SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1821. 13 THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL;, PORTLAND. OREGON HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 Mlid- L. V. toCOTT. lornunr with toe federal emptoywsrot service, furnishes competent of fir women ; also women for ail other tines of em ployment. 829 Henry bids. Hmtdwiy 4587. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20S WANTKIV If yon like to- drew you can earn while 'you learn, with large advertiijig and engraving concern. Bureau of Engraving. 45 4thit. B. H. Greer, office 60S. Bdwy. 1836. Call from t t p, m. ; UNUSED scholarship Behnke-Waiter Jousi niw College, 3-5. A-340. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 GRAMNG A ::1XCAYATIKG - Ma 5 a 6744 , -,. CAI.t, TABOR 6 . :' ' W. POMKROt PlrOWINO. EXCAVATING UiD GRADINQ . 17 K. 47TH ST. V- PORTLAND, OH. ' Ui'SSHAVV & WOOSTER We specialize-' iot rleaninf and reversing old shades. A Lao new shsde made to order. 62 at. N. Aut. 513-14. YOUNG man would like employment after 6 o'clock evenings; salesman by profeaxion, but 'will "take ether work; beat of references. K UHil, Journal. - WANTED Sawa, scissors, -km res and edge toola to sharpen. Also furniture repairing, at 291 Russell st 42 yearV esperieafcc. JiJ lawns fixed, new lawniiput In. garden work iny specialty.: also eemenf-'and earoenter work. ft. , W. Flowers, 242 V.. HHtbAst. S. Tabor 8479. PAiN 1'ING. papering. Tinting; lead and oil used only; work guaranteed. Charles Gorman, Aut. HIS 21. ItME.NT foundations, nouses raised, baaemenia enlarged, rement work of all kinds; reasonable. Ms-hsll 12. - . n,fli(iu. wanted, rperM?nc:d telegrspoer and clerk. C 133. Journal. POSITION as logging superintendent. Would Put in some money. C.-127. Journal. UUUITS Ttrshlngled a speeislty. Phone F-ast 1201. 1'LAei KRING, chimney and cement work. 109 K. 46th t- Tsbor 2658. CARPENTER and contractor, fobbing anything in the building line. Phone East 8658. PAINTING and tinting In all thaw branches. Reasonable. Woodlawn S"2. Vail Bros. CAI. BREATH, the painter. We hang paper right side op. 'lowest rate. Woodlawn 14B4, CEMKNT work; ail kinds. First class only. Sellwood 819. SUNSHINE PAINT COs, reliable painting, tint ing, rerinistiing. Mam u.'4. .Auto, til 4-4. WAN 1 i.U .Small tU ol boulu U keep; 3ay errire. fsln o04S OlMrjNT work at) kuida ana parage. lieaaonaulx.i Oil Tabor 070. CAKl'KN'TKU work wanted by day or contract; firt--l.ta work. Bdwy. 2390. - - Yt . lurnwli material. v rurniah the labor f.r any kind of bntkling fall Willn. ttor. DKK k, lumber, 'Uoont, windowa and tin runt mg,'. Wootllawn n714. . hHl firat-elaas carveater work done in a hurry rail Wdln. 772. ltJUl K tile plaateriiic, repairing and remodeling . neatly none. Aut. au-73. WLNIKJW. 8CBCKNS . MADE TO OBDEB. TABOR 2H4. JlPANKsli school boy wanta a good iMjekjon in a family. .t Orand la Hunt Kant 1572. 1A.IS4JA1'K ganlrner, lawns graded.- seeded, rolled. o29tt. (,OH all roiinit inai lnnii-t. Call Main 1 N34. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE .254 LACK. SCHIM AND MAKQtJISETTE COB TAINS, DHAf-ERIES. IHNE UP L1K.B SEW. WII.I, 'AI.f . EAST K818 VOl Mi W'liiLVN Widow, with ouo 4-ear-old boy, dt-irea rKWiuon as housekeeper. ; A.-dll, Jnnrnxl. , ' I).4,Y work, g to 8 hours Monday. Friday arid Sat unlay; Call between 4 and 5 p. n.. Auto. H4-RS. i'HIVATK tutoring for grade, high school or beginning piano pupils. Tsbor 934. 1 WOMAN wsnt work, nouaevleentng a specialty; ' reliable; references. Phone Broadway 4046. BLANKETS , and bathrobes wahyl at home; called for and deliTered. Fast 8S53." LACK .CC'RTAINS HANI! LvAUNDEKEtJ TT YB8. EXPERIENCE. 30c UP. EAST 18 DRESSMAKING 256 LiEl.Ntj, cieaning, preaaiug, dressmaking, re modeling,, reliniug, alterations, pirating, rea sonable prices. The Cabinet Cleaners & Dyers, 424 Mrrinn. near 11th. Main 125. bUESSMAKING and tailoring, day work pre ( ferred 1 2 years' experience in East. Sat? ' Afaction guaranteed, I'hone Kat 5830. LAOiEj' and diiiilren'A dramaltiiig and tailoA ing; alterations. 622-11. Will do out - to. sew. HKMSTlTCIlINi; So per yard, also drwwnak. ing. 2n Altsky ldg, Third and Morrison. DUKSSMAKIMi lreHees. suits, coat rpmndel awrhifartion guaranteed. Wdln. 2n65.. lltK.SS.HAKl.; by the day. satisfaction cuir- anteed. Tabor 4824. , OUEiSSMAKlNu. ALTERATIONS 11 N. 28d st. Mar. 3374. PII.N 8KWl.NO, 381 E. Iaia St.. or Aut. 231-20. NURSES 257 Wlt.Li take maternity caaea or invalids in my home and gira best of care. 153 N. 16th, Phone Broadway 4403. 3 1'KACTlCALi nn rues desire work; nurse for matron. East 7211. 1'HAI'TICAL. nurw for. confinement cases 25; rrf. Aut 3 1 2-rt. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 NICK ' large ! tront -corner room, running "water near natn, erery . conrenience, warm ana com fortable; rent icaaonable.. East- 6310 morn ings. CL.KAN. nicely furnished sleeping mom, mutable for-two; halt block from Mbrary $3 per ween. owl istnniii. ..Ma rail a II o.i4 l.AlUiK lront slejeiung room, newly tiuUJ and cleaned; alto 2 liousekeepig rooms. The Kingle. 57 Trinity I'lsre. Bdwy. 1796. ST. PAUaUHOTEUiS A respectable downtown, hotel. Traruriente $ 1 up. Special Katee to Permanent Incuts. ' KYAN HOTEL Nicely furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, lint and cold water, some with private bath, rea srinable weekly ratct. 269 1 ttfth st. CLEAN sleeping qr housekeeping rooms, (7 to 12. per month. 2 and 3 room suitea $12 t- $25. Batli and lobby. Quiet and respect able. 414 N. 10th st. , SLEKl'INti KCHMS 4 . One jsleepina room now recent. Reasonable rates, walking distance. Mrs. K. Tocom, 55 E. 14th at. at Osk. NEAT. CLEAN SLEEPING BOOMS FBOM 3 TO tl PEU MEEK. 435 ALDEB, COB NER OK 13TH. . ItKASA.NT outside rleeping rooms 'or men onW; electric lights, $2.50 and $3 by the week. Tran-ont one per night. HO Vj N. 3d st. LARGE KBONT ROOM, LIGHT AND AIRT. M ITABLii KOK TWO. o7 ELLA ST. MAHMHAI,!.. 2702. Kl'BNTSHKi room with prirate baih, including heat, lajht and water. lto-ie-Kliend Apts., jrrrH-niray ana jTTeron I'LEAbANT, well, turnlshed sleeping rooms, neat and clean. Three minutes' walk to center of town. 4 22 Morriron. Fl'K.NidUKO room, c-onneriing bath, in apart ment, suitable for busiuesa woman or gentle- mn. mam ,. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms in the down town district, neit to the Imperial; gentlemen only. S2H Stark t. . CLEAN rooms, sine, wa-er, gaa. etc, in rooms. walking distance. One room $9 per month. Twvmnni sr.. 1 t and Tin. f04 Fast Clay st. NEW HOTEL ROYALi -CentraUy V"ated, 50c per day and n'p. $3 r--r -tth anti nr. T.n St. ONE large tleevina room. iutiii. tn. everything new and clean ; bath and tele -s-fs r.irrson. - starsnail 211. LARGE ouuide sleeping room, nicely fur- HOTEL DAYTON TUF $1 DAY, 2.5u- wwk ui, cloan rooms; baths Tree, tiotci i-annia d near JefTeraon. Hot water, steam heat, eiectrio iighta, in rooms. Rates to working peonje. . FLRNISHED imish jwid hoiixekeeting rooms for rent. Reasonable. 