SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 13 r I' :N FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 -EDWARD iOLMff : & SI (WALTER J. BOLMA THIRD AND SALMON MAIN 607 East Side Funeral Directors F. S. DUN NINO. INC -The Family Set Uw Price" 414 TS. AMfr st, Phn rt 8S. Lerch, Undertaker EA8T ELEVENTH AT nAWTUORXB fHO.NK EAST 781. Dunning z McEntee Woraun st, it 12th. Dmilwi; 4 30. Aut. 645-88. CHAMBER CO. funeral Director A9 th Convenience of Horse Woocnswn 8306 24 8-250 KiJImgswortn arm. R. T. BYRNES SS&raEESS 601 WillUm sve. Woodlawn 220. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAUI t. DOWNING US KM A ii a Domelike .place. Moderate in prices. Imnctoa district. Pn one u oi. MILLER At TRACET, independent funeral di rectors. Prices u low a $20. $40. $60. "Washington at fctia. Main 2091. A-7885. JTEN TEE & EILERS. ' funeral parlor with aQ tb privacy of a home. 1 6 til aU operate st. Phone Broadway 2183. llom A-213S. Breeze&Snook lo47 Belmont St. Tab. 12S8. B 2546. A- R. Zelief Co. fSSir,?, re. 088. t CNllKRTAKI.SG CO. Main 4152 4?KCWC3 A-2321 . Corner Third and Clay. MONUMENTS 106 k HEY-l- REIIiElT CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS 1141 MILWAUKIB STREET Out of the High Kent District NUFF SKI)." OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QCALTTY MEMORIALS E. THIRD tUNE STS, PHOHC El43 , j?DLApSIMQ GRAMITE Co ' U 267-3RO ST. AT MADlSOM Portland Marble Works 866 t at. Op. City Halt Wen Bros. FLORISTS 107 MAa753 ciRKGf KiiKrtf youcrro 5T MORRISON BnOaDWAY PAOli MAtt.257 LARGEST QETAIL FLOfllST u, PORTLAND Ladies TIME TO PLANT YOUR FLOWERS "' We hate a beautiful assortment of plants of all kinds for window boxes flower beds, etc Special advice on ties' to plant. Very reason able prices ItoMnsoo-KaUauder Co., 940 K. 40th st. Sell. 1757. And Floral Daaign. 25 1 Large) Hothouses. ' No Branca Stores. . 24 Tel. Main 7 709. Smith's Flower Shop "Portia mi's Piagreasfv Florist" iftnwera fnr All Oeeaatons. Mala T215. . T. G LCKE. Mgr. gth and Aider. MARTIN A FORRES CO , floriau, 354 Wash ington. Main 26, A-120l. Flowers for ail occasions artisUcally arranged.. Eiir0ier FLORAL SHOP eOpiC S 245 Alder. . Marshall B922. N. W. Bsnk Biag. iiain C118 831 Morrison st. LOST AND FOUND 108 THE followiiiir -article were lound on the car of the P. R. L. Sl P. Co.. April 21; 8 urn rella. '1 luncli boxes. 1 key, 1 pin. 1 suitcase, 3 handbag. rgL gloree, 1 book, 5 packages, rlicker ooat, pictureH. handkerchief, Canity . box. -1 ruwer, Mh nonet in case. TARTY, who took or found boy's suit of clothes in Meier it Frank's box in 10 and 15a store t '5th and Aldar, April 2L please return to owner. Name on tag on suit. Boy needs suit Tery bsdly. Tabor 732. tsTOLEN Pit Hull, 7 nioa. old, white with red ears, tail arid ears trimmed, license No. 24 Id, answers to name "Rpn." 9123 Foster road. LtifSi V rit watch Friday, between 3:30 and 5 P. m.. between Sunnyside school and 37th. Reward Aut. 22-J!. WILL party finding overcoat of H. W. Smit-h please mail papers to 53 E. 87th St., city? Keep cosL Tabor 1M10. LOST Biack handbag taken by mistake from 2.1rd at. car. Owner in hospital. Mar. 2472. Reward. LOST Friilay. mans raincoat, on or near Broadway bridge. Finder please call Aut P23-44. 1j. 1ST Package of ice courion books on Broad - way. Call Ice Itohvery Co., Bdwy. 42S0 LOST Small package -contauiing 14 pictures and, 7 films. t-nndiT please call Tabor 4 64. L4MT JSilrer lixard net with rlunestones; re- warn. rjist mud or oa wucox ctag. LOST Ra-tern Star pin; keepiiake from daugh ter. , Main 271 . Reward. 1 35t4 'rt l'enn. vacuum cord tire on rim. Re wsnl. phone Main 233. 285 Stark'st. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 A REAL OPPORTTJNITX Too want a good position, don't you f Here's tiow to get it: Begin a conns of instruction at the Adcox Auto sellout at ones. (Not rne cent to be paid down).. IF AT THE END OF THIMTY DAYS YOU ARE ENTIRELY SAT ISFIED then pay one half of your tuition fee end AFTER YOU HAVE GRADUATED AND SKCL'RKD A GOOD POSITION TOU CAN PAY THE BALANCE OUT OF YOUR W AGES. School open for inspection daily at " ""OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN The state pays part of your tuition fee We will trurt yon fox the balance- until you secure a gooa position. ADCOX AUTO- SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. SPECIAL $25 APTO COURSES TOCR OPPORTUNITY AUTO and TRAC TOR, .-ignition and battery work, vulcanizing and retreading. Driving. Up-to-date practical shop experience. DAY and EVENING classes. Ore gon ex -service men, the atate rays you'r entire tuition fee. Catalogue and Information npon request. HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne eve.. Portland. Op erating the largest chain of practical Auto and Tractor Schools in the world. West's Largest Business College. Assures EVER- GRADUATE A POSITION. A.l business course, including eomptuaMtar training. Enroll any tint day school. Bight arhool. Wnta) for tree catalogue. ia at, Morrison phono Main 69Q. TOD CAN EARN YOUR WAY THROUGH AL1SKY BLDG.. 8D AND MORRISON. UNROLL in a burners school when studenU aa cura individual inatruction In the major snb fecta and personal attention in all subject, book keeping, stenographic, calculates, private sec ra ta rial courses offered. Wm or caul for inter view. New tcira now opening. Day and eve ning sessions. Oregon Inrtitutw of Technology, 181 th st... Main 8700. Local 3. - MODERN BARBER COLLEGE teaches thai trada in 8 was., tools furnished: soma pay. Peel tkma secured. Special rate this month. Writ or call for particulars, 234 First at. ' MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE will teach oa 1 tb trad in 8 weeks; receive some pay whiia learning ; positions secured; Oregon . ex-servic n.eo receive stste aid. Writ or call for cata logoe. 234 Bnrnside st, LKAUN BKAUTI CULItKt ' Night and day school. I hone Mar. 1702. Madaia Curtis will teach you tb couplet course; make yourself independent. 400 . D- knm bldg. " ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Enroll free. Frank K. Welle, former asst. atate snpt.. Mgr.. N-W. Bang bldg. Auto. S 12-18. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wage whiia Warning; positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' xperierce. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madrsoay MLSKJAI, education lor ex-service men under state compensation at t he Modern Conferva lory of MTiete.- 14 IStli t Bdwy. 2555. "" EAfeT 6ID1C COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ' Misa Rcgina Buckel's privata school ; inrhvidnai n Aft Dri aa XHJ)011 ll00 Saatroetion. 122 Grand are. East 427. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway T.'.rgraph in stitute. 434 Railway Exchange bid. migat HELP WANTED MALE 201 WANTED Lara textile mill, baa permanent position to offer to a neat appearing young man with successful experience in hons-to-honse soliciting; bo delivering; commissions paid daily; referencea required; floaters will- not be consid ered. Inquire at office of Real 8 ilk Hosiery Mill, 214' Stock Exchange bide. HIGH POWER MEN ABLE TO EARN $500 TO $1X100 A MONTH Concern is well and favorably known and of fers a good future for producers. Call t to 11 a. m., 80U Lumbermen bldg. AUTO MECHANIC Wanted First cles A-l mechanic for steady work year around; prefer married man. Must hare yean of experience ami own band tools. MiKt be able to fit and scrape bearing, etc Clean, light abxip; desirable place to work. M-034. Journal NEED HELPT Plume, wnta or wire tat com petent American citizens, ex-service men, to fill tbe place, i UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE. 170 4th L Phone Main 6347. No fa charged. APPRENTICE boy to learn eoppenunith trade. not over 18 years old. Must come well recom mended and be willing to work hard. Oppor tunity for advancement. Apply in person. Kcheefnr Copper Works. B23 N. 22rt St. WANTED ID Kursian-Ger-ian taunea for beet fields. Twin Falls. Idaho; man here with contract. See Evans. 