The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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STrmmph of Caster Bay Mill pe Wdll m ortlanxl
ermon and fiosig
Sunday m
JSVERAL. hundred new mem-
br will receive the hand or
fellowship Kaster Sunday In
the Presbyterian churches of
. Portland, as a climax to the
campaign which the churches have been
waging for- the past , three . months.
Easter has become a day of a great in
gathering of members in the Presby
terian church throughout the nation.
In the suburban churches the Kaster
sommunlon service andfreceptlon to new
members will be in thefmorning, but the
list of new communicants Is so long at
tfirst. Westminster an4 Calvafcr church
si, that the pastors havie provided a spe
aial vesper service at 'A o'clock to wel
come new members and" celebrate the
Lord's supper.
First PrMbvtsrlan
Tha first PresbjrterUn church. ' Twelfth snd
Ilder streets, will observa Easter Sunday with
ei.oronnate mam and niuie at both wrr
tsea. Tha petnr. Bar. Harold Leonard Bow
man ' 1. !.. will oreaeh in tb morning from
tha subject, "life's Conquest of Death." with
a teit from tha book of Revelation "Ba thou
faithful onto death and I will give the a crown
of Ufa." In the (twini at 7 30 tha subject
will b "Tha Easter Troth in the .Natural
world" with a taxt from John's gospel "Kxerpt
m com or wheat fall into tha around and die,
if sbkieth alone: but if it die it bringeth forth
murk fruit. " Thia church jrill also bold an
afternoon aai ilea at 4 o'clock with tha celebra
tion of tha Ixwd's supper and reception of new
members and baptism of children. At noon
tha - Sunday school will observe Easter with
general program in tha church auditorium in
which all deoartments of the school will iois.
4 a prelude to the evening service, tha organ
ist. Edgar K. Couraen. will give an organ recital
with the following program: .
(a) "Prelude and fugue in .P". Bach
Ib) "ITayer and Cradle Song" . . , . . Guilmant
e "Bluotte" .; i. ....... .liillet
. The quartet will ting an Easter carol at each
service. . In tha morning it will be "Christ the
Lord is Risen Todajr." by Maar. and in tha
evening a sixteenth cantor carol, "UWa Ear
Uood OirisUui Men.'
' ' , Wsttmlnstsr PraebyteHan
Westminster Presbyterian church experts to
Celebrate its greatest day of tha year ftundajr.
It service will begin with a. young people's hour
at 0 a. m.. led by UIm Margaret Skavlan, on
tha topic of "Leasona from tlie First Kaster."
It will be held in tha main auditorium, where
tha decorationa will carry out the spirit of the
day. Dr. K. H. Pence has chosen for his
morning theme. "The Resurrection of Christ
Greatest Event m History." I Hi ring this morn
ing worship there will be tha ceremony of infant
baptism. People are requeated ty be on hand
promptly at 10:SH .a. m., as a year ago tha
church was crowded." - There will be no evening
ferric e. but instead there will be the Kaster
communion vesper service at 4 o'clock. - Besides
tlie communion there will be a claes to be bap
tised and about 75 will be received into grmrcn
membership, the largest accession from the Bible
arhooi in the history of this church. Those who
expect to loin and have not met with tha session,
may do to during the Bible school hour, 12:10
to 1. or at S .15. jut before the afternoon
meeting. The special music for the day will be :
Morning at 10:31)
Anthem. "Light of the World, We Know Thy
FrmW (from "The Light of l.fe"
! .... .Edward Elgar
Tenor solo, "Kaster Sons" . . .-. Albert ntallhisnn
Offertory, Allegro Vivace... C. M. Wklor
Anthem. "Sing Ya to tha Lord"...C. H. Uoyd
Afternoon at 4
Aria, contralto. "Like as a Father PKieth
His Children" from Ruth). V. Vi. Cower,
(Concluded on Page Five, Column Three)
(It is divinely decreed)
7:45 P. M.
By Pastor E. J. Hibbard
You'll want to hear it.
Tract Depot
266 Alder St.
Sehofield Bibles.. $2.75 sp'to f 15
w TegUmeaU 91.50 to 92.50
Oxford Bibles.. $2.00 p to 98.50
. 5w TetUraeati...,.35 to 90
Xelsoa Teachers Bibles 94 to 98
Am. Society's Bibles 75t to 93.75
2fsw Testameats ........... ,.50t?
Marked . aad Red Letter 3f ew Testm
meaU from. ....25 np to 91. 50
Lrrtares the BIffereat Books of
the Bible aad Prophetic WriUars
-Hereafter I
' ACTS ttlt, 81- : -
Many scriptural texts proving; that
human perfection, . both ? mentally
and phyalcaily, will be brought
about by a gradual process of res
urrection. Everyone should hear
this interesting; lecture by
Speaker for the Iateraatlonal BJble .
; 8(deati Asaoelatloa
Sunday, 7:30 ' P. M.
llth St. Bet. Washlsrtoa asd Alder
Catholics Prepare
S p e c i a 1 ; a s t er
flusical eProgra.m
On Kaster Sunday mormnjf every de
vout Catholic makes1 a supreme effort
to be present at tha services in. Lis ap
pointed house of worship because Easter
aay is the preat day in " the Catholic
church. Choir directors : In " Catholic
churches of the city have prepared spe
cial programs of j murfc: for thia glad
day. i Holy communion will also be cele
brated in all churches.
j - - i. Lawranos Catholic .
fv..: fAnnwim mndi! fiui hweri ftneeiallv" av-
A lUUW.M - "
ranaed for the solemn w at 8t. Itwrences.
Catholic chnrcb at 10:30 Kaster moraine:
Introit ....... . . . - tirea-orian
Krrie. Gloria, Creoo, uonnoa a Aiease noun
nell" ,v-t8t. Cecelia)
Offertory . . . . . . . . . i -.J. ...... . Begins Coali
I ; U. Gordon.
ftanctus. ' Benedictos, Agnus Kel ....... Gounod
Benediction: Sanitaria ; (duet), Tantua
Ergo (choir) , Laadate, t i -.
March , . . i t .1 ...... . Orchestra
Soloists, Bart Pippy, A. F. Ftemine, Berths
r.4nA. .1... "MfKmnmmrt Frank Kinr-
dan. A. W. Ledbery. Joseph Alstock. Irene Mer-
tell. Sirs. Harr wuusidb, -lireyv rn, r
Barbara UcKtoms, Xura Ranchette, Cecilia
Mcluahlin, Katharine Lasfch, Sylvia Cbehak,
Margaret Schoppe. - Hora Meyer, Kva Berailard.
