The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1921, Page 31, Image 31

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i A lVdW. WANTED FARMS TO BET ' FOR SALE S02 flQ YOU NEED MONEY HORSES -HORSE - , Baby ehica. andbatoh.n. cgg. O.A.
, SS .Towr Tn.fU . KtTT.'Loi CO. - APARTMENT HOUSE H.U 1265 . tJ" ' ttXii BB'MrSB i
f to walk that distanc. Cqmetn and see . , 201-8-8-7 Board ef Trade Bldi. BJHSnE.NTLAL APARTMENT If w - GARAGE tel good" aiou?$5000 per mon XOL'B POSSESSION. V ,1 S..! " Kat Simpaon at.
boat thi. a hundred! lof other xeptMuU7 hanIED To lean or boy er.u.pprd ranch is looking for e boo. elot with an A good stand oa Lower Columbia high- over .11 opniM; o? pric and othtf A lcrt I fV I HS wted moneV r2T 363 numveTT HTt 'HLi W lf . W.h i-n
fie. bargain. Mr. Stephen r W(WWB rWwTX-sll Journal, incom.. xu im and look thi. nn.. way. gas tuk and pomp, enspnatd air , partieulata, oil gt office. ' alStJ .31 13 TV LAJiHTS ..,TB" ' 8" VVhite Leghorn, bird for wtulr I
- ""N - - - - ,v " , Lea, aad furniture $4500, or buBding Unit, pan; M tmiw; todi: 2 WijM ; w r - . TO SALARIED PEOPLK OH THEIR NOTES. VwViVr, , . '-''' tfl MwlacUoa, C (or then t r
-TrWreV ffSreroDOw-TS fffi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mtt furniture $17.000. May,be bntl n l dren Md IMn WaiM ur.tml w , t, s 1 ROOMS V WITHOUT SECURITY. .IF YOCR PAY- O. VilIIaiTlS011 5t QlfflSS faidenre. $e- per 15. $5per 16. Take Ik i.
C VdlitPXK V&LSlrsiUdiaCJj5 VteT DUJUitJJ urrvKluniim on wry reml. Miw. , It wul py ., pair mod jsuqr bm btuuuMs wU om Cornnr brick. I1 on 1 floor: on of : MKNT8 TO OTHKK LOAN COMPANIES OR TT tiimmtavii genu pm to 84th t. 8. K.. on blirfc autK tr
, i XL Ftt-TCB , STORES Ftr SOO to took ttu. . . t xorjj llio ond Mock of port.: lSO. .:; fh. m tnnimt locations is Portland; V ON rCTRSrTCRE OB AUTOMOBILE CON- WATIfD r ,itM' Bwdent-o ninbir 301. Mm. it.
-S Jum-, w t and ioraico atae. Daiy or WdijL) farnuhuias aro fair: wfll uto a re.- . THACTS ARE TOO LAR'JE, WE WILL P4I - INU 1 IWC Kofni. Ant. ! ),
T3? OwnnW of Cnfwwwn.. APABTMXNT HOCS8 ; - " aonabj. toaat to right party; pnet $7000; THEM CP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONET. -g Utma. blck honr. 3 r old wiht " C2S.-.;
OR BAUK My ow. W.. iot 60 foH 10 2 Wrtmu.l km lo4 - , POOL KILL aoma tnn If OACwaaT IF NECESSART N TOUCAN
toon- b, loS fort. loroJy ko J-t icht PACIFIC AGENCY INC. US"- "tar b bmldu,' ,S00 Jf,rKi6r J'JL ' W "LUX torVmSc V 10 " S tem orwl 8 hl omr tncttbator. Th. bt thatnf bflf
ria f foor oopte: haj-ood floor. blJ- . V4T il!- - (. iVoo iS-SniJ . .u - t LEGAL RATES a DELAT mi otW ehnp Uuu. f. tnd on tb market.. Produce, brtter and atnre
imjTmtSt A.""? W ! rv 18rl "I'f.w ROOMCfO HOUSE MOM tm mava) kal awnk,.,.. i fJSrJT.. -SfTi toJSS2 hOnTI AMn I A iM A hamaa with a suarante oiUcka. Hatehed eU. tmr. air. Prou
lo27SAb?Sair Oort, Wfcm d rmh. bJTY" t GENERAL MIRCHAXDI4I &?UlUrlt TaTser'thri PORTLAND LOAN CO. M..a litoi-.,!. . aM . 1 ' m.
-?L VtC?L.Z'7Z L. GROTERT Income $TT0; tbia bafMd fram. build- " located oa Colombia highway, backed S8ttod.oa.Ba.- ( LICENCED) Hrb ILT.1."",' '"t J- 1C l.euire.
TcBt in. P""; ' Two Hrlri. mmLt and mm- ' ing $8400; V caab wiU baadia. by rich farming eoontry; ai logging eea- : ' SOS 80T DEKTM BLIHiT 8D AST WASR XEAMS ot wora hn. and laarea. ,u- aat. 7T Or-,, rt.. .
STORK baiidmg. 2 fort, front, on hard kit- .LZrL. ttloam laiU. - - t ; Mock ,t icwnc aboot $5000: 70 BOOM HOTEL 70 from 200 to 4100 Ita.. age. from 8 to im It A
fc Kmc; rail boaeaBtnt; ator. room and lBVV ,""J: 14S-ROOM APARTMENT BOCSB - bufldinga. fixtarea and all can be handled 5-year leaa. at $550 par asoath; near- k POSTLlTD BDIEDUT. IliM 8 year eld. Thu atock will be aoUl at ry PtllietS
inodera . room flag vtwtaira. Coat to baud OROCERT-CONrETTIOVERT . Fireproof bnildmg. corner location, v for aboot $7000; doea a buaiana of . ly new brick btuiding. fin. woat aid. Uoo- uaua. auwiau im aaa reaiwnabl. prieeB. aa w. ha, too anany on . . . .
gSOOO. Atortcaawd for 1S0. Would trad. ts moS iitaJoIiiill wtn lean., good rent. $2000 aaonthly incooMS S30O0 asonth. toon ; weU forniahed and i netting oer rk. RmW ti ' hand to feed. If in th. market for a hor. of WhtU Ihorna. hatched Jannary 24. f -f
..for boat proi-rty my jnity or awnun. op to rJd (cS2S. i im b?1ll? (la.OUO wiU bandl. Uiia. , $1000 pernoSb VZr all bL: ttoam Broadway 010 , aiij luod. aeo tlwa. befor. you buy., Good fair W q or frr. A,,ra 1 llr-ood .irau,,
$1800. Phono CoL 1282.. writ 62$ Cohunbia SlTort lSi- GENERAL MERCHANDISE - $7000 to do imcineaa. - 14 mv n 1.h tnal aUowed. I1.JS A Tl bt k cbii.
bl. $UOO wtfl hAndl. HOTEL , 20 mole. oat. on paed highway, tn- .;-,..,. Tnlnl 'aioSSl: Ttoaolaa ' 'Uaaem. KETBTOXE STABLES. Mtrln,J!2LJ 7?? r
v l,ra Puii. '14Al).t Lot tuilo at Kaokaael KOn RlTI. MniPtTrurt . ' 200 rooma. one of tow best leaaea ta Toiora at present price aboot $16,000; SO ROOM HOTEL 80 kalthzwZtnminali tDMtii ' '- Ml Www it,-, wr, HwHrmwrf.- . """" '"I1 .
wtahltot otttobjlaoar,. vttTVv Tbl. SflooSo foroS. that V' J"0". ' h"td- " 000 bnca. Uat ,r: thi. U A real tanaient location. nCty boat . EST 'a!ul , UAJl;I.iLl; ""ZE VtNNtuH.