200 Commonwealth bhig., 6tb-Burrtside st. Phdne Broadway 4442. WANTED Russian German families for Twin Falls. Idaho.; sugar beet field. Their repre Benutire will be ettknners Grocery store, 10th and Failing st., Sunday. April 24, at 9 a. m. Wdln. 1H5, '. T. Erans. GOOD opportunity for bright neat sppearing young man. ranraAMng for a Tery good maga zine combinarioti. offering a Tery good premium and cash percentage. Room 7, Madras hotel. WANTElt Experienced fluff rug solicitor. Good and exeluie territory. Good proposi tion to the right man. Moean Art Rug Co., Medford. Or. J '1IIRKK solicitors frr cleaning and dyeing works. Experienced men preferred. 774 Williams. WANTED Experienced - fluff rug wearer. Steady work. Good proposition to the right mn. Mofan Art Rug Co., Medford. Or. WANTED Young men ai news agents on rail road trains; small cash bond. Cole News Co., 146 N 10th WANTED -Three house-to-house solicitors; also roan with car. 774 Williama aye. MEN in milk factories and offices increase your earnings during spare time. J-906.- Journal. VA.NTKD at pnoe, man to learn. Tulcaniziog and ratrtwding. ) 432 Hawthorne. GO'iO opening for a good autouiobile mechanic. Iximbard. SALESMEN WANTED 202 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Only those with experience and a clean rec ord, and who can demonstrate their efficiency need apply. ; This is an opportunity which a live wire wilt not overlook. Apply between 4 and 5 p. m. at 331 Stark st. or phone Broad way f3."S for appointment. WAMKD .Salt man tor new office specialty; every office-worker 1 prospect; big earnings to producer. Hwn 312 Labbe bids. Call 8 to f and 5 to . AGENTS WANTED 203 WANTED Agent for easy selling specialty; sells to evpry merchant; you retain first payment; $5 commUhion. Winkle Specialty Mfg. Co,. 208 Humphre-vs liKlg.. Atlantic City. N. J. MEN WITH FORD CAR for work in country. Very liberal pay. American Fruit Grower, 81 Board of Trade. AGENTS wanted. Benedict Nursery Co., 185 East 87th st. N., Portland. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 MRS. U V. bCOTT, lurmeny with toe federal employment service, furnathea competent of fice women; also women for all other lines of em-ployment.- 829 Henry bldg. Broadway 4587. WANTED Girl for general lioutework, much experience rot required. German girl pre ferred. Call Marshall 2674. YOUNG woman with small child who needs good home to belp mother with housework; reterenfies eicnangea. P-747. Journal. ANY GIRL in r.eed ot a friend, apply to the balTHtion Army liescne Home, alayfsir and Alexander its. Phone Main 84HO. D M car. A t.IHl to assist with houae work and children; ondlawn-SHO. AN experienced waitress. $S0 a month, board. room. Iwn hmptoyment. 43 H N 2d- st. EXPERIENCED girl preferred to make paper Boxes, unr-cy Bros.. 21o Wcirtler st. HELP WANTED MALE AND i FEMALE 20S W A N T El A young mn or woman with a ignt. uitni i or arm win if. i chi can earn while you learn with large advertising and en graving concern. Bureau of Engraving, 45 4th nt. Office 605. lidwy, 1836. It. H. Greer. Call between 1 2 and 5 p. m. WANTED Newspaper suoacription solicitor I lady or gent), salary or commission; good money. Aiply circulation manager Oregon Statesman, Salem. WANTED Party to operate incubators on per centage.' For particulars phone 23124 ere. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 COMPETENT bookkeeper and general office man. with years of experience, wants posi tion with progressiva firm; can take full charge of office! experienced in credits and collec tions. Local and eastern references. Address P. O. Box 592. PERMANENT position wanted by man and wife with mill and timber company in Willamette valley; man is blacksmith and machiniirit and familiar with mill and logging machinery. Z 107. Journal. NEED HELP? Phone, write or wire for com petent American citixens, ex-service men. to fill the place. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE. 170 4th at. Phone Main 5347. ho tea charged. MARRIED ex -service man, age 31, desires po Nition, day or nisht, as cierk in hotel or night watchman; can give beat of references. M-9D5, Journal. AUDITOR 20 years experience auditor office manager, thoroughly experienced costs, credits, collections, financial' statements and income tax work Write E-349. Journal. TYPING Typewriting of eltters, doenments, etc., done very reasonshle. Phrme Bmadway 477. PAINTING. Papering. Tinting; lead and oil used only; work guaranteed. Charles Gorman, Aut. C18-24. ' WAN T ED. by competent bookkeeper, small sets duuu to aeep in oraer; cuarges reasonable. Address IV O. Box 592. G I'S R. riYLVA Purances, stoves, water coil repair work or put in. Night or day work. Office phone East 200. LXl'ERDiN LED leainxter and garage man . wants posiUnrt in city, farm work p referred, luch- ards 2flS F. at.. Vancouver. Wash. HAILING contract of any kind for 2H-ton truck. S. A S. Fuel at Trucking Co., 388 3d. Main 7220. PAINTING, paperhajigiug, tinting. Woodlawn 24 7. Phone FLOO R i waxing, lawn gardening, by experienced man. Knt HIT. from 6 to 7 p. m. EXPEUIENCED young man stenographer desires position. Phone Broadway 477. YOUNG man must have work; not afraid of work.- 5-3o3, Journal. WINDOW cleaner, handy man. wishes work. PAINTING and kaLsomimng. (3 a room up. C. W. Rice. Phone 621-63. PAINTING and tinung in all their branches. Reasonable. Woodlawn 3326. Vahl Bros. PAINTER needs work. Can fnrniiih tools and references. Phone Main. 5950. SCREENS made lo order, old screens rewired. Aiit-mtlc 317-27. A il. kinds of flower boxes made to order. Auto metic R17-27. PLUMBING by tile hour or by tha job. very . reasonable- Aut. 235-51. ' PlAJViiNG AND HARROWING CHEAP. PHONE MAIN 8140. GAI.RREATH.. the iainter. We haug paper right side up. lowest rate Woodlawn 1484. FOR plowing and excavating first class work, , call T. N. Conner, Tabor 9358. CARPENTER and contractor. otoing anything in the building line. Phone Eajt 868 6. PAINT that roof with Webfoot paint; 20 years' experience. Broadway 0OSK JAY THE JOBBER Krirk. plastering, cement work, repsirinc. remodeling. Aut. 311-73. K tint your room for $3, $4: painting, paper ing reasonable. Broadway 3523. WIIJ4 do sintinc, decorating and paper hnar"g f.- suto. Tabor 5218. CEMENT work; ail kind. . First ciaaa only. Sellwood 1. WINDOW SCREENS MADE TO ORDER. TABOR 234. SEWER connections, drain tile, cesspools, . sep- tic tan., cement work. Tabor. u. PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. 109 B. 46th sU Tsbor 2658. OUTSIOE and inside painting aa d papering, low prices. Bdwy. 3267. WANTED Position as bread ami roll baker. 42 Fremont sr. Phone Wdln. 4 3. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired, work itsrartteed, called for and delivered. East 287' GRADING and excavating. Mam 6744. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 MOOFM painti. reanonsble. Tabor 2'. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 LACE. bCKlM AND MARWLISET'iE Cl'R- TAIN'S, DRAPERIES, DONE LP LUCE NEW wnj, CALL EAST 8518. TYPING Typewriting of letters, doenments, -etc., dona Tery reasonable. Phone Broadway 477. ' EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires position. Phone Broadway 477. ; ; WOMAN wants wore, by hour or day; reliable; references. Broadway 4048. 1 -A J Y wanta pueatiuB as houwkeeper-cook in widower's home. 569 commercial at. LACE CURTAINS HAND LA FN UK K EJX 11 YRS. EXPEKIENCI-X 3Qc CP. EAHT 81t. V il-l. care lor cliiklrvn or Hits add, day; cr night. Broadway 2740. DRESSMAKING 256 DYKING, cleaning. preesiBg. dresamaaing, re modeling, relining. alteratiom, plsting. rea sonable prices. The -Cabinet Dressmaking parlors. 