SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1821. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL: PORTLAND. OREGON TOWN TOPICS COMTWG KVTTH Brotherhood of American Yeoman, state ceas e's,. -Eaeen. April. Infer Usual Mining Congiuaa Portland. April to 9. ' A. O. U. W. grand lodge, Portamad. AprO 19. Boresters of America, grand court. Portland. May 22 and 23. Bey I and Select Masters, grand ooneU. K gene, Apnt It. - r -Modern Woodmen of Ac rica. state eamp. Bend, t7 10. - . ' Bebekah state assembly. Albany, May 17. Military Order of too Loral Legion, Portland. May 10. . . Knight of Colombo, auto aooncfl. Portland. May St. ' National Association of Building Ownata and Manager. Jnnm. , Boa Featival, June 8. and 10. Stat Medical association, June, v A. r. and A. M., grand lodsa. Jon 14. ' Order Eastern Bur. grand chapter, June 1. Indian War Veteran of North i if Coast. June 30. -jf--; - Northwest conference of gradual nurses. Jana 22 to 24. State Latter Carriers' esaoc Uoa. Kogeoe, June 25 , : ' . night Templar, grand eommeadary. ... Grand. October lit.. -:. -- WEATHER-FORECAST Portland and Vicinity Sunday fair; heavy f mat Honda-y ' rooming; winds mostly westerly. . Ir gon and Waahinaton onnday fair; heavy 5 frost in early morning; moderat winds, mostly . westerly. ' . " WfiTHEB COSDITIOS9 ' The ouUtandmg feature of today's man Is a . . . . t 4 1 1 n !:&tm low inn.uiT Bm. . ....... . - - - -- - Colorado and covers the central, middle western and southwestern rtales. High presuro prevails along and near the Atlantic coast and over the Northwest, the highest readings being In North ern Alberta and off the British Columbia coast. Precipiurjon has occurred over an irregular area reu-limc from the middle Pacific eoaS and north ern Kooky Mountain re (km to the Crest Lakes. Know is fall ina in. Wyoming:, Montana. Manitoba and snd Colorado. Toe weather is much colder in the norther n Rocky Mountain state and the extreme northern plains region, and is generally warmer in the Central and Middle Western 8 Lata. The temperature is 25 degrees abov normal in the upper Ohio valley and is 26 decrees below norm in Northern Alberta, ' - Relatire humidity at Portland: Noon yesterday. 83 per oeht; S p. m . yesterday., SO per cent; 9 . m. today, 78 per cent j . lrecipiUUon linoe January 1 Total. inches; normal. 10.61 inches; exes. 2.84 inches. EDWARD L WELLS. OBSERVATIONS TEMP. ' - j a 42 24 .08 48 80 ,02 72 52 0 4ft 48 .01 44 4 .06 S3 44 .62 ' 82 32 .02 68 44 O 64 44 ' 0 42 20 .04 76 . . 0 64 Sfr 0 88 .... O 70 B6 .10 " 72 52 0 62 86 .20 52 40 0 78 82 66 0 70 52 0 ,80 .... 0 4 42 .02 I 66 46. -.12 7S 62 0 82 48 0 68 58 0 60 42! .03 88-8 0 r6 ! .08 80 5 ' 0 66 48 O 74 66 .66 62 40 0 46 30 ,.20 ! 64 64 O 62 48 ' 0 60 40 .06 62 32 .04 38 04 I 60 84 O .... 04 48 42 t 0 46 26 -O 82 , . . . 0 SO , 34 : 0 53 84 .01 78 .... 56 33 O STATIONS Baker, Or: .............. Boise, Idaho.. . ,t , TloHton, Mast. . Bemslo, . X. ........, , Cslgary, Alt. ........... Chicago. 111. licnver, Colo. ...".. ... 1 o Moines, Iowa ......., I Kreano, Cal. ............. Helena, Mont. . . ...., 'Honolulu, T. H. ......... . Huron, 8. P..'.,.......... Juneau. Alaska ...... ... Kansas City, Mo. . . . Ixs Angelas.' Cat ....... .-. Marshfield, Or. ........ . Med ford. Or. ........... Memphis. Tenn. .......... New Orleans. La. ....... New Tork, N. T.... ....... Nome, Alaska ........... North Head, Wash.. ....... North Platte, Neb. ........ Oklahoma City. - Okla... . ... Phoenix, Axis. ........... PittKhnrg, Pa. ..,....., I'ortland. Or. ........... Prince Albert, 8sk. ....... Jtoseburg, Or. ...... Roiwen. N. W. . i ........ . Kscrsmento, Cal. ......... Nt- IxHiis, Mo. ............ St. ' Paul. Minn. . ......... Malt Lake City, I' tab, ....... Han Diego, f 'aL ....... . , . . Kan FrancLtco. Cat ........ Seattle, Wash. Hheridan. Wyo. . .......... Sttks. Afcfka ........... Mpokane, Wash.'.,. ....... "Tsnana, Alaska . . . . . . . .-. . Tatonsh vlfland, Waeh. ...... Tonopah, Nevada ......... ;Vlde,. Alaska . . . . . . v auirouver, B-1.....4...,. Walla Walla, Wal. . Wsahintcton, D. ,C. ........ . Tilr'm. Ws'h; P. M. report of preceding day. . ' Sliepherd's An to Bas Lines Portland St Helens division Leave Portland 7 :30 a. m. (Monday only), 10 a. m.. 1 :30 p. nx, 4 p. m. ; arrive at St Helena 8 a. m- 11:30 m- 3 p. m 5:30 p. m. Leave St Helens 7:30 a. m., 10 a. m. (Monday only), 1:30 p. m., 3 p. m., 6:30 p. rru ; arrive Portland 9 a. m, 11 aw' m. (Monday only), 3 p. m.. 7 p. m. Saturday and Sunday leave St Helens p. m. ; leave Portland 11:15 p. m. Buses leave St Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. Phon Marshall 4381. Adv. Shepherd's Asto tsua itaet Portland-. Multnomah Falls devision Leave Port land 9 :S0 a. m., 10:30 a. m 4 p. m., arrive Multnomah 11:15 a, m 12:15 p., m., 5 :45 p. m. Leave Multnomah 8 a. m., 12 :50 p. m.. 3 :50 p. m, arrive Port land 9 :30 a. rru. 2 :45 p. m., 6 p. m. Sat urday and Sunday leave Multnomah 6 p. m., leave Portland 11 :15 . m. Buses leave St - Charles hotel. Front and Mor- ' rlson streets. Phone Marshall 438). Ad, ' Shepherd's Asto Bas Maes Portland Astoria and Seaside - division Leave Portland 10 a. rru, 1 :30 p. m. ; arrive -Astoria 3:30 p. m.. 7 p. m. Leave As toria 10 a. m., 1 :30 p. m. ; arrive Port land 3 :30 p. m., 7 p. m. Buses leave St. Charles hotel. Front and Morrison. Tele- : phone Marshall 438L Adv. Astoria' Stage Commencing April 1, gers wishing to arrive in Astoria early in the evening, the Astoria -stage will leave the St Charles hotel. Front and Morrison, at 1 p.- m., instead of 1:30. arriving in Astoria at 6 p. nx, making U119.-1 wuuiQCLion lor oeasiaar i&uv. : J Shepherd's Aato Bs laes Portland- 8 :S0 a. zn-. 2 :45 p. m. ; arrive Hood River 12 :30 p. m., :00 p. m. ; leave Hood River 8 :30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. ; arrive Portland 12:30 p. m., 5:45 p. m. Buses leave St Charles hotel. Front and Morrison sts. Phone Marshall 4381, Adv. - Banter at Charrh of Oar Father At Easter- service, 10:30 a. m.,1 Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill, Rev. W. G. Kllot Jr. will preach on "The Joyous Life," concluding the March series. Little children cared for in church parlor during service. Slsbeth's Hani tor lam, located at Rock wood station, quarter of , mile south of -Base. Line ; road. This is , a beautiful, homelike and l quiet , place for nervous an'd .chronic invalids. Phone Tabor 8239, or office Bdwy. 518. Adv. "World Imperialism "World Imperialism"-will be discussed by W. R. Snow of Chicago at the meeting of the So cialists at Portland at o'clock Sunday night in Alisky hall, Third and Morrison streets, - : V : . . Forester Allen TJeparts K. T, Allen, forester for the National Lumber Man ufacturers' association, is leaving today for Chicago to attend a meeting of the association to be 'held next Wednesday. Exchange of cards of invitation to Mrs-iRose Coursen-Reed's students' con cert at The Auditorium will take place Monday 10 a. m. Sherman, Clay Co. The Proper ".Number to call la asT 3088 -when you need the Salvation Army truck to come for castoff- clothing, mag azines, newspapers, etc Address 24-28 Union ave. Ma J. John Bree. district of ficer. AdV. ; ; .S ; - I.ectsre Series Closing "She eerles 'of Sunday morning meetings recently start- TRUST YOUR EYE TO US ' iCien tific Optical rServicg Eyes Era mined -Glasses Fitted. tony par ticular ease will receiva the individual atten tion of one of our experts. Satisfaction aa- turea MoOers te charges. 