FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,' OREGON AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE 800 i EVERY CAR :i PRICED SPECIAL,' Saturday and Sunday READ THESE PRICES COMB AND GET JOf K. CAR NOW Elgin Six Worlds champion light six. Usten to thi 870 for on at these. Six $800 la like giving it away. See it todva f someone else, will dm re it. away, 1 $350-- Jnrt think of It! Only $350 for a model 96 rarland. Guest yon mill coma ia and tee it! ' Chandler -Six 1 MV la oka giving it way. See it today Only $1200. . ! $1025 ; w t fail to ef this Hudson Super Six. It wvjuia ds good ouy at.tliijO. Chevrolet . : $330 for a 4-90 Chevrolet. Seetua too sood to be. true. Come tee for yourself, Hupmo!bie S5 yea, that's right only 1385 for one f the "Mighty Fours." Grant Six At $400. it's cheaper than walking-. It'a forth jour whlla to ace it. Maxwell, '-$400 That's all ws are going to say about it Come awe lor yourself. BEE THEM NOW WELLETt MOTOR fOMrANT Washington at I fith The Charles C. Fagan ? Company,; Inc. DISTRIBUTORS TIERCE ARROW MOTOR .CARS A.VU TKLCES PHONE BDWI. 4693. 8111 AT BURN8IDE W are off ertng ' for sale it number of used cart of ataudard nukes, including lata models: Pierre-Arrows Stiidchaket Vile W in ton law-oruobile Case . : adillao Marmon Kluta Packard Buiik The Charles C. Fagan .:. 1 Company, Inc. NOTICE Where. S.i M. Arbuckl on April 11. 1921 ftrchawd all the right, title and iritereat of M A. Conley in the firm of Copley's I'sed Car Center, the business will be conducted afUr the anove mentioned date under the name AUBICKI.ES 1SED CAK CENTER Suocesaor to rovi.KT's rnKti car center 86 10th .. between Stark and Oak. - ! Bnwdway 1124. I 'li DoDGE TO I RIM. Here h the rlaa of all the light fount and a. "i one is in perfect shape every way: by thia we mean the finish is new. the top and cush ion firt rls, the tire fine. the running of the car - perfect. Our price is low and our term are most Uncial; take $30k down, baL any. Open Sundays. 514 Aldfr st.. at MfRPIIV MOTOR CAR 'CO. We ham 1914 Haw that will make a dandy bug. Make us an offer for' it and drive it way. DEN BY. MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF THE NORTHWEST 1 0th and I oris. Kdwv. SMB. SEDAN- AITERSON E I G H Trf ' T I .IN DKR. A NEW CAR. HAS BKK.N DRIVEN ONLY M1 MILKS. GOST OWNER $4900 A FEW MONTH AGO. WILL SACRIFICE FOR $3650. A CHANCE FOR Y' U- TO HUT AN F.LEGANTLY EQI-IPPED NEW CAR AT A . BHi MATING. lJL K.NtilDE AT 14TH ST. KKAIWAY S)01 HAVE A FEW VERT ITK;H GRADE CARS. ruira, MXia A.M KKiHTS, roll SALE. :ALL ALE IN PERFECT CONDITION AND THE PRICE IS SUCH THAT IT WILL PAY ONE T 1K THKM OVER. ALL MR. HESTER, HKOiDWAI 2210. FOR PRICES 1 1 e. KM9 2u Cmft'm ii. kt , Tin This on a new; has orerriae tires and one tra mounted with tire corer and chain and lock; all the tool that you can use and the T we will guarantee. Come and see it: low rrwe and take f2R0 down, baL eauy. .18th and Aider Mnrphy Motor Car Co FORD RTHJ t Iate model motor, and this one ia a regular peedrter; tnp, windshield and all ready t go: low price; take 173 down, balance easy. 16th and Alder eta. Murphy Motor Car Co. KING 8 sedan, owner must sell at once,. new oversize tires; car just completely overhauled nd repainted. Can give eauy terms and take a ear in trade. See Whitawer at 128-130 N. Broadway, opp. new P. ., or call Rmedwa'y 89. ttTAwr. ItUlVKICS. ATTENTION' 12 ptwriictr litis, new tires, new body, the Ieat looking bu in the city of Portland: wi!l take ear ia trade. - Auto Salee Co., 9th and 'otrh eta. . FOKD ruaibter, IS JO; surtt-r. shuck.-, Hvi o meter, license, other extra.: like new, $325. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor, firnnii and E. Yamhill. Eat 471. OLDft 8, good rubber, paint and top. motor and all in fine shape; extras; will sell outright or trade f f'r a smaller car; term. ; See Mr. Whitaker, -I. Broadway, or phone Broadway 69. 1920 FORD coupe, run ' 3000 miis7bet of condition, lots of extras. Will trade for tear ing car. East 6563. 188 Urand ava. . Open fun. and eve. NEW C-paaaencer Coalmen, reirular factory equipment and service; car most be sold at once; big discount; don't delay; terms. 128 1 3Q X, Broadway, opposite P. O.' FOtl tuuriHi:. 192U, suirter. good Una, '21 license, $4!i". UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, foe. Orard .nd E. Yamhill. Kt 471. 0 PASS, velie, tires near new, top, paint and motor ia fine shape;- cheap; terms. 128-130 N. Broadway, opposite new P. O.. or phone Rrmdaay 89. ak for Whitaker. HLP ROADSTER. Uf paint, top, e.ectiic lights, w. rhietd. good rubber, eng. fine ahape; come and aee it at 201 W. Park; owner. $3U0; terms It' a little doll. 1917 BUICK licbt 6 roadster; will take Ford or Chevrolet in on trade. East r03. 188 .ranu eve, ncn gTinaays ana evenings. LATE 1918 Oldsmobile 8. Will take lot or small car in on trade. East 6.163. 188 Otand ave. Oien Stindays and evenings. ISiit.ilTi.V u-d 1 y.O Auburn iltautj 7tx", tirt class rond;tion; has only been run 7000 mde'.'- by owner No dealers. Phone Mar. Rl2n. FOliD CUi'l'K Fine coniiluon, t435. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Oniii and E. Tamlifll Ea-V- 471. WILL trade a Hutfeou Suer for a light car and give terms on the balance. 128-130 N i.rwqwsy, opp, new P. p., or phone Bdwy. 89. dm, ,,1 rnotwr. aoutl -ibik-. i.,ng. t-y Urmw -'.0. 128 130 N. Mroadwsy. ppp. V l O Rroedwae SO . BRAND new Dodge. Have purchased another car and will du..ount with terms. H-S3S, Journal tADli.i.AC 1913, 400: in line eondnton. A. J, N.vlon, S-lth and Harrison sts.. Milwauk. Or. ND new Chevrolet. Will trade for For . ad give terwia East 178. KoHti tuiiriiig . cr lor ait, motur ju&i . rtrh''1: 275 rh. Ttor 833.. OK SALL 1H19 tialmers uvut bu., reason sble. Auto. 3S2-60. - SbE Uil Ford tuunng, - lle 1hi. overliauteU, like VieW! Ilim. VnAr rm Slain TOtfu ' lloo DOWN, li.ii.nte to suit buil a dn.lj tourira car.. Call Johanren at Bdwy. 22 "O. 19IK MAXUKu, touring. 5i0 caail. or terux W .. 7S- fsndv h'vd. Ka-t 5920. litli li It i'HKI h Uxirtnx car. bee it and buy ttVhmrt. Tabor- 474. CHEVIiotLT KOAlSTEIt. cheap tor quick . '. -me m - tar ytK t. . Hoe-v. tw. 1918 FORD touinr. win take Evinrude, baianoa tervna. Owrer. Tabor 8336 eveninm. roito Warm-: iois oi guti auape. erm-. .Fwner, 'i shoe kjish, evenmra. touring, ,65; terms. 415 Giteau AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 i I At . The Twin States Motor Car Co.'s MAJMOTI SALE ' Of Used and Nearly New Cars New, Offerings 1919 Chalmers roaring, eord tires, equip ment, a wonderful buy. The price -on tins ear will surprise you. 1920 MaxweU. in A 1 shappe. J 91 9 Patenmn. in good shape, at a price that will astonish you. Several' attract ire Chummy Roadster, on which you can pay a small deposit, select your colors and bar. isitnted to suit you. Twin States Motor , Carj Company LI9th at Washington OPEN ETEMWS AND SUNDAYS I'NTIL 8:30 small' payment down wing terms Portland Motor 'Car Co. ARE OFFERING USED CARS f AT Reduced Prices ' '1920 Chevrolet roadster, run 8300 Inilea, lor f 650 1919 Chandler, view paint. 