532 Williams ave A oUi.UPl.NG room. -suiUibie for 2 men; 3 room 1 1 1 Wi i 1, l mr,mi m t llXI C.i ' m v.... V II" I KTV, . GOOD i si zed sleeping room for rent at 393 Har-rlsotT;-ws Iking distance.' WARM, clean sleeping rooms, quiet place, close in. srasi sun-. llfs 1 itn sr com Porta Hi.; tujm,. i nTonTLT-aoiMtsT klontgoniery. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 30O IHK New American Hotel at 92 3d n. cor. Flanders la now under American management. It haa been thoroughly cleaned and refurnished with new furniture, H art in a position to render ths beet of service to th moot exacting person at pre-war price. Ed F. Ooddard. mgr. HOTEL OC5CL.EY Mnrrimn at' Tenth. Rates: St day and op; weekly, 95.50 up. free phone and bath. rtteam near ', EN ON HOTKL. Bent Hollar a-day boose' In town. AH modern con venienres, i Bunby Americana. Transient trade solicited. Phone Main 7158. 107 Uh . ilCK H. K. rooms, 1 or a room apts. Electric lights and gas. All outride rooms, near Steel ridge, $2 and up. 222 Vs Crosby, cot. Holladay. MOI'EHN, KDHMiiHUI Ht-MjUM, OAS, KLEj',- TUU", I.KiHTN. HOT ANU ( OLU WATKU, ETC.; IN KMM1 WALKING DISTANCE. 2V4 EAST C'lAY ' STREET. HOTELi -FRANKLIN Washington at 13th. Weekly rates. $5.50 and up, everything modern beat 24 bra. a day; tub snd shower bath. . . . , HOTELBAXTER Furnished -or nnfumi-hed housekeeping or sleeping room. MA car to Amine. COM FORT A ISl.Y furnished sleeping room In private . noma; free ligllt. bath and good neat. Close in; $4. per week 3S Broadway, near Harrison. HOTEL WEST" 5 'Cnrlcr new managemrnt, Kutitiing water in 11 rooms . Rat,-s 50c up. 51 H N. th st. COM FOB TAULY i'l llMSHKu (SLEEPING komh. i ucr, t'tio.r; al 'Jmiil CLEAN AND AIBT. C1ASE-1.N. -'72 PARK ST. - LARGE. AIR1 WELL Fl BNISHED SLEEP ing room. ( j-'ree lisht. plione. bath; furnace heat. Reasonable. , 513 Yamhill St., cor. 16th sr. Ant. 517-32. NEW GREEN HOTEL Nicely furnished modern rooms, " centrally lo cated, ratering to transients and tourist. Week- ly and monthly rates. GORDON HOTEL West Park and Yamhill. Clean, modern rooms -at moderate prices. Permanent and, transient giie?H ftropcriy iresTm. ! ' BOOMS' One room $12. breakfast If dwrfrrd. Call st 51 Fremont si. or phone Auto. 628-30 after in a. m.. MANOR HOTEL. 172 Morrison, cor. 4th. Phone 2508 Niat, cleaq sleeping rocyns and H. K.. Come and ce. AI. b. Gardner, Prop. NICELV FURNISHED LARGE SINGLE OB double front rooms, steam heat, free phone. kitchen privilegm. Walking distance. 470 Columbia St.- Marshall 1843. Hotel Winfie.d . Strictly modern. Price reasonable. Be tween Wash, and Stark 10614 4tli st. HOTEL QLENWOOD Cor. 6th and Bnmslde. Steam beat, hot and cold water; Tree paths: 75c up. $4. BO per week. SI.M,ULMr. MUir-lJ A workintrman's hotel; nice clean rooms st reasonable rates. Transient 50e per day and up. 134 N. 3d. Bdwy. 2218. CRYSTAL HOTEL Outkie rooms, with or without bath. Bates reaonsple. Park slid Alder sts. TRY THE STAND1SH Free phone. All modern conveniences. Every thing furnished, especially in hk. rooms. Tenants treated as tniett. B4B " asnmgton St. WELL-FCRN1SH ED front room, tree phone, light, water, heat and bath: all modern: $3.50 a week: 1 block from car. 6284 Columbia st-, JMSin 291(1. BOOMS Hotel Klickitat. Hot and cold water, steam heat, 1I outside rooms. Walking distance H2H HFtrst snd Hollsrtay sts. WELL furnished sleepiug roomi. gentlemen only. rates $15 and $20 per month. Free iu- or pnone ana Path. its 1 7tn st. aiar. 3tJ7. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LARGE, sunny suite, third floor, one or t-w,o ladies, employed ; v. 8. preferred; eletttncity and gas; adroimng. bath; downtown. No II. K. rooms. Call Main 7333 between 9:30 and 5, except FMirKlay. LARi'E, airy room, with board, in private home with home - privileges; references exchanged. Phone East, 2173 or call at 353 Lerrabee near Broadway. r- LARGE FRONT ROOM 1447 KART ANKKNY.' AUTOMATIC 21 !-:. 1 FURNISHED sleeping room on carline; lights, bath, heat; $10. Wdln.. 3390. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM T have a beautiful front bedrojm, nicely fur rfehed and very linht. Vralking distance; lady pre- rerreo. Marshall 212. GIRL EMPLOYED TO. HIIARE FIAT, Mtsld LESHtiNS, PIANO. HO MR PRIVILEGES, WALKING DISTANCE: REASONABLE; BEF KRENCF.S. MAIN 301S. FURNISHED .room, twin beds, hot and cold water, with board, 2 gentlemen or 2 business women. 655 Kearney, near 21st. D. M. car. Bdwy 4 63. A NICELY furnished room for gent. 148 7 2d at. iiuuao xaoor aa. FlUIN'X HLEEl'lNi ROOM Pleasant and clean. Easy walking distance from town. . $15 lr month. 2U4 13tU st. 531-37. ROOMS 1 fnmivbed niilitle riim liohta heat. nt of bath. Walking distance. 74 K. A-h ht. LARGE pleasant frimt room, furuace heat, hot - water, phone, electric lights, block from Rose City car. For one or two gentlemen. Reason able. Phone East 3106. SLEEPING ROOMS T Well furnished outside sleeping rooms. Rooms on first floor and close to car lines. 387 East Aiikenyst, or phone East 3064. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and co:a water, bath and phone, desirable neighborhood, close in, price reasonable. 273 14th st. Main 7KM5. NEWLY furnished front room; tree phone, gad, heat and bath, $4 per week. Private family. Good residence district. Walking distance. oo.i iatn st. alarsnall 2787 i'LEASAN li iatge trout room in a loveiv mud- ern home suitable for one of two, kitchen privilege if desired; garage also. 1441 E. Mor rison. Tabor S850. CLEAN. SI NNV ROOM Fofct ONE OB TWO MEN; MODERN. PHONE. ETC 454 E. MARKET STREET. TWO BLOCKS SOUTH lc HA vt Till (KPN fi All. NEAT, well furnished steeping room on first floor; furnace heat, electric lights antl running water; walking distance; $4 per week. Call Bdwy. 1102 ' NICELY furnirhed room, with kitchenette, hot and cold water in room, electric light and fur nace heat; bath and phone; reasonable rent. 61 Wash st. NICELY i-urnianed front room, lor gentlemen only; telephone and bath; 1 block from 2 car' lines; also walking distance; reasonable rate. Call Eat 7172. TWO and 3 room apartments and single li. k. room now vacant ; hot and cold water, steam heat, use of bath, all outside rooms, walking distance; 2rt E. 6th ft. N. 257 12TH ST.- Large, strictly modern, hot and cold water in room, walking distance; prater business man, gentleman only. 4 NICE, coinfortabltt sleeping rooms In private - home. New; all modem house; good district; 1 block to -csrline. 1183 Missouri. Wdln. 2717.. FURNISHED sleeping room, suitable for on or two people; first floor; rent reasonable, rbone Broadway 4401. 665 rreCon st. FURNISHED room in private home, well furn- irfied. light, warm room; walking distance. Eet 4Q07 331 Hseswlo st. N1CEL.Y furnished sleeping room, newly reno- vated and decorated, suitable for 2, $10 per mo. n j o vcmmnia st. NICELY furuisl.ed, laige room, furnacoe heat. 1 block front 3 carhnes, ,2$ E. th St. N. East 3152. FURNISHED front 'aleeping room, nice and clean, three windows. Price ritfht for quiet gentleman, ent mm st. H.. nor. Jackson. 