The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1921, Page 58, Image 58

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Portland Beavers Getting Ready for Opening April 5
Kallio Proud
Of His Single
Off Johnson
Bjr George Bert.
SANTAMARIA. Cal., March 2 el
If Rudy Kallio, the Portland boy,
who la being counted upon by,Man
ager McCredie as one of his regular
pitchers for the 1921 Beavers, should
pitch a no-hit-no-run game without
allowing a single batsman to reach
first base it would rive him as much
.thrill as the event that has already
happened ' In his career and may
never happen again.
The event referred to Is a hit Just a
plain ordinary single. It was made off
the delivery of the great Walter Johnson
of the "Washington Americans during the
1918 season. Some place in his scrap-
book, Rudy has an tne cupping oi u
. Detroit paper regarding the incident.
Kallio is no great hitter, but, believe
us. he is sure proud of that .161 batting
average he hung up in the American
league in 1918. That's -the highest batting
percentage he ever made and ever ex
pects to, but this has nothing to ao witn
what Kallio expects to do this season.
Last spring. Kallio reported to the
Beavers Just a week .before the close of
the training camp season. He was jutst
rounding- Into form, when the club hit
Salt Lake. It was one of the coldest
weeks in the history of the league games
in the Utah metropolis and it set Kallio
back several weeks, in fact he was not
right until he had his back-bone, which
seemed to be pressing on a nerve,
Right now, Kallio is reaay 10 siarc me
season. He expects to have one big sea
son in the Coast league this year.
. . Kallio started his professional career
with the Butte club of the Northwestern
league in 191J. The following season he
played with the Saskatoon club. In 1915,
he was with the El Paso club in the Rio
Grande league and in 1916 joined the
Great Falls club ' of the Northwestern
league and was sold to the San Francisco
club at the end of the season. Pitching
for the Seals against Portland in 1916.
Kallio struck out 13 Beavers, setting up
a league record for that campaign. Kai
llq gets a great kick out of the story
everytime he mentions-It to Manager
McCredie. ' v
He reported to the Seals in 1917 and
waa released to the Des Moines club of
the Western league, being recalled at the
end of the season. He had his best pitch
ing year with the Des Mo'lnes club, win
ning 25 and losing 9 games.
He was turned over to Detroit by San
Francisco and pitching in the majors for
the first time, he won 8 and lost 13
games. In 1919. Jennings did not - use
him in any games, except to replace
some of the regulars. t"
He Joined the Portland club last year,
and despite his bad start finished the
season with nine victories and ten de
feats, winning four of his games in the
last two weeks of the season. Kallio1
atarted bis baseball playing in Portland
with the Columbus club and Calef broth
ers' teams.
Rudy is a curve ball pitcher. He has a
great assortment of hooks and usually
has good control.
Beaver Camp Notes
By George Berts
SANTA, MARIA, Cal., March 26.
"Germany" Schaefer and all his
coaching stuff has nothing on Ray,
the great catcher of the Colored
Giants. Before each of the games
with the Beavers, the Giants
"pulled" the shadow baseball stunt
and It was a knockout for the natives.
Each day, Ray would end the work
out by getting hit In the head with
the ball. It provided a lot of amuse
ment for the fans.
: The Modesto (Cal.) battery of Fred
Connel, pitcher, and Henry Johnson,
catcher. Is going to be split. Connel is
likely to be turned over to the Keglna
club of the Western Canada league and
Johnson may be released to either the
Vancouver or Yakima clubs of the Pa
cific International circuit. These two
players are very promising youngsters.
. Jim Poole, the new first Backer of the
Beavers, ought to be good for at least 15
years in professional baseball, according
to Len Goodwin, manager of the colored
Giants. Poole does not waste any move
ments In fielding1 the balla around the
first corner' and he is not flashy, but he
can play the stuff ln's out of the sack.
Although the bright rays of the sun
caused the players to sweat last week,
.they had to be pretty careful about lay
ing round on account of the cold trade
winds. - v-v ; , -
Manager McCredie received a new ship
ment of hickory for the boys to use in
the final week of the season. This will
enable the players to get used to the bats
they expect to use in the opening series.
