FRIDAY, AVRIU 1, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY i JOURNAL), PORTLAND, OREGON 25 AUTOttOSILES-FOR SALE 800 Pfo Cash Down Payment rtow YOU can OWN a ear. Jus .how tts that you Win pay as yon agree. And drive YOUR ear away, Manas, Dixie Flyers. Bo Icki, I .ex mg tons. Bcripps-Booth. Studebaker, Overland. Chalmers, Dodge Bros.,' Patterson, Olds 8. . Haynee 13, Premier and many others. , Both NEW and USED. , . rj - Tracks on the nrnc terms. Old Hickory. Gary. Atterhury, . U. C, Titan. . Republic, Knox and Sterling. All sizes. W'e ni 't otir ' new wanhnose April 1 5. and naist reduce our stork before then. . Our price r way below the . market Anie'ncan Warehouse -' ' & Sales 'Co. ' Supple Dock, Foot of .E. Yamhill. ' East End of Morrvin Bridge. purchase a used, car from a reputable firm, one that has been established, iti busi- for. a number of years and who reputa tion Is audi that thejr cannot -affords to mis represent used, car, you take nd-chance, at all. . The Braly Auto company is one of t3ie oldest and best established automobile firms, in Che Northwest, having been in business forTthe pal 1 0 years, handling the Franklin- care, and .is in a position to utter first -class .bargains in used cars at the very lowest figures. ' . We have at this tinaa the following ears that hare been' taken in exchange, on Frank line and in rite your inspection of these: Franklin Brougham, very late model; run and . looks 'like new ........ .C$8400 Franklin, touring car. series 9-B; good gs new, , ia fact, runs and looks like flew .$2650 . Franklin touring car ia first claw condition in , every; respect ........... .... ..$2000 Franklin. 4 -passenger, thoroughly overhauled and , repainted '-. .',..' (1750 Franklin touring car,, series 8 model, thoroughly overliauled and repainted loOO 1018 Bnick in first class, condition mechanically ; good tire, and repainted . . f . $950 1918 Chandler, just Uiecsr for anyone wanting 4 7-pasaeriger-: car , . ... . ,-. ... . . . . -, $1(100 J1918 Kwsei-Ks. Tliis .car is a dandy buyfor injone .wanting a lugh grade cat.' t a , snap .......... i. ........ , ? 9000 1920 Chevrolet Baby Grand: run only a short distance, good as new; has .cord tires," also "pare : a snap ... , .... s . $1200 1914 Packard Little1 Si: used by one owner - only and in the) bpst of condition; cord .4) res and sparer real, snap ,y. . , a. ... . . i , .$1000 3ft - ,ae i j v $ 4 50 Bnsroe . . . . ..... .V $350 Grunt Six .................. X. . ... . $300 Call at. our establishment; Inspect Ihrse bar gains in used eats, if we have what you want, fake a ride, in il, let us explain our easy terms and ride home in a good car., BRALY AL'TO CO.. ' BroadwaT Joi. - . BOt Bumid St. K Sonte Real , Bargains 1 Orerland roadfttlei1 12S 1 r.;rl ............ t Ford- chassis 1 .I'eerless . . . . i . . . . .. i. 1 Ktaxwetl 1 Orerland 00 1 Bsby tirknd Uberrolet . . 1 Oakland l'ltuk II ; 0(1 $175 $200 $250 $323 $450 $500 $900 "-;.lipng 402 Hawthorne w FOE SALE ' " 1020 BCICK KOADSTEli . This car is in the pink of condition: cord i rires"a!l around and two extra cord; the price i rery Jow for this good car and will take small car in trade, f ' , A-l Anto Vks. & Warehonse Co., ' 3 Alder St., lttth. Don't Mass This . f ' . See tomorrow's specisl used' car bargain ,-in C'ook t! tiill'a window, 11th -and Humside. FROM.OWXEK With 3A-tay Serriee. . '. , .l!)-'0 Olds tt. Cannot be told from new ear. New tire and all extras. 1921 license. "aRun lefts than 0000 mites on pared sts. Ilare 2 esrs. ,tujt sell to get money. $1100 cash. t'H Wdln. 2553.- Will demonstrate. vH iT.Wfc; m stoctt about 50- htiu uiouel -Ut-peiutsble . . ' ; ; 1 l"SKH f'AU'S. i . Consisiing . of ' almost every make; the price .Ire tyw and every car guaranteed as represented; 'r-t.her cars taken in trade; Afl Aulo Works i V'HTelioe C O....V22 AHer ft. , 4-CYL. KTl.I'KHAKEK KOADSTER Fine condition every way, a practical eco nomical and efficient Pile-man's car; $600; $'.'00 -cash, balance 10 months. Ml Argo. r.roawsy JUA 1 K -King, runs and looks .like new. ' w ill 'Sacrifice and give terms. Broadway Auto JH'. .j-.. rtd and l-vmaaway. . AUTOMOBILE" ACCESSORIES SOI 84 xi,, NE W non-skid bUUO piile tires, S2ti M..H t Tt-0 I- .,) .!! - .n 59. ' -.- ' ' . ' . -. . XWtl 3x4 cord tirw. To jit-r cut new; .&acn- .'K-e. Ant, B2-.i. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 TRUCK OWNERS If your trnck Is eouirmed " wit h a Cnntinentsl er Biida motor. Fuller transmission. Torbensew I. XI. or Jacox . steering gear you can secure re pair ptrts witnoiit d'-)y Irom un Ue also have a stock ot unea iteo truck psrta, , : : - ' ' ." I '. - -ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INa.. Repnblic Trucks Distributors, .', Park and Everett Sts. . I i -TON (- M. C. ' Completclv overhauled motor, 2. new tires; funs and looks like new; $105U. . . Its a real liny TERMS Til K -WHITE COMPANY.f Park and -Couch iU ..." TWO TON REPUBLIC Reatly for - work: will - be sold at a acrifice. THK WiMTK rOMPAXT, b I'ark mihI Vouch bts. pfc.K MK bofor buying a truck f fcqt-i to & 1 I inna il you .mean hOMnnks. irt. 111 tourli pith me. for I will sat you motivr on either a rw r Wfotvi hnd truck. Mr, King, room 4, II 1ST like , findmg $300. One nearly . new Chevrolet 1-ton truck, with express body. Will aerifies t(j ontoad. Wonid consider trade rn mall ear as prt payment It. I:. Warwick, 913 Mrieion.ift, .- - " .'. - V-TON Master truck, almost new: must sell at once, less -than half price or trade for good mo and . give terms. Cafci" Automatic at Ints i-N ACCOUNT, of leaving .city will sacrifice my t V-tort .truck, practically new : wilt take light ar in trade, balance your own tenms. O-740, -urnal. VVNER must sacrifice! a slightly u.-d 24 tn Master truck for less than half-price. His ' week.- No. 5820 02d-st. - EDEHAL truck, 1 V-ton. in perfect shape. Mte 1919 model worm drive.. - j ; Phone Jensen. Broadway 321. ' VA VTED-f-Wori fo ouinp .trucks, eitlier by sour or evintraet fan tint in hrnH imm Y. A. Hmf 148 E Sd. Pl.nn. V ?io' 'II SAI.K 8 Vi -tini truck with dump body and imjisx. ih eonuinon; tnia. is a real bargain '. fVinyer. Talyr 840 0 SAMPSON tractor, new. will sell at a his discount, 188 Grand eve. Kat 6563. Open inday'and eveniligv. - -. - 917 FORD rieliverv trnck fina .1... .'. j tyrms. Call Automatic at lenU for 2011. !"KU truck, almost new. See Stevens." 5 7 IS .stand 76th ate. ... ... . TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 frucks . ' Nose tlie price we are putting on our 'used trucks for quick sale. Then come and inspect 'tliem. ; WHfTr! 1 ton. Tou. know the . Vhit4 and we ana offering you a gtnuuio bargain at $1000 BTEIlI-INf; 8-ton; g'Kx! con tii cab and good rulv dition wi- btr mil around.ffcnly 2300 JUMBO f2$4 ion: rebuilt 'through ont with new rubber. . The truck for service) . . 4 2500 NEW A1A. AMERICAN. This is an vt"raize 1 ton truck . eviuiimed with fainnu Herschel-Hpillman . motor. 