18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL. 1, 1921. 1 CITY TO ASK CDS I BULL RUN PARK ' Th city of Portland will adver tise Friday for proposals for con struction of the new headworks at Ball Run, and tlds thereon will be opened May 2. The total cost of the Improvements proposed Is estimated c by Fred M. Randlett. chief engineer f the water bureau, at $243,000. : This w!l : irfclude three separate con tracts and materials which the city will purchase direct The main contract will be in the neighborhood of'200,000. This is a cane where the legal phrase, "time is. the essence," particularly ap plies, and all the .prospective contractors : who have visited the site of the- pro posed . work to familiarize themselves with the physical conditions have been Impressed with this fact, i The concrete dam proposed will have about 9500 cubic feet. It will be 30 feet ia height and 160 feet long. This dam' must be constructed during the : low-water stage, whenever that may come during the summer months, and the contractors must be prepared with full equipment of concrete-mixers, etc., to rush work at once when this low wntyr stage is reached, i ' The other work ' of constructing a ' screen house and power plant is not, of course, depenolnt on the water stage, but Mt is desired to have all finished at the earliest possible time. The con tract time limit will be November 15. A penalty clause of $50 per day for all time used beyond this date will be in the contract and it will also contain-a clause providing for the city's paying a bonus of $59 a day for each day the contract is ffrlly completed 30 days prior to that, .date; CITY-OWNED AUTOS ARE TAXABLE, DECLARES KOZETt Baby buggies ana invalid chairs are the only vehicles that are exempt from registration and licensing provisions of "the state motor vehicle act, according to Information which Secretary of State Sam A. Kozer sent to the Portland city officials today. This means that the state will insist on the payment' of the vehicle tar on approximately 160 munic ipally owned and operated vehicles. The notice sets forth that "only United States government owned motor vehi cles, traction engines, farm . tractors, i road rollers, fire wagons, i fire engines, i Invalid chairs and baby buggies" are ex empt under the state law, Kozer says that as some officials have : contended that vehicles owned and oper i ated by the state, counties or munlcipal i ities are exempt, he has asked for an i opinion on the subject from, the attor ney general, and that this opinion holds that all these political subdivisions must : register their motor vehicles and pay the ; license tax thereon in the same manner : as though owned by private individuals. Application Withdrawn Strong & MacNaughton, who asked the : city council for a permit to erect and maintain a general hospital building of reinforced concrete On Nineteenth street at Marshall, and who met with strong protests from adjacent property owners, have filed with City Auditor Funk noti fication to ithe council that they have withdrawn their application and ask that it be given no further consideration. Fuel Yard Fro touted : A protest- against Hie city council granting a permit for a fuel yard on a portion of block 12. East Portland, signed by all of the tenants in the block, was filed with City Auditor Funk this morning. The protest declares that the signers consider such a concern "would be a nuisance and menace to adjacent property. Plane Believed to Have Been Pearson's Is Found in Mexico San Antonio, Texas. April 21. (I. N. 6.) An airplane found a few days ago near Vega de los Lardones, ' Coahuila, Mexico, with the mangled body of a man lying beside it, is believed to be the abandoned plane of Lieutenant Al exander . Pearson Jr., who became lost in a flight from El Paso to this city two months ago and made a forced landing in Mexico, according to the headquarters of the eighth army corps area. ' A check of the army planes fails to show any missing. General LMckman believes that if the plane is not Pear son's it is one owned by some civilian aviator. The Mexican government has aent a detachment of soldiers to ascer tain the number of the plane and no tify General Diekman. . It was impos aible to Identify the body. It is thought to be that of a peon who .became lost and died of thirst, Lieutenant Alexander Pearson J r., army aviator mentioned in the fore ninr diunstrli. rcentlv visited Port land, his former home. The plane found in Mexico may oe nis, as no was forced to abandon his macntne on ma flight in question. Pearson walked from the Mexican wilds back to civilization through untold hardships after search ers had given him up as lose Five Students Will Enter Henry Sheak A Oratorical Contest Corvallis. April 21. Five students. Harold Garver, Mile Goas, Edgar Grif fith. Evert Hazen and Ralph Harvey ' will enter the Sheak oratorical ' contest to be held May 2 in Philomath college chapel. Three prizes a gold watcn, goia medal, and $5 gold piece are offered by Professor Henry Sheak, formerly of the faculty. ' - FORNEWWORKA DISTINCTIVE HOMES f SATED IN TOCU BriLDWG BT OIIK VXIT 8TSTEM FANCHER-McLEAN CO., Builders ttS-t-l LEWIS BtTILDlTJG . MAJOR UTTLEFIELD BUMED WITH HONORS XL f:- Major Littlefield . Newberg, Or., April 21. Accompanied .with full military and Masonic honors, the funeral of the late Major Harry A. Littlefield, a prominent Newberg phy sician and surgeon, was conducted from his home in this city this afternoon. Ma jor Littlefield died In Tucson. Arist, where he had gone for his health. For 25 years he had been identified with every ! progressive movement in Newberg, whose citizens paid his mem ory honor by suspension of business. ' Following the service, conducted by Fle'v. J. W. Bowersox of the Evangelical church "of Portland, the body was con veyed On army caissons by a detach ment of the Lester C. Keese post, Amer ican Legion, to the grave. The local Masonic body led the funeral procession and had charge of the final services. The honorary pallbearers were Lr. E. F. Tucker, Ir. C. W. Cornelius and Dr. Robert Yenney. Portland, and George Lutz, Dr. John W. Barcroft, his business partner; Lynn B. Ferguson, Waiter Mills