EUiabeth Cole. Bose.Wsnk, Ethel Bani-h. Es
ther Gardner:- organiat, Elsie Wank; director,
Bertha A. Gardner; orchestra under tha direc
tion pf lienry BetUnsn.
SI. Patricks Oath olio '
Bolema high maaa 1 at 10:30 . m., with a
apeciai musical program, will be held at St.
Patricks Catholic ctrarch on Easter Sunday.
Low masses will be said at S and 0:15. The
boys' vested choir sings at 10:80 a. m. At
7:45 p. m. the vesper psalraa will be rendered
by aa adult choir. Uias Ann Sherlock, organist,
and tha boys' choir i directed by George iien
Bessy.i ' I
' . GU ; Frencia OoUtode
The choir at St.! Frencia Catholic church,
Catherine CoTach-Frederick -director, has pre
pared the following music for Easter morning at
tlie 11 o'clock maaa: s s:
Kyrie .......... ..4.-..'. A. Monestei
U loria . t A. Monestel
Veni Creator i.. . . .4 . ...... ... Wiegand
1 uiaa arsraae aim :
Credo' ... .. ... ,i. - ..........- A. Monestel
tlffertory. i " - - I
Kegina Coell ................. a. vremei
Hanctns ................. A. Monestel
HenedictiM .................... A. Monestel
l.i j, ........ 1 . A. Monestel
llueannal .. . . v, .-.k . ..." Grennier
Unfold Tel Portals .(ItrdemDtion) .. .Oounod
Soloists Miss Catherine Ualvin, Mi Esther
Hogaa. Mfcw (Gertrude Kuns. Seoondo lie Bte
fanis.i Prank Thomlinson, K. Louis Frederich,
. . I i . 1. L.' . V lw... Hullivan
3 Christian Science
Lectures Announced
First Church of Christ, Scientist, an
nounces a free pdblic lecture on Chris
tian Science by Mrs. Blanche K. Corby,
C. S. of Los Angeles. CaL, member
of the board of lectureship of the mother
church, the First Church of Christ. Sci
entist, ia Boston, Mass., In the church
edifice Friday evening, April 1 ; Sunday
afternoon, April 8, and .Monday evening,
April 4. The public is cordially invited.
' Prayw Society to Meet
The Society for Spreading the Knowl
edee of True Prayer, as organized by
Mr. Rawson, will meet in the Blue room
of the Portland hotel Monday evening
at 8; o clock.
1 E. R PENCE, D. D.. Pastor
1 -: - . ,:
4 :00 Cominaiuoa and Keeeptiou of Members.
:00 A. M. Y r. society toaster Bernce.
i Morning aud Afternoon.
Tenor Solo Easter Song. ......... .Mallinsoa
Anthem Ught of the World. ........ . .Klgar
Anthem Sing Ya to the Lord ......... Lloyd
Ario, UontrsitQ ."Like aa Father". . . . .Cowen
Holy Sptnt. ikwne . .... ... .Martin
Corser . Testa and Weldler Streets
; Take Broadway Car.
ALP13T M.' BOWES, Pastor
' : Phone Eart 7SS ;
Easier program by Sunday School. 9 :4S a, m.
' - ' Eaatev Maasage. 11 a. ra. ' :
"Faith's Anchorage"
Special Toung People's Service, 6:30 p. m.
1 Subject of Sermon. 7:30 p, nv
"Christ Himself"
Apostolic Faith
Meetings 'held at 10:30, 2:30 and
?:0 every Sunday, 7:4a every night
In the week. All nations meeting Sat
urday night. J . ..
All welcome if o collection
First Spiritualist
Special All-Day Services Sunday,
March 27th
Anniversary of. Modem Spiritualism.
... Meetings at 11 A. M., S P. . M. and A
8 P. M. Manas Circles between
neebnes. Special Music and Mediums.
Plonk Lunch WhT e Served at 1 P. M.
Dinner Win Be Berved at P. M.
- (Charge 88 Cents.)
H. EDWARDS MILLS will speak at it
A. M. on "The New Life Reaultinc
From the New Mind." 143 13th St.
Assembly, room of Realization League.
Elaborate musical programs by the
choirs, reception of . new members, and
special exercises by . the Bible school
children, are among the unique features
announced for. the Sunday services in
the Methodist churches of Portland. Tha
glad Easter story will be beard in every
Methodist church in the city. ' Several
of the Epworth Leagues will open the
day's celebaatlon with a sunrise prayer
service. . . . : : :, -' - .. ,
Fk-rt Methodist . V. t i .;
A special feature of Ratter day at the First
Methodist church will be the early salutation
service and "Morning Watch' of the Epworth
league at 7:30, which wiU be followed by the
i:tiwnrh Isasne Eaater breakfast at H Ai. The
great Easter service will be at 10:SO. , Besides
the Easter sermon by the pastor there will" be
a baptismal service and reception of new mem
bers. The special Kaeter oiferinr will be for
the call of S10U0 for the superannuated preacher'-
fund and other conference causes. Tha
Hunday school Easter program and exercises
will be held in the church auditorium a 12:15.
In the afternoon, the younc people will make
hospital visitation with service of song. ; At the
night service at 7:45 there will be a great
Easter musioil serrice of anthems and traffics
and a short sermon by Dr. - Joshua, Stansfield.
At the Epworth league at' 6:S0 there will be an
Eaxter nrogram with three special vocal music si
numbers. The choral choir and quartet will
give the following music: ? ; k - - - ':
Anthem. "Exalt Him". .......... . Hansen mb
Solo, "Eaaur Song" .Harker
Cioldie Peterson. .
Quartet. "Awakel Thou That fileepeet". ; ....
Anthem, "They Have Taken Away My Lord"
i.-' Bteiner
Anthem, "I Am Me That Ijveth".;. Scott
Quartet, "frft the K.:ng Reign". , .Whitehead
Chorus, "Worthy is the Lamb" .... & . Handel
The quartet members are: Hortrano, (ioJdia
Peterson; contralto, Either Collins Chatten;
tenor and director. K. Trevor Jones; baas. P.; A.
Ten Haaf; organiat, tiwladys Morgan Jr'rmer. . ,
, Oantenary-Wl I bur Methodist i .
