THE - OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 27, 1921. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 CALL. TABOR 4 C W. PDMEBOT rtOWISO. EXCATATINO AMD GRADING 174 K. 47TH ST. - - . PORTLAND. OR. WANTED By expenencwd Hardware au, 2$ .- years in hardware. Would accept Job a ail man - or work (or hardware, plumbing bat air furosee. Address 22 -78th , - Phono-Te bor 4176. Alii'DLEAGEU man. wlshe a good bom where ne can bach and do nght work; understeno orchard work ; hia own blankets and cooking out fit r expect small (alary. K-27S, Job null. LAWN MOWERS UJTned. We call tor oo Monday and deliver Friday, fond' 3 -mil dr r'e; key fitted, sawa filed and general repair. I Lore Main 862. A YOUNG married man wanta a poailkin; under stands thoroughly driving and mechanical work in aoto repair, ' Addra Ed Belodeau, 333 'nither at.. Portland. DO CLEAN habit, personality - and honesty count! Ixmlnng forward ' to the btitrer thine in bf. Age 21. Phone 211-74. Ask for Mr- C Joltnscn. ' . , iULN'i man, 10. would like work is garage or driving delivery ear J experienced, phone oodtiwn ;iizs. (. AKI-K.VIKR will build your house, do repair work. tarnish plana. Mr. . Campbell, alar- -t. I a -.- V.' A.V T Kli Saw, sciaaors. knires and edge tools try sharpen. Also furniture repairing, a zwx BasseTl at- 42 yean experience. OLD lawiu filed, new lawns put in, garden work mv sneci<v? 1m cement and carpenter work. T5. W. Fk wfr. 242 K. 88th at- 8. Tabor. 34 7 9. CARPENTER joobing contractor. Work, guar- anteed ; reasonaoie iigure. . Liu crinwm. Phone Main 1818. t-KT your painting, k Ian-mi ning and paper banging done . before the spring rush. Earl ance, 783 wasningTon t. main b;j. CEMENT foundations, houses raised, basement enlarged, rement work of all kinds; reasonable. Marshall 18SS ALTO mechanic stud helper, Japanese, want situation. All' kinds machines; also house work. Ocorre -H. 64 1 Delay at. City. FALNI'LNG. kalaomkung and ptaperhanging, -, timates free. Tabor 3285. Mar. 6883. KUiK KLY man can milk, handy with earpenter tools wanta work aa ehoreman or patting cord wood by contract A-B-B. Journal, FIRST-CLASS plumbing don reasonable, ny- wnere. r.ast t3 ROOFS Reshlngled specialty. Phone East 1201. PLASTERING, emmnay ana cement work. 100 Bi 4th st. Tsbor 2688. . CARFEN TEH snd contractor, jobbing anything in the building line. Phone Est 8666. PALNTINO and tatting in all their branches, Reason.ble. Woodlawn 8326. Vail Bros. CfALBltEATH. the palnler. Ws hang paper right side irp. lowest rate. WoodlawB 1484. rAINTING, Kalaotnlning, carpentering., 3703 Woodntnrk ae. D. E. Aoto. n-40. CEMENT work; all kinds. First class only. Heilwood 810 ' bMALL. earpenter jobs wsnted; first das work A. Oro-rer. 663 6th. Marshall 888. tHINiiLEKM Wben you want reshingling done call Woodlawn 6206 CEMENT wors. at all kinds. CaA Woodla,wn i. in. - HAN with Ford delirerj wanta work. Pbon East 8233 KCtFHFor , re&hingling or roof repair semes call Woodlawn 11608. - EXCAVATIN'O AND GRADUiO s i. A, LYONS. EAST 843. GOOD shop man wants work. Can giro zefer- ence. 31 Hherman. Main B666.- TENT1.NU 32 a room ami up; painting reason able: work guaranteed. Auto. 622-73. BOtiEKEEPEK. tinifkeeper, with txperieoce on payrolls. Phrne reningn. Tshor 821 . (.ONTRACTOK and buiider; jobbing. buiit-inZ Auto. 520-81. ' liltiti SClWDb boy 14. wants work alter whool and Ratnrday. Bdwy. 8357. ' Ail NllillT watciunan or jyiitor or eierator, can yire bwt reference. Pnone Wdln. 6127. llKr fin toiler and stair builder, con tract or rtsT work. H-8. Joornsl. - - WANTHlj- riroail wis of booaa to keep; day scrrice. Main 604 8. I KMKNT wra ail kinds and garage, iteaaonable, 'sll Tsh-r 6070. tt UiNii concrete by tbe yard. tiewer con tlectlOTyi msde. . Woodlawn 646. HUM K tile plastering, repainug and remodeling neatly alone. Ant. 31 1-73. BY. 17, wsntu work. Auto. 629-4 2. FOR tihimbing work call Auto. 623-44. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 . Ullllll.k' aged widow lady winhei position as houwkeener for a respectable gentleman in or - near city. Phone Cot-1326' or 'write- Mrs. C t-i 176S Intrid mt. cit. Experieaic'd Al Waitress Whthua 6-hour shift: 10 years' -experience in firt clsr serrice. Eat' 8582. l..('l;UJi.NT penman wishes home work, ad dressing, etc. Will call for work. N-924. Journal. ' ' ' MIIlL.rV;KIl lady will care for children after nonns and erenings while mother is absent. Bet references. Tabor 1 530. b EA M .STRESS wanta work; family or ladies' tailoring; good band aewer. Seamstress, Bdwy. 868. YOLNii woman itu 7-montiis-old baby waul work and small wag. Wdln. 1708. 871 E. 1 sr. N. LACE. 8CRIM AND MARQUISETTE CUR TAIN'S. DRAPERIES, DONE UP LIKE i F,W. rLU EAST 8518. 4ITLAT10N WANTED - Competent typist wanta copying, addressing or utf typing to do sr. home. Tabor B45A. POSITION wanted by experienced stenographer. Personal iiiterriew solicited. References, Menhall-3414.' LADY aanta bounce leaning, washing or other work; root I work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. LADY wants work; housekeeping or laundry work. Med ford Hotel, room 34. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 11 YR3. EXPERIENCE. 80c UP. EAST 6186 POSITION aa saleslady or bookkeeper in real m estate office. Experienced. S-32, Journal. AMBITIOUS young man desires position with growing corporation. Write 265 6th st. , WOMAN wants hou work Tuesdays and Tbora 1 days. ' fall for Mm. Piscel, Wdln. 3357. RELIABLE lady will take care of children by k. .. . If .. nam. A ORE by the day or good plain aeamstnas, 40o . lionr. Ant ail-73. , EIJ-A ATOR OPERATOR POSITION wanted by -i ''ty- ' T'hone cVllwood 3434. - ' l.-PEltlKNCKl woman wants work claning, - ete. Msin 5237. Apt. 3. - i.-OMt'ETKXT experienced b.vkkeeper atenogra- r-ncr. rtcfcTencc. Mstn i83"4. 11Y nfebm st y kind of Housework by the day. Wdln. 4604. MEN H and lamily washing, hand laundered; roooersTe cnsrg-s. 403- 4tn st. Mar. ". Ci:KTAI. sud dreaacr scan laundered ba iiaiKi,. tood clenn work tnisrsntced. "aH W-l'r). 8741. OVKKNiJ desiruv poiuuu with retiomi Uui fly. Phone Hell. 2682. WOMAN wishes day work. Aut. 626-36. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 255 3 00 per cMtt commission MWin osful htu- .pti.U g 'a. II T.k. ej e K , DRESSMAKING 256 Hemstitching 8c Yard Tilforti Buildinsr, 0 - Morrison at SOth' " ' ' ladies"" ' ' ' Let the Richmond fashioa ah op do yonr spring sewing and yon will be deUghtwd. W make nuts, coats, dresses, blouses and undeo. gsrmenta. Alao refitting and alteration. Ws gie prompt attention and our prices are reap sonsble. Tabor 8012. 1120 Dirisioa at 1KIN;. cleaning, preaatng. dreskmsking, re modeling, relining, alteratiom, pleVUng, reav tonabln pricea. The Cabinet Cleaners A Dyers, "14 MoTritn. weer 11th. Mm 1825. lAfUES to hare old bats made new; reblocking -. 73c, trimming 3."s up, hemstitcbiog 1'Oe per rard. M.ick millinery, 643 Union are, M. Et . ' URiASMAEIXii ANI PLAIN 8KWLNU, WtNI(44's REASO-N-4BI'E- MAIN ST. D Kl.f SMAKINU AND i'LALN SEWLNti" .. . Children's Clothe Specialty. . ao.i iwertn nt. Main 325. ill. 1- s. Si l A K Vi: I ... I -L.u j - - - W ( IlltUICU lit . and tailoring, also alle rations. Pbon 6 x-1 1 , hElldTITCHINO. 8 CTS.. WINONA'S SHOP 210 FLEIDNER BI.TMl Washinctftn at 1 Oth at. ' tKENSilAELNfi don by day er at home' will also tnm your hats. , Madam Die rick. Ante. aa-w.- 663 4th-st. -- " brkEKT, attemoou and evening gowns.-eac - style for each personality; also remod luie remodeling, n-.i i joumsi. DRES.MAhl; by the day, satisfaction guar sntccd. Tabor; 1824.