1 Torbenxen rear axJe and other good Units; a find at . i . i : . , . . ; 1000 AUj AMfcRICAN. shgUUy Osed, but in A-l shape; has body and cab. . i. : 1000 1CAXWE1X Hiis. tVe have two of these sturdy trucks one with cwb. Can take your choice for c 700 TVe will accept your light car or truck as part payment and give terms oa bal ance. - t 1 i viTcnKi.1, lewis a stater co., Brrvdwsy and Everett St. . I'hone Broadway 4075. OUR STOCK of used and rebuilt trucks is very complete. As truck dealers we have the toote, the parts and the experience to produce" frucks of the highest mechanical efficiency. It would be unreasonable to expect to find such Values elsewhere. -- . - - j -' - ! 191 S Chevrolet, good tires,-2 Miller cords; this car priced for quick sale $175 Oce-toa, Federal, with dual tires and cab. . 400 One-ton Jeffery, pneumatic tirea , 800 118 5 MC cafnrptlla'. tried tires, cab and windshield. This truck is In , perfect me chanical condition. MACK INTERNATIONAL ' ; COltlHiRATIiON TRUCK Tenth and Iwtvis Sts. Bmadway 690. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ALT, SIZES AND MAKES THE FOLI-OWINU ARK T1WCAL OF OUR STOCK OLDSMOBTTjE. ipeed trnck. 119 model, ex press b-dy, $9 0. 1- ton Ford, 1819, pneumatic tire, express body: as rood is new.; $625. l ion Republir, cushion tires, complete witli express body; $11.50. 2- ton It co. good tires and cab, $500. - -Qranriing) Treece v .V.543 Alder St.. Corner 17th. Broadway 1723. , pNE-TON fiEPCBLIO Splendid condition, N ( $725. Better hurry. TEBM3 IF llESIRED THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch sts. if H -TUN liMC truck with dump .body mud huiau Make me offer. Rellwood 141. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAh.ES WE" BELL FOR LESS: GET OUR PRICES. I.VD1AN MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE CO. MAIN 81 3 204 3T) ST. MOTORCYCLES AN it PARTS. sLL MAKES EAST. SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. ; 44-46 Grand Ave. 1920. HARLEY-PAVIDSON. neirly new, well equipped, with dream, tandem, two extra tires: $350. Tabor 9074. HARLKY and side car, run about 3500 miles, $350. . Easy , terms. 355 E. Glisan. Even incs After 5 p. m. ' :- lit-S UAUU,'V,'iMfru new; run boo mile: a bargain, 1027 Oswego st- Phone Columbia 1It$ for appointment. 1920 INt'IAN inoturcjtib, lhl class condition, extra wheel and sidecar frame: $50. 0028 82d st. SB. IMt. Scott ear to Grays Crossing.) I'OK SALE -Electric-euuipped Twin Harley mo torcycle. $225; or trade for Ford. 619 E. 20th st. a., phone Sellwood 634. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 Mr.; Car Owner - You will realiSe a big saving in your repair work by bringing it to me no experimenting nor guesswork -I know the automobile repair busiii'Hs from A ta-Z. . The only man you pay is the one who does the work no superintendent, shop foreman, or office force to be paid with your money. Wilt gladly test .your car, tell you the trouble,, and give you an estimate of the cost. I have had experience on all -makes of cars. Wi A. DICKINSON. North'Pacific Wagon- 6c Auto Works Bldg.. 0th and Hoyt sts., Broadway 3S66. " FORD OWNERS' FORD overhauled . i ..... , $20 Rear axle overhauled ....$ 8 Valves ground, earboa removed., ...$ 3 MacnetO recharged $ 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford rrts only ued. All work guaranteed GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS We vrill overhaul your car, any make, ana ve you money; All work done on a flat con tfact basis and absolutely guaranteed Work under the supervision of competent and reliable men. Get our ' prices, they are reasonable and will surprise you. We specialize on generator and electrical work, battery recharging sod re pairing, vulcanizing end tetreading; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL 707 . Hawthorns ave. Tele phone East SOUS. .AUTO" TOPS Curtains and Repairing! -See tin for reasonable! Ji rices. AiuerlciH; Auto Top to.. I'mon at Pine. ITJ irj irj 90 ;day' adjustments on ..all brakes 11 4'v"-u- relined. " THE BRAKE SHOP 827:8th St. Main 698. EXPERT ex-service men will repair your car at your bonie or at our shop, 89 Killings worth ; very reascnsble.' . Wdlp. 346. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 ATJTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS -New 1920 Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING & ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th St., bet. Wash snd Alder. Bdwy. 840 Hi nSONS AND ESSEX WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NKaiT. MAIN ST. GARAGE. 2D AND MAIN. MAIN NEW -AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS IX1WNSDALE GARAGE ' BRffADWAY gliiSO 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at Tamhill. A-1236. ALTHOK A WITHOUT BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE lKl!-:tta. A8MT UAMU THIRIl AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 I HAVE 4 lots on E. 28th -st near the Powell Valley road; 1 1920' Ilk ton truck. Hin about 2O0 miles: 1 1917 light six 5-passenger touring; will sell very cheap for cash or trade for house or arrcag close in. Call at 896 Powell Val ley ryigd. ; : . Wll.L trade some good work horses, harness and ' wssons for cstt) or tight automobile. CaU st 890 PoweU Vslley toad, cor. 29th. Woodstock car. . ; - WANTED Ford touring, late model; state best cash price; tuuot be cheap. East 4814; no dealers. r ll' YOU ant to sell your used car drive it in and walk out with the cash. . We also sell on commission. Simociton A Co.. 415 Glisan. HAVE $700 worth of . Goodyear stock to ex ehsnge for" food Small car; Ford preferred R-336. Journal."! GlOi residence lot in 71st st. at llal-ej, at a bargain; all rrty liens paid. Tabor 1543. WANTED Fprd coupe; must be late model and Priced right. ''.l'Eest t9. 'r - f" W ANT bt F.?rd $ 1 00 cash. $25 ir wUl i handle. A-343. JtHarnat W ANT, a late i Buick, Chev. Dodge and Ford 107 IStlt 4. WANTED Roadster body Butck. 1915-pr simi lar style. Phone Tabor S10. ; WE PAY CASH Tor all makes of small cars. 188 Grand ave.' East' 6563. Open Sun. and eve. AUTOMOBILES WANTED BiO WATJITTO KK BUMiAtiUW Modern hangfeCTr eonisting of S rooms and rnmoe room, built In leatures. Iutch kitchen, fwli basement, hnun, on 109x160 corner. 1 block from Hawthorne car, paved streets: price $4 500 : will take light car and some cash as fiftt payment. , , LUEDDEMAXN COMPANT, f13 Chamber of t'ommerce. Malti fl7. FOR S AXE MISCELLANEOUS 900 SHJSlightly Used50 Sewing Machines Will be sold at greatly reduced prices to make room for the New White Phonograph. All leading makes. Will take Liberty Bonds at face value 00 all new and pbanocraph. - , , S. S. Sigel & Son 382 WASHLNOTOS STREET r ANOTHER baauJful manogahy. VictroU type. latest design phonograph, including records, which cost $23, total value $248, can be had for $133 cash if taken at once. This is a bargain of a lifetime. Never before have we been able to offer so mnch intrinsic value in our resale department a in this instrument. - Ask for the Bend maw's machine, 3d floor. Filers Music bidg.i entrance and elevators, 287 Wash. st. SEW I NO MACHINE , . , EMPORIUM ' a;ents employed. Bargains in 2d hand machines. - Parts and repairs for all. Machine Mgin 9431. 