13 MONDAY, APRIL- 4. 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON 1 for rent FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ."VJCKIT furnished .room, modem house, nvar sunny noil, third floor, one or two ladies, employed; C. H. preferred; electricity and gas; adjoining bath; downtown. No H. K. roodM. UU Mn 730$ between 0:80 and "5. evcept Sunday. ' LA RG K, airy room, with board, in private home with bom privilege ; references exchanged. Phone Kat 2173 or call at a&S Larrabee near Broadway, NlCEl.y FCH.NI8UED ROOM I hare a beautiful front bedroom, nicely fur nished and very light, walking distance; lady pre ferred. Msr4.aU 212. 01HL. EUPLOXKD TO LESSONS, PIANO. WALKING DISTANCE ESKNCEct. MAIN SOI MlAkE 11 jkT, MCKlC HOME PRIVILEGES. ; REASONABLE; REiT 8. FURNISHED room, ti water, with board, "2 women. 055 Kearney, Bdwv 4S3. 'in beds, hot and cold gentlemen or 2 business near 2 let. 'I. M. ear. A NICEXT flemished room (or gent 148 7 2d st- N., phone Tabor 475. . FRONT hl-Ehi'INO KUOM ' Plaaaant and clean. Easy walking distance from town. $13 per month. 294 13th at. 53)-S7 ROOMS 1 famished outside room. lights, heat, use of kth Walking dl tinw, 4 74 F,. A-h st. LA ROE ilrant front room, furnace heat, -hot water, phone, electric lights, block from Rone City car. for one or two gentlemen. Reason able. ' I'hnne KsMf 2I0. SLKErlMi ROOMS Well furnished outside sleeping rooms. Rooms on first floor and cln " to car lines. 887 East Ankeny st, or phone Ka.it 80n4 N R 'ELK furnished sleeping rooms, hot and colu water, bath and phone, desirable neighborhood, rlose in. price reasonable, 273 14Ui at- Main 75. NICK clean front room in respectable iiuror; walkinc distance to town; brat, hath and light free; rent, reasonable. Main 217 J. 848 4ih t NEWLY furnished front room; free phone, gits. heat and bath, (4 per week. Private family, flood residence district. Walking distance. 8H.1 13 tii at. Marshall 3787. PLEASANT large troht rouui in a lovely mod ern home suitable for one. of two, kitchen privilege if desired; garage alio. 1441 E. Mor rison. ' Tabor 8850. I'LMM, rlCNNY ROOM FOR tl.NK Ult TWO MEN; MODERN, PTIONE. ETC 454 K. MARKET fsTKKET. TWO BLOCKS SOOTH OK HAWTllllK.NK AVE. iKAT, well furniahed aleepmg room on first floor; furnace neat, electric lights and running water; walking distance; $4 per week. Call Bdwy. 1102 - MCELY furnished room, with kitchenette, hot and cold water, in room, electric light and fur nace heat; bath and phone; reasonable rent. 601 Weah at. -- NICELY furnished front room, for gentlemen only; telephone and bath; 1 block from 2 car- lines: also walking diatanee;- reasonable) rate. Tall Est 7172. TWO and 3 room aiwrlmeiit and single h. k. room now vacant; hot and cold water, steam heat, osa of bath, all outside rooms, walking distance-; 20 K. 6th st. N. 3 NICK, comfortable sleeping rooms in private home. Nfew; ail modern bouse; good district; 1 block to csrlirie. 118 Miwouri. Wdln. 2717. Nl'fcl,Y furnui.ed, laige ruomt furnacce heat, 1 block from 'i carhnea, 2H K. Hth t- N. Ks-t 3152 tUKNISHKO front sleeping room, nice and clean, three windows. Price right for quiet grntlemsn. 4S1 10t)t st R.. cot. Jscknn. u Alix Dl. iige, Hiicu; intKiern, uui and cold water in room, walking distance; prefer business man. gentleman only. 1'L IO ISHKK sieepiiig room suitable for 1 or 2 people, first floor; rent reasonable. Phone Broadway 4401. W5 verton st COSY KIKJM ANi POKCH, C111CAP, 515 Mor iion t. W A KM. clean aleepmg rooms,- cioee in 11 H 10th St. TWO rooms and bath, suitable for 2 gentlemen together. 2731 f'ohwnbia st. ROOM AND BOARD 302 VK'K't a, ir iivaiii', u u v J COtlKINO, PLEASANT IUMJMS. ALL CON VENIKNf'KS. CORNKR 11TH AND EAST CLAY. EAST 7719. ROOM and board for trastneta girls, all modern eonvenieneee; walking diKtanee; SJ per week. Antomstic 2I0-74. 1 2 K. 7th st. 482 MORRISON. CORNER 13fh: LARGE KCM1M. MCITABL.K t OH a; MOL1JSRN CON VENIKNCE.S ROOM AN1 BOARD Hotel CUrno; steam heat, not and cold water in all rooms. Meals. liiHJM and boanl an per week. Near carline and stockyards. 17 73 Denver. Wdln. 85. A good Lome- ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 KOOSI and board in large home, modern, with use. of piano, phone and garage: large grounds: nl.nl v nf milk mirmt mil fmit vua .mm. 1.1 a Tabor 663. CHOICE ioois. single or double. 2 meals: home prvtiees; walking distance. Eat 8362. O.VK NICK room and board in pnval famii, located in one of Portland s best neighbor hoods on the east aide; all home privUeges given. 219 7. LV REtXWOOn. pleasant room,, with good board and home privileges; suitable for 2 people; 1 block from car. ellwood 1H4. Sl.NULE room, nicely furnished, home privileges. urge beauaiui yaM, quiet neighborhood, walk ing distance. 285 14th at., cor. Jefferson. Main 2538. ANY young working man who would appreciate good room and board, cheap, in nice) eom fonbale home; aboukt call Tabor C875. 214 K. 83d st. ' A (iOOD home in Cbri.tian Science' family for children between) 8 and 10 years of age. Call at 1204 Nortuweatem . Bank bldg.. bet. 10:30 inn :.in. f KICELY furnished room and board. 601 E. Main, corner 15th. . East 8493. KOtHI sad board for 2 gentlemen or man and wife, employed, in, Laurelhurst. This is something out of the ordinary. 1092 H Glan ders. Aub 223-23. MAN'l'Kl To board and room httle girl. in mv ewn home, age between 4 and 5 ; ck-s in ; $20 month Et 72P WHO. board. 2 little girls in private home; pleasant surroundings ; near 2 good schools, 1 5 minutes ride from town. Wdln. S70K. PHEONIX HOTEL Room and table board. 521 Shaver, eor. of 15th. WANTED for company, iady boarder, room and board (20 a month. Klia e'inney. R. 2, Oerrais. Or. A LADY with a good -home will take care of children or win keep boarders at 558 N. 23d st Main 25. WANTED 2 men to room and board. 34i E. tn it-.SH. Phone Kant 1681. HOME privileges: man and wife to room and noara. i3 E. Momaon. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 HOCSEKEEPINt and sleeping rooms, single and en suite, adults only. 4 block, tram Or pheiim. 227 Broadway. Main 4044. AELL furnished sleeping room; steam beat, clean 'and comfortable; block from Library. 435 Tamhill. SINtiLE HOUSEKEEPIN ROOM kitchenette. Walking ditsnce. 