- i- DKESSMAKLXli. ALTERATIONS 161 N. '.'3d tt. Msr 3374 NURSES 257 ';. H: : -maternity home, 734 Haw thorn are., phone 234-5- ' . , - 357 W li-X. lag uiaiiQily caoe or invalid in my borne and give best of can. '153 N. 16th. Phon Broadway 44Q3. ....... N l'RE will take maternity eases at her bom. reasonable. Phone Wdln. 6326. WAXTED Practical nursing by day or week. Prices wry reasonable. Pbone Main 7484. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant front room in modern. bouse. - Well fumisbed. convenient and clean. Would be nice for 2 rooming together and snar ing expense. Separate beds if desired, or would rent to one alone. Hare other single room to rent in earae. Plain one on 3d floor. Very rea sonable. All noma with or without very light bo-nsekccfnrig. 802 13th at. Mir. 828, 1HB Nsw American Hotel at 82 3d st cor. Flanders is now under American management. It baa been thoroughly cleaned and refurnished with new furniture. - We are in a position to render the best of write to the most exacting person at pre-war priea. Ed F. Goddard. mgr. Nicely Furnished Room - In modem homes rate reasonable, walking distance : tarUMaa district. 339 t 10th. Main 2828. 5 HOTEL GLEN WOOD Cor. 6th and Bumaide. Steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths; 73c up. 34.60 per week. WINCHESTER HQTE1. A worUngmaa'a liotel; sice dean roosu at reaaotiabie rates. Transient 50o per day and np. 13 H N. 3d Bdwy. 2218. COAST HOTEL, 232 Burnside. Phone Bdwy. 2072. Under new management. Hot and cold water. . fiteaa heat and free baths.. Bates 33.60 and np. - . .MOTEL FABIAN ' - " Booms by day or week; 34 ' per week and trr. 4wgi wsn st. net, ntn ann utii sct. SOUTH FEONT, clean furnished room, with bay window, gaa plat: 2 hoicks from Mont gomery A Ward, i 631 Sarier at., 310. siar- sbsll B0o. tiOL'SEK-EEPINO ana sieepnig rooms, sery clean sum! warm; S minutes' walk from Journal of fice; no children.' 663 Washington, corner of Ella. Phone Broadway 8477. FT RNISHEO room 318", not housekeeping, close in, near carlin. East 3152. AKION UOTELr-Ueat dollar a day bouse in town. AU modern conreniences. Bun . by Americans. Transient trade solicited. - Phone Main 7158. 1 107 H Fourth st. Hotel ,WinfieId - I Strictly modern. Prices reasonable, tween Wash, and Mark. 104 U 4 th at. Be- COZy, well furnished sleeping room, free phone : and bath. (3.0U per weeg. r-ay walking dis tance. Mrs. Julia E. Keys, 275 14th. cor. Jef ferion. Main 2440. TWO light, airy furnished rooms.' 323 per r month esc a. Jrurnac heat, free phone and bath, electric lights, hot and cold water.- 215 Twelfth st. -i-.:- O.N K large sleeping room, suatable for two; ererytbing new and clean; bath and tei- pnone. 428 Hameon. Manthatl 21 1 . MODE1LN. (Jean- light. Quiet rooms, west side. I clone in, free phone, rery reasonable, two blocks to ear. 3Ztt W. Part t NICELY furnished single and double front rooms. ' steam heat, free phone, walking distance. 7 t-'otnrabis. st .Marshall 1843. I THE MAilTOU i Sleeping rooms 34 per week; steam heat, light. tree pnone. zi Thirteentn at. ONE large room, suitable for two. and one sin ele iirtm . home on v all mnrMiiMiMM board if wished. 285 14th st. Main 2633. KlMiM.4 I- Hotel Klickitat, i Hot and cold water, steam heat, all outside rooms. Walking distance. 828 y rlmt awl Holladay sts. NICE H K. roouia. 1 or 2 room sols. Electric 1 lights and gas. All outside rooms, near steel onage, J and op. m Crosby, cor. Holladay. rail Bnn(. i NEW HOTEL. ROYAL. ! Centrally located. 50o per day and up. $3 per weett arm up. nix H 4tn at. WARM, cleaA sleeping rooms, aiuet place, close in. wesi'SKitr o" I7tn st. FL'KNISHEO housekeeping rooms trom 310 to ( 320 a month. ; Light, beat, water and bath included. 4t6 W. Park st. i THE 20RN3 UOTEt! Fifth and Morrison. Nice clean H. K. room. fjiimuj locatcq. FOR REN T 2 room apu, cloee in. hot and com water, large rooms, reasonable rates, beat. s e isyior. asm 341 j. OR RENT 2 H. K rooms, close in, lights. nesi ana gas. Datn, nice neignbornood. 482 Tsylor. Phone Msin 6837. iXR RENT 2: rooms, nicely furnished, alec trie light,: furnace beat, u of bath and plione. Beanonable rent. 681 Wash. ' 325 Splendid front . room and alcove, private - bath, soluble for 2 or 3 men. Near ship- ni. uqt in. nmumriiB apxs. NICELY furniiitrd sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water;.. alao rooms with private pam---znwfr orn sr. NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 303 j Main U Main 4810. Save eariare. 1 NEW furnished rooms "walking distance from town, furnac heat, free phone end bath, 33 per week, tun tn rv Alain 858. SLEEP1NU roomt, furnished, all outside, steam beat, - on carhn and walking distance. 14 tirand are.. N. - - FOR RENT Coraf. H. K. rooms, walking dist., heat and usual vooveniencea. 333 Mont- HOTEL WEST., under new management. Neat clean rooms,' with running water; 60o-(l a day. ot H North th st. LAKOE ouWde sleeping room, nicely iur ruebed. absolutely clean; in 4. he 10-minute district. XXX-3 1. Journal. LARGE, well lurmsbed front room, furnace heat free phone and Data; -by the-month only. 183 w. ran st. FURNISHED housekeeping room, third floor, heat, light, bath, 312.60 per month; walking nutinre. 3J.t Twelfth. CaU Monday. FOR RENT 1 suite of 3 rooms, close m. mgrittra. n t Ft. MODERN sleeping rooms "for rent; New ha 11 bo- tet. 4Z K. Washington st- East 8490. 31 DAY, 33 week up; clean; baths free. Hotel ladulac, 3rd near Jefferson. COMFORTABLE iwu-s 1 munth. 30b i Montgomery. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 WELL furnished, pleasant front room, tingle or double,, m quiet location; gentleman only; bath and pbone; half block to carlin and walk ing distance. Call 69 E. 10th it. N. Fhon NICELY furnished lane tront room, with board very reasonable; also single room. 375 Chap man st. netween ism a no ivth, near Mill. I'i.tiV f,iniLl.-l .l,un. w,m nn... r.m;i- walking distance, fine district, private bath utw it imwiv . rvwrnauirf nnu mun 4 lot UPPER FI.AT TUrce . newly cleaned H. K. rooms; ugbte and water lurnuhed. 330. 331 . iscaatnss st. LAKUK well furnished room, turnace heat, bath, walking distance from town, near Lincoln mgn. at We-tjfsrK st. NICELY furnished aleeping room, newly reno ' rated and decorated, suitable for 2, 310 per ro... -o tisnirnii st. FURNISHED rooms, on or two girts, employed; laundry privileges, breakfast pnvilegea, 830 K. Salmon t 31rt rt li' TWO hn.inw .ZT plc to Irv pleasantly and cheaply, phone '.' v n,re mrge, furnished room, very m hght. housekeeping privileges. Gentleman pre- ?""-i- r-igrrnefs escnangeq. l-none r.Sjit BIB4. FOR RENT 2 nice clean rooms, furnace ht light and.ffas: anod hathmom- ffncH h,um,n for washing. Woodlawn' 4545. - N EAT, clean, well heated outside room for rent; uell furnished; walking distance. 46 ... uui wi.. onaqway FURNISHED Metping rooms; walking distance; - reasonabl rates. Mr, A. C Downing, 324 E Morrison. 1 Nlt:ELY furnished modern rooms, heat, bath, phone ; East aide, close in ; ' 3 1 5 par month. Phone EsM TOOfl. LARi.E well iuminhed, clean room for two. nqwy. !. -oza- Kverett. FURNISHED sleeping rooms; all outaid rooms ... ..t. mij i r.. gm sr. SUN N Y front room for 1 or 2. splendid locat t with privileges -of modern home. Mar shall 73m. i NICE, clean sleeping rooms, dots in, modern cemveniencea. 4 74 - Tamhin; comer 14th, 1 SLEEPINO room, near carline. rate reaaoa- j i it aioms. woodlawn 2324. NEAT,K(HJNI. CONVENIENT TO BATH; KEA- "'-'s'sr.i,! Bl'WI. i.iot ROOM. 2 meala and laundry to gentlemen . in .-iiTi.1.- nomc. Slit. ail-ysi KE1VLI furnished rooms, hot and cold water, ail bome nrivitM 9111 - SLEEPLNU room, walking distance, 2 block to - car; 480 K. Pine, LARGE roow. close in. for gentlemen : rent rea- - niak h. ls a a A as .a . . , -uniTrc, CWftl . JJ J. KICE homeiik room for elderly gentleman. If . i " mr.w. fllim 0san. VERY cumicrtabiw room, convenient with, pi MinuKiinit aisrsnsu fin, SMALL aleeping roems, oiose in, cheap. 