The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 28, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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...-Without; any , advance warning
Portland decided to celebrate Easter
' Sunday by going to church, and as
a result the houses of worship were
unable to accommodate the throngs
which called at their doors. Sunday
waa probably the greatest day in the
history of Portland churches, ; if re
porta received at the office of the
federation of churches are taken as
a, criterion. - vi;-,
' The reports from 25 churches - In 10
'denominations show 734 new members
.'were received. Pinal report from all
the smaller churches will probably show
J 600, people -were added to the churches
of ' Portland on Sunday. Practically
every, section or the city reported a
crowded house and in some places, es
" pccially the - downtown sections, people
Mere turned away, much to the di t ap
pointment of the ministers, i Sunday
eehool superintendents also report, large
attendances, the total in several schools
breaking: all previous records. -
llie warm sunshine which brightened
the entire! day seemed to pull everyone
out of bed early-in the dayand frortTthe city. Twenty-five new members
appearances pointed the way. to '-churcrr
for an unusually large number of people
The churches were elaborately decorated
with Kaster lilies, palms, daffodils and
other spring flowers. -ti Special' musie
was. also furnished by Sunday, school
children and choirs. . Either reception
of new members, communion or baptism
. were a part of the: services in a majority
of f he churches. ...... -
-After - the mornfng service many
flecked to the country to - enjoy the
first real day of xprlng, while others
visited the cemeteries and covered the
graves of their departed loved ones with
flowers. Many young people visited the
hospitals and sang Kaster songs to those
whtTwere unable to attend Churchy The
spirit of Joy and gladness ruled through
out the day,
WISH lOVISd CtP . - '
The . Sunday school of the White
Temple had a record breaking attend
ance of S45 and captured the silver lov-
Ing cup from Seattle First 'liaptist
churcli, for which it has been competing
several weeks in an attendance contest
.At the morning service standing .'room
was at a premium. Ur. O. C Wright
baptized two Chinese boys. - -.
Sunday tnornlng the fcast KldeTBap
tist church was overcrowded arid the
Sunday school witnessed the largest , At
tendance in its history. The annual
JSaster thank offering was $7000 jaid in
addition the Bible school children gave
5200 to the support, of children of . the
world-..vTh0; church was, also crowded
at nightr-Dr.- W. B. Hinson baptized 13
and received several by letter. At the
vight eerylce the number who camo for
ward to accept Christ, lined the pulprt
both in the church- and Sunday school
rooms, . The choir - rendered speoial
music - -
Capacity crowds were -also resorted bv
the Rev. R. K. Close at Third Baptist
and the Rev. W. I Riley at Highland
Baptist churches. The pastor -emeritus
preached at Highland. -Ther Rev. Owen
T. Day ef Arleta, Baptist icburchi bap-
tiaea zr-people, making- totakf of 110
during the past two- weeks aY'a'TieuIt,
or i no revival . campaign conducted by
evangelist tsruce ;van.
The first Congregational church
started the day with a sunrise prayer
meeting. A large crowd witnessed the
Sunday school Chinese pageant,-and at
tne morning service many were turned
away. Although tio membership cam
paign was carried on, 20 children joined
me cnurcn on confession of faith.
Ur. J. J. Staub,- veteran Portland
clergyman, reported the greatest day in
the history of Sunnyside Congregational
church. The day started with a young
people's sunrise prayer service. The
church was filled at 9:45 when the.
Sunda? school gave its Easter cantata,
.The Kaster King. and at 11 o'clock
it was overcrowded, some being. turned
away because-standing room was even
jactttng. nr. staub received 40 new
' members. :
Fifteen members were received at the
Atkinson Memorial Congregational
church by Dr. E. E. Flint at theafter
noon communion service. The church
and all its. side rooms and gallery, were
imea auring tne morning service.
Many were turned away Sunday
morning at the First Christian church,
j where Dr. IL, H. Griffis welcomed 13
into membership. Kern Park Christian,
Dr. J, v. - Ghormley pastor, reported
live conversions and 15 new members.
Bishop W. T. Sumner - was likewise
greeted with a capacity house at St.
Stephens pro-cathedral, many being
turnea away. JJean Hicks was cele
brant at this great service. The dean
reported the largest number of com
- municant. since -hla service, at the-, pro-
catnearai. - .t- -
music, norat decorations and a ca
pacity house combined to make Sun
day a great day at St. Davids Episcopal
church, where the services began at
6 :30 a, m. The Rev. Thomas Jenkins
reports that 351 partook of holy com
munion. At tne mgnt service many
. were, turned away.
People were also turned away' from
the 11 o'clock service at Grace Memo
rial Episcopal church, while the bulid-
ing was filled at the 8 o'clock meeting.
The Rev. O. W. Taylor preached and
a choir of 40 voices rendered special
The largest Lenten offering In the
history of Trinity Episcopal church
HtDie school is reported by Dr. A. -.A.
