TUESDAY. APRIL 19. 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON 17 FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 EI.BRIDGE APTS-,i 274 N. 2 1ST Two and three room twrtmniU, thoroughly rfwnwl and new! y dccorst.!!. Bdwy.. 4 730. FLATS FURNISHED 309 11T renklenee ta Irvington. on earllne. is built for 2 families, upper floor to for rnt fur nished. 4 rooms, modern convenience. Phone Main 3338. between and 9, either ing oe evening . - - 3-K'X(M flat, private bath, clean.' well fur nished. Nob Tlul, rent reasonable. 095 Dan St.. near gist, st - b ALL furnished flat with bath, (a and elec tricity, eery convenient, on ear line; adults wiy. aiei entn ave. H. r. TWO and 4 bhuij, furnished, garden, am. N. 8. car, off Glbbs at, west 1 block, soulh 854 Vfc 1st st NICK tower 6 room flat lor real, furniture lor ale, rent $32.50: threw rooms rented; prion r-.-onM-. , fist Kesrn esr t- FOR KENT Beautiful a room furnished flat, nine furniture, gaa, electricity, gaxdea apace; II'. ' ' Ml FUT.II. WJmWtJ, , 4, ' ' I THREE room lurniMied fiat, (30. 704 Van ennver ave. Woodlawn 1933. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 'AO RENT 4-routa fiat, walking dieLsnce, un furnished. $4 per week, $15 per month: 2 or 3 front rooms firrt floor, unfurnished, $20. i u !. Mil. -Mj biiMuij. rou,4.. feetinnery for sale, $130 rent (with two linng rooms! $10, near ball park. . IV E room uulurnislied fiat, bath, toilet, gas. eu-ctru ty; gaa tier mnmn. J. P. McKENNA. At 39th and Belmont Sta. Tabor 6493. 1 SKI HVK1UI1 Fl.lT 8 or 4 rooms, modern, witliin 6 blocks of Meier A Frank a. Telephone Main 3714 after 2 during week days. i- $22. 50 4 rooms, electricity and gas. bath, at 092 Vfc K. 20th and Morrison. Call between j ana- -p. m. no op-ecuous tn cmioren. $ CUOIt :y 4 room I cat. walking distance; nn location. iatn at. 4 K(M)11 U.pr flat. 831 Garfield are. Wdln. 047. iOU RENT -riKim flat, unfurnished; 667 Vfc Hood. Marshall 4313. HOUSES-UNFURNISHED 311 CALL, BHOADWAt itu , NORTHWKSTKRN ELECTRIC COM PAS WASHINGTON AT TKNTH STKlSET NEAR Franklin high, for rent or sale, 5 room modern bungalow, Ivory finish, built-ins, Fug e furnace, nesrear. 64 1H R7th are. S. K. 11. K TRANSFER STORAGE CO. IS Lars Storage Free. Furniture ' moved for less. Bdwy. 2445, ti KDOM modern houw, $50 a month. Adults, a Iso lower iloor furnished. Inquire Belt 1316. AT KAST end of Broadway bruise, 8 roo houi, some furniture; desirable location ; no children; .3.v Owner. Mam 81 HR KtA r 2 room hoiise, lot loiix loll, 'at - 1234 K. 17th at. N-i $12, including water, no hath. t'hnne Woodlasm iltlK. K'1 6 rrm h4uo, bright and clean; furnace, njee yard: frut trees.j Adults only. Inauira a. Hf0 linham are. - i 1UIOM hoime, west side, near Thurman, bath, electru-ity and gaa, $37. 11. SutnenrUle, Rdwy. 247H. ! a ROOM modem house,; walking distance, $30. 17 4 Porter tt. I WE more" furniture oi , 3--s room bouse tot $10. For further information. Main 6290. ROOM hou-e for rent or sale. Tabor 6."41. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 l l UNlMlKli biue fTr rent, lower floor, 3 rofrfns. $33, inrludihe garage, water, liehts, convenient, 2 adulU. 405 lu. 4 4th St. 8. Uaw- t'mrne. I - : . $0 5-iUXLU iXRNlSUEl HOHSB Electricity, gas. sloepine Jorch. fireplace, niie and clean: nice yami; east side. SMtTff-WAfiOXKIl TO.. HTOOK EXfTf. -1KVI.NGTON' BeauUrnt 8 room home, furnished or unfur nirhed Vwl 2704. itii XIKMT ti room uuiern house, city con-Tjniei-es: room for! cow and chickens; 4 mile sonrh Wichita schawl. fleo. Haitung. $30. ' mediate possession ; lease for 6 months or longer. 074 'linfon and SSd. " $15- 2-ilOOM furni' hud house, modem, yard. Inquire mT ManteT; near IHtB st. 21 ROOM hoitsa, walking dwtance: furnished; porohea. bath, garagfe, garden. Mar. 2941. lIOrsK fur rent; unfurnuhed or furnished. Wdln. 2304. i-Hjlt KENT 4 furnulied rooms. m.Klru. 4535 SHih st. 3. R, $25. j All to. 615-29. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 ' Jfv OWN KK- A nice 8 room houe. furnished or partly furnished. In good loration, walking distance. ' near two car i lines; ideiU place for a home or rentmjr rooms.! Phone Kast fttri. ! '. ' FlMi LOCATION 7 room house for rent with furniture for sale. 4 SO Wsshinrton St. Close in. llol lor rent, turniture tor sale. Tabor 9079. 10MI K. Tsylor st. ! STORES AND HALLS 314 LA1UE ahow tkitiuowii with space ' lor dairy store or tne jiae; transfer point, east aide. Call k: '7325. excej.t Sunday. v HJHiHS Suiluu: 1 tloor 50iUn, reasonable - first chuw building. 1. C Wax, 4 N. 5th. .Bdwy. 2739. - FOR RENT Concrete building 50x100. west aids, suitable for garage, storage or waiehouse; 2 blocks Union depot Lrl38. Journal. FOR desirable space In nxeproox warehouse! Phone Bdwy. 3715. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 FOR RENT Good front office, on main ball Phone serv ice inemded. 816 Chamber of Commerce. DESK room, with telephone sad stenographic service, rnona nawy. site. FOR lt. X- Oiiice iek roam. 414 Dekum Md. SUMMER RESORTS 316 IXeCKLY 1IALL H6tE." feEASIDE OB. For rent Inquire i, B. Fu her, 573 MUlst, Portland, Or. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WANTED Hisue in private family for girl 5 years old. 8-605, Journal. FLATS 359 A 5-KOOM flat, furnished or unfurnished, by .' May 1, with garage or near publie garage; . ran give best of references. C-13I, Journal. HOUSES 361 RENTAL BCREA0 List yonr hou5es, flats or apartments with Us; flttick results end good tenants. . PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. 63 . Fourth st, op p. Multnomah UeteL r Phone Broadway 8715 WAS'TElwTo reut 3 or 6 -room bungalow from three to give months, furnished or unfurnished. Want to rent through period of building new bouse. Will guarantee best care of property; if necessary, will put np or deposit rent; must not u 1 ,A -. . . U ir.l .) n WANTED- -To rent modern 5 or 6 roam himu prefer bungalow, by responsible party, by May 1 to 10;- will guarantee good care of property. wwiaiivti zun. 4 OR '5 room furnished bouse by May 1; 2 xiiiii.,' ae oesi care; pay reasonanie rent T-762, Journal. WANTED by man and wife. 3 or 4 room mod ern bungalow in good district by April 3t. Tbr 612. --. . WANTED Small house to rent Reasonable terms. No children. Mr. Franklin, station A, box 2065. YOUNG couple winhas to rent a three or four room furnished houe. Must be close to car and' modern. I-240, Journal. WANTED TO RENT -3 or A room furnished house. L-241. JoomaL LoC'lOlt wtdiea to rent small bun gal ow in Irvineton; will advance glSO. Call E. 2417. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 4QO VANTE1 -Cottage at Seaside for June, July and Anruxt Phone Antomatie 220-86. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 FOR SALE Income property, manufacturing and business district. $4600, Inquire 859 Thurman st. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 APARTMENTS Five 2-oova suites, 8 single, good for Piture. fins condition, very close in. , nets . $200; $1800 handles. 50 rooms, mostly 2-mom suites, clean throughout good lease, nets $300 or more. $3500 handles. 16 apartments, thoroughly modern., pri vate baths, sleeping porches, etc;, very fine ' . lease, nets $500 or more, very desirable lo . cation; $10,000 handies. IR. ALBACOH. with JOHN FERGUSON. ' GEBJJLNUEB BUXi. v REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 !Vi ACRES PARKROSE $125 DOWN $22 FEB MO. This dandy 214 acre tract, inst 214 baa. north of Bandy Med., ready for plowing and putting in spring en-ops. Prioa only $2137. You can make yonr Hvmg here. 3. U HARTM1N COMPANY Chamber of Commerce bide. Main 208. COLOXIAt, HEIGHTS DISTRICT CHOICE VIEW XOT8 $1000 $200 XX) WX. Choice view lota. 48ill0. on East 2th street. between Mill and Harrison streets; only 3 blocks aonth af Hawthorne arenue. These lota are of fered at half their real value. Better look them over and make an early selection as they are selling rapidiy. Only $200 down, balance easy moauuy payments K&NDKRSOK-BANKT-S CO.. 426 Henry Rldg. Broadway 4 7S4 JTJ8T an sore an PorUand and grow it must just so sure will Tturelhurst lota grow steadily in value. The wise investor will buy now while they can be bought at eucb ridicu lously dew pricee, Kasy terms if wanted. Phone and I'll can with plat and show location of all unsold lot and quote unheard of prices. J. W. CROBJiUiT. Main 1700. LAUR KIJTV RST !T8 GOINO FAST 8KCCRK TOCB8 TO DAT OmCK ON THE GROUND, A8T 9TH - AND GLJSAN Only two weeks more at present prices. A few nice lot for $8G0; aome choice ones for $1000 and $1100. Improvements all paid. COMB OUT TODAY 39th and Can Gliaan at. MV ear; or phone Tator $433. Evenings, East 7738. PKIJIHCNTT lUVINUTON DISTRICT . 'Price only $1062.50: easy terms: only I block south of Fremont, on East 17 th, in restricted district; all improvements paid; convenient to scuooi, eer, etc. . JolhinsonDodson- Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. CORNER loU, with all street improve meets in and paid, $600 to $ 1 200 each ; fine atreetear service. . In Westmoreland. For terms see Lad d Estate Co. ! 246 Stark. St. IRVINtiTON DISTRICT f875--$100 DOWN. $10 A MONTH On East lfith. lust north of Fremont. 1 Mock from car, 3 blocks from school; all improrementa para. Ijou on aame street, not 2 blocks south selling for $1250 up. Hee this at once. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. V. Bank Bldg. Main 377. H ACRE.S $275 TO $400 52d st, more than acre; Bull Run water, gas, 2 csrlines, T and 8 -cent fare. Why buy a lot when you ran buy more than H acre for the same price. Ca'1 me and I'll tail you about it. Mr. Comte, Bellwood 3297; evenings after 6. p. m.. W. 194. BFEOIAr. SALE $400 Iota, 50x100. only $200. Multnomah district, highway and Oregon Electric 1 block; water, gas, electricity. 319 Railway Exchange bids. Main 673. Ken. East 7688. WESTMORELAND Paved street, ail improve ments in and paid: near school; good car serv ice; $650; 10 per cent cash, $10 per month. C0E A. ilcKENNA CO.. S2 Fonrth at Main 4S22. " your Last chance Lanrelhnrst lota at these prices. ' See J. A. MeCarty. 270 54 gtark. Main 1700; evenings, Tsbct S057. . TOCR OPPORTTJNITT Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices See, J. A. MeCarty. 270 Vi Stark. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. $1 WEEKLY BUYS BEAUTIFUL CORNER 60x100, north e it or southwest corner 82d and Jarrett R. W. Carey. 1219 N. W. Rank bldg. Residence Main 1377. $1 tKJVVN $1 WEEK 50x100: eement walks- Albert, cr- w.TIr 2 blocks north Kennedy school. Pitch tent R. W. Cary. 1219 N-W. Bank bldg. LAUKKLHURST 42d at. near Olisan, east front; all improvements paid; $950. ' COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fonrth St Main 41522. LA CUE I -HURT bargain, aigbuy corner. 56x100. lot 12, block 41. 35th. Sandy boulevard, $12O0. Improvements paid. Tabor 994. CUKNKK Kit looiloo, near 4U and Klicki tat. S1000; will sell separate $450 inside, corner $650, terms. Tabor 8240. 50 FINE building lots, close in on Division st. st bargain. Terms, By owner. 4412 26th are. 8. K. LAC'RELHURST LOT BARGAINS fee J. A. MeCarty, 270 54 Stark st Main nun. Bvenings. Tabor S057. ROSE CITY N. E. corner 41st and Tillamook. improvements paid. $1150. Tabor 6441. 35-100 ACHE on East 36th gnd Powell; 100 cherry trees, $4500; terms. Tsbor 8240. a0 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Nice 50x100 lot assta. paid. Tabor 6559. ROSE CITY On Sandy blvd., comer 43d, price i3u. jaoor BY ewner, splendid building lot, 100x75. west slope Mt Tabor. Tabor 1926. ROSE CITY lot 60 ft N. Tillamook, facing W S9SO. Tabor 6441. BY OWNERS. 50x130 lot with 12-foot aliey. $365, caah or-terms. Wood lawn 105. HOUSES 404 ' 14 750 HlVlNGTbN' 1450 i Ivory finish, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, 'nil concrete basement, furnace, garage. There is S living room, dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook, bath and bedroom in this pretty heme. It's really good buy for $4750. Owner must nave at least $1000 down. COMTE KOHLMAN, Main 6350. 208 Chamber of Commerre' Bldg. $2100 FOR A good room, bath, toilet, con crete basement, - only 3 blocks from Union ave. $400 cash, balance monthly. This is s bargain. See it F. L. Blanchard 401-2 Swetlsnd Bldg. " Marshall 82 . SEVEN ROOM modern, up-to-date residence. nearly new. 100x100 feet of ground, fruit trees, shrubbery.