8 ; THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,- SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 27,- 1S21. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 ON PAVED HIGHWAY kw ColambU tiwf 50 ft from - mmvb iMivD f v cm n twttosn Mad. 40 eerse dyked, balance not sub- n wmiow, sine creeB, O-room ROOM, mime, barn, chicken boos and ether building. 1 enisled with piece: T urn, SO bogs. 69 IMU, fod team, harees. complete Mb of machinery. Half mile to school. Wlr fanning. Good stock or dairy ranch, wiiit Iota of outranra. Price t42 Per foe everything; $6000 cash. Might iiuit amauar isrm or cry property to 919.909. f High-Class Farm a A 1 m ImmImI a ( 1 - -, Potleeid, oa fin macedamixed highway. All eaa ww swumaa; x acre aaaer cultivation, bal ance to timber; a acre family orchard; 3 block, . tokolj 2 mOe from Oregon City. Good good barn, granary, smoke bouse, etc Included . cows, a nogs, iu chickens, 600 besbela osta, 100 buahela wheat, 49 sack potatoes. Vary complete Use of mac binary. Ualuding interest in Mlf-binder. This la ly 40 minute from Portland courthouse Price $ 12.000; $5000 cash. Might eonaider assss on unmn v"f r tins, witn up to ivv. Well-Located Good Farm 10 eras. 10 milaa fmm M,t nf rr,rtT.l 11 mile from city limits; cast of Oregon Cfty awoianoa roaa, aula to school; rail and . wire fences, 3 good walla. 2 H acre garden and fruit Good 8-roora double constructed house, bare, chicken house, garage. Included with - place: 1 team, 8 cows, wagon, barrow, harness, plow, cultivator, cream separator, aeed and feed; acrea in clover, a acasa in wheat, balance . being plowed for oata; 18 acrea under cultivation, 1I can be cultivated; balance in good mature aad very eaay clearing; 81800 cash, balance ,$60 tear for 2 years and mortgage 6 per cent. . 30 ores, 22 milea from Portland sear the Columbia river highway; 7 acre under cultiva tion, lw acres can be cultivated. Spring. Gravel road by place; 1 mile te school, 2 hk milea to town; 79 bearing fruit tree. 8-room ceiled noose, chicken bowse, barn; SO cords of wood cut. 10O to cut. Included with place: Cow, - chickens, pig and lota of tools. Price $3200; half casta, balaacs at 8 per cent Inspected by Brooks. Near Columbia River -SO acrea, located 1 mile from good town with . high school; T aoree under cultivation, IS acres eaa be cultivated, lota of pasture, some timber; good road, 1 mil from highway, 44 milea from Portland; 60 bearing fruit trees, every variety; . large amount of berries; 5-rsom house, barn 26x 20. chicken house and other buildings. In cluded with place: 3 cows. 2 calves, 1 hone, - 83 chickens, cream separator and complete line of machinery, 6 tone hay, lota of wood. Price for tt j tiling $4000; $1800 cash, ?-nc-i $800 year. ' 20 acre, located 1 14 miles from Oregon City, alii to School, en main macadamised high way; woven wire fencing, band all under eultiva--tion, dark loam soil. Good attractive 7-room buagalaw. barn and other buildings; the barn will accommodate 86 head of milch cows. Good bearing family orchard. A very favorably located place; $2000 cash balance $500 year 8 per gent The place is now in crop, oata. vetch and wheat. Only $500 Cash . ; 2 acres, Va mil from railroad aUtiott and graveled road; all can be cultivated, -when cleared, 6 acres under cultivation; lota of good timber. Creek and spring. Good black loam aoii. 4 -room house, barn, ssrsce. chicken boose; 89 miles northeast Portland, good county road. Price $2300: 8600 cash, balance 8200 year 0 per cent. Consider Portland house, weak aide, rooms, up to 86000; assume, or pay dif ference in cash. Jobn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 40 acm, 75 milea east Portland, 2 miles tram good railroad town; 10 acre ready for plow, ait eaa be cultivated, when cleared. 4 acres timber, spring; telephone line and mail routo by door. Kntire place fenced with woven wire. Good productive land. . House, barn, e hick en bouse. Included with place: Good bona, S brood sows, chiekena and small farming tools. price $1600 for everything. Tula is . rcUno.uiahmen and must be cash. Brooks. ' 40 acrea, SO miles southeast Portland. 7 miles from town, 1 mile to school, good macadamised road I acrea under cultivation, 8 acres more ready to plow. Bearing orchard. 6-room house, barn, good chicken bouse. Price 88000, in cluding 3 cows. 8 heifers, 8 calves, 12 shsep. lambs, 80. chickens. Also 40 acrea of leased , land in crop and two-thirds included: with this plae and all the stock; 81500 cash, balance $ years 6 per oent, North off HilEsbbro .' 70 acres. 8 V milea from North Plains. 28 acres under cultivation and in crop. 60 acres . can be cultivated ; some good timber: 4 springs and creek: mil to school; 8-room house, barn, machine shed, chicken house; acre bearing orchard. Included with place: 8 cows, 3 horses, 4 6 chickens, wagon, harrow, plow, cultivator, rake, mower, barneaa. etc. Also the crop. Prioe $4800. on easy terms. Inspected by afalon. 30 acres, -located 2 miles east KUlsboro. K mile from Ore two, on Oregon Electric. 1 mil to high and grade school. U mil from Portiand UiUsbero road; 13 acres under cultivation, bal aao in creek pas tuns. Home creek bottom land. . tbst will grow edery and onions; spring and ereek. Thia is near the Orenoo Nursery, where there Is lota of work. Prioe $3850; $700 ash, bale no $200 year 0 per cent. 40 acrea, on Padflo highway, that Is macadam ised and will be paved; over 1000 cords of fir timber; 2ft acres slashed. 35 acres can be culti vated; 4 milea to town, 1 milea to school. Fin spring, . water can be piped to house; 8 -room house, bam. woodshed, chicken house Price $80O0; $1600 eaah, balance 6 equal annual permeate 6 per oent. la Lewis county, Washington. Consider Portland . House . -- ,:, BS acrea sooth west of Monmouth, Oregon. Polk county; 25 acres under cultivation, all eaa b cultivated; good road; tVi seres fruit; 7-room house, garaae. chicks a house aad shed barn; miles to town, station and schooi Price 84600 clear. Consider Portland house to $3000 and giv eaay terms oa balance. 7 'Very Small Payment Down . " W bav four 40-acr tracts, on a graveled Toad. 27 milea southeast of Portland. 5 milea from good town: 25 acres under cultivation, ell can be cultivated; bouse, barn, chicken bouse; building good; ltt milea to school. Price $50 per acre. Also two 40-acr tracts of bottom land for $100 pet acre; $260 Cash, balanc per esnL Only S1000 Cash Joining; City Limits TO acres, mil from electric station, good macadamised road, mil from Columbia river highway; 7 acres ready to plow, 65 acres can be farmed when cleared, now in timber, 1 acre rebard: 5-room bouse, barn 40x60, chicken bouse 12x20; timber easy to get out; $1000 eaah. balance easy terms at 6 per cent . On Paved Highway 28 acrea, 11 milea from city limits' of Port land, beat of river bottom land; 26 acres under cultivation, all eaa be cultivated; creek through Plaoe; 4-room house, barn, chicken house. Also 80 sores Joining this. Will sell on or both places. Both offered at real bargain, .- Over 18 acre south of Reedrllle, 18 acres wader cultivation, all can be cultivated: ereea oa plae. wire fences, bearing orchard; nice lying land, very productive; 4-room bouse, earn, - chick ea boos. Price $4750, including' 1 team, 1 cow, chickens aad machinery. Larg eaah payment. Good macadamised road by jtlane. f ' JOH FKRGrsON. . GERLINQER BLDG. Over BOO small plaoe bear Portland, Get eur eateuaive classified list. v $40 Per. Acre am ss a muss i iv. in i us sown ox siotaua, oa straveled road. About 30 acrea in cultivation, more not hard to clear, living water, old bouse and barn. Thia could be made a good ranch with fcttl work. Think of it- land today for that prion. What do von think of Itl Da son u like making aa investment for years f f enougq ina to mane a good start, that la all e 1 eared f K. Y. Elliot m Son, 7th aad slain ' " 11 lio.Oo'o'feEWfetS ieO a. WITS " UOHSES. 