WHAT POESTLAND SZ-ZOPS AH2 5HOV7INGAW EASTER DEiESD PAGE HPJ THE SUNDAY JOUE2WA1. TOMODD i- CITY EDITION Pi AIZ re and It's All True THE WKATHER Tonight and Sunday. fair: light frost Bunday morning. Maximum temperatures; Portland . 60 New Orleans ". .. 82 Boise ........... 4 New York 70 Los Angeles .... 72 St, Paul ........ 62 CITY EDITION rib. f Cv . . . . v Music - One of th trig features of The Sunday Journal Is the music page, conducted by J. L. Wallln. One can keep abreast of the times by reading The Sunday Journal's music page. ; VOL. XX, NO. 16. Entered Second Claa Uattev ' Ht Potoffiw. Portland. Ontoe PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH , 23, 1921. SIXTEEN PAGES v PRICE TWO CENTS SitSii'V. C cWV. r (J U J SrrSI ilWNh NuP'JJ f I IX I 11 I -- JW. A . Bw. If I I 11 I I f I. I i I K WHITE SQXSCANDA Fresh Indictments Returned .Against Bali Players Include 5 ' Additional . Defendants Big Sums Changed Hands in 1919. 'Chicago, Masch 26. (I. N. S. Scandal j rocked the baseball world anew this afternoon' following the revelation of fresh, charges In the 1919 world's series sensation when . State's Attorney . Robert E. Crowe disclosed a;' new story upon which indictments were voted by the grand jury; against 18 ball players and al leged gamblers. . ; The new-evidence puts an altogether 'different aspect upon previous informa tion concerning the world 'series scan dal. ...... ... " ' ,..' , HATCHED IX ST. LOUIS .The plot, according to State's Attor ney " Crowe, was hatched in St. : Louis instead of New York. There Carl Zork. ; a waist manufacturer, and Ben Frank lin, a friend of his, are alleged to have conceived the Idea of buying .the world's series. They determined. Crowe alleges, to flx' seven or eight White Box players. They reached, it ' is al- 'leged, seven regular players and a util Hy man. ' In the midst of their scheming. Crowe . alleges, iney , discovered they did not have enough capital to swing the deal. They wanted $100,000. In their request for money, ft is declared, they encoun tered Ben Levi, Louis Levi and David Zelser in Des Moines. i MEET IJT CHICAGO The two Levis and Zelser supplied a good portion of the, capital, Crowe as serts, and the rest came from the East. The Eastern financial agent was said to be Joe Sullivan of Boston, with Abe Attel, former featherweight champion, as the "go-between." , , . Just before the world's series of 1819, Zork. Franklin, the - Levis, Zelser and SttefJ are alleged to have met in a room in a , Chicago i hotel and to have" made and Franklin are alleged to have cleaned up between $70,000 and $80,000 by their manipulations. . F1TE EW DEFESPA5T8 , Zork, Franklin, the two Levis and Zelser are the : five new defendants named In - today's . Indictments.- Kddie Clcotte. Joe Jackson, Claude Williams, Buck Weaver, Oscar Felsch, Fred Me Mullin and Charles Rlsberg, against .whom previous indictments were , re- .cently dismissed, were reindicted. Arnold Gandil, William Burns. Hat Chase. Sul livan, Attel and Rachel Brown also were reindicted.--. i v-v One of the indictments charged a con spiracy on the part of the accused play- ers to defraud their fellow players of the $2000 they might have gained had the White Sox won the series. - HEAVY BAIL FIXED Each person named In today's indict ments must answer to 84 accusations. , Klght Indictments were returned and each indictment, contains eight counts. Total ball for all those, indicted will aggregate $432,000 on a cash basis and twice that much If property Is listed as security. . . ; The bail for each defendant on each : indictment is $3000, making a total of $34,000 for each of the 18. Where prop erty la listed the law requires that it be valued at double the amount of the face value of the bond. Wilson Is Reported Better; Dr. Grayson Is Morning 0 a 1 1 e r .Washington, March 26. U. P.) -Former President Wilson's condition was re ported as improved today and his physi cians expected no permanent ill effects from- the attack, of indigestion he suf fered shortly after eating lunch - yes terday. ;., V -. At the same time his condition will be very closely watched. Dr. Cary T, Gray son was at the Wilson home early today. Wilson' attack yesterday followed a restless night. Relatives who remem bered that indigestion