- 1 block west Seiiwood car in Westmoreland. 595 Tolmaa ave., cor. E. 15th st. Price $7000. Inquire of owner on prem ises. $6000 IRRIGATION DIST. $6000 Modern 5-room bungalow with large attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace: come to 770 E. 25th at and see for yourself, . Owner and builder. GEORGE E WET.LER, East 6372. 226 O. of C. Bldg. Main 5231. ' - 50x126 A ROOM MODERN. FT7RNISTTKD Berries. 11 choice fruit tree. $500 down. Paved street. 2 bikx. to ear, $2800. Main 5385. $1850 SNAP, FURNISHED $1950 Dandy 3 room cottage, full basement, on fine lot lawn, flowers, berries plenty fruit near school snd. car; only $373 eaah, balance like rent gap E. 14th N. Wjcdlawn 1238. S230O Modem 4 room Vungalow in Mem ta villa, Dutch kitchen, bath, fireplace, full basement. 6 blocks to ear; $600 cash, $30 per month 7 int Tabor 8302. BUILD NOW Bee us for derigna and estimates free; get Vungalow book of 100 designs $1; ssUbse4 10 years; satisfaction a cured. X- st BAILEY CO.. 824 IT. W. Bank Hldg. -EVE i-ruom butiwiaiuw with fniit ' tre A 11 i-.M.a tMuement in: Daved StTee? '"vnrwtn, t, . . . . . . wort (4000. WUl take $3300. $1300 cash. h n o e fr-KOOM bouse, bath, gaa and electricity, nil oa one floor; paved street sad aewer; all liens paid; 2 blocks from 6 csrlines; only $2600; will take bght aute and tome eaah, balance monthly. Cook, Auto. 819-B7. AvENTON district living room, dining room, bath. 2 bedrooms, kitehen. basement lot 73x100. 5 ? nd brri all modern; $8500. $10OO S2wn - "c- -4 P" month and interest Call Wdln. 6862. Mr. Laasch. lENNLLAditrict, 8 room house, with bath, l0x"' $'. trees. $2000. $450 cash, balance $20 a month. Including ta- 4lTo f ,ff at Ca Wdin- o Wdln. 17S0-&6, CITY arj t.iTki-: Nifty 4 room b-nrxiow. large porches, elec tricity, gas, Dutch kitchen, not and cold water, basement, fine 50x100 lot; lawn, shrubbery : W of frnit Owner leaving city. Tabor 6558. $2000 8 R6nlfA-:-un' Fine : borne, modern, full eement basement, large lot fruit, $500 cash. SMITH-WAGONER CQ. . STOCK KXCH. FI K room htmae. Hunnvsida; mow buy; $i!500. $650 ees . Scott. 1000 Belmont. j! ' ; ; i r- - j :." , - nrx--rNEv to adtertise w the jocrn ax.- , -1 ;:: ..r . : :-1 " vf j The Most Novel Present of All A OnerPound Box of S! WW WW f I : , LV J J-tJr ? t Here is a new Portland product that is a truly delightful confection. - Mr. Gdelitz has only recently 'started the manu facture of this fine candy in Portland, after having successfully made and' marketed it for many years in the East. It Jo -i -Anil., ! j,,1 r . . t 1 j , i : i ; , . e . . - jo a. itaiiv uun.iuu3 .auu, lliauc licilll gldUUldlCU 5Ugdt allU ULilCT lllgl CUIC11LS 4LI1U iasniOTlCU in IflC SnapC OI i 3. f'Tain of corn. If you want to tickle the kiddies see to it that they get a box of this fine candy. Besides, you will like it . if T x 1 il l t A n .11 . t . i - i" mi . i - . i yourseu. it is nanaiea by just bringing a cash Want Ad for the big Sunday Journal of April 1Mth to The Journal or any of its "Di Line" Want Ad Service Stations on this Thursday or Friday, April 21 and 22. Don't miss this. J Come early. You can buy your " Dime-a-Line" Journal Want Ad at any of the following Journal "Dime-O'Line" Want Ad Service Stations and get your present just the same as though you came to The Journal Office: i . j .!; ' ;f i . . V . j v V- THE OWL DRUG CO. STORE, Broadway and KILLINGSWORTH DRUG CO., KOlingsworth Washington I and Albina ' FREDERICK C. FORBES DRUG CO., Grand Ave. MATTHIEU DRUG STORE, Russell Street and and East Morrison Williams Avenue . j ST. JOHNS PHARMACY, St Johns I One insertioni "Dime-a-Line" three insertions, 2Sc per line seven insertions, 50 per line All sr. 1-fsn 4 V n r- O 1-.arar -- sTnV r 3 O linnC ! OVER A QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE READ THE JOURNAL " ' 111 '' ' "i I " 1 1 i i ui in 'j am -i i.. i m n - . .. .i.i. i ,-. ,,. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Peninsula Bungalow Five-room bungalow, with two bed rooms and sleeping porch, on a lot 45x 100. with paved street and sewer, two blocks from car. This bungalow has full plumbing and is in fine condition. The price is only $2000. with easy pay ments. BJhrCarey j 211 RITLWIT EXCHANGH RTJXJ. STARK AT THIRD STREET . " MAIN 7487 OPEN EVENINGS ! Low Taxes One fourth, mile outside city limits. This houe is located in a district that is one vat garden. 6 rooms and very 1 rge sleeping porch, garage, chicken house, 1 3 fine fruit trees, shrub bery; size of lot 100x175 feet; on good gravel road, near s earllue and Base Line road. This lovely place is a snap at $3000, with a down payment of only $650. balance time mortgage. with interest payable twice . a year. Bull Run water, gas, electric lights, and almost a living to be made on this splendid piece of ground. , VAN ANTWERP, S2 Fonrth St Main 4522. - House Phone, gelt 716. LACRELHCRST 111$ Conch st. near park. Just completed, high class bungalow of 8 beautiful rooms, has large plate glass windows, full thickness, osk floors in aTl rooms and closets, tiled bath with shower, in fact, every modern convenience. PRICE $9200. Charming Home $500 Down j 5 bright sunny rooms. Lots of closets. Lota of built-ins in kitchen and dining rooms. House almost like new. New furnace, new eleo. fix tures, foil eement basement laundry trays. Lot almost 75x100. Garage and lota of fruit nd berries. Right on Woodstock csrline. 4427 42d st S. E. , Williams Ave. $3350 for a fine 6 room, with furniture, basement and garage; lot 50x120. with alley, easy term. t F. L. Blancfliard 401-2 Swetland Bldg. MinhiH S2. $95 DOWN. $22.50 MONTHLY 5 -room plastered cottage, bath, toilet gas. ground 80x127 . Friee $2045. A good buy. Vy Rg y 732 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE OVER 20 ON INVESTMENT 2-flat bldg.. complete, for only $2750: pay $650 cash and let the rent pay the balance; on paved street, 50x100 lot: some furnishings go with place. Owner non-resident JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNS West slops of Mt Tabor well built 5 -room bungalow in very fine condition, 28 ft living room, fireplace, built-ins, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, full attic and basement laundry and furnace, paved streets, driveway and garage. Ex cellent neighborhood a real home. Price $5000. Immediate possession. 