The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 28, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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f' All Here end It's All True
THE WEATHER Tonight and Tuesday.
fair; variable winds.
Maximum temperatures Sunday:
Portland ...i.., M ; New Orleans.... S3
Boise 58 New York K2
Loe Angeles..... 78 1st. Paul......... 2U
Incomparable .
Four leased -telegraph wires pour: the
world's dally news into The Journal's col
unins. In addition to this. The Journal's,
own special correspondent cover events
particularly . of interest in The Journal's
rrr 'W - XT" 17 Entered Second Clam UttUt
V UU AA, rJ. Xt, ,t p.toffic. Portland, Orttoa
mnnnnM unnr
MM 111111.111 I ILI lm M
Meeting Under; Auspices of Dis
- armament Committee Adopts
Resolutions for Presentation to
, Hardingj Urge Cut in Funds.
' (By flitted !S'w) "
Washington, March 28. Resolu
tions iire-inc that an international
conference be called to dfiscuss arma
ment limitation will be presented to
President Harding between now and
April 11, when the- special session of
congress convenes. ..' -. f
The resolutions were adopted at a
mass meeting here faster Sunday, held
under the auspices of the women'!
world disarmament; committee. ;
Other resolutions adopted call on con
gress to cut the appropriations for mili
tary and naval purposes.
It is proposed to have a committee
composed of one woman from each state
present the resolutions to Harding and
congressional leaders.
Senator Borah of Idaho, who has ar
gued against continuation of the 1916
naval building program, was the princi
pal speaker. A. l W
, "Nearly 90 per cent "of our expendi
tures are for wars, past and anticipat
ed,", said Borah, v "This is the thing
that is driving us to financial disaster.
You cannot relieve taxes to any per
ceptible degree by dismissing a few
clerks in departments.
He urged that a savgge' cut should be
mad: in the 90 per cent rather than
"nibble" in the 10 percent, and ar ad
that the only way this could be accom
plished is through , an "agreement- with
other nations now engaged in naval com
petition. ' ?,. '
' Borah said, however, America should
never; be left without proper security.
"It our det nined purpose."
he said, "to obtain security without
bringing bankruptcy." i
Representative Frear of Wisconsin
spoke ln! a' similar- vein and charged
that sinister; influences - supported - the
big navy idea. ':;-. .:
"Behind all movements for a larger
navy- said he, "investigations - disclose
that powerful Influences are strongly in
trenched." whose interests and industries
depend on liberal naval appropriations.
"Weimy reasonably expect that until
the naval bill tiassea congress sensational
headlines wilt advise congress and the
country that Japan is planning to cap
ture Hawaii and the Philippines, and
everything, la the Pacific from Bering
sea to the kingdom of Yap and the
Cannibal isles."-- -
Mrs, Louis D." Brandels. Mrs. Robert
(Concluded on Page Two. Column Two)
New York. March 28 (I. T. S.)
A fresh element of mystery was
added to . the Stillman divorce sen
sation today - when it was learned
that a third woman, whose Identity
is being carefully concealed, is about
to figure in the case.! w.'
. Counsel for Mrs. James A." Stillman. it
new plan of action in their fight against
her husband's efforts to .obtain a divorce
and declare Baby Guy Stillman illegiti
mate. A; strong report that the crux of
this plan is a. motion for discontinuance
of the case, which would mean abandon
ment of the whole double divorce action,
was not-denied by Mrs. Stillman's law-
: yers.-" In- th meantime, however, while
both ? sides are awaiting for Justice
Morschauser's decision on -t Mrs. Still
man's motion for $10,000 a month all-
- mony and $75,000 counsel fees, it was
learned that new sensational letters have
been unearthed by the defense, in con
nection with a mysterious third woman
and which may form the basis of new
countercharges by Mrs. Stillman against
her husband, who is president of the
National City bank.
.-'; ...... f" "'- - . - " .. s .
Chicago ' Theatres Gut Prices
r, r. i . vt . r. " t 'ie . r, K
Box Office Lines ! Shorter
By James I. ilgallen
- L'nrted News Staff CorreApondent.
Chicago. March 2S. The line at
the theatre box office is growing
i "shorter. .
Within a few weeks, worried thea
: 'tre managers say, the highest price
: seat at any Chicago playhouse will
be $2.50 a slash of an even dollar.
