THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON MONDAY, APRIL 18, IS731. ' III'' ' ' : i ' Li REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A. G. Teepe Co. $4000 ROSE CITT PABK DISTRICT 6 room bnngalow with furnace, firepisee. full nmnt basement, etc; peving and sewer paid, large lot; $500 caah will handle. $4200- HUHK CITT PARK; splendidly con structed, 5 room bungalow located be f low the bilL, Hardwood Moore, fire place. Therei f exceptional ralue here. $3700 el rooms and den, lieuttful corner lot ,. with frait trees; paring "d sewer paid; lot slime is worth $2000. $ 000 cash will handle, i $0500 Ul'RtUinkgTj new. nifty bone low . located within 2 block of lamreihurst I"atk; exceptionally targe Bring room, extending entire width of house, with hardwood floors, tile bath, tile drain board in kitchen, garage, built to con form with atyle of house. This is an artiti bone of unnsual merit of which' the owner will be justly proud; it is im possible in word to describe the rtal beauty of this new home; draw on your Imagination strong as yon like go the limit, and an inspection will not disappoint yon. ' FOR A KKAL HOVE 1 , See A. Q.- Teepe Co.' -270 Stark St. near 4th. Main 3092. We Write- Fire and Automobile Insurance. Hawthorne Car Line 4 Rim. Bunga3pw-$1195, Four room bungalow, with 2 bedroom, on a lot 69 by 184. With 12 bearing fruit trees. Thin bungalow is donble con structed, ha full: plumbing, gu and electricity. Convenient terms. BihrCarey 211 RAn.WAT EXCHANGE BLDC!. STAKE AT THIRD STREET MAIN 74S7 OPEN -EVENINGS LAURELHURST 111ft Conch st.. near park. jmt completed, high class bungalow of 8 beautiful rooms, haa large plate glass window. ' full thickness, oak floors in aH rooms and closet, tiled hath with ahower, in fact, erery modern convenience. I' RICK , J 9200. $50 Down S bright sunny rooms. Ixits of closet. Tots of built-ins In kitchen and dining rooms. House almost like newi New furnace, new elec. fix tnrea, full cement basement, laundry trays. Lot almost 75x100. Garage and lota of fruit and berries. Right on Woodstock carline. 4427 42d st. 8. E. , -r Rose City $3950 EAST TERMS More richt in this attractive 5 room bun galow: 100'" feet from Sandy bird, and close in: fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement ha-ement, 50x100 lot; rose. Now vacant; a bargain. - . , R. SOMERYILLE. 1 320 IT. S. NAT; BANK BLDG. BROADWAY 2478 ' AM. GOOD BUYS 4 room cottage, furnished, $2250; $350 down. . i 6 room modern cottage, $2750: $650 down. ft room modern bungalow, a beauty, furnished, $4nro. 4 room bungalow, full lot, $1950, furnished, - $650 down. ' . East 8038. J- Williams Ave.'. $3350 for a fine 5 room, with furniture, basement and garage; lot 50x120, with alley, easy term". . F. L. Blanchard - 401 2 Rwetland Bids. Mar-hall 809. $95 DOWN. $22.50 MONTHLY 5 -room plastered cottage, bath, toilet. gas. ground 80x127 V. Price $2045. A good buy. V w rsi,f VV VJJLloUllCiaj Nip RPAUTOBS 732 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORN IS Wert slop, of Mt, Tabor, well built 5-room bungalow in rery fine condition, 28 ft. liring room, fireplace, built-ins, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, full attic and basement, laundry and fnmaee, pared streets, drireway and garage. Ex cellent neighborhood a real home. Price $5000. Immediate possession. 250 J--.. B2d St. Tabor 1515. $2200 $500 CASH. BAU MONTHLY 6 room bungalow style house, 3 bedrooms, liring room, dining -room, kitchen, wkter, light and gas: 50x100 lot, with fruit and berries, chicken house. JolinsonDodon Co. 63.1 V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $2100 FOR a good 6 room, bath, toilet, con crete basement, only 3 blocks from Union are. $400 caab, balance monthly. This is a bargain. See it. F. L. BBanchard 4012 Swetland Bid- Marshall R2. ti(00 IHliKiATION" D1MT. $000 Modern 5-room bungalow with large attic, hsrrtwood floors, fireplace, furnace; come to 770 E. 25th st. and see for yourself. Owner aud builder. ' GEORGF E. WEI.TER, Vast 6372. 226 C, of C Bldfe. Main B23I. iiY OWNER New modern 1 is rooms, gas, fire place; A. B. gss and coal range; built-in book cases. buffet, full cement basement, bath and toilet down tairs; toilet upstairs; fine riew; 3 lts: double garage, chicken coop. 20x50. E MaMiscn and 7Hth. $2SOO Modem 4 room bungalow in VontariUa, Dutch kitchen, hath, fireplace. IrAl basement, 5 blocks to car; $O0 cash.' 3 per month 1 int. Tabcr R302. BUILD NOW See us for designs and estimates free; get bungalow book of 100 designs $1; established 10 Jesrs; satisfaction assured L. R. BAILEY CO... 924 V. W. Bank Bldg. 1 INK -rut.m buuunlow with ' attic, basement. fruit trees. All improvements, in; 'pared street; modern in erery way; worth $400O. take $3500, $1500 cash. See owner. Tahor 55S3. ,5-ROOM house, bath, gas and electricity, all on one floor: paved street and sewer: all liens paid: 2 blocks from earlincs ;" only $2600; will take light auto ami some cash, balance monthly. Cook. Auto. 319 !7. KENTON district, liring room, dining room, bath, 2 bedrooms, kitclien. basement, lot 75x100. fnnt trees and berries, all modern: $3500. tlOOO ti'sn, balance $25 per month and interest. Call Willn. 5262 Mr. l-aasch. . I'EMNSl'I A district, 3 room hou-. with bath. lot 100xS7V, garage, fruit trees. $2000. $4 50 cash, balance $20 month, including in terest at 6 per cent. Call Wdln. 5262 or Wdln. 4 I HQ. $2550 $500 SNAP fox moe oni- beautiful .4 room bungalow; basement, bath, builc-in beds. 120x100. M S car. Scott, 1000 H Bel mrnr. BY OWNER 4 room house and H acre. 16 large bearing fruit trees, berries and chicken park; terms. Tahor 5730 - PIEDMONT .room house, full cement ment, " fruit closet, furnace, hardwood floors downstairs, fine cherries, peaches, prunes. $6000, some trms Owner, Woodlawn 497B. tOR SALE By owner, 7 room house, hard- wrmd floors, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, all in old irory, basement; price $3850. 83 E. 62d near Stark. Mt. Tabor car. Week days, loli SALE By owner ti room modern bunga- low. clos in. all conveniences, full cement basement and fruit room: 50x100 lot. See it at 317 E. Burlington at.. St. Johns. 1'kMNSUIA district. $1800. $600 'down, $20 a month; lot 33Hx9tS. bring room, dining roc-m. kitchen, bedrocm, bath and garage gas nd electricity. Call Wdln. 5262 or Wdln 413H o." Ai.Jj House, larae lot. at I .cm. Will sell for $900, or exchange for acreage. EX-516 Journal . ' BY OWNER 3 room bouse. 2 lits large chicken house, fruit and berries. $1700; $350 cssh. balance monthly. 6109 58th eve -R u- 1 l, SA1.E A aandy room bunaiw in good x t ii . oh pavcti streei., no asbeagmentar Sjoc -in? w bcliering. Voodlawn 4725. 3 RnOM house and 50x100 lot: $1000 cash or $1500 with terms; 1 block from tear on R. line. 875 K. 78th N. - ' WALNUT PARK 12 rooms, modern in every respect; best corner in the district; call for ap rwimmcnt. Cook. Auto. 3197. BY OWNER 8 rooms modern. 5 bedrooms bathrooms, 3 blocks Peninsula park; $4150; easy icnras. t none oio-u. fiOSE CITY, 7 room strictly modern house. 414 E. 38th N. Owner sacrificing at $5600 Tahor SQ88. Bdwy. 1Q75. HK SALE Modern 4 -room bungalow. 1 block from N A S car; furnished or unfurnished. Bargain, if taken at once. Owner, 789 Kelly st tIX ROOMS, bath, bot water heat, full lot. Bargain for quick sale. East 2093. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 "A HOME FOB EVERYBODY" 800 to select from. S. P. MEN LOOK! BROOKLYN 12900 4 R. furnished banc, 40x100 lot Kitchen. combination Bring and din ing room. Two bedrooms. Rents $35. $38-00 7 R. borne, furnished, 60x100; fruit tree. Home buildinea. Now rent. 4. 3650 6 R. furnished Queen Anne. 40x100. Pared. Rent $50. Bargain. 15800 9 It. home furnished. 60x100 lot; double garage. Pared at. H. W. floors. Sleeping porch. Bents for t0 and garage $10. The above .are all in Brooklyn district near P. shops and excellent ralue. ' Why pay rent! Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Marsh & McCatoe Co. -Realtors 322 3 4 Failing Bktz. , Mar. 3993. Four: Room' Bun w Very good looking, finely construct ed 4 room bungalow, on a fall lot. in a good neighborhood. This bungalow has the rery best of plumbir.g, is plastered, has gas. and electricity. Sereral fruit trees. Easy terms. j i A !Bihr-Carey 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. STARK AT THIRD STREET . MAIN 7487 ! OPEN EVENINGS -Woodstock$33 Down I am offering my beautiful modern home. In perfect order, with lot almost 75x100 with garage, for only 13950, and on rent-like terms. Has been newly painted and decorated and haa rery many attractive feature and splendid riew; sereral fine fruit trees and berries; full cement basement, laundry trays and a new pipeless fur Dare. There are lota of built-ins in the kitchen and dining room; rooms are good sised with a number of fine closets. It is conrenient to stores, school and church, on macadam pared street and connected with sewer. I hope you'll come and see it- Woodstock car stops at front door. 4427 42d st. Sellwood 925. - LOOK HfcKK A MONEY MAKER Clone in on Belmont at. ; we hare a 2 family flat with complete ects of plumbing on both floors. There are 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, full con crete basement, front and back entrance to both floors. Now here's the best part of the proposi tion: The flats are completely furnished for hcusekeeping ; we hare a tenant for the upper flat who will pay $40 monthly. You could lire in the other flat or rent it for $35 monthly. The total price of the flats furnished is $4850. If you can nay $15O0 cashy don't , delay a mo ment. See us today. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce hldg. ' Just Look dt This, Mr. and Mrs. fionieseeker One of those nice new bungalows, nicely and conveniently arranged, close to car and school and only $3500. 1 hare many other homes from $2000 to $4000 on which I can quote a homeeeefcer right prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. Rose City i .-,50ff TERMS 6 room bungalow, 2 fireplaces, large lie- . ing room. - beamed ceiling and a fireplace, fine dining room with built-in buffet, cozy ' den "with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, furnace. Garage. Block from Sandy. Owner tearing city. R. SOMERYILLE 320 U. S. Bank bldg. Bdwy. 2478. NEAR 30TII AND BELMONT VACANT MOVE RIGHT LN Buy this heme and you'll be on the best car-line-in town; ; only 12 minutes to West Side. This home has 6 rooms and bath, 3 large, light bedrooms, with large closets, on the upper floor; full cement baaement, pared street paid. The price of this home is $3775, with about $1200 cash. This borne is racant. You can move in at once. Call us -today. . COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ; HAWTHORNE ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL BUNGALOW $4300 TERMS Brand new. 5 rooms, all built-in fea tures, fine buffet, hardwood floors, fire place, model Dutch kitchen, 2 fine bed rooms, full attic, full cement basement laundry trays, pared street, everything, paid. Owner, Bdwy. 2478. ' $3O0 CASH 82D AND STARK STS. Here is a beautiful white bungalow of 5 large rooms, Dutch kitchen, Tuilt iu. buffet, concrete basement, high grade furnace, wish trays, 50x 100 lot. The total Trice is $3775 with only $300 cash down. It is a mighty good buy. Im mediate posspsf.ion. Call us. COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main 6550. "08 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A BARGAIN AT $980O Beautiful modern boue, large liring room, library, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, 5 large bedrooms and bathroom. Old irory finu-h, hardwood floors, laige garage, fine grounds, tree and flowers, ideal locatirw. House alotie worth price. Owner leaving. Will bacnlioe for $0800. Trms. Mar. 24 8. FOR SALE Two-story modern 6-room house at 1087 East Grant, on pared street. AIJ improvements paid. Accessible to Hawthorne and Richmond carline: $1600 cash, and as sume 7-year mortgage, $1S00, on which monthly payments are $31.54 including in terest. Phone 2 1 2-62. HAWTHORN B BARGAIN ONLY $500 CASH 8 rooms, good condition, 60x100 lot with garage, street improrements all paid, $3900. Only 2 blocks to Hawthorne car. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. 42Q Henry bldg Broadway 4754. $200-ROSE CITY PARK $2H00 4 room bungalow. All builtiiu 100x110 hit. Hard surface street, cement walks. This is a little dream. MARSH A McCABE CO., REALTORS 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, double con structed, plastered attic, full basement, fire place, wash trays, builtia buffet; 1 block from paved street and carline. $3000. terms. Will take late model car and some cash as first pay ment. East 4461. IXIOK; MUST SKI.L 6 room house. V .block to Mount Tabor. 50x 100 foot: full line of plumbina. fruit, chicken house; only $1800 with $500 cash, $20 per month on balance at 6 per cent. Marshall Tabor 80HO. i BARGAIN 7-mom .house. 3 lots, 100x150, corner 9th and KillmgswortJi. If you are lnokimr for a bargain go and see this place and then see O -.11 1, , F.I- , - VACANT " riXSE TO 28TH-SANDY BLVD. 4-roirn cottage, all furnished. $2150. nn furnished $2050; $500 down, bal $'0 month. r.ast sii.tK, 5-UOOM furnished bungalow, bath, built ins, all on .one tloor: lot; 511x100; lawn, fruit.- ber ries, flowers, garden. 1154 K. 26th at. N. 2r". terms. Owner. Woodlawn 1728. $500 CASH By awner, 6-roomi bouse at 6103 87th are. S. K Sidewalks, basement and garage; H block to paved street. Price $1950. Tabor 8272. ! 6 ROOil house, cement basement, electric lights, gas. garage, fruit trees, lot 100x100; close to csrline. $2000. Termv . JC. W. Millership, Al cVr hotel. Main ht NEW, modern 4 room and basement bungalow. Ko I'itr idi't-ricti ,'iVms or bargain tor cash. Owner. 319 Henry bldg. b BEAUTIFUL bungalows being constructed, fine neighborhoods close to . strtet car line. Tr ke Richmond car, 35th and Clinton. Owner, phone 818 32. I $350 DOWN. $30 a month: buys new modern bungalow, double constructed, best of plumb ing and wiring; price $2750. G. L. Webb. 414 K. Stark St. - 5 ROOM modern house, near Greeley st. lOOx 100, rery reasonable. Call Wdln. 695 after 6 p. m. ' ! NEW 3-rootn hmise partly tnnusned, with lots ana parn, . ox, jonns. fiatio. 13S Hart- man tt. IV 1 WE BUILD YOUR HOME on monuilj payments if you hare clear lot Emmett Co., 414 E. Stark ' FOR SALE 1 room house. line location, every thing modern; owner lee ring for California. 