821 Broadway. Mar. 4282. Nit Ei,Y lurntahed front room ; tufnace' heat; walking distance. H-313. JoarnaL . APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 NICE LARGE a FRONT - ROOM. 447 EAST AN KENY. .: AUTO. 2 1 5-65. i i A PLEASANT front room, walking diataoeav near rnsunrant; heat and path, fl pet mo. East 6706. NICELY furnished front room for gentleman only: telephone and bath. 1 block from 2 carlinea, also walking distance; reasonable rata. L ail r.snt 717 2. 1 FTJ RN'ISHED front room, walking dietaace. on car line. 413 Uurahea. . ' East. 1168. LARGE FRONT ROOM 44T EAST ANKENT. . - A UTOM A Tff 215-6. 1 FURNISHED sleeping room en carlin; lights, bath, heat; 310. Wdln. 3390. , : FURNISHED room and kitchenette, phooe, sink. - m noiv son vncincuf, also cneap. vrvner rooms reasonable rates. 1 7& nth it mew. Jolinson. SOMEONE to share nice home. 4 block from car; preier man and wii or mother and son; would- co naider only reliable parties. Tabor 237 between lo a. m. and 2 p. m. ONE hug room, suitable for two persons, near car line, do in district, all conveniences, near snopptng store, vte , electric. I'hocs Main 6613. i ?$ l oto st. - LOVELY furnished room in new modem private nome. aaraae. ivi moras soutn oi nose t ;i tv carlin e. No other roomers. Clendemaa preferred. o r eotn n. Automatic s 17-84. LARGE front sleeping room, nicely furnished. i or man ana wiie; au conveniences: kitchen pririlcge; clos in; fro phone. 451 E. Everett St. near ntn. LAKOE. hght, well ventilated rooms in mod ern home, W. S.. 10 minute to center of town; lots of hot water. 313 per month up. 497 Harrison, near 14th. NICE sleeping rooms, private family. 388 12th S. West d. Marsh sil 2024. SOMEONE to share tiic home. 1 block from car; would prefer elderly coupl or man and wire, tan xdish Rest gtarg. Anto. Z13-86. SLEEPINO room -for one or two 1 block from the carbnes and walking distance. remsonaoie rates. sit ejf K. twieti. TWO beautifully furniHhed sleeoine rooms- steam heat, iom privilege. 315 to 318 per month. walking laistanc. S4-t college sr. - '1VVU lunula luriU&uetl csiiuulete It.r iiuuA.ij. ing. Walking distacc. Adults, 11 E. 14th ft. N. FURNISHED room in prirat home, well furn ished, hght. wart, room; walking distance. Ea-t 4007 831 HssU st. ROOM AND BOARD 302 -tix-l-xjl.E. .you make up your mind to settle down, to room and- board, com sea me, get my price ; they are right; 3 square per day; just . l,n . i..n x1.- aata a I u f tu C5. 1 1 1 jmzi o 'J i o. KO0M and board, 38 per week. Near carline. soon district. Hum. eo. 1773 Denver are wear rvicoiai loor works ana stockyards. l I U kt .ith u., . , 1 1 W . - . . -" -' - - " ".. suet, eteo- trio lights. 1 block to carlin.: 30 minute 1 mm Town, wain, fllif ROOM AND BOARD Hotel CUrno; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms. Meals, lit 11 . ii.,i. . 1'ARK V IK W family hotel: room and board-345 per month and up. AU modern convenience. tOA -,...,... , 1 r , . i . , .... .I'wmumriy, cm. vr. rara. stain o 1 00. ROiM and board for employed. 873 Ross st. r.a-x janu, g tioc-cs Mroadway bridge. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 1 HOUSEKEEPING room. Also room with board. treasons Die rates. 16 E. Uth C ti. ROOM and board, front room with 3 large -wiuuuwB, room 1 or a; ire pnone and bath, hot and cold water. 651 Saner at. N. 20th. SEE THIS Board and room for working couple, front room, nice bungalow, home privilege. - Call 1BWT OOOI. r NICELT furnished room and board. 601 E. awn, corner lata.: Aat 8493. - WANTED To board 2 little girls private home; pleasant surrounding, near 2 good schools. IS mmuvc nue irom town, vroodtawn 3 7 US. PLENTY OF MILK AND BEST OF CARlI XT T T-1 1 T 'l-U ' . 1 . , - n . . n . ........ - . ' .win ukj 10 jr lAjia ia n di r.a BrtAitK. AGES2 TO 8 Y MAILS. 167 NT 22D ST. ai. a 1 1 1. FURNISHED room for 1-or 2 gentlemen; r. imeu mnnr; ooara 11 aesirea; walking dia- n.;e. narnson, west side. Nll.l.l iurnuuetl roum slid buard. home onn- leges, excellent meals; walking distance; prices reasonaoie pnone Mt H."). - ROOM and board with all home privileges; large room euiiaoie lor two. Kate very reasonable. cioe in cn carline. 5K9 Mississippi. ONE sleeping room; close in,, near carline; with or without board. Home cooking. 645 -Dortnwica NICE front room in modern home with irnnit board; bom privilege. 288 E- 56th. Tabor V191. ROOM and table board. . One block to carline. dO per month. Mrs. Painter, 166 E. 16th. ROOM and board ; walking distance. Mrs. L, A. wroiTn, 1 a k. tn. BOARD and mom very reanonabie, 153 N. 16th . t'none nrosqwuy 44ifi. NICE, clean room, hot water, good eats, in mouera nome. o f k out sr. ROOMING, clean, congenial man, in modern uouie, single ocas. main V o WANIED l-sdy boarder, room snd board, 320 snontn. rjiia nnney. k.- z. Oervais. Or, WANT cniidren to board ; mother care. Aut. BOOM and boara. 54 Beacon. . Call Sell. 172, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 MANGit HOTEL 271 H Morrison, cor, 4th. Honaekeeping, sleeping. Reasonable rates by week. Clean, auiet, homelike. Phone Mar. 2503. : M. S. t.arnner, prop. CLEAN housekeeping rooms; close in. Two and 3-ronm suites, from 320 to 330 mo. . 164 w i-artt st. 2 H. K. RMS. ilia heaters, electrio lights. Phone service; Walking distance from busi- .ir-r-- r" tJ"ii. 1 " I f 111 SV. nit. Zd" CIEAN sleeping and H. K. rooms. Reaaoaabl rates. - tvaising owtance trom , Broadway. wbmi. nionc nqwy. v.31 . - .... ..iii.., uuwvicrvmi nmoi UfD gas and heat furnished. .Walking distance from fown S I t-l fi mi ,1 '. Ph... J I It .... vnuvicut-n i k i .... TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, five rtunatevi- want to center of town. 261 Broad way. Mam 770. t r . TWO furnished houeekeeuinz. water, liirht K.ih phone; mature roapl preferred; no children.' di v union st.. on car line. Phone Sell 614 WELL lurnished aingie houseHeepnig room, ciune in. also sleeping room. Inquire 621 John arm st. FOR RENT I room and kitchenette and 1 sleeping room, close in, clean and eomfort able; modem. 24. N. 17th st. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, 2 large airy downstairs rooms; good trunitare; light and Wat.-,- ins-. rs. J Of n st. 1, FRONT room apartment with kitchenette, big closet, hot and cold water, furnace heat ; also l single sleeping room ; adult only. 484 Taylor NICELY furnished suite of 2 light housekeeping rooms; free phone. lights, water and heat; -... i"-' th. ig, ixwnwnaie st. FOR RENT Nice clean front room, lieht house keeping, beat,, gas, bath, phone; walking dis tance. 124 E. 15th. Phone East 4 504. NICELY furnished single housekeeping routs; noi am com ninnmg water. 34 8 Clay st. ONE nicely fumisbed two-room apartment; every convenience. i; Murker at. CLEAN and convenient bouaekeopiug room. 813 Clay st. Marshall 328. NICELY furnished housekeeping room; dose in, weot side. Msin 25SO. SUITE of housekeeping rooms; evary coorem erwe ; close in. 328 Clay st. ; TWO front furninhed H. K rooms., 310 10th an., octween i.-oiumnia ana iay. NICELY furnixhed housekeeping rooms, in th S minute district. 846 Madison. FOR RENT Furnished h. k. pt.. 2 rm. pt.. imoi to .i. em tay at. TWO furaihed bouaekeepitig , rooms, close ui. warning qisT.snce. stctl K-tney ave. FOR RENT, furnished, two light housekeeping n-sjmw, . i . s ait ri. sitn t. TWO H. rooms, water in rooms, outeide "tt'.tti. it-sti imi iiRtoi. eij siam. WARM, clean aleepmg rooms, dose in 11 W IQth st, - ..- . . , i TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 825 Kirby - . fWo hoo-sekeefing ruouu, luruiohed. 