4 24 Mnrri-on. rtesr litre. Main 1825. DRESSMAKING done reasonable.; cab., bead ing done: cotton dresses $5 each. Call Mar shall 28. The Hantuorn No. S. 251 12th at. DRESSMAKING, tailoring, 12 years' expera-oca in Eart; aatufaction guaranteed. Phone East 6K80. EXPERIENCED : dre.-maker. taiipring, (3.50. Broadway 552. 455 Aider, corner 13th t LADIES' garments altered and refitted. I. Reu bin. iad'es' tailor. 408 Bush & Lane bldg NURSES 257 Vvii-L take maternity caes or invsuos in mt home and gire best of cara. 153 N. inn. Phone Broadwae 4408. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 1 LARGE eleeping room, 1st floor; heat, light. water, bath and phone; for man and wife employed (only), with reference; $ a week; must be aaea to be appreciated, b H N. 2 2d, west side. EN ON HOTEL "a.S011 Beat dollar-a-day, house in town. All modern conveniences. Rates to permanent guests SPLENDID front room attractively turnblied; suitable for one or several gentlemen ; near shipyards; always hot water : come and see. Hawthorn apartments, 564 First st. HOTEL DAYTON rTATlcARSD Hot water, steam heat, electric lights' in ONE furnished room, nghs on carline, suitable for a working man who wants a nice room reasonable. Apply at 1060 Hawthorne. Ta bor 1148, New Perkins Hotel - WASH. AT 5TH Special weekly and monthly rates, 86 up. Get us snow you our accommodation. ST. PAUL HOTEL1- aloIr A respectable downtown hotei Transients 81 up. Spee'sl Rates to Permanent Goesta. LARGE sleeping porch with sitting room, suit able for three or four: also front alcove room facing park'; five mlnutee to center of town. 295 West Park. Main 3181. HOTEL DAYTON rllo Hot water, steam heat, electrio lights in rooms. Rates to working people. WELL furnished, cozy, front room with fireplace and use of kitchen. Also clean and airy sleeping rooms. Walking distance, 455 Mont gomery, corner of 13th. CHEERFUL. HOMELIKE ROOM. WELL FURNISHED. GROUND FIAJOR. LARGE BAY WINDOW; "EASY WALKING DISTANCE. 5 11TH ST. ROOMS, with or without board, dormitory, single - and double rooms available $2 a week up. JEANNE D'ARC 25 14th st. Main 3429. COZY front room, suitable for 2 men, with breakfast and evening dinner if desired. 414 Market, at 11th. ONE SLEEPING PORCH Also rooms, 2 room apt., with sleeping 'porch, no children. 655 Washington. Bdwy. 34 77. SUITE ut siliEle rounis, nlc.iy lumishetL Spe-ial rites to permanent guests. Empieas i.'oteL Pth and 8tark. 4V ALDER. CORNER OT 13Tfl; NEAT. CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. S3 TO 0 PER WEEK. BROADWAY 5652. LARGE, well iurnLsned front room; clean, close in; $10 per month. Also two-room h. k. suites. 57 3 Irving st. HOTEL BARTON Nice furnished rooms. 455 Alder cor. 13tb. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam beat. hot and cold water; some rooms with private bath- reasonable rates. 269 Vi Fifth st. ONE sleeping room, 'z sleeping orches; in nice modern home; reasonable rates; walking distance. Sf4 12th. Marshall 2294. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, large, front room on ground floor, running water, suitable for two. $3t a month, 335 11th st. Main 47. .. CLEAN, nicely furnished room with breakfast and lanndry privileges. 325 H 13th st. $1 DAY. $2.50 week up, clean rooips; baths free Hntc!Cdille ltd n esr Jefferson. N ICELY furnished large 2 room. 181 Grover st Main 9058. NICELY furnished rooms, ennecting bath; walking d'tanc. Main 6885. FOR KENT Furnished rooms. 42 E. 27th S. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 SEE THIS ROOM Splendid light sunny corner room, first floor, next to bath. . Breakfast if desired. 25 minutes wslk to town. East 3151. ; SEE THESE r-sei rjjaui, lUAa, '&, j'uvmvj v -, iv m us. wainitiK itiPtniit v-. x l.-1.7 xayui, ut a 1 J ajiui. CLOSE IN. FOR -'. COZY FRONT ROOM W I T H BREAKFAST; COMFORTABLE HOME, AT REASONABLE RATE. 469 CLAY ST. MAIN 2228. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In modern apartment, private bath and phone; must be seen to be appreciated. One block from public library. Gentlemen only. Main 4655. Fylt KENT 2 clean, airy sleeping rooms, newly furnished with bath; employed mar- rift. 1 miiintA ne .cntli-ri a n nrvfurrMt ' wr, nn- sensnte: close in; can oji-oj VERY FINE, MODERN ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY; NO OTHER ROOMERS; WALK ING DISTANCE; GENTLEMEN ONLY. 444 THIRD. IXVELY front room in modern Irvington home to party employed, kitchen privilege for break fast. Phone East 3147. WALKING distance, Nob Hill, room for a gentleman; curly maple furniture, in lovely refined home; $20 per month. Private en trance. 84 N. 21st st., corner Evcreft. LARGE FRONT ROOM, TWO WINDOWS, LARGE CTX)SET. $3; NEAR SUNNYSIDE CAR. 1057 E. SALMON ST. TWO comfortably furnished rooms, private fam ily, within walking disUnca of business center. 38 N. 21t st. Marshall 2618. . TWO nicely furnished rooms, in private family: five minutes' walk from downtown. 390 Park st. LARGE, well furnished room, home privileges, easy walking distance, $12 per month. 394 Broadway comer Harrison, Main 5028. SUNNY trout sleeping room in private family. walking distance; very reasonable. Call East 4142. . IS A MONTH, nice clean room, suitable for two. Also single front room. $15. Hot water, free use of phone. East Side. Tabor 47. FURNISHED front room, private family. 363 Roes. ' cor. Broadway; gas. bath and phone. East 2519. ' ' ONE larse, double room, also one single room with sleeping porch. A real home for young men. zso 1 4th. Mam Z NICE Bleeping rooms 1 a front room .facing W. Park) . lovely rooms and finest location. 851 W. Park. Marshall 4215. IRVINGTON A lovely room in a new home for lady employed, excellent car service, home rtn vi leges, ft. Phone f.aat nova. PLEASANT front room tor 1 or 2 young men, home privileges; breakfast if desired. Mar. 2515. 42BH Mill at- LIGHT. AIRY ROOM WITH ALL CONVEN IENCES. CLOSE TO BUSINESS DISTRICT. 214 11TH. MARSHALL 964. FOR RENT Nice sunny furnished room Jot gentleman. 489 V East Couch. ONE sleeping room, clone in. for one or two employed. 384 Grand ave. N NEATLY furnished room, board if desired; 148 K. 72d st- North. Tabor 475. LIGHT well furnished new moaern home; walk- ine distance. East 4007. 331 Hassalo st. ROOM AND BOARD 302 HOTEL HEREFORD Rooms, single and en suite: homelik atmos phere. 735 Hoyt. Main 330.V - ROOM and board for business girls, all modern conveniences: walking distance ; $5 per week. Automatic 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. WEIX.-FURNISUED single room with board, no, in on west side. -405 Clay, cor. 10th, Main 6421. ROOM ami board, 2 or 3 young men, $30 per month: 1 b'ock from S. . or Mt Tabor ear, 166 E. lth tu cor. Belmont. East 2522. ROOM AND BOARD Hotel Ciarno; steam heat, bo and cold water In all rnotnv Meals. 243 HaUaday ave. - FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD 302 PUT your feet under our table for $9 a wees. Eat mother's pies. ' 498 Commercial st. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ! NORTON! A HOTEL ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's nigh class downtown residential hotel - Wo give you. the comforts of home. American ana bnropean plan. Kates reasons bie. NICK. PLEASANT ROOM WITH BEST1 OF HDMK COOKING K"Oll ONE OR TWO PKOPLli. VERS CLOSE IN. CALL MAR SHALL 1751. MOTHER'S cara given children, by day or hour. 726 Everett. Phone Aut. 529-02. Hue! 51 and board for 2 young ladies, employed; home privileges; 6 minutes front 5th and Washington st. ; piano; 880 per month. 