190 3d st-e near Taylor. CLAMS Famous razor clams delivered fresh from the ocean to your door; 6 pound box of these de licious dams delivered to you door for $1. Sea son now open, . Address. Box 979. Hoqniam! Wash. : . AN AUTOPIANO player piano; 88 note, golden oak. rich tone; in A-l condition throughout; con new $965; owner will take less than half; 63 rolls included, also bench inpayments $15 per month. This is the chance of a lifetime. Bee Oregon Eilcrs Mtuio Boose or write for illustra tions and description, 287 Washington st. SPECIA1. PRICES -On roll top, flat top and typewriter desks, chairs, etc; both new nd used; Underwood and I C. Sm'th typewriters, 6 end 8 bank Bur roughs adding, machines. Prices lowest. Our new location. ! ; WAX OlTtCE EQUIPMENT HOUSE ! 24-26 N. 5th. ' Broadway 2749. WALNUT trees, filberts, peacnes, pears; prune trees (Italians), finest ever grown. Goose berries.' currants, loeanberry plants, strawberries, blackcaps. Woodstock Nursery, 5803 Woodstock sve. tend of Woodstock csrline) . Sellwood 233 2. A VERV luce Etneraan upright dark modernized case, good tone, sacrificed for only $178, cost $525 when new, payments $12 monthly, i See Mr. Andross, Eilers Music bldg. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians Main 1123.; LICENbEO independent electrician, wires 3 rooms for $12, S rooms $ 20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. . i LAWN MOWER sharpening by an ' automatic sharpener; lawnmowexs for sale. ; We call for snd deliver. Phone Eait 5424. ! Strawberry Plants Inspected Etterburg, noted for flavor. Tabor 12S7. 118 IHvision st. Phone UT WATER TANKS SO gal. $T, 40-gaL $; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils; gas heaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams St. E. 85)6. LAMES, let the Vogue sell your slightly used or misfit garments, handsome gowns, party dresses, furs, shoes, coats. ' at reduced prices. 403 Alisky hide., 3d and Morrison. Main S132. LEAKY roof, ehf Very aggravating, indeed. Why not a permanent and comfortable roof t We repair, rejuvenate, rebuild and robber-bond all kinds of leaky, roofs. Phone Main 6829. j FIRST GROWTH wood, $8.50 per cord; cheaper graae,; iirst class potatoes, at. xa saca delivered.! Hansen, call from 7 to 9 evenings, Wdln. 4011. .'.-. Plowing and Harrowing PHONE 626-83 EVENINOS PROOF box. for bakery, 1 4-shelf Blodget gas oven. 1 - 10-ft floor show case. Call 647 Washington at. Broadway 5732. I i'Oll . BALE cheap, cafeteria, tobaccos, gloves, etc., in connection. Call any week day be tween' 7 a. rrt. and B p. m. Main 5682. COMPUTING SCALES cash registers, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fix tures. st 226 Stark st. between 1st gnd 2d. I PRUNE TREES. ITALIAN 7 to 9 ft, very fine i preferred 'stock, reasonable. Woodstock yursery. end Of Woodstock car line. Sell. 233$. THE MIiVA Y uihohterers, uiiholstering and furniture, repairing. 60S Alberta -st. Wood- Tswn 560. . . i CORDWOOD First growth $u.50, tecttud growth $9.25. Ordef5, Juelion Furn. Co.t 113 t'.hird sve. Ka.t 6057. . : T-CLASS new and tecond uand lun-beir and square timbers. 2x6 tongue and groove; dry wood, and brick. Kast 8793 after S :30 p. m. NEARLY new Auto iiraflei Jr. 1 B. 4c L. Tbhult f. -4 5 lens; 4 plate holders; filna pack adapter. East 8006. - SCO ROSE CITYSpRINTERY S ft 5 You must bring this sd 120 5th St GLAOIOU BUI.IJS aii mlxeu. $1 12 differ- ent labeled. 75c. A. Drews. 1025 N. E. 23d 5t. , flimfrSeHrii-inr ok-.a.w,. .kejs.nk . - wuuiksannijr, : 351 H Washington St Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method RUGS washed on . your floor with Hamilton Beach. electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 404 5. - ; i NEW and second hand goods bought and sold Clothing a specialty. Prices right 815 First St. Marshall 6042. . ' - POTATOES, good quality, Pride of Maltnomah, from disinfected seed; for table use or seed T. F. Wagner, 241 Washington st FOR correct time, call Main 3579. For scien tific watch repairing, see Miler, next door to Majestic theatre. ' TAILOR-MADE suits left on hand at half price. Modern Tailors, 89 N. 6th at 1 LOTS PLOWED, j Ph. Mar. 3515 daytimsr FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st., near Ash. I UNCALLED FOR taiinr-made suits. $12.50 up. Taylor, the tailor. 289 hi Burnside st VACUUM cleaners rented, $1 per day, delivered. Bdwy. 2872 days. Tabor 5786 evenings. FAMILY knitting machine. Cost 28, sacrifice for $15. M. J. Anderson. 807 Mississippi. 250 FT. 1-INCII coil pipe, fine for hot boiue or florist. 614 Front. POTATOES Good duality. $1 a sack. 71st and Powell Valley road. Cor. of FREE dirt -to fill in your lot. st. N.. near Klickitat. - 701 E. 16th $65 OVERLAND chassis; make good bug or service car. Sell. 264. evening;'. . ' ! BUHBANK seed 'potatoes, $1.35 bag, delivered. Auto. 625-4;9. j . .- ; ! THRIFTY ! loganberry tip plants. $18 per ltiOt. R. Korlier. Woodburn, Or. $10 Iron'i Age hand cultivator, weder. Like new. Cnt $25. 7105 57Hi s ve. HdSI'ITAL bed. .-pnnt and mattress, m guod shape. 2S Front t.. ,' ! VACl"M cleaners for reut, h5e a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. ; 1 IF YUCH turnace vraones or doetn't heat well cull Ionard. At. 326-51. - LOTS PLOWED. ; I'hone 'Mshv 4307. John Corn. VACUUM CLEANERS sold, rented, repaired, es changed, bought. Rsy Bentley. Main 4907. LADIES' spring apparel and hats at great rw- duction from dressmaker. .. East 8015.. DRESS SUITS tor rent; we- a Ho buy dress suits. Barell s Misfit Clothing. 61 3d st. ' FOR RENT Electric vacnnra cleaners. 24-hour vlay 85c, delivered. Woodlawn 1269. FOR SALE; 1st growth corawood $9.50 percd., 2 cds. $18. delivered. Woodlawn 6312. CEiSPOOLei and eewer connection and cement work. Miller. Main 1818. FOR SALE: Registers, showcases. all tasn or credit. Z43 Balmow. FINK adding machine. $17.50. See it at 420 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FOR SALE Recleaned Aisike clover. 20c lb., by A. 'f. A'btl. Molslla 1r.. Itt. :t. FLOWING done and fertilizer delivered. .. 024-88,- - -, . ' , DRY SAWED ttH5D BLOCKS ' ' ." . MAIN 2676. ' " Aut. GARDEN MANURE and plowing. 642-41. NEWLY upholstered , tapestry davenport (bed stylei. Woodlawn 6046. 1121 E. 29th N. BURROUGHS No. 9 bank adding machine and stand. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 fth st - FOR SALE Stuxgia reed baby carriage. ' Apt 6. 735 Ererett st FlRST-VL-VSs shoe anil harness repsirin st Harelwild 11004. office. Ant. 623-28. SAKE Fireproof ; old, but. in good order; cheap. K-075. Jor.mal." .. 1 tr of .bar-bells in good condition, price $20. Cl'THBER T RA8PHERRT plants cheap. . Wood lawn 8H. PP. Bot 116. Portland. FERTILIZER dei& City. Automatic 820-62 or East 431 3. i - ROOT beer barrels, soda fountains and supplies, . shewewsea, ether-fixtures. 246 Washington. METAL BED. mattxetu, $. Cail Woodlii. 3942. 0n h FOR SAI-ISCELLANEOUS 906 ? WRECKING VANCOUVER f BARRACKS BUILDINGS. i BUILDINGS 'FOR SALE. t $50 vitreous enlng closets and tacks, i ' Halv. range boilers, 66-100. 