32.00. twvl chiltlrn wftcoro. PS N. I st. LARi.K iurni.-hti rtxm, 12 muutu Stngtc hou-ekeepTTig 1 4OU B"lni.nt cor Sltii CLEAN hoaekeeping rooms, 1 and 2 room apart msnta, 604 E. Clay U . FOR RENT HOUSfcKhtPlNG ROOMS FURNISHED 304 GARNETT ARTS. : Under new auamncnL fire a TI It- raean. Reasoosble rates 122 12th, corner Wash. i-none nroaaway 13S7. FOR desirable two-room suite . hou keeping rooms, dectrie light, bath, phone, good gaa range and all convenience can Broadway 4278 or com to 332 hk Thunnan. 20th and Thor- trtsn. NEWLY furnished front room; free phone, gaa. heat and bath. 84 ner week. Private finlt. Good residence district. - Walking distanew. orj3l4tn at. Msrshsli 2767. 2-ROOM suit, large, light, clean rooms, bay windowa, gaa rangav etc. every cxmeenienoe; not water at all hour. 325 wer month. Ears carfare. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. 8INGLS honwAr riing rooth. Bellingham apart ments, use au ana JSomson street. LIGHT and airy housekeeping room. neat, not maa cold running water m noma, free phone. Walking distance. 243 Jf. 17th st. twwy. za FURNISHED housekeeping apartment. 2 er 3 ,wsu, mxmjM wauu, laui ana pnone tree. Also small alMnin mom - w.lVin. 1 . . . . T . quire 174 N. 15th st. THE ALTA VISTA 16th and Pettygrove, under new management, -has extra good -well fur nished housekeeping room at rery reasonabl rate. - - - 1 LARGE housekeeping room, heated, eleotrie lights, furnished. See Paul Shore, manager Nobby Cleaning Sr Dyeing- works, after 6 p. m. peepecraote -people only need apply. FOR KENT Two rooms, kitchen, snd bedroom. iignts. water; rate lor 1 person 813. for 2 18; close in. nice neighborhood. Max. 2533. 48 12th. ... CITY V IB W HOTEL . . ., Good, clean housekeeping room, guitable for couple. Also sleeping rooms. : 293 k Union ave., i piock soutn of Hawthorne. PLEASANT, well furnished two-room boose-keeping suite, faoing Broadway, near Madison. Suitable for man and wife. 33 per week. 207 Broadway. Main 4261. FOR RENT 2 11 K. rm. Heat and liaht. Close to city. . Clean and eery comfortable. Reasonable rate. Bath privileges. 651 Wash.; Flat B. NEAT and clean basement housekeeping gnite. CaU 414 Market near 11th. 3 CLEAN H. K. modern rooms on carline, lawn and trees. 1(1 ninutM from ii'. .1,1..... . adults; price 326 per month. For particulars phone Wdln. 4713. 2 CLEAN., nicely furnished honaekeeping gooms( do in. 384 Park t liousekeepins: Rooms Nicely furnished, single or doable, reasonable rates, aos. r-at aiorruon. WrfY PAY MORE! Clean sleeping rooms 81.50 to 32.50 per week. Batn and lobby: hot -"- ... .. wuu . . lo . i pes awDlo mil. 1 O ox . 1 , u . ,. . SINGLE housekeeping rooms; eJec. lights and gaa. Hacheiora gnu working girls. 13 min utes' walk to Bdwy. and Washington;. S8 And 310 per month. 290 H N. lth at. 1 3-RM. suite, 1 2-rm. suite, 1 single h. k. rm., ex. well furnished, clean, close in. heat and light furnished. Com look at them. 128 14th St.. 3d door from Washington st. SINGLE! housekeeping rooms, on carline; dean gentlemen only. 618 Mississippi. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for quiet people; no children. 810 E. 7th at., near Clay. - " FURNISHED front room. 38 per week, includ ing light, gas, beat, pbone and bath. 210 Thirteenth st. Main 1260. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, in widow's pri vate home, with bath, newly renovated in ivory. Adults ociy. CvUl 671 Oantenbeirt. FURNISHED housekeeping room, gaa and elec tricity fuxnifchtd, 84 a week, 301 17th, cor. v mti c 'el . FURNISHED H. K. Rooms, flO and up; walk ing distance from shipyard; 1 block from car- line; children welcome. 785 1st st LIGHT housekeeping apartments, furnished. All outside rooms. Reasonable rates. Morrison Apt . 182 Union ave. NICELY furbished m r. ri. K. apt., 2 blocks south of Failing school 181 G rover st. Main 8058. FOR RENT On single h. k. room, dose in. clean, in good neighborhood. 204 12th. Main 2906. kOK RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms; 1 two-room and 1 three-room suit. 310 E. 9th st. Walking distance. Phone East 4732. FOR RENT Two separate h. k. rooms, desir able neighborhood, doe in, heat -and light. pam, pom trom rooms, very jignt. so 14th. Xl-A.N downstairs housekeeping rooms, water. uauta, puone . ana Data. - ; block to Bt- jonns car; large yard. bomeHke Col 677. FOR EEXT 2 large tront rooms, downstairs, private bath, done in, light and heat. Main 889. FOR RENT 2 sing), rooms - and kitchenette, 1 suite of 2 rooms, running water, dose in. me nciynpornooq. - I 4 tn St. NEAT, clean housekeeping rooms, single or double, light and gas, aleeping room for 1 or 2. 83.60 to 34. Four bioc as jrum Wash. 87 N. 14th st. SINGLE housekeeping room for rent, Call at 262 12th st. or pbone Min 4236.- SLEEPING or single housekeeping room. No objection to small children. From 312 to 820 per motlljl. aoj t. lay EL. 2 I.AKGE front rooms, furniahed for seeping. n.oi) week. Ojj Helmont at ftth NICE light front rooms for hahthnuivkeeo. ing. East 6835. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS- 83 Park st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 CNFTJRXISTTED hooaekeepisg room fa private family. SelL 2610. NICE unfurnisbed housekeeping rooma including bath, light, pbone; reasonable rent, 498 Mar ket st. THREE larg unfomished housekeeping rooms on 1st floor, newly kalso mined : , dose in on carline; lights and water free. 224 N. 16th'st. 392 Vs 6tb sc., three desirable unfurnaihed hoube kceriing rooms for rent, 1 8. I.AKtE. 1 t-msll room for rent unfurnished. Walking distance. Phone East 1748. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 NICELY furnished rooms tor light housekeeping, nice outside rooms, reasonable walking dis tance and 8 blocks from carline. 474 E. Oak, cor. ith. SINGLE and double housekeeping suites, large, -clean front rooms, running water, heat and phone, walking distance and two blocks to ear. 85 K. 12th. cor. Washington. JUST VACANT 3 large, dean, well furrushed housekeeping rooms in fine residence. L;ghta. phone and watef- free. Adulta only. 955 Inter-' mute ave. .miss, car to Preecott, west on Preeeott ONE large front two-room suite, well fumUhed; good piano, lights, phone service; also two sin- " tttttiiit iritwg in. st.-o jetTerson. TWO kURNISHKD h. k. rooms with kitchen ette; no children. Phone 621-TO. 5325 60th st. S. E. ' ' TWO sleeping room , 1 a trout room. Good car service. Reasonable rent. Will board if neces ery K' -ide. Woodlsvm 4123. , TWO housekeeping rooms, privste family, will rent cheap; elderly people preferred, no dren. 93S E. Taylor st. - CHEERFUL, light, clean front housekeeping room, close to downtown district, reasonable. 408 Main st DESIRABLE HOMELIKE ROOMS. HOCSE KEEPING PRIVILEGES: GIRL EMPLOYED.'T llianai.t;. MAIN 8018 LOVELY 3 'room apartment, alao one front and ncnenue, tree neat, ugnu, pnone. on St. Slst st " - THREE famished housekeeping rooms for rent. free lights and heat; no children. 1009 E 18th N. -- THKKK nnfurnished h. k. rooms, gas, running water, electric lights, phone; dose in. 173 T. 7fh and Tarohill. SUITE ta. a. rooms, electric licht, bath, phone. heat aingie mom -for bachelor. 327 Clacka rr.s st Kjst SOfil. 2 FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms, also garage. Sell f18. - , 313 SINGLE H. K. room, west aide, walking distance. 875 14th st . CLEAN, furnished bouseaeeping room,-, pritate fsmilv, walking difsnce 4 I'nion ve N. CLEAN H. K. rooma, suitable for bachelor. 154 N. 18th. TWO funnelled iioifeaeoMing : rooms. . 982 E- mtiui .t . nenr o iri wi. THREE dean, furnished nonsekeeping rooms. first floor;-adulta. 