Bill Essick. manager of the Vernon
club Offered Manager McCredie, Pitcher
Art FTomme and Outfielder Edington for
Wes Klngdon several weeks ago, but as
FTomme intended to quit the game, Mae
did pot take bun up on the deal. King
don Is playing a bang-up game In the
field but Is not hitting well. He has been
using a bat too heavy for him to swing
properly against fast ball pitching.
Art Bourg Is laid up with a pair of
"bangtailed" legs. Bourg complained of
soreness in bis legs and was told to take
things easy, but in one of the games
with the .Giants he extended himself and
is now one of Doc' Meikle's daily visitors.
All . Are Walkers
But Not Eight One
New Orleans. March 26. N. S.V
The , Philadelphia . Athletics arrived at
Lake Charles, La., the other day. Connie
Mack brought three Walkers with him
Tilly. Frank and Johnny. The latter is
not the gentleman from Scotland. Curses.
$5.00 to $10.00
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Tlie sun has been shining at the Portland Beavers' training camp at Santa Maria, Cal., as can be judged from the first photograph. The boys were snapped while oh a stroll and it was just a little bit too warm
to make a coat feel comfortable. From the left, back row Fred Connel, pitcher; Ray Stobener, infielder; "Pep" Xoung, inflelderj- Henry Johnson, catcher, and Lcroy Messall, oat fielder. From the left, front
row John Brogan, pitcher; Ed Zlnk, pftcher; Russell Ctoforth, infielder, and llazen Paton, infielder. i 2 Douglas Tait, the former Portland bat boy. 3 Sylvester Johnson, former Multnomah Amateur Athletic'
club twirler, who inlshed the 1020 campaign with the Bearers. 4 Art Bourg, who is well known around semi-pro circles of Portland. Bourg Is hitting the old apple to all four corners of the Santa Maria lot.
5 WeS Klngdon. 6 Iieroy McssabV 1 Willis Butler. :- y- z, .. ;;' :
Amateurs Will
Hold I Contests
... .... -,
Thursday Eve
By Eari R. Goodwin
A MATE UK ; boxers and wrestlers
. will come in for their share of
attention' next Thursday, when the
5 annual Pacific
Northwest Asso
ciation . of the
Amateur Athletic
union champion
ships are staged
In the Armory.
The bouts will be
zM under the aus
pices of the Ar
mory , Ama t e u r
Athletic - associa
tion and the com
mittee in charge Is made up of Cap
tain Harry Hansen, chairman; ; T.
Morris Dunned secretary-treasurer of
the .P. N. A-i i Wendell S. Poulson,
chairman of the boxing and wres
tling committee of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club, - and Major
Edward j. Elvers. j
Plans are being made to hold prelimi
naries in the afternoon; with the finals
being staged Thursday night, starting at
7 :S0 o'clock, the number of entries deter
mining how many matmen are to com
pete Thursday -afternoon. .
Eight hundred members of the A. A. A.
A took 10 tickets each and many have
come back for more, so from that. Cap
tain Hansen says he won't be surprised
if more than 5000 or 6000 spectators are
on hand to witness the clashes.
Out of town 'entries are going to be
plentiful, according to : present indica
tions, : the entry, list not closing until
Monday night. $
In order to see to It that the visiting
athletes are shown every posible cour
tesy both from sportsmanship and social
standpoints, an officer of the Oregon
National Guard will be assigned to each
visiting delegation. It will be his duty j
to ; see to it that nothing is left undone j
to ; make the stay in the Rose City a
pleasant one.
The -University of Washington will
send down both, boxers and wrestlers
win Washington State college of
Pullman. Lester M. Ellis, formerly a
lieutenant in the 91st division, is physical
director at the Taooma ' Young Men's
Christian Association, and he has sent
word that he will - bring five r wrestlers
and seven boxers to the P. N. A. cham
pionships.:: 'it- ; ' -
Vancouver, B. C., will be represented.
according to the committee in charge,
inasmuch as the winner of the heavy
weight title . last year , is , figuring on
Journeying to Portland.' Interscbolastic
mat and mittmen will be on hand.