Brtx 140 atgL Maxy'aT IdaTTa 60 i 1 00 at rw ta.wdj f!itoH to . - going boauwa. la good commumty... 4-yw leaae; rU tew wen fnrniahed F.STABLISHEI BT TfTB PEOPLE OF weight 2500 Iba. good W worker. $178. 1J JniJT
Cnu 1 WaabWiUtok. lott In Portia bax. own ,oii folrt. bairTodlT 10 mwi honw wall famiaK vtent. ' " - RESTAURANT alF.x-na -'l?? oSS" Sfh.0" WBTUSO IO FKOTICT THZ BOBEOWB Spaa t rfdinn,,i,l,t 26M to.; axurf ..""f, tnJ I!.m
or mil koaw and ksow fnrnitara. For further gl'WOO aoma tama. . -"" notw. wall fwniahwd. right ; KESTAIBAST ail expenaaa; pne $lS,0t)0. ail oaab. . tad trurl and o yeare oidt $226. cocka, g.'.SO per IS. Laying Tancred Ignorn
'"nrRS. H'bld'- .'w w.d !"r. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. rPr tar' -j-.-jsg- Tl' .m '
rURNlTLBK for aal.; ho for rent with - . , . , b. told at a ery low furare: $10000 rAV rtJi 1' k" ' nvleJt Kn A.nTSvTQ aaonthly payaaenta. Each 'tranaacUon auictly HOPSES & HARNESS X d" i" America. 70 MUwaukto.
mootlW team. 701 KwWt t, flat A. : - . CONPETTTOVETtY caah aa4 talaac. $240 aaonth. . ; 51i.-20 SWETLAND BLDO. OVER 60 APARTMENTS confidential. ;' 1 1 VlOC . I ltlla7a7 wood $4 a 5.
,S i ttm ana trwrM I Awirt wwwf 1mm ' Corner Waahington and Fifth. All completely and rery well for- jjQ MORTGAGE !0 TNDOR8EB Pair geldings. 8200 Tba.. practtrally new ;
WANTED REAL ESTATE ' .id !Iat tloTSOO m SSL iT P ACIPIC Afl PNCV ' INC Pbooea: Marshan 1265 and 398t d. rd wt de ioeaoon. .gant ABSOLCTELT NO SECCB1TT barney $870; pair black 2850. and ham-aa. --" f t wuna, m. . l
WAIHIW KfcAL. "'Alt- and rent $105. $3500 wjjl baool. it. rlWlrlWr aUCilWYa IHV. (Aak for Wella or Daly) anng ulant. ml barnerj wtH aeU for Wg alio loan oa hooaehold goda. iaaoa. ato. $880: pair geldinga, and : pair iron graja. KTrnr r.r tua.t.i Bftrv
, . city property 4so PACIFIC "AGENCY. INC. cXWSTiL- . y Tp toPv
oilTPAC?oAi? coJT -J, t'.";f , 1 hi r 2 10. r,:.w,:?,rL , v TANCRAnru 1.,
1287 hoBM told disrbl 820; 4 to date Waahington and 1fth. r- - - TewH bMg. eir e.atly furouhd aSd atricf VrtLL mak. loan oa ctuia. dairy kusrd-o. ete.. Id age. 4 to 7 yeare, erery ooe ia Maud: will b. PuUeU. 8LS :ch in lota to !L Not n,y
1 ITSJ9' M,t - --t;-,.-:- ' t ': SPLENDID grocer, ore tlotng about 7o day. mrn'Sgg nVlS i VlOol wnrcVCwrImrUB F' P"Tt J? kV ''1 Sow aTnk oondi "n. "qZ ay grn
SOIJ IF LISTED WTTH IS. We toapect. an- . BEALTT BROKERS. ATTENTION ! Jm 20 month. Wfll .ell at ineoie See ? ,r month and often marl, more: good wan Co.. 21 0 Cham. Com, hldg. work; wetght 10OO to 100O lb-: P"r. f rom now and to pmk of ooodmnn. l't
lirm and photograoh witbia 24 hrTaftor f'.l'hU J?P?3-,S. ..t')BTVNITIES, 1 Woetod tofflVfor aali to. 1 TifrKat. Brlmwt at 89th. Tabor 4S. leaae: can b. handled with $12,000. SlONKY to loaa aumnd-.. kwrlry. jtrictly 125 to $400 per team; .rer.l ' ha"-' : toed J. H. Magulro, 787 Oregon at Latt-
lUting. W. vend thonaand. of doHara adrer- HERE IS A CRACKERJACK! A fin. candy furniturt. eouipmQt and lutrng. of 11 1 111 .... "1 batam monO-W payment. coafidwatlal oarric EU Broa. Co.. boiuted alao 2 good row. cheap. 425 E. Llay near 0th. li .
tiaing. and aro in tooth with th majority of "anufactaring buaintsa. wholesa!. and retail the real eatate offic of M. 1. Clo- APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 KIEKDON. Bealtor, broker. 288 Waahinrtoa ec. wear 4th. A-k for Fieldmga horam. BIX. o a. c. W. latiorn pulleu. Uying; m.
boyera. So rharg. eacept th. rtaadard com- toad., dofag .xceDeta bualneaa; owr mart tear. heeay. which haa been wstobbahed aom. a BITTER. LOWE A CO . ytlCK MONEk to aaUried peupk on unsecured TEAM of bay uawa, weighing aboot 2400 lb,: 1! f,rom , A- J 7f
4 mimion of B in the .rent ofa aatorfaetory city: only a amaa amount of capital wiil b. re- . 25 Ta. otfire oquipmdit i ONLY . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad. Bid. poU; confidential iareatigaticn. 318 Cham- yoncg. sound and good worker. 8f5. Alao fK. 10. B ark Langthaa aetUng efts -
aalo 25 aalemen te work on It Be Qrrd Tbere ia no oomteUtKn. - moaorn aad complete. Thi effV. 818.000 for orer 80-roont apartment hoc. W WRITE ALL KINDS Of LSSL'RANCE . ber of cMnni-rr bMa. Lieenaed. wagon and hameaa. 4 508 Tth at. Mt. Scott S'V.1!. ,- il,rMu" lo two
FRANK l MeGGIRB ' HERE IS ANOTHER ONE! Dandy little specialize, in auborbaa property and paying a net ineom. of over 8700 pee . ; . , , . ar. . - blncka N on Harmon.
To Bell Tour Home, T0"?., '"'cctionelTr and laach buaineaa, o'r thero lw many Ifctinaa of city ' month: low rent., good teaaf. .fin. -- -- - - ' " uterrit awntie rTMlwrttl cn-a a7u 'Bt, Y8t bay ntare weiciit 1200 lba." aood s- '- W. u. Hau-bing eg lor ai. liu.
AbinrTon BMg. . - Mrfn 0a. of PortUnd'a best loeatiotM. Taking in more property. Thi. is an anooal oppor- , furniture. 10 minute- walk to bnanwm MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 '"Ji mire !tobk Jl tt'ur atrala mated to D. Youtiga lrm brary
' - ZF?ZJ?7iZ JfZZPn-Z wi.'wami'n CKwyU47.wv. - SSZtito1'" " Bieirtr HOTELS AND .BOOMING HOC8ES . CASH paid for mortgagto and aeiler,' nu.,U Vt V. ' layte. atock. Pl. order. $2 ,r WK.n.
an account of lllneaj. Muat go at one.; will eae- EJDArVJI MrtflITIDff3 portuaity. - on real eatate in Waahington or Oregon. H. i - - 1 -- ' - 810 per 100. TeWhoa. Wowllawn 1714.
OB I IX. HOUSE nftoj, for $270O. $2000 eaaa. Dotit orerlook -KAINa. Le. iVlCUUIKC . J.E. BXTST, -' ROOMS HOESEKEEPTNO E. Noble: 818 I.nmberm"", bid, a 1 ,o-rv wa - A. Neln. Root,. I. B.t BM. Port .and. Or.
' ' BMT OrTOETTNlTT KTEB OFFERED V ' al rmber of Commerce. Broadway 18S3. 9 room, bou.rkeeng in Nob liUl diMrict: aw.. .-I UVESTOC1C 701 gKTTlXU eea. 1,. N. ,.., I;..,.J
Monanrr" 4t 50 "J 8d ... beU Wtohinon Stork. ; HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES rJrTlT20Pr ' ' ro a Vr.Q lATe.u T j
mor., JSI CA.H AND caRky groceky FOR SALE 502 BoHpcsEEPtNO MONEY WANTED 651 rW- p'qI!. ""yVrouT"'"'
8 Chamber of Commerce Bidgl Li '.wff AtJnTlZ. INTOICB ABO L T I40O0 . 10T!!M touekenng. fux locauoa; net. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Or. to th. district when, 82d and rremont .to Addre R. 1. Mot 44. R,,erl h nod red baby chlAalrma heary lar-
IraJl haadtt.JounTfoS750 Y Liring room, abore. POOminST HOUSC StiaDS P ' TUL?eloP ,ibHj!,,mft "a 1 bY AND 4 YEARLINGS: 2 BOWS. WILL Wood. 81 Buchanan bMg Main HSiU,
- d4 1 haTto. a eto Jo7,."wool gwr -u eiL , ' S K Si .1 1 1 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING r otTOO Trt SeVn 187 0 TAKE M 0 .TOD CiR LVP AUT NEW ZEALAND H. m.n.W.o fa....-
ful boata-aa. Wfll ahow net profito. incom. tax. iToon. 1 MOHCV iviakerS 11 rooaaa. hoiuekeeptng. reat $35. neto 3100: -Wt 3 " .T, PAYMENT, 41ST AND 1IOLGATK. ASK kOB ,n4 $U. 3 for $5.iO; alao 4...