890 K. Everett t. Phone Automatic 233-01. is b i.l. house, west side, close in. some bonus, cash, terms long time; principals only. V- 635. Jonrnal. $4500 $200O cash, 6-room houne, sleeping porch, laundry trays, fruit; Sunnyside cor ner. Sneir. 1 0OP tfe Belmont. LAUKELHUKST Cozy, artistic home. Genuine rwrssin. Phone Tabor 5139. Evii u I in 5 rixni bungalow lor sale. Phone!wn nf59 IK m; want it, buy a bwte or business cau "Iv-r sssfl. Mar. 266B. 5 collage, i.mall payment, down, balance f i 1. . . . r F k. rem.- r none i.iitui $300 DOWN, ft rooms, close in. cheap. Ceil and see it, cor. of E. Harrison and 6lh. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Rose City Pk. Bungalow $3S0U$600 Down - This racant bungalow is of the typ- , , fcal type, double in construction, baa 2 ; bedrooms, built-ins galore, finest of ; ' plumbing, cement basement, laundry trays. Garage. Close to school mad car. - ! BihrCarey Sll RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. ETARK AT THIRD STREET MAIN 7487 OPEN EVENINGS IBVINGTOV STCCCO BCNGALOW $750O CORNER. 76xlOO Parlor, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms on first floor, sleeping porch and 1 bedroom upstairs, hardwood floors in parlor and dining room, fireplace, furnace, rine full concrete basee ment, located on N. W. cor. 18th and Thomp son. House is racant; you can more rigci in. Easy terms. KITTKK, U)E St 201-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. on 12000 for a 4 room, sleeping porch, all street improrements in and paid; lot 45x118. only $30O cash, balance monthly. F. 1L. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. 33 9W$7i50 : Cash ; NEW BUNGALOW More right in this new nifty 5 room bungalow. All the built-in feature. Fin buffet, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. Cement basement. Pared street, near car ' Ii. SOMERYILLE. BDWY. 2478. IDEAL ROSE CITY HOME 5 mom bungalow, eastern oak floors, recep tion room, liring room, dining room, 2 bed rooms, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, furnace, laun dry trays, fruit room, screens, shades: interior finished irory. Fixture, of excellent taste and quality. Ererything tiptop. Garage. Lot 50x100. 1 block south of Sandy. Let us show you. It is the best to be had. MARSH A McCABE CO., REALTORS 822-3-4 Failing bldg. Marshall 8993. ALBERTA BARGAIN Comfortable 5-room house, bath, gas, large kitchen and basement, lot 40x100, fruit trees. garden; near schools. 40 feet trom Albert ear line, fine location. Will sacrifice my $800 equity if sold before April 20 for $500 cash; balance due is $1585, payable on easy terms. Call 105 8 E. 7th st- north. ACREAGE 405 1 ACRE, with fruit treea and good 4 room house and fine barn, only few blocks from the car, $2300; $300 down. 4 acre, good house and barn ; has frait trees and garden. Only $1900, with easy terms. BIHR-CAREY, Main 7487. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY 18 acres in cultiration, 12 acres bearerdam; new bungalow; good outbuildings: in small town. Price $6800. $1500 down. Will exchange for Portland home up to $3300. 37 acres, Forest Grore; Vt mile highway, 1 2 acres cleared. 1 5 acres slashed. 600 cords wood; 2 cows. 2 horses, 100 chickens. Equip ment $3250 $1500 down. AKERSON A MARSTERS. 420 Henry Bldg. to 20 acres, level, close in. Terms to suit. Owner, 432 4th street. Vt ACRES, facing S2a - st,. 2 blocks south Kendall station; take O. W. P. car. good 4 roora house, chicken houses and other buildings, first class well of water; on account of death will sell cheap for cash or half cash. Inquire Palmers, 3 ACRES fine garden land in cultiration; good family orchard ; neat, barn, poultry house, 30 minutes out, near station; $2350 small cash payment. AKERSON A MARSTERS 420 Henry Bldg. I STOKES TRACTS. 42D AND SIMPSON Alberta car; city water to each half acre;' lire in the country and be independent; $10 pay ments. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. FOR SALE Attract! re tracts of three 5, one 10 and one 4 acres, no rock, fine soil, 2 V miles southeast of Milwaukie. Box 381, Mu waukie. Owner. 4.7 ACRES. Buckley are., Jn clorer; city water; 3 miles out. near Sandy boulerard; $2750; terms, $250 cash. Main 4112, owner. 557 Morgan bldg 164x480 LOT. 3 block to Bell station, Eta cada csr: gas, electricity, water; $1500, $300 down. Wdln. 2699. ACRE, or part of. 76th at. and 40th are. S. E. By owner. 800 E. 7th st. N. Easy terms. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 OWNER MUST HAVE MONEY SACRIFICING $4 00 LOTS, r.OxlOO AT V PRICE. ONLY $200 Whether for home or inrestment yon profit 100 per cent now, probably 200 1 er cent in 6 months. Choicest homesites. Multnomah district. Gas, water, electricity. 819 Railway Exchange, Main 675. "East. 76RR. $250 I P NO INTEREST Half acres, Woodstock district; lerel I land, cleared and uncleared; water, (as, 10 7 cash; good title. Sellwood 1965. BY OWNER 7 acres in cultivation and fenced, j 90 bearing fruit trees. 4 room bungalow. Big barn. 3 miles from f-ents Junction, on Fottcr ' road, 2d place east of Jenne road north. - Phone i East 1530. FOR SAI.J0 i acre, new 4 room house. 2j young fruit trees, piped water, gas, 3 blocks to station and oared highway. Red Electric. 1750. some terms. A. G. 1'hinn, Hubcr. Or. ANY PART 20 A.. CLOSE IN, GOOD SOU,. LEVEL. TERMS TO SUIT. A-438, JOUR NAL. FARMS 407 A LITTLE FARM FOR A LITTLE MONEY 1.1 acres, all cleared, good land, with a 5 room house, 2 barns, chicken house, hog bouse, 3 cows, 1 calf, 5 bogs, 2 horses, 50 chickens, wagon, buggy,' harnesses, cream separator, all farm toots, all household furniture, including piano, sewing machine. Place all in crop. 33 fruit trees, all kinds berries. 2 milea from good town. 4 blocks off Pacific highway. $3000. $2000 cash, f. L. Parrfsh. 209 Failing bldg. tlOOO TRUCK FARM FOR SALE 25 acres good bottom land, 18 acres In culti ration, balance In timber: 2 acres bearing prunes, new 7 room bouse, new 40x40 barn, lo cated on county road, 1 Vi miles from Pacifie highway, 2 miles from Jefferson. Or. For par ticulars write JOHN LISA. Jefferson. Or. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Ljtst great block of Canadian Pacific railway company's reeserTe lands: Remarkably cheap, on long and easy terms. I .and seekers' excursion party leaves Port land for Calgary, Alberta, on Saturday. April 23; reduced railway rates. For further particu lars see Canadian Pacific Railway company. 208 Railway Exchange bldg. L. p. Thornton, district representative. FOR .SALE 8 2 3 acres. 1 mile west of Hills boro. at Oak Park station, close to highway: 5 room house, small barn, chicken houses, good well, young orchard, 2 cows, fresh: 2 calves, horse and wagon, some farm implements, 90 laying hens, seed oats and spuds; will be living on place until April 20: price $3200, some terms. Jas. McAllister. Hillsboro. Or.. Rt. 4. I 20 ACRES 17 in cultirauon. balance pas ture, some timber: 7 miles from Pnrf land. .n country road; good farm building; $7000. half cash, terms to suit purchaser on bal. W. E. r-ridweB. 126 E. 14th at. Phone after 6 p. m.. Fast 4411. BY owner. 634 acres gram and stock ranch. Cassia Co., Idaho; good roads; 8 miles R. R. station: lerel, all plowable; mail route, school, well, windmill bldga.. fence; $25,000. Will el change for equal ralue or less ralue in land, difference in cash. Box 102. McMinnriHe. Or A U L , I L'. Ii., 77 acres. 