preceded his first paralytic stroke, became alarmed and hurriedly called Drs. Grayson and Ster ling Ruff in. The former president was aid to be able to move about yesterday, but he will be kept quiet for the next few days. Easter Parade - . k , ,k Cigarettes Are ; . By Winifred Van Dozer ' ; CniTcnal Scrrie 8Uff Corrapoodent . New York, Marcha 26. The first dress .rehearsal for Gotham's 1921 Easter, parade was held ' today. " , ' , All of Fifth avenue became a stage and. bh. the furs and fabrics, the, frills and furbelows that played their- parts thereon! ; . Youth, color, gayety, striking con trast, easualness, became art ; simplicity intricate as the fourth dimension. . Orange - blossoms with little luring tangerines on taffeta; a great velvet rose in a gown for a paper doll; .a chapeau whose lines were filched from the brain of Bartholdi, who fashioned our own Miss ' Liberty ; ' a wondrous scarf of brilliant 'blue, beauty .plucked from the unbeautiful ostrich to create more beauty for madame. It is made Of Course You Will "Have a Heart" M ISS OLLIE MAE McMINN, queen of the "Have a Heart Girls, who made their debut as Community. Chest work ers at an enthusiastic mass meeting at The Auditorium, Friday night. "These girls will lead in spectacular features of all kinds while the campaign for funds, opening in earnest Mon day morning, is under way. . ' - ' ' ' ! - t . - - " ' SI ' ' ' ' - jf ' ' ' ' " ' ' - ' , ' - : - : " t :y-;:y.--;-:w-v. :. ' 5 v. ' 'V " ' . -' ' , ' s - " li. '' " v i 4 i. t f t "- ' i... JOHNSTONE DENIES HE IS SHADOW" In' spite of the fact; that.- he got only a few hours'' sleep last night, after his long trip from Los Angeles, Herbert ' Johnstone,: who confessed that he tried to extort money from Olympia citizens and . who is ? sus pected of being: the notorious Port land S "Shadow,"; faced' "newspaper men and city detectives this morn ingr wlth a good natured smile and ever ready humor. ; Johnstone talked freely and answered all questions put to him, just ro long as his questioners refrained from trying to , implicate ; him in the v Portlaud "Shadow" episodes. When a question which seemed to imply that he was the man who tried to -extort money from . Portland business men was puf to him, ; Johnstone merely smiled and reiterated that he was not "Shadow." i .. .. ADHITS OLYJttPIA ; PLOT "I admit ; that I tried to get money in Olympia,- said ; Johnstone. "When I get there. ; I will : plead erulltr to the charges and take my medicine. There's no use i in : my trying to deny that I was the man that tried the trick up there. - -.:"',.-.-.'--; - .-J ? "But I didn't do it' here. ' If I; did. I would admit it.i I haven't got iany rea son to lie about t it now. They will probably send me -'up In ' Olympia, so there is nothing to gain, by lying about this Portland business, but--1 .didn't do it j "I admit that the circumstantial evi dence against me here ia. pretty strong. There is some similarity in the letters written here jby iShadow and the let ters written ; In : Olympia, 'but: it is a faint similarity. Only J a : few ; of : the characters are something alike, v : -ifes, i was here during the "Shadow' business. I read about it in the news papers, but did not follow it .very close ly. 1 got my idea from reading the papers here, t . ; "After hearing about that , flashlight (Concluded on Pace Tbrc. Colama Foorl Is Gorgeous ; it. 't n ! at t 't n There, Too of plumes, long and short, and they were the color of electric sparks. The plumes were made to stand with curl ing ends against the- chin and 'back of the bead of the wearer, while long wil low fronts hung like a capelet over her shoulders. , . : Feathers, again, to trim a woman's throat, but ; gathered from barnyards from none other than our old friend chanticleer. $ . . V - The garment was of black satin, made on the flowing lines that promise to lead favor this coming season. And beginning at the throat and " ex tending half way down the cape were flounces half . a dozen deepr of coque feathers. , all ; TluUering and bristling with each movement,. of the lovely, lady who wore It : ,'-:.:-.;;,..",: -...:.;-. . -"-.i Supplementing the cape-J she wqre the (Concluded on Pmge.Twri?, Column Four ' "J ' " - Jf " - J : 1 $55,000 ALREADY ' "Who said Portland doesn't believe in the. Community. Chest?' T : ' A total of $55,000 has already been subacribed toward the $850,000 necessary to fill the chest,' and the actual beginning of the driva is still' two days away.. '-,;..' -:A.'