Salem high mat club has sent for entry
blinks as has I A. King of the Oregon
City high school.
bJ b. to "enter
Jack Koutledge, physical director of
the Bnal B'rith gymnasium, has been
holding elimination bouts for sometime,
and he is ready to send in some of his
athletes for high honors in the : roped
arena. 4 , ' '
Both the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
club and the Armory Amateur Athletic
association- will be represented by large
quotas of both ' boxers and wrestlers.
In - fact it Is estimated that there will
be more than . 70 amateurs on hand to
battle for the various titles.
Prises will be given to first and second
place winners in each class. It is not
known whether or. not '.they,. wilt - be in
the form of gold and silver, medals or
some more usual articles. In years gone
by when the amateur game was at Its
height, those 'staging, shows in Portland
used to give gold Watches to the titled
athletes, and today most of .the time
pieces are being worn and are highly
prised .by the champs.
Prices to - th show are .60 cents, 75
cents and 91, ; although a number of
-cent tickets ; for students have been
issued for the ; preliminary matches
Thursday night In order to accommo
date the high school and grammar school
youngsters who - .wleh to attend, the
first bout will not start until 2 :I5 o'clock.
The officials for the tournament win
be selected as soon as all the entries
are in. me .nanas of the committee. ,
. . fToronto Has Best Sextet
Toronto university ice hockey team
Is the best sextet In Eastern Canada and
stands a good chance of winning the
East vs. West game for the Allan cup.
emblematic of the amateur champion
ship of the Dominion of Canada!
.V A. A. A. boxer, who
will compete in the an
nual P. N. A. championship at
the Armory next Thursday.
Cub Leader Makes
Inquiries About Big
Catcher of Beavers
Santa Maria, CaU March 28. Andrew
V. (Rip) King,-the big good natured.
broad shouldered recruit catcher of the
Aiacamen squaa, is a future major
leaguer. :l :-: i
He has everything that is necessary
in the make-up of a good catcher. He
is a fine target for the pitchers to shoot
at and possesses a wonderful snap
throw,- although he ia just rounding into
good shape. --.'- '
Johnny Bvers, manager of the Chicago
Nationals, who heard considerable of
King's ability as a catcher shortly after
his arrival in Los Angeles a ; fortnight
ago, questioned Manager McCredie about
tne tig catcher when the Beaver leader
conferred with the Cub boss in Pasa
dena. . -i,-.- ! .- ', 1
Mac was only abte to tell Kvers what
the Detroit scouts had written him about
King, but it sounded good to Bvers and
chances are that the Cub scouts will
keep an eye on the big fellow during
the 19Z1 coast league pennant race.
In the training camp games between
the Rooks and the Goofs. King has been
showing up in good form. lie is a little
overweight and as a result Is not taking
any chances of putting himself out of
form before he gets on edge. In another
week the big fellow . should be able to
step out at top form.
He has not regained his batting eye.
but he stands up well at the plate and
taices a nice Healthy cut at the balL '
He looks like a natural ball player.
He is strong and willing, to work. :
Tris as Cowboy !
Makes ;Big ;fHit
With Rope Work
. - . . . - . ' - '
Fort Worth. Texas, March. 26. I. N.
S.) Tris Speaker,, spoke of the Cleveland
Indians; 1920 baseball champions, is as
mucR of -a cowboy as he is a miracle
man of the diamond. He has proved
that to' (he entire satisfaction of many
professional rodeo' stars 'who ' competed
against him during . the events of the
Southwestern Fat Stock "Show here early
uusmontn. r, '
"Fred Beeson.. first ; Guy Shults. sec
ond? Tris Speaker, third," came the an
nouncement . from ' the ' ; leather-lunged
barker to 700Q, persons in the stands sur
rounding; the .arena, i- .