62 E. Morrison st COM KORTABLY furoLhed 2 room suite, outside entrance; free phone: no children. 632 Clay. TWO room suite in private family; clean, bom privileges; walking distance. 601 Clay st TWO furnished h. k. rooms. 818 per month, hot - and cold water. 803 E. Market APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 8 ROOM apt., private residence, with aleeping . porch and. garage. Tabor 428. - FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 833 -CLEAN 8-r. apt,, for cosiple; near ahip , yards. 564 1st. Hawthorne Apt.. - LARGE, light front 2 room apartment, con venient to Kenton, St." John and Vancouver industries;' 20 -minutes to town; adulta; 322.60. Also 4 room and-bath. 830: garage ta rent. Lombard (t. - at Albin eve. Woodlawn 2642. f. Moderns - Room -Apt. ' Clean and airy, light and heat furnished, 43 North 2 Int. Phone Mrs hall 4012. 1'ORTNOMAH 3 rooms with glimart in deep. ing porch, hardwood floors, nicely famished; walking distance; .ivory woodwork; , adult. 200 E. 13th t. ' ' - - 2 SINGLB apartments. 1 doable -84.60 per-week. - 390 JTfei 3 ROOM dean cozy tront apt,, light and auto matic hot water Tor bath free. Snitabla for 2 or S adulta . 822. 1623 Macadam. East R285. - -'- For Rent 2 room furnished apartment; atenm beat; private bath. 840 H MissLssirroi ave. THE JEFFERSON1AN. 16th and Jefferson, easy walking distance; desirable 2 and 3 room apartments; large pleasant rooms; usual aeeotn modstions: adults only. 333 up. THE KERRIGAN Nicely furnished 2 or 4 room apta.: haa phone, bath and steamheat: 1 block to car and within walking distance. CaU 62 East 6th N., or phone East 1160. FURNISHED 2 -room apartments alao one 2 room apartment, suitable for one person, run ning water and light free.- 1678 Vfc E. Gliaan, Tabor 7025. H1SLOP HALL APARTMENT '410 Hawthorne ave., near Grand; 3 room furnished apartment, beautifully dean and trictr ly mortem. HO to 3W. r.a-st 88 ONE-ROOM apt, ia private family, all con reniencea, everything - famished, spoUeesly clean, 830 per month. 248 13th at. Marshall 8369. THREE ROOMS EN SUITE, BATH. PHONE, WALKING DISTANCE, DESIRABLE; BEF CTtENCESr 845. MAIN 8018, - TWO nipe, clean furnished rooms for light housekeeping: free phone, lights, water, 320, One for 312. Tabor 2649. FOR Atml, modem 6 room couuIetely furnished apartment. Steerr heated, unusually light and aire. 12R N. 17tn. Apt. c rwwy. nun. ATTRACTIVE 3 room apartment for rent; fur niture for sale: easy term. ' 267 N. 21st, apt. 7. Marshall 1468. Ttk tl 1 11 1 V .... rtm.n. mnHm . .11 Tenienccs. everything furnished, 843 per mtiniii. J w owl i nun o .t ,t tr . 2 ROOMS and bath, famished apt., newly reno vated, large closet, Fairmont, 286 11th at.. cor. Jefferson, v " FURNIaHED 2 room apt.; steam beat, cool and lovely tor, summer.- 448 Clay, near 12th st. Adnlts. ' i 2-ROOM apt., fireplace, electric lights, gas plate, in lovely modern home. 1441 . Morrison. Tbor 8850 TWO ROOM apartment, suitable for two em- pioyea persons. sjau alter au, ooo 7 2 ROOM lumiahed apt. i!82 Tillamook. Eut APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 GARFIELD 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch; hardwood floors: well arranged and clean. B6I K. railing, one block west of Union ave. TWO or 3 unfurnished ont&ide rooms; light water: with pri rate family, 275 21st st N. 3 ROOMS and bath. Marshall 4761. 648 V Thunnan. FLATS FURNISHED 309 FIVE room flat bath, pauixy. clothes ckoet very nice furniture for sle; good rugs, dishes, bedding, everything ready for H. K. Light, ocn- rer.ient 14th t rnn S1HH. LADY - wishea to rent lt floor of -own home to regemmbie. tenant. Adult - only, . 1183 Cora ave.- Sell. 590. Woodstock car to 42d. st 632.60 FOUR- large rooms, furnished, lower apartment. 04Z ti. z tu. uicnmona car to Z7Ui, one block south. CLEAN 3 and 4 room furnished flat, sleeping porch, private bath garage, N. 8. car to Gibba St. west 1 block, south to 854 First st MODERN , 5-room, upper flat, newly tinted, gas range and wood-coal range, gaa heater. 330. adults, 688 East 21st st Brooklyn car. NICELY furnished 8 or .4 room flau 1043 Gan ten hoi n. cor. Alberta, near Jefferson high. 4 ROOM modem furnUhed upper tlat, 823 783 Mfssortri ave. Miss. car. MODERN 4 room flat mueilv furnished. 63 Vt 80th st. Montavilla car. 322 month. THREE room 2. Jud Van- wmver. ave. Woodlawn 185. FLATS UNFURNISHED 3 1 0 FLAT FOR RENT 6 room and basement, located at 870 Kelly st 1 block to car. 635 per monta. The Law rence Cm. 242 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. THREE room flat on first floor,'. 2 furnished bousekaemng rooma on second: rooms sll nice. large outside rooms, within walking . dist nee. 383 tirand sr. . 6-ROOM. modem, upper flat vulcanising shop on ground floor, good location tor renting ont rooms. Phone Monday, Bell. 2873. 325 partly turni ued 4 room liat, Kenton dis trict Call 1483 Ienvr ave. Wdln. 2768. 6 ROOM flat unfurnished, gaa, dec, 667 Vs Hood. - Marshall 4313. 6 ROOM flat, nainmuaied. 667 M Hood. Marshall 4313. HOUSES-UNFURNISHED 311 MEIER FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable.' np to data Hsta 'of desirable vacant bouse, apartment and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland win find this bureau of great value in helping than get properly end gtuckry located. SIXTH FLOOR 1 FOR RENT V acre; 3 room bungalow, bain. hen house, fruit berries, etc. 818 per month. East of Milwaukie. 4 2d st between King and Harrison. Call today between 2 and 3 n clock, or nbeme Mstn 8787 Montr V. FOR SALE or rent, 5 room house, 1 V acres, 40 fruit trees, all kind berries, rose gad shrubbery, earace. chicken bouse and yards. 3 blocks Franklin high. Tabor 3582. ; 2816 68th st S. E. 4 ROOMED bungalow -for rent: lot 100x100: nice place for garden and chicken. Don't object to 1 child. Mr. Schneider, Hotel Conra- dme. from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Call 6t.b floor. STRICTLY modern 6 room lower flat newly tinted, woodwork refinished, good location. walking distance from west side; go look; avail able Monday. 415 E. Couch st -- 5 ROOM unfurnished bouse for sent; ga and electricity: hot and cold water. Adulta only. 119 i month. 104 Stamon. ' FOR RENT 5-room house, bath, elect, gas. In good repair, close in, adults only. Rent 3w. Csll 14 gWhitakcr t W8- car. LARGE 8 room ho,- for rent to party buying . furniture; very reasonable; terms to suit abo 1st Phone Marshall 141. PIANO, and furniture movine: local and km distance hauling. Edwards' Auto Trucks, Kenwood 11 FS. CALL EMIADWAI NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY WASHINGTON AT TENTH HTKF.ET 324 5-ROOM partly furnished or unfurni-hed house at 742 4th st; 16 minute' walk from Morrison: take NS car to Hooker st FOR RENT Bungalow, 5 rooma, all modern. 3 blocks from Woodstock car. Inortire 6220 60th st S. E.. near 53d ave. B. r. Flint 8 ROOM house for" rent, 373 per month. Piano for sale, 3350. Also other furniture for sal. East 6881c , ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 13 Days H to raze Free. Furniture moved for less. Bdwy. 2445. PIANO and furniture moving, experienced m local and long-distance hauling; autoa, horses. Miers-rJockenield. Main 944S. LHVINGTON duplex bouse; 8 largo light rooms, furnace, fireplace: E. 18th N. Key at 711 TTiwinwn. ' FOR RENT 6 room bouse. 604 E. Caruthers st cor. 10th. Inquire 268 Clay st bet 3d and 4tn. on after 7 p. nr. - , WE move furniture of room boas for gio. f or runner information. Mam 6290. EIGHT room hou.e for rent dose in, 640 per - ran. Main ihs. bEVEN room house, garage, 4233 62d at : Go snd see, then call owner. 814-01. HOUSE for rent.- 285 Larrabe st Close in; ga rage, vail bast ti. - FIVE iti.Qi ii.ttts; t,.r rent hts4 St., on - wer. wtip, rie.r 2rn sr. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FOR REN T, 6 room f umiebed modern bouse. with garage, adults. 325 East 84th st, one block south of y, Hawthorne. Cell Sunday : or after 5:31 p. m. week day. PORTSMOUTH. 834 Strong st. 7 room house; large lot Fruit trees, poultry yards. Rent 325 per month. Maclnnes. Main 5464. 603 t.asco. bldg. - FOR RENT rooms, lower floor fnrnirbed. one block from carline. Plenty of fruit and garden place, oldish people preferred. 833 per ROOM modem; 3 leeptng rooms npstein; LADreinuntt aistrv-t; Merencen. 'Call Mon day- 904 E. Burnsida at. - - . --. - - if.- . - ' FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FOR RENT A room, well furnished, modem hons. 5 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace. - player piano, garage, dose in; reference. Rent 8123 per month. East 2178. - - - - - . OR RENT, April 1 5-room furnished bouse, . 54. block. Nmrmr fruit chicken house, close to car, Brooklyn ' district; rent 835. - Phone wcoaiawn-B4H3. A ROOM furnished house tor rent; gaa, hot and cold water. Adulta only. 325 ner, me. 104 Stanton t. - - 'CRNISHED cottage, neat and dean, on paved ' street, 840 per month. SeUwood district SDL D7I-HS FOR SALE or rent 3 room bungalow, on or two lota, pared street, all furnished, dahlia bnlba. hedging. Wdln. 3040. - FIVE room modern house, furnished, Mt Scott UiHlTICt 1 -Ol Qi)X4i. AOt. OSS-OB.- HOUSES-FVlsrURE FOR SALE 313 -Furniture for 4 and 5 Room Apts. For Sale Now Clearing 825 Month? Call Ant 826-14. 820 RENT 4-roroWcAk.tage, comer, near main library; lease, gaa, electricity and furniture. Going east Everything , goes. 3426 cash. K-280. Jonrnal. SEE THIS T room boose with garage, ran and ana ef furniture for tale; garden spot 20 K. 24th st east 8766, BY OWNER 8 room bouse for rent 4 room lurniAaea, zor tulle. can make more than expenses. Phone Main 8053. 42 LNCH fumed oak. dining table. 6 leather - aeated chairs, f40. 1 it iron bed, springs, 310. Tabor 7886. 6 ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sal. 711 Kearney, near 22d. Main 1563. HOUSE for rent furniture for sale. Cloa in, east side. 4 80 E. Washington st STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT Good big bosines house in Newberg. no better location, right in center of Newberg' hnsines street; suitable- tor store or -most any kind of business; also 7 -room house, bath, toilet electric lights, telephone 2 V acres fruit and garden, near high school; house is furnished; 823, 4 month or 12. QUICK -SALES LAND CO., Blsck 190. H' T. Lewi Mgr. Newberg. Or. DOUBLE FRONT store, combined with 4 -room modem fist': very good location for light gro cery, confectionery or druz store ; rent reason- aot. jonnson. Main eZ9. BASEMENT. 800U su- ft; heart of city Reasonable rent - Suitable for auto storage, n-acbiro shop or billiard and pool liaJL Phone Kat 84SH. FOR RENT Concrete building 50xlO0. went aide, near 3th and tloyt Owner. 434 Mill st Phone Main 4013. ? TU DANCiNW parties, etc, Jackson s dancing eademy. T95 Mvtsissinpl are. Wdln. 1201 BUILDING 26x40 .suitable for shop available mvwit AoTll in. Call 34 '4 Ha-wthome ave. FOR desirable space in lireproof warebous. Phone Bdwy. 8 715. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 OFFICE room with u.-e of desk and phone. Call Btiwr. inoi Mon sff-r 8 a. m. DEKK ROOM with phone service. 626 Cham bcr of Commerce. Broadway 1583. DESK room, with telephone and stenographic service, rnopg nqwy. an o. WISH good borne for clean foreign girl, for Dome companion. s , journal. COMPLETE furnished office for rant Bushue, nia t nam. I am. Mon. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 MAN slid daughter ( employed) wsut room and board in private family, east ride, Hawthorne district preferred. Call Marshall 2486, Sunday or eveninm. UNIVERSITY couple, with amall baby want room arid - sleeping porch. Meala for wif ana creakiast lor tinsnand. Beiiwood 254 7. YOUNG man wants roum or board. Hawthorn or wnnnjrsiae, garage, pnone Ant 2IQ-56. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 LARGE, clean front H. K. room, bath, electric lights, suitable ; for two; walking distance to wwa or snipyam. ) per weea.. . . a uamaon st - -nr. .vji-ij. - ' APARTMENTS 357 BY APRIL 15, 2 rooms or room and kitchenn. ette. . suitable . for adults, reasonabl rent n-z i i, tfournat.- - f WiXTKll Ri latl, wttilmnH s.ll .... ! in private home; furnished or partly iur- ottn'pu. lytjicn-oCTs wcninfro. n-aifl. journal FAMILY reQUiree 5 room bouse or apartment in Aimna By Apnl 1. Phone Aut 312-44. FLATS 359 RELIABLE couple want to rent about Anril 1 to 15, 4 or 5 modem, nnfnrnished, rooms, flat or house. East Side, near MA or WA car- line. no children. H-305. Jonmil. BY. APRIL 15, small furnished flat suitable for z or 3 adult; reasonabl rent H-276, Jonrnal. HOUSES 361 kfr-.VT-Ai rt: u c An List toot houses, data or apartment with as; qairi results ana gooa tenants. . PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE, LOANS SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO, ' 53 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah Hotel. r-none tiroaaway ana I WANT to rent a small furnished home in a good neighborhood, clos to carline. Rent most be reasonable. Two in family. References. Reason for moving, too much rent, too little comfort Phone Main 8453 this afternoon or any t-me Mondays WANTED- Modem 6 room bungalow with nr. age, in good district Family of 3. Would like to tease ana wui take best of care of every unng. i-none snt ,119-13 A RELIABIjE -couple must have an nnfnrnished 3 room . house by April 1. Good location. wtu -pay several month rent in advance if Bate l-tttttlltt T. ,VSJ.. , J.O '. 1 ELDERLY couple want to rent modem 4- or 6 room house, best of care, prefer Sannyslde. Phone Ant 644-39. WANTED To rent 6 or 7 room bungalow, by adulta, by April 1. Phone East 6340 after 6 p. m. IF you prefer reliable adulta and lower rent call Mar. 6644. WANTED Mejdern 6 room cottage. No chil dren. Phone East 8503 ' 6 ROOM bungalow; will leas for 1 year, cash rent Tabor 4 26. WANTEIi 4 or 5 room unfurnished house. Ref. 222-27. W ANTED-to ent 3 er room house in good localttT April 1 8. Phone tllwood 2863. 6 K4X M burteiilow for rent to party buying fnrnitnrn. Alberta ditriet Wdln. 4584. BEACH PROPERTY 400 SEASIDE COTTAGE FOR SALE Seaside cottage completely furnistied. large porch all around, lot 100x100. Picture and information, llOti E. Market st Pbon Tabor 2531. - - FOR SALE Two bouses and tent bouse, rent 3500 summer. 83750. Owner, 620 Third at. S.. Seaside. Sunday. Memdsy. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 A GOOD busineb k.t on cor. of Jer-ey st, close in. for a short tim 32500. We also have some choice lot from 3150 no. Re Greater St Johns Realty ; Co., opp. postofflce, 403 N. Jersey st Col. 450. TO RENT 2 small office store in Tremont; W good location for cleaner or small business of ny kind; rent very reasonable. Be WV W. Kdml ten, Aut 614-40. BEST business building in Lents at bargain or exchange. 594Q 92d nt. S. E. . 600-600 4 -602 WILLIAMS avenue. 85500. KnA 2195. -APARTMENTS AND FLAT - - ----- PROPERTY 40? Do You BeSEeve in ' -Portland '. If so. Investigate this: Close in weat tide corner, 100x1 00. on lending bwnnes street improved with modem apartment house structure with 24 apartments. 12 completely furnished. : Recent construction. . Increasing ground value. A wonderful investment at only 345.000. Lea than half cash. , O. ' li. Skotheim Co. 408-4 Ll Conch bldg. ESTATE to be sold. Make offer for 100x100 northeast comer 14th. and Taylor, west aide. Eat 2195. 