The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 25, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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- Berlin, March 21. (U. P.) A
genera strike waa ordered here to
day ' by unanimous action of com
munist , executives. It is to be ef
fective Saturday. , , .
Worker were urged to rra themselves
and fight -to the end. Seizure of fac
tories and sabotage on every hand were
urged. .- -
The -communist uprising- In central
Oermany had subsided somewhat to
day, but leaders prepared for an ex
tensive renewal.: . : '' '
By Carl D. Groat
Halle. Germany, March 25. (U. P.)
German troop arrived here today to
suppress the communist uprising. Fight
ing was expected at any moment. -
The soldiers brought artillery and ma
.chine guns, prepared for an onslaught
by thousands of : workers from the big
Leuna plant. : -
. An ammunition wagon following the
pAllce waa blown' up. . -' '
Police alone, in two days of fighting,-.
have lost seven men. , with 13
.wounded.- The Red casualties are fixed
at 40 killed and wounded., ,
Bitter fighting is going on at Klsleben,
The strikers,' mostly copper miners, long
accustomed to facing death, are espe
cially bitter. A show of arms had little
effect on them. After violent fighting,
the security police were reported to, be
. gaining the upper hand. -
The miner were surprisingly well
, armed. Compelled to surrender weap
ons when captured, they obtained more
from supplies hidden in the mine shafts.
Train service was disrupted in the
entire district, but especially bad in
the mining territory.
Sabotage throughout mid-Germany in
cluded the crippling of light and power
plants. '
Miners declared they will Join the
general strike called for Saturday.
Before the commu.njlst executives in
' Berlin called a general strike those in
the Halle district had proclaimed that
they would not return to work "until the
end had been obtained." , .-
' Majority socialists refused to joint the
walkout and to a minor extent aided the
police and military.
Safety police following a lull in street
fighting last night declared the uprising
would end if the ntgh,t remained quiet.
. Shortly afterward 4000. miners, declaring
their strike, precipitated more street
At Arsdorf a large ' body, of police
fought off a band of rioters who had
planted a large 'charge of dynamite un
der a railway bridge.
Plundering of shops continued to a
: lesser extent today, but no more public
buildings were dynamited.
Pour thousand troops 'were rushed
into Saxony today. They were to be
' quartered at Eisleben where thousands
of communists were flocking- for a great
: demonstration tonight or Saturday.
Reports here were that the troops bad
V vLLj;( Saturday
a sobering effect, buti that .the -atmosphere
was tense. -. vY . ' '
Radical declared ' man conservative
worker will Join in the general strike
tomorrow. - Factories were closed today
because Of' religious ceremonies. . v
Sabotage was begun Jast night -when
great bands of strikers cut transmission
wires leading from the Golpha plant,
supplying Berlin with much of its cur
rent. ; k I l - .
Police guarded power houses here to
prevent similar action. -
The uprising: entered a new stage to
day with the official communist call for
a general strike,. "
"Workers.; remember1 you broke the
Kapp 'putsch' by a general strike, reads
the proclamation. "Fight with us
shoulder to shoulder in a counter revolu
tion. - ' . , : . ;
"Join the general strike! Itise every
where! Fight hard Victory is ours !
: "Don't end the fight until the end is
reached.- -- ...-.
"Arm the workmen, hinder the. trans
port of troops-and ammunition.. Fight
along the whole line !"
Safety - Commissioner Berrens. in a
statement today, said his ; force was
fully prepared to suppress any com
munist effort, i -:; " - ' .. -; -.- i
(Continued From Pu On)
Poeschi were adjudged insane he would
have recourse to appeal at any "time
he could prove"!imself sane. The court
refused to do this. '
Poeschi created a furore in the court
room at frequent intervals, when he
jumped to ' his feet and cried out to
the court, "J want Judge Bean." ;
When he heard the Jury' question re
garding the punishment for second de
gre murder, he yelled, "I won't accept
it."- ... - i . T ,-'y
Deputy Sheriff Kendall pushed him
back in his chair, but Poeschi glared at
him and cried, "I'm the boss, let me
alone.",.. . i
Poeschi continued his loud talk until
he was taken back to his cell by the
deputy sheriff, s , . ' .