84 COWS Machinery, etc. Machin worked fields. 8 room beuse. rood outbids.. 10 miles from Vancouver, oa feveu rosa; sacniice as z,uvv. WILBUR F. JOUNO Henry Bldg. LINCOLN COl'MV 80 acrea, 16 in eultivation, ahaeks. unlimited outrange, 4 running springs, county road through piaoa, 1 H mil from station and schooi. I must sell. $1000 cash. Would allow $400 on good earn or uuvroieb a.-2o, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 i 74 Acre Farm 65 ACRES IS CrLTIVATlO.V ALL. STOCKED ANI EyPIPPKD Buildings Al. i VfUl tea city i . residence up to $S00O- m part payment. Price for qntck . Sale $14,600. It'a near Hillabora, Good road. ' . . Price! $14,500 Neilan & Parkhill - 210 I.TTMBERMETU BLDG. ta and Btarr sta. CANAL-IAN PACIFIC KAtLYVAI LANDS Tour Last Opportunity la Central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands -open prairie ready for the plow. Interspersed with trees, which afford excellent abetter for stock. Her grain growing, dairying nd livestock rais ing are being carried oa aucceatfully. , The country is ideal for ' raized farming. ' The Canadian Pacific railway is offering a large area of these fertile lands in Uoydminster and Battle ford districts, Thia fertile land 'will become the borne ef thousands of propereus farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's pris wheat. Near Uoydminster the world's prii oata hav eea grown, and batter of the highest quality n nude. A man can soon become independent on a farm in thia dis trict. Them lends can be bought now at aa average of about $18 per acre. Ton pay down 10. no further payment ef principal until end of fourth year, then 10 snnusl payments. Interest is M. E. THORNTON, 8upt of Colonisation Canadian Pacifie Railway, 120 Ninth eve. B., Calaary. ATbrta. 55 1 Acres . - Trade for House and Lot This U 4 miles of the town Of Mol!!. moat all good, tillable land.' Thia is all brush land, some easily cleared. ' Boad divides the land. It - would make 1 a fine platting tract to sell off in cheap homes in 1 0-acre places.- One could double on H by doing that. Some tim ber on place, i Lies a few hundred feet from Milk creek, on good road. Price 30 per acre. Will trade' for houe aud lot at the same value. Must bo clear. - Want place in Portland. E. P. Elliott A Bob, 7th and Main rt., Oregon City. Or. 2(00 Acres There lias been about 25 acreS iu cultiva tion, more not hard ,to clear. Some buildirata but not much. Liring water, some good Um ber. This is a Tine place for stock or a Untiy ranch for walnuts, grain, in fact, anything you want to grow. It Is . 8 milea of tile town of Molalla. Or. Can drive to the place with car. This is the making of a good ranch. W ill take $1200 down, balance at 0 per cent. K. P. Elliott at Bon. 7th i and Main sta.. Oregon City. Or. ' 80 ACRE VALLEY FARM EXTRA FINE BUILDINGS Here we have an ideal 80 A. of which 63 A. n under cultivation, baL pasture. 1 A. logan berries, 800 strawberries, A. apples, cher ries and pears, fin 10 room plastered houe, running water, bath and 2 toilets, barn 48x52. ben house 14x18, hoghous 20x20, sngin bouse and garage, full set of farm implements, 8 horses, 6 cows, hogs, crop partly in. This is one of the best valley farms and will show extra good value at only $10,000; $5000 cash. ' i . r". U. KUUI J BITTER, LOWE CO. 201-8-6-7 Bmrrl of Trade b!dg. .1 ATTENTION i BARGAIN HUNTERS ! 25-ACKR SNAP The liest buy doe to Portland. 23 acrea, of which 21 acre Us la the famous Tualatin onion flats, worth at least - $790 per acre; 6-room ; house in first claaa condition, barn 42x48.i paved road, aome ereo in now. family orchard, 1 acre timber, 7 tone hs in barn ; an exceptional bargain, at only $8000, balf cash. i P. IV EDDY, WTTER, LOWE tt CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. SO ACRES, in tiled and In first-clam eoa , dition, very good buildinrsa, close to paved hignway and , electric line, right at Cornelius, only 22 , milea from the city. If looking for a good place, that ia worth more than we are asking, you should see this 20 acres; i lot.of personal property goes with it. Pries 17600. Will make term. UNION BAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., 284 Oak st, i Broadway 848.: ' $12.50 i'Klt AGUE InchlidiBg 225 bead of cattle.- lots of horses. a fin set ef machinery, also wagon aad har ases. , 6200 acres completely fenced. River through place, has water right to irrigate 550 ma. lxHs of bottom land. Near Prinevill on highway. Cash down $25,000. balance to suit, or will take in part ia income property. This is aa administrator sale. Owner died suddenly, left wife and 5 small children. Personally in spected; for full iiiformstion see McvLURJ) at SCHMAUCH COSCPASY, 806 Ry. Bn. Bldg. SJ ACRES $8500 i STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 78 acrea. of which 85 acres are nnder rJow: 80 bearing fruit trees, also berries for family use; enot sou; 6-room plastered house, large barn, new silo, full set farm implements, cream separator, etc.; 10 cows. 1 heifer, bull, team, bogs and chickens; 80 acres planted in oats and vetch; 8 cords wood sswed and split; price. In cluding everything, only $8500; with $3000 ' F. L.1 EDDY. HITTER, LOWE tc CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade BWg. YAMHILL COUNTY :::r - - farm ? -rr 107 'seres, 1 ',4 mi. from Davton on main graveled road leading to Salem. 70 a. in culti vation. 6 or 7 rm, house, large barn, swell fenced, good pasture, living water, family orchard, best o' soil, i no gravel or rock. Extraordinary offer for quick cats at $133 per acre, easy terras. O B. Ripper. 010-11 McKay bklg.. 8d and Stark. Main 6229. ' . HERB ia that little ranch you are looking for. a aerea, alt cleared, all Improved, all - an cultivation, including 6 room fine house, store room, finest of chioksn bouse and chicken run: large barn; 1 good horse, 1 fine cow, 87 chick en, au farming tools. 1 M scras in strawberries, 1 acre in clover, fin orchard: good roads, close to carliaa, 8 mile from Afilwauki. $5500, $3000 cash, baL 6 per cent. ' GEO. T. PARRY. : Phone Milwaukie 19. " - A 20-ACKE RANCH In the prun Mctioa of Clark county: night teres cleared, balance timber and pasture; eight-room two-story house, bam. garage and dairy, family orchard, small fruits. 2 good wells; plae well fenced; team of horses, on cow, two yearling heifers, farming tools, wagon, cream separator, some household furniture; only eight mile from Vancouver. Wash,, on good road; must sell ranch on account of IU health. Price $3750. Box 214. R. 5. Vancouver, Wash. I PAID, over $14,00 for this place 4 months ago but have got to go back east and will make big es orifice for quick sal. 48 acres. 43 in cultivation, 5 acre pasture, about 8 H aerea in prunes, peaches, pears, cherries, etc. t room bouse, cow barn and hay bam, prun dryer, granary, woodshed and chicken houses. About 15 miles from Portland. $4000 will handle. If you want a good farm cheap, now is the time to get one. See owner st room 14, 167 11th st-. rw-Twrr-TT iwcnron and lamnui. ' , . u win i- u OA i . , -. , , , .. . " mm iawi wusin au miles oi Portland; R. R. and county, road through prop erty; stores and school handy; good soil, plenty water; employment in lociring camp near by. Price from $500 to $1300 per tract; terms on any tract only $23 down and $10 per mo. - . t.nmnvuivw ff i,mv- " - - vvarsJl. namper oi uommeroe. 