250E. 52d St Tabor 151 5. ROSE CITY PARK NEW BUNGALOW $3800 A splendid tittle bungalow of 5 rooms. Hard wood floors in living room, dining room and one bedroom. Attractive fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc. Very easy terms. Move tight in. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 270 Stark St Main 3092. $2550 $5i SNAP for some one; beautiful 4 room bungalow; basement bath, built-in beds. 120x100. M B ear. Scott. 1000 Vi Bel- B- OWN'& " and V acre. 16 lam -earine frnit trees, berries and chicken park; terms. Tabor 5730. PENINSULA district $1800. $400 down. $20 a month; lot SSttxttS. living room, dining ronoa. kitchen, bedroom, bath and garage, gas and electricity. Call Wdln. 5262 or Wdln. 4130 OR SALE By owner, 7 room house, hard wood floors, built-in bnffet Ehiteb kitchen, all in old ivory, basement: price $350. 63 E. 62d near stars, . ait- taoor car. Week days. 3 ROOM house snd 50x100 lot; $1000 cash or $1500 with terms; 1 block from car eo R. c. line. 875 E. 78th N. FOR SALE Beautiful borne. loc 60x133. fruit trees. . in Hawthorne district.' close in. AOC Zlfl-11 WHEN yon get a In Insurance Policy, yon ao not neea an aosuaet of title, une n ssinm pays for all time. Title aV Trust company. SMALL house, large lot at Lenta. Will sell fer $900. or exchange for acreage. EX-518. Joumsl. TITLE Insurance eaves unte eoa meey because no abstract is roQuired. TiUe Trust eosn-pany. RETAIL VALUE 50 CENTS - J i i ill O A NEW PORTLAND PRODUCT oy pracxicany au aeaicrs or xnc YOU MAY HAVE A BOX FREE 41113 IWdd ULiilll wW REALESTATE FORSALE HOUSES 404 Woodstock$350 Down I in offering my beantiftil modern home, in perfect order, with lot almost 75x100 with garage, for only $3950, and on rent-like terms, Haa been newly painted and decorated and has very many attractive features and splendid view; several fine fruit trees and berries; full cement basement, laundry trays snd a new pipeless fur nace. There sre lots of built-ins in the kitchen snd dining room; rooms are good sized with s number of fine closets. It is convenient to stores, school and church, on macadam paved street and connected with sewer. I hope you'll come and see it Woodstock car stops at front door. 4427 42d st Seiiwood 2.1. Given Away We are going to sell this new 4 room bungalow for $2230, $500 down. It is absolutely $300 under value; let us show you. Reedy Maves Co. 518 Cham, of Com. Main 4190. Hf You Are Going to Build WE FURNISH FREE SKETCHES Plans by licensed architects and engineers. Open Sunday and Evenings -by Appointment Guaranteed Estimates Wo wCl help finance in desirable location. See us before necotiatkig elsewhere. American Contractors' Association Broadway 4 887. 311 Henry bMg. Hawthorne on Marguerite $2000 for a 4 room, sleeping porch, all street improvements in and paid: lot 45x118. only $3to cash, balance monthly. F..L. Blanchard 401-2 SweOand Bldg. I Marshall 829. $800 CASH Balance $35 per month including interest puts you in possesion of a I beautiful little bungalow in Rose City district with garage. Has two cozy bedrooms, nice modern . kitehen, close to R. C. P. car. A real bargain at $3100. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. A BARGAIN AT f SHOO Beautiful modern house, large living room, library, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, 5 large bedrooms snd bathroom. Old ivory fin-h, hardwood floors, laige garage, fine grounds, trees and flowers, ideal location. House alone worth price. Owner leaving. Will sacrifice for $0800. Ttrros. Mar. 24 86. 1 NEW Cobblestone bungalow, 5 rooms, baih, gas, city water, furnace, large living room, wit stone fireplace; H acre fruit, trees, ber ries, garden, lawn, hens, cow; Greaham er Mt Scott cars; east of city limits on Foster road and Lenox ave. Thia house will stand hun dreds of years. Bruce. Aut 512-07; ask for OFarrell: F(iR S A LE T wo-story modern 6-room house at 10S7 -ait Grant, on paved street Ail improvements paid. Accessible to Hawthorne and Richmond csrlines; $1600 cash, and as sume 7-yeaf mortgage, $1800. on which monthly payments are $31.54 including in terest Phone 212-62. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, double con structed, plastered attic, full basement fire place, wash trays, bnilti n bnffet; 1 block from paved street and csrline. $3000, terms. Will take late model car. and some cash as first pay ment East 4461. A TITLE Insurance roncy is a guarantee by responsible company thajt yon will not sutfer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. TiUe A Trust ecmpany, LOOKF, --room modern bungalow with furniture, lot 76x100; fruit roses, garage and 2-room shack; Urge garden, in, $2500. terms. 911 Oregon isn ave.. 8. J. car to Colombia blvd t i I -1 tv 7 -room house, 3 lots, 100x150, corner 9th and KiUincrworth. If you are looking for a bargain go and see . this ' place and then see owner. 670 E. 15th st N. VACANT CLOSE TO 28TH-SANDT BLVD. 4-rrxgn cottage, ail - furnished. $2150, nn fnmished $2050; $500 down, bal $20 month. East 8088. $3000 $700 DOWN 5-room cottage; all improvements in and paid for. good basement, gas, electricity. Tabor 5577. WALNUT PARE 12 rooms, modern in every respect; best corner in tbe. district ; call for ap pointment Cook, Auto, 818-97. WHEN you purchase your home have t e title insured. Get a TiUe lnaance Policy. Title BY OWNER it rooms moasra. & bedrooms. 2 oeinroom s oiocss r-eninsma park; $4150: . . - riL twin , nun. t w. TiUe I or are instead of an abstract It ia quicker and cheaper and yon are aba lutety n-n .. . . . T"i . 1 . t-imr mmmiwi -r . n, - . mat company. FOR SALK Modern 4 -room bungalow. 1 block imm a a. ear; rurnu nea or unroruiabed. Bargsm. if taken at once. Owner, 789 Kellv t SIX ROOMS, bath; hot water heat full lot Bargain for quirk sale. East 2093: 10 ROOM house, fun-shed for bcOiWkeeping. for ssle 54 5 Front st FOR hi 6 mm mo-cru huu i and ifa-1-., ing perch. 