Instructions given by Judge McCourt
Thursday set forth that four possible ver
dicts eould be reached first degree mur
der, second degree murder; not guilty or
not guilty because of insanity. He pointed
out that if a verdict of murder in, the
first degree was found, the Jury could
refrain from -making any recommendation,-
in which case the law would com
pel the Judge to impose the death sen
tence ; or that the jury could make a
recommendation' fort life imprisonment
if it so desired in case of a verdict of
first degree, mtrder..
Three Tohg Slayers
Enter Pen for Life
Salem, dr., March 25 With the ar
rival -here Thursday of Tee Guck, Suey
Fona and Wong Wen Tung, Portland
tongmen sentenced to life terms for mur
der, the population or tne state prison
reached a peak record for many years,
with a total of 345 convicts. The low
mark was set September 12, 1919, when
only 24. convicts - were on tne prison
rolls: ' , ' ) :' ' -" '
V-:V ;. I -
::: - x..
'4:, . : - i
Baltimore. March 25. ( I. N. &) -With
a definite date eer for : the
funeral of Cardinal Gibbons, prep
arations, were under way today for
the reception : of the : distinguished
clergy and laymen who will be pres
ent at the last sad rites.
The body of the' late cardinal will rest
in the arch-episcopal residence until late
on Kaster Sunday..
It then 'will be removed to the cathe
dral. where the body will lie in ; state
until the close of the funeral services
Thursday The body will then be placed
in a niche In the crypt under the high
altar, where Jt will remain so long as
the presenfsathedral stands, r ' f
Despite the dSath of Cardinal Gibbons,
Baltimore will remain primal see of the
Catholic church in the United States, it
was stated today. There : will be no
shift of authority since the choice of a
successor to the archbishopric her in
volved no. question of seniority or rank.
This mean,: that Baltimore will re
main the seat of an archbishopric, a suc
cessor to the cardinal to be named by
Pope Benedict XV at some future date
from among the bishops or archbishops
of the United States. i .-.'
It is believed, however, that the suc
cessor to the cardinal as archbishop of
Baltimore is not likely to be elevated
to the cardinalate In the very near fu
tuae. perhaps within the next six
months a new archbishop will have been
selected to take over the reins laid down
by Cardinal Gibbons with bis death yes
terday. - - :
.The affairs of this archdiocese, in the
meantime, will be conducted by . an ad
ministrator.' - This administrator will be
appointed at a special meeting of the
consultors of the archdiocese to be held
at the late cardinal's residence today. '
Washington, 'March 25. President
Harding last night wired to Right Rev.
Owen B. Corrigan. auxiliary bishop of
Baltimore, his condolences on the death
of Cardinal Gibbons. - The president's
message follows: f .
"In common with all our ?peoplei I
mourn . the death of Cardinal Gibbons.
His -long and most notable service to
country and to church makes us all his
debtor. -He was ever ready to'Jend his
encouragement to - any movement ' for
the betterment of his fellowmen. - He
was the very finest type of citizen and
churchman, i It -was my good fortune to
know him personally and. I held him in
the highest esteem and veneration. . His
death Is a distinct loss to the country,
but it brings to fuller appreciation a
great and admirable life."
Vice - President Coolidge Issued ' this
statement when he learned of the car
dinal's death:
"I learn with greatTregret of the
death of Cardinal Gibbons. He held a
deservedly high place In the estimation
of his fellow countrymen tor his scholar
ship, bis patriotism and . bis devout
piety. , . , , :. ;
(Con timed from Fin On)
which President Wilson and I were in
marked disagreement, were- the follow
ing: . .
"Hi presence In Paris during the
peace negotiation and especially ; his
presence there as a delegate to the peace
conrerence. ' ... i .'
"The fundamental principles of : the
constitution and function of a Leagne of
Nations as proposed or advocated ; by
him. : : .- . -: - t K - ; -
"The form of the' organic act known
as the covenant, its elaborate character
and its inclusion in the treaty restoring a
slate or peace.
"The treaty of defensive alliance with
France. t :: :. . , .
, "The necessity for a definite proeram
which the American commissioners could
follow in carrying' on the negotiations.
"The employment of private interviews
and confidential agreements in reaching
settlements, a practice which gave color
to the charge of 'secret diplomacy.