5 cord ' tires; a bargain . 1200 ; 1918 Oakland touring, good ahape 450 1919 Chevrolet, looks like a new . one - ; 475 ,1919 Maxwell, good tires, good shape .:, 430 1918 Oidsmnbil rosdster.- over hauled, new paint, cord tires 900 1919 Buick. It paaaenger. tires, a real bargain cord 1150 1919 tfaah. 7 passenger, bver hauled. new paint, new tires. Hood as new... 1300 10th and Barusida. Bdwy. 521. 20 lUANUlili DISPATCH Here is the real poods in the lisht sixes. This one was new last August snd has never been rained on; been in storage all winter. Has cord tirea and one extra. 1 , We will furnish the new licenses, . tooi It has all the earmarks of new one and will perform . to pU-ae jui. Low price and will take car in trade, or terms with 9600 down, balance eay. Open Sundays. I6U1 and Alder at.s. - MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO ' ' ... 4..T1 1 1 I. IV We handle all the used Fords taken in trade by the authorised Ford dealers of Portland, f-ok for the sign. Used Kurds ExclusivHv. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor. Grand and E. Ysmhi!! ' Et 471. D L t I - V I I t" r WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. s TIRE REPAIRING S38-335 Ba reside at Broadway. 1920 Stutz- Roadster From owner; save $1800 on thia car: muat oe aold: inwiT extras. t:all at 424 Abington bid Main 4S0S, eveninm Kellwood 2960. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 DE.Vl OUNTAKLk. rima, Firegione and btners. . Tie., tii-sg 73 u out, i ana up. ' Jtsk rubber cement. 5 gsL cans $l per gallon. Ford wheels. $2. R0 each. LAMBERT TIRE & RUBBER. CO.. 23 Grand Ave.. Cor. Ah. .' D AW. SALES CO. 26.1 Irrabee rt., Portland. Or. Wallace tire tooLs for, riincher". Titan split rim tool, Pajific rim tool. Wellman marking oh'o VULCANIZING AND RETREADING I Let Us Inspect Your Tires 1 New and Used Tire. JOHNS TIRH SHOP, 1 ( Hawthorne Si .it bed ; tiave your auto, cut to mak a ro. oo f " iiowma PTe, &0 AUTOMATIC electric bell ringer. Main mil GARAGE for rent, 1218. Pars and Jackson Ms., weat aide. Call Msr-hall 5781. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS We have the following NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS to be aold at a large discount, shipped us from an Eastern Oregon dealer who has to sell: i 1 -ton solid tires. 1-ton pneumatic tires. IS -too solid tires. lH-ton pneumatic tires. 2 H -ton solid tires. Theee trucks are absolutely new and have nevee run a mile. We have the following need trucks: 1-toa Republic, pneumatic tires. 1- ton Republic, solid tires. 3V4-ton Republic. 1919 model. 2- ton (IMC, late model. 3 V, -ton Federal, 1910. 1 -ton Graium Bernstein, pneumatic tires. We have a i number of liuht delivery cars, including Fords and Chevrolet. We are sell ing these at a big reduction and with eaay terms. USED CAK WAREHOUSE Grand Ave. and East. Taylor Sta. Largest ued car warehouse in the Northweat. TRAILERS. SEMI-TRAILERS ' " 'and, END OR SIDE AUTOMATIC PUMP BODIES i - Trailers and bodies suitable for any kind of work, and with -any make of track. See F. V. PARSONS. 60 N. Broadway. ' Bdwy. S21. i KISSEL TRUCK -ton pneumatic tires, electric lights, gen erator vacuum feed, good mechanical condition. This truck is worth twice the money we are a-king for it, I For a quick sale we will take $395. I . TALRftT JL rieT TV f Phone Fat 81 is. Grand Ave. a'nd E." Ankeny s IllKk l.tll h .it 1 . w . . . . . 4 LUIt .11(1., iit-'uijuiui: mici, bodv ind nil Will .. l- . l.-.. . i , i . on balance. , 1919 Chevrolet delivery for sale, in good condition. , v ' U. E. OSBURN phoTf 691, I f3r.shm Or - H ION triK:, never been u.-ed, owned by dealer who has fold out. Can save you some money n thi. Write A. J. Rousseau 18U ti ta are.. Prrlanrl, Or ONE ton Ford truck 1920 model, express bodv, pneumatic tires, same as new; $025; also WW ,tu'bk'r 7 pwsenaer. A-l shape, $650; 1 rord delivery body, $25. Sell. 174. bA,E 3oo on new iSamson tractor, model M. ,L,sea oniy v nays. Leaving country reason for selling. Will except good security for long time as payment- V-643. Journal. CA.siv 2-tiotio.ut iiactor p,ww, jiower uie, prac- cars Tillamook. Address L. C. Go!dworthy. Tillamook. Or. ite ion ierai. A Klulti jt tjiien at once. Will consider 1-cht car in trade. Call r"'-J"0 nn-nwiT UIJ. wniii., Main 2051 TO men with money tor first payment on new trucks ! hare some first cla h .', .f,. " ... IT Ur.. 1 ' ... wtiii -1 KOW It . LH.HT TRUCK, worth $UU; will su it tor e..... r-j. vnin n., near fort m-nth ave Tu Ford txutx bodies and 2 ueliver. lt6 BUANO new lie -ton Diamond T truck il.'.O) -yo tear?, r' . to aorniqr St. Hdwy. 4stj, CADILLAC truck, new rear tires; sell or trade for lisht car. 531 Alder. Broadway 5234. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 SPRING CLEARANCE SALE OF W'e have a complete stock of used trucks on hand, all overhauled and put tip in first Ciaas condition. It will par von to investi gate our line. The following are typical of ; our sioca ; , 191 1-ton Gary, complete with body, i cab and wind shield .,........$ 825 1917 1-ton Kissel, pneumatic front tires, covered body $ T7 19 I S 1 -ton Republic, cushion tires, j complete covered body; guaran- I teed .... $11301 1919 -ton Old speed wagon, good ! tires and covered body .... .... $ 930: 1 ton Ford on pneumatic tires, in perfect condition, express body, .. $ 625 1 15 -ton worm drive G.M.O ...$107S WE GIVE LOW EAST TERMS NO BROKERAGE Oranning & Treece 842 Alder !.. Corner 17th ; Broadway J 723. 1919 1H TON OARFORD, perfect condition, new rubber, hauling contract goes with this truck: $1700. iirtn.. j 1920 1 V -ton Mack, ran 3 monthsi body cab. lights, complete. S280O; easy terms. I 192II 3 Vt -ton Garforxi. dump and hoiat, rvtn 6 months; price 35U0, 6 months" gravel haul goes with this one. MACK TRUCK DEALER. I Oreuon Citv, Or. 1117 f,)rt ,J FORD 1-ton truck, witn new ien express body and top; truck used, but littiej guaranteed same ss new: will take touring or roadster ! in exchange, Robinion-Smith Co., 6th and' Madi son. Main 110(. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES ! ENAMELED ii. Factory finish. ' E. H- lampert. Union and E. Taylor. ; iiUtOlUJlCLE l..r aale hi owner, uho lia purchased car. This sale will create a friend ship between us. No better buy anywhere. Call or see Ross Smith, tl 4th sL llrond wsv 5044 i MolwitCl Cl.ES OF a-l- iAn.i'.S i WR SFW.L FOR LESS; GET OUR PRICES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE & felCiCLE CO. MAIN 6Htw 204 3D T 1918 HARLEY DAVIDSON, with side car; a itnap; small payment down. Call Prupst, Broadway SilOrt. MOTORCYCLES A.Nt PAKTs. aLL MAKES EAST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. i t-t urana Ave. Cl.EVKLAND motorcycle. A bargain. Mar shall 811'. rtit .ALK or trade, 2-ton truck iu uood shape. Phone Antomstfe 627-26. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled .$29 Rear axle overhauled ..$ 4 Valvea ground, carbon removed. ..........$ S Magneto recharged ..$ 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insurea a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used.- All work e'ia ran teed, i GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. i 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. ATTENTION. CAR OWNERS i We will overhaul your car, ny, make, and ssve yon money. All work done on a Oat eon tisct basis and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the supervision of competent and reliable men. Get our prices, they are reasonable and will surprise you. We specialize on generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanizing and retreading: all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Tele phone East 8068. Expert Auto Repairing Bates reasonable. jf)7 Beech. WHIn. 6CIM5. EXPERT ex-service men' win repair your car at your home or at our shop. 89 KUlinzsworth, very reasonable Woodlawn 34 6. iA.Mivu io repair a.ituui.'Ouc, ti tr, Kits enifincf ; either at your place or mine. ISest guanr.teed work at richt prices Tahnr 8277 AUTO repsirinK of ail kinds; all wora gu ran teed. '-ll Es t 3346. - MOTORS overliauleo. work guaranteed; a i flat vriee this month only. Phone Tabor 691, V, AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1 920 Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING ic KOBNETT CITY GARAGE 132 12t.h St.. bet. Wash and Alder. Bdwy. 840 HUDSONS AND ESSEX WITH OTl WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE, 2D AND MAIN. MAIN 3055. NEW AUTOS WTTHOTJT DRIVERS T.nvvNsnti.E : n a c BROADWAY 2656 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT? DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA- kagh, iiAtt. 232. loth at YambllL A-1236 H. S. BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GA RAGE, THIRD AND TO ' K. PHONE - MAIN AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 V AN l i.ii iiie model Ford u Minus nt; i uill pay ca-h. Drive your car to 11 I nion sve. N. and ask 4or Robinson. Do not bother unless it is a hsrsrffn. FORD WANTED With electric eouipmcnt. must be in ieood sliaii and priced reasonably. Call or see Ross Smith, SI 4th Rroadwsv ,'44. CARS WANTED We will either give you spot cash on sell your cars for you. Jake. Used Car Eschanje, 28 X. 11th. Itlwy. 32 14. WANTED Late Ford, with starier ar.ddv mountable rims; must be bsmain for eah. Phone Ant.' 232-13. 800 E. 52d st. WANT Bui. a or Hulat uot tildrr than 1918. nave new 1 ton trues t trade. wm Bire ""a "n wmsw, I -x;vi, .iraimnl. WE ARE iu Uie niarkut, lor a number of cm all cars; will pay cash. Grand ave. Auto Ex chanze. 1S8 Grand ave. Phone-East 6563 WANTED Late Ford tounnu or roadster, must b" cheap for ca.-h. See li iliincsley, Hawthorne it 8th t East 720. IF Vol want u msii juur Fold bug. call Mar shall 8M(1 CAIt tor Fctds, sli tn"del ; get our purat-als, Vransoirs I'sed Car ETchanw. East 4376. WILL do painting, papering, calcimining for Fort! car. Phone Marshall 3342. 40S Main. IF YOU have a lightL-ar-and "needmoneyT drive it to 1 07 18th st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 LADIES' and men's tailoring. Why not "let me show you what you can get for your money from me? j M CARI-SON T-8e mill. -j-r F. 59th fcf V TWO books, author Rev. Spurgeon, tor use of Christian family reading morning .and eve ning; also 2 beautiful gentlemen's walking ranes and 1 lady's, and 1 umbrella. Mr. Warrell. 3U 17rh t t VvALNL-'i tree-i. tiitrrt, peaches, pars; t prune trees (Italians), finest ever crown. Goose berries.' currants, loganberrv plants, strawberries, blackcaps. Woodstock Nuraery, 5803 Wood-tock e. (end of Wooristock carline). Sellwood 2332. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, WHOTsTLK"OnS light chain fixture. $1.35; 3 lights. $4; 14 inch indirect bowl, $9. W'e do electric wiring. Reliable Electric. Union ave. at Russell. Phone East 3S8H. Open evenings. I ' in. I Ul.i,!,, -lou-lli -vo Atia biUa.. eilLatjce on 3d near Morrison, has exclusive wearing a in re I. some slightly used: very reasonable; sl-o children's cliches, 2 ro 8 1'lANo lUliKls FOR UK.VT. IRAN.-sFKli COMPANIES ONLY. OTEY TRANSFER FAST 3564. tOR SAi.E -Electric lamp, greeu gusn ishade; good - condition: S13. Also small coal stove h"Ster and ph-e. 4. 11' hi N". 3d er ! o. 1LANV.E. aide vveli. 4 burners, and ?jhi-m-;rer; excellent condition; cheap, j Mar shall 1070 TAJLOR MADE suits Uti. on hand at half; price . Modern Tailors. 89 N. 6th L FOR SALE Cash reglster. aafe, adding machine. showcase. : 43 1st at., near Ash. FOR SALE Registers, tbowcasea. wall Cash or credit, 242 Salmon. PLOWING AND FERTILIZER" Automatic 624-88. SECONDHAND furniture bought sold. Simmons' beds. $9.45. 790 Miss. Wdln.-4612 HAIR mhings msde up. S. F. Pierce Killihgsworth. Woodlawn 4380. LOTS rLdYEDPhone Main 4307. John Corn. TEAMING ' Excavating and plowing. Main 44 85. ' HEMSTITCHING, machine for saTeT"a bargain or casn. vail a a cor .''J I I WILL sacrifice tuy beautk'ui set of mink fun. Main 5471. FOR SALE Meat market fa tuna. Inquire in . ramng st tijtt SALi-J .V stands bees, 8 frame patent hives. W. R. Holmes. Rainier.. .4tr.. , -. COUNTER for sale, 14 ft. cnean. Fisher. -ji ' oax st.. from IB a. m. to 2 p. FUHNnUifK ot 4 room 4iou-e' for sale. 2i$ eT i 63d N. MonUvilla car te 63d, 4 blocks north, BABY buggy and cart for taj, ..h . po FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS 900 WRECKING TANMCOPTEH BARRACKS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FOB SALB 850 vitreous china, closets and tanks. Steel storage and pressure tanks. 120. 544 gal., text 110 lbs. Tabasco H. W. heating boilers. No 27. American Ideal H. W. heating boiiera. 1 F B. steam boiler. 84x16. 1 S3 6 8 steam American heating boiler. 10,000 ft steam radiator. Pipe, valves, fittings. FORRESTAL. MacQCAID sh CO., 19th and Reserve eta., Phone 527 Vancouver Wssh., Box 54. EVAPORATED FRUIT W Lib. .29-!h. boxes apricots 37.60. "25-lb. boxes black figs $3.50. 25-lb. boxes Petite prune $1.25. 25-lb. boxes Mu.-catel raisins' S5.50. 100 lbs. split Italian prune $4.80. 10 1b. sundried apples' $1.00. BEAVER GROCERY. 287 Yamhill St. WE SAVE TOO MONEY House wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electric Store, 224 Mi Third St.. near Salmon. Main 6055 bEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New machines bold for leas; no 1 agents employed, Bargains in 2d sand machines. Parts and ;epairs for alL Machines rented and repairing guaranteed. Main C431. 