716 E. Davis t Phone East 420. DON'T MISS THIS Nice front room for two men wtth board; on Broadway and Union are, cars. 870 Weidler. Kast 4401. LAliE, comfortable and refined home for an elderly or semi-invalid lady or elderly couple. Beat of care, good food, home cooking; am experienced with elderly people. Z-102, Journal. NOK HILL. CLOSE IN, YOUNG MAN TO ROOM AND BOARD; SMALL, CONGENIAL FAMILY OF YOUNG PEOPLE; PIANO; MODKHN. MAIN 698. ROOM and board for one or two in private home; must give good references. Woodlawn lnnoV TWO ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY. LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS; TWO BLOCKS FROM WOODLAWN CAR. WOOD LAWN 955. ROOM and board, piano and all home privileges accommodate two, if they, will room together family of three; east side, close in Auto. 234-32. GOOD BOARD AND ROOM; REASONABLE KATES; PKlVAlrJ 11U.M1; Pttxur Eli OKN TLEMAN. INQUIRE 325 13TH ST. CALL MAIN 7635. FOR RENT A nue room and board in private home; real i home privileges; prices reason able. Phone East 5965. WANTED lu country, lady boarder, room and board $20 a month. Ella Finney. R. 2. Gervais, Or. ROOM and board in lovely home, suitable for 2, reasonable, near Montgomery-Ward and Am erican Can Co. 777 Vaughn. ' Ant. 522-81. COMFORTABLE ROOM AND GOOD BOARD. REASONABLE. PHONE MARSHALL 3959. BIAUU and room, close in. West Side; water in room. Phrme Broadway 8764. BOARD and room, private family, home com forta. H. E. Phillips, 1114 E. 8th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 2 ROOM II. K. apartment for rent; walking distance. Nice and clean. 453 E. Couch. Aut. 237-44. .NEATLY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS WITH AI.G CONVENIENCES FROM $4 PER WEEK AND UP; CLOSE IN. 495 DAVIS ST. BROADWAY 4695. LARGE, clean, single and 2 room housekeeping suiUa. also sleeping rooms. $3 and up: de sirable east side location; walking distance. Bel- lmirhsm Apt.. E. rlth and Morrison sts. $4.50 TWO nice, clean. well furnished housekeeping rooms for price of one, 2 beds if desired; single room, $2.50. 544 Pettygrove, corner 16th, Alta Vista. ONE CLEAN. SUNNY SUITE OF H. K. ROOMS. BOTH FRONT ROOMS. BATH AND LIGHTS FREE. REASONABLE. 307 MARKET. NEAR 5TH. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, with sleeping porch; alau a 2-room suite; horn conveniences large porch and lawn. 427 N. 21st, comer Vaughn. Broadway 4413. CLEAN well furnished H. K. rooms, close in furnish heat, electric lights; comer Park and Salmon. Phone Main 4306 or call manager. Nobhy Cleaners snd Dyers. Fill 111 1 A 1 tt ft I'SiTM Two room apartment, nicely furnished: sink, water and gas range; $20 per month; close in. ars otn sr. fnone siain ifoif. ANGELUS APARTMENTS Ore- and two-room apartments, electric light, heat and bath; phone service; 2 minutes' walk from Washington. 272 Hth st. Main 408!. IF YOU are looking for H. K. rooms, see the "clean, handy and reasonable rooms st 203 Stanton St. Rents from $1.75 to $4.50. Spe cial, two room front apt., 4.o0 week. NICELY furnished light H. K. room with con necting bath, $20 per month; also nice sleep ing room, $15 per month. Garage space if de- red. 383 west Par. LARGE 2 room suite with dressing room an . pantry, wood range, sink, newly tinted, sep arate entrance, close in. 430 Jefferson. Main 3712. 3-ROOM well furnished housekeeping suite, $30 1 large comer housekeeping room $20: heated, hot and cold water, electricity; use of phone. bath. fi3 N. 18th. Broadway 2664 170 CHAPMAN St., near Morrison St., at lSth, 1 furnished housekeeping room, neat, clean. desirable neighborhood; $4 per week. Phone Broedray 2S37. SINGLE H. K. and sleeping rooms, thoroughly cleaned, calcimined and new curtains; close in. Half block off Washington. 33 N. 17ui st. Bdwy. 2640. CLEAN and nicely furnished 1 and 2 room H. K. ants. Also sleeptng room. Heat. water and electric lights included. Reasonable rates; close in. 20 N. 17th st. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms for rent. 1171 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 1488. v It v 1.11'llT uiii;l-L'l-i.'ili: uniiuq IV BASEMENT. NEWLY KBNOVATED.-'fOR 1 OR 2 WORKING MEN. 294 JEFFERSON. AT 5TH. ! 2 LARGE HK. ROOMS GOOD I.OCATION. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST 3564. 413 E. PINE. COMFORTABLE., nicely furnished room, mod em conveniences, running water, 5 -minute walk to center of town. J48 Clay, between Broadway and Park. WELL-FURNISHED, modern, front, 2 - room suite, light and airy, facing on the park, easy walking distance. para sr SINGLE housekeeping rooms, well furnished. clean, and cheap rent. 141 Lownsdale, cor ner of 3 5th and Airier. 1 AND 2 rooms for housekeeping, electric lights gas for cooking; $8. $10, $12 a month. 230 lBth st. N . H. K. ROOMS, single and en suite. $12 to $22.50; also sleeping room; nice lor working girl. 143 11th st. Koom 3. ONE large front room and kitchenette, nicely furnished, modern, running water; close in. 181 Twelfth St.. cor. or lamhill. TWO 1L E. roonA suitable for 2 or 3 persons free water, light, phone and bath: also elec- trie tights; $35 a month; close in. 194 N. 17th. TWO room suite, nicely furnished, newly deco rated, fivo minute walk to center of town; reasonable rates. 335 Oar st., cor. Broadway. 2 LIGHT H. K. rooms, closets, water, sinks, elec tric lights, tree pnone; n a wcex. o r nu Sle ST. 1 nonp j.a-1. B"i.i. LARGE, clean well furnished h. k. rooms, single and en suite, 5 minutes walk to center of town. 434 Main. Mam 7682. 2 ROOM front suite, well furnished, steam heat. lights and gas furnished; walking distance. 469 Jefferson. FURNISHED front room, 3 large windows, $2tt; also aingle looms. $12. wsikir.g distance. Near Conch st. 46 Union ave. N. TWO housekeeping rooms, with kitchen privi leges and laundry; per wees,. 083 Wash ington. '- ONE housekeeping room, light, clean, well ven tilated; home conveniences; reasonable rates. 827 W. Park st. ONE and two-room apts.. completely furnished; free phone, lights and water; furnace heat. 847 Hall et. near awy. ,-win i4ss, NICE front alcove room with kitchenette and clothes closet, cooking gas, heat, light fur nished; free phone. 221 11th st. TWo front room 1L K. suite; water, light and heat. $5. 1 front sleeping room, $3. 4 o E. Burnside. at Htn, r.ast auas. WELL furnished H. K. basement suite, sum mer rate. 414 Market st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, newly pa lered and painted: light, water. 1424 1st. NEWLY renovated 1L K. rooms, near hospitals. 770 Hoyt rt. Phone Main TQB3. LARGE, well furnished, clean, front room, light. heat and bath. 3i lstn sr. FOR RENT 4 housekeeping rooms, partly fur nished; no children -: YV. xiiandena St. TWO nice furnished housekeeping suits, cheap 429 Main. bet. 11th and 12th st. HOUSEKEEPING suits. $5, single $4. 509 - Davis, near I4tn. TWO large front rooms, housekeeping. 503 Dans st- , ONE single room $10. 2 for $T5; electric lights. bath, phone. 405 W. Park. . TWO light, neat hotuekeeping rooms, married eoople, no children. 361 10th st. MCE. clean, neat housekeeping rooms; everything handy and cmntortanie. a 1 o Vs K. Pme st. TWO large . airy housekeeping rooms, well fur- Dished, walking: distance west side. 346 14th. TWO room housekeeping flats, $3.50 weekT 342 Front, near Market. ONE and 2-room uoiifcckecpmg. rent reasonable, walking, distance. 41 Fust st. FOR RENT nuOstKxrlNG ROOMS FURNISHED - 304 V!-',,f4'-V" xa-i.-vt" ir" ,"'iTif ,B ".' A A, V SKryjM U. 8- A A O. A A A- As, SINK. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND GAS IN ROOMS. NO OBJECTION TO CHILDREN. RENT REASONABLE. 29H FIRST. MALM 7523. MAPLE APTS. Clean, neat, and nicely fur nished 1 and 2 room H. apts. Also sleep ing room on lower floor. Hot and cold water in all rooms. , Reasonable rates. Clue in. 80 . ins st. TWO clean and cneenui 1L K. room, with all modern conveniences, easy walking distance and where the landlady tends to her owa business and aot yours; employed people preferred.. 