14 16th rt N. I HNISHED 11. K. apts.. dose in. on 2d and 3d floors: light, water and heat furnished. TWO M-iatrate light U. K.. rooms; mi 'children over 1 year of age preferred; may have garden 'Pace Marshall 1639. 1 1-KiliT housekeepiDg room. Ouuside room. Light, heat, gas and ue of bath. Half block to eiriine. Call IP .. 10th st. N. la HIM (or one or two gentlemen; homelike. juv t Bmmii. list. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; wslk- ing qisiance. ssn Montgomery, cor. Bdwy. TWO room housekeeping flats, 83.50 week. 34 front, near Market. CLEAN, neat, furnished housekeeping rooms, single and domhle. 1 65 Stout st. Marshall 67 7. 'TWO furnished Jtousekeepina rooms for rani. OAA -1 . . AAAn NEAT, clean housekeeping suites. No objection ' ennqnu. vpni wasnington. iwwy. ii2n. CLEAN furnished house keeping rooms; reaMin- ame wajaing fli-tsnce 312 14 Hawthorne ave. TWO tTLEAN, suuny well fumi-hed H. K. toonisv Irvinrtcn district. Kan 425. 441 K. 13th N. 1 LARGE light tu k. room. 334 Mill at., cor. nmiqyiy. MODERN h. a. 2 room auines and sleeping rooms a reaucea pnce; ciooe m. aawj. 3240, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS i FURNISHED 304 s ;i Clean Housekeeping . Rooms : Close in. Medium prices. Two and three room apts. 164 W. Park st. : DANDY 2 or 3 -room 1L K. spaixment, outside rooms, walking diatanee; well furnished, sight, heat, running water, telephone and bath, . all furnished. This is a snap. 20 E. 15th St., corner of Ah. s 2 LAKfiK clean front rooms on 1st floor, ex cellent location, ' walking distance, electric lights, bath, phone free; also bachelor's house keeping room in basement. 594 Everett, Broad way 388. PiEAsANT, clean, t attractive, -inexpensive i fur nished 1, 2 or 4' rm. apartments, south west side, t'ultoa ear. Phone, lighu included. Mar. 1204. i , SEE THIS RtMjM Three front light housekeetrtn rooms ery tvasonshle; walking distance; very light and clean, r.sxt 835. 2-ROOM apartment and single housekeeping room. 550 Couch it. . . 2 FTJRNISHED housekeeping rooms, $16 month. , 1 7 1 7i Portsmouth. Coi. 343. LAK-E, clean front ft. K. room, bath, eieetric lights, suitable for two; walking distance to town or shipyard, 83 per weefc. - 22tt Harrison st. A lit.- .'.21-7S. ; II Its T floor, large, clean outaide 11. K. room, with kitchenette, close in, snitable for. two persona. Rent reasonable. 28 4 Jefferson, at 5th st. Glean and Comfortable H,aakt-utniE r-rfm. All modem convenience, f 'Ion,' in. lth Kt- ' - For Rent . Housekeeping rooms, walking distance. ! Mr. WHcot. phone East B7fl7. ! FOl'R fnmished IL K. rooms, with bath.! Ta bor 3594. HOTljJ, ROYAL Morriwn and E. Third. Htusekeet)iiig rooms, single or en uote. but and cold water, t-am beat; also sleefiiag rooms. Trsnient rrr by week. Et-it.NI.SIlED APARTMENTS Good furnished apartments, heat, lights, nse of bath; walking distance. HO hi Grand ava. N.. or phene K. 1384.' LAlKiE two-room suite with porch, well fur nished, clenn. ! Abw sleeping room, ' across from Y. M. C A.: Reasonable rates. Marshall 1675. SINULE HOCSEKEEPING ROOMS. NEWLY DECORATED, ALL OUTSIDE. THREE MIN UTES' WALK TO CENTER OK" TOWS. 261 BROADWAY. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS T- , y Dandy h. k. oomi, light and gas furnished, downstairs outside oomj ; walking distance. Call 452 H Couch, or Aut. 237-44. . I'iioM' 2 rmiiu hou.-ekteiitig suite, with ur uith out sleeping porch. Bath, lights, beat and phone free. leirable location, walking distance. ReeoTTshle to nice people. 12 N. 22d st. tiI.;LE front bou-M-keeping room on 1st floor. Good furniture. .Walking distance. Free phene and hath. Suitable for employed couple., Uca sonshle. No chilrirn. 134 N. 16th st. ' THE ANUELLi 1, 2 or 3 room housekeeping suite. - Free light, phone and bath. Close in. Rental rea sonable 72 Mi-rth ft. FABIAN HOTEL' 1 3 -room nicely furnished apt. Also single room 4Hi4 Wa-li: "t. ONE room, or room snd kitclieiiette. free; phone, electric light, running water and bath: very reasonable: walking distance, 2!5 Seventeenth 1 .. 1 , , ,. m.in -tun V. 1 I. I,.. 1,111 ii. Housekeeping rooms; free uste of phone.' light, bath and furnace heat. Near heart of city. 39Q Salmon st. Marshall 3370 'OUbYkDTl Di vr rillk)Bllfu LARGE housekeeping room wiui clothes closet and pantry; free phone, bath, heat and electric light; reasonable; close in, 446 Taylor, near Twelfth. Marshall 3354. HOTEL ROYAL MORRISON A VI) IV TH1H n Modern II. K. rooms, single or ensuite. Close in. $4 per week up. - ONE large -I'-roora suite, also one large room with kitchenette, nice and clean, electric light and furnace heat. 387 Taylor, near West Park . 825 MONTH, coaipietely furnixhed h. k. suites; clean, large, light rooms, rutin in g hot water, gas range, every convenience. Save carfare. Hotel Cadillac. 3d nesr Jefferwrn. CITS VIEvr HOTEL Good, clean housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple; also sleeping rooms. 293 hi Union ave., 1 hlk. south of Hawthorne. NICELY FURNISHED. SINGLE AND ENSUITE, running water, light and airy, conventiently arranged, 5 minutes' to center of town- 309 Clay st. Automatic 511-63. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' Nic 4ot 1 or 2 people, newly painted and tinted; also large furnished front room. 1SM1 W. I'ark st. CLE A N h. k. rooms with water, ga. electricity. sink. 1 single room 89 a month, 2 rooms 817 a month; walking distance, good car service. All outside rooms. 504 K. Clay. LAKtlE. eiran h. k. rm., comfortable, furnished, suitable for desirable married couple working during day or single lady: nb children. Del Monte, ibt Stout st.. near 2th and Wash, sts. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite, strictly modern, close in; reasonable rates 407 Columbia st. Main 7466. THREE suuny. desirable, furnished housekeeping rooms; adults; walking distance. 555 Yam hill st. Main 4 413. NEAT housekeeping rooni with porch, .cheap; an other $8 mo.; also airy housekeeping rooms, sink, etc.. for rent Wednesday. 206 13th st. WELL-FURNISHED single housekeeping room, hot and cold water, electric lights, 5-minute walk to center of town. 4 69 Taylor. TWO extra larve furnished housekeeping rooms wirh gas furnished; also single -housekeeping room; rent reasonable. 508 Davis st ONE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. 