. r .: - The'-' following subscriptions were an nounced at the big kick-off meeting held Friday evening at The Auditorium r Meier & Frank company, $20,000. Ben Selling, $8500. t ! Oregon,' Journal,. . $5000 and an addi tional' subscription matching every dol lar contributed, by members of the "Jour nal " family," which comprises 310 per sons. -United States Kallonal bank, $5000. Mr. and Mrs.1 Vfr B, Ayer, $5000. ' Eric V. Hauser.'" $3000, ;. Kastern . Outfitting company and J. Shem&nskl, $2500. : The Telegram.? $2500. : J. C. Ainsworth. $1500. M. L. Kline. $1000. Charles. F., Berg. $1000. i . A number of additional large subscrip tions are. being received today and it is expected 1 that by , evening the total will, reach $200,040. i i - A spectacular feature of the Friday evening -meeting was the unexpected ar rival of 50 of the "Have a Heart Qlrls." headed - by t the-- queen. Miss pilie May McMInn. These girls brought ; to the stage a miniature Community Chest and lifted out to the surprised audience the little mascot of the Community Chest. Tiny, the wee. girl with the crutch, who never fails to wiu everyone who glimpses her; The "Have a Heart Oirls,-, each wearing a black-heart on her face, will take a spectacular part in the driver and (Concluded on Pace Twelva. Column Thro) Chicago Florists : Deny, Profiteering In East e r i Lillies (By United Nws Chicago. March 28 "Who's profiteer ing in Easter lilies? Thls is the coUctlve reply of Chicago florists to a, statement - by - J. - Russell Poole of the city council's high cost of living . committee that florists were boosting their prices from 200 to 300 per cent for the holiday. ' "Prices are 50 per sent lower than they've been during the last two years," asserted E. M alii neon, - manager of one shop. .- . h. : . . "Utles that sold for $5 before the war are now selling at $6.' .Other florists ex pressed themselves similarly, declaring the flower crop this year Is plentiful.-; Feminine Mayor of . Burns Takes Office ... :-, ,. . . : ;. . :'v;: v Burns, March 26. Mrs. James Lamp shire, f irstsjwoman mayor of Burns, has been sworn in and officially assumed the duties of her office J R. Thompson, Ben Brown. Joe Krumhots and M. H. Brenton were sworn.. ln; as councilmen. Mayor Lampshire asked for cooperation to bring about needed improvements. DONATED TO CHEST WOOL OFFERS DIFFICULTIES Contracts Made and Shipments in Transit Would Be Affected by Such Measure; Possible Re taliation by Other Nations Seen .Washington, March 26. (I.-N. S.) After lengthy .discussion, the house sub-committee . which- is considering tariff rates on wool, . decided today to 'establish a duty of 11 cents a pound on woorin the grease. The figure is the same as in the Payne Aldrich bill,, schedule K. No decis ion was reached on the duties to be imposed on washed and scoured wool, except that they would not be higher than those of the Payne-Al-drich bill. Washington. March 26. (WASH INGTON BUREAU OF THE JOUR NAL) Method of relief for the live stock and farming Interests of the West beyond all the wool and sheep growers. Is - receiving consideration from many angles, but with no plan settled on and each plan suggested seemingly beset by delay and diffi culty.1 - - v -A group of Western senators, which Includes two extensive , sheep growers. Senators Stanf ield, of Oregon and Good ing of Idaho, is anxious for the Imme diate application of an embargo on wool. At first they supposed that this could only be applied by action of congress, but they have been ' advised that the president probably has authority to stop importations under some of the left over war legislation, repeal f which was so strongly advocated by political ora tors In the presidential campaign. . IMMEDIATE ACTIOJT DOUBTFUL ' ' Some of the president's advisers see difficulties in the way of an embargo, assuming that the - president' possesses the power.' Secretary Hoover of the de partment of commerce, while declining to commit .himself finally, thinks it doubtful thai this will be resorted to by the. chief executive unless conditions be come more aggravated.