7th and Ursnt. Both phone. Day and night service. Three veterinarians. CEMENT WORK FOlt tteueut wora aii aind.i, large or small. reasonable prices, call Mr: Smith, lanor zaja. tbMti.N'1' IoundaUons,-ceineut work ot all kinds. rionea raiseil leasonable. Mar, 1(11.- CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS ACT. 643-77 CHIROPRACTORS Clllltdl'lt ACTIC staaiai baths and mi - 10th floor' Hroadway bldg. Marshall 8187 Dr. Leura E Downing. Open evenings. R McMAUON ' (McUin) his system PopU taking adjustments while smiling; 1 1 tn year, CLEANINO AND DVEINO FRANKS Expert Jyelng and cleaning, with prompt at tention al at right price. W ere one year old anj growing every Ly. Union ate. at YVeidler at- fcJut OlO. rtEGAL Cleaneis, .Tailun and llattera Clean- ing and dyeing a apecaiwty. Out of town mail order- given prompt atttun. 127 N. eth at., Portland. Or. . . . CLOCK REPAIRING. EXPERT clock ani wau-li repairing. Coast Clock Co. 204 Gerlinger hlda. Mr. 4364. COAL AND WOOD ' Peoples Fuel Co. ' - . Wood -'ami coal. Prompt aervice. Dry . cordwofid, 1 -iuch. $8.50 per load; half dry cordwond iu' 2 V4 -cord lot. $8.25 per cord. Other wood of many kitidt reasonable. Oilice 21 Fremont St. Phone Aut.- 327-61. Warning0onrt Wait For lower price on wood- they Won't go lower. Ict u,i protect you on yonr summer order. Haw thorne Fuel Cov" East 6106.. ttiKIMWRll), A-l first growth fir, $8.50 de livered, 2-3 cord loU direct from (he coun try. .6 cord loin, $8,25. icr cord. Piedmont; Alberta, Irvmgpm fcoutli, of Oregon st, $9. W'ltn 4S"7. " 6 . . BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macadam. Pbon Main 4173. liual (.l.l'tv ill l-.AtKA lilll K RED 1"1K COLNTRY SLAB AND I tlRDWOOD . Cclar Cicrk Wood Fuel Co. Phrmf. Broadway 1783.". 4H T.0 N. 13th t GOOD 1C and 12 In. country slab. $3,50. $7.60. Heavy block, sis b. $S. liRY. eord, loa4. half lod. Bargains. iJelivered anywhere. Sell. 1769. Cnr'Awnnd nwi sound Wr4WUiUl keennd growth. Ruy early. OREGON Fl EL CO.. WOODLAWN 4102. i l. 1 yuur -.winter wood now. - (;ax1 dry mni , wood,. cordv' fot $4H; single cord, $lt.50. r . v.. iiwrnati t o. . ..lain rtif. FIRST (.ROW 'I II ( OKDWOOD, i.lf PER I'CItfl. OAK W.K)D, $10.50 CORD. PHONE ni'l.J.-.i.lli COCNTKt KLABWtxlD Green or dry, 4-font or sawed, : Star Wood Con, Co.. Main I012. i'lKHr krowlh corUwuodf h.ll; dry 4 f)t .-liihwixxl, $7.50 lift cord; block and slab 16 Inch. a bwd. ltrosdwav 4 1 Id. C JJ C N 1.1 t slaiiwooil. $t;.5i cord. Etety stick wmnd. never in water. Woodlawn 1 95(i. 1-iJiv guo.1 oid giou lir uuud.or liravy coun- tj pian, call r'Ml. .1 1 HEAVY- first growth oordwoml. short and 4-ft. , -ilsb; price right. Call Woodlawn 2019. FIRftT. GJiOW'IH r tor May delivery, $H.30 !r eom. - Furnngron rTiel t o,. FJtHt 5205. BEST dry old growth cordwood. loo cannot beat -it. $9.3 per conl. Aut. 616-h 7 , BLOCK AND SLAB mixed in 16-in. liT" tT. . L. -1. 11 ... ...... . W 1 W'C S M-MTTTT C. 11 HPQT (004. COitoVtf OD, t if r cofd, in 2 cord lota. Nations! Fnel Co.. lji-t. 2l41. tliwi groiui coidoia sil pr c.ird, delivered special jirice on larger lots. Wdln. ! DRY WOOD WFDLN. 33H7. FOIi bst prices on coidwood. slatiwotid and ....I ' call Heerdt Fnel Co.. Eaat 2456. .DRY BIXH K FOR HALE WD,N. 252s" " ' : ' OENTI81 ' EXP EHT den- tistrv st .. . la?S t: of nearly one half maae possible by OUr location nfr 1l KiavK DR.-B. E. WEIGHT" 8d floor. Raleigh bid a., eor. tn and Washington ata. Main 2119. A-21 19. ltefV DR; A. W. KEENE. SSIFV JRIH Washington St. Without Pain. ' Latent Nerte-Blocking Method DRUQCESS RHVSIO, AN DR, JOS. SMITH, drugleaa pbysiciao. UsaU all -dlawues. men. women and cUUdran. 