63a Johnson st, cor. 16th Broadway 2016. $1U A MONTH up, 2 iurnlsUed howekeeping rooms, walking distance, laundry, hot and cold water, electric light, yard, 400 Vancouver ave East 6039. 53 WEEK. up. Completely lun.ilil It. fc. suites, absolutely clean, ever convenience, uot water all hours. Save carfare. Hotel CadUac, d. near Jetferson, MANOR HOTEL orrk- 4th. H-K. and sleeping rooms; Quiet, clean, homelik. PHONE, MARSHALL 2508. NOT a victim of landlords' greed I can and do rent sleeping moms and H. K. rooms. single arid suite"' cheaper than elsewhere. Bath and lobby. Clean ana quiet. 414 lwthN. 2 NICE housekeeping apts. reasonable. Broad way 1437. 631 Thunn an st. 1 l-room; 1 2-room housekeeping apts., clean and newly furniahed: also 1 ' tcoall . aleeoinx room, walking distance. 263 1 3th st,, near Main. 3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished $25; 1451 v irginia st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 THREE unfurnished rooms, separate entrance. 626 th st- . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FOR ; RENT 4 furnished H K. rooms, with bath, lust newly tinted; verf clean: right on M. V. carline. Seei these rooms. Tabor 3594. VERY nice, clean furnished housekeeping roc ma for rent: good gas range, electric lights, hot and cold water, bath; ire phone. 312 Cherry st. TWO rooms, for H. K. in choice location, near Sunnyside or Hawthorn school, gas. electric light, 8 blocks from car; references. 786 E. Taylor. Aut. 211-57. 4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, water, lights and cas. garage and Place for chickens. Call 5624 61st at. SE. any tint Sunday or after 5 p. m. week days. , ' FOR) RENT 2 H. K. rooms, modern conven iences, nice clean place, walking distance : also one H. K. with kitchen, suitable for lady work ing. 124 E lotn sr. sou tn. pnone rJest 4 5Q4 2 ROOM HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, LARGE OUTSIDE ROOMS, NEWLY FURNISHED. FXECTRIC LIGHT. GAS. HEAT; CLOSE IX. SELLWOOD 1068. FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS Choice of two upstairs at $4 week or three down at $5, separate or together. 52 Williams ave. 1 LARGE front room with kitcheuette, steam heat, cas for cooking, light sod water: free phone, stationary tubs, 75 Grand ave. N. Call East 683 5. 2-ROOM APT.. ALSO H. K. ROOMS, FUR NISHED; ALSO LARGE FRONT 2-ROOM APT. ON FIRST FLOOR, UNFURNISHED. REASONABLE. 550 COUCH ST. NICE light room and kitchenette, closet, heat, electricity, bath and phone privileges. Adults only. 4 94 Tkylor. 2 ROOM apt., also h. k. room, furnished: also large front 2 room apt. on first floor, un fur nished, reasonable, 050 Couch St. IN SMALL cottage, cleanest homelike sleeping room, reasonable, for clean man; bath, phone. 169 17th.' LOVELY 3 room suite, also large room and kitchenette, reasonable, heat, bath, phone, walking distance. 66 N. 21st. 2 LIGHT, airy housekeeping rooms; phone, light and water included; prefer employed couple: rent 82Q 60S hj 20th. .Sell. 3189. $21 AND $22 Two suites tnmisned house keeping rooms, electric lights and water free; yarn, rosea, wanting distance. 13 porter. 1' LARGE housekeeping room with kitchenette; also 1 sleeping room; no children. 406 4th. GOOD place for 2 nurses, walking distance, light housekeeping, modem. I'hone East 1702. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 King Albert Apartments 2 and 3 rooms, strictly modem ; tile bsth ; eievaior. inn ami aionisimirrj sib. FOUR clean rooms, furnished for housekeeping, with garsge. large yard, basement, light, wa ter, phone, baCh free. Call from 5 to 9 on Sun day. Col. 677. ' Florence Apts., 388 l.Hth - First class, strictly, modem. 3 room apts.. with sleeping orches. ' THREE-ROOM APARTMENT. Running Wa TER IN ROOMS, PRIVATE TOILET. LIGHTS. BATH AND WATER FREE. $33 PER MO. 263 5TH ST TEACHERS or employed couple, sunny well fur nished parlor with piano, ivory furnished bed room. White Temple district, 427 Main st, Mshi 4969. - . 2-ROOM APARTMENT: CLOSE IN; WALK ING DISTANCE; $25 PER MONTH; 425 EAST COUCH ST., BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH. 2-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished, close in, walking distance. No objection to children; 3 block a from Washington, 15th and Everett, Broadway 32(7 CLEAN 3 room apartment. lurnished for house keeping, downstairs; bssement for wood; yard, light, water, phone and bath free;, close to car; also garage for rent. Col. 677. BUENA VISTA APTS. 434 Harrison st. Strictly modern S room furnished apts. $65 per month. Adult. Mam 1X152 FOR RENT Large 2 room apt., strictly modern. 429 Market, IRVINGTON Very desirable 2 room apart ment, closet, pantry and dressing room; in private residence, ground floor, separate en trance. 443 E. 13th st north. East 1520. Sunnymount Apts. Apartment for rent ' May 1. Tabor 1889. 3 ROOM apartment, large, elegantly furnished, suitable for two bachelors or couple; all out side rooms, facing Park and Hail scs. ' 355 Hall St. Main 7375. 4 ROOM furnished apartment, reasonable; west side. CaU Bdwy. 2071. MODERN 2-room rumUoed apt. with bath. Dutch kitchen, newly papered and painted tn ivory; use of porch, yard and basement; $-2.50. 671 Gantenhein ave. WESTONIA ApTS.. 666 GLISAN ST. 2-room apt, with dressing room, newly tinted, modem conveniences, walking distance; in the Nob Hill district. LILLIAN APTS. 5-micute walk from M. 4 F.'s; 2-3 rooms, modem, free phone, moderate price. 381 6th st., Marshall 1378. THE STAN FIELD, 204 PORTER ST. Modem 2-room apt., light, beat, phone, laun dry tacinues; reasonable. Main GN1C NEATLY FURNtSHED ONE ROOM APARTMENT. NEWLY TINTED. WDLN. 5892., 242 KIT .LINGS WORTH ATE, FOR I NoMAH 4 rooms, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, walking distance, nicely famished, adults. 200 E. 13th St.. phone East 4276. FOR RENT A freslUy tinted, furnished. 2- room spt. ; also a nice bedroom; at reasons oie rates: near hospital. 772 Marshall St. S FOUR ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH. PHONE. LIGHTS AND HEAT FURNISHED. 269 HALL STREET. MARSHALL 257 8. 2 AND 3 ROOM apartments; airy, light and all outside rooms. 17th and Lovejojr. A r line Anrs. Bdwv. 1812. SMALL furniahed apartment, light, heat, hot and cold water and gas famished. Price $32.50 per month. Call at 1092 V Hswthorae; Apt- A. 2 OR 3 room modem .furnished apartment, neat and clean. 310 Crosby at., 2 blocks from Broadway bridge. East 7014. THE GRANDEST A. 68 GRAND AVE. 3 room apartments, modem, furnished; rent reasonable. GLADSTONE APTS. Modem H. K rooms, single or en anite; rent reasonable. 71 Grand ave. S. FOR REST Two nice, clean, furnished up tain. ' apartments, 2 rooms and kitchenette each, 62 Williams ave. " ELBRIDGE APTS , 274 N 21St St. Two and three room apt., thoroughly cleaned avwf newly decorated. Bdwy. 4 730. FURNISHED 5 room apt. close in; $65. Call Main 13. FOR RENT rTso room apt,, large pantry, mod- era. oacavara. ssi Powell. Hell. 3113. 1 FURNISHED H. K. pt. for rent on second floor, facing park. 404 Park St. 3 ROOM furnished or ttmuraislied, in private residence: with garage. Phone Tsbor 426. FOR RENT Furnisher apt., steam heat, pri vate bath. 840 H Mississippi ve. CLEAN and comf ortaoie bouse Reexwff room; everything furnished; close in. 325 Broadway. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 HAWTHORNE APARTMENTS 564 1st,.; splendid, clean, .attractive 2 to 4 room - apts., all outside, rooms, newly furnished. You can't help liking them ; modern in every respect; come and investigate : close , to ship yards - - - EDENHOLM APTS. 384 BTH. COR. MARKET 2 and Si room furnished apts. Private bath, steam heat. $25 and $33. Marshall 2239. THE JEFFERSON IAN Attractive 2 room suite. Large outside ronesi. Newly renovated. Soauser rate. Adults only. 16th and Jefferson. PENINSULA APARTMENT Two and 3-room spa run exits. 