1HSY BOOM AND POUCH, C1LEAP. 515 Mor rison st, , WARM, dean sleeping rooms, close in 1 1 H 1)th ST." CL.KAA, ijiurt room, good neighborhood, i2 ' Hos wt. ; 2 Mocks Broadway bridge. ROOM AND BOARD 302 ItOAUli. tuiic Altl JJ r. CiMKIXG, PI.SANT ROOMS, AIX CON-VENIENCF-S. CORNER 11TH AND EAST i.iiA r. r;.rs i- i i in. BOOM AND BOABD HtHei Ciarno; steam neat, not ana ccmu water in ail rooms. Meals. 243 Hallsosy are. BOOM and board for employed. 378 Rosa st- e.a-r .loo. - otpr rsroaiiway bridge. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 WANTED for company, iady boarder, room and board $20 a month. Ella Finney. B. 2. Gervais, Or. ; ROOM aud board. 341 Beauua Call 6t0i. 172. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROOM and board in large home, modern, with use of piano, phone and garage; large grounds; plenty of miik, egga god fruit; reasonable rate. Tabor nri. CHOICE 'rooms, single or double. - meals; home ONE NICE room and board in private family. located in one of Portland best neighbor hoods en the east aide; ail home privileges given. 2I3-7H. - : IN SELL WOOD pleasant room, with good board and home "Pririleees: suitable for 2 people : 1 block from car. Hellwtiod 184. ANY young working man who would appreciate good room and board, cheap, in nice com fortbsle borne, should- can Tabor 6875. 214 E. 83d st. NICELY famished room and board. 601 E. Main, comer 15th. East 8493. ; r BOOM and board for 2 gentlemen or man and wife, employed, in Leurelhurt This is something out of the ordinary. 1092 . Flan ders. Auto. 223-23. WANTED To board and room httie girl in my own borne, age between 4 and pi cloee in; $20 mown. etin. WILL board 2 little girls in private home; pleasant surroundings; necr 2 good schools, 15 minutes ride from town. Wdln. 3708. FURNISHED bedroom with breakfast: also fur bished bedroom with kitchen privilege. 251 Impont st. East 7S2. ' PHEOMX. HOTEL Room and table board, i 521 Shaver, cor, of loth. WANTED 2 men to room and board. 349 E. 8th st. IS. Phone Kat 16S1. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 Clean Housekeeping. Rooms; T'losf. in. Medium rie- Two and thre fwTTi gpti. If 4 W. Park it. Dundee Apartments 350 Hawthorne are. Pbone East 825. Furr nished housekeeping rooms, $3 to (3. bleeping rooms S3. DAM'Y 2 or 3-ronm 11. K. apartment, ouuide rooms, walking distance; wetl furnished, light, heat, running water, telephone and bath, . all furnished. This is a snap. 20 K. 15th at, corner of Ash. PLEASANT, clean, attractive, inexpensive fur j nished 1,,2 or 4 rot. apartments, sontb west side. Ftilton car. Phone, lights included. Mar. 1204. SEE THIS BOOM Three tront light housekeeping rooms, very reasonable; walking distance; very light and dean. Tt 6R3B. S FURNISHED hooaekeeping rooms, $16 month. 1717 Portsmouth. Uol. 43. LARGE, clean front. It. iv. room, bath, electric lights, suitable for two; walking distance to town or shipyard, $5 per week. 228 Harrison st. Ant. 521-75. FIRiST floor, large clean outside H. K.. room, with kitchenette, close in, suitable for two persons. Bent reasonable. 294 Jefferson, at 5th st. Clean and Comfortable Hcusekeeomg r-iora. All modern conveniences. Close in. 22i! 12th st. For Rent Housekeeping rooms, walking distance. Mr. WilcOT. phone Kat 57f7. FOUR furnished H. K, rooms, with bath. Ta bor 3594. .J HOTEL ROYAL Morrison and E. Third. Housekeeping rooms, single or en suote.i hot ami cold water, steam heat; also sleeping ' rooms. Transient or 'by week. SINGLE housekeeping grooms, on carUne; clean gentlemen only. C& Mississippt FUBNISHED APARTMENTS ' Good furnished apartments, heat, lights, nse of bath: walking distance. 604 Grand ave. N., or pnene r.. Jdfs LARGE two-room suite with porch., well fur nished, clean. Auto sleeping room, aerona from Y.' 11. C. A. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1675 SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. NEWLY DECORATED. ALL OUTSIDE. THREE MIN UTES" -WALK TO CENTER Ob TOWN. 261 BROADWAY. H6Cs'EKEEPt5.-G" BOOMS Dandy h. k. ooms. light and gas furnished, downstairs outside ooms; walking distance. Call 4;-J K. couch, er Aut. 237-44. FmoNT 2 nam housekeeping suite, with or witii- out sleeping porch. Bath, lights, beat and phone free. Desirable location, walking distance. Reasonable to nice people. ' 162 N. 22d t SINGLE front housekeeping room on 1st floor. Good furniture. Walking distance. Free phone and bath. Suitable for employed eouple. Rea sonable. No children. 134 N. 16th at. THE ANGKLUS 1.2 or 3 room housekeeping suite. Free lisht. phone and bath. Close in. Bental rea sonable. 272 Sixth st. FABIAN HOTEL 1 3-ronm nicely furnished apt Also single rocm. 4 II Wash. st. ONE room, or room and kitchenette, free phone. electee light, running water and bath ; very reasonable ; walking distance, 295 Seventeenth St.. coprier Columbia. Mam 7W83. P COMFORTABLY FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms; free use of phone, light, bath and furnace heat. Near heart of city. 390 Salmon st. Marshall 3370. LARGE housekeeping room with clothes closet and pantry; free phone, bath, heat and electric light; reasonable; close in, 446 Taylor, near Twelfth. Marshall 3354. ONE large 2 -room, suite, also one large room with kitchensite, nice and clsn. electric lights and furnace heat- 387 Taylor, near "West Park. $25 MONTH, completely furnished h. k. suites; clean. . large, light rooms, running hot water, gas range,, every convenience. Save carfare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. CLEAN h. k. moms with water, gas, electricity, sink. 1 single mom $9 a month, 2 rooms $17 a month; walking distance, gopd car iervice. All outside rooms. 504 K. flay. CLEAN , housekeeping apartment, hot and cold water in rooms, electric light, phone, bath. iwii Muerman near shipyards. I HAVE 3 newly renovated rooms, good location and walking distance. , 921 H. Salmon. Tabor 1050. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, single and eh suite, strictly modern, close in: reasonable rates. 407 Columbia st Main 7466. , ON K HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. $4.50 per week; also one at $4 ; close in, free phone, light and water. 432 Jefferson at. phone Main 2703. FLBNISHED housekeeping room, gas and elec tricity furnished, $4 a week. 301 17th, cor. Columbia. CLEAN. NEAT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, SINGLE" AND EN Rl'ITK, $8.50 TO tH PER WEEK. - 455 AI.DHR. CORN EH 1 $TH. LARGE, well furnished housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, extra clean and finely furnished. MS H filisun t.s Mrmhall 847. 2 If. K. rooms, first floor, front apartment; 2 beds, running water and range. .191 Park st. near Yamhill. . ONE large room, with kitchenette, on first floor, including heat, light and running water, reasonanie rates. 