The special Easter services ' of Centenary
Wilbur Methodist church will begin with a pro-
. . 1 tl 9 1 , - 1 A . . -
g raj ii mi lot nooiuj sciiovii uor, w m. w.,
as follows: Prelude, selected, Sunday school
orchestra: hymn. "For the Beauty of the Earth";
hymn, "Hallelujah" ; violin solo, "Ave Maria
(Schubert), by Alias Gladys Johnson, accompa
nied by Mrs. Mary Bullock; scripture lesson,
"Tha Resurrection Story," Dr. Frank L. We
mett;" song, "Easter Lilies," primary girls; or
chestra, "Calvary"; tableaux. ''Nearer, My Ood,
to Thee." with violin obucato by Clara Htaiioro.
- The special services which have been con
ducted at the church during . tha past week will
be concluded on Sunday evening tf a general
rally of all' organizations. - Fred canaday, gos
pel soloist and choir director, has taken entire
charge of toe services on tnese evenings wncn
the imAtnr was detained by illness.
Old residents of Portland, more especially
those of the Methodist persuasion, will nvHUy
recaU Father Finn, a character whose service
as a minister belongs to tlie pioneer period. It
happens that the anniversary of bis mrtn Tails
npon Easter day thia year, and inasmuch as
the latter part of his life was closely associated
with both Centenary and Wilbur Methodist
ehurehe. it has been decided to . commemorate
the event during the Easter service Sundsy
morning. ll. u. nortsmever wui resa sv uidbw
and a beautiful floral tribute. -contributed by
friends, will be presented to-the widow. ; ..
Central Mathodist '
Central Methodist Episcopal church win open
its Easter day of praise with a sunrise prayer
nutiiii st 6:3(1 conducted by the a Epworth
League. This will be followed by a breakfast
served In tha church. An excellent program
will be given by the children of ' the Sunday
school at 9:45. closing with the baptism of in
fants. The Easter sermon will be preached at
11 a. m. by the pastor. Rev. Alexander II. Mas
lean. Appropriate music will be sung by tha
choir and new members will be received into
the church. At 7:30 p. m. the day will cul
minate with a sacred coneert, under the direc
tion of James A. C. Oakes, with Vis .Eileen
Sprague at the organ. Thirty voices will par
ticipate. 1 tie cnoir wiu oe assisxea oy r..
Keeler. tenor soloist. The Drocram follows
Anthem. "Thia Is the Day" Cooke): violin
solo, "Aw Mini" (Gounodl Miss El van I'ete'
huitma solo -"Gloria" Peccia) . Ferns W.
Abbett; anthem, "Sanctus" (Oounod). solo by
E. W. Keeler; ausrtet. "Soft as a votce
I Peace),- Carl W. Sakrison, Miss Kathleen
Uannt Wiu Iiis Oskas. Ferris VV. Abbett: or
gan solo, selected from "The Seven Words
of Christ" (Iu Bois),-Mlss Eileen Sprague; so
prano aolo, "Easter Vespers" (Shelley). Miss
Kathleen Mount, nolm obligate by Miss r.ivan
Petermn; anthem, "He Shall Come Dowa Iike" (Rnckl; tenor . solo. "The Cross
(Ware), K. W. Keeler; anthem. "L'nf old, Y.
fortais (uounouj. t ,
- . - Woodlawn methodiit
Easter exercises given by the Sunday school
and choir will be. a feature of tlie Sunday mora
ine services at Woodlawn Method itt church. Spe
cial musiT has also been arranged ' by Frofejeor
A. V. Iiavki for the night service. . nowuiwn
church has been able to retain Oliver J. Gill
as annerintendrnt of ita Sunday school and
president of tha Epworth I,agne, though he has
moved .0 miles from the churcn. ne irequenv
ly awists also in the muic at the Sunday night
service. -
Sellwood Mathodist
At. tha Sell wood Methodist church Easter
music will be a special feature in ail the services
of the day, and tlie entire evening will be occu
nied by a sacred concert.- Some of the chief se
lections will be "Resurrection Light," a cantata
bj E. L Ashford; "Down in the tdlied Gar
den." an anthem by Ira B. Wilson, and "Christ
Is Risen," by Carrie B. Adams. Leading parts
will be taken by Mrs. Bessie Caine Carson and
Miss Florence Manny, sopranos; Mrs.. G. A.
Simon and Miss Hla "Marcy, contraltos; Pro
fessor F. C. atreyf eller and H. L. German,
tenon; D. 8, Marcy. M. A. Crail and Mr. Lam
bert, bassos, with Miss Helen, Gordon, accom
panist. ; The concert will begin at 7 :30. '
Tha aiirriect of tha Easter : sermon at 11
o'clock will . be "The Savior's Easter Message
tn Marr Masrdalene." It will be missionary day
in the Sunday school, each class bringing, its
offering for tha Centenary pledge, which is
about 1400- The Epworth League will hold a
sunrise praise- service- at o:s o crocs: ana conr
ii-t ita femilir service a ft :30 n. sa. - - 1 ;
There will be a banquet for the members and
constituents of the churcn Thuradsy evening at
6:30.- Bishop W. A. ghepard will ; be the
speaker. .-
- Clinton Kelly Methodist : I !
' Mrs. F. M. Jasper will tell a ' story of the
First Easter." entitled "Love Triumphant,
at the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal
church. Powell and ust Fortieth, streets. Bun
div eveninc at 7:30.- The atory was written by
Florence Morse Kingsley, entitled "For a Street
Boy o4 Jerusalem." The service will be unusu
ally neipiui ana inieresung in uie story sna
music. The pastor. Rev. E. 8. Mace, will preach
on "The Greatest Discovery of the First and
All Centuries," at 11 a. m. The Kev. a. H.
- 10:80 A. M.' ' ' '---.
i ' . '.' .- . -i V'-;''?' . X -
11:00 A. . '."
. " Christ Is Not Risen'
7:30 P. M.
"What to Do With Chrise
(East Morrison er Ran thorns Ave. Can)
(Elaborate Plansiilade
TVi ramnvetinn atnrr nf ttiei first srlad
fmm thn niilrtitn nf Portland. Church choira, pastors and Sunday school auperin-
tendents have been exerting every effort
a glad day,
Elaborate decorations of lilies, palms
and flowers are being placed today in
the churches by florists and special com
mittees, to help add charm to the day to
be celebrated Sunday. -' 1 '
But thougrh Easter Sunday ia a day of
rejoicing, the churches of Portland will
not forget those who axe not able today
to enjoy the best 4n life. As Christ came
to the world to relieve suffering, so will
his followers on- this Easter day exem
plify him by giving of their substance to
the suffering of the world. . v
- Holy communion will be celebrated
and fitting , festal - music rendered on
Easter Sunday In the Lutheran churches
of the city. Many Lutheran children
will . . celebrate 'i their : first communion
Sunday following the confirmation serv
ice. A special service has : been pro-
at Trinity Lutheran church.' ' I
St. Saiila tutlimi I
Easter services, inchidinf; confession and holy
communion, both morninc and eveninc, will ba
held in St. Pauls Lutheran church by tha Rev.