65 cultivated. 9 cms, team, all farm implements. Rich soil, no rocks. $400O cash .r Portland residence. 760 Borthwick. Wood lawrt 1402 TRADE FOR PORTLAND RESIDENCE $4000 equity in 77 sere farm 18 miles from Portland, stocked and equipped; a good place. W. W. SARIN. 760 Borthwick. Woodlawn 1402 Zt0 ; ACRES central Minnesota tarm, lair im prorements, on highway, actual rahte $15.- 000; would consider trade for Oregon property. COOK. 954 E. 21st N. Ant. 319 97. SMALL FARM ON COLUMBIA BLVD. 7-room house, bam for 80 cow, windmill. 5 acres fine land. $100, terms. R. - W. Cary, l. ih vs. rtana niag. $5000 BUYS a 40 acre farm, all nnder ceJuva tion: a good house and outbuildings: 87 miles south of Portland, close to Partfio highway, between 2 R. Bs.- E-468, Journal REAL ESTATEFOR SALE FARMS 407 Beaverton Real Estate for Sale J ' 64 acres, half cleared, balance in pasture, all fenced; comfortable house, rery large Dew barn, summer cooling house, chicken . house, woodshed. A good well. gasoline engine and pump. The whole place is piped for irrita tion purposes; fine lot of young bearing fruit trees; rarioua kinds of berries, only Z miles from Beaverton; $4500, easy terms. 7 acres ; good small house, good large barn, 2 good chicken houses; good young orchard, bearing and in first class condition; 1 acre in timber, balance at! clear. 2 acres are first class bearerdam. all fenced with woven wire, a lot of loemn and strawberries; $5500, terms. One 4 -room bouse, lot 50x100; rery close in. strictly modern, $1500, terms. One' 4 room house, strictly modern, on one acre of ground, just outside of town, a fine old orchard, in good bearing condition; $2850. term. . Two strictly modern houses, both new and elose in. each on a lot 90x100, at less than con struction terms. One 8 room house, not modern; rery close In, on 1 acre of ground ; good barn, chicken bouse, good orchard: $4000. terms. I hare 80 acre farms, 50 acre farms, 20 acre farms at rery reasonable price and terms. I hare also a large number of. 3-5 tracts at rea sonable price and good terms. Call on me and be conrinevd. E." E. Swenson, Beavertons Realtor Just Look at This ; Mr. Rancher 150 acres in Washington county, rich shot loam,- 2 bouses and 2 "barns, chicken and hog bouses, fine creek and 3 fine springs; mail route by the door and tele phone in the house; fine family orchard of cherries, apples, pears, prunes and berries, school house K mile and only ' 3 H miles from R. K. town and stores, and only $50 an acre. I hare many other small and large farms from $50 to $150 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. 228 ACMES 65M Per Acre 50 acres in cultiration, good buildings, en good road; balance timber; wood on this place sold for stumps ce will pay for it Abundance of living water. Will make ideal stock or dairy farm. 10 miles from Oregon City, 16 miles to Portland. S. O. Diiinian 214 7th St.. near S. P. Depot. Oregon City, Or. $275 1 1 Acres $2750 6 '4 acres in cultivation, new buildings, house, barn, chicken house, machinery shed, fruit trees, berries and flowers; fine stand of clorer. Per sonal, 4 cows, horse, wagon, plow, harrow, cul tivator and small tools. All household furniture, good well, spring and creek, 4 Vi miles from Hillsboro on county road. Price for all only $2750, $1750 cash required, balance mortgage at 6 per cent. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUIEDERS. Suite 415. Piatt bldg. Main 7027. WHAT MORE CAN YOU A SKI 140 acres, 1 hour from Portland, on trout, salmon and smelt river: 80 acres in cultivation, 20 more almost ready; 9 room bcise, 2 .barns, prune dryer, laige apple house, hog bouse, shop, other buildings; 40 rods to school, church and community hall, on lerel road ; all fields level, loam soil, prune orchard, apple orchard, other fruit; 23 head Jerseys, registered bull; herd full blood Duroc hogs; full equipment farm tooLs. team, boat, automobile, sheep, turk ys, chickens, bees; $10,500 takes it. If you are tired of mud,, bills, rock or wind, write Sweet Briar Farm. Woodland. Wash. Five Acre& and a Ford $500 cash, balance to suit, buys 5 acres, all in cultiration; new 4 room house, good well, garage; 4 H miles from Hillsboro on county road. Price including Ford car and furniture, $200O. Burkhardt Business Suite 415. Piatt bldg. Main 7027. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 EIGHTY ACRES 75 under cultivation, 30 in alfalfa, balance in grain; fenced and ditched, fair buildings, on highway: can take residence as part payment Price $100 per acre Write E. M. Peck, Sisters, Or. 319 Failing bldg. BEST irrigated land in Idaho by a dam . site. E-34 0. Jonmal. HOMESTEADS 410 FOR A HOMESTEAD LOCATION SEE E. W. Helm, 316 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS 411 WOODCUTTERS. ATTENTION! 10, 20 or 30 acres of wood for sale at Bethany. Washing ton county. For particulars. 764 E. 34th st. Phone Sellwood 1198. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 160-ACRE STOCK RANCH. $4000 9 miles from Willamina; from 80 to 100 acres tillable, shack house, good sized barn, young orchard, large creek; will take house up. to $2000 or $50f cash as part payment. We have photographs of this and hundreds of other exchanges and can surely match your trade. See Mr. Stephens. FEELS) rA 1ER3J3 (3? RC ALTO 73, fhambgr nf Com mwr. WILL exchange for 7-pas. touring car of late model and in A-l condition, 8 room house and 4 lots. 50x100. Situated at one of prin cipal summer resorts. Must be seen to bs ap preciated. Write or inquire, 907 West Fif ter nth st.. Vancouver, Wash. 40 ACRES of good tami land, all under cul tivation, with buildings, to trade; 1 miles to Pacific highway; price $."O0O; would con sider good building lot in Portland as part pay ment. balance cash. E-3S2. -Journal. - Don't Worry Can sell or trade anything, anywhere. Main 34K.Y 90 Ohamher of Commerce. WANT faouM and lot m Troutdale tor 8 room house and 50x100 ft. lot on 26th st. this city. Value $3000 Fred G. Lawscn Co., 41C Cham, of 'Vim. bldg. ST. iUHNS, on pared ftireit. on tar line, nilie rooin bouse, all clear; want one closer in same value. No debts warted. Chas. J. Roswctl. owner, Marshall 181. TRADE $3ou equity iu 24 room apartment bouse, clearing $173. for house and lot of equal value or consider small improved acreage close in. H-490. Journal. 1 HAVE several pieces of clear acreage, some near the city, to exchange for lots or house end let, Rox 2008. Portland. 1916 VKl.IE or Miu-nel 5 passenger touring car to trade for 5 or 6 room house. Call East 4447. $1500 CASH Five lots, three houses, at Amity, Or., for Impmred Portland or suburban property. 227 N. 23d st 5-It modern bungalow. 4:1 E. 5 7th N-, 7 or 8 r. modem bouse. Tahor 4 3 7. lor WANTKIl Sail. !.ake t'ity or suburban prop erty for Portlsnd property. 720 K 4 0th st. DANDY big Westmoreland lot for equity in house, auto or suburban home. Tabor 2729. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 EXCHANGE 7 5 acres, only 3 H miles from Wood burn; 4 5 acres in cultivation, on river bottom land, to exchange on good city home. 7 '4 acres, at N. Plain, near -jlilkboro, for 7 room house in the city. BIHR-CAREY, Main 7487. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER 6 acre tract on the Rivermere Heights at Spokane, Wash. 40 acres of ralley land, in irrigation district, 3 miles of Portalas, N. M. ; wrll trade for auto or equity in house and lot in Portland or good racant lots; easy terms. Reason for selling am leaving for the Fast. See Mr. Ruchaloo at the PIONEER EMPLOYMENT. '0.. 14 N. 2d st. Bdwy. 2278. $3750 WILL take car in good condition up to $500 and $1000 rash, on strictly modern 5 room bungalow, fruit, berries and garden; lot 75x100, 4 blocks from ML Scott car. AuL 616-88 10 ACRES, near Dufer, Or., in fruit belt, for some Coast town property. What hare you? Mr. C Stersfr. 415 FYmrth. NICE lower room flat for rent, furniture for sale, rent $32.50; three rooms rented; price reascmnble . 5.52 Ke mer t & IOKM m si. rn h'-Mise, 3U, near car, at 493) 72d st- S. E. Furniture for sate. Terms to snit . FOR SALE Or trade, 4 acres. 5-room bouse. barn, chicken house snd all kinds of berries. 9 miles out on Ore. Elec. W-892. Journal. NICE lower 6 room flat for rent, furniture for jo nana. 552 Kearney tvt. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE 7 ROOM bouse for rent, '$25 per mcnth; boose partly furnished, furniture for sale, $225 rash: three housekeeping rooms upstair pay the rent for whole house. 566 Front at. LEAVING city, some furniture for sale lor four mom flat, flat for rent. Call after 5 p. in. 10O5H Union are. N. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 HAVE MAST BUIEES For west side bouses. Handling west aide prop erty is my specialty. JOHN SINGER, ' 420 Chamber of Commerce ' Bldg. : WANTED Bungalow or lota in good residence district for light six ' Maibohra touring car in perfect con dition. Balance cash and some terms Give fnll rsificntsr". N-644. Jonrnal. ' tl lllO s lots at (tswrco and timber for $3000 boose. J. Westereard. Vancouver. Wash. ACREAGE 4 455 WANTED By owner. 5 acres or more, im proved, between Hillsboro and Portland on O. E.. not over 1 miie from station. Must be rea sonable. E-9(4. Journal FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 HAVE $10,000 to inrest in an A-l farm prop erty. What hare you to offer? From owners only. G-543, Journal. from owners only. G-544. Journal. " " WAN TED Dairy iaruu, chicken ranches and small farms C. L. Parrish, THE FARM LAND MAN, 209 Failing: bldg.. Portland. Phone Main 6327. WANT the best faAn that $50u0 will buy, frorn owners only. G-544, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 GROCERY WEST SIDE 5 room cottage, rent $25; lease; doing better than $1800 month business;' invoice about $1900. GROCERY EAST SIDE Doing about $40 day, with 7 modern Bring tooms, bath and garage. Invoice about $1900. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY W EST SIDE Right by ball park; takes In as high as $154 day during ball season, and rent only $22 mo. $2200. or invoice. BARBER SHOP WEST SIDE Two white enameled chairs and 6 mirrors, in brick bldlg., down-town location; rent $2i; lease. CONFECTIONERIES We hare sereral from $1400 to $8000. and groceries from $1500 to $16,000. KEIPPER A BROWN 410 RAILWAY BLDG. MAIN 7660. TAKE advantage of a good money making prop osition. Be independent, go in business for yourself grinding safety razor blades and all other edge tools. Inrestment only $250. la quire Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th st. BUYERS If you are looking for a grocery store, con fectionery, soft drink, pool room, garage, filling station or any .kind of business, see Montgomery A Leap, 437 Cham, of Com. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 6586. 192 8d St. A TRANSFER BUSINESS Hare 2 good trucks and steady trade ; cleared $6900 last year; $1700 handles iL Room 401 Dekum bldg. IP YOU are qualified and want to get into an old established Portland trust company, with large earnings assured, now is your time for a limited amount K-84f, Journal. DELICATESSEN and light groceries, good stock, good location; will consider used car as part payment. Phone Tabor 7112. GROCERY, confectionery and soda fountain; cor. location; rent $25, with lease. 421 Division st. FOR SALE Sawmill end logging outfit. Price $28,000 and terms. Moser A Coote, Hos kins. Or. FOR SALE ( ,&k1 -going lurniture repair busi- ness, first-class trade and location. U-615, Journal. ' FOR RENT 50xSO aaraee to private concern or good location for paint or top shop; good buildings, close in, r.ast dijsi. CARD RtOM, restaurant and confectionery for sale very cheap. 'Owner. 275 Third st. FOR SALE Pool room and confectionery: good location. Apply 383 E. BurnsMle. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 ' WTLL build a modern apartment house for responsible parties; gno a long lease. SEE R. E. OEDY, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark at. near 4th. Main 3092. NEW LISTINGS DAILY MODERN HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSES Let Us Show You, MARSH A McCABE CO., BUSINESS BROKERS 322 4 Failing Bldg.. Third snd Wash. A REAL BUY AT $4500 30 rooms, some apartments, some single; rery nicely furnished; good condition; nice corner building, close in, west side, good lcaoe; nets $250 and 3 mom apartment for self. SEE T. A. MADDEN, 512 Henry bldg. Broadway 5487. ONLY $B00 CASH REQUIRED 11 rooms, all' housekeeping; modern, nicely furnished, good condition. SEE MRS. HACG, 512 Henry bldg. Broadway 5487. QUICK RESULTS!! I That's what you get when you list your apart ment, hotel or rooming house with THE-A. M. "HAUG CO., 5 1 2 Henry Bldg. Broadway 64 8T. BUY FROM OWNER : " Furnishings of 18 clean housekeeping rooms; good income; near school; modern. 421 Vi 6th st.. cot. Hall. WANTED Man to buy 5-ton truck on a 2 beason contract. Must have money to make first payment on truck. C O. Gildea. 89 N. 9th. Bdwy. 354. WANTED 10 or 13 housekeeping rooms. Must be right price and terms. A 375. Journal. 18 ROOM house, furniture and lease for sale at a bargain. Rent, $35. 75 Union are. N. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 MERl'HAVlS If you want to sell your business without publicity, see or write MONTGOMERY A LEAP 437 Tham. of "nm. Phone Bdwy. 3198. WANT to buy a bood milk 610-60. 1 ute. Phone FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a, loan of $100O and interest. Loans of other amounta in seme proportion. Repayment Pririlegea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN AS3N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. 1 HAVE THE MONEY READY No waiting; sereral clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan in any amount up to $6000 at 6 per cent and 7 per 'cent interest, come and see me now, while I have the money available. Fred 8. .Williams, 5 0 Panama bide. 'i $500, $1000, $1000, S2000 AND UP v NO DELAY QUICK ACTION Money immediately ready for loans on Imp. Portland property. F. H. Ifcesbnn, 615 Chamber of Commerce. LONG ESTABLISHED. . $300. $40o. $500, $600. $750. $1000 AND up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1870. MONEY TO LOAN $3O0. $500. $700, $1000, $1500, $2000, on city unproved property si 7 per cent. J. L. Wells Co.. 6Q3 Gasco bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. VV. G. Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick acttion. Fred W. German Co.. 733 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. '"O, -mu un impnv,l cu.y or auuuroan pniporty: principals. East 632ft. SEE OREGON INr. A MORTGAGE CO.. .224 ''hamper of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan, $100 to $5O00. A. H. Bell. 11 Mnlkey bldg. Msin 4379. WANT $500 mortguseo or acreage from private party. Tibor 6493. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 kinKT TO I .OAK On Good in Storage. Bank Rate! SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 63 4th St., opp. Multnomah Hotel t-rmne Eiroenway a no. QUM'K money to salaried people on unsecured t note; confidential investigation. 316 Cham. of Com, bldg. licensed! MONEY to loan on mamona. Jewelry, strictly confidential service. Zell Bros. Co., bonded rakers. 283 Washington at,, near 4th. ' 1 FINANCIAL - POULTRY AND RABBITS 7QZ AUTOMOBILES FOR 5ALb nor, MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE C5 AUTOMOBILES rtTRNITUREt-PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTFS WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY, IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLT PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DEL AT PORTLAND LOsN XO. (LICENSED) 806-807 DEtTtTM BLDG.. 81) AND WASH. SALARY " LOANS CHATTEL ! WE LOAN MONEY on tbort notice to salaried or working-men on their own notes. . Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. ' i (LICENSED) ! 218 FAILING BUILDING. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH1 paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. K. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE Limited amount of -capital stock of a strong, long established Portland trust com pany. J-9 20, J onrnal. W.E BUY' first and second mortgages and sellers' ' contracts, F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 3026.' MONEY WANTED 651 SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 Crown Stables, nc. HORSES FOR SALE, exchange or hire. Hare 100 head to 4ick from. Wouid rather hire to responsible people than to sell. We are always in the market to buy good horses - or mules. There are none- of them too good for us to exchange and we don't expect it all. We allow erery dollar we can get for' horses we take in exchange, if anything a little more. We are just as apt to overrate them as anyone else. As a rule horses with age on them that we take in exchange are rery hard to judge just what they will bring, but when we take them in, we do the best we can ill price, and don't aim to misrepresent any of them. We hare harness and wagons of all kinds. Liberty bonds taken. Ererything guaranteed as rep resented Phil Snetter, Pres., 285 Front st. KEYSTONE STABLES Pair of black Percherons, horse and ma. re. 5 years old, weighing about 2600 lbs., with new harness complete, $300.. Team mares, 5 and 6 years old. weighing about 2700 lbs., with good breeching harness. $325. Span nf horses, 7 and 8 years old, weighing about 3400 lb., with harness. Price $350. Team of gray Percherons, horse and mare, 5 sad 8 years old, weighing about 8200 lbs., with new harness, price $375. Good team horses, weighing about 2700 lb.; with harness, price $250. One chunky built bay Belgian mare, 6 years eld,- weight about 1300 lbs., price $140. 2 good saddle horses. This stock all fat and ready to worx. Free trial allowed. 881 Water- rrt, cor. Montgomery st. U.S. STABLES . We hare 25 head of - the best horses tost hare been shipped to Portland this springs they weigh from ! 1300 to 1800 lbs., well matched, all blacks and bays, 6 to 7 years old; we will sell this week rery cheap, as we are cleaning up for the summer; now, if you are in the market for horses, come and inspect, this stock; all horses guaranteed as represented. Q. D. Williamson Glass 365 Union Are. 8. Corner Steren st. A REAL orchard pair, ft and 6 years old,- low block y build type, with good harness and col lars. Your eye is your iudge snd your pocket- book your guide on this pair. If you are ready to buy -I am ready to sell. On dock. Front aud 1 arior 'st-s. - ' PHONE Main i571. Harry Zusman Lirery. feed and sale stable. 8pecial saddle horses, borses and rehicles for hire specialty. By dsy or night 3d and Baker, Portland. Or. $285 PAIR of bay geldings, both 6 years old, weifht about SSOO lbs., with brand new har ness and collars; outfit worth $350. in any horse market. Both horses sound snd gooa workers. On dick. Tavlor and Front sts ONE team, weighs 1500; fat, sound and good workers: 1 team, weighs 2700. well mated; one team, weighs 2200, for sale cheap; also one extra horse, weighs 1300. at 74th and E. Stark. Big red barn to the left. S325 Pair of bay aeldinE. both tt years old. 2600 lbs., with brand new harness snd col lars, outfit worth $375 in any hnrse market. Both horses hound and good workers. On dock Taylor snd rront st. $60 TAKES gentle sorrel horse, 1000 lbs., harness snd light hack; rides, drives single snd double; nice for lady or children, or will trade tor cmcRens. e. Htark ana i.-tnsrs. 10 HEAD work heroes, weight 1000 to 1500 lbs., wagons and harness, double and single; hauling business at your own price. Woodyard Stables.', cor. E. 9th and Hawthorne ave. iMa ox u,arts, Meia'iit auoui. 2 2uu. nuuiit, gol workers; sell or take any kind of cattle in exchange 1128 Macadam rd.. Ponth Portland. ON DOCK, Taylor and Yotit sts., good poor man's team, suitable for small ranch or home "teydpr; have been hsndling fen acres; $85. TKO teams with harness and wagon. 200 and 8200, good workers, and all harneswl;- must sell: need the money. bie Kerny. rt.m. BAY team weighing 2200 U.. harm and farm wagon, $163.. 4010 67th st. Mt. Scott car. . MULES 2200 lbs., both 5 years old: harness and wagon if wanted. Wnodyarrt. 3 27 I- rout. 3100-l.B. TEAM, chunky built, horse and marc, must be sold. 430 Hawthorne ave. HORSES for -rent, double ana single. Front st Phone Main 2208 546 LIVESTOCK 701 FOR SALE Fresh goats snd coming fresh. from $25 up; also milk snd kids, snd for service two pure Sannon and one Nubian of thetjjest in the Westt, at Portland Oost Iiry. 82dand Fremont eta. Address R. 1. BjX GOOD young Jersey-Durham cow. fresh heavy milker, test .ft. Must be sold by Tuwday cheap for cash. Can be seen at 365 Union ave. S., cor. Stevens st, . . SOME large dairy cows, just fresh, 4 to gal lons: will sell or take beef cattle in eichannw. 1128 Maccadam road. South Portland car to end of line, 1 block' soutn. I mock east. Lots plowed and bar- rowed. Immediate service. Main 1606 or Wdln. 5536. Evening. FOR SALli Eiuht higu grade tubercular tci-t cows, fresh snd coming fresh. Oeorse h. R. 1. Oregon 'itr. I'hone OJ21. 1 Ot(- SALE 1 inn !. logacnnurg, with le male kid. freh three weeks, I'hone Wordlswn 2973. - IAKGE 6 eailon Jrr-ey-Diirham. also young fresh eentle family cow. 7 53 t-" Ah. TOGGEN'BCRG goats and g'iaU' milk for sale. 2!i E. iftth s. N . M V car. Tahor 545!. FOR SALE cheap, registered Angora gosts, 1 5 does. 6 kids. A. Summers. It. 2. Dallas. Or. FOR SALE Fullblood Jersey bull calve- 3 to 5 months old. A. Summers. R.JgDallaa. Or. FOR SALE -2 fresh 5 gallon cows. 1967 E. Stark St., cor. thn sc. NICE young fresh Jersey family cow, will sell at reasonable price. 968 Powell, cor. 32d st. CALVES and beef cattle wanted. Phone Mar shall S17S. FINK big Jersey cow, giving good 4 Kallous, $90. 94 9 F. 73d K. RG car. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 THOROUGHBRED O. A. Uarred Rock, - muter layers, $1 for setting of 15 eggs. 95 F, 78th at- cor. Washington. HATCH IN', eggs, Hollywood tra.nesUd W L. II. r:25 setting; $8 per ln. 4MI3 79th st.. C"T. i"io in. 40 WHITE LEGHORN year-old hens, Tancred strain; hoganuted stock, $1.35 each. 919 E. 73d N.. Tabor sis FOR SALE, cheap. Ne and Belgian rabbits. Zealand. Flcmih Giant Call Sunday, 1515 E. Ostr . ' WHITE I.eghorn baby chirki, $15 per 100; hatch off May 10. order this week 511 'M isinoi ave . East 208O. ' WHITE i Leghorn eggs for hanhing, $1 per set t.i ng. oil Mississippi a.e. r.. -.. hi KF iiRPINGTON liens, cK-kerebt. chicktns for sale. 478 Beacon. Sellwood 22H6. H, I R Els baby chicks. 1 week old 20c: also baby ductrs reasonable. 4004 79th st. S. E. CUSTOM HATCH It me hatch your eggs for you. Sellwood 284. ''''' WHITE ' WYASIKFTTK 1-tchtng rggs; best of stock 1.50 tier 15 Columhii .5. THOROUGHBRED O. A G. Barred Rock hatcb- Ing eggs. $1.5Q for 15. Tabor 6559. P7JE ALE Portaiile chicken honse. large enough Tor 4B lave i. svarsn.ii oi.i- FOR SALE Turkey eggs, prise Brouxe. Tabor 7300. ' LUMBER, tot poultry house 1-14. Tab. 451. ROQ RESSI V E HATiCliERY Trsphested H xsi hired T.notwl White Ta. horn cliirk a. $15 per loOVlL I. Red and Barred Rock, I 20c; 2 cents: 25 per 100 weeks. 25c: 1 week old White Leghorns. 2 - weeks to 1 month old. SO 12 ' week) old Barred Rock snd R. I Red. 3 Oe. " 1 534 12th N. wwt!im 14 tn. WK A RE NOT a hatchery. We use only eggs elected trapnesied from our own carefully and Baby pad igreed White Leghorn breeding pens, hicks for sajle April 22.' $20 per 100; 25 tier rent deposit required wiin orders, tome at once and see our stock and Plant, Only i minutes from the c mr ot Portland py electric POULTRY FARM. car or paved road. . GEORGES! Route 9. Hillsdale. I Or. - - Main 76!. M AG U HIe!h BABY CHICK S O. A. C. While iLrithorn. $20 ner 100: O. A. C Karred KocksL It. L Reds and Brown l-g horns. 2 3 per loo. Friz, winners in egg lay ing contest and show' room: riaorous, husky chicks, iiroperly-hatched. . J. B. Maguire, 787 Oregon t. nnr iaM 24th. Tue kuid. you wanl Tne kind we produce. - Lea-horns. Reds. Barred. C flnSlr!L-s White and Partridge Rocks, An WllaJlfUUi.I ronas. Buttercup., Minorca. Wy- andottek e. - Correspondence invited. Free catalog. Mrfy. C. N. NKEDHAM. Salem, Or. Order OKDEtt your May i and June chicks now from our heavy producers of a reliable strain; $12,501 per 100; I any number. St rong chicks delivery guaranteed. 20 per cent with and sale order balance C. 'ID. D. The -Graham White Legho: n.- R.43. Wnodbirrn. Or. BOOSTERS WANTKh WarJred. 500 oefcDle to bur a setting of ess from my heavy laying strain of 8. C R. L Reds; 8 grand pens te select from. A few good breed ing cockerel, yet for sale. W V. Loomis, 193 Multnomah at. . Phone Tabor 8197. OO.OOfO WHITE LfcOhUli.N BABY CHICKS Bred for aaes. rigor, size:. safe arrival in cood condition guaranteed,' Write for printed matter now. Oak Heights) Poultry- farm, U. R. 8, bog 0-67, Ttcoma, Wash. H i5cfBa!by Chicks II 5c Thoroughbred Wi .1.. none better: also W. I hatching eggs, $5! lOO. Suderstrom Poultry Yard, 1176 Powell Valley road.- ell. 1493. f the llABX' LUUiva from the famous Oi A. C. strain mating. 221 egg lieas mated to cockerels from 300 egg hens. Place your order now for April. May and June delivery. Port land Seed Co. . Main 404Q. BA UK CI ROCK eggs. -$1.50 setting; special jiric incubator lots; baby chix. Buff Minorca eggs. olden Seabrigbt . Bantam j?gga. 20 years a breei st. Satistftction- guaranteKl. Erans Pniil- try yaAh, 365 E. Lombartl. Woodlawn 1656. 500- thoroughbred White Ieghorn bahy chicks $16 per 100. April 22 hatch: 800 6-week old 4 0 each; 2001 2 -weeks old, 25c each. Tom Morgari.- Beaverton? lOr. FOR SlVLE 'yphre adaptable borer with com- blnation outdoor brooder and colony roosting coop and Mostoii Tsbor B06. aeed' hopper, - at a bargain. TL'OROUGUBRED! White Leghorn chicks on hand; Rhode Island clucks Thursday snd Fri day. 14th and 15th. Suderstrom Poultry Yard. 1176 . Powell valley rood. Wellwd. 1493. FSTiMo. FEED Whtwn 4344. s "et4W Chick feed Growing mash. -Buttermilk. SETTING EGGS-e-Tnlouse geese. White Mi norca. Mammoth Pekin ' ducks. J. A. Orer dorf, Slefzg-er, Main 8600. PLYMOUTH rock or English M hlte Leghorn chicks and hatching eggs from, bred to lay stock, fterrna Jnnretisrn. R-l. Hill-nom, Or. llli U4UGUBREDj Barred Ilock R. L Reds. White Ighorn llarine Dulleta and cockerels. 'hite 1918 E. Stark and 75th st. I. OGS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 703 lOH SALE-Police .dog puppies, pedigree given witH every ooH; sire and dam registered K. C. E, M. Laird, 1886 Siskiyou st. Tabor 50S POrvTKn PiTppiT-.a fob: rath Dock handled for - the Seattle show. Call Campion, Tabor 125. - Professional handler. Kennels, cor. 93d land E. Sta rt. FOR SALE -Boston puppies, 1 female, 1 male, 3 rponths old, pf rery beng pedigreed stock. Call at O'Brien 's kennels. 1809 E. 8th, Sellwood. AT STUD Sons ot tne Eastern four Urn. field - trial, champions, John Proctor and Candy Kid. Everglade Kennels. 504 Concord bldg. I-WEEKS-OLD female Boston terrier and motlier. Bdwy.j 1403. ENGLISH SET-TEIt PUPS FOR SALE WDLN.. 3199 BE AUfHFUL singers, tpr sale. Call the studio. Main 408. - . 1 FEMALE SL Andreasberg snd cage for sale. Mai 2515. - 1 BEAUTIFUL shepherd dog, 1 year old, male; szo). s.arson s ivr lag rv. - F AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 rIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO- ;. -OMSAlECOmNIJES Have Established a '-. it. mi ; n ew ujwrnce luevei ON USED' CARS i 1 THING THE PART WEKK OUR DP!- PA Ii iR AND PAINT . DEPARTMENTS HA E. TI'HNH) OVER TO I S SEV l'CARS WHICH WE ARK PRIC- K RAI. INt DOWN AND INCLUDING IN OUR OIT-PWCE SALE V .We hare resolrnrl to we'll out on used ear and the way the .public has "been flocking to rur-store anjl drirtng cars away is eri-d-nte.of wha't at real bonafide sale will do. Bring your mechanics, -with you. They will more- readily recognize OUR .TRE MENIXUS BARGAINS:-- Chandlers, Cleveland. Hudson. Maxwell. Chalmers, StufliebakeTs, A splendid Buick conns, grvajtjy rediiced iand a. few Chandlers only stitfhtJy used at jtrrmrndoaa discounts. Our plan of- tematl payment down, long time terms with no brokerage appeals to inont buyers, . TWIN'SHTATES y;;'-,CAR co.;. y Washihgton . at II 9th pen Sundays! snd.renings nntil 8:30. terms during the sale. EUa long time PI i-7 Ht'IiSON HUDSON . 192 Model Hixisfin. A car that will make you fiel gnnd to drive at a price yoa can afford to pay. -'Terrhs. . Wdln. "5344. I'uHli coiii-e, 192UJ fiiie coudiliotr: many extras, - $75. " I' UNIVERSAL CAR- EXCHANGE Corier irnd iml - K. Yamhill East 471. 1920 r'Oltli rriadhU-r; aieedometer, shock ah sortfn. etc, $445.;. terms. . K Y. BiUings- ley. Hjiwl'home av4- at 8th st Vjutt 720. COIA-: SIX, 1915.17 pass., good cord tires, itood uph ilstering, g(jd motor; a. bargain; $700, terms- ft 9 6 -lymhs ft. - 1 I8 li J ;."-, t Ii-. ; win aU on teiuis and take smaller car in on trade. Fast 6563. 1K rat.d are. jOpen Sundays and erentnga. A1-- TTriifrwet ' snd repairing l&Ul-0 i OpS- at reasonable prices. 