4.50 per week; also -one at 84 ; close in, free phone, light -and water. 432 Jefferson st Phone Main 2703. FURNISHED housekeeping room, gas and elec tricity furniibed. 84 a week. 301 li7th, cor. Columbia. Foil H KNT To permanent, desirable teuant-s. furnished housekeeping rooms, 83 and up per week. 357 12th st CLEAN. NEAT HOC HE KEEPING ROOMS, SINGLE AND EN SUITE. 83.50 TO 8S PER WKFK. 455 ALDKH. CORNKR 1 3TH. lAUi;F, well furnished hou-ekeeping and sleep ing rooms, extra clean and finely furnished. r,n.l i :iien et Mar-lisll 347. 2 H. K. rwrns, first floor, front apartment; 2 beds, running Water sad range. 191 Park st near Yamhitl. ONE large room, with kitchenette, , on first fliHir, including heat, light and running water, reasonaWa rates. 405 West Park. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 FIVE or 4 hou-ekeepmg rooms. Ground floor. Irge shady yard. Also 2 rooms, second floor. Free phone. Reasonable. . Walking distance. 355 14th st. Msin 1585. THREE larse rooms, large pantry, sink, n. w. tank connected to range, first floor, close in ; phone, elec. lights and water free, 825. 553 4 th st - - 4 NICE rooms, $12; 3 rooms, 810; water free; ail upstairs. 75 E. 76th st N.. 1 block south "MV" car. ' . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS .Clean outsid ltouWaeepiiig room and kitchen, private entrance: also single rooms; walking dis- tance. 46 Union ave. N.. near Couch st '1WO il. K. rvouis. enH'iric lights, giu, use of phone, wash trays and bath. 835. 2 adults. $62 Misissippi ave. Phone WoodJawn 1672, Vt Mock of 2 car Bnes. FDR RENT 1 neat, clean h. k. rooms; furnace. - -. b'-im wiQiwun , (uoq oase- 5? for- 'aundry All linen furnished ; clean. Wdln. 4545 Rooms! Rooms I 2 rooms, furnished complete for housekeep Ing: walking di.-tance: adults. 11 E. 14th N. NICELY furnislied rooms for light housekeeping, nice outside rooms, reasonable waiking dis tance and 3 blocks from carline. 474 E. Oak, cor. 9th. t THKEE well furnished housekeeping rooms, ga electricity, water; 18 month, steady people. 743 First st, near Porter, west side. SUITE h. k. rooms, electric light, bath, phone, heati single room for bachelor. 327 Clacka- jnas st East SOS1. TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished or nninr- ni&hed. suitable for elderly people. Sunnyside ear. 93ft K. Taylor st THKEE rooms, well furnished, for H. K.; elec tric lights: 822 per month. Adults. 703 East Washington. TWO furnislied housekeeping rooms. ait sleep ing; very light, walking distance. 1T1 Si. 17th st Broadwav 5710. 817 OR 82 PER MONTH fumished for housekeeping. or 3 rooms, East 4 239. TWO light housekeeping rooms, first floor; rent very reasonable. Phone Eat- 835. TWO sunny, airy, scenic, clean front rooms, private entrance; adults. Cast 2619. J mw ii(urf MAT tsrit i r?s- siwt 1 . . fiEfiACi: UD AND KtZ?i cod L DRY PLACr" s . , A 4 ' - v if ' 6 jerm2, w J jam PC tin!i:ii:n:N!Hi1n;n;;iiin:!ni''imw;mij;i;in;iM "''"'" iH-enimimuHiimimii'mn'win'ii-.i. i t . : -; 1 1 - i: -.i:: FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, in modern home, suitable for employed couple; also one single housekeeping room with beat and electric light fumbhed 631 Marshall, cor. 20-,h." P.dwy. 3262. NICE furnished 1L IZ. rooms, ' electric lighu and ica-s. bath, close in; outeide rooms; alao garage. llatea reasonable. 427 3d st- Main 77S9. LAKCE well furnished outside shaping room in private- family: free phone and bath, for jne o' two: reasonable price. 707 .Flanders st. Main 4.131. SMATX hoti'ckeeping room, suitable for bachelor. 154 N. 18th. N 11 ;El.V i ur in - lied lri -ilii riMui.-. Jccl ric liBht-. . hot and cold watr, $7 per month 1229 Front. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 JAEGER APAETMENT 701 Washington st. One three-room furnished apt, April 2nd. TWO large, clean rooms witn bath, adjo-ming, in modem hoi;se, desirable, district: light, heat and gas furnished. 772 Marshall st. Main 512S. 2 UOOMfi furnLhed and 4 unfurnished; light, heat and water; very reasonable. . 789 Kearney. Marshall 345W. See This Apartment 3 room furnished apartment, private; bath. Marshall 1002. 3 KU UN I. SHED rooms for rent in oeautiful home, 1 room with kitchenette, suitable fot 2 or 3 gentlemen, parlor, fireplace and home conveniences: easy walking distance. 61 N. 18th. HISLOP 11AL.I. APT., 410li Hawthorne near Orand, 3 room furoi bed apt., beautifully clean and strictly modern, $45 to $50; valking distance. I'hone East 8K2.. Nicely Fmrnlslhied Apt. 2 room furnished apartment for rent 631 Thurroan. Kfliry. 1437. THE JEFEEliWi NIAN. lth and Jefferton, easy walking distance; desirable two and three room apartment, large pleasant rooms, uiual accommodations: adults otily, $33 and' up. I'I MBERU.VD APTS. W. PAKK-A.M COLLI! BIA I aires JS room apt., also 2 rooms; walking distance from town. THE ELM WOOD Strictly first class 3 room apartment, 2 dis apiwariiig bls, tile bath, drestimg room, etc; adults. 41S lt'th. Main OflOO. PA HK AI'AKTMKNTM Modem 4-room aiiartmcnt, hardwood floors, fireplace, dres-.ng room, etc.; $65. .352 ILir ricn. Mar-hall 1S3. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS Two and three rooms. Strictly modern, bath; elevator. 11th and Montgomery. Tile 3 ROOM furnished and 2 room furnished apart ment tor rent April 1; 10 minutes' walk from business section, west side. . Chetopa apart ments. Broadway 4P3rt. THE C OLUMBIAN Newly furnished and renovated outside 3 and 4 room apt., price m--derate. 11th and Colum bia. Phone Main 1011. DAVENPORT APARTMENTS 3 room furnished apt. for rent; private bath and phone. Housekeeping room. 1'boue Main 543.1. ONE unfurnished aud one ltirnishcd modern 3 room apt.; private bath; adults only. 14UH Killingsworth are. , $35 A MONTH for a 2 room modern apt., with bath. 2 rooms without bath, $25 a month. 402 H 3d st. FCRNISHED half basement housekeeping apt., adults. 619 Sumner. $17.50. Phone Wdln. 2975. Alberts csr. . 2 ROOM apartment, with light, phone and batb, suitable for married people; ilso 1 sleeping room. C. S. jyeferred. Main 7005. 257 12TH ST.. one large room and kitchenette, ground floor, walking distance, everything fur nished but cooking gas. ONE 2 ROOM WELL FURNISHED APART MENT. $5 PER WEEK. 290 Vi N. 21ST. BROADWAY 1226. - . 