- If an go on wool or other products were ordered at once' It could - not afford immediate relief. It Is pointed out. as goods . In transit would have to be admitted and there might be serious ' disturbance ' in contractural relations. . :: ,' The attitude of foreign governments is also to be considered They might undertake retaliatory measures and the resumption of normal trade relations interrupted just at the time when Amer ica needs to sell and have the good will of purchasers. a ... : . -- - Secretary Hoover descrtoes the present conditions as; a "phenomena." Unusual importations of wool, animals, grain and dairy products are coming, commodities of which the United States already has a surplus and needs to sell abroad. This is largely so because of the exchange situation. ; America is. made the dump ing; ground largely because it is virtually the only country that has resources for extending credit. The alternative to the embargo.' says Mr. Hoover, is the tariff. This ia equally subject to the objection of delay. No suggested remedy seems to "carry the promise of immediate relief, in the view Of Mr. -Hoover, who has the statistics of commodity : movements - In au eountrlee at his finger tips, and whose opinion is regarded as having great weight. -HE W TARIFF APPLICABLE . , '- 'The house ways and -means committee is talking over the feasibility of passing a resolution putting the new tariff rates into effect as soon as the committee has prepared the 1 bill, - assuming that ' the rates fixed In the bin should apply from date of passage of the resolution. This is ; said to be constitutional, and , it Is thought certain .that it could 'be . put through the house by special rule with in a few days. How Jong the- senate might debate, such a resolution Is an other matter.- . :-.V' . I Representative Hawley, a member of ways and means, believes the house Is likely to try the resolution ' route of hastening a new tariff, putting responsi bility on the senate for any delay. ling Post at Prison Is Eevived: Warden Lashes 4 Wilmington, Del March 26.(U. P.) Four men, all negroes, were publicly whipped at the Newcastle county work house, today in the presence of about 125 persons . for crimes committed In Delaware. . .--- - Warden M. S. Plummer administered the punishment. He used the regula tion whip, about three feet long; Three of the men flinched under the blows, but no blood: was drawn. - The fourtb man "took his medicine". -with , a smile. : - i - Unusual interest had been aroused In today's lashings because of the discus sion - throughout the country of - the whipping post; as a crime deterrent. President Harding Thanks Mayor Baker For His Invitation :.:s. j .y . . ' : 1'.. - s--i:C.-- - ; '-- Mayor Baker today received from George B. Christian Jr., President Hard ing's secretary, an acknowledgment of the invitation of the mayor to the president. . asking him to visit Portland on his prospective Western trip. The reply states that President Hard ing appreciates the invitation, but that it is ; impossible at this ? time to make any. definite plans - for the proposed trip, but that, if possible, Portland will be- included in the itinerary, should the trip be made. .. t ' $5000 Given To Promote Oregon Study A gift of $5000 has i been made to ' the Oregon Historical society -by B. B.; Beckman .of; Portland as a permanent fund, " the Income - from which' Is to be used for prize 'awards each year for the four best original essays written by school children on some phase of Oregon history Age limits have been fixed at from 13 to "IS years. The first prise will "be $60. the - second prise $50, the : third, prise $40, and the fourth prise $30. The : Oregon - Historical ! society : will award medals of hohor each year to the prizewinners. - The first -essay contest will be on the subject, "The Name Oregon : Its Ori gin and Significance." Essays must be delivered in mail or In person to George H. Himes.s assistant secretary of the Oregon Historical society. The Audito rium, hot , later than May 81, - 1921. Awards will be made aa soon after June 5 as circumstances will permit - - -The Beckman gift -was made for the purpose of . instilling " a greater love of study and promoting a wider and more accurate