190 3d at., netr Taylor. Stop? Lookl Listen! For Sale Second-hand lumber, brick, doors. pile and complete haJh outfit; also hot air furnace and about 200 fet stone wall. For information, call East 864 Ij or East 7122. The above t 285 6fh i-t., city. USED equipment, penect condiuou, 7 bank flat model Burroughs $145.00 5 bank (both with stands) 100.00 L. C. Smith typewriters 52.50 New and used safe cabinets, safes, roll and flat top desks, chain, etc, prices lowest. Wax Office Equipment House, 24 N. 5th. Broadway 2739. D. It. SCULLY CO., DOWNTOWN LUMttcK. STORE, 171 FRONT ST., BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lum ber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen doors, fruit and vegetable box shook. .Ke our odd stock of sash, doors. Hawthorne Electric Co. LIUUTINO FIXTURES, ELECTRIC WIRING, MOTORS, SUPPLIES J. DR0UILIJ1T. E. B. EVEREST, 380 Hawthorne ve. East 57 23. S1NGEH ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES We take your machine in exchange, balance c&h or easy payments. Phone for demonstra tion. Machines ranted. Expert itpairiug. any make. MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE 382 Morrison at, , Mar-hall 721. THE VALUE of a machine Is but slightly reduced by a little use. yet wa sell all makes at less than ' puce; latest new Singers, canh or time; rentals, $3 a month. Singer Store; 193 4th. Main 6833. HOT WATER BOILER for saie. $5; light and heavy welding of ail kinds. We weld, sawn snd spring: Prices right- All work guaran teed. .Get our estimate before having your work done. Independent Welding Shop,' H. Water aim .vsmnyton at. Phone Kast 2782. KAtVlTCl XTtM . n .4 v. . . i . . . . , r j secondhand, at right prices, bou.-iit, sold ani nciamoi, i-.asy terms ir oesireo. N ORRIS SAFE & LO 'K CO. 105 Second St. Main 2045. grro Sewing Machines UNatfU We have the. larger stock of used K Sewing Machines in the city. Com- If Q pare prices. W rent and repair. iiz at. near ltmhiLl. Save ,Your Wife Let the Snowflake W'et Wash nd sunshine do the work. Lowest prices. Phone 8433. Electric Motors Bought, sold, tented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn- side, corner 10fh. Broadway 6674 WHY an everlasting aggravation! by a leaky roof? Yh nnl nnn,rn...kU: -.. .1 .1 . 1. 1 . roof? W'e reraiir. rubber-bond and rejuvenate " o roois; wora guaranteea. Main AU gas RANGE, in good condition; price rea sonable. Call Auto. 641-31, or 5321 82d St.. S. K. FOR SALE 1 used Thor electric washing ma chine: thoroughly giianHiteed; $93. Smith McVy Klecric Co., 104 5th st LsLD lumber lor sale, tioonnz, sheeting and uc -o, a-si, r-iu, patn tub and piping, doors and windows. tin i.ast i7. $15u .EMERSON phonoerain, u ed 2 months; J"'1 liar, new. eno. Slain 3'11'S. blMi'i.ESi' adding and auburacung machine on - nnu can operate it. Adda to juu.uuu; more convenient than $300 machine. r nee 111..1M. tan i liamher of Commerce bldg. ONE pair lead gla B. V. pUte booaca.-.e door one new glass door, 3X panel; one window irame inm screen complete; one 30 gaL boiler shingles and extra sash. Aut. 315-27. tlLb,tu indepeudec.1 eivciriciau. . wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 rooms $20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791 HOT WATER TANKi Slr-gal. $7, 40-gaL $9! tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils gas beaters installed; expert plumbing repairing East Side Welrline Shnr. -ini L A -. c . . S ' m nfcaaw J,. p., I LADIES, let the Vogue sell your slightly used or miifit $armenbs, handsome gowns, party aoo L 'V, uoe2'. cot. at reauceq, prices. 403 Absky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Min 8182. ctjit ou. soda .lountain-H, scales, showcases. registers, wall cases, meat sheer, stools, popcorn- sud peanut rba--er; half price cash or credit. 242 Salmon. Aio-"oa41i.,.s, ilUlUULlCLta. i-ACNCHES cr boats are separate classifications A large listing will be found under these different claaai- DR. A. W. KEENB ' S51 V4 Washlneton St Without Pain. latest Nerve Blocking Meth 1 A BARGAIN Waener eieci-rtc reciilier, charges trom one to three 6-volt batteries. 693 Union see. N. Esst 1-60 hefore 5 p. m; Rt'tiS wasiied on your floor with Hamilton- rt.ah Alfln ..w,, - ... . . 1 j-cteaning ooce. iast us.i. - UNION Apparel Exchange sells slightly used ladies clothes, new spring hats, etc. 719 1 n;on ave. cor. Ivy. East 1828 FERTILIZER or bore ma delivered in city East 7(136 or East 4313. 1UK correct, time, call Main 3579. For scien tific watch repairing, aee Miller, next door to Mietie theatre. COMPUTING SCALES, casn registers, coffe muis, meat choppers and general store tlx tures, at Z26 Stark st.. between 1st and lid. PLOWING i iota, gamen and general ming and excavating. AtltomsUe 320-62. East 4313 FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24 hour day, 85c, delivered; floor waxing also done. Phon 'Wcod'Bwn 12.19 Plowing and Harrowing PHONE 6?-83 EVENINGS Etf1nTl BUSINESS CAKlis P fl ISfa lsy ROSE CITY PR1NTERY aj U .aVL Yon mt bring this ad. 120 5th St GLADIOLI BULBS Hit mliea. $1; 12 differ ent labeled. 75c T. A. Diews. 1025 IS. E. 23d t DOORS, windows, new and second band glass; shkngle paint. $t per gallon. .552 6th st. Phone Mar. 888. Lawn Mowers Sharpened PHONE EAST 8424. q. Fertilizer v Osrflen manure acliveted rnywhere1. Est 76S6, LlNOTYl'E SKIt'i It K CO.. U kinds of com poaition. Her-ry hid 2. Broadvay 4878. CESSPOOLS and sewer connection and cement work. Miller, Main 1818. WOOD, old firstgrowth fir, delivered $10 cord. Call Main 1513. SPECIAL prices on slimmer delivery in No. 1 ; t'r and King lump coal. Sejlwood 257. 1 LADIES spring apiarel and hats at great tw ductiop from dressmaker. East 8015. SOOT beer barrels, soda-fountains and tuppliea, showcases, other fix tures.i 245 Wafhington. DRESS SUITS ior rent; we also boy dress suits. Bared a Misfit Clothing. 51 3d St. OAR FENCE POSTS. .Sellwood 257. eve- mturs Sellwood 1672. ' "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from milL Call Taylor st. dock. Maan 8085. VACUUM cleeners, rented $1 per day delivered; Week days Bdwy. 2872.; Eva. Tabor 8788. SAFE Fireproof i old. but In good order; cheap. K-975. Journal. YACUUM cleaners for rent, use a day; delivered anywhere, Woodlawn 8495. IF; YOLK fornaee s.ra o e or doesn't heat well cad Leonard. Aut. 326-51 GASOLINE and oil storage tenka and pumps.' r. pox Q7. - ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. repaired. ' Ray Bentley. Main 4907. ; . DBT SAWED WOOD BLOCKS . . , " . ' 5IAIN 2678. '" kt'SINEs. is gooa we ll say sol Yenbest Wet Wash it Shoe Repairing East 906. ' 4 - j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 50-SligIxtIy : Used50' Sewing Machines Will b sold at greatly reduced prices to i make room for the New AVhite Phonograoh. i AU leading uiakea. WiU take Liberty Bond : at face value oa all new machines . and phonographs. . S. S. Si gel & Son I 383 . WASHINGTON STREET Buy, Sell AND RXCHANGB cash regiaters, showcases, fountains, scales, a t I fixture. L BOXER. Mar. 243 8. 