1 Nteel storag tanks. 120, 260. 870, 664-gaL Rteel preacure tanks, tested 110 lbs. Kewanee hot water beatm (xnleTai No. 87. Ideal hot water beating boilers. No. O. 08. SO. Ameriean Radiator Co. hot water heating boil ers. '-..;..:. 1 F. B. steam boiler, 54x18. 1 B38 8 steam American heating boiler. 10.000 ft. steam radiators. Pipe, valves, ftttinss. L V. B. lip urinal and tanks. FOKRESTAL, MscQUAIO Jc CO.. 1 th and Reserve Sts. Mail Address, Box 24. Vancouver, Wash. - Phone 527. Buy, Sell AND KXCHANGB cash registers, showcases, founUins, scales, Itott UXtiues. 1 - L BOXER, Mar. 2438. U8 Second st .CEBMCIESTS! Direct' from fartnrv ta mm? home.' Tenne and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings, latest designs. Write for catalogue. . , . 1 J. W. HIOGINS & BO 1912-16-1S K GT.ISAN. i- TABOR 808. ORNAMENTAI Taaes, garden I Kannkae tit A KosV. einn. at ftSA. mObi vuvs . axaraaa. jayvusa- tains, etc. Buy direct from factory, Standard Art Stone Co., ' 1630 Macadam st. Marshall 778 or 309 E. 11th st. ' ' STOVES STOVES At wholesale prices. See us and save money on gas water heaters, gas ranges, wood ranges, etc Also special prices' on furnace, stove and plumb ing repairing; cxy-acetelyne welding. East Side Stove Exchange. East 6560. 7 Grand ay, H. WE SAVE YOU MONEY . House wiring,' lighting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. '. Third Street ' Electric Store, 224 Mi Third St., near Salmon. Main 5055. i SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES We take your machine in exchange,' balance cash or easy payments. Phone for demonstra tion. Machines rented. . Expert repairing, any xrOxfRfsnv i RtvnttR storr 882 Morrison st. Marshall 721. THE VALUE of a machine is but slightly reduced by a little use, yet we sell ail makes at less than Vi price; latest new Singers, cash or time: rentals, $3 a month. Winger Store. 183 4th. Maiw 6833. CLOCK REPAIRING Clock repairing, watch repairing.- We know how. Coast Clock Co., 204 Geriinger bldg., 2a and Alder, Marshall 4364. ; 1 Sewing Machines We nave the largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. , Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 3d. near Yamhill ' 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, $20 each; portable, electric machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. East 2359. A DANDY used grafonola, mahogany case, nice tone; we are closing out at $27: pay cash, balance $1.50 a week: actually worth almost three times this much. See Oregon Eilers Music House. 287 Wash, st. ELECTRI0 FIXTURES. WHOLESALE One hgut chain fixjure, 1 35; 3 lights, $4; 1 inch indirect bowl, $9. Wo do electric- wiring, lij-liable Electric, Union are at Russell. Phone lit 3886. Open evenings. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418 Bum side, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. SAFES lire and burglar proof safes, new and second hand, at right prices,, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO. 108 Second st. Main 2043. x a i . ijr js i i pair Lftvuj 9 uiuLiuu i ijjlci muuid, modified heel black, cost $12.20, worn 4 times, pries $8. Mrs. Ciooden, '6 12 Columbia nan.' a i j i .1 i ' : w . . 100 TIRES New and used, for sale at a bargain; first here first served. 514 UNION AVE. N. - ATOMOBILEb. MOIOKUICLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate clarifications. A large liting will be found under these different classi fications. ' COLUMBIA PLASTER WALLBOAUD ! Cannot buckle, warp, swell, shrink or barn. NO BETTER MADE IN OREGON. Ohsfeldt. 145 1st St. NOTICE! Plowing, Excavating, Sand and Gravel. CRE8TON FEED ft FUEL CO., ACT. 619-84. I AM LEAVING the city tor Jive months and want to sell or rent to a reliable party my beautiful: Victrola. Address .'.Mrs. Myrtle L., Wheat, L-655, Journal. . ; LET : I'S wash your ruffs and carpets with the Hamilton-Beach electric .carpet washer without removing from the floor. Woodlawn 1259 HAYVVOOD vulcanizing mold, from bicycle up to . 4-inch, with gas burner ; in - connection. 227 W. Tyler at. St. Johns. ' COMBINATION range, double oven, broiler. 4 burners: priced at $50, to sell his week. 1552 Vincent ave. St. Johns car to Wabash. EVERBEARING strawberry plants, progressive, well -rooted; $1.50 per hundred, -delivered. C-129. Journal. lots, garden and general teaming and excavating. East 4313. Automatic! 320-62. FOR CONCORD GRAPE! PLANTS ct Canterbury Bells, call or address M. Nickels. 1?2 W Blaodena st Phone Wdln. 134 8. TRY US for service, furniture moving trucks and baggage. Portland Auto Delivery Co... 242 Flanders st Phone Broadway 1730. : LADIES' USED APPAREL Smart ' styles; reasonable prices i 1132 E. Glisan.- Tabor 2825. J UNION Apparel Exchange sells sligUtly ucd ladies' i clothes, new eprma bats,: etc.' 719 Union ave. N.. cor. Ivy. East 1826. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 VIOLINS, guitars, banjos, mandolins, accordions and other instruments O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6TH ST. $125 BUYS $500 plain case upright piano, nice tone, $50 down, $10 mo. j 311 Wor cester bldg. ' IlltiliEKT prices paid tor pianos, phonographs. records, musical instruments: exchange and repair. 254 Market at. Phone Main 6012. JACOB LOLL piano, mahogany case, just like new; a wonderful buy at $325: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO '0., 149 6TH ST. BUSH & 1.ANE piano, very latest model; $35 bench. Sell real cheap on terms; make offers s 1 1 Worcester mag. $24U EDISON diamond disc phonograph, just like new. $135. fall after 1 p. m. 401 Phoenix bldg.. cor. 5th and Oak sts.! OREGON made music compartment piano benches' finished to order, $12. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill st PLAYER piano, Regina, mahogany finish. Must sacrifice for cash. Evenings and . Bundays. o v il t rums ave. $15 CASH and $10 monthly ( as befoite the war) buys $525 new piano for $395. (at Schwan Piano Co.; 101 10th St.. at Stark. I $150 BRUNSWICK, like new; $90 takes it .Room f50, upstairs. 270 Washimgton st. $150 CABINET Victrola and 50 selections. only $75. Newman. 128 1st nr." Alder. PIANO.- for sale or trade for delivery truck. Call nr. write 8815 7th st 8. E. CONN tenor saxaphone, silver, gold keys, fine condition. $80. East 21 98.'- BEAUTIFUL burl walnut piano, less than half trien. S 15 Abingt bldg. ; WANTED (rich grade used piano; cvsh. Woodlawn 6164. will pay 7 PIANOS, uprights, $100 to $325; many fine makes, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. i FOR RENT Grafonola, 3 per mo. Empire Transfer, 254 Bdwy, . Bdwy, 155. CHH'KEKINt; upricht." mahogany; sell at once. cneap.. qn Worcester piag. $650 W. W. KIMBALL piano only $225; take $50 down. 811 Worcester bldg. WANTE1 Good Txsad' piaoo for cash. . Main . 4424. PIANO WANTED . . Fay Cash Main 8586.' WANTED Piano at once; Marshall 6709. cash for bargain; COIN operated Peerless and Wurlitser orrhe- trion. Snap. Broadway 3123. 