The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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With 500 or more people in at-
tending r tha rorall montlnir Violri
f- in The Auditorium Wednesday night.
f&nd with. Dan Kellaher. Peter D'Arcy
jUof Salem nd W. S. U'Ren to supply
fte' fireworks, the public service
i;' somraUsIon, the Portland Railway,
If Light & Power company, Portland
L Gas' & Coke company and the Pa
ciflc Telephone & Telegraph com
pany" received , a combined dressing
- down that seemed- to meet5 with the
tf hearty approval of the audience.
Kellaher.' who as state senator bit-V-
terly fought the enactment of the pub-
lie service commission act, sketched the
.-.history of that law, contending now, as
he did then, that it was a statute "born
t' in Iniquity and conceived In sin" and
.. r had been put on the statute books for
ii the purpose of providing machinery
f : "by which the people of the state could
. be robbed." He said he had lived long
enough to see his predictions come true
u and that he had not lost his desire or
Intention to see it put out of business,
u" He attacked Fred Williams, chairman
t of the commission, who, he pointed out,
J- had ridden into office on the slogan
j-. that "6 cents la too much for a 6-cent
i -- ride" and had then got out of the juris
.. diction while the commission raised the
ante to 8 cents so far as streetcar
iV rides were concerned.
U'ften contended that once the recall
ifT'Was used It was. not necessary to use
!. it again for the same purpose and
;-, of the members of the commission, '
D'Arcy told his audience that the pub-
- aavi tils t uiiiiiiiKMiiiii n 1 1 v n i in nn rrm .
:,. pelled either tojrive the public a square
i:-, deal or to face the recall, and he con--.-
tended that the commission had as
L sumed the role of being master of the
Oeoole rather rhan Rprvunt
rr It is stated by .Robert G. Duncan,
- chairman tit ihn Pnhn,. bni r?...u
, . iturifiiii I inn ' untr-n a ri t hoMntr
f. movement to recall Fred Williams, that
the work of awiirincr nicr-mi tnt-oa tn fh
r- Williams nAtitinn "is nvr H iflvMa"
, ,- with more than 2,000 signatures now
s in the hands of the committee. He also
t mmyn ne exiWHia 10 . receive some 4 (WO
jr. additional signatures today. Sufficient
u finances have been furnished the com-
t.- mittee to put hired solicitors in the
U field, Duncan says, . and he adds that
, there is no doubt about the recall being
'r "put across': without difficulty.
I:, "Rnsp frrfYttrpra Aro
; Warned That Aphis
: May Get Foothold
. Rose growers, beware the green aphis !
This is the warning sounded Wednes
day by Walter H. Oerke, city arbor
culturist. who says , present weather Is
favorable to rapid development of the
aphis pest and that it is appearing in
many sections of Portland,- with pros
pect of great damages to rosea unless
closely watched and suppressed.
CJcrke advises spraying with "Black
leaf 40," applied when there is no rain
or mist. He says this should be mixed
' with soap in the . proportion of two
ounces of soap to five gallons of spray.
Moon Will: Go Into
Shadow! of Earth
For Total Eclipse
Regardless of j clouds- and rain, the
moon, earth and sun will be In line to
night and a lunar eclipse will take
place. ' It may not be visible In Port
land because of the weather, but in all
parts of the northern hemisphere where
the skies are clear the shadow of. the
earth will envelop the moon. The first
contact of the shadow with Luna is
scheduled for 10 :0 and the last con
tact is fixed at 1 :32. From 11 :23 until
12:05 the eclipse will be total.
less Tor Portland to undertake such leg
islation. This Information was "given Wednes
day to folk who had gathered in the
council chamber to urge prohibitive leg
islation and who set forth in graphic
manner, their sufferings from crowing:
roosters and cackling bens, and from tha
effluvium of poultry yards near their
domiciles. ;' ;.: j
The council told the protestants that
actions on individual cases as nuisances
could be .ken, and that investigation
would be made of particular locations
of which complaint had been made.
Chicken-Kaising May
Go On Inside the City,
City. C o u ncil Kules
Diligent investigation has . failed -to
disclose to the Portland city commis
sioners any city if sise in . the United
States that has prohibited the keeping
of chickens within its borders, nd the
commissioners feel that it would be use-
MexicanBandit Is ';
Beaten, Says Report
Del Rio. Texas, April 2L U. Px4
An end of the activities of General
Murguia, rebel - chieftain in the Buto
mountain district of Mexico, ' west' of
here, was believed assured today fol
lowing news received by, Mexican Con
sul Jose M. Montemayer that a ' de
tachment of federal troops had clashed
with . Murguia forces in the mountains
and defeated them. ; i ;i
A smile improves a man's appearance
If It isn't one of the kind that is likely
to slop oVer. ;
Auto Bandits Hold
Up Cashier's Car
And Take $25,000
Chicago. April 21. (I.- N. 8- Five
armed, automobile bandits today held up
John S. Amberg, vice president, and
Norton F. Stone, cashier, of the Scheu-bert-Amberg
. State bank, and escaped
with $25,000 In cash. i
Amberg and Stone were in an auto
mobile conveying the cash to tha Union
Trust company when the bandits- halted
their car, compelled the bank officials
to enter the robbers machine, drove
them several miles from the scene of
the robbery -and then dumped them out.