"The admission of the Japanese claims
to the possession of German treaty rights
at Kaio-Chau and in the, province of
Shantung.-. .. -
Lansing- then proceed to elaborate
upon each of. these seven differences in
successive chapters in which he fre
quently refers to the dominant personal
ity of President Wilson as one not in
clined to receive suggestion that ran
counter to hi views. He recount the
Instances In which his sug-sestions. con
veyed to the president in writing, went
unacknowledged, quoting liberally from
notes which he says he entered at the
time in hi personal journal. :
Throughout thl llansini? narrative
emphasis is laid on Wilson's exaltation
of the executive power in the league at
the expense of judicial authority and in
one place Lansing writes : "It is a fact
which Mr. Wilson has taken no trouble
to conceal, that he does not value the
advice of lawyers except on strictly legal
questions and that he considers their ob
jections and criticisms on other subjects
to be too often warped by an undue re
gard for precedent. s
Although the negotiations, at Paris
proceeded largely without him and his
associates, other than Colonel House,
being consulted by the president, accord
ing to Lansing, a breach 'too wide and
too deep to be healed" occurred on Jan
uary 10, 1911. when at a conference on
the revision of the text of the covenant
the president : "said with great candor
and emphasis that he did not intend to
have lawyers drafting the treaty of
peace." Being the only lawyer on the
delegation. I naturally took this remark
to myself. In spite of this frank avowal
of prejudice by the president there was
no outward change in the personal and
official relations between him and my
self. I never forgot his word and always
felt (until my association with him came
to an end tn February. 1920), that in hi
mind my opinions, even when he sought
them, were tainted with legalism." ...
In hi conclusion Lansing, point out
that the cause for the request for his
resignation that he had called the cab
inet Into conference during the presi
dent's illness was Insufficient. "The real
cause, he says, "are to be found in the
record ef the relations between President
Wilson and myself in connection with
the peace negotiation. :: -y
T"ba Lansing narrative of Interest to
every student of current history, as a
personal, account, of an affair of great
importance, raise the question why Lan
sing, being so out of sympathy with his
Community Chest Combines
Philanthropy and Business
. ." Br K. 3T. Mtreag '
The Community Chest plan should appeal to every one: The philanthropist
sees in it the opportunity to do the greatest good to the greatest number. The
economist indorses the efficient collection and distribution of funds. - The busi
appeals not only
IMually necessitate
in the way of the crippled ana indigent into seix-supporting asset I lnois-
Eutable, .and the success or tne unoenaaing wui oe one more mane oi rav'
md's standing among the, up-to-date communities of the nation, j
chief, did not insist on withdrawing be
fore the Paris conference.
Washington. March 25. I. N. S.j
The sharp indictment of Wood row Wil
son's conduct of the peace negotiations
at Pari, drawn up byble former secre
tary of state, Robert Lansing, in a book
of memoirs, which went on public sale
here today, created intense interest ffl
governmental and political circles. I
- Spokesmen " for the former president
said today that Mr. Wilson ha not read
the book, although private copies of It
have been available to a select few In
Washington for the last few days.
; Mr. Wilson has read, however, with a
great deal of interest, the stories from
Mr. Lansing's pen which have appeared
in recent magazines, but he ha re
frained' from making any comment on
them even to hi most intimate asso
ciates, his friends said today.
. (Continued From Tw One)
maids of honor and, the booster organi
zation of the various stunts and cere
monies, they will assist in the collection
of funds. The ' group a selected is
prepared to take over any branch of
the work during the campaign.
, At tonight's kick-off meeting they
will sing and -participate in stunts of
various kinds which are planned as
features of the big meeting which is in
tended to push the campaign out - into
midstream and get the worker all lined
up. Every worker in- the campaign is
expected to attend as final Instructions
to workers will be Imparted at the
meeting. : '
: In addition to the business "Of the
meeting and -he stunts, arrangements
have been made for an excellent musical
program, this to be given by the Mult
nomah Guard band of 60 pieces. The
Auditorium pipe ' organ and the Royal
Rosarlan quartet. - ..
Those . organization which function
along lines of citizen building have been
designated a being open . to public in
spection on Saturday. Probably no field
of cooperative community endeavor de
serves more hearty support than these
citizen building organizations, and few
people realize to what an extent they en
ter Into the lives of the eitiaens of Port
land. To enable the citizens to become
better Informed along this line, the Com
munity Cheat campaign - committee ha
set aside the above day for that purpose.
Those organizations which will hold open
house on Saturday are as follow :
B'nai B'rith, 354 Thirteenth street -A
social center for the Portland commun
ity, for education, physical development
and -social activities. Ha served 6366
citizens and future olXIsens, since Sep
tember, 1920.
