THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 17. 1921. 11 TRUCKS AN TRACTORS 802 WE IUVK sale for several good team. If you need a tt-uck and lime a teem, come in end see cMtr ktrmun in used truck. . 1- ton Federal, rab, whsdshield and body. , l-ton Maxwell, atake body. ,v ' 2 ton Denty, cab nd windshield. 2 - ton Traffic, pneumatic tire. eb and ' windshield- - j - 2 V -Ion Deoby, wood body and eab. 3 ton Denny, eab and windshield. These trucks aw put in eeinditnm to give stire satisfaction to the user. OPKN SUNDAY DENRY MOTOR TRUCK CO. Of WlRTHWMT 10th tht llvu iu. ; IJrnadwsy 348. White' Truck Com and dm. It away for $4 00. HACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRI CK COKP. Tenth and Deri SU, i Bdwy. 690. O.NK ton Ford trurk. 1920 model, express body, pneumsfcie tires, Hmi aa new; $625; also 1917 Studebaker si, T passenger, A-1 shape. $50; 1 Konl delivery Body, 2-i. Sell. 174 GOOD lugging Uditract Willi new 3 i ton tro-k. reliable company, long time job. 430 Rurnside. . ' MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 . : bk cleamj? . ; : on. Refold!! MaHey Davidson Motorcycles - These machines . are all rebuilt and enameled and carry the same guarantee aa the 1921 model. iTioe inae from SlftO np to (375. All late model, electric eqnipped or mu neto equipped. Three1 speeds ' and can hardly be told from new. We are allowing- $25 off on any of the machines purcliased this week as we " need spare for new unes on the way." Easy terms. . Motorcycle & Supp3y Co. ' 200 Third St. MAIS 7S89, CORNER TAYLOR IlTOECfCL Me hare a number of good, wed motorcycles, all thoroughly overhauled and enameled, and are offering" some extra good buys. BICYCLES. SUPPLIES and REPAIRING DAYTON CYCLE CO. 36 Third St. Raffiig Standard "" THE WORLD'S MASTER MOTORCYCLE Used Motorcycles at" . Right Prices If m the market for a bicycle, see ns first; e can sate you money. agency for racyclk rambler, miami and uaitoma bicycles " Jfipaii Bros, - TOE Bl EAST SIDE BIcffTLE STORK ' East Broadway and Williams. : MOTORCYCLES ENAMELED. . . 'Factory f inith. 12. H. Lampert. Union and T. Taylor. MOTORCYCLE for sale by owner, who has purchased car. This sale will create friend ship between us. No better buy anyThere, Call or see Roan Smith, 8) 4th at. Broad way 5044 1919 H. -I". .Mllliim VVl.t, in tirt das shaiie, good tires and eauipped with tandem: cheap and' terms. 86. 345 Union are. N.,. neaf Broadway. V Open Sunday and evenings. Co birchi Aoto Sate. 34. Union are. .' MOYOKCtCLES OF ALL MAKES WR SELL FOR LESS; GET OUR PRICES. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE BIO CLE CO. MAIN 6139. 204 3D ST. Ju 1 8 INDIAN ou.n-i-l wuli snii ear and tandem. gDHk down,, balance $175; e-v lfra. East 6503. 188 Grand ae. Open fiin1ftys ana evening. BARGAIN New model Hcudersou, electric eTtapment, siedometer. Vox tandem, A-l condition: mn 6600 miles: $375 cash or $400 terms, 14 HO Union ate N. W'oywll-.wn 613 7. MOTORCYCLES AXD PARTS. n.LL MAKES KAST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. - 44-46 Grand Ate. t 10IK HENDKR.StiN AND SIDE CAU. OR WILL KLL SKPARATELY; CHEAP FOR CA.sH. MARSHALL 1901. ; LXCELSIOIt motorcycle side car and in seod shape; will trade on lord truck. 43U Haw- .thome. . BICYCLE, tn A-l shaie, new tirea and piint. Olenn 1 Serrtoe fcta., '55B Cnion ave. N. EaC 7305. ' ' jIRL'S bicycle, fine .condition.'.. a32 Chap man .. Sniulay after 4 or week dy. IOK KALE r-Boy's bicycle, $10. 8S9 Weidler stsreet. - - ' - J!t8 JCLKC. Harfc-y. fnllt equipped, with side car, $S5. K. 7-"f. 556 Dtiion are. SIX used motorcycle at a bargain. tilenn Service Bt., H I'nion'-at. N. Est. 7.11)5. Lltair TWIN" INDIAN, new, 3 speed and tx- tr?. K 14311 Hawal st. alter n. 19 KS INDIAN, A-l h.-, lota of power, taka ford in Iradf. S. Cnion are. K. 7595. tM'irilunirti'r ht'ad for motorcycle. 45 Ym, StcCfi,. at sin. 843 ll'H .HALE Bicvcie, good ondiuon. 511 Monfiffsmery. Mam "774B. WAN!' ectm) uvii bicjcle., Addre-ss C. K. Beery, n. 2. Mitwankie. f ' itic .or ?Hir. in tfuud cundiuun. 4t Kuyal Tshor 3077. L( fi Iticyile lor e-ale, good tires; $17. 36a N. Iith s. .. , LLAV1N town, nm-t tU I tuu 'ord truck, . Hood Mndir.on. ont.- it HI" SAI-t:-1 Indian bieycle, fine condition; ctieap. JSjl Kast 8yd. ellwoott SSuO. BOV H Indian hicyclo for Mile. Call Auto. 61ti-C7. llailey with idwar, lully en 4i)ilieiJ. A-l cndtifn, Sicrif;c. 74-t finipbeio ao. U.t.Vl lui ijlilhi.!' 1U.'t: m. -. t-.fwie! H'-r tt Willi- !i..n. V-h. J'R!-. ld t a ltrm, ?20. ?dln. SSit. i iiite i.ittt.v. tiiiUirrjtti, tery V"ij. ... . tA ( Johnn ei Mtlwr aU7t ! ISMil HAKl,l:V-l.UlUSti Alotorcicliv lnale -ox ni-d, i 00. 304 s E- Mormuu. i MCYCLES MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 TX- IT W ITH A MOTORCYCLE ' '-.."'. f ; " . " ' 1 Look Here for Bargains a " 1919 ExceUior. A B generator ...... $325 1919 Elec. Eice'.Mor 325 1920 Elee. i Harley with speedometer.". . 323 1919 Clereland, rebuilt, repainted....... 145 1918 Clereland, rebuilt, repainted. .... . . 1S5 1919 Elee. Harley ..... f S ...... . 295 "1 i 1918 Hendorson, overhauled, repainted and renickrjed lika new 365 Many more "as low a $50. .(Easy Terms 4TH AND TAYLOR THONE M. 1191 Relbui St Motorcycles GUARANTEED LIKE NEW FROM $200 LP We also hare lot of Used machines from $SO up. SEE I'S TO PAT IF TOU ARK INTERESTED Indian Motorcycle BaCycle Co. Main 6L39. 204 3d st. L'8EI MOTORCYCLES We hare some exceptional good buys in late model Harley-DaridMuis, Clerelatids, etc. Liberal Terms Write for Complete List PARTS KOR ALL MAKES Used Motors, Clutchen, Mastnetos, Etc. Used Parte 10 to 7 5 Per Cent Discount EAST SIDK MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 Oranrf Are. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled .................$ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. ........ ..$ 3 Macneto recharged . .$ 5 W. band-lap pistons, scrap bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford rarts only uwd. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE ACTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. ATTENTION. CAR OWNERS W will overhaul your car. any make, and save you money. All work done on a flat con tract basis , and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the supervision of competent and reliable men. Get our prices, tbey are reasonable and will surprise you. We specialize oa generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanizing and retreading; all retreada guaranteed for 400" miiea HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorn . Tele phone East S06S. ' NoiICIC TO THE I'LltLIC Auto Beet Repair fihop. 