and R. J. Moore, Newberg. Major Littlefield . was born April 11, 1875, at Lafayette, Or., and was the son of the late Dr. H. R. LitUefield, who also spent a life of service in Yamhill county. After graduating in the class f '96 at the University of Oregon medical school he enlisted and served m the Philippines during the Spanish-American war. Dur ing the late world war he volunteered and, upon arriving In France, was made commanding surgeon of the Sixth United States engineers, with which unit be served until .the signing of the armistice. He was with the army- of occupation at Coblenz,- Germany, until his discharge. His last illness is held by friends to "have resulted from gas attacks. . Dr. Littlefield is survived by his brother, Judge E. V. LitUefield of Port land. WOMAN STEALS Once again the Good Samaritan has aided the afflicted and once again the tender hearted one has been "plucked." Bohumil Siller, 228 Tenth street, tried the role of champion of the troubled. Now he has asked the police to be the champion of his troubles. Siller was walking toward his home about 1 o'clock this morning when he saw a woman standing on . Salmon street between Tenth and Eleventh streets. She appeared to be ill and Siller offered assistance. The woman said she was, feeling . faint, and took the proffered assistance..- ' At 209 Thirteenth street the woman said , she was home.. She said she had to go in the back door, but would not permit Siller to accompany her. Siller found his purse on the sidewalk when retracing his steps and a $10 bill which had been there was missing. The police have reports of previous operations by a woman very much similar to the Siller incident. Visitor in Astpria Found Suffering From Breakdown ' Astoria, j Or., . April 21. Shaking and trembling,', which , practically rendered him helpless, an aged man, who later proved to be Calder Herring, a furniture dealer of Leavenworth, Wash., was found on the streets of Astoria Wednes day evening by the local police. Ques tioning at the police station revealed that Herring had suffered a nervous breakdown as the result of recent busi ness reverses and had come to Astoria to recuperate. He said, according to the police, that he was an "uncle" of Lee Herring, local business man. The latter is quoted by the police as saying that his "brother" had been in Astoria about two weeks and that he apparently was losing his mind. He suggested, the po lice say, that Herring be held in a cell. Young Matrimonial Voyagers in Trouble Vancouver. Wash., April 21. Alleging; his wife preferred the attentions of other men, Campbell Trimble, 17 years old, has filed ; suit for divorce from his 17-year-old jwife. Myrtle Trimble. The youngsters were married a year ago and at first lived at the home of the hus- j band's parents. Shortly after they moved to a home of their own.. ! PHOKE BSOADWAT tMS FROM BENEFACTOR Dr. L. 0. Roberts Is Elected Head of Blue Mountain Co. Officers were elected ; Wednesday night by the 17 stockholders I of the newly Incorporated Blue Mountain Gas & Oil company. Dr. L. O. Roberts being made president The meeting was held in Dr. Roberts office. Other officers are: Nell Bertrandiaa. vice president and field manager, and Lionel C, Mac Is ay, secretary -treasurer. The directors Include the officers and Dr. J, L Ringo, Dr. H. H. DeArmond. A. F. DeFremm, M. S. Miller and D. - Rogers. DeFremm said today that the company Is incor ported for $250.000,. the entire stock being paid up. He said leases on about 100,000 acres of land in Crook county have been procured and that borings will be started as soon as preliminaries are disposed of. General headquarters, he said, will ,be in Portland, while Prineville will be the field headquarters. BUILDING PERMITS Ojierationi of 61000 and more: Hi J. Millatt, erect resident. 5818 59th ave., bet. 57th and 58th sta; builder, G. C. Stone; (1600. , G. W. Priest, erect residence. 1442 E. 214, bet. Rybee and Rex; builder, same as owner; $2300. I G. W. Priest, erect residence. 873 E. 56th, bet. Broadway and Hal&ey ; builder, asm as owner; $2300. . I F. H- Norman, erect residence. 1336 E. Ev-, erett, bet. 47th and 49th; builder. John . P. 1 Preston; $4250. John II. Kremer. erect residence, 1025; Wasco, bet. 23d and 25tb; builder, same as owner; $3500. Mrs M. B. Hansen, erect residence, 120(5 Frank hn. bet. 39th and 40th; builder. J. B. Sprunger: $3000. John Andersen, erect residence, 1118 E. 33d. bet. Emerson and Kfllingsworth; builder, same as owner; 62500 F. B. Turner, erect residence, 677 19th. bet Sudriyon and Klickitat; builder, same as owner; $8000. - T. II- Gardner, repair stores and hotel, 208 Third, bet. Taylor and Salmon; builder, Mc Holland Bros.; $1000. . Jitaf Statistics mrri9es. Births. Dcaihs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Win, F. Kipple, legal, Central bids., and Mrs. Mae Knorr, lecal. 880 E. Washington. Lew E. Williams. 20. 530 Commercial, and Emily O. Darts, legal, 568 Conch. Clift Cornwall, 21, Short HiU, N. J . and Elizabeth Huber. 21, 49 N. 2 1st. Eugene F. Lindberg. lecal. 213 12th, and Mary Powell, legal, 149? E. Ash. Johnson D. Leonard, 24. Burns, Or., and Hazel Haines, 24, city. G. B. Slater, legal, city, and Sarah A Coch ran, legal. Imperial hotel. Ixrais E. Preston, legal.' 484 E. 12th at N., ana Margaret at. fflmi, legal, sip Minnesota. WFnniNtfl IMITATIONS AND AJft TT ii.llfl NOUNCEMENTS. Aocial stationery oar specialty. The Cbetopa Press, 200-A Broadway, between Taylor and Salmon. Phone Main 5495. WEDDINQ W. O. SMITH A CO. and visiono card engravers 311 Morgan bids. BIRTHS FLORI To Mr. and Mn. Jos. Flori, Linn ton. Or.. April 12, a son. RHODES To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. EL Bhodes, 996 Kelly. April 11, a danghter. SOEDEB To Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Boeder, 4327 65th. April 19. a daughter. V HOMMA To Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ham ma, 297 E. bbui, apru ii, a son. BODVIX To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Bodrin. 6341 7 2d. April 11. a son. FIELD To Mr. and Mm. L, F. Field. 618 E. Btn, Maren 1, a son. CODY To Mr. and Mrs. M. Cody. . 37th and Hawthorne. March 21. a son. PIEB.BON To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pierron. 