Boy Scouts, 184 Tenth street Charac
ter building and citizen making for boys
between the ages of 12 and 18 years of
age. Guided 1935 boys in 1920.
Portland Community Service, 436
Northwestern Bank building Through a
program of community music, drama,
hospitality, entertainment and neigh bor
hood work, this agency Is seeking to help
Bolve the problem of making and keeping
good citizenship by cooperative effort in
the leisure time field. Reached 186.801
people with -this program in 1920.
Young -Men's Christian Association,
Fifth and Taylor streets Religious, edu
cational, physical, social and economic
men and boys. ' Served 25,900
300 (boys in 3920. ; - '
C4 A state work, . Oregon and
C. A. ' International committee
home work.' ...'-- ': '-- i
Young' Wpman's .Christian Association,
Broadway and Taylor In service " f or
girls, "spiritually, mentally, physically
and socially. Served 3S89 members, 13,
300 girls, 5051 traveler through Travel
era' Aid. 8551 room guests, 215,000. an av
erage of 700 a day, in lunch room ; 8898
through extension department, 2096 In
class work, and filled 4316 positions. .
Y. W. C A. Northwest field work. '
Boy Scouts will play a definite role in
the Community Chest campaign."' Work
ing in relays, these lads, will serve "as
pages and messenger boys at general
headquarters and will be detailed to as
sist the various committee. ' Their hour
of duty will be arranged so a to Inter
fere as little as possible with their
school work, i
Women Will Be Arraigned
Mrs. Fannie Grtel, who was arrested
Wednesday lifter an exciting chase, was
arraigned before Municipal Judge Ross
man Thursday afternoon on a charge of
larceny from ' the Lipraan, Wolfe & Co.
store. She will be tried in the municipal
court this afternoon.. Mr. Ortel is al
leged to have stolen a quantity pt mer
chandise from several Portland stores.
service tar
men ah&JS
Y. Mf
Y. M.
There Is One Electric Store
Where Prices Are Lower!
Lowest Price on Everything Electrical. I
. We Repair Your Flashlight Free of Charge.!
' Flashlight Catteries, Strictly Fresh, Last Longer
We Repair Electric Irons and .Electric Appliances
Evinrude Electric Store
Erlsrsde 9reters Eleetrteal SeppHei Those Marshall 17IS
til Morriioi, Jfear irt SU-Opea Every . 8atrday Sight TBI
ness man welcomes relief from numerous call upon his
time, and the average citizen feels a quiet satisfaction in
knowing that he has done hia share . toward "supporting
every worthy cause.- . .
Humanity demands that , we care for the needy and
suffering; amons ua, yet no Individual has time to inves
tigate more than a few of the many claims upon our
charity, and indiscriminate giving is harmful as well as
wasteful. ""'.
The various ' spasmodic drives.' tajr days and other
consume much wasted enenry. but an-
the expenditure of a considerable por
tion or tne proceeds. --.. - .
- Intelligent Investigation of each claim assures u of a
proper application of our donation, and even it some of
us are not in sympathy wltit some of the objects; we have
the satisfaction of knowing that the other fellow is help
ing to insure adequate support for our pet charities. The
value of united effort to -help turn our human liabilities
(Continued from Pace One)
order meant the disruption of an exist
ing rate structure. . ,j Neither
Portland nor Vancouver ! Intervened In
the Astoria, c&se. 1 A'-".-
Seattle' complaint that It own dis
tance advantages are not recognized is
answered In effect with the retort that
two wrongs do not make a right and
that, "because Puget Sound feels that a
parity of rate in 1 territory - north of
Snake river with Portland and Vancou
ver is wrong and unjust to its interests,
therefore a corresponding injustice to
offset it ought to be done to Portland
and Vancouver- and theirs shipping -interests.
; There is neither law nor logic
In any such argument- as . this."
The Puget Sound contention that costs
of mountain operation were figured on
theory instead of practice is answered
by saying that there is nothing in the
commission's report to indicate , that
theoretical unit costs Instead ; of lhe
actual costs of operation were control
ling. -' V, : -
The Puget Sound claim that the empty
car movement was not sufficiently con
sidered as between the mountain and
valley lines is disputed byi references to
the commission' own report that it gave
this factor all the attention it deserved.