10th and Salmon, now repairing Stuta and all high class cars; service and -ad work guaranteed.' - FRED V. OEPPEltT. Prop. IT; O fC ICI 00 days gdustmenu on all brakes UXU-sU-e relined. i THE BRAKE SHOP 327 Fifth Street Main S96 Expert Auto Repairing Ra reannable, 107 Beech. Wdln. 6065. EXPERT ex-atrvioa men wiii repair your ear at your borne or at our shop. 89 KiUingsworth, ry reesonable, Woodlswn 34 66. MOTOR SFEt lAl.LSl, ID yean' experience, all makes, j Like few motors- to overhaul; will save you money. howj. i.i.t. it i - nurman st. ALTO repairing of all kinds, all work guranteed. Call KW"t 3346. ' save you money. Rdwy. 133. 1118 Thurman st. AUTO REPAIRING 47 BEACCIN HT. SELfj. 2266 MOTORS overhauled, work guaranteed; a flat price this month only. Phone Tabor -691 5. AUTOS FOR HIRE 808 AL'IUS fctiHt hiUr., wi.h or ttiniouc umexiti Uy r night nerrictr. Cotachman . Garage 19th; and Cuuclv Broadway SflUti. T!emmrer our nnmher Broadway 3696. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS - New 920 Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING & RORNETT CITY GARAGK 182 12th SU. bet. Wash and Alder. Bdwy. 840 HUDSON'S AND ESSEX WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAT OB NIGHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE. 2D AND MAIN. MAIN 306B. VEVT AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS LOWS' SDALE GARAGE BROADWAY 2656 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR - WITHOUT DRIVERS. Lf SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. JOtB at YambilL A-1236. H. H. BENNETT. CARS FOR HtllE WITHOUT I'RIVEUS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYUIH. ; PHONE MAIN 16H7. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8S0 8 t.'YIj. OAlilANi. in fine conditiun. newly pointed, good tires, fine car: will trade for Fort! sedan or touring and small difference. 14? 13th at. after Sunday. CARS WANTED W will either give you spot cash or , sell yonr cars for you. Jake, Used Car Exchange. 26 N. 11 th. Bdwy 321 4 50x100 CORNER lot . foir sale, or trade fni htavy roadster. Call Sunday Tabor 9192. week days Main 1284. WA.Vij-.u i-A bug in A I condition; ome one who is willing to take a. $120 Tell-Toue pho- "?rsph hSif rs--h iwvnient, ceil S?llwd. 1Q4 plete. Value 70O. For small touring car. Prefer Ford Wdln. 5076. WE ARE In the market for a number of small cars; will pay eash. Grand are. Auto Ex change, 188 Grand ave. Phone East 6563. XvXnteTJ r.fion acto u? Trade for GOOD BI S4NESS PROPOSITION, ESTAB I.1SHED 432 WORCESTER tUMi. , FORD or other auto, any condition ; hare lot (111 paid. $10 per month for same. 421 Beech st, . WANT car or truck for my 5 acre apple or chard; investigate this bargain. Herbert O. 1 imilip, Rnt!ioin, Or. YVJLG trade painting, tinting or inside dec orating, for small car, any make, in good IU OR 20 Ford Touring or Roadster-W 111 pay ca-sh a.nd want yonr beat price. Will not miy from dealers. East 4814 WIU. paiiit or tint your house or place f hnsines-s for first payment on late ear. Ford ir CVimwaIu . , ..... e.i .,9n VIANO -l ike new. to exchange for Font road- GtOL city lot or acreage for light automobile. r.asr o.izn. CASH for la-o liodj-e w Baby Grand Chevro let. Fas' 178 WANTKIf-T-Tlie bit Kord $200 to $300 will bny. B-3J9. Journal. VVASTKU 'Hm bet Ford liU to $200 buy. t-l, Jonmal. iU V ANTLl-r-i' ord touring; must be Iwvrgain lor casn. atter si p. m. 1022 Kat 38tn St. south. WANT car. hat 10 acre of land and cs. Tabor 32."4. W ANT truftk or delivery, V -or 1 ton. Phone o,-oo. WAN lEA-f-LaU Ford touring or roadster, must be cheap for e h. gee. Billingsley, Hswthorna t Nth -t. " Kwt 720. "If'rraK. al nv ul ; act our apvraisals. Vranson's Csed Car Evchange. st 4376. WILL do i painting, papering, calcimininc for Ford car. Phone Marshall 8342. 408 Main. li' YOU Jure lightcar;nd neetl moDeyT drive it to 107 lSfh St. l"AY ch. bcnl. IKaUe, Miil. llni-k. Iks i ha:- 1 : man. Mam 1137, AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 Cash for Cars I want soma Fordv late models without starter. Condition no object if cheap a we re bi.'itd them, al o ofJicr light lat modclsj I J'ay cash in yonr hand. 16th and Alder st Get the right, place. - I MCKPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 5 ACRES, all cleared, been cultivated i several years. 1 0 ' miles from courthouse, on Baa Line road. Would take good auto as part pay ment. Call Sunday Tabor 9192, week days Main 1284. HAVE a Shetland pony, buggy and harness and oriental blue sappitiee and cash for good used car. litis or later. U, A. I'hilliiia. 298 Graham. WANT AC TO ' j Modern S room bungalow, pared streets. lOOx 99 lot. Will take light ear and acme cash. Price $4350. . L-a43. Jonmal. j WANT kyfd . fottUster. . W'til tr.iie mas.-uve. ele gant, French gray enamel floral, 9 piece bed room suite. 'hardwood, genuine leather. Phone Kt 6692. TO TRADE Motorboat for roadster 0 touring. 25 feet king, beam 5 II. P. motor. E. i. Patterson. Camas, Box 158. r light ft.. 15 Wash. FOKD WANTED With electric equipment, must i b fa rood shape and priced reasonably. Call or see Koss Smi'h. SI 4th t. Broadway 504 4. I FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 900 A DANDY walnut Vose piano, co-t wiwn new $475: my present day price $550; owner says take $200 cash or Liberty bonds for im mediate sale. See this also, Gahler I upright mahogany, tans price. Oregon Ellcrs Music house. 7 floors deeoted to music and musicians. 2X7 H Wash. st. OFrit E FURNITURE- ADDING MACHINES. New and used desks, chairs, film, safes, aafe cabinets, aper-ial, perfect condition, 7 bank Bur roughs. $140; 5 bank. $10; new safeguard cherkwriters, $!0,000 bond $37.50. Wax Of fice Kquipment Hntuw. 4 . Bdwy. 273. A DANDY style 10 walnut Victoria, complete. with records, will go for any - offe better tl?an $75 cash or eaxy paymentrt. See phono graph headquarters, 3d floor Eilers Music bldg.. 27 Wash. t. FIK.ST-CLA fciS Efiisoo cylinder horn machine ml KtO records. $16.50. $7.5U down, $3 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. i LLKi ' 1 iilC wtaiiing ' umchine, like .new; paid Olds & King $138 6 months azo; will sell for $05 cash if sold by 2 p. tn. Sunday; am I. kins apartment. Phone W'oodlawn 2r2.". ELi.C 1 Kit' iron. Ukanters. percotaturs. hot plates, vacuum cleaners, curling irons, all hew, at nenr cost to reduce stock. 359 Ankeny at. cor. 8th. LXr.AVATlM; I GRADING Horses to hire. Creston Feed & Fuel Co. Phone Aut, 61;S4. BEIfUtfc buying eiectno fi.xtuft-s call jit 3. .9 Ankeny st, cor. 8th and see what we ;have to nfferin both late deigna and beet priccsj J. R. Ihividson K.lectric "o.. Rroadway 2455. EDISON Cylinder IlomleM machine and 200 Indestructible' records. $60, $20 slows, $10 a tuunth. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st, i ANIONIC iiitruiing tfiiroiling day or night classes Behnke-VValk-r liusinesa college can save by iwntjng U-330, Journal GOtJD 4-tiole rang; wit li water coil 'and warm" ing oven: also one 3 hole gaa plate. 14 E. 01st iV. Phone Talmr 1089. I ELECTRIC' rangti, 4 holes and top oven beluw and clocie element; nearly a good aa new; price $115. 350 Ankeny st. l'ANAMAS, $1. el&aned. reblocked. bleached at Tonys, 287 14 Wasliinston st Entrance Filers MiKin bide I LADIES, let the Vogue sell your slightly used or misfit garments, handsome gowns, party dresses, furs, shoes, coats, at reduced pnres. 403 Aliiky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 81S2. I'lNE J.S5 Columbia Grslonola -Hith S5U worts of splendid records. Price $IO0, $20 down. $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder, BOYS GIRLS 1S brings baol Zi 330 gummed fruit labels. Take agency your town, make 84c dozen books. P-342. " Journal. SPLENDID toned Guitar and caae. Cost $20. Price $11. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. i FOR SALE Gas fixture, make an ofter. Call after 6 p. m. 244 East 24th, between Main and Madison. SEE OCR dwiay of beautiful hats. W'e: guaran tce our price h.wer than west snlej Mack's Millinery. 542 Union ave. N. East 2381. S50 COLUMBIA Grafonola, mahoKsny lease, in good condition, for $30. $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FERTILIZERS city. Fst 7636. 1-EKENN1AL planls and bulbs, more than 30 kinds; Lily of the Valley, 50c dozen Canter bury, 2 for 25c. Tabor 4510. I 'AB GAS range, white enamel, ghuas ovevi door, pood as new, $45, at 1130 Hawthorne ave. -3Kl h. PLOWING t'etminVd 'tel EAST 4313. roil MAL.E n li. p. t.cuiTal r.ieciric 4ULu,r. phase. Tel. Ea.-t 02 90, Geo. 1 Frtianre. 1411 flrand ave. $2!5 WILL BUY an Andrew Kohn piano, mah. ca--e, like new; room 550, utMtairs, 270.S Wai-hington st. Phone Anto. 511-20. KL.1L silterUMH) spring sun, meiiium size, tor steamer trunk, couch cover, electric appliance or what have vosif 406 Harrimm. Main 1905. 250 MAHOGANY linifiawim pnonograph with 1 5 records for $ 1 50 cash : just like new. Tabor 8720. 153 E. 66th N. cordwuud, tv60; thcaiwr graiie, $7.50. W'oodlawn 4011. Hau.n, call after 7 p m. . 1 ! CIRCLE Exchange, 415 Kliedner bldg up- i (air.,; buy and sell ladies clothing. Tenth nd Wauthiiigton 4"-. Broadway 220. FOR SALE A srf-t ot diamond carringa', A No. D-187, 1 stoner; ' karat; wilt sell cheap. Journal. r W AN T El 1 Ueed doll buay. medium' siae or Phone Tabor 924 3. large. BROWN natural hair switch $5; electronet coat for rhetimstifm $25. 509 Davis, W'ILL sell my 55 shares of Western: Rubber stock at $8.25 per share. K-361, Journal. OLD ivory dressing table and chair, like new. at a hargam. Tabor 0O41, THE siuaiiet iHieUand pony on the coast, solid brown, 4 years old. Wondlawn 6102 BABY' CARRIAGE. Good CONDliluN. 11LA SOVAPTK. BDWY. 3513. till K i.E lol aaiu, 21 lucll ilmue. t.dU. AI41IU 15!5. ' BttA.Mi new ctinoiuiioii t4i:au, orjin ai. Uvi. 0ir, 03rl t K K. A"ti 621-31. i i'Oii Js.tlji'. lUUtiw gifcs CtlhUllt.', -S Hi p. A-1 shene,- t'ol " i iil.Sl.vr l. tfw.Kj wcTu say at,l Vin,tol it Wah Shoe Itt nirirn. East 006. , FOB SALE Good Standard sewing machine, 5. Cflll e.fter Stinday, 668 E Salmon. 5 (iAl,. of whito inside iaim, $10. Call 16C .i. lOT-n. t'lioiie nawy. SK'V .32. volt giHi JaT tcruge batLeriiea, new. r.sst j vn.1. tin ii ti. atot-rison. WANTED -One 30x3 Vi Ford wheel. Phone Sell. 3133. ICE BOX Almost new. plate glass top, fine for small restaurant. $8. 1711 E, lfthsLS. SALE OR TRADE Students law! bwks. t lesr. -Good condition. -4 204 -Clinton -t. H EAISTITCHINt COTTON'; 5icl SILK. Sc. MBS. JAMES. 352 YAMHILL. ton t4i.h Ciiuap, one oil Heater. wrl 2180 Call MAKhi me otter on 3 5 sacks of small potatoes. 725 Vau;hn st. e Aiii..A 1 1 . ntiiife viui cuiia, good tuu dl'ion. 5530 82d t. FOR SALE Meat market fixtures. lonttir 41 1 Fairine t. Ft'K s.i E- ;ijd Jewel range, cheap. 1' lsr hsll 4 595. UANtiE- tiood aa pew, 6 hole, for sale cheap. v i-erranee st. fvaft fJttl. WDA'l have jon to fxcuaiuie lor a; cabinet phonograph f 148 13th st Bdwy. 2555. $6.50 HOT POINT. 3 but ptote. tf2 6th st, Monday. 6 in. j electric INNER tubes repaired and tested, 50c and up. 509 Wiifiame ave. . j Fi-FFF RUG, alMiut 9il2, $7; iW cenier table". : private party. ' Mam 6710. FtK sAl.E Electric master, in good con difioti. I'all Tabcr '.")H3 i HI lis 'ihread and Thumb art rugs, Us 12, practically new. East 4318. a ,o , t f electric bUnxet. uew, lor eIr $40 cash. 2f K. HtiitihoMt ' ill ti SA1.E Keril sulky, uu nursery chair; cheat). Et Wilis. , 1 . sK Hail-Borchui dmci lorm. j siae 36, bis!, bnt: ebeen. East. 6098. I CHICKEN, or rabbit butch for tsal. 437 Mar- ruente ave., on Hawthorne ave l l-.u i..n ( kA v t -it 1 iical'., a-uaranied. tsv - tory prices. We ship. : 3 1 4 K. Washington. BARBER CHAIR, Flemish nibbita, netting ben. or irauc. ..mi ti. i -'.ii 11, ,s. fancy wrapiied Yakima applen; bargain prices. 153 Front tt.. near Morrison bridge,, i t OU tS.AGii t'liir atuky. ana uursery-chsur. 304 Faro. near lTnion. - . - BABY carriage, brown wicker, good condition; - tH Tshtr 0199, .r 411 Ka-l 7tl. L t UU S .tirf, t.v.viij ulu. aiiu u.wi:t, tu ojs-- Iu ..1. ' I .1,1 . menl NEW toilet bowl, slightly damaged.' 765 ' 2d at S. BLA'll.Mi battery $15. . ' . ":' W l'huue 'IwAiM b2 4 0. riiiii!tMiiii!tuiMtimniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiftttiiliitiliiliiiiirtnit:iiin!iiiiii;iMiu$iitiit!tlMiiiiiii:i W i s .-.-!..' "J-- I - '"!-? ' ''.'.' -" j - -.'"'' J !: "' ' "1 i This Week's Third Prize of I One Dollar Goes to David Gross I IT: - i : - l ' " i ' Z 1 Found Ready Buyers for Suit of Used Clothing I: Through Journal Want Ads I - .-!' ' 1 I 2 . fortland, Ore., April 14, 192t. ; The Journal Publishing Company: 1 ' J'f I ! Gentlemen -Last week I thought that I would make use, of ; , your offer of receiving a bottle of Mayonjnaise Dressing and an ad in your Sunday paper for 20c, as I had ai suit of clothes that I no f " longer needed, and much to my surprisejon Monday morning fol- if ; lowing there were two men waiting to see the suit when 1 arrived ; 1 ! at my. shop, and the first fellow bought it at once. Several more f I called during the day. From now on I shall be a constant user of ;. ? your Want ad columns, as they sure bring results. " ; j Yours truly, j 2 j I DAVID GROSS, j - , ! 