' - Morraon, : recior. , Many people were
turned away from the morning services.
Dr. Morrison commented on the large
number of men who visited his church
w Cjunoay.
, v-Avclass of 40 communicants was re-"
)wa t si.wam Knglisb -Lutheran
iMrreh Sunday morning by the Rev W.
1i Brinkman. . . :-
S J An. unusually large attendances was
j repoeiea by tne Rev. Homer U cox of
the First Friends church, where 20-new
; members were greeted. !
Many were - turned away from ; the
J First Methodist church morning service.
!; Dr.- Joshua Stansfleld received 47 new
members and baptised 17. . ,-' - ;,V
! : Extra chairs were used in every avail
able place at Centenary. Wilbur Mctho
, diet church, and still many were turned
away from the Sunday morning ser-
vice. Dr. Frank L. Wemett greeted
I fight new. members. The Sunday school
J also had the largest attendance in, its
I history. . , . . .
I lit ARE WELCOMED ' ; ' . .
J. Sunnyside Methodist church. Rev. T.!1I.
J Gallagher, pastor, received the largest
, .number of members, 110 being welcomed,
i Ail -side rooms, the gallery and -choir
loft were occupied and still many were
. turned away. One hundred people at
J tended the . sunrise prayer meeting.-
.. The largest attendance of the year in
both church aiid Sunday school was re
ported by Dr. F.'L. Maclean of Cemtral
Methodist church. Eleven new members
were received and 14 baptised. Four pew
members ; were i received i at Sell wood
Methodist church by the Rev. W. S. Cor
don. Extra chairs were provided to ac
commodate the crowds., ; ;j
Twenty-five decisions for Christ were
reported from the Mount Tabor Method
1st Sunday school by the Rev. I. Iester
Fields; -and one new membfr ,; was re
ceived during the church service. A rec
ord attendance, was, reported from both
services. . -' ' j t: -r. - - '-.v-v
- The First Presbyterian11 churehi was
also among the overcrowded - Sunday
morning, many; being turned away. Dr.
IL L. Bowman greeted 80 at the special
afternoon communion service.
At Westminster Presbyterian . church
Dr. E. II. Pence insisted that every one
occupy as little space as possible, and as
a result no one was turned away. Every
available bit of space was occupied. Dr,
Pence received 88 members at the after
noon communion service. . . f.
T At the Rose' City Park Presbyterian
Church the Rev. D. W. ' MacCluer re
ceived 77 members, at the morning sery
lce, making a total of 100 since January
l.i Many,,were turned away from this
service. " j ' -' " " .
A' capacity audience greeted the Rev.
W. W. MacHenry at Mount . Tabor
Presbyterian church at 11 a. mJ Thirty
seven new members were received. Ell
ton Shaw, superintendent of the Bible
school, reported the largest ' attendance
in the history of the church. -
Thirty-one were received by Dr. W. H.
Nugent at Central Presbyterian church,
where people were also turned away far
lack of room, f . , ' ;.
Capacity houses were also reported by
the four " United Brethern : churches , in
i were received at First church and six at
Second church
The Rev. ,H. Farnham greeted four
new membersat the morning service at
Ockley Green United Evangelical ciiurch ;
J 8 were received at - Wichita United
Evangelical by the Rev. A. C Famliam
and capacity, houses were reported from
the above and at St. Johns and First
United Evangelical churches. "
The: Rev. S. Earl Do Bois welcomed 27
members at tlie United Presbyterian
Church of the Stranger the Kev, IL F.
Given, 6, at First church ; the Rev. Carl
. punn. 12, sjt? Kenton church, while
13 were recciyedjAt the church at Mult
nomah station Capacity , houses were
reported M--S.1 1 chu relies.
Catholic churches of the, city, where an
unnsually; large1, -number celebrated the
Easter holy cdmffiunion. ' f
-. ' . i i - . .'"('. :-
i (Continued From 1 're One) ,
M. LeFollette, Mrs. E. R. Hapgood. Mrs.
Edward Russell. , Mrs. s Mary Lafollette
and Miss Caroline Hunt were among
the group of-wetl; known women behind
the disarmament movement. It was an
nounced that meetings similar to theOne
held here were held, in 14 states.
By Robert JT. Bender
UniUd Now Staff Corraapondeat
Washington, March 28. With the ar
rival here thisweek of former Premier
Rene ' Vivian! Ion ' a" special mission of
courteey Jtromf the French government.
ilhelfirit step will have been taken to
ward establishing Washington as the in
;teriitional peace center of the world."
-Vivianl's coming is to be followed by
a British and a Japanese delegation,
and sooner or later, it is believed in of
ficial ' qaurters here, conclaves to dis
cuss the following problems will give
Washington the aspect of Paris during
the peace conference :
. An international gathering, called to
discuss the subject tff disarmament.