4UA west 1'arK lloLSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, single and en suite, adults only. 1 block from Or- pnenm. i.'T tsroadway. Main 4044 UKU. rr,.l,..l .1 ! .... clean and comfortable; M block from Library. 43 5 Yamhill. KINGI.E HOUSEKEEPING KOOM1 ' Nicely furnished housekeeping - room ' with BTtcnenetie. vainng distance. 14s, 16th St. N FURNISHED H. K. apt., close in. on 2d and 3d floors; lisht. water and heat famiahed. trices reasonable. 404 Para st. FOR BENT Housekeeping rooms in 1 and 2 rr.nm suites; newly calcimined and painted. S05t, Grand ave. SUITE of housekeeping " rooms, electric light, bath, heat and phone, and a single bachelor mom. 3nw Z7tn uiartama. f ast 8051 FURNISHED housekeeping suite, 2 large airy downstairs rooms; good fruniturei ligbu and water free. 224 N. 16th St. 1 FRONT room apartment with kitchenette, big closet, hot and cold water, furnace heat; also 1 single sleeping room; adults only. 494 Taylor NICELY furnished suits of 2 light housekeeping roonii; free phone, lights, water and beat; 4 50 per week. 194 Lownsdale st. 2-BOOM furnished apartment, in widow's nri- vata home, with bath, newly renovated in ivory. Adults oriy. Call -67 1 Gantenbein. FOB BENT Furnished housekeeping rooms ; 1 two-room and 1 three-room suite. 310 K. 9th st Walking distance. Phone East 4732. TWO room housekeeping flat. 3.50 week, 34 Front, near Market. - CLEAN, neAt, furnistied housekeeping rooms, single ami uouoie. inn si out sr. -Marsnall 7 7 i wo. iignw well furnished housekeeping rooms ror rent: irotit rooms, s an yt am a o a . TWO furnished nousekeeping roc ms for rent. 260 Chapman st. Main 3S98. NEAT, clean bousekeeiung suites. No objection to children. 482 4 Washington, Bdwy. 3239. Il . 1 , e vourWanls itlffiSlii JOURNAL TELEPHONE SERVICE INCREASED 50' NO LONG WAITS! Increase Made to Take Care of Rapidly Growing Volume of Calls From Journal Want Ad Patrons WAITING on the phone while the ex change operator tells you. the. lines are all busy is no longer necessary. Phone your Want Ads. to The Journal and sret instantaneous service. YOUR PHONE IS A JOURNAL WANT AD SERVICE STATION , MAKE FULL USE OF IT The Journal lia increased its battery of telephone Want Ad takers until now you don't have to wait when you call up to place an advertisement. You get in stant, courteous, accurate service when you telephone your Want Ads to The Journal. ; DIME A LINE TO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 COMFORTABLY furnished two-room suite, oni side entrance: gaa range, free light and use of phone, $6.50 per week. ALo single room $5. 4 72 Main St. , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 FIVE or 4 housekeeping rooms. Ground floor.: lArge shady yard. Also 2 rooms, second floor. Free phone. Reasonable. : Walking distance. 355 14th st. Main 15K5. THREE ur,' toonu, large pautry, sink, h. w. tank connected to range, first floor, close in; phone, elec. lights and wa,ter free, $25- 553 4th st THREE large unfurnished housekeeping rooms on 1st floor, newly kalsomined; close in on csrline; lights and water free. 2 24 N. 16thst 4 NICE rooms. $12: 3 rooms. $10: water free; all upstairs. 75 Ev 70tn St. N., 1 block south 'MV" car. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO nicely furnished ' housekeeping rooms, in modern home, suitable for, employed couple; also one single, housekeeping room with heat and eiectrio light furnished. ' 631 Marshall, cor. 20th. Bdwy. 5262. NICE furnished H. K, rooms, eiecrric lights and gas, bath, cloee in; outside rooms; also garage. Bates reasonable, 427 3d st. Main 7759. 3 NICELY furmaned b. k. rooms, un ground floor, private front and back porches, in lone widow's borne. $22 per month; no children. 105 E. 74th N. MV car. Tab. 6631 LARGE well furnished outside sleeping room in private family; free phone and bath, for one or two; reasonable price. 707 Flanders at. Main 4551. , : JUST VACANT 3 Urge, clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms in fine residence. Lights, phone and water free. Adults only. 953 Inter state ve. M iss. ca rtoPr escort, west on Prescott. SMALT, housekeeping room, suitable for bachelor. 154 N. 18th, , ' HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS Clean outside housekeeping room and kitchen, private entrance; also single rooms; walking dis tance. 46 Union ave. N., near Conch st. XvVo H. iv. rooms, eieciric utuiLs, gas, use of phone, wash trays and bath, $35, 2 adults. 862 Mississippi ave. Phone W'oodlawn 1672, V block of 2 ear lines. FOB BENT 2 neat, clean h. k. rooms: furnace heat, light, gas, good bathroom ; good base ment for laundry. All linen furnished ; clean. Wdln. 4545. THREE well furnished housekeeping rooms, ga--i, electricity, water;. $18 month, steady people. 745 First st, near Porter, west side. . DESIRABLE HOMELIKE BOOMS, HOUSE KEEPING PRIVILEGES; GIRL. EMPLOYED. WALKING DISTANCE. MAIN 3018. THREE unfurnished li. k. rooms, gas, running water, electric lights, phone; close in. 173 E 7h and Ysmhill. SUITE b, k. looms, electric light, bsth, phone, beat, single room for bachelor. 327 Clacka mas st. Kst R05J. tiUlTIu b. k. rooms, electric light, bath, phone, heat, single room for bachelor. 327 Clacka mas st- East 8051. TWO sunny, airy, scenic, clean front rooms, private entrance; adults.; East 2619. TWO room suite in private family ; clean, home privileges: waiting distance DDI day st. SICKLY furnished sleemng rooms, electric light. hot and cold water, $7 per month. 1229 Fropt. THREE desirable lurnUhed II. K. rooms, 2 adult. 555 Yamhill et. Main 4418., FOR BENT Two light 11. K. roonu and garage. 1030 Mallory ave. 3 KURNlfcUlED H. K. rooms; adults; $20 per month. 694 Front st, . corner Meade. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 DAVENPORT APABTMENTS 3 room furnished apt, for rent; private bath and phone. Housekeeping : roofyi. Phone Main ONE unfurnished and one xurnished modern 3 room apt.; private bath ; adults only. J46H Killingsworth sve. $35 A MONTH for a 2 room niode'rn apt,, with bath. 2 rooms without bath, $23 a montlfe 402 8d st. ' . 2 BOOM apartment, with light, phone and batb. suitable for married people; also 1 steeping room. C. o. preferred. Mgin 70QB. 257 12T1I ST., one large room and kitchenette. ground floor, walking distance, everything fur nished but cooking gas. KING ALBERT APABTMENTS 2 and 3 rooms, strictly modern, elevators, tile bath. Main 359 THREE ROOMS EN SUITE. BATH. PHONE. WALKING DISTANCE, DBSLRABLE; BEF KRKNTK." ; $45. MAIN 8Q1S. ' ONE 2 BOOM WELL FURNISHED APART MENT, $5 PER WEES- 290 H N. 21ST. BROADWAY 1226. i 'i'itE G HOVER J-arge 2 room well furnished apt., 181 G rover at- Take South Portland ear : Msm Bonn POUTNOMAH 4 rooms, sleeping porch, Iiard wood floors, high grade furniture, walking dis tance: adults. 200 B. 1 3th. Phone Past 4276.. 1 3-BOOM apsrtmtmt. 5 blocks from Morrison t. Adults only. Msin 6213. 2 BOOM fHrnirhed apt. liarrfaun court, 5th and Harrison. 