247 Taylor St. i I Three prizes this week for best letter; read 1 1 announcement on another page of this section ;! sW J i, ?? - ' I i - -.lHii$Wiiilliiiii$:iliii'IHIi'liil''l''"i,''ll!iW FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 u. s. ARMY GOODS FOR SALK Sale of cotton underwear a garment . $ .20 New Chocolate colonial march- rfJiR i ing shoes ?J.i? New Le unionaUs -for . $2.50 O. D. 4 lb. bI.nk?..f.4!,84 $3.50 inch New and reclaimed army shirts from ......... $1.00 up New U. boot S. or Goodyear hip Gray commercial 64x84 inch . , $3.1 Canteens and mess kit, each O. D. breeches for O. D. wool psnts for Blue marine pants, pair . , , Shelter tents i for . Tents, an sizes U for $ .50 . $1.50 up . . . , . $3.75 $3.75 .$1.50 up $10.00 up Besides these special Items we have in stock a large assortment of breechee hats, reclaimed ahirts, socks, mackinaws, dishes, etc. fi. liorensteln Army Store 204 First St. 252 Second St Main 7573. MILLER'S Exaiifslte Ba g-a AND GLADIOLI HIGH IN QUALITY. NOT IN PRICE. OVER 400 OF THIS i WORLD'S FINEST VARIETIES. CATALOGUE FREE. N.A. Miller : Dahlia Specialist Bosj 4125. Portland, Or. : Plumbing Supplies ATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLBTB AT SPECIAL LOW FRICES BATH TUBS LOW-DOWN TOILETS CORNER OR FLAT BACK BASINS (complete) PIPE AND FITTINGS Get enr prfcee before yon let yonr con tract We also bars soma alightly denxaged goods. A. L. Howard 23fl 3d St 50Syght3y Ued50 ': Sewing Machines Will be sold at greatly reduced prices to mikfl room for the New White Phonogrsph. All leading makes, Wul take Liberty Bonds at face value on all new machines aud phonographs. S. S. Sigel &Son 882 WASHINGTON STREET Screen Doors and window screens, 3 sizes; also cooler. Any special cabinet work to order. Try us. i UNIVERSAL WOOD WORKING CO.. Cor. 3d" and Flanders ' PORTLAND ART GLASS WORKS Technical glass of all descriptions, bending, beveling, windshields and l&mP Shades repaired. Simtlight lenses, all sizes. Art glass for churches and dwellings. 643 Madison, cor. 17th. Main 9392. FOR SALE Closing out our i0 ft W airas soda fountain outfit marble f iniab ; one 16 fti back bar. mahogany; 5 -card tables, 4 pool tables, 10 ft wall case, 1 floor cigar case. 1 kitchen -cabinet 366 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6786. bhVbllAli tine cabinet phunograpm, mahogany, oak and walnut, about half price. Room 550, niistairs, 27Q 4 Washington st Phone Auto. 511-20. - COMBINATION ranse, heavy oait library and idining room tables. Call Sundays or after 6 p. m. week days. 6aV6 East 53d X. lutse City. Park car. WINDOW shade cleaned and reveried, also new (hades made to order. REN8HAW WOOSTER. 62 N. 23d st Auto. 513-14. PItACTICALLY new small Victor portable ma chine, just the thing for canoes or camp purposes, $17.50, $5 down, $5 a month. Hyatt lining Machine t o., SaO Alder st N.t - toll apimg Hiap, Uest grade black tal feta silk, fall lined with Skinner' satin. Fin far maternity coat or elderly lady. $27. Not home Sunday. 435 E. th street south. INFORMATION that will be valuaable t hold ers of Dayton Rubber Company, Stevens Duryea, U. S. Automotive stock." furnished by nHtrewing B"X TX-66i Journal SODA fountain, complete; all sixes floor counter leases, coffee mill, registers, scales, adding ma chine, all kinds store fixtures; cab, credit 242 Salmon EDISON' utordge bau..-ne3. uuWf for bust. imra or larm naming. c 1 1 uu, ivt K; Morrison. N $160 BRUNSWICK, like new, $90 takes it : Room 550, uiwlairs, 270 V Washington tU Phone Ante. 811-20. screens' MaDe 16 oRDEtt i Remodeling, all kinds ef lob oarpentering. Store fronts a specialty. Woodiawn 320. ROW'E paper baler lor sale with $3 worth ef wire, price $12. CiJI Morffs.n Dry tioodi Co.. 1669 E 13th st Phone Sellwood 1094. Do. t. ottet avugiiu silver-puited tors, very cheap;- chiVTs covered cart. Rembier, good cirvtition. H49 K. AMer s'. - CM l.AUw GOOOiS sttcuunal uilice per- tition - t your own price. Other bargains hr furniture. Main 8573. 390 Front feEv'EKAL. upright piano and player piano. Many like new, from $235 ur- Room 550 .swp stairs. 270 W " Wash, it Phone Anto. lf -20. COAliiLN Ku popcorn machine and pcaaut roait- er, good condition, cheap. 1245 K. Harrison st Phone Tabor 8288. GOOD loulmg bed with raattreae complete: also two good gun, almowt new. Speak omiek. r lion rail 1 . WE WANT to buy piano and phonograph tor e)l R 1, nMt.ln STA U U.lh .lnn st Phone Ante, sil-20. UNE tone riolin, 2 burner I'eriocUon uti stove, deverotnng tank. Wdln. 3440. 1(4 KUti. 1I. a I ilrlti!ai cuok-r. WJcqx-Gibb : sewing xuachuie. . Broadway 2183. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 HOME i BUILDERS, ! ATTENTION! We Ha PIPE! PIPE! PIPE!: New and ns4, .j black and I galvanized, from V-'nrh and upj j Our second-hand pipe is as good as new and1 we are offering It for gale at lower prices than ever. Don't miss this op portunity to bdy good material at far below the market prices, - CABLE! ; CABLE! CABLE! We are closing out a large stock of new and used cable of all i aizes and kinds. We have special offerings is fe-incb and -inch plow steel cable, at a great reduction. BELTING! BELTING ! j BELTING I ; New and second-hand rubber belting, leather belting, and canvas-stitched belting. All aizes- all ply all at rock bottom prices! SHAFTLN'G! SHAFTING! j SHAFTING;! All sizes of shafting. We have a lot of shafting in full length and in sizes from 3 inches up to 8 inches. We will make apecial offers on this extra large shafting. j BAILS! RAILS 1 RAILS ! t We can furnish you with rails ef all aizes if you will only give us your requirements. Save a great deal on this material i over the cost ef new rails. ; MISCELLANEOUS We have a large amount of 12iS-inch new spikes which we are dosing out at $3.00 per keg. We guarantee especially low prices on - our entire stock of pipe fittings, brass and iron iilves. on our large rtock of boxings, hangers, collars and pulleys. Our pulley stock consists of cast iron, steel split, wood and wood split pulleys, in sizes up to 60 inches snd some larger. All sizes of insulated copper wire. New and used fire hose and fittings. Extra heavy hose at a great bargain. All kinds of light garden tools. Hpecial prices on our large stock ef band and circular saws, and inserted saw teeth. AU kinds of lumber trucks and hand track. Galvanized corrugated iron, Bar iron of all kinds. j ' Second hand boilers. ! One second-hand Blodgatt 5 -compartment bake even at a bargain. ZIDELL-BERENSON COMPANY ! 