8NAP A SMALL FARM 40-30 acres in nop, remainder easily cleared, only slightly roiling, school oa plaoe, high school a mil, good road, 1 acre prunes, family orehard, bearing; 6-room house, larg bam, rural mail, telephone, binder, mower, rake, hore, wagon, etc Price $5000. $2000 cash, balance easy terms. 85 miles from Portlsad. ... .v... iijtxwm, t, rr:. WHEAT FARM. 160 acres, 60 acres been eulti- - raut nooae, oarn. ow It. Well near house, 9 miles from R. R. station and town, center of wheat country: excellent land. Going to reside here so will sacrifice for $1200. Will Jf..t.fK " l H Jypent, Land located v rim, general oeuvery. 63 AK kUuA. cioae in. 8 room honst bam. etc.. stock and machinery, ckwe to carlin. Low ii'x',T .t'rms- Might consider small grocery. . aa aw Bwaa. CaValCU, KOOQ Pflll sM"' nf' mexhauatibl weU. larg ut- w - asay tierper. Bed- 2vtSEJ?1' ita.bi. for fruit and caickeeZ - AU enmreu. a a miles from Portland. For sale or trade. Writ for Eric. and terms. HX-322. Journal. 7 pnc 160 ACRKi, some improveioebta. miles rm town; good for dairy or atnrk dm 8'U' P" . ..I-boue for . .j. .ofa --r,-r. PO Hi. IStn gt. m cheap; stock, impiemenu! Writ Mm. H. Schmitt. Eik City. OrT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 14lHxceptional Buy 20 A- of th best sosm soil, IT f acres ia eultWatiea, arxceUrn water. . , - fenced and esuea-feneed. 1 acre of ; 'Ralian prune in full bearing, as- ' sorted family orchard. amaU f ruita and . . hemes . end shrubbery of sll kinds. 5-room bungalow, barn and ill sects. : ,. ssry outbuildings. Exception!. liy well sheltered, naturally adapted to Italian ' prasves, loganberriea, potatoes, corn, cats and clover. Good air and soil drainage. In highly-improved district; 8 miles from Vancouver: half a mil frosB paved highway. Prio,$3230. ; 45UnusuaI Farm -Bargain" 40 acres, most all tillable. 20 sere in high state cultivation, more easily cleared, rich loam soil, fin lot ef tim- j - ber on backside of placs, fenced and - cross-fenced, watt red by a fine spring and rmall stream J 4 acres of orchard, of which 175 tree are Italian prunes. T room boos, barn, chickflt house. - bog boose and lot. atorv room; 1 mile -from small town oa main county road L. tkwVI. Mltlwl Mmmnnit, with . mil ' r ' rnial sitTaiitaees ; 8 miles from eleo- . Oj trio line, 11 miles from Vancouver ea good automobile road. Prtc $6300; cash. 149 Business Man's. ; Suburban Home 2tf acres of th very best fruit and berry soil, aU iu cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, mostly woven wire; 10 seres in commercial orchard. 3 i acres beta 'Italian prunes, 8 Urge English walnuts, 6 large cherry trees, quinces,', loganberries, strawberries: 8- t room modem houw with , fireplace. , full basement, city water, new -dairy -. -bam with concrete " basement, apple bouse, Turkish bath house, chicken ' . house and park, one registered Jersey cow, good farm horse, harness, wagon, se para tor. spray outfit, gas engine, roller, 2 plows, 2 harrows. 2 culti- . vators, new scraper. 4 new ateplad ders, about 8000 apple boxes, cider ; press, pruning outfit. 4 stands bees, box press and all necessary small tools to run aa up-to-date farm, including household furniture, . kitchen range. heater, dining table, center table, rockers, dining chain, 3 brass beds, ' springs nd mattraea, sewing machine, drawers, couch, rugs, blinds, linoleum, in fact everything complete. - Just out side oity limits of Vancouver. Ret buy in Clarke county. Price SI 4. 000. H cash. Will accept aome exchange, - Registered Holstein Dairy and Stock Farm 66 A. find class land, most all till able, 20 acres bigfa state cultivation. 20 asms more very easily clew red. ine spriug creek through place, abun- danc of timber for domestic use, 2 acres bearing Italian prunes, family fircliard of assorted fruits irfwfull tear ing, small fruits and berries of all kinds. Good 7-room bouse, with bath, large dairy bam, fully equipped with modern conveniences. All. ntcesssry outbuildings. 14 bead Holstein cat tie, most all registered, best strain In U. a, all in good condition;. 3 or 4 bead wer purchased at faney price short tins ago. v Large farm t-am, harnesses, wagon, buggy, .chiekena. hogs, full set farm machinery, com plete ia every, respect, tow numerous to mention; separator, milk cans, dairy,, pulleys blocks and track for batcher- " ing; crop most aD sown; asm feed and seed new tn hand; one mile from . paved Pacific highway adjoining high ly improved farms, overlooking Colum bia river and surrounding country. Thia farm ia ready to go oa to aad is a money maker from the first day. - ' Pries for short time, $10,300; $7000 eaah. balanca to suit. Thompson, Swan & Lee 3rd and Main Bts., Vancouver. Wash. FARMS FOR SALE . 820 acres, 240 in cultivation. 800 acres vary rich viTer bottom land, all fenced and cross fenced: 8-room house and basement; large barn 70x100, and other outbuildings; close to trading point and railroad station. If you want a larg farm you cannot beat this en in th WUlamett valley. Price $40,000. half eaah. 30 aexrs, 27 in cultivation, 3 acres In pas ture: family orchard, some berries; B-room -nous, garage, barn and fruit house; good spring and well water: located 1 mi- fmm town and good schools. Price $8300. $4500 cash, remainder good terms. M acrea, all cleared. rf kinds of fruit, pesn, cherries, spples, lossnberries. strawberries and blackcaps; 8-room house, good eonditioa: good bam and chicken bouse; 1 horse and wsgrtn, all farm implement! located 2 mils from Ntwberg. Price $8500, soma terms. --- VV have a number of other good buys, both small and large, located in all parts of th valley. Let us tell you aboift them. , Call or phon Morris hotel, room 420, from 10 to 5. " 141 ACRES. 90 a. in cultivation, mostly ia crop, 20 a. to clover, fin stand, bal ance land in timber and pasture, all tillable, wood can be cut and loaded at siding at ' place; good set of buildings, well arranged and neatly Painted, fine grove at buildings, ; nice grass yards and lawn; 80 miles from,' Portland, near school, church. " store, and electric station. This farm has been owned ' and operated by one family for over 80 years; never offered for sale before. Com plete line of stock and equipment, all in fin condition, with feed and seed included. ' Price $160 per act. Will consider acre : tract near Portland aa part payment. If -you want a fine country borne and good paying farm let me show you this on. Oscar Qerhauser 403-4 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. Marshall 8824. HERB IS A MONEY MAKING STOCK AND DAIRY FARM OWNER. IS NOT ABLE , TO HANDLE IT ANY LONGER 640 acres,' about 180 under cultivation, good part of which is creek bottom; fin trout stream through th place; larg 8 room house with full cement basement; spring water piped to house, with bath and other convenience ; 8 bams aad other outbuildings: with place go about 50 bead of stock ; some 3-year-old steem, 13 milk cows, balance 1 and S-yeer-oMs: 8 horses; all kinds of machinery and tools, including small thresher with gas engine to run same; there is nothing lacking on th plae to mak It convenient and bandy; located in thickly settled community, about 60 miles from Portlsad; graveled road right to the place; price for s re ry thins ia only $35 per acre; $10,000 eaah aad long tim oa th balance. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' 84 ACRES $7400' ' i h ' . - STOCKED AND EQUIPPED i 1 . 