2 14-1 9 f Meaner piog EDUCATIONAL OANCIMO ringler dancing academy PORTLAND'S LEADING ST.'HOOLS ' Cotilhcn ball. 14 th off Wash.; Broadway ball. Broadway and Main. Clase and private lessons by expert professional Instructor, in all branches ballroom, classical, ballet, etc. Phone or call lor appuintmenta. Broadway 8 3 0, 513-39. - Downey's - : Dance iStudio !j: 886 H ' Washington street, over llaaelwood. Formrr instrirctora Cotillion ball Main 5558. It Patterson Is-jwney. int. - THE DANCE STUDIO, 509 Ieaum bldg.. Wash - ington at Third. Private hour or half hour lesson; day, evening, 9:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Course levaont sperially priced Claag Uondt, rnday, 7:80 p. m. His Ireland SCMMER'H Oancina. Academy. Itandna guars o tesxi in 8 1 hr. Imiwrni. ." Si 6th. near Hurt. Chib dance-. Tiles. : class. Thnrsday. Mwr. aifill. JSU8IC SCHOOLS AND TKACMERS la. CARROLL DAT, teacher of voice tod piano, I 1 i li m n . i. as . A n s . I mgMim m mis - I - I no XAUl tu xruauway . 1 97S DH NISRETT'S bath and massage, conducive ti health and vigor; nerviiu ease treated; electrical treatment, m aage, baka oven; methods e.rect and pricea riahr. Call at offic. and arranc appointment; delay may mean dimiMnt cnent. 533 Pittuck blk. Broadway 518. LEAKN t piay. l.-.nv tree. tkuleie aaie! G era test vartety at half rrl.e. 812.50 style. tl.O0 $ 7.0(1 styles, $3 . $ 8.80 styles, $2 75 Ranjiikea and imiMirted hand made models Also inrluiled. Kale eke-ei May 2. Filers, main floor, Eiler Mirio bldg., entrance 287 h Wash, t.. int below 5th. DEAD IS Y0CRWATCH OR CLOCK DEADf Watch gla-we 25c, maitisprinit $1, cleaning f 1 60 and up. Why pay more. Coast Clock Co.. 204 Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder. LEATHER continues ugli m prict., -l'allierlil. on siloes, harness or anfo titis rvduces the rmt becsuse it prolong the life ot anytliinit that' leather. l-eaUwrlifs Co. 1'hone IJrtHiU way 400. illU CORNS, inarowing naiU, prdicuring ami manicuring, see Dr. EtJicl A. Sacry. 603 RaleiKh bidg. 10 a. m. to tl p, ro. Appoint- mentt eveiiinir. Marshall 3.176 tl tiETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST nd ARCH SPECIAUST whe doesn't hurt you: 8 yra. here Exsm tree. Globe Thestre bldg.. 11th nd Wa.'h. Bdwy. 224. alAMHAt.E, hatha. Dr. Elina noreniTi S"(TS Panama bldg. Main 508(1. Drugim physician. D asuaio ichoou and teachers T. E. LAW SON 20 yer' rirlence; plane ' lesson at your home. $ 1 . A u t6 4 3J 8. - MRS, ANNA LHOMMEDIEW ll'llOHE. teacher of piano. 391 Mtll st. Msrshall? HI03. ELECTRICAL WORK V. J. tShortyl TCRNElt. iiceiiHe.1 electrician. I-t Shorty do your electrical work, wire your "ew or old home. Automatic 827-52. FLUFF RUQS AND RAO RUOt RUQ CO.- Fluff flnrs. Made From Old Carpet. Rag lints, a Specialty. Carpet Cleaning, Siclng. Refitting. We Csll snd lie liver. 1672-1674 Tj. 17TH ST SEI.LWOOn B6?. HAT CLEAN. R8 AND DYERS HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable and a lsfactory. Royal Hat Vork. 223 First at. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS LAWN MAKING our specialty. Geo. Anton. 2002 E. Salmon. Tahor 3 4 4 1. LAUNDRY Lace Curtains l???nx. 2264y LAWNWOWER QRINOINQ LAWN MOVM.HS sliarpv'ied and repaired, worn guaranteed, called for and delivered. F.t 2H7. MILLINERY Ladies Th. Model list shop; rist 'style. lowest price. 