309-211 Front at. i Marshall 1 $32. Do So Army & Navy Goods Tents Tents 400 16X16 O D. AND ARMY PYRAMIDAL 14-OZ. TENTS. RECLAIMED, AT $24. Tent Flies Tent Flies 400 ASSORTED SUES 14-OZ O D FLIES, RECLAIMED, FROM 6 TO $15. Pup Tents $3.15 A PAIR 'Tarpaulins 18X30. MADE OF HEAVY CANVAS. FOR COVERS, $24. Cots Cots ! Cots 4000 FOLDING CANVAS COTS, EACH ARMY O. D. BLANKETS. . . i ARMY O. D. SHIRTS. WOOL FROM $2 NEW LEE UNION ALLS NEW O. D. WOOD TROUSERS NEW O. D. WOOL BREECHES , NEW O. D. WRAP LEGGINGS SERVICE HATS ........ i CANTEENS AND MESS KITS NAVY MIDDIES i J , LEATHER LEGGINGS . . . , PONCHOS i J A complete line of army goods. GOOD $3.85 . 3.95 TO $4 , 2.48 . 8.25 , 4.75 , 1.50 , .95 , .50 , 5.85 , 3 80 195 Wholesale and retail. j . Msil orders solicited- 1 Army Surplus Sales Co, SAM AJ MESHER. PROP. N. 3d -st. cor. Coneh. I Broadway 1748. BatnTutjs! Bath Tubs! 5 -foot W. E. bathtubs at . . .$31 i Complete with all fittings to the' floor . . : 38- Toilets! Toilets! Toilets! Uigh-igrade oak' tank, low down, topper lined toilet. com . nlete - $25.00 i Boilers! Boilers! j 30-gal!on ranjze boilers... $13 ; Sinks! Sinksi Sinks! Ibx30 W. E. sink?, vthiie tliey hv't, $7 50 Wash Basins! j Complete to the wall, China inde x I J lauceta 13 i ' We al-ie) have a complete line of soil and galvanized pipe and fittings; all the -above merchandise is; strietly new and fully guaranteed.' 1 Mail, phone and wire orders prompt ly filled and shipped. Inquiries prompt ly answered, j ! ilesler Plumbing . Supply Co, J4 8 Third St. ! Main 5277. Between: Main and Madison. Wn'iNG UAua Wby pay more ' when yon can buy for leasf Our price 13c -a lb. i CALIFORNIA BAG V METAL CO.. i 315 Frnt ft. Phone Msin 810. ELEC1MIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE 1 light chain fixture $1.35, 3 lights $4. 14-inch .in direct bowi 89; we do electric wiring. Reliable Electric. Union are. at Russell. i'iione East 3686. Open evenings. j ; LARGE Edison Diamond Disc ( Chippendale model) , in a fumed oak ease, used but a short time; taken in on a newer model. Priced spe cially at $225. $23 down, $15 a month. Hyatt i suing to., p'BO Alder st aUDit iolilm of standing timber 2 miles truui lingon city, on Willamette, near pa"rnent. Will sell outright or take partner in on cutting and marketing tame. See owner. Miller, 330 E. Stark. x 1 . i - FOR SALE OR RENT-feteajn ' Si.oveT; Mwvoiving type on Tracuon W heels. First class condition, ready to work. 1 RAILWAY EyClPMKNT M, 235 Stark. 2363. I STIU, have a lew choice Caroline Testout roaea which 1 will sell very reasonably Also some choice Dahlia roots. W. T. O'Brien, lbOtt K. tn. seiiwoon SECOND-HAND portable type Vietroi. mT- bogany fmtsb, good condition, $30, $10 down, $5 a month. HyaU Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aider at. 1 ioll SALE irora private lamily, us chufooier and dreaser. cot baby bed. dining tabu, buf fet chairs, wringer.. Singer . machine and baby bsigrv. 332 Mill. LADY Sr tiara blue spring cape, wont only a few times, ALo very nice gray mole coat new, eize 38. at a ba resin. Call at 8 E. 11th N. Monday. I . jA rv taoie una a u,uing cumn cnaaxs, . $4 5: willow buggy, $29: new camping 1 bed end rhair. 10. In, annri condition Ist 8j7. GiASi'toiri autt Milter couuvUuu and ci;aru( wnrx. MiileT. Mgin 181S. t - 1 (Jl'ltiuuai ttoer paiiss, iy line, i:ki 1000. Wocdstock Nursery. ; SeR. 2332. FOR SAIXMISCELLANEOUS 900 Forget your cares in - sunshine, - ' -It lasts for just a while. For when you fill your .hardware needs, Our price will make you smile. s Cut sot the guess work and lek Scale talk." SCALES! YES. AND PLENTY OF USED ONES. . m A handy counter scale, sells regu lar fur $IS.50. our price . ...$1.80 , A sample ki'h beam scale, sells regu larly for $30, our price, iuat one to go at our price of 23 50 Family scale, up to 20 pound.... 1.90 A small siae, 400 pound used plat form scale at a real figure, i Used DAYTON .computing scale, sells regularly around $65, no springs.'" a real earing at our price..,. $4 50-' Grocers' nn balanee Male.. A. 411 Good siae used platform seal, up to 650 pounds, at a real aanns. - - 25, 50. SO, ISO end 200 poum spring balance scales tot any usage. Man power ! HORSE CUPriNtS MA--CHINE, just one sample to go at a real saving. Regular figure $22.50. our price' $14.50. LATHE CHUCK, 5 inch, used but it perfect condition, rtai, buy at $14.50. ' CRULSINfl' COMPASS, with gyroecswite , actKMi, a art in oaa and well adaptssi for multifarious psirposes, oar price oa thie ' used compad $12.50. FURNITURH POLISH. "Polly Prim" and just consider this reduction: - $2.00 sixe, thk week .. .$1.00 $1.00 sue, this weok , .50 $ 750 size, this week .25 BIRD CAGES A beautiful all white cage, as reasonable at $1.80. Complete line of brass and white nag.. Get our figures, it means a real saving. BUILDERS1 HARDW ARE, Mr. Coo tractor, and 'at a reel figure. 3 Vi x3 'j butu, copper -or brass finish, our figure, a pair 30c Inside mortise locks, heavy bevel plated, in a good pec. nf goods, a set 95c. Front door sets, or anything in the builders' line, in dependable merchandise that mean a good deal. ' GARDEN TOOLS f Do we have them, and do you know cur figure. Anything la. this line at a real saving. ' Garden rakes aa low as 3 5c. Complete line of Planet "Junior" culti vator. Spading fork, with long ferrule for spad ing up the ground. Our price. $1.25. i Sprinkling eans, hand sickles, used lawn mowers, scythes: and a new long-handled strap shovel, i Our price, $1.33.1 Garden hose, just one line we are of fering at a reel saving in our fully guar anteed goods. 50 feet, this week only, $5.15. 1 I'- WOODCIIOPPING TOOLS -we have the goods, and, the main thing, the price. Used eroaeeut sawa, for on. man, tn - cutting small timber; sell regularly around . $6 and $S. Our price, $2.50, $3.50 and $4 00. Shnmond's 6 '4 and 7 -foot bucking sawa. Our price, $5.45. i See us in the drag saw line, er anything in the wood-cutting line, before yoti buy. AN HONEST DEAL AND SERVICE IS LEVIN'S GUARANTEE. Levin Hardware k 221-23-25 Front Street, Corner Salmon MIRROR " Beautiful large French plate glass. 8 ft 6 in. by 32 in.: set up in carved walnut frame, gilded; was shipped from Franc some years ago; cost $500. will sell for $115. Library table in ma hogany finish. $13: 2 mantel clocks, Gilbert and W'aterburv movement; cost $2(1 and $34; will sell for $8 and $12; pillows, half feather and half down, 8 lb, the pair, $3.60.. 3 K. Salmon. Kant 6236. . LOOK -'i'ni is nf interest to you: 1 am ex elusive representative of McB'ady Co- and carry the famon Butterfly nerfnnie and face powder; also talcum; it'a a soft and downy aa. the tiny down on a butterfly s wing: we guar lr.tee this to bj the best on the nssrket at any price; 3 colors, flesh, white and brown, for colored people; same guarantee aa witn my en tire stock; satisfaction or money back. Canton's Spies Aeenev. 