1185 14 Atbtna ave. LARGE well furnished 2 room apt, steam heat, phone, bath privilege. In nice modern home; walking distance ; reasonable rates. NJI94 12 La. Marshall 2294. - - . - : APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 GARFIELD - 3 la re. rooms, bate, sleeping porch, newly tinted and painted. S61 E. Failing, 1 block west of Union ave., phone Woodlawn 4662, WESTONIA APTS., 606 GLISAN ST. 2-room apt., new tinted, modem convenience, slking distance: in the. Nob Hill district. ELB RIDGE APTS., 274 N. 2 1ST Two and three room apts., thoroughly cleaned and newly decorated. Bdwy. 4730, WHY pay high rent 'when you can get 4 nic rooms, $12: 3 rooms. $10; water free. A, N. Searle, 1924 K. Glisen St. FLATS FURNISHED 309 5 ROOM modern . furnished flat : sota ave. . : . 740 Minne- N1CE, clean com p. fur.. 3 room lower flat; phone, water and garbage paid, close in; has new comb, range. Responsible parties only. East 4 333. $40 4 ROOM CPPER FLAT. WALKING DISTANCE: QUIET PEOPLE; ADULTS ONLY. 727 E. HTARK. 22D ST. 3-ROOM flab urivat bath, clean, well fur nished. Nob Hill, rent reasonable. 695 Dal is sr., near gist st. NICE lower 6 room flat for rent, furniture for sale, rent $32.50; three rooms rented; price ssonsble. 5.12 Kesmey st. garage, no children, block from Alberta car, i u w rast j om nortn. TWO and 3 rooms, furnished, garden, garage. N. 8. car, off Gibha st.. west 1 block, south B4 "4 1st st. SMALL furniahed flat witn bath, a as. elec- tricity; very convenient, on carline ; adults only.. 6141 45th ave. S. E. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 Foil RENT 6 rooms upper flat, with sleeping porch and garage in connection if desired. 682 Division st. UNFURNISHED modern upper flat. No. 163 .Il'l... u , I in- LU,, Ul ,T1 1.11. UUVICUU1, s range and furnace; references. Main 6216. gas MODERN 7 room, lower flat, dr" less. 622 Delay sr.. cor. Moms. It Dlocfc west .Mississippi car. 4 ROOMS, porch, bath. hall. 978 V Com mercial st. 935 CHOICE 4 room flat, walking dibtance; fine location. 322 14th t. 4 ROOM upper flat. 831 Garfield are. Wdln. 947. 6 BIG room flat at 1109 Hawthorne ave.. near 87th: $40. Tabor 5327. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE UNFURNISHED FOR RENT. 825. CALL AUTO. 621-82, OR r.836 6TH ST. S. E 5 ROOM house, 'equipped with hot and cold water, gas, electricity, $30; 114 St. i Helens road, 2 min. walk from gas company's plant. Apply 64S Commercial or 1564 Jordan St. CALL BROADWAY - ASK NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY WA SHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 Days 8 torse Free. Fnmltsnr moved for less. Bdwy. 3446. 5 ROOMS, west aid, near 23d st. car; Uring. dining, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, $87. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 24 78. WEST SIDE For rent or sale 4 rooms and bath; $20: 809 Kelly St., good location; references. Broadway 24 87. AT, "EAST end of Broadway bridge. 6 room house, some furniture, desirable location; no children; $35. Owner. Main 3916. NICE 6 room house, bright and clean: furnace. nice yard; fruit trees. Adults only. . Inquire at SOO Oraham ave. 6 ROOM modern house on 89th st. . near Glad stone ave.. $33; no children. CaU at 1160 Gladstone for key. ; FOR RENT r7-room modem house, large chicken house, 3 lota - in garden, Vi block from car, $45. Ant. 615-19. 6 ROOM modem house, 957 Williams ave. Key at No. next door. 4 ROOM cottage. $16 mo. Near car, school snd store 4923 Powell Valley rd. Bdwy. 8296: 5 ROOM cottage. 270 East 6th sC north; $30; no children. Woodlswn 4179. FLAT of 4 roms for rent st 823 Williams ave. inquire 267 Failing st. 5 ROOM house to- rent. 478 Gibbs St., on Marquam Hill, fruit trees. Marshall 4497. WE move furairur ot 3-4-e room bouse fori $10. For further information. Main 6290. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 ELEGANTLY furnished house! pa no ramie -bar-bor view; Queen Anne architectural design; central vast side: 5 bedrooms, ideal gentlemen roomers; lease over the 1st. Sell terms decided bargain. 498 Commercial. SIX rooms, 3 sleeping porches: oak floors,. 3 beds, gas and coal ranges; lot 60x100, double garage. E. 25th S.. near Holgate. Lease for long time; 870. Owner. East 3235 HOUSE, 3 room and bath; modem conveni ences; new interior; neatly furnished ; $35. Will leas for a year to right party. 1133 Canyon road. Main 7819. & ROOM furnished bungalow for rent., 2 lot and garage; $50 per month. 5415. Powell valley road. Tabor 8338. lOlERN bungalow 6 rooms, 5 furnished, im mediate possession; lease for 6 months or lonster. 974 Clinton and 33d FURNISHED or unfurnished 5 room modern house, garage; adults only. 6024 57th ave., bet. 80th and 61 st, Woodstock car. ' WILL rent to responsible jsirty with best refer ences and no children, nicely famished, -clean, modem 4 room home; $45. Aut, 620-24. 7-ROOM well-famished modem house, all con venience, garage, close in; reasonable rent. 737 E. Ankeny st. 8 ROOMS, modem, immaculately clean; partly fumkihed or furniture for sale. 388 -Grand ave. north. ' SIX room, modem, furniahed cottage for rent. E. 1502. 3-ROOMS furnished, garage, garden, gas and bath. Walking distance. Marsh. 2941 SMALL Uitldirig, furnish electric lights, gas; garden space; near M. V. line. 143 E. 72d N. DOUSE for rent; furnished. Wor.dlawn 2394. HOUSES FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 BY OWNER A nice 8 room house, furnished or partly furnished, in good location, walking distance, near two car lines; ideal ; place for a home or "venting rooms. Phone East 5965. - ATTRACTIVE e room house for rent and fur nishings for sale. Everything exceptionally clean and of good quality. Mat be seen to be appreciated. Centrally located. 11I K. 20th st. 9 ROOM house in housekeeping apartments, 5 large cherry trees. aa ,rand ave. - FURNITURE of 8 -room house, well-furnished, close in. Call Broadway 2058. STORES AND HALLS 314 . t-l-OOHS SuxlMO; 1 floor 3)xOO, reasonable first class building. D. G. W'erx. 14 N. 5th. Ttrtwv. 2739. SMALL store building, $15: good location for cleaner and preaaer. or dressmaker. - 6-52 Foster rosd. '. FOR RENT Concrete building 50x100, west side, suitable for garage, storage or warehouse; 2 niocas cmon depot. G-lso, jouraeL FOR RENT West side, apace for light storsg or pemt shop; cheap rent. Broadway 2487. FOR desirable space la nreproot wsrehooa. Phone Bdwy. 3716. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and ateaographie service. Phone Bdwy. 8716 .. ROOMS AND BOARD';. 352 YOUNG couple, employed, would like room and board in a good home, with elderly couple, where there are no other boarders; will giv best of referen c s. C-137. Journal. - WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 WANT Housekeeping room on west side, com plete except bed (hav my own bed), K 352, Journal. - HOUSES 361 If 1 VTl'IL. 11 . ( -l a .. a 1 mA .s .... A ,.,i I'M wu , - - . - . nn children ; good rent for A good bous. M 951. Journal. - WANTED TO RENT - HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU List yoor houses, flats or a pert-sent Wit ts ; quirk results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING, 8TORAG11, LOANS SECURITY STORAGE ek TRANSFER CO. . 63 Fourth st- opp. Multnomah HotcL Pnon Broadway 8716 WANTED To rent on or before May 1. am all modern bouse in or near Richmond district. E-968, Journal. - . .. - - WANTED Furnished , bouse by May 1. Ricu- mond district preferred. Tsbor 7686. RESPONSIBLE couple wants unfurnished house or 8 or 4 rooms; not over $-u. Mam nue. WANT to rant 4-5 ruooa modern bungalow I'neas AOto. 23T-SO. WANTED A rooming house.' 