MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1C21. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 14 HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 rrrjEACRKS for thk rRiij. or ose ADJOINING CITY LIMITS . Inside conveniennea. outide location. f arrow the street have bwn selling for Sl-JW per gcre. Unfinished hdfrie besides. Inquirs bout this At once. 213-214 Henry bldg. MUST aril beautiful West Side .suburban home. good, large residence arid other buildings; urn, ru-h ml!, free from rocks or gravel, some Cleared, land lie fine nrl faces on good county road -which is macadamised: 4 "4 mtles ? west of -business center of Portland. Immediate pwswdnn given: cheap t $H5im. Price and term given to real buyer. Place must be seen to he appreciated. For further paruenlar ad dress K. M. KJIta. 1298 K. 1 5th sL N Port land Or . or phone Woodlawn 6305 before 7 : - ' -. -7 n, u 1 am a (ilf worker. a. i " . " ' - ' - - 1 1 . 1.1.4- - . t, t si, .4.1 I.- -lit- A I' A llA.slll rjll.Ti ."-. ......... 30 acres la mile from courthouse, on good graveled road. 2 Va miles, off pavement; very finest soil; lie perfect ; SI acres under high atate of. cultivation, bal. in iture. nt over and eaedy cleared. " I-arge house with fireplace, bath, etc.; .ilendld water, piped, under pressure: 1A0O worth of tool. stock and equipment goes with the place at k3. Write or cail 132.1 East link it N Phone Wdln. 3536. ki:ltl I1KAN HOME Kn Quick Male Only , y acres, all cultivated; Powell Valley r6d. near Bock Icy are., 'new 5 room bungalow, with fireplace. elec. tight. . etc.. garage, barn, chicken house. Jersey cow and rbiekens with the pin A b-rgain a .M-.EN.A . ,.f. B2 PnorUt ft. Main 4 5 I Wo A I.E.s on nated road jut ouu-idf city limit, near carline and school. Nice 4 room bungalow, all fenced, very large chicken hot), and run?. Plenty of fruit and herne If you are looking for a small pla'e don t fad to we thi: $27.V. terms. 5415 Faster road Ant 2 4 II Van Allan. Sishtly one and one-tliirrl ai-ro. 1 minute ride from court house; overlooking Beaverton ealley: jtrt wert of Council cte-t. . Cannot be eceHed fr 1 he money. W. ('. Penland. Aloha. Or. . , ' 4 liti I" - land. " ifr!4 nun ipvi. tog bam elect ric lishf. I rKm bungalow. 3 mil- cant of' l,eni ..liiiM-ti"ii onxFostcr road.; second t.ln-e nf ,J-i'B -Tm t I IINK HOMK SITK- 3H A. best garden land. ItOO per A.. 1 bik. fn.m pa'enient. 11 nulei out on cl.-etric. Kipiuy Km 4S. Alpha, Or. II. H. Smith. , FARMS 407 WHAT MOKK CAN lOU ASK? 140 Arrea 1 hour from Portland, on trout, mlmon and .melt river: HO acres in eultiTation. 20 mora almoat ready; 8 room house, 2 barns, apple home. prune dryer, hoghouse, shop, other . btrildings.' 40 yards to school, church and com munity hall, on level road, all fields level loam anil, prune orchard, apvde orchard, other fruit... 23 bead Jerseys. aiple orchard, herd full blood Ouroo- hoga. full eumpmcnt farm tools. team, boat, automobile, sheep, turkeys, chickens, bus; tlO.SOO takes it. If you are tired of wmd. i 1 - n.ill writs W;FT BRIAIt FAUM. WOOni ANO, WASH. WII.I, SKI.I. OH THAKK A 74 acre fruit- farm in cloe to 'olinbia highway, ration, mostly in bearing riKim hmts-e,, new barn, new and wagon hed. Oood well and croaKfenced. Wagon, row. Low vle, $5000. anv deal. W nte to K. V 7th N . Portland. fr.. or KlUt I'lTY HdMK Hood Kiver district. I 2 acres in culti orrhard. (iootl 3 chickenhouse, ..wtiod and spring. Fenced plow, di-c and har Will conider almo-t . Bcrgltind. 7S( K. phone Tabor 7 '.. irtVXLR MAKIMi Sl-Kt lAI. I'KU 7?. 2DO acres at Molalla. with in) acre, in crop; rich fine soil, some bottom land. 5 room l)fu. rood barn, well fencdl. Good water, creek. Party must selL WMl tike aome city trade. See me at office of O H. 8KOTIIKIM CO., 4QS. 4 1 1 l'oieh Bldg. Main 1573 9 MILKS FKOM POKTLAND ON HIGHWAY 10 acres, 4 acres beaverdam, all in cultiva tion; sniit'l house; good barn. chi ken lioue. lante rreekT Iro5. 4 chickens. 20.UO0 horse radish plants. 1I''0 FVrd rar, all for $420(1; terms. C, W. Millershio, Alder hotel. Wain 5275. : - : HHill lUSsTARM FOR SALE Why aot live on Columbia - Uiver hiahway. RO acres. 20 mile east of 1'ortland, iine house, lame barn, stock , and equipment, spring and stream. A bargain. 1 ("OK A M KEXXCA &. CO.. S2 Fourth st. Main 4S22. BY owner, 634 acres gram and stock ranch. Cassia Co., Idaho; good roads;. 8 miles R. R. station: level, all plowable; mail route, school. well, windmill bldg.. fence; $25,000. Will ex change for equal value or less value in land, "difference tn cah. Box 102. McMinnville. Or. Foil Bil.K A good stock ranch. 20 acres. 70 umler plow. ret in timber and pasture. AH stock and implements go with place; 1 million feet of timber; cows, sheep, goals, eftickens and pigs. Price 'tit, 000. Will take some trade. Vr- Fl'M Turner Oram. Or 55 ACJilM, ' 1 acre orchard, livable building; ' $15O0: cash or Ford, car a part of cash price, tllTHO. It. 1'. Wataon, 'Route 1, New bera. Or. ' SMALL FAUM COLIMBIA BLVD. 3 acre . 7 room f house, barn, 30 cows, milk bouse. i, So assessment. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. V. Bank bide. TKN acres berries 1 within 25 utiles of Port land. 25O0 down .A real proposition. Ad de- CX-01. Jniirnnl 112 ACKK- bo acres, 9 mites Forest firove. unimproved, most easy to clear, light bniih; good term. K. Lc.sard. St. - Helen. IMPROVED farms. 3 to SO acres, good aoil. near Tualatin. John Wesch. Tualatin, Or. FtU SALE By owner, 20 acres finest arm land in Beaverton district. Call Tabojr S027. FOR RENT FARMS 40S 4 0 ACRES, one third cleared, balance good pasture; seed and plant same: team, har ness, wagon. 2 cows, buggy, some chickens. hiHrs, alt kinds farm implements "and some furniture and rent of place for one year, with fair buildinfcs. all for 11000, $600 cash, balance 1 'year at tt per cent. See Johmi Brown & Co., 322 Ry. Ex. bldg. Marshall 3331. FIFTY acres, under dyke, close in. good garden land. 319 Failing blili cash rent; IRRIGATED LANDS 409 hO ACHES, water right, 0O acres in line stand alfalfa, old buildings, on county road, under Squaw Creek irrigation district. 25 per cent down, balance easy. 319 'Failing bide-, or write K M. Peck, Si-ter. Or. - HOMESTEADS. 410 2 VALUABLE homestead locations; county road, heavy, valuable timber, some farm land, run ning water: good neighbors:, Roseburg countrv; fine climate. 20O each. 301 Corbett bid. r OK A HOMESTEAD IAJCATION SEE V. W. Helm 31 Roerd of Trade bide. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 JOO-ACUE STOCK RANCH 40O0 9 tniles from Willamina: from 80 to 100 acres tillable, shack house; good siaed barn. ' youtiK orchard, lame creek: will take house, up to $2000 or $50o caah as part payment: we have photographs of this and hundreds of other ' exchanges and can surely match your trade. See M r. Stephens. STC ALTOP8 732 Chamber of Commerce Hal exctiance for -7-patM. tounn. car of Ut modl nd in A-l condition, 8 room house and 4 lots, 50x100. Situated at one of prin cipal ftimmfr rf4rta. Mut be sem to be ap preciated. ' Write or inquire, ftOT Weal Fif teenth t,. V.ncouwr, Wash, TO TKA1E for grucery tUire of euual Tame, 1H acres, beautiful home, good hotKe,v young or chard, good garden ground; pasture, Vood, tim ber. ga launch, oy-ter bed, tong.-, wows, stock ; half niile from Taquina bay on fine stream. Write owner, Frank Hh inner Winam Or. KXt'IlAMiE : 4H acres land locatel.5H miles from cmirt house. Portland. Will make good chicken ranch. Trade for good diamond or good auto. McKin ney. 215 N. Jersey st. Columhia 2. ' . LOTS ' W hare good lots clear and cash to exchange for improved property. W. H ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' mil THAI 2 acres. 3 room liou-e. barn and outbuildings, close to ell line; will take city property or will sell for $S00; terms. C. B. Kennedy, . sals otn ave. j Aut. 617-32 1 A IT with nld house at. 4 10 F.ast. tinA st $.500, for improved acreage near city; will assume amati amount, neii. ,1000. I'OI'R suburban lots to trade for Ford car. C. I,ce, Route 4. Pox 14B, Vancouver. Wash. TO TRADM auto fr auburnan building totT A-330. Jonrnat. " 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE MODERN flot for rent and furniture for aale. Call after 2 p. m. at- 929 Thurman. . near tn; nat o. 1. 4 I OR SALE or trade., K acres cranberry land at Long Meacn. Wash. . " Inquire 17i id st. Phone Mam 4. TO TRADE $10,000 income property for val ley farm. r.. . yjetcalf. 4517 atn at. a. . "Portia - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE FOR sale, trade; 40 acres, acre block and lot suburban, for choice of either or ail; provietoB nay be made for building: terms reasonable. Owner, 192 Knott St.. Portland. East 41 3S. WILL SHU, er trade 40 acres Al Land, near Beaverton. at only $150 per acre; pared high way, city gas, etc.; a good investment. Will di vide and give terms. 1350 Barrage t WANTED REAL- ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED To bur small auburban home; have good position but not much cash. Can pay $0l down and $25 per month; west Side pre ferred. l-7. Journal. ! t WANT a small house; bare late model Baynea licht 1 2 chummy as first i payment. Call Broad-way l(it days, and Main 1565 evenings or Sundays, ask for ;ill. ' I HAVE several parties Mho winh homes in Sun nyside. Mt. Tabor or Mt. Scott districts, rang ing frtm $2500 to $3500. Call Mr. W'egner. Woodlawn 3fl7. 1 HAVE a lsrty tint VTantn a 4 or 5 room houe on M or I acre tract, for chickens. What have von? Call' Mr. Weaner. Wdln. 37. 2 At KK.S clear d no buiuiiiiin-. on Oregon Electric Dear Garden Hnne and tome cash frr 4 -r '5 room house. I -pso. Journal. HKAI 'lll-T I'. new. high irrado fiianw as first payment on 4 or 5-Tuum; borne. . balance monthly. : Tabor 31 5 Kmill.s. Imsemcnt.; small first 'payment , must be In res in; no agents. Addreaa and particu lars, li nns, journal WANTED 5 -7 -mom bungalow in Hose City Park or Hawthorne; must he priced right. Bl YEltS walUnc for 1 20 acre tracts with in SO . miles of Portland. M KKBSOX'STKRS. 42Q Henry bH. $111111 f, lol At t o and riuiber. for $3tOl bou-e. ; J. Westornocd Vancoilver. UANl'KL) To buy home worth $2000, with tur.o. ." monthly. Wdln .inr.S, ACREAGE 4S5 FOIC HAI.K- By "miner, a ranch. t8 acres; 16 miles frcm Portland on a much road, on a proposed PoTtland and Astoria highway; all No. 1 land, suitable for dairying, and high grade of cultivation; on a milk route, : daily msH and telephone; 1 mile from the jraiiroad station. all Bronrlnay PI 21 II I . K Rl K.S .vMi C 1 1 1 'k h .S : 4 2 aeries. 20 miles lrtni ft'rtini on Pacific highway, fronts 30 rods on pavement, ft min. from station and sohool, living stream and "prines. frnced, 5O0 cords, of first growth fir. 7 acres under cubital ion. S acres light; brush, for ie or 3 ride, teems. Owner Wofwllawn 5919. WANTED One acre: of more, must have house. etc, outside nity' limits, on sood road. Addre-s t V. 24H Wash. Si. ' FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY, 457 DAIRY WANTED Have 2 Swiss dairymen, one bas $10,000 cash and wants larce " retail dairy in 1'ortland: other baa $4000 cash, wants smaller dairy. 25 cows, or more; prefers . retail, but will consider wholesale. They arei coins to buy soon, and if yours is for sale can make a quirk turn for you. Call, writ or phone lat once. F. L. EDDY RITTER, IO WE A CO. 201-3 5 7 Board of Trade Blda. WANTED TO RENT SMALL. PLACES Have several people wanting ito rent acreage, or smaH farms. Close to Portland preferred. Some people will buy: tile place after leasing for year or more. We make lota of sales this way Will buy equipment ilf prieed right. JOHN EElStJUSON. tiERLl.NOER BLDG. Largest farm dealer on 1'Hcific Coast. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. ETC. 500 ONLY 8 days left on! purchase contract, on only store, svith postoffice. $500 stock, cow and calf, yearling beifer, ; 1 sow, 50, chickens and household furniture, all' on l!7;acre all cleared farm in crop; I 4 room house, 1 -3-room house, good bare, chicken hionsa and hog house; fam ily, orchard and beiiriea: property located - at Bilell. 7 . miles from; Sheridan. miie from church and school; ibest bargain offered this seascn; unable to make final settlement; vill sacrifice everything lor 5 $of00 : $2700 cash, bal. Come at j once to Sheridan for in- section, or wire you Jare criming. ' P. J. i-MtlKITZ, HOTEL SHERIDAN, .SHERIDAN, OR. POOL HALL , W'et Side, 4 ta.hlei soft drink and cigars; 2 year lease; reasonable! rent; $3500, terms. : BARBER SHOI" West Side. 3 white! chairs; $150 week bttsi fless; rent $20; price ($1100. coNFEcnoNEnjr i west side Corner location; on of the best down town. This placis has first laas sodai fountain, large stock heavy plate glass show eases; everything Al condition: $500OJ terms. 