17 i Killing-worth. Aut 327-47. FOK SAlE or trade, one art boost.. 11th edi tion Encuclopaedia Britannic, in best con dition, value $b2; want postoard sixe camera or a little larger, with lugu speed 1 shutter ana anastinjiat lens of F:4.5 or F:B.S; must , use mm. i'je'.e give tuu a-scnpii in wuan juu sr-;re. V. T. XfHeearTel. Tills monk. Or. Sewing Machines we neve ine largest siocs sw nwu Sewing Machines in the city. . Com pere prices. We rent ; and repair. 172 3d. near lamnm. pi-v vAi:ii piti'ivnHtptf'it TrTAt'P-et " Remember we sell ou any model of Vlc trola. Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $125 on payment of $9 per month, Hyatt Talking. Machine Co., 350 Alder st ... '1WO mirrors lsi4f, one hydraulic barber chair. pole, wash biand and boater: 2 dresser;. French plate gla-sa, 1 sideboard, thean, or will trrile. .What, hive yo'iT 'sll 62. First st FINE $!s5 Columbia Gratonusa. walnut case, guarsjiteed perfect condition, $60, $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st FOlf SALE Well pump Willi pipe. $10: small clover-graas cutter) $10; heating t-tove. $8; all in good condition. Addrese O. Van Eman, Miiwangie. or ElMSON Aniberol, aa good a new and 100 Blue Ambero!, records, for $55. $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st ENGINEERS power plant library cheap for cash; excellent for beginner. Call all this week, evenings only, Mrs. luxe. 3S lyia at t.. west isule Li'ISON Diamond IUc (Mcdern model J . taken in on a - iarger machine, used ! but a short time, for $90. $10-down, $5 a month. Hyatt laming .Mscnme v.o., 3.10 siurr si. MAN M.S t.A.v- ill RNk.R and -U gslion tank complete,' to exchange for typewriter. Wood lswn rir3. J FOR MALE, wicker liaby carrUne, with lie and storm curtain. Almost nw; $20. 1670 Minne- sot ave. Wdln. 11362 CHALLENGE 5 drawer sewing machine, only icd one; must sell today, $27.50. 1021 E. 39ih Smith. " IjiTK-iST t.vl Kinger electric sewing mschme, very slightly nsed, for Bale at a sacrifice. Before nin Hiinday. 651 East 21t South. FIltEIJiSS cooker. 3 compart mi nt: slightly n-ed; for sale cheap. Wdln. i 2732. 577 Kerbv. ' ! " EDWARD BIUIOKS FIX I H SHOP. FURNITURE REPVIRED AND UNFINISHED. 1868 I.OMKAKD ST.. ST. JIIIINS. FOIt SAU1.! 180 li Sails- Hiuw in accouiiU ancy, complete. Very cheap if taken at once. rn et 581 Sooth e. " fcl iv, J and up. 1 wo burner j .as plate on lees, chesn. 1078 revision. ' SECOND-HAND furnitutre bought and sold. Simmons bed. $9.45. 79 Miss. Wdln. 4612, k.S ti, trv iimii hsi work: its dillerelif. o7 n, Wsshjuatwi. K-nt Filers Music hide. SHOD1CN Hopains & Allen, ha turneries, hew soil in eood eondiMoti. 14. Apr. IH7 Combings made up. ;8. F. lierce. 2 Killinssworth. Woodiawn 4380. WfUAN'S coet. medium size, all wool, silver- stone NVin lining; mrcsm. t 1 im 1 irnnnri. FINE Kimball osgao. only $4$, or trade. 352 ThlM St. IA SALLE higher accountancy course, new ami completf. at halt price, rnone -laDor n.iia. DHOPHEAD White sewing machine, ; $ 1 0, l)r- irsln- wtorage,1 1 it I mow ave ne.r im.. ILtVK sowie extra, showcases and j cash register Keasnnaoie pnw. 2 rireisi N EW toilet bowL slightly damaged, $$3. 76o teconi st. iORtlASDIE flowers for sale, lie to 11.50. : Woodiawn 6430. 874 Iiekum ave. JLW'EL gas range in firal .claaai haie, $40. . . : K .1 S i BITS 11, ....... FOR SALE, baby buggy; good condition. Auto. 326-66. ' UAKLIN takedown shotgun, $35., snap. Soars dram, $5. '819 Belmont. East 8148. STRAWBERRY plant t everbearing!. 50c 100. Trhor 7864. J DOCIOll'n wail jMate. jsjllioue. -ray. Harvard rhsir. ete l'hone Main 4H33 Monday. Foil BALK 40 it ex ton ton ladder. bar gain: perfect condition. 371 K. 41st at. jlUi-, uuib-. al wr Hiucn; lieni. holly, $2 rch: 955 Vanc-mver ave. WViin, 8040. ; ytlK SA IJf. Kadiaotfire gas beater, almost Call K. 248 or 478 r. ao sx. is. fcTIUCTLY ftrst-ctase cord wood jlor sale, $V mam a i i.- a .11 AffAS per cii '1 or e.wi in . nnn mii.-. i- .j-.. GOOU sewing machine. $5 Storage. 114 - I nitu sm siuri. FORI SAIJMISCELLANEOUS 900 ! TllEASV RES FO R T H lTiilT'ECll E.ST i Linen - for every room in lite ht.une made utt nd fihihd witk fine crocheting, eut work and fancy hcmstitebmst. As. a Is re o avaortmtnt of crrjiliet yokes ill t0 and 1VU' ll. il. C. Everytfiing band niadit and the very boot in workmaiuhip. It wul i-ay uu to see my Uy!y window. ' - ' JTHK IIOPK fllKST GIFT MHOP. 115j8 I nion ave. N., nekr KiUingswot th. .1- Mrs. -M. Buimsus. Storw opens fill f) ,.' m. m Orders tslten. Buy, Sell, . AND EXCHANGM rash regUters. aoowca. fountains, sasle. glare fix tursa, .. t BOXER. tfsr. S4S8 1 1 8 Heenrxl st, , CEBAR CHESTS ' Direct' front firtsri Is yonr bowe, Tsnnessee snd IVrt Orford cedar; solid eepper trisauilnga. ktlert tleeisns. Write fur eaUlogue - . - J. W. HIGG1NS SO l1g-6 -18 K flUSAN. TABOW 808 OBNAMKNTAL vases, gardes benches, bird bath foun tains, etc. Buy direct fruav ' factory. Standard Art Stor Co. .1630 Macadam st, UarshaU 778 ee 300 K. U th st. 10 DBOPHEAD iewing machines with nttenh meU.. $20 1 each; fartaWe electric msv'hine for redl; sewing machnies cleaned and repeiretL G. K-i-Stecn. 153 Grand ave. East 233IL TWO I books, author Rev. Spurgeon. fur ua ol "CbtvUsn family reading morning and eve ning'; jatoo i". beautiful gentlemen walking ranee and 1 lady', and 1 umbrella. Ur. WarrvU. 801 17tl sr ' EITHER WAY U you have a diainand and waiia the nOi or have the eash anil want a likk diamond, cell in and -talk. It over. Miller 4 Iswr- lng House for Diamond. Bjo waatungton st. next door to Majestic theatre. WAlAlT tree, filbert.., peaches, een; prune tretis" (Italians), finest ever - grown. C.nose- herrieij. curraut. loganberry plant, strawberries, blackcaps. Woodstock Nursery, $803 Woodstock ave. (end of Woodntoek eerbne). Sellwoed 2332. Al l . HOI Sr. Mllll E. rirV .eonlwood.. A 1. $S.50. Goud dry cord- W0od,$7,50, ".;'. . . - H. sV. st. TKtJCh.JNU st iui.Ii ti. 888 id. Msin 7220. MOS folk aay diamond are high, but on would hardly think so jf they stop lung enough lo compare, my; price with regular isrice. Miller's Claeripg House furl Diamond, next door to the Majestic theatre. SIMPLEST adding and subtracting machine on market child Can operate it. Adits to 100.000; more convenient than $300 machine. Pnr. $17.60, 420 Chamber of Commerce ofclg, THE VoGUK. room 403 Aliaky bldg-, .nlrante on bd near Morrison, ha exclusive wearing apparel, some sHahily nad; very reeaoneble; also ehiWren's clthee, 2 to 8 FOR ISAI.E A good ttlilk cow cueap. Aleo 30 h. p. 4 cyl. enguie, ovrrUanltd and . rebuilt, for stationary wnrk. Would take smaller engine. Edwin H.'Kyman. Aurora, Or., No. 2. Box 65. lloLLV liut.LY 1000. 