THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 17. 1921. 50 OJT IXFBOYED NEW TODAY Installment Loans & SGity Property "i " iFrom Oil to Tf i Ttn r j NO COMMISSION Union Abstract Go. ; .. W FofcRTH STREET - BUSINESS CARDS :WEDDINQ tV stationery out specialty; ; The Che top Press, . 200-A Broadway, between Taylor and Salmon. ,no" Main 5495. . i 'RI DfH - an'SoLnmkNts daTntT -, Ik. .,, CORRECT. "See oar biK Th Chetooa Press, 200A Broadway. twwtt Taylor and Hairion. Main 5495. WEDDINQ AND VleiHTNG i CARD ENGRAVES . $11. Uorni bids. v. a SX1TB CO. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 TWticX of "trade- mar!" Nnthw t hereby .arren that Oregon Byrop of Prune company, an Oregon " corporation, , U .the owner of certain trade mark described substantially aa follow: i i. A scroll with the wprd. "Oregon Syrup of , Prune company. Portland. Oregon." surround ing a whole prune with : green leaves and atom, and a half prune wit bi need, and underneath, descriptive matter and i the name. "Syrup of Prunes. which said trade mark is to be ap- ' plied to and used noon a tonic laxative pro prietory medicine known aa "Oregon Syrup of , Trams," and which said trade mark haa been registered ia the office of the secretary of state for the state of (irnn, and the United State patent -of fire. Washington. . D. C. '"-' OI1K6QN BYHItP OF PRUNES CO. 8KAI.RO bills will be . received for wood and coal for school district No. 1 for the school year 1921-22, at the office of the undersigned. 401 courthouse, "not later than 5 p. ra. Wednes day. May 4. 192 1, and will be opened at. 4 p. m. May li, 1921. Certified check ranst ae coenianr each proposal 'in accordance with the Teif (cation which may be obtained, from the' snperintendent of propertiea at that ffld Failini arhonl. Front and Porter streets. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or al! bids or diride the awards. ' K. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated April IS. 1921. MEETING NOTICES 102 FCBLICMEETTNO Kirk Patrick council 2227. Security Benefit association. The members of this eouncil cordially in rite you to come and enjoy the big program next' Friday evening. April 22, at Swiss hall. 34 and Jeffer son. Cards "600i" flood prizes, dancing. Hoch'g famous onion orchestra. ,14 pieces!. Come pre pared for a good taje. ! I a re hall, fine floor. -If you want insurance, investis-ste the 8 splendid up-to-date policies, now isMued by our society. Join thi big up-to-date council. No charges icept the medical fee,.; 11. and help make th wnul us a real kutvu.. tin; -clamant is (till leading. : grand opening ricNia Beautiful Crystal Lake park. Milwaakia. Sun day, May 1. Just the place to go lor a real time. Com one, come all. Anchor Council. Anchor council No. 748. .Security Benefit association ToiaUy nicht regular .busi ness meeting. Bring on your candidates. The big race Is on: Keep your machine in the lead. A record will bo made of . the member getters for the council. Are you doing your duty? If not. why. don't put it off;! bring them in Tuesday tiigbt. Dig meeting; sometlting entirely new in entertainment- Big time; fun for young and old. (Vine have the treat of your life. Mem lr see Anchor council ball team play, E. )2th and Flanders. aptam Clark's Wud' B i way Captain Peter Han Bins. Umpire Frank Wottcr calls the game at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Cards Dancing Cut the high cost of liv ing - and eoine to r.u rexa counenl No. 204, Security Benefit arSXveUtion,- Monday evening. April 1 8, East Side W. O, V. hall. East Sixth and Alder. Cards. 500: ia. dandy good grocery prine for six highest scores; danc ing 14) p. in. tine union music Admission 20c, including war tax. M. L. JOHNSON. Sec REGULAR Maccabee Review. Port land Tent No 1. Maccahee hall, next Thursday. April 21, at 8S6 Washington- st. Next card party and dance . on Thursday. April 28. under efficient direction of Sir kiii-itit P. 4 Anderson. Officers of Vent nuvi located 7 2 0 1 Morgan bldg. Special d gree work" at uexl Thursday Review, s. TYSON KINSEL1.. R. K. lt)ltrUANl STAR II O M K STKAO J NO. 42, BROTHKR lKOD OF AMERICAN IKO MKN will give a masquerade ball Thursday eve., April 21. rn the Turn Vereim haU. 255 13 th sU Music by Bliss Harmony 5. Yetta Ifainas. correspondent, 402 Aluky bldg. Phone Main r?35fl. - - ' VtASHlNGTON OOMM AND- EKT NO. 15. K. T. A meet ing of tlae drill corps is sched uled for Tuesday ' evening, April 19. at 7:30 r. m.. in Wash- ton Masooia' hall, Kast 8 th and Burtuid sta., and all members are urgently requeaMd to be present. By order of the captain. ' G. P. KTSMAN. Becorder. DANCINO at Mooes hall. 4th and Taylor sta.. every Tnea.. Tours, and Sat. evening. Conss with thai crowd. Good music, good floor. Milton Butterfield will sing: the latest New York bita.: Prof. Prasp's Moose or- cbestra. ALL prophets who are making the auto trip to Salem today to enjoy the Cherry Blossom fes tival meet st Multnomah hotel, where we will leave in a body promptly; at 9 o'clock. By the order of 'the monarch. HARRY A. MoRAE. , I Acting Secretary. WUUIiiUWN lodge No. 171, 1. O. K., meets eveiy Mondy evening at 44 4 Ie--kum sjve. at S o'clock. Work in second degree this Mon day, i V iiitors welcome. - A M MeRAK. Sec. tAST tiAlb i-OUGK No. 155". A. Jt. A. ' A. m., i. com auu Monday. April' 18, 7:30 p. m. No 1-. . XI .. .... will WOTS. 1 1 f. 1 ManuKM - ... . . . ,1' U ( . I- Vm. k.ii...i,ii Visitini brethren cordially in- ;,te,L By" order. W. M. C. P. NELSON. Sec. 11 "- 7 M. A..' ROSE CITY CAMP .rwe. "0. 5486. meets every Monday. aft '- M. W. A. ball. 8 k sf, (near fkSVm V Stark). Visitors welcome. So ZtfJOj ' cial and dance ' asoond . Mooday Jf eaelt month. ' J. W. SIMMONS, Clerk. 318 Teon bUlg. 11 EMBERS of ChapUr V of V. E. O. will meet with th B.' L L.' . guests at 8 o'clock Friday evening. April 22, at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McClune. 64S Hancock st. Mrs. I. jj. Braes will preside at a short pro gram of toasts and Miss Bessie Mickey will di . rect a mrirt! and - literary program. ALL railway employes are cordially invited to attend open meetings of the United Askociation of Rail way Employes every Monday eve ning, 8 o'clock, at W.' O. W. hall. 128 11th lilE Cadets of Oregon aaembly No. 1, L luted Artisajis, will give a dancing party Thursday evening. April St. at W. O. W. - halL 128 Eleventh. - Good union' music. Admiasioh. 35c Come and bring . your friends.' A good time attired. E. E. Van Alotlne. Sec, l'KN KFI T iiild iMurty. Royal Circle No. u.s, f Neighbors of WoodrrafU ,-W. O. W. Temple. a. kaw j-9 7 JBrh .at J 7 rvv S y. 0- J 28 1 1th sL Wednesdiy eve., April 20th. Come 1 " 'in l I wig yosir mrmi-- vw fii&ca. , o nanus. ' K:3rtshn. ' . - ' ' WHXAMETtB TRIBfi nO. 8. Imtd. 6. ft. W. Meets every stonaay ; wvemo: ivigwam. S08 W 3d st. Membersi urgently requested to be present. Visiting chiefs wlways welcome. ." ' r. u- Mcdonald, c of r. IvOVAu rru uiw, cii.mi eve.. April 20,: No. S l l.(i. st., near Staik. r nenns invitru. DANCING Mry Wedne-oay and Saturday 5? I r, w.bni HTP oV sivt 2d. i . . lllkl i U IV ILL I UV . . i. , h.,.,w ..i... EMBLEM JhUM.KV a -wecisitv. hii'Iom. yiiu. chsrsos.. tiscger Brcs.. 131-133-t at. : ' 1 CARDS OF THANKS ' ' J WE wish to express, our deep gratitude to our relatives sad many friends- for their kindness. sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during the illness, and at the funeral service of our be loved daughter and sister. Marguerite Ethel Marks. tsignea; MRS. MARGARET MARK CATJGHET. MRS. LILLIAN INGLE. MR. CHAHLKS MARKS. Wk. wish to exprens our deepest gratitude to our many 1 friend and relatives for their lov and sympathy sad beautiful floral offer ings extended tD na during; the bereavement for our darling : baby. Jeanne Kathryn. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Msnica, Wki thank friesxU. Portland Flouring mill and employes. Montgomery Ward, Kerr, Gifforl eV Co. for the interest and sympathy shown us in our deep sorrow at toe death of my husband. Nicholas UolzapfeL Mrs. Stella Hoizapfel and relative. DEATH NOTICES 103 In liu city. April ltl, Frederick Rice, aged 72 years. . The remains are at the funeral parlors of A. IK Kenworthy Sc. Co., S02 f4 92d t. 6. E. tn Iientv MUJJ5K In this city, April 16, Lois C. Sired 82 years: wife of ltsymond H. Miller of 504 Msrauorits see. The remsim are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. Ie-LI-Ic- At the residence c.f her daughter. Mr. '. A. Hadley. 488 Kenilworth ave., April 16, Aloinda, Kllis. aged 65 years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. 1. Kenworthy eV Co.. .02-4 2d t. 8. K., In lentc BAI4V1N At. Ryan Plat, April 1. Ltavid J. Baldwin, aged 67 years.' The remains are t the funeral parlors of A. I. Kenworthy c Co.. 5802 04 92d St. S. E.. in Ijnts. Notice of funeral later. ' V ATI,AMJ In Uib city, Aptil 1 f'muk VVat land, aged 50 years. Remains are at the funeral parlor of A. i. Kenwortliy Co., 5802 04 fia ., S. K.. in Inta. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 MATSON ApnL 14, st her late residence, 387 Fairbanks st., ' Mrs. , Hanna Mabson. aged 71 years, beloved mother of Mrs. F. Johnson, Mrs. A. f. Bowman. J. and Alexander Mataon, Mrs. R. Hanson; sister of Mrs. Bertha Carlson. Port land, and Mrs. Lhue Danitrom. residing in state of South Iahota; al survived by three grand ohile'ren. Ruasoll, and Milton Matson and Kl vida Bowman. ' Remains , at Pearson's under taking parlors, Ruieell sC and Union ave. Fu neral services will be conducted Monday, April 18, 1921, ft 2 p. m. from the Rmanuel Lutheran church, corner 19th and Irving st. Friends respectfully invited. Interment, family plot. Riveniesi cemetery. OIANKi.I.I In thin city, April IB, Albert L. Gianelli, aged 41 years, bushand of Rose Price le Cianeili and father of Frank Albert, son ofi MrVand Mrs. Angeio (iianelli, brother of Harry and Mrs. Eugene Cniodo of Gresham. Or. The deceased was a member of Portland Council Knigbts of Columbus. Funeral will be held from McKntee & Eiiers parlor, 16th and Everett atneeta, tomorrow I Monday). April 18. at 9:45 a. an., thence to the cathedral. 15th and Davis street, at 10 a. m., where requiem mass will be offered. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. TERRY -At th residence. 805 Amherst, Fri day, April 1 ft, Hs in ne I Terry, aged 79 years. He is survived by his widow, four daughters. Mrs. Jennie StmU of Hofvi River, Mrs. Mattie Klavens of Portland. Mrs. Kthel Plienns of Mich ican, Mrs. Alice Raty of Canby, and one sou, i'harles of this city. Funeral services will be hold at the Tnivervity Park Methodist church, comer of ; Fiske ; snd I-ombarci 5tret., Monly. 'April 18. st 2 p. m. The body is at the parlors of Chambers Co.. 248-2S0 Killingsworth ave.. until 1 p. m. Mooday. Interment in Rose City cemetery. ' RoYAI In tliis city April lfi iirlan II. Royal of 670 Hancock St., aped 68 years; l.ushand of Mary Roval of this city, father of falth, H. Royil of Seattle snd James Millard l.'oyal.' Milwaukee, Wis. :The fnneral services will be held at th Conservatory ens pel of the East Hide -Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder ft., cor. Sixth, at 2:30 p. ra.. Monday. April 1 8. Friends invited. Interment Loue Fir cmetery. PLASS April 15, at the family residence, 534 Rex ave.. Minnie, aged 55 years, wife of G. Pkuas, mother of Herman and Otto Plass and Mrs. T. Denca of Portland, grsridmother of Tom Dench and sister of Charles F. Myer of Hoboken, N. J. The fnneral service will be held Monday, April 18, at. 1 p. m., at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at Fifth.' Friends invited- Con chiding service. Mt Scott cemetery. UODGKRS At Sell wood hospiUl. April 15. , Florence Rodgers, aged 33 years snd 11 months, 28 days, beloved wife of George Rodg ers, of Portland, Or., daughter of Mrs. R. J. Stocker snd sister of Mi. S. G. Carrell of Greshsm. Or. The funeral services wiil be held in Uresham, Sundsy. April 17, at 2 p. m., from Gresham undertaking chapel. Interment, Gresham cemetery. Friends invited. BEEBE At the family residence, 4 7 E. 41st j st. N.. April 15, Eva M. Beebe. The funeral services will be held from the abore residence Sunday. April 17. at 3 p. m. Friends invited. Remains will be forwarded to Stanton, Neb., by the East Sid Funeral Directors, where inter ment will be made in the family plot. SK ELTON April 15, at the family residence, 807 East 64th L N., Anna, aged 30 years; wife of Jorden Skelton and mother of Rodney Skelton. The funeral service will be held Monday. April 18. at 11 a- m., at the Portland ercmatorhun. 14th ajid Bjbee sts. Friends in vited. J. 1. Finley A Son, directon. SliAW In tuia city, April 15. Elizabeth Joiua (Iilokehuii) Shaw, aged 20. The funeral eviee will be held Monday. April 18. at 2 p. tn., in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. 5802-04 92d st. S. E.. in Ients. Friends invited. Interment Mr, Seott Park cemetery. CHCRCH The funeral service for the late IJoyd O. Church of 597 Holly at. will be held Monday. April 18. at 2:30 p. m., at Fin lairy mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service, Mt, Scott ceme tery. WHITE The funeral service for the late Pauline M.; White, wife of W. P. White of 95 East 57tb st N'., will be held Monday, April 18. at 3:30 p. m., at Finley's mortuary. Mont gomery . at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service, ML Scott cemetery. Bl'HN -April 15, at his late residence, 242 Third St., George O. Buhn. aged 68 years, father of E. H. Buhn of Portland. Mrs. Milton H. McMillan of Philadelphia, Pa., and George O. Buhn Jr.. of Boise, Idaho. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. JONES The. funeral servies foe Sophia Jones. late of Great Falls. Mont., will be held Monday. April IS, at 10:30 a. ra.. at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery &t Fifth. Friends in-; vited. Concluding service. Mount Scott ceme tery GRAZIANO At his late residence, 682 Di- - vision St., Vincent Graxinno, age 15 years. Funeral service will be held at P. L. Lerch fu neral parlors. East 11th at Hawthorne, Monday. at 2 p. m. Friends invitee?. SOIK The iuuerai service of the late Herman Soik will be held Monday, April 18. at 1 p. m., in the mortuary chapel of A. 1. Kenworthy A Co.. 5802 04 92d st S. E.. in Lents. Friends invited. Incineration, Mt crematorium. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 EDWARD I0LMAH (WALTER 3. HOLMAN) " THIRD AND SALMON MAIN 507 i East Side Funeral Directors 1 F. S. DUNNING. INC. Tba Family SeU the Price. 414 g Alder tt, Phot sJut 52. Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AT HAWTHORNS PHONE EAST 781. Dunning McEntee ' Morrison st. at 12th. Broadway 430 Ant. 545-58. CHAMBERS CO. -Funeral Directors ATI tfc Conveniences of a Rom WofrTTawn 9306 248-250 Killingsworth sr. R-T. BYRNES tSS 01 Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAP 9. MILLER A. TRACEY, Independent funeral d Tsctora. 'Prices as low as S20. M0. $60. Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. U'EJCTEr A Fit PRa 1 , i.u .n - suuitish smiivt9 w u a as) j th privacy of a bom. 16th kbJ xiNerau tUT f mines nroaaway Z133. Homo A-2I83. DOWNING A M'NEMAR A bomehko plac Mode rat la Prices, lrringtoa district. Phono East 54. MONUMENTS 106 OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QCAIJTT PtXTMOBIALS g.THIBD .WNE ST5. PHOffg E.T43 tvBLAESlIitj GRAttlTE Co t " Z.7-ftO ST. AT MamenN i Portland -Marble Works 268 th tt Op. City Hsfj. Wen Rrog, r- FLORISTS 107 Breeze&Snook ffirSWwfi 107 JLadies TIME TO PLANT YOUR FLOWERS We have a beautiful assortment of plants of all kinds -for window boxes, flower beds, etc Special advice on bow to plant. Very reason able, prices. Robinson-Kalian der Co., 940 E. 40th rt. Sell. 1767 And Floral DesignsT Large Hothonsss Ns Branch ' Stores.' i 2 Years oa Morrison st between 4 th snd ttav Tel. Main 770. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Prscressiv Ftorist" Flowers for All Occasions. -Main 7?1 5. T. C, LUKE. Mgr. th and Alder. MARTIN Y FORBES CO.. florists. S54 Wah . ington. Main 26B. A-1269. mowsrs (or aB occasions artistically arranged. DtrklA0 FLORAL SHOP reOpie S 245 Alder. M.h.n 8922. N. W. Bank Bldg. 3 6116. 831 Morrison at. A, R. Zeller Co- ."1 ave. 088. ClUawroe UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4152 dlKcWeS A-23 21. Corner Third and Clay. LOST AND FOUND 108 THE following axuc-les were touiid on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light tt Power Co. April 15. 1921: Five umbrellas. 1 lunch box. 3 purses. 1 pair glasses, 1 suitcase, 1 handbag, 4 pairs and 2 sinL-le gloves, 3 books, 2 bails twine, handkerchief, roll films, 8 packages, overalls, navy coat, window washer outfit, 2 tennis racquet. 4rwner may obtain mi upon proper identification at First and Alder street station. LOST In. rest room of Baker theatre. . Thursday night, gray leather vanity bag con taining 88 in currency and some silver,, also receipts and letter; reward; return to cashier Oregonian business office or phone East 8754. I .(1ST IUiimii Portland nd Olvmiilil. Wsriit., brown allieatoT bag containing ciotliing and silverware and some papers, on April 12 or 13, on the highway, lteward for ita retnrn.i F. E. Munro. H. 1'. p. 5 Box 223. SeatUe. W'asU. LOST Wednesday night. ivory breastpin mounted with gold band tips, Broadway hall. Valued keepsake from mother. Reward Broad way 5073. LOST Boston bulldog, .dark brindle body. wnite neck and head, one blacr eye ana ear, ears nntnmmed, twisted ta-1. Wdln. 3773. LOST Black neck fur. 20th and Ash, Thurs day night. Mrs. L. A. Lilts, apt. 17. Cam brian apt.-. ' ' STOLEN lias your neighbor a new cat? Mine is gone. Orange Persian, both ears marked. Woodlswn 604 6. i.O&T Saturday evening bvtweea Lurelliurst snd "Klmhurkt on HsJsey or Sandy blvu., tur neckpiece. Reward. Tabor A338 or Mar. 432. LOST A Waterman fountain peu, about 5 in. long, reward. Ixyd lly. 7 1 8 E. Salmon. Fst 5228. LOST -Scotch collie pup. about 2 months old. 4 white feet, white tipped tail and white nose. If found please call Last 5985. Reward. LOST Black Ladd A. Tilton check book, con- taining $360: Thursday a. in. Return to R. 1t. N'lrkum. Marshal! 2200. Reward glOO. LAl 1 iSuiail . pacKage laundry near Third and Everett t-. rteward. Opera House is unary 2d nd Everett Sl'n.EN Master bicycle, trom Eliot school, March 14. . 1921. 8-p. m. Return to owner, ''ri-ftr. Schafer Jr., 4 06 Stanton St., city. LOST April lo. at liuiin Point, pair of field glasses witn case. i. J . vt iiA.iuaon. iwfuiG, Or. R R. 1.. LAt- ay lie. ciai on iit-atmiiwit ate. ne- tnni to t E. Frccott "t. and receive rewanl. i.I.A K lunrr xpauiei. named Vlxte. Call Main 320i. ltewsni LOST Monday, 1 1th, an Eastern SUr pin, vulued us keepeake. Main 2716; reward. LOtST, trom auto, part of nary blue belt, hand .embroidery on one end. Phone Auto. 23n-54 LOls t Pair or ctniu s gold-nm glasses, near city hall. 271 Market Reward. Main f.S7. MiST Friday, silver bar piu. East 7987. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 A REAL OPPOBTUN1TY- Yon want a good position, don't you? Here's how to get it: ; Begin a course of instruction at the Adcox Auto, school at once. (Not cne cent to be paid down). IF AT THE END OF THIRTY DAYS YOU ARE ENTIRELY SAT ISFIED then pav one half of your tuition fee snd AFTER YOU HAVE GRADUATED AND SECURED A GOOD POSITION YOU CAN PAY THE BALANCE - OUT OF YOUR WAGES. School open for inspection daily st ' " m OREGON EX-SEBVICE MEN i ' The state pays part of your tuition fee. We will trust you lor ine Daiance until you a good position. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, UNION AYE. AND WASCO ST. SPECIAL 825 AUTO COURSES TOUR OPPORTUNITY AUTO and TRAC TOR, ignition and battery work, vulcanizing and retreading. Drivinz. Uivto-date practical shop xfieriencc DAY and EVENING classes. Ore gon ex-service men, the stste pays yonr entire tuition fee. Catalogue and information upon request. HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOstt. 707 Hawthorne ave.. Portland. : Op erating the largest chain of practical Auto: and Tractor Schools in the world. TOU CAN EARN YOUR WAY THROUGH AL1SKY BLDG., 3D AND MORRISON. ENROLL in a business school where student se cure individual iuvtruction in the major snb iects aud personal attention in all subjects, book keeping, stenographic, calculator, private secre tarial courses offered. Write or call ior inter view. New term now opening. Day and ! eve ning sessions. Oregon Institute of Tecbjudogy. 191 6th st.. Main 8700. Local 2. West's Largest Business College. Assure EVERY GRADUATE A POeUTIOII. All ' business count, including eorertoaseter training. Enroll any time ' day school, aught schooL Write for free catalogue. - 4th at., near Morrison phone Main 690. ' EXPERIENCED luiiitigrapti operator wanted. Please register for position now open. Also opening in class. , both dsy and evening, i for limited number of fctudeuts to learn mulUgraph ing. Short course and good salary to those who qualify. Apply 405 Artisans bldg., Broadway and Oak. . i WANTED 160O railway traitic inspectors, no experience; twin for this profession through spare time home irtudj, easy terms; $110 to $200 monthaly and expenses guaranteed or money back; outdoors, local or traveling; under biz men who reward ability. Get free booklet lvl72. Stand. Business Training Inst,. Buffalo, N. Y . i LEA It TO DRIVK j Now is the time to iearn to drive, either oa your own car or ours. We have room for a few more driving students at the special $12.50 offer. Hemphill's Trade Schools. 707 Haw thorne ave. Telephone East 8068. j M0LER BARBEtt COLLEGE will teach ! yoa the trade in 8 weeks; receive some pay while learning; positions secured; Oregon ex-service ii. en receive stste aid. Write or call for catav- iocue. 23 4 Bumgide st, t SiEEN SEWING SCHOOL Bleek's system of ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut to measure. Phcne East 2359, B-3807. 152 Grand ave., near Belmont, i ELECTRICITY taught by experts. Earn while you leam- at home. Electrical outfit and proof lessons free. Write today. Engineering Works. I WOO SunnyMde. Chicago MODERN-BARBER COLLEGE teaches th trade in 8 wks.. tools furnished ; soma pay. Posi tions secured. Special rate this month. Write or call for particulars, 234 First at. 1 LEA UN BEAUT X CULTL KE I Night and day ochool. Lbnne Mar. 1702. Mad&ta Curtis will teach, you th complete course ; make yourself independent. 4U0 De ktim bldg. ' BOCKY MOUNTAIN TKACHERS AGENCY Enroll free. Frsrk h Welles, former astt. state supU Mgr., N-W. Bank bldg. Auto. 612-13 MEN. WOMEN, "learn barber trade; wages while learning; positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' ezpenerce. Oregon Barber College, 238 Madison, EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL 8CHOOL Miss Resins Bucket's private school: individual Instruction. 122 H Grand ave. East 427. LKARN TELEGRAPHY IiaUwa?lepraphu stitute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Might classes. MUSICAL education fur ex-service men under slate compensstion st the Modern Conserva tcy, of Muc. 148 13th st Bdwy. 2555.1 HELP WANTED MALE 201 WANTED Salesmen for Oregon and Clarke county. Washington, to sell one of the I best automobile accessories on the market; adapted to all sizes and makes of ears;-a splendid seller and cooa proposition. inquire im Hurnsiae st.. Portland. Or. -I NEED HELP? Phone, wrue or wire lor eom- petent 'American c:tixens, ei-serv ice men, to fill the place. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE. 170 4th st Phone Main 5347. - No fee chsrsed. - - 'j -.- LOAKD and. room to a boy La exchange! ior - duty. 11 331. Journal. ! 