1 See RAHOITLS, With : KEIPPEtt A BKOWN.U19 Railway Exch. Bldg. Phone Main 7f,0. WEST SIDE tT'OXFECTIOXERY Oood location, with some I living rooms; price $2X00; want jland up to $1500 on North Bank highway, j See John Brown & Co. 322 Ry. Ex. bldg. Marshall 3331. REST A 1 KA NT Mu-t jx'tl at ,!ice. b.-l Liga tion in tin. county ji'-ii but in.-- i,io and up per month. Located on paved highway, li mile!. IttiUl l'ortlaljl. -o CUUIim. I;. lull. Miii accept any reasonable cash offer. Address Box 'lol. Forest Orove. Qr.J I'hcne Main 202. 4Fui- rt Orfve. 'i TO COMPLETK IN 1. DAYS One of tlie most valuable machines in nse: help me to few hundred; will deed controlling interest in machine and an interest in patents for same: worth thousands. Hee this. 1006 Mississipc.? are. ''' FOB KALE One haif i iiitere in paying res taurant in Southern Oregon town: $500 will handle. : This small investment will make a Kcssi living; will stand tlie closest investiga tion. I.X-070, Journal ! I FOR SALE Oeneral stiore, tlrst class location; will sell stock and fixtures ajt invoice. This is a money maker; hoose, store and H acre land: rented for $25 iper month. LX-976t, JournaL, ' EXCEI'TH i.VAL opportunity for the small itir veeitor to acquire an interest in a $1,750,000 coast tire company now producing 750 tires per day. entire output being contracted for, com piling plant 'increase. D-400, Journal. FOR SALE or lea.. Coimpleu-iy equipped wood working factory, suitable for the manufac ture of furniture, wood lipecialtits or toys. t;cod building, with trackage facilities 0-5U5, Jour pal. . Pnratairag for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 553. 192 3d St. lOU KALE In one oi 4rcgulie Oe.-l lomb, a good paying bakery asid candy btrsiness. Cheap r.nit, boaxI buflding. Must sell. Ooing Kn-t KX-R24. .lonrnal. tiROCEKY in well fettled district, ou busy street and carline, doing $150 per day; fix tures, stock and lease, $4500 cash. J-S91, Journal. ! $1000 RlYS an established business in Liberty Market, Call 9 to 11, "Turn Yum" Do-Xut Stand SMAL1, grocery forsale, will sacrifice for $350 if sold at once. 6004 57th av, S. E.. blocks from end of Wood tock car. FOR SALE Sawmill. 20 to 30 thousand; on railrosd; with r without timber. Fine loca tion. Reasonable. C-124. Journal. WANTED Man with $600. ha':f interest in bimness, good income, light Work. 10 to 12, 383 V K. Burnaide. room 9. ! WANTED Stan to work with me 50-50, $600 half interest, light work. Call 2 to 4, 239 Vi Russell st BAKERY and confectionery, corner location. cood bUaines. Cash t3000.l. 102O Belmont T. 11120 FOR SALE- IVmiture repair business, good lo cution o-i Journal. BAROA1N Complete vulcanizing outfit, slightly U'oo; i nn rsbor ! GtK)D new and used furniture businesa, retiring. Sell cheap. . 772 Mississippi, i PARTY with $2300 for a real proiiosition ; a sound f-imn. si .mTir..11n5:T. CX-iiltii. .I-oirnal. APARTMENTS FOR SALE ' 501 APMtTME.Vr h'se t befell, fine bn-iness. Pdv . If TS T 1 . - . M . , . n trims. jus, c. nrnanrr, o I -1 30 BOOMS, 1 and 2 room aipts., tor tale by owner.' saunu, aos Washington A PA KTME.V T house tor sale. owner. 271 H 3d st. Call and see HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 t FOB UCICK bALk List your hotels, apartments and rooming rouses wim as- e nave cash buyers waiting. - i See Mrs. Ham. SI 2 Henry Ring. Broadway 547 SEVEN room, housekeetiing. furniture above the average: good location; $600. . 4 rooms, pleasant place, furniture fair, rent a i x Dm, tias . J. W. BARR.AND. 349 Salmon." Main 4243 KlMulsV Nle, modern iilace. a lea in beat, fine location, well furnished., oak and manle inclwling piano. A --nap, $1500; terms. Gar- lanu, l'o I si. ; . j C.OOD BT'T 22 H.' K. ROOMS for sale by owner, $1700 small amount down. 581 H Hood st. v KOOM rooming house for t sale, by . owner, rowv; terras, in .s. a 4 in at. a !'! ilil I Mi! The Journal is Journ classified advertising during the month Over a Qimrter Million People i.i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 38 H. K. ROOMS, down-town;. leae: rout 12-". Clears 3WU; 4-"i. gooa "lk"1" .good; 17 h. k. rooms, clot in, rent $60, elears . . . , ......... . . .. t A 1 i h k. room $1N0t. terms; close in; $1000 down; clears $ 1 1 T ; good. 12 h. k.. cloe in, $2100; clears i o n. a , . clears, $75. A beautiful ft room flat, furnished, aii.o ecu i4.iuen - htMm heat: rent $4.". i s-i... .s- . , , 1 Til IIHli st Kif.;v .ii in .s it" ... FOR Of UK SALE AND CONSCIENT IO 1. S 1" r. T.ial tinir hotels and roomiiic hriiycs with Tour interests will alwjs be looked after in sti honest, straightforward way. .We have casn buyers waiting for the proposition you nave. SI N hoi. sr. m ilih.mi i.v., 216 Ahington bldg.. 3d bet Stark and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 EXPERIENCED exhibitor will buy interest with bervices in motion picture house. State details. Phone Sellwood 3 31 or ' o3. Journal. WAXTE-D- I'arty wltn UT.OO to $.OUO. Subs division oroonirion. 12 1Q X. Wr. Bank bld. WANT small sh-e repair simp, good lK-ation and ressonsble t 1 1 7, .Innrnal. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest -method of paying a loan is onr monthly payment plan. S3;.. 26 per month tor 36 montnar. or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or S15.17 per month for 96 months para a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. $500. $1000, $130O, J2OO0 AND LP NO DELAY QUICK ACTION Money immediately ready for loans on ImpL Portland property. F. II. Ieshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce. LONG ESTABLISHED. I HAVE clients waiting to make mortgage loans from 10(10 un to MO 000 at low rates: lm proved city property preferred. Fred S. Williams, 5O0 Panama b!dg. $300. $400. $500. $600. $750. $1000 AND 11a lowest rates, auick action. Pay S100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, I money advanced as work progresses- w. i. Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $300, $400. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick acttjon. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 644 5. MONET to loan, $100 to $5000. A. H. Bell. 11 Mulkey bldg. Main 437. MONEY TO LOAN $300, $500, $700. $1000. $1500, aooo, on city improved property at 7 per cent. J. L. Wells Co., 603 Gasco bldg. SEE OREGON INr. & MORTOAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR OX FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MOKE MONEY. IF NECESSARY. AND Y0TJ CAN REPAY U3 IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO 8U1T YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DEI. AY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 306-307 DEKCM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N Phone Broadway 910 394 Stark Ct Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument! and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER " CARRIE MYERS HERMAN. Manager. SALARY LOAN'S CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY on abort notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notea. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. ? NO MORTGAGE NO rXDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household goods, pianoa, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED! 218 FAn.ING BUILDING. MONEY TO LOAN , On Goods in Storage. Bank Rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 53 4th St., opp. Multnomah HoteL none Broadway 37 1 a. QUICK MONEY to salaried people on unsecured note; contidential investigation. 316 Cham ber of "', mtne'ce bldg. licenced. 'j MONEY to ban on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential service. Zell Bros. Co., bonded brokers, 283 Washington St., sear 4th. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgage, and sellers' contracts. F. Ei Bowman j& Co.. 210 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 3026 MONEY WANTED 651 WANTED To borrow money 7 Si on city real estate, first mortgage, from private parties; have clienta waiting: good values. Marsh & Mc Cabe, Realtors, 822-24 Failing bldg. Marshall 39f3. WANTED $30O0 at 7 per centn 7 room Irvtngfon borne, corner location; imp. all paid. East 5407 week itfuv . Tpb. r 4030 Sunday.' SEE OREGON INV & MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to borrow ."l0 on I'll tedge eruriut for three or tire years. C-126. Journal. THE JOURNAL MAKES A Remarkable Record IN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR MONTH OF MARCH! e During March, 1921, Over March, 1920 , . ; Oregonian Loses 34,986 Lines During March, 1921, Over March, 1920 the only Portland Newspaper to show a gain in HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 NOTICE 20 head mares and geldings weighing from 1200 to 1 60O lbs. some well matched teams, heavy boned nd bloeky built, from 4 to o years old. and me cheaper horsea; all stock guar anteed as represented. 24 0 F... 8th st. J. S. Williamson." U. S. STABLES Hor.-s, hameias and waona of all kinds; hwM1 wpiehing 130O t? 1 SOO lb., . to 7 years old; Rome well mashed teams; e"fr thing olff Kh a i7uarrinte. 36.") Union avi-. S-, cor. St.eTns st Go D. WSSliainnisoini & Glass SHIPMKNT of horses from ;rand Itnnde ralloy, ronsi-stiiig of some logging horses from PaJmer Lumber Co., some fresh kiokin; farm chunks, weighing from 1050 to I7"'0 lbs. These horses hate been bought right with hard ca,-h and will be sold with a small profit. . K. Howitt, C'o 1 if u b lit .stab!-. Kmnt and Pohimhia. PHONlfc Main 11571. Harry Zissman- Livery, feed and a)e stable. Special sarldle horses, horsed and vehicles for hire a .specialty. By day or night. 3d and Baker. Portland, Or. SPAN black I'ercln roll luanw, wigliiiig 2SH0 lbs., full sisters, siuind and true; none bet ter; 5 and 6 years old: also 2400 lb. team, harness and wagon : sell reasonable as 1 have no further use for same. 4503 67th st,, Mt Scott car. $250 BUYS good Jouns team, weight 2S00. mare and . hore. .sound' and 'true, good har ness and wagon; have been farming and going back to work in garage and have no use for rhum. 73 2d st S. Call for Shaveland. 15 HEAD of good, big soind young work hones and mares, some well matched teams; all are in eood work sliape. Must be sold to make room for carload of horves due to arrive aoon. Keystone Stables, 3S1 Water, Cor. Montgomery. CARLOAD of horses from Bend. Or. These horses have been working all winter. They are stall fed and ready to hit the cellar. I shipped them here to sell and will sell. They can be seen on dock at Front and Taylor sts. JUST arrived from my ranch at Castlerook. Wash., 12 head of good, cheap work horses, from 1100 ta 1600 lbs. No further use for Ptliem. Will sell- cheap. Ask for Starbird, 222 I'nion are. S. W1I.L sell at banfain, epan of 4-year-old Per chercn mares, weight about 2700 lbs., well formed, broke and gentle. Price $275 if taken at once. Inquire for Dunlop's team, 381 Water st.. comr Mcnteomery. V. S FOR SALE at a bargain, 8 head horses, weight 1350 to 1650 lbs.. 5 'to 9 years old. This stock must be sold by April I. If you are in need of a team call and inspect this stock be fore baying. 100 E, 9th st- N. $45 TAKES gentle sorrel mare. 950 lba.; har ness and light hack ; rides' and drives single or double, plows and cultivates, or will trade for chickens. Must be sold. 1918 E. Stark and 75th. CAPITAL STABLE, 287 FRONT ST. Just received carload Eastern Oregon horsea, 13(M to. IrtOo lbs., , ii untciied team , heavy boned, good workers, guaranteed as represented. H. Glerman. 2ni 1,1!. TEAM millet for $4 85, or terms. We don't need the money but we roust have the room. Harness and wagons of all kinds. Atli,s Woodyard. 327 Front st. SPAN of 5-year-old raules, wt about 2;SUO lba., very well broke and gentle for anyone to handle. Will sell for $2 75 cash. 381 Water st. W. S A. GOOD m ilium spring wagon for double. In good order. For sale or trade for chickens or furniture. Take South 1'ortland car to 191 Arthur. Main 2724. FOR SALE 3-year-old Belgian mare, weighing about 1300 lbs.; very gentle and in eood rhape. Price $125. 381 Water st. corner Montg-ornery. '11JAM weighing 2H0O lbs., young and good workers, harner-s and wagon, will sell cheap; 2 mile east of Ijeor on- Foster rosd. Box 4o. FOR SALE Lumber wagon with wood rack, doubletrees and neck yoke, all in good shape. Call Bdwy. 5600 or 571 Thurman st. 1'AtK oi mares weigut. liOO. goi.d ?et of har- ne-vi to be sold m the next few dajs at 270 E. 7th t. bet. Hawthorne snd Madison. 300O LB. team, 6 and H year-old ; harness and oki farm wagon; $275. Woodyard. corner 50th and ' Hawthorne. - I HAM, 3 1 UO lbs., good barnes. and wagon. Alias Woodyard, 3-7 eavy farm Front st. loOO LH. MAKE. 5 years oid. guaranteed sound and true; 10 days' free trial. Atlas Wood- ruTd. 327 Front st. $145 BUYS mares, 24 00 lbs., harness and farm wagon. Comer E. 49th and Clay sts. Hawthorne car. 14 00 LB. hore, single harness and light farm wagon. $125. Woodyard. corner 50th and Hawthorne. FOR SALE Two and lour horse Fresnos, wheelers and (Trading harness. Everything in good shape. On dock at Front and Taylor sts. FOR SALE Pair ot black geldings, weight 3100, fat and good workers. Front and Tai lor, on dock. DARK gray mare, 5 years old; have no mate; will sell cheap; weighs about 1350. 