50x133 1-3 lot. Tabor 7747. To Sunday Journal Cash Want ad patrons on this Thurs day and Friday, April 21st and 22nd. mnuiacturer wm ten you wnerc lit UW SWV4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Rose City 6 Room Bungalow 6 niee large rooms, four on first floor, 2 op; paneled dining room, beamed eeUmgs, nice elect nc fixtures, built-in. bookcases, buffet, con venient kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, (up naoe, cement fruit room and garage, laundry room on back porch : be atiful 5t)xl00-ft - cor ner lot, 2 blocka from Sandy. Thia place waa built for a home and has too many con venience to mention here. Price $6250, with only $1000 cash needed. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BCTLDETiS. Suite 413 flatt Bldg. ; Main 7027. HOMES , E PORTLAND 50 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN OTHER, COAST CITIES $2700 $500 down; classy oottage. 5 rooms and basement . 26th Bear car; paved street. v $3000 $600 down: 6 room cottage en Cleve land ave.. 50x100 corner; sewer and paving in and paid. $3000 $7TS0 down, 8 room house, about 3 lots; fruit and garden; garage; near E. 63d on Willow. $3500 $750 down, 6 room modern bunga low, full lot, paved; E, 79th near car; built only 6 years; vacant Elmer F. Bennett Co. 818-821 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW WITH TILE BATH, SHOWER. , ETC. $5250. Folks, here is one of those real good-looking, super-attractive bungalows built .by one of Port land's best builders a msn whose entire time is devoted to the construction of bungalows of the best type. Yon would hardly believe it pos sible to buy such a borne so downright modem for so little money. Complete even to tile bath, shower, pedestal stand, tile . drainboard and back. Do yon know of another such house for that money in Rose Cityf Phone evenings Automatic 326-67 or Tabor 2549. A. O. TEEPB CO.. , 270 fftark St Main 3092. NEW English cottage near golf links snd Reed college 5 rormi and at e. strict ly modern and built to save drudgery; Gasco furnace, automatic water beater, fireplace, Hoosier cabinet etc; built like a, $10,000 house: shrubbery and lawn ia fine shape ; lot 70x100; price $7250. For terms see 1LADD ESTATE CO. 246 Stark St ONLY $3800 FOR FURNISHED MODERN BUNGALOW Fireplace, bookcases, built-in buffet wide por tieres between living and dining rooms, built-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms snd bath, opening off cen tral ball, attic and basement; 2 large rockers, dining set center table, rags and other furniture goes with place; $750 cash, balance easy. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. Modern Bungalow 1 A fine 4 room with large Bleeping porch, living room, fine Dutch kitchen, fireplace; lot 50x100. in restricted district (or $3000. $700 cash, balance monthly. F. L. Blanchard ' Phone Marshall 829. 673 or East 2134. $185 CASH Balance $45 per month including all interest puts you in immediste possession of a new bng a law in North Piedmont district a beautiful little beme. with two lovely bedrooms, modern kitchen and breakfast nook. Thia ia a real buy and just aa clean as a pin. Price $3850. INTERSTATE! INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. ALBERTA BARGAIN Comforts ble 6-room house, bath, gaa, large kitchen and basement tot 40x100, frnit trees, garden; near schools, 40 feet from Alberta car line, fine location. Will sacrifice ray $800 equity if sold before April 20 for $500 cash; balance due is $1585, payable oa easy terms. Can" 1058 E. 7th st north. ' ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW BARGAIN $4200 We are offering here a splendid bnngalovr at a price way below its true value. Located be low the hill. hiMWMt floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full eement basement etc Let as show you. A. U. TEEPB CO., 270 Stark St Main 8082. $400 CASH. TERMS ouse, electric lights, small garden and five vsrieUee of berries; eement sidewalk; all for $1300. 6211 E. 88th st S. E. Mt Scott ear. IN CITY VIEW PR. " From ewner, 6 nice rooms and bath, partly furnished : been remodeled and nicely finished. 1528 esx ntn st- neiiwooa rsr. ALBERTA 5 room bungalow, only $8200, on paved street, aewer in and paid for, block to school and car, $750 will ha ndl COOK. Ant 819-97. - MODERN 6 room hoot. U good eondition. 60s 100 lot 3 blocks from csrline; 30 minutes from town. St Johns car to Portland . blvd. 1355 IVIswsre sve. ARTLSTIO bungalow, 6 rooms sad awiag room. furnace - fireplace, built-ins. paneled dining room, beautiful .fixtures, enameled kitchen, tre- proveq street, sewer; gsoao, terms. Wdln. 8114, CLOSE your real estate deal witnovt anaeyin g details by using a Title Insurance Policy. Ne a . tract reomred. Till. A r , ..,. 5 ROOM house, furnished complete; pavement a-vv: easy sen na pent x. jnn Be at FOR SALE A 7 -room modem lion-f, $ jots, ooa sb o. tu. uh 0V1O. "Dime a Line you can secure it. ime a EVERY DAY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HOUSES 404 t - . Seltwood Bungalow. Font room bungalow, with two bed rooms; full plumbing, frnit and berries. on a fall lot, 2 blocks from car. This is an excellent little place and may be had on convenient terms. Bihr-Carey 1 ill RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. STARK AT THIRD STREET MAIN 7487 OPEN EVENINGS . $3 900 . BRAND NEW An. Vlr .A n . .4 . . K - ...... ' . w ,u w., bungalow, surrounded -y new homes. Why buy an old honse whea you caa have a new one at this price! " I i- - -, This is one of overly 50 new homes we bsve for ssle In the best districts priced from $3500 to 312 500. Call at our office or nhnne for appointment and we will be pleased' to show ffrrank McCrlll is 324 Henry bldg. Broadway 779. LOOK AT THIS HALF ACREI. Only $2700, on terms easier than rest! Snap thia i right np. bargain hunters. Here's a bungalow fairly aparkling with good nature and attractiveness I 8 rooms, white enamel bath, toilet gas- chicken house, 100x200 with fruit berries,- etc., close to ear snd school. A COUN TRY BOM- IN THE CITY. See FRANK L. McGUIRE 1 To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Sd st, bet. Wssh. and Rtark. j WHY GO 'WAY OUTT o roomj bungalow, hardwood floors through out extra well built, fine hardware, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, large attic, in Ladds add. $5950. $1730 eaah. balance easy terma Beady to move in. J. R. HAIGHT. 