147 76th. April 13. a son. BOBBINS To Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bobbins, 6605 62d. April 14. a son. GtJNN To Mr. and Mm. C. L. Gunn, 19214 Grand are.. April 13. a son. B A COL'S To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Baecua. Battleground, Wash., April 11, a son. McCLEAN To Mr. and Mrs. R. McCleaa. 359 E. 74th, April 17, a danghter. MOORE To Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Moore, 5735 85th. April 13. a son. CORN INK To Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Online, Silrer Lake, Wash., April 9, a daughter. S TOREK To Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Storer, 6043 41st. April 17, a son. RIDTH ANNOUNCEMENTS DAINTT tJIVJlia AND CORRECT. See our samples. The Cbetopa Press, 200-A Broadway, between Taylor and Salmon. Main $495. DEATHS FOLEY James Foley. 729 K. 21st. April 20, 67 years; cerebral hemorrhage. GOODENOW Jessie Goodenow, 819 Belmont. April 17. 81 rears; arterio sclerosis. LAMAS Isaac Lam an. Good Samaritan hos pital, April 18, 44 yean; lethargic encepha litis. DEVEREAT7X Claremon P. " DeTereanx. 1T5 Emerson, April 18, 18 yean; tuberculosis. NEW TODAY 50 2 14 ACRES Ideal Home Sites Amid Beautiful Homes WILL SELL AS WHOLE OR PARCELS AT LOW FIGURE SEE MelJTWES, WITH HARVEY WELLS S CO. MAIS 4Sti 01 GASCO BCIlDIXG FLUFF RUGS from old carpets, woolen clothing, rag ran. all sizes; conn try mail order given prompt attention ; mattresses, feather pillows renovated. Send tor booklet. , Carpet Cleaning . Largest, finest equipped carpet cleaning, . refitting works in stats of Oregon. Separate Plants : CARPET CLEANING BRANCH 1072 E. Lincoln St 8x1 2 Rosa Steam Cleaned $1.BO WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-60 UNION ATE, X, f East 651 .. 237)7 ; aat 6MS . mciiodu xioasea and tiarases MADE TO ENDCBE laTcatigata Frea Catalog; ' Red! mad a Bide. Ca Portland, Or. E. 11th and Market Phona K. biii West Sida Office, 400 Lewis BuildJnr Fourth, and OaJt fhon Bawr, 4334 MVEW SO LEADING WRECKERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST Dolan Wrecking & Const Co. READY-MADE GARAGES $50 It pays to advertise. It pays to read this ad. We have just received a shipment of 3000 new doors of the latest designs, that we must sell imme diately. We are offering you the opportun ity to make your selection of this lot at $2.50 each. In connection with this we can offer 5000 double run windows and casement sash at 30 be low cost. Read Carefully and Note Prices on Following: Star "A" Star Shingles, per M 92.75 Bustle, 9 lap 1L E. CaL Not. (good std. lengths) $25.00 Dimension, N e w 2x4, 2x6 to 12x13, Tfo. 2 common MS, per M 915 to $20 Flooring Snort lengths, per M.....S25.00 Standard lengths, per AI..835.00 Celling ' . Short lengths, per M S25.0O Standard lengths, per M..$35.00 Standard Shingles, per M 92. OO MATEKIAL FOB ALL INSIDE , FI3TISH DOOB AND WINDOW FRAMES AND MOULDINGS AT LOWEST PBICES Common Red Brick $15 Per M Paints, per gallon. ...... .....1K2.50 Booting Paper, 1-ply, per roll S1.50 i-piy 92.00 s-piy..... 92.50 Shlplap, 3fe. 3, per M 915.00 Boilding Paper, S ft. in roll 91.50 Bath Tubs, new white enamel east iron... 928. OO to 935. OO low Tank Toilets, new, each. ..924 Togel Toilets, second hand, ea. 912 Lavatories, new, some slightly damaged 97.00 to SIO.OO S-gal. Bange Boiler, new.. 913. 50 0-gal. Bange Boiler, second hand 97 New Garage Doors, air 910.00 to 917.SO 6-Inch Gate ValTes...56 Below Cost Standard Soil Pipe, foot 35a Extra Heavy Soil Pipe, foot 60 Plaster Board, fireproof, foot..... 64 Carload Cedar Posts, 4x6, 7 feet long, each .. 45 Lanndry Trays, each 90 to 99 Galr. Wire Cat Kails, per teg 93 EVERYTHING I2T -THE BUILDING LINE HIGHEST PBICES PAID FOB BUILDINGS Dolan Wrecking & Const. Co. EAST EIGHTH AND BELMONT . AND MORRISON STREETS . Phone East 6110 NEW RUGS Rawciveu from old oat of ordinary raga are velvety. carpets save on carpeta. Our i half Oaff durable and Guaranteed to FLUFF RUGS NORTHWEST RUG CO. : The oldest ' and best equipped factory. Fluff and - rag rut woven all sixes; ear pets icfitted; 9x12 rugs steam rlranel $1.50. We call for and deliver. 1tt E. ClgnUi St. Pttona East SStO FLUFF RUSS Mad From All Kind of Old Carpets On 8x10 Fluff Rut ....416.00 On 8 Fluff Rug .........$ 4.00 OREGON FLUFF RUQ CO. 1984 E. Stark St, Tabor 7814 AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT WILSONS AUCTION HOUSE, 169-173 BECOSD STREET fAf ft AT 1 A M SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE 0" SALE OB GOVERNMENT TIMBER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Washington, D. C March 10. 1921. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the acta of June 9, 1916 (39 star.. 218), and June 4, 1920 (41 stat., 758), and the instructions of the Secre tary of the Interior of September 15. 1917, and June 22. 1920, the timber oa the following lands will be sold April 27, 1921, at 10 a. m.. at nubile suction at the United States land of- I fice at Portland, Or., to the highest bidder at not less tnaa tne appraisea value as anown oy this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sals is not approved, otherwise) patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such oitixens and corporations organized under the laws of the Cnited States or any atata. ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applicataoa of a qualified purchaser, the timber oa any legal subdivision will be offered separately before be ing included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 3 S.. R. 5 E.. Sec 13. EEtt SEK. red fir 160 II.. not to be sold for lees than 41.25 per M 8.. R. W.. Sec. 0. NW 4. NEtt. red fir 380 M., SW NE. red fix 385 M, SB NW. red fir 1280 M. SW14 NW. red fir 1130 M., none of which timber shall be sold for less than 4L75 per M T. 5 8.. R. T W.. See. 83, NE hi SWla, red fir 623 M.. what fir 120 M.. none of tbe red fir to be sold for mas than 52 per M.. and none of the white fir to be sold for leas than 60 cents per M Signed) - CLAY TALL MAN, CejeHmliTlrmeT. ':nersl Land Office- TO WHOM it may concern: I will not be re sponsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Men. Ixwraine Bird wood. BRFCE BIRDWOOD. MEETING NOTICES 102 TS7rc7 PHALANX I yV In Orient hal Kvyp E- th. V F. O. 8Ei PHALANX LODGE NO. 14. K Of every Fridsy at a D. m. hall. 426 i E. Alder, cor. Visitors always welcome. BEATON, K- Of I DANCING every W edneo.j and Saturday Co- romoia nan, visa arm "it. I KMBLEM JEWELHX a specialty, buttons. Bias, NEW TODAY J Slmu. 1X1,1 XX axa aa 102 B. P. O. ELKS No. . 