A. Kraose. pastor. (Vmfessional serrice takes
place at 10 a. m.. Tha subject for the' festival
sermon at 10:30 s. m. will be "Tha Way to the
Easter Hallelujah. " All morning services are
held in tiermsn. The evening service at 7 :30
will ba in -English. -
: ssraoe Lutheras -..
A class of confirmants at Grace InthTan
church will celebrate their first communion
service Sunday morning- et 11 - o'clock. Tha
Rev. 0. H. Bernhard will preach Kaste ser
mons both morning and evening. - .The Indies'
Aid aoclet will meet Thursday at 3 o'clock.
. St. John Lutrwrsn
The choir of KL Johns 'Lutheran churrh is
preparing ,o riva Harry Rowe 'Bhelly's Kaster
cantata, "Death and Life," and Max gpicker's
anthem. ''Fear Not, O Israel," on the - Sunday
after Kaster, under the direction of G. Haehlem.
Miss llohbenger will be the organist.
. St, Jam English Lutheran
Sunday evening the Bible school of St. James
EncOsh Lutheran church will present the can
tats. "In Old Jerusalem."; with solos by Master
Allan Balds and S. R. McFarland. Banday
morning the following special music will . ba
given: Anthem. "Christ Is Risen" (Maunder) ;
trio. "Now on the First Pay" ( Bliss) . by Mrs.
Fred Gram, Mrs. H. 8. Rudd snd Miss Ruth
Brace; aolo. "In the Eve of the Sabbath" (Otry
Speaks), by Miss Ruth Agnew. ,
. Trtrrity Lutheran .
' Esster services will be held for the deaf of
Portland on Sunday fternoon at 2 :30, : at
Trinity Lutheran church by the Rev. J. A. (.'.
Beyer. He will preach on ''The Significance of
the Resurrection." Miss Holds Isaacson will
render the hymn in the sign language, "1 Know
That My Redeemer Lireth." Ail deaf persona
are invited. .
Dewart will preach in Westmoreland chapel at
7:30 p. m.
Rose City Park Methodist
- A program, entitled - "His Last Week." will
be given by the Bible school of the Rosa City
Park Methodist church at the hour of the eve
ning service. Tha Kev. C. ' W, Huett, pastor,
will deliver an Easter message in the morning.
- Lincoln Methodist
Services will be held at the Lincoln Methodist
church in keeping with the Easter thought. Tha
Sunday school will give its program at 10 a. ra.
There will be special music at the morning ser
vice at 1 1 B'elock. - The evening service theme
is "Repentance That Counts." Rev. W. N.
Byars, pastor, will speak at both services.
First Norwegian-Danish-M. C.
Th Rev. C. Aneust Peterson will preach an
Easter sermon Sunday morning at the First Norwegian-Danish
Methodist church. At night the
sermon will be given by tha Rev. II. p. Nebea
of Seattle. lv
Sunnytlde Methodist
Sunnjnrfde Methodist church is planning for
a great r.aster. A sunrise prayer service will
he held at 6:30 a. m. by the Epworth League.
The morning worship will begin at 10:45 o'clock
this week. At this service . 70 new members
will be -welcomed into the church and Or. Thomas
H. Gallagher, minister, will preach from the
text, "The Power of Hope. At 4 o'clock' the
pastor will conduct a baptismal service for sev
eral infants snd young people. Several new
members will also bo received. Promptly at
4:30 the Easter holy communion will be ob
served. The evening service will commence at
7 o'clock, with a special program by the Sunday
M. B. Extension to
Hold Annual Meet
The annual meeting of the city church
extension society of the Methodist Epis
copal church will be held Monday night
at the First Methodist church. Dr. Ralph
K. Diffendorfer, educational secretary
of . the committee on conservation and
advance of the Methodist church,, will
be the : honored guest and will ' give an
illustrated lecture on the . first . year's
achievements of the -centenary move
ment. Dinner served at 6:15 In
the Oxford parlors of the First church.
Officials of ; the city church extension
society who will be present are J. R.
Ellison, president; Sam Connell, vice
president; E. A. J3aker, secretary, and
I. C. Cunningham, : treasurer. - Bishop
W. O. Shepard and Dr. W. WV Youngson
will also attend. The pastors of the
city and their wives, and the official
members of every Methodist church and
their wives or husbands, are expected to
be present. . The public wilL be welcome
to the lecture which begins at 7 :30 p. m.
Nazarene Missionary Meeting: Called
The Scandinavian Kazarenes of Port'
land will meet at 3 o'clock Sunday after
noon at the Scandinavian Nazarene
church to organize, a Toung People's
Missionary society, for the purpose of
carrying on a more aggressive home
missionary work and to study the need
in the foreign fteld.- '
First Presbyterian Church
ajder at Twain
wlH olve Castsr Mea
nt koth ssrrisss
: 10:30 . M.
; " 7:80 V. M.
Within' Walklna
1 1
for Caster unday
EUiBter day will be heralded Sunday
during the past few weeks to make Eaater
Suhday ' schools of Multnomah county
have pledged themselves to raise funds
on Euster Sunday to buy food for the
starving -children of China. 'That this
program will be carried out quite gen
erally is evidenced by the response
which has been received from; superin
tendents. One hundred pastors have
also notified .the Community Chest that
this civic and "humanitarian movement
will receive v special mention ui ttifir
OUlpitS. - V v ' V '
The children ivill take a; prominent
part in the Easter Sunday services In
the United Brethren churches. The pas
tors have practically turned over their
morning services to the special pro
grams of music, which have been pre
pared by the Bible school members and
the choirs. Evening services in United
Brethren churches will be evangelistic
- First United Brethren
. Sunday morning at "10:40 tha Sunday school
of the First United Brethren church will combine
with the church service in celebration of Easter.
A special program of music and exercises, a ser
mon from the pastor on "The Certainty of the
Kesurrection, and an anthem from the choir
entitled, "I Saw the Holy City." by Widerraere,
will be features. In the evening the choir will
give Uie following program:
Anthem, choir "Joyful Bells Ring Out"...
Hymn, choir and congregation "Harwell". . .