'I HE tiKUit K- Ijk rge - room well lurnuli.d apt., 1S1' fJrover st. Take South Portland csr Msin 158 POUTNOMAU 4 rooms, sleeping porch. Lard wood floors, high grade furniture, walking dis tsnce: adults. 200 E. l 3th. Phone Est 4276. TWt cteau rooms with large alcove and bath. nearly furnished. Ea-st 12th. near Washmg tcn; $27. 5Q. adults only. Ea.t 1 66. ; 3-K1MJM furnished apartment, Harrison Court. 34 Fifth st. Main 514S. 1 3-KOI IJ1 apartmeut, 5 blocks from Morrtion s. Adults only. Main 6213. ONE, two and three-room apartuienu, clean and rcs.onabl. 203 Stanton st. 3 ROOM apt., with garage, can pay rent in work. Tabor 426. FTRNISHEI apartment for rent- 564 Glisan. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 THE SHEFFIELD Four room unfurnished corner apartment, rea sonable rental, including phnnft, heat and water. 272 BROADWAY IKV1NO APARTMENTS 4 large outside rooms, with private bath. Unfurnished. Reasonable. 21st and Irving. Main 923. S AND 4-ROOM apartment; all outside rooms; modem, heat and wated furnished. Washing ton hhrh apartment" Phone Eat 31 82.' FLATS FURNISHED 309 3-KOOM furnished flat close in, lease 6 months or longer. $28 month. 51 JC. 7th, be Iven fk and Pine. FURNISHED 5 room lower flat for rent, lights, phone aud piano, adults, for 2 months, $43 per month. 1090 E. 1 5th st N. Wdln. 2975. 1HKEE clean furnished light liousckeeuiug rooms; adults only; one $20. Taka Brooklyn car to door. " 21st st. -it'MJl fUitiLli4t lial lir rein autl fuimture tr sale. K. Market. W. 7. 1 LA I tjit KENT, furisiture for tola. 414 hi l'ark gt. i l-hoao Tabor iXH. L pi J UJA um, i "DIME - SALAD DRESSING - ' ' i ' ' va TO SUNDAY JOURNAL "DIME A - LINE" , CASH WANT AD PATRONS ON THIS THURS DAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH AND ( 8TH THE MANUFACTURER SAYS: Q. P. Mayonnaise is seasoned and blended just right just the proper proportion of salad oil, egg, vinegar, lemon and spices.. It is blended by master chefs who know. It gives to a salad just that certain unknown quality that relish that zest which is the consummation of desirability in flavor. i i ' ' r You get a big bottle of this delicious dressing absolutely free by simply bring ing a cash want" ad for the big Suriday Journal of April 10 to The Journal office or any of its "Dime-a-Line"' want ad service stations on this. Thursday or Friday, April 7th or 8th. Try to come early. , j You can bay your "Dime-a-Line" Journal Want Ad at any of the follow ing Journal Want Ad Service Stations and get your present just the same as though you came to The Journal Office: THE OWL DRUG CO. STORE, Broadway andWashington , FREDERICK C. FORBES DRUG CO., Grand Ave and East Morrison KILLINGSWORTH DRUG CO., Killingsworth and Albina I MATTHIEU DRUG STORE, Russell Street and Williams Avenue ST. JOHNS PHARMACY, St. Johns j r !. One insertion, ' insertions, 50c ; 2 lines. e- X-1 ni;ti - ;ii.ih:m i i m , i. t i j 1 i i i -i i i 1 , u t I ; i . ii ; h 1 i i i t i i i ' :' mmi FOR RENT t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 ' LOTS 403 4 I'N FURNISHED for housekeeping, water, light, " ' , bath, phone; mature coupie preferred; no chil- . . ' rtrci. a Clinton St.. on carline. Sellwd. 614. JT50 now? THREE large unfurnished outside rooms, bath, pipriifisr electric lights and telerhone. Modern build- $1350 ing, furnace beau Walking distance. 580 Hcyt. nesr N. lth. Bdwy. 4830. $20 mantn fj, trees, rich garden aoiL de- ti R(.HM flat, unfurauhed, 667 hi Hood. Mar- walks, pressure water, good view of Talley and shall 4313. mountains; beautiful building site. 4 ROOM flat for rent, $18, water included. 508 Market St.. near Chapman. j HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 THREE 4 room cottages. $10 per month. One Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. free 6 months in eschange for repair. Bet. Tnman-Poulsen mill and Hawthorne bridge. East ,- 2 726. :; T CALL BHOADWAY 6M NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPAMY WATCH!!! WASHI.NOTfiy AT TEVTH STREET ' ELK TRANSFER Ml STORAGE CO. WESTOVER TERRACES 15 Days 8 to rage Free. . ,, Furniture moved for less. Bdwy. 2443. "PorUand s Be Vhjw Homesltes. PLVNO and furniture moving, experienced man; HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary. local and long-distance hauling; autoa. Dorses. Miers-Bockenfeld. Main 5848. INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES AVE move furniture ot S-4- room bouse for $10. For further information. Mam 6290. 110 Tenth St. Pittock Block. Bdwy 110. IRVINGTON bouse, 8 rooms, at 711 Thomp- : , son street. 1 " 5-ltOOM cottage in good neighborhood and clean: tS'1 no children. E. U, 521 Montgomery st. , I01, . -'Zm IRVINttTON DISTRICT. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 SpAf.STS 4-room modern furnished house; yard. Walking SPECIAL. distance. S30 Market near 17th rt. SEE US AT ONCE 3 ROOM furnished house, newly papered, painted So!h HSOBTlOodlSOini C3o, snri yard. Inquire 527 Market nesr 16th st. T. " T v., A.., . .' ; ; r 1 633 N. W. Bank Bfc Main 3787. ELEGANTLY furnished house, fruit treea, gar- rw...... den. high elevation, reasonable. 252 Gibbs. $1 DOWN $1 WEEK ' 50x100. Cement.walks. .'No gravel. Al berta car. Kennedy school. Do you know of HOI ISFS..F?JRNITURE FOR SALE 311 any better lots for $300? MUU5fc5.-l UKIM 1 UM, r KJK ZHKUC A 1 A r w. CART. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. 8 ROOM house for rent or lease; turnitu for .,..,.,. sale, wot aide. A bargain if Uken before T n Y . T . - , 16th of ApriL D-171. Journal. I 3nrat loU while Oiey lat at extremely 1 : low prices. See J. A. Mrt arty, 270 Mi Stark st. o ROOM fiat for rent; furniture for sale. 11 Main 17O0. or evenings. Tabor 5057. Kearney, nesr 22d. Ma!h 1563. iOl U LAST CHANCE FLAT fT i-nt, furniture for sale. Main 5889. "Ture lhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. ' - McCarty. 270 hi SUrk. Main 1700; evenjogs STORES AND HALLS 314 NO QUESTION, now is the time to build a FOR KENT About block with . sidetrack home Walnut park will furnish the homesite. and shed at K. 50th and Hawthorne ave., for Best in the city. Call Wdln. 851. ! BMSd STcSal'cl E. Wand ISdoSj BKI,K9'ft W-tout ; Phone Tsbor 1742. , : ' i tiTtta-v inri ot' inn n. oil 50x100, K3d. hi block Oilman; walk and euro MORE ROOM for rent, 25x100, i noora, 211 in $100 A , 83 d ( Oak Ft Inquire Metropolitan Printing Co.. . 