142 Ream- lar meeting that (Tharsdayl evening. Elks Temple; 8 o'clock. Visiting' brothers welcome. M. K, SPAULD1NG. Sea, . 8CNNTSIDE5 CHAPTEH Na. 42. B. A. M., East Thirty-ninth and Haw thorne. Called convocation , Friday ereninc. April 22. At 7 p. n. Royal Arch -v degree. - Visitors wel come. Order ot K. H. P. W. 1. BREKEL, Sea, 1TTLTNOUAH CAMP No. 77, W. O. W., Eaxt Sixth and Alder streets. Friday night. April. 22. Iarge class initia tion. - Neighbors welcome, 3. O. WILSON, Clerk. JOHN BHANJfO! L. O. U. Ia i 609, meets' eerj Thnnday, 8 P. nv. So. 203 V4 Third st Visiting Wfotbacs walconta LLA SOCIAL CLtB will give tbe 12th nnm ber of their series of popular dances. Saturday evening. April 23. in f. O. O. F. hall. East Eightieth and Glian street. Afl Odd Fellows, Keoekahs and friends cordially invited to attend. Splendid orchestra has been secured and a good time assured. Orde of oommittee. 1 C. A. STAPHEXSOS. WEBFOOT CAMP No. . W. O. W., weery Friday night m W. O. W. Temple, 12S 11th st. i Members rw aoeeted to be present. Via itoon welcome. H. U BARBtTR. Clert 1-ALE&TINE LOUUE No. 141, A. F. and A. M. - Special com munication, Thursday. April 21, 7 o'clock. M. M. decree. Visiting nretnren weicoma Archer Place. Mount Scott car. By order W. M. W. S. TO W X 8 EX P KecreUry. ALBERT PIKE LODGE No. 162, A. F Mil A VT Kruvial mn. of IT?, W munication Friday evening, April JSyy Si! at A nVWk U u Brother B, H. Sawyer will favor the lodire with a livturw. VL.it iw brethren welcome. G. W. COOK. Secretary. MOUNT HOOD LODGE No; 1S7, . A. F. and A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Friday) eve ning. 7 p. m. Work and exami nation in E. A. degTee. Visiting brethren welcome. Rv order of the W. M. F. W. ENKE. Sec POKTLAX 1 LOIfGE No. 55. A. F. and A. M. Special com munication this (Friday) evening. 5 o'clock, Pythian building. Work in the F. C. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome.. By order of W. Ji. H. JV HOUGHTON. Secretary. MOUERN WOODMEN OF AJaEKICA, Albert Camp No. 974 1-, will give a Five Hundred party Friday evening, April 22, at Baker hall, corner Albina and Killingsworth avenue. Gome and have a good time; coffee and cake served. Cards at S :30. By committee . . ' DEATH NOTICES 103 SOLEH April 21, 1921, at the Good SamarT tan hospital. Charles Nicklos Soder, aged 38 years,. late of Scappoose, Or.: beloved husband of Louisa .Soder. brother of Victor Soder, Taeoma, Wash., and John Soder. rending in the East. .Ke maina at Pearson undertaking parlors, Russell 'at. atCnionave. r . , 1HOMAS April 20, at the family reodence, 831 Mississippi avenue, Sn&an E. Thomas, aged 73 years. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of fu neral later. BOO.NE In this city. April 21. William Boone, f acea 01 years. Tbe remains are at Fintey a mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Notioe of funeral later. ..... FUNERAL NOTICES 104 COAXES -At the residence of ? his daughter, Mrs. L S. Beaupre, ' Milwaukie,. Or., April 21, Garrett D. Coates, aged 84 years, beloved father of Jim. Gilbert, ,John and Max Coates. all of this city; William J., and Rufus, both of St. Helens, and Mrs. Ararfoua Vw.n nr ! Wauoa. Or., and Mrs. Margaret Beanpre of Jiuwausie, or. runeral services will he held Saturday, April. 23. at 3 p. m, at the -Evangelical church at Milwaukie. Interment ML Scott Park - cemetery. Friends invited. Ar rangements in . care of Miller A Tracey. Ashe ville, N. C. papers pleaje copy. APPLEG A TB In this city,April 20, Alfred D. Apple ate. agtd 81 years; husband of Mar garet Applegate of 455 Alder street The de ceased . was a member of Portland lodge, B. P. O. E, Moose lodge of Sacramento, CaL; Kirk paOIck council K. and U of Security, Steam Shovel and Dredgemen's local. Funeral .will be held at McBntee A Fillers parlors, Sixteenth and' Event streets. . .Friday, April 22, at 3 p. m. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. WILLIS ;Anril 20. 1921. at the family ra dence, 57 7 Gantenbein are., William Thomas Willi a, aged 64 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Ethel Willis, father of Mrs. I-eona deminskj ana Wynton Wiuis:'also rumved by one brother Jack Willis. Kalama. Wash., and four sisters residing, in the East. Funeral service will be conducted Saturday. April 23. 1921. at 2 n. m. at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell at. at union ave. .mends invited. Incineration ML Scott Park crematorium. EASTMAN In this city. April 21, Bessie F. Eastman, aged 4 3 ' years, . wife of Joseph H. EarUnan of Oswego, Or., mother of Marion. Gartner and Robert Eastman and daughter of Mr. and Mr. Joseph MeMahan of Oswego and sister of Harold, Max and Rex Mahan of Port land. The funeral eervicos will be held Saturday, April 23, at 11:30 a. m.. at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends . invited. Con cluding services at Riverriew cemetery. -- KELLY April 20, at the family residence, 606 East Tenth street south, Isabella J. Kelly, aged 77 years:' mother of Mrs. Bell M. Brookhouse and Margaret Kelly of Portland and sister of 1 Mm t , . . 1 : i t , m n j . . twii uvu, smj vi ui biiu jua ur- lotte Welsh of San. LnU Obispo, CaL The fu neral services will be held Friday, April 22. at 2:3ft p. ,m.. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding services at Mount Scott. Park cemetery. SKKE April 24, at the family residence, 1788 En.it Da via street, Araletta Cooper, wife of Norval J. Skee, mother of Araletta Skee, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper and sister of Mrs. Anna L. Pollock and Mildred Cooper of this city. The funeral services will be held Sat urday, April 23. at 2:30 p. nv. at Finley's mor tnarjr, ifontgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. &BINGELHEDE April 18. at Centralia, Wuh., Theodore Kringelhede, aged 36 years, beloved husband of Helga Kringelhede, father of Paul and Dagma Krinkelbede. Funeral sere ices will be conducted Friday. April 22, 1921. at 2:30 p. m.from Pearson 'a undertaking par lors, Russell st. and Union ave. Friends in vited. Interment Molnorosh cemetery. M'AYEAL At the residence, 338 Benton a la., April 19. 