........... ..................... Mason
Prayer.",. - .
Antheta. choir "Alleluia. Christ Is Risen"..
Lore 111
Vocal solo, by Esther Starr Ells.
Anthera. choir "King Victorious" Iline
stale Quartet "The Bhadow of tlie Cross".
Clsrk. Long, Bartraess, Clark.
Vocal solo. Kmily Maris O id mark,
Short talk by the pastor. :
Vocal solo. Miss (ilenda Sumerlin.
Anthem, choir "O Guide IHvjne'f ....Ferguson
, aecona united Brethren
" A program by the Sunday school and a short
cuaster message ny toe pastor, Kev. Ira Hawley.
will feature th mornina service at the Second
United Brethren .church Sunday. There will be
aa evangelistic message in the evening. The
program, with G. Arthur Pease as musical di
rector and Mrs. Bertha Slater Smith as pianist.
Prelude, "spring Song" ...... . '. . . .Mendelssohn
Song, "Voices of the Woods". . . . -. . .Rubenstein
'Ibelma Ovtatt. Muriel Scherruble, Ingrid Lien,
.uanon springer, vera Neeb, Laura Smith.
"Gloria Patri" Melneke
Kesponse Whelptoa
Chorus, "Easter Bells'' ........ . .Roy K Nolte
j&aster n&rnure
, Part 1 The Ist Supper. Matt. XXVI. 36-80.
in Uie Garden, 31-30, 40-41. 42-44; 45
. 46. - : - . -
Quartet. " Tie Midnight". ...... .Bradbury
name l'aimer, H. Harold Parrott, Mrs.
nanes uppei, cnartes uppel. '
s The Bet rare I. 47-50. 57. 58. 89-75.
Solos, "In the Hour of Trial" 1 .... F, Lane
tl. llaroia 1'arrotf.
,, Part 2 At the Cross. John XIX. 19-25-6-7
uuartet, "See tha Mother Weeping" ..
J. Baraby
laus AJVii, 44.49, 00, oz-e.
Solo. "There Is a Green Hill Far Away"..
.... . . ................. . . . . Gounod
it. Arthur Peake.
Part 3. Resurrection, Lake XXIT. 1
Trio, "Allehrial Alleluiai". . . . A. IT. Brander
trances wahlron Sadie Oppel Mrs. Grace
- ejon.
Duet, "Be Comforted To That Mourn''. ..l
....................... V. A. cHsher
Lois Muir. i. Arthur Pease
f rank J. Potter, violinist.,
- Chorus. ''Alleluia. Christ Is Risen".'. . . . .
.Charles Dennee
Offertory, ."Adagio" ... .... . Beethoven
Solo, "King of Kings" Frank H..Brackett
- Sadie Oppel. f '
Easter message. Iter. Ira T. Hawley,
Postlude. "Festival March" ......... Gounod.
Thlrs United Brethren '
The JSunday school of -the Third United
Brethren churrh will render an Efestt-r program
Sunday morning. This will be followed with
a sermon by the pastor. Rev. E. O. -Shepherd,
In tha evening Rev. Ira Hawley will preach tha
una sermon ot nis rssmon week series.
Fourth United Brathrm
The - Sunday momiu ' seriiim t ' VVmh
United Brethren church. Tremant statJnn. win
b featured with a special Easter program by
uie ounaay scnoou in tne evening the pastor.
Rev. Leila Lackey, will preach on the subject.
ii mra n bum tunn.
" First-Evanoellcai :-
At tha First ' English Evangelical rhnrrK a
brief Easter program will be given at the Sun
day school bonr, consisting of snort talks ami spe
cial , songs. At 11 a. in. an 'Easter sermon will
be preached by tlie pastor and the choir will
sing several selection".
, Swedish Tabernacle
At the Swedish Tabernacle, Glioan and Sev
enteenth streets, . the Young PeopleCs society
There will ba no Sunday school in thm
Easter service will be held at 10:30 a. m. The
tiu wui nni sua mi. . j. !eotn will preach
on "Discoveries at tha Onen Tomh nf 1...
At 7 p. m. the Sunday school will give aa Easter
pnwrui im im nev. ssr. Leant wiU speak on
''Resurrection Views." The pastor will nresch
at tne Multnotaah county farm at 3 p. m. Sun
day and the young people of . Elim chapel will
mww m 1MUIMI.-S1 prograin. . 4 .
Clay Sircet sTafioeJteal
Holy communion will ba celebrated Sunday
night at the Clay street Evangelic)- church by
tb Rev. Jacob Stoeker, as part of tha Easter
celebration. ? The pastor will preach morning and
evening. - Sunday, morning the Bible school of
the Clay street church will render a program at
the Carson Heights Evangelical church at 10
o'clock.. The Rev. Jacob Stacker 'will preach aa
Easter sermon there at 8 p. m. By special ar
rangement the Carson Heights people will cele
brate holy: communion both Sunday morning
and evening.
' " Flnt Christian :
"Death the Dynamic 'of Life" will be the
Esster theme of the Rev. HsTold H. Griffis Bun
day morning at the First Cbrs-tian church. At
the Sunday school , immediately preceding the
preaching period special. decision services will be
held for the benefit of those who , have been
planning to- make, Easter the time for uniting
with the church. In the vAiing an unusual
Easter program will be presented, beginning
with the administration of the resurrection or
dinance of immersion. At this hour the church
snd tchoot will make : an Easter offering for
China relief, having pledged S500 to that cause.
Harry Louie of the Christian Chinese Mission
will speak as representative of the mission which
will attend th service in a body. The church
quartet under , the direction of Mnu- Fred B.
Newton will render in the evening the following
Easter cantata, entitled "Redemption's Song." by
Hoi ton: "A New Song," quartet; "Ride On in
Majesty." tenor and baritone duet; "Midnight in
the Garden." soprano and contralto duet; "And
He. Bearing His Cross, Went Forth," baritone
solo and quartet; "If I Bear Not a' Scar for
Him." soprano aolo; "Now t'pon the First Day
of the Week." quartet; "Tell the Glad Story."
trio of soprano, contralto and tenor; "Death la
Swallowed l t in Victory," contralto solo and
quartet; "The Song of the Redeemed." -tenor
solo and quartet; "Behold, I Stand at the Door
and Knock," soprano solo; "We Shah See Jesus."
baritone solo; "Rejoice and Be Glad' quartet.
111 A. M. 8EBXOV
'Death Defeated" 1
Beeeptloa ef yew Members -.
BapUim of Little Children '
Easter Story by the Pastor.