Tris Speaker had taken third rank In
the cair-roping contest of the Southwest
era .cattle country. Without practice he
had defeated a long list of professionals.
Including Leonard Stroud, Toots Ayers,
George Branson. "Booger Red," Okla
homa. Curley, Shorty Kelso and a doen
lesser stars of rodeo firmaments. .
Doffing his hat, the Idol of his home
folks at Hubbard City, Texas, smiled to
me siairas ana rode from the arena amid
applause from Texans. who - admitted
that the old West had produced another
i St t
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Yankee Golfers
JEW YORK, March 26. I. N. S.
international goii matcnea win
attract, a big share of attention
among followers of sport on both
sides of the Atlantic during the com
ing summer.; -
American amateur professional
players are -; making ready to cross
the broad stretches of the ocean next'
month to take part In the British
open and amateur championships.
and later on England will send rep
resentative golfers to America to
seek laurels once again in the' big
title events on this side of the pond.
Edward Ray, the Briton who lifted
the American open title last summer.
has announced that he will not defend
the title, but it is expected that many
of the foremost British players will tee
off when the toflrney starts July 18,
as a new champion is to be crowned.
As the British open tourney Is set for
June 20 at St, Andrews the best British
and American pros will have time ' to
return to the United States for this
event. ' . ' " '
The invasion of England by the Amer
ican contingent has already been started
by Miss Alexa Stirling, American na
tional women's champion, who sailed re
cently j on the Carmanla to take part
In the British women's title tourney at
Turn berry In Scotland. Miss Stirling
modestly declined to predict any glory
for herself in competition against Eng
land's women players, but she hopes to
lift the British title and later on capture
the French championship.
The contingent of American amateurs
will scarcely be; representative unless
Chick Evans, national amateur cham
pion, changes his mind and accompanies
the team which is to be led abroad by
William C Fownes Jr. of Pittsburg.
Evans stated recently that for business
reasons and because of his health he
would not make the - trip to Europe.
It Is hoped, however, that he will see
his way clear to change his mind before
the team sails. -Francis
Ouimet is another doubtful
member of the team. Ouimet also gives
business as the reason for his detention
on this side of the water, but he also
may change his mind. Bobby Jones of
Atlanta, S. x Davidson Herron,. national
amateur champion In 1919, - and Bob
Gardner, runner-up to Cyril r Tolley in
the British amateur tourney last June,
will make the voyage in May.
Much interest is connected with the
make-up of the professional team which
is to represent this country in the Brit
ish" open tourney over the famous St. An
drews course next June. Joclc Hutchin
son, Hagen, Barnes, Diegel. McNamara,
who is to captain the team, Brady and
half a dozen others may make the trip.
The size of the team to go to St. An
drews will depend largely on the success
of James R. Harnett's campaign for a
popularly subscribed fund to cover the
expense of the trip. Harnett would like
to send 20 American pros to England,
which would entail an outlay of some
130.000. v ' .
. 'The American championship Beason
will commence the week of July 11. when
the Western amateur -championship will
be staged over the links of the West
moreland Golf club. Chicago. Next will
come the national open championship at
the Columbia Country club. Chevy Chase,
Md., July 18. This wUl be -followed by
the Western" open tournament at the
Mayfield club, Cleveland, August 24, 25
and 26. ... - ' ' .. ; " .. f , ; .
The big international golf tourney. In
.which all of the best players in this
country and Europe have been asked to
compete, will begin September 5 over the
difficult course at Southampton, under
the auspices of the National Golf club.
The national amateur 'championship
will "come next, opening September. 17
and continuing through the twenty
fourth over the links of the St Louis
Country club. :. The last of the national
events the women's championship tour
ney will start October 1 over the sea
side course at Hollywood, N. J.
' Seml-Flnals Today
Scullin Steel team of St. Louis are
mid-western finalists for the National
cup,- the soocer trophy contested for each
year. v The eastern semi-final will be
between Robins Drydock and Tebo Yacht
Basin team of Brooklyn, who represent
the same plant, -it will be played today
at Harrison, N. J." The winner will play
Scullin in the final at a place and date
to be announced.
