1 TUESDAY,; MARCH 23, 1921. THE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON 10 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 CHE TIME V" THE I'LACE ' TUB CAR Th following list of rare are- of eieepttJonal value; c mo and look them over and learn tbeir . true condition ; a car lot almost very need. Pric and terms in nut-. - FORD touring Motor overhauled, new top, refinished. shock absorbers, camp bed, tlm. rims. Urea tlmmt tmr..., ,,,.$ 8 ' UXWEU TOURING Fins tnechani'al condition, rood tires.., 250 CHEVROLET TOLRING Kefinished. good tire, battery lias been- ' overhauled ..................... 300 MiXWEU- 19tl CHiSSIS , Tim mechanical condition , 350 OVERLAND M TOURING ' Thi eu it in fin condition, good tires., 350 HA RROUN TOURING Thi ia n excellent bargain. ......... 500 HCPMOBU.E TOURING . Motor overhauled, new battery, food ties. - new top. rrfiniahed . S0 MAXWELL 1919 ROADSTER I nrw tires, mechanically right refinibed. ' louka like new $75 OVERLAND OO TOURING Refinished, food tires, motor overhauled, "y ready to go . . . .. . i . . . . 600 CHKVROLKT I2 TOURING Can't be told from new, 6 cord tires, spot- liflit it ... 75 OAKLAND LIGHT Motor overhauled, five aood tire. This car la eaay on oil and ga - TOO OVKRUaD LIGHT Overhauled, refinished, new top. ft food tire, "for quirk sale 850 ' BI'ICK LIGHT SIX - Overhauled, new top. fine finish, good tire, spotlight .................. 050 OLD8MOBILE UGHT . 8 good tires, overhauled, coin m re this car with other you will see' it is 20 pox cent lower, ...................... 1130 1,00k the ear over before you place your . deposit and ssv money. C. O. BLEASDALE, 530 Alder. Broadway 1852. MAN LET AUTO CO. . EAST TERMS NO BROKERAGE 918 Hop., new paint, like new.. . .$1030 ISIS Buick light six $1050 1920 Oakland light six .......... $1050 1810 Maxwell .9 00 101 SUarna-Knigbt ... 750 1915 Dodge ., $ 450 119 Chevy .,........,........$ 550 117 3 paaa. Btndebaker roadster... 500 1915 Btndebaker .......... ...... .9 250 1020 Gardener ... .i, ........... .$1200 New 1 H ton Grout truck, big discount MANLEYS USED CAB DEPT. 11th and Burnsid. Broadway 217. Can Mr. Hia . Evenings, Main 3810. Bargains in Used Cars - 1 fiverland roadster ........ $125 1 Ford $200 1 Ford chassis 1 75 1 Peerlea . SOO 1 Maxwell .....S2I.O 1 Overland BO ...32S . 1 Baby Grand Chevrolet ,.,.$450 1 Oakland 0 ,. $500 1 Buink .. . ....... .$900 Long & Silva 462 Hawthorne a to. 1930 BCTCK five passenger, in fine condition. looks Iika new, motor overhauled, good urea. 3 brand new Goodyear on. rear, extra tiro, tube and tire cover. 1921 license. Car must be sold at once. Price $1400. Phone Frank Smith. Broadway 1 130. . l 8 Ford Roadster MM JiKW THtKft AVO NW T.T OONSK. NKW TOP. RUNS FINK, HAVINO 3VT FINISHKD BEING REBUILT. IB" TOU V ANT' A BARGAIN COMF, AND SEE THIS KOAD8TER. Take $175 down. bU long eaay tenna. 514 Alder at. Open Monday. MURPHY USED CAR CO. 1918 BUICK. 7-pass. touring, ia a real bargain; has 1921 license and plenty of extra equipment. See thia ear to appreciate it Call Knox at Broadway 1130, Or 1'nbor U037' evemnci. RADIATOR BIRVICB OO. TT WILL PAY" you to see us about repairing that RADIATOR, FENDER r BODY. Expert, guaranteed work at moderate prices. Cor. Union gn4 Hawthorn nvenuea. East $498. 1920 BriCC 5-pasa , all good tires; Been for 1931; ear carriee guarantee and aerrice for SO day. Price $1500. Ak for Glen Hovd'a car. at Btiick aalesroom, 12th and Alder, twos if you wiah. tie car Monday. ' Don't Miss This See tomorrow'a apecial used car bargain In Ceok 4b GUI' window, 11th And Barnaide. . ' '19 Ford Touring New tirea and this year's 1icenc all reedy to m. l-tiw prio and will take $185 down, baL ong eaay term. Open Sunday. ' 514 Alder at. MURPHY USED CAR CO. - $385 FORD TOURING $3lt5 Fininh of car la practically as good as new, good tire, lens, spotlight, speedometer, cutout sad shock absorbers: must sacrifice -for $385; some terms. Call Eat 290 evening. ANDiatSON r.lA UA1.C' l'ttlCa. Have to sell my 1920 Anderson Six; condi tion fine, haa cord tirea; my aaerifie your gain; moat sell quick; will take half price: give term. Car at mv home. r.fi4 Tillamook. Kant 706&. BARGAIN $485 1920 model-Ford touring, with starter, spot light, mirror, daaU light, foot throttle, cutout, double tire carrier, shock absorbers. Call eve.. Fst 51 86. 4-CTL. si'UDEBAKER ROADSTER ' Fine condition every way. a practical eco nomical and efficient salesman's ear;. $600; 200 cash, balance 10 months, Mr. Argo, Bmadwav $281. FORD TOURING, good running condition, $150. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANfSE, Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471. Oin Hunday, CHALMERS UllHT 6. NeW top and paiot. nw Willard batteries, 4 new tires; terms, no dealers. Phone East 6630. 032 E. 18th N. . . SPECIAL built cylinder Etude baker roadster: must be sold at once. This ear ia up to the minute and Us bargain. East 44 81 LISTEN to this: Oakland light six, pnly 86O0. Don't paaa it nr. ; It a at Waller Motor Co.. jninirion at l oin. 1917 FORD touring, with, demountable rims, good tires, very good shape. . By owner.. $300. F-a.it NEW Ford with etarter and extras. Have pur chased Chevrolet and will discount, with ermn. PKcme owner. East 17. 1919 FOKp touring, jut had motor wverhauled; a bargain for cash; could arrange term. Eait 4 84. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 FOR RENT I -art private frarase at 24th and Halsey sta, rbone Et ". FOR SALE 2 Universal tire fillers fog 2 wheels. Bdwy. 518. 533 Pittock blk.- TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 " LOUt; IN li TRAILERS Used, but in perfect condition, with ehaina aad bunks for trailer and truck. Low price for nuick aale. Hee Parsons. 00 N. Broadway. Phone Rmadwev 821. 3ti foki a ui;ck ao . Ford truck. 1 ton, A-l condition, cab and stake body, chain drive. Tabor 37. 110S Hawthorne. WANTED- Worm to. dump trucks, either by hour or contract. Can put up bond. Addre rcwm-wT. I r.. Hi. t'TTl. r, 212 S H -ION GMl' truck with duuii body and holl. me orre. Kellwnnrl 141 IT -I.. t'O&Tl ' U ITU 'b'MDi-h" Some extras, wmt terms. East 518t eve gs. tjOOO property will be accented . irt r.v ment on tnielr. P. Q. find. eVHey. ffA4 0.K,-un Federal truui, $430, trsrma. 1 LH aA Eatft Harrison. ' n a j amsM TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 S lA -TON G. W. C. Thi trork haa been carefully overhauled by our own roeehsmcs, the tirea are in A I condition and, all in all. this , u a wonderful, value at. ....... 12450 4-ton Packard. big,.