265 Mo Main 6367. . Portland, Oregon. ed at Temple Beth Iarael i by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will be closed this Sun day, as Habbt Wise is leaving for, the Kast during the early part of net week for an extended visit. He will preach at 11, . m. on "The. Influence and Attitude of Religion on literature and Art." Walter Jenkins will sing a solo. J'V-.f 'fl ; f ; Xft:'X i J'K J''i ' ; Veteran to Entertain Over-the-Top post, Veterarus of Foreign , Wars, will g-ive a smoker and entertainment In room 575, courthouse, Monday night. It is announced that one of the best programs yet. prepared by , the post will be given, and all members and those eligible f6r membership are Invited to--attend. . Insist on Bravdly's Pies C?ocoanut, ap ple, pineapple, huckelberry, raisin, apri cot. etc. the j best pies, regardless of price. Bradly Tracy, j (Signed) K- II. Bradly-Adv. , . ' 1 PortlaBd-TTewbei r Boa Leave Fourth and Alder daily. 8 :30, 9 :S0, 11 a. m. and 1. 2 :30. 4:15, :30. 6:30 p. m. : Saturday and Sunday. 11 p. m. Phono Main 3314. Steamer America, for St. Helena and way landings, daily-at 2:30 p. m, foot of Alder street Sundays.- St Helena only, at U:30 a. m. Main 8323. Adv. v : Salem -MU1 City Stage XIne Connect O. , Nft S for Mill City connect O. 2. No. 9 ito Stayton only). Jos. Ham man. Salem 'phone 44. Adv. Portland -Salem Stage Cadillacs, 12 passenger, leave Journal building a. m.. 1 p. m., 4 p. ,1x1. daily. Fare. l-7 Adv. ,gpathi Market, operated, by Paul Ft Spath, former owner Bay City Market, In old location.. Phone Main 804. Adv. Portland-Tlllamook Cadillac stage line leaves Hoyt hotel daily at 8:30 a. m. Phone Broadway 1960. Adv. ' , ' 8. H. Green Stamps for Cash Hol man Fuel "-i Main 353, 660-21. Adv. Br. Vf.Vf. Christie has returned. Adv. EPISCOPALIANS TO PRE SENT LENTEN GIFTS i (Continued From Pace Sixteen) Strain": antliMn, "Christ Our Passover-Is Sscri ficed for us";f Kyria . iElvey) : Gloria yibi (Paxtonl r hymn. "Jesus Christ Is It inert To day": offertory solo by Q. Randolph Thomas ; Sursum Cords (Camidge): Sanctus Camidge) ; Benedictus (Adamg) ; Agnus Pei - (Adams) ; (Jloria id Excelsia (C'i Chant) J Nunc Dimittis (Gregorian -Chant) ; recessional, "The Strife Is O'er." There will also be an early celebration of the holy communion at 7:43 a. m. . and even song st 7:30 p.t m. The children's Easter serv ice will be held at 10 a. m. Sunday evening addresses oa the early history of the Christian church are being given by the Rev. John D. Rice.. . -r- " St, Johns Episcopal Mission At the Easter morning service of the Episcopal church in St. Johns, beginning at 9 a. m., the offertory solo will be sung by Miss - M'Jriel Thomas. The service wiU be held in the Odd Fellows' hall. ; .; - 84 Michaels Episcopal ' The Easter festival at St. Michaels Episcopal church. Rev. T. F. Bowen, vies, will begin with a celebration of the holy communion at 7 :30. At 9:45 the Sunday school will observe Easter with suitable service, and present their Lenten savings, which will be devoted to missionary pnrposes. The principal service will be at 1 1 o'clock, with a choral Eucharist, sermon end special Easter nrnsic Eyrie's communion office will be sung. The anthems win be "As It Be gan to Dawn, on the First Tajr of the Week," and "Great Is -the Lord." by Gounod. Harry 8. Ssunders is choir leader and Miss Edna Bur ton, organi- . Other choir members - are Mrs. John Archibald.' Mrs. George W. Perrins, Miss Lots Cowyill, Mix Erma Rod da. Miss Ruth Brinckerhoff and Mi Bertha Brinckerhoff. so pranos: Mrs. H. Thompson, Mrs. R. H. Byng. Mrs. Dean Vincent, altos; George C.- Burton. H. C Ssvege, IL H. Thompson, bassos: -W. E. Rdaa, Merritt Rodda and C. G. Griffen. -tenors. f. .Church of the flood Shepherd . The Sunday morning Easter celebration at the Chnrcb of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) ; given nnder the direction of tha Rev. John Dawson, follows:. - , .. - : . -j . - Processional- "Welcome. , Happy Morning". ............................. Sullivan Christ Our Passover ............. Mornington Te Dram ... J .............. .. Van Bcekeron Benedictus . - .................... Heathcote Introit "Alleluia, Alleluia" ,.. .. Monk Kyrie . . , , . . .. , . Tuckerman Gloria Tibi ......................... Anon Hymn "Jews Chrwt Is Risen Today", . ... .... ...... i., -, . . ... . ... ..... A Wo an Sermon Anthem, "The Resurrection Morn" ....... ... J. Lamont Galbraith Rnrum Corda i. ................ .. Camigge Communion Hymn "And Now O Father". . . ",......... .. . .... ..'...'.., Monk Gloria, in Excelsis ....... ... . . . , Old Chant Nuns Dimitis .................... Gregorian Recessional "He Is Risen, He Is Risen". ... , . . ............................. Neano 8ti Matthews Episcopal Special Faster services will be held at St Matthews Episcopal church, Corhejt street and Bancroft avenue, Easter Sunday morning at 7:45. 10 and 11 o'clock. , St. Marks Episcopal . At St. Marks Episcopal cbnrch. Twenty-first and Marshall streets, there will be celebrations of the holy communion at 7:30, 8:30. At Jl o'clock the congregation will sing- the com munion service, by Simper. The - rector, the Rev. John G. Hatton, will preach the sermon. Evensong and sermon "at 7:43 o'clock. . Church of Our Savior .",".." At the Chnreh of Onr Savior, Woodstock, the Rev. John Brian McCormick. - Ticar. the chil dren'a service will be held at 10 a. ra., with the presentation of alms and the flowering of the cross. Holy communion and sermon at 11 o'clock. " Evensong and sermon at 7:30. St. Johns Episoopal 5. At St Johns Episcopal church. Sell wood, the Rev. John Brian McCormick. vicar, there WiU be a celebration of the holy communion at 8 o'clock, with, morning prayer and sermon at 11. At 5 o'clock there wiU be the children's service, with the presentation of tha Lenten offering ana flowering of U cross. . - . Grace Memorial Episoopal The following program will be given 8unday morning at the . 1 1 o'clock service at Grace Memorial Episcopal church by a rested choir of 50 voices, under tha direction of H. C. Day, organist: - . ; - Processional, "Welcome. Happy Morning".",. ............ Sullivan Anthem, "Christ the Ixird Is Risen". ..... Soloists, Mrs. M. 1 Price, lira. Charles Moody. Kyrie ..,. Elvey Gloria Tibi ...... . . Hodges Hymn. "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today". .Morgan Offertory, "Hosanns" . L. .......... . .Granier Soloists, Mrs. Harold Bayley and -' ' Miss Kathleen Story. .-. ,. , ..- Sanctus . . . . 1 . ............ Stainer Duet. "Benedietos" ........... ......Adtnu Mrs. A H. St. Clair and Mrs, Louis" I. Bryan. Agnus Dei v ... . Gounod Recessional, "Come. Ye Faithful".