Formal conferences designed to es
tablish the United States in an associa
tion of nations. - - .
Individual, if not collective, i confer
ences between the United States and the
associated powers on the subject of pay
ing the loans extended by this country
during the war. ;y". ' " :
The VJvianl i mission, while officially
one of extending the respects of the
French government to "the v new admin
istration, is to linger in this country at
least three weeks. Obviously it would
not require that much time formally to
extend respects. It will go into finan
cial, economic and political subjects with
this government:
The British mission, fficjally, is sail
to be principally financial, but its per
sonnel, according to reports here.wlll
be such that political subjects, including
America's bases for participation in' an
association of f nations, may easily and
authoritatively be considered. -
It is the announced purpose of Japan
to -send a delegation from its diet to
establish a basis for better understand
ing between the United States and the
Nipponese. It is-learned here, however,
that the personnel of this delegation also
will be such as to ' permit of ; official
discussion between it and the officials
of , the administration on disarmament
or any other Subject' that may be suggested.-
I :-
In all these transactions between the
administration and the European rep
resentatives, secretaries Hughes and
Hoover ;btd fair to be the outstanding
figures. America's foreign policy is to
be based very largely on economics and
world trade rather than international
politics. Hence Hoover, becaupe of his
own private sources of information de
veloped through his relief organizations.
assumes ;k position of importance in
transacting the nation's foreign policy,
which is not exceeded even by the sec
retary of state. -.
Those who ' saw, . for . : example. ' in
Hughes' announcement on the Russian
trade proposal. ? indicative of Hoover's
influence, recalled that Hoover has more
sources of unprejudiced and in many
cases unpaid information than has the
state department itself. Hoover's relief
workers are all over the world. They
report to him, not on the basis of xo-
litieal expediency, "but on the 'basis of
cold economics. : They have been se
lected by him as experts in their line
of work and many of them are working
for no pecuniary return whatever. : v ,
SOURCES ARE: MAHY'tf';- -i-'t
T-A' an illustration of Hoover's lines
of information it may be recalled that
his was .the first information .that Beta
Kun had sticcessfully effected a Bolshe
vik, revolution, in Hungary. - The state
department had no official advices in
Paris, the war department had none, but
Hoover's food relief wires working from
Budapest to Paris by way : of -Coblens
carried the word. ; "r1
Equally to day Moover'a mukm n
formation' are In prompter and more in
timate touch with Washington than are
the representatives of the state depart
ment in many nations. - It is an Interest
ing situation which gives Hoover al
most commanding power in formulating
w uecisioni oi me administration on
subjects Involving international trade
and economics generally.
OrderrCoal JSew Edlefsen's. -Adv.
, By Ixnise Bryant
fntrrntio7il New Serriot Staff CoiTMpondcilt
(Copmclit. 12I, International Ntws Serriee)
Moscow, by Wireless to Berlin,
March 28.I. n! 8.) The deciaion
of the Russian soviet'government to
abolish money as the . medium , of
value arid exchange has been - re
scinded. This announcement was
made today by M. Leahava, head of
the Russian foreign trade board.
, In response to a question as to how
Russia plans to resume trading not only
in this country but with foreign nations,'
M. Leshava said : -;.-' ,f ? y -; i-j .
, "Naturaiiywe cannot uso money just
yet in our internal commerce. However
we Intend to return to the money stand
ard. Commerce will be carried on upon
the money standard and ft is Being so
ordered by the soviet -government. ; Mer
chants will repay to the state la goods
that they get frorrr.the peasants and
other .customers will-pay in goods for
products they, receive. , - , " ' ,
"It is probable that the small business
people will be under the control of the
cooperatives society. ' The foreign trade
board will act as agent of the coopera
tives In foreign countries. ,
'The cooperatives will control the dis
tribution of ait goods bought, both local
and foreign, j The cooperatives will im
mediately give, the peasants some man
ufactured articles . on credit ;from the
government, r f.-"''' 1 -T
"When confidence is established the
peasants will pay in producta" ! l
As to ' government concessions they
must be approved as follows s k
First,, ta the department to which the
concessions belong; second, by the for
eign trade board, and third, by the com
mittee of commissars, . of which Nicolal
Ieiwn is the chairman. ;: r
"The- concessions require foreign -cap
ital to strengthen Our industries.' With
out It our social and economic develop
ment would be Interfered with. ; -?
The announcement that- the Russian
soviet government will adopt the mone
tary system of the "capitalistic govern
ments" does svay with one of the most
rvnlllf innftrv frrmm inano-iirBt ; hv
(the -Bolshevik' regime in Russia. "After
the establishment of the soviet federal
government It was stated that the old
monetary system would be done away
with and that goods of all kinds would
be used, as the medium ef exchange and
'barter. It was declared that the finan
cial systems - of the "bourgoiae" coun
tries was one of the chief causes of suf
fering of the working class. t
' However, while 'money was ordered
abolished the government continued to
print paper roubles. They were not used
in the distribution of such food and
clothing and fuel as the government ra
tioned. These suppltes were doled out
upon a system of cards, the : status of
the applicant determining the amount
he should receive.