Road shows are limping Into Chicago
;; from all parts of the West broke. '
Even the movies. least hit, are suf
fering. . . . --v , - -', .-'
. While the depression In the amuse
nent business has been due to some ex
tent to the, Lenten season, managers of
the leading; theatres" declare that -their
Industry is beginning to feel the full
effect of the economic 4 situation.
"The show business li rotten." said
I.ou Houseman, Chicago representative
of- A. H. Woodk, "We've got to cut
prices, t '- - -': - - - . .
"Too many people are out i of work,
, for one thing." ' J ; .
.The men now walking the streets look
ing for work total ,100,000, according to
:. Charles W. Folds, president of the Unit
ed Charities of Chicago. Many of them
have families. 1 . . ; 1
Something has got to be : done, the
"lanaffera say. They have had a lucra
Sun Keeps
Fair Easter
Day, Smiles
"la the rprine tlx tidies' finer '
Bonnets h thair nnB chine ;
la the spring the dandelion
Pronbe u more bome-msde win. -
. There was a note of pained sur
prise In the weather man's voice this
morning as he was asked regarding
rain possibilities for Portland and
vicinity, either today or Tuesday.
"No," said he, "we won't have a pre
clpitatlon here today nor tomorrow."
. And then he thought, no doubt, that
some folks are never satisfied.
For today Is to" be a replica, of Sun
day. You remember? : Or will you ever
forget? The brilliant sunshine as you
reached out for the milk and the Sun
day paper, the exclamations -of delight
with which children everywhere hurled
rubber shoes into far corners of the
room and fared forth, v unprotected, to
watch" the robins struggle ; with fat
worms and welcome .Easter with all tne
exuberance , of youth who - fear ; not
church?; .;..;; -.-.'.j : . ; . i; , ;. ; -..
. And the bonnets 1, Who said there was
financial depression? In every, pew
they nodded, on ; every sidewalk those
being worn viewed with those In sundry
shop windows. Motor cars, with a hur
ried ; coat of polish flitted hither and
yon, ' picknickers j lay ; on rugs in the
warm sunshine in country places and
the first hearty crack of spring bats
resounded from playgrounds here and
there. It was a great day. J. .
; It was a great; day for "three-sheet-ers."
poseurs, peacocks, and others of
(Concluded on Pwe'Two, Co hi ma Three)
Tokio, March; 2 8.-7-U. P.)- Care
ful estimates of property loss sus
tained in Toklo'a great fire Fatur
day night Indicated today that the
total will exceed $10,000,000.
Four large business houses, -a bank
and t other ; important structures were
burned in the fire, which also destroyed
nearly 1000 houses.
The Japanese Red Cross, established
relief stations for the thousands mad
homeless and cared for numerous in
jured. - '
Secretary of War
Announces Selection
: OfDepartment Heads
Washington, March -28. (I. I. a)-
Secretary of War Weeks today recom
mended to President Harding the follow
Ing appointments: "; -"
To be chief of . Infantry Major Gen
eral C. S. Fa rns worth. ;
To be chief of cavalry Major General
W. A. Hoi brook."
To be. chief of field artillery Major
General W. J. Snow.
To -be "Chief of air service Major Gen
eral C. T. Menoher. -
To be inspector general U. S. A.
Major General John L. Chamberlain.
To be chief of -finance Brigadier Gen
eral Herbert M. Lord.
- To be chief signal officer Major Gen
eral George O, Squier
To be chief of the chemical warfare
service Brigadier General Amos Fries.
j The office of chief of the militia bu
reau was not ' filled. A controversy has
raged about this post, with several states
presenting candidates.
George M. Pullman's
Widow, 82, Dies in
Pasadena Hotel
Pasadena. Cal., March 28. (I. N. S.)
Mrs. George M. Pullman, 82 years of
age, and one of America's wealthiest
women, died at the , Hotel Raymond in
Pasadena, at X HO. jthis afternoon of
bronchial pneumonia after an illness of
only a few days. ?
Mrs. Pullman's daughter, Mrs. Frank
O." Liowden, her son-in-law, Frank O.