34 3 Russell st. Mrs. Baumer. YOUNG 3400 lb. team, in good condition: right off job. and true hauler Mu t be sold to save further feed expense. 3S1 Water st. IV. S. TWO teann with harness, I'MH) and 320O lbs., 225. BIO Kerbv Kf.t 355. 5-YEAK-OLL Hainbie toiuan mare, 1000 lbs., harness and waeon. 002 Halolt ave. HARNESS, good and heavy, for $50. Keller. 49 N. Bth at. E. J. HORSES for rent, donble and single. Front st. Phone Main 2208. 540 FOR SALE Three good serviceable horsea. Will sell for $75 each. Front and Taylor, on dock. LIVESTOCK 701 LARGE, young cow; must, sell. $75; heavy milker, gentle. Take Woodlawn car to 22d at.. 2 blocks south. 729 Liberty st. JERSKY-H01.STEI.N 0; 1000-lb. horse, wagon, harness, $70. 510 Kerby. East 3559. $75 BUS fine Jersey family cow. rich milk, kind and gentle. 4503 67th st- Mt. Scott car. GOOD cows, Jersey and Jersey-Holstein ; all fresh: good heavy milkers. 968 Powell at., comer 32d. GCK)D 3-yeax-oid Jersey-Uouleio Woodlawn 833. Call CALVES AND BEEF CATTLE PHONE MARSHALL 2178. WANTEIX LARGE young fresh cows and heavy apringerav all breeds. 753 E. Ash.- ' WANTiJJ Beet, veal aaO Jtoan. Tabor 7831. ' - of March,, 1921, over March, 1920.; Read The Journal Every Day LIVESTOCK 701 8 miles from Woodland, Wish., op north side of . Lr vls river. Tuesday; April. 5. 1921, 11 a. m:t 2H eatfUv rows and heifers, some fresl, snriie springers; two year old Durham I bull; tram of horses; 1 Sikan mares. 5 and 6 years old. Thjs i exceptionally, good tram Une 3-iiVh. wacon almost new , with extra set iron wheels. One set double "har ness, in good shape; one et single harness, in good Nhar One mowing machine and one hay rke (used only two season) . One-team riding cultivator, one grain drill, one potato digger, one harrow, one iS-inrh plow, one platform wales, one No. 15 Pe Laral separator, and many other s farm implements and tools. W. S. Wood & Sons Auctioneers. Abel Stcph, Owner, Woodland, Wash. AmctSoira Sale Will sell at public sal at my place. mile north of Kinneman "Junrtion and -miles west f.f tlresham,-. Or.. - mile north of Powell Valley road, on Kockwood cross-' road, Wednesday, April 6, 19'J1. 11 4- m.. 13 milch cows, tirade ltojstein, grade Jer sey, home f rent, and all have freshened since December a splendid herd of cows; springer heifers, 1 eal calf, 18 month-old grade bull, 1 team large bay marea, wagon, harrow, 14 -inch plow, weeder, almost new ruling cultivator, set double harness, lot milk cans and other tools. Andrew Mc Millan, owner. CoH. W. S. Wood & Sons Auctioneers. FOR SALE Fresh goats ana coming fresh. from $25 up: also milk and kids, and for service two pure Sannon and one Nubian of the best in the Westt. at Portland Qoat Dairy, 82d and Fremont sta. Address R. 1. Hot 46. 10 COWS, fresh and coming fresh in a few days; 4 to 6 gals, per day. Durham Holstein and Jerseys. Will sell or take beef cattle in ex change, 1128 Macadam St.. South Portland car to end of line. 1 block south; 1 block eaat- FOR SALE GOATS Angora, well bred, ma tured. A-i condition, choice fleeces. Mc Menamin farm. Telephones 9X1, Ridgefield, Wash., Main 306, Portland, Or. ' " FOR SALE Jersey Durliam ccw, $35; chick ens, 6 rabbita and large mare Call at 879 F 2th t REGISTERED fresh Toggenburg goats for aale. -'On E. i!rh X. M-V ctr Tnh-sr 54S. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 O. A. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs from heavy laying strain trapnested. egg tested with sex-indicator, $1 for 15 or $5 for 100. C Heinz. Multnomah station. Main 8166. WE have on hand turkeys, ducks, geese ani baby ducks from good stock. Let us supply your wants for anything in the poultry line. Portland Seed Co., ; Main 4040. BARRED ROCK baby chix and eggs; incubator lota specialty. Bronze turkey eggs, i Evana Poultry Yards, 365 E. Lombard. Wdln. 1656. BROWN Leghorn hatching eggs, $1.50 per 15: $8 per 100. Wdln. 2978. Fred Marchant. Columbia blvd., Tyndall su, Kenton j rtation, Portland. , ' SETTING EGGS, White Minorca, Reds Rocks, Toulouse geese. Mammoth Pekin ducks. J. A. OveTdorf, Metzger. Main 8B00. EGGS FOR WINTER Pack your eggs now. Strictly fresh, Infertil eggs. Phone East 404. j PLY'MOUTH rock or English White Leghorn chicks and hatching eggs from bred to lay siocV Berths .! rsren -en . It-1, HilNboro. Or. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn baby chicks ready Monday. April 4. Suderstrom ; Poultry Yard.sl176 Powell Valley road. Tabor 9133. EIGHT young thoroughbred White Leghorn, all laying, $1.25 apiece. B. J. Tashek, 359 E. 57th st. N. 31 WHITIJ Leghorn laying pullets, O tram. It montiis old, Cl.oO each. 11 Main 47H7. after 6 p. m. 75 OR 100 incubator eggs for 10 cents each, 'Sunday next. S. c. Reds of be-t quality, 6403 OO'h st S. E. lent-. Or. T. H. Willhanks. SACRIFICE Fine 1 0 acres, near Bum, Or.. chesp for cash. Consider trade. R-A, Box 186, Portland. 100 THOROUGHBRED R. I. R.. W. Leghorn. R Rock laying pullets. 1918 E. Stark and 75th st TANCHED White 1-giiorn chirks. April hatched $20 per 100. May $18. June $15. Tabor S22. Psrkroe Hatchery. Portland. Or. W HITE LEGHORN spullete, 10 to 12 months old, $1 each; take one or 100. Automatic 021-54; 634 8 S4th st. S. E. SIX W. Wyandotte hen (laying), 1 rooster. 2 settings of eggs, $1.50 per setting. Tabor 73S. WHITE Ijeghorn eggs. $1 per setting. $5: per 100. Address Tbomsen, Rt. 5, Box 101. Oregon City. ! HHOIiK ISLAND RED day old chicks, $15 per 100. Meade strain, 849 E. 73d st. N. Ta bor 12. LAYING year old White Leghorn pullets, $1.35 each. High grade stock. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oreeon. neer Eist 24th. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rocks, win ter layers. $ 1 for setting of 1 5 egga. 95 E. 78th St.. cor. Washington. BARRED ROCK baby chix and eggsi incubator lota specialty. Bronze turkey eggs. Evans Poultry Y'ards. 3(15 E. Lombard. Wdm. 1656. 75 TANCRED chicks. 2 months old, from Ho ganized trapnested stock; $40 takes ail. Tabor 6S67. CHICKEN ranch, 1200-hen capacity, 6 lota; room modem honse. K. Madison and 76th sta. T HO week -old 'fancred White Leghorn chicks. Je each Tshor " . WHITE LEGHORN gs for hatching. Mr. W. Anderson. 32 E. 79th t. S. Tabor 91 28. 20 YOUNG hens, 1 rooter. Robertson stoca. White Tertiorn. 