825 Riwicii: ,t,. betweeh 6th and Broaf!wiy. Cfiiuie., fmei ccMiou ipn. a. i. unTversal car exc-hangk Corier Grand g-nd E. Ysmhltl. East 471. MAXHK1.I. 5 paaw-niter, nrxti condition, $350 1 8fl -Grand ave. r-ast nana, open Sundays and eseninir'. CI1EV I era. gain . toLET " 4So roa'ister witli shock absnrb od tires, tnbtor in fine sliape; a bar r latrn. TSbor 4874. - 1AKIAMI fiiirmg. first class mechanical 1919 - alia If ; nargain i?r ihic. sa le. xs5x oo. afa ave. N.. near Broadway. Union For hs A K Ford tounng, god condition, at a Tor ouirik sale. . 1034 E. Morrison. rgain bef wee l 34th arcl asitb. . . - - . Ssia.n. ttuter. dcmoumjuiie rims, simmv shock absorbers;. $723. 107 13th sU I'OKll ligh4 Broad fy 4 20s. I i2l HEVKOLET delivery, ."r,0, terms. lit -656 3. 188 Grnd are. Open Sundays snd eveni BKAN new Ford loumiz: "will di.-count with term s. ; I'hmie owner. East 178. . tvMK BIG, $60. atorage battery $20. Marshall 30411 .614 Front. . - CHEVROLET hilt.-r, aJ5. 107 lath st. Mrcitdws.r 42S - r'ml tuuring, A-l rH!dium, cheap. fiOO ; Wiljinm are. B; W Body worn-. Es-t 1111s EXPERT Vt U-ASIZ jl 1th St. Tire , CAilill-AC 1913, , tT VULCANIZING AND CAR WASHING 4; Service. 109 11th. . too: in fine condition. A. J Norton. 24th arwl Harrison st. Milwank-e. Or. tuK SjAjUE 1H1H Chalmers Light Bix, reasuur 'sblei Aata. 332-60. Jhis List Speaks for , Itself l-OOK IT OVER AND THEN COME AND . . j. BUY 1913 Mitchell. 5 pass.; 4 ryl. 800 1918 Chevrolet, faring t 450 Late modd Maxwell, with original . - paint, looks like new, good tires $ &" 1917 Mitchell, touring, new paint . t 850 1920 Premier, 7 pass.; lik. new at special price. 1919 Overland, model 90, 5 pass. . . $ 673 1910 Chevrolet, touring .$ 300 1018 Overland, paint good shape, new $ 650 The following car are exceptionally good buy; all are in At liie and have been overhauled: 1919 Briseoet touring, new paint and top ... $ 750 1010-1920 Patterson, like new. .$1200 Victory model Mitchell, roadster, run less than 3000 miles $1500 1918 Mitchell, touring, new Urea... $1150 1910 Mitchell. 5 pass. '. ...$1250 1018 Mitchell. 7 pass., cord Urcs. . . 1 1200 1920 Jordan, 5 pas. $2000 WE HAVE MANY OTHERS AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A IKMM) USED 'AK AT THE l'UK'K YOU WANT TO PAY. NO CHARGES FOR BROKER AG H AND REASONABLE TERMS WHEN DESIRED. Mitchell, Lewis & Stave r ..j Company Broadway at Everett- TOONE BROADWAY 4675. 79 LIGHT CARS TO PICK FTlOMj " 21 FORD CARS TO TICK FROM. 5 Bug, repainted, to pick from. 1916 Font touring; hurry . . , . . . .25f 1917 Ford tounng, repainted...... 315 1917 Ford roadster, tail del. ext.... 323 1919 Ford touring. surter, ovrr hauJed 42 1920 Ford roadster. Hk. new...... 523 1919 Ford coupe, overhauled and painted 50 1920 Ford sedan, overhauled. . . , . . . 7 50 1913Bnick 4 touring, license.... 1 9 1 7 Chevrolest touring, orerhauled. 1913 Hud tourina. A-l aliape 225 "23 2 1911 Mitchell 4. starter. A-l shape.. 825 1917 Oakland 6. overhauled 473 -3 9 1 9 Chevrolet touring, A-l alutpe... 475 1917 Grant 6 touring, 11 ebape... 47. 1918 Overland 90, tionntry Club... 600 1918 Overland 85, orerhauled and re painted 600 1918 Stnde.baker, 7 passenger 650 1918 Dodge roadKter 750 1019 Mitchell touring, overhauled.. 875 Ford bug, rejaintcd . 325 Y HANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE Open Ereninx and Sunday. Union are, snd Belmont at.. Upstairs. Portable Garages $52 AND CP. r. o. n. FACTORY. ASK ABOUT READY CUT AND PORT A BUB HOMES. MILLMADE C0N3TBDCTION CO., Foot of Williams Are. Woodlawn 2413. 1 BUICK 6 10U ..$900 li 490 Chernilet 1921, run 800 miles 750 -IT Baby Grand Chevrolet ......... 450 I Oakland ti 1 Saxon i. 4 50 1 Maxw.U -50 f 1 Ford ....................... .0 1 Ford track M" 1 Overland roadster 125 Long & Silva . 462 Hawthorne. M. B. FI5CH Itsdistors, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired snd remodeled; auto sheet metal work js specia Vy. -105-107 N. 15b at. Pbon. BftOADWAT 2299. 1919 BUICK roadster. This car looks well and will demonstrate to your satisfaction. Con sider Ford In trade. 1 T. Billingidcy. lUe thome sve. at 8th st East 720. FORD bug. torpedo type body; top snd wind shield: good condition; '21 license, $3 50, terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Corner Grand snd E. TarehilL Kant 47T. I HAVE a two. ton White truck, also s fine Wipton 6 automobile which I will trade In on home. Will assume mortgage, Eee Mr. O'Brien, 235 Stark ' ' B92HDodge 119211 For aale by owner; driven 800 mil: lota ox accessories: easy term. Call Wdln. 3618. - ULJ'sloBlLK. 1U17 model, lis.Ks liXe s ow car and runs fine; bs1 beet of eare. $950. Take Ford in trade. 1.. Y. BiUingsley. Haw. thsms sve. at Rth st. Eat 720. FOHD tounng. 1U20, sUrter, gocal Ures, '21 If cense, $4!5. UNIVERSAL CAR EY CHANGE ' Corner Grand snd K. Vsmhill , East 471. LATE mode) Moline Knight In. A-l shape; good tires, cheap. cry easy terms, r.asi on. sr. Union ave N near Broadway. Open Sunday snd eveninr. KOHIl sedan, scarier, many ciiru, cord Urea, UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Corner Grand and E. Yamhill. Fat. 471. 1817 t llAI.MKttS touring. lioks and runs hke new: good tire, new top and paint. Last an. 345 Union ave. N.. near Broadway. Oin Bun ds ys an d evening-. CASH foe your car; condition no fbject; parts for all make, of car. I'ortiand Auto Wreck (nr. 531. Alder t. Hdwv 5254. I OKU HI i i Here a, $25, UMVERSAI, CAIl KM'IUMiK Psm Grand and Y. Yamhill. last 471. 1920 l(UDs IN' sliced .ter; ilKe new , lirt. of v L teas; will sclj chf.p. lake small car In trade." Bi'linesler, HawHmrn. ave at 8h East. 72i. "19 CHALMERS rot-t.r, line ewliUmi, extra tiriw; gret bargain. Private party. Bee Howell. Bdwy. 4i6-l. M'widar or 1n1v 920 Elgin Uiuring, just Iseeu overnaiiind ; s anap. East 56. 345 Union ave. S.. near Broadwar. Oyien Sun. and eve. CHEVROLET Touring, A 1 shaiie, $250 d'wn. $25 fxr moniJi; 6 tires, camp outfit. 107 18th t. rlnwlrn- 4'J08 CLASSY Ford bug for sale. Is in fine condition, good top and windshield, rks, roomy bodv Call stTindsy nr erenitigs. 5Q04 6 1 st si-. W K. TjhT ('HEVIlOl.ET, Tt p Reiner, only $ST)5j term. Take F'nl In trade. See Billlngslry, 4 55 Hwflio-ne ave East 720 HI1 P MO BILK, good shape, cheap; term. East 8H. 315 Union ave. N., -pear Broadway. Open Sunday eventne. , :. MITCHELL T-urin car. Excellent condition. P 503. .Tmim at. HAVE lfllS I Calmer., in exciient coudiPmJ gxid tiris sll armind. for guick sale, $62i. Mr Perry. Main Q"l 1!(J8 M ITt HEM, light 6; mror jtist over hauled. . Will sacrifice for $550, wuh terms. Tabor 474 . EoiTll hsigs, Mll'-liell -bsssis; overhauling and repairing a steels It y: work guaranlrcd. 125 leitii at. cmer Wa-hipgt'rfi. . NAHH 1920 A sacrifice: term or cash; any-,, thiiig for nnick sale. Main 6116. HI it. H 4 ItiwuLicr -.140 laa-. It. lu 1 ulii st Broadway 4 20 8. DANDY Ford bug. something nice, worth $500. will take $82.. cash f.HO K. Stark. COI.E 8 TouririK. $725 Units. 107 13j.ii au ' Broadway 4208. IWlN ImjIK.K louring, H'xxi running order, $73 cash or terms Owner Tabor 4 87 4. MAKE your own trailer, rubber tired rarriae wheels cheap. 787 Washington St., baservierit. ToTi FOItTJ delivery, just, overhauled; "f 2 7 Z quick- je. 787 VVashingtfin '., baser-eni. FORD touring, run 7000 miles, jis of ulr" Portable garage. Main 24 63. Conun-M on, Fopowuig t-mti