9th and Couch. ' - r , BAHN with 12 stalls or can be used for furniture ' HOUSES "" . 404 storage. 2&5 RuwelL . WOODSTOCK HOME T Sl'Ai 'E tor 2 barbtr chairs in buy cararoum. Six room, nice appearing house. 3 bedrooms. 1 4 2 Mississippi. , ; bath, linen closet, big pantry, nuiltins, etc. ; full FOR desirable space in fireproof warehouse, cement basement and trays, new pipcless fur Phone Bdwy. 3715. - nace, cement walks, 100x100 corner lot, fruit s trees, berries, some garden in; garage, chickens, - rabbits, linoleums and stair carpet, 2 blocks to OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 car: $84Utl lOI cash. bal. 2 Pt ano in (TOOD liaht. room with phoue and desk. $12.5(1. teret. 58th ave. and 43d st. 8. E. Sell. 2661. 5Q9 McKay b'dg. , $5 DOWN. S22.SO MONTHLY DESK room, with telephone and at.nographio 5 roomx wtUge gas, city water, patent service Phone Bdwy. 37 IB. toilet, on paved street, price $1495 SUMMER RESORTS 316 PK2ffi SERJLAJS S 5 ROOM cottage, near Sea View, Wash., until vf LTt"" '" June 20. . all Tabor 1041. 732 CHAM OF COM. WANTED TO RENT A r,lTTLE garden can be made to pay for nr APARTMENTS - 357 home; get one of those 3 or 4 room bunga- ,. 5 . -' - . i l"vs being built on acre lots betwen Irrington RESPONSIBLE couple desires 3 room furnished- p,rk and Columbia bird.; payment like rent: apartment May 1 ; east side, Sunnyside car pre- take Alberta car to 80th and Ainsworth, walk 2 ferred: state rental. K-Q77. Journal. blocks north. Owner. 517 C'orbett bldg. BY APRIL 15, 2 rooms or room and kitcbenn- ' s ette. suitable for 2 adults, reasonable rent FAMILY ilat on Oorbett st., street improve- H 277. JmirnsL ments ail in and paid for. 5 ruoms in each fiat, with tjaiement and attic. Some furniture FLATS 359 f jth the pUce. Price only $2750. Will BY APRIL 15, small furnished flat suitable giT? 'T1 terms- for 2 or 3 adults; reasonable rent H-276, j0ll!ni0nO0d0n CO. ' Jonrnat 633 N W. Bank bldg. Main 878 7:. HOUSES 361 ERROL I1E1G11 la : . $650 down, o rofims and bath, modern buntca- RENTAL BCREAtj low, city conveniences without city taxes; fine List your houses, flats or apartments with soil, large garden, most all in : hot bed, barn, in: quick results and good tenants. strawberries, loganberries; most healthy and quiet PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE, LOAX9 surroundings, closa to school and 2 carlines; SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO $2100 and assume contract; $15.50 a month. 53 Fourth st.. op p. Multnomah HoteL Phone Sellwood 1780 for directions to p'ace. Ph" Broadway 371S su,1eHN H mn bo. galo. style i...use with .11 XW ANTED -To lea&e by reliable party. 6-room th bufltins, fireplace, cement basement, besu- cottage. Will take best tf care, no children, tiful lot. paved street, on carline, near Wil- References exchanged. Call East 8234 week lamette blvd. Only $4450; terms a'TooM urnd TJaTwith fireplace, fine JofoSlSOnBodSOm CO. location; only $800, on .leased ground, rent 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 876.7. $2.50 per month; also a 2-room house, $2.25. REAL BARGAIN . Automatic 510-18. Plaetered house, 1 story, ft rooms, bath, tot- o OR t kmiui mouern house, respuhainle family, let, basement, gaa, good condition but needs ! not to exceed $2Q or $25. Aut., 326-5Q. some paper and paint, which would make it : WANTEO to rent. 4 or 6 room modern sutrar- JJ2MQ01WMiLh bllance f k- Tt" ban cotta Tabor 8027. WIru 4702 1000 cah- balanr tk rent- real estate for sale For Sale by Owner ; APARTMENTS AND FLAT . 5 rooms, gas, electric lighta. water, 8 lota pjQpj-j-y 402 hed',le 657 7B erTes" brn and auto BK.tV-Au' Jn ,prUn,i P- house. FOR SALE, by owner, an attracUve, well built. iJ 1 payment down. Balance terms. modern bungalow, with garage, convenient to 5WI '4 Hood st. Reed college and golf links, all improvement , paid, cement basement, finished attic CaU Sell. - LOTS -S 403 881. 1302 Kat 1 7th. ( LALKELHl HUT LOT BARs;AI.VS r GOOD BUILDING for 2 family flat, one flat Sew J. A. McCarty. 270 hi Stark. Main ' U finished. $1800. $50O down, balance 170O: evenings. Tsbor 8057. monthly. Sea owner. 750 Killingsworth ave. AB FOR SALE -Bj owner, 4 acres and hi acre r to 22d' : , with 2 bouses, barn and chicken - house in LOOK A small ranch In the city. Iota 7. 8, 9, Irrington; and add. 89 kits cheap. East 762. and 32. 83, 34. neat 3 room house, berries -I WO Ills l niter,nv usra close ti. car .nd nd traii- inPemenU an paid Will exchange for two lots. niker-.it para, close to car ana Owner 105ft V w school; sewer in; street paved; $D00. CU B T m luatt ' a4t" N. iHn Fl'ke t.. 15 W. Jessnp. ROOM bouse, near vef f eraon ; lot 49x100; FOR' SAt Lot 40x120 at 59th ave. and '"oo'"! 54th it.,li block to W. S. car. Price $250 ii. agents. $240O. $900 down. 121 cash. Call at 879 E: 26Ui st A inert. Try im v m ifl,ian TTZ itu n , o kt .lie- LOT - 75xl0t, and 3 room nou.se, fruit trees and B,yvsaL? 5?2tu cjimsrzxzx -prk FOR HALF. iMjt 50x78. E. 2th next to comer Phone East 2093. ' of K. Everett. K-81S. Journal. ; $450 0 W EST SIDE; '1' room! bath. gas. elec- GOOD residence lot in 71st st. at Halsey, at a .trieity, 2 fireplaces, cement basement, fuB lot. bargain; all city liena paid. Tabor 1543. ; Owner, 467 10th at. A - LINE" TO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL This Week's Present A Large Bottle of Q. P. Mayonnaise FREE! "Dime-a-Line" three insertions' 25c per line seven per line. All ads less than 2 lines will be charged as ,(': Over a Quarter Million People Read The " '' Journal Every Day. " ' ' "".. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ROSE CITY PARC 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $5150 hi block north of Sandy blvd., on 49th St. m.- Full basement, furnace. fireplace. Large living room and dining room, built-in effects; Dutch kitchen, screened in back porch. " j Attic for storage, full lot. east front. . L. HARTMAN COM PANT. ' 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. Branch Offica 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. Smith First St. ' Bunga!ow&3 1! 