Lowden, former governor of Illinois, and
her granddaughter. Miss Harriet Low
den.- were at her bedside wnen sne
passed away.; ! ;;- :...:, . .
tive winter season, but business lately
has been "terrible." 1 . ; -
Harry J. .Powers, manager of the
Colonial and Illinois theatres, said there
was "quite a drop" in box office re
ceipts the last ' four weeks of the "Fol
lies'" recent stay at the Colonial. The
second engagement tf "Aphrodite" at
the Auditorium has been cut from four
to two weeks. ; because of the prospect
of poor business. : ,
"We're jn' the same position as the
packers : were - a few weeks ago." said
Houseman. ;; "They, said they couldn't
pay their help: wartime wages and had
to break their agreement. ! We're in the
same fix. We' are paying actors, stage
hands, musicians and : other ' organised
help contract Increases - that" are 33 1-3
per cent higher -than the salaries they
received . three years, ago. ' r :7 . v
"The public is tired' paying sky-high
prices for tickets.1 They can't afford It.
The spending orgy has ceased. People
want every cent of their money's worth.
The theatres will have to cut No one
else wants : to - take a cut. You -: see
where that puts me."
-Next Sunday night Frank Tinrtey will
open at the Illinois with the top price
$2.50. On the- same night "Mary" will
make its deput at the: Colonial at the
same prices. ; ..- f,. v- .'t;-; -i.,
No theatre manager, however, would
predict a cut to top price of $3. - '
ajor Financial-Philanthropic 0f-
tensive Begins at Noon With
Blare of Bands; $850,000 Is
Sought for Community Chest.
Mayor Baker lived up to his word
Monday noon , when he stated not
long ago that he would bring out
the fire department If necessary to
tell the story of the Community
Chest, drive to ' them. 1 The f grand
"kick-off" of the campaign was
opened today at noon at the corner
of Sixth, and Morrison by the Port
land fire department, which came
down the main streets of the city
with sirens blowing and bells ring
ing, attracting in a short time a
huge , crowd of citizens to. hear the
measures . of charity ' needs of the
city., and to - view the launching ; of
the big campaign. : ,
CHEST SOITGS StJITG : : ". ' ; 1 -f 4-3"
Following the advent of' the fire de
partment, upon , the scene the "Have a
Heart? band and brigade of workers ap
peared dressed in white costumes with
the red hearts upon their sleeves. The
"Have a Heart" quartet took the plat
form and sang some special "Chest"
songs.' Then Mayor Baker and his staff
appeared on the platform. - -
Soon afterward a group of "Have a
Heart' girls, wearing their hearts upon
their cheeks, appeared around the corner
of the large Community Chest bearing
with them a smaller chest, which was
carried upon the platform. The lid of
this smaller chest was lifted and little
"Tiny" exposed to view bearing, a large
golden key the key to the large Com
munity Chert, which waa presented to
Mayor j Bilker ' with appropriate - cere
monies. 4. - : . ; ;
- In a forceful appeal to the large crowd
gathered there. Mayor Baker urged upon
the: people of Portland the necessity of
contributing to. the Portland Community
Chest fund. 1 -;.-..:- ; .jj- ,. ?;--.- :-!-, i
The great city of Portland has taken
the responsibility Of taking' care of the
60 beneficiaries of the Community CheBt
fund,' stated tne mayor.1 "We want to
make' this, drive in a way. that, will make
every "man, x woman, and child in the
city feel as though they have contrib-
(Conelnded on1 Iaee Two.. C'otuma Kourp
London, March 28. (U. P.) The
most destructive arson campaign yet
attempted In England by Sinn Fein
ers was carried out over the week
end. '. Damage amounting to thou
sands of pdunds "was done in North
umberland," Durham and "Yorkshire,
where 40-farm fires broke out sim
ultaneously. ! . i .
Hay ricks, thatched roof buildings
and farm property were destroyed.
One suspect was under' arrest. I
Masked Thief Meetsi
Eeturning Family;
$300 in Loot Taken
Mr. and Mrs. William Crafton and 12-year-old
son - Bert, . living at 625 East
Eighteenth street, returned borne last
evening in time to disturb an enterpris
ing burglar who eventually got away
with about S300 worth of stuff ?rom the
house.; : i--; :.. .- & - (, , i
- The family returned home rather late
in the evening, from a ride in their
automobile, and Mrs, Crafton and an
Airedale dog entered the house by the
front entrance while. Crafton and his
son put the car in the garage. - As soon
as Mrs. Crafton opened the front door
the dog began to bark and Crafton,
hearing the noise, ran for the house to
see what was the matter. The eon pre
ceded Crafton - up- the rear ; entrance
stairs, and just as he stepped in ' the
kitchen, door a burglar poked a gun in
his ribs and ordered him to be quiet.