84 acrea with 26 aerea under plow, berries of all buds, 100 fruit trees, assorted; red shot soil: V, mil to electric station; gravel road; 2 room good house new, bam 60x50, 2 chicken houses, mower, plows, cultivators, all email tools, team, 2 cows, 180 hens; in fact, a fin going small farm dose ia; price only $7400, $3500 ' " r. U. EDDY. ." !n . i BITTER, LOW 8 k CO.. ' .201-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. - No. 8 FOR SALE H 14 acrea, 7 a, cleared, 3 room house, spring water, rolling land; no rock or gravel; balance 7 a. in stumps, part of, them are pulled; straw berrita, loganberries, blackcaps, all kinds of fruit, trapes, etc.; all kinds tools, hay, feed cutter, power saw. back, lot potatoes; near New berg. 22 miles to Portland; mail and milk route. Prioe $2600. the very best terms if wanted. : i QC1CK SALES LAND CO. . ; Phone Black 190. W. T. tJWIS. Mgr., Newberg, Or ' In the !amoi!s Tiiatetliii Valky 83 acres. 88 acres In cultiratitn. 1 8 acres fa timber, balance open pasture. AH A-l aoiL Good buBdings. Fruit, spring brook, "d-i road, in school district 16 miles southwest of Portland. At a bargain and easy terms. . B. MadUcn. 216 7th St.. Oregon CiTr. FOR SALE 12 ACRES Chicken and berry- ranch, WinlocJt, Wash., 10 minutes' walk from station : 8-room nous, bam, henhouse, orchard, new and old, over 1 acre ia berries, 1 cow, 115 chiekena, incubator, brooder, alt tools, farm tmpTemente and furniture, $ S OvO. Will eonaider small house and lot outside of Portland as part payment. Writ to W. H., Box 344 Winloe-k Wash., or can Tabor 812. ONLY $25 PER ACRE For 820 acres, mostly all wheat land, 120 acre ia a fin stand of wheat, good water, good fences, fair buildings. In Morrow county. Own er is widow and- cannot farm ik Will take part payment in city property. Farm is clear of all incumbrances. .. McOLURE A- SCHMA4VCH CO.. ! 806 Ry. Ex. Rldg. 40 -'Acres $800 $1 far Portland; ereek. aaimproved. $200 cash. Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermen bids. MRS. ROWLEY QETS $2.50 SECOND PRIZE THIS WEEK FIVE 9 month" old pullets, all laying, $0. K. 28th st. N. Rose City car. The Oregon Journal, Portland, Or.v ,'- Gentlemen: I ran the enclosed advertisement In your paper today with the result the chickens were Bold the first thing: thia morning. However, I do not consider this unusual, as when I was in the chicken business at 2080 East Stark street I ran hundreds of advertisements in your paper and others, but always had the best results from The Journal. Tours truly, v Three prizes this week for best letter; read , announcement on another page of this section. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Good Farm Buys '. ' No. 246 29 acres. All good deep soil; 19 acres nnder high state of cultivation ; - good well; strawberries, raspberries, etc : good 4 room .house, large barn, granary, hog house, chicken bouse and " all necessary outbuildings. Personal ' property Consists of 4 cows, good team. S- yearling, heifers, some chickens, mower, rake, harrow, disc, plow, cul tivator, cream separator and all small tools; good quantity of seed oats and potatoes. Located 12 mile from Van-, couver, on good road. Price $5500, 83000 cash. Balance an very easy terms. . . No. 286 80 acres. All level and fine soil. SO seres of which is rear" beaverdam ; about 30 acrea in cultivation, several ' acres timber, balance pasture; plae is all well fenced and cross fenced; nice 6 room bungalow, almost new; very : large modern Lowden barn, silo, dairy house, hoc house, etc. Personal proti- ' erty consists of fine large young team, wagon, harness, 8 good cowa. 7 heifers, 8 hoes, chickens, hsy. ensilage, plows, ' harrows, cultivators, cream separator and all small tools; located near a small town and 12 miles from Van couver. This is a real bargain. Price 88500, terms. The R. S. Thompson Co. 410 Washington Street, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 251 ' BETTER THAN IT READS If Yon See It Ton Will Buy It 08 acres of land '4 miles from Newberg, 25 miles from Portland, near good school; good farm house of 6 rooms with bit wide porch; good fruit bouse, double walls, bnck floor; good big bam with rope, track, fork; with patent stanchions for 8 cows; stalls for 4 horses, etc; also an old barn. . doesn't leak ; also big hop house, hog bouse, chicken sod smokehouse; good big granary, . garage; no rock or gravel on this farm; nice big V acre strawberries; lot other berries and (rapes; orchard full bearing', cherries, apples, pears, prunes, about 20 soft shell walnuts some 18 inches diameter; nice running stream of water full of fish, runs through all the pastors fields; place well fenced, cross fenced; milk and mail route;' finest neighborhood : level and roll ing bind; about 12 acres fine timber; about half of place ia crops sown last fall. With place goes 7 cows, dandy good ones: good team of horses 7 and 8 years old, and harness; 2 brood sows, 2 shaata, 55 sheep, 75 chickens; full set fsrm im plements; 100 sacks potatoes: lot of other stuff. Price $17,500, $7500 of this can run up to 18 yean; would tak smaller plae up to $8000 if satisfactory. ' QUICK BALKS LAND CO., Phone Black 100 . W T. LEWIS, Mgr.. Newberg, Or. 5 Acres Near City All culUvsted. - . Good bouse and outbuildings. Price $5500. " We hav several Other piece from 8 to 20 acres. AQ within, 12 miles Of center of Portland. Neilan & Parkhill - 21 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG., ' 6th and Stark ate. FORTY ACRES 15 miles from Portland. on paved road, 82 acres in cultivation, "balanc pasture, all tillable, crops in ex cept garden and potatoes, up and looking fine, good six room bouse, well arranged, with- fireplace; big bam and other out buildings ; a fin assorted family orchard and berries: pleasing aurroundings; a fine plan that will pleas anyone looking for a future home: all personal property included, ' together with feed and seed, priced right at : $12,500; do not overlook this, Oscar Gerhauser 408-4 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDC. : . Marshall 8324. Ctifcip farms: itfeT 1,06s: At fBfeiS: MB. RANCHER 120 acres rich shot loam soil, part in culti vation, nic new bungalow.' 2 barns, fine water, 250 prune, apple and cherry trees, 5000 Straw berry plants, mail route and onr $50 an acre. 40 acres ef rich shot and loam soil, in Wash' ington county, part in cultivation, balanc in pastura and timber; nice family orchard of pears, cherries, -apples and prunes; nic 4 room cot tage, ham. chicken and hoghotuea, and with this goes 2 cows, 2 heifers, 1 horse, 80 chickens, sll farm implements, and the growing crop oa the Place, for only $4000. I hav many other farms for 850 to $150 an acre. J. B- HOLBBOOK 214-215 Panama bldg. FOR SALftT 45 aerea, 8 mile from Kstacada, 10 miles from Hoff; Dew 5 room house, larg fireplace, specially constructed cooler, coed wall, pump on porch,- linoleum, woodshed, . small barn, chicken bouse and runway, fences, family orchard started, berries. H acre second year clover. ' 10 sacks seed potatoes, new cultivator and garden tools go in price. " 6 acres cleared. 10 acres wood and stumpage, 25 acres timber which owner wish to keep with tim limit for removal and pay ment of taxes until removed. Price $2500, with $800 eaah and terms. Phone Woodlawa 6128 Sunday and evenings. 