, T151, ' anyone wh. aaaaaa bwuea. Centrally f l t. Ha JLanw frnrnT furrBtor. and rr nry good: Whito Tple lia- - " WANTtli HESTER. Goid Dollar atewberry plan at 60o. . 4 30
Tour modem bungalow to adL 7f you located ia Portend T ' to ITSe5l;"5 trietj prica $1700. terms, Pniato money oa good jecarHy. T to 8 tl HEAD of cowa for aale. 55 acre, of fisth are. 8. E. SeKwood 2l.
ha r. a ham. from $4000 to $6000 in . 80s Mr. Horn. rith m vJu ID.rtm t f S 1 f5C0 tO S2IMM5 " nm"" tnten-t. K-2SS Journal. paa for rent, to th. city limita. Good ''"! TT W2rr.A
. rood loratioo w. oan do buBo at oo. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEV o?i JLIfnSf I ' " P'fcWV ' 10 BOOMS HOUSEKEEPING WANTED Loan of $1800. 3 yra.. oa improred barn, a Hring creek. Wilt trad, for team ana F uobim Tw I t 80 per " 15 Wed
Phoaa Main 802 for prompt mpaetin. Sd and Main ata. YancoUTar. Waah. 211 '""f" w baadl. w Jnak. . 10 room, houaekeeping ; eery good fnrnlrore 40 acre farm, 26 milea from city; will pay wagon. Must aril, am morlag out wwak. Paoo. tnTunaity ll i Taylor 1 block Bortii cf
GEO. T. MOORB CO- 1111 ' Fifth and Stark Sta. Boa them Monday. and rugs: nets orer 3100: makea a loeely borne 8 per cent, tiu Tabor 2225. 1151 E. Lincoln. Main 1810. - - - BetlrotoUrioa on Gre.ham 'line
1001 Tooa Bid,. .. ; j - f i " MaJI 'JR. nUUltt iooi aat. fte. totto,; pritt IKOt. WANTED From pn,.f. party. 83500 o. a tLVEyoun. Jomey. oomigg froah to few day. Uuta wl ;
, : n-ieoivo nut BMTirsivr ! NeilSH Jr'arKallll terma. - . new reaidene. in lrringtoa. 121 N. . with aeoond nd third calrea eligible to rrgia- 1.. cCoonel .train on. pea- throdief
"bTci 5 b-aufno'o".6 V,HfgenaP ' BEA ACRAST ; s 218 LUMBERME BLDG. . - 18 BOOMS -HOC8EKEEPINO f"?" o -7T Sl'iS S 1Wj r:.' SS; a" 1; N-ba.r
traw? aberr1T nci rJt bSnlWondf W Interoat ra big payer. . Say. you rrnUura at maa. here fa aa extra fin. 8th and Stork ata. 18 rooma. houaekeeping. in White Temple di 32600 WANTED ahort time 9 xt cent cerUti- Ah rt. "re-haw, fir -
U in fTS Q. toW ABri About jp to atorage. pUee. rery cloaa jn. .nappy night trada. Very trict; iurmuire aad rug. rery gyLd; price $3000. rate of depoatt purity. S-838. Jonrnal. XOL'NG Jefy-H.vlteia heuw d. with jeconu BROWN Leghorn hatching rtf.. $1 fto ir 1..;
Ww M Wkh to w d li laraiT. P'fJ1" fi0" , . good ream for aeUiaa. $ 1 600 eaah down uriil - terma. . $3000 WANTED from owner; wUl pry 10 per calf. Dam a ,0 H gal. 6 cow. Blooky $8 p100. Wdln. 297 H, T Fred March.nt,
. lareTr heL T'of eon.? a2L . inrltviin, tool, and equipment haadto; balance can be paid out of your m " ' cent. Tabor 42. T type. At Kerr A Ray barn. Front aad Harmoa ColumbtoWrd..- Tyndall at. CUntoo txuj7.
. TT ou'paytd ilE tlTZi . t' surely a BARGAIN BihrCareV5 TRANSIENT HOTEU T XTSTS a,t OBEGON LxY. A MORTGAGE cO 222 , , gaSSS. btTd"
mor. monthly paymeata Q-745. JouraaL That aPeaka for ilmL Mfi 747 4 THESE ARB ALL MONEY MAKERS iat.adSci500r Chamber of Commerce. "TrIRDSFHSS BARRED ROOK. H. i. lteda. Wh.ta U.m
WEST SIDE P&OPERTT OWNERS - i Main 74 S7. 1 2 rooma. modem, lea. than $200 per room. com ,Ba "na P term.. iJmwND!S? uoTHli IIK chirk, rwady bow; mor. March 18 and-eart,
ITWaoVf Mgalfnn A IP?!. rH-h ill COMMEi-EA. BLANKS. MAX. 11. IllOOO haadl-. .,,ftn. 20 BOOMS HOUSEKEEPING HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 daVA ATMkQBartor"B. a! - fotlowag., i. R. Maggie. 787 Oro. at.
handlea and makes a apeciaJty of handling and leilala CC trarQClUll J810 Salea. 818.000. -120 rooma, fin. leas. $15,000 aaadlea. 20 housekeeping, rent $70; good forui- punxE i57. ' !f u TrJi7Y: , V i I .--l i Kut 1805.
aallutg wait sbtopwS ox naaoung ana 218 LUMBERMENS RLDG 1820 Bales. $40.00. 70 rooms, aeto 81000. 315. 0O0 handlea. toA arrf Vi ; neto $2 75 : pru;. $2400. $ 1 500 PUOAfc Maia 1571. - 2 UESU Saanen Toggenberg uoea and beautiful ' , , , 5 r
JOHISrNGER 5to aJ Rtaxk '.S 1821 S1" aL200. 80 rooms. Tory high claw. $20 000 handlea. caah m? T ' uo. HflrrV ZUSIlian 8 'd. for aale rery recta U FOB SALE Touloua. gea. alao ea for haieh-
4 r.w f r u. ate. Thia good etoaa boainea. (or aale. wonderful 70 roma7 fine location. $12,000 handle.. ' . . limit? a$ASAlA E. Wornom, 87th and Rats. Phon. 28F25. ing; Prkia duck eg. White .Minorca.' et.
W.I J .'a.lli k"T L opportoalTfor hard working man W out 73 mX goodc. axi lease. $l1u000 18 ROOMS -HOUSEKEEPING yJLj! ?VL.b,eV8pecS1 V"'W-T"D (tlinU i"- ' ' Wit' UU" '-
tn'i' efoLTtJ- SZ?11 $2500 to bu, this businemjoff right- . Landlea V ' rooma.haekeeptog: neta $150; moderate ??!'CT- .j? il ' t'oKl) 1-ton truck, 1011. firat-iaaa condition; M'in
ai.Ltl-. a'KJSlrfSL TV?". IT" I ' , V nMJ tor bua and do Bot 5 rooma. a aplcndld condition. $9000 rent, rery good downtown looatkra; furniture By day or night. 3d and Baker. Portland. Or. t,j cow body. By owner. J- McDermoU. WHITE H.unatra U-cuorna. beeuund aa
,. .iT?.jr' ,c Z. o object to handle feedand coal I wiU .how kardlca. . good; pric $2850. term.. . 4 fejlAN of tog booi. enuaay built ttiarea. wmkU- In d-trkt acro-a from po.t office. traa and prolific layers, lag pria. at Vort-
w".p"f B cAtt extra. Woodlawa 4002 $630 TOWN you your opportunity. Call Columbia 110. 81 rooms, anusaaBy good. $11,308 handlea, ing about 2 TOO lba. ; good, true, gentle work- i,,,r' kaTF 1 fr.h .ni, eow g freah 4- Und ahow. Egaa $2.60 per 15. prepaid James
eretHnga. ... J . Sunday or eTenmra. 45 rooma, fine corner, $8000 bardie. 80 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING era; both in foal to good Belgian horse, Will ,,1! cowa. 196T E Stark it.' CaJl after TutW. O04 Sth rr.. pr.rth.od. Or.