-. . Sullivaa DAWN MEET SET (Continued From. Page Sixteen) the communion service. At night an addrene will be given by . Miw Emily S. Hsrtwell of Foo Chow, China. The morning program fol lows: Voluntary; doxology; call to worship and invocation; Gloria ia Excelsis; anthem, "Mighty Jehovah" ( Bellini) ; baritone solo, . , "Crossing the Bar" (Buck), by J. O. Leake; sermon. "Easter Thoughts": baptismal service; anthem. "Ke membranes'" (Carrie Adams). t f - Unitarian - -' Tba Joyous Life" will be the Easter sermon theme Sunday at 10:30 a. m . at tha Church of Onr Father Unitarian) . Toe church school will meet at 10:SO a. m. intead of the noon hour. , Tha children top small for the - church service will be eared for -in the church parlors as usual during tha hour of service. The young people's fraternity will omit their meeting Son day. Tha co nini union service wiU be at 1 1 ;4 5 a. m. , r .!.-..-.- The morning Easter mnw foUows: -' " Anthem, "They Hava Taken Away My Lord." . , , ...... jf ............ Stainer Anthem. -"As It Began to Dawn" ...... Rochau Offertory solo, "Open the Gates .of tha Tem ple" . . Knapp Choir Mitylene Fraker 8titcs. onntrslto : Mrs.' H. J. Hueke. aoprsno; J. Ross Fargo, tenor; Walter Hard wick, basso; Ralph W. Hoyt. 'Or ganist. The regular meeting of the,' Charles Hodge "Lend-a Hand" club will be next Friday at 3 p. -m. ,. -v : - s- -v - , -. " :J . i Latter Day Saints The story of the nrnmv 'taon will be pre sented in the form of a cantata at the Monta villa Latter Day Saints' church. - East Seventy sixth and Irving streets, Sunday morning - at 1 0 :4 5. , The preaching service win be omitted in -the morning,; but the story of tho Savior's triumph over death will be told from the pulpit in the evening. ,. . - : . : - - First United PresbyteHan ... Holy communion wilt be celebrated and new members received Sunday morning at the First Luitcd TtcabjUrian - church. , A irogram v of CONGREGATIONAL i Emter music - win be siren at atiebt by the ' choir.. : i. 1 ,. . New Christian Church v A special Easier program, in which the boys and irl of the Sunday school will participate, will' marie the service Sunday morning at the New Christian. church (Swedenborgian). in the assembly room of the Portland hotel. Dr. and Mrs. Wsrdn win render special Kaater snwc, New members are tt be receired and the Lord s supper will be observed at the clone, of tha serv ice. " Rev. W. H. Reeca wUl speak on the rub; ject, Tha Resurrection of the Lord, ia Man. A.; .; rtratOlylne olsnce - l Rpecial music wiU be fiw" 8un. a. m by Francis W. Ki'hter at the tlrst Invine Scavnce church, 816 East Clay street. Rev. T. M. Minaxd. pastor, wiB preach. . i first SsicHual etenos s . . The First Hpiritnsl Science church will cele brate the seveoty-tiiird anniversary 0BO",r" spiritualim in Manchester hall. 85 H tA atrart, with apeeial progra ms at an S p. Sunday. This year H falls upon .tr Sunday, lecture sen sons will be given by Jtev.Mas Hoflmsn and U E. Philips. ,v Subject. "Cbnat Uai Arkten." Bpecial music. J . : fl.:. . -t; - church e the stranger . f : i .. " . ' 1 -.K Tnitsi I AX tne mors r.- mm v - ---v- I terian Church of the Strangers there, will be I 1 .. hHArmn i-flrarrtiou of new memoers and the obae aace of the Lf.'d s Jrapper The choir, nnder the direction of Mr. Robertson, wtll sing "The King of Love My Shepherd Is. and another anthem. In the evening an fcjster pro gram will be xresented by the little children , a class of young women wiU act out the .Parabla of the tea virgins and tha girls' choir will aing. INGATHERING BY PRES BYTERIANS IS FEATURE 1 I Continued From Page, Sixteen) Jltertor. Andaiito Affettuooo. . . .R. Schumann Communion anthem,. "Holy Spirit, Come. O ; Come" !..,..... .t. , C. Martin The laOth Psalm, 'tj prsiae God m His Hoilnesa"'' .G. C Martin Prrfessior J. Hutchison directs the music and nrcFideS st the organ. The quartet is airs. J. B. EtUnger, sopranos Mrs.- F. Beggles, eontralta; J P. Mulder, tenor, and IVan Zan, baritone. On Monday the industri branch of the Woman s association meets for special work from 10 a. m. t 5 p. m. At 1 V- m . tliere will be the monthly birthday luncheon, those women whose birthday come, during March to furnish tee luncheon.: ' . , . j Cslvarr PrssbrteHsn At Calvary Presbyterian church there will be a vesper strvice at 4 SO p. ni. on Easter . Sun day. The regular choir of the church direct by Miss Margaret Ijimbcrfon. organift, will be as sisted by Mi Kuth Agnew and the newly organ ized choir of the Fourth Fryteriao chrch. under tha direction of George. Hotclikisa Street. The program follows: , - j i ... Organ Easter Morning v- . . . . Mailing Hymn 232 and prayer. ' f Carol "(fod Hath Sent Hw Angels. : Anthem "Awake I'p My Glory ...... .Barnriy Baritone solo "Gloria " . : - - .... Bui:Peccia S Arthur Strickland Anthem ,Mn tha End of the ,Sabbath ..... '.-.., -i. .i i tnin Anthcm4-"Ift Tour Glad Cower".. ... Schneeker Antliem "Uark Hark. My Soul". ..... Khelley Soprano sch) "In the End of the Sabbath .. .i. ...... Speaks Miia Ruth Agnew ' t Anthem "They Have Taken Away My Lord . ..........,...- BK.UWH Benediction. ' Poutlude "Gloria" u . . . - - Moeart ; ' Trinity PrcabytsrlaA i Trinity Presbyterian cbnrch will hold Easter services as follows: The Sunday school program will be given at 9:45 a. m. Rev. J. D. SIc Innsn, pastor, will preach at 11 a. ra. on the subject, "Tha Re-urrection Body. ' New mem bers will be received at this time, followed by DIRECTORY Easter Sunday TJnlfonn , Sunday School Ijessoii ; "The Living Christ." Matt-28 :1-10. Golden Text "I Am With -on Always. Even I nto the End of the World. " Matt. 280. y Younfr People's Topics -l BapOst rnic "Lesson ' From the First Eaer." Mark 18:1-20. Vrat Christian Endeavor "Lessons From ,the First Easter. Mark 16:1-20. . i . Epworth league "Lesson From the rtm Easter." Mark 16:1-20. Baptist mt White Temple. 12th and Taylor. Preaching by Iter. George K. Vamey of Cor vallis; 1 :45, cantata, "Resurrexit"; E, Side E. 20th and Salmon. Rer. W. B. Hinson.. 11. "If Christ IsNot Risen"; 7:45, "Whst to Do With Christ.' . Third Vancouver and Knott. . Rev. K- B. Close. 11. "He Is Risen"; 7:30. "The Garden of Joseph. . Arleta 48th ave, and 4th st S. E. Ret. Owen T. Day. "Breaking the Seal of Death"; 7:30,' Easter service and baptismal services. Calvary -E, Rth and Grant' Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11, "Explaining It Away"; 7:4 5, il lustrated sermon. - j ..." r Glencoe E. 45th and Main.1 Rev. W. B. Stewart 10:35, Easter service by the Sunday school. 11, "Resurrection'"; 7 0. evangelistic service by Dr. 8. J. Reid. SeUwood Bethany R. W. N. IVrri 11, 7:80. i--- t - '. :.. '" ? J ' Grace--E. 76th and Ash. Re. W. H. Tol Uver. 1 1. 7:30. . ; , ! y Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rer. ft G. Siolan der. Preaching by Rev. E. BjorkQUt. : 10:30. 7 :30. - St! John Chicago and Leonard. 11, 7:30. ' Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Bev. Walter In Riley 11. 7:30. . l- rnrverslty Park Drew and Fisk 11. 7:80. Mt Olivet (colored) Broadway sad Everett. Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8. Elin Swedish E. 6th and Alberta. , Bar. August Olson. 2 :SO. ' Bta 88th at and 60th svs. :; Ray. E. A. Smith. 11. 7:80. ' ' . Second (German) Rodney sad Morria. Rev. F. Hoffmann. 11. 7:30. ( i , i :. v - OaUlOllO - : . Pro-Cathedral 16tb and Davis. 6. 7:16. 8:80. :46. 11. - , St- Peters Lenta Rev. J. P. O'Flyan. 8. 10:80. 7.30. SL Law Mce 3d and Sherman, Hugh. . 8:30, 10:30. 7:30. Sr. Francis K, 12th and Pin. Bar. J. Ct Res. L UcNameeu 6. 8. 9 :16. 11. 