113 Second St I CEBAR CHESTS , Direct from factory to your borne, Tennessee and Port Orford cedar: solid copper trimmings, latest designs. Write for catalogue. J. W. HIOGLN3 ic SON ?12-16-18 r. OLI9AN. TA BOB 808 ORNAMENTAL vases, tarden benches, bird bath fonn-v tains, etc Buy direct from factory. Standard Art Stone i Co.. 163U Macadam at. MarshtU 778 or 809 & llUl St. r 10 DROPHEAD' sewing machines with attach ments, 20 each; portable electric machine for rent ; serving . mschines cleaned and repaired. . B. Steen. 15f Grand ave. East 2359. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 PIANOS NEW AfD SBCOND-HAND PIANOS AT INVITING PRICES ' AND CONVENIENT TERMS WE SELL FOR -LESS Lipnnian, Wolfe & Co. SEVENTH FLOOR TWO GRAND BARGAINS . A very attractive Cbickeririg parlor grand In beautiful' mahogany and 1 a lovely A Id rich apartment, grand at very special :rices and convenient payments. , KN ABE WA R E ROOM S , L1PMAN, WOLFE & CO.. Seventh Moor. TWO PIANO BARGAINS A Knabe upright and J. & C. Fisher upright, both in excellent con dition although second hand, specially priced and special terms. ' 1 KNABE WAREROOMS. Lli'MAN, WOLFE A CO.. Seventh Floor. FINE piano $126 to $32n; terms. Shoninger, Willington. Cable ft Nelson. Steck. Kimball. Pall. Kingsbury, McCamon and Hardman make; others; a safe place to buy a fine standard make piano at almost your own. price and terms in reason. Brokerage Co.. a 1 1 Worcester bldg. TRADE YOUR" PIANO $223 new Victrola and Victor records for good used piano; our proposition will please you. SE1BERLING-LUCAS : MUSIC CO.. 15 4th at., between Washington and Alder. Main 8386. SPECIAL "C" Melody Saxaphone outfits. The famous "Martin" hand-made saxaphones, price. Including war tax and ail equipment, $161.75, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. ORGANS I ORGANS I $10 and up Estey. Mssnn, A. B. Chase, Kimball and others, all in good condition. Sei berling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th su. bet. Wash, and Alder.-. MUSICIANS. ATTENTION Artists' strings "Intun," "Amsti," "La Favorite" and several other reliable makes always fresh. Special string service at G. F. Johnson llano Co., 149 6th st. NEW PIANOS RENTED " On the apply to purchase plan. Our proposi tion will you. 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st,, between Washington and Alder. STEINW'AY PIANO i-A real bargain for the . price asked. If yon are interested in a good buy at the right price, aee this, G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th St. Toning and repair work a' specialty. Soltliis PIANO -New, but slightly shopworn; fine walnut case; at almost H price; don't fail to see this instrument; terms given. Seiper-ling-Lncas Music Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash. no Aiaer. DON 'T tail to &ee our used ptiouographg, wa: have just the machine you want. We have til makes, at prices to fit your pocketbook. G. r. jonnson t-iano Co., n tun st. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Guaranteed work by experts. SEIBERLIN'G T.UCA8 MUSIC CO.. 125 4tb st., between v asmnBTon ana Alder. Mam 8rH $4UU BUYS fine brand new piayer piano, latent style, perfect condition, fine tone, easy to play, easy terms. Most wonderful bargain in Portland. 3 1 1 Worcester bldg. PLA i ER PIANO week speciaL Drachmann player, new, with all latest improved features: 3535. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 fith st. SLlliUMER I'lANO.; tuis piano will make a fine practice instrument ; terms given. Sei-; berling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St., bet. Wash. and A'der. SECURITY STORAGE CO. Ck-eiug out uow; upright pianos. $75, $195. $215, $295 ca b. Also one $750 player. $363; $950 playtr, $495. l inos stored 75c monthly. Cor lih rd SlatV. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING Any make, guaranteed work. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO , 125 4th St.. between Nshington and Alder. Mam 8586 SPECIAL phonograph bargain this week, large cabinet mahocanv Mandel: reenlae nrir. t-r,n Our price $165, terms. " r. Jtm.isoJ fiANO pi. 14H fith St. CLAKEN lON Piano --iAaUogany t ase, new. used as demonstrator: at a big redurticn; terms given. Seiberlnig-Lucaa Music; Co., 125 4 th bt-, bet. Wash, and Alder. UHICKERLING & SON Puno. $375; this is a real bargain . in a high-grade instrument, best of condition; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. twi. iiiAi.i. 1L,A t Eii PlAN'o at a o.x reduotion. Seiberhng-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th t.. bet. Wash, and Alder. OREGON mad" , music conipartmetit piano nencnes rmisnea to oraer. 1, Harold a. Gilbert. 84 Yamhill st - I : VioLiN, mandolin, guitar and bamo strings, the best Italian and domestic strings; special string service. r. jonnson Piano Co., 149 6th st prices paiu .or piaiioa. iihououraoi records, mi-ical Instruments. Exchange and repair. L'ft Msrlret v. Phone Mam 691 2. . 15 CASH and $10 monthly las before the war) buys $525 new piano for $395. st Scbwan Piano Co.. 101 10th st.. at Stark. KIM BALL PIANO, almost new. iaie atvle caae $350; terms given. Seiber'.ing-Lncaa Music Co., iza 4tn st.. bet Wash, and Alder. STORT & CLA R K. mahogany case (new); be sure and see this; S395. terms. G. F. John son Piano Co., 149 etn rt. VOSE ic SON, $175; terms given on this snap. Keiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. WEBER piano, mahogany case, fine tone; a bargain at $250, terms. ,G3 F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 tu st. HOLTON trombone and case, like new, only o.i, a seaa oararaau. . r. jounaon r isno co. 149 6th st. VOSE it SONS and otner sutnilanl piano for sale at real nargam prices; it will pay you to see these. 215 Abingtoo bldg. HAVE player piano for sale; coot $8O0; leaving ci.-j; wm u jiiww. nroaaway ,i;ti t , MUSICIAN wants good tamed, piano; can pay piih Wmd ... H1R1 WANTED Bargain in good toned piano for casn. siarsnau otutf. FOR RENT Gratonola, 3 per mo. Empire j ranait-r. ililwy. HOWT. Ida. WANT ED Gooa used piano tor cash. Main 4424. PRIVATE party U selling beautiXui wainut piano . m . i ...... SL crijice. lanor .iii. WL Al.1 I i ixaflua at iowen prices. No old Um- ers nre. ;i Ahwigton bldg. "CONN" cornet and case; only $3o. G. F. a oimsoTi riMw v o. , i s y o t n at. CLOSING oat Ipbout a dozen violins vary cheap. - i-rinn, j v it -si rirvt at. PIANO WANTED pf cash for bargain from pnvaxe paroe-. aarsnH 1092 JACOB DOLL piano, latest style mahoeanv case" . - E- I V. n. . . . . .vmmiii rano i O. . say om St. FOR SAI.R hn. Tllnul 1, wrlti . , i.. "I . -- - . u ... - ... uwav t'jr tTvumwa. i. si. nme. jrj w-k Ex. bldg. $150 EjIELSO.N plionograpu, useu 'i month. j--.,.. un ,iw. ....f. aiin ;q 1A.VQ WANTEl-Pay caan Main 8586. HTiT hi l Uallsn Violin. tlPo". Tabor 4i6Y. HOUiHOLD GOODS 902 iXlUK William and Mary oak dining room chairs. 