28 N. 3d rt. WlLi, pay cash for good used piano i or. phono- - grapn. t att Ants. ni $200 BUY.1 $675 Scheffer piano, maboganyi $50 down, $15 mo. 311 Worcester bldg. FOR violin, guitar, banjo and other st rimers see us. t. r . JPM.NSOJt PIANO CO., 149 6TH ST. WANTED Sweet toned piano for cash. Main '-wgt pet ore o p. m. EiLfcks piano, "EST new. fine tone. Automatic 44-14. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 get Torn WHILE THE GRAFOKOLJL 1 NOW REDUCTION IS ON 1 ' We Offer the ! $278 00 size for. . ; ...... $175 00 $150.00 Size for... ..,...$128 00 $120.00 size for. ..,.'...$ 8S.0O $ 75.00siae for.. ..;"....$ 60.00 $ 50.00 sixe for. ........ $ 46.00 $ 82.50 size for. . . . . . . . . $ 3.00 These machines are' all of the latest type, with non-set: automatic stop, and can be had in oak, walnut, or mahog any, on terms to suit your conven- -ieoce. - MSsh Furniture Co. .188-190 First St RELIABLE UfcED PIANOS At FOLEY & VAN DYKE'S ' 106 Fifth St. Werlein, mahogany . . . . 4 ...... . $ 1 50 Victoria, fine tone, ............. 250 Cambridge, walnut: 325 Hoffman, like new. . . . ... .... ..... 450 Terms, $25 cash, bslsnce $10 per month. FOLEY ft VAN DYKE A SUPERB fancy mahogany Edison laboratory model with Red Seal or other ravrds that cost $45. including attachment "to play lted Seal and ether Victrola' records; -actual value $350; will be sacrificed a clean $134 if sold for cash, er pay $18 more and buy on time payments as suits your convenience. : See Phonograph Dept., 3d floor. Eilers Music House, : entrance ) 287 ha Washington-st. ' Spot Cash Paid For': , PHONOGRAPHS i AND RECORDS f' Newman's Record Exchange" MAIN 4495. iUTO. 627-46. 128 FIRST. COLUMBIA Grafonola. latest push button rec ord ejector, filing system, guaranteed same as new, formerly $140; price $85: terms. M'DOUGALL MUSIC CO., New location. 129 10th street- ORGANS ORGANS $10 and up Estey, Mason, Hamlin, A. B. Chase, Kimball and others, all in good condi tion. SEIBERLINO-LUCA8 MTJSIC CO.. 125 4th Ft. bet. Wash, and Alder. OUR line of used phonographs includes Victors. Columbia, Edison and all the leading makes, at prices to suit your pocketbook. Come in and look them over; terms ! i . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6TH ST. KRANICH ft BACH GRAND at about half price; not a scratch on it and! in the best esf cendition. See this ; wonderful piano. Terms given. SEIBERLINGLUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4h St.. twt. Waih. and Aider. A VERY nice Emersan upright dark modernized case, good tune, sacrificed for.orily $178, cost $523 when Be, payments $12 monthly. See Mr. Andross, Eilers Music' bldg. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians Main 1123. STE1NHAUER PLAYER PIANO. C395, .with fifty rolH and beach, latest style, eual to new. A BIO KNAP.' Terms iriven. SEIBER- LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. .. bet Wssh. and Alder. " CHICKERINGT ft SON Piano, $375-. ThU is a real bargain in a h.gto grade instrument Best of condition. Terms given, SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIO CO., 125 4Ut St. bet Wash. snd Alder. ' . 1 ' . ' NORUIS PIANO; new but slightly, shop worn. Fine walnut case. At almost half price. Don't fail to see this instrument Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIO CO., 125 4tu St.. bet Wash, and AMer. VICTRULA. bora machine, splendid condition. Price $15. M'DOUGALL MFSIC CO.,. New location, 129 10th St., bet Alder and PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING All makes repaired, work guaranteed. . , McDOUGALL MUSIC CO. 129 10th st Phone Broadway 2821. GENUINE Victrola,, portable model, guaranteed; price $35. M'DOUGALL MTJSIC CO.. 129 10th. between Alder and Washington. MAN VILLE PIANO, plain mahogany case. $165; small pize, suit-able for an apartment SED3KRL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St, bet. Wash, and Alder.l . CONWAY PIANO. New; never been used: at almost half pric. i Terms given SEIBER-MNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO... 125 4th 6t bet Wash, and Alder. j - ANDREW KOHLEU. like new, mahogany case; left with us for immediate sale. See this and make us a- cash offer. Room 550, upstairs, 270 hi Washington street SCH1RMEK PIANO. $150. Tins piano will make s Tine practice instrument. Terms g-ven. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4fh St. bet, WaMi, and Alder. CLARENDON PIANO. Mahogany case; new. used as demonstrator; at a big reduction. Terms given.. SEIBERLING-LUCAS . , MUSIC t ...-12B 4tn St.. tt. wab. and A loer. $125 COLUMBIA phonograph, golden oak finish. slightly used, "with 6 records: a bargain at $65. 454 Washington st. corner 13th st STOREY ft CLARK piano, used a few months on Tent; don't overlook this one; $895, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6TH ST. VC'SE ft WON, 175. " Terms given on this snap. SEIBERI.INO-LrCAS MUSIC . CO., 125 4th St.,. bet. Wssh. and Alder: GOLDEN oak Victrola No. IX with over a hun dred Victor snd Columbia records; $105 value; $120 asked 732 Missouri ave. KINGSBURY Plain- mahogany case, $325. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC rr.. 125 4th St.. bet Wah. and AMer. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 Big Sale!. Big Sale!' OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE The building' is lesaed by Mr. Hoover and we are forced fo Vacate the store. We must sell our entire stock of furniture regardless of cost price. ' , SOME OF OUR BARGAINS: $27.50 Ivory Dresser for. "design8??8 . fT. $ ; 29.50 $250 Blue Enamel Alcazar combination. 40-poiind Cotton; Felted Mattress . . . . i . , $375, 3 pieces overstuffed, consisting of 1 Davenport, i rocker, 1 chair with loose cushions. ! spring edge and high grade of tapestry, beautiful ffi fl ET ETlfT) pattern, reduced'to. ;. . a?. And lots of bargains that yon mnst come and be convinced. We don't sell them, we sacrifice them - iSran early and get your bargain. IVin't forget' 454 WASHINGTON ST.COR, 13TH ST. COAL and wood ranges Cook stoves C.aa stoves ... . . J . . . 'as water hestersi Floor coverings, yard ... Kitchen queens . . . . . . ... .$15.00 up j . . . .$10.00 up ....$10.00 no .....$ 9 00 up $ .75 op $ 8.00 up Kitchen cabinets .$12.00 p Inning Room extension tables... $ 7.00 up Inning room chairs ..........$ 1.50 tip Living room rockers ........... 9 4.00 up Library tables C 5.00 up Bimmons beds ......... i . S12.00 up Cotton felt mattrejsea. ........ $ 8.0O np Steel springs ..............,.$ f00 up Coil springs ...... v. ....... .$ 8.00 up Dreser 9.00 up rOBTLAXD rcRSITl'RE EXCHANGE 208-210 First t ANOTHER tH-autiful maiKigany, Victrola type latest defsiirn j phonograpb, including records, which cost $K8, total value $24 8, can be had for $138 cash if taken at once.- This 'i a bargain of a lifetime.' NicVer before ' have we barn able to offer so mnch j intrinsic value in our resale department as in this instrument Ask for the Bond man's machine, 3d floor. Eilers Music bldg., entrance and elevators. 