9 ACKlua $510 7, $25 cash is an you need to locate on thia 9 acre tract. Located 20 miles from Portland, to rapidly growing district 1 mile from R, B. station, faces road; school and store bandy. Good soil, easy clearing. Kvery opportunity given pur chaser to mak good. Price $510. Terms $25 Cash down, $10 monthly. ' LUEDDElLANJf COMPANT, lft Chamber of Commerce 275 ACRE DAIRY RANCH ON COLUMBIA RIVER BOTTOM Close to Vancouver, Wash. 6 room bouse; larg new dairy barn, cost $4000; aUo; old bam, good eonditioa; 80 acres alfalfa. Pric only $100 per acre. $12,000 cash, balanc mort- ' ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama bldg., 8d and Alder sta. OWNER KlkTIKES Wants Quick action, highly developed diversified farm; best farm of the kind in Oregon; brought 10 per cent on $75,000 investment, with 1920 low price for farm products; close to Portland, on paved highway ; $85,000, terms. Mr. Colt, 526 Chamber of -Commerce, N, Between 3d ana etn on rttarc. fcOMSONti tii GOIN'G TO MISS A GOOD BUY ON THIS 25 ACRES r Located between Portland and Oregon City; good gravel road through th place; 22 acres In high state of cultivation; 4 roam bouse, bars and autbuOdincs, small orchard for family use; owner ha red need the price to $4800; balf eaah. STEWART Ac JOHNSON. 815 North western Bank bldg. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation, mostly in ' crop; fin soil, family orchard, good 6 room house, good barn, outbuildings, farm machinery; on macadam road, 2 4 miles from town. This ia a bargain at. $8500, $1500 down, easy terms oa bal. H. MendenhaH. 150 First st. Tourist hotel. 6 ACKK farm, just outaide city, on Columbia bird, $6000. Terms, r B, W. Cary, 1219 V. W. Bank bldg. Reeideviee. Main 1377. BECAUSE of aicknesa must sell equipped dairy ranch. Possession, low pnee, easy terms; great opportunity. A-323, Journal. She also got splen did results from her Journal Want Ad. U4 1 Portland, Or., March 20, 192L. MRS. FRANK ROWLEY, 154 E. 28th St, K. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 75 Acres, Stock and , equipment, $&3,! 60 acrea in cultivation, . 15 acres good pasture with extra fpta flowing spring; fenced with wdven wile; good 6 room house, fair bam. silo snd utlicr buildings. 3 hones. 7 cows, 2 heifers. J calves, 1 bull, wagon, buggy, mower, rake, dixc, harrow, roller, 2 plows, po tato digger, cream separator aud other tools. $6000 cash, tuuaac long tim at 6 per cent. " .. : 40 Acres$S700 28 acres in cultivation. 12 acres good 'pasture, all good laud, no roctt or gravel. 5 room houae, good bam, plenty of fine water, orchard and small fruit. Ou good road, one mile from school. S miles It. R. station. $3000 cub, balanc 3tt years at 6 per cent. ', We have farms sit 'sizes snd prices - grain, alfalfa, stock or dairy. Why not try us f . . . j ...... . Atkinson Porter 705 Mam st, Vancouver. - FOR SALE . 29 acres, half in cultivation, old bond ings, on good road, 1 H miles from city limits, half mile from Minnehaha school: pneo $7000, $2000 cash, balance terms to suit. - , - - 20 acres, 8 or 6 ia cultivatioa: 6 room plastered bouse, basement, water in house, bam 1 horse, 2 cows, farm implements and small tools, lota of wood, soma cedar; price $4000. $2000 cash, balance easy terms; about miles from city, half mile from pavement. 12 acres,. aU in cultivation: 6 room boose, good barn, chicken house, good well; 1 acrea in strawberries; most of land lie level, good soil; Shi mile from Vancouver, dose to school; pric $6000, some terms. 5 acres, all in cultivation, 2 acres straw berries; ' 5 room modem house, electric lights, water system: dandy location, close to carline, in Minnehaha district. A bar gain at $6500. W. W Wilson Co.- ' - 505 Washington Street, . Vancouver, Wash, FARMS 72 acres east of Gresham. Or., 4 mils ea best of road, about 80 acres ia cultivation, balance easily cleared; fen&d, croasfenced; run ning water on back of farm; all good level land; good 7 room house, fair bam; good orchard: direct milk route to Portland. Goes with this farm: Team, wagon, harness. S cowa, brood sow, ehca ens. grain, hay, all farming tools. Tak possession at one. Pric $11,000, $2500 down, km tim on balance. 6 nef cent. 5 acrea, 4 H cleared; good 6 room house. new earn; good orcnard. well; close to Horing. Or. This ia swell place. Price $2400, V cash, 40 acres, 16 cleared, balance easy clearing; fenced, cross fenced ; 8 acrea seeded to oats, vetch: good barn, orchard. Can give vou good hous to live In, 3 miles south fiandy; best of land, fine for stock and berries. Pnc $2700, $1000 down. 80 acres east ef Sandy. Or. Best of soil, 88 acres in cultivation; good bam; fins house; good orchard: living water: Sk croo roes with this farm. Take possession at once. Price souuu, Bzsou oowa, long tim on balance, a per cent. These places are close to Ml Hood loop road; all lies good on main roads, mak route, mail route, telephone. Write GEORGE BEERS. PHONR 65. SANDY. OR. SOA1H FARM BARGAINS . 80 acres, 40 acrea in cultivation, 7 room plastered house, barn, silo, other buildings, 1 0 cows, 6 heifers, 1 thoroughbred Holstein bull, 8 bones, implements, bay, seed, ate, .. $5000 cash or trade, balance easy. , SO acres, 21 in aultlvatloo, 4 room house, bam and other buildings, cows, team, farm implements. $3250 cash or trade, balanca eaay. 48 acres. 42 in cultivation, crops In, team and implements. $4000 cash or trad, balance easy.. ' ,. .r 14 acres, aU in cultivation; house, barn, other winnings, a mi. of uuisboro. . sooo. 22 acre, 7 acrea cleared, near Bes, on high way, bo buildings. $3600, terms, or trade, . W. W. 8AB1N . 760 Bothwtck. WoocHsww 1402. A REAL BARGAIN IN DAIRY AND STOCK FARM Consisting of 160 acres, 6 miles south of Lebanon, on rural mail route, 25 acre in cul tivation, 40 acres mora easily cleared, balance fin pasture, lots of ou traces. Bat good 7 bouse, new hip roof barn, ecat $1200, and iota oc otner tmiinings; good springs and well. Thia farm is one of the beat improved stock and farm proDositions in this section : buildina-s eould not b replaced for $3000, 1 34 milea to scnoot. rnca 4UUU, 93200 eaah wiU handle. For sale by GIBSON1 A ALVIN -THE LAND MEN TJ5BANON, ORKGOV. 68 ACRES. 80 miles' from Portland, near. small towns, B, R. station at corner of farm, near school, church and store; -56 acres under cultivation, aome berries and . family orchard; fair set of buildings, two good wells- This is on of th choic buys at th ririce; no -better soil in Oregon; carries ederal loan at 8 per cent. Can be as sumed $3000 cash payment, balanc easy terms. .-,,-.-,;,,.-: : i--: -: .. t Oscar Gerhauser s 403-4 STOCK EXCH.A0B BLDG. . -'Marshall 8324. . ' -1 WHAT MOKE CAN YOU ASK I 140 acres. X hour from Portland; fine loam soil; 80 acres fat - cultivation, 20 saor almost ready; en fine trout, salmon and smelt stream: 8 room house, 2 barns, 100 -ton silo, larg apple house, prune dryer, other buildings; prun orchard, apple orchard and other fruit. 28 head Jerseys, reg. bull; herd of fnUblood Duroe hogs; full equipment farm tools; team: bus; sheep, turkeys, chickens; boat, 810.000 takes it. If you are tired of wind, mud, rook or hills, write for psrticulara. . SWEET BRIAR FARM. Woodland, Wash. CERTIFIED MILK DAIRY PUREBRED GUERNSEY MUST SELL BY APRIL 1 Modem equipped sanitary barn. S dwellings, complete equipment for dairy and farm opera tion, including factor aad threshing machine. 880 acrea; railroad station. Beautiful home, oan show splendid income. Come, mak me prove this. Consider asm Portland property. , Mr. Colt, 526 Chamber of Corn me roe. - CANADIAN FARM -LANDS Last great block of Canadian Pacifie Railway . eoaapany's re serve lands. Remarkably cheap, oa long snd easy terms. Te 111 Weeks rs excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary. Alberta oa Saturday, April 2. Reduced railway rates. For farther parti culars e fwnedisB Pscala Railway company. 208 Railway Exchange bldg, I P. Thornton, district ntJ.'w.ntative. ' . n 80 acres. 