The money was mostly in- $5 and $10
8 More Arrested
For Million Dollar.
Toledo MaU Robbery
Detroit. Mich., April 21. (J. N. S.)
Surrounding a cottage afS60 K&st Mont
calm street lata Wednesday night, fed.
IF THEE ye re no such things as senti
ment, friendship, love, reverence, nor sat
isfaction j in the knowledge of duty done
men would be - animals, civilization non
existent and life, pitiless and bitter.
Then there wxmld need for such a
wonderful home" as we have built because
only, those who have capacity for ennobling
sentiment seek for their dead the cleanly rest
and tender, lasting protection that Vault
Entombment extends. :
There are great differences be
tween Vault Entombment, Cre
mation and Interment. Oar
booklet, mailed free on request,
explains them. .
Rrland Crematorium,
E. 14th and By bee
Phone Sell. 967
era! agents and a squaa of city detec
tives arrested eight persons, tour men
and four women, for alleged complicity
ifi the IU006.000 Toledo poistoffic rob
bery, February 17. Tha auspects were
taken as they left the dwelling to enter
a large touring oar. -
With the capture of the alleged rob
bers here, 38 persons now have been ar
rested or indicted in connection with the
Toledo robbery.
Tha first fire department In America
was originated in 1736.
Light UP
not OUT
after you have finished
your dinner enjoy your
cigar, or cigarette where
you enjoy your meal '
You don't need to wait till
-you've paid the cashier and
rare out on the street for
that "satisfying drag" if
you dine At
Ye Oregon
Dinner Service
Table' d'Hote $1.8.
or a la carte .
Music and Dancing
during dinner and supper hours
Soob Loaches
are contented,
Tvell-fed babies.
Three (fenerations
of them bave been
nourished oa
if -
BOYS and GIRLS and? Jy
. '. - . :-. . . u-,:-f..,y v. t-,-. ., v. ' :- : -s'-v , v v
. , : .--.I- - -6--. . ., :: .- - - ...--?? . - - : .,;,-:,.! !i -- - . . . - -
4900 Iamage9 Asked ;
B. W. Cameron, a life insurance
agent, while driving J. , G Wagner to
tha east side to see Mrs. Wagner about
her husband's life Insurance policy, ran
into a dirt bank and. injured his pas
senger to th extent Of $4900, Wagner
charges in a damage suit filed in cir
cuit court.
Doors Open 8 A. M. Doors Close 6 P. M.
Leather Goods
Extra Specials -
The latest styles in Ladies Swaers, Vanities,
Shopping and Boston Bags.
18.00 Leather. Suit Cases-r$9.00 '
Ciffar and Cigarette Cases H OFF ,
Fitalls. Adjustable to any Fittings '
- H OFF .. .,
Cases ' '
Special Assortment Vanity
4100Now SS.OO
Assprtment of Ladies' Hand Bags
Shawl Straps H OFF
Present this Coupon Frld
or Saturday, April Z3 or
and secure :
F.xtra 8." H. Greea
Tradlag Stamps
with first SI of your pur- f
ay (
23, I
20 I
chase and double stamps
with tha balance of purchase.
Photo Supplies
For quick service and
guaranteed rhoto finishing
leave your films with us.
8x10 enlargement- with 3.00
worth of finishing.' Save, re
ceipts. : Photographic Supplies
REDUCED! See Bargain ;
: Counters Downstairs.
Moth Balls, l lb. . .
Hospital Cotton, t
Epsom Salts, S lbs .... .
Cascara Bark, IJ. . . .
Oil Sweet Almonds,' 4 oz
Popular Drug Items
lb. ...40c
Castor Oil. i pint-. ...75c
Cocoanut Oil. 4 oz. 25c
Old Dutch Cleanser (limit 3) 8c
Double Distilled Witch ;
Hazel, l pint. ...... . . . .45c
Gauze, 5 yards . , . . . . . . . . 75c
! N1KK-MARR Toilet Artie lea
Neo-Plastiqtie .$2.50
Hair Tonic .. .. .$1.25
Gray Hair Restorer . . . .$1.25
Velvet Balm . . . .50c and $1.00
Velvet Cream . .50c and $1.00
Certified Clinical Ther
; mometer . ... . . . . . .
20c Domestic Ammonia.
Skookum Rat Poison . . .
Water Glass - - "i
1 pint . . . . , .... .'. .
1 quart . . . . . .. . . ..
-, Yt gallon . . . ; . . . . . .
t gallon .
(1 quart wiU'preserve
IS dozen eggs)
. 75c
Poison Oak Remedies
Simm's Poison Oak Salve.
Check, 25c and .......