1 : ' Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton. Rer. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. 9. 11. 7:30. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clack i mas. Rev. E. 8. Olson. 6. 7. 8. 8. 11. 7:30. ? St. Rom E. 83d and Alameda.; Rev. J. O-Farrell. 8.-10 :80, St- Andrews E. 9th and Alberta. Bar. J. Kir man. 8, 10:30. 7:80. . - Tha Madeleine E. 24 th and Sisktyoo. Bast. George F. Thompson. 7:80. . 11. ' Ascension E. 78th and TambilL Francis a Father. 8. 10:80. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland sad Blandena, Rer. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30, 7:80. - ; Holy Cross 774 Bowdou. - Rer. 0. Ray mond. -8. 10:30, 7:80. - St Ignatius 3220 43d st, S. K. Jesuit Fathers. 6:80. 8. 10:30. 7. - - 1 St. Stephens E. 42d - and Taylor. Bev. Warren A. Waitt 6. 8 :80. 10 :30. 7 :30. : Holy Redeemer Portland - blvd. and Van couver ave. Rev. William 1. Darin. 6. 8, 10:30. 7:30. , , St Philip Neri (Paulist Fathers) B. 16th and Hickory. , Rev. M. L Fsrry. 7:30. 9. 10:80. 7:30. 8t Clements S. - Smith ave. hod Newton. Servile Fathers. 8, 8, 10:30, 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center. RV. W. Gregory.. 8, 10:80, 7:80. St Agatha 16th and Nehalem. Rev. J. Commisky, 8. 10:30, 7:80. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and FaXl B. Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:30. 8t Joseph (German)- 15th and.Cuaeh. Rev. Frouin Eppea. 8, 10:30. 7:30. 5 -, St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill. - Rev. M. Bal-trs. 8:3T), 10:30, 7:30. , St Claires Capital Hill. , Father Atoysius. O. F. M. 7:15. 9:15. St Charles E. 33d sod . Alberta. Bev.' 1C Wallace. 8. 10:30. All Saints E. 39th and GUaaa. . ' ' Bev. Father William Ore nin. 8. 10:80. ' I" St. Patrick 19th and Sarier. Rev. Chart M. Smith. Masses. 8. 9:15, 10:80, 7:45. 8t Birgitta 'a chapel - Linnton-Glen Harbor. fAUended from St Patrick's). 9.30. Our Lady of Sorrow E. IS 2d and "Wood stock. Rev. G. C. Failn. 8. 10:45, 4:30. St Anthoty'a Chapel 7022 45th ave. Bar. G. C. TUu. 9 am. ' Holy Family Chapel E. 37th and Rex. Rev. G. C. lallu. 9:4S. 7:43. Chrtstlan First Park and Columbia. Bev. Harold K. Griff is. 11. "Death tha Dynamic of Ufa"; 7:46, Easter program.. . . -j East Side E- 12th and Taylor. 11, S. Church of Christ Rodney and Knott Rev. Joseph Boyd. 11. 7:30. - i '- k- Montavilia K - 7 SLh and GUaaa. -- Bev. Gar roll I", Roberts. 11. 7:30. Kern Park Rev. F. H. Ghormley. ' ! , - St John Central and Oswego. . Bev. Her bert Jones.. 11, 7:30. , - Tabernacle M. 2Nth and. Alberta. Jtev. R. Tibbs Msxey. 11, 7:30. Chrtttiart Setofwe J . . lesson subjectr-"Reality.' ' . ; First ISth and Everett 11. 8. Second E. 6th and Holladay. II. 8.- - Third E l 2th and Salmon. 11, 8. , Fonrto Vancouver and Emerson. 1 L S, ,4 Fifth 62d and 4 2d ave. 8. E. 11. Sixth Masonic temple, 368 Tambili. M, 8. Seventh Smith ave. and New I'ork.-1 IL . Ail churches Weunatdaj. 8 p. as. ' J - cr mm union service. The choir will furnish spe cial -music At 7:80 p. so. Henry Wildermere's Easter cantata, 'The Living Chrttt. consisting of twelve solo,' duet, trio and chorus numbers, will be rendered by the choir. A cordial in viutica is extended to- all. ' "-",-.; : Rose Chy Park Precby - "The Gospel ; of the Reanrrectioo" is Rev. Donald W. M. MacCSuer'a Sunday mo mine theme at Rose City Park - Presbyterian church. The choir wiU provide special- Kaster music for the morning seme and in the evening will sing Monestel's r"Tha Seven Last Words of Christ-" The- music will practjcairy fill the hour of eve ning oerrice. The annual congregational meet ing will be held at the church en Thursday eve ning,. April 7, at 8 o'clock. - - ; Uttlty Prasbytcrlan -: ' . : The mumical pn.gram at the Unity . Presbyteri an chnreh on Easter will be as follows: Morning ... , - "Calvsry" Rodney - Mrs. Bchippers 'Kiji Victorious" .Marie M. Hiae . ,. ' Choir . Evening '- I "I Saw the Holy City" .. .(.4 .... . . .Wildemere ': - .-, v. . . . . Choir " - '.," "Oh Jesus Thou Art Bunding".. . ........ ., Walter Howe Jones Mtv Mclntyie and Mrs. Donogh , Solo Selected. By fnr. Evan ArdieL "I Saw the Holy iCty" Wildemere Choir , "Wake Sweetest Strain" .Meredith Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Schippers "The Holy City" ... .'. ; . . . . . .Herbert Johnson Claude B. Porter "He Did Not Die in Vain" ...... .TuHar Mr. . and Mrs. Stewart . . . Mount Tabor Prasbytarlae Mount Tabor Presbyterian chnreh has made elaborate plans fox its , Easter services, which will begin with a Christian Endeavor sunrise prayer service at 7 a. m. The Bible school will hold its special service in the church auditorium. The aaorning service will be devoted largely to the reception of new In embers, baptism and the communion, service. . The special music, will b the Easter festival anthem, "Welcome. Happy Morning," and the Easter Messiah. "Life and Immortality to Light" The following sacred concert at 7:30 p. m. will be given nnder the direction of Mrs. W. L. Ireland, choir leader: Male chorus. " Kaater Carol". ..... .Scbnecker Solo, "In the End of the Sabbath" Oley Speaks Mrs. W. L. Ireland. Anthem, "I am He That Li veth" . i ... ...... .Chsrles P. Scott Quartet, "The Choir Angelic". Hanscom W. F. Downing, Mrs. W. L. Ireland, Miss Augusts Parker and John G. Kilpatrirk. Women's chorus, "Light and Life Forever". . . . ... t. .............. . Geibel- Rodney Solo, "Angels Roll the Rock Away" . C.'-D. Hawley 3Iiiis Augusta Parker. ala chorus, "A Wonderful Easter" , . ; . . E .8. Loretiz Anthem. . "The '"Resurrection Morn" .,......,...., 3. Lampnt Galbraith With solos by Miss Helen Gslbraith. Solo. "Lord of Light-and Love". .Julius Edwards E. Maldyn Evans. Anthem. "Christian, the Mora Breaks Sweet ; "O'er Thee'!, ... .. ...... ........ Shelley 7 Mlxpah Prssbytarisn, . . . The advent of Easter will se fittingly ob served at the Mizpah Presbyterian church, both in tha Sabbath school and in the church services. The pastor. Rev. D. A. Thompson, will pcescb. at 11 a. m. and at 7:45 p. m. His morning theme will be "Tha Crowning Miracle of All tha Ages"; bis evening theme, "The Resurrec tion Victory," The , following iwogrsm of musio will be given, under the direction of Mfcs Nina Walker, director of music at Mizpah church: ... , Morning: ' ' . Anthem, by the choir, "Rise. Glorious . Con queror, Rise" .-. .Porter Anthem,, by the choir. "God Hath Appointed a Day" . . :". - -Tours Duet, by Mean. Leslie Martin and Robert Wallace, "The Crucifix" ..... - F.W. Rosier Violin solo, by Miss Helen Harper, "Kligie . . ..... ,....... Ernst Anthem, "the 'choir. "Christ is Risen, Halle . lujab:" ..'.,., .-., t . , . -- - Semper Evening: Anthem, chorus-choir. "Christ Is Risen"... . Abbott Solo, by Dr. Ella J. Welch. "Easter Tide".. 1 OF CHURCH Oongregatlonal I- First Park and Msdi'on Dr. W. T. MeEl veen. 11. :"Living As If Von Were Immortal"; 7:45. musical program and question and answer service. t . . . Sunnj-side E. S2d and Taylor. ' Rev. J. J. Staub, 11, "The Glory of the Resurrection";' 7:45. "The True Meaning of Easter Joy." Atkinson Memorial E. '29th and Everett Rev. E. E. Flint 11. "Tha Resurrection"; 5:30, vesper -service. , - Highland E. ' 6th and Preseott Rev. Edward Const nt. 11, "Easter- Message"; 7:30, music snd pageant Waverly Heights E. 82d snd ' Woodwsrd. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 1 1. ,. fTh Resurrection" ; 7:80. "Immortality." , . . Laurelwoodj 45th ave.' and 63th at 8- IS. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11, "Easter Thoughts"; 7:30, address by Mi Emily S. HartweU of Foo Chow, China., Pilgrim Missouri and Snaver. Professor Harold S. Tattle of Forest Grove, supply. 11. University Park Hsven and Lombard. Bev. f) H. Johnston. 10:80, 7:80. L Finnish Mason and Aibina. - Rev. A. A. Harju. 6 and 8 p. as st. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond. Preach ing by Rev. George H. Hull, at 11 and 7 .30. Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Bev Ole Torgeten. 11, 7:80. First German Ebenezer E. 7th and Stanton. Rev. George Kocher.- 10 :3t, 7:80. - , Second German E. 6th and Sk ulmore Rev. Henry Hagelgsna. . 11. 7:80. Zioa German E. 9th and Fremont Bar. J. H. Hopp. r 11. 70. ,1 - : Ounksrde Church of th Brethren Borthwick and Brsl nard. Rv. George C CarL 11, 7. tpracopal , Pro-CatbaCal of St Stephens 18th and Clay. Bt Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop: Very Rev. T. T. Hicks, dean. Holy communion at 7:30. 8:30 and 11 a. m. Sermon by tha bishop at 11. Evening prayer and sermon by the dean at 7:4 5. ; . '. Trinity 19th and Everett ' Rev. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 7, communion; 11, musical pro gram and short address by tha rector; 8, musi cal service. .'. 8t Davids E. 12th and 'Belmont Rav. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 6:30, singing; 8, com munion; 9:30. 11. full choral celebration, of the Holy Eucharist- - .j ' :, ... .s, .,.!,. St Marks 2 lit and Marshall. Rev. J. O. Hatton, rector. Holy communion at 7:30. 8:30 and 11. " Sermon at 11. : Evensong at 7:45.; St Philips 42 Ruase 10. 11. St Andrevn Hereford st. Portsoath. Rev. John D. Rice. 7:45. communum; 11, Easter service; 7:30, evensong. i , Graca Mssnortai East lTth and Weidlsr. Rev. O. W. Taylor. 11, musical program. 8. - Bt Michael and All Angela 43d aad Broadway. Rav. F.T. Bowen, vicar. T:30, com munion; 11, choral eucharist Church of Our Savior 60th ave. snd 41st it, 8. K. Rev. John B. McCormick. 10, chil dren's service ; 1 1 , holy communion and ser mon; 7 :30, evensong and sermon. -; i Bishop Morris Memorial Good . Samaritan hospital. Rev. F. K. Howard. 7 and 9 :30 " st Paula Woodsaere. Bav. Oswald W. .Tay lor. 4. AH Saints 25th and Savier. Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 10 and 1L .' St Johns Memorial 16th snd Harney. SeU wood. Rev. John B. McCormick.; 8, communion; 10. school; 11, morning prayer and sermon; 6, children's service and presentation of Lenten offering. - - - - - St Matthews Corbet and Bancroft Rev.. E. H. Clark, vicar. Easter services at -7:45. 10 mud H a- m. .... , - Good Shepherd Vancouver and " Graham. Rev. Jqhn Dawson, rector. 7:30. 9:45, 11, musical program and-sermon; 7:30, ' -- Mission at St Johns BickneC hall. Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. 9. Easter service. St Peters Chapel 1960 Stark. 10. " St James Chapel E 72d at and 87th eve. 10Chapel of th Transfiguration K. 60th sod Diwuon. 8 p. m. . . . . - ... . Evangelical . , - First -E. 6U and Market Rev. sts Msurer. 11. 7:80. ; Clay 43treet 10th and : Chiy. Rev. Jacob Stocks r, 10:4 5, "The Resurrection of Christ"; 7:30, "The Disciple of Emmaus" (holy com munion service ) . Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan. Rev. J. C. Ledlin4 10:30, "Discoveries st the Open Tomb of Jesus"; 7, program and sermon, "Resurrectioa Views. - , - " Lents F. B. Cotver 11. 7:30. " ' ' St Pauls E. 8th and Filling. . Rev. J. Hsr gart 90. .11, :30, 7 :30. ,. . West Portland Multnomah station. Bev. P. M. Fiaiier. 12. 7:3U. . , Frse Methodist rirst E. 9th sad MiU. Rev. W. J. John te ll. 7:30. . Central E. 65th sod Flsndera. ReY. S. G. Roper. 11. 7:30. Albert E. 80th and Wygant 1 Rsv. 8. L. Burns. 11. 7:46. . 8u Johns E. Richmond and Hudson. Bav. B. D. Blackmaa. 11. 7:30. Lenta Rav. O. K. Blair. 11. 70. First E. 35th and Main . '-Bav. Ho tr L. C. 11. 7:45. i Second E. 92d and 61st era. 11. 7:30. - West Pdmoa Borthwick aad Jersey. Bev. Carey Jessup. . 11, 8. i :,' Jewish , Coegregstkm Beth Israel ' (Reformed) 12th and Main.- Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Office 716 Chamber of Commerce bklg. Sabbath servicea Friday at 8 p, A. and Saturday at lO :3 a. a. School. Sundays, at 10 a. m. Assembly, 11. CongregaUon Aha. vei Kholom Park and Clay eta. Itabbi K. AbnhamsKm, Friday, 8 p. m.; Saturday, 8:30 . m. Congragatioa Novah Zedek Talmud Tom h 6th and Hall. Rev. Abraham L Rosencranta Friday. 8 p. m. Saturday, 9 a. m. Sunday. 10 a. m. Religious- school. , - - . Church ot Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints . , . '-. ' . ' . . . . .... - Bracket Anthem, chorus-choir, "Awskening Chorus" . . . . . ... . . . . . . ; Gabriel Violin solo, by Miss Helen Harder; "Walther a Prix jjong" . ,,.... . ... Wagner-Wilhelmi The- society of Christian Endeavor will held s runrise prayer meeting at 6:30 Easter morning.- , The pastor will lead the meeting- All Endeavorers and friends are cordially invited to attend. The catechetical elaaa . will meet on Wednesday from 3 .30 to 5 p. m. The regular eommunknt , service and reception of members will be held next Snnday. April 3. Infants may be presented for baptism. - Tha pre -co ram anion preparatory service will be held on Thursday at 8 p. m. A meeting of tha session of the church will follow, when members will be received, both by letter and on confession of their faith. Tha Women's Missionary society . held a largely at tended luncheon at the borne of Mrs. Leslie Per shing on Tuesday, Piedmont Praabytarlae ' Easter Sunday ' at Piedmont Presbyterian church wilt be celebrated in a new ,way. la the morning there will be no exerrbes by the Sunday school st the church hour. Instead, each department of the school will conduct servicea in their own way in their separate rooms. The beginners' and primary departments - have in vited the parents to attend. The regular Sunday school exercises will be held with a few extra members by the children to aaow the parents- the regular work of the erhooL This afternoon the children are decorating their rooms with their handiwork. At the chnreh hoar there will be spe cial music and Rev. J. Francis Morgan wiU de liver his sermon, entitled "The Resurrection Body.'! - In the evening there will also be spe cial music, one of the numbers being "The Daughter of Jairus," s cantata sung by a choir of about : 20 voices- under tha direction of George E. Baker, organist. - The following quar tet will take part: Mrs. Blanche Myers, soprano; ' Miss Alice A. AKlnch, alto; U; l. aiorgan. tenor; Mr. Hopkins, basso. The- program follows: riixrai "In That I lav Shall Tha Lord of Hosts." soprano and bass recitative; tenor solo. "My Hope Is in the Everlasting." soprano solo and recitative; enorus, - Awaae 1 nou -i nan nieepi ; soprano and tenor duet, "Lova Divine. Ail Leva Excelling." i In the near future this choir will be increased to 80 voices and giro s sacred concert, the pro ceeds of which will be used to buy music lor the coming year. - , - Hnlv communion wiU be observed April S. st which time the pastor intends to greet 50 new members, as a result of the work of the church deaconess. This same Bandar nas also Been set 1 snide as the dsy for the every member canvass. ' The annual congregational meeting will be held April 7. , " Forbes PretbrteHan j , New members will be received ' and Easter I anthems sung by the choir Sunday morning at Forbes Presbyterian church. The musio at the morning and evening services will be under the . direction of C. H. Robinson. The Rev. W. W. 1 Long will give an Easter message at both scrv ' lee. ' - i : .. . Men's Resort . , . . The Easter service will be beld at the Men's Resort Sunday at 7 :80 p. m. There will be an Illustrated Jiibie talk by tne Iter, uevl J ohn ! son. The song service will be led by B, Des laond. ' -( -.