(rontituMd From Pe On1 : 1
both sexes who were ready to let' the
town look them over in their new cos
tumes. Ea.ster hats of varied shapes
and hues lent their dashes of color to
a Background of graya and greens and
browns that eddied and swirled up and
down Broadway all morning and after
noon' and long into the mild twilight.
Churches, downtown and . suburban,
were crowded. Folk who attend re
ligious services seldom were drawn into
the houses of worship, there to hear the
Easter story that lias threaded its way
through the ages.
Florists s shops were gaily bedecked,
colorful blooms on the sidewalks send
ing fragrance on the slight breeze that
was evident throughout the day. but
tonholes that wre wont to carry Sym
bols of lodge affiliations and of war ac
tivity assumed the added attraction of
Easter flowers. .;. - j: ,-s ;
Strollers on the thronged main thor
oughfares remarked on the beauties of
the day. The high temperature for the
day was 64. -
Several thousand people assembled at
The Auditorium Sunday night and over
700 members of the. Knights Templar of
Oregon and - Washington commanderies
of Portland united" in- the annual Knight
Templar Easter services. Eminent Sir
Allen : B. Cutler, of Washington corn
man dery No." 15 presided, assisted by a
Urge staff of officers. W. O. Shellen-
barger, grand commander of Oregon,
ana otner eminent Knights Templar
were present. An address was delivered
by Rev. Oswald William Taylor, K.T. ,
Atlantic City, N. J.,' March 28. That
weatherman down., in Washington is the
meanest thing ever. He predicted that
the customary .Easter fashion parades
would be spoiled by bad weather.
"Everywhere east of the Mississippi
river there were promises of unsettled
Weather and showers of Sunday," is
what he said. What happened was that
much of the usual spring flne-y which
has always marked Atlantic City's great
Easter fashion parade was left at home
by the thousands upon ' thousands of
visitors who came. here for the celebration.-
-. , .j! . j .. .:: (J
It was a case of a beautiful day going
to waste. Here everybody was all ready
to blossom out in new hats and coats
and suits and dresses -and stockings and
shoes and everything, and that mean
old thing down in Washington was so
Insistent about it that it looked like
flirting with sure destruction to bring
tne -prettier- along. ;
The whole result waa that one of th
largest Easter parades ever held on the
famous board walk In this resort was
limited, in the main, to tailored suits
and maybe there wasn't a display of that
portion of milady's' wardrobe. They
were reany wonderrul and were a de
light to the feminine eye, but mere man
muat see something striking, colorful
and diaphanous before it spells spring
to mm. :. -
Where all -the ' men. women, young
men and young women, girls and' boys
and babies arid dogs came from Sunday
is something that will never - be an
swered. The trains came down In section after
section; the automobiles came in never
er.ding streams. And If the costumes of
some on the board walk are to be be
lieved many came down by motorcycle
also. : Possibly one or two arrived by
airplane, but. however that may be, the
fact remains that it was some crowd.
The unexpected happened in the hotels,
too. Perhaps it would be better to
phrase it differently. It didn't happen
to the hotels ; it happened to hundreds
of last minute arrivals who thought
they eoulJ obtain accommodations with
the same eaee with which thev nnr- '
chased railroad ' tickets or directed '
Community Chest Campaign
What It Means x to : Portland
i .By JsUas L. Meier -
Workers should put a lot of effort and enthusiasm back of the Community
Cheat drive. - Carry the Idea that the Community Chest is a forward, cooper
ative movement in the organization of charity, which cannot but be beneficial
LA '
tKSf) 000 will thus
rather than under the old Wasteful method of individual or conflicting drives
that consumed the time of thousands of people eontributors -and solicitors. -'
It is important that workers impress the people they solicit that when they
contribute to tits Community Chest they should figure that the additional amount
they are called on to give under this plan Js FOR ONE TIME ONLY they
are discharging all their charitable obligations at once and for an entire year
and that they thus render themselves immune from further solicitation during
the lpionth- period.
SUCCESS CERTAIJf '.. ' "v . .:- .. 4. ' ' --. .' -.
Portland has gone over the top in everything worth while, and Portland win
go over the top in the Chest drive. With all the energies of all the - dif
ferent organisations behind the drive, with thousands of loyal workers
taking active part in it, with the good will of the people assured for some
thing that, so well serves the end for which it Is intended, this week will see
another glorious, big-hearted victory Inscribed on Portland's roil of honor.
James, the chauffeur, to drive the car
to Atlantic City. Haitdreds of appli
cations at-the big beach front houses
were refused and all of the hotels played
to capacity. One or two of them broke
all their : own and the resort records
for the multitude of their patrons.