1 . FLORISTS HELP WANTED MALE 201 Assembler and body builder for cars, trucks, etc. 85.60 per day. - - Young man learn bakery trade ; country town; $18 per week. Bench hand for sash and door factory. 65c hr. . Cabinet maker, machine exp.. $4.80. Married hop yardman. 30c per hr. Married foreman, valley tarm. good with stock and rotation of crops,. $8. We are in potation to famisn orchard ana nursery hands, bnpyard help snd all classes of farm and dairy heh oracticajly the saxao day ordered. We make a specialty of securing crews of 13 to 25 men lor this class of work on J or 3 dsys' notice. $ If you want men phone or wir Pioneer Employment Co. 14 North Second". Broadway 2278. "The Oldest Offieo in Oregon." WE WANT A MAN in every town in Oregon, Idaho and Washing ton to give part or fan tins to selling our accident and health insurance; capital and sur plus over $1,000,000, assets 'over $2,000,000: premiums 1920 over $2,000,000. Absolutely the best policy Issued 'and our rates are much less because of our plan of operating. Re newal commissions are paid perpetually, even though you leave our service, and in case ot death are paid to your family. Ideal part-time prapositaon for insurance, bank and real estate men. For particulars write Accident and Health CrandalL 92 N. W. Bank bldg., Port land. ' WANTED Tool room foreman: must be thor oughly familiar with dies, jigs and special tools; must b thoroughly posted on scientific heat treatment; in reply state experience fully, giving telephone number; all applications treated in strict confidence ; do not reply unless you are thoroughly competent to hold down this job ia the best equipped plant ia the Northwest. PX 332, JouroaL Wanted Expert cloth weavers, day and night work. Also experienced shear tender Wire EUREKA WOOLEN MILLS Eureka, CaL REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED. Old eatabhsned firm desires the service of a salesman to take charge of the blanch office; must have real estate experience and furnish own car and be in a position to go to work immediately, commission basis only. State age and experience. V 334, Journal. BOY SCOUTS and ot:iera like them in every Oregon community who would be interested in a little business of their own to send name, ace, address. Room 322 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Must have machine and capable of meeting public. Interview by appointment only. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. SOOCK EXCH BUUtiTUKS tor cleaning and Uyeing establiso menr. . Downtown location. Excellent pro position to right parties. Experience unneces sary. 18! Park st. WANTED 2 men, not strata of work, to scaip and sand - acres cranberry land. U-32. journal. THE JULIAN cleaning and pressing establishment can use the -services of several solicitors. Ex ccllent prmtoirion. 345 H Jefferson st. 1 CA KPENTEH to worl. iy the day. Inside work. n1 Py you with groceries. Give your pnone .lotirnsl W AN! Eli A man to attend furnace in a tmaii apt. nouse mornings anal evenings. in ex ehftnee for an apt. 109 N. 1 Hth st. at Glisan. ESTABLISHED real estate office has need of good live salemau, with auto, on commission. V-346, Journal. SOLICITOR,, salary and commission. Refer ences and bond required. 403 Railway Exch. WANT experienced man to lay cobblestone, fire place and porch columns. Main 7027. CARPENTERS 2 live carpenters wanted, $6 per day. Can Tabor 2007 Sunday. SOLICITOR wanted. Dry cleaning business. Com misaion. 1 73 Went Park. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPER WANTED. 341 MORRISON ST. WANTED A finisher. $6 a day. Call Wdii 546. AGENTS WANTED,- $5 TJ $8 PER DAY. 17 FIRST ST. CARPENTER to build house to sell, share prof its. 4 20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JOHN THOMPSON, age 18. or any information. :x-IO, Journal. PAINT that roof with Web lout paint, 20 years' experience. nawy. ao. PLUMBING wanted, exchange for 'auto repair work "or hire if reasonable." .Tabor 1697. WANTED A carpvnutr. Call Monday before noon. Main 7135. WANTEli l.-ar w saner on coinmihsion ba&i& East Central Garage. E. 6th and Taylor. SALESMEN WANTED 202 WE HAVE an opening for a live wire salesman. this is a real opportunity to build up a sub stantial income with a staple line. Call morn ings at 301 Hawthorne ave. SALESMEN calling' on general stores, side line. F-A.s r-ciEL.iNG special boys overall. 1 sample. BIG commission. REPEAT orders. ' CINCIN NATT OVERALL MFG. CO.. CINCINNATI. O. SPLENDID position tor salesmen, with or with out Ford car, selling Grafonclna. &-12 7, Journal. SPECIAL!' Y yalusmau, aggressive, conscientious and not afraid of, work; electrical automobile experience preferred. TX-769, JournaL Aitli salesmen ior new patented house- hcld necessity. Room 312 libbe hldr. fli,hMIA. wnn some kales ability ior on ice specialty. Room 312 Ihbe bldg. AGENTS WANTED 203 AGENl'M li you are maaiug leas man lu.oo a day clear profit get in touch with us. We vant active agents to sell Hootch ;o drug rtores, candy stores, news and cigar stands, restau rants, etc They all order and want more. Yon build up a big basin ees Quick, axing part time or aJQ time. Beats boose to boose canvassing. Yea deal with business people. Jost a few minutes makes the sale. Write and we will ten yon what Hootch is and now is brings in the money. Addrens HOOTCH, Dept 249. 229 W. Madison st. Chicago. NEW INVENTION. OIL GAUGE FOR FORDS SeOa . on sight Big profits. Small invest ment Exclusive territory. Unusual oppor tunity for agents and salesmen. Address Sales Mgr.. 1931 S. 20th st. Omsha. Neb. IF YOU ARE HANDY WITH ORDINARY TOOLS you can make $10 to $15 daily. Wonderful hew plan. No experience necessary; man or woman anywhere. Write Quick. Box 1511-J. P., I -OS ANGELES. SALESMAN wanted to sell Hoover SucUuU sweepers. Ijtrge possibilities for the right man, ss the Hoover is the Uugest belling electric cleaner in the world. Write application to post office box 121. Portland. Or. WANT experienced real e stale salesman with car to sell homes: free -hand will be given the right man. See Mr. DeForest, 320 Henry bldg. AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to sell : hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waists,! shoes, clothing. Free samples. Madison Mills. S03 Broadway, New York. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 EXPERIENCED saleswomen for laces and rib bons Apply employment bureau before 10:30 a. m. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. WOULD like a nice refined lady about 50 years old. one that would like a nice home in a email hotel downtown. ' Just to answer phone a few hours in the daytime and cook 2 meals a day for one and sometimes two; 125 month; references as required. G-663, JournaL MRS. L. V. SCOTT, tormerly with the federal employment eernce. raxnianes cowpewm ov ale women; also womea for all other lines of ens plorment 32t Henry bldg. Broadway 4587. ANY GIRL in Bead ot a friend, apply te the Salvation Army Rescue Home. Mayfair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 84?9. D-M ear. WANTED Elderly lady to help care for sick child for a few weeks 225 Wood at. S. Portland ElJjERLY woman to assist with housework in the country. Good home. Some salary. Main 1925. ' ' CAPABLE woman ior ahoe repair desk. Must have shoe experience. Apply Wright's 131 tn street. GIRL for general houaewora. splendid neighbor hood, 4 in family. No small children. 40. Tabor 973. SCHOOL girl wanted for board and room. Call Main 8084, A WOMAN for kitchen and dining room , work. Ka-tronrelnd. Phone Sellwood 1553. WOMAN to do houaewora morning 8 to 1. East 4318. 