72 E. 8 1st L, near Slsv: "KV" ear. NURSERIES QKEQORY fliEIQJtiTS NURSERY Perennial, porch box plants and shrubbery. Order gersn:oms and pansy plant now 683 80th St.. Rose City car. Tsbor 8 299, OPTOMETRIST .enasaw EYES scientificsliy tested with nvxU s&J ern instruments; glasses fitted at f3v- ',Tl"fi. Mttfactlon guaranteed. A. E. ntlRWITZ. Optometri-t. 22 9 lat St. PAINTINB. TINTINQ. RAPE RH AN Ol HO WaSB Paper, Paints, Etc, 228-330 SECOND STREET, MAIN 7822. UHL BROS., INC. Aibana Paint Co. ili wivT" Painting. Kal.. Paper hanging, I!am. E. 4 14 7 L-ET J . A. DAVIS A SONS bid on your wirs" patn ting tinting and pier hanging; work and ;!' l'OIll PAINTING, decorating ard .,' Phabo? 2e,T rU"J 2'' "'"rir"- SIGN PAINTING . TABOR 2116. VYN ir. 1 1 .7Tr : .... - i .f i . ri . " . .'?""? "nimg. 1 .4 ... ..... .... ......nw. iin. woodlawn 2126. PAINT tmiwr. kalsnmine make lioins . lie. rTuL el ma II eot.. 'Ierier.shle work Tahor 7L'( RATENT ATTORNEYS C,,GOIrJnEr,''' r tents, trsdem.rk,. cop, rights. 610 Chamber of Commerce bldg RMY8ICIANA J'R. r. a. I'DirTTPsT Bfiadway Biiz. fiffic. I'rscllrs nnlV RLA$TERINa bl plaster wall board, fr bsilenleM t!,m. baling walla Ohsfeldt.' 115 Fi.t ' U. PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTINA LOW 1, .11 kilir. ,." .".i r7.r .io"! TTL Co" lTl"lJ':"l '''"'"",. l l.iml,: 11 - - . . Il-Hf KIISuvJI I-' A' Pflumbinp :i:syni- i-miigandaeF. W A. HTFRH. 17 5-B. 62.1 st N. Ant 21197' 1' I. V M l 1 , 1; mi 'i-l.ll"K at w"Ho,E'iAT.'r. PRICKS STKK-iAVlMcn . kH 4.1, THE M. L KLINE CO , 64-6 6J 78 a'Prntir PRINTING, ENGRAVING, BINDINO rLTF.S A CO" - - tv inn ni Aliln 165. 51 1 61. THK IRWIN HUDSON COMPANY. 867 Washington. Broadway 434. A 121. ArJSJI IBV PR'NTiNi; ro, (tisiitr. sTTv. -101L.lUi H ice. 252 Wssh. t. Msin 4(171. " ROOF REPAIRING 6u HAVE your roof reiiairrd by eipert We rs lir or psint tin and shingle riots and tejiir or renew gravel- roofs. Msin 1424. Auk ( Mr. Pigeon. Evening rail W dln. 3 1 90. RO FS reiiaifrd and i.sinul ; iinlri 1 leanl Roof Security, Inc., til'gs. Webluo) I'smt 2 4 Board of Trade. Main 671. Main 5644 CI 665. ORl'.OON HOOKING CO. I'siiiting aii tei.slr" itig all kinds of roofs. Hot Gilsonlfe paint nsed. All work guaranteed. 17i4 K. Gluan st. Phones Tahor 40 17. Tahor' 7259 SHEET METAL WORK MULTNOMAffl SHEET ' METAL WORKS Roofing. gntterlng. sr-oiiting. Jfl'jhing : sol general retlrng. Phone Br..dviv 92 228 Ah SHOE REPAIRING Model Shoe Repair Shop Pre-war pricea on shoe repairing. Men's oak tsn hs'f solas, $1.50; ladies' $1.23. Itubbar heels, BOe. 122 FOURTTt 8T. MAIN r.22- 8T0VE REPAIRING Why Buy a New Stove?. We repair all kind of stores, gas range dJ fnrnaces Eat 591. TAILORING COME to L D. Rosen, the tailor, and sava $14 to $20 on yonr spring suit dua to low rent. Looted 66 N. 6th t.. bet, Everett nd 7svis. TRANSFER AND STORAGE WHO MOVES YOU ' " IS JCST AS IMPORTANT AS WHERE YOU MOVE Call Broadway 1281 or Aut 1169. One trucks and careful men are at your service. Oregon Transfer Co. . Office nd Btorf, 474 Gll. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER OO. Packing-Moving Storage -MONEY LOANED ON GOODS IS STORACB 53 Fourth tt, opp. Multnomah hotat I'booe Broadway 3719. a . "ALw'Afs' l'I'-K" tHr llEST WtfTlinTfT' GOODS SPECIALIST Storsit.. racking. hipping and moving: horse and auto Tana; a fa cial rates tn all point C. O. PICK TRANSFER STORAGE CO Id and Pine sta. Broadway 596. A-lf't, Storage and Transfer Ciay S. Morse, Dnc. 11T11 AND GLISAN, BROADWAY 9470 PORTLAND AL'To TRANSFER Co. is i, at 229 Main st. Urine Main 15.'0. .T.. nlngs csil 617-55. Any psrt ol city. ML hv t oany truis. VIM Trsner and Storsge. 15 rtv' frc s.Jr age. 42 In ion ave. r.-t 643 4. UWB R E L L 8 KLi'AlKI.O AND 111 J'OV'L'i.i.D ttiil mi Ot'io. THK St'RFTT SM'lf. a'lo 'j At.lil-'rt UPHOLSTERING lllliWAY uphoisK-rersi Ail liiuiiluij T '. PERSONALS itig and ui'holsterinj. Call anj dc r -Wdln. 800.