- heavy e-baia drive with new tires, will haul a tremendous overload .,.., 1430 . Cer Six, haa been used butvery - little, just overhauled, new tires, plenty of power and apeod, only.. 1450 O W C. 2-ton, has good cab; thia truck has been used lesa than a, year; was traded for larger -trm k and we believe tliat it it vaiue that ia aeeond only to a new truck 2450 i. l -ton Whit, ready to run ; . cab, stake body. 1275 lie-ton G M C, pneumatic' tires; -thus is another truck that has been ' used so little that it ia tlmoat a . joke to call it aeeond hand; we will guarantee thi in every respect the tame at a new truck. . . ........ 2450 1 H -ton Reo, chain drive, if It was n't it would bring twice as marb, yet it in every bit as good for bard work .. .............. , 650 i-ton O.M.Ri A-l condition; can't be beat at. . . . . . .... . . 750 This is a fair itample of our stock of d cars. AVe have many othera And will be clad to abow them to you. Wentworth "& Irwin 200 SECOND ST., COH. TATLOB .TRUCKS 1 1 TRUCKS I AT.tr SIZKS AND fttAKES THE tXLJXWINU ARK fiPICAi, OF OLK STOCK OLDSMOBII.E speed track, 1919 model, ex Tre b-Hiv. 930. 1 -ton : h oid, 1919, pneumatic tires, express oooy; as trooa as new; soa. 1-ton Republic, ciiahion tires, complete with express body; SIl.ou. , 2-ton Keo, good tires and cab, $500. . "3rann!ng & :Treece 542 Alder Bt.. Corner 17th. Broadway 1723. TRUCK OWNERS If your truck Is equipped with a Continental or euda motor, Fuller transmission, Torbenaen axle or J ax -ox ateerinc gear you can aeewe re pair parts without delay troca us. : We alse hae a atocn of aaea ateo track parts. ROBERTS-MOTOR CAR CO.. INO. Republic Truck Distributors, . far and Everett Sts. CHEAP USED TRUCKS Federal. 1 ton :. . . . . . , $475 Federal. 1 k tone $75 GMO .... . .f. ..... . .. . i . . . .$400 Come and look these trucks over. They are r.ct junk, by any means. Phone Jen sen. Broadway 32 L - SEE ME before buying a truck irorn to tons if you mean business. Get in touch with me, tor I will save )uu ut.ny oil citiii r ,t v or seoond band truck. Mr. King, room 4. 489 54 wan. n. wawy. twi'. . REPUBLIC -ton track. 1919 modeL with cnshioR .tires, in perfect mechanical Condi - tlon; a snap at 430. renew Cotot Car Co., r.ast oils. FOit tiALK By owner, IVJO X-Utm Clietrolet truck, used only a short time and in A-l ninninr order, stock body and cab; would con aider light car is trade, at 853 Garfield ave. and Hhavee m. UN ACCOUNT of leaving city, will sacrifice my 1H ton truca; practically new; will take light car in trade, balance your own terms. O-740. Journal. 2-TON truck, working every day; traaine&a goes with truck; will Uk Ubt truck in trade. Inn -'463. If Vorr hare th cash .to make substantial payment on A tow track. a me. I have the ion. o. tiiidtw . Kdwy. ar.4. 89 N. tth. FORD trm-.k. alaiost new., Sea fiteveiu, 57th .4 TO.l. ... .... 7 1-TON Buick for-ewto, $ 00. Tel.. E. 3110. 388 Russell st. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MTOKCYCLES OF ALL MAn.ES WE SELL LESS: GET OUR PRICES. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE & , BICYCLE CO., MAIN 813i. i 204 D fT. HOXOR0YCLES AND PARTS, aLL MAKES EAST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand Ave. ONei iiariay-tavidiHiii uiouircycle. A-l condi tion, tandem and light, good rubber, $75. 500 William avenue. " FOR SALE Electric-equipped Twin Harley mo torcycle. $225: or trade fr Ford. 619 E. 20th t. S phone Hetlwood 834. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 i FORD OWNERS : ' FORD overhauled ........ . ......... . $20 Jeear axle' overhauled .................$ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. ..,.......$ 3 Magneto recharged ......$ 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuia Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed, GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO- 280 Front St. Corner Jefferson. ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS We will overhaul your car. any make, and aave you money, j All work done on flat con tract baits and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the supervision of competent and reliable men. Get our prices, they are reasonable and will surprise you. We specialise on feneratot and electrical work,, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanising and retreading; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorn are. Tele phone East 8063. AUTO TOPS ; v : Curtains and repairing. ' ' See ua for reasonable price. American Auto Top Co., Union ave, at Pme. - FREE .ays' kdJUJtais on si brake THE BRAKE SHOP 327 (5th St Main r.o. EXPERT ex-service men will repair your car at your home or a; our shop, 89 Killingsworth; very reasonable. Wdln. 34116. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS BENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS ' New 1920 Model CarsReasonable Rates FEARING ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th St., bet. Wash and Alder. Bdwy. 840 NEW- AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS LOWNKDAX.U GARAGE BROADWAY 2858 13TH AND WASH. HUDSOXS AND ESSEX WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAT OR NUJHT. MAIN ST. GARAGE, 2D AND MAIN. MAIN JltloS. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT 1JKUKKS. L. SUELJVAJf, FASHION OA- KAGK. S1AK. 232. lOtk) at YamhilL A-123S, ILTHOe' k ' BPS'VETf, CARS FOR 'HfRS WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 85a Cash for Cars I want some late model cars, but must be cheap tor spot cash. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 28 N. 11th. Broadway 3214. Oppoait Wcin hard brewery.- 1 HAVE 4 lots on E. 2Slh St. near the Powell Valley read: t 1920 1 H ton truck, run about 200 miles: 1.1917 light six 5-passengr touring; will sell very cheap for cash or trade for house er acreas close, in. Call at 8o Powell Val ley road. ' -: WILL trade some good work horses, harness and wagon for cattle or light automobile. CaU at 896 PoweU Valley road, cor. 29th. Woodstock WANT car as part payment on modern home or In exchange, for 40 acres of land. Day phone VVANED Ford touring, late mode!; state best ' cash price; must b chsap. East 4814; no dealers. - ,-.,. FORD, 125 ruh ill buy. Own ,KUii day 10 to 3j B. B. Body Works. 500 nil lism ave. ' IF YOU want to eell your use4 car drive it In and walk out with the csh. r We also aell on enmmisMon. Mimonton Ac i o. . 415 Glian, FINE LOT, all clear. 50x100. jn North Plain. Will trad for good auto. 1831 E. Gliaa at, Tabor 608. : - i - U- YOU want quick action on your car, bring it T-"".ivnj i u inn. r. oo a no Bawy W ILL pay eash for 1817, or IttlH towrrng or msn-rer -n any snapc. fst 4 3 TO, 5 EXCHANGE carpenter or eeinent work for rem csr. iin-j r:. I7tr?l. FOR quick aciwHS on your ear, eoaae, to 107 13U St. .- . AUTOMOBILES WANTED - 8S0 HAVE 1918 model 00 Overland touring ear; will trad for Ford or larger car; will pay or take difference. -, East 7188 after 6:8F. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 5-SIigfatIy Usedi5(0 i Sewing Machines Will be sold at greatly reduced price to make room for the New White Phonograph. All leading makes. Will tike Liberty Bonds at face value on all new machiues and phonographs. : S S, Sigel Son i 282 WASHINGTON BTBELT Buy Sell AND EX CHANGS cash regiaters. showcaaes, fouutaiot, aciirs, story CiAtoxes. 