Chicago, March 88. OX P.) A cold
wave -which, developed' in Alaska swept
over the mid-westerrt, soulhern and cen
tral southern states today from' the
Great - flakes region west to ' the Rocky
mountains and jsouth to Northern Texas,
weather bureau officials reported.
Fr?esing "temperature was reported
from Northern Texas, where 'a tempera
ture of 18 degrees was reported. In
Central Texas, the temperature hovered
around freezing. -Throughout Illinois.
Wisconsin and Minnesota the thermome
ter registered freezing .temperature.- - ,
Sub-zero' weather . was reported from
Iuluth. In Minneapolis-the temperature
was four above zero.
Freezing weather within the next 24
honrs -was predicted for ' Kansas and
Missouri. The cld wave will be of
short duration lairfing throughout the
day : and , night with -gradually rising
temperature tomorrow.
Washington. March 28. .Mrs, Warren
G. Harding's Easter bat was of black
straw, trimmed with aigrettes.
She wore it when she went to church
with President Harding. The church
was ' Calvary Baptist. Hundreds gath
ered about the doors to catch a glimpse
of the president and his wife.
The president wore a- high silk hat
and a morning suit.- Mrs. Harding's
gown was blue
Both smiled and bowed to the crowd
and the president waved his hand as the
ubiquitous movie men started work.
The'Rev. Stanly J. Durkee, pr"e'sidet
of Howard university, preached. The
president and - his wife joined in the
singing. -'
Des Moines, Jowa, March 28. (U. P.)
The cold wave which swept Iowa last
night ' did - hundreds of thousands of
dollars worth of . damage to the state's
fruit and small , grain crops, according
to "reports reaching here today.
Burlington, Iowa, estimated the dam
age done to fruit in that territory at
$100,000. Glenwood, Iowa,, center of the
apple belt, reported the crop probably
ruined. Other communities reported
varying damage. -
$10,000,000 FRUIT LOSS
Kansas City, Mo., March 28. (I. N. S)
The Easter blizzard which swept Kan,
sas and Missouri followed by a killing
kfrost practically wiped out the fruit crops
in these two states, according - to mete
orologists today. The damage will total
more than 810,000.000.
Orchards in many places-- were razed
by high winds while the freeze killed
tns of thousands of fruit trees. It is
also predicted that the Kansas wheat
crop will be impaired by the freeze.
(Continued from Pure On
ation was tense and extra police both In
uniform and plain clothes were assigned
to the Chinatown beat to watch for
emergencies. -. :. '
Reports from San Francisco assure
Portland police authorities that six Bing
Kung' gunmen had departed for . Port
land. - Patrolmen guarding : Chinatown
streets reported many strange faces, an
indication that in addition to the tong
gunmen from the South, belligerent tong
warriors from other cities are assem
bling here for reasons of their own. :
Some weeks ago, at the outbreak of
tong hostilities in ' San Francisco and
other California cities, I local tongs got
together and signed a peace pact. They
also sent peacemaking proposals to their
brothers in the South. The effect at that
time was to do away with hostilities, mit
later developments show-that the appar
ent cessation was merely a lull until the
warring tongs could get their bearings.
Lined up against the Hop Sings are the
Bing Kungs and the Bow Leongs. There
are rumors to the effect that the. Suey
Sings were also Implicated, but little has
Lbeen discovered locally to show more
than passing .interest on the part, of this
tong. - . - -
- Chief Jenkins has notified officers in
city points along the rail lines to San
Francisco and other centers to keep a
close watch on Orientals headed this
way and to apprise Portland authorities
of coming armed visitors.
. Continued From Pise One)
uted their bit to the support Of the
needy .and "poor of this city. This is a
metropolitan , City," stated the mayor.
and we have all kinds of oeoole in it.
We may be prejudiced against one kind
or the other, hut it id to be remembered
that they are ; members of the- com
munity and as such we are responsible
for them. Some of them need our sup
port, and we must give it to them. The
strong must always support the weak."
.following bis . short, forceful appeal
. to the needy ana - unfortunate for whose assistance the
funds are raised ; to the individual citizen, .who thus es
capes a series of solicitations. . and to the workers on
behalf of the drive, -whose time is husbanded thereby, i
The Community CaQ&t means that we will "broaden our
humanitarian activities. It means that simultaneously
the helping hands Of all who are able to aid In this worthy
eause are stretched out to succor all our unfortunate and
needy people. There is nothing hapbasard about it it is
an exact business each organization has been Investi
gated and its needs determined by .experts.
The keynote of the Community Chest drive is SAVINO
saving in time, saving in money. The three score of
charitable relief and welfare agencies that will participate-
as beneficiaries in the Community Chest fund , of
be taken care ef in one rrind driv
Mayor Bake? formally "lifted the lid'
Lof the Community Chest," although he.
announcea at the tune thai this business
of "lifting the lid" was generally
against his principles, but that in this
case, it being a worthy object, he was
in favor or it, and Issued pne last ap
peal: The "city of Portland has never
failed In anything which it has under
taken to do. Come on, now everyone
do his bit."