28 T Wash. St. A VERY beautiful mahogany player piano, cost , brand new Christmas three years ago, $735; latest design, all latest improvements, and 28 music rolls, left here to be sold for. what it will bring. Purchaser must pay down at least $150 cash or Liberty bondSy balance easy payments, or in six months. - See this at once or write Oregon Filers Music House-,: 287 M Washington, street, jnst below Fifth. ! - ' REED SPECIALTY SHOP s , ' 319 Williams ave. - - Manufacture! of j high-grade reed furniture ; we make reed furniture to order; reed furniture repaired and refiniahed Buy Idiract from the factorv. SECURITY STORAGE 'CO. flaring out nsw; uprisbt pianos, $75, $195. f15, $25.ear.h. Also one $750 player. 3: $950 player. $4-. Iisnos stired 75c monthly. Cor. .10t.;i snd ptsrik. AT $38, we will sell a used Edison table machine equipped to play all disc records. See this, if something pice is wsnted for little money. Ore gon K.ilers JVins-lr Mottle. Z7 "i W Xjsblneton st. FURNITURE for a 4 -room flat for sale. 2 ivorr bed room sea, dining room and kitchen. ,Ar'iy 36 K. 1st r. rn. .- - WE ARE elosirte out our stocc of second hand furniture, toves r snd ranges. ' Bee us .for bargains. 288 N. 16th at Bdwy. 2223. WHAT is your offer on fumed oak buffet table ...... i... . ...i. v xi..- u..n ,i.i. . 4 858 tll . TENT 16x24 ft $15; also good range $25; Potn nargams. iviu wowtsiwr are ONE gas stove, in food condition, $1LU). Wood- w "- ' 1 NEW 8x6 telt soattres-4oc $6. Mam 4046. HOUSEHOLD GOODS " 902 : DressersDresssrs W purchased 60 slightly I used up-to-date dressers in ash, oak or ivory; -all with French plate mirrors and wood knobs. These: dressers look jevery bit like new and we ofter them While they last, at $22.50, $23.50 and $24.75 1 reetwetively. . v; j : ... ' v ' ': - - : - I : Kay trnur No internet Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 FIRST ST. NEW sliipmeuL oi Uie jats jy.. li. S. roifs 'jps,"- Margie." ' Hcntttnl Annabel "Do Yen Ever Think of Met" "Honolulu Kyes." "Alice Blue tJuwn' etc." tint these at Fo ley ft Van Dyke's, 100 6:h st, ju-t beluw W i-limet'tH. ! - - i GtM ! 1 Buck range, f irt-clHsA shaje," very cheap. 4M2R 83d S. K. Mt. Scott car. , FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 uuu yt era, tswa vvuuuiuu. 3 tarM. be 24'inch center or mure. iarason diac wheete. 407 Jonrnal. . IsAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 A REAL BUY My combination house and boat boose, 2 rooms, electric lighted, .with gas heating and cook stove; also my fast 16 foot hydroplane runabout, complete, with 4 cylinder 80 h. p. 4 cycle motor. magnetr equipped, and driven through a gear box,-' . Call 525 Flanders st. r-eone dii-i Pin DON'T PAY" KENTr OWN YOUR OWN HOME Am moving to the coast; will sell my famished 3 -room houseboat, woodshed float, $ walk floats, launch and row boat at bi bargain. Call Broad way 1062, ask for Bootwick, employment office. YACHTS, LAUNCHES AND HOUSEBOATS SOLD AND CHAHTEREO FOR MARINE SERVICE. SEE PORTLAND YACHT AGENCY, 1332-39 . VY. UAiNH. BlvlMji FOR SALE 3 room hquseboat, foot Carolina St.. Fulton car; will partly furnish. All day Sunday; after 5 p. m. verek days; $850 cash; tivu Be-rms.. . xragg. BOAT 25 feet, 13 h. p., marine laotor, sale reasonable, or will trade for light car. Main 7815. Morrison. - lSH-l'OOT 2 cylinder Sponen motor canoe. also. ynone evenings, Milwaukie 4 7-J. OLD TOWN canoe; stored at Favoriu Boat house. ' Ask for Jackson. K-973, Journal. 22-FOOT metal boat for sale, $125. , East 525. 464 Morris st Phone FOR SALE OR) RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S REBUILT - typewriters, all makes, rentals, re . pairing, supplies. Distributers CORONA por table. SUNliSTOANDisdding machines. Main szwa. k. w. pease ko., no sixin st. ALL mak en suaranteed ou year. . Rett re-constructed typewriters on coast New price list Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 321 . Washington at.'. roniinn, ir. ALL MAKE b of typewriters leqtedi repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th st Main 3668. ONE UNDERWOOD No. 6 typeariUx in good condition.' Beaver Nut company, 2 5th t, oppcisite city hsll. .r . : FOR RENT Underwood, Remington, $3.50 mo. Empire Transfer. 254 Bdwy. Bdwy. 156. SWAPS 925 CO W DEALERS OR HTOCK HAULERS TAKfc, NOTICE 1920 1 H-ttm truck, originalcord tirea all around, just as good as new; will discount $700 for cash or trade for lighter truck or touring car. Call at 86 Powell Vallew road. WILL sell or trade tor furniture, 1 chicken brooder, 1 turner roller, 1 gas range, 1 steel range, 1 . electric washing machine, kerosene burner and tank outfit, squaring shears. Albina Furniture Co., Phone East 6727: LorH your house iieed-pHiritmg or tinting I will do the work, furnish the material and take same in rent East 7183 after 6:80, ask for Mr. Sheehy. - . - WILL trade some good milk cows for horses or light antomobile. Call at 896 Powell Valley rd. TRADE Buick bug, alv fine Kimball oruan, for carpenter work or what. 3J2 3d st. ' FORD truck body cheap, or swsp fdt roadster or ton ring body. 486 Wash, st Bdwy. 4458. TRADE 2 young cows, 1 fresh, for psxno. Ford or bug. Phone Sellwood 3186. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' 9SQ ; "$!2.50tO'$25-' :. FOR SECOND.HAND r . SUITS OR OVERCOATS c MEYER. THE TAILOR PAYS MORE YOtt CI-OTHKIK AND SHOES W'e call day or evening anywhere in the city. r'l Mar. 1229, o 258 Madison st-. near t3d st WANTED People ct Portland to know that I Ply the " highest cash price for second-hand household goods. No amount too large er too small Prompt attention. N. M. S EATER Phone East 2203. .143 Rnvell st HOCSK CLEAN ISO TIME Do not throw thins away. I oar eood D rices for second-hand furniture and household goods. Also tools, clothing snd all kinds of junk. Call Main 734. BEST CASH PRICES FOts ALL KINDS5F JUNK BUPPLIKS, TOOLS AND PTHEIt MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. , BEFORB BELLING CALL MAIN 5433. WANTED Alder, maple and ash logs and cord wood. See cr address Freeland Furniture Co.. 070 Macadam St.- Portland. Or. VE PAY highest price, tor secondhand cloth ine, shoes, furniture, trutika sad bags. 82 N. 3d st Broadway 855. WILL PAY H LI. VAi.l E Kill Al l. KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 246 FIRST ST. PAIL MAIN 4776 MR Lt.H KMAX. WANTED General household iiacking,-furniture crating, shipping, storage. Please phone after ft p. m. E. HolmBerg. East 6811. WILL PAY $10 or $12 for double copper cod gas water heater. East 4852. , ' . WANTED .Second hand bricks, any quantity. Tabor 904 2. SAFE, fireproof, for office. Give size, lowest price cgnd where St. K-9T4, Jonmaj. . . WANT .secondhand Hoffman f.Utf.u pressing ma chine. Pay cash. 125 Rusell. WANTED MUSICAL INS'MENTS 951 WAN TED rA used Melody fC" Saxophone, will pay cash.. Meet me at Imperial hotel, 12:30 p. m., April 2, and bring instrument' 1- WANTED FURNITURE 952 FUU.MTLUJk WANTED 'We .wsnt your nsei HOUSEHOLD GOODS snd will py -'' TOP MARKET PBK7E8 " We have been conducting this business, In Portland for 26 years and. there ...fore, have the means of dis posing of your goods im - . mediately, , w h i e h - means MORE MONEY TO TOO If you nave anything ia tbe HARDWARE OR FURNITURE line to kU of ' exchange '.Call Us First Main .9072 And s courteous buyer trill call at once LEVIN" HA ROW A RE ft FTRNITTRE CO. 221-3-5 Front at. Portland. Or. Main 9072. - Comer Salmon. I avt'Ol' CA.SIt toil UN F.I I l-I KNirURK Main 8878 UNITED FUl:!TUKE- STORE ' V ' 173 FIRST STREET Owl Furniture Co.i NEAR MORRISON W want yobr nsed famitdre, : stoves, carpets and pianos; We pay the highest cash price. ' 166 and 163 FiR-t t. Call Main 4627. M. R. S EATER Boys the best as well as cheaper grade of isnhd band furrmnrw. 