8 BOOM apt.? with garagsT pay rent in ! ' , ONE. two and three-room apartments, clean and wqra. l aoor o. r-iv,iiamc , DisH'Jil III FUBNIsHED apartment' for rent. 564 Ulisan. e overoirVyire or 560-51 WANT AD FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 JAEGER APARTMENT 701 Washington St. Oue three-room furnished apt., April 2nd. 2 BOOMS furnished and 4 unfurnished: light. heat aud water; very' reasonable. 78 D Kearney. Marshall 3456. - See This Apartment 3 room' furnished apartment, private bath, Marshall 1002.' T For Rent 2 room furnished apartment; steam heat; private bath. 840 H Mississippi ave. THE J EFFEBSON IAN, lttlh and Jefferson, easy walking distance; desirable 2 and 3 loom apartments; large pleasant rooms; usual accom- moostions- adnifs only. 33 np. 3 FURNISHED looms tor rent in . beautiful home, il room with kitchenette, auitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen, parlor, fireplace and home conveniences: easy walking distance. 61 N. 18th. HISLOl" HALL APT.. 410 H Hawthorne near Grand, 3 room furnished apt.,, beautifully clean and strictly modern, $4 5 to $50; walking distance. Phone East 882. IN KENTON For Bent Strictly 1st class furnished mod ern apartment, hot water heated, private bath; to adults -only. woortlawn 4U8. Nicely Furnished Apt. 2-room furnished apartment for rent. 631 Thurman. Bdwy. 143 7. CUMBEBLAND AITS. W. PARK AND COLUMBIA Targe 3 room apt., also 2 rooms: walking distance from town. 1 . 3 ROOM furnished and 2 room furnished apart ments for rent April 1; 10 i minutes' walk from business section, west side, Crietopa apart ments. Broadway 4936. THE COLUMBIAN Newly furnished and renovated outside 3 and 4 room apt.; price moderate. 11 to and Colum bia. Phone Main 1911. NICELY furnished apartments; reasonable. , 545 Vt Washington st. Bdwy. 844f. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 THE SHEFFIELD Four room unfurnished corner apartment, rea sonable rental, including phone, heat and water. Hi r ivy All w A i IRVING APARTMENTS 4 large outside rooms, with private bath. TJnfumiehed. Reasonable, 2 1st and Irving. Main 0239. FLATS FURNISHED 309 CLKAN 3 and 4 room furnished flats, sleeping porch, private bath, garage, N. 8. car to Gibba St., west 1 block, south to K54 Vr F1rt St. THREE clean furnished housekeeping rooms. adults only; rent $20. Take Brooklyn car to the door. T9 E. 21st at. lott BENT 5 room flat, clean and tinted throughout. Price $4U. No small children. Call East 50O. 4 BOOM modern Hat, $22 montn. 53 & 60th st-, Montanlla car; mostly furnished. O-BOOM fiuiiiKhml ilat lor rent and furniture for sale. 452 H K. Msrket. W. 697. H ROOM iur. liat, 1. h., $2U; went side. 827 Kelly St. FLATS UNFURNISHED 31 0 4 UNFURNISHED for housekeeping, water, light batn, pbone; mature coupie prelerred ; no cnu- dren 594 Clinton t., on earltne. Sellwd. B14 4 ROOM flat for rent, $18, , water included. 568 Matket at., near Chapman. 6 BOOM fiat, umurnuhed. (Oil to Hood. Marshall 4313. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 FINE little home, 2 rooms, porch and lavatory. elec., gas, plione Aut. 210-18, barn, chicken park, garden; just fine for two people; block car, hia near ousan. cee me o Graua ave. Eaat. 6561. Sunday on the place. FOR BEN T An 8 room bungalow at 1 E. 63d st.. with 2 lots. Abundance of fruit. Bent $32.50. Apply at premises or at store at looi E. Bnmside et. or Wf K. AnKeny st. 5-BOOM cottage, walking distance.' East 3310. 93 K. 10th. at Washington, FOR REN H room house," 604 E. Carutiiers st., comer 10th. Inquire at 26H Clay at., bet Sd and 4tn sts. can atter 7 p. m. PIANO and furniture moving : local and long distance hauling. Edwards' Ante Trucks. Sellwood I1W5. CALL BKOADWAS oo NORTHWESTERN ELECTBIC COMPART WASHINGTON AT' TENTH STREET rTT-IS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 Days Storage Free. FnmitTiro moved for less. Bdwy. 2448. PIANO and furniture moving, experienced men; local and long-distance hauling; autoa, horses. Miers-BockenfeKL slain 584 8. WE move furniture, ol 3-4-e room houe foe lO. For further miormation. Mam 62VO. FOB BENT 5-roora house; batii, elec., gas; newly papered snd painted ; close, in. Adults pniy. ail isg n mtam. ri is. s.a rr 6 ROOM bouse, 1275 Bun-age st, $30. Tabor 3364. IBV LN'GTON house. 8 - rooms, st 711 Thomp- son street. 5-KOOM cottage' in good neighborhood and clean' no children. K. L., 621 Montgomery- St. 8 BOOM house, , electricity, gas and . bath, at F450 E. Glisan. Phone East 4504. HOUSES-FURNISHED 312 PAR11.Y iumiaued house, tt rooms sod bath. basement; one block from car line on Grand svenue, $25; Fcr partiralars phone Wdin. 4 702. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 KENTON CARLINE I-arge. light. " front 2-roora - anartment, con venient to Kenton, St Johns and Vancouver industries; 20 minutes to town; adults, $22.50. Garage for rent. .Lombard at. and Albina are. Woodlawn 2642. - COMPLETELY furnished house, 3 rooms, sleen i ing porch and bath room, $35 month ; no children: references required. 4T1S 01st at. is. r...i .sit, rscott car. : Vlt Hl-N i s rxKuu -house, gaa and bath. laundry trays hi basement: 2 lota, fruit and berries- barn; nice piaoe for chickens; fine cow Tor sale, labor ,o?. 4 ROOM furruohed cottage lor renb 1004 Glenn ave.: rs. HOUSESFURNsTURE FOR SALE 313 8 ROOM bouse for rent or lease ; furniture for ' sale; west, aide. A bargain if taken before 16th if ApriL IV171. Journal. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; $35. Ice boil for gu. East I FURNITURE and p'eno of a B room house for STORES AND HALLS 314 SPACK lor 2 bather chairs in busy card room. 142 Mississippi. FOR , desirable space in fireproof ware ho una. I'hone Bdwy. 8715. ' r OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 GOOD light room" with phone and desk, $12.50. i Mcivay bldg FOR BENT Office room, private office and service. 2 Railway Exrhanpe Mdg. DESK room, with telephone and stenograph ia -' service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. - WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WANTED Room and Board for good, strong sciiool boy on farm. K-987. journal. APARTMENTS 357 BESPI t'slBLK cstuple dercs H mom iurnished aiarunent May 1 : cat side. Sunnyside car lire- fet-rr-l ; state, rental. K-H77. Journal. BY APRIL 15. 2 roomi or room and kitchenn- ette, suitable for 2 adults, reasonable rent. II 277. Journal. FLATS? 359 BY APRIL 15. small furnished flat auitable for 3 or 3 adults: reasonable rent; H 276. Journal. HOUSES 361 BENTAL BUREAU List yonr houses, flats or apartments with US ; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS bECUBlTY STORAGE it TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth st,. opp. Multnomah HoteL I'hone Broadway 3715 3-BOOM tumished house with fireplace, fine location; oniy ouu, on leasea grouna, rem $2.50 per month; also a 2-room house, $2.25. Automatic 5 1(1-IK. i UAMr.ll at unue, u or u-ruom lunuaiied Hat or house, in cood location: clone in: small careful family. Will pay up to $50. Tabor S417. MliDLK-AGED coutlo wiwhe furnished- cottage, rent not over $35; must be clean. K-316, Journal. - W'ANTED to rent. 4 or 5 room modern subur ban eytlaee. Talnr fs027. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 40 1 WEST S1DK waterfront factorf aite, with " trarkage: bargain. 1421- N. W. Bank bldg. U0O-600 Mi -102 WILLIAMS avenue, $5500. East. 2195. - APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 40? ESTATE to be sold. Make offer for 100x100 northeast corner 14th and Taylor, west aide. East 2195. ' LOTS 403 SPECIAL OPENING SALE CHOICE . I.KVKI- VIEW UlTS POPULAR M ULTNOMAH DISTRICT CITY WATER, GAS. ELECTRICITY 50x100, IOI to P.'OO. 75xl0O. 150 to- 300. 1 00x1 00,-$200 to $400. " Cheaper than acreage, 20 minutes by ito or ratline. Only few to be sold at these rkliculously low prices. Our air ton ready to show property, 310 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 675, res. Ka"t 7BSS. WATCH W A T C H'.M W E 8 T O V E R TERRACES i "Portland's Best View llomeaitea" I INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES 110 Tenth Su Putock Block. Broadway 110. .i.AI KKUiUHKT ITH ClyOSING THEM "OUT COME . OUT TODAY OFFICE. EAST BOTH AND GIJSAN STS. A, few special this week for $800; sli im provements paid. Your last chance to secure a choice iot at about V real value. Your oppor tunity. Office on- the ground, E. 39th and Gliran sts.. Montavilla car. Phone Tabor 8433; evenings. F,a-t 7738. DI-AHCNTY. BIG LOTS Just outside 42d st. Some as large as acres and half acres. No assess ments or gravel. City water. Alberta car; $!( payment. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. $150 EQUITY in $30O lot, balance S5 month, 6 per cent ; . sidewalks in, 3 blocks to car. 61st S. E. Etu-t 7347. Call after 5 p. m., Sunday. TOUR ; OPPORTUNITY Laurelhurst lots,: white they last, at extremely low prices. Bee J. A. McCarthy, 270 Stark st. Main 170O, or evenings. Tabor 5057. - $1 DOWN. $1 WEEK. 50x100, craent walk. Alberta car, Kennedy school. R- W. Cary. 1219 N. W Bank bldg. Main 1643. Residence, Msin 137f. YOUR LAST CHANCE Ixin relhnrst lota at these prices. See J. i A. McCarty, 270 Stark. Main 1700; evening Taoor 6067. LAUBELHURRT LOT BARGAINS See J. A. McCarty, 270 V BUra. Malm I l mi; evenings 'labor 6ST. HAVE gotxi building kit at 7 1st and Haisey to t a i n f i .it, tor imsn car, rural urcterreu. I bnr 1543. FOB SALE By owner, 4 acres and H acre with 2 hoiLsea. bam and chicken house in Irvington; and add. 89 lota cheap.- East 72. TWO Iota. I niteimty park, riuae to ear and siiool: sewer in; street paved ;. $500. Call 1605 Fiske rt.. or 15 W. Jessnp. I'j'tii lot ui.iaii i? AKtu aaAA on tetms.. DiHxmnt 5 per cent for eah. 248 rKHutnliia st. ROSE CITY 4 8th near htkijou. Sidewalk, curbing, sewer in and paid. $600 cash. Owner. East 5164. FOR, SALE Lot 1, Block 35. Council Crest l'a-rk. cheap. 414 Fargo st, ' . . FOR XAJLK Lot tfOxMo-lt. on car. line; lots tl fruit; ciieap for eab. Wdln. 4 5H0. HOUSES 404 PUjSE CITY DISTRICT 4 room -bungalow, water, gaa. fruit, flowers fine 5UXI0U lot, $1400; par $10 casn and mave in. balance like rent. .Royal. 72d st. and Handy biva. FOR SALE, by owner, 5 room bungalow, sleep ing porch and attic, full basement, lot 50 X 10O, near schools and cars, fruit and roses; price SZ7UU. iimu cam, balance easy terms. A 739. Journal. - NEAR ROSE CITY CAR Uncompleted place; cement foundation and basement all in; some lumber; cherry trees; also 2 room house in rear; lot 50x1O0; $1250; terms, rtoyai. ia sr. ana issrwiy oivd. ALBERTA New double constrweted 4-room bungalow with built-in kitchen, breakfast nook good bath: finished in old ivory. Price only S2oOO. only soou down, balance like rent. Cook. Antoinette 319-97 LOOK A small ranch in the city, lots T, 8. 9, and 32, 33," 34, neat 3 room house, berries and fruit; improvements all paid Will exchange for S room bouse. Owner. 1056 B. 34th at. N FOB SALE 100x150. 3 houses, northwest corner Mill and 11th sts. NO: trade. $23,500.: A-332, J-mmal ONLY $3150 for this modern 5 room bungalow. In 'restricted district. Has sit bin I tins. - hard wood floors, cement basement, fireplace, full lot; can give yon eaty terms, foot, Ant. 319-97. SIX-ROOM bouae, well built, paved street, iot 50x100; will move in April ao must sell. 009 Maiden avenue, Sellwood ear; terms; owner," Also 7 -room bouse, lot 75x100. 0 BOOM house, near Jefferson; kit 49x100; . water, gas, electricity. Improvements in and paid. So ageoU. $2400; $900 down. . 121 Albert a- $2600. 800 DOWN, boys nice 5 room bun - galow on 55th snd Powell Valley road. Toilet, bath, garaee, 53x100 lot. Balance easy terms. Call Weenrr, Woodlawn B367. FOB SALE by owner. 5 room -bungalow; bath, . -lwlrultir fnrfiua and a .... - a I an f-.. tnre. 455 E. 37th St., eor. Rherman. 3 BIXIMai, Z lots, garage, electric ' lights, gas, paved street, X block to ear. $1300; terms. Celnmbis 4 33. IRVINGTON. 8 rooms. A real snap. PiaOoa burner. East 8015. ' ,- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Iff You Are Ooing to Build - WE FURNISH FBEK SKETCHES - Plans - by licensed architects and engineers. Open Sunday and Evenings by Appointment. .."Guaranteed Estimates We will, help fuiaooe In desirable location. , Hee as before neeotiating elsewhere. American Contractors' . Association Broadway, 4H8T. 8 1 I TTenry Ndt. ROSE CITY BUNGAI5W , - Here's one of the .beat-built bungalow -y that money will buy; modern and elegantly designed; .only 2 blocks to Rose City car line; consists of 5 rooms; 2 more rooms can be finished upstairs. Think of this , rare bargain, only $4760, $1000 down; no incumbrance. Come in and get infotana tion as to our good bnys in bungalow. - Riiey & Qustafson 805 Ycon bldg. Marshall 1458. FIVE-ROOMS, modern, large lot, 3 fruit trexs - in bearing, cbicken'run; $2000. $800 cash. Two-room house, part modem, large lot in fruit.- some fruit treea bearing; $900, $300 cash. Three-room bouse, $800. $230 cash; house now vacant. .-...-.-! Two-room house, S large V ia In garden, sev ers fruit treta bearing; $1500. good t rni. Five-rxiB modern .house, 2 Iota; trade for 20 acres improved land. - NEIL. SMITH. 661 1 Foster Ttoad. Ant 62-7. A JUST EXCHANGE Benefit bo tit parties. We are very snc ressfui iu making auch exchanges. Have ynu a bouse, acreage or farm to exchange! La lert service. Mr. Msrlnnea. with HABVKY WELLS aV CO.. 603 Uasro Bldz. .Main 4364. W here Trades Are Made.' BEAUTIFUL BOSK CITY PABK BUNGALOW Five rooms, exclusive of large den and i 2 rooms finished in. altic: fireplace, hardwood floors, inside woodwork elegantly finished: full rement basement, hot air furnace, beautiful lawn, choicest ruae. ami peonies and fruiv trees: all assessment paid and property clesr. This Is an unusual home for $6200, terms. Pbone East 1687. or 548 E- 4fthJt.N. IRyiNQTON-$ip,500 7 rooms., double constructed, new and modern. living room 15x34, fireplace, hardwood floors, hot water beat, solid brass hardware, glass knobs, French doors, plate glass windows; a real home. Half cash snd terms. 