10 or 15 rooms, dose in. A-S6H, Joomal. REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 FOR . SALE Income property, manufacturing and business district, $4600, Inquire 869 Thu osn St.- FACTORY SITE, wast ski waterfront with . trackage; bargain.. 1421 NW. Bank tldg. LOTS 403 CORNER lets, with all' street Improve ments in and paid. $800 to $1200 each; fin streetcar service, ta Westmoreland. For terms see Ladd Estate 'Co. 248 Stark St. . - BUILDERS. ATTENTION I have a larg. -nwr O0xl 28 running to An alley. This will cut up into three nice sited building lots; to move this quickly t will sacrifice thia for $8000 net. 1 am leaving town shortly ao act at once; this location fa right: for further particulara eddreea B-823. Journal. .j MI ST aell lota 11 and. 12. blk. 69, Vernon. These are east front Iota 6a East 2 2d street bout 80 - feet south of Prescott. Make me an -offer for one or both. - Box 60, Crasjmoot, Idaho, . Rose City District $150 cash.-close to car, a big bargain. See Royal. 7 2d and Sandy blvd. - FOR' SALE OR TRADE, for late model road ster, 3 lots on Tibbetta st, Vslae 11500. Call East 2455, between 0 snd 7:30 p. m CORNER lot looxloo, near 64th and Klicki- tat, $1000: will sell separate $450 inside. corner $550, terms." Tsbor 8240. 50 FINE building lots, close in on Divwion si., at bargain. Terms. By owner. 4412 26th ve. 8. E. " 3.05 ACRES on Ea-t 36th and Powell; 100 cherry trees, $4500; terms. Tabor 8240. BY owner, splendid building lot, 100x75, west slope Mt. Tabor. Tabor 12. 5 OWJvttRS. SOxisO.lot. with 12 foot alley. casn or terms., .woodlawn ion. HOUSES 404 . $52 4)52 - MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS ' ENGLISH COLONIAL Fine view, on slope of Mt. Tabor. This beautiful home of 6 rooms has never been lived in; hardwood floors, French doors, furnace, alt built'ln,- imrrrovement In and paid; fine car service. You oan buy thia on your own terms; never another chance to get so fine a place for ao little money. R. SOMKRVILLE. BDWY. 2478. $3900-750 Cash ; BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $3700 By owner;, terms; just . completed, double constructed modem 3 -room bungalow, fireplace, bochcase. writing desk, buffet, solid hardwood floors, full set plumbing, paneled dining-room, plat rail, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, table and benches, electrio fixtures; inside and outside-entrance to full cement base ment: waalitravs: all room nicely tinted and finiahd in ivory; walks, east front Open 2 to p. m. Kor appointment call Auto. 822-04. 1019 K. -8th block south Alberta car HAWTHORNE ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL BUNGALOW, : . $4800 TERMS ." ! Brand new. 5 rooms, all built-in fee in res, fine biiffrt, hardwood floors, . fireplace, - model I hitch kitchen, two fine, bedrooms, full attic, full ce ment basement, laundry trays; paved streets; everything paid. Owner. Broadway 24 78. SEVEN-ROOM modem, up-to-date residence nearly new, 100x100 feet of ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, - 1 block west oeilwcod car in Westmoreland. 595- Tolman ave,. cor. E. 1 5th sr.: Price $700y. Inquire of owner on pre in i--. WAVERLElGH HEIGHTS HOME "A beautiful little 6-room house, strictly mod em, hardwood floors, - fireplace, full basement. tine rurnsce. and a beautiful sightly corner lot. Will sacrifice" for ouick sale for $5500 in order to get $3000 cash. . For appointment address B-.122, Journal. A HOME FOR $1600 5. room house, fair condition.' chicken house and woodshed. 2 lots 50x2t0. Street improve ment in and paid. . ' Fruit and fir trees, berry bushes, - good gsrden soil. Near Portsmouth school. .Terms. Phone' owner, Columbia 278. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow. - doubt eon atructed. plastered attic, full basement, fire place, wash trays, buil'Jn buffet: 1 block from paved street and carline. ,$3000, terms. Will take late 'model car and soma cash as first pay ment. Kast, 44D1. SACRIFICE SALE LEAVING CITY 6-room modern cottage, furnace, full base ment, garage full lot, all kinds of berries 14 foot alley, hard surface atreet, all paid, 1 block to car. Owner, pric $3000; terms, D 101, Jonmsl. THREE new rooms, house, some furniture and 2 lots and fruit trees, in Park Rose, 1 block south of Sandy Road. See John Moretty at Nottingham ave. and Brainard. Park Roe. X-297 Journal 6 ROOM modern bungalow, near Catholic and public schools. 1 block off A lberta st. on E. 12tb: price $2850. terms. Call at 640 Web ster st, ot phone Woodlawn 6296. $2400 BY. OWNER $2400 Four room house, H acre. A large bearing fruit trees, berries and chicken park. Tabor 5730; terms. 4-KOOM house, partly furnished, 1 block to "carline. street improvements all in and paid, for $2050. Let me show you this one. Pbooe East 5363. BY OWNER--5 room bungalow, modern, bard wood floors,- basement, pipele f umsce, .- ga rage, A bearing" fruit trees, berries, 50x100 ft. lot $S0OO. Wdln. 5434, - . FURNISHED house. 5 rooms modern, walking distance on Morris' st. near Williama ave. Price $2500 with $500 cash, balance monthly. Wllgua D. Smith. 69Q Williams are.. East 1 298. IRVINGTON residence. First class home. Seven rooms. Lot 50x100. $7500, East 4198. See owner, 410 E. 2 1st N"., . near Hancock st. Terms. 1 . IRVINGTON I1ST. y Have several fine residences in Irvington which 1 woo id like to sbow vorj and giv you price on same. CaU East 5363. BY -OWNER 8 room modern .house snd garage. Price l sonahle. 1117 Iiviv1on at. Phone A. 6282. FOR SALE by owner, modern 6 room bunga low, in-fine condition. Price $3100, half cash balance $13 per month. Owner. 919 E. tstara. ' - ..w'... ' SL.I.L'liC' '"liol'ull - , i. rji jim i.s ,,.. . . i , . i , . . Holgate,1 near 41st, Fruit, berries, chicken house snd pen. Good garage. Only 1 block to - : .o4A - 1S.U. O , , li car. - I tits wnini, vi in-. m "nig i 11 it SEE those new houses at 460 E. 58th st.. Hawthorne-ML Tabor districts. S and 6 rooms. Tabor 9248. FOR SALE Modern 4 -room bungalow, 1 block from N. A S. car; furnished or nnfarrriahed. Bargain, if taken at once. Owner. 789 Kelly st. WELL built home, 8 full bedrooms and bath upiLairs. Lot 100x100, plenty of fruit; near esr and achoo! in Wn-d-tock. frwn-r. Sell 1405. $300 DOWN, I mom house, 4 bedrooms, paved street, lot TSxlOO. -Owner moving. 430 Lum--ber Exch. Bldg. 2d and Stark. MAKE m aa . offer on a 5 room tToum with about an acre ot good land, just outside city limits Owner, Woodlawn 913 MODERN 4-room cottage, newly painted, 60s 100 lot; $1000. cash bandies, balance easy, no' agent. Tsbor 6970. ; WONDERFULLY attractive bungalow with ga " rage, on paved street, carline. $3600, third down.-balance ter is. Phone Woodlswn 5362. 5 ROOM house, terms; also 40 acres in Clacka mas Co.. or. trade for auto as pert payment. 758 Cleveland ave. ' AT A SACRIFICE 8 rooms, modern, excellent condition, close in. wslkmg distsnce. Phone Broadway 3856 JUxT LooK! . Only $2300 for s 6 room mod- cr vurnwhed house. Kee owner, osvt ta St. H. E., -rity. : M. P. csr FOR SALE, CHEAP 5 room suburban ; bous. e mns-r, a - -V .. , 1 ACRE, new 5 "room bungal'w, close in on paved rod: 8285Q. ten rs. Tabor 5185. SIX - ROOMS,- bath, hot water beat, full lot. Bargain for ouick sale. East 2008. FOR SALE A 7 room modem ju , and 3 lots. 63d s. S. E. East 6916. ' IV TOU want a borne, a can help you. . R road - way 3856. b ROOM house, modern; some furniture for le. 255 gist N. Auto. 626-48, FOR SALE Apt boose, at beach, fine business, easy terms. E. Hershner A. 614-10. FOR SALE 3 room nnsne, (as and electric. Lot 60x100. 4008 49U st . E. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ' u6mT.s oS' EASi TkU!s B room bungalow; price $20OO; $500 cash and terms. 0 room bouse under construction; price $3000, easy term. 6 room bouse, modem, $2800, easy terms. 