Crafton, who -had on -a valuable dia
mond ring; discreetly withdrew, and the
burglar quickly dropped out of a rear
window and made off. . . ' :
Investigation showed that the loot col
lected by the burglar consisted of furs,
a camera, a valuable watch, and several
suitcases which were valued at 1300,
Eeorganization of ".
: Postal Department
Announced by Hays
Washington, March 28. T. N. , S.)
Reorganization of the postof fice depart
ment under the direction of a commis
sion 'composed of the postmaster general,
the Joint congressional postal: committee
and seven businessmen from ' various
parts of the ; United States ; was an
nounced by r Postmaster General Haya
today. .
John Gribbel of .Philadelphia was
named as the chairman of the civilian
committee of seven. . . . "
Under the plans annpunced by Post
master General Hays, the house and
senate postal committees will act as-a
board of directors for the postoffice de
partment, John C. Koons. former assistant post
master general, will act as a postal
expert for the reorganization commis
One Glance
Sends Letter
Bride Away
One look at . her prospective hus
band Anton Lilski, who is a farmer
of Sclo, convinced Olga Bankova.
pretty 23-year-old lass who; arrived
in Portland from Bohemia Saturday,
that the marital match was entirely
Llskl had sent her a picture of him
self taken many years ago, when he
was a ; fine looking - youth, and Olga
corresponding with him, was not adverse
to marrying such. - When she found a
man of 65 years, all thoughts of matri
mony fled. - -v- ----- - i .
- Olga .was found : this morning at the
Y. W. C.- A. where she had gone from
the Mathieson hotel Sunday. Police In
spector Joe Morak discovered her in hid
ing there, following a frantic search of
the city by every available law officer
of Portland since Sunday morning when
she was missed by her prospective
husband. - ''i' v l-..";-,.
When she left the hotel. Miss Bankova
said, she wandered around until she met
a woman who could talk German, to
whom she told her story. She was ad
vised to go to the Y. W. C A., and -she
did.' The association authorities pro
vided her with a bed for the night and
they wljl care for her until word can be
gotten to Mrs. K. Burses of the Trav
elers' Aid Bociety in Chicago, who, according-
to the girl, told her that if things
did not suit her when she arrived ia
Portland, to ,let her know, and money
would be supplied her to return to Chi
cago, where the society would look after
her. ; ; . - - '
Liski now finds himself not only wife
less, but minus some 1400 which he had
sent her for traveling expenses. ;
Atlanta, Ga., March 28. John S.
Williams, wealthy planter, on whose
Jasper county estate ; the 1odies - of
11 negroes have been found, was in
a state of collapse inthet Fulton
tower as searchers dug up the pas
tures of his lonely estate n search
for corpses of more "slaves."
v "Let me i alone ! Please leave me
alone 1", he yelled at newspapermen as
he i emerged from the Jailer's f office,
where he had i been questioned. Tears
streamed down hie cheeks. His eyes
were red j and he glanced wildly from
side to side.;, Williams i a giant ia tat-
Ur and". apraemtIy about-6S- years loVi
; Prison authorities were alternating in
questioning Williams; and -interrogating
Clyde Manning, negro, who- is said to
have been the "Simon Legree" of his
plantation. Williams got negroes from
the jails by paying their fines and put
them to work on his ranch where he held
them virtually; as; slaves, it la charged.
Those who attempted to escape or . in
form authorities- are alleged : to have
been killed. a v .
Manning, police say, has confessed to
killing negroes and doing other "dirty
work" for Williams.
A special session of the Jasper county
grand jury is expected to convene this
week, probably Thursday, to investigate
the , wholesale murder plot. Following
the convening of the grand Jury, a spe
cial session of the Jasper county court
to try Williams and Manning is planned.
: Governor Hugh M. Dorsey today was
considering the appointment of State At
torney General Denny to take charge of
the investigation.