1 : I. BOXER. Mar. 2438. 1 1 3 Second st. JrSgfe'-ftggr ORNAMENTAL vases, garden ". 11 "a henehe. bird bath foun tains, etc. : Buy direct from factory. Standard Art Stone ., 1 S3 Macadam t Marshall 778 or 3t E. 1 1th St. LAST CHANCE Stock of Stern Salvage Co.. C33 Wash. St.. for tew daya only: Upboestevcd trior furniture, 1 walnut dresser, vaiue 8150, foe $60; larg mi rear, gold frame, worth $500, for $100; walnut chair for $t to $3; picture frame of gll style; very cheap candlesticks, antiques, etc. - tfEVYINO MACHINE EMPORIUM New machines sold for leas : no 1 agents employed. Bargains In 2d hand machines. , Partg and re pairs for alL Machines rented and rermirinc arua ran teed. Main 9431. 190 3d St.. near Taylor. CLAMS Famous razor clams delivered fresh from the ocean to your door; 6 pound box of these de licious clams delivered to your door fog $1. Sea son now open. i Addre, Box 97$. Hoqirlam. Wash. IX) YOU , want a new enameled combination ranee 1 One oven fpr wood, coal and gas, compact and durable, atandard make. A beauty. We are going out of business and you can save $75 on a range by coming to ua. It ia worth the trouble. Easy tenna. if desired. Call Samuel L. Brown. 312-14 Eat Madison. - eU'ECIAi PRICES On roll top, flat top and typewriter desks, chain, etc.; both new and used; Underwood and L. C. Smith typewriters, 5 and 8 bank Bur rough .adding machines. Prices Invest. Our new location. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE 24-20 N. nth. P.roadway 2733. BiNUEK, WkUe, New Home, in act, al most every make and atyle, $15 t $85. AH latestk new Singer each er time. Rentals, $3 per month. Singer lore, Mnnt hldg., 183 4th. Msin 0838. WALNUT trees, filberts, peaches, pears; prttn trees (Italians), finest ever grown. Ucose berriea, currants, loganberry plants, strawberries, blackcaps. Woodstock Nursery. $803 Woodstock sve. (end ot Woodstock earl ine). Kellwoou 4Sa. LICENSEO ' independciH eievtrician. wirw, S rooms for $12, 5 rooms $20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pat inspection. Woodlawn 8781. LAWNMOWEB sharpening by an a atoms tie sharpener; lawnmowem for aala. W, caU for and driver. Phone Est 5424. ' - Strawberry Rlants! Inspected Etterburg. noted for flavor. . Phone Tabor 1287. !1BH liivwion t. HOT WATER TANKS 30-gal. $7, 40 -gal. $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils; gas beaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. E. 8516. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your slightly used or misfit garments, handsome gowns, party dresses, furs, shoes, coats, at reduced prices. 403 AUsky bldg., 3d snd Morrison. Main 8132. XEAKX.rooi, eht . Very aggravauug, indeed. Why not permanent and comfortable roofr We repair- rejuvenate, rebuild and rubber-ood all kinds of leaky roofs. Phone Main S2B. FIRST GROWTH wood, $8.50 per cord; cheaper grade. $7.50; fust class potatoes, $1.25 eacK delivered. Hansen, call from 7 to 9 venings, Wdln. 4011. Plowing and Harrowing i PHO.VK 2-3 EVENINGS ' NEW $8$ electric family sewtog machine. Will sell for $57. Never been used. ' CaU 012 sxewnr oiug. PROOF box for bakery, 1 4-wiei' Ulndget gaa oven, 1 10-fU floor show case. Call 547 Washington st. Broadway 5732. e LAURAL wood and coal range. Jewel gaa range, dandy condition, real cheap. ; Tabor 4 7 68. 233 E. 39th. f S1'1.E.M'11 uncd cabinet phonograph, larve sir, rcry cheap. : By owner, Marshall 4730 mornings. 10 SACKS ot carrots. 75c sack, delivered. First house north of Division in 73d st. Mail address. James Hamnssen. E. 74th and Market. UORDWOOP First growth $.5". , aeeond growth $.25., Orders. Juelson Furn. Co., 113 Grand eve. East t57. FOR. SALE cheap, cafeteria, tobaccoe, gloves, etc, in connection. CaU any week day be tween 7 a. m. and a p. m. Main 5682. THE SEWING MACHINE SHOP ' Cleaned and repaired here or residence. ; 410 Bumside st Phone East 2419. 3 WELL made cedar' chests. The thing to pre serve your furs and winter clothing. , Porch swings made to order. 1117 Missouri. COMPUTING SCALES, cash" registers, coffee Sauls, meat chopper and general atore fix tures, at 226 Stark t, between 1st and 2d. PRUNE TREES. ITALIAN 7 to 9 fu." very fin, preferred stock, reasonable. Woodstock Nursery, end of Woodstock ear line. Sell. 2332. THE MIDWAY upUtLu-rrs, upholstering aad furniture repairing. 608 Alberta SL. Wood-lawn- 560. VACUUM cleaners for rent. fcc a aay; delivered anywocre. wooaiawn i0 bl.NGEli SEWING MACHINE; worth $90. i rora oeuvery oooy. Tanor 61 1 IF YOL'U luniace r.mokea or doesn't neat-well eall Leonard. Ant. 326-51. plowing :txy VACUUM CLEANERS sold, rented, repaired, ex cnangea, c-mignt. Hay nentiey. Mam 4U7. LADIES' spring apparel and hats at great re duction from dressmaker. Eat 8015. FOR SALE Al Mlo, lMl.'c. John Roth, Milwsukie. Or., Ttoute 1, Box 891. HIRES fountain ana s (not counter showcase. both in best condition. Tabor 124 9. DRESS SUITS tor rent; ' we also buy dress suits. Barell'e Misfit Clothing. 51 3d st. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour flay B5e, delivered. ViOodlswn 1259, FOR SALE 1st growth cordwood$9. 50 tiered., 2 eda, $18. delivered. Woodlawn 6312. CESSPOOLS and sewer connection and cement worn. Miller. Mum ll. TOR SALE Registers, showcases, wall eases. a?n or creent. Z42 salmon. FINE adding machine, $17.50, See it at 420 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. CUTHBERT RASPBERRY plant cheap. Wood lawn wo; f. o. Box 11, Portland 14 IN. lawnmower, $7. Tabor 8800. 2030 E, Salmon st. . ... ' FOR SALE Recleaned Aisika clov.r. ' 20o lb., FOR SALE Malleable ateel range, almost -sew n-t. ri f . liiv-'isyn ave. Wftfxnnwn n.s. PLOWING dona and fertilixer delivered. Aut-024-88. MAN'S Panama hat and 2 ladies' hata, reason- aoie. . n-i .: ozu Lverett. LARGE Reliable gas range. 30. if sold today. Cost m w $140. Tabor 9502.- - LORD'S Oregon laws, complete: $d. Phone Main M7. cole. I'OR SALiu Haywood reed baby buggy, tine coa- nmcn. Tef Tahor .'7B. , DRY SAWED W,K10 SLOCKS MAfN 2676. , - FOR MAJ.E New tent, tize 10x12, at 205 r, Jefferson st. GARDEN MANURfe and plowing. 642-41. HOOT beer barrel, soda fountains and supplies. showcases, other fixtures. - 246 Washington. $65 REED baby carnage" for $25. like new. 612 Petty grove. STRAWBERRY plnt tor sale, 1. 6O0 xeX 100. Plwne Keilwood 896. TAILOR-MADE auita left en band at half price. asoaem tailors, tv .. nth st. LOfS l'LOWEU. ' " " Ph. Mar. 8515 daytime. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine. guowcs.se. j isi ai., near Asn. UNCALLED 'FOR tsiior-made smut. $12.$U up. .Taylor, the tailor, 289 Burnsid sC" UIKlrtUKitt, NO. j OLD GROWTH. CHEAP ; CALL EAST 8226. VACUUM cleaners rented. $1 per day. delivered. Bdwy. 2872 day. Tsbor 5736 evening. - sOrt tSAi.L WooUnaw ilite eiuin.