- - , - MINISTER
You Will Be Cordially Welcomed
The . Easter ' celebration will begin
early in a number of the Congregation
al churches of the city with sunrise
prayer meetings tn charge of the young
people. .' Blaborate musical programs
have . been prepared for the regular
morning and evening services. In most
of the churches - the children . will also
render their special programs.
; .Sonnyslde Congregational
't ' The Easter sesvicea will begin at Sunnyside
t'ongregauonal cnurcn with a union Easter son
rise prayer meeting of tha Endeavorers of the
city at 7:30 in the church parlors. At 8:45
tlie Sunday school will participate in a story-
cantata,, entitled "The Easter King." in the
church auditorium. - The program of the morn-
ln church service "nnder the direction of J. A.
Holiingwortb, -' with Miss Martha Reynolds at the
organ, follows:
Organ prelude "Et Besurreiit", ....... Mozart
Anwu.m- hanctm ......... . . . . . .. Gounod
Herman "The Glorv of the Resurrection,
Postlude "The Marvelous Work" .Haydn
Tlie cvenina pro2ram will be:
Prelude "In the Gardrn" ...'...'.."Goodwin
Anthem "Shout, , Ve High, Heavens".... Wright
Baritone solo "Gloria' . .Butxi-Peccia
- Holmes D. Fessls
Anthem "God Hath Appointed a Day"....
. - ........ ....... ...,. Lansing
sermon "The True Meaning of Easter Joy
tiffrrsto.ry ''Spring Song" ...... .Mendelssohn
Anthem "For Christ the Lord Is Risen"...
...... . Gair
Soprano : solo "I Know , That My Redeemer
Liveth" ....... i Handel
mm Marian Bennett -
Anthem "Hosanna" .............J. Granier
Postlude "Hallelujah Chorus." from "Moont
. of Olives" i ....... . .. Beethoven
The Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 Sun
day evening will be led by Miss Fare Steinmetc.
former state president. Tuesday evening an ad
dress will be givtn In the 'church parlors by
Miss Emily S. Hartwell of Foo Chow, China,
where she hai been a missionary for the past
37 years. AtCongregationalista of the city are
urged to attend, j On Wednesday evening , the
interdenominational Bible clans will study tlie
etgntti cbapter of Uaniel. led by Ir. I. J. Stanb.
The Fundamentals class will meet' on Thursday
evening. , y-:-s -VJ '- ",'
' First Congregational
The Easter celebration will begin early at
the First Congregational church. - At 7 a. rn.
the two Endeavor societies will be host to tha
Endeavor societies of all the churches on ' the
west aids of Portland, and will hold a sunrise
prayer . meeting. At 9:45 a. m. the church
school will hold its Easter exercise, the chief
feature of , which will .be the pageant. "A Day
in a Chinese Book Store." Five Chinese young
women Pearl Tynette Mow and Helen Mow,
daughters of the Chinese consul, Annie Lnm
Lee. Genevieve Gong and Jessie Lee and two
Chinese girls will help the Congregational
youna neorle in the presentation of their peasant.
At 11 ain. will be the church service, with the
following munrtl program:
Organ prelude. "An Easter Morning Fsntasir,'
descriptive of ,
1. The hush of 'the early morning.
2. The walk to the sepulchre.
" 3. The fright 'Of the women. , .
-4. The sneech of tha anzels.
6. The return of the women from the sepal-
rhre Baumgartner
Kaster hymn, with ' AUeluia ...... Lyra lavidica
Quartet, "The Lord Is My Strength" . . . Simper
Soprano solo, "In tha End of the Sabbath" . .
Mrs, Dudley Steele.
Anthem. -"This Is the Day".... ..Cooke
Organ postlude, "HaUehijah" ...Handel
At 6:30 p. m. the two Endeavor societies will
meet. - At 7 :20 the outdoor service will be beld.
At 7 :30 another Drocram of music will be siren
bjr the choir and chorus, under the direction of
Joseph A. Finley, with Miss Ethel Lynn Ross
at the organ, as follows:- ,
Brief ah in recital: ' - ' -'
Transcription on "Woman". ........ Lntkin
March on Easter Themes ......... Andrews
Resurrection Morn . .Johnston
chorus and ausrtet. v "Christ Our Passover . .
... . : Scbnecker
Contralto solo. "The Resurrection". ... .Shelley
' Bliss Dressel. : '
Anthem, "The Easter Bells Are Chiming". Loud
Onartet and chorus. "Our Lord Is .Risen To
day" . . ................... Schnecker
Male quartet, "The Resurrection Day". . Holdett
Chorus and quartet. "Unfold "To Portals'...
............................. Gounod
Organ postlude, "Easter March" Merkel
In connection with . the mailt service Dr. W.
T. McElveen will answer two questions: (1) How
far does Attorney General Palmer'a valedictory
decision granting beer and liquors to those who
claim to be sick nullify the new prohibition
amendment; 12) How will it appear the mo
ment alter deatni ;
Highiatul Congregational
The younger folks in the Highland Congre
gational church Bible school will have an Easter
program at 10 o clock Sunday-morning. tne
following program fo announced for 11 a. m. by
the Rev. Edward Constant: -Prelude
"Spring Hong" Mendelssohn
Mrs. Caldwell
Chorus "Diademate" .. ............ .. Elvey
Gloria ........... . .......... Greatorex
Solo "Eastertide" ,......' Brackett
: - Mrs. W. Ifauist
Response ..... .......... ...... . .. Selectea
Hvmn "Jesua Christ Has Risen .
Solo "Song of the Resurrection". ...... .Anon
" Mrs. IJotson
Chorus "Vfetory" '. . .. Palestrina
Sermon "Easter's Message"
.......... V Rev. Edward . Constant
Receptioa of members and communion.
The program of the evening celebration, under
direction of Mrs. Caldwell, is to be given by
'older members of the Sunday school assisted by
friends. Tha first part will be musical, consist
ing of processional, Easter carols by young peo
ple's chorus, : solo by - Mrs. Lofquist, trio for
women's voices and vocal duet. The second part
will be a pageang entitled "The Aspiring Life."
followed by the tableau called "The Illuminated
Cross." closing with the song "The Glory of
uie viubb . . v .
. - Atkinson Mamorial CoooregaUon v
. Easter Sunday at Atkinson Memorial Congre
gational churcn. Iter. Elbert K. Flint, pastot.
The . following musical programs will be given .