286 Grand eve. Aot. 232-53. Used Household Goods. Tools and -yank. East Side Secondhand Store. 271 BosseiK Fist 53. ; WE BUY used lurniture stoves, eta. Ue- liable Furniture Co., 203-205 2d Mstn TflOH. Jl Kl.fcON FURN. CO.-nays your price for futni ture Vjist j6957. 113 Grand ave. PERSONALS 975 DREHSMAKLNG AND 'DESIGNING Men's silk shirts and physicians' garments a peciaity. - 299 . inn sr- aiain e" i SUPEBFIXotS HA 111. moles, wsra removed by IV needle method. Tns free. Jasie JTUuey, 514 Bush ft Lan. bldg.. Main 6366.- 8 unuulitiMD fHicL. Al Ltvvvi 404 Fen ton Bldg- 84 6th st Broadway 4993.., ". " ; ;' -. . ' ! . - MAK.-iA'.E. bath.'. Drj Eima -soreiuen. 60 Puns ma Wd. Msm Wst. Dnnirt-x phvictan' SPRAflNG ; White -wanWngj East 4754. ELECTRICAL supplies retail at wholesale prices. We de wiriag. Cooperi Elec Co., 244 Wash. HAIR combines made ,p. 8. V. Wee, 2 iillinrsworth. Wdln. 4380. - f - J. I E ROY SMITH, attorney, moved to 407-8 Defccua jilda. Marshall 2427.. 97S L4.T GEORGE KUKENSTEI.N, We veteran op tician, be your optician. He is expert la fit ting cy. slasses and his charges are' very reason. able. - saw klorrlawet, - - 1 KTei both le. t fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH (SPECIALIST whe doesn't hnrt you: 8 yrs. herw. Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg., J 1th and . Wash. Bdwy. 2S24. ALTERATIONS LadieS' tailoring n.rtM.1 tittinm nrk euar. ajed, -I. Reubln, 408 Bush ft Lane bldg. ARMY , OOOOa . U 8. ARMY GOODS (or sale, wholesale and retail; prices reduced H. HorensUta. k69 Sd st.. or 2I4 )t it Main 757S. . AMT NEEbttWORN ORDERS taken in embroidery, laces and paint- mgs. Mrs J. Reasonable rates. ' 493 Wasbiugton. Eppenstein. - . ATTOWWEV ' ' , 4 00 6 CA li I, M. MACK, attorney at law, has operant . bis new offices in the Stock Exchange bldg.. Third and Yamhill sta 1 . ' E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer ad notary publus. 934 Chamber of Commerce bide. BATHS Turkish Baths . Open For Men All P. and AH Wight 1 BLANK BOOK WAKER DAVIS ft HOLM AN, INC.. 109 2d st, blank book mannfactnrers. A-8183. Msm 186. BUILDINQ AND HEPAIRINa GENERAL building, sad repair work. Plans fur nished for any eiasa of work. Phone 8zt-2. eisaiavcat a MO BUILDERS TaELlABLE CONSTRUCTION CilT" Contractors & Builders Bouses " built, plana furnished; tore front klteVationa, couBUrs. shelving ; gar.ersl repsjr tng. Door and window screens aasde te order. tirst clasa workmen only. v mXk ' 168 West Park. Main 802 :ole llf.MIlINllI.INti oiirvciiviA WHtvrjf.lNO rr.n ve rnni work done b an hotleist shingler- Hef.rencef. Call Mar. 3402. Rm. 88, ANY KIND of carpenter work or cabinet inak- ing Call Wdln. 6195. CAT AND POO H.Q8ITAL rose" city veterinary" HOSPITAL, Inc., - R tfh .nd Grant Both phones. Day and night service. Three veterinarians. CHIROPRACTORS. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and massage. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Marshall 81b7. Dr. Lanra E. Downing. Open evenings. bit McMAHON (McMan) his i ajstem Pjopl. - taking adjustmenU while smiling; llta year. CLEANING AND PVEINO " ! FRANKS - ' - . Expert dyeing snd cleaning, with prompt at tention and st riebt prices. We are one year old and growing every day. Union ave. at Weidler st E4st616." HEGAL Cleaners, Jailors nd Hstters - Clean ing: and dyeing a specialty. Out of town mail orders given prompt, attenuon. 127 1. -U St., Portland. Or. ' COAL AND WOOD North Portland Fuel Co. Office Phone jWoodlalvn- 8984. Wdln. B7. 16-inch kitdhen wood, all fir, $7 big load. 16-inch drji ti. eads. Colonial furnace- wood. kVnton" PIEDMONT' PENINSULA. ALBTSA Fuel Co. WOOD AND COAL . i " Dry cordvvood, 18- In., $8 per load: sreen. Second trowthi 3H cord lots. 9Pr "! gteen first growth. 3 V4 efflrd tots. $10 per cord. Ottice at ypt tiPHKiiu . ' ' - OOD tut saUe, good sound fir, necial price for 1 week k all. west side order: 16-inch block and slab mixed. $5 a. big load, double $8.60; dry wood. $7.50 a load; 4-ft green slab". $5.60 cord. ' SUMNER-WOOD YARD, MARSHALL! JIOO. Si JROWTH O'CNTRX SLAB AD -.1 tDBDWOUI) . ' G-reen. extra thick, red fir slab, delivered West Side, $.&! per cord. . Cordwood debvered West Side, $9.60 per cord.- East Side deliveries 60c per cord exUa. Phone Bdwy. 1783. REDUCTION in prices effective Feb. 14: Sawed ln.rt of v. cord No. 1 old growth dry. $10.26; No. 1 i second growth dry, $9.56; green country slab, $7 50. J-ents. aou . Otic. Hawthorne Fuel -Co. East 6106. , , " at Ulll sound- block and t.1abwood. W.60 lor single load, $9 for double load : 4 ftdry slabwcod, $8.50 per cord. . S. W. Turner, Haiu 1723. '--..-'- DeUvered . immediaUly by Fulton Woo Co., 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173, , V . KAiil.ER W OOD CO., i , ' CORDWOOD. SLAB AND COAL. . Irge and Small Quantities. V.ed 11th and Everett St. Aut 522-83. T. " Prices Oovn- alber'tafuel cco! Woodlawn 2575. , GOOD 16 and 12-in: country slab, $3.60. $750. . Hea vy block, Slab. AS. DRY, eord. load, half load. Bargains. DeliVered -snywhere. Sell. 1760. Block and'Iab SPECIAL IN C LOAD IITS OREflON FUEL CO- WOODLAWN 4102. Coal $10 TON. BUY IT WHILE IT LASTS. Woodlswn 4102. OREGON FUEL CO. GREEN WOOD, special prices on to-in oiocg and, slab snd 4-ftv slsb. Piedmont ksel Co. Wdln. 3580, iviiix-TUT HLABWOOD Green or dry, 4-foot or sawed. Star Wood ft P""1 '' M'n 6018 ' . j. " WOOD AS'D GENERAL HAULING NO- 1 1ST "GROWTH. t.60 CORD. tffly'H DEAD iHYi $7,.: ACT. 619-41. BL0 K and slabwood. green or dry; reduced -rrrices. Marshall 24. Mr. (imp. DRY 16-inch wood, also .green 16-inc.h.. liialde and slabwood mixed. . Phone Wsilln. 2528. oodH von HAI.K Oak stumpace, extra 111 FOR: SALE First growtn cord S2 per cord." delivered. Phone W9odUwnJ631g. timber. O.- A.