Officers here have stasted a quiet
but thorough Investigation of the past
of Williams, who: owns a large planta
tion near here. . They ' want to know
what has become of 10 other farm
hands said to have mysteriously disap
peared. '-. J; ' - , :
Leaders. in business, civic and social
circles here are stunned by the swift de
velopments of the last few days. These
investigations began when Manning, ar
rested on suspicion of having helped
make away with two negroes, confessed
suddenly that he and Williams had slain
or helped slay 11 hands who had worked
oh the Williams plantation. He showed
officers where ; these ; men bad been
buried. t
It is charged that Williams has been
a notorious "nigger worker". 'and that in
Monroe county, where he formerly lived,
he was burned out for cruelty ,; to em
ployes. -
It has developed that -Williams kept
his negro workers on his plantation in
a strong house which is nothing short
of a stockade. Stout wooden bars were
on the j windows and - heavy - doors
guarded the entrances. This place was
guarded during the night by Clyde Man
ning, who was an employe of Williams
for. 15 . years, and , Charley Chisholm,
trusted negrot who later,, according to
Manning's confession, was slain by Wil
liams and Manning. - . -
State Official Ne;w
Head of Engineers
Spokane.' Wash.. March 28. J. A.
Davis, assistant chief engineer of the
state highway department. Olympia. was
chosen president of the Washington as
sembly of the American Association of
Engineers at the annual convention here.
Vice presidents were named as follows:
R. Lozier. , Seattle; H. Powell. Spokane,
and W. L. Lovejoy, city engineer, Ho
quiam. -," Courtland Penny, Seattle, will
continue as executive secretary, v "
The Dalles Suspects ?
Taken at Hood River
Hood River, March ;- tS. Two men
were ; taken from the morning train
and are being held in connection with
a holdup and attempted murder in The
Dalles at I o'clock' this morning. Both
were carrying overalls.- said - to . have
been worn by the holdup men,4ut local
police are doubtful that . they . are the
men wanted. They gave the names, of
Reuben W. Myers and Dan Carlson and
addresses at .The Dalles. -
Crop Outlook Exceptionally Favbr
V able, Lumber Milts Resuming
and Outlook Is Generally Good,
Declares 12tfr Reserve Report
San Francisco, March 28. (I. N.
S.) Not only has the peak of un
employment . been passed In - the
Twelfth federal reserve district, but
prospects for 1921 crops of all kinds
are exceptionally favorable, accord
ing to the monthly report to the fed
eral reserve board by John Perrin,
federal reserve agent and chairman
of the board of federal reserve banks
of 'San -Francisco. . , - . ! '
"Wheat In the Pacific Northwest has
come through the winter satisfactorily
an there will be practically no re
seeding," says the report Issued today.
"Opportune rains- and warm weather
have caused deciduous fruit trees to bud
and blossom profusely and, if unseason
able frosts do -not occur, their yields
should be record ones.
"The winter has continued: favorable
for the livestock industry. Hay has been
cheap where feeding was necessary and
there has been abundance of early spring
grass. ' Spring . lambing has been un
usually free from loss.
"Stocks of 1920 agricultural products
have continued to move -slowly but
steadily to market Holdings of wheat
on farms in. this TUstriet are 1. times
greater than the five-year average for
this season, but stocks of .millers and
dealers are abnormally low, and it is
generally reported that the entire hold
over of 1920 wheat will be marketed
before July 1.
. "Canners stocks of canned . fruits,
which are now approximately 26 per
cent of last year's pack, were moving
sluggishly, until during February sub-
. (Concluded ea Peg Two. Cohima fiizl
In the shortest time ever required
for the passage of ,- a measure, ; the
California - legislature ! pledged sup
port . of the Atlantic-Pacific .High
ways and Electrical exposition, re
ported Colonel David M. Dunne, who
returned to Portland this morning
after having , played the stellar role
in the achievement. . . ..;. . ,
The time taken for the introduction,
printing, three readings, and unanimous
adoption of the resolution was but twoJ
and one half hours, said Colonel Dunne.
The. California enactment reads as fol
lows : .