25 In cultivation, bottom, land, $3000 under value; $800 in stock and equip ment; 6 room house, large barn; near Macks burg. Price for one week. -$7000. $1000 cash. C. A. Kooepple, th aad Main Sta., Oregon. City, Or, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Ideal"- Farm Horns . . ; - No. 23T 20 acres. aU Mi very finest ef soO. 15 acres. in high state of cultivatioa and crop, balanc timber arid pasture tall fenced with wevea Wire); large orchard of assorted fruits, part bearing and part young trees; strawberries, JoganUerries, grapes and blackberries; . new 4-room bungalow, very fin larg , barn, brooder house, mating pen, lay- , ing house 108 feet long, laving boos 40 feet long, windmill, tank, etc., 'water piped to buildings. Personal property consists of 600 Hnganised - purebred White Leghorn hens. 8 ' pure bred Vvhfte Orpingtons, extra fin 4-year-old Jersey cow, 8 hogs. Ford de livery car (just overhauled ) . bay. straw, corn, scratch and laying mashes, , " 1 H tons potatoes and seed potatoes, sulkey plow, cultivator, 2 brooder , stoves, four 800-candlepower lanterns, one S00-candlpower gasoline lamp, alt kinds of small tooln, rugs, - stoves, tables, dishes, chairs, curtains, etc The buildings sre all new and with the personal property are worth mor than the pric asked for th enure . plaoe. . I .oca ted only 7 milea from .. Vancouver. IS mile from Portland. .. . with all convenience. Owner 1 forced to sell, and in order to do so at once will sacrifice for $0250. Good terms. The R.S. Thompson' Co. -410 WASHINGTON" STREET. VANCOUVER, WASH. 10 ACRES, all : cleared, first-class land. lie well, good well, good 5-rocaa house, bam. good lsrge chH-a-en house. Rood or ' chard onegood road. 40 rods to store, post oftic and raiyoad station; 2 eows, 1 horse. 1 pig, t4 chiekena; household goods; pnc $4000; terms. 1 t 20 acres S miles from Vancouver, -6 in$) cultivation, 6-room house, bam and chick en house; aome timber; on paved road; good cow. some nigs; price $$200; terms. , ' R. C. Oshurn v 112 Washington St.. . Vancouver, Wash,. , . Phone 176.- FARM FOR SALE, containing hub acrea For particulars apply to J. H. Messett. rtwan. j FOR RENT FARMS 40S FORtLEASE- . .. 180 acres. aU under cultivation. 85 to- 4 0 acres in fine stand of alfalfa: . large dairy bam will bold 100 Jtaad cattle. 200 tone hay: good-7-room bouse, good dairy house, 4-room house for tenant, rent $200 per month. Personal property for sal consists of 80 head of th finest Holstein cattl in th Northwest 20 head are pure breds, balance are very high grades. Thia ia undoubtedly the finest herd of cattle in the state 6 bead horses, full line farm machinery. Price $19,000; $9000 cash, balance $40O per month. If yon are looking for a money maker, here ia your- opportunity. can cut over 200 ton of alfalfa each year. H150 Acres About 6 Oacres under cultivation, balance good pasture; running water, . fair buildings; $600 per year. , .. 95 Acres 60 acre of uplsnd, 85 bottom land, -practically all under cultivation; large . , new modern dairy barn; modern, dairy, small house but will build new house: will give 8 to 5 -year lease, $150 per month; is located six miles from Van couver, just off of paved highway. Personal property for aabj consist of 83 cowa, 8 heif era, . 4 yearlings, new Cleveland tractor, manure . spreader, cultivators, ensilage cutter and blower, plows, disc, harrow, gasolin engine, : - cream separator, milk cooler, all milk Utensils. , Pric $11,500; $6000 cash. . - . .436 Acres Rent $100 Per Month . ' 436 acres, about half in cultivation T" or in open pastor, good dairy bam. - milk house, 6-room house, water pitied from large spring; long leaee, $100 ' . . per month; 40 head cows, 14 2-year- . . old heifers, 3 yearlings, 12 calves, 1 registered bull, 3 head horses, prac tically new tractor with plows and disc, -ensilage cutter and blower, silo, - - Sharpies milking machine, gasoline en- fine, gasoline woodsaw, silo, wagons, harnesses, separator, all milk utensils. Price $12,500; can arrange good' terms. . 20" Acres 20 acres on paved highway 2 miles from Itidgefield, large dairy barn, fair houe, family orchard. This is prac tically all under cultivation, 8 acres seeded in oata and vetch; $250 per - Tear. - . .. 7 , -v:'";. ' See Mr. Blair, with Thompson,- Swan '& Lee 8d and Main Sta, Vancouver. Wash. FARMS FOR BENT 40 ACRES NEAR OSWEGO 40 seres with 22 under plow, family orchard, only 7 miles from Portland: 5-room house, barn, farm implements, team and water system, con sisting of engine, pump and pipe; for garden this la Meal; price $1500, inclutimg 1 year's rent. '-'! ' 40 ACRES NEAR MILWAUKIE 40 acres with 28 under nlow. 21 acres in crop. family orctiaxd. berries, 4-room house, large bam, will bold 30 eows: all farm machinery, hsy, team ana crop gauu; rent $39 per month. , - 88 ACRES NEAR SfLVERTOK 68 seres with 65 acrea nnder plow, family or chard, berriee, " 7-room bouse, running spring water in all buildings; garage, barn, several chicken nouses; rent $400 per year. -TO ACRES NEAR KSTACADA 70 acres with 55 under plow, 5-room honse. barn. - farming implement I ur mailed: 2 cows. calf, - team, honsehokl furniture and crop to buy at only $000; 10 acres prunes on shares; rent - years, 300 per year. A M A , 1 -me, T ,YTY WT . ' 240 acres with 40 acres under Plow, fsmfly t M A M 1 V 1 l.Tfl orcnaru, o-roora fianerca uuuwi vsij wav, hop house, etc.; tent $400 per year. 'as armcst rvvv COUNTY 888 acres, 12S acre under plow, family or ehard, 6-room bouse, bam 60x60, 8-year lease. tivu per year. STOCK RANCH " 700 ACRES IN' WALLOWA COCNTT . 200 acres plow land, fair buildings, plenty or running water, 100 head cattle lor saw; a to 8 ar leas. $800 per r- ' . . We have many other. . Call and see us be fore leasing. . . ,' F.-'Tt EDDT. RRAT.TOR. -RTTTBR. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE 75 acres In cultivation, 20 acre seeded. 13 more plowed, 6 room bouse, barn, chicken bouse, granary, - woodshed, personal property, drill, mower, rake. plow, harrow, team, wagon, soma fnmtture. 1921 rent and personal property for $800. . A. U. 11UV1A.-M'. 620 Msln st. - Orwrmt City, Or. FARM FOR RENT OR SALE lli miles from Clatakanie, Or., good dairy proposltaoo; large house, bam and silo: good growing crop of fall cats; larg acreage, black berries. Beat eaah ia advance or for sal ou easy term. asy serwa. KINGSLET, Phon Monday Columbia 167. tannton. Or. TEN ACREd, 12 miles out, five cleared, three pasture. Three room aback and other build ing. Rent can be paid clearing land. M. I Swift 204 Msdwon. -v . - . - FIVE acres, all in cultivation, small house; 4 chick sa bouses, close to Powell Valley road and sta. 659 Upshur St. Ant. ZB-'. 200 ACRES en Sauviea island; erop in, 22 cows, hine7-r S1B.00 am. M: Vaa Bns- klrk. Linnton, Or. ' ' X ACRES, Courtney eta., Oregon City car, - blocks east carline. All cultivated : fruit, grapes. 3 room furnished house. G. II. Charters 120 ACRE ranch for rent, $100, A. W. S-, Sherwood. Or.. R. 4. " . SMALL, farm and orchard, 80 miles from Port land. H-802. Journal. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 60 ACRES near Bend and Redmond, A-l water - right, cleared, good reads, daily maiL near school, fenced. - buildings. Bargain. $3000. Write R. D. Wood worth, Vancouver. Wash. CHOICE irrigated land, under new govt, project. juow altitude. Abundant water. Heavy yields. Eaay terms, Geo. Howard, owner. 1115 N. W. Bank hMr. M. 8981. IRRIGATED lands for sale; email tract to rent, 805 Abiagtoa bldg,, uia. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IRRIGATED LANDS 409 n IRK1UA1ED LANDS 'An excwotianal offer in a - f irst-elas dairy ranch oa the Ochoeo comprising 160 acres of fine band under -the Ochoco ditch. ' Good bniki- ings. Closer to town and railroad. - Telephone Rural mail. . Power line. Coed roads, 1 he place now has head of good cows, all milking; 1 heifer. 