That the electrification i of the Mil
waukee and consequent cheapened operj
ation followed the original hearing was
not taken into consideration 1 flatly re
futed with the statement I that contem
plated electrification was referred to and
"that question should not now - be in
jected into this case, especially because
the rates In the territory I north of the
Snake river have not been! changed and
the Milwaukie does not serve the terri
tory south of Snake river, either by its
own rails or through joint arrangements
with other carriers and therefore that
line has no influence whatever upon the
rates in the territory south of Snake
river,, wherein differentials were pre
scribed." -, . -
.. Astoria's petition ' for rehearing " Is
answered at length, but is epitomized in
these words ; '"There is no such prin
ciple of transportation .law as vested
rates and it is clear that! Astoria con
siders a parity of rates with Portland
to and from territory south of Snake
river a a right vested In it by the com
mission's decision In the city of Astoria
case." , -:' - . ,.
The comment ; upon the! Washington
publio service commission's petition for
rehearing In behalf of Puget Sound and
against Vancouver Is scathing. The
Washington commission made the gra
tuitou claim that Astoria is entitled to
rates as low as Portland and Vancouver.
The answer proceeds : "It seems strange
that this petitioner should manifest such
seal in Astoria's cause. Its-interest In
this phase of the case springs from no
benevolence toward Astoria, but from a
desire to aggrandize Puget Sound at the
expense not only of Portland but of
Vancouver and Spokane - communities
in Washington equally deserving of the
impartial consideration of the state com
mission. If it can establish that Astoria
is- entitled te the same rates as Port
land, then it will say that Puget Sound
and, Portland should be on a rate parity
in thl territory south of Snake river,
since the commission found in the city
of Astoria case that the rates of Puget
Sound : and Astoria - ought to be the
same."' The proposal of the Washington
commission that it and the Oregon and
Idaho commissions sit on the case with
the interstate commerce commission is
ridiculed. - !:.-. - , . ...
Advisor to Chinese
Consult the League
By Charles Edward Hogae ,
" Shanghai, March 25. U, !P.) Lennox
Simpson, better, known a Putnam
Weale, advisor to the Chinese govern
ment, will leave here April 18 for the
United States and Europe to confer with
the American, British and French gov
ernments and the League of Nations rep
resentatives regarding the Chinese de
mand for the abolition of extra terri
torial rights in China. - .
He also will-advise the Chinese dele
gation In Geneva regarding matters re
lating to the Shantung controversy.
Great interest ha been manifest here
in the conclusion of the British-Russian
trade agreement and - it was indicated
that if China decides to follow England's
example and open trade relations with
Russia, Simpson wlll visit Moscow.
Order Coal ?fow Edlefsen's. Adv.
By XjowcII Mcllctt t
tsiUd N Btaff Comspondent
Washington. Marcfc 25. A reduc
tion qf railroad ; rates,, freight and
passenger, as a- mean of Increasing
railroad earnings," i being: seriously
considered by , number of import
ant lines. More than one executive,
it wa learned today, ha been study
Ins the possibilities ,of Increased
traffic obtainable through a reduc
tion f rates and some of them are
about ready to advise that it be done.
These 'are the heads of systems on
which there are glaring examples of
paralyzed traffic as a result of the
high rates put In effect Jast summer.
Another consideration which' ha led
to their giving thought to reducing rates
1 the psychological effect it would have
in connection with the proposed cut in
wages. Some executives believe ft would
Strengthen their case with the public, or
at leaaf that portion, of the publio di
rectly affected by transportation costs.
: The chief reason, however, for -consideration
or the plan la the fact that traf
fic ha fallen so low under the present
rates that some such stimulus is required
to start shipment again. : ,
Already one definite movement in this
direction has been made and on the re
sult that follow may be Haaed the pol
icy of the road generally. Rate on lum
ber from the West, have ; been cut, . to
take effect early In April) The initia
tive was taken by the Northwest line,
which last week announced a reduction
from 80 to 73 cent a thousand feet on
lumber to Chicago , from the Pacific
Northwest. V --
Immediately the Southern pacific' lines
announced the same rate from all coast
point. The Southern pine manufacturer
lost no time in getting into touch with
the Southern lines and a conference was
held Tuesday, in St. Xrfuis, the result of
which i not yet known. ; -,: " ; -
The hardwood lumber men "Of the
Southeastern states have begun pressure
on the line in that section, but the lat
ter have resisted it, saying that there
can be no cut until the lumber manu
facturer show that the present rates are
actually keeping the hardwood manufac
turers out of the Northern markets.