5 - $350 Down . ' Extra large lot, pavement, sewer, five rooms, plastered, with best of -plumbing. Two dandy bedrooms. House in excellent condition. This is a real snap. -BIHRCAREY 211 rt, ex nr. blix; , STARK AT THIRD ST. MAIN 7487. OPEN EVENINGS ' Iff You Are Going to Build WE FURNISH FREE SKETCHES Plans by licenced architects and engineers. Open Sunday and. Evenings, by Appointment. Guaranteed' Estimates We will help finance in. deirahle location. ' See us before negotiating elsewhere. v. American Contractors Association Brosdwsy 4 887. J 311 Henry bids. OWNER Ls offering beautiful Laurelhnrst home for immediate sale at a very low price, gi It must be sold quickly. Thia home is extra well built, brick and stucco exterior, plate glass windows, hardwood flpor throughout; 4 well ventilated bedrooms, langa ventilated closets, mahogany buffet and bookcases, 2 fireplaces. large1 garage; 100x1 no comer, east and suuih facing, many fine varieties of shrubs, roses and flowers. We recommend thia as a first dasa borne and advise you to arrange an appointment to see it at once, i JolnosonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. Are You Procrasti In other words, are you putting off buying that home? Think it over now, and then come this very day to see us we have it for you: Open all day. CABLE REALTY CO. 5829 72D ST. S. E. AUTOMATIC 13 3 FOR SA1.E, HY OW.NLlt ONLY 5 large rooms. $5000. West slope Mt Tabor. Fine neighborhood. nar vchool and 1 block from car. Pared streets, driveway and garage. 28 ft. living room, II. W. floors, fire place, builtrliis, Dutch kitchen, full attic and basement, furnace and laundry. Thi? Is not a fliro-y. built to sell house. $1500 cavil. - Pos sesion May 1st. I Shown by ajipointment only. Tabor 1515 I $475 CASH PRICE $3775 Here la a beautiful white bungalow of 5 larce rooms and floored attic, Iutch kitchen, built-iu buffet, concrete basement, first class furnace, wash trays. 50xlOO lot, located Eaat Mt. Ta.bor section. Now. stop paying rent. This home is vacaatt. Yon can move m tomorrow. We ll help you make the first payment, if necessary. 0OMTE Sc KOHLMAN, Main. 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ALBERTA , $70O $650 down, balanc easy term. B room house la perfect condition, neat little home, full basement and all other convenience; right on paved street, 1 block from carline and near school. ' ' JohnsonDodson Co. . 633 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 377. ALL FURNISHED 1 block to car, 5 room modern bnngaBw, all on one floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, break fast nook, swell garage. This is a beautiful home. Furnished. $4950; unfurnished, ft 4 50; . terms. Eat 8Q3 3. ' . - -., $3400. $800 IKJWN, buys a good 5 room bun galow, with full basement, wash trays, apple and cherry trees and berries; garage; on E. 19th st. South, near Insley St.. S blocks from Sellwood ear. Balance easy terms. Call Mr. Wegner, WoorTlawn 6367. - $5500. $1000 DOWN, buys a beautiful home on East 19th st. near Alberta; 2 fireplaces, built in bookcases, full basement, furnace, toilet up and downstairs, 50x100 lot; hi block from ear. Bal. easy terms. Call Mr. Wegner. Woodlawn 6367. BEAUTIFUL. Calif, bungalow, price $14511. clear of all debt, now under construction, net complete, hut clean rnd classy, block to ear, just north of Prnn. Park, about hi cash. 146 Fat Wtaffnrd. $2600, $$00 IKJWN, bus a nine 5 room bun galow on 55th and Powell Valley road. Toilet, bath, garage, 53x100- lot. Ralanca easy terms. Call Wecner. Woodlswn 6367. FOR SALE By owner. $28UU; terms. 5-ronra modem hoae. full basement, garage, frim. East front 1 block f rem Alberta car. 1079 K. 2th st. N. A SNAP FURNISHED Three rooms, '1 lot, 6 blocks to car, $1050, $200 cash, balance easy. WILLIAMS REALTY COMPANY. 617-43 . . , BARGAIN S room modem boose, paved street, imp. paid. $2700. $1000 down. 469 Koselawu ava. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A. G. TEEPE CO. - $870041 rooms and den. Beautiful corner lot. .with fruit trees. This is located close in. one block from, car: paving and - aewe paid. It alone i worth prob ably $2000. Can b handled en very easy terms, too. r $3900 ROSB CITY PARK DISTRICT. Thia attractive bungalow of .5 rooms is lo cated near' 36th and Knott su. : $500 cash will handle. To the riiiht person We might -even arrange a smaller pay ment. - Large lot; paring paid. - This bungalow has a fireplacw' and fuyaca, full cement basement. ---' 4600 M t are offering here a new buhfaloW of ' 5-! rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, ' " buffet, lnitch kitchirli.' breakfast room, . - - full cement basement; most expensive plumbing, tile door, flush tub, shower, etc. This bungalow is beautifully papered- with expensive tapestry paper. . Vou'd never expert to buy auch a t-nh-- alantlally built hom-one so well fin . islu-il for ,ao- litOe money on auch " easy- trm, I : . i. $4650 ROSE CITY PARK. 6 room bunga low with fireplace, furnace, full . ce ment : basement, etc.V Im-ated njsr .Sandy, 4cijig east. . -An inpeetli,n will convince su that surely here is i bargain; paving and .sewer pud; terms, with o is-r tpvi jirr- ' on Da.aiue. 1VR A REAL HOME - - .. ' . See - :,A, Q. Teepe. Co. : Kenton :B"ungaSow- : 2800$600,,Down ; Modern, fivc-n-om bungalow .-1th gar age. Two Nafrocm '. all the, bmltins you want. .-French, doom and beau itul light fixtures. This - bungalow is only one year old. snd in excellent condition. BihrCarey- 211 Railway Exchange. Bids., Stark and Third st. j Main 7487. . ' '' - OPEN EVENINGS. BEAl TH-t.L ItLNOAU'W 'i , IN - . - - : ALAMEDA PARK $6500 $1500 down, - balance $13 per mwuth. 5 roonis in perfeiTt ' condition. Th. ct.iitru tion h firBt-cUfw. all rooms attractrety designed, includes all the new features, nice big living room. . The dining ' room l.aa beautiful bnffirt, Ftcnch doors, ktaalicn is very co nvenii-nt. fireHace, furnace, big basement, cloaa to car. All liena paid.. Jdnnson-Do'dson Co. ; 683 V W Bank bfdg: " faln 3787. A POSITIVE BARGAIN $600 CASH BLOCK : TO CAR "The owner has just reduced the price of this homa from $4500 to $3950 and will take $600 cash down.. Description: 7-room, 2-afory bungalow type. 2 bedrooms down and 2 on the upper floor; in the rear of the big lot, 62x156, there is a small cottage that cou'd be rented. There is a good garage with cement runway. There are 10 bearing "fruit trees on the lot, also berries and rose hushes. Remember the total price of the big lot and the t f houses ia' only $3950. ' This is a money maker. - Yi could live in the cottage and se will agree to rent the bungalow for $40 a month. See us at one. . ' . COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main 6550. - i 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JUST FOR YOU This handsome home on two lota in good location and good ttcighhorhuod and only 2 blocks to car, -with sidewalk all the way. Special features, are- Full basement, cemented on sides and floor; especially .good kitchen, with - built ins', large inclosed sleeping porch, beside. 