knowledge of the history of Oregon- and the . United States among Oregon boys and girls. RECALL PETITlS Petitions for- the recall of Public Service Commissioner Fred Williams were put in circulation' by the Pub lie Service Recall Committee, Inc.. this morning and, according to Chairman Robert G. Duncan, are meeting with, ready signature. ... - . - ) ....... "I secured 40 signatures In tbe vicinity of my home before coming to the office this morning," : Duncan says, "and was not refused by a single registered voter I asked. It was 100 per cent perfect. MEETWO , HELD TODAY "'A imeeting of the executive commit tee of the recall organization was held this morning and final details for launching the campaign Were perfected. According to Chairman : Duncan 25 or more circulators ywlll be 'put on the streets of Portland by Monday, while others petitions, will be scattered broad cast: in the hands- of the proprietors of grocery and cigar stores and other . in stitutiona, titer managers of which have requested .'1hatlaey.'tM"ave-''petItioiiS for. circi nation. At the- same -time -additional petitions are being .mailed out to various sections of the ; state at large where organisations and Individuals have asked for thera. . V . MASS MEETIK O JPLAXWED . 2 - ' : Wednesday, . April 20, a state-wide mass meeting will ' be held at The Audi torium, Duncan announces, at which representatives from all sections of the state will meet with those of Portland Interested in the recall, and at which time a state-wide campaign organization will be perfected for the furtherar.be of the recall, not only of Williams, but of Fred Buchtel and H. H. Corey, the two other : members of - the commission, as well. , ,- - , . . . " . Sessions of. this gathering will be held during the day - at which organization plans will be perfected, and again in the evening, which will be more in the na ture of a general public mass meeting for the purpose of stimulating enthusi asm ana giving tne main campaign a momentum that will carry, it past the date of election on June 7. t - Indictments Against 21 AUegcd I. W. W. Dismissed by Court Indictments against 21 alleged L W. W. who had been out on $100 ball each since their arrest during raids more than a year ago, were dismissed by Acting Presiding Judge Tucker this morning on request of Chief Deputy District At torney Hammersly.. The court was told the men were arrested at a time when the syndicalism law had not. been Inter preted and ' it . was not the intention of the district attorney's office to prose cute the cases further. . George F. Vaa derveer was attorney for the accused men. i ... Morrow Is Urged for Canal Zone Governor Washington, March 26, (L N. S.) Secretary of War Weeks Is understood to have recommended to President Hard ing that he appoint J. i J. Morrow gov ernor of the Panama canal zone. Mor row is engineer in charge of the canal zone- and is now acting governor. . The Sunday J ournal r ' First in Quality . The Journal was the first Port land newspaper to reproduce features in color. With the ad vance in color printing The Jour nal has developed this process of pictorial display to a high degree. Color pages add quality to The Sunday Journal magazine, comic, theatre and automotive sections. Great care is taken in the se lection of subjects and in 'their reproduction. " . In' color printing The Journal has led its . field just' as it . has initiated other features . now in general use, :? Tour attention is called tea the color work , in the Easter number of The Sunday Journal tomorrow; The Journal Leads Others Follow - BEG N WITH DASH EDS N 016 'PAPER' FAME SAYS RUSSIAN Hoover Right in Assuming There Can Be No Advantage in Trade : With Soviet, Declares Former , Governor of Northern Province. By . Edwin Unllinger - .