The "Have a Heart" band then struck
up "The Star-Spangled Banner" and the
American flag, was raised above , the
Community Chest.
The $000 wcars in the task of col
lecting; the funln are divided into five
distinct and independent corps of work
ers. The first division is the seml-mil-ltary
organization under the immediate
direction of Mayor- Baker, which in
cludes two lieutenant -generals, 20 col
onels. 200 captains and 2000 workers W
cover the business districts. The indus
trial and institutional districts will be
covered with -a second division. The third
division will reach the large companies,
whose main offices are outside of the
city. The fourth section will be the fly
ing squadron made ' up of a score of
prominent business men who will go
after the heaviest contributors. The
fifth division will no 1 1 lot the residence
districts, this work being In the hands
of the Portland Service league.
Several -good-sized donations were
promised to members of the "flying
squadron" yesterday, in amounts suffi
cient to bring the total pledges over the
$100,000 mark, but they will not be announced-officially
until the subscribers'
names, are on the dotted line.
It is freely predicted by Mayor Baker's
staff that the first day of the drive will
Bend the total well over the 8200,000
mark. - ' t : .. .
Scores . of people have telephoned In
the Community Chest headquarters ask
ing what is goirtg to be the basis of giv
ing to the many activities which are
grouped under? the - -Community Chest
plait. -The executive committee antici
pated that such requests would be made
.and 'has V compiled information from 1
many sof the. cities, where this form of
handling; charitable and relief work has
been, successfully carried out, and the
following. table shows what is regarded!
as a , fair average subscription based on
the individual income Of the contributor :
Income . Bubucripttons.
$ J.O0O and tinder. 1....... 5 to 10
1.000 to- $ 2.OO0. 1 . 15 to 30
2.000 to 5,000. 2 ., ... . 40 to 100
R.OOOOo 7.500, 3 150 to 225
7.500 to 10.000. 4 300 to 400
10,000 to 12,000. S It...... 500 to 00
12.000 to ' 15,000. 6C . . 720 to 800
Vret 815,000. 8. ; ;
.Thursday has been set aside by the
Coffee Cup lunch room. Park and Alder
Streets, for the donation of the full day s
receipts to the Community Chest. A. H.
Johnston, the proprietor. Is advertising
this event extensively and he is confi
dent that the chest fund will receive at
least 81,000 from this source. All the
employes of the Coffee Cup are donating
their services for that day, also.
An attractive desk or office card, has
been the Community Chest
and this card will act as a guarantee of
immunity to every citizen who baa helped
fill the chest and will carry out the fre
quent promises made by the Community
Chest organization that there will be no
further appeals for charity during the
entire year.
The holder of this protective card is
requested to refer any other outside ap
peals for funds directly to the Community-Chest
organization and the certifi
cate will serve the purpose of a, receipt
for the subscription that the Community
Chest contributor has given to the gen
eral welfare and relief work of the entire
Following is the speakers', schedule
for Tuesday: Kiwanis club, Rev. E.-H.
Bence ; Rotary club, Milton A." Miller ;
Orpheum, Mm Alexander Thompson;
Marshall-Wells, Clarence- D. ' Porter;
Portland -Woolen Mills, Philip Dana;
Smith ; A Watson Iron Works, W. F.
Woodward ; Heywood Brothers & Wake
field, Ralph McAfee.
Speeding Charges Faced .
Vancouver, , Wash., March 28. E. A.
Mitchell and Dr. A. P. Ryan of Vancou
ver were arrested Saturday, charged with
speeding. . John Bartram was also
charged with a traffic law violation.
The ; "Broadway" Excels
The former Is assured: by the larger percentage .of Cash
Reserve, Unitad States Bond Reserve and Liquid Assets
The latter is made distinctivefy attractive by ;
on Savings and Time Deposits. 3 on Special Savings -subject
to check. No charge for collecting checks. Wo charge for
; checking accounts.,- Opeii! all day Saturdays till 8 -P. M.
" Interest will be paid on
.-. Savings Accounts on April 1 . . "
Washiftgton, March 28.- (I. N. S.)
Senator Ralph H. Cameron of Ari
zona, characterised today as f'sheer,
unadulterated blackmail" the $100.
000 alienation of affections suit which
has been , brought against him in
New york by Edward TV, McFarlln
ot Boston. McFarlin, charges the
senator with pilfering' his wife's af
fections, which' he valued at 100,
O00 ' ;
- New .. York, March . 28. (I. N. S.
Friends of i Ralph Henry Cameron, 1?
publican. United States senator from
Arizona, who-has just been named de
fendant lit a 1100,000 alienation suit in
this city, rallied to. his support today,
branding, the charges as "ridiculous"
and "a political, move."