8 calves, 8 brood sows, registered Jer sey bull. 2 yearrs old.' Abo full line of. farm machinery, aa follows UoCnrtnick binder, new mower and 'rake, harrow, sulkey plow, js-incn walking plow, drill ; 2 wagons, 6 horses, 5 stta Larness,- all of which goes with ths place, and at remarkable' price of $100 per acre, $3000 eaah and th balance at $1600 per year. To- tlurus of this year crop goes to the purchaser, as it is too late to tak over th place and th owner has good renter oa the fsrm. For fur ther information, write or eall 806 S. W. Beak Mdg. Phone Main 4416. . IRRIGATED LANDS W are subdividine one of the very beft farmt in Crook Cov Have - en 80 acre tract with splendid buildings. The other three ere of 40 acres each and all in fine state of cultivation; and for farmers who can move onto the land at 01.ee splendid terms of payment will be given. email - payment down and long tim on th balance. - Thia farm i close to good school on telephone and rural mail line. W hav photos of this plae in. our office and will be glsd to show earn aad give all information possible. Call, write, or nhone Mala 4416. N. W. Bank Wile Room 8O6. - SOIL rich and productive, alfalfa, grain snd th land of th big corn, bluegrasa, Sudan pass, dairying, diversified farming, stock rais ing, abundance of water for irrigation. Price of -lands 870 to $123 per acre. Write th John liardwick Realty Co., Vale, Oregon. 16 acres; 15 to cultivation, near Vancouver, rent iio. nuow r, j uno. nenry niog. HOMESTEADS 410 EX-SERVICE MEN. ATTENTION r There are hundreds of homesteads still open for entry: if you served 19 months or more in the army you can get title after 1 months nniurace, ewe E. W. HELM. 816 Board of Trad bldg. ; HOMESTEAD MONTANA v.S!ft ,if,narflv tmnrA .n..tl ... T T depot and schcolhous, adjoining land,- Must be sold. Apply C. B. Da we, 610 N. Third St. 100 ACRE homestead relinquishment, splendid cnance tor ex-eouiier. j. i. HmitUson Landox." Or. HOMESTEAD 160 acres proved up on. Writ route i. oox is, AirMmnvllle, r. TIMBER LANDS 411 160 A. TIMBER in 6, 9, Sileu. I am forced to sell at big sacrifice. Sick and out ef -work. 6.600,000 -feet, and 200- a. near, sold. Mak me an oner. B.-zui. Journal. 7.5lfil.(Mio FEET of fir timber in Donelss county; land lies sloping to nver; idea for togging; aauuu; wiu consider trade. Uet par Ticniara. wmte 41.1. I'latt bldsr. FOIt RAtfLl llO SCM linK.. ..:M' ln..,! I. Lincoln county, Or. Address C. - Howland, jr-vi, mmier street, n cattle, w asn SMALL logging, milling or cordwood propoai- non; us rn roaa; near yortianq. tut na nde rs. MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE 412 ONE 11 -room house, one 6-room and one & mom house. '1 vacant lot, at Front and Car- rurners, iooun. 806 Russell. v TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 Half - Crap Pays For This No Cash, .Will Exchange Half section in Alberta, Canada's fin est wheat, growing district; good house, fair bam, fenced and cross fenced, 4 miles from town; I will seed 100 acres to ' wheat, my expense, which means a good crop will cnsAe a big payment oa land without additional expense on your part; will accept trade aa payment ou. part, balance Vm crop; a chance to get to the top in a couple of years: you need not ' live there, as you can rent it on shares J it will pay for itself. What have you to trad on this; must act quickly; will' assume,, , - 418 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Phone Main 7684 ' 40-At RK IRRIGATED A 1.FAU A RANCH ON w r.K.Ai,.'f UMATILLA PROJECT EXCHANGE FOB PORTLAND HOME All concrete canals and laterals,' abundance of water, 35 acres in alfalfa (cut 8 crop a year) , ' mile from Columbia river highway, radroad and - town, 165 milea east of Portland; price uuuu; exenanre lor aout fortiana borne, oee dsai tusnei at J. L. HARTMAN CO ' -- ' 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' PRUNE orchard. 0 acrea, 6-year-old trees, one of the finest and beet kept orchards in Willamette valley. 1 H milua from . town, all ready for this yeer'e crop, no buildings to pay for, build what you- want Trade for Portland properly or what have you? Will assume. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. . Phon Main 7534. . WILL TRADE FOR. IMI'ROVKIl ITARU Two good income residence. $75 month. u cuy ot Aoeroeen, wsso. One is O-room house, rhodem. halh. nanti-r. paved street, sidewalk and paid. for. This it 4-story nous, lot OVI19V. - - - -' . " . uwuov miwcl H "PI 1IU III, USUI, pantry, garage, bam, basement, 1 -story, lot tilii:'. sll city improvements rn and pant for. Price is $7000. No agents. For further par- ucuiars, write to - - , MICHAEL' SPISAK, .. :,' ' - ' Aberdeen, Wash, . : ., . 014 Wen First St ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 acre farm, in Rogue River valley, 2 miles from station, 1 1 miles from - Grants Pass: cood roads, almost level; 40 acres under cultivation, balance good soil if cleared ef timber; good well on kitchen porch, 2 spring! ; 8 room modem -hous ; 1 sere in producing - Malaga grapes, soma small fruits, and all growing crops ; 3 cows, 8 heifers, 1 horse, tools, about 60 laying hens. AU for 65600. Rural phone. What hav you? Louis r.. wiison, ateriin, ur.' b VVII..L exchange one of finest dairy farms in Oregon for city property up to 60 per cent of purchase price, balance long tim at 6 per cent Interest; close to thriving city; modern nous ana barn, mm S 18. 000. - Prira 876.000. Ixiumned with pure bred cattle. Will sell with farm If desired. LX-Z89, Journal. I.Y1R SALE or will take in Portland bouse on my 80 acre. 25 in cnL, 2 acre prunes snd strawberries, 18 wnat; suacx, nui taints; 1 mite south Salem, rock road. John juinagraa, u. Aurora, Or, WILL EXCHANGE for Portland rswkience or suburban.: Su. aerea, au In cultivation, near Telle? town. - 40 acrea irrigated lend Southern Idaho. 80 acrea irrigated lead Southern Idaho, Phone WoMliwn Il4. OVVNfcR will sell 50x100 with 8 room bouse, gas and water; clean and coxy. Lots of fruit, berries aad garden. All for $860. Will accept anything -worth $150 a first payment balanc your terms. What have ;wl H-628. Jon ma I. WILL EXCHANGE for Oregon farm lands or orchards. 820 acres beat wheat land, all till able; 240 acres cultivated, U0 fallowed; good buildings: 1 mils to schooL 4 to town. Kdw. W. Jones, Jenner, Alport. . snsas kjU SALE -On account of death of owner will trad well eataeusoea - transfer basin-we for modem house to city. . Evening, call Ta bor 6088. ' - - : . . ' - i i. CHOICE close in acreage and lots to trsde for good equity in improved city property ; eon- eider flat or auartmeuts. wounson. zes starg st Main 5429 CUT THIS OUT I Large bouse, cor. 100x1 OA Hawthorn at 3 2d: consider an to or other property In part: terms. Best deal in town. Imuire ftnj Hswtnome. aiarsnaii zZ7 TRADK 1 0 acres apple Jaud, mile to station" . Join fin orchard; free of debt For one or more acre near ' city. Assume. . Stratton,- AMnrton bldg. 87 ACRES near Siium, Waali.. 2 Vs acre cultivated : free and clear. For bouse - and assnme. Stratton, 217 Abmeinn. TO TRADE Good lota in Maohfield, clear, to trad for lata model Tjodg ear in A-l con dition.- Address C. F. Meier Jr.. Jefferson. Or. TRADE acre, timbered, for Ford touring or delivery. Write or call 23 Stafford at. Port- tana, ur. HAVE ail kinds of exchanges. What hate youf See Drake, with BUMXELI, 4c BUMMELL, 274 Stark st, ' . - - - ' ALAMEDA LOTS To exchange for, auto, Drake, with BUMMELL at BUMMELL, '274 "tars: st FARM land to trade for lots. I Hake, wit KUMMtM BtMMr.lJj, ZT4 BtarK St. FOR TRADE $10OW euuity ia 6 room house tor email car, raoor azi. r FOR SALE er trade, aatock famw Call Marsh, 21,9 arcer a:ov. - 2 LOTS oa 41at are., near b2d su 0. .E., lor sate or errnangw. auto, iw-4n. - ItiN truck to exchang for equity suiailjioua. ha VK small bungalow, $2000, to exchange for improved Seres ge. close In. Msfhs II 2482. ORCHARD, town tot aud house in Three Pines, trr., tor ett.v property. Mwner. Heilw. 