WB IUYE a party looking for a smaB place, . , ' - VV? ?S ... A WELL known California bererag. eompany Mra. Albaogh, With John Ferguma. GtrtiDgrt 30 rooaM. housekeeping. good furnitur. and afll for $190 eaah, aa I am paying feed oa Snnd,y. - $8 I'EK doam, atroeg. Withy rtnek. 8 we...
aear Baaeertoa or Tigard: arast Iw close to , " JJS La SSfi JSStiTmoStb which maaufactured high grad. wine, and cor- Wdg. , ' ro aeto $250; pnc. $3000. easy tera tbem. . Inquir. f or Dunlap g team at A aed Barn. j .h- heirV miik.7 iTTF eld. W uito Leghorn. bea. trapnert 200 etrs
! car aad good road. Try am for qaVk action. 8100 per mOTUi net mee. baL paid by month, before country went dry. now maau- --- -' ' -f - ' ' - -' - -. -; 881 Water rt. 1. FRESH JeraeT-iJoiatelo, ibrary ;4"fr. ,-.' nd oVer ' Guinea eggi 1 5c 100 egg iacubatur
' mfJfZJLi0??0. t'JI ?L 5 furtoT'ftoeat imitation aaawTwito leha .. . . " , BOOMOUSEPINO . OXlCE to farmeral On. carload of taion -JfiSSi "pow! ' ' C IM" 34? Mr 1.
1 815 Northwestern Bank bMg. LA RUE manuiaeturuia eorporetioB waat. eapa- on. half of 1 per eeat aicohoL want, reliable9 per- mivcnrv, Trrvrwrji 15 room., houaekeeping. netA $170; good to- . -honk. raifna fman 1200 to 100 fowe.t. rr rr-r- H , . "
1'HIVATE PARTY wanu modem 6 or 6-room " sloTto b82000 le-aff "J5SkS Mor. thanrIllef hot and cold cation . aiway. tull. pne ,!700. terma. ryfptoTlear, 'pranai. V'ieO V ESSV F d' pTIoo". !.ln'A,1..b,'oo-
bungalow oa east aida nortlt of Diridon. di- T' JfL Yt1?? r A waW i aJl roomv ground floor lobby, fin. 45 BOOMS HOUSEKEEPING fnmV"0i"f uJ,l?nrti"A- F" 8tran" VU'i irton - IUUe' T' egg incubator $uTMandy Lee brooder $4. Mar-
1 - rest from owner V can ak. aood eaah P'm t 'JSto.dbnTtielf taaSa LCA? BEVERAGE CO.. 1707-1709 N. Bpmtg North location Fin. lease that rung paat 45 ro hoklii ng a nd aleeping ; lorely 'P4 ' JacMiiUaa, 410 Hawthorn, ar, aor. No. 4.. Bearertm.. -103W.
K E. 415 Piatt bVig. ye,PeTtoBa!ti f ,aaSyAdd " At" ' the Fair year. Will net mora than $1000 per furTturTTna gT Tu $2?0; 'ccfuoa; , P P " ' ' f JDurha" gTloi k t, k ,. color and laying .train, ad U
HAVB 8 partio. who want home, to Irriorton. M?. Ctommtr Taatom!lagW. 03 rEatoaTaU. c0tb. price $4800. terma. . FOR SALE OB TRE S.nring wagon, pole 4TJj I fT 1920 Multnomah Co. frTegp.. $2 to $4
Reae City aad Hawthorne. They will buy if Bairhnore, Mi -,-' '.. - ' . "' t. . . , " and ahafta. to trade for 12z4 tent or 2-toa 4tt are. 8. E.. near wa l per watting. A" Mead. Automatic 641-23. about
. yon hare the place priced without aa inflated :''' " GOING BUSINESS i 80 rooma, Northweateni heat, hot and cold 15 BOOMS- HOUSEKEEPING set of wagon bolster springs: alao- bar. eultiTa- VERY fine, youoe. freah - Jersey-Durham, calf pfk Hl- My rhone fellood 17
,ln Call 82 Artien bMg. Bdw-r 37. BEAUTIFUL new restaurant, completely equip- 5 water, phone, in all rooma, private batha. fne 15 rooma. houaekeeping. fin. furniture and tor. 1 section barrow, plow, htmoa aad einsle by aide. rich, heavy milker, good order. 828 ' ' '-7 : " . . .
' .t ' ' '-vt. i: Ped with all inodera eoayeniencea, clearing Why work for others when yon Can buy a go- tooome. well supplied with equipment. Price rags, acts 8150; good locatioa; Aerma. . harness; make me aa offer. .... W. 8. ear to. 1212 Belmont. Hnnnyide car. ' . 1 .""V' r?' ,
UXT lOtK PHOl'KKTY Jith Bwrkhardt 500 month; bee hire for beaineas; good rea.oo ing wood and coal yard? On. of the Tery best $15,000. terms. Mrs, Albaogh. with John Fer- , TT V Mall at. TWO UNIT h. Uul miner' With c uing for T K JWl00V17' ' fh"?
MwlrBi? w?-1SMlto 'Ua' a. - Se Mr,. Sicholaon wil r FOR ALK Span of gray Peroherona. mare TSw- - GBaachTB-U Orego, ArV ' JTatL M- John "u''
t7 3 .'1 Main 7027; , block from capitol; beat tocaUoa in town; $3200. and Aewme and I Trfll amvw you a money maker. , ftvncrt1' RftT E. N. ROBERTS. and horse, 5 and 0 yeai okl. we,aiu about mpte,.: bbscu. a, vrea a Or.. Rsmspo station ;
; f WANTED to bay 3 room cottaca. near 80th terma. , Bradford Reataorant. 432 Waahingtoa. Qall Mam 7487. "JlCnillgCr. . DIUg. . . 329 Fledner Bldg. 8300 lbs.; good, true team.. Must b. sold at ZZ?.f 4 ; s r ' 111 n-; WHr IMtKUKKU) when you can breed to
'w- 51. ,u,n' ' aad fin installment. Olytnpm. Wash. - - kOU &ALL tsawmul and ptaaer at a bargamT ' 1 10tk and Washington. Broadway 15S4. once. Keystone Stablaa. corarr Montgomery -"-urt Togg.nburg due. $78; champion pria. Psniana for aam. prir.f
, KACBIHCK y - 20.00O feet daily capacity, timber adjacent; ' A 8-8 p '' u ' ' ' an.1 Water sto. - - - i "'"S R u. ' Claridg.. Garden pmok., ..j, Ultrk. u Eern can.
LOT. by baildr. in Imngton. Alameda or Boa. BY OWNER ' mill located 5 H sailea from railroad ; good flum. iDX. flOtlSe OarSTailT SEE ME FOR GOOD BUYS $50 'TAKES aeuue rrl mre, '5 lba- bar- . . . ?r 3 '. bToed. Porfiand fatterr. Phone I14 M.
L 1m I",",r ; ie aixa. locaooa, price. Cord wood camp, barren, covered Ttoate. steam to railroad: phuaer aad dock located oa 8-car tSOOO handlea Iiteh-claaa modern anartnient 88 rraa.. lease, close ta east ode; all K k.. --j w rido. and drive. 'sinale .R SAX.E-1 Jy Guernaey cow. young ana (u() M c WHITE I.K'iiloK N babr rhujia (mm
HWia. Joumat drag aw. tufgboat. .coagaet for wood logs; wa- with; that entire pUat oaa be pure d for a b pSw "raer? .lectric; 83200. half raah; aot offered befom or 10 .ribaa. wUiTde f, yfALI " -V " hen. mad to trape,.ted CKker.s.