"Whereas; It is proposed foy the State
of Oregon to hold a World's Exposition
in me ciiy or roruana in tne year 19Z5,
which ia designated to be a great demon
stration of the progress of peaceful arts ;
and -' " '
"Whereas, This step is designed to sig
nalise the return by the world to the
normal enjoymentcf peace and progress
and deserves the commendation of the
world ; now therefore,' be it '
-: "Resolved'by the Senate of the State
of Califomla, ihe Assembly concurring
therein. That the Legislature of the State
of California endorse- and ;commend the
World Exposition to be held at Port
land "in the State of Oregon in the year
1925." j , ' z ' - . - ;
Numerous columns ot publicity were
devoted by California newspapers to the
exposition plan incident, to. Colonel,
Dunne's visit, ,
"The i people, of California are' .even
more enthusiastic 'than Oregonians and
the governor of California as good as
promised that California's, exposition
building would be erected here first
among the states," commented Colonel
Burnside Bridge Is
To Reopen Tuesday;
v City Plant Gets Job
The Burnside bridge will be reopened
to general traffic Tuesday, afternoon.
according to. promises made today by
the county roadmaster, following accept
ance of the paving bid entered. by the
city paving plant. The bridge has been'
closed for a fortnight.. .
The city plant bid under the Warren
Construction company by -. at least.: 43
cents a - square yard and as a result
work- was started on resurfacing., the
three spans this morning. The. work
will be done on a cost plus 10 per cent
basis, with the total -not. to exceed $1.40
a square yard, under the city contract.
The Warren bid was $1.85 a square yard.
Business: News
On Page Ten h:fAl
2 The Journal's business "news
service," which begins today, will
be found on page 10. From cor
respondents in the leading cities
of the country The Journal will
receive dispatches setting: forth
the l i business -conditions v there
prevalent. . This . newa Is ' of In
terest to every reader and it may
be regarded as authoritative.
Fifteen-year-old Irene Carlson,
daughter of Mr. arid .Mrs. Victor" J,
Carlson of 445 Vancouver avenue,
completely.routed a burglar who was
robbing the' home and menacing her
father's life Sunday night when she
swung a- heavy China vase at " the
intruder, smashing It into a hundred
pieces over his head. - . . - ,
- Mr." and ' Mrs. ; Carlson, with their
daughter and little son had been dining
with friends. They returned home about
10 :4S. ' , ' : , - - l
QJ8DEBS HASPS' l."P-' k ' i
A light burning in the study, behind
drawn shades, . first aroused Carlson's
suspicions. Mrs. - Carlson and the boy
remained on the porch. Carlson entered
the house and started to investigate the
light, i . f ;f. : xiK,;'Jz'
, Miss Carlson followed her- father and
stood waiting, for him in the entrance
hail. -Cr . ;-. y..:.i'; .'- r
Aroused by the sound of persons in
the house, a masked burglar came rush
ing down " the - stairway.- - He stopped
short at the turn in the ' stair. Just as
Carlson came back Into the hall front
the study, -
"Stick them ' up and "be quick 1"
snapped the burglar, s . .
Carlson did as ordered, and the - bur
glar came cautiously down the Remain
ing steps, keeping Carlson covered with
his revolver.-; Miss Carlson was watch
ing the movements of the; burglar
- She slipped over :to -the 'piano.'' which
waa behind a column. On top of the
piano was a small bronse vase. At first
she started to try the bronze vase," but
changed her mind, since she realized it
Washington. March 28. '(U. P.)
The federal government, by decision
of the supreme court today, won one
or the big suits growing out of the
federal income tax laws. One hun
dred millions will be kept In the fed
eral treasury as a result. ' - ---
The "court held constitutional a pro
vision of the law providing that a profit
derived from the sale of capital assets
stocks, bonds or other securities Is in
come and therefore-taxable. - i
Two Drown When'
Boat Is Capsized
: In South Umpqua
Roseburg, Or., March 28. Ted Farris
and Peter Kufner. ; residents of Riddle,
were drowned in the South Umpqua riv
er Saturday evening when their boat
overturned: Farris, KufnerT and Joe
Graham were In the boat and were at
tempting to locate some lost logs -from
their- mill on Cow creek. ; They had
reached a . point ljust , above the Pruner
bridge when they struck a riffle and the
boat capslred. ; ' s
All were thrown' Into the "water , but
Graham was the only one able to reach
shore- safely. , Kufner was . unable . ' to
swim and dung to Karri with the re
sult that they were both drowned. Far
ris leaves a wife and two children. The
boduea have- not- been located,- owing to
swift current V-,r ' .,f-;-
6 Dead, 30 Injured
y In Easter Accidents
San Francisco, March 28. I.- N. S.)