1241. TO EXCHANGE 10 acres, on 4bUt ats., for house of equal value. Tabor 437, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 PACIFIC AGENCY, -INC.- 614-620 Swetland .Hide , T : Corner Washington and Fifth. Phones. Marshall 1263 and 8US9, Beautiful country home on paved high- , ... Way, right at poetoff ice, church, school si - and railroad station; U5 acres, 20 acres in high state . of cultivation: running water on place, spring water piped into . all buildings, hydra ul to ram . with la rye . storsgs tank; some furniture, ail small -tools, about 200 chickens go with the place. In exchange, would take a aire bungalow in Portland or Vancouver, up ' to $4000; balance on cany terms.. Price ' $10,500. ' 232 acres in Yamhill county, 145 acre in cnltitation,, balance in rolling pasture, about 60 per cent cleared; 100 acrea of - -bottom land, all cultivated; about SO -acres of hops, contracted for five years : - at 25 oent a pound. Should net 45000 , a year; 6-mnia house, good bam and new outbuildings; 8 milea from paved . - highway and railroad. Prifl $2.00ti. . Encumbrance $W000, due in 4 years at . 7 per cent Will exchange equity for merchandise up to $15,000, $3000 sod - assume mortgage. CITY PROPERTY FOR MF.RCHAN DISK .-Lot 60x100 on Grand avenue. - 9-room modem house, double garage; . 2-Story, tf.room bouse, close in; 2-story S-roora house, close in. Equities amount ing to $13,000. Would trad tor 1 . merchandiiie stock. - PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 014-530 Swetland Bid.. Comer Washington and Fifth. Phones, . Marshall 1265 and 8989. (Ask for Weils or Daly) DEKUM JORDAN , WANT -v. - TIP EXCHANGE ... ... 80 acres, 4 miles from good valley town, 1 rail from station on Ornaon Klectric, H mile to scIhjoI. on hard sur face rpad; entire 80 tinder cultivation; 7-room bouse with bath, fireplace, hot and cold water, etc. ; good barn, granary, chicken houses, blacksmith shop, garage, 80-ton silo; tally stocked snd equipped; 50 acres in crop; this is an up-to-date farm. Price $13,500 want. $2300 Cash, Balanc Improved I'roperty. - DEKUM & JORDAN 323-4 CHAMBER COMMKRCB BLDG.. 4TH AND HTAKK HT3.. . MAIN 2233. - ' 80 ACRES, stocked and eduipped ; 4 good buildings, good comity road; 10 uifle Vancouver; valued at $10, 000. Will tak $4000 iu caty ptoperty. 1680 acres, 1400 acre In culti vation, 400 acres wheat, 240 acr barley. Fair buildings. Can irritate 640 acre of this plaoe. Value $100, 00(1, Will trade for city int-oui prop-. ' erty. . 110 acres, rj good wheat land, good buildings, near .Onternlle. Wash, Value HO.OOFt. Will trade f-r city property or acreage near Port land. .. . .. Atlinisoi. Porter 70S Main at, Vattcouur. NEAR CROWN PfiINT AND COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 41-ACBE RANCH: FISH LAKE STOCKED , WITH TROUT. 1 5 acre in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, family orchard, berries, 4-nom house, barn, garage, 'chicken house, granary, cow, 2 heifers, 2 dos. chickens; ranch watered by aprlng and creek; on rural runts; will exchange fur borne tip to $3500; price $4200. See SAM HEW'EY at , J. U HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Oimmerce Bldg , Main 20 40-ACRE EUU1PPKU KA'H FOR PORT 7 LAND HOME 5 cows, 2 heifers, good team, 8 bow. 50 ' chickens, wagon, harness, mower, rake, harrow, new dragsaw, separator, incubator, smsll tool,, new 5-rooia house, barn, chicken bouse, wood shed, spring, creek. 16 seres in cultivation (most ly in clover) , some timber snd pasture, sll grtod . soil, no rock. 00 miles from Portland, near , Pscifio highway; price $5000;-exchange for home up to $4000. See SAM MBiVKV al . ... . J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of f Vimmere Bide. ICE CREAM, soft drinks, clears and card room; parlors oa 1 3f h street, Kelt wood. Drug store doing good buaipeas In 1h right location; will sett for leas than invoice, owner wishing to retire. All kinds of property for sals, trade or ex change. WALLBKRO 4c FRENCH. Sellwnod Bank Hide. Phone JMIwrwwl fl3a. TO EXCHANGE for Portland prrirty, -Jit scrsn, 7 acrea Italian prone, l years old; hearing family orehard. 4 miles Roburg; mII hmi-w. lsnd clear and fence!, no Incumbrances. - Will censider 2 imnroved lots as first payment Bell." Sfl0. T-7"i3. Jonmal 04O ACRUS for rxchange city property; houee. barn, outbuildings. 100 cultivated, balanc pasture, 8,000,000 aaw timber, ilOOO snnu of oak wood, 12 tons nay, macmnery; in per acr. 685 H Williams sf. Esst 3595. t. L. HnagHn. - - ' i'OR SALE Or trail fur acreage, ' a. re in city limits. C-room bouse, soma berriea and young fruit trees, new chicken bouse that wiU accommodate 450 chickens. Phone Automatic 629-69 before 1 Sunday, er after 8 p. m. Sun day or week dsys IF VOU want to exchange your tnrtiun"i rci- dencs protierty for unnncuiuhertid J 60 acres, with estimated 3,600.000 feet of timber, ia Washington Co.." dr.. phone Sell wood 2:110. or write K-297, Journal, CANADIAN GRAIN AND DALUV I It. VI 820 acrea. highly improved, close town, cream ery, equipped, running creek, fruit, tres, shrub, bery. Cash price $30 acre. Claud Cole, 424 t.itmerwiens bldg. EXCHANGE for Portland bungalow, 6 acre orehard. 4 acres prunes. 1 acre apples. 3 room house. Bear ear. Bear Vancouver, Wash, Owner, 804 E. Morrison, weefc dsya. Kast n'24.. FOR SALE or trade. 6 room bouse, 50x200 lot.' with barn, for 5 -acre or mors under cultivation, cn, good road, out of city. No gravel. No dealers. Ant 629-15. FOR SALE or will trade fur vacant real mute ia er near Portland or anything of value I eaa use 1 ton track, 6 passenger car snd H toa track. 805 W. Glicar). 7-ROOM all' modern house on lot 100101), close to car snd paved street. Fruit, Trad for acreage near Portland. Rice A Tate, 107 Ne. Jevey. V1. 67. HA VK 10 acres, all undor cuitivauun. nine v from Woodbura: best berry soil. What hsv you to tredt City property preferred. K-HOJ, Journal. I WILL TRADE 120 acres in Polk ' count y for business property on east side, near trackage. Phone Tabor zusu evenings. VAN TO K-WiiAS'Gfc Small i.rm or rl y proferty. rer ;iaricwisr. piirme Ant. w44-H. -CIT 4ncome prmrty: exchange for faire. Ni Cflmmiwnnfl, 4 2n 1 imnerm-ns- rilfTg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 - REAL ESTATE 115 A. 96 under plow, 2 d barns, larg v hows, soring water, near Sheridan. $10r) tier Mil ll,.l,l I 11,1 I 1 acre: will take Portland property to $5000. f 159V caen, oui. to suit. : wiLrijLR r. Jji ytj, Henry blda. ACHE, small bouse. 8 blocks from crl;n; : cement sldewslks, 80 foot st A nso fr.r rs-h, or will trsde for good used ear or delivtry. RO Vninn av. .v. MO life it N butuislow witli buiil in elleitu, wita. 62x110 ft. lot in Salem. Will sell reason- ,t i.y . no -TB . r- f i ti I., n . nnir nun , IN MOLALLA, a well located store building snd lot. clear of incumbrance, for city or suburbsn T?ia8gideac for about $2000. .. . r u l 1 .r 1. 1.. . , n tt 1.14. 6 ROOM steem heated flat for rent, furniture for sale: 61350. 6 nun. to P. O.: 3 moms rrrrtefl, which eoTeeS rent, of flat. Ant. 5?4-4. FOR SALE OU EXCHANGE" Two lota in St Johns, nesr car. paved street an -Ksvt or isoor o& fw. FOR SALE or exchange,, lO.sre, crsu:xrr lanl at Tun, Ressh. Vt'uh lnotiir Ul n 1 St. Main 64 H. . A-LOT IN SPOKANE. WILL bLLL Oil r v'-r latANGK. MAiLE UFFKR. OSO'J I't.- TFR ROAD S. E. OWN Fit AC KB IX WALI-A WALLA TO hr.i.h - ClfANGE. MAKB OiiKR. UdUilFiiSl. it BOAD 8. E. OWNiat $t