41112 84th st. S. E. FOR SAI.E 4 80-egg Master incubator. At MAMMOTH BLACK MINORCA pullets, soma hens. aH laying. Sellwood 2518. RHODE ISLAND egga; few settings egga, $1. 944 E. Taylor st. j BLACK MINOKCA egg. l.SO per setting; fine tick. 1455 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 440. GOOSE eggs lor sale. Automatic 620-50. Phone .sell. 619 or INCUBATOR for sale at a bargain, 368 Morrknn id. Eat 2405. i 0 E. 9 RABBITS fur sale. Cheap if taken 915 fVmmerria!. - Wdln. 8384. ' at once. t WHITK WyandvT.te hatching egga, be.t of aioek- per kuius. LuiumDia uti. ill the volume of ' POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 PROGRESSIVE HATCH ER Y Trapnested Hocanized. Tanrred White leg horn chicks. $15 per 100; R. I. Ked and Barred Rock, $25 per 1O0; 1 week old W hite leghorns, 20c; 2 weeks, 25e; 2 weeks to ;1 month old, 30 cent; 2 weeks old Barred Rock and R. 1 Red. 30c. j 1534 K. 12th N. Woodlawn 14 85. R. I. RED RAR? .CHICKS'.""' The oldest strain in .Oregon. Have inartp good for years before they were knowri as a breed. We will hare 200fj chirks for delivery on or after April 5. Ail chick are hatched from the strain. Phone j Tabor 6134. 82d and Kendal station. I The kind you want- The kind, wa Chicks J''iz- andottea. Correspondence invited. Free catalog. Order early. C. N. NEEDHAM. Salem. Or. ORDER your May and June chicks now from our heavy producers of a reliable strain; $12.50 per 100; any number. Strong chirks and safe delivery guaranteed. 20 I-r cent with order, balance C. O. D. Tlie Graham W bit Leghorn Farm. R. 3. Woodbnrn. Or. BABY CHICKS From the famous O. A. C. strain. ggs from 22 1 -egg hen nutted to cockerels from aoo ito hens. Rocks. Reds and White Leghorn. Plaeajriur oroer now i-oriina Seed Co:, Front and Yai hill. Main 4040. THE PICK tn-ra 4 thoroughbred black Minorca. all layine, $2 each, or all $1.50 each. One prize winning rooster at $10; one cockerel $7: going out of bu inei. Palmer, lirat huu.-v on rat ide facing 82d it., south of Kendall station, on O. W. P. line. BOOSTERS WANTED Wanted. 500 peopl to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy laying strain of S. C. R. I. Reds; 8 grand pena ta select from. A few good breed ing cockerels yet for sale. W. V. Loomia. 1923 Multnomah st. Phone Tabor 8187. Baby CUiicks R. I. Red and W. Iegborns. Sunderstrom Ponltry yards, 1176 Powell Valley road Tabor 9133. 800.000 WHITE LEGhuK.N BABY CHICKS Bred for eggs, vigor,; size: safe arrival in good condition guaranteed. Write for printed matter how. Oak Heights Poultry farm, R. R. 3. box uni, lacoma. wash. WHY teed heua tliat won L pay you when I guarantee to pick the layers. Write or phone your trouble- to F. Monro, 497 Columbia st.. Aut.- 527-58. Go anywhere. Hoganize and save feed. B,1HY CHICKS , From a mating of the Tancred and Hanson strains of White I-eghorn. Write for ar ticulars. April chicks, 20c; May, 15c- Paul Dudley, mute 4. Beaverton, Or. THOROUGHBRED dark velvet R. I. Red hatch ing eggs, heavy layers. Mead strain, $125 per 15 or $8 per 100. Baby chicks. April 7th hatch, 25c eaeh. Mrs. N. R. Isturie. 0133 85th st. S. E. 't.-, RAISE the fancv ntihtv chicken. S-lver W v andotte eggs, $2.50 per 15 postpaid. 1 or 2 rear -tock. . F 1 inllurn. W ah.i'acu. W'a-h. Member S. W. C. of A. . MAMMOTH Black Minorca. Nixon, hens and cockerel. No better, i Eggs $2.50 per setting. First prize at Spokane. abor 9468. 124 5 Ha!ey st. . . . SPECIAL prices for May and June baby chicks and hatching eags rom our 'tailored and Hol lywood S. C- Leghorns. A rgall'a Poultry Farm, R-l. Box 170. O'egon Citv. Phone 5F2. BABY CHICKS 500 R. I. Red, ready April 3, 2;c each, high grade stock. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon st,, near E. 24th R. I. RED eggs for hatching. 15 for $1.50; $8 per 100; Meade strain. 1128 Macadam st Marshall 2178. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 703 TRAINED ST. ANDREASBURG ROLLEHS (imported). "The canary with a eoliege edu cation." Guaranteed. New shipment. E. B. Flake. Salem. Or DANDY, male fox terrier, 9 months old. $10; first come gets him. 1158 E. Yamhill St., corner 39th. AT SlLD Sons ol the riastera tour time field trial champions. John Proctor and Candy Kid Everelsde Kennel, 5M4 t'oncord' bldg BEAUTIFUL singers for aale. Call the studio. Main 4 BR. BOSTON terrier imp, 3 months old ; reasonable. 713 Kearney, near 22d. Main 1503. ONE Mt. Aiidrcasberg singer an i one' female, 710 .lobn'on. Main 4562 I1 morning'.. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 $1250' This is the niftiest looking and best running car in Portland. Will take light ear or good phonograph as part payment- Call Main 794 5, evenings. REMEMBER We handle a'l . the u "d Fords taken'- in trade by the authorised Ford dealers of Port land. , Look for the Sign USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, . Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. Eat 471. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS RADIATOR SERVICE CO. -IT W ILL PAY" you to ses us about repairing that RADIATOR. FENDER or BODY.' . Expert, guaranteed work at moderate pricos. Cor. Union and Hawthorn avenues. East 8498 .. J woaawt LATE model Ford touring. A-l mechanical con dition : good tires; $100' down will handle. 343 Unioo ave. N., near Broadway. East 66.; Open Sunday, and evenings. FORD tonring. 1914. running 'condition, good tires. $165. UNIVERSAL CAB EXCHANGE. ! Cor. Grand Ave. and K. Y'amhill. East- 471. HERE'S Uiat Cleveland motorcycle you have been 'wanting, st a price you Can afford to pay. Eaat 56, 345 Union ave. N., sear Broad way, frpen Sundays ; and evenings. BUICK 4 One of those good cars in A-l mechanical condition; a real bargain at $350.' So ha be rt. East 56. -"'' BUICK EIGHT 6. roadster. Al hane; good rubber, new paint. Will take smaller car in on trade. JDH GnirxJ ave. r.a-T sssa, ONE veiljll ' tine -Iw i , . $5O0 ; I Fotd, . . . ... 1AI1 r ntni, I IKl'te li HH ,r. . M. V.. bug. price $69; storage battery. $20. Marnall or. ' ill rroni. FOR SALE 1917 Ford roadster body, in good shape. $30. Call Woodlawn 2748. 1 1 ; iij AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 . PRICE ADVANTAGE ON USED AUTOMOBILES During the past three years we have been tha largest retailers id Portland of automobiles. On account of th volume of business w a in po sition to better rebuild service used cars. ' Pries advantage being a better used ear at tha same price ar at a very much lowor end. to you. . . Our ued automobiles are sold with a warranty the una as faetoriea give with new automobiles and 90. days' free aervice. . , s- - ': ' v'R ' -.. On those rare that ars n-it sold with .warranty and free service are sold with ten days' free trial subject to their being returned with full credit on any ether car you may aelect. - Call at our ued car branch .tore at tha earner of Bridway and Couch at, . 