- ,- '. :y :; t-'i'1-, j Ksnilworth PrasbybMHsfi . j Special Easter muic has been prepared by the 1 choir of Kenilworth Presbyterian church for ' tlie Sunday morning ana evening sernees. The Rev. L. K. Grimes will preach at both servicea. j Fourth Presbyterian .?;:.. ' -- : '' Six singer from the Street studio will give the morning mimical service ; Easter day at the Fourth Presbyterian church and will . assise ia the 4 :30 p.' m. service at Calvary Presbyterian church. Following is the personnel; . Helen Levoff, Irene Alleman, sopranos; Kathryn Crys lcr Street, alto; Paul Gelvin, ' tenor;. Arthur Strickland and George Hotclikisa Street, bari tones. The numbers at Fourth church will be: Anthem, "In the End of tha Sabbath" (Lan sing) ; soprano solo, "Te Bells -of Eastertide" (Dressier), by Mis Alleman; anthem, "Hark, Hark My Ronl." Millard Avenue Preabyteetan At the Millard Avenue .Presbyterian church Easter will be appropriately observed by the Sunday school at 10 s. m. An interesting pro gram has been prepared by the different classes. The Sunday school collection will be given for the Presbyterian board's work in Chieng Rung, SERVICES IN -E. 25th and Madison. Herbert C Iversoa, mission president 10, 6:30. Reorganised Church E. 76th and Irving. Elder C. E. Jones. 10:45. cantata. "Tlie Resur rection"; 7:45. "Triumph Over Death." .-.:.- -i Lutheran .' St James W. Park and Jefferson Rev. William. E. Brinkman. 11, 7:45, cantata, "In Old Jerusalem," -by Sunday . school. , .. . j. - . St Paul E. 12th and 1 Clinton. Rev. A. Krause. - 10, confeeaional service: . 10:30, ser mon. "The Wsy to the Easter HaUeraja"; 7:30 (English), communion and sermon, "The Risen Lord-ahd Hi Precious Sacrament" k TrlnltV (Missouri Synod) Rodney and Ivy -Rev. J. As Rimbacfo-- 19:15 . (German) ; 7:30 (English). ' . . . . ; . . . ' .,: ! Chnreh for Deaf Rodney and Ivy Bev. J. A, C. Beyer. 2:30, "The Significance of the Resurrection." '. Onr Saviour E.. 10th and Gnnt Rev. M. A. " Christensen. 1 1, "The Risen Christ s 6 :3. Luther league, led by Ferdinand Christensen. 'Bethlehem Norwegian 14 and Mva Rav. H. J. Thorpe. 11. Betner Evangel al Norwegian (Free) Wy gant and Bodney Bev. A. A. Borrerik. 11, 7:45. - . .- ' '- Grace (English) E." 24th and Broadway Rev. C. H. Bernard, 1 1, '' Evidences of Christ's Resurrection"; 7:30, "Two Sad Disciples - Re joiced." - Bethany DanUt Evangeliealr TTnion and Mor ris. Bav. L. P. Kjoller. 10. 11. 7:30. St Johns Peninsu and Kilpa trick Bar. Is Ludwig. . 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustan Stanton and Rodney Rev. V, G. Ogre n. 10:45. 7:45, Immanuel 19th and Irving Rev. JL T. Aa darson. 11. 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Porta no Rav. 8. O. B. Knutsen. -11. 7:30. Zloa Evangelical (Missouri Synod) -Chapman and Salmon Rav, H. H. Koppelmaa 8:15. 10:15. 7:45, - Immanuel (Missouri Synod) B. 15th and Leo Kev. H. C. Ebaling. 9:30. J0:80. Ger man. , - - I Church of th Redeemer (English) B. 15tb north and Wygant School 10. service 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. BaV. A. Saiminen. 10; Sunday school. 7. , St Marks (Wisconsin Synod) Mallow and Bkidmor. Rev. P., Hinder r. , 0 :30, 2 :30. V Method Irt Episoopal - Centenary-Wilbur E. 9th and Pine Rav. Frank L. . Wemett 9:46. Sunday school pro gram; 11, meanor 1 service for Father Flyna; 7 :30. sermon by Fred Canaday. Central Vancouver and Fargo Bet. "A. R, Maclean, 9:45, program by Sunday school; 11, 7 :30, sacred concert Clinton-Kelly E. 40th sad Powell. Rer. K. S. Mao. 1 1 , "The Greatest Discovery . of th First and All Centuries"; 7:30, "Love Trium phant" by Mrs. F. M. Jasper. Epworth 26th and Javier. Rev. Frank Moore. 11, Easter program by the choir and Sunday school; 7:80, "The Church . and the World'a Frontier." r First 12tn snd Taylor. Rev. Joshua - Stans field. 10:30, "The Larger Christ"; 7:45. "Easter Perorations." f- Fir Morveiiia Ikobh 18th and - Hoyt Rev.C -A. Peterson. . 11. "The Message - of Easter"; 7:45, sermon by Rev. H. P. Nelsea of Seattle. German Rodney snd Stanton- Rsv. F. A, Schumann. 10:45. S. ' Hoyt St 15th and Hoyt Rev. E. X. Herter. 11. 7:30. Lanralwood SS. 63d aad Foster. Rsv. B. X. Finiey. 11. 7:30. Lenta 86th aad 58th ave, r Rav. F. B. Sibley. 11. 7:45. V - Linooln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. Bev. W. N. Byars. 11. "The Living Christ": 7:30. "ReDent- f tee That Count." i M cots rills E. 80th snd Pin. Rev. P. A. Ginn. 11. 7:30. Mt Tabor E. 61t asd SUrk. Rev. D. L Fields. , 11, 8.- Patton Alberta and Michigan. Rev.' Georg H. Bennett. 11. 7:30. , Ross City Park E. 58th and Alameda. ' Bev. C. W. Huett 11, "The Easter Message" ; 7;30. "His Last Week," given- by Sunday school. SeUwood E. 15th and Tacoma. Bev. W. R. Gordon. 1 1. "The Saviour's Ister Message to Mary Magdalene"; 7 :30, sacred concert Sunnyaide E. 35th and -amhiu. Bev. T. H. Gallagher, 10:45. "The Power of Hope ; 4, infant baptism; 4:30, communion; 7, - Easter Sunday w.hooi program. St. Johns W. Leavitt sad Syracuse. .- Bav. W. E. loster. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beeeh and Borthwick- Bev. ; 8. Moody. 11, 7 JO.. University - Park Flake and Lombard. Bev. H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30. - Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danisli R kid more and Vancouver. Rav. Gusts ve Storaker. 11, 7:30. Westmoreland Milwsukie and' Midway. ' Rev. E. t). Mace, 10, 11, 7:30, preaching by Rev. S. H. Dp wart Woodrtock 4 ti-nd Woodstock S. XL BeV. L. . Poor. 11, 7:3U. - . Woodlawn E. 10th. near Durham ave, Bev. J. H. Irvine, 11, program by Sunday school ; 7:30. special music and men ge. African Zion 117 Williams are. Bev. L A, Moore. 11. 7:30. - : - Dutrict superintendent, 'Rev. William "Wallace To igaoo. 691 . 62d st S. Tsboc 2790. ' - 1 - -";.' M. E. Ssutll' ' '''':" .'-.--. First Union and Multnomah. Bev. J. B. Hams.-11, VThe Open Gates"; 7:45, "Immor tality." :...':.... . . ' Pint -l0 and Weidlar. ' Rev. A. U. Bosm. 11, 7:30. SeUwood E. 9th and Spokane. Bev. Heary Bell. 1 1. 7:30. W .1 ..wwl Ali ... ., V,K m ' - w.. Oi V. Fowler. 11, 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Bv. VT. P. Reebaugh. 11, 7:30. Scandinavian 048 Garfield, Rev. 2. &. Mittby. ..11. 