No answer, has yet been filed.
The suit was brought by Edward T.
McFarlin, who Is understood to be liv
ing In Boston. He alleges that the
senator brought undue Influence upon
Mrs. Margaret McFarlin In 1916 and
that ho caused her to be detained and
harbored. Senator. Cameron is at pres
ent in Washington. ; Counsel in the case
refused to divulge any of the details.
Boston. March 28. (I. N. S.) Taber
McFarlin, a Boston bank employe, who
is suing United States Senator Cameron
of Arizona, said today his wrfe is be
lieved to be living in Los Angeles. When
lie married her in 1913, McFarlin said,
she was Mrs. Mary Wooster Bowen Of
Los Angelea, and had - been divorced.
According to McFarlin she knew Cam
eron in the West. McFarlin said he met
Cameron but once. The McFarlins lived
in Stoneham, a Boston suburb, for four
years. In 1917, McFarlin separated from
his wife. He. has not seen her since.
McFarlin is 40 years old.
7-': I V.'-v ' ", " '-"
v (Continued (mm Pat On) -
stantial reductions in some caaet U0
per cent were made In canners list
prices, since which, time accelerated
marketing is reported. . Canners esti
mate that their 1921 pack will be ap
proximately 75 per oent of last, year's.
and that costs will average 30 per cent
less. -, .- --J; ' '
-"Increased export demand has refauced
stocks held by milk condensarles and
they are now Increasing - output. Ap
proximately - 60 per cent of the heavy
navel orange crop, has gone to market,
and less than 11 per cent of the North
west apple crop remains to be moved.
Market demand for cotton, wool and
rice, however, is stilt limited.
"Lumber mills are resuming opera
tions, although production generally is
about 50 per cent of normal '
"The peak of unemployment in this
district has been passed. Resumption of
operations in lumber mills and the be
ginning of, seasonal agricultural work
are rapidly relieving congestion in the
cities. . . -
"Retail trade In the cities of the dis
trict was more active than during Feb
ruary last year, but enough less active
in the country districts to make the to
tal value of net sales for the district as
a whole .2.4 per cent less than in Febru
ary, 1920.- - ..''.
"With retail prices from 10 to 30 per
cent less than a year ago, U is probable
that the decline of only 2.4 per cent In
value of sales reflects an increase in vol
ume of turn-over. 'All reporting lines
at wholesale show decreases in values of
sales during February, 1921, compared
with Februsry, 1920, but if allowance Is
made for a drop in wholesale prices of
approximately40 per cent in this period,
indications are that wholesale business
generally is ; not much less in physical
volume than it was a year ago at this
time. " "", V-'-: -
"Business failures during February
were 10 per cent more numerous than in
January, but 60 per cent less in . lia
bilities." '
Washington, March 28, CL N. S.
Decision of the war finance corpora
tion to depart from the Wilson admin
istration policy and to launch a new
program for substantial government aid
to move American exports of cotton
and other raw materials to Germany
was declared by treasury officials to
bo of far-reaching importance to Ameri
can producers. .
. Director Angus W. McLean of the
corooratlon said today that, the govern-
ment is admirable; shape to finance
heavier movement of goods now banked
uo , in American warehouses out of a
fund amounting to '8382,000,000 now on
deposit in the treasury for this specific
purpose. , ?".'
From the large number of applica
tions of American exporters and Ameri
can banks on file - before the finance
corporation ! today, seeking government
advances running from si.uou.vou ana
upward in each case, it became appar-
and ' Stark , f
Seven Story Dive
Incident in This
Oue's Young Life
f " . -t
. . ...
San Francisco. March 28. (I. N.
S.) Griffith Humphrey. 88, linen
steward at the Argonaut hotel, filled
his truck with linen on the seventh
floor of , the hotel today and shoved
the truck Into the elevator shaft. The
elevator was at the bottom and the
truck load of linen plunged down
with Humphrey following it closely.
He was rushed to the Central Emer
gency hospital after his seven floor
fall and found to be suffering only
alight bruises. He alighted head first
on the linen. . , s -.
ent exporting houses are planning a
larger movement of American- products
Overseas. - .--
r The new attitude of the war finance
corporation, it . was . said,- will produce
heavier demands for many leading sta
ples needed abroad, chiefly cotton, and
eventually, relieve credit stringencies In
those, directions.-., - .
Beauty and Fashion
Turn Out in Riot
Of Color in Paris
By C. V. litrtellt
f ViiiwwU Berries SUff Oorriniint '
Paris. March 28. The most colorful
and vivid opening of any Paris wnaon,
eTf n la the memory of Cortland Bishop,
Peter Cooper Hewitt and other old
timers,; occurred yesterday at- the Au
teull races. Society of two continents
met to criticize the new fashions, which
are called the most bizarre on record.