Voluntary, "Chapel Chimes," Miss Frances Nandel
Anthem. "He Is Not Here, but Is Uiaen" Hawley
Violin solo, "Berceuse"-. ...v........ , Joycelyu
- - - Miss Hazel Matthews
Offertory aolo. "Hosana" ............ Granier
Mrs. Margaret Manafieid Sims, with violin obli
' gato by Miss Msttiiews.
Pageant, "Her Easter Choice." The features and
participants -
Louise (the yotmg girl who most choose her
, life course),- Margaret Willis. The Spirits
which entice Pleasure. Nora Rughrs
, Beaaty, Florence Hansen; Music, Carol Inder-
bitaen: Fame, Helen Bmiui; rower, , Marg
- ' - ery Blessing; Christianity, Tbelraa Flint.
Christianity's . three Graces, Faith. Hope,
Lore. Bess Willis, Dorothy Boise. Elizabeth
.... Cole.- . -... - - , . . -- .. - -
' Evening at 8:30 v -
Violin solo ...... ........... . .Selected
Miss Hazel Matthews..
Easter solo ......... (..Miss Esther Boddins
The chortw Mm. Margaret Mansfield Sims, solo
ist and director ; Miss Frances Nandel, ac
companist: Miss Leonna Morton, Miss Edna
' Bod ding, Frank E. Lewis, tenor; E. D. Allen,
baas; violinist. Miss Hazel Matthews.
WavarHy Hslghu CofiereoalJonal
Tha Waverly Heights Codgregational church
will celebrate . Kaster with appropriate services,
both morning and evening. Rev. O. - P. Avery
will preach on "The Reaurrection" at 11 a. Hi..
and on "Immortality" - at 7:30 p. m. Easter
music will be given at both services. Tha chorus
choir will sing in - the evening. The senior
Christian Endeavor will' hold a sunrise Prayer
meeting si ( o ctoca toaster morning.
V Laurelwood Conaregatlonal
A special program of music has been ar
ranged for Easter morning st Leureiwood Con
gregational church by the Rar. Mrs. Alice M.
Handiaker, pastor. This will be followed by
Concluded on Page Five, Column Twe
IltM A. M.
r-m. Three) Chorus Numbers -
"SANCTt'S" -
- ( boras HOriAXNA"
MR. 'BELCHES . Director
Baptists' prepare
(Caster jIusic and
Arrange J3aptisms
The fascinating Kasttr story will be
told in sermon and song Sunday, morn
ing and evening in the Baptist churches
of Portland. The ordinance of believer's
baptism by Immersion and the rendition
Of Kaster music will be features of the
services. In some churches two bap
tismal services will bo held, one in the
morning and another -at -night.
V- First Baptist -Rev.'
George R. Varney of Corvallis will occupy
the pulpit of the First Baptist church (AVhite
Temniel Sunday. The Tentule uuartet will ren
der special Easter music at both services. In
the evening the cantata. "Resurrexit." by Adam
Gel be I. will be given. A cordial invltauon is
extended-to the public to attend. Kaster will
also be observed by a special service in the
senior H. 1. r. V at ojv. Tne meeting- will
be led by Miss Bonnie Sims. There will be a
vocal, solo by Mrs. It. F. Miller and a violin solo
by Milton Dunham.
.-.-Cast Side Baptist
In the Eat Side Bantist church the paitor.
Dr. 4V, B. Hinson will preach at 1 1 o'clock
from the subject "If Christ Is Not Risen." and
in the evening his theme will be "What to Ita
With Const. The ordinance of believer bap
tism will be admiiuVtered at the clone, ot both
tlie morning and evening service,' and also on
the following Sunday. . A special Easter thank
offering will be taken in thia church Sunday,
which ia expectd to be the largest thank offer
ing ever presented. On Wednesday evening at
T :3 there will ba a thanksgiving prayer service.
Dr. Hinson will spesk from the topic. "What
Have 1 to Be Thankful Forf"
Arista Baptist .
At the Arleta Baptist church Sunday morn
ing the Rev. Owen T. Day, pastor, will deliver
a short sermon on The Last Enemy of Man.
The chorus choir wiQ render specisl Easter muc
snd the Sunday school will participate in the
serrice. At 6:15 the B. Y. P. V. will have an
Easter meeting. At 7:80 there will be a popular-Easter
service.' The pastor will preach and
the choir, supplemented by soloists, will render
appropriate music. The ordinance of baptism
will also be observed at night.. The Arleta church
is rejoicing in the experiences of the campaign
recently conducted by Bruce Evans. The chnrcb
was filled st every service and often people were
turned away. Many were Drougnt into fellow
ship with the church., ' ' -
Third Baptist '
Both the morning and, evening services of the
Third Baptist church will be devoted to the
spirit- of Easter. "He Is Risen" will be the
thems of the morning sermon. I he choir and
orchestra will render special Easter music "The
Harden of Joseph" is the theme for tha evening
discourse. .
Olencoe Baptist'
At Glencoe Baptist church Easter services
will be rendered by the Sunday school at 10:35
a. m. Sunday. A special invitation is extended
to the nublic to attend the service. - At 11
o'clock Dr. H. J. Reed will deliver hU noted
sermon on the' ResnrrecUoR. Dr. - Reid will
continue his specisl evsngelistie serrice during
next week, preaching every evening except Satur
day. Considerable interest has been manifest
ia the services .held during the last. week.
Churches Will Hold
Sunrise Services
i District aunrlse prayer meetings 'will
be held simultaneously Sunday morning
at 7 ;30 in Beven aectloriB of the - city
under the asplce- of the Multnomah
County Chrlatiari Endeavor union. Spe
cial music has been arranged for each
service. The public -will be welcome at
these meeting's which will be beld at the
following churches : Church of Christ
(Christian). Kern Park Christian. Mon
tavilla Christian. First Congrepational.
Sunnyside ConfrreKational, Piedmont
Presbyterian and waverly Heights. Con
Enwortli League Rally
Miss Lyttorft college secretary of the
Women's Foreign Missionary society of
the . Methodist church, will address the
Epworth Leaguers of the Portland dis
trict at a rally next Friday at 7:45 p.
m., in the Sunnyside Methodist church.
Prayer Band Organized -
A prayer" band. .Auxiliary to the Na
tional Holiness association, was reorgan
ised Tuesday at the Pen iel' mission, 109
Second street, by Mrs. Hattie Little of
Chicago. Mrs. Clara E, White was elect
ed president and Mrs. Wooden secretary.
The band will meet each Tuesday at
10 a. m. In the Peniel mission.
11:00 'A. M.