THE 'single change of. Importance in
college football next fall provides
that after the scoring of a, safety, the
ball . must- be brought to the " 30 yard
line, rather than - the 20 yard , mark as
heretofore. . -. , ' '
Toronto has ' 2000 registered . soccer
players and about the same number of
junior . experts, while in addition 6000
schoolboys are taking up the game.
King George of England -will have ex
tensive-alterations made, to his yacht
Brittanla before the opening of the eea-
Bon. Its old racing rig; will, also , be
restored. i - . . . .
Lionel Conacher, Toronto's ; greatest
all-around athlete, who stands out as a
remarkable player In lacrosse, rugby
football and ice hockey, , will take up
soccer football and compete in the com
ing summer tournaments.
The Bisley rifle meeting in England
will take place July 7 to July 2L . .
San Francisco fencers are forming, an
organization and will join the national
body. ; , -
Hamilton - (Ont.) is erecting' a ' huge
stadium in which soccer, rugby, baseball
and cricket games will be played. -
University of Oregon wants to bold a
Pacific Coast Conference tennis tourney
at Eugene May 20 and 21. .
Holy : Cross college has a team of
veterans. Jack Barry Is coach. -
Penn State track team will inaugurate
its season against Virginia Poly at
Blacksburg, Va., March. 28. The track
men will clash with University of Vir
ginia March SO. -
In international soccer matches Eng
land ' has . beaten Scotland 14 times to
seven ' for the thistle representatives,
while five games resulted in tie scores.
V. M. C A. members Am An? In
the annual hexathlon competition.
Coach Alonzo Stagg of University of
Chicago has instructed football teams
there for the last 20 years, while for 20
years ne nas naa cnarge or tne tracK
teams. . i
Recent regimental games of the Bos
ton high schools drew 1453 entries. .
Oregon Aggies will Introduce . spring
football practice April 1.;
The Third Lanark club of the Scottish
Football league will tour the . United
States and Canada this summer. They
will leave May 14 for Canada.
LEARNING to swim less than a year ago, Miss Helen Con
don, 16-year-old Omaha girl, recently shattered the Ne
braska state records for 40, 100 and 220 yards. Miss An
nette Kellerman saw the pretty Omaha miss in action and she
predicts big things for the star. ' Miss Condon was the first girl
to 'qualify for the Women's Red Cross Life Saving Corps in
Nebraska. Now she is preparing to compete in meets in dif
ferent parts of the United States in hopes of adding more
lanrels. :
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Mixers to Be
On Next Card
At Milwaukie
WHAT can Jimmy Duffy do against
Dave Shade?
.That question has been asked
many times by Portland fight fol
lowers after seeing the two battlers'
in action. Both are Calif ornlans but
they, are far from being strangers to
When Matchmaker Frank Kendall of
the Milwaukie Boxing commission signed
up Shade and Duffy as his ten-round
main event for the Milwaukie arena next
Wednesday night, he certainly made' a
ten-strike according to the way a ma
jority of boxing fans feel about It.
Slfede battled the rugged Frankie Mur
phy tn days ago and won the verdict.
Shade can give and take with any of the
140-pounders on the Pacific Coast and
like Duffy is out to make a national
reputation in the roped arena.
j Those who witnessed the Johnny.
Flake-Ted Meredith setto at .Milwaukie a
week ago won't hesitate to get their tick
ets early for next Wednesday night's
show for these two youngsters are down
for the. 6-round seml-windup. For six
rounds they stood each other off with
wicked rights and lefts, and at the end
of the sixth. Referee Lou tit couldn't de
cide any other way than a draw.