-'. ,i Paris. March - 26. (U. P.) The Bolshevik government in Russia is enjoying a "paper prestige," accord ing ' to Nicholas Tchaikovsky, ex-, Russian politician and former resi dent of Kansas, - ' . . -Tchaikovsky today declared private dispatches confirmed Secretary Hoover's recent assertion that Russia will find it physically impossible to exchange goods with other nations and . justified Amer ica in refusing to trade with the Soviets. Recent treaty successes, providing . for resumption of trade, are mere "paper victories," be declared. , '..; OBSTACLES FOISTED OCT - Tchaikovsky named the following ob stacles to Bolshevik trade: 1 No- food surplus. . Lack of incentive for heavy planting. Crippling of factories. Mineral resources inaccessible because of transportation failure. The Sged statesman showed a keen In terest in American affairs and evidenced familiarity with events there. His eyes brightened when he learned that I was from KanaA. "Would you happen to know anything about my old farm near Independence?" he asked. I told what I could of conditions In that state. - SEES LOST OFPORTUHITT, "We'd be millionaires now if we had stayed there." he 'declared with a smile, "There's a rich oil well Tight in tbe front yard." Tchaikovsky told of his life on the farm, of the hardships he had endured (Concluded on Pica Twel. Colama ThfM)- i . -.' v- ...... -' -: -; Aroused, from her, bed at 2:16 this morning by smoke and flames seeth ing through her room, Mrs. Theodore E. Herlihy, 1590 jCorbett street, who was sleeping in the house alone dur ing the absence of her husband, was forced to Jump ' from a first : story window and escape from the ; burn ing home, dressed o'nly hi her night clothing. ' , .' -. r;... -: Her screams awakened T. H. Rupert, 1594. Front street, a neighbor, who saw the flames shooting from the roof and called the fire department.: On their way to the fire the engines were forced to travel over a bad stretch-of unpaved street, where they stuck up to the hubs in the mud. ', X , . :,.-' Their late arrival -allowed the- fire to gain such headway - it could not be checked by the firemen. ; The house was almost completely , demolished. Captain Roberts of the fire marshal's office es timates the loss to the building and con tents at $5000. It is, covered by msur ance. , ,: . , . . . i. ... .- ' The origin of the fire has not yet been determined, but Roberta is conducting an investigation today in order to find out the cause. The house was so badly burned the first investigation failed to show anything. Battalion Chief Gren f ell was in charge of . the .fire, which was fought by engines 10, 5 and 4. 96-Mile Gale Off .: Point Eeyes Makes Ships Seek. Cover San Francisco," March 26. (L N". S.) A 96-mile gale off Point Reyes coming from the northwest raised one of the roughest seas off the bar last night and early today that mariners have . en countered for ' some years. No damage to shipping as a result of the storm had been reported today, however.' : - Shipping was delayed by the storm, many vessels remaining In the harbor and others making for sea rather than attempt : to cross the bar during the storm. Paymasters Bobbed Of $13,000by Bandits Chicago, March 26. (L N. S.) Four armed men today held up the taxicab in which J. Edgar and H. B. Meacham, employes- of the Dwight P. Robinson company," contractors, were riding, and escaped with $13,000 in cash. Edgar and Meacham had drawn : the money . from a. bank - this morning and were pro ceeding to tbe new Union depot to pay off men employed in construction work there.; ,;;-w o.r :.' . - Association to Get Tund KiUed by Hart Seattle," March 26. (U. P.) Handi capped by" Governor Hart's veto of the appropriation to encourage tourist travel here, the Pacific Northwest Tourists' as sociation decided this afternoon that the money must be raised by popular sub scription throughout the state. . Oregon has appropriated $37,500 for .the work and British. Columbia has contributed a snore.- - - . . . f Fair Weather Predicted f or ; Sunday morning Easter egs Jn Portland, the ? more abundant be cause of their.' unusually low price," will be boiled, fried or 'poached in a frost-laden- atmosphere; the weather man " promises, that will precede the advent of a day as fair as the most ardent celebrant could wish for, and by, church time there may even be sunshine. i ' :- '.;: ;; . r'S Forecaster" E.; X Wells declares that, while his gracious prbmlsea cannot offi cially include sunshine, the rain lias been - shelved for the first holiday of spring, at least, and that tonight and Easter Sunday will bo marked by fair weather, with, some frost in the morn ing and winds mostly westerly. Meanwhile - clouds' that f: have been playing havoc with hopes of a bright day are