7:30. - Presbytarlan - First 1 2th and Alder. Dr. Harold Leonard Bovwnaa, 10:30, "Xiie's Conquest of Death ; 4, Tlie Tub The ideal tub. frock for spring and summer ia obviously the unbelted chemise dress which so effectively simplifies the problem of landering. - Linen,, organdie, gingham, chambray or cotton voile are the most appropriate mediums for this type of frock which may combine one or two of these fabrics most successfully. Organdie or bastiste combined with plaid or. checked gingham is very attractive, particularly when the dividing seams are accentuated by cording. or bfas folds of the material. The string girdle may be Tunnan, China. This is lh most northern sts-1 tion of tie North - Siam , mission. .: The Bev. ! Henry White will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Appropriate music will be rendered at both services by George Covey. There will be a reception of new members and infant baptism st the morning service. PORTLAND' communion, baptism and reception of new mem bers: 7:80, "The Easter Truth in the Natural World." i . Westminster East 17th and 8chuyler."; Rev. Edward H. Pence.- 10:80, "The Besurrection of Chrixt -Greatest Event of History"; 4, com munion, baptism and reception of new mem ber. ',-, . ' - ; Centr! E.' 18th and Pine. Rev. Walter Henry Nugent 11, "Death Defeated"; 5, vesper aervic. -Calvary 11th and Clay. Bev. L. Bowring Quick. II. "The KeMirrection" ; -4:30. choral vesper service. . r Mt Tabor E. 65th tnd Belmont. Rev. Ward MacHenry. 11, communion, baptism and recep tion of new members; 7:30. Easter concert, Vernon 1 9 th and : Wygant Rev. J. C Mergler. 11. 7:80. ; Piedmont Clsvelasd ' and Jarrett' Rev. 3. Francis Morgan. 11. "The Resurrection Body"; 7:80, "The Stone Boiled Away." ' - Fonrtb First and Gibbs. Rev. Monroe G. Everett' 10:30. "Behold He Is Alire Forever More"; 7:80. y - . .j - : ;:. Kenilworth E. 34th and ' Gladstone. - Rev. L. K. Grimes, 11, "The Resurrection" ; 7:30, musical program. . - . . Hope 76th and Everett Bev. H. E. Giles, 11, 7:45. . . Rose City Rev. Donald W. , M. McCluer. 11, "The Gospel oft-Th Besurrection"' 7:45, gnus ical program. . , . ,: Forbes Granam and Gantenbein. Rsv. Ward Willi Long. 11, "The- Groupe About the Sep ulcber"; 7:30, "The Message of the Empty Tomb." --:.. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. .- Rev. John D. McLennoa. 11, "The R urrection Body" sad communion; 7 :30, sacred concert. Anabel Rev. F. H. izaeU. ' 11. 7:80. Millard Avenue 55th ave. and 7 3d st Rsv. Henry White. 1 1, "The Observance, the Mean ing and Message of Easter," baptism and recep tion of members; 7:30, "The Observance, tha Meaning and Message rf Easter," Marshall Street 17 th and Marshall. Rev. A J. Hanna. 11. "- Mizpah E. l&th gad Division. . Rev. D. A Thompson. 11. "The Crowning Miracle of All the Ages"; 7:48, "The Besurrection Victory." Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Bev. 8. W. Sas msn. 11, "The Easter Fact and Glory"; 7:30, "A Voice From Beyond the Grave." Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Tie v. Alex ander H. Evans, 11. 7:80. . Holt Chin 138 H First - Ret GS Bing Hoy. '7 p. m., school; 8, praachi ng.w Refeemed- Evangel teat Pint 12th and Clay. Rsv. G. Bafnar. 10:45. 7. Second B. - 33d aad' Columbia blvd. - Rav. H. Heuaaer. 1L ' Third Lenta.,, Rev. A, F.. IAenkaamper, 11, 8 (English), - ' Rf oerned riestyterfen First Minnesota and A ins wort ' Bev. F. XX Fraaer. 11, 7:80. SmirUi Oaf Atf-tntUi - N ot Regular service of ' this ' dsnomlnatioai sre held oa Saturday. Central E. 11 th and Everett - U K. Dick eon, paator. 10. 1 1 :16. i Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery. B. J. Hibbard, minister. lO. 11. - Montavilia K. 80th and Everett J. A, Gar hart 10. 11. - . Lenta 94th t and 58th ave. -W. D. Hoat ington. . 10, 11. . . St Johns Central ave. sod Charleston. A. B. Folkenberg. - 10. H. Aibina 6k idmore and Mallory. Elder Jobs laaaa. 10. 11. Sasvatlofi Army Oorpe No. 1243 Ash st Adjutant Henry & Cozens. 11. S . 16. 8. Cc m No, 4 1284 lt Ensign Jessie Mills and Captain Mrs. L. Upton. 11, 1:30, S. 6, 8. , . - - Spiritualist First Spiritualist E. 7th and Hssaslo. 8. First Spiritual Science 85 W 6th st Bv. Max Hoffman. Celebration of seventy-third an niversary. 8, 8. lectures by Rev. Max Hoffman sud L. E. Philips. "Christ Has Risen. Scientific (-nristisn Spiritualist -Alisky ball. Rav. R. M. Singleton.' , 5, 8. Spiritualist Chnreh of Eternal Light 1340 lnvmon. Rev. Msy A. Price. 8.: IndeoandeBt Bible Spiritua listio 441 E.12 . Rev. Ida M. Schori. 8. - ....... ,. - Swadenbetsjlasi - Kw Christian Assembly-room Portland hotel. Rev. William H. Recce. 11 "The Resurrection of The Lord In Man" and communion. : ,. Unltsrlan Chnwh of Our Father Broadway snd Tamhifl. Bev. William G. Eliot Jr. 10:30, EaMer musio program and sermon, "The Joyous Life.", O.: V? :' United Brethren : v ';-; Conference superintendent Rsv. G. E. Mo Donald. .... . , -. , -. First K. 15th and Morrison. Bev. Byron J. Clark. 10:4 Ok Sunday school program and ser mon, '"The Certainty of Th Resurrection," 9:30, musical program.. , - Second - . E. 27th snd Sumner. Bev. Irs Hawley. 11. program by Sunday acbool; 7:30, evangelistic service. - Third 67th st and 32d ave. 8. . Re. E. O. Shepherd. 1 1, program by Sunday school; 7 :80, preaching by Rev Ira Hawley. - Kmirth FYemont Rev. Leila Lackey. 11, Sunday ' school program; . 7 :30 "Risen With Chnst" United Evans! I ' First E. 10th and Poplar. Rev. J. A Gooda 11. 7:80. Ockley Green WfUametta blvd. sod ; Gay Rev. H. H. Famham . 11. 7:30. Bt Johns Rev. C P. Gates. 11, 7 JO. : " United Pisitntsrlse - First E. 87th and Hawthorn, Rev. H. P. Given. 11, communion and reception of mem bers : 7:30, mimical program. Church of tlie Straagerp Grand and Waaec Rev. i H. Esrl I Hi Boia. 10:30, cemmunion, ban finm and reception of new members; 7:30, .an Easter program. Kenton 120 W.' Lombard. Rev. Carl Seiftf Dunn. 11. 7 JO. Multnomah Mnttnrtmah atatinn. Rev, David Steele Sharp. 10, Lt, :40, 7:30. , if J l Frock of cotton or the same fabric Is the frock, and is-usually tied loosely in front: or at one side. '' The frock at the left s es pecially desirable, for it slips on over the head, thus eliminating the bother and an noyance, of hooks and eyes. The becom ing, cloning frock at the right requires bat two buttons to hold' it 'in place and achieves a "charming curve outline, in this case; with bands of gingham. (Copyright. 1921, by Tha Vogue Co.; .' . New York.)