326 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 87. ' REAL bargain by owner, an 8 rwm modem house on Vernon avenue, 8 block to Al berta oar. all plumbing and gas snd lights, full cement basement, lot ssilOU, Km t overlooa this' bsxgain. This B the cheapest home in the city. Only $3000, $450 down. $25 per month, including ft per cent. Call East 66T, evenings Tabor 6442, f:br6l heb.HTs ' $650 down. 5 rooms snd bsth. modern bunga low, rity convenience without city tsxes; fine soil, large garden, most sll in: hot bed, bsrn. strawberries, loganberries; moat healthy And quiet surroundings, close to school and 2 carline ; $2100 and assume contract; $15.60 s mouth. Phone Hell.. 1789 for directions to place. 6-liOOM. modern bungalow in Bore City, lot 35x100. This is a new heme,, all latest biutins of the bat-t. bird s-eye maple floor in all rooms, "can move in tomorrow, nuly $450, $70O dawn with easy terms.. Call Est 681 rve pings Tsbor 6442. $3000 TO $5000. small rash payment: we build to suit; large selection: new double constructed bungalows being completed ; furnace, fireplsce. hardwood floors- grounds iiOxltlx. llurrv to get first choice. Clow Realty, 38th and Belmont. Auto. 223-S9. $2S00 FURNISHED modern 4 room bunaa- - low, near Brooklyn shops. 2 beds, gas and coal ranges, mil cement basement, fine plumbing, good furniture throughout: ail ready to move in, $500 cash, balance like rent,: Owner. East 8223. 1 $a94o iy ROOM turiiwurd lieue, lii Sunny side's bvt district; full cement basement, fur nace, built-in, large attic, close to school and churchy block to Kunnyaide car; all Improve ments in ;. small cah payment will handle.' Clow Keallv Co., Ant 223-30. $im DOWN - ; 3 rooms, gas,' wafer, chicken house. ! acre grouna. i-nce sisuo: siuo casn, 1 a montn. C E. KENNEDY , f21 60th sve. H K, Aut. 617-32. SIX ROOMS FURNISHED Six room modern house,, furnished, cement basement,' wash trays, 1 block Montavills ear, at 67th st $2850. $ 00 cash, balance $30 irontfi. including interest. It M. OATKWODI, A CO. 165H 4TH T. litVlNrGToS' New modern bungalow. 0 rooms: sewing room snd breakfast . nook ; - papered and decorated to suit purchaser, it bought today. 575 E. 25th st- N., near Knott. IL Nelson, owner-builder. AUTO. All -n n . . ROSE CITY, i-rooni, modem bungalow, good basement, gas and lights, lot 60100. This ir a- real, good buy. A chance for someone to get a real boms. The pnos as right. Only $3500. $650 down with eswy terms.-- .Call East 661, evenmirs Tsbor 442. I HAVE $4 60 equity in $900 home. 3 ruura box hou.. full lot, on Jiaved st. . Electric lights snd gas." Will take cash or used light car of standard make and late model. No rord. Balance .$10 monthly. Call after 2 p. m. at 24 2d st - Ft lt BALK BY OWNER Very altractiv 6 room home, fnll basement. wash trays, gas. electricity, lO fruit tree, plenty of rsspnerruM. loganbemes,' large chicken house, lot. 50x200. 885 K. 7th r. Woi.dstock car. AH. ti livUifii, .1 block to car, 5 room modern bungalow, sll on one floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, break fast nook, swell garage. J This is a beautiful home. Furnished,- $4950; unfurnished, $4450; terms. East K03. A HOMEY &-ROM BUNGAMlW OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA Full . cement, basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. fuB lot. 1 blk. car. fine district. 840O0 some term-. Mar. 1022. Tabor 4708 evenings. $3400. $800 IOWN. buys a good 5 room bun- galow, with full basement, wash trays, spple snd cherry trees ana berries; garage; on K. 19th st. South, near Insiey St.. 3 blocks from Sellwood car. Balance easy terms. Call Mr. 'Wegner, WOOOISWn .B7. . A rOOD 6-room iiisstered house, near Wood- stack osr. good piumblng and ga, for only $1500. $275 down, terms fo suit. Dor. t over look this buy. Call .East 661. evenings Tabor 64 4 2, BY OWNER Three large rooms, first floor; sroond lMr o r?Mms; i cineeis. rutin, sieeoittg oorch. basement, trays, water nesting system: improvements in and paid. Terms. 560 E- 3 5th St. H. KM car. V ROOMS, furnished, bear H. P. railmad shops, fine big residence : oak floors, full cement basement, fine plumbing, double garage; lot 60 i . ' f , Him ystru, w --i in, au iur juuv $1000 cah. Owner. Eat 822 $4200 NICE 6 room bungalow, well furnished, o Hlfwk fe,,M Wnlnmls rrfr I.. I garage; all street work done and paid. On MA earlins, beautiful home, lots of fruit. Price $4 200. Kvigene Palmer, 115 Killlngsworth. FOB-good bungalow buys in Boea City Pars on reasonable terms, rail A. N. MIKKELSEV CO. 6"d and' Sandy Blvd. ' Tabor 2580. -- Open evenings and Bonds y. s BUILD NOW See us for designs and ' estimates free; get bungalow book of 100 designs $1; established 14 year; ssnstsction s sou red. ' I.. It. BAILS! ., Z4 !. w, Barut Bldg, W ESTMOHELAN D rooms, hardwood iloorb, - large rooms, furnace, -full cement basement. east front. Price $4200, $I2O0 cash, balance to suit. Mar. 1022. Bell. Z70 evenings. W 11.1. TAKE a 6-paakeiu(er ear o-i H-room mnd- ern house, close to car, only -130'). balance easy-terms. Don't oref look that. Call East 641, everonrs Tsbor $160OsFOR this 3 room house on one. of the - prruinsx lots yon ever saw; nas gaa. aiectrvnty, plumbing. Can give terms on this. Cook. Automatic II1HH7. I WANT the best bungalow that $5AO cash and moathly psyments wilt buy; prefer Hawthorne or vsaveney rietgnm: grve price, term ana wv-a- tion first letter: owners only. ;-54 1. Journal. 8 BOOM BUNGALOW IMPROVEMENTS IN ONLY $3000 TERMS . W. W. SABIS 760 Wortbvrlelt Wt, Wdln 142. HAVE sn A 1 $1000 purchase cootraM. given me on sale , of my $5000 honse, pays 7 per cent. Will sell at discount. Mr. Dyer, Mam 8601. 310 Failing bide. $400 WILL handle this Alberts, o-room house on paved street. Only $250, terms like rent. Worth $S50O. Cook, Automatic $19-97 COZY littic 6 room houe for sale on 15th st., vary ' reasonable, i Call st 879 Gsrfield ave., be phone 81H-7H. FIVE tooms and bsth, comer lot. fruit treett, paved streets; $2350 famished, $2000 unfur nished, term. 520 Kailmg st., eor. K. 11th, BY OWNER 4 room house and 4 lots, lots of fruit : 5 room house .and 1 lot. Terms. Phone Tabor 5780, FOR "SALE 5 room" hoipsr. & lots, fruit and berries. Well Improved. 9423 58ih sve. 8.E: blX-UOOM house, large lot, k K. Auktny, 1 MorV f 2th Owner, East S6. S BOOM house, S blocks of city hail; close to school. Main 62S3 CLOSK is 5 room cottage, 272 . st.; terms Auto. 285-51. - - H0MH foe mle, see owner wicbta sod save coin mission. 798 E. 72d s, H. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 An ideal home 'e4.