Junior Sermon followed by
Easter Sermon,
Y. M. C. A.
QicrUob Box Coadatted by
H. W. Stone. .
"The Sentinel's
"An Internationalifeague
or Association of Nations!
in the Light
Hampton Watson Cottrell
' who will spek instcavd of
Women of Woodcraft Hall
Corner T.entl snd Taylor
Special Must Directed By
Prof. 11C. Colcord
ssw-flll-: ftlory and splendor of the
resurrection or Jesus Christ
II - from the dead will be told In
y sermon and song Sunday in the ,
Episcopal churches of the city.
Easter is a day of rejoicing in the Epis
copal church. An Important feature of .
the services this year will be tne pres
entation on the altar of the Lenten of
ferings of the children. These offerings
represent a sacrifice on the part or
Episcopal children during the 40 day
Lenlen season preceding Easter.
Holy communion, will also be cele
brated at different hours In the various
churches, lit. Kev. Walter Taylor Sum-
ner will preach the Easter sermon at
the Pro-Cathedral, of St. Stephen the
Martyr at It a. m.
8t SUphens Pro-Calhtdrai -
Hrrvierr. nn KaxUr flrv will ba liclil it ths
rro-Oathrdral as follows; - Holy communion st
7:80. 8:3 and 11 a. rn. Tha Hleht ltrv.
aWlter Tar lor Humncr. I. binhon of tha !-
oc.4a, will prrarh st tha 1 1 o'rtock service. Kte-
pisl riitur tnUfcic will b rennerea at tnia srrvK-e -
by tl.e vmted.rhoir under the airecuon o -i sri
litnton, orgsnl-t and clioirmssU-r. The Yoiin
con!e's aocietv will an to tlie Uood Hamaritan
hu iiital in the afternoon to sine in tlie various
ward and at 6:80 their regular weekly meun
will ba in the uarLsh bouse. livening ,
prayer-snd sermon will be beld st 7:45 with a
sermon by the dean. The program of snosio for
the mornin service follows:
Organ' prelude.
I'roeessicnal Tome Te rJUiful".. . . . .Bullivsn
Intreit -Vtbrist Our 1'sssover" .....Butk
Communion service in K flat. f"tr
Anthera tiad Hath Appointed a Pay". .. 1 ours
Hymn "The Strife Is O'er". ....... raleatrtna
KocesttloasJ "Jems Clirut Is Kisea loaay -.
................. WorgsB
PosUudc. .
Trinftf Episcopal t ,
Trinitv church ' will eelebrata Kaiter with frv
tival music at all three of the services, the
fimt bring st 7 a rn., 'tha oholr sincinf I'rnlrs
shsnks Uommunkm settJns, snd "Now Is r;iirtt
ItiMin" (Wesl), for the offerUiry. At the II
n'nlorlr service a fins musical tirnersm has been
arranged as follows:- "Christ Our rsssovrr"
llhidley Hnck), "rewUvsl Te Urum (Kaipn
Kinder), ''Jullats 1 Horatio W. I'arker),' the
offertory anthem will be "Awake Thou That
HU-cpeat" Hir John Strakier), Kyrle, ;iorl Tibi;
Hanctus, Agnes Ltd, and tloria KiceUia V. A.
C. emir-kalians'), A unique feature of the It "
o'cloc service will be 'the children of the Bun
day school foUowins the choir up the aisle of the
ehuroh. The children wiU present their Lenten
offering st thta time. Last year Trinity s nun
day school won the banner for the largest of
fering per oapita nf any Hundsy school in the
dioce-e. In -the evening st the 8 o'clock semes
Mm V'.Ktr inthmi will he ium again aa well
ae the Maamificat and. None Inmittis J. T.
ilcld. The sotointa are sirs. istnei j-nnin. so
prano; Harvey Hndaon, tenor; Mr. Katharine
Corruecinl, oontralto. and fTed atraiaaru. or
ganist. ,:
St. Davids Kpltcopal
' The celebration of the feast of the reKUrrec tlon
will begin at 4 o'clock this afternoon In KU
Davids Kpioconal church, with Uie sdmlniMFa
tlon of holy baptism, Kaster rooming the firt
communion will be celebrated st 6.80, at which
fitting festal music will be sung by the full vert
ed choir. - The muxiral setting will be Hlmner in
K flat and the of IcraXory anthem will be, "Tbey
Have Taken Away My Ird" (Htainir). lollow
ing this service the choir will be served break
fast tn the parish tuxiF-e. The low celebration
of Holy commnnicn without, music, will be at
8 a. m. At 0:30 a. ra. the Sunday arhooi cele
bration will be held, at which the children will
present their Irtiten offerings. The eliildrrn-s
choir will sing ICaoter anthems snd carols at this
service. "At II a. m. the full choral celebration
of tbo Holy Kucha rift will be rang snd s ser
mon presrhed by the rector, the Rev. Thomas
Jenkins. The "musical setting tn the communion
office will be that of Thomas Adsms In 1. major,
on of the beautiful- service in Anglican antholo
gy, consisting of Syria, Uloria Tin! and ratis.
Credo, fiursum Cords, Sanctus. Henedictus Qui
Venit, Aguus Dei and Gloria in Kxcebis. The
offertory anthem will be "As It Beitan to Dswii"
(Mir Ueorge Martin), The ramie will he given
under the direction of Tom O. Taylor, choir mas
ter. St James and St. I'eters chapels will bear
the service In their churches at IO a. m. and
tha Transfiguration chapefat 7:110 p. m. Chap
tain Howard wiU assist tha rector throughout the
St. Undrew episcopal
The following musical program has been ar
ranged for the II o'clock Kaoter service at HU
Andrews Episcopal church, Portsmouth: f'ra
ccasinnal. "Come. Ye -Faithful, Kaisa. the
Concluded on I'age e'lve. Column Two)
Broadway and M Can te Block of Church.
Look for the Electrie Sign
H Easter Services
7:00 A. M- Sunrise Endeavor Meetinc
'45 A. SI. Church School Filf Rervtea.
Chinese Pigesnt by Chinese Toung ladies.
J 1:00 A. M. Chorch Morning Kerr ice.
Choice Music by C'burcb yaartet,
"Living As If You Were
:S0 P. M. Two Endeavor Rocietiea.
7:20 1'. M. OuUIaoor Evangelistic rlerviisea.
7:30 P. U. Karewdl - Organ ltecilal bf
- Mns Kthel Koas.
Chorus of 35 Voices and Quartet.
Answers Two Question
of the Bible"!