breaking and tbe sun is strug gling to -man if est itself in a. deluge over, the crocus beds and leafing shrubs. And the lawn mower is attuned to its task; ready for Its first onslaught, while the man of the house threatens to let Sunday fires die down before noon and warm his marrow in a glow of spring sun as he makes garden. .Washington, March 26. (I. N, S.) It may or It may not rain on tomorrow's Kaster finery, but Uncle Sam's official forecaster ' today gave warning - that everyone from the Atlantic to the paci fic and from Canada to the Uulf better be prepared for showers. In the East, he predicts, the weather will be unsettled and wamer,, with probable showers. For the Middle West, Great Lakes and Mississippi valley regions he thinks it will be cooler, with occasional showers. In the Rocky mountain regions a storm is gathering which is moving eastward. IN GULF; 3 MISSING Pensacola, Fla March 26.(I.'N. S.) ---According.' to' art unconfirmed rumor! here today, two members of the crew .-of th missing naval bal loon which left the Pensacola air sta tion Tuesday night, have been picked up by a, merchant vessel bound for New. Orleans. The others, according to this rumori were lost In the" Gulf. That the balloon which- has bean miss ing from the naval air station here since last Tuesday may have drifted to land and" that the five men in It-may have been ; killed . or- badly - Injured and : are now wandering about in ..the forests along the Calhoun or Bay county coast, was the theory 'advanced by Lieutenant Reed, instructor in meterology at thu station . today.- : , J. " " This conclusion Is reached by a study of weather conditions on Tuesday. Lieu tenant Reed 'plotted the course of the balloonists and does' not understand how they could have gone to sea in the teeth of fresh southerly.' winds. which, were prevailing on Thursday along the Flor ida coast. Vr.-: i : , . DIRIGIBLE MAKES HUNT; ' Further opinion is advanced that the balloonists, finding that the bag was los ing its buoyancy, cut away the basket as It touched the surface of the water and took refuge In the rigging. , This would cause the balloon to again ascend, the weather students assert, and might enable the crew to reach the land. With theue theories In mind, the Pen- : (Concluded on Pa Tw1t, Column t'oort Increase in Acreage Reclaimed Under Oregon Plan Washington March 26. (WASHING TON BUREAU O THE JOURNAL) Preliminary figures of irrigation devel opment in Oregon were announced to day by - the census - bureau, showing 2,527,208 -acres . Included In Irrigation projects in 1910, compared with 1,738,971 In 1920. The acreage irrigated has in created from 686,129 to 926.197. , Baker county, with 171.380 acres under irrigation and 284,637 acres embraced within irrigation projects, leads in both classifications. In acres irrigated Har ney county comes next with 118,179, and Malheur - is third with 106,388. Lake follows closely with over 99,000 acres, and ISamath has over 90,000. Jackson leads -easily -in Western Oregon with .23.917 acres under Irrigation.' It Is reported that established enter prises were able to irrigate 1,202,866 acres : In 1920, compared with 810,526 acres 19 -years earlier, a gain of 44.8 per cent. . ., , . . . - - , Greek Soldiers Continue Advance; 200 Turks Taken . Athens, March 26-(L N. 8.) Greek troops, who , launched an ; offensive against the Turks Wednesday, are con tinuing ' their advance all along the line, it was officially announced , today. The .Greek - forces now occupy a line extended from Akardar to Touloukunar. The war office announcement stated that the Greek losses have been slight, while 200 Turks were captured. Shrine Chief Pays Visit to Lewis ton Lewlston." Idaho. March ' 26. Imperial Potentate E. L. Garretson of the Mystic Shrine paid a visit to Lewlston Friday, arriving by special car. He. was met at the station by a large patrol from Calam temple. A ceremonial, a dinner, a parade and a ball were given in his honor. A hundred Shrlners were present from Spo kane and 200 from Northern Idaho. Easter Finery 2 AIRMEN RESCUED ROBBERS' LOO EXCEEDS$1000 CASH, BONDS 2 Gangs, Using Similarly Clever Methods; Operate Successfully; Door of One Safe Is Blown Many Feet; Blasts Are Muffled ,Two Portland business houses were visited last