1 . walnut dressing t&bie chair. 1 Ivorv bench Wdlrt 5833. SANITARY couch 5, ga rang. $17. vtoed - range 818. heating stove $16 eangaletrm rug $19. bnffet 817. 24n E. 36th st.. Apt. 18 WHITE iron bed cheap; too table, chairs, book case and other odd nipcea. I'i'l nlnn mornings. 835 ThompsrSa st. FLRNi'ltivE lor sale. , ii 2 Mill at. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 Furniture Saie Only 12 more days left of our rale. Don't forget. W must vacate by the 30th of this moaeb. . - I Take advantage of this ale. You Willi be surprised at the wonderful bargain oft. ered. j Don't delay, the 30th Isn't far off. Come in and pick out what you want and make a small deposit and w will hold it for you. -j S 12.T.0 40-lb. cotton mattress ..$ 8.50 $ 18.50 2 -in. continuous post bed 3 23 $ 15.60 coil spring J 8.50 9 25.00 Ivory dreaaer I. ........ 1 8.50 $ 60.00 9x12 AlminstCT rug.... 3100 65 Davenport . . 45.00 $ 55.00 4 8-in. top round dining ' I table . 83.50 3IJ.Ut 8-piece overstuffed, high- I grade tapestry, loose rush- ions, spring construction, I consisting of one daven- I iiort, 1 rocker, 1 .chair. $193.00 827 9.U0 ivory bedroom set, con sisting of 1 dresser, 1 dressing table. 1 chiffon ier, 1 bed, beautiful' de sign, cane trim'ines. large bevel plated mirror .... 1 63.00 We have anv amount of harsains In cnairs rocaes-s, braas beds, ranges, horary tables dining tables everything in house -bold goods, buffets. Remember, this is a closing, out sale. 1;2 more days left in which to do business. The entire stork is brand new and guaran teea. , 1 Don't Forget- Come Early! .. 454 Washington St., Cor. 13th. COAL ant) wood range 918 00 no Cook ttoves .....$10.00 up , Gas atovea $10.00 no Gas water heaters ............$ 9 00 UP .noor coverings, yard .........$ .75 up Kitctifn queens .............$ 8.00 np Kitchen cabinets ....$12 00 up Dining Room extension tables...! 7.0O up Dining room chain ..........$ 1.50 up. Living room rockers .....I 4.00 tip Library tables 5.00 up- Simmons beds ......$10.60 op Cotton felt mattresseg,, $ 6.75 np Steel springs .. 6.0O up Coil springs ................$ 8.0O tap Dressers 4 ..,.....$. 00 up PORl'l-ANlJ FLRXITUHB EA.UUANGki Z08-Z10 First U I REED SPECIALTY SHOP I 319 Williams Ave. Manufacturers of high-grade reed furniture we make reed furniture to order: reed furmture reiaired) aad refinished. Buy direct from the fsctory. WE ARE closing, out our stor-g ot second band furniture, stoves and ranges. See us for bargain 288 N. 16th st Tidwy. 2223. ! ! IjARiE genuine Spanish leather ei.y ciiair, electric table lamp, rocker, dresser, one chair. 54 9 Montgomery st. A GAS range $20. Rutid water heater $151 bak rocking chair $13, 9x12 ru$ $15. faSor 7996. : 324 E. 51st St. N. I pAllTJ leaving city wishes to sell furniture at a bargain. Come and see. 588 Prrescott ist. ONE cuitiomer, one reirigerauir. 341 Grand ave. N. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 1 At HIS. lAL.Nt llivo A.VU OOUBCBOA 1 S SOLD AND CHARTERED FOR MARINE SERVICE SEE FORTI.AND YACHT AGENCY 1IH2-8H V. W. BANK BI.DO ROWBOAT for rent for salmon, fishing at Red ding boat house, Linnton ferry slip. iGood salmon fishing close. " .1 1 Olt SALE tl room Houseboat, storeroom - and five floats, (450 cash. Inquire head boom man. St. Johns Lbr. Co. -! CLASSY motor canov hull. Bargain, j Mar shall 812. TYPEWRITERS 90S liivtti tt.'i tjpewrili. all uiaae. rentals, re pairing, supplies. Distributers CORONA por table. SUNDSTRAXD adding machines. ' Main 2285. I E. W Peas Co., 110 Sixth st. ALL makes guaranteed on year. Best re-con-atrueted typewriters on coast. New pries list. Wholesale Typewriter Co., 821 Washington at.. rortMinfi, or. FOR RENT Underwood. Itemington j type writers, 83.50 month. Empire Transfer!, 254 Brosdwsy. Broadway 155, ALL MAKES ' ot typewriter, tented, tepaired and ; sold on monthly paymelnt plan. Oregon Typewriter o.. 94 n'h t Main aHBst. NO-. 6i UNDERWOOD typewriter, in A-l Condi- tionj jtu. f.ast zhsj. SWAPS 1925 SALE or exchange. 191U aeven pass. iudrbaker 6, fine condition in every way; $600. with lib eral terms. Will accept good over-sxnffed daven prtrt as firt payment. Inspect at Weber' garage, 8' d Reirn'-nt sta-.' -i WILLI tell or trad tor furniture, 1 chicken . brooder, J turner roller, 1 gas range, 1 ateel range, i 1 electric , washing machine, kerosene birner and tank outfit, equating (hear. Albina Furniture Co., Phone East 6727. . 1 SlOtiL i(Ti nice liata above; also gai - 10 room hoae, both close in with good iitcoroe. Tske late m"del car on either. A-701. Josirnar. li.L. tuade Maxwell 191H. car. ius't I orer- iiauled. tor improved real estate. G 644 Journal. r I LOT in Alberta, Canada, as first payment on ... - i u, U .. . . . 4 .001 , .. 1 . v. "U.b ua.i; JUU. 1 UU 1 IUVU, out .JefTerson. ... u.a.; tauc- 2 City iiiis or at acres, cloe Iart payment on a Jate model Ford See Murray, at Portland laundry Co. in, as Coupe. IF 1U nave a light car. 111 good condition, you: want to trade for land, or N. W". Electric strok and c-h. evil Main 5120. 10 At utS land, Hiiasta couuly, Cat., and cash forirt-M car. Matn 5120. -- W ANTED MISCELlaNEOUS I 950 SO.I50 to $25 FOR SECON D - H A Nil SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER. THE TAILOR PATSf MORE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES Wei call day or evening anywhere in the 'ertvr Call Mar 1229, or aSB Madi rn t.. near 3d at W HYi not let me take care ot your troubles when sbii'ping your household, goods-' and furmUure? A call. nd we are at ycur jservlce by the hmur cr contract. We complete the work and ship your goods. ,E. Hoimberg. i ihone East '6811. .eneral household packing, fur ritir crst'ns. pior. .iitrwitc. T W AN AL1 I'eouie 1,1 Pcr.laiHl to . allow rtliat 1 pay the highest ra-h pries for second-hand hou-b&li goods. No amount too largs ior too tmalL Prompt attention. r N. M. S EATER I Phone Kat 2203. 148 RnWwTI st PUR IIASERA FOR SEc.fS.VfVliiSD W AYNE GASOLINE PUMP I Also BRUNNER AIR COMPRESSOR com plete i with motor and tank. Good bnyS; like wise new ga rage equipment. H. G. Leslie A Sons, 32 3 Flanders st. HOI Jsr, li.l,AM..u TIME Drt not throw thing away. 1 pay good prfeea for second-hand furniture and household goods. Also tools, clothing and all kinds of junk. Call Main 734 BEST CASH PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF i JUNK SUPPLIES. TOOLS AND OTHER J! ISCKI.I.ANl'AJL.a AKTU tKS. BbtVKIjl SELLING CALL MAIN 5433. j . WANTED Ffcdiing onUiL Stat what you have and price. u. M. Cume, 202 Stock Ex crianee bidir. ' !' V.tMtih Alder, mapie and ash logs and curd wood. See or address Freelznd Furniture Co., 970 Mseadam st.. Portland. Or. u WANTED Vulcanizing equipment', uioids, tube plate, buffer sir tank and motor, j. Phone Columbia 1363 WE j PAY highest prices for secondhand cloth? ing, shoes, furniture, trunks snd bag. BJ si . 