2 to It: $ and km. 8000 Custard raspberry plant. $S. E. 4 2d and Going at. Woodiawn 1578. " UEAlJTlFt'L dainty, lacy, . white gold mount ings; they will make your diamond much brighter and look larger as well. Miliar, next doorlfoM ajaatic thea tr. ATOMUHILiOs. UOTOMCfCLkH, LAUNCHES or boat are separate classification. A Urge lifting will be found- under thee different ciaaM- ficationa. Dentistry AVSIa. Without Pain. Latest Nerve Bracking Method. mv: t..ltMl vmir floor with Uamilton- lUach electrie carpet wabts ! vacuum clesnmig done. least TUAilE OR NELL eoOee urn. eailna cliaira "orie arm." 85 yard linoleum, k-e chost, lot lb., a smell table. No dealers 1294 Belirweit UNION' Apparel Eienana. sail slightly nsssl ladies cloths, new, spring hat, ate. tin Uniori ave. N.. cor 1 vy. r-ast i"-"- FOKjeoetwct time. eaU Main 3579. For ee tife watch repairing, gee assuisr, o it door to Majestic th6-. ' . : IA1SI UIU1U QV.SJ.fiD, S"-' 1 ..'-' mills, meat chopper and general store flx ture4 at 226 Stark st. between 1st and ltd. Pldwirig and Harrowing VHOXK 6 26-83 EVENING", 500 nos lir $L50 must bring this ad. 12 nth at GLADIOLI BLBS isb mixed. $1; 1- diff.r- en 1 Deled. I o. 1. at, avrewa, avsia . ml. 23d !t V Ell FOOT paint for your root. Put' on by rw lishl tnin. References alten. Maiu 571. (V ul. a u . A mimer and 4 yariis ol briwn astrVM. guit . 150 ft of 4 ft. : wire fence with gat. Wd'tJ .2976 after Similar. wnMowers Sharpened I'HONF. K.AST $424. tXltij beaulilul lii.r, pUnt hprague s choice rlsSlia and giaitiolua nuius. t-nce reasonaow. I I 1 -Ij rii i.iiuoiria, $20 klAMILTON-BEECH' sod drink mixer, cent be told from new. Ilynson Klectrlo Co., 62 Mi" st. . 11 15! E. Ca nit hers: FOItT MA EE ltandv cnmhinaUon rang, gaa, and coal: price $60. 710 E. i-a is. it. V - M P" Ik. !. motor. 8s3 in, pulley, p recti rally new, open - construction, $35. Call Snndy 123 E. Flanrtevs. 1'IANo TH1 IKH FOR RENT. TRANSFER Cf)MP4NIE3 ONLY. OTET TRANSFER. EAST 8584. ' GAS I RANGE, side oven, 4 burti1-s, aud im mrer; , exceUraU condition; ; cheap. Mar shall 1070 O.N K ! 8 II. P. A. C. motor. $15; one 8 II. P, dinrct ' iirrent. $15. Hynaon Electrie Co., 63 6th- st. Bdwy. 4293. GOOSB-NK' 'K ana cooler for sod lountain, worth $50 new; sacrifice $25. Aut, $17 53. j 882 Alberta. FOR SALKe -Good going fiiruttur repair bnsi. p net, fintt-cius trade and hwat'on. U-615. Jonrrtsl.'-. ' ' , $30 OHIO vacuum rleanar. used 1 week: can't bej told, from new; cost $50. 62 6th at, sannoaiy. - Ft R SALE Gray -ollap"ihl, heby sulky. lealtrwratte top, wicker - sides. Phone Tabor T79 Er.r.a.iuk wiNTLii Park your egg now. Strictly fresh. Infertile errs. Phone ist 404. FORTsALF-1 usad -Tbor electrie washing ma chine: thoroughly guaranteed: $95, b ml til- Mcljiiv. Wectrie "o. , 1 04 6 th St.- t SKI lumber lor sale. IHHiriug, itwlioj and ' rustic 2-8. 2-4. 2-10. bath tub and pipinx. door snd windows. - Csll Fast 1897. IF. YOU aj'iprer'iat .cciirat. time, bate your - watch repaired by Miller, next to th Ma jesOc theatre $15q EMERSON phonograun, net S month; pi-It l.h. new, $55. Alain 8026. TA1LOR-UADE auiu lert on baud at ball price. Madam Tailora. 89 N. 6th st FORrSALE Cash -regUterrsafe. adding macluee. shiiwcsa. 43 1st st.r near PlLTOWINQ Lfm94w one Jolin Corn, FOR SaT.E Registers, showcases, wall cases, L. .4 . . . n.4 a l . . ' Csish or credit J W'U.L sacrifice n beautiful set of mink furs. MSin 3471 FORj SALE Meat market fixture... Inuuir 4 11 Failine st - . FORI SALE .'0 lUmln bee. 8 frames patent niter. w. It tioimes, nainier. Or. WOtiD, old first growth lis. delivered $10 a cotd. Call Main 101ft. SPECIAL price on eumraer delivery in No. 1 ' firl nd Kieg lump coal. Sellwood 257. LADIES' ' spring apparel ' sod hu at gfsat tw dujrtion from dressmskar. East 1015. lfborbeer barrels, soil fountains sndsupplie',' . abpwcear, other fisturse, it4 Weshingtosv. fjKEfcS SUfffi ior rent: w alio buy-dress suite. Rareli Misnt Clothing. I J st CEDAR FENCE I'OSTS. Sellwood 15"7. ev - njiigii Sellwood 1672;- i VACpUif cleaners, rented fl per Jsy delivered? Wfcek days 4dwy. 2872. Eve. Tabor 6788. VAt'TrM clean. r for rent. rr.c a uayt dllvtrd anjvwbere. Woodiawn $495. JF YOL'H furnace iMn or doesn't iiaat well - eH Ionsrd. As'. 328 3 GAS Oi.INE end oil Sti, O. Hog 667. . UTRIO vacuum ci- ttvnge. Ubks and pumpiT . F. ELEi leaner sol'l. ezcnariged. repaired. Hay stent ley. as sin ev Bt'Si-VEriS is goon we!li say sol V"e nbest Wet 11 L. . . I ., : . a. . t.g.m ' i anil ss j7iijsi iisiairiin,, s-iftss e 1, . IXlRj SALE Pittsburg water' beater. J 44 N. lUth st Hdwy. tbH FOR RENT Electrie vacuum cleaners; 2i hour taiy.86edelt.ered Wdln. 1269. AliitAClio; Uaed a ppa rci, very returnable. '11182 "K. r.lisen at 89U. Tabor 2825. FOR) SALE 4 beautiful overstuffed rockers. Batrrsms. See at 914 Williams ave. A, 1.4 1- L lu.-W MiM lM-tty UU4.-A WttletjiCuuisil te, 815. 239 E'fith N.. near Hsvsl,.. MY WATCH repoiring is a'good lverlinunt 1 1. u ,,111 . ,n 11.1 ,1 IU !llB-lt. eilll,, tir-sv ....... i.r pi.jiwir Uldir IiKEUM FORM, size 36, for sls, very cheap. ., Main 4064. 168 1 7 tn st CHILD'S large iron crib, drop aide, spring. 2 mat. treses, complete 1. r-ast O 4 . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ffr. TLNT3! TENTS 1 sloUE I .N I ' - "Our Tent Trade la lnicnse. The tent buying public sre rel sliinipi-rs. Tliey are not buying the f iret tent tliey sie, they are "IisuSiiib around." aa tlnji houll. sn I in so doing they can t he'.u hut see our h I stock of brand new TENTS. W have u;'plit hundrvsls of Portland Icik wi'.h new homes ilm pst week; 8ay. Mr. W orVtiiginan. Rent t'sver. stop and think. Ymi "It-mk sriMie-t." then com. to CONWAY AHAIY STORE Third and Taylor St, snd see fur yourself the best buy tn Portland today In new TEXTS I HAT AKB TENTS CONWAY ARMY TENT. Pole snt pini u. t Inelndeii. All tents hsr. 13 pili-h. NEW WHITE TENTS 7i7. .1 ft wall,-8 .,; 10 n , lit on. 7x9. 3 ft wall.. 8 oi., $9.25: 1 nr. . 8it0. 3 ft wall, 8 110 25: 81 I. mi. 10 oa.. $12.73. KOI'.'. 3 ft wall, 8 oa... $13.25; 10 OA., $16.30. I lit II. 3 ft. wall, 8 us.. $16. fill; 10 $18 50. - 1214. 8', ft, wall, 8 t2., $18.75; 10 oa. "l2xl". 3W ft. wall. 8 t., $20.50; 10 ost. $24 511 1 4 1 1 6. 4 ft wail, ft wail, ft wall, ft wall, ft wall, ft wall. oa., $23 SO; 10 ns., or... $26.50; 10 or... $28.tM. Kill, $31.00 1420. 