10 LIGHT bousekeping rooms, income 690. Rent 820. Bdwy. 4359. LOTS 403 WUIMOiUUM), ...;; ti. loth . at.; -all - -lien paid. - - -v- - RITTER. I r. ek CO. 201-S-K-7 Hoard of Trade Mdg. 67Vxl82. PLENTY of fruit. and berries, big chicken honse, close to street car in St Johns, cheap for 81150, pert cash. K-286. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 , . - BIG SNAP -rACES NEW ROSE CITT COUNTRY CLUB PARK Over 8 fuTJ lot on HELL CREST DRIVE overlooking the new park. Prio only 32760. Buy now. Watch, property increase in value in tlue district - J. U HARTMAN COMPANT. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Main 203. IRVING TON DISTRICT LOTS - 8593 to y - i- ., . 3875. STREETS PAID. TERMS T : . . - ; . - - . if ' !... -. ' - "- . - : Yon r WISH. I , JohnsonDodson Co. 638 NW. Bank bid. Main 8787. LAUKELHURST UTS " CMIS1NG THEM OUT COME OUT TODAY OFFICE. BAST 89TH AND ULISAN BTS. A few specials this week for 3800; all im provement paid. Your last chance to secure a choice lot at about 1-3 real value. Tour op portunity. Office ontke around. East 3 9 Lb and Glisan street. Montavilla car. Phone Tabor 3433; evenings. East 7738;. DKLAHUNTT BEAUTIFUL SUBUliBAis IlOaiEif jS 125x100 with nice shad tree, near carline. school snd store; running 'water available: ont Base .Line road, and Buckley ac. Only 8375, 330 .cash,- baL 310 per mo. R. H. CON FRET, BITTER. LOWE A CO 20I-3-B-7 Board of Trade bldg. BIGGEST BARGAIN WE KNOW OF 61x140 ft lot. 1 block to Irricgton ear, navsd .streets, sewers- etc . ,vMii4- . this hi bargain. JohnsonDodson Co. S3 NW. Bank bldg. Mem 8TiT, 50 Down, $120 Month - Price 81200.' buy dose in east aid lot near 23d and YsmhiU. all imps.-in and paid; near high and grade school and walking dist weaet aide. A snap Owner, slain 88 p. j IHJWN. 310 month at ', building lot on Sumner t facing north, bet Interstate and Concord; everything in but pavement; price 3550; save rent, build ymir own horn. -RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LpT f 10 cash, 310 monthly; 60x100; Ken- l ton car. near Interstate r. JohnsonDodson Co. i 683 NW. Bank Md. Mara 8T8T. MAKE OtVtll liurabolt lacing north, loo ft east of Concord. 100x100, aewer In and Paid: asking $800; no reasonxbl cash offer tarried down. ' RrTTETi.tIelWR CO. 5I -3-5-7 Board of Trade Wdg. ALBIN A, aoxioo. ijoruiwick. lacing eaat, nil ft south of Knott all improvement paid for, $900, . , v ttTttpti iiar a m . i!ni-a.5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HfcOMONT. half cist price, a. E. -our. VI alio ry and A ins worth, 100x100, all improvement pel a, .uuu Tse it. RITTER. LOWE CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FLAT OR Ai'l. sue. corner lut on E. 23d near Sandy; price $2000. Let US show you; this hss real value.' RITTETt," LOWB A OO. 201-S-R-7 Board of Trade Nd. tOOO BUYS 2 lots corner and adjoining bard . surface street, paid; 2 blocks from ear. Forced to sea 245 First st Sunday. 424 E. Grant rtogan. LOTS 81 DOW N. 8l' WtKJi 60x100, cement walks. Alberta car. Cloa to school. Pitch a tent Save rent R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bsnk bldg. Residence, Mam 1377. 322u BUYS iiOxloO on E. 11 lb at; neighbor hood well bntlt np; a bargain for cash. RITTER. LOWE it CO. "-201-8-K-7 Board of Trade bldg. BEAUTIFUL Lattreilitmt lot comer 88th and ri. .nkeny, with 116 teet nnobstrncted view of the park. Make offer.; -Owner. 86 E. 44th St. N ALAMEDA PARK, EAST FRONT, 3750. JohnsonDodson . Co. 633 NW. Bank bldg. Main 8781 Your opportunity- LanreThnrst lot, while they last at extremely low price. Be J. A. McCarthy, 270 4 Stark at stain nu, or evenings. Tabor BQ57r BEAUT1FUL WESTMORELAND 75x100; level view; paved; 2 block oar; all imp. paid. gioo.u. easy. J. ri. COWBTN CO.. 305-6-T Twis bldg. YOUR LAST CHANCE Laarelhnrst lota at these price. See 7. A. McCarthy, 270 Stark st Main 1700; evenings. Tenor n057 GREAT BARGAIN, want v leave city, 100 by 100 lot amall house, water in, 4 ft. deep, 10 It-nit trees, all kinds bern. Price 31500. By owner, zooit n nnsosy ve. - ALAMt.lM, ftUxlOO on Sloomor fur 87JO owner acrificing to clean up holding. RITTER. LOWE A CO.- 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. YOUR LAST CHANCE LaurIhart lot at these prices. Sea J, A. Mccarty. 270 Stark. Main 1700; evening Toor r057. Tj . t j ' i tu t . u. i .. t , . - a t, . . . - U , , ' . a 1 . , 1 1 1... .Mtlll., , H..1U H1U 1IL1II m'W j eaay - wdking distance factory district and clos to car. writ owner, uox 43, Routs 3 Newberg, Or. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Lenrelhnjrst lots, while they last at extremely low prices. Sec J. A. McCarty. 274 V Stark. Main 1700; evening Tsbor 6057. ALAMEDA PARR, corner lot for (lUuO. Glan snd Skidmore, clear; must be cash. RITTER, IXW B & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TWO lot. 100x118 feet IN a IDE. Two block Hawthorne ave. Water and gag in. Sewer p id Owner. Tsbor 1609. - . ' TWO lots. 82x123 feet CORNER. One block Hawthorne car. Water and gs in. Bcwg psid. Owner. Tsbor 1608. 50x100 LOT on paved afreet 1 block from car. Build to rait purchaser. Term. H 303, Journal. - - .-- CHEAP 50x100, paved street, all improve ment paid. Flint it near Broadway. Pbon owner, 210-31. WANT cab offer on lota 5 and 6, block 105, University Psrk. On "Girard, near Fiske, B. nest. iHcnastortoi, am. LAURELHURST comer, lot 12, block 41, Sandy blvd. snd 35th. 66x100. - 3 128S. t StreeU paved. Tabor 994. . '- FOR SALE Lot 60x110. at ParkUde, just west A City park, S2O00 cash, cost 62500 in 1910.' Broadway 1703. TWO- lot, University park, clos to car and school; sewer in, street pared; $500. 'CaU 1603 Fiske t. or 15 Went Jenui. FOR SALE cheap by owner, 4 acres and ' acre with 2 nooses, bam and chicken bmut, in Irvington; lo 88 lots. Phone East 762. 4 Oil 00.. IMPROVEMENTS paid. 8 bearing fruit trees, paved street , Waverlelgb Height. Price $ins. Hell. 1845. GiiOO medentiai k at 71st and Hslwy; all ciff i liens paid., 1 100 down arxl 815 a -moDtii. Tsbor 1643.-'. ---:- '. , ;':. -v . LOT in lAdd'a add. at bargain. Will finance and build borne for purchaser -if desired. Ts bor 1184. evenings during week. FOR SALE Lot in Bellcrest 65th and Sandy 'blvd.. 1 blk. Rose City car. 82f Cham of Ccm. Mar 262. owner. Mr. Black . LAURELHUR8T lot BARGAINS See J. A. 3fcCrty. 270 V Stark. Mala 1700: erenings isoor o57 ALAMEDA lot $780; p.ventent ewer, etc. - paid, - iuu aown, giv per monta. owner, Wd!nF45. 1AURK1.HLR8T ijfT BARGAINS See J. A. McCarthy, 270 Stark. Main 1700; evenings, Tsbor 6057.' FOR HALE Rose City let oo E. 34ih at, bet Klickitat nd SivJciynm at.", $573. - Mar. 9rH BEAUTIFUL lot on terms; no agent. Owner. Wdl. 2483. CHOICE Walnut Park lot cbeap by owner. Woodlawn 334 or caff 1106 Msllory ave. 100100 LOT, ail improvement in and paid. Wit rHfht cn esrlme, good location. Wdln. 666. UNIVERSITY PAfiK'--Gond building lot " tot sale. PtiitabTe for nome. Wdln. 2324. " - ' 60X112 3 lots to ear, 3700; paved streets ail pid: eleer .title end terms. Aut. 234-06, SL'LI. clear Westmoreland lot or trade for JOUI car. Tabor 404 8. ' 3 LOTS cor.' Vanllontos and Strong It, Porte month: for 3215 per lot 11 Q5 K. 80th N. GOOD fauauieas lot in WMtmoriand, reaaonabie. Phone Kest 6504. - Owner. TWO good lot 25x100. oo Marguerite, Albert district cbeap. Tabor 5927. - - EUNCH clieapest building lot ever offered. Ven ard. 929 Chamber Commerce. ROSE CITY. f down, bats' no 2d mortgage; pared st East front. Ant. 217-85. .t5 1 BLK. ROME I iTY PAKE CAR . Nice 50x100 lo .m.n-tit rd. Tsbor 6559 LOT 60x100 in Jnneamure; sewer and sidewalk In. $3i0 eaah; 370 bonded. East 652. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALH LOTS 4 03 SOME CHOICE BUILDING SITES I . MT;. TABOR- Comer, east front, 60x100, sts. paved -and .paid: a dandy ,.....