82 FOURTH BT. ' ' COB A. McKENNA, Main 6871. NICE LOCATION; JUST ! VACANT ! $8500 TERMS TO 8UIT Good 7 room modern home. Dutch kitchen; built-in buffet; full baaement wash trays, etc; large front porch and screened in back porch; Dear Catholic and publie scbeola I EL Stein mets. owner. 406 Gerlinger bids. Mam 6091 or Tabor !8224. I WEST SIDE SNAP LOOK HERE! Ia the heart of the Nob Hill district, on N. 22d st Is this very substantial, attractive 7 -room In very good condition. PRICE WAS $6000. For QUICK BALE you can have' it for $3990. THIS 13 A REAL SNAP. Call Main 1069. IRVINGTON F . AN EXTRA CHEAP HOUSE 8 rooms, furnace, : fireplace, sleeping jporch", full baaement, garage, only $4500 full price, $1000 cash, bal. easy. Hurry f J. R, HAIGHT. 82 FOURTH 8T. OB A. StCKr.sJSf A 7 ROOM iiuui-iof liut aK. gaoou 60x100 lot 7 bearing fruit trees, chicken house and ran, pipeieas furnace, full basement wash trays, close in. east aide.: Terms. This is the best i buy in town. Morris ! 4k Bundy, 618 Cham her ' of Commerce bldg. ' r . .-., w , V " I I gISOA 14AS An I TTX- F ' H S . l. GAIN i a neat, comfortable ALBERTA eot isv vt a . mens, puiiin con venieneea ; gan ige; Glenn ave. Call Main J071. SAVE RENT Three rooms, on Haiaht ave.. 81200. 8500 cash, balance easy, 760 Borthwiek. Wain. 1402. XIX UnMB I room todern ho m. with lut nsce. ! Dutch kite-en and all built-ins. - Close to car. grammar and high schools. All improve nients in and paid. 1186 Ivon t . An to 231-61. UUIl U'lVTH 'I'M IV I $1000. terms, for 8 room house, lot 60x100. Must sea to appreciate price. By ewner. Call or aoway n A TITLE Insurance Policy to a guarantee of the title to your bom a Whea you buy yonr boaee have the title insured. Better be safe then eorry. Title Trust company. FOR SALE By owner 6 room modem . bunga low, close in. all conveniences, foil eement basement and fruit room; 60x100 lot Set It at sit ti. i-orungton st. et Johns. 14 ROOMS with apta., swell furniture: both entrances; beautiful corner; Sunnyside: in come $110 per mo., with 6 rooms for ewner, 85O00 cash will handle. Bpeev. 1 0OO H Belmont BEHIND every policy oi TiUe aasura-ee ie ' a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against lots, yet it is cheaper than the abstract- method. TiUe Trout company. bELL house, west sids. close in, some - hoods, cash, terms, long tune; principals only.- V- journal. $4500-t-$20G0 cash. '6-room bouse, sleeping perch, laundry trays, fruit; Sunnysk le cor ner. Bpeir. 1 00O H Belmont FOR SALE 3 room house in oellwood. Price $1100, $150 down, balance monthly pay. menu, i sxain svss. FIVE room eotiage, bat, cem. basemeut lean dry trsvs. ' aiectrlrrtr. cms. 83200. $1000 J-ssn ppeer. i ooo H Belmont et.' $2550 $d0tl. Snap for someone. Beautiful 4 room' bungalow ; basement, bsth. boil Uin beds. i"u"". st-n ear. Meow. sssom. $8200.' $700 es-h. ' room bungalow, Hawthorne snap t pavement. : large lot Scott. 1000 wTITrMWlfe, room house, furniehed complete; pavement; $3200; easy terma Scott, 1000 Belmont REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ";-:,Sunnyside:' 6 Roossis$500- Down Oe Main; near 43d st A two-story, ft room house, with 8 upstairs hedreom. 2 blocks from the e rtlne Full Dement, basement fine plumbing, double garage. Full lot with pavement and sewer a and paid.. . U. takes anly $380 to buy this property, .. : . Bihr-Carey 311 RAILWAY KXCHAKGK RfJXI. STARK AT THIKD STREET MAM 7487 . OPEN tVENlNGS "A BOMB FOR EVERYBODY." " . . 8 to.se'ect 'from, . : UX)K AT THtSl $ 1 500 ronv room bungalow. Nifty. Small payment will take it ,- -. ,; HERE'S ANOTHER, , $30O0 Soisil payment down. . PartJ f fur nished 9 soem btwgalow: 50x100 lot 12 fruit trees, hemes. Walks and aewer. block south of Giisen. SARUAIN. . :Marsh & iMcCabe Co, ' Realtors .823 8-4 Failing WMg. Marshall 8993. - NEAR I.ArREIfrR.T PARK $bOO DOWN PRICE $3600. . Thia is only one block to park and children's Playgreand; 6-reoae ssangled 2-story bueualow; 3 bedrooms and batik en upper floor; full base ment, paved street paid. If you buy thia nice home yoa'U be close to ForUand's most beauti ful park. See ns at once. " COMTE KOHJIAN. Mala 6530. 20H Chamber of 4'o-imerce Bldg. $35)00-3750 Cash . . NEW i BUNGAIX)W . Move right in thia new nifty $ mom bungalow. All the built in features. Fine bnffet. hardwood j floors, fireplace.. Dutch kitchen. Cement ; basement paved , street, near car - JR. SO-IEavnXJE. DW1. 247S. "WONDERFUL VIEW BROADWAY DRIVE ' live-roem NEW bungalow;' hardwood floors, billiard room, dance h4 sever, macadam street. Hsaverything U make s home comfortable and beautiful. Material of very est None better on the Heights. . Overlonkfng entire valley and mount ins to ' the tut ' 81s owa by appeiau uent A rieeaiire to show, t MARSH & MCABE CO-, REALTOrtfl, 822 8-4 Failint RWg. Marshall 3WB3. . YOU CANT BKJaT 1 HIS ' 1 $4656 Five room bungalow, all extra Urge moms, finixhed in old ivory and tapeatry iiaper. fir. pl ne, rwncrete basement, furnace. hA 60s I (Hi, street paved and paid, fine garage, beautiful dis trict ; sawy torwi. -i FRANK MAHONET COkJ A- McKENNA CO. ; F-irlh Wf- 1 ' . Main 4522. $000 FOR a 4. loom with toilet, hit 60x100, half block from car; only 15 minutes' rids from west side. $150 rash, balance monthly. F. L. Blanchard 401 2 Kwetland bldg. Marshall 629 or Ks.t 2184. $500 fHWN. $5110. Jlix-mom bungalow; - fine location : Dutch kitchen.' fireplace, buffet, one -bednsim down, two up "and sieepirg porch. piiwlesa furnace, clothes .chute, extra cloacU, $0xl9O lot; garage. $4500. MARSH A MCABE CO.. REALTORS. 823-8-4 Failing-Bldg., Marshall '.'. ' ONLY $500 CASH Wall - built Hawthorne home of T rooms. 4 bedrooms, 60x100 let with fine shrubbery and fruit trees, csmge.