1916 Maxwell, good running coclKlon. $ 850 1917 Maiwerl. good running condi'jon . . 400 1918' Maxwell, all . sone over,- repaired and repainted; fine little car, 'too 1920 Maivell roadster, a dandy UtOa car . T75 1918 Knirkr rosd-tor ......... 1920 Veiie big . 8 passenger. . . 5U 1SSO 1918 olds. 8, cood condition and sood tires . , UO0 Rebuilt Essex, sold with warranty; asm as given on new carsr 90 days' ires service 1919 Fjfecx, everything fine condition ..$ 1 350 1920 Essex with warranty and service ..-1400 ' k CHALMEKS BARGAINS 1919-Chalmers roadster, in fins condition $1050 1919 Chalmers light .sis. with holstMit. overhauled and repainted. all in fins condition .. ...................... 450 1920 Chalmers 5 pass..-a real automobile and a decided bargain at..... 1650 REBUILT HUDSON'S WITH 90 DAYS'' KHEK SERVICE AND A FACTOR Y, WARRANTY 1917 Hudson super six; has been rebuilt in our shop, has been repainted and sold ' with a warranty for .....$1250 1918 Hudson super six, rebuilt' and re painted, looks just like new; will sell with a factory warranty the same as given on new -automobiles. ......... 1678 1920 Hudson super six, overhsuled and refinitdied like new; sold with factory warranty -that we carry ourselves; great buy . 1900 191,8 Hndon. speedster, sold in -1919,. now with warranty and service; great buy at . ......... 1650 1920 Hudson speedster, all gone over; - sold Willi warranty .............. . 2050 OCR STOliB FOB THESE USED CAM BAH GAIXS AT 40 4(1 BUOADWAY, WHH'H I BUOADWAY AND COUCH STREET PHONE BROADWAY 5789 " C. I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. ' OUR PRICKS ARE ABSOLUTELY THE LOWEST IN THE.' IT Y K ixVITK -COMPARISON WK GUARANTEE ALL O.I II ( A1IS toME N IX; THE WKATIIKH S FINE '- We ; have ' Fords. Chev'rolets. Buiek. PaigA.. Mitchell,: Saxons, Clialnurs and I lodges. TERMS TO SUIT " POHTLAXDAUTORAI.ES 352 Ritmside Street. Corner Park I'hone Broadway 3650 1918- IHltMiE TOURING Kxcelletit mechanical condition, two tops lour ing and sedan, a big value., $sti0. 1917. DODGE TOURING Good running order, bargain $fl.'0. 1920 FOIID ROADSTER Starter block, good condition, locks like new Natural -wood wheels, demountable rinia. extra tire, chain, top cover, Yale lock. $375. PALACE GARAGE CO. 12ih and Stark Bdwy. 1572 A REAL BARGAIN 1918 Chevrolet touring ...... t $395 1917 Chevrolet touring 3 SO 1917 Maxwell touring 350 1918 Studebaker 4 , 4 9.1 1918 Ford 1 -ton truck 475 Model 83 Overland touring. 4 75 DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE CARS BE FORE YOU BUY. SOME ARE LIKE NEW. TERMS IF HESIRED. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 3770. Grand ave. at Hawthorne. M. B. FHSCH Ea.S3 i Radiators., fenders, bodies, hoods. Sifeigj ea auto sheet-metal work a apecial- . fj. IVJ- iui ion ,u r;" Phone BROADWAY 2299 CYT.INDER AND BLOCK EXPERTS . Scored cylinders finished complete, fenders, frames, aluminum raiiea, aaw and gear teeth, flues ' and boilers. heavy welding. Pistons welled. Portable outfit. Independent Weld ing Shop. " East Wash and Water ata. Pbous Eaat 2782: ' j WEAVER, TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO.". . - TIRE REPAIRING 883-385 Burnside at Broadway " A 1 I KN I ION i If you are looking for a bargain, liere ,H K 1920 Maxwell, all new tires, bumper, jspotlight, wind deflector, plate glass in ba'-k : all you would want on a car; $725; terms Phone Woodlawn 2344 I FORD Coupe, 1920. fin condition; many ex tras. $695. J ' ' ! '-.:. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Y'amhill. East 471- 1 to JO roitii louring, 111 fine .-utMitism, .-hiK-k absorber. '21 license, apeedotneteri eh-cl nr rer. almost new Urea: 4i with term", I, jl,, T7 o-n Ct """'t . FORD roadeter. 1918, (ks and runs like new, $350: srieedometer. good tires, $393; terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor, Grand Ave, and E. Yamhill. East 471. ,1(1x3 MICHFLIN 5 ply tires. $20 " Nons better We know how to repair tires . Vul can Tire Shop. Grand ave. at Pine E 4806 CASH raid tor. '-Id cars, conditi n no, object ; parts for all makes 01 rsr-. 1 rHirnpm xjll 4(v t-lsnd-r, near Hth Biry 3503. MmK lMtv . I 1920 Ilodee touring, all cord tires? yoir ean'l (v ot this 1 OHO terms Woodlawn 2344 : - FORD BI O f ,a t e '19 motor, new paint,-all acceasortea. 48 West Winchell st , Kenton. WcHdlawn 4706. FOR HAI.ECHEAP: 117 Hud in Suihtt Mix: 1917 Saxon, and 1920 Cb-vnlet. All (n t-f e)x. co-dition yd -ood ,i.s . . n i aa3S FORD one-tnn, worm-drive truck, $345. 1'XIVERSAL CAR "EXCHANGE. , - Cof Grand Ave. and K. Yamhill. East 471J A("'" i"-i K'v'' " i. -II c... PORTLAND ATJTO W'RECKINO CO.. 881 ALDER ST.. EAST 7866. LATE 1920 King, runs snd locks like new. Will sacrifice and give terms. Broadway An'n Inn. E. !d and Broadway. Mill Hi;LL. 1914; 8 cylinder, 5 lawntet auto; : been overhauled; will sell cheap on monthly payments to suit. Room 208 Washington Bldg 1018' CHEVROLET A-l eofHiition will sacrifice end give terms. Broadfaay Auto T E. 8d and Broadway. ' 1919 BRISCOE tor sale, or all! take piayer piano a part payment. Call Wdln.) 1580 or call 1795 Brandon -t. ' T OLDS 8. a ")d as new. lr C. Ii. Ixngreen, -19th and Alberta. I'hone Woodlawn I34'J or Marshall 2766. BY, -OWNER 5-Tiaseriger Chalmera car: yi first class mechanical condition. Call Tabor 173. BUCK 6. 1918 Model K 4, in absolutely first cum condition, good aint, good rubber, etc. A nan at sno.'.0. 735 Clininn Soil. 1134. 5-PA.HSENGEU Cadillae T overliaulrd. oe paint, fpare tires. A snap. 3'JW Wberman. FORD roadster snap, !. 742 Glisan. Maui j.wit, - 1918 FORD touring, ahurk sbsoser, apeeiloni eter; sa'-n'iee. f30O. Main ansa, , NEW BUG BODY. ' CheAp. 368-70 E. Morriaoo. Eaat 2405. AUTOMOBILES -FOR SALE t2 This List Speaks ' For Itself Iwik it over and then com nd buy: 1913 MitchrU 5 pass. 4 cyL 1 300 1916 Briscoe touring ........... 425 1916 Mitchell Six, 7 pass.......... 400 1918 Chevrolet touring..... 600 1917 Mitch. :i touring, new paint, . 830 1920 Premier. T paaa.; like new, at aiiecial price. U916 Mai well , touring .'