$ 800 LAU RELH I'RST 56x100, ail imp. in -and paid: comer lot near Sandy.... 1263 LAI RELH UK ST AU imp. in and paid; fine location : cost owner 82912 1200 SW1NTON .ADD 75xino., cor., all imp. in and paid, except 3200 to assume. , 873 HAWTHORNE 50x100. near HA car; all Imp. in and raid; west front. .... .1000 ROSR CITY 75x100 ttact in Failing t I his ts tsesutilul homnsite for...... 1000 HAWTHORNE lOOilOt). all imp, in nd naid: this ia a hesuriful aita 1600 HAWTHORNE Tract 9093. in a ery fin location; consider trade. ........ 2100 LAl't) ADD 40x128. all Imp. in and pain; line sire, clos in; consider trad, iddv IRV1NGTON PARK 50x100. comer; S blocks to ear; a fins ho merits 850 IBV1NGTON PARK 50x100. 2 H block to car; lies fine; nice (had tree....' 800 RICHMOND 50x100. all at imp. in and paid, except 3280 bonded to assuins . . now - Burkhardt Business. 4 - ' Builders - 414-15 16 Plstt bliU. Msin 702T.,- Tipen-. Kveninifs snd Pundays. A. H. B111RKLI.-G1LL CO. Som more real baruaina in choice vaoant lot. Buy vacant lots today and save money. - juu nr. 11 u.N r nr. auuo Choice borne site in beautiful Mt Tabor; good street; land 78x227. 82250 EAST 53D ST. -' 3 " Lovely eorner. 70x100. only one block Hawthorn car, both street paid In full; choice district. 3125f) COMMERCIAL ST. 81230 Very attractive corner. 50x100, on Mason street Csn make esy terms. fOMI 1RVINGTON DIST. 8950 ' Full 50x100, on E. 28tfa at, near Knott A fine lot in a choioe section. $800 ALAMEDA $900 Just off Alameda drive, at K 83d t; full lot, excellent surroundings, $850 ROSE CITY PARK 8850 One of the beet buy in the district A. BKth, near Stanton; all improvemanta paid in fall. $600 IRVINGTON PARK 8600 If giving it away thi 100x100 nicety wooded; gnod district. 6800 WKSTMORELAND8600 i This choice home, dtatnet full lot: paid In full. Some buy. ;$250 IBVIN'GTON PARK 1260 East 2.7th, done to Dekum, ., pickup : at' this price. BtUe A. It BlRRrTLL-GlT.L CO. g16 N. W. Bsnk Hltltf. Marshan 4114. IRVINGTON IXT BUYS - $ 700 8 lnt-and Schuyler, A-boy I . $1000 14th, Stanton to Stuklyoa . $1050 Near Knott j and 20th, ' 81250 15th. next store, near Rr 11 81750 Corners. 16th and Klickitat . 81100 Inside lot next 81100. $1600 Sightly corner, 67x100. 26th and Tillamook. , . $t 800 Adjoining eorners, asm. ie. ; $1750 N. W. corner 18tb and Klickitat $1000 I naid lots, 8lh to 14th, near Stanton and Knott 8I6OA 6Hx 100, Clackamas, near 22d. 32100 75xlOO, near Knott East fane. 32300 N. K. corner 18th and Stanton. . $2400 N. W, eorner lytti and Sc.huylnr. $1100 Inside lot, 19th, Dear Klickitat Alameda. IOOiIOO on IhincHey, block tnm Broadway car, $1000 per 60xt00. WESTOVER TERRACES. 8 lota. 18. J 8t 17, block 4. fac eaet on Summit avenue, right off Cornell road at Suntmit Court, 192 feet frontage. 810,000 Bent frontage, view and accaaaihility in beat improved block in Westover. Would exchange for a good home. Tl. T. BTRKKT, REALTOR WATCH W A TCI1III WK8TOVKH TERRACES' " '"Portland's Best View Homwitew" INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES 110 Tenth St Pittock Block. Broadway 110. BUILD IN - UNIVERSITY- PARK Seeure your lot now. ,60100 lot on Chan teuqii Blvd; 1H block from Columbia Park. Street paved," sewer in. - Water and gaa main in street ' Magnificent view. Full pne over ll 8500, $100 cash; terms on ha lines. This and 200 mors lota at from 88 to $15 per front fool, according to location Ctioon your home&tt sni mak your own terms; WHITE BEAUTY CO , REALTORS 1 BIG ACRE 1330 Covered with beautiful grove of trum. mat Powell Valley rd, only 850 cash, baL 810 per mo. Just th place tor summer horn. For appointment only. Tabor 7864. - ? . - . R. H, CONKRET. iAT RTTTER, LOWF. St CO., , 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. RIVER VIEW IN FUI.V0N 42H140, on paved (treats, overlooking Oak park. A very desirabl locality on Fulton car una, no scrubby buildings or undesirable neigh bors, all lmproveracnta in snd paid for. Thi 1 . good buy fur 8800. be owner, 1605 Virginia. Phone Mr. 380. BKAUT1F1 L VlK'W Homeadt. 8600 q. ft d)oining Mt Tabor park on weat, bet E. Taylor and E. Salmon t., unohgtructed view of city to west north and south; very low price for ejnirk eel. RITTER. LOWE A CO. ' ' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Dr-U . O C 1,1k J J 1 IS ' Good ones, 2 block west of Peninenla park, sidewalk, curb and aewer in and paid; only $500. See Gso. F. Crow, wllh ,...- ,HESGARD & HARALA. ' bOL MisHieairtd Ave 4 OfTiew. Wnodlswn 1201. lies,. VVorTTswTi 2788; .,1.-14 t -J ,i, I ..T-, TuvT57TT7N- Itot SOtlOO, '1 block, from new park, in K. 8th. - east front, improvement all in and paid; price $1200, V, cash, . -,.JohnsonDodson Co.; 633 NW. Bank b)dg. Msin 877. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Missouri ave.. eaM. iron 1, close to car tine, low prio; e-verl other : lota in Fairpart and Kenton at snap prio. RITTER. XXiVTK A CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad bMg. WEST oUir. llAlti.Al.S. 1 uuutD l'ark. Corl-eU at facing east 100 ft north of Caster, fme river and east side view; owner nearl cash; wiU sacrifice for 84 00. HITTER, I1WT5 CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Ndg. FOR BALE i lot 40x100 feet each, ail ad- lolning, east front macadam aU-eet, walk in, street lights: between two electric ear tines; good location. 8273 each for cash. By owner. Zo2 67th t S. K- Hawthorn car, one block aouui of Powell Vlley road. , MONTAV IIl,A i. Vs asnington at, on. bi x to paved highway, ear Una, store; price $ jOO; $100 down. - - . . RITTETt I1WE A nr. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trsde bMg. ALBERTA. Corner 1. 24tii, Koililo, uu, A business lot at a residence prio. bos OS for lot bargain in all part of town. RITTER. IO WE A CO. 201-8-.1-7 Hoard ef Trade bide. iiOtiUoititlik car iin cunittr on i,iai.ii7s arc. for 8600; out of town owner want offer. RITTER, LOWE A CO. w 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade bMg. DIVISION oi. bsigsui, near K. 001 n, tlU'l.i; all liens paid, or mak offer; owner most bav cash. RITTER. LOWB A CO. v . 201 8.5-7 Rosrd of Trade bMg. COiOMAl llfcK.H 1 K. 2 1rt near Jlse thorae ; this fin lot for V original . onst price. i niVi Kit. I1WK A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad. hM. MAKE AN OFFER on church building nd i"t t 7th and Liberty sts., Woodlswn. Bid received at 807 Vancouver ave. tiil April 1. Right is reserved to reject any or all bide. Phone Woodlawn 6911, i HOUSES 404 395 .DOWN, $22 .50 MONTHLY 5 -mom plastered cottage, bath, toilet gas; ground 60x127 li ; prtc $2045; A good buy. 732 CHAM. Or COM. .- PENINSULA DISTh ICT 31300 $100 iWN Neat 8 room bouse, 2 b!ks. ear., lertrin right, lot 60x1 00rf garage, chicken house, ln fruit and berries, a snap, lnquige Owner, 402 1. Burnside st. WORLD'S FAIR - GOING. ON THE PENINSULA THINK IT OVER . Bny a honse or lot rd let me belpyon bniH little ham. Only handle Kenton dist.rv-t property in tht peninsn-r. A. C McDonald, i&'i W. Lombard. Wdln. 6273.-- CLN1RAL EAST l'ORi LA-ND $3300 6 room house, furnace, elect ri city, fnfi ee mnt basement street peved. walking distance. J. J. OKDER, 4 Grand are. N near K. AnlteeT. CENTRAL fst i'oillLA.SD - $6500 - 13 room ' "honse, arranged for 2 farcfi", furnaces, 2 fireplaces, lot ."iOtlOO, E. Burnt-id St. , walking diatsnce; rented for $i0, J. J. OKDLR, 4 Grand ve si. near F,. Anfcenv. 9 RTMMH, furnished, rer S. P. railroad si.o - . fme big residence; oak floors, full emrt r. baeement, fin plumbing, dotibie gars-re; lo, f, xlOO; street 'jtaved, sewer in, aii for $iOO-J, $1000 tush. Owner, East 3225.