Moore's Salve
Santiseptic Lotion
CLA-WOOD Poison Oak
Remedy .25c
... .45c
Toilet Articles
' MIOLENA ToUet Articlea
Cucumber Cream , . . . . . . .50c
Cold Cream . . . . ." .... ... . '. 50c
Vanishing Cream . . . . . . . .50c
Cleansing Cream : . . .' . . . . 50c
Face powder . -. . . ., ....... 75c
-" Free Sample
25c Assortment Talcum Powder
15c. 2 for 25c
Tena Castile Soap made in
Spain. Regular 2.00 Bar.
Special $1.29
24 Gilt Edged
Cards and Envel
opes. ,
24 Sheets Paper
and Envelopes.
Regular $3.00 for $1.50 I
. " -j 4 Outres Paper and Envelopes. , "
Rerular $5.00 for $2.50
r Bathing Suits,
Large assortment of Jantzen All-Wool Ladies7 Bath
ing Suits, values 8.50 to $11.50. Extra spe-
ClSfcl jtt : 'm -- - "
AH-Wool Men's Bathing Suits, values 8.00 to
9.00. Special 7....;,. .$5.98
All Cotton Bathirtff Suits special. ;.. H PRICE
- New Line Bathing Caps Just Arrived
All of the new
models in
(That Ever
faithful Friend)
SI. 00 to $28.00
Fountain Pens .
. Bring Your Sick Fountain Pen to Us
Our Pen Doctor Is a Specialist, our charges are
moderate, our work satisfactory.
Waterman's Ideal. Sheaf fer's Self -Filling, Moore's
Non-Leakable, Conklin's Creacent-Filler,
Wood-Lark, $2.00 to $29.00.
Homeopathic Remedies
Pellets, Tinctures, ' Tablets, Powders. Triturations
Ask for New Homeopathic Guide. ,
. Mezzanine Floor.
We Carry. Make and Fit
Abdominal Supporters
. ' Elastic laced back, elastic -Paragon style,-non-clastic linen mesh
buckled sides, nonreiastic raragon style. .' r ; -"-v v -
Prices $3.50 to $35.00 . 'r-, " Second Floor
For Your Sweet Tooth
;igs......... v
Chocolates r"
jnts I
Assorted Fruit Tablets .......... I
Butterscotch Waffles . . . . . . :. ... -
Chocolate Chews .............. I-
Figlets .
Boston Mints
1 LB. 39c
l LB. 29c
Candy Coated Almonds, t id. .
Wood-Lark Box Candy, i box.
. . .'.49c:
Vacuum Cleaners
i $42.50
r Regular $55.00 for ...
Regular 50.00- for
ELECTRIC STOVE, regular - $7.50, special $5.35
i ' -6'STAR Cm5tI BlJes -
! Tit EVER-READY. GEM and STAR Razors..'
, A : ' Special 21c " ;: ;v-'
, ! Special 1 dozen Rolls Toilet Paper 98c
1 I I i ..MM I U
gives protection just where
home wear and exposure are
most severe on pyches and
steps. It prevents warping,
Improves sanitary conditions
and betters exterior appear
ance with fine outdoor colors,
l quart, $1.25j Vz gallon,
$2.25; l gallon. $4.25.
S.-W. Family Paint regolar colors, t gallon,
$2.85; white, i gallon, $2.95.
Your latt lummer's hat is still good
L juat freshen it up with DY-IT
v All Colors Easy to Apply '
Morse's Flower and Garden Seeds
Packages 10c and 15c
Reduced Eastbound
Summer Tourist Fares
will be" in effect via the
Northern Pacific Ry.
ST. LOUIS, and other Eastern point.
Round trip tickets on sale June t to August 15. Liberal return
' limit.' Stopovers permitted.
For all particular, call on, write, or telephone to
. k .!:.
A. D. Charlton, General Pastenfer Agent
- , Room 722 Spalding Building-, Portland, Ore.
Main 244 Telephone 512-4A
TICKETS Consolidated Ticket Office, Third Washington Sts.
' Union SUben Ticket Office, Sixth and Irving St., Portland, Ore,
Summer ;
Fares to
Will Become Effective on the
Union Pacific System
Wednesday, June 1, 1921
and daily thereafter till and including August 15 as follows:
Chicago . . . . . . $106.80
Denver ...... 77.40
Kansas City . . . 87.60
Memphis . . . . 111.60
SL: Louis. . .
St. Paul . ..
. 87.60
. 77.40
. 87.60
' f -
and proportlonata reductions to many points Kant. Tickets at fho
'fares will be (food for return -within three months, but not later than
October JL Liberal stopovers. For more complete details Inquire of
. Ia-K. OJTKR. City Fasn." Agrt, 701 Wells Pargo BM. Broadway 4500.
CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE, Third and Wash. Sta., Main 3o30.
UNION STATION, Broadway 802. .
WM. KtXCEEAT, Geaeral rasseagcr - Areat, .. FortlaDd, -. Oreroa