-n Consfetinff Of II rooms, tatvn huMnmt witH Inch concrete Boor, wash trays. Nha fcecn- tion ball, sitting room with tiw-.e built n b 'k raaes, nice fireplace, also pipelcsS furnace, lm ing room, built in sidebnsbl, floor all quarter sawed oak. Nice breskfsst room. Nice lares kitchen. lArge pantry, with sll mrsl.rn ron. venlenoe and built ins of all kuvls.: The luwtairs consists ef S? large 'bedrooms, j 1 1 1 ti ft., wt -i . large closets in esch room. Bathronmi 712 ft, with extra nice fitting. ' Nice lawn' with 5 young fruit trees, entrant and berries, with a nice large garden tatch of very fine garden soil. Size of iot 150xK2V ft. Street graded, side walks, sewers ail in and iid for. This place is situated in the Crescent district snd sdjoins the new Cresceiit park. Only 500 feet from paved street. Apply at 'owner. D. . McGregor, 4 41l S9th sve. H. K. WATCH ' WATCH : WKSTOVFP. TERRACES V rortlSBd's Best View Homssite ' INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATF3. 110 Tenth St.. llttork Bhick- Broadway 110. NEAR BEED COLLEGE 250ii Very neat, well built eottage of & Urge room and sleeping- porch, sink, hot snd cold eater, corner, lot 100x100: everything m pink of con dition; 1 block to car; a truly beautiful place; photo at on ice; $300 cash, $20 moottiu'. sr alt i a 732 CHAM OF COM. -New Irvington Residence $7500 for s fine 7 rooms, ail hardwood floors. In Ivory and white enamel, all built-in conveniences, fireplace and garage; this is an elegant rrsktrnce: v casii: li you want a una home see this. Phone Msrshstl 829 or 67 5. F. L. BSanchard Peninsu.a Snap ' 5-room bnngalow, 2 big lot, all kinds of fruit and b-rries. garden ajl in;,iny $JOOO; splelKlld lerms Reedy & Mavcs Co. 8' 8 Cliamber of Commerce. Main 4 190. . You Can Save $250 Bv buying this lovely sere and 6 room house before the 1st. It's one block to car and paved At. Ixits of fine roses. Iswn and shrub bery. The bouse la In fine condition and well arranged. $1000 will handle this,, balance like rent. Owner. Tsbor 754 7. iNow Vacant $1200 iliy A 4 room; fine lot. with fruit, 8 blocks fim car: only $200 rsjsh. bal. monthly. or will" sefi P6tl00 corner with sbundsnon of fruit, berries snd ro-cs, for $1650; easy terms. Phone Mar-hall 829 -or E. 2184. F. L. BSa'nchard 1 $95 iHiW'N; $22.50 MonTHI.V 5-room plastered cnttsge. bsth, toilet, rss; ground 80x127 !i pries $2045; s good buy. 732 CHAM. OF COM. WOODHTOCK HOME f-ig rooraTnice apiiesriug lioune, bsdrooms. bsth, linen closet, big pantry, builtina, rtn. ; til l cement basement auj Irsys. new iiliielrsa fur nace, rement walks, 100x100 corner lot. fruit trees, berries, some garden in: garage, ehi'-scn. rabbita, linoleums and stair lans-l, 2 blocks u ear: $34U0, $100 caxh. b.l. 25 -per sih! in terest, KKlh ave. and 4d st, f K. Sell. 2661. : Hiawthorne Residence $5250; a fine 7 room, one bndroom doirn ataim, furnace, fireplace; lot 60vl20; 2 block S. of Hawthorne; $2OO0 ruh, ha lance quarter ly. Phone Marshall M29 or E. 2134. F. L. Bianchard FIVE-ROOM liiingahrMa with g.s. ttec'rw litliu, bsth. baeement. sewer, siiiewalks, eloiM t., car. rrioe $2650- $1100 csh, balance easy fatmi. . Six-room cottage, close to car. lot 40x111 , for $1 60O. SOO rash. eaiy terms. MITCHELTRKK As MOFFF.TT Office st Annbrl. ' f. Risnlt ear. Phone Auto " S. BV OWNER $1050---TTit M to PER CENT JIFF FOR CASH Good 6 rotsu bouse; patent loilel. fewer In: lot 60x100: best garden soil; 7 assorted fruit trees, cow and chicken house; fine neighborhood. Montsrilis car to 63d st, 3 blocks south to. 14 20 K. !ri st. 40)-2 bwetlaod Bldg. $3780 FOR A fine U room . on K. 16th near Stark st, has built In buffet, furnsoe, street improvements, only $1000 caeh, bal. monthly,' Phuoe Msrslutll 829. or East 2134. F. L. Bianchard $3800 $800 DOWN . By owner, new bungalow, pi-t finished, corner lot. on pavement; lots -of bniltins. hardwood floors, finished in eld ivory, swt-U plumbing and electric fixtures: Hire gsrsg sod runwts. Tsbor 1555. 601 E. 39th. $5500, $1000 DOWN, buys a beautiful home on East 19th St.. near Alheria; 2 f irt-pls.-ea. buiil m bookcases, full basement, furnace, toilet up and downstairs. 00x100 rot: H block from csr. Bal. easy terms. Call Mr; Wgn-r. Wood'swn !37. Wl-TMORELAND BUNGAMIW $4 300, $500 cash. $40 pee month. This is a bargain. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, -steeping porch, 3 bedrooms, garage. Broadway 2700. Sellwood 405. Auto at your disposal if interested. SEW 4 -room bouse, 1 mix loo; jut the place if yon liave'-a-car; $1350; $K.O rash, 20 a month Including Interest. fimithpeter, with In terstate Land company. Main 5429; open eve nings. 6 ROIJM Wusst, electric light, piumljuitf. Ihiix - 100 ground, fruit and berries; pretty view on hill. lis mil ton avenue. $2600. 1, 86. Jeurnal. WE BUILD YOUR HOME on monthly payments if you have cltar lot. LuitneU Co..J14 L. SUrk it ROOM Louse, gaa. electricity. wotaisi-l I block to car. lot 25xiOO. $1200; $000 down. 1 04 Mtsistpf.. Folt SAL1 By owner, mod-rn 6 room hisie in good district; price $4000, terms. i'hone Wdln. 8566 Volt SALE 4 room house. klfu'iO; 10'nlO" ; 95 Florida at. I no u ire 225 2d st, J as. E. Kellev ACREAGE 405 .DOUBLE YOUJt MONEY by buiuling on tins fine, ideally located 5 acres, nut on ft I'd st ria ve taxes. Be independent. Special at 4O0O. Terms. O. H. SKOTHE1M CO.. CiHich Bhle M.i in 1575. bKR STOKES TRACTS; $10 I'AYMUNTS No aaaeaaments or gravel. Water to each acre or, fractional tract. R. W. CARY. 1219 N. W. Bin hMs Main 1643. Re.l.l.oee. Msin 187T. . ;' - 20 ACRES FOR $00 $150 down ami $10 monthly. 3 acre esred, bearing- fruit trees, ciwe to school, town sod highway. A. H AKKPSOV. 4?0 Hnrv Mg CITY CARPARK 8 acre. 150 feet from station; gas, city water eiectrio lights, main telephone line; entsp and ea-y terms. Owner, 782 Patton road. Mam 30. L . I ' II .. 1 'I 1 1 a.1.,,' m.i, all I n , . . 1 . ti ration. 4 room bouse, 170 bearing fruit trees, 4 block to station. 8 miles from Port land. 1 Price $32.'.0. $1000 eah. A. If. AKKKMON. '420 Heorv KM?. IF ACREAGE or subtiroan Pome you are looking for come to Milwaukie, we can lorwt you on piece of land from a small lot to 2't sere tract GEO. T. PAN Y. I'hone 19. Mil WSllkie. WILL DIVIDE - SUBURBAN 50 sores, n Pstsroae, a price 50 per cent below xseigtx bora. Rich bottom land at M7 5. ! O. 11. BKOTIIKIM CO Couch ldg. Mam 1575. ' hl'EClAL SPF-llAL SPrJIAX 10 arras, all clear.- fine prima !aod, no rokj 2 '4 rallea R. H. station. $14110, will trade auto, or vacant lota, J. 11. RtUurds, 30 Uc- l ay bl?. 40 ACRES; 17 ciesred; orchard; 5 room house, barn, creek, spring, all Implements; 10 miUs west of St, Helens. , $3500. Easy terms. C-1 20.' Istimtl. ' j GARDEN HOME Three beautiful seies. either one or sTl three j finely located ; gas, water and pbone. By S. L N. Gi'm-n. M.-iin Gnrd-n Hnw. SOME SNAP Beautiful 2 V seres at Jeuuut.i Lodge. $1500. O. IL SKOTHEIM CO.. Conch BWg. Main 1578. UEKDV1L1.E At'liLS, mile In m atauor, ; must sell ; no tVaaonahie offer refused; mid . tern light ear part payment. Peterson, a l :i FOB SALE or rent 1 sere south of Woodsioiat Waa. CnlliuMl ,11 V a ,'.. five Acres, v ciesrea, iH-suuiui view, Bull Rub water. East 4 62. OAK IritoVE sxireage, up to o aerea. .i -.; Hood River. RiHI. C-1 36. Jonmal. tContinued en Following Pss