Since then each has been aching
to get another crack at the other and
oyer a long route hence the eight-round
semi-wind up. , - ' '
vMickie Dempsey, the boy with seven
straight knockouts to his credit, is on the
card again. The cry of "Get a boy who
can give him a battle" has met with the
response that Baby Blue of Sacramento
will; offer the . opposition. The bout - is
down, for six rounds. Dempsey has tum
bled them all over eo far even though in
several instances he was outweighed
in one case 11 pounds. - He doesn't want
anything , "soft" and judging from what
Baby Blue has put up in the past the
colored boxer, sure is a long way from
being "easy pickings."
' That Dempsey has a fighting heart can
be seen in the fact that after he' had
taken a lacing in the. first round even
going so far as to be knocked down he
came back with a rush - in the second
canto and put his tough adversary away.
That's the way he is going to go in
against Blue he says. He wants to prove
to his many admirers that his knockouts
have not been of the "fluke" variety., and
that he is worthy of the reputation be
has worked up. X.
Carl Martin and Frankie Webb have
been engaged to appear in one-of the
four-round preliminaries while the curtain-raiser
will be selected Monday.
Announcement was made by Match
maker Kendall that 2500 seats' are to be
placed on sale at $1 a throw and tickets
will go on sale at Rich's and sailer's.
The first bout will be called at 8 :30
o'clock with Thomas A. Louttit as the
B. M. B. 0. Arranging
Program for Smoker
Next T uesday Eve
Tuesday night will' mark the official
opening of the smoker season of the
Portland. Motorboat club, and the com
mittee in charge Is going to see to. it
that it Is a grand affair. The first num
ber on the program is set for 8 o'clock
and the place ; is theclubhouse at the
foot of Woodward k venue. -The
Glad-U-Kum committee will greet
the members of the club and their friends
and there will be plenty of "eats and
smokes," says .Jimmy Smith, , who- is
looking arter that end of the, program.
In order that the arranging of the entire
party, would 'not. be a - "one-man party,"
quite a number of "assignments" have
been passedt out and all the recipients
report that they will have their additions
to the "show on hand.
Vice Commodore Fredericks, K. Allen,
Bill Lofstedt. Clyde Teellng, Gus Gade
and Rear - Commodore- Johnston have
been placed ' in charge of some feature
of the evening, and they aren't going
to let anything happen that . Will force
a "comeback" on them. Three boxing
bouts -will "be staged during the evening,
according to present 'plans, one ,of them
to feature Commodore Love against Vice
Commodore Fredericks. , In order to dis
guise their identity. Love will fight under
the title of "Kid Glove," while Fredericks
has, selected "Peanut Stand Herb."
Tuesday night's smoker will be the
first of a series which will be held prior
to the opening of the regatta season on
the Willamette river, and it will be a
means of getting acquainted with the'
new and prospective members.
Gun Club Is Building '
Pendleton, .' March 26. Plans have
been adopted by the Pendleton' Rod A
Gun club for the erection of a modern
clubhouse at the trapshootlng . grounds
on Collins park, east of the city. Work
will start immediately. The building
will be a bungalow 62 by 26 feet and
will have .hardwood floors throughout,
with a large reception hall, dining room
and kitchen, as well as other accommo
dations. .
Colored Team
To Play Here
Next Month
By George Bert
The scheduling of the five games
with the Colored Giants during the
last week of the training camp eu.
son should put the Portland club ia
Coast league with the San Francisco
club Tuesday, April 5.
In seasons past; McCredie has al
ways taken advantage of arrangins'
games with the colored teams as it i
the best training possible for an ag
gregation that is in the making. It
aids in developing the inflrld com
bination work and also gives the
players a good chance to line-up on
the cut-off plays. '
In last Sunday's same with the Giants.
Klngdon missed a cut-off play, that camo
near resulting disastrously for the Beav
ers" and Mac immediately "wised him"
up- on it
McCredie was very much elated over
the showing made by his tossers in tlie
first series with the Giants. In thB five
games, they . gathered two victories,
which is a great showing considering
that many of the players are getting
their first professional ex"perience.
-In the five games, they rrabbed off 40
hits, an average of eight hits a gamo.