Six dead, Including one woman and a
baby, and 30 persons - Injured, " was the
Kaster ' Sunday .toll of. automobile acci
dents In the Bay region. , The condition
of ceveral of the injured is serious.
. 15-year-old
who routed
by following
, of
-Maggie of the
and, smashing
- a
vase over
. head
would not be heavy enough to do- dam
age. ; ;
"I wanted to stop' him and hold him.
for the- police, ' 1 I was mad because he
came to rob our house and was holding
my father up with that pistol," said Mlaa
Carlson this morning.
The burglar commanded ' Carlson . to
throw his valuables on the floor. Carl
son threw down his purse, which con
tained 75 cents and a check, -.
Miss .Carlson moved carefully toward
a large 15 pound .China' vase on a pedes
tal near the foot of the stairs. Juat as
the burglar stooped to pick up the pur te
Miss Carlson raised the vase and swung
li, down on ; his - bead with all her
ihav-'-f'r,-:Jv-''-;: ' - r: t
b tta l An flees ,-:.: , r: ;V' ;t
i The burgfar staggered a momentthen
steadied himself and dashed out of the
front door, passing Mrs. Carlson and the
boy in his flight.
. Carlson hurried up stairs and got his
tine, but by the time he had gotten back
down again, the burglar had . disap
peared.. , .,. . ,-; -
Ah investigation revealed that , the'
burglar had taken a silk dress valued at
$75, belonging to Miss Carlson ; a pair of
slippers and several smalt articles of
Jewelry, besides the purse and check.
Mies Carlson said she was not really
frightened until, after the burglar was
gone, then she realised what she had
done, ' and 'decided she had better cry a
little bit.. t
During the holdup she was excited, she
aid. but managed to keep -cool and
plan what was the beat thing to do and
Just how to do it. - -
Miss-. Carlson is a student at the Jef
ferson high school. The burglar is de
scribed as .35 years old. about S feet ?
inches tall, weighing, 150 pounds and
dressed in dark clothing. , - ,
Detroit, March .28.- (I. N;.8.)
One hundred per ent production
schedules will be put Into effect in
every automobile plant in Detroit
beginning next Monday, it was
learned today in a canvas of the fac
tories. ";. Manufacturers are optimis
tic "over the future of the industry.
Pie Brigade After Smith
-, at . -. k v. ar a; k p w t t
Prohi Job Has Influence
By Ralph Watsoa F
When you stop to think about it and
to dig' Into the reasons, it is clear to
sea why so many hungry bunkies of the
Pie Brigade seek the thirtsy job of Fed
eral 'Prohibition Director for the State
of Oregon, - It is not,- as most people
think,, a one man job at all, for the lucky
individual who occupies it holds in his
handsr4eaides countless bottles, demi
johns, kegs and barrels of illicit liquor
much largess of politics;! plums for his
perquisite and disposal. It is, indeed and
in fact, quite a, little institution all Its
own. , - ' ' j -''
, For Instance, . Federal Prohibition Di
rector Johnson B. Smith, who now holds
the Job, has to aid him one chief In
spector, two deputy Inspectors and two
clerks, all of whom are selected by him
and appointed upon his recommendation.
. The federal prohibition director him
self receives an annual salary of $3000,
Ihe chief ; deputy is paid $2000. The
deputy inspectors draw $1800 and the
clerks $1400 each. In addition to this
statutory .salary each of them ' is given
a bonus of $240 annually. This gives
the diretcor' an annual pay check of
$3240, the chief deputy $2,240. the deputy
Inspectors $2040 and the clerks $104. .
So. It' ll easy to be seen why Sanfield
Macdonald, A. A. Bailey and Jesse. Flan
ders, all of Portland, and Dr. J. A. Lin
vine of Carlton, are so eager to gain
the smiles of the Dregon senators, and
Chinamen Shoot , Each Other to
Death in Exchange of Bullets in
San Francisco Lodging House;
Spread of Trouble Is Feared.