8 ns. 8 nz S oa 128,00; 10 nr.. $33 AO. I61I8, or.. $32.00; 10 m.. oa., $34.30; 10 nn.. oc, $36.00; 10 ., ox., $38.50; 10 oa.. $3H.OII. 16v20, $10,011 ' 16i22, ,5 ft. wU. $41.50- 16i24, 6 TU wall. 8 8 $14.00. ' lf thaawi aizes are not what ynu want w een furnish any aiz you may want in k to T day rime. W rite us If FLY la wanted the net is one hail price of tent of seine "' sml ontht CONWAf AfTO TKNT ks Just th thing, tur mir i-aniinng trip. Thesw nto tents will fit any car. Ymi nn rn,t need poles. The front flap rule nn ymir suto tn. Till will tit any ante, M or... in.,Mi. 7i9 will fit any auto. 10 ox., $12.50. Storm curtains if red. 7i7. 8 r , $3.23 OCR NAME U on every TENT, which .Unils for quality of CONWAY A KM Y TENTS We carry complete ramp outfit, Inoliniing atmy can meats, bacon, ruaat bf. Corn be.-!. IK-rk and -beans. Jam, etc, BLANKETS, mess km. eanlnena, folding army eotJi. Send orders and make renin tance psyslns to 4'. T. CONWAY ARM If STORE. Third an I Taylor SU. The pioneer Army Store Man of Ore "W WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FOR &ALK 830 vitreous china chisel and tanks Steel storage and pressure tanks. 120, 60$ gal., teat 110 lha. Tabasco 11. W. heating boilers, Kn JT. American Idesl II. W. hsating boilers. 1 F. It. steam boiler. 5416. 1 SS6 S stesm American heating ' boils. .10,000 ft stesm radUUirs. I'ipe, Tslves, fittings FOUHE8TAL. Msi-OPAID A CO., lUth and Reserve sis... Prion. 827, Vancouver, Wssb., fins ?S. Al l'lli.lT.V I 1VE tuiisii mil wauung .ry I me Sheraton model genuine F.illsnn iliainond m e phonisyraph, not tu be told from new, ciwt I '.'mi, also $80 in records and Victmla record attach ment which cost $10, total value $210. ran be secured at bonafid. diecount of $tl, slni.-t. 40; all eash nut nsos-isry. Km phnfaiiarsnn beadauartera. 3d floor, Eiler Musla buiiilina. between 4th snd 5ih. EVAPORATED Fill IT WEEK 25 th. bines (prhtiU $7 Ml. 2$ lb. boxes blaek figs $3 50 26-lh. boxes I'lUU prunes $1.2.1. 25 11). boxes Muscatel raisins $. R0. 1110 lbs. split Kalian prunes, $4 50. 10 lb. siinilrie.1 apples $1 00. BEAVER GIKK'EBY, 287 Yamhill 8. A VERY tine S.'llll lale.t slylu '1 repeatograph atUi:hmrnt and with 140 wnrte of magnificent Red Seal and other Vntor m orda. actual $250 value, will sacrifice $105 rr ouick sale or pay $3 additional on easy paywienis. Sea phonograph headquarters, 3d floor Eilrra Music bldg., 287H Wash, st , Jut helow hih WK SAVK TQU MONET House wiring, lighting fix tur.H, elvrirtcal reisiiriiic. siiie plies. ! Third Street Electrie Stiire, 1 224 Vk Third at, tissr Ssluinn. Main 50.15. SEWING M A TUN It EMPOHIIM New machines sold for less) no gents employed. Bargains In 2d Usui machine. Prl and lepalrs for all. Machine rented and renslring gnsrsnUsiL Main 9431. 100 3d st , near Tsylnr - Stop! Look! Listen! Fur 8ls Second hsnd liunber, brick, doors, pip snd eompl.te bsth outfit; also hot sir furnace and about 200 fert stone well, Kir Information, "call East 6641 ir East 7122. The above at 265 6th st . r-lt D. 11. hi'! 1.1.Y 01., imiw .S I o.v'N LI MHi 1. STORE. 171 FROST ST.. .BET. MOUIII80M AND YAMllll.I. I'HO.VK Msin 42 13 Lum ber, lath, slniigles, doors, windows, molding an'l mill work, sir een donra, fruit aud veg-tall boa shofsts. See, nur odd stis-k of sah. doers. Hawthorne Electric Co. LIGUTLNU FIXTURES. ELEf'THIO WIIll.N';. MOTORS, SUI'I'LIKS J. DROUILI-AT, E. II. EVE ft EST, $80 Hawthnm ave. Esst. 57.T.. SI.M1EU El-EOIIIlt; HEW1.M. MAUIINW We take your machius in eschsngs, lislait'-e essh or sy payments. l'liuue for - demonstra tion. Machine rented. Eiptrt 'vi-alnu. any make. ' MORRISON ST. SINGER. STOft R 882 Morrl-on t. Mar.h.ll 721. Ki l t II I.N cabinet, thilil's discr and h,", 7. baby sulky, eopi-er boiler, . tub, 4 window screens, spray pump and 18 ft. extension, gar den hose, rk snd shovel, drag saw, bli l. and tyiewrttr; aleo 18 1-yesr-old Whit ls-s-hnm pullet, good strain, cheap. Wdln 850 THE VALUE of machine i but siiahi. r reduced by little- umi yet w ani II make t less than ' nice; Isie.t new binge rm, cash er time; rontals, $3 month. Singrr Store. 193 41U. Msin sm. nor water boiler ior i., t. ind.i s,.t heavy wriding of all kind. W. w.jd, swn nd spring. prices right All wnrk gusrai teed. Get our ewf-imsis before having your wot done. Independent Welding Hliop. K. Wsi.r snd W'sehlnetoTi 1 sis. Phone Essf lTa'i! 8AFE.S tire snd burglar pioot sa5is, nw n I secondliaod, at right -prices, bou'it, soli) sol xchangril. Ey terms If desiren. Mil. li 1.8 SArE ii. I.O-h CO. 103 Second St . M sin 20 4 1 Electric Motors Bnught, r,ld, rented and retird. Walker Electric Works. 413 Porn Id", eomer 10'h Brosdwsr S ! 7 . WHY sn rvrrlssiiiig sssrsratlon by a U-.r rooff Why nrd a comforishle and lfirstne mbf y We repair, rnhber bond and rej'itens!. all kiuds of leaky roofs: work Als o 5120. $133 CRKWoN A Talking Mai 1. me. lumod .." ease, as gos aa new, A bargain at 10.., $10 down, 85 a month. H?eU Talking Ms chine V.., 350 Alder st. L1CEN8KD imlepi-ndrni siccirician, wire $ for $12, 5 rw:mi $20. All nw ms I'rial u'ed snd gusrsntsed to pass inspection. W'ondlswn 37111 SECOND HAND Vii trois, oak ca-, : excellent cotiditiori, $90, $10 down, $1 ,".n month. Hyatt jTalking Machine Co , S.'.o Alder st. HdfW'ATER TANtrt 8' gal. $7. 40-ar" ; tested snd gusisntswd; stove and furiiar. eon; gas heaters installed; esiert plumbing iiimi-,, East Side Welding Whop, 203 au K. 8". In A Iil80Tloin ifs77 ortln, junt the irtJUit fr ittnip imn.' $ 1 7..Vfl. 7.r.o 'Inwn, 13 a, i, J(f . 7l m. yinsiig igsr.TMK- li.., i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOI i'LAi'KIl pisno, .soiiicl and Ions, ciieap- all 8 2 I 4 3 $22.5l NEW steel guiUr. snap lor $1. AllO Belmont. Ex. I H.l 1A.MJ ior li! at S 1 25, i laseu si i.rii-.. V. 2Hth soiilli. AN I Ell V loiTii 1. mum tor- gnl. i.i s..- course of rhlriiprs.-l ie." Y 73 1, Innmst WILL lis'l ot im II los'io i lo.sp. Want f or i or t.irej.t.ire Tnhor 4 725. rtlll JsAu- i lionil'-on piano, Sisiribf t'sll Ant. 210 7 ud a ii w nm siai.i. in oAli W'fkODI.AWV 2I4. t.sini,. GOIM to aiinil goe rolls. 9 5 3 Williams. easy iny piser. 1) $ll CA8II ami brand liew l.'. !', phonocrsi h for piano Main 4 4 24 M. KiTiTLTlt rim-kkiA. PiANiX i o , WORTH 7"U. MAIN 7-'"- IHZ f'ilONOfikAl'HS with eight re fir.U 60 Ella 1 r $25; $60 ca coat for $15. lull RENT ;...! responsible psrt.y. 1 esies Plume r.i o i 147?. BARGA1N8 u S(K1 iii.lin.. Espot reiMtir done. 215 Jefferson st FOR vacation dny , uk uleies, baiijouscs. i..,i,r lins, tr.., G, K. Johnson Piano I n,, I4' i1 F 1 A NO W ANT ED lay cs.i. MJie . VERY OLDIfaiien vwliii, $itgb. TsT,r