-, 2UU-. can. aii if n. i-ri'on. FOR SALE Fancy home-canned fruit; wiU de- nver. - -iivor iiisi. I OR SALE "3 shsres itirtland Texas; quick wic, eio-. n-.'ia. jtmmsi. OFFICE BS1B 16x22x28 inchea' tnavlav' ' Firat HttB 4 . f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS. -. BUILDINGS FOB SALE, 8"0 vitreous china closet and tanks, ' Gslv. rsnse boilers, i 100. Steel storage tank. 120. 280. 376V 5 64 -gal. Kteel iwetu-ure tanks, tested 110 lb. Kewanee hot water heaang boiler. No. 37. Ideal hot water beetlnj boilers. No. 0, 08, 30. American Radiator Co. hot water heating boil 's. - : , '.' . "k 1 F. R. steam boiler, $4x16. 1 rt36 8 steam American heating bailee 16.000 ft. steam radiators. Pipe, valves, fittings. F. B. lip urinal and tanks. FOURKSTAL. MscQUAID & CO., ' 19th snd Ueser-re Sta. Mail Address, Bog 24. Vancouver. Wa&h. . Phone 527. . . VCEBAR (BESTS Direct from factory to your home, Tennessee and Port Ortord cedar; aoiid copper trunmuigs, latest desiim. Write for catalogue. J. W. HIGGlNii a, eON 1912-S6-1S k. :lisan. tabor sob. stoves stoves At wholesale pHces. He us tnA Mve moiwr on csf wmer oesLers, kl ran.n, wooa ivnga, etc Also cpeci prices on furtia.ee, LoTe ao4 plumb- ins rrpairiTTC ; cxy-acetlyne weldinir. lut b-da rand ave. N. WE SAVE TOU MON-ET Huuse wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electric Store, 224 V Third sU, near : Salmon. Main 5053. SINGER ELEC11UO SEWING MACHINES Wg take your machine in exchange, balance cash er easy payments. Phone for demonstra tion. Machine rented. Expert repairing, ajay make. MORRISON ST. SINGEB STORE 382 Morrison t. Marshall 721. 5 CLOCK REPAIRING Clock repairing, watch repairing. We know and Alder, Maahail 4364. - Send : Your Laundry tr Snowfluke Wet Wah. Clothes wc-liad, nowy white in aeiwratei compartments. East S433. Sewing Machines We have the largest stock of 'used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 Bd, near Ysmhiil. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, WHOLESALE One light chain fixture, 1 8ii 8 nghu, $4 ; 1 inch indirect bowl $9. We do electrio wiring. Reliable Electric, Union ave, at RusseU. Phone Eft 8686. Open evenina-s. ESeciric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn sidt. comer 10th. Bros d way 6674. SAtES bin axid burglar proof safe,, new and second hand, at right prices, bought, told and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORBls SAFE eV. LOCK CO. 105 Second st. Main 204 S. ATOMOiJILES, MOTOUCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate clarifications. A large listing wiU be fouud under the different ciaasi- fkwtions. COLL'MBlA 1-LASTkk WiLl.RoAkb -Cannot buckle, warp, swell. Shrink or burn. KO BETTER MADE IN OREGON. Ohsfeldt. 145 1st St. bKK Mis Adams' display of Schreizer's dotted Swisses, imported organdie, rport mat rial, ginghams, enspe and imported cretonnes at the , ,.iwwn pocri. maty rrom 1 - - n p. in. PORTABLE baking oven in tint class shape, bread pan, etc., all complete, at . your own price. A fine proposition for business in coun try town. 1831 East Glisen st. Tsbor 603. NOTICE For garden plowing call East 72. PB OWlNfl Jo" wmen and general r.r.Vf!-Yy,i UU lt"mi" . "caratin,. GOOD cord vrood." $7.73 delivered: heavv' 1h wood, $7.75 delivered: medium slab wood. $7 delivered. F. E. Bowman & Co. Main 8026. I'nu i iv i tin . - r .hi.- . i ..,., v""" JJftrn r in ,iin v Canterbury Bells.- call or address M. Nickel, " nnaent p.. r-none warn. 1343. TRY US tor service, furniture moving trucks and baggage. . Portland Auto Delivery Co.. 243 Flanders st. Phone Broadway 1780.- LADIES' USED APPAREL" """" Smart styles; reasonabb) prices. tlJ2 E. Glisan. Tabftr 2825. - " , FERTILIZER " Selected cow or hom minnr, 4- garden, big loads, delivered. Tabor 27(11 L MO T Apparel Exchange sails slighUy used ladies clothes, new spring hats, etc. 719 Union ave. N.. cor. Ivy. East 1 826 FERTILIZER city. Automatic 820-62 or East 4313. Nr.Aiu.1 itvw Auto GraiR-x Jr. I 11. at L. Tassar f. 4.5 lens; 4 plate holders; film pack adapter. East 8008. E(fMlk BUSINESS CARDS H tgifk W ROSE CITY FRINTERY ip fl eilll ion must Dnng tnu ad. 120 Btk St. GLADIOLI BULBS hu nUxea, $1; 12 dliW ent Ubeled. 75c T. A. Drews. 1025 N. &. 23d t FOR eoiTect time, call Mam 3579. For aciea fia, watch repairing, see Miller, next door to siajesuc meagre. Dentistry r mS- Without Pain. L,test Nerve Blocking Method. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 STEINHAUER PLAYER PLNO. $395. with fifty rolls and bench, latest style, equal to new. A BIG SNAP. Terms given. SEIBER-LINU-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at,, bet. We-h. snd Aider. CHK'kKKIXIi & SON Piano. $375. Thi is a real bargain in a b.gh grade instrument. Best of condition. Terms given. SElBERLtNG J.UCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th SL. oeL Wash, and AWer. - . NORRIS PIANO; new but slightly shop worn. Fine walnut case. At almost hslf price. Don't fail to see this instrument. Terras given. SED3ERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4tn 8t-. bet Wsh. snd Alder. ORGANS ORGANS - $10 and up Estey, Mason. Mamlin, A. B. Chase, Kimball and others, all in good condi tion. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Wa-h. snd AMer. STOREY t CLARK piano, used a few months on rent; don't overlook this one; $893, tenna. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CQ., 7 49 6TTT ST. SCHIRMER PIANO, $150. Thia piano will make a fine practice instrument. Terms g'ven. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 rn rn,. net. win. and Airier. CLARENDON PIANO. Mahogany case; new. used as demonstrator; at a big reduction. Terms -given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Ws'h. and AMer. . TRADE YOUR PIANO $223 new Vict tola and record for good used piano. . ( iet our proposition. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIO CO. ' 12S 4th st - Main 8588. COLUMBIA grafonolas at pre-war prioaa; aay mcsical instrument taken as payment, Mc Dougall Music Co., 129 10th St., bet. Alder and Wahtncton. VOSE Ac i IN, $175. Terms given on this snap. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. net. Wash, and Alder. MUSICAL instrument repaired : work guaranteed. McDOUGALL MUSIO CO. 129 10th st. KINGSBURY - Plain mahogany case. $323 Term given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC i;.i ,m i., net, wasn. ana AKier, MARTIN Melody "C" saxophone and ll.7.i. war tar included. G- F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.". 149 6TH ST. $1j SENDS new piano to your home, then 810. $12 or more monthly. Schwan Piano Co., VIOLINS, guitars, banjo, mandolins, accordion ana enner insT.ruments. - t; F. JOHNSON PIANO rO.. 149 6TH ST. 1OO0 USED player roln, zac each, formerli) sold up to $3.00. , Harold a Gilbert, 3 $4 I. HK'KEKIN'G Beautiful mahogany upright, almost like new, less price: tenna.. 