San Francisco, March 28. (I. .
8.) Tong warfare flared forth In
Chinatown today, but the score re
mains the same, for the eluyer died
at the hands of his victim.
Today Policemen Gleeaon and Mellon
heard shots in a loda-lng houxe at 855
Clay street and, hurrying there, found a
Chinaman,-) lylnir at the bottom of the
stairs breahlng his last, lie had a bul
let wound Jn his stomach and a broken
leg. lie dfd before reaching a hospital.
Following a trail of blood to an uptx-r
floor, the policemen found another Chi
naman dead with three bullet wounds
In his cheat.
In the doorway lay two revolver. -Police'
believe the man at the bottom of
the stairs was a gunman Kent to get the
Chinaman upstairs. Both apparently
opened fire simultaneously and both
Police succeeded In Identifying Ihe
Chinese as Lee tiow and Jew June.- The
The latter waa found upstairs and was
a member of the Hop Kings. 'The tong
affiliation of Lee Uow has not been as
certained. Police learned both were
"hop heads."
"Strangers keep put of this hall. It is
dangerous." read a freshly painted sign
in the hallway of the lodzlng house.
Fears that a general warfare between
the Hop Kings and Illng Kongs is Immi
nent all -along the coast were voiced to
day following reports that hostilities had
been opened near Hacramento and that
six Bluff Kong gunmen had lieen dis
patched from here to Portland.
, FOR TOG WAH TnouiiLi;
Portland's Chlpatown was ominous In
Its quiet this morning. Newa that irun-
men had arrived' from-other coast. cltleM,
presumably to be ready for any outbreak
between the Blng Kung-Bow lyeojig and
the Hop Sing, tongs was received wllh
extreme apprehension. Tong leaders.
Who had previously- signed a peace pact
because the local Chinese had no qnnr
rel, appealed to the police to help them
maintain neutrality in the quarrels of
LOi 'Wrmthern rltlen. Obviously, the ultn-
(Ooiieluded oa life Two, Column Four)
Santa Clara UnlvcrBity, Cal., March
28. (U. P.) -The seismograph at
Banta Clara university today re
corded an , earthquake 2225.8-miles"
west from here, Futher Rlcard, in
charge of earthquake observations,
announced. The temblor lasted 13
. ClUt-ago Itex-ord Quake
Chicago, March 2S. (U, P.) A severe
earthquake shock, about 1261 miles from
Chicago in the Kouthwestern United
States, was recorded on the seismograph
at the University of Chicago' today. The
tremor began at 2 :5j a. rn. and lasted
until 3 :15 a. m.
They Gan't Forget
School Boy Times
Multnomah county , commissioners'
meeting waa held up for a moment this
morning while Chairman Holman and
Commissioner Hoyt signed a petition
asking that an athletic field be provided
for the Lincoln high school. Holman re
marked that 23 years ago today he was
president of the Lincoln high School
graduating class and Hoyt was president
of the alumni society.
the job.of federal prohibition director for
Oregon. - -
The quartet named makes up . the
present list of those who, so far as now
reported, are earnestly and energetically
seeking the official scalp of Johnstone
Smith. Macdonald was the Oregon cam
paign manager for Hiram Johnson dur
ing the primaries of 1920, and recent de
velopments would seem to, Indicate there
waa more truth than fiction In the rumor
rampant during the primary campaign
about a working connection between the
Johnson and the titanfleld campaign.
If these indications are well based that
fact would, theoretically at least, boont
the stock of Macdonald several point..
A. A. Bailey, on the other hand, was of
the Lowden camp, now accused of at
tempting to doublecross -the Htanfletd
candidacy during the primaries, which.
If true, would very evldentlly run the
Bailey barometer well down within -the
storm area. - '
-'Jesse Flanders, too. Is said to have
shifted his political coast from llcpuMI
can to Democratic When things looked
dark' for St&nfleld, a clrcun-jHlance which
puts him on the political scratch line
In his race for the job ho nee Us.
Dr. Linville, a retired druggist of
Carlton, has the Indorsement of th.s
TamhJH IlepubWcan county organization
and is hard after "the appointment.
Shifting the light upon the either
(Conclude! en rut Two, Column hwM)