1921. Margaret J. McAyeal, aged 65 years, beloved mother of Dr. C. R. McAyeal, James A. McAyeal, Mrs. Florence Nicholson and Roy A. McAyeal, all of Portland, Or. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holm an 's chapel. Third and, Salmon sta., at 2:30 p. m. to morrow (Friday), April 22, 1921. Interment Greenwood cemetery. . ' FOLEY Tbe funeral cortege of James Foley, late of 554 Taylor st, will lesve the chapel of Miller Sc. Tracey Friday. April 22, at 8:45 a. Tn.. thence to St. Mary's cathedral, 15th and Davis sts., where masa'will be offered at 9 a. m. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery.. JACKSON At tbe residence, 1079 E. 28th St. north, April 21. 1921. George S. H- Jackson, aged 74 years, beloved father of George E. and John D. Jackson of Portland. Or. Remains at Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon sta. Notice of funeral later. BETHEL, At hia lata residence, 128 E." 34th et,, April 19. Lerkin R. Bethel, aged 79 years. Funeral services will be held Friday, April 22. at 2 p. m.. at the chapel of Breese A Snook, Belmont at SSth. Friends invited. DRAWZ At bta late residence. 586 East 18th street, William J. Draws, aged 66 years. Fu neral services will be held at P. L. Lerch funeral parlors. East- 11th and Clay streets, tomorrow (Friday) at 2 .o'clock n. m. Friends invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 Lerch, Undertaker east eleventh at hawthorns PHONE EAST 7oL Dunning & McEntee Morrison st, at 12th. Broadway 430. Aut, 645-68. CHAMBERS OO. ' Funeral Directors AD the Conveniences of a Room Woodlawn 8306. 248-250 Kdlingsworta sea. R, T. BYRNES .SSISthSS? 901 Wilbams ave. nodatwh 22ft. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH- MAIN yrT.r.tr.n A TRACET. Independent fnaeraj dv rertora. Prices as .sow as 320. 640. 660. -wasnmgtoa at Ella, ' aaun vi, A-7BS1. M 'EN TEE . KILERS. funeral parlors with aS the privacy of home. 14th an4 sfterau ate. Phones Brosdway 2138. Home A-2138. Raa-oJ&?rliirtrk1Lr i4? Bataont- St, a-va vvsiviwawiivvin I Tab. 1268. B-2544. MEETING NOTICES A. R. Zeller Co. SLWVS: FUNERAL DIRECTORS 10S (WALTER J. H0LMAN) THIRD AND SALMON MAIN 60T East Side Funeral Directors F. S. DUNNING, INC. "The Family Seta the Price" 414 E. Alder st. . Phvae Bast 64. DOWNING M'NEMABr A noaaeUaa Moderate In prices. Lrnactoa district. , paoi Kast 04 Glraitua CNDEBTAKING CO. Main 416S iJilVCWCS A-2821. Corner Third and Clay. MONUMENTS 106 OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QGALITT MEtOCIALS E.TWBO IWNt STS, PHONE t-T43 1 Jl 267-3RO ST. AT MAOISOM Portland Marble Works 164 th at. Op Olty Hatl - Wen Bros. - FLORISTS 107 32&M0&QIS0N Man "7x ' ' M0QQISON ' aooaOWA.'Y ( P.(n ! ILASGEST QETA1L FlOfllST u, PORTLAND Ladies TIMETO PLANT TOCR FLOWERS We have- a beautiful assortment of plants of all kinds for window boxeaj flower beds. etc Special advice on how to plant. Very reaaon- aoie prices. uooinson-Jaauanaer to., viu c 40th st. Sell 1757. . - And Floral Designs. 29 Large Hothouses. No Branch Stores. 14 tm Years oa Morrison st, ia between 4th and SUfc TeL Mala 7706. Smith's Flower Shop Tortlaad't PreaTaaslva Florist" aDowars for All Occasions. Mala T2 15. T. C LUKE. Mgr. 6th and AMer. MARTIN A FORBES CO , floriata. 654 WaXb? iagtoa. Main 2. A-1289. Flowan fog all occasions arosocally arrangers. DannSo'a FLORAL SHOP IreOpie S 248 Alder. - Manhall 6423. 1U7mrAll. X. W. Bank Bids. Maifl Chappell S eilS. gl Morrison at. LOST AND FOUND 108 'lHE lohowing articles were: tound on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.. April 19: 17 umbrellas. 1 lunch box, 4 purses. 1 key, 1 suit case, 2 band bags, 2 prs. alovea. 1 rule. 3 ekes.. 4 iron bars. 2 prs. rub bers, thermos bottle and magazine. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder street station. STOLEN, by two boys. Monday evening, from private garage,-1 American bicycle, blue and white. No. 79253. and 1 Marshall Hells DicycR. lieht hravm. Did vour bov bring home a stray wheel f If so have him return it. Reward for the lecoeery and no questions asked. Last 004 1. nl jaegsr ana a inn iaon. LOST Male Spitz dog with bobtail, ana to the name of Keno, license No. 13k7: reward. Mrs. M. E. Nolan. 5134 67th st. 8E.. phone Ant. 612-88. a FRIDAT evening near Multnomah club or Uni versity club, key ring containing about ft keys, 3 of which were Tale keys. Reward if returned. 325 Lumbermens bldg. WILL party finding man's overcoat on' Base. Line road Sunday night ' which contains papers of H-. W.. Smith, please , call . Tabor 9410? Reward. LADY who picked op lady a black sailor hat in bag Saturday, April 9, at Amerioan market, TamhOl st. : no questions asked. Call Tabor 1299. Reward. STOLEN Master bicycle, i tcom Eliot School, March 14, 1921, 8 p. m Return to owner,, Ceoree Reliefer Jr.. 404 Stanton st-, city. STOLEN Pit Bull, 7 nios. old, white with red ears, tail and ears trimmed, license No. 2419, answers to name "Ben." 9123 Foster road. LOST One pair gray blankets, on E. 15 to St., Broadway or Sandy road.; Finder please call Ant. 324-63. t LOST-. Eastern Star pin-; keepsake from daugh- ter. Main 2718. Reward. 8TRATED Apr. 20. Gnemoey -Jersey with halter: Reward. Call Marshall 673. LARGE black cameo, evening of April .12. Iteward. Mar. 2753. LOST Gold watch, cloned case, engraved "L. M. P.." aheU fob. Call Wdln. 3122. Reward. BLACK cocker spaniel, named Dixie, Call Main 3200. Reward. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 A REAL OPPOBTTJNITT Toa want a coed position, don't yon? Hera's how to get it: Begin a coarse of instgaetioa at the Adcox Auto scbut1 at once. (Not cne cent to be paid down). la AT THE END OF THIRTY DAYS TOO ARE ENTIRELY SAT ISFIED then pay one half of yoor tuition tee and AFTER YOU HAVE GRADUATED AND SECURED A GOOD POSITION YOU CAN PAY THE BALANCE OUT OF TOUR WAGES. School open for inspection daily at 11 a. "-QgggQj, EX-SKWICE MEN The state pays part of yoor tuition fee. Wa will trust yon for the balance until you secure a good position. , . ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. - SPECIAL 425 A TITO COURSES TOUR OPPORTUNITY AUTO and TRAC TOR, ignition and battery work, vulcanising and retreading. Driving. Uo-to-date practical shop x pa nance- DAT and EVENING classes. Ore gon ex-service men, the state paya your entire tuition fee. Catalogue and information npoa request. HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS, 707 Hawthorns ave., Portland. Op erating the largest chain of practical Ants and Tractor Schools in the world. Assures EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION. AH tin rinses courses, including eomptoasetsr training. Enroll any time day school, aiglit acbooL Writ, for free eatalocaa. 4th aC. aaag Morrison pnon. Main b9V TOU CAN EARN YOUR WAT THROUGH ALISET BLDO.. 6D AND MORR1BOW. ENROLL in a basmeas school where students sw ears individual instruction in the major sub jects and personal attention la all subjects, book keeping, stenographie, esUculator. private secre tarial courses offered. Writ, or call lor inter view:. New term now opening. Day and eve ning ansalnni Oregon Institute of Tachaology. 191 6th it, Mara 87UU, loom z. MODERN BARBER COLLEGE teaches Use trad. la S was., tool furnianed; some pay. Por tions secured. Special rate this month, Write or cau 1QT pmim.m", . MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach mm the trade In a wees; receive some pay wruia learning; positions secured; Oregon ei -semes reoeive state sio, vr num or cau mow cata- gue. 234 Bomstae sr. l i:nt hfcALTY -CULTURE Night and day scbooL I'hon. Mar. 1 702. rii.. Curtis will teach you the .complete eoassei max. yourself - indepeadeat. 400 De- knra Welg. " ' ROCKY MOUNTAIN TKACHERS AGENCY EaroII treav Frank BL Welms, former aavtv Hate supt.. Mgr.. N-W. Bank bldg. Ante. 512-16. MEN, WOMEU, learn barber trade; wages wbiia iaaraiae;: positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years znerierca. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madiaosv MUSICAL education for ex-service men under state compensation at the Modern Conserva tory of Mnw. 14 itn st. imwt. zooa Mksi liegina Backet's private school; i Dividual taatractioa. 123 w Grand eve. East 427. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Telearaph, la atuaw, . asuvif ,irnsngw w e-iaiw HELP WANTED MALE 201 EXPERIENCED finisher, permanent position to A X man. Edwards Fumiture Co., 5th and Oak THE JULIAN cleaning; and presemg eolabliahmenl can us. the sen ices of several aoucnora.'- ava Hlt nronri-THm. 34 6 jfr Jeffernon et. " LAttGEgT QETi lnllawiff WANTED Tbrsw house-to-bouse solicitors; auo man with car. 774 Williams are. GOOD, opening tor a good automobile mechanic 96 Lombard. WANTED Solicitor; house hod specially. A good propoaiOna. . Phon. Bdwy.i12960. HELP WANTED MALE 201 WAN TELk Large textile mill, baa' permanent position to offer to a neat appearing young man with suoeeeoful experience tn hoiue-to-nnuse aolitating; no delivering; commissions paid daily; references .required; floaters will not be consid ered. Inquire at office of Real Silk Hosiery MUl. Z14 cwi Kirnange mag. - . HIGH POWER MEN ABLE TO EARN - - 500 TO $1,000 A MONTH Concern is well and favorablv known and of fers a good future for producers.. Call 9 to 11 a. m., SUV Lombermena bldg. - i NEKO HELPf -Phone, write or wire for com petent American citisens, ex-eerviee men, to fill tbe place. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE..1T0 4th at. Phone Main 6347. N tea Charged. ' WANTKI -10 Hum ian-4 merman fsmilio for beet fields. Twin Falls. Idaho: man here with contracts. He - Evans,' 09 Commonwealth ' bldg. eth-BurnsKle sta. ' Phone Broadway 4442. - VANTK1 Experinred snen .. with automobile to . take complete charge of a department in large real estate business. 534 Cham, pf "Com merce. forTJsnd lies It y ID, WANTED Experienced fluff rug solicitor. Good ana exclusive territory. Good proposi tion to the right man. Mosan Art Bug Co., Medforrf,' Or. WANTEU Experienced fluff rug weaver. Steady work. Good proposition to the right man. Mosan Art Rng Co., Medford, Or. WAN.T Experienced -fluff , nig weaver. N. Fluff Rug Co.. 18 E. 8th st. ! W. SALESMEN WANTED 202 REAL SALESMANAGEIt For a high-class business, man. one who can take entire charge of sale forre, sn exceptional opportunity Is open, "Phone Mr. Umbdenstock, Broadway 16.18. for appointment. ' HAVE OPENING FOR ON K HIGH-TAHt SALESMAN. PREFKRENCE GIVEN MAN WITH SEt'lRITV. INSURANCE OK KPE CIALTT EXPERIENCE MR. UMBDEN STOCK, ROOM 208 OREGON BLTXS. tiAUUMAN .wanted; bvrt Ford lens controller in the market, 400 per ent mora light 409 rMirnvde t. COM M EKi !IA L grocery ea)emsn. who wmta good article or sideline. Call Woodlawn 0350. or fil Washington yl., Vsnoouver. ; . WAN TED -Htlwmen for new patented houne hold nceeity. Himm 813 Lahhe bklg. bAl.i-MA.S wuh some sales ability for ottice speeialtv. Room 812 Ibhe bMg. ; AGENTS WANTED 203 AGENTS wanted. Benedict ' Norery Co., 185 r.mnir ntta mu rerun mi. ,r. WANTED Solicitor; heusehold stvcialty. A good' proportion. Phone Bdwy. 29SO. HELP WANTED FEMALE " 204 JAPANESE girl, not over 35 years of aue, to work as attendant in ladies' public room ; position permanent and good salary tn right party; must be able to. understand and speak English 1 references required; must be of good appearance and be able to handle 1 the public. Inquire manager of the Liberty theatre, bet. 1 and 5. 1 SINGLE middle aged gentleman wants lady to keep house and help in store on small farm out in country. Must be competent and neat, with good refer noea. : No objection to child. EX-8S4, Journal t MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly with the federal emnsbymeat service, forniihes competent of fice women; also women for all other lines of em- ploymmt. '329 Henry bldg. Broadway III! ANT GIKL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army ' Rescue Home, Mayfair and s iriinqpr t. - r none winm ii'i. i-yi ear. LAUV - canvafsers wanted; something new; big money.. Call room 614. Buchanan bldg . Between a no 10 a. ra;, rnday. EXPERIENCED millinery maker wanted. CTIT preferred. In answering give full particulars and phone, number. D-!hH, Journal. WANTED -A woman for housework. 