2 nice bedrooms. . They are all on one floor. Very pretty yard with plenty of .fruit; good chicken house and run. a first class garage with cement foundation and cement floor. Many other de sirably -things about thia home. It will go quickly .for $30i0; otify . $50 down. CABLE REALTY-CO. 5829 72D ST. S. K.' AUTOMATIC: fll 3 8.l IKVING-TOS DISTRICT . , $6000 Two story, home.- 50xlO0; esn get adjoining lot; 3 nice bedrooms, sun room, sleep ing porch, finished in white and irory, hardwood tloora, fireplace, -furnace, near Irvingtoo car; terms. " : JohnsonDodson Co. 8S N'. W. Bank bldg Main 37T. ' ' WATCH!!' WESTOVER TERRACES ' "i'ortland"a Bast View llomesites" Harold Jungok. Secretary.. INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES 110 10th St. -. Pittock BIk. Bdwy. 110. . - " - OVEB.I.OOK district " " $6600, handsome bungalow, like new; recep tion hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath on lower floor; garage; eay terms. - . ' :.Johh'son-Dodson Co. - 633 N. W. Bink Bldj. Main 3787. CIT'S VIEW SELLWtcODS BEST Ml" Y Mu-t - have 'larger house, 6 room. 2 strry square house, all newly painted few months ago, large living and dining room finihd in ivory, tapestry paper, garage, paved sts.'; $5501, some terms. Will sell completely f umUhed. Hcllwood 2706. 544 Maiden. : 3800 $800 DOWN By ownef, ' tianv bungalow, )ut finished, comer lot, on pavement; lota of built-ins, hardwood floors, finished" hi old ivory, swell plumbing and electric fixtures; nice, garaga and runwaya. Tabor 1555. 601 E. 8th. $1850 CASH. OU TERMS FOR $2000 4 room plastered ' house, electric lights," bath and toilet. ' cement foundation, lot 50x215, fruit and all kinds of berries, good esitbuildi rigs. This is a snap, need money right away.".- -U39 Ochoco ave'., Sellwood Gardens. - . PIEDMONT DISTRICT For sale, tt room bouse, bath and toilet, gas and electricity; plenty of fruit. Price $2200. $740 ra-li. balance monthly payment. No. 76 Portland blvd. .' BY OWNER Three large moms. firt floor; second floor" 3 - rooms, .6 -closet, bath, sleeping porch, basement, : trayi, water heating system ; improvements in and paid. Terms. 5U6 E. 35th st. S R M enr At ANT pleiiOidiy built house, full baxe ment. wash traya, wood lift, fireplace, bath, goud plumbing. . large ceiled attic, alley in rear. 2(0( cash, $2100 terms. Mr. Scott dMriet. "' " Sellw 1 28. GOOii 5 .ROOM .HOUSE $2000 Including al) assessments to date. , fiood cor ner for stores 2 bocks Kennedy school; Alberta car. R. W. Cary, (1219 N W. Bank bids. Main 1 64 8. EXTRA fine 6 room bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, built inn, garage.- ' 695 E. 62d st. H. Owner. 5 ROOM modern hou-a, ha rdvosi floors, ( 75 1 0U foot lot; all kinds of fruit: nice garden. Price $2800, $100 cash. balance $15 per month. SL Johns car tn 1409 Olympla. Phone nenr-r, hn'ine hour", 212-26. FOR SALE--5-rwm buniraiiw. douhle coni'iructr ed. plaftcred " attic, full basement fireplace, wa-h trays, built-in buffet, 1 block from paved street and carline. 8300O: term Auto. 61 9-86. 4 2d and lUfee C'y. real brxaiu, G-twui lioie - all milTii oak flojrs, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, hi block from Sandy. $50OO; term. Tsbor 7765, 7 ROOM -' bouse, 4 "to 1 'acre of land, bearing fruit, paved street, be-t place id dutrict, come see it. : Owner 0657 82d st., iB2d and 68th ave. ' SELLWOOl room him e, terra. Make an offer today; mil t sell this week. 509 Maiden ave., Kelwr?d car. ' x MAliGA IN 5 rioin hi.u.-e, t-mner, luriiL ijed. All goes f cr $2200. H. K. que block to csr. tenw: 2nri wa-mngion st. FOR SALE 2 k.t-s" 100 feet Miure. 7 roi.ia house, furnace.- hot and eold water, electric light and gas. Inquire " Woodlswn BO 16. BARGAIN in 41-rfNjm' moileru bou.. near .ear; . gas, electricity, hot water, 2 kits nicely fenced; term". '6'iftO M.h '-. l.ent-. Auto. 21 1. FOlt SALE 0-rooui house. 2 Jot, all plumping, sidewalk.' 18- fruit trees; $2500. 985 Hlan- dina, Irvine St. " - , " i-utluM moiera house, 0 Lkts, chii;ken houses for 1 200 bens, also- greenhouse if wanted. E. Madison at 76th. - wi"U -lv.-r-m biuttfiL.W, A-l . condition, full lot, $10frO caeb. -Owner, 664 . Ellis ave. Sellwood car Auto, 233-f3, WE BUILD YOUR HOME on monthly paymenta if you have clear kit EtuBictt Co., 414 E. Stark FOil SALE B owner, attraetiva cottage; M . 50x100 ft. Rosea and berries. 736 E. 80th et. N. Rose Off Park ear. ' FR SAL1-; 4 room house, $tl)0; HlOxKMi; 95 Florida St. Inquire 225 2d St. ' Jas. E. Keller ." . FIVE room modern house, big lot and hste- ntmi, lv e-nuui .uu car. i rir w&nrir. Will take car a first payment. 94 K. 1H.-.N. IRVINGTON, 8 tourni. A real snap. Ptiona owner. e.it cri.-i FOR- 8ALF 5 room hou-e. 6" lt, fruit and CMtHKf in 5 room coitaee. 872 E. 6tu t.J easy terms. Anto. 23.3-51. - - '--". BY OWNER 5-rtmm modern ho and! garage." K, N. aibctts nftrict. FOR HALE 5-Mom moiiern bungalow near R. C. p. school. 430. Tsbor 437. OAK UKUVK camping space, $4.5 a month. Wood free, creak ou place. .-342, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSfcS 404 $4650 ROSB CITY FARE ONLY $1000 DOWN 6 rm. modern bungalow and garage; has every built-in feature you could want,' auch as Dutch kitchen, orcplace, -buffet, bookcases, bath, toilet, ga and electricity : also large attic. ' This is only Shi blocks from Sandy blvd., cioas) to school. Thia la underprioed for quick sale. " J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bllg. Main 208. Branch Office 15th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. i' ' ' 'Near Jefferson High - Six Rooms-S31l5D $I5!0) Down .. - . fiood looking, well built, tao story, sta room hoiife on fiaveil street with sewer, two M'lo.