Incidentally they watched Colonel Jef
ferson Davis Cohn's horse put up a gal
lant fight for the "president republique
prise.",-.,-- :,.--:'-.- ,
The first flutter was caused by the
magnificent. arrival of Mrs. Ogden Ooe
let in a liborty red silk-cushioned lan
lau, thus setting the American stamp
of approval on French society's attempt
to restore, the popularity of the horse.
Mrs, Uoelet's bravery, in spurning the
customary limousine elicited warm
praise from the . Duke de Cazes, who,
arriving on horseback, explained ;
"Ileal nobility is shown Jn the num
ber of tinriwa and rirrintcn am) jnat
In limousines and touring cars." A
wun tne sun snining nriutantiy, the
scene in the paddock resembled a com
bination ' of Spanish patio grounds and
a Turkish harem. Crowds of manne
quins from rival dressmakers paraded
the latest styles. -
.; Most of them were wearing - strings
of barbarous jewels, with diaphanous
bell-shaped skirts reaching to their
knees. Their bare legs were visible
above the low -eandala which ; permit
ted glimpses Of toes bedecked with dia
mond and ruby, rlng3. ... ; ' .
Bebe Daniels, Movie;
. Star, Faces Jury
On Speed Charge
' Santa Ana, Cal., March 8.(U. P.)-
Bebe Daniels, motion picture star, went
on trial before a Jury In Justice Cox
court here 'today on a charge of speed
ing; ; '' : . .v
Miss - Daniels Is accused - of having
"stepped on it" at a clip of It miles
an hour on an Orange county boule
vard. Justice Cox has a reputation- for
Imposing jail sentences on all persons
convicted or speeding. i ..-
Motorcycle Policeman "Myers, who
"pinched" the film actress, was the "star
witness" for the prosecution. The court
room was packed with persons expect
ing to see Bebe attempt to "vamp" the
stern , Justice. . .
Harding Is Soon to
Name Ambassadors
Washington, March 28. (U. , P.)
Nominations to important ambassador
ships will be sent to the senate by
I'reBiaent warding soon after . the con
vening of the special session of congress.
It was learned ' today. - :
' : Prowlers Take. .Chicken
Stopping in the rear of F. A. Davis'
grocery store long enough to chop, off
the head of. a live chicken, prowlers es
caped Saturday night after looting the
grocery store and stealing two sacks of
flour, a quantity of candy and cigars,
sack of sugar and the unfortunate
chicken, Davis, whose store is at 361
nranrf avenue, renorted to th tv-illrn '
Sunday. . , I
Everybody' Favorite
Musical Act
and Our Big
Chicago, March 28, (I. N. S.)
All applications by short line"
railroads for working conditions and
rates of wage, that govern the so
called "standard" lines,' were dis
missed by the United States railway
.."-' wvaiu v v v. u j , Ana uniiuii ttk,
fects 6 roads in all purts of the
United states.
The board ruled that none ef the ap
plications by the short line roads could
be acted upon until rases pending that
involve the standard rouds are dipoMl
of. The decision, however, does not pre
vent the smaller roads fronObrlnglng up
their application when the calendar Is
clear of cases involving the large road,
and does not affect any decision as to
wages, hours ' of labor or working con
ditions previously rendered by the board.
(OonUnuwl From. l'i Oni)
branch of . the bone dry brigade shows
that the Pie boys seem to be overlook
ing a bet. Down at San Franclico W.
A. Kelly holds the job of supervising fed
eral prohibtlon agent, and has under lilt
jurisdiction the states of California. Ne
vada. Oregon and Washington, to which
the territory of Alaska Is also attached
for administrative purposes. Kelly
rlrawg a salary of 15000, plus tho $210
bonus, and Is directly appointed by the
prohibition commissioner at Washington,
D. C, lie has a force working under
him In each state within his Jurisdiction,
which Is appointed by the cornmtisloner
at Washington, upon his recommenda
tion. Kelly's Oregon representative Is Jen
Flanders, whose official title is super
vising federal prohibition "Rent in
charge, and whose salary Is plus
the $340 bonus. Flanders has working
under bis direction a force of to deputy
agents, each drawing a salary of $18oi
plus the $240 bonus. Ho far as known to
local politicians no-one from Oregon hHS
started to gather In the job of Mr. Kelly;
Few people have realised that Uncle
Sam's prohibition enforcement arm 4n
Oregon is compfKfd of IS people, draw
ing an aggregate annual salary of J'Jfl,
860, not to mention, the sums allowed for
travelling and other expenses.
Seven Profiteering
Cases Are Dismissed
Washington. March 2$. (U. P.) -Seven
more appeals In anti-prof iteeiinu
casfs brought under the Lvr law were
dismissed in supreme court today, on
motion of the federal government. One
Involved proceedings against tlie Ameri
can Woolen company, while three others
were- against the Brooklyn Kdlson com
pany, Inc. - '
"Passion" Coming Next
. ' ',' I AST'S' I