- ... Woman's Club Elects New . Officers Br Vella Wlsser, MRS. CHARLES E. RUNTON was unanimously reelected president of the Portland Woman's club at the annual meeting held , Friday afternoon. Other officers elected were: Mrs, O. M. OHnes, first vice president ; Mrs. Frank Mc Crlllis, second vice president; Mra. Chester Hopkins,, recording secretary ; Mrs. O. B. McLeod. corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. D. L. Rovey, financial secre tary; Mrs. O. P. M. Jamieson, treasurer; Mrs. J. C. Bryant, auditor ; ,Mrs, Thaxter Reed and Mrs. Dan Martin, directors. . The - club voted to send a letter of approval to the , Portland Motion Pic ture Exhibitors league commending the action on the , films exploiting Clama riamon. : uub votea as expenses xor the Jury bill.' " f i Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, president of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, a guest of honor, addressed the ladles on the several measures that are to be voted on at the coming special election, and especially urged the women to vote for the women's jury bill. D.r. Owens Adair gave a brief - talk on the sterilization bill.' ; n - : - Mrs. Herman J. Hucke, soprano, sang "Hay Making, ;by Need ham, accom panied by Mrs. May, Van Dyke Hard wick; '.'Reading as an Exercise," by Miss Ethel Sawyer, and she asked the women to use their influence in providing better literature for the young people under 20 years of age. : Refreshments were served ; Mrs. H. C. Rhlneheart and Ervin G.Leihy poured. ' "The current literature department will give a card party for the benefit of the building fund on April, 14. - ; - . . . "Boosting Home ' Products' was the subject of a speech given by Milton A. Miller st the meeting of the , Holman Parent-Teacher association Thursday af ternoon. The children of the school gave a fine literary and musical program. The Americanization class gave a fine enter tainment Saturday evening. FY W. Parke of . the Americanization , committee showed a number of slides of a number of the founders of this' country. A. C Dixon gave a short talk And pupils from the Failing school gave musical selec tions.. American ation classes are being held regularly now st St. Matthews mis sion.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl VW-Murphy and Miss Mary Hog-sun are. the teachers. The next . community - dance will . be held Thursday evening next-and that being the first of April it will be in the na ture of a childhood frolic and people are requested' to" wear children's" costumes. Mrs. A. F, Burkhai-t is in charge. . ; ..... ' . -- . c r , i r "The Daughters of the Covenant will hold their next regular meeting on Tues day night at B'nal B'rith building at 8 o'clock?. Mrs. Sam Newtso, who is in charge of the program for the evening, bas arranged a card party for the mem bers. Brittge and "500" will be played. Splendid prizes- have been provided snd refreshments will be served by the social committee. The Daughters of the Cove nant at their last meeting voted to adopt another war orphan. This is the second orphan adopted . by - the Daughters, who are doing commendable work in war re lief and along all other lines worthy of support. . '.-'.'.;....-" ,-- e ,';':-.- The Cedars committee of the Portland Women's Ad club has srranged .for the Portland Community Service girls to give an entertainment at the Cedars this evening. . S. PIlcher, who is a national community service song leader, will lead the group In a sing. 5 The Woman's, Auxiliary to the Rail wax ' Mall ' association held - 1J.S . monthly meeting Thursday , at Mrs. Alvfn C. - Custom Mad .... . Overstuffed Davenports - S97.50 Better Furniture eaa not be built Word can not describe the remarkable value we ar offering. They most be sees te fully realize -the ridiculously larga saving that ean be made. . Chairs te Match m Dmnfn, .. 987 -SO. Jf Jf allon ' Deeorailv Workahop 860-61-61 t Mllwaukl 8t Display Room . 420 Moras Bltff . Baker's lovely home at 1171 Hflnuu i street. Sixteen ladies were pres.i.nt 1 enjoy the pot luck lunclx-on served 1 ' the hostess. After a short busni' , session by ' the president, Mrd. (T. A. Bump, a social time was enjoyed. Liv tron of officers will. take place at t !'.- April meeting, held April 28 at the hoiii ' of Mrs. Carl Abrahams, 1105 Belmont Street. , h ;', V A U I E V ILLS) PAN'ar.1-8 Proadwsy st AHer. Illnh ela- vaartevilie and ilio.Hlay features. siwrnooa and evening. Program changes Monday after noon. , . LOEWS HIPPODROME Broadway at Tira- liiJI.. Direction Aekrrman llarri. vaude ville, Afternoon snd bight. STOCK BARER .Morrison at Eleventh. Baker Htx-k company, in "Pollysnna." aanee, Wednes day. Saturday and Bandays, 8:80; ever igs, S:20- LTRIC Broadway and Morrison. Lyrlo Musical , Travesty company. In "rincnea lor ri sa i tng." Matinee dally, 2:30; sieninn, 8:20. PHnropuiYsi '.. COLl'MBIA - Sixth at Ktatk. Florence VMor and Hoiife Peters, in "Lying Lips. 11" m In 11 p. a LIBERTY-Broadway at Stark, "Th Flaur Seeker." 11a.m. to 1 1 p. m- RIVOl.l Washington at Park. Allra Brady, in "Out of the Chorus. 11 a. to- to 11 P. m. MAJESTIC Washington at Par. Tom Moore, ia "Hold Your Horses." .11 a, i to it n. ra. PEOPLES West Psi st Alder. "Th Killer. " 1 1 a m, to 1 1 p. m. STAR WashhiBicn st Park. Frank Mayo, In "Th Magnificent Brut," 11 S, m. to 11 p. ii. CIRCl.i: Fourth near Waslilngtr.n. "A Beggar In llirple." 9 a. "ra. to 4 o'clock tha nest morning. ' , FRATERNAL Webfoot cabin. W. O. W.. Friday nifcht held a largely attended meeting and enjoyed a, social evening, -Apple were freely passed "around and five members were presented with a ham each for attending. Police Judge Rossman paid a warm tribute to I. J. Gordon, past consul of Webfoot camp, who died that day. The camp .will attend his funeral In a body. .'."' '.. . . - " There was a jolly time at Klrkpatrlck Council -, Security Benefit asuoclatton Friday night in Swiss Rail. There was good music, plenty of dancing and re freshments. In the animal race for membership the, elephant Is ahead, but the other animals are pulling for the lead, - '.;,'. .I-... e Multnomah camp. W. 6. W., hold a Short business session In the small hall Friday night, and then every member hastened' to participate In the swirling social dance in the big hall. .' -'-- e Hassalo lodge,, I. O. O. F., conferred the third degree Friday night at the Temple, First and Alder streets, on a class of 14, with a large attendance. . Al Kader temple. Mystic Shrlners, will hold one alluring meetings Sat urday night at the Pythian building. The adepts will be there in strong force. .'. . . . a The Eastern Star club party and dane tonight at W. O. W. hall, 334 RusHell street, is the event of the Aibina section of the city this week. , . Members of the Loyal Order of Moonn of Portland and Vancouver will be glad to learn of the apparent recovery of W. 8. Chisholm, past dictator of the Vancouver lodge, and east moose of the Columbia Legion, who recently under went a severe .operation at the hospital. Hot Lake Arrivals - Hot Lake, March 26. Arrivals at Hot Lake sanatorium Wednesday were : T. t . Yates, Stanfleld ; John McBrlde, Seaalde ; T, V. Fujiyoshl, Walla Walla; Mr. Charles McQulre, Seattle ; Elmer Ale Alllster, North Powder; M. MacLeod, and T. D. Farrer. Caldwell, Idaho. .AchifigFee make you INEFFICIENT AND CAUSE YOU MUCH . SUFFERING D. W.' EIrod Main 433 1115 Selling C!Jr. Corrects the Cause AMUSEMENTS Municipal Auditoriuni Monday, March 28 :1S P. M. Popular Price Concert by THE PORTLAND CHATCnIO SOCIETY -0HORUS Of 10O VOICES ASSISTED V OTTO WIDIMiriS, Baritone BOS I ST LOUIS SAStSOKl. VIoflnlH and th Lotui Ladles' Ctiorv . RESKRVKD 8 EATS, SOe AND 75o OH SALE AT SHERMAN. CLAY et CO.'S MARCH ZS AND 28 LA-ek-a.M tffa-s". . ' v -JBS JVM,i,mj t lss. 1 ST7a '- 1f H v-jl j HARRIET REF.1PEL TiiEForiD : DANCERSt ) HaWW Y WOtsm swS no X tV '.I j OTTO AND 8H EHIDAn' ' tVIAIST't f40ILTY tncq i . MARGUERITEawo ALVAI- - Z r.IOSSand FRYE j NOW PLAVINO , TMK RLAY THAT PUTS JOY IRTO LI VINO POLLYADIM THE CLAD OIRL PANTAGE C f l MATINEE DAILY 2: SO. J - Alexander Pantages Presents "SEPTEMBER MORN" tt'iih Frank Budd, Bnbrrt lyirento and s I , Broadway Beauty Chorus. 7 OTHER BIO ACTS 7 8 SHOWS DAILY NlfVHT CURTAI. 7 ,' Tired W I 53 Tv, x7;k a i -., kti DmJf STOCK COMPANY ,i v