- . Street Improvements all in and paid, ssboo. gnoo cash. HFNDEKSON BANKCS CO.. 426 Henry bmg Broadway 4 734 o.VLt ldor"IloAI $2300 $300 down I Big Mt. Scott Bsrgam la , a eomfortable, attractive $ room bun galow: white enamel plumbing, electri city.' gas: $80 down. LOOK AT THI. Can Main 1071. $1400 $150 IsOWNI CemioMebla, neat PEN- . INSULA cottage, 4 rooms; full lot; S. Jersey st. See FRANK . L. MeOUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abtatton Bldg. - Mala 1068. Open Evenings Until 9 00. .. IRVINGTON AT. HON TAVILLA IKIl K Eight rooms and sleeping porch., furnace, fireplace, full basement garage, on 14th st near Tillamook; only $4800, $1000 Cash, bsl ai'Ce easy terms, i J. R. HAKSHT, 82 FOCRTH STREET . fMIFJ-A. McKENNA Oiffcsi''iPARTNf li6Ttfif-F,nir' Are- you a buyer for en. of the above ft s call on us. llave you one of the foregoing for sale 1 We can sell (or yoo. Yours for businees. . 0. W. TARB CO., Main '6203. 407 McKay BMg HVIi-HOOM Buimi bungsiijw, (urnace, firc " place, full baaement Yrnir chance te get a nice house, eleee la, for less than Rosa City price. J. ft. HAIC.HT, 82 rXH RTH STREET COB A. McKBNNA $3804 6.S TERMS" . 6 room "modern, all builUna , sleening porch, eonerete be sment snd flour, waa btubs, furnace beat; fine lot, good garden spot If you know a good- emit house, see thia 1470 Villard ava Wdln. 1086. - . AN ABSTRACT of uUe is not a guarantee of your title: it is merely a history of your tills. A Title Insuranee Policy is a guarantee of year title Therefore, when feu buy piu psrty get a Titje Insurance Policy. Me nostras required. Title o Trust eompany. NEAR VUAN-LiX IMi'Sll MMiM.'- - A hand-some bungalow of 8 rooms and bath and 2 other rooms ia attic; Dutch kitchen, full basement, high grade furnace, 50x1 lO corner lot 1 block to ear.. This 7 -poem bungalow is priced at $3830. with only $750 cash down. Call ns. - COMTE A KOHLMAN. Msin 8580. 208 -Chamber of Commerce BMg. WEST SIDE modern borne except heat Five large rooms aad reospU oa hall, bath, full base ment nice paper and fixture.. Lot 80x100. Close in. Price $3600. easy terms. 6 inter est 0. W. Brysn, 509 Chamber of Commerce bMg. Main 1963. Marshall 863. fsoo CASH i R66i. BCVd-LOVf ' A cosy 6 room bungalow, full plumbing, elec tric 'ligota. . half basement, . garage, macadam street 100 feet tn paved street and car. It ia a pick-up at $2400,. $500; balance hke rent CM. DERB. 1215 N. W. Rank BMg. MarshaTl 2245 i-lautjH iuruv.ltd bungalow, bath, built-ins, all on one floor; i lot 50x100; lawn fruit ber ries, flowers, garden., 1164 E. 26th st N. $2650. terms. Owner, Wondlswn 1726. - - i $300 CASH By owner. 6-room botMe at 8108 37th B. E. Sidewalks; basement and garage; Vfc block to paved street Price $1950. Tsbor 8272. - i $3500 5 ROOM BCNGALOW $3500 Nice modern home in central east side; ee ment basement; full lot; hardsurfsce street $700 cs-h bal. easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. FOR SALE By owner. 43600; easy' terms, 3 room modera house; fine eon di Lion ; full base ment; furnace, laundry" trays, east front 1 Vfc blocks from Alberta ear. Cell Auto. SS1-64 "W-lking distance. oa Overtoil, st 6 rooms, modem. $S0O down. BMini-WAIMIMtR W STOCK EACH. NEW. modern 4 room and1 basement b ngxlow. . koss iry . -i-vncv 1 u or bsrgaiu for easn. uvnrr, ai nenry otog. 8 ROOM modern bouse, near Greeley st, lOOx 100. very reasons ble. Call Wdln. 693 sftet n p. tti NEW .3-room , hvUM partly furuUljed, wTth lots and barn, fit. Johns, $1500. 188 Hsrt- III W ' . wK.-l-fc T6Pg oa monthly psymentg if you -sve clear lot EuuacU Co.. 414 E. Stark. i- TABOR view proberty. 7 rooms, sleeping porch; gnodem eonvenienees; ground lOJiliO; iruit sno snrnooery. uworr Tstr 671. TllLE Insarsaee b me a matin wsy at bsediios titles to reel e .La Quicker, eoeU im e sod ao abstract repaired. Title Trust ooeanenv. t-l 111 " t t . . V " thing modern; owner leaving' for Caiiforem, 999 E: Everett st. Phone Antorestic 233-OI. UK HAVE alreauy exaatinMi uie utie to your property gad issue you s Title Duursnce Policy without delsy.. Tttie Trust eompsny $4500 $2o00 essh,. tt room b'nise, sleeping porch, laundry trays, fruit; Sunayskle cor nev. Bpeir. loop Vfc Belmont EVERY pure ha r of real ertat shoukl have h title bMured. Better be aafe thM Surry. Title st i rnt oompenv. LAL'-EiJiLKri'i -Cosy, aruxtie hoota Gcouits bsrgsin. Phone Tsbor 8139. ie' WLi want to our s hums Bdwy 56, Msr. 269. KooM huOMi. Su-nys).i; some bur, ' ilUCl'. $650 eesh. Scott, 100 Belmnmt. T 5-ROOM bungalow for aei. in NJ. Pieumont dia - trtct. lnonire 1391 ;arfietd sve. FOR SALE by owner, $ room modem Ifinee, 1 comer st. en ttroosiyw esr nne. S-ll 325H ixjH. SAL flihAP 6 room suotiri-an boussT Sea owner, $92 Vfc 0th. after 8 a'clock. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 "an AUhTiT.1 k -BTrTrrSTT BKAI'TIKI'L MiiDKKN.IHiMR ONS OF THK BEST' LS PIKHUONT Avn AISO ONK THAT WILL AII'KAI. TO THK RL'YKR WHO APPHKCIATKft KINK WORK I.N CONSTIll CTIUN A M FIMSII KINK CE MENT BAMKM-NT. KI'I.ENDIIt ITK.SAt K. 2 FIK-PI 11 EM. UARIIWIHIII KLTKIItM Pl.ATK AMI ART GI.ASH WIMHIVt'M. 4 HrHfsH AND CIJLHH INCLOttKU Kl .KKI'INi 1H M. SECtNl FI..'H; 2 LARGE lKM,S TMIHII FMlOK; GKOI Nt 63i1ftO; G H I A RAii K. ClAiHK TO HIGH BCH'WM 4,lltllAHV AMI PKX I.N 8 L LA PA1IK. PRICK $11,000. GifM TKBM, INHIKCTION ANY TIME. CALL WIMIHIJIWN 3109. Ajar vi',Whi!iG Foil " A HOME CM IS K IN 1 Here R K snd it s a bargain 'or $4793. with $850 easb. The looation is close in, oa V--t Burnside st.reM. Tins a-mom house waa bmit by the owner tor a home. It Is iruidem, with fireplace, furnace, full cuiu-rete bssvinent, lsva Lortes on both fkmrs. Tins home is lame enouun for 2 families, or it could be converted into ii flats. Call Us today.', COMTE EOIILMAN. Main 6530. 2oa Chamber of Commer-e Bldg. nrv IS i ; to n" UTiltTt t 1 5 room bungalow, new and nifty, well built . and very modern. Just completed. $0t0. rea sonable terms. 6 room brgalow, full floored attic, sxcea tionsUy large living room, a ll bslsn.