- WANT .mmediately, 6 room bungalow i. .ny '. ia Portland; $2500. East JtW prjca nd ""- aW taS leaaeTbig bargain, two daj.Po: T year. WUl art $300 whn , fitod UP. chlckeBa. Mart be aold. 0918 & Stark and Pn "t"4' h. An.irm f"T ""- , W. H kLer, rruai.4.
good diatnet up to $4000: will pay $1000 . inrther taformaUoB addreea Wlilaiuett. Yalley jprticalarg thig office. FIVE ROOM FLAT 75th. . FOR SALA-2 pairs of tail blooded Angora Kottj. 2. Phone Main 275. -
re-K FgSJotTrnii ' '" " ML ST ha., more help to handle our nal ta Stock A Land Co.. Oorvallwr Or. ' Cosily arranged, richly furnished: rent 84S; ,. ' . . goato; no reaaonabl. offer refuawd. aa I have tu VV .,"lacuhmtL. -r Bb
CHOKE BUILDING LOTS wanted by private deplrtt- Bos? locattoa uTeft,. ground OARAGE SPECIAL R.wHnfM Cnprifltl stm heat, hot and ld jraUr. phoM. garbage 1 V."' ttlliJ ord fa. th Phmi lrOT' 174M earul. .reVtHcTroo. "o Z?,
rt, to Bw. CityrAtamS, BmSmoat location. None but Bv wire, need anawer. Stortog 80 ateady era. IaUing aaoeasoriea. Dig 00X6. SpeCiai ee; $890; atop paytag th. big reat, own your bT ''j in" to FRESH milch goat, with twia do. kwla. Mubaa brooder.: .Hint gerd." Phon. War 4-
IsfS ' WANTED rnbldr Bristow, , 401 , StocA PACIFIC HOTELNWS BROKERS of iw.'obuysfirOOO; rnuT Thi.S ' dJxT T 2 870.. . CALVE, AND BEEF CATTLK WANTED MbgagLeT 61
Par. Mm. HIT1. Tabor 5160. i.e .u .-J ,A ha.. " tVm flat fc ' 1 1 1111 a dandy. - Just wcetred eartoad Eastern Oregon bone, PHONE MARSHALL .nw. oK A1 Wuiui lgiiorn batty em. aa, alt of
1 Lot "ta" Ladds addaioaal oTCSotonmi Heiaht.: ZTZiZL. tESZtJ mI fto sw.t eg fwSTalarwa ka'a. AW1 NORTHWESTERN HEAT - f I HATE OTHERS. FREE AUTO. 1J0O to 160O lba.. w.U matched teams, heavy UtEsH logg.abbrg goat for aale. good milker. ,By part of a 440 egg hatch, wUW-h wiil b.
m-i'w1 rXGTr9tX' i?.n7tscTtotomVoS aSS "ZZZ to e?VI Wftel fUhiTh? ... BtHENB HED..ES. 201 W. PARK. boaedrood workers, guaranteed a. repreaeated. cheap. 191 Arthur si South Portland ear, off ai, 17. 511 Mlfoi Fm. 8..a.
pnee, Phone 82!t-5g. H-278. Journal. Need a partner with $2500 for a fun undivided in the Oregoa Bowling alleys, 88 V, Broadway. ZSZ. iJSS etaSSSwwlocatton -eat Miff I iff fp. p3Sifla IrttT SsoTW-T r- ! a . . ,' , r TWO dandy freah eowa lor aale. Ceil 1074 j40 Ki Maady Lee irxnibator. in f.l con.
WANT property In or near city to $4000; will half tnterr. V-!t3n Jooroal. Ttoa is a torgaia for worn. one. ae get baay. Ask 4ihi PTiOQToOO iICC JL-ILLIC aeaSlGe allaa tffLE at a bargain. 8 U.d weiaht . Holgate at. ,-.. ,J5 plKm. Tabor 641 23. W. 1L
give 40 .ere. l.d and aom cash- a. firat PARTNER wanted ia established ren.ral wood- fo W. Blaney. ' wla aaaoit " , $12,500. $8000 cash . . 2, 8 tenta. 'April 1 o are to X)R SALE Young, freah Jerory cow. galloae. Mead, ar,2 101-t at. S. ri .
payment. Tabor 382S. . working and furniture fartory; want capable ' PARTNER WANTED '.TT' ntX T. A. MADDEN, " VSta Toa ? teaat caff andtoapr thiiocT ba 524 K. Tioga at.. Bt. Johnfc ThOKOl OHBItED BUcg Minorr. h.u-tung e.,s
, HAVE buyer for west aide house; Nob Hit! di maa woo WiU davote aU bU time to the bnstoeas. with $750 to enlarge business. Am making good 513 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5487. SSntalaao- fW weoWwirsm. - nUlH fore buying. 100 E. 9th at. N. TWO LARGE Holateia covAt, gaUoaa. Call $1.50; Barred Rook.. $1. E. 4oUi and ll.i-
' ItW." BUMMELL, ud foooVveenre' Flf ' UJL ea HOtSEKEEPLNG fetMS " sTore "roperG' SnplelT Tr u MUST tod on accouat of bad Weather, v.ral Md.y or T.y. 124 3 C.y at. gate Au.o 812-30.
? . ' cash todsnr? term! M?WoariS5? tZ?'SXt?iL?t sTSILt. ? as? 28 room- ood "Tittara. fine noma place; 147.) good work horse, and mares weighing from FOR SALE Ou. gailoa cow. ft years aid. 60 LEGHORNS, $1 each; feed gnouer ...
WANT lot from owner, between E 86th and f"',J?7 , 0-1Z5. Journal. you eeurity fog your money if deaifed, V-351. net profit over $250. D .'!- B-f-fgaf Mon,fl 1 200 to 1600 lba each. Price $$0 to $85. 851 Wdla. 421. clo ray eutter, 7 foot cromtut ssw. rbnn.
66th ata , near Sandy Wvd.; maat be CAP1T y.f ?ne1?tur0S ,rmrnmTr , i 31500. cloa. in, 13 rooms, bringing fa iKaClilC OOtei INCWS Rn-ll at. aeer Union svr. - " FOR SALE cheap ar trade for harass. iamily Woodlawi. 4287.
T7sfT a C !, t nTTllJM WeU eHSoto- ofoliaem- a money .V'iZnZ- " - BrokeFS FOR SALE-Cheap. 2 aeU of double h.rno; 1 ..w! '" W fcAt-i lyatoam U. Comb u. I U
laihT, rfrv aW,riS,,loeiSo f""l ParUooiTr. in f .rst letter. Joha Trie. 1829 mX? TajfTat aty beea lOad J. E. HUNT. ,PP u ivf Stadebaker wn; 1 plow. 12 ia.; 1 n.Wll for rue. .to, aome ll.t hartHaw. -rocer. 14 W. Albert, at.
. ntb V"?' UM Eddy at, Chicago, 4 clock Sunoay ' 828 Chamber of Cmcrce Broadway 1593. 714 Caorh BMg. apnng Wagon and 1 family Jersey eew. 1967 n.ek Wroa. Sell, 843. IP" TivWoa at. 1XK SALE 4 fine IhorotMfhbred it. r re. I si- a
vlT to hn, rrl, k rooea hno! - WA.MU- ma, anu, aervioes .ad to T"T C&XOX, 814 Third St " yoygy arla-F-R a, . A GOOD BUY . ,?t. fan after, Sunday. L FOB SALE 1 freah cow. 5 gaL. 1 8 gaX. ""SSs,,a,r ! HM,bW ,tn"n' M"
n oi t-'t m-l l- L Ll, " tarest in absolntely bona fid. proposition which kAl' ' .500 cash. wail " bug if tokea ' at" "caca! 1 9 gonni "iFT- 4 IFiL-. . -wl 1 1 roone. 3 1 apaxtenta, strictly modern PAIR of marea, weight 2800. and 1 year. freah oon - Phone 618-25. each. 72Q 6a - y.
triAreTerreA WicS. Sf Hawthorn, dm- Kinrt t rigid kmd of ilvre.tir.tion ; 8 eW bilwtt two tJth totoand 12' furtrtnnd rul hTSs klwa? and W.J! furnished throhout, nice coram- bnrk aid, aouad, well broke to farm work. Must tott BALK Sheep. 8 year, old aad ia good OWEN .nd ELLIOTT atrai. khcle L.aad K-i
NS JTTJJl! with!, 8 block. IXSLr-"? CSKhS0 '-Zy? li .lwiUi-leaatr ?rr.C " iTd, m ?SmaS alwgg; " twA 3824 .2d.US-l.. Call
. t r"' Broadway,, Kaat 446L reR LE-Oe,. story fram. ,ra building 1rgt,'W ' " moaTh; inrthii5 "'ftK- ER MRS. rUM ' TEAM of black parchero, mar,, weighing 2800 Bcr HT BWAIIMA artuu, e... fo.
LOT WANTED 60x100 with all improvements . 18x32; ewaer does aot wish to more build- P0& SALE -tine. up-to-date gatmge outinem 1. E. HUNT. ' 512 Inrr Kldf Broadway $487 lba, full atatara. w.U mated. 6 and Trs. old ...,",." , JSil Mi.i.w wa "a.' P1" . setting. 47JJ
i.m. near Jefferaon high. K-265, JouraaL ing; will arrange a abort -or. tent lease OB land i CQOicetocUon- wlVu buainraa aad rent rtisniW of Ommeroe Broadway 1588. J. .' ' 7 ouod Bd w" " reaaoaabla. 4503 67th FOE SALE J 1-year-old Nubiaa bucks. B. 4, 8nth at. W. r, Broadway 218.