1804 K. ,3 2d st.. Eastrnoreland. ' Phone Sell. 1553. GIRL for general housework. 4 in family; no Children. CaU Mrs. E. H. Hyatt. Tabor 973. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 WANTED A young man or woman with a slight talent for drawing Tou can earn while you learn with larxe advertisina and en graving concern. Bureau of Engraving. 4 5 4 th at. Of rice 605. . Hdwy. 1836. K. 1L Greer. Call between 12- snd 5 p. m. - WANTED -Newspaper subsenpuon solicitor - (lady or gent), salary or commission; good money. Apply circulation manager. Oregon Statesman, Salem. . - - WANTED Partor to ofieraie incubators on per ' centage. For particulars phone 23124 eve. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 COMPETENT liokkeetr and general offu. man, with years of experiaace, want dom tion with progressiva firm; can take full charge of office; experienced in credits and collec tions. Local and eastern referencea, Address P. O. Box 592. - PERMANENT position wanted by man and wife with mill and timber company in Willamette valley; man is blacksmith and marhiniiat and familiar with mill and logging machinery. X 107. Journal. - NEED HELP 1 l'bone, write or wire for cota petent American citizens, ex-servie. men, to fill the place. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE. 170 4th at, Phone Main 6347. N. few chanred. , , CEMENT KIMailLIt CALL TABOK 1329 All kinds of cement and concrete work, by day. contract or . labor contract. First-class workmsnihip guaranteed at a reasonable price PAINTING. Papering, luting; lead and oil used only; work guaranteed. . Charles ' Gorman. AuL 614-24. LAUl'b.MLIi EatiniaU e'leii on building, re pair work. Screens : made to ' order. Shop, I37 Tfawthome. Tahof 7112. MAl;KIkl ex -service man, age . 3 I . desires p - sition, day or night work or night watchman; can give beet reference. M-Voo. journal. WANTED, by competent bookkeeper, small seta of books to. keep in oroer; cnargea reaaonsbie, Addrewi P. O. - Box fl92. PA1NT1.V. tinting, prices r.iht; work and ma terial guaranteed as represented. Phone Aut. B25-S7. - FORD motor and tranamieaion. Uiuroughly over' .hauled' at your - bumf garage, , 618. Fhona Wdln. 4282. GLS R. SVLV A Frances, stoves, water coil ' repair work or pot In. Night or day work. Offire phone "Eaat 6200. , PAINTING and kalsnmining, 63 a room up. ij. w Kiee. rimw nai-ta. . GARDEN and abort jobs, OOo huur. Phone IMmnnu 1 zno. PAINTER wants work, reasonable; have tools. Hooper, 1 23 E. 17th aL N. Woodlawn 603 PAINTING and tinting in all their brandies. Reasonable. Woextlawn saL'B. vahl Bros. PAINTER need work. fVn furnUh . tools and referenoes. Phone Main 6950. YOUNG man. experienced stenographer, desires position. Brosdwsy 77. BCKEKNS msde to order, old screens rewireo, Antrmatic 317-27. MAN -wants spading snd garden work, 60c per hour. Phone Hell. 153. AiJ. kinds of flower boxes made to order. Auto- mstie 317 27 PLUMBING by the hour or by tbe job, very rsonable. Aut. 285-61. , " JLOWLNG A N i MARHOVMNG , CHEAP. PHONK MAIN 8140. CARPENTER and contractor, ymoing anything in the building line. . Phone fcajt6666. PAINT that roof with W ehfoot paint; 20 yean' e t penem-c. urosowsy- now. JAY THE JOBBfcK rBrti-k, piaienng, . cem "work; repairing. reTnodeTing. Ant. a1i1-73 ment CAKK and vaairy baser want. poaiUou. Call 227 Market t... Moveno. CEMENT work; ail Sellwood 9 1 9. First class ealy. WINDOW SCREEN. MADE TO ORDER, TABOR 234 ROOMS tinted 42, 43 and 64. Good work and satisfaction, Phone - Mac 6167. SEWER connections, drain tile, cesspools, sep- '". tic tanks, cement work. Tabor 600W. PLASTERING, chimney sad cement work 109 , E. 46th st. . Tsbor aaiiPj. OUTSIDE snd inside painting and napering, low prices. Brtwy. zei7 LA VV N MOWERS sharpened and ret i red, work 'guaranteed, called for and delivered. East 27. GRADING and excavating. Mam 6744. ROOFS painted. reaoab)e. Yabor 929. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 LA E. SCRIM AND MARtil.IhEl iE X1TIT TAINS. DRAPERIES, IKJNE LP LIKE NEW WILL fAI.W FAST 516. KXi'KliIk.N i.ll woman wanu day work or ironing, 46c. per boor; no washing. Tabor B4. - YOi'NG -woman, experienced stenocrapher, de sires noeitjon. - Broadway 4 77. HOUSEKEEPINti by woman with child. 2. Ta ' bor 3246. 2200 E. Pin. A SMALL family . wants work on a fruit rarjeh ny tne montn. antz atn st, w. v.. Lack curtains hand laundkrkd. 11 TRS. FXFRRIKSCK. . OePP: FAST 619a. LADY wsnu houwkeepmg in widower's home; - rood eons. , . BBw tnmefetsl St. W IIjL care for children of lavaiidV. day . or night Broadway 2740. DRESSMAKING 2SS EXPERIENCKD dressmaker, tailoring, - I3.A0. - -Bmadwsy 5662. 466 Alder, comer 13th vt. LADIES' gannenta altered and refitted. I. Reu bia, htdiea' tailor. 408 Rash Lena bkU. 256 blEINt;, ciMMng, prsMing, d.unutinc r- ttodehng. relimng. sitemtiorw. iiliiung, snnable pnees. The Cabinet lrM,mkiii( psrlnr. 424 Mnrrion. ner lllti )!' 1 S3 V DRE88MAKINO done rea-onibie : emb , ' pes4 ing done; cotton dresses 45 sscn. tall Msr- anau It. The Hsnthora No, 8. ZS1 12th lltEb.SM AKlXt, uTioring, 1-. fr' cAHneiire in Kert; satisfaction guaranterd. l'bone East 5M0. llUFMMAKIVG. alteraiigru. reialeliii(, chil dren's sewing, rraxonattl irirei. Msh'lie spu., 1 1h snd ,l'f. r-on apt. 1 . Msr. h714 Hk.MsillCili.Mi. hr prr J. 20 Aiiky biJu-, mr and MorfH.nn t NURSES 257 W.L take uiirruity cW's or itivaiids lu ruy home srd give bft of cam . 143 N. ITlS. Phcne Bmsrtwsy 440 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 SLEEPING POUCir spring and summer, ronifnrtiitile nioni when elosed. electric beater; breakfast kiU.-hrn privil eges; bath, phone, walking distance. 753 11 jt. Msnhall 3840. 1 I.AHI.l. klnetMlig ri'Oiu, Ihl flour; livst. nui'l. wster, bath and rhuue; for nun ainl wife employed tonly ) , ; with rrf. r.-iue ; lit a week; must be seen to be .appreciated. Hi N. 23d, went side. TEN lKJiyl.A Its I'KIt MiiNTII Furnished room on third floor,.' residence dis trict. cliie in, 573 Irving st,, near l;a!hteenth. Blwy. 1111 . iiOTEL DAYTON Hot water, itvam htwat, rUrtrifl lul" im foom-. Hit- to working .