811 Worcester bldg. JACOB Doll piano, mahogany case, just like new; a wonderful buy at S325: terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6TH ST. FOR KENT Grafonola, ;t per mo. Empire Transfer,. 254 Bdwy. Bdwy. 155. PIANO WANTED Par ch for n-ed piano Marshall 1832. WANTED Good ased piano tor eaah. Main 4424. $00 KIMBALL, nice upright. $22o on terms. 311 Wcrce-tcr bldg. PIANO WANTED Pay Cash Main 8586. COIN operated leerles and Wuriitxer orchea- vnoB. snij. n rose! way 3133. 26 X. 3d st $i' .M'HAFFFK piano, $200 on terms. . 311 Worcester bldg. :- - -' FOR violin, guitar, banjo and other strings see ua 41 - t, ,11V U , NT D11VO , , M cr T-r , .. MILL pay cash for good ped piano or phono rsfth. fa't Auto. 511-20. - ' - - $77.60 BUYS brand new $125 Columbia pbxxvs - xranh. 311 Vvorceater blrt- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 GET YOI'R . ORAFONOLA NOW WHILE THE REDUCTION IS ON U Ofler th nx for....... '.,$173 00 ize for. ........ $123.01 aiza for. ........ $ siVSi) mm f or $ O.OI mae- for . , . , ... . '. $ 4 500 gize for. ....... ,$ 30.00- $273 60 $150.00 8120.00 8 73.00 $ $., $ 32.50 These machines are all of the latest type, with non-set automatic stop, and ' can be had in oak, walnut, or mahog any, on ternur to suit xour oonven-..-sence. Mish Furniture Co. ,188-190 FirH St. - f Low Prices on ; Phonographs . . ' , We are now offering a numstr of very fine instrument in both new ard used phonographs at inviting prices. This is your opportunity to take advantage of the price reduction that will only lat a abort time. . . .. SEVENTH FLOOB Lipman, Wolfe & (Jo. DOWNSTAIRS STORE OFFERINGS $1000 Steinway &. Son, upright. . .... .$898 $ 525 Vose ti Son, upright 235 $ 666 Mclntyr Goodsall, upright..... 215 $ V60 Pianiata player piano ,,..,..,. 863 $ 960 Thompson player piano 693 $26 cash. $7.50. $8. $10 to $18 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO Co.. 161 Tenth 81. Security Storage Co., Closing Out 1 email uprights, $63 and $75 cash. 2 parlor organs. $23 and $33 cash. $ 90O 8teinway upright piano. $290 cash. $360 Pianola player (only). $45 cash. $473 HaUet eV Davis up. piano, $195 eaah. Piano stored 75e monthly or aold for gaa nly. Cor. 10th and Stark sts. , NEW AND SECONDHAND PIANOS AT INVITING PBICES AND ' CONVENIENT TERMS. WE SELL FOR LE9. Lipnuan, Wolfe & Co, SEVENTH FLOOR. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN USED PHONOGRAPHS Teed Path. $ nscd recosda. ,$160.06 Used Victor, 6 used record. ........ . 97.00 Kew Columbia. 6 new record..,.,.,.. fcO.l'J New Columbia, $ new records........ 65.10 Used Victor. 6 oied record. .,.. ... 60.06 New Columbia, 6 new records.,....,.. 87.66 Used Columbia, 6 used records....... . 16.00 Csed Victor, C used records, . ........ 15.00 Terms $5 to $19 down. $3 to $0 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth at. eov. Stork. ' MARCH SALE of used pianos .and phono graph enable yon to get on of the old standard mak used piano for lea than a new cheap piano would cost, and on very reasonable term of payment; ev er! good buy left and only one more week of thia sale. Beed-Frenob Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Washington. Broad way 700. ' Spot" Cash Paid For PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Newman's Record " Exchange MAIN 4495. AUTO. 627-46. 12S FIR8T. RELIABLE I SEIi I'tlMia - AT FOLEY VAN DYKE'S . 106 6th st Werlein, mahogany .....$ 1 50 Victoria, fine tone .............. 230 Cambridge, walnut S23 Hoffman, like new 4 30 Terms. $25 cash, balance $10 per month. FOLEY 4V VAN DYKE. LARGS assortment ot iiighuy used Victor. Brunswick, Columbia. Cremona and Stradi- vara phonograph from $15 up; guaranteed good condition. Terms. ' ' SOUUK BROS., 166 10th Near Morrison. WEBER GRAND player piano, first class condition throughout and a wonderful combination of grand and player; specially priced at $1000, term. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.,-' 12th and Washington. Broadway 730. - WE have wonderful bargains in ue4 pianos of niaiwaru quality, sucn as n.nane, tsnoninger, Schumann, Iren Pond, Kimball and ethers, Irotn $178 up; terms. SOCLE BROS.. ' ' ' . 166 lOth 8t. Near Morrison. USED PHONOGRAPH, cabinet atyle, $150 model and $22 worth of reeorda. all for $116.60; pay $16.50 rash and. $10 per monta. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th aad Wasliington. Broadway 750, WEBER PIANO, old style but in good con dition: a wonderful bargain at $125. term. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. STEINWAY PIANO, look like new, splen did condition throughout; a bargain at $785. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. : OUR line of ued phonographs includes Victor, Columbia. Edison and all the leading make, at prices to suit your pocketbook. Come In and look them over; terms, G F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 OTH ST. RICCA PIANO, good condition ; specially priced at 23S, terms. ' Red-Prnrh Piani Mfg. Co., 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. shipment of the latest ti. R. sj" roll. "Lips," ''Margie." "Beautiful Annabel Leo." "Do You c Ever Think of Mel" "Honolulu Eyes," "Alice Blue Gown." etc. Get these at Foley & Van Dyke a. 106 6th iL. just below Washington. HA RDM AN PIAXO. used: a splendid buy at $889. terms. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 12th and Waafaington. Broad way 730. . KRANICH & BACH GRAND at about half price; not a scratch on it and in the best of erndition. gee this wonderful, piano. Tertua given. SEIBERLINO-LCCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4h St. bet, Wah. snd AMer. LARGE six Vietrols, cannot b told from new. and -assortment of records, $175 value, only $115; tenms, Soule Bros., 166 10th st, near PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Reasonable. Guaranteed Work by Expert. , SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th st Call Main 8586. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING , " Any Make Guaranteed Work. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSW1 CO." 125 4th st- Main 8386. MANVILLE PIANO, TMain mahogany ease. $165; small sixc, suitable for an apartment SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIO CO., 123 4th St, bet. Wah. and AMer. LARGE sise Columbia phonograph, new, and records 10 aelaetions) ; former price $125, now only: $85. Souk Brae., 168 10th near aicmson. 1 HAVE taken in exenang A new boxed C.o lumbia cabinet phonographa: cost $120: will seU $63 eaah; coat $73, sell $43. E-937, Journal. CONWAY PIANO. New; never been used; at almost half pricv. Terms given ' SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4Ui St, bet Wash. rd AMer. - - - W EG II A.N player, b8-note scale; thia is an ex ceptional buy- at $375. including 1 down rolls. Term. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. , 3 UPRIGHT PIANOS. PLAIN CASES. $100. $115. $12$; TERMS. 31l WORCESTER HLDO. records, musical instruments; exchange aad repair, za Marttet sr. PBone Main 6012 ULIGHTLY used snare drums. Leedy multi- vnoaei arm otner. G V. JOHNSON PIANO fO.. 149 flTH ST. $2o EDISON diamond dLc phonograph, ju-t iiav new. tij. t ail alter l p. m. - 4UI Phoenix bldg.. cor. 5th and Oak t. $675 KINGSBURY juat new. lesa price; very iginw sry ir; iriois. e, i - w errewer niag. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 ME ARE dosing out our stock ot second-hand furniture, - store and ranges. See us for bargains. 288 N. 16th st Bdwy. 2223. GOOD aixed children a bed, movable - guards; mattnwe good condition. 495 Jefferson. Mar ball 3044. OUR heavy waxed oak library tablo for stood a nam. Phono East 112.1. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 Used Gas Ranges - and Water Heaters v, We hsve a large assortment of slightly" .used and rebuilt gas ranges of such well known makes a the Vulcan, Itrhablc, Garland. Cadillac. A. B. asveS Jewel. 3 or -. 4 burners, lugli er low oven.-ami ever--' ': one atwolutcly guaranteed. Prices begin ' at $17.73. ' " . Also several gas water heater priced from $12.73 VP. . . No Charge for Installation. - Easy Terms No Interest Furniture Co. 188 1U FIRST ST. COAT. nd wood range ,. $16 00 up Cock tovs .............. ,f 10. on ap Oa rtovea .. ............. . , tlO.OO- up Gaa water beaters ............ 8 V.no up Floor coverings, yard ....,.,.$ .73 up Kitchen queens ..,.,,....,.,$ 8.00 up' Kitdieu cabipeU .. ....$12.00 up Inning Room extension tables...! 7.00 up Dining rerun chairs ..........$ 1.50 up Using room rockers ......... .9 4.00 up Library table h.VO up Simmona bed ... .......... $1 2.00 up Cotton frit mattrassea. ...... t . 8.00 up Steel springs t 0.00 up Coil spring ....$ 8.00 up Dransers $ 9.00 up - PORTLAND FCRNITl BE EXCHANGE 208-210 First st Ix YOU want a new enameled combination ransef One oven for wood, coal and gas. compact and durable, atandard Make. A beauty. m, are going out of bUMines ana yon csn save 73 on a range by comma to us. It ta wortn the trouble. Easy terms, if desnred. Samuel It. Brown, 312-14 Eat Madison. BfifiAkranr lume. ..: coucu, i; ur tered oak dining table. $27.30; 4 chain. $19; Oriole. $16; Hot point iron. $4.5i: eltttric lamp; 6x9 Brussels rug. $12; Vulcan gaa railed. 835; lavatory. $8; books. 1103 Hawthorne. Tahor AUCTION SALE of Jiouaelicld goods tor storage charge, at our warehouse, corner 2d and Pine ft., March 28, 1921. G. O, I'ick Trsnsler ex srorace Co. MAJESTIC RANGE- DON'T CALL IF YOU DON'T WANT A GOOD RANGE. 6825 POWELL VALLEY ROAD. BEB and spring, library toble. rug, sweeper and water heater. Tabor 5203. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 A REAL BUY -My combination house and boat bowse. 2 rooms, electric lighted, with gas heating and cook stove; also my fast 16 foot hydroplane runabout complete, with 4 cylinder 86 b. p. 4 cycle motor, magneto equipped, and driven throned a gear box. Call 325 Flanders st. Phone 511-12. 1 10-HP. MOTOR BOAT for sale cheap. 1502. East FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S REBUILT tynewriLera. all ranks reubila. re n.lwH , ,:..t t , nrtDAVl r n. iable. SUNDSTRAND adding machines. Main ' J K II' 1 , , .1 ! . .1. 1 - . ... B-T-K.-W II. . , I ' I I-' I 1 1 ,1. ALL makes .guaranteed one year. Beat re-con-rtruoted typewriter on coast New price lint Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 821 Washington st. Portland, Or. ALL MAKEts of typewriter tented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter t o., 4 ptn st. wain Bonn. ONE UNDERWOOD No. 5- tyticwriter in uood condition. , Beaver Nut company, 269 1st at. oppowrnjriiiii FOR KENT Underwood. Rrminatun. $3.60 in,,. crnf'fre l ninrer, o rniwy. iwiwy ma ill't.M llhtll tut rale clump. 148 130i t, "fier HtnoD. Rnwdwsy 2555. OFFICE FURNITURE 906 COMP.1NAT ION rolitup disappearing typewriter desk and stenographer's chair cheap, 7 First, room 1 2. ONE BURROUGHS adding machine with stand. practically new. Beaver Nut Co., 269 Fifth t. opiiesit city halt SWAPS 925 CO VV DEALER jj OR STtM'K HAULERS TAEfa - NOTICE 1920 lH-toh truck, original cord tire all around. Just as goud as new; will discount $700 for cash or trade for lighter truck or touring ear. Call at Si6 Powell Valley road. , WIU, mil or trade tor furniture, 1 chicken brooder, 1 turner roller, 1 gas range, 1 steal range, 1 electric washing machine, kerosene burner and tank outfit, squaring shears. Albina Furniture Co.. Phone East 672 7. FOR KALE OK TRADE 1 piano in goud con dition. for young heifer or cows. 875 E. 2Pth st. S. LIGHT -5 pasaenavr ear, good eondiuui, good tire. Will take Used Vidro la as part pay- nient or what hsvw ymi. Main anS, 1-TON track to esciiang foe first class 6 -pas senger t-ar 47-115," Journal. WIIJ. trdo some good mrlk cows for home or light automobile, fall t Mfttt Powell Valley rd. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 $12.50 to 25 FOB SECOND HAND SUITS OR OVERCOATS , " METER, THE TAILOR PATS MORE FOB CLOTHING AND" SHOES W. eall dav or evenine anrwher in the citv. Call Mar. 1 229. er 25$ Msdi-on st.. nesr 3d st Ua.MKU People of l'octlana snow tlut I pay the highest eaah price for aecasd-hand household good. .No amount too large or too small. Prompt attention. , N. M. S EATER Phone East 2203. 143 Rnasell at. HOt.E CLEANING TIME Do not thruw things away. I pay good prices for second-band furniture snd household goods. Also tools, ckituing and all kinds of Junk. CaU nam 10, WANTED Second hand wood turning lathe. 6- in. swing or larger,. Phone Tabor 6797 San flay or 286-15 week days. Michaalaon Bro., 6438 Foster road. BEST CASH PRICES FOR ALL KINDSOr JUNK SUPPLIES, TOOLS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. BEFORB SELLING CALL MAIN 6433 WANTED -Aider, maple and ash log and cotd wood. riee or addresa Freeland Furniture Co., TO Macadam st. Portland, Or. WE BUY FURNITURE, CLOTHING AND JPNK. PAT HIGHEST PBICES. MAR SHALL 3867. , WE PAY highest price for secondhand cloth ing, shoe, furniture, trunks and bags, 82 N. Sd at. Hmadway 3.15. WAS'tED 82x4 sfkAlGkt skDh! tlRE tN GOOD CONDITION, CHEAP. A-280, JOURNAL. HILL PAY El LI, VAL1 K FOR ALL KUSDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 246 FIRST ST. OAI.I. MAIN 477. M K. ,11 KM A N. WANT to figure on your stove fixture and fur. nitor repair work. S. 11. Peck, cabinet shop, 672 Hood st - WANTED MUSICAL INS'MENTS 951 ... Spot Cash Paid For PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Newman's Record Exchange . MAIN 4495. ACT. 627-4U. 128 FIRST WANT TO TRADE a rortiet low pitched Hoehm clarinet lor an H-flat Auto. 627-27. WANTED -FURNITURE 952 LUMTLUE WANTED .; W want your used HOUSEHOLD . . GOODS and will pay TOP. MARKET PRICES - . We have been conducting thi bnsineal in Portland for 28 yean, and. thera- fore, have the means of U - posing of your gooda lns . mediately, which ' MORE MONET" TO TOO IX yen nav anything in the 1IARDWABB OB kXRMTUKE Una to seU of , exchkag Call Us First Main 9072 And eonrteeta tntyar will call at anea LEVIN HAFDWARB FURNfTrRE ca 221-3-5 Front at. Portland. Or. Main 9072. Corner Sslmon. Owl Furniture Co MORiilSON Wa want your used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianos; we pay the highest cash prices. 