. ' WANT lot or small acreage a pert paymeat oa 'aaoaabla. j ISO Bouadary ava. Maim togrther. Thi. ia a gilVedg. Drwas Don g- . , PlK111fS fl flJTIl!- -Lt,"ll":. I85?t ,V V .' r; ViiU" 1 i.'.r . 1 J " '.i. SETTING hens wanted, frmn brentwwid or
modera home, Omar. Tabor 8825. . ' . i proposition; good business aad building finished a3lr K100aTESJrGsl L $a?d ' lBU&ll&&3$ HJuLSLUoyv, BAY TEAM, weight 2600 lba.. beat of Workers, GALLON milt caa. sligl.tiy ued. good eoaui- H, AMnm Warner. Bouto 2 Bot 407 kit.
iiEALTUXL SilbA N'.Ter 531 tiW. OAPITAL Do yoa need it! Individual, or within last year; liberal terma D-170. Journal. Briok : bWa-: eleotric lixhtn: bath. Partly aaenei.w iu"tL harness and vara. Will aall cheap. 2 sailea tiow, 82 50. Owner. Matn 8272. wnkie. Or. "
a - Wh.t have youT Ova, . K-teanal rpoeaUoa eom-aawto. iALB-AlLOR SHOP l. cSo1, t f . WANTMA-4, ps w-k. old. CaU Mato ILt TJ H1N eggs, SUenpard strain,,
. WANTED 5 nan bungaiuw to . MoatavuiC V-JL foil nnllan? iaTfirstlettor . In sStt.Uto-a.Bi.gee payroU tenia Oracoa. weat .id. A dandy money maker -Owner aoing to sell. Addrwa. Boa 15. -Oregon City. Or. CARLOAD of Oregon lsoaea. just r- 1 1 7 J. - - 1 8 T Terwtlltger .ve. BLack Minoroaa. Partndg. Wy.ndatte. 1'raT.
3500 flrrt Payment Q-124. Joumai Itoht QutocV 403 BaTtrTpldg . CticagoT fo, 7'"" P JraV art $2295, A REAL OPPORTUNITY " ?r,J sT' i'Tr'
WANTED To buy. good lot or with small ru 1 RALE iNew complete ' popcorn, cn-oosto lIaJa" L, rA t T- .7"-."... 5th 1 34 rooms, modern and well furnished through- 8 . ' . " . Belmont t , SunnyvKl. ear. 60-EiG torabator. can be used . 80U or o.h.7
hoo. must N cheap. 84$ H Belmont at macMnthaU TbarriT cjraf TsBOO "HOTp STUDIO, in good suburb: til PfWimSPriVA out. good condition, brick building, desirable FOR SALE A team of gekitogs with good UEti, Jery bull for servic. at 28U aad Hoigate Trapnast Hollywood VY. 1L egg for gala. 4803
WANTED stoe. icostiou wiS room, to rear" v2L gSOO. wS?. SJafSfi KL80?3 h'H.S-I JKOOlTISrTlCe $Oira dtovloeatkm. rent 8275 with 2-year ieeae; harness, near Stanley Statlun. AddresaJL F. tt :,.l for sale. ., Buckner. TUi at cor. 4th ar.
. VtovrTSt?inSn K 6 ' RrT 8 1 00 taAtt. , foraValbl ctom'Sto. Ask VMVwnion."- rj0l ffd net. $450: prtee J 00? cash. , fT" ' ' " '' S" YO fro, Jersey-Durham: tok. heifer or dry BLUR Aaualuaa h.u-l,.n eg., from pnaa
' . t . ' -t T-754. Jonrnal. , " ! Very dose ia. wast side. Boom always full. SHLT A- MADDEN, . 4 BIG MULES cheap, also team 2700 Aba. rows to exrhan-e Tabor S42. winning stock. 60O3 aad aa. 8. E Aut.
APRFArP ' A.KK Wr r,..;. .nie. MM nrenara'aona toiue UAV E i"" "?"rm,"a, on Houaekeeping; good furniture. Yoa can t low. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5487. marea. 5 yearn old; wagons and hamaaa of yaiklLY Jersey sad'ilolsisia ww for .ate.' Cor- 14 2 ' '-
AVrCLALsC. . 453 WE properly organise you. pre par. bond tasuea. o. 8 rooma, all occupied; wfll nil either; Prtera 15 V 5th at. . m n. s tv all kinds. Atlss Wonrirard 3"7 Fmnt t AM it-1 Jt aoa iioistam at lor saw. Lor- , ,
Ua ., ' CJ ' ,j negotiate loans, writa prospertosea, tarnish mi h. Uiaoc aaxxuhiy payments. Owner! ' . A , .if L , . . v . . " , "m ti . V00" 37 ' .Front st. ner Iymh.rd snd Vsmvwver av. THOROUGHBKED Barred Uork eg ga from hea.y
tOBhALE By owner, a ranch h acres; 1 ke.BTr list of satisfied to reator: book- 04 Wa ing t vTarouveV Wh rT' A BABiiAIN 4 9 rooma, weU furnished l(y .hom. and ma mre, weight lo, years old. Mast .UR SALW 2 m.ieh goata, Jl Aid a month, afall -ring strain. 10c each. 1502 Aner at.
'rl,.1,"? f" sat and information free. National OrgaaiaaQoa ?" " . ' .Tir- " " all H. K-. weU furniahed. good west income fine location- net $70. with 3 rooms be aold. cheap for cash. i E. Tlh gad Yn"i TlVtl R K. uiontu. ow, y.r.-y
F'wP1 ZV!J ti0" jys!vT: .Noi Co.. 163 W. Washiagtoa at.. Chicago. . KiCLAK- KKsTALliANT side locatioa, nice home with income net $70 for aelf. Price 812O0J $600 cash. M.diacn. Call at blacksmith shop. 2"33T 1st at. H. f. - J - " n.mK" . 9
1 land, editable for dairymg. aad high grade of . fcaf fc-JLtr.t. iJiidlne 160. Inn li-J Tw" PoPto can handle thn west aide rea- , month aad. 3 rooma tor aelf. $600 will SEE MRS. HALO. vawia WAtr .ti",iM ik. -s S FRESH Swaw Jersey 6-aailon cow. $110; toraia VAJ i , , Til ? 7. 4
ealtivation: oa a milk route, daily mail aad x, SAfrrCoPcrtt? Juiid"y .j??.0. JT Aanmat; must aeU thu week, $808. handle tt. -. "" ewvw wvm Henry Bldg. Broadway 54.7 lfAKM TSAU, wei.hiag 2300 Ibe. barnea. and to nit 12h8 b 7th N. . 8tn.',? Comb Ithod. Island vv hit. for Uno.
rtTp'dw.1, T'l Jre" hJ'-J0X' ceap.rgl 0.000 leaded J O. GRAY 718 Ia ' SRB MRS. HAUO. . ; ' .. 4010 7thrt.. Mt, Scott Nu nd ,u. , d-y-dUver at 40c h. Walter Roswurm. For-
Call Bm.dw.y 61 Jl. ground. VUlltokeoaw UadeT K-2 92. Jour- STORK buiiuiug and lot. lxi. 1121 lri- 828. BWRT BMW, BPWT.' 8487. WANTED 550 Z'u 1. : U ,gf, n 72 McKrnn. ave. K. H Will., tn. John, ear. TTu ,-rT 1,-v 1 TT ; : r
WANTED Small tract el land aaywhere in 11 i . 1 )av. as. a. a. Ptrrtland. Or.. 32000. 690O down. vifg cmsit -aiivxrr " ONKWack mare, weight abous 120O. I! las -a , , . ,J. .J.. ... . WHITK KO K eg is fur setting from r-u h'.-i'-l
atos froaTateU til aero iuitehlTtoV berries - - term. aal balaacarnaV 12 W lltart. Taa- ... -V k, ''Hslf WAN TED From owner, naming nouw from at once. $65. Must be sold, at 568 East WANTMi Beei ve.. .nit "":, ,?. yaa$ b 267 egg rn.Lt. T. I). Kirkpatnc. 7i0
.d ttirAw Sat to iwW ItaiSrf FOR SALE Book, stationery and office sup Wash ' x I11.O00 This hmise eosU $30S per month to 20 to 80 rooms. Price muat be right. K- 7th and Madison. " " " ' ' 1d sv S: E Auto 61W-81.