The players were not facing easy hurj-
Ing. In Rogan and Curry, the. Giants
have two star ripdit handed pitchers and
McNair is a southpaw of no mean ability.
In the game against McNair, the Beav
ers, made but four hits, his peculiar de
livery being- a mystery to the Mackmrn
for It was the first time that they
bumped Into southpaw hurling except In
the few Innings that Zink worked In
one of the camp contents.
The aeoond series with the Giants i
scheduled to begin "Wednesday, March
30 and close Sunday. April 3.
Aften. the series here with Portland,
the Giants will begin a tour of the North
west appearing in Portland shortly be-"
fore the opening of the Coast league sr a
son. April 20. against the Rfglna club.
Australian Boxers "
Differ From Those
Of Bygone Times
Los Angeles, March 26. (I. N. S.)
The latest 'Australian papers print
stories to the effect that the Kangaroo
ringsters are a sorry lot, owing to the
recent invasion of American and French
mitt slingers.
Billy Shade, the Frisco middleweight,
beat everything near his size there and
is on his way home.
Aftr Shade a bunch of frogs landed
and -'Eugene Crique, one of them, a
up the feathers.
His latest win was over Jerry Sullivan,
featherweight champ of' Australia, in-J 3
rounds. Seconds are not allowed to
throw up the sponge there, buj KuIIIvan's
adviser did the only thing tie could and
asked the referee to stop It.
Francis Charles,-" a French middle
weight, beat Tommy Uren In the last
big bout.
Where are the stars of yesterday?
' Oh, Australia, where-are your Billy
Murphys, Voung Griffos, . Jackson,
Darcys, Fitzsimraonscs, Dawsons and
Slavlns? , , .
Gridiron Men Start
Spring Workouts
Cambridge, Mass., March 28. N.
S.) A three weeks' spring practice ses
sion for the Harvard 1921 football squad,
beginning March 28 and continuing
through April 16. was announced by
Keith Kane, captain of the Crimson
The letter men eligible" for next fall
are Kane, Croker, M acorn be r, ends ;
Brown, guard : Tierney, center ; Buell,
Fitsgerald, Johnson, quarterbacks;
Owen, Fitts, Churchill, " halfbacks.
inere im at iwHuiDiiuy initi dim lojocn,
varsity guard of last year and captain
of tha Crimson basketball team, will
return next fall, although as yet he is
Looking for Another
Graduate Manager
University of Oregon.-Eugene, March
The athletic council of the Univer
sity of Oregon has appointed A. TL Tif
fany chairman of committee to find a
successor to Marlon F. McClalm, gradu
ate manager of all student activities.
McClain's resignation is In the hands
of the council and as soon as a new
graduate manager Is secured MeOlaln
will devote, all Ms time to the manage
ment of the student cooperative store
Plenty of Subjects Sow
; rr. TL Tait McKenzie, professor' of
physical education at the University of
Pennsylvania, says: "Never In the his
tory of the world has the sculptor had
such opportunity of depicting the phy
sically perfect beauty of the male human
as our sports give him today. Nerer
before has there been such a revival of
all around amieucs as tne last zo yearr
has seen There never was a game like
football to Illustrate the capabilities of
the human frame as a medium for ex
pressing the beauty, of action."
Harold Poison
Has Deceiving
- Slow Delivery
Hanta. Maria, CaU Mareh J.
Harold Folon, Beaver right. bander,
possesses the most deeelrlag slow
bail of sny pitcher Portland bas CTer
bad en Its rotter.
Tkls Is Fltir' opinion of
the big right-hander. FUner had
considerable dlffleslty in handling
Poison's slew book in last hat or.
day's game agalnat the Colored
Giant. Several ranaer sdvanred a
base beeaats of Fisher's Inability to
hold it.
,. Manager MeCredla declared that
Baker sad Koehler bad eonaiderable
trouble- Is handling tbe hook laot
lestoa until they became sued to it.
Poison li taking tbe game serins.
1y this season, and chances are that
he wilt be a "winning pitcher" for the
Bearers. , -