night by what po lice officials name as a new and one of the cleverest gangs of safe break ers that has ever been in the city. In both cases were tho Jobs done Identically and with a neatnens that indicates expert professionalism. The first firm reporting of their ac tivity was the Henderson & Broi k com pany, soft drink dlBpeners. with of fices at 20 Grand avenue. Here tho r gang Jimmied a rear window, knocked orr the door knob of the safe, planted "soup." and then piled over a inincellaiie ous collection of clothes, covering over all with a carrfet. BLAST IS DEADENED ; Apparently no one heard the resutttnar explosion, and the safe crackers tot away with at least $1000 worth of casll and Liberty bonds. How much more was obtained has not been determined, as police orders were to touch nothing until after James Hunter, hesdrjuurters finger print expert.,, could get to the scene and look for possible clues. The second "job" reported was handled in essentially the. same manner, except that the yeggs miscalculated and umc1 more "noup" than was necessary, ami blew th safe door nearly acrons the room. At this place, the Portland Fur niture Manufacturing company, 1249 Macadam street, the spoils were not no good, as there was practically no casii in the safe. Liberty bonds and papr of unknown value were gone, but tho loss is not believed to be great. All the drawers of the office deuks had appar ently been searched. JOBS 3TKATI,Y DONE rollce detectives report that ech was an excellent Job and evidently the work of experts. Finger print evidence prob ably will be scarce, aa yeggs of tills Character are known to rarely work with out wearing white gloves to hide the possibility, of fingerprint evidence. Henderson and Brock announced this morning that the burglars got $1000 in .currency and Liberty bonds from their safe. The robbers left $100 in sliver, which they were unable to get out of the safe. After the outer door had been blown away they tried to Jimmy tho Inner door, but broke their ' Jimmy, only succeeding In bending down one corner of the sheet, Iron door. A.;for'it with prongs bent down Into the shape of a rake was ued to drug the currency from the small hole left by the bent down corner, which was not large enough for' them to insert an arm. From the Portland Furniture company tho burglars got $3 and Liberty bond,". . Police Inspectors who examined tho safes this morning state that it in ap parent that the Henderson Sc. Jirock safe was blown about 3:15 this 'morn. Ing, and the Portland Furniture Manu facturing company's pafe about 2:4 this morning. The Portland Furniture) Manufacturing company - Is In Fulton, at least three miles from the soft drink establishment, the police point out. For this reason It Is almost impossible for tho 'same men to have done botli "Jobs," they say. . However, they claim, it is quite likely that they are all mem bers of the same gang, since the meth ods used in both cases were Just about tho same. DIRECT RAILROADS Washington. March 26 (I. N. S.) James C. Davis of Iowa, at pres ent general counsel of tho railroad administration, will be named' by President Harding as director gen eral of railroads, it was learned this afternoon. " The president has appointed former Vice President Thomas It. Marshall and former Senator Nathan Scott of West Virginia to the Lincoln Memorial com mission. Deputy Treasurer To Be Named for Municipal Court In conformity with the provisions of house bill No. 109,. by Representative Franklin K. Korell, relating to the va of Liberty bonds and certified checks In lieu of cash for deposit as bail, the city council will have before It next w-:k an ordinance providing for the appoint ment of a deputy city treasurer as an attache of the municipal court to handln such cases. Nick Buetgen Is to be named such deputy. The new state law, will go into effect May 26. American Given 20 Years by Bolsheviki Mobile, Ala., March 26. (I. N.' 8.1 Dr. G. C. Kilpatrlck of Mobile was noti fied by American Red Crons forces to day that his brother, Wlmmet Kil patrlck of Unlontown, Ala., has been sentenced to 20 years In prison at Mos cow, Russia, by the Botuhevlst authori ties. Kilpatrlck, who was a Red Crt worker, was charged with aid in t an enemy of the Bolshevist government. AMES DAVIS TO