';Z,Jy!J? SZJ: e;ToOtoo, KB kZZl. ni .mur T&JTZJS.1. .p ,;, laaWnin! TflMHora, far !. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 BABY chicks. Shcpp.rd Mrain. Aawat i-a-
?ftn,al to " d Tour bet f, JT7JFVL.tZi , busTJoa! shrdgaOtotlto auJawaafrouetoc aitare and eaiyto operate. WANTED To buy .wail ere.mery in good to- SVeySXOIie adiaDieSOT Sra. itim "s3tZ'..S B ..lUea4-ea.aa - Miaoroaa, Patndg. Wyandotte, April 8. li.
prfee. W-307. Journal. n-r CxT?il t, - bustoe- cor- mJi AUUweUwomeit: - jVR TlGNT. ,,tio aort-d. Paona Sell, for rent 381 Water rt-.footMonT Mar. 85157 ESeCtriC IflCUbatOrS W,h, B-arerton. .
- 'iSI101 I? ?HB EF81 . .v raitia PRririr'-rarAiiE .hliJU a'sU. 671 Bond at. Aatoria. Or. 626 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 1588. "66. STRAYED Bay pony found about a' month, ago f -sAo-a FOR SALE A few su.un on,, ( L... k
oS.ii ' NET PROFIT $1400 ' .... J.... .. wiil ae aoki unleaa ewnersalla for aame wittua BrOOQCrS Mtoorc. erg. $3. Spigbet wtra.n. th. b
IBiSb lcVilAy ' Printing for Less ?po MONEy to iSSTrestate soi uliC .SZTl
!rir Ha 808 asTraaA 40 etc M t 00 'laW MONEY TO LOAN RtAL ESTATE 601 $l26 woodardrlor. bOtHAndHAw- llt'nl MhZZ Min C3"' J-
. " toS Tad .n-r oae b a1- T4 rfrTao JSJ?J DtLHTEL"- toU roperS0.. KTbeet matohed pr of 5-ye.rl r'w,1 il B I RD hatchtog eggs tor aai., tl.uU lur li..
up. firm elaa. garde, aoil. with plenty of good " J Muetler. 44 E. 67th N Portland, might edM aoma dear real eatate. Na agenta, , J?1. n iwrposeJ1 . .r".- ,",,0',- horse, ia the state of Oregon, weighing 3600 Alade ia Portland by Master Incubator Co., 575 Pherrett ava,
water, goad bnikHnga and attractive Jiome gnr- SMALL groe. store for sale. Fumuhed bring N-619. Journal. fnraW ttrML worfr.1 locala met. The best aad easiest method of paying a lbs. Inquire 644 Northrop t. Fartory. 415 Jeatup St. Portland. Or. 1'ARIKIOOE V. le.i..,n-; evga lu
' J,"diJr' AWr" Baii B. F. IX. Box rooma. Rent $12. Will sacrifice (or $450. GARAGE for sale: muat be cash; oaly garag. m g 001 7 0 0 O If ri veivdnri ioan is our monthly payment plan. WANTED Ta buy. eingto horse, weight be- ttTW"hAt TH pnv P A Fa Tji h.'cbine. 1744 Fishe t.. Portland, ftr.
in. Tillamook, Or. , ; Open Saadaya 804 57th .to, 8. blocks rto 'ZJ!t$hL r T SEE MRIAUG? 832.26 p monti for 36 mont t , , e, i20J and1400.- AdSTj. AtoCon- KING POULTRY FARM Fok SALE 1 llymou, ii.a
WANTED asor. wito 4-5 room from eod of Woodstortt ear paw shop. , Addrma Yader Garage. Yader. Wash. B12 Henr? BldeT Brdwey 848T. ffifi fJ 0Ia0Kr . Wf- c"- - - (Registered) roowtr. 4p.lWa. ll5 4d aVT F.
" e?.?-" gSi,aii. -.! .1 SNAP 3675 : aT,JwW -i- 'ao.''U " . ' 1 Aw GT4- -e.S..4.--Mjs, toai of 81.00 aad toarrest, HORSES, harness, farm wagons, dump wagons. Tt, I. baby ebioaa with or without mother TWO BuUerrup roster. $2 ap., or" trade f.J
eTterr W ,S C"i1' b1TCO Confectionery, cigars, pool and card teWea. 4 22'J?l.t fSi JS t" ibt., Transient MOtel oana of otn.raouateln a.m. proportion. Pacific Bridge Vt-bles. East Taylor at dock, loa. 25er 100, hatch off April 7 and 10; !l"a ?-l!woo7 a? M '
t"Sw. CHAMBER OF COMVERCE. ' S Snttp1" pronto "and p So?. l$0?t,800 2 8ood f-rnitoto. -rhi. a da-d, kmn WANTEJ-Uenti. un. horse or mare, about 'L?1 iLg Ta' rl ot " l". FOR SALE or trad, for el..rkens, ,u,i b.ii
' HOCSE .nd chicken house, X to 10 acres, Bt t slLErai WW lOxlOo. " BaTyeg 1810 BetooS? 8 'a EQUTTABLE IN GaTiAN AS3H. .iw fc- Phone Wood. 5072. W.LurrT. Ou$ .liiTn' i. 2 3e7 east Togrenber. milk go.t Cum , 00.
Marys dltrtct. oa Red Klectrm lie.. 2 to S Funtoeiirioto ofepvrorit. Bd- GROCERY Mace, candy, ice croam aad mgXoH Sro" yZVs ? brt for only 33750. an , . JU iw fftwuw, w, - FOR SALE Farm wagon. L. TltompaonTTfT of rify 1'mitt llonte A. boa 5 5 0. Tabor 6578. WHITE MINORCA setting egg. $3.60 i-r
y-T. J. Willi, 714 WiCiam. tve. PortUnd. Or. way and Gtoaa. Wart aide. Asa leaving town. good Bring rooma, fin. facataon. Owner. 2H1 i-, a Tt v 5O0 $100A $1?00 32o'0o AND tr Powell at. . . ' ' . ' ' - . . A gee.r;n'MIf'ag " s. " "06 Monti,n- Wwj'wn 217.
. $ TO 10 AC RES. for my own aw, aotne improve- 325 Otisaa street . Ant 820-64. rv FOR QL1CKSALE ; SfO DELAY CTCK ACTION W- "VT work barn-.. 335. 511 L. , MASTER CIlICKS K. L Red roovur fox sai. S. E. x.ra 4: J
, meata. near Portland and paved rd.; muat be ON ACCOUNT of leaviag town, will rU my LADIES aad geata' toiler shop, aood location. rnZr wtth,aa naffralwalMny afoney immediately ready for loan, pa Imp. th N- Tanor 8352. AB those who know the difference ask for and Killing,worth.
rrain. - Write full details. 8532 60th at. well equipped beauty parlor reasonable tor for aale reasonable, if acted quickly. H-321. gl Sv ' PprUaad property. F. H. Deshoti. 6 1 8 Chamber BAY MAKE for aale cheap. Call at 1418 Del- chirks hatched la MASTER Incubators. If yea TllOUOLGHbRiCD I'.uff Orpington setting .
WANTED 3 to 6 acres, not ever 6 miles east sale, K-303. Journal. : - Journal. 51t Henry Bid asaaa. Bf()jufwT t of Commerce. LONG ESTABLISHED. aware. Pfaoae Woediawn 1071. - wish the beat, demand them. Used by most 31.5Q. IMP E. 16th at. N Phone ) .,'.
of the dry gmtta, on paved street. Tabor 724 7. b.lstT in gsrs.e bargain. "' Wili ' tak. light RATTLLVO GOOD JOB PRlNTlNa OFFICK ai gr ppAfrr " 1 HATE client, waittog to maae mortgaae loans SPAN MARES, weighiag 2700 lba., haraasa aad aU reliable hatcheries Writ for names. R. L RED toaster, some bird, emr ti. faiT
WANTED To buy from owner 5 to 10 aero.; ' as first pentVbalanca eaay terma. to inlaad e.ty, $300 cash if aold aoon. tg.. hotoi'witnmJvitoBlu? A-l location. ffoaa 8100 wp to 31MOd atkrw rate.; im- aww, $186. 8416 64th et. W;oodstock car. ?TER LVBATORJ If.vThr liT
close to PoetlaSf 74 Seaton, 8Q4 65to at S. R Fr.rAhn price list. Writo HS-825. JoarmU. bricA euincotr hlTtSl TTT """"i W DELIVERY aoro. and wagon aad harness fog 1' fntli BaY ' MAMMOTH Pekin duck ga. 641J 47to .rsl
' GARAGE, doing a nice busineea, desirable loca- LWLaf loouor $2aw0 with me. Yon caa 3-year lease; $8000 will give poasesaioa. . . . 'T. V aale cheap. Auto. 628-44, - - ' Jit"U , J . S. K Sen. r804.