7. sooms house In Ridgefield. Wash., $2000 and Unni 5 room modern and half acre: price $3000, One-third cash, balance easy term. 4 room house. $1800; will trade on 5 room modern. ' 8 seres near Aloha. Or. bons and barn: price $1000; will trade fur hunt truck and equity. tj room house and 4 lots, near carline; a beautiful home for professional man: price $0300, $4. too rash, balance term or mortgait. 6 room modern house on hard atreet : will sell equity and contract; price $3 150; $850 equity. P. LARSON. 6702 Foster void. Ant. 610-7H to 4:30 p. in. Main 3839 after 6 p. ra. Kern Park. Mt, Scott car Woodstock-$350 Down, I sm offering my beautiful modern home. In perfect order, with h't almost 7 3x100 wiih garage, for only $3950, and on rent like terms. Ilaa been newly painted snd decorated and has very many attractive features and splendid view; seversl fin fruit trees and berries; full cement basement,- laandry trays and a new pipelcse fur nace. There are lots of built-ins In the kitchen ud dining room; rooms are good sii.-d with number of fine closet. It is convenient to stores, school and church, on macadam paved atreet and connected with sewer. I hope you'll come and see It. Woodstock car stopa at front door. 4427 4 2d st, Jellwrod 925. Iff You Are Going to Bui ! WE FURNISH FREE SKETCHES 1 Plan by licensed architects and engineers. Open Sunday and Evenings by Appointment. I Guaranteed Estimates j W will "help finance in desirable locstion. See us before negotiat-aig elsewhere. American Contractors i Association Broadway 4887. 811 Henry Mrtj. i - HAWTHORNE I I If you are interested In this district, . of course you will naturally see th Hawthorn Realty Co. before buying. We make a specialty of Hawthorn home and know their true raiue. Ccms in and get acriuainted. Hawthorne Realty Co. Realtors. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7161. VEW BUNGALOW Move right in thia new, nifty 8 room bungalow; all the built-in features, fin bnffet, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, pared atreet, near car. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. ROSE CITY PARK CAR PRICE 3300 On 69th d Stanton. New 5 room bunga low, full cement baement. laundry bray, first class plumbing; good fixtures: lHitch kitchen; lot 60x110; easy terms. I have lota from -8250 up. See L. I, Jenka. 68th and Sandy blv.l. Phone Ant. 315-53. BARGAIN Hy owner. . $17511 cash. Good 6 mom house, patent tllt. sc wsr In Let 50 by 100. Best garden soil. 7 asserted fruit trees, cow and chicken house. Kin neighbor hood. Ga range, linoleum in dining room, kitch en and pant nr. ,-Mnntavilla .car to 63d at , 3 bloelr. scutti to 14 20 E lavi St. This Js Home 4 room modern, acre, cement basement ; nice fruit, and in fact everything you could aak for. Easy terms. K. WIU'OX Aut. 661-11. 0133 Foster Ttnad. ALIGN A 3 blks, from Itusscll and Williams at. 8 rm. modern house, full cement basement, hesu tiful comer, nire )swn. flowers; all improve merit in and paid. $800 down, bal. easy Lenin. Hy owner. East 580H. CLOSE IN, Waverlcy, fine neiglitKrlil , M splendid new houses, 4 bhck to rar; lot 168 ft. deep; all street imps, in and paid fnr; absolutely the best buy in Portland; reasonable terms. Take Richmond car to S5Ui st. (iwn. r, 218 32. $500 CASH PRICE $2250 5 room bungalow, on pared elreet;-1ot 37 100. This Is a real ni: only 2 blocks from carline; close to good school; all irniirovcments paid. Buy from owner. Bdwy. 1 2 YOUR money's worth by owner; II room lion--, good condition, full basement, ga, electricity and bath, all newly painted; everything in and paid for. Price $3000. Phone owmr. Sell. 8258. $3!liiO EASY TEltMS Just bnilt, absolutely modern 5 r. bungalow. Hardwood flnr irs, cement basement, large buffet, beautiful electrio fixtures. Double runat nirtinn. -Full lot, all improvements In and paid. Close l- Franklin liigh. 28111 49th st., jn-t smiih of Division. 1 block to car. Owner. 2036 4 7th t Tsbor 4 23. 5 ROOM modern house, full concrete bssement, lot 40x106, new furnace (just put ml, fin. hath fixtures, lots of berries, chicken house to hold 100 chickens, with electric light in Immii- ; St. improvements all in and . paid for. $3'i)i: snap; $1800 down, bsl. $.'0 month; 5 blocks to csrline. I'hone Esst. 5863. SPLENDID BUY 5 room bungalow, mi paved street, double con structed, with oak floors, A-l plumbing, ail improvements. Full cement basement with laun dry trays, I,rge sleeping iwrcb. H block from Albert, and 3 blocks fnm Broadway carline. $40(10 cash or terms luSO E ",'Mth l N . 5 REN TON DIXi RUT 3 room house, furnlslied, bath, gas, electro lights, lot. 150x100; all kinds - nf berries: In cultivation: short distance from carline and Ken ton school: property clear of all iiidebtednc ; must be seen to be aiiprcciiLed. Owner, I White. 1497 Ijincsster t. DOWN SllO'd) S Room, plastered house and two lame lots. All kinds of fruit. A fine home for someone. K. WILCOX &J CO. ' 9133 Foster Road. A. 661 11 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW ' H room, breakfast nook ; all on one f loor, strictly modem, dandy garage, only $ifm. $900 down, balance $31.50 a month, int-re. t Included. Will sell ftimiture cheap East KiiJ. EXCEIJ.ENT lAH'ATION Nice 4 mom cottage, newly painted n1 tinted, 1 block to Rom Citv car, all impco. mrnts in and Iraki. Price $2100, $550 tin, balance $20 per month. Kst 088. 6 RooM mt-rn bin. tain,, iireni., . built-ins. ;' Enameled kiichen. Solid panel, dining room, beamed ceiling. Improved sir-,! sewer. Very beautiful place. $4500, tcrm Woodlswn 3114 BUILD NOW - See n fnr designs and etims'es free: -bungalow book of 100 defign $1; establisiied i years; satisfaction assured. L. R. BAILEY CO.. B24 N. W. Bank BM, li,Ml Modem 4 room bungalow in Montavilla, Ini! kitchen, bath, fireplace, full basement, 5 hi- tt car; $600 cash, $30 per monlh 7 7 i. Tshor 8302. ; HOW IH THIS! A new 5 room bungalow.- 5OiJ00 ft. lot, f eement hssfmriil. liardwoid floorli, Intti-h kit---en. breakfast stra, built-in fireplace, ptfeles f i pace, raeaa-e. Orn rinmiav. Tiifcn.r 2'ioi . 6 ROOMS, inodrrri, lialits. gas, bsth and t large scrfened back Kirch,2 large cherry tr Will take Ford car aa il of firtt $sa rno lrvmire-620 Linn sve , Port.lsnd FOR SALE, by owner, a modern 6 room bo low. with full cement, bssement, firepiac. Dnlch kitchen. Price $3800. 1190. E. Line Call sfter 6 p. m. FOR HALE $3000; $ 1O00 cs.-li. compieu iy i nished 5 room, modem bungalow, 1 block f: car; lot 68x100; well improved. Phone li 1637. i"OR SALE By owner, $30: cay ten, room modem house; fine condition: full r mer.t; furnace, laundry trays, et front, 1 blocks from Alberta ear. Call Auto. S3 1 -4 6 ROOM bungalow. Monta villa; fruit . T ries; no incumbrance: fine shape; ,'V $3110 cash. bsl. term. Owner, 224 -4 O. No $2000 Big snap on Koter road, luni" , good sized lot. $200 cash, balance r terms. Marshall 188 1 3 ROOM house, 2 lots lOiulo.., fruit, i- rhicken hore. garsfe. $850, H casli. tr, 7029 5th et 8 F. BY "OWNER I-arite 7 nmm house I biix business center St. Johns. 100x100 ft. ec will sacrifice VoKilswn 54S4. NEAT 4 nvim morlerh buniialow, ceoe.1 , good garage; chick o hou.-. Owner, i 8!h sve. H. K NEW 3 room ima-. partly lirruar--i . lots and bare, bt, Johns, $1500. 1 .1 s i tsn st. N. . WEB"CILD TOCR UOMf on monthly p. if you have clear kit, Em writ Co., t , . Stark rtl' MID; 7 rojiii. 2 fireplace, , 1., , electricity, cement basement. Lot I (Kin Kee -wrier. 467 1't'h at MunEKN . room -oMge arvl bath 2 i race. Emit. Mulewaik arvl sewer. i WoraHawn 88!!. W.EGANT 5 room bungalow, eiilin ; i, south of Wslnut Park; easy terms, heaise T fhsw, 293 KfcMmore st. 4 ROOM bo n ii low. U ithin 3 bliy k, , tines. 2S0O. CS'h or terms 474 1 ttonlinued on rvhua-g i,