. , 250 1916 Chevrolet tonring S7B 1918 Overland. good ahaie. new . paint 6a0 The following cars are exceptionally good buys, all are in A 1 shape and have been overhauled: '1019 Hrlroe touring, new laiint snd lop . . J $ 750 19I8 Mitchell touring, new tires... 1150 11918 Mitchell,.' 7 pat., cord Urea.. 1200 1919 Hup Sclan, new iint lob .. 17 5" We hare many others and can supply ion with a used car al the priee you wmi to tms. n charjre fof broke kerage. Hiid reajwnahle terms when desired. MitcheSS, Lewis & y Slaver Co. BROADWAY AMi EVERETT ST. Phone Bdwy. 4675. USED CARS We have one r the largest stocks fvf new -ars on tlie Pacific roast. Our buyer, M i- I ' "ohe. ! Ill t relum.d Irom a trinn loer the slate and has seeureo hun dreils of ears front dealers who must sell. Thene ears villi be sold at a big reduction from their real value. Following U a sam ple of our slot k : i BUH'K 7 PASSENGER. ' JO U K 5 PASSENGER CHANDLER DISPATCH. IKHM-.K LATE MODEL. CHALMERS SOME BI T. ' STI DERAKER CHUMMY ROADSTER. STUDEBAKER BIG 6 ROADSTER. STUDEBAKER 4 ROADSTER. WILLYS KNIGHT 7-PASS CHEAP. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET FINE SHAPE. STEPHENS NF.Ani.T NEW. OLDS 6 NEARLY NEW. MERCER -'LATE MODEL. DODGE ROADSTER. 19-'" PACKARD 12 WONDERFUL RUT. ItODGK .SEDAN LATE MODEL. BUH'K 4 SEDAN HEAL HI V CHEVROLET BUG CLASSY BUS. ' i WINTOV 102IK NEARLY NEW. I COLE 8 FINE SHAPE. WE HAVE ANY NUMBER UK' t H EV Rt (LETS MAXWELLS FORDS All niiKlels, and insny wnndrrful buys in these small car. TERMS. i USED CAR WAREHOUSE, ; Largest Used Car Warehouse in I'. inland. I Grand Ave at E Taylor St., ! Automatic 2 14 IO. FIVE FORD BUGSFIVE TO PICK FROM I I 1 6 Font Inuring ... $ -"5 into Kord road ter. tail delivery... '.'M 117 Ford .touring . HUs Ford Pmriiia 1918 Ford road Icr, extras 1919 Fonl timntig starter type..., IP-'tl Ford louring, starter, curat.. Ifl'.'O Ford roadster, alartcr. et. . . . - 1 920 Ford coui. starter, nl '1820 Ford Sedan, startrr, ext.... 1 02O Ford chassis, starter ........ 1917 Saxon 4 roadster 1914 AiHierson, elect, equipped ... 1913 Hup touring 1913 B'lhk tourini 1916 Overland touring, starter,.... 1916 Mttrhel. Al shae ......... 1917 Oakland A touring 1918 Overland 90t :mmtry Club.,, 1917 Chalmers 0.. touring ........ 1917 Grant 6. touring, overhauled. . 1918 Overland 85. touring, repainted - 1919 Oakland 0. 'touring, like new. . 1919 Mitchell 6. touring overha-ulcd 1919 Paige 7 passenger, like new. . :too 3HU 14 5 4 2 523 5u0 62 5 7o n: r.n 20 2U0 2 5 1 1 22 3 2 50 ar.o 450 ' 5O0 550 MIO ft.-.O N4I11 X50 ' 14T.0 l2t I levels nd u. touring, like new u.i ALL CAU8 AS REPRESENTED OR VOL R MONEY REFUNDED VHANSO.N'8 I'SED CAR EX. . East 4376. Union ave. snd Belmont st. Upstairs. Open Evenings and Sunday. III? Ill UK road U'r, Jil-I overhauled. n w paint, kcmnI ronditioti, 'rnap, $190, 1918 Olds 8, will take small rar in trade. Model 75 Overland, no reasonable offer Ve il -rd - 1918 Veiln tonring. . 1920 Moore touring, this car Is brand new. we will sell at nig discount. . 7-pesaenger Paige, good condition, eotd lirei," $850 t 1920 Chevrolet delivery. $.150. . Several Ford bugs. $150 to $330. t I91H Indian mo4orcycl with idi er. $275 1 188 GRAND AVE EAHTOr.H. 1 Kll A I I. owner will sell- reKnable, lale t tl"- chandhr Dispatch, dark blue, wrxxl wheels, runl less thun .Minn miles, cost $2350 new wilholil, extra: has Alcmite greasing syi-tcm, aitra tire.' tube, bumper snd spotlight; would consider Ford' idnn in exchange , cah difference. Tabor 660 E 54th st. N. " 1920, 7 PASSENGER HUDSON TOURING CAR. 1 NEW CORD TIRES, FINE MECIIANI f CAL SHAPE AND APPEARANCE. CALL ADAMS BDWY. 8047. THE FENDER MAN i. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out while' you wait; also repairs -radiators and bodieaf Broadway 8214. 80 N. 11th at., near Burnside , HA l -s y.n louring, in new c.rfuiiuou, oriven oniy 7000 miles. Big sacrifase at $1500. In vpect this car at Weber a garae. East SOi and Belmont, or see owner evenings at 843 's Belmont and Et 27th. j ItATE 1919 NASH J In excellent conditim. Has always had thef best of care. Glcar cords with new one forj, txtra. A bargain. Phone Main 1331 for detn-o on trato-n snd I'tr i H5 lliilli TOIiRINr, $385 f . General appearance of this car as new t good tires, lens, imtllght, i-iihinieter, cutout, j shock absorta-nt. If Interested call evenings alters o'clock. Fnt 'J9fl. ... - - L 1YRD delivery, running condition, '21 li'rnss. $133. J - UNIVERSAL f'AR EXCHANGE. I-Cor.- Grand Ave. and E Yamhill. Fast 471. H LSrii-.A , . ne of tho nomilar light car thsr wil plea yo-i; 1920 model, like . new. 13..0; my pss ( vm" ertna. Phone Wwidlawn 7344 & , : ? , :,. r LATE 1019 Oakland touring, in A-l condition ,. 5 good tirea, spotlight, cheap: give good Irrmi , Ask for Morrison, Ea t 3, 345 Union ave. S ,p hear Brawny Open Sumliiys snd evening-. , (111. ItOl.t. I 'llll lir'i, Mllilss AMI IO Nfs. LIKE NEW. UiTS OC EXTRAS, TERMsl TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. CALL 4-'lrr rtvf.tloVT F.tKT SI'S I. DANDY Chevrolet ter forale, $rt.".. Cii. and 'ee it. 1 a-hion Hiahle . E I 1 tb inja Fleodee- f- L'iiliri K., c Il.r.'. Hiindv- hovs i?95. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, 1- for. Grand Ave, erel E. Yamhill. F.a-t 471. t IHiIGK touring for aale: owner leaving gund condition; must rl at owe, $4-3. 774' Thurman Main 846 l OV Eiti.A'XD ' foatiiter. just .overhauled. 3 new. tires; no reasonaoie mier rfiunoi. I u ones. W'odlawn 441. zrni rieeeti at. MAXWELL juit tnoruugiiiy overhatileil. guar anteed in irfe't condition. 3o0. be4; owner. Globe Garage, 50 X: 2Qth. T TVE PUT Steel teeth Tn your old fbwrTeeT F . - I. I. .-M U It U 1 . . S . 1 ' rrank-hAft tomilsX. H ihop, &34 Anler t. Broadway 4 I t llUI.)l, '- -( , M. ft t s"",4 iijr. j -v )t 1 1 ! I H FOitll colli e. )U I in II. W, A It II r t4M 1 will trade lor tr.iinng, balance I, ran E.-' ir" r SPECIAL built Studebaker bug rosdnter; tli. -; ear i up to. tue minute; must ba Bold once; $500. Fst 4461. 1S17 II I I'll oll i.K. good running order, pric, cheap Csll Woodlswn 240O after 8 p. a. ' Wdln 21 19. , f EXPERT VI M'ANIZtXti AND CAR WA.iHl.N( llfh St. Tlra A Service, 109 11th. LATE snolri lord de.iverv. $3011 ; l.ika ar run- good 77 Washington, basement. L-.tfflk . h K-l sr l,s ,.l ..In. J THteear. Csll 94 Thurman, Aulo. 5'4 3 I " ! JIS I overhauled 1916 Viitii louring, tx i ; ira.. $225 5"'.'0 92d -t Auto. Dni 2H I FORD roadster or delivery quick sale, $160' town, bsMltee ea-y terms 7 4a i,li-in (Continue on Following Paul) r. t. ! V