440 Ki 8th N. WANTED Lady look after house for good home; some wages. Sellwood 2003. HELP WANTED MALE AND l FEMALE 205 ASIATKl K3 wanted tor vaudeville. . Caaioo Theatr 285 Burma de st. HELP WANTED MALE AND 1 FEMALE i 205 WANTED Man - and wife, roan as fireman, wife aa coos: in mess bouse; also aiagle man aa farmer oa small farm. Also woman as bonsekeegier and ebok In family of two. Also middle-aged man for watchman in salmon can nery. Apply to Mr. Megler. Portland hotel. Tuesday, 19th. 1 WANTED If you like to draw, you can earn while you learn, with targe adveraaing ana engraving concern. Bureau of Engraving, 45 4th tt. R. H. Greer, office 605. Broadway 186. Call from 12 to o p. m 'i-EACHklttS (Christian, rrotnalant) for trav- eling position this summer: position perma nent if yoa prove yonr ability, j Reply, giving pnone. D-i, journal. WANTED Man and wife, without children, to make their bom with an elderly lady that is aa invalid. Call at 120. dept. A, Gains st South Portland. j COAT and cants operator, first 503 Abiag- ton bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 COMPETENT bookkeeper and general office man. with years - of experience, want posi tion with progressive firm; can take full charge of office; experienced in credits and collec tions, i Local and eastern references. Address P. O. Box 592. i i READ THIS i I do ' high-grade - house painting with lead and oil. I clean wall paper, kalsotaine. wind, shades, fresco work, oU , painting. Get my prices first. I can save yoa money; best city references. Phone Ant. 62 8-40. i BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT ! 1 'years' experience as foreman and super intcridsmt on modern business and residential work; n3Moroed concrete a specialty, best of references. Address Clark Gramhng, Washington hotel. , j i RELIABLE man, 55, wants steady job at. almost anything roQatrmg intelligence and trust. Experience mostly office work and improving small country place. Have held trustworthy positions in army. H. G. Granville, route 1 Kiagetieia, wssn. . i MARRIED man wants won. on ! ranch, experi enced in general ranch work; can run tractor; wife capable manager and cook; no children; can furnish references. H- I. Fletcher. Box 32. Renrf Or I 1 NEED HELPf Phone, write or wire for com pet en t American citizens, ex-service men, to nil the place. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMIT TEE, 170 4th st. Phone Main 6347. No fee charged. ; I ; WANTED A steady job driving truck or pri vate car by experienced man. Can give best of reference. Call Auto. 332-03 or East 7445. Ask for doneland- I i MAN with good references, 30 years old. with 2 children, age 6 and 2 years, will work for board and small salary. Address U. D. Scott, general delivery, ancnuver. Wash. ROOFS repaired and iainted, gutters cleaned. .. r c , 1 1 - . , . . ' ttOOi oecuriL, inc. newnwi vuiw neiBiuuwi given. 226 Board of Trade bldg. , Main 571. Main 5644.- W AN TED To repair your Ford ears at owner's own earage, guarantee all work; I do. Phone Main 1834. 194 Lownadale. sLi Oscar John Draw. CtiEF codk and wne want position, capable of taking charge; city or country. L-264. JournaL CARPENTER Contracts, repain. Kreeas. oe- meat forms. First class workman; reason-: able prices. East 8457 PAINTLNG. Papering, Tinting; lead and oil used only; work guaranteed. Charles Gorman, Aut. 618-24. HOUSE PAINTING Kalsoanining and interior finishing; expeiie en red workmen; moderate price. Main 8383. ; Eoumate .ven oU building, re pair work. Screens made, to i order. Shop, 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 7112. ! WANTED, by competent bookkeeper, small sets of books to keep in order; charges reasonable, Address 1. O. Box 592. " ; PAINTING, tinting, prices right: work and ma terial guaranteed aa represented. Phone Aut- 625-87. WORK of any kind wanted by young man; good chauffeur or gardener; honest and compe tent L-262, Journal. : -j YOUNG man, 23 years osd. high school gradu , ate, wishes position as shipping or invoice clerk ; experienced and capsoie. ti-ja. journal YOUNG man. 20 wishes permanent employment, capable of driving and caring for any make of A ii t !. Hfl EXPERIENCED mechanical draftsman wants position; good references. s-iiQt, journal . 1 1.1' &ALfiUHi.iLlt ana Ul-iliif panning rcmauuauio. hv r1nv or contract- He II wood 202. I- t'HINGl.KH8 When you want reahiagliug done call Woodlawn 5206. j i FOR plowing, excavating basement work, phone Woodlawn 2384 I ROOFS For reshingling or roofi repair service call Woodlawn 3898. . WANT carpenter work, new or remodel. Tabor 6542. ' ! IOC NO MAN desires steady work, Marshall 3076. I ' ' 1 NEW LAWNS put in; experienced. Tabor 1844. ! ; l'ALNT that roof. Webfoot paint We put it on red hot Main 5644. ; 1 WANTED Good side line for tram news agent Give particulars M-694. Journal. liOoMs tinted, 52 and up. Painting lor rea sonable day's ware. An to. 522-79. CAtU'E.VlER wort wanted oy uay or contract Phone Broadway 2390! SCREENS made u order, old acreena rewireo. Antnmstie 317-27. ! SHINGLEit Reshingling done right Wright Lewis. Aut 219-18. ALL kinds of flower boxes made to order. ' Auto matic 317-27. - t PLUMBING by the hour or by ithe job. very reasonable. "Aut. 235-51. A .MN 1'ING and tinting done with tirst-clai ma terial. Sell. 2775. ! PLOWING AND HA RROW1NG CHEAP. PHONE MAIN 8140. CARPENTER end contractor, joomug anything in the building line. Phone East H656. PAINTING and tmung in all thasr branches. Reasonable. WojdUwn 3326. : Vail Broa JAY lilt, JOBBER Brick, plastering, cement work, repairing, remodeling. Ant 311-78. CAKE and pastry baker wants position. Call 227 Market st. Hovend. ' A BARBER wants work in city, i Write or call at 1234 Sandy btvd ! SPRAYING Now at the proper time to spray for coddling moth. Gilroy. Bdwy. 1937. CEMENT work; all kind. First etnas enJy. Sellwood 919. ; WINDOW SCREENS MADS TO ORDER. TABOR 234. i PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. 109 hi. 4th st Tabor 2058. WANTED Job in garage by 16 -year-old boy, anxious to leam trade. Box 3, Clackamas, Or. ROOM tinted, $3, $4; in&ide and outside paint inf. Bdwy. 3523. i OUTSIDE and inside painting, and papering, low prices. Bdwy. 3267. i PAINTING, tinting, , reaaonable price; satis- faction guaranteed. ' Woodlawn 4785. WINDOW cleaning, handy man i wishes work. hour or dsy. Main 2302. WILL do painting, decorating and paper hang ing for auto. Tabor 6218. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired, work guaranteed, called for and delivered. East 287. WANTED A cement finisher, $6, a day. Call wain. 04 ROOKS painted, nasonable. Tabor it'JU. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 WANTED By middle aged woman, position as housekeeper in widower's home; fond of chil dren.' 5704 Powell Valley road"S7 E. Call or write. ! LACE. SCRIM AND MARvtUISEITE CUR TAINS. DRAPERIES, DONE CP LIKE NEW. WT1J. CALK EAST 8518. MIDDLE aged lady will care for children, after nooaa and evenings while mother ia absent; best references. Tabor 1530. SITUATION WAN TED Housekeeper tor old people. Call or address 14H First at. room 12. ELDERLY lady would care for children, day or evening; can give references. Phone Automatic 231-40. LADY desires to go to beach for summer: com panion or care for children ; gimiue position anywner. r--ioi. journal. WANTED Work by the bour. day or week, piece, laundry and plain sewing done st home. 369 Morris st Call Mrs. I,., Ant-i 332-28. ' ENTEUTAINLKS tar club and banquet open for engagements. Singer and jpianiit Main 5103. I WOMAN wants work by hour or, day. Phone Woodlawn 5567. I LACE curtains laundered. 229 13th st Mar shalt 2471. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants position in city. Mrs. C. Oliriden. 82Q 4th at Clay LAf'E CURTAINS HAND LAI NDEIiKD. ' li YRS. EXPERIENCE. 80e UP.l EAST 6194. KAIERlENCED WOMAN WAMb WORK SF.LLWOOI 2032. I DAY WANTED Sewing by the day. i Call Monday foievmm. East. 3868. W'HA. care for children or invalids, day or night Broadway 2740. i STENORAPHER, with experienca la general office work. Tabor 2935. WOMAN wants few cngasrmenta by .day. Reli ' gbM Reference Bmartwt y 4046. WANTED fiirl between and 10 yrs. of age to rare for; references, Wdln. 2258. NEAT boueeat-eper, goud cook, wishes lapoailion ; nrv Sunday dinner. N-301, JoomaL WORK by day or hour. CaiF Sell, 3566. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 W ANTED An elderly lady to keep bou tor a lone working man. Assume and very light -work. Answering this ad please send self addressed envelope. O. M. Smith,-1411 Center St.. Oie- eon City. - r SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 255 MAN and wife want position aa tanitora " ia apartment house experienced. H-836, Jonrnal. DRESSMAKING 256 LADIES to have old hats made new, reblocking 75y- trimming 3A op. hemstitching 10c pec yard: first-class work guaranteed. Mack's Millin ery. 542 Union ave. N. Fst 2381. DYKING, cleaning, nreesiag. diessinai nig, re modeling, rehning. alterations, pleating, rea sonable prices, Th Cabinet LVessmakint parlors. 434 near 11th. Main 1825. DRESSMAKING done reasonable. ; iinb., bead ing done; cotton drwaea $5 each. CaO Mar- snail zo. The- xlaathora Wo, a. 251 IZtn at. DH-k-iSMAEXNG, tailoring, 12 years' expenauce in East; satisfaction - guaranteed. Phone East 6830. MRS. ORB, PANAMA BLDG. 808 Hemstitching 8c a yard, while yoa wait i mra ana Ajier sts., entrance on 3d st AN A ED -Plain draxuiiaainc in tne borne, att per day, including assistant. Call R, Peareon, Mam 4 1. evenings. DRESSMAKING, alteration, reaaodeling. chii- 11th and JefferrTspt. 16. Mar. 5714. LADIES and children's dressmaking and tailor ing: also alterations; will go out to sew. Ant. 622-11. - : RELIABLE dressmaking, i all kinds of allera tions. 875 Taylor, or call Tabor 8462 after 6 p. m. ' EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailoring, $3.50. Broadway 5652. 455 Alder, comer 13th st. LADIES' garments altered and refitted. 1.," Reu- btn, ladies' tailor. 408 Bush A I -an tldg. llcilSH XCHING, no per yd. ZU9 Ailaay bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison sta. MATERNITY cases taken in my home; best of care.- 1062 E. Madison. NURSES 257 WILL take maternity cases eg lnvaisos is my home and give beet of car. 153 N. It-la, Phone Broadway 4403. GRADUATE nurse would like to go home with convalescent from hospital or would leave city, Woodlawn 8438. i SCIENTIFIC Swedish massage in your rwn home. Tdie -only. Weodrswn 978. Appoyntmcnrv. PRACTK1A-L nurse ready for case. Women or children. Main 4548. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 SLEEPING PORCH upstairs, very pleasant for spring and summer, comfortable room when dosed, electric heater: breakfast kitchen privil eges; bath, phone, walking rfistw, 755 lloyt Marshall 384. TEN DOLLARS PER MONTH Furnished room on third .floor, residence 'dis trict, close in. 573 Irving st. near Eighteenth. Bdwy. llll. HOTEL DAYTON taVijob Hot water, steam beat electric lighta in rooms. Rates to working people. LARGE. CLEAN, WEiw. FLULS1SHKD ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR TWO. DESIR ABLE NEIGHBORHOOD. WALKING DLS- TAM T.. 4bo MAKKKT. MAIN 4387. THE MAXWKL.L HALL. 2u7 14TU ST. MODERN. WELL FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS, WALKING DISTANCE; PRICES KEA WIN ABLE. j 1 ROOMS to rent ia walking distance. 15 EL 9th sontn. Phone East 9v0. ENON HOTEL '"LTi Best dollar-a-day house, in town. All modern conveniences. Kates to permanent guests. SARGENT HOTEL Hawthorne and Grand ave.. hot and cold In rooms, $1 per night $4 per week. 1 V A W 111 ,IL'I Nicely furnished sleeping rami, steam heat, hot and cold water; some with private bath; rea sonable rates. 269 H 6th st. New Perkins HoteB WASH. 11 W i Special weekly and monthly rates. $6 up AT 5TH, 31, u ,nww you our accommnnation. HOTEL QLENWOOD Cor. 6th and Bumside. Steam- heat, hot and cold watgr; iree oatns: toe up. 4.UO per week. WINCHESTER HOTEL A working-man's hotel; nice clean rooms. 't nasonable rates. Transient 50e per day - and pp. mm m. aq. nqwy. 8. New Perkins Hotel WASH. AT BTH special weekly and monthly rates. $6 up. Let us show you our accommodation. ST. PAUL HOTEL1 Cor ALDER A respectable downtown boteL Transients $1 up. Special Rates to Permanent Quests. LARGE sleeping porch with eitting rciom. suit able for three or four; also front alcove room facing park ; five minutes to center - of town. 295 Wft Park Main 3181. CHEERFUL, HOMELIKE , 'ROOM, i W KIJ, FURNISHED. GROUND FMrOR. UlUiK BAY WINDOW; EASY WALKING DISTANCE. 265 11TH ST. - - NEAR MONTGOMEttY-WARD A CO.. FURNISHED 8L;EPING BOOM On carlioe. Kent $10 per month. 413 24th st TWO beautifully turniurd troot ruufn. de sirable dbtrict; must be seen to be j- p reflated : garage if deured. . Call Monday. S84 Elliot sve. - , SUITE or single rownis, nicely turnisited. Social rates to permanent jeiU. Empiess mHcl, "th and Stark. i LA ltl ; E. tight room, near Willamc'tt Iron works and Montgomery-Ward. $2 a week. -Thurmsn ft,, corner of 2oth. Anv urge, well luiiiu-fieu Eooma, iiguL sou air. in the Nob Hill district. $5 per week; board if deajred. 742 Lovejoy. Main 6519. ONE sleeping room,- 2 .sleeping porches; . in nice modem home; reasonable rates; walking distance. 394 12th. Marshall 2204. 455 ALDER, CORNER OF 13TH SEAT, CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS $3 TO 6 PER WEEK FOR RENT clean, neat room for school boy or boy" employed,: downtown district 854 xamniiL LARGE, clean front room, walking distance; pre war price. ,490 Mill st Aut 618-76. $1 DAY. $2.50 week up, clean rooms; baths free Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. tUAi''il AiiLh room, uowu uiwu, 1 or - gen tlemen. 820. S-626. Jonrnsl. - FURNISHED or unfurnished room ; your own price within reason., 4 80 E. Pine at. NICELY' furnii-hed .rooms, connecting bath; walking- rli-tance. 1 Main 68S.-. SLEEPING room for rent. 328 Clay st. - FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 CLEA-N ROOM, WELL FURNISHED. WALK INC DISTANCE; DINNER IF DESIRED. 529 EVERETT. BDWY. 1995. 3 OR 4 nicely furnished II. - K. rooms ia mod-' era home, with sleeping porch. Take Sellwood car io Rhone et 731 i E. 16th st 8. AllUGIt l. coral ortatiie reoms tor . rent to party employed, walking distance, reaaonable. . Call Main 8471. 777 Irving st - . NICELY furnished front room in modern apart ment; disappearing, bed; next to bathroom. See at Apt 2. 448 11th st or call Main 1052. FOR RENT Nice larva turjikshed room, near- car., price reaaonable ; young laoy ; or gen tleman, employed. 834 Kirby tt i LAUGH ciAeertui. trout room in private coma: will serve breakfast, if desired. In Rose City Park. Phone Tabor' 2014. -., TWO light and airy sleeping rooms, $2 and $3 per wk. ; furnace beat, bath and telephone m -luded. B51 1 hnrman stt. Bdwy. . ;LOsE IN For 1 or 2; deairabAe fruiit room with breakfast; all comforts of real Dome. 469 Clay t Msin 2228. . BEST furnished rooms in city. - ill have to t seen to be appreciated, liowntowa i location. Price reaeemable. Pttcne Bdwv. 51 2n. FURNISHED sieepmg room tor couple or 2 ladies; -home privileges; easy walking distance; West side. Aut. 517-34. Nil E, lare room for 1 or 2. Modern, Reaaon able rent Walking distance. 475 Holiaday ave. Phone Fjtst 7316. LARGE, light front room downstairs for 1 er 2 gentlemen: bath and phone. 668 Williams a v. tlXAN, Quiet and reasonable. .. Call afternoons or evening. Working people ' preferred. - '726 Keartwv. near 32d st. Auto. 515-22. i PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2 young men, home privileges; breakfast , if desired. Mar. 2515. 428 H Mill St FURNISHED-front room, suitable forgone or . u . . Odiv CLEAN, pieauant sleeping room, private family, walkin distance. ! 427 Vi Hth st. Main 7132. SLEEPING ROOMS or lieiit housekeeping, walk- mg distance, evevy convenience; r.-r ami LIGHT well furnished new modern home; walk- ing distance. East 4WQ7. 331 Hassaio st. MODEHN roomg for employed women onjy. 80? tt Prk ecewer Cntnmhia. iRGE, .airy room, attractive home, . refined fsmily. lMarvhall 8969. ' " A Pi-EASANT sleeping rocm in private borne. Call ttotxliawa 6338. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LARGE AIRY ROOMS. SPOTLESSLY CLEAN.. WELL) FURNISHED AND COMFORTABLE, MODERN CONVENIENCES: VERY REASON ABLE; WALKING" DISTANCE. 107 N. 16th ST. BROADWAY -2058. - t . NICELYt FURNISHED ROOM INCLUDING BATH AND PHOiMS. OPUS Cl.trca. TO uic-iacroDr. -AO ea vm 1X7V.-V rTA ALBINAiAYE. WDLN. 4875. " ONR LARGE SLEEPING ROOK. 188 18TH STREET. NEAii XAtLOU. S1AT.N I SEE THIS ROOM Solendid licht sunny corner room, first floor. next to bath. Breakfast if desired. 25 minute' walk to town. East 8151 IaARGE sunny suit, third" floor, 1 or 2 ladies .,.1..! . r a ' . .llriMtw mwA gas: adjoining bath; downtown; no UK. rooms. tau ssain fovo.- w:oi ana o. . DESIltABl.K . 2D FlAiOR ROOMS. ALL CON- VENIENCES. GENTLEMEN ONLY. WALK ING DISTANCE. BROADWAY 2472. 653 HOTT ST - WALKLNG distance; large, well furnished tront room, 3 windows and kitchenette, with phone, electricity and heat, on first floor. 824 Jackson st. On cartine. . - ROOM AND SLEEPING PORCH TO COUPLE ' EMPLOYED; ALL HOME PRIVILEGES, BREAKFAST IF DESIRED. CALL AUTO MATIC 621 69 FURNisHED KlXJM, FCKN At'li HEAT, ; BATH" AND PUONE; f WALKING DISTANCE; REASONABLE. 432 MILL ST. MAIN 911 85 i LARUE, well furnished trout alcove room with porch,! i clean, attractive, running water in room, walking distance, suitable for two gentle men. 670 Hoyt Broadway 1995. kKAl. ILt l LA.1 lunulmi room in mialern apartment, private bath and phone; must be seen to be appreciated. One block from public library. Gentlemen only. Main 4nr BEAUTIFUL large front room in quiet refined home j on Irving st. S block 23d st; two beds. Beat, light and free, phone. Main 7o7 1 rOU i-rt employed have luveiy room in my modern Irvington home. Don't miss this. Kitchen privilege for breakfa-t East 3147. SUNNY front sleeping room in pnvaxe family. Walking -distance; very reasonable. Call East 41421 ..- ROOM AND BOARD 302 SICE R(OOM WITH BOARD FOR GENTLE ' MAN. CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE: AIO TABLE BOARD. KATES REASONABLE. 509 EVERETT T. AUTO. 509-36 KIND elderly widow with vwn horn, alone. - would' lik housekeeping for man and boy; some wages. - Answer or call 1005 S. Seneca at, St. Johns. " ' ' - HOTEL HEREFORD RoomsL single and en suite: homelike atxaos- ere. i78S Hovt- Main 3305 ph ROOM and board for basinera girls, all modern conveniences: walking distance; $S per week. Antomstic 219-74. 12 E. 7th st - - - ROOM AND - BOARD Hotel CUrno; steam he t, hot and cold water in all rooms. Maaia. 24 3 Kallsday sve". . ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LARGE ! furnished front - room and board for 2. S66 oer month: small room -and board for 1. $30 per month. 83 E. 12th st -Phone East 8468. - - ' IRVlNtiTON. nicely furnishea room, with excel lent table board, in home of refinement snd pleasant jsurroundinga, near Broadway car. 523 M.- 25Uist N, East otliY. WIDOWj bring in her home would like to board la widower with one -two children no other children.. Address 654 Girard at Bt Johiw car. - i - CHIIiREN S BOARD Will board children near bh track t rates reasonable; best of care; good rata Aut 524-S5. ROOM AND BOARD , For 2 Gentlemen. Close in. Rates reasonsbl. Private 53 JOHNSON BT. NICE room and -board; a real home, ail home privileges,- modern conveniences; walking dis tance; prices reasonable. pnone East DBiia. tu'nh. 1.N Kor 1 or :i . ditabi lrout room with breakfast; all comlorta of . a: rear-noma 460 t'lsv t Main 222S. "'- FURNISHED rooms with or without board, one block from Mt Tabor and Sunnyside car line. 615 -K. Alder cor, E. 16th st BOOM with a sleeping porch and board for two genUemea or couple, 211 N. ZM u, Jaar- shaJl 8531. -LARGE j room with -oc without boara, in nioe home on east side, walking distance: heme yrrr0egesi 835 Multnomah. East 8589. BOOM and board in lovely home, suitable for 2. reasonable, near Montgomery-Ward and Am erican Can Co. 777 Vaughn. Aut 522-81. WANTED for company, lady boarder, room and board $20 a month. -Ella Finney, xt 2. f.ervaia, or. WANTED Children to board: cood healthy - place. Will give the best of care. 4 585 88th St. f. E.t Atrt. ei6-2N BOARD land room, private family, bom com- farts." H. . K. - PbUllrw. 1114 .. K. Hth at 1 .WANT : 2 little children to care tor; references. Phone ) Ant 61 5-1 fr. -llOTHEli'S care given' children by day or hour. '720 Everett, Ant 529-02. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 Aw cuniorisui mriiauru juujvtev,ui ruuou, large, clean and airy, : Free phon and bath. Very reasonable. t!65 Northrup, near 21t at Bdwy. IT 52 liKi.E one room aparlmento, newly uecorated and nicely furnished, on first floor; shady lawn, easy walking distance. - Hendricks apt., 510 Flanders. Bdwy. 14 65. TWO large, clean. attractive housekeeping rooms on first floor; also one single bouse keeping room. - 405 W. Park.-. LARGE 2 room shite with dressing room and - pantry; wood range, sink, newly tinted, sep arate entrance, elosa ia. 430 Joffauaon, Main 3712. i LARGE, clean weTP furnished h. k. rooma. aingle and, ea suite, 5 minutes' walk to canter of (own. "., main. aiaiD I oo. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, walking distance. modern 'conveniences; - rerferenoea exchanged. - East 1792; - suites. all outside rooms. Reasonable rate. tor. vasn. on iitn.- nrotiowav gvno. ONE, large, sunny f rout H. K. room; electricity. gas, very clean; also one sleeping room, a Tier week close in. 301 17th st. cor. Columbia, Ci-EAN, I neatly turnisned 11. K, , rooms; slso nice sleeping rooms, close in; rates reaaona- anie. 934 Yammji. Marsnsii OZH ONE furnished -II. K.. room, very clean; water in rooms; suitable for . two. 337 14th st Phone Main 5156. 3 ROOM suite, newly renovated, partly fur. nished.i 3 . minutes' - walk to center of tows ; $17 a month. 265 Fifth st CLEAN, lights neatly furnished li. K. rooms; water, and phone service; ' reaaonabl . rat; close in. it t -Atn ana xamoiii sts. 'iWO lovtly fumujied iiuuseKeeping rooms. Gas and bath. No objection to children. 686 Pettygro st" ' !- - ;' 2 11. k. -ROOMS, with large aitcbenett. run ning Water, elect, $5 week. 475 E. Burn side. Et 5055. : STRICT ijY clean, newly papered and furnished front H. K. room, reaaonable; electricity; also 2 room suites, 37Q V E. Pine t.. comer t.'nion. .... .TiT i., i uiuuiiL-ii i.i,,xi'e uiuiti STRICTLY MODERN: HOT AND COLD . -1 i . t . o i irunDUiw oss x v O large room apartment, second floor, very clean, nicely funuzhed,. close in. Main 1834. 194 Lownsdale - St. - ED tront room, 3 iarsa windows, $2o; also - single roora 12. Walking distance. Near t ooct sr. en i nion ave. r TWO housekeeptng rooma. kitchen privi leges and. laundry; $7 per week. 683 Wash ington. I . - - .' " , FOR HE, NT- Two furnished h. k. rooms, bath, gas light 894 N. 26th. Ttiurman at and I'r-fcur st. Tt. a s. PortlaniJ car. TVu l-'l KN1S11ED U. X. rooou; prkar $15. o-7 THREE ;2-ruoui suites, for rent cheap. Hi Front t.. FOR RE N T- CAJt SPACE. 415 iXlURTU. AT HALL. - ' '.; - C1.EA.V end reasonable, one sievln or " K. ro. m ; tone - 2 -room apartment. 326 Hall at 2 NEAT: FURNISHED H. K. KfXJMS. 427 21ST. COB. VAUGHN. BDWY. 4413. 1UK RENT 3 furnished. IL K. rooms, cheap. - -8 S3-- H.acoc ilt- Phone Fast 7122. kX KN KStlUJ H. Kv . roomA. electric . Algal. .$1.75 week arwrup. 326H 1st st. , NICE, clean, neat uousekeeping room; ererythuig ' handy -mna comfortable, 7'. r.. i-ine at. TWO room housekeeping flat. $3.50 week. 5T2 .front tv near aiaraer. 1USNT REA HON ABLE 1 and 2 . room bouae- keeping. wlking dutanee. 545 H First st. t OR KENT Two nice, sleeping rooms with light housekeeping privileges. 834 KirbT. f. n t. tiK,iiK iu.,1, iawi; xuaie ruoip, tlu up. 655 Flsnder t rOti UfJil, cxm in. large irout rucms with kitetTenettes; homelike, place: st 225 11th t TV O large, airy housekeeping rooms, well fur tushed, walking drstanre west aide.- 346- 14th. - 9 .... . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 : 1 Sleeping Porch Also rooms: 1. 2. S room ants. Ko children. S minute walk from Broadway. 655 Wash., corner Ella t GAUNETT HOTEL Under new management thorough) cleaned and neatly famished and will be ran as first class hotel; x ana s room a- a,, suite, a so sleeping rooms from $3.50 to $7.50 pr week. iii IZUi st., cor, wnn, rlwy. 1357. Clean I. Ia Rooms - - Close in. Iteasoriabl price. Running water. 164 W. Park st WALKING dutancs, 2 commDDicating,' com pletely furnished, running water, light bath, laundry and phone privilege. $28; also single rooms $12.50 and $15. 195 21st block south of Washington. Two Kice Rooms Neatly furnished, electric Bghtn, Iron and - num cleaner. 373 Taylor st Marshall 8999. LARGE, clean, siugl and 2 room houaekeetmig suites, also sleeping rooms, 3 and up; desir able east aide location and within walking dis tance. Belling ham Apt., E. 6th and Morn- son sta. - REDUCTION IN PRICES Nicely furnished II. K. rooms, sfngfe snd en suite, some private baths; all eonvetuenre. Children welcome. Walking distance. 166 Sherman, near shipyards. CLEAN and neatly lurniahad 3-rnom apartment, . hot and cold running- water, gag range, elec tric iicht: also sleeping - room, very com p. M.t,.ii ti ana Ttnv 1, 2 AND S H. K. room, steam beat electricity, water, $2.50 and op. 203 Stanton at ONE clean sunny 3 R. suite; ga rang and sink. $30. One 2 room front suits, Close in. lrrkigtoo district 441 X. 18th N. East 8425. VERY neat H. K. rooms, with and without kitchenette: Uchte. water and gas and nbon service; walking distance. $3.76 per week and Bp. 29S 17th st Phone Main T8S3. TWO clean, sunny IL K. rooms, irf restwctahle home, 8 min. walk to town; goad eommumtv; bath, lights, water and phone free, $20. 812 Clay, bet. 5th and 6th. $5 WEEK, up. Oooipietriy rurniahed H. K suites, absolutely clean, every consenienca. In t water all hours. Save carfare. . Hotel Cadilae, Jld. near Jefferson. 4 HOI'.'.KKEEl'lNG ROOMS. 1 V.ITH KITfil ENETTE. AND PLKNTT OF AIB AND YJGHT. WALKING DISTANCE TTKOM KKOADWAY. MARSHALL 2589. 10 A MONTH up, Z turoiatied boueAei.ig rooms, wslking distance, laundry, hot ami eold water, elect no lighta, yard. 404 Yancouvtr ave. East 03V. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping room. free phone, bath and eiec light near r. n. depot and Marshall-Well. $4 per week. $4 50 for two. 113 N. 14th st Bdwy. 4377. NEAR MULTNOMAH CLUB One or two sunny, eomfortabl H. TC. er sleeping rooms: 1 room $15, 3 I1L 596 Madi on t. Marshall 3821. FUR.NISUED housekewping room, on with kitchenette, elec -light peon, bath, furaisheil, people employed preferred; rent res so ruble; cluse in. IBS N. mtn. rviwy. 44PS. 2 VERY convenient h. k. rooms, use of bath, phone, everything furnished. Muat b awen to be appreciated. Two adult. $35. 863 ktiBSi siprw ave. ONE FtRNLSHED HOUSEliEEl'LNu KOoM and kiteheoette. free phone, light bath ami furnace heat; right down town; $25 par month. 195 1 Sth. corner Taylor. Marshall 720. u u-1- i n tw ? Nicety fnrnaahed suite, private bath, valet; also single rooms; reaaonable. 186 ciherxoan. near anrpyarru, wsixing awtanew. TWO turnisned housekeeping rooms, ground llotr front elect ne lights, use of bath adiointaag. block Sellwood car; no children; $20 per month. Sellwood 518. TWO furnished large, airy front eVrwnauuaw li. K. rooms; piano, firtvtsee, phovas, light, awan heat and use of laundry. Clone tn. . Very rea sonable. 564 Glisan. Bdwy. 4670. VERY pleasant 3 room apt, every exmvenieaee, close la. 223 W. Park, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 LARGE ROOM. sUIIAULK It'll llAi liK.I.OU AKT. OR STORAGE; GAS AND EIJOGTRIG I.ltjHTS: PARTLY PURMStlKD. 167 H 1ST. FOUR unfurnished room. 737 W'Usoa at, bet 22d and 23d sts. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 BARGAIN Civile, canary singers, ,$5; entire - flock -of -eight, - 125: $12.50 for 2. House keeping rooms. Call evening, mornings, San day. 4 23 Vth-R. Couch t A. VfcllY piea&ajiL large froul room in a loveiy -'modern bom, sniiabie for one or two, kitchen Sri vil-gee if desired; garage alao. 1441 E. loerison st Tsbor 8 8 50. FOR RENT With private famiry. 2 larva front rooma, nicely furnished for light booaskee-;-ing; suitable for 4 adult: large yard. 424 Third st. Phone Msin 8880. 1171 MINNESOTA IVft 2 roeaxs for Ugbt housekeepaxig. Woodlawn 1488, - LIgUT hutiMUieeping rwotns for couple; aiso on sleeping room; .well furnished, ootaid. clean, reasonable rent; free phone and bath. 707 Flanders. Tel Main 451. TWO light bousekseptng rooma. it steam heat phone, gas, electric lights, water, r tionaiy tubs and bath; walking distance; $22 and up. 75 Grand ave. N. East 3r. FOR RENT- 2 U. K. rooms, modern cun ven -iennes. nice clean placet walking distance: also ene H. K. with kitchen, suitable for lady work ing. 124 K. 15th at sooth. Pbno East 4ft04 FUUNISHED, light clean uptburs with bath; good district: bustness girls or couple pre ferred. $25. aM Fargo. Wdln. 1R8. SICE light room and kitchenette, closet, heal, electricity, bath and iplwine pnviiegea, Adult only. 494 Taylor, 2 ROOM front suite, well furnished, steam beat. - lights and gas furnished; wslking firt. 469 Jefferson. TWO nice, lignt trout corner furnished H. K. room, walking distaaoa; . very t rmH Mr. Darting. 44 B. Oak, eoe.- ftth. FOR BENT. 1st of May, xute of 8 rooma, fur nished for housekeeping, bath and phone. 'J or 3 adults: seea from 1 to 8 p. m. Aut 624-12, ONE Large front lieiit hooaekeeims room. bath. light and heat, close in, good neighborhood, 806 14th at. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, lame front room and kitchenette, fine location, gas, light and heat, $85. - Aut 524-51. a'Vo large furnuuieo fiouAkseping' room. 66 7 Powell. SeHL at 1 3. TWO large, sunny housekeeping rooms, at itt 13th st. Cor. Market 2 OR 3 light IL K, room, turnisiied, 10 mu. 833 Kelly st' Mi E, clean li- K. room. $3.50 a wk'. $(1 1 1 th st. - TWO larg. light, clean bouse oepllig rwuu, convenient to bath. Main 6195, APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 'I. 1 ' - . I "", 1 'i ' i I 1 ; w uutjM ai't,.- aiso u. a. rooms. lurriiAneu; also large front 2 room apt on first floor, unfur nished, reasonable. 650 Couch st Zumbro Court rwASH.NG,TrI Two-three "room at. Call Marshall 184 WANTED, by two reiiabi gentlemen, 3 or 4 room apartment; must be good and homelike. H-351. JoamaL SICT-; 3 room apt., no eUHdrn. Call Tabor 452a after 7 p. aa.; ail day Sunday, Tabor 6036. FOR RENT Front room in downtown apart ment: with bath and phone privilegea, for busi ne woman only. U-53. JournaL 2 AND 3 ROOM apartmecU; am. ligiit and a4 outside rooms. 17U) and Lovejty. Atiine Ants. Bdwy. 1812. ELJl RIDGE APTS., 274 Sf. 2 1ST Two and three room apt., thoroughly cleaned and newly decorated. Bdwy. 473Q. ' 2- AND i-rixiui apartments, ga. eseetneuy. free phone, hot and eold water. 108 S. 18th, four blocks north of Washington. ALTAMONT AIT.. 304 COLLEGE One 3 and one 4 room beautifully arranged . . . . . . . , , ant, at low rental. ssain o i . THE STAN FIELD 204 Porter st, modern 2 room airtment, light, beat, phone, laundry VAMtit,.. H.tMi.hl Vtaln 730? kosEFIUEND APA&TM"ENT8. 5 rouens f j r- wisjieu, . mm; , i. - v- ,. . .w iwi- . -seTl furniture. Marshall 1410. - GLAbsf615'B APTS, - Modern H, K. rooms, single or en suite; real reasonable. 71 Grind gve. N. ONE front light H. K. room, neat ana1 r!n; free phone; adnlu preferred. 242 Kiiliog- worth. I'rione wain, nana DANDT o loom mudent apt., private bath, a.l outside rooms, fine view of river and cil ; vent reasonable. 60 Cook ve. CLEAN irout i room apt; running 4 21 n. FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt. walking djl tsnce. $30. 432 Broadway. CoMrViRTABLL. smali rtousekeereng roorn " . r man or lady. 187 17th tnp arc FOR R fcNT -Furnished apt., steam heat, i-;,. vale baUt . tt40 b Miaouaippi ave. . I i tJe-