- rvnger, vj BLfB;K AND SLAB mixed in 1 in. leog'.b. For quick delivery call Tsbor 7664. - DRY PiNK.S. L INCHES. $7 PER LOAD. I'HONE TABOiC 420. DRY CORDWOOD. sawed, $9.23 load, $12 cord delivered. r.fiier j-nei e. m. 090t Bti) K and slabwol in 2 load lots, special prices National Enel . . E. 204 1. Foil bet prl-es-on eordwood, slab, call Heerdt Fuel Co.. East 2456 bwood and coal BEftT , dry old growth -ord wood, . You cannot j but it. V-o per corn, ahu oil s? BONE - dry - wood, also greeu slab; 16 inch. Woodlawn 83X7. : T 'iKliWKl- Dry !a gmwih, 4 ft . I 'i -jr IH in : green 1 6jw. lafe snd blnrk mixed. W'd. 21,2 GO III dry. .4niwocd, So.ftO. l EV fiownus ft "o.. Msln '3026. DENTISTS EXP ERT den 4 tiatry at saving of itearly on. balf made imwible by our location out ; of tle high rent corner Second -and Burnside. Broadway 2245. DR.BmE. 3d. floor, llalelgh bldg.. cor. Stii - and W asbihxton atm. Main 2119. A-2II9. "Dr. E. C. Rossman - PLATE SPECIALIST BertTaces old teeth with better ones. Msln 7974. - I irmrn.1 BntMlnv. Dentistry -.r.Vl-iV Without Pkiw. Latest Nerve-Blocking -Method, DRUOLE8S PHYSICIAN DR. JOS. SMITH, drngless pbjsician, Uesla all diseases, men. women and rduldraa. - t 214-15 Ylleflner bldg. EDUCATIONAL DANCINO Downe Dance studio tudis 386 hi Washington rtiwet! over Hsselwood. Tarmt jntniriArt-,CHJIioa k: ait. sasiat RIVfil.t-RS DANCING ACADEMY TfiRTt.AND'S LEADING SCHOOLS : tillion hall, 14th off LWksh.; Broadway lisll,- Brosdwsy snd Main, j'-Oress snd privste lessons by expert professions! -instructovm, in all brsnche ballroom, rlawheai. bsllet etc. phone or .call for appointments. Broadway 3su 613-39. frrrni nibrfr ft-r-frnn ana tuinia hi.!. T,V.h. ingtoh'at Third, p'rivate ! boar or half boar it -I i, : . O .1 4 . C inssons; uay, .veniTi.. v.ov p. w. iw w Course kvaons specially priced Clasa Monday, Friday,' 7 :30 p. m. Miss Irelsnd - MISS DOSOTHf BASMCSSEN Ballroom and aestlietie dsncidg. 610 Eilers Jld., Washing. ton, between 4to sna &tn sts. msip im. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS L. CABROIA, DAY. teactwrr of Vote aod piano, 148 ISUl U . aJroaapsy PERSONALS I l I It I'M III Vi a rArOOfOJ aV v ; rrtvn u 975 LEATHKRL1FE makes a trlend every time a can t. sold; waterproof your shoes, harness and auo tops: Wet otr drv weather, it's tile best ever. Leatherlife. Cb. 810 Oak St. . CHAIU.Ey SIATERJ seen in Portland laet week., Would be to your sdvsntage to call at 1104. nawUiom. Talior 6; 130,' . " ' WU8IO BCHOOU8 AND . E. LAW SON 30 years" lessons at your home. $1. - TEAOHCRS experience; piano Aut. 643-13. CLEOTTtrOAL WORK C . X (SiKirty): TliiRNKR,. licensed .electrician: Let Shorty do yotrr electrical- work, wire your new or old home. Automatic 32 1-62. FLUFF RUQS AND RAO RUQS RUQ CO. Fluff Rugs,1 Made From Old Carpets. tear miss, a Mpeculty. Carpet Cleanmc. etisins. Refitting. We Cell and lleliver. 8 1874 E. 17TB ST. PKI.I.WOOD 87t. 167 HAT OLEANER8 AND OVERS HATS cleaned, blocked, dved reasonable Snd aate lsfartory. Roysl Hat Works, 223 llfst St. LAUNDRY Lace Curtains Tn?,4. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING by our ants.: tnatio sharpener; i is vn mowers Jr sale., W'e call lor snd deliver.! Phone East 5424. LUMBER 1 AND 3 In. dimension lumber. Murphy lim ber Cc., North Portland, hear Swift Packing plant. Woodlawn fl7r4. ; , MILLINERY ' 3 to $25 EXCLI SIVE. trimmed7 untrimm-t tailored and mde-Ui-ordcr ha -a. Les ald Briery. 60S Union sve." N. 4IUR8ERIEB GREGORY H EIGHTS NURSERY -Parennlals, porch box pUnts and shrubbery. Order geran-.uma and psnsy plants now. 688 80thSt.. Hfl City ear. " -Tabor 8299. OPTOMETRIST - ,gaw ESTES arHehtifHially tested with mod: --7 ,;ern instruments; glasses fitted at a ' saing: sstisfa.rt.ion guaranteed. A. H. HURWlTgi Optometrist, 225 1st St PAINTINO, TINTIWQ, PAPERHANOINO Say, Folks I I'T MR I vocn PAINTING TINTING PAPER hAnGINO Our work Is dependable and will picks, yon." Th. prices sre right , I AUTOMATIC 615-71. PaintingI Papcrhanging ; TINTING EctTIMA'l US FUIIN'ISHKD gS.1?!"' -SPjSULE PAINTER 1616 BKI.MO.VT -i AUT. 217 80 .' Painting, Tinting 1 Interior Work a Sneeialtr. Reasnnable Prices. Main 3709. Paper, Paints. Elc. 228-230 SECOND sVTRKIT. MAIV 7o"- UrfllL BROS... INC. " PAINTING AND TINTI.Ntj" " Experienced workmen, moderate "pricea. II Tt Bennett. 264 H W, liroadw.n Telephone MaU Albina Paint Co. Jfc Hk"s in it.ii. f-aniiiex. ivai.. i-per nsnging, Kmm. k. 4 44 7. GET YOL'R 1'AIMIVt;, drworating and siaTs before the spring rush; Ke "nil : years- as peri en na. Tabor SIGN PA1STUSG TAHOrf i'Sff . H. CLIFTON, painting. pp.nng, tinting. JM . N. 17th at' BToadwsy 4414. Woodlawn 2126. !. A. DAVIS ei mS. itaiittiini. tiutji.o ml .i,ci- bsneine: W"r and rn y to MH..fy W'tln 82t, J. BHILLITTO Shop, 164 F, PAINTING. I -B naintinc. psnerhanffiti." Imiin, E. Bdwv. K. 7297. Re. K (til carpenteriiici 670$ Aut 617 46 Woodstnck ave. -8. B. PATErtT ATTORNEYS GOLDBEItO. 620 i Worcester bidg- Main a2iv PL ASTER I NQ - PLASTERi.Vtj TTTB WAY YOU LIKE If." it r')i r.T.Atit 2lh-X2 PLOWING PLOWING tt!' Pt4V8ICIANS Br E. B. ANGELL.T 7U2 ', i.,,i- li. ' 6019. Chronio and acute diMuu " K,ik. electro-hydro tlierapeutiea. Dll DK MURALT 647 Murgau bklg. Former sseoplate of r. GnLv Kaar. PLUMBINO AND ITflM ariVe-isin suppUew. Let US sflgur. on your installatiun. Plumhinsr .;EI?AIi; !,bi':! ?'. W. A. MYERS, 178 E. 62d st. N Aut 2 11 -97! PLUMBING- SCPPLIES at Will LES aT-B PRICES. RTAHK-DAY1S CO.. mn 4ih .. THE M. L.KIirCOT84rr8T'l O'EnFiC PRINTIWO, ENCRAWINO. BINDINO Printino . "-.w- baltej a to . i.t rnilUng gndOak. Msln 165- Sli fl.1. THE IRWIN-IIODSON COMPANY. 887 WashingtonJ Brosdwsy. 434, A-125. "A MCI! IPV PRINTING CO. Cnslity. (Serv l i3Il,Ui Ine. 252 Wash, sr.. Msln 4671.. RADIATOR RERAIRINQ AUTO JtAlsIATOIl Kry.i".A ' lT OfeO. WETI.Ei 46t4 HA VVTHoH.V'K BET. 8TH AND TH. EAHT 1 64. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE EE 18 for real .slat, and iiuiiram.. Coot.f ft Iiolmah. 322 Failing Mdc. MirshaU 3!)93. R00r REPAIRING WE BEPA1R snd paint roofs, rle.n gutt-rs. psint fir. escapes, waterproof basements, reasonable; ' work guaranteed. , ttonf riei-uriry. Inc., infra. Wvbfoot paint. 226 Board of Trad. bldg. Main 671. SHEET METAL WORK MULTNOMAH SI IEET - METAL WORKS- Roofing. guttering, spnutlna. lobbina snd gsperal rplnng. Plione Brosdwsv 92 22 Ai SHOE REPAIRING Model Shoe Repair Shoip Prewar prices on shoe repafrini Men's oak 25. Rubber tan bait soIm. C1.50; ladles' SI heels, oc. ir: roiiKTH pt. MAI N 6222. STOVE REPAIRING Why Buy a New Stove W. repair all Hnds of stoves, gas ranges snd furnarea East R98I. ' ' TAILORINQ COME to t. I! Rmen. the tajlor. and ar. $F5 fo $2fr on your spring mitt, due to low vent. Txrated 66 N. 6th (.. bet. Everett nd Ihinv. TRANSFER AND STORAGE HJ"M".Vr:crTfiir- 18 jrST AS IMPRTANT AS WHERE VOU MOVE , Call Broadway 1281 or Ant 11rJ. Our trucks snd caret il m-H ar. at your srv-. Oregon Transfer Co. . , "" ' Office ei4 Rtorsge, 474 fjlisan. SECURITY .STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. - lsckina-Movina Ktorsf. HONEY" lJANED UN GOOD8.IM STORAGB 63 Fourth .., opp. Multnomah hotel I'hone Broadway 3715. -iLU'AYS PH fc ftilt llKSfnioTEllOLTT G'lODS SPECIALIST SturaK., ickit-f. shipping snd moving; horse and so to vans; un cial rates to all points - C O. PICK TRANSFER, ft STORAGE rrt. 2d and Pine sts. . Broadway 56. A-H9, Storage and Transfer : " Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN. BROADW A T 347A. - L. L. HOOD -- , - AUTO. EXPRESS Fnrnilure end general bsuling dmrnlMts. Trunk. 60c, ssiitcases 16c. '210 6th -Mr - Msin 5756 - ' TRY US for rvic; furniture jnovinz. trii nlr . and bagzsge. Portland Auto DeL Co.. 24 2 1780. i Fbinder. Bd TM Transfer and Storage. 15"drs' free iinf. age. 4 2 Union sve. Ft I!4!I4. VACUUM CLEANERS VACUUM cleaners rented" R5 iiii:'it,ia bins attaches Ml ts, . $1. - Wovdiawa $7 38 PERSONALS r 5.