: The reduction - in rates- on lumber Is
the first cut of , national consequence
that has occurred since the general in
crease allowed by the interstate com
merce commission. The competition be
tween the Northwest lines and the
Southern Pacific t is likewise the first
episode resembling a rate war the coun
try has seen In a long time. The fact
that lumber manufacturers on the West
coast were not shipping at all Is respon
sible. In the meantime the railroads are
True styU good Et splendid J7-wpol
quality expert crafumaQfhip---tha kind. .
of clothes that help a man be as good looking
as he ought to be, 'Easter ot any other time.
Prices are down to where they. should
prices you're willing to pay for good
See the
in our
Crr& leu.Tte Umm Kpieuaer
Struggling wifh problems too imminent
to be solved by increased . traffic and
possible increased earning. Represent
tatives of a-number of important sys
tems, the Pennsylvania, New York Cen
tral and Erie among, them, - have ap
pealed to; the. treasury in the past few
day forbad vancea on monies due them
under the six months guaranty.;1 They
need this ." money for no less purpose
than! the payment of Interest . on their
bonds, due April X. and some ef them
say frankly that, being-unable to col
lect ' it in time means the likelihood of
felling to make the required interest
payments. " While . it is doubtful if a
default of interest payments would lead
to immediate receivership proceedings,'
in view of the haaardous general situa
tion of the roads, none of them is will
IngHo take this risk.
. .... : .
American Banks on
Alaska-Canada Line
'" Resent 10-Cent Tax
American banking interests on the bor
der between Alaska and the Dominion of
Canada are decidedly handicapped
through 10 per cent tax on handling Can
adian charter bank notes, according to
word - received - today by the Portlaad
Chamber ef Commerce. In a petition to
the committee on banking and currency
of the national house of representatives,
the Salmon River Banking company, Hy
der, Alaska, complain of unbalanced
competition with Canadian bank over
the line through the congressional act of
February I. 1876. providing for the 10 per
cent tax on Canadian currency handled.
This company claims. In a. copy of the
petition forwarded to the State Bank of
Portland, that 90 per cent of capital In
the Kyder district is supplied by Amer
ican interests, and workmen' employed
over the line are unable to cash their pay
check at Hyder bank in Canadian cur
rency, due to the 10 per cent tax.
Beckwith; to Bring
Training Ship Here
John A, Beckwith. lieutenant' com
mander U. S. N. reserve force, received
order Thursday afternoon from the
commandant - of the Thirteenth naval
district to proceed to. Mare Island navy
yard and assume command" of Eagle
boat S$. The ship will be brought to
Portland as a training ship for the re
servists of the Portland sub-district.
According to Commander Beckwith, she
will arrive Saturday, April 2. He left
for the south ' Thursday night. . Other
officers of the reserve fgrce now aboard
the ship are : Lieutenant H. L. St.
Clair, engineer officer; Ensign W. C.
Nicholas and Boatswain Frank Lent.
The crew Is made up of 35 men from this
district - :
Patrol Planes on
Way to Portland
KuRene, Or., March 25. -Three big De
Havlland airplanes, ' on their way . from
Rockwell field, near San Diego, to one
ofthe landing fields in Northern Wash
ington, arrived on the" Kugene aviation
field at 2:30 Thursday afternoon. They
' ' "
A ' .
new models
windows at
40 to
Morrison' at Fourth
--thi house of Kuppenheimer clothes
are being piloted by Captain II. L
Smith, Lieutenant Kiel and Hn;ant Ic
Garmo, who were connected with the
air patrol service at this point laxt
year. The hop from Red Bluffs. Cl.,
to this point was made In a littl over
t hours. They have been detailed t
make a survey of the stornlown tinv
ber in the national forest. 3'hcy sre
scheduled to leave for Portland todHy.
" 1 Egjjs Sell for IS Cnts
Vaneouver, Wash., March- sr.: Kcps
are reported sailing for 16 cents a rtoitcn
In the rural districts, the lowrnt price in
years. Retail stores here quote 30 cent.
Easter Dinner
One 60a brick ot Mt, Hood Ice
Cream. Your choice of four fla
vors t French Kalad, Neapolitan,
Mt. Hood Special and 1'rtncesH
And 60c worth of Assorted Cream
Wafera. V. Fresh dally, in eight
The 2 for 61c
Coupons for this special will be
Issued here and redeemable on
Sunday at any of our three stores).
Saturday Only
1 e Sale
"Paition" Corning Next
be at this store
L. i