166 and lfM First st. Call Slatn 4627. M. RaTSEATER Buys the best as weft a cheaper" grid of aeeond hand furniture. 284 Grand ave. Aat. 282-53. WILL PAY FULL VALUE FOR ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 246 FIRST ST, CALL MAIN 4776. - MR GLICKMAN. JLELhON FUKN. f'O. pays your price for lur sl'f. t 697. ' 113 flrsnd sv. WE- BUY used turnitura. stoves, cto. Ro ltabla Furniture Co.. 203-203 2d. Main 7308. WANTED f URNITUR B 952 fUl LASH il'U ISKIi lIU.MltiOi Main 887S. - UNITED FI KN1T13HE STORE, 173 FIRST KTHEKT Used Household Goods Tools and junk. ' Favt Sid Secondhand Star, 71 Rusvrll. East ft37. , PERSONALS bLl'KKl t.l Ot 8 HAIR, muuea. ru I. mued by' 10 needle metlid. Trial free. Jotii I'ilitry, 514 Bush A Lane bide. Main 6368. UlWyer 404 Veuton BIO. 84 U at Iiroaitway 499S. UAIK combings nnUe up. S. F. Pierce, i'4 Ki'lingsworth. Wdln. 4RSii, J. I.K ROY SMITH, attorney muted to 407-8 Defcum liM. MrsliH M427. ELECTRICAL supplies retail at wboleialo prices. We do wiring. Cooper. Elec, Co.. 24 4 Wash MASriAtiB. liatU'. Dr K.lroa Surtn.cn. B08 Panama bldg. Main 6ON0. Druglosg fliyilcUn. -'..-'. OLTgWHTlOnlS ? ;- -- - tAIiIES tailoring, perfect fitting work , guar anted. 1. Reuben. 408 Rush & Ian bid?. - 88MT 600P ' U. ft ARMY GOO OH lur aaie. whole; and retaU; price reduced. H. tlnrenstein, 2d St.. or 204 1t t Msm 7873, - - . 1 ART Nrsr OLE WORK ORDERS taken in embroidery, lace and paiut ings, . .Reasonable rate. . 41) d Waahington. Mrs. J. Epensteiii. ' ' - HTTORNCV8 CARL ai. MACK, attorney at law, has opened his new office in lb Stock Exchange bldg.. Third snd Yamhill sta. E. VV. EASTMAN, lawyer snd outaiy public. 934 Chamber of Commerce hklg. ATH8 Turkish Baths ttJUftfttg: Open For Men AR Day and All Night BLANK BOOK MAKJFJM DAVIS A- UOLMAN. INC.. 109 2d st, Blsna book manufacturers. A 3188, Main 183. BUILDIHO NP 8IP8I6IW6 GENERAL building and Tepalr work. Plsns fur. rtished for any class ot work. Phone CARPCNTKR8 AND BUILDERS, du nm i: rTivaTltUCTION CO, Contractors & Builders - Houses built plana furnished; store front alterations, counters, shelving; genersl -repairing. lMxr and window screcus msde to order. First clasa workmen only. - 168 West Park. Main 8029. CARPET AND BUQ CLE AN1NQ RUGS and carpets cleaned. Cleaner fur aal. Kleenxlt Bug Cleaners. Blwy. 12QQ. CAT AND DOQ M08PITAt ROSE CITY TtTt.tU.1SHI nuBiii!', --, 1-- Tth .nA Crist. Both phones. . Day ana nigfft service. Three veterlnsrians. CHIROPRACTOR CHIROPRACTIC, susm bslhs snd nisssage. loth floor Broadway bldg. Marshall 8187, Tie I.snrs V. Dowiiine. Ouen evenings. DR. ' McMAHON (McMsn) his system People tsking adjustments wnil smiling; iit.ii .... CLtANINQ ANB DVEJN4 . IT It A VCH Expert dyeing and cleaning, with jrompt at tention and at right price. We are on. year niri anrl arowtnir every day. union, arve. at WeJdler st Ym uio f!t-!it r'i..iir Tailors and lis Iters Clean ing and dyeing a speaislty. Out of tow orders given prompt miucuuviu . - Portland. Or. COAL AND WOOD WOOD for sale, tew day only. Special price on good, sound fir, inside block and slab mixed; 16 in.; big load. $6.50, or double $9.50; 4 ft green slab, $6.50 cord; ft dry lab $9 cord. . Special price on o inaa ioia , SUMNER WOOD YARD MARSHALL 1166 North Portland iRuei Co, Office Phone Woodlawn 8984. Wdln. 679. 16-toch kitchen wood, all fir, $7 big load. ltt-incb dry tie'.enda. Colonial furnace wood. 24 -inch cut KENTON. PIEDMONT. PENINSULA. ALBINA The Peoples Fuel Co. . WOOD AND I'OAL ' Dry cord wood. 16 in., $9 par load; green, second growth, 2 Mi cord kits, $9 per cord; green first growth. 2 Mi cord lota. $10 oer cord. Office at ,si r re mom dl asi. . i - . FIRST ' GROW til COCN.TRY SLAB AND CGRDWOOD. Green, extra thick red fir slab, delivered West Side, $6.50 per cord. . Cordwood delivered Wast Side, $9.50 per cord. East Sid detirerie 50e per cord extra. Phone Bdwy. 1783. GOOD. suund block and nabwood. $3.50 for eingie slabwcod, 1723. load, $U for double load: -4 ft dry , $8.50 per cord- . W. Turner. Mawu Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macadam. Pbone Main 4178. Prices Down albtaueI Woodlawa 257 5, CORoWOtiD Dry Hi .mstli 1 Jt , lii.'ar- 111 in. ; green 16 in, slab and block mixed. Wood lawn 2182. '..' GOOD 16 aad 12 -in. country slab, $5.50, $7.50. Heavy block, slab. 8. DRY, cord, load, half load. Bargains. Delivered anywhere. Sell. 1769. Block and Slab SPECIAL IN 8-LOAD LOTS OREGON FUEL CO. WOODLAWN 4102. GREEN WOOD, ' apecial prices on 16-in block and siaD ana st-iw siao. a-iaaxonni ruti jot Wdln. 8 68Q. COUNTRY SLAB WOOD " . ' Green or dry, 4-foot or sawed. Star Wood aV Cnl Co. Mam eHIZ. TJOl AND GENERAL HALLING - NO. 1 1ST GROWTH, $9.50 COP.D. DRY $0. DEAD DRY. 37. ACT. 616-41. BLOCK and slabwood. green or dry; reduced price. Marliall 24S8. Mr. Cmip. GREEN 16-inch Inside snd slabwood mixed; also 8 -ft. tic. Phone Wdln. 2528. FOB SALE Firat growUi cord wood. 80.50 r cord, nenverea. i-none woooiawn naia. BLOCK. AND SLAB mixed in 16-in. length. For qtiick delivery rail Tsbor 7684. DRY wreckage wood. $ 7 per load. Woodlawn DRY CORDWOOD, sawed, $9.25 load, iT2 Cora Oe It verea. r.eiier r on .y. j;, t n R 0, BUICK and lbwood tn hsxd lota, cpeciai r . it V 1 w a ! price. mstionai run v-o. r,. ,oi FOB beat prices on cordwood, slabwood, and coal call Heerdt Fuel Co., East 2456. r BEST dry old growth cordwood. You cannot beat, it. $0,50 per cord. Ant 616 87. WOOD ties, also green slab ana lusid wood mixed. Wdln. 8887. OORDWOOD. $8.50,- BUY NOW, WDLN. 1975. . ' ;0)U dry eorduHi, H.ao lor 1 til, I ti i,0 for 2. F. Fi, Bfwnir 4k v.. Ms in CONCRETE WORN CONCRETE CXINSXRCCTION BRIDGE rails. H. H.' lncke, 989 Pacific st. DENTISTS DR. B. E. WRIGHT 3d floor. Raleigh bldg.', cog, 6th and Washington eta. Main 5119. A-2119. Df. . E. C. Rossman PLATE SPECIALIST , Replscea old teeth with better one. Msin 7974. Journal BuiMing. Dentistry J&bESg: Without Pain. latest Nerve-Blocking Method. DRUOLESS PHYSICIAN DR. JO. SMITH, dregless physician, treat all diseases, men, women and thildreo, 214-15 Flledner bldg. . . : " ' EDUCATIONAL DANCING Downey's Dance Studio 386 Washington', street, over Haxelwood. Former instrnetor Coriilion ball. Main 5338, D. I'streeson Downey, met. nl.VGt.ER 8 DANCING ACADEMY 1-ORTLAND'S LEADING 'HOiLS Cotillion ball. 14th off Wash,; Broadway hall. Broadway and Main. Clr and private lessons by expert professional in-tructors, in all brsnches ballroom, classical, ballet, etc. Phone or call for appointment. Broadway 8380, 13-89 till DA.VCE STUDiO," 509 Dekiim" bMg" wIK: l niton at Third. Private hour or half hour lessons ; dsy, evening, 9:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Course" le.sons apeciaUy priced. Class Monday, Friday, i :3Q p. m. Mass jreisnn MISS DOHOTllY RASMU8SKN Ballroom ' and aesthetic dancing, 610 Eik-rs bldg., Ws-hing-lon, between 4h snd 6th rts. Msin 1123, u aw. i JACKSON DANCING ACADEMY Ballroom, stage dancing; any style. -Open daily. , Wain. 1201, 793 Miss. Ave. ...''v.'" '7 l,iJtL.