(rril. ENON MOTEL l"'MhSuiWL B?!t dolUr i dnj bmiff in town. A II inuttrrn ron-nltrm. Kate, to p4rmfliii til. srirt. ; SARQENT f HOTEL llawthome and Grand ava., hot and cold water In rooens. $1 tr night. $4 per wek. ON li, turnLshe,l rut.iu, ritflit on tdrline, auiLhie for a working man who usnt s nice rm resaonahlee. Am'ly at 1080 Hawthorne. T bor 1 1 4H HOTEL GLENWOOD Cor. 6th and Burnside. Steam best, hot snd rold water; free baths; 76e np. 4 8Q ner week New Perkins Hotel A?Wli Specisl weekly and monthly ritex, td up. . I us show you our srotnino,UtJon. ST. PAUL HOTELS aS:!';1I A respectable downtown 'hotel. Transients 41 up. Sl-ecial ltatee to Permanent Gueets. LARGE sleeping pon-h with sitiiug rami, suit able f or three or four; also front alcuve ronrn faring park; five minutes to renter of town 205 Wet Park. Main SIT CilKKKr'll., IKtMKI.IKE H(H)M. ttKIJ- FURNlSHEn, GKIH Nl KMMIIl, lUGN BAY WINDOW; EASY WALKING DISTANCE. 2tl5 11TH ST. . NEAR MONTGOMKKY-WAHD CO FCRNISHKD SLKKPING ItfXiM On carline. ltent410 per month, 413 24th it. COZY truul ruuui, .uiilim tor 2 men. wnJt breakfast and evening dinner if desired. 414 Market, at 1 1th Sl'ITK or single ruoma, nk:.iy (uri,i.lirL rates tn permanent guenta. l,miieas uotnl. (h snd Ntsrk. s i;j. met:. Iron works and Montgomery-Ward, 2 a wek. 635 Thnrmsn t., corner of 20th. LAUtiK, well tui niched fniit rwiu, t:l-4ii. close In; 610 per month. Also two-room h k. suites. 57 3 Irving t. HOTEL BARTON Nice furnished moms. 45.1 Aider cor. 13th. NICELY furnished sleeping room. ht'stu neat. hot and aA water; some room- with anvate bsth; reaionahle rate., 2fil H llfth st TWO iavgn, well f uriiij-Ik- . riMm, Imbt and airy. in the Nob Hill diitrirt, 5 er wiwk ; Ix.rJ if rle-lre.1 742 Ixivejoy. Main n.'ilil O.NK sl-iitng room, '1 iOee,iug u,rttiee, in nice modern home; 'reasonable rates; walking di-tance. 394 12th. Marshall 2JII4. 61 DAY, 6!S 60 week up, clran mm; batns free Hotel Cfldfllae near J.fl.pwn. Nit'Ki.i lurm.hi-'d rmin., -.mux-un. walking dilanif. Main ftHHIV BLEEPING room for rent. H'JH I'l.y .1 FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 NICELY U ItNlMIKK ROOM INCLINING HATH AND PHONE. NB It LOCK. TO MISSISSIPPI CAH, 64 PKIt WLLh. 870 AI I11NA AVE. WIif.N. 4375 8KW THIS ROOM Splendid light sunny comer rmm, firxt floor, next to bath. Break fan if denrd. 25 nunutea' walk to town. lit SI 61. WALKING distance; large, well laruiUml front rom, 3 windows and kitchenette, with phone, electricity and beat, on first floor. 324 Jsiksou St. lfn carline. SEE THESE ftleeping rooms, bath, nhone free, close In, walking distance. IX 13th, near Taylor. liEAUTIFt. LLY luriuahed rinn , in m.elrni apartment, private bath and phone; must he seen to be appreciated One hl-a frona puhlie I I . - . 1 1 k I . . .. A l . . jil'rarr. .tririiriii." ...ht. ' " ' ' -w. ...... VKrtY kiS'E, MdffiN1 ItooxTTNpfTiTATT!: FAMILi; NO OTHKR KfUiMKICS; WALK rsf IHSTANCK; GENTLEMEN ONLY. 44 4 l ifl l rt l r. LAItl.K, well furninhed rrru, hmua .nviines easy walking distance, 612 per month. 314 Broadway comer llernn Main f02 SUNNY front sleeping rotn In pria4 fanilv. walking dislanc; very rwaaonabl.. Call East. 4 14 2.- CLEAN HfKM. WELL FT It N LSII El. WAIJk-' INt; DISTANCE; DINNK.lt IF DEijlKLD. 529 KvKHKTT BHWT, IBHn. iVlll llt.M .Nice larve lurninhed tjin, u-ar ear. Price reasonable; young lady or gn tlevnsn, emploe1 4 Klrbv at , TWO light snd siry sleer.iiig room. 62 ind. It per-wa,; furnace heat, bath snd televlioo. Inelnded 651 Thnrman sH Bdwy. Ha FURNISH ED sleeping room lor rjnifln or 3 ladies; noma privileges; easy walking distance; west aide. Ant 617 30. Is A MONTH, iu clean room, aniUlne lor I k Also single front room, lift. Hot. water, free use of phone. r.mt Side. labor Ht7H Ml K, large room lor 1 ori. kluurrn. luMm abte rent Walking distanoa. 475 Uoliaday see. Phone Fat 731 LARGE, light front room downstairs for 1 or 3 gentlemen; hath anil phone ' rrnx wuiisma sv. 2 Ml i. aleei.ing iwnn ( I a front rwm fa ing W. Park I. lovely rooma snd finest location, 8.11 W Park, Marshall 421.',. CLEAN, quirt stid resMMiable. CaU aftarnre.ns or eveninga Working (people preferred. 720 K earner, nesr 22d t Auto. 61 n 22. PLEASANT Jront room for 1 or 2 young men; home privileges; . breakfast if deaired. Mar. zni.v .' siiii at. FOR KENT .Nice sunny furnihi rsim for gentleman 49 4 ljt Com h. LR'HT well fumiahel new mnii.m borne; waia ing distance. Kt 4007. .1 I Ifsiealo at, ROOM AND BOARD 302 KICK ROOM Wfflt BoA It i loll t.'TCr',' MAN, M.OKK IN ON W KST HIK; AIXI TABLE BOA KD. RATKJ1 RKASONABLL. 609 EVKKKTT ST. AI'TO 60! AH, HOTEL HEREFORD Rooms, single and en suite; homelike atmn phere - 73r Ifoyt. Main BSOr. good in a kl i anT U'ioM. iTTATiTNTrrrT! RATKJ; PKITATK IloMK: fit r. KKR c.K.N TI.KMAN. INtiUIRE 13TH ST. CAI.L MAIN 7636. ROOM and board for btHne girls, all modem conveniences; walking di.lance; ti per week. Automatic 219 74. 12 K. 7th at. WELL 1'UUNIHIILD single room witli hoard. close in on weat side. 406 Clay, cor. ,10th. Mam C542I. ' ROOM and board, 'i. or 3 young men, 630 r-r month: 1 block from H fi. or Mt. Taimr ear. 16 F.. 16th at or. Helmont. Ft 2622 IUX)M AND BOARD llotei Ciarno; siara beat, hot and cold wsur la afl ruoma. Meaia, 343 Hallvdav ave. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROOM and hoard, piano snd all home privileges; accommodate two. If they will room toeeiher; family of three; ea.t side, eloe m Auto '.'3 4 3 2. FOR RETfT A nil room and boatvf tn priTaij home: real home privileges; pneee reason able. I -none r.aat lir,.. V ANJTKl In count). lal) W.sf'ler. rnmn end" board 620 S month. Ella inney, R. 2. GerrsM, rr. W AN TEH Children lo tKrl . ' urx,.) neiij,v place; will give the beat of care. 4536 ksnoi , St. fK. Ant SIS VH LAKGE rooma witM or without loerd in n;ce noma oa eait eide, walking dixunce; bonie privilerea. ' 36 M'llinomah. Ka.t ROOM and board in lovely home, aultnhla for i, reasonable, nesr Montgomery-Ward snd Aav- erican Can Co. 777 Vaughn. Aut. 622-M. BOARD arid room . jTnvate taniHy, home ci.hm forta. H. r.. rtiillips.- 1114 K. 6th .t. MOTHKK S csre given chlloren by day oc l,ur. 726 Kvere't. Ant. 629 02.. r IConUaued a iroUonlns' !' DRESSMAKING