-ed bun gsuiw. finished right up to tle mtniita, wuh best mater J. It you are looking for a -real bungalow moderately priced, let me show you this one. . M. DKRR. 1513 N. W. Bsnh Bid t Msr 'nil ??3. ' HAWTHOHNK ATTRACTIVE i IA IN I A L BLNtiAI.OW $4200 TERM: Brand new. 5 m. all built ia fea tur, Im. buffet, ksrdwnoil tlimrs. Iir pleiw, model lHitch kitrlien, 2 tn bed rooms, full att i, lull cement lsmut. laundry trays, paved street ; every! Udtg paid. Owuer, IUw. 2418. $350 MOWN, $30 a monili: buv nw mnrlern bungalow, double eonstrsicied, best of plumh ing snd wiring; price $X71. U. L. VVrbii, 414 K. Stark st. ACREAGE 403 CHICKENS. TURKEYS. Ft.' RN ITU RE 2 Vfc acres, p bkM'ks from ssttiua, 6 Mocks from school: good ief service. All under cultivation; dsik loam ant; 73 brsr ing fruit trees. City watr and gss In liuiise. Hot and cold water; elect riii liglits one blork. Very large aad complete line of furniture. Price for everthing $1900, $083 t-asU. lnsiierted by Maione. 13 Vfc acres, all In high state of cop It I vstlon, 6 miles west of Pnrtlsnd. nn line macadamised mad; I mile to elM'trin sta tion. 40 bearing fruit trees; berries fo fsmlly use. Good 5 room house ; bta of other buildings. Mail, milk and grocery mnte. Will consider clear house In Port land. F.asy terma on balance. Itsnt-u la spected by Msiv-ee. JfiHV $'ERt;US'N, Gerlinger BOdg. Over 500 smsll places r rortlsnd. Get eug ciUtulu clsMi'ied luU, $2S DOWN. $7.60 MONTHLY A splendid I sere trsnt, goid soil, smalt creek, fi US for chickens, berries and fruit; I ' nillm from city limit. Total price $275. We have only 27 tracts In this platting left, sovne as large st 6 Vi acres and iro(.orii'ilelv ea Lb e same terras. Get in on Lbs grouod floor. tl.N I'ACIFIC HIGHWAY -18 acres in cultivation. 13 -re. besv.rdain; new bungslow; govvt entbui killings ; in small town. Price $UMI0, $1500 down. Will sxiluinge lu PurUsnd home up to $3300, 87 Vi acres. Forest Grove; Vfc mile blghwsv. 12 seres cleared, 13 acres snvned. 600 eorts wood; 3 now., 2 horses, 100 clilck.os, E'lUio mrut $3250 $1300 down. AKEJtKOM A MAnsTKRfl, 42H lli-nry HKig -iiXTfto,"T'iTP:' " JOUNHON CIlKKl Bottom soli. IrtV.l and cluarwl ; adjoins creek ; piped water, gse slid lights; 2 bl'- to H-ll sLstion on f'wUosds linn, Mr fsr. Only I7i0, terms, ltt buy in the district. 909 Chamber of Commerce. Msin 343 NKAR COLCMHIA It IV Kit Choice rut-over land, with deep, rich produc tive soil, slightly rolling; near. iMiatuflu-s, store, church and school. Only $80 per acre. You may have 6 years tn par for it. joinsonDooson Co. 633 V. W. Bunk Bldtf Main 377. One to 20 acres, level, close in. Terms to suit. Owner, 432 4th street. lH A('Rl:e. feeing .:ci st., 2 hl.Mk. HMjii Ksndsll autlon; uks O. W. P. rsr, good 4 Rwa bouse, ehicksn houses snd other buililme, firvt elas well of wster; en account of 1s i will sell cheap for cash or ball cash, Inuutre Palmers. WHY PAY' KKNTf We have left to Vfc. acre irsols st Oils price of $300. with only $50 down. bal. st $10 V" month, Willi 0 per cent Int fa-a!d at, Jen nings Iidge. Call st 4U3 Couch bldg. or Msr. 3352. 3 ACRES line go n leu land in iiiiurstioii ; a'-.-i family orchard; neat heue, krn, pnultry hniisc, 80 minutes out. near its I Kin; $2850 imi,l essh psywvnt AKERSON MAftHTKRS 420 Henry Hl'lg WWt " fiAl.l: y' equity '"of ' iiSuit" In" I i seres well improved right, at the ststlon I hard surface road, tulle from town; enl take $4 500 or trade for luA horns in Port land. See owner at 680 K, "24th st B. Sell. 717. b THESE ACHES I'iiioT Paved road frontage, Powell Valley Home A ores, 3 miles, east of city limit. See l"f sign. Wm. Murphy. 403 8Us:k Exchange. Msr shsll 8324 6 ACRES good land; 200 Iwsruig fruit Lrc, ; near ststion; store, ahd. ciiurches, P. tl.j 15 miles Portland; gapleti all in. timid house. Price $2300; Urmv Akenvm A M-rsters. .-) Ifsnry bldg. Broadway $519. Evenings, r.sst. 1 1 s. HIO-ES TRAt.'TL, 4ilJ AND RlMI'MiN Alberta ear: city water to each half st. : live ia the country and tie Ind.pendent ! $10 par- ments. it. w. Cary, lziu N. w. Brik bii. Msin 1643. i'OIl SAI-E- -Attrsctiv. tr.i ta i t tlirM 6. on. 10 and en. 4 acres, no rotk. fine siil, 2 s miles southeast of MUwsukie. Box 881, -U-wsukie. Owner. 4 ' 2-3'UACHrifJ. -uckley" sve.. In Yiovrf, r i water. $ miies out nesr Handy blvd,, $27V; 3550 down. Mam 4112. owner. 14IU I;T, 'A lo. k Ui liell .is lion, I csda ear: gas. electricity, water; 11 SOU, ti'i ) down. Wdln. 2699. SUBURBAN HOMES " GOoii "IMMETj.v O. E. l.isT ! 4 room bum-slow, gas snd running wster ; sbntit V srv with fruit; on good gravel re !. Maple wood station S bkn'ks to school. Osl.i $J0U; EAh. TERMS. Ask (or F. C. Alas-s-aii, with FRANK L. McGLIRF 205 Ablnrton Bldg. Autn. . ft I 2 07. Third t Bet. Waslilngton and -8 1 a r. ONE acre in li-ariiig fmit trcs and tir rr i .."' t . - chicken buildings, 6 room plastered lowi-., gas. electric lighia A great buy at $3J0o. Good terms. AKLH.SON ft MARSTER8. 420 Henry !!-' Rrrmdwsr 35s( Kveninirs, K.at 1 I l t Al'IKiL 1IIG1IVVA1'S I 'LCI AL " One acre, right on the highnay. Intard sta tion; new 4 room plastered biingsiow, wtiri bs, Imtcb Itltclien, b'ult in buffet, elect ri-itjr, r--rer. 82200. ONLY $800 IkjW.V, snd EA-I TERM 4. ,Aak for F. C. Msrl.!l, with . FRANK L. Mi;GLlUK. 205 Abington Bldg. Aoto. 512-07. Tliird Bt Met. Wanhlnirton snd htark. SIX Acres on Ostfield road bt.eeti Couru , . snd Evergreen: 100 hearing fruit trees . kinds small fruit 8 renni bouse, will .: seres with hone or without; vill enhsnts f .. part. Owner C. If. Hart, tel. Ink Grove 4 BETTEK THAN' HUNTING Ken m acre. With fruit and berries, 8 b'- ' i to ear and 6 to school ; 3 room hmi. I , $2100; small down payment and monthlv tem easier than rent Aak for F. C. Mars all, v , FRANK L. McGLIUE. 203 Abington Bldg. Aittn, 512 07. Third St Bet. Washtrglon and fH'lt FOR SALE s S':tv, n-w 4 rojin, Imuse. young fruit treee, piped wster, ga's, 3 f,, to Mition and pared hlgliwsv. Red Kle.- 175r. mm f.rmi. A. CHtnn, HoK-r 6A1 ItlK'H (Mi 5 -rt. 7 r.min Ii.kw-, fruit. $1950. 8tore bntllinc. 3 rooms 1- fntit 1 sere, $1200. 3 19 Uailesy fct. , bldg Vsin 675. Kas 7H. NEW HUL8K, nric'ly nilni. 8(itl0i, t - station, Orrgon llfy Hue. 25 minutes'. 7Vfce earfsr.. I'lion. owner. Milsnke , bi l l 1AL. H.IU; HI0 un ,,,,,, , Multnomah district ; high wsy a rati 1 ir. a , , trie one block; eater, gas, elect rlciiv Ry. Kii-H. bMg., Main 67 5. Res. Kwi 7i. ANY PART 20 A.. CI. OSK IN, (.".oTTi I EVKI. TEI1M4 TO SI IT. A 4 3 J S-'A' . - -, - ' tOentinuea ea Fetteaing Fa