-i st ' solicit your i'"U' r ' the baU of c(bie " - Tlxu,anil' of Miificti i -trtma Cbaa. W. t;crJiU.n. esntomel rit 909 MerrWw. Main 2124. THE Wilbur iie.-l Itmue, 84 E. 4-th -U N . Portland, Or., for convale-ccnta and thit-e in need of .pilet home lite. (15 pe week anl up Pbone Ailt'imntlc 3 17 t'o. 1-KT I.Ulll,K liLUE.SSlEl.S, tua inei.n tiulan, bo your ortician. He eiirt in I I ilng cy glasMis and bis charge are very ressun- able. g'.'6 .Mnrrl-nii ,t. i (,I:T'S tx.lh irrt Hard up al Dr. "I l.n 1 t CHIHOPGU1ST ami AUI'll KPECIAIJST " doesn't hurt you; 8 rs. here. Eiam tree. t.l- Thestr bldg., Hlh snd Ws-li. 1dw. 2j4 1 AM starting on an crerlsml Uii to Indi.ns n April. Any firms wk-lung sil terlisan j. rtc. done along route by espenemd man call Tsbir 44KS. A k for Mr. Jnlin-rn. LKATHKHLIKE mskes a iriend' every time a can ia sold; waiertiroof your shoes, t-s nd auto top,' wet or dry wratlier, it's the ht ver. Lcathrrlife Co., 810 sk st. HNj MUSIO 6CHOOL8 AND TEACHERB - AMERICAN . coxsEnv'ATonr .op Mrsio Professor W. R, Bcstly, director. A school devoted, to every drisrtmet tn mnste; special courses. 410 Etfrr biug. I'hun Main 4120 T. E. LA H SON 20 yesrs' exiwrlence; i uno lessons st your home, tl. Aut. 04 3 -J . L. CARROLL DAY. tescher of ,oice snd pitm. 148 18lh st. Broadway 2.'i55. rticramii umau LJ C. (I Khuny)' TrfC;R7Tiiciicd elrctiieTin. Let Shorty do your eleclrical work, wire juur nnw pr ..It hnm. Automatic 321-52. FERTILIZER . in.'r. rr,itiu.ui!,( i. (j. We select the beat grades of rotted cow and hors manure, for lawn.., rosea snd garden, lie. live red to any part of lh city. Auto. 820-1.'. rtUgp HUOS AND RAO RUGS rose Fertilizer to. RUG CO, ' Fluff Runs. Msde From Old CarptLsT xtsg lings, Kecia!ty. Carpet Cleaning, Rising, Rafiltiiig. We Call and Deliver. 1672 1674 E. 17T1I ST. KEI.LWQOP 8t5. HAT CLEANERS AND OVERS II ATS cleaned, blocked, chad reasonable and aa , 1-fsttory. Baytl list Worki, 223 llrst st LAWNMOWER SHARPENING LAWNMOWER SliAUl'ENlNG by our ! " metie sharpener; lawnmowers for sal. W call for and deliver. 1'hone East 5424. CUMBER. . - 1 AN1 2 in dimension lumber. Munil'V lim ber Co., North Portland, near Swilt I'ackuuT plant Woodlawn 6794. MILLINERY $3 to $25 EXCLUSIVE, trimmed, untrio-n f. tailored and made-to-orde hat. Lee Mil. Ilnery. 603 Union sve. N. . NUR8ERIEB GREGORY HEIGHTS NLItSEIt Y Perennials, porch box plant and lirubtry ler geraniums and pansy planta new. 6S8 80th St., Hose City ear. Tshor $ W H . I ,iai.uii ,11 OfTOMETRI$T EVES sviantificeliy ten text wilh n..i- f4 ,in : satiafartJ'm guaranteed. -A. E. HPHW1T?!, Optometrist lJrt Rt. PA1NTINO, TINTINO. -MPERHANQINfj Say, Folks LET ME DO Torn PXNTINO TINTING PAPER Havcivri Ot.?-Work is dependable and will plea, yoa. The price are riglit AUTOMATfO 615 71. Painting, Paperhanginr 0. at sr a A . - -''awi r-O r I IL1 l.'Ml T. I AL HOEM(;Rr;f EAST SIDE- PAINTER 13 BELMONT AUT, 2178f - - - : Painting, Tinting Interior Work a Specialty. Reasonable Price. Main A799. Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. 228 230 SECOND 8TUEKT, MA1V 7 " UHL' BROS. INC. " Alhina Paint Co.iVi ; s. t-ier wiinm, Knim, E 4 44 7. PAINTiNti nd kaisomining any part of town i-.. F.,nnisi miH-a ,ervic. and work gits ran teed: no dirt Phone bell, gpn . 3- H-J'tFTON, painling. papering, tinting. 4 N. 17th st. Brosilwsy 4414. Woodlawn 2126 J, A. DAVIS &'SON, imimint-. luuuig ami hsneine: wHr srtrl tmv to ..il.fv Wrtto PATENT ATTORNEYS GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg Main 225' PLOWING PLOWING LTS AND GAiUiEs' PHONE Al'Ttt 3 2i-n: PHYSICIANS Vil. K. M. ANGELI, 702 Dekum tlg.. 5019. Chrruiio and asu.e diseaae htn electro hydro therapeutics. "seaea. batas. DR. Dl-rallitAl.T, 4 Mo,.,, J kuttue't PLUMSINtt AND 8TE A M"7TtTI N cT SPECIAL kiw prices on .11 supplies Let us figure on your Jn.t.ilau,', GENERAL lobbing snd i r.rrl " 7 "rk: prices resot,ah. usr. a, MIEB8, 175 K. 624 at. N. Aut. I 1 f.7 PLtlBfrll.NG SUPPLIES at WltOI.I . VI. e) PRU'ES. BTARK DAVIS CO . i,', Trffi If. t,.-KL.N'rrc7)T1i067F7 PRINTING, ENQWAVINQ. BJJV0ING PrirBtinf' K. V' bltes trn, " aam-alli andOsk. Malnlfl.'.. 5lia,. THE IRW'tN HODSON COMPANY. 367 W'sslilngton. Brosdw.y 4.-4, a-1 3. ANSLEY PRINTING CO. Cuslily. .. r. tc. 252 Wash, at Main 4HT1, RAOIATOR REPAIRING . .M io HAiiiAioii . ki'ei : t 1- r CF.O. WETLE, 468 H IIAWTHOHNJ" BET, 8TH AND OTH. EAST 164 Rtt ESTATE IWSUWShCt tit ft VA tor real' estate and insurance. Covr It Holman. 822 Failing bldg. Marshall $991. "" ROOF REPAIRING WE REPAIR and paint roofs, clean gutter. psint fire escapes, waterproof bsxemeru. reasonable; work guaranteed. Hoof Sccuntr, Inc., mfre. Wtbfoot paint. 226 Board of Trad bldgj Main 671. SHEET METAL WORK MULTNOMAH SHEET ' METAL WORKS Roofing. guttering, snouting, jobbing and general repairing. Phone Broadway p'J a 2 6 A-h. HOC REPAIRING Model Shoe .Repair Shop Pre-war price on shoe retiring, "Men's ok tan half soles, $1.50; ladies' $1.23. Rubber heels, r,oe, 122 FOURTH ST. MAIN r.222 STOVE REPAIRING Why Buy a New Stove? XV. .11 W.,4. ...... . furnace. -' - v, vw.v, mm i i j .-r 131 mmmj, ovm 1. - TRANSFER AND STORAOC WHO MOVES YOU IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS WHERE YOU MOVE Csll Broadway 1281 or Ant 1169. Out tracks and careful men are at yur sec. e, 5 Oregon Transfer Co. Office and Stoesge, 474 Gils. 8ECUBITT STORAGE 4k TRANSFERS CO. PseVing-Movrng Siorags MONET IOANEl ON GOODS IS ST)RAG3 S3 Fourth t, opp. klultnomah hotel. , Phon Broadway $715, " ALWAY8 riCK TIIE B KsTTioTsI.Tr lIT" GWlDH SPECIALIST Storace, ,e -shipping and moving; bora and auto vartvj cial rate to all muit,. C, O. PICK TltANSFER A STORAGE CO gd and Pine eta. Broadway ,JMA I (.-.. Storage at4 Transfer Clay b. Morss. Inc. 12Tir AND GLISAN BROADWAY 3473, ii.V L tor wfftce; (Mruitur. mc.vtjifi, t.-., I nd oagesge. Portland Auto Del Co.. r 1 1. .1 . -1 . r lan.o, i-miwt. 1 10... VIM Transfer and Storage. 15 ds' ire s,,,(. age. 42 t'niori ave. Kat fit.'". 4. VACUUM CLEANERS VACUUM cleaner len'ed. Sr.-. dii: ..a i. atiachmeats, $L. Woodlawn 5733. PERSONALS mm