3d t. nroaaway 3S.-V SAFE, firerrrof. fur oilier: Give size; lowest T'rirr aim mn-ir at. n. n I , J -HI mil GA rtt r.N 'i iKiLs WAN I El -CASH i PAlU MAIN 4493 AUT 623-82 A ITT. 627-46. VA.Wr.l I'ou to cli Marshall ti ;lut to- Hahle oeioer sod (fcorator i WANTED FURNITl.'ilE ! 952 ;WK WANT TOUR i TJSED H0CSEH0U GOODS ' AND 'H'lUa PAY TOP MARKET PRICES -I It yon have anything' In ths Hani war. or Furniture Line to sell or exchange. Call us first. Main 9072. i Levin Hardware &. ! Furniture Co. j i 221-3-8 Front St.. Portland. OrL Main 9072. Corner Salmon. " Used Household Goods Tools snd junk. East Bids Secondhand Star. 271 Russell. East 5387. ! ' j . m. r; seater 1 Buys fh best as well as chesper grade of second tiand furniture. 286 Grand ave. Ant 232-63. WH BUY used furniture , atovas, etc : Reliable Furniuirs Co., 203-203 2d. Main 7308. y '-, WANTTJ---RNrrURE '' 952 Owl Furniture Co.ioaKwo Ws want yonr awed furniture, stove, carpet and piano; we pay the highest cash prices. 166 arid 168 First at. , Call Main 462T. pot Cash for used furmturx Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE ' J ITS FIRST STREET ' PERSONALS 975 SOMETHING NEW Hsie you tried the eiec- . trie manicure at. 315 Broadway building f Oe Main 64. i B sl ST 9 l-VVJ'5l 40. Fenton Bldg.. 84 6th t. Broadway 4993. ill, ds-uiouatrate the Lieiireat tree; treat your diseases electrically. A. P. Mack ley. 489 Alder. Broadway 5653 J, I.E ROY SMI Hi awuiufj, Biiiol to 4o; tt IMtniti ttins. .Msivnsn gear Ki llii . jiASiSAjrfa. l Olili.AMI iiv.o. (INC. ) MAIN 7786. 711 ttWKTl AND BI.D. LLl'tjTRtCAL supplies rsiail at wholesale prict. Wt do wiring. Cooper. Slec. Co., 244 W - i ARMV QQ0 . D. i. i&MT ' GOobi tor atl. w.olsU sj4 retail: prices reduced. H. HorenaUln. k Sd at... or gB4 1st at. Mln 7878. , KRT HltOttWOWK ORDERS taken in embroidery, laees and palat ings. Reasonable raiea.' 49$ Waahiniton. Mrs. J, Eppenstein. ' - ' , - ATTOftNf Y E. .W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pubtic. 934 Chamber of Commerce bldt. ,' ,,. BATHS Turkish Baths nSmIh hotel, - Electro iTherartlat 24-hour aervica to men. BARBER COLLEGE MODERN Barber Colles . teaches ths trade in 8 weeks!; tooU fumtshed, and som ps '' learning; aipecial rates tor ApriL Call or writs for particulars. 234 1st st. ' BLANK BOOK' MAKER DAVIS HOLMAN. INC.. 109 2d sU. Wsn book msnnfacturers. A-31S3. Min 198. CARPENTERS AND OUILDERI tjif 1LRI.K 1-ATlNilTKUGTlON CO. Contractors - Builders : Houses j built. Plana .:frnihed; store front alterations, counters, shelving; gsneral "PJ1 ing. Door and window screen mad to order. First class -workmen only. . . . " 168 W eat Park Main 8029. CL..1KNT j iouiidation, crnitnt wor cf all kiuda. iinosea less-d reasonable Mar. 18 82, an i KIND' i work or caoinet m sit ing Call Wdlti. 5193. - CAT AND DOO MOwRlTAL BOSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, Inc. E. 7aii and Grant. - Both phone. Day and night Service- Three veterinarians, . - CEMENT WORK Foil Client work ad kinds, large or i-ipali, reasonable prices, call Mr. Hnyth. Tbor 232.V CHIRORRAOTORB CHIROPRACTIC, steam bath and I . masaasa. 10tn floor Broadway Diag. . aiaranmit " Dr. Laura K. Downing. Open evenings. llR. MclIAHON (McMan) his iplm-Popls . taking jsdjustment. whils smiling; llth yr. CLEANINa AND PVEINO riSTvita' Expert! dyeing and Gleaning, with prompt, at tention and at right price. Ws srs one year old and I growing . ever - day. Union sv. si Weidler St. Eaat 616. REGAL Cleauen., 'lailor and Halter. Clean- iny ami dyeing a specialty. Out of townimail orders gitjen prompt-attention. 127 N.. 6U1 at-, lortiand. J Or. ' .-' 1 ' CLOCK REPAIRING t EXPERT! clock and watch repairing. Crs-at Clock -Co.. 204 Gerlinger bldg. Mar. 4U4. COAL AND WOOD tL'Ono tA. ul. n.J .mi fir -iM.i-ii.1 uru-e f . 1 week on all west aid orders. Big losd block and slab mixed $5; double, load $R.5t. Dry wood! $7.50 by load, double load $13; inside ntocs wooa,' si.ou per iosu; a lout iecu 0.00 pe CMiru. . - I SUMNER WOODYARD, . - MARSHALL 1156 ' " ' es.Fuei Co. !" Whnd and coal. Frmsnt ervice. Dry cdrdwood, 16-inch, $8.50 per load; half dry cordwood in 2 H -cord lots. $8.23 per cord. Other 'wood df many kinds reasonable. Office 2B1 Frettnont at. Phone Ant. . 827-61 GOOU jound biock snu rtaDwocxr, $5.50 tor joaa, sv 1 or aouoie lua'a. v it. orj llariwcodJ $8.50 pet cord. B. w. mrner. Main 1723. -BOXWOOD; Delivered' Immediately bv Fulton Wood Co.. I26 Macadam., - i'hone Main 4173. FIRST GROWTH EXTRA THICK RED flU ' COUNTRY BLAB AN is COKDWOOD I Cedar Creek Wood Fuel Co. . Phone Rindwif 1783. 4H-50 N. 13tb st. Prices Down Corawood $9 cord. ALBERTA FULL CO. -i Woodlawn 2573. BUY. your winter wood. now. Good dry cord wood.! 6 tords for $4s; single cord. $8.60. K. E. Bowman Co.. Main 3026. ennn . a viH.'Annn.n . 1 .. I. . t a . k , Hevy block, lab, $8. DRY, eord. losd, half 1od. Btrgalns. Delivered anywhere. Sell. 1769, WOOD AND GENERAL HAULING .NO. il 1ST GROWTH. 9.50 CORf DRY $9. DEAD DRY.- $7. AI T. 619-41. rrit.rflaraTia-fl -9T.30 Cordwd. goott wnd vui at vyvum second growth. Buy early. i'itr.orr n r.i,ni,i ivi 101 Jl.A . 4 !'. tet.lm S.-AlllVlioo ': Green! or dry. 4 foot -or tawed. Star Wood o.. .Mam su t - - - FIRST grow'h eordwood. .50: 4 ft. alahw iol ' $6 per cord;. Mock and slab. 16 inch, $6 s loan.-- itroadwav 4IIU. : till lit l, alabiiooii, lKt.,)'l OHii, LVeiy t.t:g soooih never tn water. Wositllswn 1951. A V .av.A.K. CI -A IUMI..A C ItlM'M'iJ kf..ti. mrn.-j Qfjiw iti. i-none vvooqiswn 63 12 DRY BLOCK WOOD WDI N. S387. BLOCK , AND SLAB mixeo -in 1 3-in. ken'. a-or tiim: qcuvery cii upor I on. DH' t'tiruawsl, .".11; coeaper grade. $7 50 U'wrii... ami il.n. ... 'm ' ' - - .,ii-i 11' rn liHY RiRhWUIIJ, sawed. 9 load : $1150 corn oenvereq. tveiier- filel t:o.- R, 169(1, loi.nHWh. li.4U it c.ird. in 2 'a cord IoLj V t 1 rnni 1 -.. 00a A di old gruwiu cordwood. - Voii can uot neat 11.. .g.oiF per corsi. auto-. 616-87, COnDWOOD -Dry old giuwili, ij or id ,n ' reen is- in. siao r o'nrit miTwy. Wdln, 2182 iEAVi first frowth cordwood, short snd 4-f . ! .. 1. .1 .. . .. 1. . . ' . '. 1 11 I . . .if,- iiir-i. iiini- - ai inwiiinwn atoiu wt crirt on widwood. hltmA .nei 'i all Uaa.waw4 7'.. a. I K,- . SB a at . Aa s-s aa aatriut, sas a ww.. Stl.t aV 0 DRY BI.Ol K FOR SaT.EWDI.X 2628" lil.ot K'sta.), coniwil. aiari.a.t Jal. DENTIST EXPERT 4iZ tutry a aaving of nearly one b:f msde possible by bit location out of Ol ftliali -Mat ..trictj n.l Kara tde Rt. 22 a. i DR.B.E. WRIGHT . 3d floor. Raleigh olds., cor. 6th - snd W aaiuagtosi sta. Main J11. A 21H. Dentistry .S; Without rlTt Tatfest Xervt-Blortlm Mtthod pptssfiAMiNa FASHIONABLE dressmaking, alteralione. 