J.T??5! ORh BULS7 T.ol3f-ttfett 105' ,8 W'ea lo T .12 Hy ,487. JJt Vr' " TgettlnV'
WE HA, E had 89 cash buyers who aaawered aa 1. . .' . 1 ' . ..1,. , . . .!' w 1 , ' , r more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. . mae cnep ouer.t w . axoaaa. preed, 4 Wa will have 2000 chicks for delivery Poll.' Ft eggs for setting. 14 E. 1 t
wad for oaa ranch advertised by na this week. AJlTTi'r.tiJWKli ;4,'arc?u to J? ijjd.ii.mi J, 1 3 PoOITSSS2QGl Cash 681 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. bUKiSkvu,ut M aale or trad, cm car. , hver April 6. Aa chick, aro batched WHITE LE0H0HN baby chick fr hea i.-
H yon have a reach or acreage priced rignt. we n. tT tarf -- CaS at Si L rf tT,M,bB2 "S0???" SS? AAUUiAAs aj WcfSil "turLDlXG loans' on city and' auburban proparty: PhiUnw. 2w6 firaham ave. from this strain. Fhona Tabog. 74, 824 to, .tor. 27 Ho-1g at Cob.mM.
can tt torj you . rtT' . ' ' of eouro. to gour own ma H-317. JoaraaL dewn. tmlanca aaanthly Pcca only $S5; one "jitney advaaMworkp ls60 LB. HORSE: work. .ingi. aad douU; .nd Kend.l g. -. ia S ' C. BUFF L Uytog ben. Il40:
J L?HARTSIA VTmp A VT - J2-JSl ?Urt.TUJ2Zt kXb1fnvtoTi room baremtoatwam! 1 '' ionee. oTe 7s th"el' 1 1 Fili8 W.TalT, 8407. round; 365. 430 H.wtheroe ave. WHITE laghorn. R. L Red or Barred week V.Ta nL gTa-T6.U4 MoV.JnVve'
JL. I tlAJtTaaAJf COMPANY, - aaa wtute enamel beck bar with ft. mirror. ouilding, nvutg room., oargmin; ae ageata, goo, wiie- rerers. or etiarse. i w.. otn et. J; n.. r . . - . ... , . . ...... , or,. - sj, ann. WKit ir atm.rn 1 . . . . 1 a ... . '
svii-rt Tf r:" , W BWtCT- . 24 ROOM apartoieat Uiuse. aood location, .tor. l.1? ST" heni yr Sd? iTsO. 'InJSttng'of JtiU H'JT ' t
WANTED TO BENT SMALi. PLACES AC TO pamt ahop. Waatod. good aoto painter , PARTNER " ... . 1 beatj running water in aaoet rooms; excel- T per cent J. L. Wells Co., 603 Gsaco ldg. fcVl 1ARLK bke" toesilv " w-' rfriJ Ksrred Bock chir off Apt 21 at 60o each. - I r tf , i- ,7 '
Have several people wantiag to rent acreage, o worii oa percentage. No rent to pay. East Real estate, five wire with car and la eat seat furniture and ruga; -clearing $178 peg Vioa 1 " A40. a60O."$750. 610O0 ANlj UP .S, itSl ietL Kits Order now. A. M. Lew. 126 Detroit aaa. B. L Bad b.U;toag eg..: $1.5 tor li. 1TTJ
or amaB (arms. Close to Portland preferred. 4376. - . ' meat; good income. 329 Fliedner bldg. month; no agenta. 1145 Albina. - - - Low rates' quick .ctUoa. Fred W German ; ",M Addros. K-275, Journal. a,hww nydh, . BaS. Newest!. t
wl"fet.WlI1n?, F.1C-ft,r loaxing lor WANTED To rent apace to good battery maa UP-TO-DATE pool rouaa. ceatraUy located: soft BOOMING HOUSE, 9 rooms, single and enauito. Co.. 732 Caassber of Commeroe. Main 6445. J? J toab'-? 546 LM'LtN RLNNEU duck egg. for batching, breed THoKOUGttiJHLD li.rre.1 Rocs ew... 1 1 i r
w!ll Tf n'J rth" in Krge new gsrsie. East Side Central Us. drtak bar fully enippad la cowaecOoa. Phone every coovetuerice: In th White Tempi, d MOny to toan. $100 to $5000. A. li. E3Z Unm !?8 - for layer, egf 8. $1 for 11. Alto 8. C, H2 Maryland . cr
JOHX mOTbOH clffiBIM. rage, v.. 6h and T.vlor ga. Aatomatic 310-16 trict. doas in. hie. '$1000. i. W. Braiaard. M 11 MuIkVbld: Mato 4379 COB to footof Maia and Front .for good work VT. U b,, rtrn. ov 200 egg FIN K barber ghasr and liemuto Osanto.:
Largest f.rm deaW en PacifCouuT ESPRE&S busiaeaa, raguiar caMaceera. good KHOE repair shop for sale; machiaery aad atock. 0 Salmon., Marti 4249. BEEOHEGON INw? A MORTUAGE CO.. ii boroaa. Pnrsa nght S-304. Journ.1. capacity 2-year-old hen. mated to cockerels, free W hatf 367 K. 75th st. N.
Bsir-' .94 ,&t... U .t KETXERIsSl 6TH. - ttJ2 " Ti M
. "Urf so. road; water and gas. or water that caa POOL hall, confectionery, doing good toisinesa. BEST eoafectkmery aad giuuety on east aide. FOB SALE 10 h, a. roeau, good furniture. only. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. ALL KINDS wagons, bugg-e. and harness; oaa BLACK : MINORCA, Mammoth laying .train, TASt.KI- O W L. babe clucks halt-bed Asi
be piped to bouse. K-294. Journal. cheap by owner. J. M. Ryan. 2081 B. Stork. by owner. 695 E. Morrison. - nifty, toe-me, rent $60. Z9 N. 17th. r ' good atock saddle. 387 Water at.. Blue Front. 192 Gresham fair let cockerel. 1st pullet. i. ji-b.thing ec-, 7e Ao'tnmsoi- n44 ;4.
WltL raut your tana and inwe any 10tl ESTABLISHED wnail printing office, $600 FOR SALE Apt. house at beaea. Ftoe busnaav V ROOMS for light lttaeaeeptng. for eaie; ia- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 HORSH for aale, 1400 lba, 8 year... Maitaomah to "ahosrTEeaa ' t580 to Zi!a i.tiu.ili' K-r., A tote a
eouity in modern 5-roora hooae for your - cash, good bay. H-808, Journal. Easy terma. ' K Hershner. phone 6 14-1 or come $90. rent $20. Bdwy. 4389. '" " lw!nAw Fuel do. barn. Curry and Macadam. peTTs e?ST5619 460i vbone? Self 1670 ttine 42 1 ft 4 .tTs v" K. Ww-'
wi-pmertt K-29H. Jonrnal. - FOB SALE Store building. 8$ 9 aJberU at 'WOODBURN need, a laundry. Write box 200. BY OWNER, will sacrifice 0 dean H. K. On goods to worsge- bank rate V TEAM. 1150 lba each, barnea. and farm wagon. yoR bALE $35 Backere coionv hsw' 81 Anconas, 80c; 14 fesrred Rocks. iTTZ
T(aU-h'T"Ji Um rnt lnae Can or. Woodlawa 1893. Terma Woodbum. Or. rooms. 508 Aider C.B Bdwy. 8031. SECT RrxT STORAGE A TTLNSFEB CO $135. 1894 Hawthorne ave. i000 ca cap-iW for t- tlToi etTO "mo.V n4ik ' '
hlfto" OoacnpUogi to Wubur F. Jouno, Henry PRIVATE garage tor rent. 81 . SOOv N. Phon GROCERY atore, on fine corner, doing good bus- HEAJLHj CARTER FOK ROOMING HuLaZJ 83 Fourth at. epp. Multnoman hotel. Soid Lfl. TEAla. aarnesa and farm wagoni briccqnat burner. Oregogt City ear. Aahdale FOR SALE 800 egg Mandy L. inc ...
I " " . ;E.733. anass, for aal cheap. By owner. Tabor 5824. H. W. GAEXAND, 201 3d st, eoc. Tayk. J Phon Broadway 3715. 1 J aheap. Weodyard. eor. 60th and liawthoroe. Station. Ask fog Hewiu, cheap. P. At. Jorgensen, Uiiiaboro, Or.. 1