-k trnni car, and cIobu to Jt l fcrson hlch. Tlific. huge ui'-tali-. bed rooms, , t-Vment basement and laundrr trays Garagr. e . BihrCarey 211 Railway' Exchange Bldg.. Stark and Triid SU. Msm 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. $2500 8 ROOM HOUSE $100 DOWN $3 J PER MONTH - Thia is just the place for a large family to beat high rent.; has all iitofteru convenience, auch as gas, electricity, bath, .toilet, Dutch kitchen. H blx-k to macadamized street, & blocks to lit. Scott car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Maiu 20$. i. LOOK 1U.HL1 A MONEY Uikl.lt I Close in, near Belmont car, w. have a 2-family flat with 2 complete seta of plumbing on both floors. There are 4 rooms and bath on lower and 9 and bath on the upper floor, fireplace on each floor, full cement baseanent, front and bac-k entrance to both floors. Moth floor are completely furnished lor lioUekeeping : Hie street is paved and paid; the price furrdrhed is $4850, with' $10(10 cash, balance less than rent; buy thia and we'll agree to rent the unier flat for $40 monthly and you could urc lu the lower flat. . Better see this today. It won t last long. COMTE St KOHLMAN. Main 6550. . 201 Chamber of Conimerre bl'ig. $500 DOWN 10 ROOMS HALF ACRE RIGHT IN TOWN Do you want a big housef Do ymi want a big bargain? Here are both: 10 rooms, white enamel plumbing, newly psprred and tinted. The" !iuuc stanils on a half acre of ground facing a macadamized street.' There is a fine orchard of 20 trees In full bearing. The location is near Woodstock car and .school. The price is $4500. Don t forget, there's a full lialf acre. This place is easily worth $1000 mure. . COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chsmher of Commerce bldjr. 11A W i ll R.N E-,sr.' YMIDE HOME 20th and Salmon His. $10OO Cah. $50 Month Including Tntere.t. Modern 6-rotm home, -laro-e living numi acrsv front of honse, fireplace, buffet, full cement basement, furnaccy, laundry trays, 3 fine bed rooms, sleeping imreh, dep lot, garage, bearing fruit. HENDERSON BANKUS CO . 426 Henry llnlg Rroadwsy 4754 $2t00 $400 CASH 4 room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, lot 50i200. Woodstock district; located at 02d at. and 52d avenue. - Ht:NDEriSON BANKUS CO , 42 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. .475.. 82I.W- 4 ROOMS aud balli; $500 down. Tahor 940. ACREAGE 405 OR BAROAIVS IN ACREAGE hKK AKERSON tc MAitSTERM. 42 , Henry Bldg 1. acre, 1 rm. house, garage, 30 minute out, $!6.), $4 00 dovn. 3 acres, clcafcl and fenced, shack house: good toad, at sta., store, school, I. O. Price $7 50 3 hi acres, cultivated: fruit. 3 rm. house, barn, near Aloha, $2350, $750 down. 5 acres near sla 1 rm. bou-e. bsrn, $1950;' terms. 8 hi acre, cultivated: hmise. ham, chicken bouse, at station: $2400, $6O0 down. 10 acres in crop; . good road; f fair bid.; fruit; ' Oregon City car; horse sod chickens; $3600; terms. i 37 H acres; 1.) cleared; stocked and equipped, hi mile highway; beyond Forest Grove, $3350, $15ou down - 40 acres. 2 cleared; fruit, 2 miles Columbia highway. Price $i(io: $AO down. FOR HAH; A ISM 1U ACREAOE SF.K AKERSON A MARMTEHH. 420 Henry Bids. . DP-TO-DATE. FARMS R.I nrrmi. 40 mrr 'ctttiwtrtt icm iimbfr. hi In nee iattir: lt of tit land A No. noil; fruit, rwrti bH ifliTia. auto mad, 22 arr nfl4 to fall wheat., 1 ft inih aouthwmt of I'ortiand ; J2.O,i0; ea-v trm. ' :'H4 arrf-n. J0 arrt?a riilrltTit!, halanr f lmb-f and pallor; uprtriff, brok, fniit, nrw 8-rvrni llaf"rd hoif hnrtir hm, rrrfh in. auio road, A Nk I no) ; bfrt h of tUw ar c)uk i!ai -m i 1lm Mfor boy; $11,&00; trra. , Alw httc a vhoit 15 ATM nn r f'aHfle hfehwrar. 1 mHii north and at of fair building, aT the" vtorh. f anii - Implav fflfU go tor S5a?A0, mall faymcot. S K. It. MAlifHON. 211 7th' ft., f-gftn ,ty. fr.j KX'i;lJKNT J,AM AT 30 I'KH A (K itrf-. CVrMimhi rinr, bMwen for land and Astoria, 7200 acres of !2r1 off land; jnit p"t on th ntarkvt Jn Mnall . trti'U, dep jrirh will, ulightly rolling. " bk1 tranrortaU'n," arhrol hnrrh, re, iwtf f we, wHrrhmi ami dork. Strv--t now ur hi) yrm can CfC ibfflrfl tcU; eay t'rm, . . . . ; Jo2tnsoniDodsorB Co. SS V W. Hank hid Main S7T. 17 ACRES FOR $1H0U Close to electric; line and harflsurfare road In Clarke cownty, sbmit 5 miles from Vancouver; II acrea clear, balance light brush"' aod soma timber terms. 50 TO $70 PER ACRE Ten and 20 sere tracts,. 10 miles east of Vancouver, considerable timber suitable for. curdwood, ferms K. H. HOLBROOIC CO., 214 l.umiMT KveharMfe hMr. 1 hi ACRES, facing 3fl s., 2 tl'H:ka south . Keutlall ttslion: take O. W. 1". cr. gooi 4 room house, chicki-n hoiifies and other building., fir.t class Well of water; on account of death will sell cheap for cash or half rash. Inquire palmers. - $375 PER ACRE A . beautiful timbered tract of 2.0 close to Ruby station and paved Uase Line, road, $2 5 down, and $10 per month. STHONO A ., ft ft 6 Chsmher of Commerce Bldg. JK' ACREAGE .-r . suonrban timi. you are looking f'.r come to Miiwaukle, we can local you on piece of land from a small lot to 250 a-re trsct GEO. T. PAN Y. Phone 19, Mil- Wl'tkie. ACIcl.8. HALE ACHKrt. $10 PAYMENTS Alberta car Kennedy school. No aementa or gravel. Water to each tract. R W. t.ary, I21 N. W. Hank bldg. Main 1US. REEDVILLE AC REM, A. mile from statuan; DiH-t sell; nb reawmahle offer refund: might accept light car part payment. ;Peteraon, $19 Failing Mf. ' -- h5 ACUl.M wiiluu 25 jniJca ol Portland, $2 0 per acre. $700 cash, balance terms. CaJ or write 54 . R!dw'l sve FOR SALE or rent 1 sere south of Wood lock. Mrs. Cnllison, 443 Kait Cly. FIVE ACttCK, hi cleared, Iwauli'ui view, gaa, Bn'I Run water. Kat 42. ACRKAt;E, close in, quantity to suit; terms; A-l soil. ttwner. 4lifine East 745. TWO. At.'RES. Oregon Electric. & blocks ear, 2 -rooms, creek; $2O00. Tahor 1 ai0. SUBURBAN HOMES 40S I hi ACRES 0 ROOM Hoi KE Small barn. IxiW of fruit. City water No assessments or grsvef. - Alberta car. $30. Term. R. W. Cary.- 1 21 S. XV. Bank bldg. Msn 14 3. ABOUT V acre. 0 roim hour, with two sleep ing porches and son parlor, lot of choice fruit in besrin?, chicken houcs and runs, lawn, rores and shrubbery; within city limits; $5000. Anto. B44-14. - - . . - ' tCooUnuad oo Fellowinf )