113 K 69th st. S. - i ORUOLE89 RHY6ICIAN DR. J03. SMITH, drugless pbyairiln, ueU sll diseases, men, womea tnd cliildrea. Itli-li Fliedner bldg, ' ''". EDUCATIONAL OANCINO ringleR s DANCino academy PORTLAND'S LEADING 8 HOOLS Cotillion hail. 14tb off Wash.; Bioadwsy aall, Broadway and Main. Class and private lessons: by . expert professional instructors, in ail branches ballroom, classical, ballet, etc Phans or call for appointment. Broadway , 8880, 613-39. Downey's i 'Dance Studio . VAU. TV. ,t,n.An pm! nwmr RlnlauJ Former matnictor CotUiioA halt. Maia 6568. 1. Patterson Ivywney. inrt. ' THE DANCE STUDIO. 5" 9 I-srauaa bldg.. Waah--instos at Third. Privat hour sr half boor lessons; day. evening, 9:30 a. at. to 9 p. m. losira lessons specially priced. Class atoBOay, Friday. 7:30 p. m. Mia Ireland. di trictj '.N -. Cor i i 975 xiioSE bo hate relalite i-t in. mis wiio suii.-r from mildly mental or rhmnic disorder and wish to plact them in S private home will find Nl'beth's aanttarlnm an Ideal place. Phone offio. Bdwy. 618. or Tabor 823 9, or writ, lor Urms. 638- Pittock -blk. $1 GETS both feet fixed up st Dr. Eaton the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST woe doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg.. lUb snd Wh. . Bdwy. -jsat. WOULD like to know the present address of John B. Barnes, formerly employed in dining car service Southern Pacific. A F." Knight. Main 509 HARD alios produce soil corns; no hard shoes. harness or auto tons with latherlife: wat-:-p roofed, be-!nV. Leatberlife Co.. 3111 Oat rt Phone Broadway 406 LET GEORGE R-UBKNS 1 EIN. the vtrn op tician, be your optician. He is expert in fit ting eye glaaaes and bis chars, are vary reiioo- Me. 22(1 Morr! -t SUPERFLUOUS HAlu, motes. ru- by 10 needle method. Trial free Jomo Holey. 514 Biih A I sn.'tldT Main r.atiH MAS.tAtiE. Iiaui.-. - Li Emia Si.ieo . ii. .in 4 Panama bldg. Main 6080. DfUgleaa pliystcian. OANCINO bl'MUkH S Dancing Academy. Dancing guaran teed in 8 1 br. lesson. 85 4 5th. near Stark. (Tub dance. Tues. : class. Thursday. Bdwy 3.190. fwUIO 6CHOOL6 AND TEACHERS T. E. LAWSON 20 yearr esperten. e; plana leasona at" your home, $1. Aut, 64 313. L. CARROLL DAY. teacher of voice snd pisni, 148 13tb t. Brodwv f5R5 j MRS. ANNA L HOMMEDlkU M00HL, teclier of nUno. 391 Mill st. Marshall 8103. ELECTRICAL WORK C. '. tshortyl TUISNKR, licen.-d . ens tcicin. last Shorty do your elect r-al work, wire jour new or old home Automatic 327 52. FLUFF R0Q8 AND RAO RUQ8 - PORTLAND RUQ CO. Fluff Ittig. Mad From OH Carpets. Rag Ruga, a Siwcialty. Carpet Cleaning, Sizing, Refitring. W'e Call snd Deliver. 1672 1674 B. 17TH ST SKI LWOOP 86? J. HAT CLEANERS AND DYER 8 HATH cleaned, blocked, .dved reasonable and a isiactory. itoyai ttat woras. iTJ3 Firat t. IT PAYS to try 'lony's Hat Works; it s different. 287 V Wash., cm. Kilers Music bldtr. LAUNDRY Lace Curtains u'T MANICURING. PARLORS, NEW llaB juu lll.ii ihe cle." trie manicure at 313 Broadway huildinsf 50c. Matn 6H54 ' MILLINERV . LADIES The M.slel lUl simp: Lalest tys .,..1.,w.wt l,ri- L 8 1st ft., near Surk! Kv nr.- NURSERIES GREGORY HEIGHTS NURSERY . Perennlla. porch box plants and shrubbery. Order geraniums and pansy plant now. 66 80th Bt.. Roe City ear Thor 820w ORTOIvlKTRIST .asasaaaw El ES scientifically tested with msd aci,v rn Instruments; glasses fitted, at a TV '"e; satisfaiti-.n guaranteed. A. K. nURWITZ, Optometrist. 22 3 1st 8t PAINTING, TINTINO. fAPERHANQIN(j' Say, Folks - ' , '-KT MK DO Yonrt PAINTING XI NTIN; PAPER HANGING Our work is i(e.ndal,le and will j-iea-e sou. he prices sre right. AI'ltiM ATM" 6 15 7 1 Wall Paper, Paints, 'Etc. 228 280 SECOND STREET. MAIN 782J. . UfllL BROS., INC. Albina Paint Co. Ai Psinttng,-Kal .;. l'a;.r hnnoinn, Ensrn, V. 4 14 7 i.E'11 tn figure jour init ami k.i. TTTTrr" . - - i ..... ohm nai-ioiuillliAi ll'h GE t ft, l It IAIMING. ,l.,rt, .,( LET J A. DAVIS A SONS hel ,.,,',., a,,,," psinting. tinting and paperhsngmg; work ami psy tn satisfv. Wdln. 3'(t 1 SflQN patstwh ' ...a tAWW '-'66. ' lit1 U n' ".in,,n.- ' PennTT.Tni fB. - J U 17th t. Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 2 I 28 RATENTATTORNEr8 C' rilhtl'fflSr?' P"",V '"T-rni7. rights. --610 Chamber of Commerce hlda RLA6TgRiao buying wslU. OlLfelut.- lil v?T' j?Z RLUMBINQ ANfT.; "TTtno" a.tA . . iJLLlJ.I" ... ;; aimi. plumliing iii, TTt PlUmilbiinia? GENERAL kbbing .ndseV. w a. MYKRs, i1.vE.67d rNnca,rr,n,'A;!;- P L r M B I N n Pf'ppl.lFS at 'wnoi8if ii PRICES STA Ft K DA V IS CO . M ,?h st em. l kline carsirisrsa-t-Tr-Ar PRINTINQ. ENORA VINO. niMnia- Printing kBAMat 'Ihl?. , THE IRWlN-ilODSON COMPANY 1 987 Whlngton. Brfiadwsy 434. A-1 55 AN! tPV 'RINT1N'G CO. Cii7i7tTSv: laJaLG, he. 25-q yh t f,jn ,,n- ROOF RERAIRINO HAVE your rtof repaired by eti rt-." VV ra pair cr paint tin and in'ls r '. and rmmtr or renew gravel roof. Main "1424 A-k for Mr. PiVeon. Evening ca'l Wdln a ion iiOiiKS rej.air.U i.iid jia.litel, gi,j r.arirdr P -f fii-jf. inc. tf -xi. it eh. uot paint .(, Board of Trad. Main 671. Main 6 Uti c 'tnr,; . . Oltlw'ruN ltOrlNi; Ctl.-i I'ainuli :" I r.,,.;,1. ng all kmda of roofs. lie-t i.Hornt paint naed. -All aork guaranteed. 1761 E Glisan at -i - i i . i n'or i . i . . . HA H yoiir rarf Cleaned, rejaired and iia;nr-..t , wt'h W'ehfoot paint. Phone Nailw1 180 4 SHEET METAL WORK MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS Ropfirtg.. guttering. ' aootitfnr. obhine i4 reweval reoe'rlfv. Phone Broad-vav 02 2 2. A.t, SHOE RERAIRINO ModeS Shoe Repair Shop Prwr price on ho renalrinlr tan half sole. $1.40: . ladies' $125. Ilubb.r he!, 50c. 122 rorBTniT. MA1V 5222. STOVE REPAIRINQ Why Buya New Stove? Ws repair sll kind of stove, gas rang an 4 nrnaces Fjat 5931. TA'LORlNO COME to I. D. Roaen, the tailor, and tar $19 to $20 on your spring suit, due to- low rent forsted 66 N. 6tb St., bet. Everett snd Iv1i, TRANSFER AND 8TORAOE "WHO'iroVE.H Y'of " IS Jt'ST AS IMPORTANT A9 WHERF YOU MOVE Call Broadway 1281 or Aut. lien -,... trucks and. csretut ,mn are at .,ur er.n-e Oregon Transfer Co. Office and Storage. 4 74 Glln SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Pact intf-Sf ovfna Htnr.o. MONET LOANED. ON GOOHS IN STOP. All 1 S J renrtti it, opp. Multnomab hotel - Phone Broadway 8716. AiWATS PICK TUB BEstlloTTEil7)r,Tr OfXtDS SPECIALIST R:or.. ....L.L. hipping and moving; bors and auto vanat mua eial rates to ell rKiints. C O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO 2d and Pine ata. Brodway r,96 A-l 096 Storage and Transfer Clay S. -morse. Inc. 12TH ASP GLISAN. BROADWAY 84T0 Portland auto tiiaxh h ro. . i.; at 229 Main - I'hone SIsin 15ro. 1 nir,g rail 617-J5. Any part of city, ut t.. oaiiy rnps. VIM Trsnifer and Storage. 15 diva' ft Sge. 42 Union ve. East 6 134. ' EXTKBSJi, bageaze, long hauling bv tni- ks. n" M. Stokea, l.,86 Brandon. Wd'n 4618 USHOL87IRINO MiiiWAV' I'piioLiteters, aii ' I tn ro: ui e ri.jr,( nd uphointenng. Call and deliver. Wdia, PERSONALS WML